2 minute read
Dean’s Address
Congratulations for choosing to study law with us at the Faculty of Law UTS. We are delighted to warmly welcome you as ‘one of our own’ and hope to assist you to fulfil your goals. I am sure 2023 will be a rewarding year for you and the start of a life-long connection with the Faculty of Law at UTS.
The place of the UTS Law Faculty is on the unceded land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. In choosing UTS Law I welcome you to join with us in being an important contributor to a large and influential law school. We are proud of the quality of our legal education, our research and the real-world impact our students and academic and professional staff have on our local, national and global community through our commitment to social justice. Our vision is ‘To be, and to be acknowledged as, a leading law faculty recognised nationally and internationally for education, research and collaboration that brings positive social change, inspires a justice consciousness, and promotes leadership through service.’ We achieve this vision.
As Dean of the Faculty of Law I am responsible for the dayto-day running of the Faculty and its future direction. I am very proud of the fact that UTS Law has the highest graduate satisfaction of any law school in NSW and the highest graduate employment overall. During your time with us we aim to provide you with excellent skills you will need throughout your career and professional life.
I encourage each of you to be involved with the activities offered by the Law Students’ Society, the Law Faculty and the University. The activities on offer outside the formal classroom – particularly those of offer by the LSS - are equally important for your understanding of law, the development of your future career and importantly learning how to balance your ‘work’ and your ‘non-work’ activities. Exploring how to balance personal and professional needs will remain critical for well-being throughout life. So please get involved early and explore and take up opportunities as they arise.
I have always treasured working with the students of the Faculty. I am constantly in awe of student enthusiasm, energy and commitment – and indeed it is infectious. As Dean I will try to find ways to connect with you – activities such as the Brennan program offer opportunities for us to do so and I urge you to become involved with that and other events. Here the LSS is an important piece in the law student experience. Programs such as the Brennan program are run jointly with the LSS and the Faculty and the LSS runs activities which often complement the aims of the Faculty. For example, student competitions run by the LSS promote the skills embedded in our subjects through Graduate Attributes such as mooting and negotiation.
I look forward to meeting you throughout this year and over the course of your studies. I encourage you to make the most out of studying at UTS Law and wish you all the best for 2023.
Written by Professor Anita Stuhmcke Dean. Faculty of Law (@AnitaStuhmcke)