UTSC Office of the Vice-Principal Research & Innovation Annual Report 2020-2021

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Message from AVPR—SI Patricia Landolt

Message from the Associate Vice-Principal Research­—Strategic Initiatives


am delighted to join the Office of the Vice-Principal

the Critical Digital Humanities Initiative, the Data Sciences

Research and Innovation as the Interim Associate

Institute, the Mobility Lab, and the Toronto Cannabis

Vice-Principal Research—Strategic Initiatives. I will

and Cannabinoid Research Consortium, to name a few.

use this opportunity to leverage our incredible expertise

Emerging projects in which our faculty are engaged

and talent to facilitate the development of large-scale

include an ISI on youth and student mental health, an

multidisciplinary research projects and partnerships.

institute of pandemics, and an initiative on the United

In the past year, the Office of the Vice-Principal Research and Innovation launched the EaRTH

Nations’ sustainable development goals. I am proud to support our U of T Scarborough faculty

District's Collaborative Research Program as part of

members as we continue to evolve and adapt in these

the Environmental and Related Technologies Hub.

uncertain times. The resiliency, strength, and

The program supports the green technology sector. It

perseverance of our community is inspirational, and I

promotes research partnerships that connect scholars

look forward to working towards our vision of Inspiring

from Ontario Tech University, Centennial College, Trent

Inclusive Excellence.

University, and University of Toronto Scarborough. The 2020–2021 call for research proposals centred on Integrated Sustainable Technologies. The program will operate from 2021 to 2026, with a new and innovative theme introduced every year. A core mandate of my work is to ensure U of T Scarborough faculty’s active engagement in the university’s Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI). These cross-divisional research networks tackle grand ideas that require innovative thinking and diversity of thought. In 2020–2021, U of T Scarborough faculty participated in



Patricia Landolt, PhD Professor of Sociology Associate Vice-Principal Research—Strategic Initiatives (Interim 2021–2022)



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