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Friday, July 29, 2011
Issue 17 I N D E P E N D E N T
Vol. 117 S T U D E N T
UTPD promotes campaign to keep Fort safe Robby O’Daniel News and Student Life Editor For some students, Fort Sanders can become a boogeyman of a neighborhood, making a walk at night through the area scary. The UT Police Department is familiar with this perception, and UTPD is looking to change it. With this goal in mind, UTPD launched the Welcome to UT Safety Campaign, targeting UT students in Fort Sanders for door-to-door, informational sessions on Aug. 9 at 10 a.m. “Both KPD and the university have implemented strategies, resulting in crime reduction in the Fort Sanders community,” UTPD Chief Gloria Graham said. “However, we consistently receive feedback indicating there are a lot of misperceptions regarding the climate of the area.” The campaign is named “See something. Say something.” “The goals are to maintain the momentum in terms of crime reduction, correct misperceptions by providing factual data to residents and enlist those community members to partner with us and share the responsibility of safety in the Fort Sanders community,” Graham said. UTPD Public Information Officer Lt. Emily Simerly said a list of students with addresses in the Fort Sanders area is being compiled, with heavily populated student areas being targeted first. “The specific campaign targeting students in the Fort Sanders area prior to the beginning of the school year was conceived by Chief Gloria Graham,” Simerly said. “Our focus is educating students who live in the Fort Sanders area about safety information, real crime data versus perceived data and being a resource for them should they have questions or concerns.” UTPD staff members will participate, and UT stakeholders from places like the Knoxville Police Department and the Fort Sanders Neighborhood Association, have been invited to participate as well, she said. Those going door-to-door are to meet at the UT Police Department Community Room at 9:30 a.m. on Aug. 9 to receive talking points, handout materials and a target location list. Simerly said the campaign name came from the idea of broken windows. “Consider a building with a few broken windows,” Simerly said. “If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into the building, and if it’s unoccupied, perhaps become squatters or light fires inside. Broken windows is a metaphor for any undesirable issue, including broken couches on lawns, noise ordi-
nance violations, criminal offenders loitering, et cetera, becoming a norm.” The emphasis is on students to speak up when they see something in the Fort. “We will encourage students that if they see something undesirable, they should tell someone who can fix the problem,” Simerly said. “Undesirable issues could include anything from building code violations to crimes in progress.” Simerly said this campaign dovetails with UTPD’s primary mission, community safety, including student safety. “Daily, we strive to gear all our efforts toward such,” Simerly said. “This includes focusing on pedestrian safety in crosswalks, teaching selfdefense courses, free security assessments for residences — including those privately owned, rented or leased — educational programming regarding alcohol issues, et cetera.” She also said this campaign is not the only safety event UTPD orchestrates. “UT helps facilitate multiple safety events throughout the year, including Safety Day, which occurs every September,” Simerly said. “While enforcement of laws is sometimes necessary in our law enforcement role, our main focus is community education. We would much rather educate students to make safe choices than to enforce some type of sanction for a law violation.” In addition to the Aug. 9 event, UTPD will have educational and enforcement saturation throughout the fall, she said. “These events will be in conjunction with the Knoxville Police Department and target specific crime locations or problems identified through crime analysis,” she said. Blue light phones are located primarily in the 16th Street and White Avenue area. While she said there was no funding at this time for more blue phones in the Fort Sanders area, she said improvements on the existing phones are coming. “The university is focused on upgrading existing campus blue phones with a public address system feature,” she said. “The blue phones located within the Fort Sanders area were among the first on campus to be upgraded with this feature. We anticipate all remaining blue phones will be upgraded by the end of fall 2011.” Wes Hicks, rising junior in civil engineering, lived in Fort Sanders last year in a house on Clinch Avenue. That point forms the dividing line between the area in the Fort where he thinks it is safe and the area in the Fort where he thinks it is not safe. George Richardson • The Daily Beacon “Toward Vol Hall, yes, toward the edge of it, no,” Hicks said. “... Any farther in the Fort, then yeah, I A man walks across James Agee Street near Vol Hall in Fort Sanders on Thursday, would have been scared. I feel like Clinch is probaJuly 28. UT recently launched a new safety initiative to increase awareness for resbly the last street I’d feel safe on, just because it’s idents in the area many students consider dangerous. near Vol Hall.”
KMA to feature fax-based artwork Almost 170 years later, Molinski said, “Faxes are almost obsolete today.” He said that the upcoming exhibit “plays with Beginning in less than a month, the Knoxville fax technology as a kind of playful, almost retro Museum of Art (KMA) will bring new meaning object,” giving this piece of technology its historical rarity. to the word artifacts. The downtown-based museum is among a From Aug. 26 to Nov. 6, the KMA will feature “FAX,” a traveling exhibition co-organized by series of presentation stops that the traveling New York’s The Drawing Center and exhibition “FAX” will make across the country, fitting in with part of the local art museum’s priIndependent Curators International. “FAX” features the work of a multigenerational mary mission. “KMA is always looking to display artwork group of artists, archithat plays with new contects, designers, scientists cepts or techniques,” he and filmmakers. said. “Part of our mission as The art-filled book is an institution is to introfull of over 200 faxed duce new art and new ideas, pages — all transmitted and ‘FAX’ certainly plays a by The Drawing Center’s part in that mission.” very own fax line — Among the wide range of which include drawings, multigenerational artists texts, some examples of whose work will be introart, transmission errors duced by “FAX” in August and “fax lore” from the will be UT alumni Wade early telecommunications Guyton and Josh Smith. age. Their work has been with All of the book’s conthe New York-based exhibit tributors, including exhisince its debut in 2009. bition overseer Joao – Chris Molinski, Knoxville However, Molinski said Ribas, who submitted an Museum of Art Associate Guyton and Smith will not essay for the book, attendCurator of Education, be the only locals introed the fax machine debut on the local art museum’s mission duced. presentation for the use “New additions to ‘FAX’ for thinking and drawing. at KMA will include many “Here we see a wide of the artists who have parrange of artists who are enabled to transmit their artwork through an effi- ticipated in our ‘Contemporary Focus’ series cient, affordable and accessible mechanism,” since 2009,” he said. The traveling exhibit has added a number of Knoxville Museum of Art Associate Curator of Education Chris Molinski said. “Similar to the artists to the exhibition along its journey, resulttechnology used to create any multiple, such as a ing in the display of hundreds of pages of artwork print or video, fax technology allows an artist to sent by one fax line. However, a limited number create work that can easily be sent a great dis- of artists will fax their work directly into the exhibition during the late summer-early fall display. tance.” “We have invited a small number of artists to The fax machine, too, has gone great distances since its initial existence in the early Industrial fax their work directly into the exhibition during Revolution stages when, according to the display at the KMA,” Molinski said. “Faxes, Alexander Bain was will be transmitted directly into the gallery occacredited with inventing the first fax machine sionally throughout the exhibit.” On the same night as the “FAX” exhibit’s patented in England in 1843. “Bains Telegraph,” as it was referred to, was Knoxville debut, East Tennessee’s third installonly a model of two pens attached to pendulums, ment of the annual “Contemporary Focus” series connected by a telegraph wire. According to the will be re-launched, featuring John Bissonette, site, “the pendulums were passed over chemical- Brian Jobe and Greg Pond. For more information on the “FAX” exhibit, as George Richardson • The Daily Beacon ly treated paper and made stains whenever an well as “Contemporary Focus,” visit Curtis Wilkerson, sophomore in graphic design, works on a video project for his electrical charge was sent down the telegraph wire.” media arts class in the Studio in Hodges Library on Monday, July 25.
Anthony Elias
Staff Writer
KMA is always
looking to display
artwork that plays with new concepts or techniques.
2 • The Daily Beacon
Friday, July 29, 2011
George Richardson • The Daily Beacon
Crews work to repair a section of Volunteer Boulevard outside Hodges Library on Monday, July 25.
1588 — Spanish Armada defeated Off the coast of Gravelines, France, Spain’s so-called “Invincible Armada” is defeated by an English naval force under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake. After eight hours of furious fighting, a change in wind direction prompted the Spanish to break off from the battle and retreat toward the North Sea. Its hopes of invasion crushed, the remnants of the Spanish Armada began a long and difficult journey back to Spain. In the late 1580s, English raids against Spanish commerce and Queen Elizabeth I’s support of the Dutch rebels in the Spanish Netherlands led King Philip II of Spain to plan the conquest of England. Pope Sixtus V gave his blessing to what was called “The Enterprise of England,” which he hoped would bring the
Protestant isle back into the fold of Rome. A giant Spanish invasion fleet was completed by 1587, but Sir Francis Drake’s daring raid on the Armada’s supplies in the port of Cadiz delayed the Armada’s departure until May 1588. On May 19, the Invincible Armada set sail from Lisbon on a mission to secure control of the English Channel and transport a Spanish army to the British isle from Flanders. The fleet was under the command of the Duke of Medina-Sidonia and consisted of 130 ships carrying 2,500 guns, 8,000 seamen, and almost 20,000 soldiers. The Spanish ships were slower and less well armed than their English counterparts, but they planned to force boarding actions if the English offered battle, and the superior Spanish infantry would undoubtedly prevail. Delayed by storms that temporarily forced it back to Spain, the Armada did not reach the southern coast of England until July 19. By that time, the British were ready. On July 21, the English navy began bombarding the sevenmile-long line of Spanish ships from a safe distance, taking full advantage of their long-range heavy guns. The Spanish Armada continued to advance during the next few days, but its ranks were thinned by the English assault. On July 27, the Armada anchored in exposed position off Calais, France, and the Spanish army prepared to embark from Flanders. Without control of the Channel, however, their passage to England would be impossible. Just after midnight on July 29, the English sent eight burning ships into the crowded harbor at Calais. The panicked Spanish
ships were forced to cut their anchors and sail out to sea to avoid catching fire. The disorganized fleet, completely out of formation, was attacked by the English off Gravelines at dawn. In a decisive battle, the superior English guns won the day, and the devastated Armada was forced to retreat north to Scotland. The English navy pursued the Spanish as far as Scotland and then turned back for want of supplies. Battered by storms and suffering from a dire lack of supplies, the Armada sailed on a hard journey back to Spain around Scotland and Ireland. Some of the damaged ships foundered in the sea while others were driven onto the coast of Ireland and wrecked. By the time the last of the surviving fleet reached Spain in October, half of the original Armada was lost and some 15,000 men had perished. Queen Elizabeth’s decisive defeat of the Invincible Armada made England a world-class power and introduced effective long-range weapons into naval warfare for the first time, ending the era of boarding and close-quarter fighting. 1958 — NASA created On this day in 1958, the U.S. Congress passes legislation establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America’s activities in space. NASA has since sponsored space expeditions, both human and mechanical, that have yielded vital information about the solar system and universe. It has also launched numerous earth-orbiting satellites that have been instrumental in everything from weather forecasting to navigation to global communications. NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union’s October 4, 1957 launch of its first satellite, Sputnik I. The 183-pound, basketball-sized satellite orbited the earth in 98 minutes. The Sputnik launch caught Americans by surprise and sparked fears that the Soviets might also be capable of sending missiles with nuclear weapons from Europe to America. The United States prided itself on being at the forefront of technology, and, embarrassed, immediately began developing a response, signaling the start of the U.S.Soviet space race. — This Day in History courtesy of
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Daily Beacon • 3
Professor assists in maiden asteroid voyage NASA mission attempts to answer astronomical questions through asteroid study Jamie Cunningham Staff Writer Editor’s note: Due to errors in the presentation of this story in Tuesday’s issue, The Daily Beacon is reprinting this story here, with corrected headline and the rest of the story now in tact. The Daily Beacon regrets the errors. While NASA is famous for its shuttle missions and its astronauts, it is also filled with detectives attempting to find clues about the formation of Earth. UT’s own Josh Emery is helping NASA discover new things about the planet. Emery, assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, is part of a NASA mission called Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) that seeks to obtain samples of an unnamed asteroid, 1999 RQ36. Emery was first introduced to the project when his former professor from the University of Arizona approached him at a conference. “I got involved through a prior acquaintance with the program’s principal investigator, Michael Drake,” Emery said. “Drake is a former professor of mine, and I ran into him at a conference. And it turned out I had observing techniques he wanted to use on the target asteroid.” Emery has been working on the program for approximately a year and a half, but some scientists have been involved since 2002. The mission is set to launch in 2016 and will yield samples in 2023. According to NASA, this is the first mission to carry samples from an asteroid back to Earth. Michael Drake, a cosmochemistry professor at the University of Arizona and principal investigator of OSIRIS-REx, said the mission will answer scientists’ many questions about the solar system. “Where did life come from? Why are you and I here?” Drake said. “We have many questions like this. Imagine 4.5 billion years ago, as the rocky planets were growing, objects the size of Mars were crashing into Earth. Any organic material there at the time had no chance to survive because it would vaporize from the energy. Therefore, we must look at asteroids to see these organic materials.” NASA said asteroids can provide scientists with vital clues to the formation of our solar system. “Asteroids are leftovers formed from the cloud of gas and dust — the solar nebula — that collapsed to form our sun and the planets about 4.5 billion years ago,” a NASA press release said. “As such, they contain the original material from the solar nebula, which can tell us about the conditions of our solar system’s birth.” The RQ36 asteroid, discovered in 1999, is roughly the size of five football fields and presents NASA with the possibility of discovering organic molecules, such as carbon, which are crucial for life. Emery said the asteroid can provide scientists with a blueprint for the makings of our solar system. “One of the things that scientists don’t have a lot of information about is the abundance and types of organic material that was around when the solar system was taking form,” Emery said. “We see the material all over space, and it’s found on some meteorites that fall to Earth.” Despite the abundance of organic materials, Emery said uncontaminated samples are difficult to find. “When the meteorites fall to Earth, they are contaminated by Earth’s atmosphere, so it is hard to separate out the contaminated materials from the original organic materials,” he said. “We’re studying this asteroid because we think it’s one of the asteroids that has
organic material. And we believe that it will give us pristine material that is not contaminated.” While the objective of the sample-return mission is to discover organic materials, Emery admits that there are specific things the team expects to find. “We expect to see rings of hydrogen and rings of carbon,” he said. “We also may see complex things, such as amino acids and sugar. Around 30 years ago, there was a report that an RNA-type molecule was found in space. This is unsubstantiated, but we will be looking for it.” RNA, also known as ribonucleic acid, is one of the three essential building blocks for all known forms of life. If the NASA mission can confirm the claim that RNA can be found in space, it would provide scientists with more clues to the planet’s ability to sustain living organisms. While NASA’s recent shuttle missions have captured more media and public attention this year, Emery said the study of asteroids can change the way scientists understand the formation of our solar system. “Studying asteroids are important because they are remnants of the whole solar system,” he said. “The planets themselves have undergone a lot of modifications since they were formed. When you pick up a rock outside, the rock will tell us more about the processes of Earth than how the Earth was formed. Asteroids don’t have that problem. They retain the original signature of the solar nebula. They are a direct window into how the solar system was formed.”
4 • The Daily Beacon
Friday, July 29, 2011
LetterEditor to the
‘Average American’ not to blame After reading your Editor’s Note from July 26, 2011, I can’t help but point out some problems I see. First off, have you gone to any school in just Knoxville alone and seen how many fat kids there are? I have two girls and see kids from all over Knoxville and always see the typical fat kid all schools have. Have you ever checked the standards for what “obese” or “overweight” entail? A kid could work out and be a power lifter and be getting ready for football and he could be considered overwieght because his mass body index isn’t to a doctor’s “standard”. I have researched this and realize it is all propaganda! Go to five schools in Knoxville and see how many overweight kids you see! I bet it will be the typical average that it always has been. Who decides what is normal weight? Next you complain about cafeteria food served in schools. O.K., so you are saying the food the government recommends for schools should be fixed by the ... government? It is like corrupted policmen who go after corrupted policemen; they only do it if there is gain but the corruption is still there! If the government can’t figure out its recommended cafeteria food is terrible then maybe Michelle Obama should keep her nose out of it! As for labeling “typical Americans,” do you observe “typical Americans” and jot down your observations? Or do you just read rhetoric and propaganda and draw conclusions by people who supposedly study this? Or do you just believe any government data that says “Americans are overweight?” The problem with our healthcare, if you
actually did research, is that many government workers are drugees who only have a co-pay as low as $1 to a maximum of $5 for a 3-month supply of narcotics or opiates which cost $700 a pill! And the government gives money out to the research but never reaps it back from it’s own workers and they are 51 percent of the workforce! A lot of the problem comes from social programs like Medicare/Medicaid that people abuse. I know someone who works at a CVS call center and she knows firsthand what these programs cover. (They claim Viagra is for the heart.) I have kept most newspaper clips for the past year about the “obesity” problem and realize it’s just propaganda so the government can tell you what to eat and what you can’t eat. Think about it. First they needed government funded healthcare, now they can say, “Your bad habits are what is driving up health costs,” so they can tell you what to eat. Next will be telling people they cost too much to live because of their lifestyle! You don’t think this is possible? History proves there are psychos out there who get power and use charisma to blind the masses! Obama may not be that person but notice how everybody was so sick of Bush they voted for a Democrat because of “change.” Now if Obama messes up people will just vote Republican just for another “change” or vote for a third party that we know nothing about! Government is our demise, not the “average American” whom you are so eager to blame! Brian Gross
Columns of The Daily Beacon are reflections of the individual columnist, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Beacon or its editorial staff.
Discovering adventure On-demand Ac orns and Other Seeds by
Anna-Lise Burnette It’s probably no coincidence that a lot of my Beacon columns have stemmed from my reading certain books in the hours leading up to a deadline. Last week it was Shakespeare, the week before that it was Harry Potter — try as I might to avoid it, the things that I read tend to be the most fertile ground for commentary at the expense of any other inspiration. This week it occurred to me that this very characteristic that made my writing so effortless for me was possibly making my writing dull for everyone else. So I decided to watch some television. It was only in this past semester that I bought a TV set to have in my apartment; before that, I lived in a virtually prime time-free zone nine months out of the year. (The remaining time spent at home I was at the mercy of someone else’s trigger-happy remote controller thumbs whenever the television was on, and so for the most part I have been existing in a bubble of blissful antipathy.) I only know how to describe the act of watching television after a long period of forgoing it through analogy. I felt the same feelings that I’ve felt after going for weeks and weeks without anything carbonated to drink: anticipation, surprise, a mild sense of shock, middling discomfort, slight regret and resolution. Just as your throat seems on the verge of exploding, the ears and the eyes go, too. But you get used to it. My recovery went smoothly after I re-realized that TV is no longer the passive activity of the 1950s domestic set, that with the push of a few ergonomically designed buttons I had the power to choose my own destiny. This magic is called “on demand” viewing, and maybe you’ve heard of it. And so instead of being confined to whatever it is people are watching these days, I scrolled through lists of movies and network series with rapt attention. Almost everything was tempting, because almost all of it was new. My eyes raced from title to title as
I tried to pick the perfect set of moving pictures. This was a serious decision, and I had to weigh my options carefully. I was able to break down my choices into approximately three categories, all of which I decided to evaluate separately. The first option was a classic film from decades before my birth. Although I’ve watched some Charlie Chaplain and I appreciate the style, I tend to think of “classic” movies as being in brilliant technicolor, tightly choreographed and meticulously costumed. A film from the days when movies were more akin to theater — or better yet, musical theater — was certainly a beguiling possibility. The next category was a little narrower. In order to qualify, the film had to be highly acclaimed, though not necessarily an Oscar-winner, with a release date some time within the roaring 2000s. Ideally it would be “independent,” or “low budget;” in other words, it needs to be emotionally raw, slightly absurd, with distinctly small studio cinematography. In short, the kind of movie that only gets optioned in Knoxville at Downtown West. The last and largest group of choices available for home viewing was the one that was regrettably compelling. With a shrunken social sphere and a distinct disconnect from what’s popular, I wondered if perhaps I wouldn’t benefit most from watching a trashy comedy, family drama or action movie that audiences loved. A high volume of rentals or colossal box office earnings isn’t always the best indicator of quality, but it definitely gives you an eye on the American public. And since I plan to continue being an American citizen, maybe it’s time I start watching blockbusters like one. I smiled as I imagined finally “getting” jokes about “The Hangover.” But after going through every premium channel and for-purchase offering, I was beginning to feel a little tired. Too sleepy for Bill Murray or Gregory Peck, I climbed the stairs to slip into bed. Pulling the covers up to my chin, I almost turned out the bedside lamp when I saw “Slaughterhouse-Five” sitting under my nightstand. And it was with the confidence of a well-reasoned decision that I settled down for the night. — Anna-Lise Burnett is a senior in global and Asian studies. She can be reached at
‘Shawshank’ lessons in loneliness F r ac tur ed Co n sc i o u s n e s s by
Blair Kuykendall
Jake Lane
Jake Lane
Ebony Jones
Jake Lane
Brent Harkins
Robbie Hargett
Lauren Wilson
Sandra Wineinger
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The Daily Beacon is published by students at The University of Tennessee Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Tuesday and Friday during the summer semester. The offices are located at 1340 Circle Park Drive, 5 Communications Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-0314. The newspaper is free on campus and is available via mail subscription for $200/year, $100/semester or $70/summer only. It is also available online at: LETTERS POLICY: The Daily Beacon welcomes all letters to the editor and guest columns from students, faculty and staff. Each submission is considered for publication by the editor on the basis of space, timeliness and clarity. Contributions must include the author’s name and phone number for verification. Students must include their year in school and major. Letters to the editor and guest columns may be e-mailed to or sent to Blair Kuykendall, 1340 Circle Park Dr., 5 Communications Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-0314. The Beacon reserves the right to reject any submissions or edit all copy in compliance with available space, editorial policy and style. Any and all submissions to the above recipients are subject to publication.
I have this love affair with “The Shawshank Redemption.” Every time I see that the movie is on television, I watch it. Whenever I am stuck in the house for a while, I always go rent the movie. It goes without saying, however, that I cannot watch the movie without crying during Brooks’ story. Now for those of you who have not watched the movie, Brooks is one of the oldest inmates at Shawshank Penitentiary, and has been in jail for over 50 years. He is eventually freed on parole, but right before he is released, he threatens one of the inmates so that he can remain incarcerated. The next five minutes are spent with Brooks narrating his life post-incarceration. He reflects on how lonely he is, how much the world has changed and how he wishes his pet crow, Jake, would fly by while he is at the park one day. Upon realizing that he has nothing left to live for, he commits suicide by hanging himself. Right before he hangs himself, he writes a note on the wall that reads “Brooks was here.” Even writing the details of the scene makes me cry. I don’t know what gets to me about it. I think it could be the idea of an old man spending his life alone and not feeling like anyone cares. Maybe it’s the tragic role he plays to show what happens when men are institutionalized for their entire lives. It is, by far, the single most moving piece of film I have seen these last 21 years. Loneliness is an interesting human emotion. I think everyone, at some point in his or her life, goes through serious bouts of feeling helpless and alone. I know I do. When I try to describe those feelings, so many of my friends try to act like they’ve never felt that way, or that there’s simply something wrong with my perception. It must be a human insecurity to admit that we are inadequately able to deal with being alone.
To realize that you feel lonely when the world is populated by over 6 billion people seems almost absurd. The most absurd part of the conundrum is that so many people spend their entire lives on their own little island away from anyone or anything. They put up walls that contribute to a hard felt loneliness, a loneliness that dictates their entire life. To feel empathy, to speak your exact feelings and have a friend to talk with are distinctly human characteristics of the life we live. The simplest thought that one’s life does not contain even one of the three can be devastating. Brooks is a bit different in the sense that his feelings of solitude are due to the countless years he spent in prison. Never having to become acclimated with the outside world and how it constantly changes, he finds himself stuck in the rigor of prison life. Upon his return to the real world, it is all confusing, troubling, scary and lonesome. He doesn’t make the choice to be on an island by himself; his life experiences and choices have caused many of his feelings. Being alone isn’t always bad, but it’s baffling that so many people suffer from such loneliness in a world that is so big and filled with so much wonder. Even if there is a choice to be alone or not, many people end up feeling alone due to their particular circumstances. People constantly question whether there is anybody in the world who cares about them. Today, reach out to someone. Tell them that you are happy that they are your friend. Begin a new day with a smile on your face, and bring love to the world. It could make the difference not only in someone’s day, but in their entire lifetime. My sister always makes it a point to talk to older men or women who are eating by themselves at a restaurant. This simple action could change the course of a lifetime and change desperate, lonesome feelings to positive ones. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to succeed.” Let us all strive to succeed by this measure of helping those we love never feel the pain of the insecurity we call loneliness. — Brittany Vasquez is a senior in anthropology. She can be reached at
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Daily Beacon • 5
“Bad” still cooking white hot fourth season Robby O’Daniel News and Student Life Editor After having rewatched the entire series of “Breaking Bad” over the course of the last month, in preparation for the new fourth season, a prevailing question stuck out throughout the whole endeavor. It’s such an obvious query that the very promotional material for the new season asks the same question: “How does this guy turn into this guy?” The video then contrasts the footage of chemistry teacher-turned-meth cook Walter White (Bryan Cranston) as viewers first saw him in the pilot episode — a befuddled old man in his underwear in the middle of nowhere — compared with somebody who, by the end of season two, was telling random people at supermarkets to “stay out of his territory,” and by the end of season three, was running people down in a car and shooting them in the head. And it’s a logical question to ask. But a better question is this: How did the show’s writing team make such a drastic transition so believable? Like AMC’s other critically acclaimed marvel, “Mad Men,” “Breaking Bad” is a show that has gotten better with each successive season. And it is a show that has a knack for pacing, cranking out excellent season openers and season finales each year. The same can certainly be said for this season’s electric premiere. With the season three finale, Walt and his partner, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) were worried that their lives were being targeted and that they had become easily replaceable. Walt’s assistant, Gale (David Costabile), was being groomed to replace Walt as drug kingpin Gus’ main cook. And because Walt and Jesse killed two of Gus’ men when they killed a child they were using as a member of their gang,
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Kids Place, Inc. is looking for enthusiastic, creative, hard working employees to work with children in our afterschool programs in Knox Co. Schools. Many locations available. Good pay & no weekends!! If this is you or anyone you know, please call our office at (865)933-7716 to schedule an appointment or pick up an application. You may also fax your resume to (865)933-9663. Kidtime After School Program seeking caring counselor $7.50/hr. AL Lotts Elementary School, Farragut Primary, Dogwood Elementary. M-F 12:00- 6:30PM. Please call Olivia at (865)640-3108. Now hiring for after school childcare center in West Knoxville. PT positions available 2-6PM. Call Robert 454-1091. Opportunity for marketing internship. Must be self motivated with marketing knowledge. Submit resume to P/T FRONT DESK/COURIER POSITION W/ CPA FIRM. Must be dependable and have your own vehicle. M/W/F or T/TH 8:30-5:00. General office duties, telephone, and making pick-ups and deliveries in the afternoon to Knoxville, Maryville, and Oak Ridge areas. $7.25/hr plus milage (currently $ .55.5/mile). Email . Fax:865-546-7580. Part time 20 - 30 hours a week. Lawn Care experience preferred. $9/hr. (865)216-5640. POSITION AVAILABLE P/T RECEPTIONIST/GREETER LEXUS OF KNOXVILLE. Looking for someone who can work flexible hours. Different shifts, weekdays, evenings,& weekends. Approx. 20-25 hours per week. PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Must be 18 yrs or older. Please email resumes to: Interviews will be scheduled. No phone calls please.
serving as a sad epitaph for Gale’s character. The scene that follows felt like it had been coming for a while. Giancarlo Esposito has chewed up many a scene with his blank stares at Walt during conversations, betraying an inner anger and sense of vengeance within him. Without doing anything of the sort, the man looked like the most violent character in the show consistently. He did more with a stare than Badger could do with a gunshot any day. But in the season four premiere, Gus finally breaks through and shows what he is capable of. It is yet another surprise in a premiere full of them. While an underling attempts to show Gus that he can do anything Walt and Jesse can, since he has observed them cooking meth for a while now, Gus merely uses him as a pawn to show Walt and Jesse what he is capable of if they dare cross him again. And with that act, the rules have changed. The fourth season’s second episode, which aired Sunday, only underscored that fact. The act of killing Gale was supposed to give Walt security and ease of mind. Yet the very act has put Walt more on edge than ever. He is a man constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Desperate to fix his relationship with Gus, Walt asks Gus’ enforcer, Mike, to just get him in a room with Gus. Mike’s response is a swift punch in the mouth and some kicks to the stomach. Earlier in the episode, when Walt asks where Gus is, Mike simply says, “You’re not going to see Gus again.” Such simple, yet telling statements from Mike make clear Walt’s current predicament. With a strength of writing that is unparalleled and an ensemble cast that is an absolute delight to watch, “Breaking Bad” has unseated “Dexter” as television’s best series.
both Walt and Jesse had bulls-eyes over their heads. It all led up to a cliffhanger of whether Jesse actually went through with killing Gale in cold blood, or whether his conscience got the better of him. Throughout the series, from the very first episode, a running theme has been that Jesse is simply not a killer. He does not have it in him. Plus the series
• Photo courtesy of
had already invested so much in the quirky character of Gale, and it seemed like a shame to get rid of that so early. The season three ending seemed so much like a red herring. And yet the show deftly and boldly went in the complete other direction. Sometimes what looks like it happened actually happening is the biggest surprise of them all in television. The flashback beginning of the season four opener, with Gale first being introduced to new equipment Gus bought, fills in an interesting missing piece in the story, while also
PT positions for North Knoxville apartment complex. Ground/ maintenance . 10 - 20 hours per week. Starting $8.50 hour. Call (865)688-5547 for information. Interviews by appointment only.
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3BR, 2.5BA, W/D, very nice and close to campus. $350/mo. per person. Call 386-5081 or visit
Great condo. Fully furnished, w/d, near Market Square. Only FT studious UT students need apply. $550/ mo. Private BR,BA. Call Jacob 865-719-2129.
Seeking UT student to help with housecleaning, lawncare, and babysitting. 5 minutes from campus. 637-3600. Seeking UT student to tutor 10 year old son in reading and other learning needs. 637-3600. Swimming pool company seeks pool cleaner/retail help. Part time/full time. Flexible schedule. Above average pay. Email THE TOMATO HEAD KNOXVILLE Now hiring dish and food running positions. Full and part-time available, no experience necessary. Apply in person at 12 Market Square or apply online at
The UPS Store is now hiring, Apply in person at 234 Morrell Rd. Across from Westtown Mall. 692-3736. Veterinary Assistant- Animal Caretaker. PT and weekends. Experience helpful but not necessary. $9.00/hr. Apply at Norwood Veterinary Hospital, 2828 Merchants Rd. between 3-5:30PM only. Want to complete missions in Knoxville this school year? Make a difference as an AmeriCorps member by raising up urban youth to be leaders. Support an afterschool program part-time. Additional part-time postions in computer learning labs, sports, and as volunteer coordinator are available. Receive a living allowance and money for school! Contact
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This space could be yours. Call 974-4931
KEYSTONE CREEK 2BR apartment. Approx 4 miles west of UT on Middlebrook Pike. $497.50. Call (865)522-5815. Ask about our special. South Knoxville/UT downtown area 2BR apts. $475. Call about our special (865)573-1000. VICTORIAN HOUSE APTS Established 1980 3 blocks behind UT Law School. 1, 2 and 3BR apartments. VERY LARGE AND NEWLY RENOVATED TOP TO BOTTOM. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, porches, 3BR’s have W/D connections. 2 full baths, dishwashers. Guaranteed secured parking. 24 hour maintenance. No dogs or cats. brit.howard@sixteenthplace. com. (865)522-5700.
FOR RENT 1BR $575 2BR $700. 4408 Kingston Pike, across from Fresh Market on bus line. Call 219-9000. 2BR apt. 3 blocks from UT. 1803 White Ave. 584-5235 or 548-6633. 3BR 2BA house. Will consider individual leases. 10 minutes to UT. W/D $975/mo. plus utilities. Available August 1. (423)283-9355. CAMBRIDGE ARMS Just 4 miles west of campus. Small pets allowed. Pool and laundry rooms. 2BR at great price! Call (865)588-1087. Close to UT. 3BR, 2BA, duplex W/D connection. New paint, hardwood flooring. $750/mo includes water. $375 deposit. 865-621-4788 For Rent. 720 ft. apartment adjacent to campus. 1700 Clinch Avenue. No pets. $650. Call 423-482-7708.
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HOUSE FOR RENT $ Reduced $ Great older house in Ft. Sanders. 3BR, 1BA, Central H/A, old style hardwood flooring, D/W, nice front porch and newly rebuilt back porch., off street parking. 1625 Forest. Reduced to $1185/mo. No pets. Available August 1. 389-6732 or 615-300-7434.
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CONDOS FOR LEASE ON CAMPUS Don’t wait! Only a few remaining! 2&3 bedroom units starting at $325 per bedroom. Inclues internet, cable, and parking. Most units have W/D’s. University Real Estate and Property Mgmt, LLC (865)673-6600
6BR house available for fall. 2 blocks from campus on Clinch. Hardwood floors. Call for info 525-3369.
Read the Beacon Classifieds!
14th and Clinch- Nice 1BR Condo. Pool, Elevator, near Law School, Gated security access, MORE. $500R. Call 865-603-4092.
WALK TO CAMPUS Great Specials! 1BR Apartments. Available. No security deposits. Prime Campus Housing (865)637-3444.
REMODELED 1BR CONDO. Pool, elevator, near Law School, ceramic tile, new carpet. Call (423)968-2981, 366-0385.
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The Woodlands 3BR, 3BA, Luxury condo. Below market at $400/BR. Spacious ground level flat. Front and rear patio. Lots of amenities. (865)382-7367.
19 20
21 22 24
26 28 29
“Try not to stand out” Call ___ to (stop) Words after an insult Jason who directed 2011’s “Arthur” Beatles song with a complaining title Utah State athlete I. M. Pei’s alma mater, for short War hero who killed himself with a onetime rival’s sword Rapid descent on skis Hail ___ Where purchases cost 69¢, 99¢ or $1.29 Burdened French waters “Bloody”
32 33 35 37 40 44 48 49 50 51
54 55 56 58 59 60 62 63
Ticket Honorary deg. for many a writer They’re found in rock bands End of a flick? Letters at the beach Absorbed “Here comes trouble!” Some stars Plot segment Tons of Cover Words accompanying an arrow Kind of twin Like some glasses Professor ’iggins Gray Admit Prepared Levels “Told you so!”
10 16
33 37
32 35
60 63
Suit material Remedy for a tizzy
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8 9 10
Some cracker shapes Wacky Fiesta food item $$$ head Old Spice rival Conductor Ozawa Like a first-time tournament player, usually Type of reproduction Was up ___ plane
36 44
21 24
11 12 13 14 21 23 25 27 34 36 37 38 39 41
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54 57
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Sonata maker
Composer known as the Red Priest
First name of two first ladies
Calf part
Old “Go from flat to fluffy” sloganeer
Term of address in the South
Open ___
6 • The Daily Beacon
Former Vols begin NFL careers Staff Reports The NFL lockout ended Monday and less than 24 hours later, so did the waiting game for five former Vols. Chad Cunningham (Tennessee Titans), Nick Reveiz (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), Jarrod Shaw (Cleveland Browns), LaMarcus Thompson (Atlanta Falcons) and Chris Walker (Baltimore Ravens) agreed to contracts Tuesday. Reveiz, Shaw and Walker all join former teammates with their new squads, while Cunningham and Thompson are the lone UT representatives with the Titans and Falcons, respectively. Cunningham, who finished eighth on UT’s career punting chart with a 41.7yard average, was a 2011 Eastham Energy College AllStar Game selection. The Dawsonville, Ga., native punted 149 times for 6,214 yards during his Vols’ career, including a career-high 66 punts as a senior in 2010. Reveiz will join former Tennessee teammate Luke Stocker, who the Bucs selected in the fourth round with the 104th overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft. Shaw, who blocked for Montario Hardesty at UT, will reunite with the running back as a member of the Browns. Walker, who earned four letters as a defensive end at UT, will also join a former Vol teammate in Baltimore, as Morgan Cox was signed as an undrafted free agent last summer. A former walk-on linebacker, Reveiz earned a scholarship in 2009, as well as the roles of starting middle linebacker and team cap-
tain in his final two seasons at UT. As a senior, the Farragut product led the Vols with 108 tackles in 2010 to tie for fifth in the SEC. Leading the Vols in tackles six times as a senior, Reveiz was selected as a finalist for the inaugural Burlsworth Trophy, which recognizes college football's most outstanding player who began their career as a walk-on. Shaw was one of 10 Vols to start all 13 games in 2010, including eight at right guard. The three-year letterman helped tailback Tauren Poole eclipse the 1,000-yard rushing milestone in his first season as a starter. Thompson, who grew up less than a half hour outside Atlanta in his hometown of Lithonia, Ga., ranked fourth on the Vols with 60 tackles as a senior in 2010 and finished his career with 115. Thompson was a defensive mainstay at linebacker, starting in 12 games and playing in all 13. He also ranked fourth on the team with five passes defended. Walker, a 2011 East-West Shrine Game selection, finished his career with 105 tackles, 18.5 of them for loss, and four forced fumbles. As a senior in 2010, Walker led UT with six quarterback hurries, finished third with three sacks and six tackles for loss, and was ninth on the team with 45 stops. Walker paced the 2009 Vols with six sacks and tied for the squad lead with a pair of interceptions. Along with Stocker, Denarius Moore was also taken in the 2011 NFL Draft, selected in the fifth round with the 148th overall pick.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Offensive line leads position battles Dallas Thomas started all 13 games at the position last year and played well for a first-year starter. Still, Thomas struggled at times, especially in pass protection. He is the veteran of the entire unit, and has taken on a leadership role of the offensive linemen. But when fall camp begins he’ll have a newcomer to contend with in freshman Antonio Richardson. Nicknamed “Tiny,” Richardson physically looks like he belongs in the NFL Sports Editor already. While it would be a tall task to ask a true freshman to protect Tyler Bray, especially with a proven player like Thomas On Aug. 2, the Tennessee Volunteers will hit the practice field ahead of him, Richardson’s talent will be hard to keep off the field for the first time for fall camp. But with the season opener against Montana just over a going forward. Running back month away, some key positions are still up for grabs. Coach Derek Dooley made it no secret he was disappointed Will a newcomer impress coaches enough in fall camp to earn a starting position? Did off-season training boost an upperclass- in the running game throughout last season. Despite the lack of a consistent ground attack, Tauren Poole rushed for over 1,000 man’s chances of starting? All of that will be decided over the next month. But here’s part yards. While Poole, now a senior, isn’t considered among the top returning backs in the league, his numbers last season ranked two of a look at 10 position battles as UT heads into fall camp. among the SEC’s best. With UT’s offensive line seemingly much Center James Stone started UT’s final five games at center last year improved from a year ago, the running game should have improved numbers as well. by necessity and earned Sophomore Rajion Neal Freshman All-American honshowed flashes last year — ors. But Stone is left-handed especially in the passing and has an unorthodox snap game — but needs to that worried coaches. This offbecome more consistent. season he worked on snapping Freshmen Marlin Lane and right-handed. Still, Stone is Tom Smith also will compete more of a natural guard. Notre for carries. Finding a No. 2 Dame transfer Alex Bullard is running back to complement the other option at center. Poole is one position coaches Coaches wanted to get Bullard are hoping to solve in fall reps at center during spring camp. practice but were forced to put Defensive end Bullard at right tackle after The Vols must replace starter Ja’Wuan James was both defensive ends from last diagnosed with mononucleosis. season — Chris Walker and Entering fall camp, Stone and Gerald Williams. Jacques Bullard are considered among Smith, a sophomore with UT’s top five or six linemen George Richardson • The Daily Beacon NFL-potential, is expected to and coaches will have to decide early if Bullard can handle the A line of players prepare for sprints during the first day start as one spot, despite center position, allowing Stone of spring practice on Tuesday, March 22. A number of breaking a bone in his foot new and returning players on the Volunteers’ offensive the last week of spring practo slide over to guard. line will battle it out during the first weeks of fall prac- tice. Junior Willie Bohannon Left guard was listed as the starter at Based largely on who starts tice, starting Aug. 2. the other spot in the postat center, the left guard competition could be a three-person battle between true freshman spring depth chart. Sophomore Marlon Walls slid outside to end Marcus Jackson, redshirt junior JerQuari Schofield and whomev- after working at defensive tackle earlier in the spring. He is biger doesn’t start at center between Stone and Bullard. Jackson, an ger than both Smith and Bohannon and could provide more supearly enrollee, impressed coaches early in spring practice and port in the run game. Another option coaches could explore is was a part of the first team for much of it. Schofield started the occasionally using All-SEC defensive tackle Malik Jackson at end first seven games last season, but fought injuries the rest of the to allow JUCO transfer Maurice Couch to see more playing time.
Matt Dixon
way and hasn’t solidified a starting role since. Left tackle This is the most important position on the offensive line because the left tackle protects a quarterback’s blind side. Junior
— Matt Dixon is a senior in journalism and electronic media. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter at @MattDixon3.
UT differs with NCAA on violation’s severity The Associated Press KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Though Tennessee agrees with most of the dozen allegations made against it by the NCAA, the university argued in its response to the association that some of the violations should be considered secondary instead of major. The university also said it tried to do a better job monitoring the recruiting phone calls that got it into trouble. In the response filed May 20 and released recently to the media, the school says it considers the basketball staff's impermissible off-campus contact — or violation of the NCAA’s “bump rule” — a secondary violation. The violation in question happened Sept. 14 when thencoach Bruce Pearl and associate head coach Tony Jones were approached by Jordan Adams, a junior at Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va. The coaches were there for a permissible meeting with senior Ben McLemore and observe, but not speak with, Adams and fellow junior Damien Wilson. Adams was the one to approach the coaches, but their conversation lasted beyond the brief exchange of greetings that is allowed before a violation occurs. Adams estimated it lasted two or three minutes, and both he and Pearl said Pearl briefly mentioned Tennessee’s ongoing NCAA investigation. Tennessee claims that because it was the only instance where Pearl and Jones are accused of a bump rule violation and because it was an inadvertent contact between them and Adams, it should be considered a secondary violation. “The violation was isolated in that it occurred on only
one occasion, and there is no pattern of ‘bumps’ by the men’s basketball coaches during off-campus recruiting visits,” the university’s response to the NCAA says. “The uni-
George Richardson • The Daily Beacon
Bruce Pearl reacts to a replay after a questionable call by officials on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. UT recently released a response to NCAA allegations over a number of violations committed by Pearl and his staff. versity understands that a ‘bump that begins inadvertently can easily fall out of that category when the coach realizes that a violation is occurring and he continues the encounter with the prospective student-athlete. However,
based upon the brevity of the encounter and the nature of Pearl’s and Jones’ statements, the weight of the evidence supports the conclusion that the violation was inadvertent.” Tennessee also reported a secondary violation in ... when it found assistant basketball coach Jason Shay approved lodging expenses for three recruits whose visits in Knoxville lasted longer than the allowed 48 hours. The school said that violation and the bump rule violation should not play a role in the NCAA’s decision about whether Pearl failed to promote an atmosphere for compliance in his program and failed to monitor the program for compliance issues. “These violations are secondary in nature which, by definition, means they are isolated or inadvertent and were not intended to result in, nor did they result in, any meaningful recruiting advantage,” the response says. Tennessee also argued that 16 impermissible calls to five recruits made by former football coach Lane Kiffin and his staff are secondary violations instead of major ones. “The violation is secondary because the impermissible calls were isolated to a four-day period and did not provide more than a minimal recruiting advantage, particularly given the fact that 11 of the 16 calls lasted for two minutes or less,” the response says. The athletics department was charged with failing to monitor the men’s basketball coaching staff’s telephone contact with recruits after its compliance department failed to uncover some of the nearly 100 impermissible calls made by Pearl and his staff between Aug. 1, 2007, and July 29, 2009.