Houston ASDA Gold Crown Awards Application 2017

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HOUSTON {ASDA} STRONG The Houston ASDA Chapter aims to facilitate an environment that encourages students to commit to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and staying connected as a dental family. As a chapter, we came together in a time of devastation to organize the #RestoreHouston campaign as an outlet to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We formed a taskforce with District 9 Community Outreach to promote the monetary and supplies donation drive efforts. In light of this destruction, I admired our community’s selfless response. Houston was a shining example of what it means to come together and rebuild a city stronger than it was before the storm, and I am proud to be #HoustonStrong. I am truly humbled to serve beside our remarkable students and witness their passion for helping others and eagerness to serve our community in its time of need. As president of the Houston ASDA chapter, I encourage our students to get involved and take advantage of the many opportunities organized dentistry has to offer. Educating our students on the current issues involving the future of the dental profession enables them to understand the importance of having a unified voice. Our chapter hosts ASDA Fever Week, which dedicates each day of the week to teaching our first year students the different components of the American Student Dental Association, and the benefits of becoming actively involved in organized dentistry. Providing our students with the knowledge about how involvement fosters a sense of community is an encouraging message to articulate, especially to the first year students who are establishing themselves as new members of our dental family. We have an incredible team of 88 officers and committee members that continue to develop creative events to engage our members.

Below are some of the highlights over the past year from our committees: • Community Outreach: #RestoreHouston Campaign, partnered with International College of Dentists Mosaic Project to provide OHI to our community. • Membership and Communication: Launching of The Provisional and Wellness publications, new website updates and modifications, Houston ASDA mobile app modifications, ASDA Fever Week social media campaign, continued branding initiative with brand consistency at all events. • Advocacy: 2017 Engage national competition winner, 262 ADPAC/60 DENPAC sign-ups, New Advocacy Symposium event with CE credit, New WREB Rumble debate, meet & greets featuring congressman, record number of attendants for NLC and Annual Session, record number of members sent to Lobby Day, collaboration with Greater Houston Dental Society. • Unique Activities: New Casino Night event, New Leadership Symposium, Brews, Chews & Dental News Happy Hour lecture series, Dental Prom, Professional Headshots, $60,000 fundraised, over $12,000 donated with our charity events, new Wellness initiatives with new marathon running club, Movember fundraiser for men’s health awareness, Drill and Chill operative tutorial. • Pre-dental Component: New DAT Jeopardy with local college students, spotlight on VIPs on our ASDA website, New pre-dental brochure with non-traditional guide, fully funded pre-dental competition winner to NLC, pre-dental invited to participate in our annual Charity Golf Tournament, Pre-dental Liaison position. I have been so proud to serve as the chapter president for Houston ASDA. We were honored to receive the award 2017 Ideal ASDA Chapter at the last national meeting, and our members continue to demonstrate the creativity and commitment that awarded our chapter such an honorable title. Our members are truly a shining example of community, morale, and dedication to advancing the dental profession. I am excited to watch our chapter continue to grow and accomplish new goals. This past year has truly been one for the books! Thank you for your consideration, and we hope you’ve enjoyed our application.

Katie Richardson UTSD Houston ASDA Chapter President

MEMBERSHIP + COMMUNICATIONS Encourages member involvement and has significant participation from members • Auto-enrollment and a chapter membership of 100% since 2003. • ASDA Point System – 100% membership involvement. Encouraged active involvement in Houston ASDA with sponsorship to ASDA Annual Session and National Leadership Conference for the member(s) with the most collective points. • ASDA Week Snapchat Photo Challenge: Each day during September ASDA week students were challenged to post a photo using a specific hashtag, as well as #HoustonASDA. Raffle held for submission with gift card prize. • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Week “Treat Yo Selfie” Photo Challenge, Follow UTSD Houson ASDA on social media, show proof, and get a cookie! Organizes a successful membership drive to introduce new students to ASDA. • First Year Orientation Presentation – 100% attendance • Breakfast for all 104 incoming DS1 students followed by an engaging presentation highlighting what ASDA is, the benefits of being a member, encouragement to apply for leadership positions, and upcoming events. • White Coat Ceremony: Congratulated newly coated DS1s and welcomed their family/ friends with ASDA pins. • [IMPROVED!] Annual Welcome DS1 Thirsty Thursday- 95% attendance - Happy hour was held for DS1s during first week of school to promote involvement in ASDA and discuss benefits gained from being involved. • New Officer Informational - 4th annual informational for the first year class that elaborated on each leadership position. • ASDA Week - The week included a welcome meeting, Social Media campaign competition, 9th annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament, a Greater Houston Dental Society Lunch&Learn, Dodgeball Tournament and an Advocacy Informational. Recruits and engages advanced standing/IDP students at your school. • Our school has no advanced standing/IDP students in attendance. Organizes events with the local and/or state dentals society such as Signing Day to help 4th year students transition to the ADA • In 2017, 100% of 4th year students participated in ADA signing day. Uses the following communication vehicles: class announcements, bulletin boards, e-mail, website, Facebook, etc. • [IMPROVED!] UTSD ASDA App: Application to stay informed on all things Houston ASDA. This app was used at all of our lunch and learns and social events for students to check in. Since its installation, we’ve had 300 downloads and over 1250 submissions. • [IMPROVED!] Facebook page provides updates, events reminders, + photos. • 1,114 “likes”an increase of 20% since January 1st 2017. • We reached over 4,200 people this year via Facebook! • [IMPROVED!] Instagram: @UTSDHoustonASDA – • 972 followers, an increase of 58% new followers and 60 new posts! • For every event, school-wide emails and reminders are sent utilizing digital flyers.Houston ASDA uses bulletin boards in student lounges, lunchroom refrigerators, television screens near elevators to advertise announcements and upcoming events. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA Website - Awarded Gold Crown Award for “Best Website” . The website continues to be used to register students, pre-dental students and vendors for events. The website was also used to collect donations for the fundraising campaign, “#RestoreHouston, and fundraising sponsorships from vendors.

Publishes a chapter newsletter at least three times per school year. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA’s newest newsletters, “the Provisional” and “Wellness Newsletter” created by publication editors: Raven Grant (’19) and Jennifer Hoang (’20), published 3 newsletters throughout 2017. The Provisional included content recapping events and informing of upcoming events, while the Wellness Newsletter provided ways to improve emotionally, environmentally, physically, occupationally, and intellectually. Successfully implements chapter leadership transitions through use of how-to guides, reports and retreats. • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Leadership Development Camp - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year leaders met and motivated each other through team activities and individual obstacles. Opened up communication between members in a perfect environment. Allowed current and new officers a way to meet and interact. Creatively distributes content from district+national meetings to local membership. • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Class Presentations - Through lunch & learns, members shared with their respective classes information, skills, action items gained at national and district meetings upon returning from conferences. Uses ASDA branding (including ASDA signage, banner, and ASDA flyers) and communicates national ASDA initiatives and events to its members. • ASDA banner displayed at all events and included in photos. • Houston ASDA Branding – Continued usage of Houston ASDA’s logo • Logo Pins – Our chapter distributed pins to all committee members. • [NEW!] ASDA Logo Photobooth Backdrop – Our logo was used to create a backdrop for photos at our events. • [NEW!] Centralized ASDA Flier Process: The Communications Committee took over all flier and signage for our chapter with the installation of a Google Form for officers and committees to submit requests for fliers. • ASDA Website branding - Our logo is displayed consistently throughout the website. National ASDA news such as the White Papers is conveniently located for members.

ADVOCACY INITIATIVES Holds legislative lunch-n-learns and other legislative events to inform members of ASDA’s policies on issues such as student debt, barriers to care and mid-level providers. • [IMPROVED!] Advocacy Academy - A week-long series of legislative Lunch and Learns. Speakers and discussions included the following: Organized Dentistry, the Texas Legislature, grassroots, political actions, regulatory issues, and how to lobby. • Speakers Included: Dr. Joe Piazza, Dr. Craig Armstrong, Dr. Lee Clitheroe, Dr. Adam Shisler, and Dr. Glennis Katzmark. • TDA and GHDS co-sponsored event. ~60-70 students attended each day. At the end of the week, 4 raffle prizes were given out to students with 100% attendance • [NEW!!] Explore UTSD Predental Day Rana Shammas (‘19) presented on the meaning of advocacy to pre-dentals and the issues facing dentistry. Tanya Sue Maestas (‘18) presented on Organized Dentistry and how to start their involvement as predental. 40 predentals attended • [NEW!!] Adios Advocacy Month/ADPAC Raffle: Presented the molar video as the achievements and a recap of November Advocacy Month. Raffle drawing for ADPAC/ DENPAC drive took place at this event as well. 50 dental students were in attendance. • [NEW!!] WREB RUMBLE Educated students about live patients during licensure exams. It was held in the same format as in a courtroom. Dr. Glennis Katzmark made her remarks about non-live argument followed by Dr. Ron Collins making his remarks about live-testing then the audience was able to “cross-examine” the two sides with questions. 60 dental students were in attendance. • [IMPROVED!] Advocacy Day During ASDA Week Dr. Duc Ho (GHDS past president, member on the Board of Directors for TDA, and four-year term on ADA’s Council on Dental Practice) and Dr. Katie Stuchlik (Houston ASDA local chapter past president) volunteered to speak to first years about their involvement in Organized Dentistry, advocacy, and how to become involved. • [NEW!!] Advocacy Symposium: Prominent speakers from across the country explored topics including: access to care, community dental health coordinators, advanced dental therapists, student debt, licensure reform, advocacy in dental education, and legislative changes in Texas. The event was open to faculty, students, and pre-dentals and was certified as 2.5 CE hours. Hosted a jeopardy game with prizes followed by a social. 76 students attended. Sponsored by Aspen Dental and Wallace Specialty Insurance. Speakers were as follows: • Tanya Sue Maestas- ASDA President 2017-2018 • Jon Vogel- Chair on Council of Advocacy (ASDA) • Dr. Tommy Harrison- ADPAC Chair Elect • Dr. Jane Grover- Director, Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations (CAPIR) • MiQuel McRae- dental hygienist, community dental health coordinator, founder of BUDDS (Bringing Understanding of Dental Disease to Schools) • Dr. Raymond Cohlmia- Dean, University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry • Jodi Becker- Dental Therapist • Dr. Richard Black- ADA 15th District Trustee +Chair, DLOSCE Steering Comm. • Dr. John Valenza- Dean, University of Texas School of Dentistry • Dr. Rita Cammarata- 2016-2017 TDA President

Attends state or national lobby days or organizes state lobby day. • [IMPROVED!] 14 Houston ASDA representatives traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the 2017 ASDA National Lobby Day. Houston ASDA took the lead in helping dentists from Texas schedule appointments. • [IMPROVED!] 16 dental students attended Lobby Day in Austin, meeting with the TDA’s Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, along with their lobby team. Students learned about TDA’s Legislative Agenda. • [IMPROVED!] Engage: Students sent an engage alert to respective congressmen for student loan refinancing act and reducing barriers to access to care. A donut given for each engage alert sent. 2017 National winner with participation rate of 40%, receiving a trophy as well as $300 for the chapter, and an honorable mention in ASDA • Advocacy Brief. Organized into 4-day event with laptops ready for students. Involved with state and/or local dental society. Greater Houston Dental Society (GHDS) Events: • 45 sponsored students attended the GHDS Oct General Meeting on Legislative Affairs. Organized dentistry leaders informed guests of TDA’s & ADA’s legislative agenda. • ASDA chapter president, Katie Richardson attended 12 Board Meetings to discuss upcoming ASDA activities and action committees. • GHDS Legislative Action Committee: Rana Shammas Contributes legislative articles to local or national ASDA publications or other state society publications. • Jon Vogel (’18): “Four Myths of Grassroots Advocacy”, Nov/Dec 2017 issue of Contour Conducts successful ADPAC drives. • [NEW!!] ADPAC Drive at Vendor Fair: Students were able to stop by our table with Dr. Tommy Harrison, ask questions, and join ADPAC. 20 new ADPAC members signed up. • [IMPROVED!] ADPAC/DENPAC Drive: During November, students chose to pay due to either ADPAC or DENPAC or both. Raffle tickets were earned based on paid membership for one or both organizations. Class with most members wins breakfast tacos during finals. Raffle prizes inluded 2 apple watches, Google home, Yeti cups, and 20 gift cards. Numbers improved 262% for ADPAC and 60% for DENPAC members in 2017.

ACTIVITIES Offers professional or educational programs that encourage interaction between students and faculty, staff and state/local dental societies. • Greater Houston Dental Society General Meetings - ASDA members attended 6 General Meetings to learn about legislative affairs and current topics in dentistry. • UTSD Alumni Teeth Collection Program – Houston ASDA collaborated with our alumni association to distribute 60 jars to over 50 dentists. Develops mentorship programs for members. DS1s work closely with DS2s and DS3s for tutoring help in beginning dental core curriculum classes, drilling/operative and tooth-waxing. Organizes vendor fair and lunch & learns frequently. • [IMPROVED!] Vendor Fair 44 vendors attended! After classes ~300 students and faculty walked over to our adjoining conference center and visit with vendors, other students, and faculty. Vendors represented companies of dental products, financing, practice ownership, and insurance, amongst others. We raised over $30,000, the most money we’ve ever raised. • [IMPROVED!] Loupes Fair: 5 loupes vendors set up booths to give students the opportunity to shop and compare different loupes companies in order to make an informed purchasing decision. Over 200 students attended • 28 Lunch and Learns in 2017, including 5 new speakers. • Partnership with Sonicare for yearly lunch and learn teaching DS2s about brushing techniques and fluoride treatment. Free Sonicare Toothbrushes to attendees. 100% attendance. Provides social activities. • [IMPROVED!] Annual DS1 Welcome Happy Hour – A welcome happy hour geared directly towards first years was held with 95% of DS1 class in attendance! ASDA officers were present to answer questions and spread awareness of ASDA involvement. • [IMPROVED!] Movember Shave Day Social - Along with Psi Omega, we helped promote awareness for the Movember Cause. Donations were accepted and items were raffled while those who grew beards and mustaches were returned to hairless days. • [NEW!]Enchanted Garden Dental Prom: Partnered with UTSD Student Council to host the annual UTSD Dental Prom with over 300+ students and faculty in attendance • ASDA Week -The week included a welcome meeting, Social Media campaign competition, 9th annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament, a Greater Houston Dental Society Lunch&Learn, Dodgeball Tournament and an Advocacy Informational. • [NEW!]Ideal ASDA Happy Hour: Celebrated the hard work of each and every committee and member that made the honor of winning Ideal ASDA possible. • [NEW!] Night at the Casino: Held at the Downtown Club, 250 students and faculty members attended ASDA’s inaugural casino night where they experienced a night full of games at the casino, tables, drinks, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. $25 a person. The event was sponsored by Aspen Dental, Wallace Specialty Insurance Group, and GHDS. • [NEW!] DECA Dental Happy Hour: 32 students attended to learn more about DECA. • [NEW!] MB2 Dinner 75 attendess learned about a career with MB2 Dental Solutions. • [NEW!] Pacific Dental Services Open House: 15 D4 students networked and toured the office at Pearland Modern Dentistry. • [NEW!] White Rino Happy Hour 12 D3 & D4 students at Cyclone Anaya’s to network. • [NEW!] Ignite DDS: Hosted at Spindetap Brewery and 80 students attended. Information about networking and life post-graduation was provided. • [NEW!] Dentist Secure Officer Dinner: 8 ASDA officers socialized and talked about Dentist Secure at Cyclone Anaya’s • [NEW!]Happy Hour with Treloar and Heisel: 12 dental students networked with associates. • [NEW!]Dinner with ASPEN Dental: 20 Officers met with ASPEN Dental.

Organizes events/programs that promote leadership development/professional training. • [NEW!] ASDA Leadership Development Workshop- at Houston Escape Room. 76 Attendees utilized various leadership skills to solve puzzles and riddles in order to escape. Members had to work together and use different skills and learn how to communicate. • [NEW!] Professional Development Lunches: PDL- 75-100 students attended lunches focused on developing leadership skills and various aspects on leadership such as life after dentistry and the business part of the dental world. Hold events/programs with other ASDA chapters in district. • Texas Dental Olympics: Donated $500 to UTSD Student Council for the funding of T-shirts and lunches. • [IMPROVED!] 20 students sent to the 2017 District 9 meeting in Breckenridge, CO, up 6 people. • [IMPROVED!] 7 students hold positions on the District 9 Cabinet • [IMPROVED!] District 9 Leadership Retreat: D9 cabinet members attended a retreat in Dallas, Texas. Chapters evaluated their own strengths and weaknesses and formulated methods to possibly improve their chapters. 5 students from Houston ASDA attended Participates in community service or outreach activities. • [NEW!] Back to School Drive: Collected school supplies for Yellowstone Academy. . • [NEW!] Restore Houston: Created following Hurricane Harvey with efforts to help Houston families affected by the storm. Volunteers went to affected UTSD alumni houses, to tear down water-filled walls and clean. Monetary and food donations distributed to shelters. • [IMPROVED!] Trunk-or-Treat: ASDA hosts a booth at a Halloween festival where children are able to play OHI games and win prizes. 100+ goodie bags with OHI supplies were handed out by 25 volunteers, up from 20 volunteers the year before. • [IMPROVED!] YMCA Octoberfest: 25 members, up from 9, played interactive games with kids about OH while giving them toothpastes and toothbrushes to add to their treat bags. • [NEW!]Socktober: Asked for monetary donations throughout the month of October to be used for sock purchases for the homeless at the Beacon. Students also submitted pictures of them in socks via Facebook with the most “likes” winning a $20 gift card. 100 pairs of socks donated. • [IMPROVED!] Houston Buddy Walk: Volunteers participated in cheering on children with Down Syndrome to complete a 1-mile awareness walk. 200 toothbrushes and toothpaste given to participants along with OHI. • Thanksgiving Food Drive – All class years contributed donations to our annual food drive for the Houston Food Bank. 3500 cans were collected and donated • Give Kids a Smile Day: Recruited members to provide free dental care to kids in the Houston community. Conducts health and wellness activities. • [NEW!] Wellness Newsletter: Shared way for members to more active and healthy in their lives. • [NEW!] Running Group: Groups of students met once a month to run and train together. Offers events targeted at different groups, including advanced standing/IDP students, non-traditional students, etc. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA Family Picnic – A record 260 attendees! Students and residents relaxed with their families over drinks, music, games, and BBQ. Organizes activities that are unique and original • 9th Annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament: The winner receives a trophy and free breakfast for their entire class. • ASDA’s 3rd Annual Dodgeball Tournament: Members let off some steam by plunging balls at their classmates’ faces. Disclaimer: no students were harmed in this event.

FUNDRAISING Conducts one or more organized efforts at earning money. • Vendor Fair: 44 vendors (including 8 platinum and 12 gold) attended the 2017 Vendor Fair, a record number for Houston ASDA! 300+ students, faculty, and staff attended the fair enjoying appetizers, beverages and networking with leaders in dental products and technology. Vendors chose from 3 packages; Basic, Gold and Platinum. We raised over $32,000 from the event! • Loupes Fair: 6 companies purchased vendor tables at $600 a piece to attend the event allowing members the opportunity to try on loupes and weigh their options in loupe purchasing, including: Designs for Vision, LumaDent Inc., Orascoptics, Q-Optics, Ultralight Optics Inc., Surgitel. Our chapter profited an impressive $5,250. • Explore UTSD Day 125 predental students from across the state attended a Saturday full of break-out sessions, Deans’ seminars, tour of our new building, waxing and drilling exercises, and Q&A sessions with current students. National ASDA Predental members received a $15 discount on registration. At $50 a student for registration, we profited $4,170 ,making this one of our most successful events of the year! • The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day” Dental students held mock interviews for 40 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. Predentals were asked to submit a surprise essay submission, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Predentals were mock interviewed by 5 UTSD students, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. Predentals paid $50 to attend, and we profited around $1,435. • [IMPROVED!] Lunch and Learns Houston ASDA held 28 Lunch and Learns this year. Speakers sign-up and pay through HoustonASDA.com and can choose from a list of lunch serving options and the class targeted. After room reserve expenses are covered, remaining profit goes toward our ASDA chapter funding (see spreadsheet). We profited more than $8,800 for the year. Efforts at raising money have increased from the previous year or successfully sustained a large budget. • [IMPROVED!] Per the previous list of events targeted towards fundraising for our chapter, Houston ASDA started the year with $29,000 and after revenues, expenses, and donations we ended the year with a an additional $22,441 Organizes fundraisers that are unique and creative. • Cinderfella Pageant ASDA partnered with the Texas Association of Women Dentists to host a male student pageant and silent auction in order to raise funds for the Mina Rosenthal-Eames fund. $9,000 was raised through generous donations from students, faculty, staff, friends and family! • [IMPROVED!] 5th Annual Houston ASDA Golf Tournament The Fifth Annual ASDA Open hosted 80 golfers competing in a 4-person scramble tournament. The event cost $50 for students and $100 for non-students. A Happy Hour for the tournament was held at the Gorgeous Gael and this was a $700 event sponsored by MedPro. • A $2,000 donation was made to the San Jose Clinic. This is a 100% increase in donations made in the previous year.

Demonstrates cost-saving measures in chapter events. • Buying supplies in bulk for serving food to members. • Inviting professors and faculty to present at Lunch and Learns to prevent reserved room fees. • Simpler catering options for vendors and speakers reduced costs for events & lunch and learns. • Sending emails inviting vendors to participate in events instead of sending postal mail. • Using Houston ASDA webpage, social media, and television monitors displayed throughout the building to communicate with students and post event sign-ups. Specify the amount of revenue your chapter earned, the costs that your chapter incurred & the remaining net profit. • Our chapter began the year with $37,000. Throughout 2017 we raised a total $81,085 through fundraising efforts, allowing our chapter to send more students to national meetings, purchasing oral health screening supplies, funding Dental Olympics, Golf Tournament, other events and rebranding ourselves. Our chapter’s expenditures totaled $45,944 and our donations to allied partners totaled $12,700 resulting in the year’s $22,441 net profit.

PRE-DENTAL ENGAGEMENT Recruits predental members for national ASDA membership. • From expanding our Explore UTSD Day, Interview Workshop, and predental socials, Houston ASDA always has a platform to advertise the benefits of ASDA membership for predentals! 11 pre-dentals became national ASDA members. Introduces predentals to dental school and organized dentistry (ASDA and ADA). • [IMPROVED!] Explore UTSD Day: Event for pre-dental and pre-hygiene students. Schedule included admissions overview, student life, hands-on opportunity at operative, impressions, sealant placement, and a student-led breakout sessions. This year, 115 pre-dental and 15 pre-dental hygiene students attended and were allowed to choose their own break-out sessions to attend based on individual interests. • [IMPROVED!] “The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day”:Dental students held 4 mock interviews conducted by ASDA officers and answered questions for 40 predental applicants. This year, students were able to bring pre-written personal statements for review and critiques. • Predental NLC Leadership Award: National ASDA predental members across Texas were invited to apply for the chance to attend 2017 NLC in Chicago, fully funded by Houston ASDA. The ASDA Pre-dental Committee selected one pre-dental student who showed excellence in leadership abilities to attend the 2017 ASDA NLC for free • [IMPROVED!] UTSD ASDA Predental Facebook - with the establishment of a separate Facebook page, predentals have direct access to all events, webinars, and publications by our Predental Committee. In 2017 the page gained 473 “likes”, an increase of 368%, from 101 in 2016. • Chapter members contribute “Predental Pro Tips” to share with predental followers Provides leadership opportunities for predentals. • Predental NLC Leadership Award: A rigorous application/interview process led to the selection of one Pre-Dental Student being fully funded for the National Leadership Conference 2017. • Predental Liaison Position - Houston ASDA selects one predental student to serve as a representative on the officer team. The position provides an opportunity to target future ASDA leaders, starting from the undergraduate level. • “Spotlight on VIPs” column on the Houston ASDA website, showcasing outstanding predental members. Texas predental organizations elect a member to represent their institution and each month Houston ASDA Predental Committee selects a new predental to be featured. Organizes a Predental Day or workshops for predentals on getting into dental school & hands-on activities. • [IMPROVED!] Explore UTSD Day: 100 predental students from 23+ schools across the state spent a full Saturday touring the new UTSD building, hearing addresses from our Dean and our Associate Dean of Student Affairs, practiced waxing and drilling, a Q&A session featuring a panel of current students representing each class year and breakout sessions presented by UTSD students. Due to the great success of the event in previous years, the Predental Committee worked with UTSD administration to incorporate prehygiene attendees. The event included 15 pre- dental hygiene students • [IMPROVED!] The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day: Dental students held mock interviews for 40 predentals. Predents wrote an essay, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Attendees were mock interviewed by 3 UTSD students and 1 faculty member, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. Addition of Q&A panel composed of UTSD students and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. Added the service of taking professional headshots for predentals to later download and use in their dental school applications.

Offers networking, social and community service events for predentals • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Golf Tournament: This is the second year we have allowed predental students to participate in the Annual 4-man Golf Tournament. Predental students had an opportunity to spend time with ASDA members and practicing dentists. • [NEW!]Debakey High School Health Class Presentation: Pre-Dental Committee members spoke to high school students during their dental health class. We shared clinical experiences, stories, and shared why we chose dentistry. We visited Debakey High School twice and spoke to about 30 students each time, for a total of 60 students. Serves as mentors to predentals • [NEW!] SHSU Predental Society Meeting ASDA: Predental Committee members were invited back to speak at their monthly meeting. We discussed admissions process and provided insight on how to be a competitive applicant. We spoke to 16 pre-dental students. • [IMPROVED!] UH ASDA Predental DAT Gameshow: ASDA Predental Committee hosted a DAT game show. DAT questions were asked in a fun format with prizes to demosntrate what topics were covered on the admissions test. 36 pre-dental students were in attendance. • DAT Donation Drive - Members were asked to donate old DAT study materials for the Predental Committee to distribute to predental students/societies in need. Promotes national ASDA Predental Month and DAT Week • Predental Leadership Lab Mixer: Open to all predents to come to UTSD and practice waxing up tooth anatomy, taking impressions, and pouring casts. The predents had the opportunity to mix and mingle with current dental students and faculty as well as ask questions during a Q&A. A raffle was held to promote ASDA enrollment. • UH Social: 10 ASDA members attended UH ASDA’s general meeting and hosted an informal Q&A, ate pizza, and mingled. • DAT Donation Drive - Members were asked to donate old DAT study materials for the Predental Committee to distribute to predental students/societies in need during DAT Week.

Katie Richardson PRESIDENT

Amy La


Tanya Sue Maestas

Rana Shammas

Raven Grant

Jade Johnson





Leadership in Houston

Megan Short


Devon Kooi


Courtney Cunningham TREASURER

Allison Haynie

Nicholas Rodriguez

Abbey Jansen




Whitney Vrazel


Rasha Shammas


Sally Hays


Christine Nguyen


Tiffany Pham


Jennifer Hoang


TREASURER: Keagan Foss

Belen Diaz




Natalie Vos



Bobby Anton


Victoria Do


Annie Huet


Kelley Joo


Jeannie Binder


Chad Abrams


Lejla Zoronjic

Alaa Daghestani


Donbosco Dan HISTORIAN



Leadership Committees


Amanda Adams, Jon Vogel, Alex Plagenhoef, Andrew Escobar, Patrick Scholl, Adeena Arain, Natalie Willis, Noreen Ali


Julie Tan, Kanwal Kirani, Suneil Tandon, Seth Williams, Sarah Jensen, Ian Castell, Rachel Mai, Amy Hoang, Moustafa Badawi, Caroline Skalley, Jennifer Siller, Adeena Arain, Sarah Suki


Christine Nguyen, Noreen Ali, Mary Jung, Ina de los Santos, Han Nguyen, Anacristina Chapa Monica Anderson, Ashlyn Adamcik, Katie Womack, Victoria Tindol, Mariangela Arata, Bristol Galbraith, Emily Markle, Stephanie Williams, Jennifer Siller, Christina Noblett Alexandra MacCallum, April Kwan, Hillary Tandy, Helen Hau, Austin Faulk, Sarah Suki, Stephanie Williams Jojo Omaghomi, Seth Williams, Alex Plagenhoef, Suneil Tandon, Moustafa Badawi, Patrick Scholl, Ibrahim Zanayed, Grant Marcantel, Joe Vaughn, Cameron Waters Danielle Gibbons, Adrienne Rhodes Andrew Heath, Ryan Jones

District Leaders Rana Shammas Natalie Vos Jennifer Hoang Allison Haynie Christine Nguyen Ryan Rodriguez Caroline Skalley

Advocacy Coordinator Content Director Social Media Director Webmaster Community Outreach Associate Community Outreach Associate Pre-dental Coordinator- TX

National Leaders Tanya Sue Maestas


Allison Haynie

Video Production Manager

Jon Vogel

Council on Advocacy Chair

membership s Communications

ASDA WEEK With the rains and flooding of Hurricane Harvey, ASDA Week was a great boost upon our return to school. Despite the makeup work and schedule changes, our members came out in full force to show their #ASDAFever. From encouraging DS1s to be an ASDA officer to hosting an Advocacy Informational, we had a variety of events offered to students.



Our chapter provided breakfast during orientation to incoming DS1s. President Katie Richardson presented to students on their ASDA membership benefits, leadership positions, and organized dentistry.


ASDA was present with a table to congratulate students on this milestone! We had ASDA pins to give out to students, family and friends!

Happy hour social for DS1s during the first week of school to encourage ASDA involvement. Officers and committee members were in attendance to mingle and inform.

#ASDAFEVER Each semester, we tally up the points our members have accumulated to determine who caught #ASDAFever. The reward for involvement is a 100% sponsorship to Annual Session and the National Leadership Conference.

Jojo Omaghomi

attended the 2017 Annual Session in Orlando, FL

“Attending Annual Session exposed me to a whole other side of ASDA I never knew about. From passing new policy to electing national leaders, I learned so much about the importance of organized dentistry and its benefits to me as a dental student.” Pictured 1st right below.

CHristine Nguyen

attended the National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL

“NLC was a wonderful experience! I enjoyed the breakout sessions and keynote speakers and felt like it all helped me develop both personally and professionally. I came back to school reinvorgated and ready to do more for our ASDA chapter” Pictured 1st left in front row.

New Newsletters

#RestoreHouston Social media campaign and fundraiser to collect funds for relief efforts following Hurricane Harvey

1,114 likes 4,200 reached 972 FOllowers 58% increase

Centralized flier process The Communications Committee took over all flier production for Houston ASDA events.

Features in contour

houston on the National stage Feature on ASDA’s youtube channel

national webinar

Advocacy Initiatives

Explore UTSD Day:

Introducing pre-dentals to organized dentistry and dental issues in legistlation and regulation.


National Dental Student Lobby Day in Washington D.C. 14 members attended and had the opportunity to meet with legislators and discuss issues affecting dentistry.

With speakers from the TDA, ADA, and ADPAC to teach us on the issues facing our profession now and in the future.


“It was incredibly enriching to voice the concerns of dental students to lawmakers that affect change!� -Noreen Ali (DS2)


40% ENGAGEment. 1st place winner. donut mind if we do.

262% increase in ADPAC Membership

Our chapter won the national competition for highest participation in Engage with 40% of our members sending letters for student loan refinancing and increase access to care.


2 0 1 7

A discussion about live patient licensure exams with a lovely visit from the #AdvocacyBear. #ASDAadvocacy



lunch & Learns Each semester, we have a full schedule of Lunch & Learns for our members. From J&L Listerine to local CPAs, there were a variety of speakers to educate our students over lunch. This past year, we had 28 Lunch & Learns.

dental olympics Houston hosted the Annual TX Dental Olympics in the spring with a whole day of fun and games between the 3 Texas dental schools. In the end, Houston came out on top with 1st place.

201 7 ANNUAL SESSIO N ORlando, Fl


elected national president.

“Being elected ASDA President was a unique honor and privilege. I am so humbled to have the opportunity to continue to work with passionate leaders in making an impact on our profession.”

One of the largest chapter representations with 35 attendees!

“IDEAL ASDA CHAPTER” + “BEST WEBSITE” After years of hardwork and dedication, our chapter was honored to receive these Gold Crown Awards. Each year, we strive to push our boundaries to provide for and engage our members. We were incredibly grateful for the recognition.

*Pictures courtesy of ASDA & Capture the Moment Photography

IDEAL ASDA HAPPY HOUR The Events Committee hosted a happy hour in honor of the hard work contributed by officers, committee members, and members to the chapter during 2016 that culminated in the “Ideal ASDA Chapter� Gold Crown Award.

All students were welcomed for a night of celebration, fun, and drinks while overlooking downtown Houston.

igniteDDS Created by Dr. David Rice, igniteDDS is a dental mentorship program ranging from students to experienced practioners. We were fortunate to have them come out and give talks on “Top 10 Mistakes New Dentists Make” and “Associateships and Residencies” at SpindleTap Brewery.

Night at the Casino One of our new events to the 2017 year! A night full of games at casino tables, drinks, and hors d’oeuvres. Students, faculty, and alumni were in attendance and had a chance to network with one another.


Annual Family Picnic Each spring, our ASDA chapter hosts a Family Picnic for all students, staff, and faculty. A southern barbeque meal was served along with sunshine, games, and drinks.

A FRAY OR A FREY? Dr. David Fray and Dr. Gary Frey are both professors in the Department of General Practice/Public Health and have been the best of friends since their dental school days back at UTSD in the 1970s.

“The opportunity to bring my family to the school for some food, friends, and perfect weather was a nice break from studying and lab work! It was great seeing everyone relaxed and having a good time.� -Durstin Hooper (DS2)

pictured with his son Jett below center

Leadership development


Cinderfella ASDA assisted the Texas Association of Women Dentists (TAWD) with the 3rd Annual Cinderfella Pageant. From a silent auction to the pageant, $9000 was raised for the Mina Rosenthal-Eames Fund.


ASDA + Psi Omega hosted Movember throughout the month of November encouraging guys to grow out their mustaches (and maybe beards) to spread awareness of health issues facing men. Grow a mo, save a bro’. The month concluded with a Shave Day Social!

National Leadership COnference Chicago, IL

Each year, we attend NLC with open minds ready to grow and develop ourselves professionally and personally. From chapter exchanges to break out sessions, we each came back filled with new ideas and ways to improve ourselves and our chapter!

19 attendees!

“I was exposed to the highest quality of people in my profession. As a result, I fell in love with dentistry even more. Dentists are among the leaders of the community and NLC was exceptional at fostering a learning environment for our leadership to grow and thrive.” -Grant Marcantel (‘20) Pictured 1st left



“Since starting dental school, I’ve volunteered at “Trunk-or-Treat” each year because it’s one of my favorite events! Teaching OHI before Halloween is so fun when you can see kids in costume!” - Donbosco Dan (DS3) pictured in a cow costume





80 attendees ranging from

students to friends + family of UTSD participated in our Annual Golf Tournament. Each year, we host this event in support of a local dental clinic, the San Jose Clinic, and kick off the event with a social happy hour the night before a day filled with golfing.

$2,000 raised and donated to the San Jose Clinic.

We all came together in a time of devastation and uneasiness to organize this campaign to help those in our community. Along with ASDA District 9, we raised funds through our #RestoreHouston campaign to help those in the Houston community affected by Hurricane Harvey.

$6,500 raised. We were incredibly humbled to surpass our fundraising goal of $5000. Clothes, school supplies and toiletries were purchased and donated to shelters and schools. Volunteer crews were assembled to help clean multiple houses affected by the storm. Members volunteered at the George R. Brown Convention Center on our school’s dental van to provide care to those displaced. We are grateful to all our donors including many ASDA chapters like LSU, Rutgers, Oklahoma. Relief is not limited to any one location and the outpouring of support was incredbily touching.

424 lbs

of food donated to the Houston Food Bank

The flooding around our campus during Harvey.


Annual Vendor Fair JANUARY 12 , 2017 TH

$30,000 RAISED 300 students 44 vendors Students looked forward to our Annual Vendor Fair for a fun start to the new year with great giveaways, a photobooth, food, and wonderful networking opportunities with vendors.

Loupes fair “With so many choices and different companies, having the Loupes Fair was really helpful to compare loupes and lights so that I’d make the best choice for myself.” -Bobby Anton (DS1)

Pre-Dental Engagement

Explore Utsd Day Each spring, our Pre-Dental Committee hosts this event for 100 pre-dentals and 15 pre-hygiene students to come visit our campus and get a glimpse of life as a dental student. The day consisted of a talk from our Dean, Dr. Valenza, guided tours, and hands-on activities such as drilling and sealant placements! A student panel was also held to discuss student life in and out of school. Lunch was sponsored by the US Navy. Outreach is important to help those that are pursuing a career in dentistry. We’ve all been in that stage of excitement and anxiety on the journey to dental schoo so this event is an opportunity to pay it forward!

CLass I: interview prep day Clad in business attire, 40 pre-dental students attended this preparation day for the upcoming 2017 application cycle. The day consisted of: • mock interviews conducted by dental students and faculty • critique of personal statements • headshots • breakout sessions on tips for the application and interviews



Pre-dental at Houston Baptist University

“I am forever grateful to UTSD Houston ASDA for making the NLC experience possible for me.”

guided tours & undergrad campus visits

VIP [Very Important Pre-dentals]

A feature of some of Texas’ most outstanding pre-dental ASDA members. They are elected by their local predental organization to be featured.

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