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(Marketing) Address


Upon entering the UTS LSS’ 2023 tenure, the Marketing Portfolio had one key overriding vision: to increase community engagement towards LSS initiatives.


We sought to achieve this vision through three key goals:

Expand the reach of the UTS LSS marketing to untapped groups within the Law community; Shift our social media presence to contain more advocacy; and Maintain our personalised brand identity

These goals were founded on our belief that the LSS’ marketing has the potential to be expanded to new heights Our unique, consistent, and engaging brand identity, harnessed with our drive to create content to see new students engage with the Society, has succeeded in short-term and longer-term levels. I am proud of these successes that the Marketing Portfolio has accomplished in Autumn alone, and believe that our take on advertising has served our overall vision.

Community Engagement

The UTS LSS has an unique take on social media, with a strong focus on showcasing the successes of members within our community Celebrating the individual successes of fellow Law students through Humans of UTS Law and the publishing of achievements of UTS Law students in competitions, has worked to build a sense of community online. By making these a regular feature on our Instagram, we have effectively diversified students being featured and communicate their achievements to our wide audience

We have also garnered more community engagement through the creation of event recaps to reflect on the success of UTS LSS initiatives These posts always receive high levels of engagement and positive feedback, receiving ground-breaking levels of engagement Furthermore, we have maintained our thoroughly engaging Tik Tok presence whereby we post more informal, personalised and casual content to engage students on a more relaxed level. The impacts of Tik Tok as a forum to engage groups of students should not be underestimated!

New Initiatives

Upon reflecting on the successes and pitfalls of our current marketing models, we noticed that there was potential to expand our reach to the post-graduate and first-year cohorts, and simultaneously, engage more diverse groups. The Marketing Team has effectively expanded our current social media regiment to include marketing directly towards these groups. We have seen the successes of doing this, through the levels of engagement with both post-graduate and first year events.

Our website has undergone a complete renovation by the IT Director, with a focus on making information more easily accessible to members. Through the cogent display of information, the website effectively conveys the current opportunities within the Society, previous and current publications, and all governance documents This year we have worked to bring together the Marketing and IT portions of the Marketing Team, most notably done through the re-sharing of Humans of UTS Law features and our Instagram feed to our website for all to admire. We have also unified the Society’s Words on Justice, and Diverse-abilities Blogs to be held on the Website so that they are easily located.

It was a goal of ours this year to work alongside the Disability, First Nations, Queer, and Women’s Representatives to increase the Society’s advocacy stance on social media Considering this is the first time we have shifted our model towards advocacy, we have been actively working to achieve the perfect balance to acknowledge key dates of each group

Looking Into Spring

Whilst we move towards the Spring Session, the Marketing Portfolio is excited to persist on our efforts to increase holistic engagement Alongside maintaining our fortnightly release of The Buzz, creating easily digestible content, celebrating the achievements of our members, and working with the Representatives more closely, we are excited to engage in new forums to reach our goals

The Marketing Portfolio encourages all members of the UTS LSS to reach out to vpm@utslss com if they have any ideas for our team We aim to remain responsive to the interests of our broader community, and hope that our efforts to engage you throughout the Autumn Session has been effective

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