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Postgraduate Welcome
By Vijhai Utheyan Postgraduate Representative
Welcome Postgraduate
Welcome to your first year of law school! Whether you have just taken off your graduation gown last year or getting back to uni life after years away, 2020 is no doubt going to be an exciting time in your life.
In my final year of Juris Doctor and having worked full-time throughout my degree, I know how tough it can be to juggle law school with the rest of your life. Luckily, UTS has countless ways to get involved with university beyond merely attending classes.
Social Events The UTS LSS organises several social events throughout the year. Going to these events is how I met other JD students in similar circumstances to myself. Throughout the last three years, we have vented together, spent late nights at the library doing assessments, and shared many dumplings. Let’s not kid ourselves, law school is not always a walk in the park, and having a group of friends to share that unique experience gets you through it!
Career Development Some of you may have a fantastic career already and know the finance, consulting or even legal world inside out. However, there are still so many ways to further develop your career. There are plenty of events, including the clerkship seminar series, women in law mentoring, and advocates mentoring. These events taught me so much about what life is like as a lawyer. It was at one of these events where I inadvertently met someone from HR at a law firm, who a month later hired me for my first job in the legal industry! Don’t discount how important these events are.
Competitions The UTS LSS runs multiple competitions throughout the year, including for first years! These comps are a fun way to apply your legal knowledge and practically learn the law. You will meet many amazing people along the way, make friends, and sharpen your legal skills. It also doesn’t hurt to have it on your resume.