2024 UTSSA Election Guide

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Nominations closed at 2.00pm on Friday 20 September and the following Schedule details the nominations received and the current status of each nomination. Final checking is underway and there may be further changes.


Following the nomination schedule is presented the information supplied by the candidates and their photos (where supplied)



WHEN TO VOTE –Voting Dates

Voting for the contested positions will be held on Tuesday 15 October, Wednesday 16 October and Thursday 17 October 2024.

Hours of Voting

Polling Places will be open from 10.30am to 1.30pm, and from 3.30pm to 6.30pm

WHERE TO VOTE – Location of Polling Places

Polling Places are located across the campus at the following locations

Building 1, level 3 The Concourse

Building 2, level 4

Building 6, level 4

Building 8, Ground

Building 11, level 2

The Campaigning Period begins at 5.00pm Monday 30 September. and continues until the close of voting. Students must not campaign outside this period.


Applications have closed, and no applications were received

Philip Binns Returning O cer 25 September 2024

0432218026 returning.o cer@ozemail.com.au


Below is the schedule of nominations received for this election

Candidates are identified by the name that will appear on the ballot paper, and are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot paper. Lists for General Councillor and NUS are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot paper and within each List candidates are listed in the seniority order provided by the Lists.

This schedule remains subject to change before the election.

Position Candidate Status

President James FARRINGTON Accepted

President Mia CAMPBELL (FIRE UP!) Accepted

General Secretary

Sathish Kumar RAJENDRAN Accepted

General Secretary Aryan . Accepted

General Secretary Adam LEVETT (FIRE UP!) Accepted

General Secretary James FARRINGTON Accepted

General Secretary Haley NGUYEN Accepted

Assistant General Secretary Aryan . Accepted

Assistant General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Education O cer

Education O cer

Sathish Kumar RAJENDRAN Accepted

James FARRINGTON Accepted

Babel ISHO Accepted

Tonmoy BISWAS Accepted

Januka SURAWEERA (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Tonmoy BISWAS Accepted

Thilakesh Raj ANBU Accepted

Education O cer Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice) Accepted

Education O cer

Welfare O cer

Welfare O cer

Welfare O cer

Welfare O cer

Welfare O cer

Indigenous Students’ O cer

Postgraduate O cer

Postgraduate O cer

Postgraduate O cer

Postgraduate O cer

Samiha EMRAN (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Vishal VERMA Accepted

Ella HAID (Social Justice) Accepted

Neeve NAGLE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

RIya UPADHYAY Accepted

Tonmoy BISWAS Accepted


Vaishnavi OMAR (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Vishal VERMA Accepted

MD Mofid ALAM Accepted

Ameya MORE Accepted

Postgraduate O cer

Women’s O cer

Women’s O cer

Women’s O cer

Women’s O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

15 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

Lily CAMPBELL (Social Justice) Accepted

Haley NGUYEN Accepted

Aashna GAIKWAD Accepted

Monika SHAKYA Accepted

Olivia LEE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Haley NGUYEN Accepted

Vishal VERMA Accepted

Aashna GAIKWAD Accepted

Methmi SAMARAJEEWA Accepted

Aryan . Accepted

Shaurya SHARMA Accepted

Harshvardhan SUVARNA (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Axel GUNAWAN Accepted


Amelia IRELAND (FIRE UP!) Accepted


Daewah THEIN (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Dirk HOARE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Amelia RAPTIS (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Eamonn RYAN (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Huw WATSON (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Amelia Grace WILSON-WILLIAMS (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Samara BRIDGE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Jonathan DELLAGIACOMA (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Maryanne DU (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Navneeth Krishna RAGHAVAN (FIRE UP!) Accepted



Matthew MURRAY (LEFT ACTION) Accepted

Alessio MAIESE (RENEW) Accepted

Priscilla SPALDING (RENEW) Accepted

Caleb HOWARTH (RENEW) Accepted

Lachlan CLARK (RENEW) Accepted

14 SRC Flinders BROGDEN (RENEW) Accepted

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

14 SRC

Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice) Accepted

Ella HAID (Social Justice) Accepted

Lucia THORNTON (Social Justice) Accepted

Elliot KAMERON (Social Justice) Accepted

Euan MENDOZA (Social Justice) Accepted

Omar EL-SOBIHY (PYC) Accepted

Natasha ABDULGHANI (PYC) Accepted

NAGLE Accepted

14 SRC Mia CAMPBELL Accepted

Editor in Chief

Managing Editor


Bianca DRUMMOND COSTA (Freefall) Elected

Mayela DAYEH (Freefall) Accepted

Radhika VERMA Accepted 2


2 News Editors Eryn YATES (Freefall) Accepted

2 News Editors Declan BOLGER (Freefall) Accepted

2 News Editors Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Features Editor Abigail VAA Accepted

Features Editor Simran SHOKER Accepted

Features Editor Zara HATTON (Freefall) Accepted

Features Editor Jessica O’BRYAN Accepted

Features Editor Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Creative Editor Simran SHOKER Accepted

Creative Editor Michelle YOU Accepted

Creative Editor Liv LITVER (Freefall) Accepted

Creative Editor Radhika VERMA Accepted

Creative Editor Abigail VAA Accepted

Creative Editor Jing Xuan LOH (The Creative collective) Accepted

Creative Editor Grace VELLA Accepted

Creative Editor Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Social Media Director Michelle YOU (The Creative collective) Accepted

Social Media Director Radhika VERMA Accepted

Social Media Director Jing CHEN Accepted

Social Media Director Abigail VAA Accepted

Social Media Director Emanie DARWICHE Accepted

Social Media Director Kimia NOJOUMIAN (Freefall) Accepted

Designer Jessica MANG Accepted

Designer Evie MICHELL Accepted

Designer Arkie THOMAS (Freefall) Accepted

Designer Grace VELLA Accepted

Designer Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Designer Sinead CONNON Accepted

Designer Eri SEO (The Creative collective) Accepted




Grace VELLA Accepted

Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Sinead CONNON Accepted

Designer Eri SEO (The Creative collective) Accepted

Designer Jessie HUA Accepted

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors

2 General Editors





















Jessica MANG Accepted

Radhika VERMA Accepted

Jonnie JOCK (Freefall) Accepted

Bethany KELLY Accepted

Mannix THOMSON (Freefall) Accepted

Grace VELLA Accepted

Abigail VAA Accepted

Michelle YOU Accepted

Jessica O’BRYAN Accepted

Simran SHOKER Accepted

Natsuki MIYAZAWA Accepted

Alisa HAMILTON (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Mia CAMPBELL (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Neeve NAGLE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Olivia LEE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Januka SURAWEERA (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Laura CURRIE (FIRE UP!) Accepted

Eamonn RYAN (FIRE UP!) Accepted




Matthew MURRAY (LEFT ACTION) Accepted

Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice) Accepted

Macka BARAN (Social Justice) Accepted

Ella HAID (Social Justice) Accepted

Lucia THORNTON (Social Justice) Accepted

Salma ELMUBASHER (PYC) Accepted

Omar EL-SOBIHY (PYC) Accepted

Methmi SAMARAJEEWA Accepted

Radhika VERMA Accepted

Axel GUNAWAN Accepted



As the Student Representative President of the University of Technology Sydney, my primary objective is to ensure that the Student Representative Council (SRC) functions e ectively and is in alignment with its core mission of advancing the welfare, rights, and interests of all students.

In fulfilling this role, I am committed to the following principles:

1. E ective Governance and Accountability

I will ensure that the SRC’s directions are implemented with integrity and transparency. This includes the correct management of the Association’s property, records, and accounts, guaranteeing that these resources are utilised in a manner that maximises its impact on students.

2. Fostering Community Engagement

A key priority is to foster strong relationships with UTS clubs, organisations, and external stakeholders to promote student interests. I believe in actively engaging with diverse voices, listening to the needs of students, and forming strategic partnerships that contributes to a supportive and inclusive university environment.

3. Advocating for Student Welfare

Representing students’ interests to the university authorities is a responsibility I take seriously. I will advocate for student needs, including access to quality education, mental health support, and financial aid, ensuring that student welfare is prioritised in all university decisions.

4. Conflict Resolution and Inclusivity

I am dedicated to promoting a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, resolving conflicts between students and the Association swiftly and fairly. In situations where no formal policies exist, I will take decisive action to uphold the Association’s values and further its objectives, ensuring that every student feels heard and respected.

5. Support for Sta and Transparent Reporting

The welfare of the Association’s sta is critical to its success. I will support sta members in line with our policies, fostering a positive work environment that encourages collaboration. Furthermore, I will maintain transparency by providing detailed written reports on my activities to every ordinary SRC meeting, ensuring that all stakeholders remain informed and engaged.

In all actions, I am committed to upholding the principles of fairness, equity, and integrity, ensuring that the SRC remains a trusted and e ective advocate for the student body. Through collaboration and leadership, I aim to create a thriving campus community where every student feels empowered to succeed.

President Mia CAMPBELL (FIRE


I’m Mia Campbell, and I’m a 4th year Law and Physics student. Over the past year, I have had the privilege of serving as the UTSSA President, and I am proud of the tangible progress I have achieved in advocating for students, driving reform, and ensuring that our voices are heard at the highest levels of UTS governance. I’m running again because I strongly believe in student unionism and the power of student representation to create better university spaces, learning conditions and support services.

One of my key accomplishments this year has been leading the Academic Administration Working Group, where we successfully secured significant academic reforms (to be implemented in Autumn 2025), including:

• A 72-hour simple extension process for all UTS students.

• Standardized 11:59 pm submission deadlines across faculties.

• A uniform 5% per day late penalty policy with a one-hour grace period.

• A review and overhaul of the Special Considerations process.

These changes, despite some pushback, are a major win for students and demonstrate the UTSSA’s power to e ect positive, lasting improvements in academic policy.

In addition, my work in the Campaign for Palestine at UTS has been a central focus of my time as President. Through continuous engagement with UTS management, including pushing for a Memorandum of Understanding on divestment and disclosure, and through a growing public campaign, we are raising awareness and support. We have engaged students through various events and interviews, created informative content, and initiated events like Art + Action for Palestine and supported numerous protests and rallies. I remain committed to continuing this important campaign and pushing for substantive, lasting changes at UTS.

Another significant achievement is my leadership in Sexual Harm Reporting Reform. Since 2022, I have successfully advocated through the UTSSA for critical changes to UTS’s reporting process for sexual harm. This year, a case management system that I have been advocating for since 2022 has been established, and significant changes (including anonymous reporting and clear explanations of possible outcomes) have been made to the reporting form to make the process more accessible and safe for survivors.

This year, I also established the NUS Reform Working Group, where we have drafted and passed motions aimed at improving accessibility, governance, and accountability within the National Union of Students (NUS). This work is ongoing, and I believe it is essential to shaping a safer, more e ective NUS.

Looking ahead, I have been working with ActivateUTS to introduce an HIV Self-Testing Vending Machine on campus, and am planning to develop new, accessible spaces for student collectives following relocations due to campus renovations.

My leadership over the past year has been marked by a commitment to transparency, accountability, and real action. I have consistently advocated for students at every level of decisionmaking, secured meaningful wins in academic and welfare policy, and led campaigns that have gained momentum and impact. As part of the FIRE UP! team, and in accordance with the goals in the FIRE UP! list statement, I plan on continuing this work.

Thank you for your support.

General Secretary

No information provided

General Secretary Aryan

Let’s Build a UTS Where Every Student Matters! Hey UTS! I’m running for General Secretary because I believe you deserve a student government that actually listens, takes action, and makes your life easier. Here’s how I’ll make that happen:

1. Keep You in the Loop: Tired of never knowing what’s going on with the Students’ Association? I’ll make sure you get regular, clear updates on what decisions are being made and how they a ect you—whether it’s through social media, email newsletters, or quick polls so you can have your say!

2. Open Channels for Feedback:

Got an idea or issue? I want to hear it! I’ll set up monthly town hall sessions and an easy-touse online platform where you can drop your suggestions. No more barriers between you and the decisions that shape your time at UTS.

3. Make Sure Every Dollar Counts:

You deserve to know where your money goes. I’ll make sure student funds are spent wisely and transparently. I’ll push for more funding for things you care about, like events, clubs, and services that actually make a di erence in your uni life.

- Involved and Active at UTS: As a current member of various student societies, I’ve been hands-on with campus life and know what students need. I’ve contributed to successful events and projects, and I’m ready to take that experience into representing you.

- Experienced Advocate for International Students: I’ve worked closely with international student groups to help address issues we face— whether it’s housing, visas, or just feeling like we belong. I’m passionate about making UTS a home away from home for all of us.

- Organized and Focused: Balancing my studies and leadership roles has given me a solid understanding of how to manage resources, plan ahead, and get things done. I know how to make things run smoothly and keep communication clear.

- Friendly, Approachable, and Ready to Listen: I’m not just here to lead; I’m here to listen. I’m approachable, and I genuinely care about your experiences. Whether you’re in a club, an international student, or just someone looking to improve your time at UTS, I want to work with you!

- I’m here to make your time at UTS easier, more fun, and full of opportunities. Whether you’re looking for support, more transparency, or better resources, I’m ready to fight for you. Together, we can make UTS a place where every student feels heard, supported, and excited to be part of this amazing community. Let’s make it happen, UTS!

General Secretary Adam LEVETT

Hi, my name is Adam, next year I will be in my fourth year studying Strategic Communications; and Creative Intelligence and Innovation. I’m running for a second year as your General Secretary, which I am incredibly excited for. For the past year I’ve found this role incredibly fulfilling, and I’m both experienced and keen to continue day-to-day operations at the UTSSA. This year we’ve successfully implemented many structural reforms to the UTSSA as an organisation and improved various areas of the university; such as the expansion our free food services and lobbying for an easier, lenient and simpler extensions process. I’m particularly excited about working closely with the incumbent Vertigo team, to ensure the best possible magazine for students.

General Secretary

As the Student Representative President of the University of Technology Sydney, my primary objective is to ensure that the Student Representative Council (SRC) functions e ectively and is in alignment with its core mission of advancing the welfare, rights, and interests of all students.

In fulfilling this role, I am committed to the following principles:

1. E ective Governance and Accountability

I will ensure that the SRC’s directions are implemented with integrity and transparency. This includes the correct management of the Association’s property, records, and accounts, guaranteeing that these resources are utilised in a manner that maximises its impact on students.

2. Fostering Community Engagement

A key priority is to foster strong relationships with UTS clubs, organisations, and external stakeholders to promote student interests. I believe in actively engaging with diverse voices, listening to the needs of students, and forming strategic partnerships that contributes to a supportive and inclusive university environment.

3. Advocating for Student Welfare

Representing students’ interests to the university authorities is a responsibility I take seriously. I will advocate for student needs, including access to quality education, mental health support, and financial aid, ensuring that student welfare is prioritised in all university decisions.


Conflict Resolution and Inclusivity

I am dedicated to promoting a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, resolving conflicts between students and the Association swiftly and fairly. In situations where no formal policies exist, I will take decisive action to uphold the Association’s values and further its objectives, ensuring that every student feels heard and respected.

5. Support for Sta and Transparent Reporting

The welfare of the Association’s sta is critical to its success. I will support sta members in line with our policies, fostering a positive work environment that encourages collaboration. Furthermore, I will maintain transparency by providing detailed written reports on my activities to every ordinary SRC meeting, ensuring that all stakeholders remain informed and engaged. In all actions, I am committed to upholding the principles of fairness, equity, and integrity, ensuring that the SRC remains a trusted and e ective advocate for the student body. Through collaboration and leadership, I aim to create a thriving campus community where every student feels empowered to succeed.

General Secretary



Being the General Secretary of the UTS Students Association isn’t just about holding a title; it’s about being the heartbeat of our vibrant student community. I envision this role as a dynamic platform for fostering connections, igniting conversations, and championing the student voice.

In my view, the essence of this role lies in the power of collaboration. A university is a melting pot of ideas, cultures, and aspirations. As General Secretary, I see myself as a bridge—connecting diverse student groups and ensuring that every voice is not just heard but celebrated. I believe in the potential of collective action; when students unite, we can tackle challenges and create lasting change. My goal is to cultivate a culture of cooperation where ideas flow freely and initiatives thrive.

Transparency and trust are foundational to e ective leadership. I want students to feel confident that their concerns are being addressed. Regular updates and open dialogues will foster a sense of belonging and participation. I envision our association as a space where students can share their thoughts, from casual co ee chats to structured forums, allowing for meaningful engagement.

Empowerment is also a cornerstone of my perspective. I believe in nurturing future leaders within our community. By providing opportunities for skill development and mentorship, we can inspire students to take ownership of their ideas and drive initiatives that matter to them. It’s about creating a legacy of leadership that extends beyond my term.

Moreover, inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it’s a commitment. I want every student to feel seen and valued, regardless of their background. By embracing diversity, we enrich our university experience and prepare ourselves for a global future. I envision programs that highlight various cultures and perspectives, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

In terms of advocacy, I see the General Secretary as a passionate spokesperson for student needs. Whether it’s sustainability, mental health support, or equitable access to resources, I aim to amplify student concerns and work closely with administration to ensure our needs are met. This role is about being proactive, addressing issues before they escalate and championing the causes that resonate with our community.

Finally, I want to celebrate our achievements. Each event, initiative, and milestone is a testament to the creativity and resilience of our student body. I envision a community where we cheer each other on, recognizing that our successes are intertwined. Together, we can create a vibrant tapestry of experiences that define UTS.

In essence, my perspective as General Secretary is rooted in collaboration, empowerment, and inclusivity. I believe that together, we can transform challenges into opportunities and make UTS a place where every student thrives.

Assistant General Secretary Aryan

Let’s Make UTS Run Smoother, Together!

As Assistant General Secretary, I’ll be here to make sure that everything behind the scenes works for you. Have you ever felt like dealing with admin is harder than your actual assignments? I get it. That’s why I’m committed to simplifying all the annoying processes—whether it’s applying for funding for your club, booking a room, or getting support for your event. Together, we’ll make things easier and faster, so you can focus on what really matters.

I’m also passionate about strengthening the UTS community. That’s why I’ll push for more resources and support for student clubs and societies. More funding means more events, more opportunities to meet new people, and more reasons to be excited about university life. And if something isn’t working or you have a brilliant idea to make things better, I want to hear it.

My Qualifications

I’ve always been involved and active at UTS, whether through student societies or as a leader in various projects. I’ve seen firsthand what works

and what doesn’t, and I’m ready to bring those insights into representing you. My experience as an international students has given me a deep understanding of the unique challenges we face, from housing to visas to feeling at home in a new country. I’m passionate about making UTS a place where every international student feels supported and included.

In terms of organization, I’ve successfully helped managing events, budgets, and teams, which means I know how to get things done e ciently and e ectively. I also pride myself on being approachable and ready to listen. Whether you’re involved in a club, navigating life as an international student, or simply looking for ways to improve your UTS experience, I’m here to listen and work with you to make things better.

Why You Should Vote for Me!

At the end of the day, I’m here because I care about your experience at UTS. I’m running to ensure that things run smoothly, that every student’s voice is heard. Whether it’s more transparency, better support for clubs, or making UTS feel like home for international students, I’m ready to fight for the changes you deserve. Let’s create a UTS where every student feels empowered, heard, and excited to be part of this amazing community.

Together, we can make UTS a place that truly reflects the needs and dreams of its students. Let’s make it happen!

General Secretary

No information provided

Assistant General Secretary

As the Student Representative President of the University of Technology Sydney, my primary objective is to ensure that the Student Representative Council (SRC) functions e ectively and is in alignment with its core mission of advancing the welfare, rights, and interests of all students.

In fulfilling this role, I am committed to the following principles:

1. E ective Governance and Accountability

I will ensure that the SRC’s directions are

I will ensure that the SRC’s directions are implemented with integrity and transparency. This includes the correct management of the Association’s property, records, and accounts, guaranteeing that these resources are utilised in a manner that maximises its impact on students.

2. Fostering Community Engagement

A key priority is to foster strong relationships with UTS clubs, organisations, and external stakeholders to promote student interests. I believe in actively engaging with diverse voices, listening to the needs of students, and forming strategic partnerships that contributes to a supportive and inclusive university environment.

3. Advocating for Student Welfare

Representing students’ interests to the university authorities is a responsibility I take seriously. I will advocate for student needs, including access to quality education, mental health support, and financial aid, ensuring that student welfare is prioritised in all university decisions.

4. Conflict Resolution and Inclusivity

I am dedicated to promoting a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, resolving conflicts between students and the Association swiftly and fairly. In situations where no formal policies exist, I will take decisive action to uphold the Association’s values and further its objectives, ensuring that every student feels heard and respected.

5. Support for Sta and Transparent Reporting

The welfare of the Association’s sta is critical to its success. I will support sta members in line with our policies, fostering a positive work environment that encourages collaboration. Furthermore, I will maintain transparency by providing detailed written reports on my activities to every ordinary SRC meeting, ensuring that all stakeholders remain informed and engaged. In all actions, I am committed to upholding the principles of fairness, equity, and integrity,

ensuring that the SRC remains a trusted and e ective advocate for the student body. Through collaboration and leadership, I aim to create a thriving campus community where every student feels empowered to succeed.

Assistant General Secretary Babel ISHO

I am Babel Isho, and I’m excited to run for the position of Assistant General Secretary or as one of your Student Representative Councillors. As a fourth-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Medical Science, I am deeply committed to enhancing our university experience and ensuring that every voice is heard. Since I joined UTS in 2021, I have been actively engaged in various roles that have shaped my understanding of our diverse student community. My experience with the Exchange Program Team, ActivateUTS, peer network and as a UTS Student Ambassador has equipped me with the skills to advocate for your needs effectively. I am passionate about helping students, especially commencing and international students, navigate their academic journeys and discover their aspirations. My motivation stems from a genuine desire to uplift our community and ensure that every student

feels supported and empowered. I believe in fostering a collaborative environment where ideas flourish and every student has the opportunity to thrive.

If elected, I will prioritise open communication, transparency, and inclusivity in all our initiatives. I am dedicated to creating platforms where students can share their concerns and suggestions, ensuring that our council reflects the diverse voices of our student body. Together, we can elevate the student experience and build a vibrant community where everyone feels valued.

Assistant General Secretary Tonmoy BISWAS

I am Tonmoy Biswas, a student of GMP at UTS. I completed my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Bangladesh. Here, in UTS, I am studying for my second master’s degree. I also worked for nearly eight years in several organizations in Bangladesh. I am also working in a pharmaceutical, here in Australia for eight months. So, I know the organization’s expectation from students. Also, I am an Asian, and a large portion of UTS students are from south Asia. And I think I can contribute by sharing my ideas as I know students’ expectations after completion of their study. I think I can be helpful making the

bridge between students as well as can help to make them a good fit for their work.

Assistant General Secretary


Hi, I’m Januka Suraweera a Fifth Year Engineering and Business Student running to be Assistant General Secretary of the UTS Student’s Association with FIRE UP!

I’ve spent my years at UTS actively working towards improving the student experience and have done so previously in Student Societies including as the Treasurer of the Engineering Society. While this year I have done so as General Councillor on the Student Association and also gained a lot of valuable experience on how the organization functions which I look forward to bringing to the role of Assistant General Secretary.

I have over this time been committed to creating a better student experience for all, listening to and fighting for every student. I believe in collaborating to make the best solutions to the challenges faced by students. Especially any measures to ease the cost-of-living pressures on students while also allowing for greater access to all student services including Career and housing assistance. While I have also through my time and look forward to

continuing to work towards making the Acdemic system friendlier towards students such as improving course feedback. Alongside continuing to push for these causes I will also as Assistant General Secretary remain a constant defender of the current services the Student Association provides including its free food and legal help services. Their continued functioning is extremely important to me, and I would support them in any situation including if University Management attempts to defund them as they have done in the past or to limit access as they are currently attempting too. At the same time through this experience, I will look to assist students experiencing other di culties including UTS housing students and International Students who are experiencing their own individual price hikes.

My experience in administrative roles has left me very capable to complete the work relevant to the Assistant General Sectary but I won’t limit myself to only doing the work required in any sense. I will work tirelessly on all challenges facing students in order to ensure the organization is the best it can be at serving the interests of students.

Education O cer


I am Tonmoy Biswas, a student of GMP at UTS. I completed my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Bangladesh. Here, in UTS, I am studying for my second master’s degree. I also worked for nearly eight years in several organizations in Bangladesh. I am also working in a pharmaceutical, here in Australia for eight months. So, I know the organization’s expectation from students. Also, I am an Asian, and a large portion of UTS students are from south Asia. And I think I can contribute by sharing my ideas as I know students’ expectations after completion of their study. I think I can be helpful making the bridge between students as well as can help to make them a good fit for their work.

Education O cer

Thilakesh Raj ANBU

I, Thilakesh Raj Anbu, am honoured to nominate myself for the position of Education O cer in the UTS Student Representative Council. As a passionate advocate for student success and a current postgraduate student, I understand the diverse academic challenges faced by both undergraduate and postgraduate students at UTS.

If elected as Education O cer, my focus will be on creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. I will work to ensure that student feedback on curriculum, assessments, and teaching methods is actively heard and acted upon. I aim to bridge the gap between students and faculty, fostering a collaborative atmosphere that encourages continuous improvement in academic standards. Additionally, I plan to advocate for mental health and well-being resources that support students during their academic journeys. Education is not just about grades; it’s about holistic growth, and I believe that UTS should o er better support in managing the pressures of academic life. This includes lobbying for more academic support services, transparent assessment processes, and greater accessibility to resources for all students. I am committed to making UTS a place where every student, regardless of background or discipline, has the opportunity to thrive academically. Together, we can drive meaningful change and create an education system that empowers students to reach their full potential.

Education O cer

Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

Education O cer


Hey everyone. I am Samiha, a 3rd year Communication/BCII student, and the 2024 Disabilities O cer. This year I am once again running with the FIRE UP! Ticket as the Education O cer. I am committed to advocating for reforms that enhance our academic experience at UTS. I will push for mandatory recorded lectures across all faculties, as well as standardising the allowance of lecture clashes that will further ensure that all faculties accommodate students fairly, following practices seen in the Business school. I would also like to push to secure a second multi-faith room. As a large university we only still have one, we must ensure our facilities reflect and support the needs of all students.

Welfare O cer

Vishal VERMA Yasmine

Hi, I’m Vishal Verma, and I’m currently pursuing a Master of Information Technology at UTS. I am running for the Welfare O cer position to ensure every student’s well-being is prioritized and supported. University life can be challenging, with academic pressures, personal issues, and financial stress all taking a toll. I want to create an environment where students feel heard, cared for, and have access to the resources they need to thrive.

With over 180 hours of volunteering, I understand the importance of supporting others and ensuring that no one feels left behind. Some of the initiatives I’ve been part of include:

- Cooking community lunches for asylum seekers and with the Salvation Army.

- Managing stock and student check-ins at the Bluebird Pantry, ensuring food security for students.

- Leading the Study NSW Helpdesk at Sydney Airport to assist new students.

- Organizing community cleaning drives and tree planting in regional towns.

- Serving as a UTS Women in Engineering and IT outreach ambassador.

These experiences have equipped me with the leadership, management, and communication skills necessary to take on the role of Welfare O cer. I believe that when students are well-supported, they can truly thrive, both academically and personally. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.”

If elected, I will focus on:

- Mental health and well-being initiatives: Organizing workshops and support groups to help students cope with stress, anxiety, and personal challenges.

- Financial support: Raising awareness of student services to help those facing financial di culties.

- Expanding food security e orts: I plan to reach out to new donors to bring more essential items to the Bluebird Pantry, ensuring students have access to a wider range of food and supplies.

- Improving campus dining: I will push for a weekly menu change at the Night Owl and advocate for an additional day of free breakfast and dinner services around campus, giving students more options for a ordable meals.

- Inclusive campus culture: Promoting a safe and inclusive space where every student feels like they belong, regardless of background or circumstance.

My goal is to make sure that every student at UTS feels supported, connected, and has the resources they need to succeed. Let’s work together to build a campus where everyone can thrive and enjoy their university experience.

Welfare O cer

Ella HAID (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

Welfare O cer Neeve NAGLE (FIRE UP!)

My name is Neeve Nagle and I’m a 2nd year Law and Communications student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! Ticket as Welfare O cer and an NUS Delegate. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! Statement.

Welfare O cer


I am running for the position of Welfare O cer because I believe that a healthy, supportive, and inclusive environment is key to the success of every student at our university. As your Welfare O cer, I will work to ensure that every student has access to the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive both academically and personally. My focus will be on ensuring that welfare-related issues such as mental and physical health, cost of living, and general wellbeing are addressed with meaningful and long-lasting solutions

My Vision for Student Welfare:

1. Mental Health Support:

My top priority will be enhancing the accessibility and quality of mental and physical health services on campus. I will work closely with key university bodies like Student Services and external organizations to ensure students have access to timely mental health counseling and support. I will also campaign for the establishment of regular mental health awareness workshops and peer support networks.

2. Financial Assistance:

Financial pressure can be a significant burden on students. As Welfare O cer, I will work to secure more scholarships, emergency funding, and grants to assist students in financial need. I will also push for more a ordable options for textbooks, accommodations, and essential resources. I will draft proposals to improve a ordability for all students. Bluebird pantry and night owl noodles that are one of the most popular services among international students, I will put an e ort to run these services daily at UTS campus bringing in more sponsors and contributors.

3. Campaign to Enhance Sexual Harm Reporting Processes:

Based on successful models at other universities, I will lead a campaign to improve the sexual harm reporting processes at UTS. I will work with groups such as ActivateUTS and Respect.Now.Always to set up meetings, gather feedback, and consult with other student unions who have successfully lobbied for improvements. I will ensure our campus has a transparent, e cient, and supportive system that students can trust.

4. Running the Welfare Collective:

As part of my role, I will lead the Welfare Collective, an inclusive space where students can share their concerns, get involved in campaigns, and participate in events designed to support well-being

As your Welfare O cer, I am committed to improving welfare standards at UTS. I will advocate for the necessary changes to make our university a healthier, more supportive, and more inclusive space for all students.

Welfare O cer Tonmoy


I am Tonmoy Biswas, a student of GMP at UTS. I completed my bachelor’s degree and master’s

degree in Bangladesh. Here, in UTS, I am studying for my second master’s degree. I also worked for nearly eight years in several organizations in Bangladesh. I am also working in a pharmaceutical, here in Australia for eight months. So, I know the organization’s expectation from students. Also, I am an Asian, and a large portion of UTS students are from south Asia. And I think I can contribute by sharing my ideas as I know students’ expectations after completion of their study. I think I can be helpful making the bridge between students as well as can help to make them a good fit for their work.

Indigenous Students’


Hi all, my name is Jermaine Petterson-Heard and I am a young English, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander is from Darwin. My mobs are Wardaman (My Aboriginal mob, South-West of Katherine) and Wagadagam (My Torres Strait Island clan from Mabuyag Island, Torres Strait)

This year, I aim to continue to build on the foundation I helped establish. I want to focus on creating more opportunities for our mob to come together, step out of their shells, and connect not only with each other but with students from all backgrounds. I know the consensus is that many of our mobs are quite reserved (I was one of them when I first moved here), but I want to help change

that by organising events and initiatives that encourage engagement and cultural exchange. I have connections from the GWS Giants, Technology Leaders in Indigenous Technology, Tier 1 and Tier 2 Construction Companies such as Icon and Barpa, the Jumbunna Indigenous Institute at UTS, the UTS Sports sector, High Schools in Darwin, and everything in between, which will no doubt be very helpful in creating opportunities for people.

As a natural leader, both in sports and in life, I’ve captained most of my teams, including my AFL state team, back home. This leadership experience has given me the skills and the passion to advocate for my community.

In addition to my leadership roles, I have had the honour of receiving several recognitions for my dedication to both sport and my studies. I was awarded my school’s Australian of the Year award, a testament to my commitment to making a positive impact within my community. I have also had the privilege of captaining, managing, and coaching the Indigenous Uni Nationals team, where I designed the team’s jersey—an experience that combined my passion for leadership and cultural representation. Furthermore, I was awarded the Jumbunna Excellence in Sport award, recognizing my achievements in sport at UTS.

One of my biggest priorities this year, alongside creating opportunities for people, is to address student mental health, especially for those who, like me, have experienced the challenges of being away from family and friends. Creating a safe space where Indigenous, domestic, or international students can discuss these challenges is critical for a supportive campus environment.

I am determined to see our mob succeed and to foster a strong, united community at UTS that can lift each other.

Postgraduate O cer

Hi Everyone,

I am running for the position of Postgraduate o cer. Being a postgraduate student at UTS, I understand that there are quite a few concerns faced by postgraduate students that need to be addressed, some of the most important actions required are:

Provide better support to post-grad students related to career opportunities, including internships, graduate programs, part-time and full-time jobs.

1. Create better networking opportunities for post-grad students from di erent fields and departments to connect with each other at the uni.

2. Increase opportunities for post-grad students to connect with industry professionals for mentoring and networking.

3. Provide more resources to support post-grad students struggling with cost-of-living crisis in Sydney.

4. Improve the assignments feedback system, and availability of professors for after class study

help for post-grad students.

5. Increase the time of module resources availability on canvas till at least 30 days after last day of semester to give students the opportunity of revision and practice.

6. Increase awareness about the di erent clubs and activities at the university giving a chance to each post-grad student to feel like a part of the students’ association and not like they’re coming to university just for classes.

7. Provide better support to post-grad students facing mental health issues, stress, or pressure due to workload, any discrimination, or other issues.

8. Increase awareness among post-grad students about available support at university such as UTS health services, counselling services, caseworkers, etc. since many students su ering end up not getting any help or paying large sums for outside help.

9. Increase inclusivity and accessibility of resources for post-grad students from di erent nationalities, and all genders.

I hope to stand in support of the above concerns while also maximizing my reach to more postgraduate students, understanding their concerns, and helping them to the best of my ability.

Postgraduate O cer

Vishal VERMA

Hi, I’m Vishal Verma, and I am currently pursuing a Master of Information Technology. I aim to ensure that every postgraduate student’s university life is filled with happiness. As a postgraduate student myself, I understand the unique challenges that come with balancing studies, work, and personal life. Feelings of isolation and the pressure of academic life are common. I am running for the Postgraduate O cer position to address these challenges and make the UTS postgraduate student experience more supportive and fulfilling.

Through dedicated initiatives, I plan to introduce regular opportunities for postgraduate students to connect, share their experiences, and find solutions to the challenges we face.

With over 180 hours of volunteering across various causes, I have consistently focused on improving the lives of others. Some of the key initiatives I’ve been involved in include:

- Cooking community lunches for asylum seekers and with the Salvation Army.

- Participating in community cleaning drives and planting trees in regional towns.

- Volunteering at the Bluebird Pantry, managing stock and student check-ins.

- Leading the Study NSW Helpdesk at Sydney Airport to assist new students.

Serving as a UTS Women in Engineering and IT outreach ambassador.

All of this volunteering work, coupled with my prior work experience, has given me essential leadership, management, and problem-solving skills. These experiences have taught me how to manage teams, address community needs, and foster inclusive environments. As Albert Schweitzer once said, “The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

I know what it’s like to feel disconnected at university, especially as a postgraduate student with limited time to participate in campus life. I want to create a community where postgraduates feel engaged and supported both academically and socially.

In the upcoming session, I plan to introduce the following ideas, alongside suggestions from fellow postgraduate students:

- Regular meetings to discuss challenges postgraduates face, and to escalate these issues to university leadership.

- A dedicated kitchen and hangout area on campus where postgraduates can relax, cook, and connect.

- Field trips and picnics to help postgraduates unwind, experience Australian culture, and build meaningful connections with peers.

Regardless of the outcome, my mission remains to help postgraduate students feel connected and happy during their time at UTS.

Postgraduate O cer

I, Md Mofid Alam, present myself as a candidate for the role of Postgraduate O cer with a clear vision for our campus: to ignite positive change and foster a community that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity. I am a Master’s student in Marketing with a background in business and strategic planning, I bring not just experience but a relentless drive to ensure that every student’s voice is heard, and every challenge we face is met with action.

Our campus has the potential to become a dynamic environment where student-led initiatives push boundaries, where mental wellbeing is prioritized, and where academic support is accessible to all. With leadership experience managing societies at my alma-mater Jamia Hamdard University, I have learned that true progress is made when we uplift one another, working towards shared goals with empathy and determination.

Maya Angelou while addressing a convocation once said, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” I envision the same with my position as Postgraduate O ce. To me, courage is what drives students to challenge what is wrong, to advocate for

themselves and others, and to take risks that lead to real, lasting change. I envision every student to have the courage to make actual change around them.

If elected, I will lead e orts to enhance campus life by promoting more inclusive events, developing platforms for student feedback, and ensuring our voices are represented in university decisions. My goal is to foster a space where creativity thrives, where every student—whether new or returning—feels empowered to contribute to the growth of our community.

We are more than just students; we are the architects of our future, capable of shaping this campus into a place where innovation and community thrive. My goal isn’t just to lead, but to build alongside you—to listen, to act, and to push for what we truly deserve. Together, we can create an environment where every voice carries weight and every e ort creates real impact. I’m not just asking for your vote, I’m inviting you to be part of this transformation.

Postgraduate O cer

Ameya MORE

I am Ameya More, pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence.

As an international student at UTS, I have had the privilege of meeting people from diverse cultures

and backgrounds. This experience has fueled my desire to stand for the Student Representative Council as the Postgraduate O cer. I believe that in a diverse and globally connected environment like our university, fostering inclusivity and mutual respect is key to enriching our academic journey and personal growth.

My motivation to run for this position stems from my genuine interest in building connections with people from various walks of life. By meeting individuals from di erent countries and cultural backgrounds, I believe we broaden our horizons and learn invaluable lessons from one another. Through this platform, I want to contribute to building a community where students feel supported, understood, and encouraged to share their perspectives. I see the Student Representative Council as an opportunity to bring together di erent voices and ideas, promoting cultural exchange and understanding within our university.

Additionally, I have a strong desire to enhance the university experience for my fellow postgraduate students. Having been an active learner with a friendly and positive attitude, I recognise the challenges students face, whether it’s adapting to a new academic system or managing the pressures of coursework. My goal is to help my peers navigate these challenges by being a reliable voice for them, advocating for their needs, and creating opportunities for them to get involved in both academic and extracurricular activities that will enrich their time at university.

Standing for this role also aligns with my personal goal of developing leadership skills. I am eager to take on responsibilities that will push me to grow both professionally and personally. My attention to detail, e ective time management, and problem-solving skills will enable me to take on this role with dedication and diligence. I am committed to making a positive impact and

ensuring that every student feels valued and heard.

By standing for this position, I aim to foster a supportive and vibrant postgraduate community that celebrates diversity, encourages personal and academic growth, and ensures that every student’s voice is represented.

Postgraduate O cer

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

Women’s O cer


As the Women’s O cer, I see this role as a vital catalyst for change and empowerment within our UTS community. My perspective centers on creating an environment where every woman can

thrive, feel safe, and express herself without reservation.

Women’s issues are not just challenges; they are opportunities for growth and connection.

I envision this role as a platform to spark conversations around gender equity, resilience, and celebration of our unique experiences. By facilitating workshops and discussions, I aim to create spaces where women can share their stories, learn from one another, and build a supportive network.

I believe that representation matters. We need to highlight the achievements of women across our campus and beyond, showcasing diverse voices and stories that inspire. Celebrating our successes isn’t just about recognition; it’s about creating role models for future generations.

I want to curate events that shine a light on women’s contributions in various fields, from academia to the arts, encouraging all students to strive for greatness.

Moreover, safety and wellbeing are paramount. I see the Women’s O cer role as a staunch advocate for policies that protect and support women on campus. It’s about ensuring that every woman feels secure and valued, with access to resources that promote mental and emotional health. By partnering with existing support services, we can create a holistic approach to wellbeing that addresses the unique challenges faced by women.

In this role, I aim to foster a culture of solidarity. I envision initiatives that encourage women to lift each other up, fostering mentorship and collaboration. By creating peer support networks, we can empower women to navigate their academic and personal journeys with confidence.

O cer is about transforming challenges into opportunities for growth, connection, and empowerment. Together, we can create a UTS where every woman feels supported, celebrated, and equipped to achieve her dreams.

Women’s O cer


I’m thrilled to declare my candidature for the UTS’s Women’s O cer post. As a current UTS student studying a Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours), I have a strong commitment to empowering women in our campus community and promoting gender equality.

Policy Goals

1. Promote Gender Equality: I will work to ensure that gender equality is a central focus in university policies and initiatives. This includes advocating for equal opportunities in academic programs, leadership positions, and extracurricular activities.

2. Enhance Support Services: I aim to improve and expand support services for women on campus, including mental health resources, career counselling, and mentorship programs. Ensuring that these services are accessible and responsive to the needs of women is a top priority.

Ultimately, my perspective as a Women’s

3. Foster a Safe and Inclusive Environment: I will collaborate with campus safety and student support services to address issues of harassment and discrimination, ensuring that all women feel safe and respected within our university community.

4. Encourage Engagement and Representation: In order to elevate the voices of women and promote discussion on significant problems, I intend to host forums, workshops, and events. By establishing forums where women may express their viewpoints and experiences, we can forge closer ties within the community.

Why Vote for Me

As your Women’s O cer, I am committed to being a proactive and approachable advocate for all women at UTS. My dedication to gender equality, combined with my experience and passion for creating positive change, makes me well-suited for this role. I am determined to listen to your concerns, work collaboratively with university administration, and ensure that our voices are heard and valued.

Your vote is crucial in shaping a more inclusive and supportive environment for women at our university. Together, we can make a di erence and create a campus where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Women’s O cer

As an international student and a woman, I have experienced firsthand the unique struggles faced by women from diverse backgrounds, especially those who may feel less confident or unsure about their place. I want to set an example that we, as women, can overcome these challenges, be outspoken, and make a real impact. Being a woman is not an excuse but a statement of strength. By embracing our identity and facing challenges head-on, we can turn our experiences into powerful tools for change.

If elected as the Women’s O cer, I will focus on amplifying the voices of women at UTS, ensuring that our needs and concerns are heard and addressed. My primary goal is to establish platforms where women can speak up, connect, and support one another. I plan to organize workshops, networking events, and mentorship programs that empower women to pursue their goals, whether academic, professional, or personal. I believe in fostering a safe and inclusive environment where every woman feels valued and confident to participate.

Through collaboration with university administration and student bodies, I aim to advocate for policies that promote safety, respect, and equality for all women at UTS. Together, we

can create a community that celebrates and uplifts women, providing the support needed to thrive in every aspect of university life. I am committed to being a strong advocate for women, and I am excited about the opportunity to serve as the Women’s O cer.

Women’s O cer

Olivia LEE (FIRE UP!)

My name is Olivia Lee, I’m a first year Law/ Business Student and I am running with FIRE UP for Women’s O cer and as an NUS Delegate! Throughout my time at uni my work within the activism space has been focused on fighting sexual assault and harassment. I want to continue this work through the Women’s Collective, through spreading awareness and leading action. I want to advocate for accessible awareness around SASH, whereby the campaigns are communicated e ectively to all students, so that all victims can feel encouraged to speak out.

Furthermore, I intend to focus on taking an inclusive and welcoming approach to women’s o cer through my goal to increase international student participation within the WoCO. This will be achieved through organising events and campaigns with an international student focus.

I aim to make WoCo a place for all, a place for both networking and social events as well as activism that is accessible to everyone!

International Students’ O cer


As your International Students’ O cer, I see this role as a unique opportunity to bridge cultures and enhance the experiences of our diverse student body. My perspective centers on the idea that international students bring invaluable richness to our university—a tapestry of stories, perspectives, and traditions that can greatly enrich campus life.

Navigating university life in a new country can be daunting, and I believe it’s essential to create a welcoming and supportive environment. My vision is to cultivate a community where international students feel a sense of belonging. This involves not just addressing academic challenges but also fostering social connections. I imagine events that celebrate cultural diversity, allowing students to share their traditions while also learning from one another.

Moreover, advocacy is at the heart of my perspective. I see this role as a voice for international students, ensuring that their concerns are heard and addressed. Whether it’s about visa regulations, housing, or mental health support, I aim to collaborate with university administration to create an environment where students feel empowered to share their needs.

I also believe in the power of collaboration between international and local students. By organizing joint activities and projects, we can break down barriers, build friendships, and foster understanding. Together, we can create a community that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity.

Ultimately, as your International Students’ O cer, my focus is on enhancing the experience of every international student at UTS. By creating a supportive, connected, and empowered community, we can transform our university into a true home away from home.

International Students’

Hi, I’m Vishal Verma, and I am currently pursuing a Master of Information Technology. I aim to ensure every student’s university life is filled with happiness. As an international student, I understand the challenges that come with starting in a new country. Homesickness and loneliness are common issues we face during the first semester. I am running for the International Students O cer position to remove these barriers and make the UTS international student experience more enjoyable. Through the International Collective, I plan to introduce weekly hangout meetings, providing students with a space to connect and share their experiences.

With over 180 hours of volunteering across various causes, I have dedicated myself to improving the lives of others. Some of the key initiatives I’ve been part of include:

- Cooking community lunches for asylum seekers and with the Salvation Army.

- Participating in community cleaning drives and planting trees in regional towns.

- Volunteering at the Bluebird Pantry, managing stock and student check-ins.

- Leading the Study NSW Helpdesk at Sydney Airport to assist new students.

- Serving as a UTS Women in Engineering and IT outreach ambassador.

All this volunteering work and my prior work experience have equipped me with leadership, management, and problem-solving skills. These experiences helped me understand how to manage teams, address community needs, and create inclusive spaces. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

I know the feeling of being left out at club events, with no one to hang out with during the first year. I want to create a community where you leave with good memories and long-term friends.

In the upcoming session, I plan to push the following ideas, along with other suggestions you will bring:

- Weekly meetings for international students to discuss challenges and escalate these to top management.

- A dedicated kitchen and hangout area on campus for students to relax, cook, and connect.

- Regular field trips and picnics to help students explore Australian culture and build connections.

Whether I win or lose, my mission is to help everyone feel included and happy at UTS.

I’m a Wiradjuri man who lives on Gadigal

land, studying communications in writing and publishing / social political sciences. I’m interested in writing about histories of places, in both fiction and non-fiction forms. I want to encourage larger projects which include commissioned pieces as well as submissions, that together (through all the di erent forms they may come) explore issues a ecting UTS / the world. I want to expand the online presence of Vertigo by contributing to regular reporting on student issues, while also keeping the magazines as a place for thoughtfully curated pieces that aren’t time / event specific like news can often be. Vote for me!

International Students’


I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of International Students O cer at UTS. As an advocate for inclusivity and support, I am deeply motivated to represent and address the unique needs of our international student community. My goal is to ensure that every international student feels welcomed, supported, and fully integrated into our university life.

Motivation and Qualifications

My commitment to this role stems from my own experiences and observations as a student at UTS. Having engaged with international students and participated in various cultural exchange activities, I understand the diverse challenges

they face, from navigating academic requirements to adapting to a new cultural environment. My involvement in various campus initiatives and cultural exchange activities has provided me with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by international students and the skills needed to address them e ectively. These experiences have equipped me with valuable insights into supporting diverse student needs and developing solutions that enhance their university experience

Policy Goals

1. Enhance Support Services: I will work to improve support services tailored specifically for international students, including orientation programs, academic assistance, and mental health resources. Ensuring these services are accessible and responsive to the needs of international students is a priority.

2. Promote Cultural Integration: I aim to facilitate cultural exchange and integration through organizing events, workshops, and social activities that celebrate diversity and foster connections between international and domestic students.

3. Advocate for Student Rights: I will speak out for the rights and interests of foreign students, making sure that their opinions are heard during decision-making procedures at the institution and resolving any problems with work permits, academic regulations, and visas.

4. Strengthen Communication Channels: I plan to establish clear and e ective communication channels to keep international students informed about university resources, opportunities, and changes that may a ect them.

Why Vote for Me

I am dedicated to fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for all international students at UTS. My leadership experience will enable me to represent and support international students with dedication, while my problemsolving skills will help address the unique challenges they face. I am committed to listening to your concerns, collaborating with university administration, and ensuring that international students are both represented and supported.

Your vote is crucial in shaping a welcoming and enriching experience for international students. Together, we can build a campus community where every student has the opportunity to succeed and truly feel at home.

International Students’

O cer


As an international student from Sri Lanka, I have personally experienced the challenges of adapting to life in a new country while balancing academic responsibilities. My journey at UTS, combined with my roles as a Student Ambassador and Promotional Representative, has given me the opportunity to connect with students from diverse backgrounds, listen to their stories, and understand their concerns. These experiences drive me to run for the position of

International Students’ O cer, where I aim to represent and support international students like myself.

If elected, I will focus on realistic and achievable goals, such as:

- Enhancing access to mental health support - for international students by working with existing university services to provide culturally sensitive counseling and more accessible outreach programs.

- Promoting a ordable housing solutions - by facilitating discussions between UTS and external housing providers to explore more options tailored to the financial constraints of international students.

- Improving orientation programs - to ensure smoother transitions for new students, including peer mentorships and workshops that focus on academic success, cultural adjustment, and social integration.

- Organizing student-led cultural events - where international students can showcase their culture and build connections with the broader UTS community, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion.

As a fellow international student, I understand both the joys and challenges of studying abroad. I am committed to advocating for policies that improve the international student experience in practical ways, ensuring our voices are heard and respected.

International Students’ O



International Students, Let’s Make UTS Feel Like Home!

As an international student myself, I know how tough it can be to adjust to a new country, a new system, and a new way of life. That’s why I’m running for International Students’ O cer—to make sure your time at UTS is as smooth, fun, and fulfilling as possible:

1. Support from Day One:

- From visa issues to housing problems, I’ll work to make sure you have all the support you need from the moment you arrive. Whether it’s legal advice, help finding accommodation, or navigating life in Sydney, you shouldn’t have to figure it all out alone.

Celebrate Our Diversity:

- UTS is home to so many cultures and stories, and I want to celebrate that! I’ll push for more events and opportunities where international students can showcase their culture, meet new friends, and feel truly part of the UTS family.

Fair Support for International Students:

I’ll fight for more scholarships and financial aid options specifically for international students. I know tuition fees can be tough, and I’ll work to make them more manageable. Plus, I’ll advocate

for academic support tailored to our needs— because we all deserve a fair shot.

My qualifications

I’ve always been involved and active at UTS, whether through student societies or as a leader in various projects. My experience as an international students has given me a deep understanding of the unique challenges we face, from housing to visas to feeling at home in a new country. I’m passionate about making UTS a place where every international student feels supported and included.

In terms of organization, I’ve successfully helped managing events, budgets, and teams, which means I know how to get things done e ciently and e ectively. I also pride myself on being approachable and ready to listen. Whether you’re involved in a club, navigating life as an international student, or simply looking for ways to improve your UTS experience, I’m here to listen and work with you to make things better. I’m here to make your time at UTS easier, more fun, and full of opportunities. Whether you’re looking for support, more transparency, or better resources, I’m ready to fight for you.

Together, we can make UTS a place where every student feels heard, supported, and excited to be part of this amazing community.

Let’s make it happen, UTS!

International Students’ O cer

Shaurya SHARMA

I am Shaurya Sharma, and I am running for the position of International Collective O cer. I am studying Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence, and have previously served as the International Collective Convener. I had the privilege of connecting with international students, listening to their concerns, and understanding their challenges while studying at UTS and living in Australia.

Throughout my tenure as the International Collective Convener, I have witnessed our international student community’s di culties. These challenges comprise a wide range of issues, including securing internships, navigating the changing visa requirements, ensuring a smooth enrolment process, and finding a sense of belonging by meeting new students around campus. Additionally, I recognize the increasing threat of scams targeting international students. To combat this, I am committed to providing resources and support to help students recognize and avoid scams, ensuring they can navigate their time in Australia safely and confidently.

I believe it’s crucial for the International Collective O cer to not only advocate for change on paper and be actively involved in implementing

these changes in person. As someone deeply involved in the international student community, I am committed to bringing the communication gap between international students and the administration closer, where the issues can be addressed through a one-to-one session or events.

My vision for the role of International Collective O cer is to create a supportive and inclusive environment for international students. I aim to collaborate with di erent departments to have internship opportunities and provide more comprehensive support in securing these invaluable opportunities and learnings.

Furthermore, I will work towards improving the overall international student experience by organizing more events and activities that facilitate interactions among students from diverse backgrounds. Building a sense of community is vital to making UTS feel like home for all international students.

I humbly ask for your support and vote to stand with our voice. Together, we can bring improvements that will benefit every international student at UTS. Let’s not just talk about change; let’s make it happen, one step at a time.

International Students’

O cer

Harshvardhan SUVARNA (FIRE UP!)

The international student community at UTS is one of the most vibrant and diverse groups on campus, and it’s this diversity that makes our experiences so unique and enriching. I am running for the position of International Student O cer because I want to ensure that every international student has the support, opportunities, and sense of belonging they deserve. Throughout my time here, I’ve seen how vital it is for international students to have access to strong networks and reliable resources. From academic support to social connections, I believe we can enhance the experience of all international students by addressing the challenges we face and celebrating the diversity that makes us stronger. If elected, I will work tirelessly to represent our interests, whether that’s advocating for fair and accessible student services, ensuring better mental health and housing support, or creating more opportunities for cultural exchange and career development. I want to foster a community where every student feels empowered, confident, and fully integrated into university life. I am running for this role because I believe in leading by example, and I am passionate about making a positive, lasting impact on the lives of international students at UTS. Together, we can build an even more supportive, inclusive, and dynamic campus

environment. Thank you for your trust and your vote! I look forward to the opportunity to serve as your International Student O cer.

International Students’ O cer

International Students’ O cer Axel GUNAWAN

My name is Axel Alexander Gunawan, and I am from Indonesia. I would like to express my gratitude to God for the opportunity to study at UTS. I strongly believe that active involvement in an organization can significantly enhance one’s social and leadership skills. Embracing new experiences serves as a valuable teacher in our life journey. Therefore, I am eager to be considered for the role of International Student O cer or Student Representative Council at UTS.

Before attending college, I was actively involved in various high school organizations. I developed a strong work ethic and a disciplined approach, which greatly contributed to the success of our goals. My vision was to encourage all students to participate in university events, competitions, organizations, and charitable programs. By fostering widespread involvement in UTS events, we can cultivate a culture of unity in diversity, e ectively combating issues such as bullying, racism, and sexual harassment. This approach would encourage an environment where students are valued for their contributions rather than

judged based on race, religion, or skin colour, promoting equality for all. As an international student, I understand the importance of adapting to Australian culture, and I aim to use this experience to motivate both international and domestic students to work together as one cohesive team, embracing the concept of unity in diversity.

In order to realize this vision and ensure its success, it is essential to establish a strategic mission. We can initiate this process by researching to identify events that would be of interest to students, such as sports and academic competitions across di erent faculties, prayer fellowships, and other engaging activities. Additionally, we can gauge student preferences through online voting and polling to determine which events are likely to be the most popular. I am also considering the possibility of making collaboration inter-organizational collaborations to infuse the events with greater excitement and innovation. I firmly believe that UTS can lead the way as the first university to prioritize Unity in Diversity.

I am seeking your support, not only for myself but also for the future direction of the university, where every student can participate in UTS events. Together, we can bring about positive change and demonstrate that anyone can be a leader, regardless of their background. Thank you for taking the time to read this statement and considering me for being part in UTS SRC. I wish everyone a fantastic day, and may we all be blessed.

14 SRC


- I am Salma Elmubasher, running for both General Councillor at UTS Students Association and the National Union of Students (NUS).

- As the current serving ethnocultural o cer, I have firsthand experience in advocating for marginalised students, particularly addressing issues of racism and discrimination on campus.

- As the current President of the Palestinian Youth Society,I work to create safe spaces for students and initiate discussions on cultural awareness and inclusivity.

- I’m deeply committed to representing all students, understanding that issues like racism, marginalisation, and inequality impact various communities in unique ways.

- Through my involvement with UTSSA and my leadership with the Palestinian Youth Society, I have a clear understanding of the challenges students face and how these issues are interconnected across campus life.

- My goal is to continue advocating for a more inclusive, supportive environment where everyone feels represented and valued.

- I believe in the power of student activism and will use my experience and dedication to push for meaningful change at UTS and beyond.

I am committed to amplifying student voices and ensuring that our community fosters understanding and respect for all.

14 SRC


My name is Amelia Ireland, I’m a first year Communications (Journalism) student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! Ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! Ticket statement.

14 SRC


My name is Sina Afsharmehr, I’m a Law and Business student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor and NUS Delegate. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! ticket statement.

14 SRC Daewah THEIN (FIRE UP!)

Hey, my name is Daewah Thein and am a second year student studying a Bachelor of Communication majoring in Social and Political Science


No information provided

14 SRC


My name is Amelia Raptis, I am a first-year student studying Economics and Law, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! Ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals can be found in the FIRE UP! statement.

Personally, I am a Local Government candidate, Women’s O cer in my Young Labor Association, and a Delegate to the State and Federal Electoral Committees in my Labor Party branch.

I deeply care about making student’s lives easier, and I believe the FIRE UP! policies aim to support UTS students’ wellbeing and academic success. University should be challenging, but it should not be unbearable. I’m excited to join a group of dedicated and like-minded individuals who will work towards a happier and more motivated UTS.

14 SRC Eamonn RYAN (FIRE UP!)

My name is Eamonn Ryan, I’m a 1st year Law and Economics student and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket for the positions of Student Representative Councillor and NUS delegate. Our key goals for the SRC are contained within the FIRE UP! Ticket statement.


My name is Huw Watson, I’m a 3rd year Law and Communications student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! ticket statement.

14 SRC


My name is Amelia Grace Wilson-Williams, I have been working towards a Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of Communications (Social and Political Sciences) at the University of Technology Sydney since 2022, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! ticket statement.



I want to run for General Secretary to advocate for students and simultaneously gain experience in hopes of running for postgraduate o cer in the future. I am currently on the Science HDR Student Association Committee, I run the committee’s social media accounts and am a member of the Science Faculty Board.


I’m Jonathan Dellagiacoma, an Engineering and BCII Student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! ticket statement.

14 SRC

Maryanne DU (FIRE UP!)

As a first-year PhD student and a proud UTS alum with a Bachelor of Medical Science and Honours year, I have spent years immersed in our university community. As a casual academic, I understand the challenges students face and have firsthand experience navigating the dynamics between students, faculty, and university leadership. I am committed to being a strong advocate for student needs, promoting transparency, and ensuring your voices are heard at the highest levels.

My experience uniquely positions me as a bridge between students and sta , and I am passionate about fostering an inclusive, supportive environment where all students can thrive. I will prioritize mental health initiatives, strive for better academic support, and work towards creating a more connected and engaging student experience.

I am driven, approachable, and dedicated to representing the diverse perspectives of our UTS community. Vote for me, and let’s make UTS a better place together!

14 SRC

Navneeth Krishna RAGHAVAN (FIRE


I am R. Navneeth Krishna, a first year post-graduate engineering student in the Manufacturing Engineering and Management program. As a student and engineer, I feel like I have the opportunity to provide feedback on the student experience and work towards improving it across the board. I am running with FIRE UP! As a Student Representative councillor. The key goals for the SRC are detailed in the FIRE UP! Ticket Statement.

14 SRC


My name is Nikolai Shchekochikhin, I’m a 2nd year Law and Business student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor. Our key goals for the SRC can be

14 SRC


My name is Mariam and I am a 3rd-year student studying a bachelor of law and communication ( political and social science). Throughout my UTS experience, I have served as the Women’s O cer, an SRC councilor, the ethnocultural collective convener, the UTSoC education director, a Debsoc executive, and sit on the course committee for the law faculty. As it is probably evident, I love to be involved in all that UTS has to o er in order to help contribute to the betterment of our vibrant campus community. My

proactive engagement and diverse experiences have equipped me with a unique perspective on our university’s challenges and opportunities. If elected to be an SRC councilor I will leverage this experience and insight to advocate for policies that promote student welfare, academic excellence, and a campus environment that nurtures both personal and intellectual growth.

14 SRC


No Information provided

14 SRC


See RENEW Policy Statement

14 SRC


See RENEW Policy Statement


See RENEW Policy Statement


See RENEW Policy Statement

14 SRC


See RENEW Policy Statement

14 SRC

Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

14 SRC

Ella HAID (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

14 SRC

Lucia THORNTON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

14 SRC

Elliot KAMERON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

14 SRC

Euan MENDOZA (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.

14 SRC


My name is Omar and I am a Palestinian, Muslim student here at UTS. I study a Bachelor of Laws/Business, currently in my third year and I have a strong passion for human rights. I am also the Vice-President of the Palestinian Youth Society and have been a strong activist in terms of the ongoing genocide a ecting Palestine at the moment. I believe that the concerns of students should be heard and should be advocated for in all aspects and I believe that UTS should be a safe environment for people of all ethnicities and backgrounds. I am running for UTS SRC under the Palestinian Youth for Council ticket as a general councillor as well as an NUS delegate so I can bring student concerns to light and advocate for positive change. My goals align with those of my ticket and I will be advocating for the same goals my ticket is advocating for.


By way of introduction, my name is Natasha Abdulghani, I am a second-year Law and Business student, and I am running for general councillor in the 2025 UTSSA Student Elections. I am passionate about advocating for university policy that combats the cost-of-living crisis for both domestic and international students. I want to focus on concerns on campus such as incident reporting and make it more accessible to sta and students. Prioritising policy that will streamline sexual harassment prevention as well as abuse reporting, making it easier for sta and students to report any grievances.

I am also a part of the Palestinian Youth Society as a Palestinian Student passionate about prioritising the well-being of all students from all ethnic backgrounds. I believe that this can be done when we target and stop all forms of racism a ecting students and advocate for student wellbeing. I also believe in pushing for divestment campaigns to ensure that UTS continues to disclose and cut its ties to widely recognised weapons manufacturers and institutions that profit from wars, genocides, and the su ering of civilians.

My campaign goals align with that of my ticket, the Palestinian Youth for Council. We aim to create a safer, more ethical campus at UTS, with our

representatives ensuring that student concerns are heard and advocated for nationally.

14 SRC

I, Md Mofid Alam, am running for the role of Student Representative Councilor with a commitment to ensuring that every student’s voice is heard, respected, and acted upon. As a Master’s student in Marketing, I bring a passion for advocacy and a deep understanding of the diverse needs within our student community.

My experience leading student societies at Jamia Hamdard University taught me the value of collaboration and representation. I understand the importance of creating spaces where all students feel empowered to contribute and have their concerns addressed.

If elected, I will work to enhance communication between students and administration, advocate for academic support, and push for more mental health resources. My goal is to ensure that every student feels represented and that our collective voice drives positive change on campus. Together, we can create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

14 SRC Babel ISHO

I am Babel Isho, and I’m excited to run for the position of Assistant General Secretary or as one of your Student Representative Councillors. As a fourth-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Medical Science, I am deeply committed to enhancing our university experience and ensuring that every voice is heard. Since I joined UTS in 2021, I have been actively engaged in various roles that have shaped my understanding of our diverse student community. My experience with the Exchange Program Team, ActivateUTS, peer network and as a UTS Student Ambassador has equipped me with the skills to advocate for your needs e ectively. I am passionate about helping students, especially commencing and international students, navigate their academic journeys and discover their aspirations. My motivation stems from a genuine desire to uplift our community and ensure that every student feels supported and empowered. I believe in fostering a collaborative environment where ideas flourish and every student has the opportunity to thrive.

If elected, I will prioritise open communication, transparency, and inclusivity in all our initiatives. I am dedicated to creating platforms where students can share their concerns and suggestions, ensuring that our council reflects the diverse voices of our student body.

Together, we can elevate the student experience and build a vibrant community where everyone feels valued.

14 SRC

As an international student from Sri Lanka and a third-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at UTS, I am passionate about representing the diverse needs of our student body. In my roles as a UTS Student Ambassador and Promotional Representative, I have gained valuable experience working with students from all backgrounds and listening to their concerns.

If elected as a Student Representative Councillor, I will focus on:

- Advocating for more flexible student services - , such as extended study space hours during exam periods, by collaborating with university administration to find practical solutions that benefit all students.

- Improving mental health awareness- by working to increase visibility and accessibility of existing services, ensuring students are aware of the support available without overpromising unrealistic expansions.

- Encouraging stronger communication- between faculties and students through feedback sessions and open forums, so students can easily share their experiences and suggestions.

While I recognize that I am still a student with

limited resources, I am dedicated to working within those limits to create meaningful change for the student community. Together, we can make UTS an even better place for everyone.


I am running for a position on the SRC general council to serve the student body that has supported me so well in the time I’ve been at UTS, and to ensure the rights and needs of queer students are adequately represented and defended.

I am transgender (non-binary), and a major motivation for seeking this position is the betterment of LGBTQ+ students’ well-being. I’ve witnessed firsthand the shortcomings of the university’s current systems, and am committed to being an active voice in support of queer students, to ensure they feel safe, comfortable and free to be who they are at uni. I have been an active member of the Queer Collective for over a year, and I am interested in assuming the role of Queer Students’ O cer if elected as a councillor, to ensure it and students continue to receive the support and advocacy they require.

I have been at UTS since 2018, and am currently a postgrad student. Throughout my studies I’ve felt supported and encouraged by the students here, and I’m keen to give back and serve them in return. I’ve witnessed policy, technology and campus

changes over the last 6 years, which have had significant impacts on students, and I recognise the importance of students’ voices in the process, and the need for aid in transitioning to new systems. I have completed multiple courses and am currently working as a student demonstrator, meaning I also have experience with the more bureaucratic side of how UTS operates.

14 SRC


My name is Axel Alexander Gunawan, and I am from Indonesia. I would like to express my gratitude to God for the opportunity to study at UTS. I strongly believe that active involvement in an organization can significantly enhance one’s social and leadership skills. Embracing new experiences serves as a valuable teacher in our life journey. Therefore, I am eager to be considered for the role of International Student O cer or Student Representative Council at UTS.

Before attending college, I was actively involved in various high school organizations. I developed a strong work ethic and a disciplined approach, which greatly contributed to the success of our goals. My vision was to encourage all students to participate in university events, competitions, organizations, and charitable programs. By fostering widespread involvement in UTS events, we can cultivate a culture of unity in diversity, e ectively combating issues such as bullying, racism, and sexual harassment. This approach

would encourage an environment where students are valued for their contributions rather than judged based on race, religion, or skin colour, promoting equality for all. I understand the importance of adapting to Australian culture, and I aim to use this experience to motivate both international and domestic students to work together, embracing the concept of unity in diversity.

I am seeking your support. Together, we can bring about positive change and demonstrate that anyone can be a leader, regardless of their background. Thank you for taking the time to read this statement and. I wish everyone a fantastic day, and may we all be blessed.

14 SRC Neeve NAGLE



Bianca DRUMMOND COSTA (Freefall)

Hello! My name is Bianca Drummond Costa, I’m a 3rd year Communications student majoring in Journalism.

This year I served as the Student News Editor on the Vertigo editorial team, where I developed a love for campus. I think it’s important that, as a student magazine that is funded by you – UTS’ students – Vertigo covers a broader range of content that not only concerns student and university life, but which captures your voices and reflects your views on the things that matter most to you. As someone who is very involved in our uni, being an active member of creative clubs like CRAP and serving as the President of the Journalism Society, I’ve liaised and created connections with students from all areas of the university, whilst gaining experience with leading a team that cares for and respects one another.

I truly believe that electing an Editor-In-Chief who has had an entire year of experience with Vertigo would be invaluable to the success of the team and the publication in general.

Above all, I’m simply an extremely passionate individual. Hence, it would be my dream and

honour to be the next Editor-in-Chief – alongside the extremely qualified, diverse and talented team I have put together – of a publication whose legacy means so much to so many people. Vote [1] FREEFALL!

Managing Editor Mayela DAYEH (Freefall)

My name is Mayela Dayeh and I’m a third year Communications and International Studies student. I’ve been in love with Vertigo since I first started university, and have been waiting for my opportunity to help bring it to life!

I’ve been both a contributor and advisor for Vertigo, and have seen the process and hard work that goes into each issue of the magazine. I am a writing and publishing student with experience in team management that can pair with my intense passion for the magazine.

I see so much potential for Vertigo to become an even bigger part of student life at UTS. I would aim to expand Vertigo in its relevance and involvement in student news, living, and life. My vision is to make Vertigo the magazine that all students can pick up and know that there’s something in it for them.

I have such high aspirations for where we can take

Vertigo and will work incredibly hard to see them come to fruition! I would be honoured to be a part of the Vertigo team, working to continue the legacy of the teams that have built what Vertigo is today as Managing Editor!

Managing Editor

Being an extremely creative person with a solid foundation in the arts, leadership, and competitive settings, I think I’d be a fantastic creative editor. I developed my leadership abilities and discovered the value of teamwork and strategy while serving as my school’s captain. There, I was able to e ectively mentor and inspire a variety of groups of people toward shared objectives. My involvement in competitions at the international level dance competitions has further enriched my perspective. Competing globally has exposed me to a myriad of cultures, ideas, and styles, enabling me to draw inspiration from a wide range of sources. This exposure has been crucial in shaping my ability to create compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences. In addition to my competitive experiences, I have been deeply involved in the performing arts. My participation in both street plays and theatre groups has provided me with a deep understanding of storytelling and

audience engagement. Street plays, with their raw and impromptu nature, taught me to capture attention quickly and deliver impactful messages. Theatre, on the other hand, honed my skills in narrative building, character development, and emotional expression. Both forms of art have significantly contributed to my ability to create narratives that are not only captivating but also thought-provoking.

2 News Editors


I am excited to run for News Editor and social media Director at Vertigo. As the Marketing Executive for the Palestinian Youth Society and Bunnies Tv, I have developed strong skills in communication and have a 10-year history in advocacy. As a Lebanese student in my second year of journalism, I understand the importance of representation and aim to use Vertigo as a platform to amplify all voices.

As a journalism student, and I understand how important media representation is.

My goal is to deliver accurate, unbiased news while highlighting stories that resonate with multicultural identity and community. I believe that every student deserves to see their identity

reflected in the media. With my experience in marketing and passion in journalism, I will engage our audience through innovative social media strategies and compelling news coverage. My intention is to establish a compassionate and caring environment where everyone can benefit from one another. I envision a platform where students feel empowered to share their stories and perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging and connection within our community. Together, we can cultivate a vibrant dialogue that enriches our university experience and strengthens our shared understanding.

2 News Editors

Abigail VAA

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity. I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and young-spirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly. I feel strongly about social justice and write my

views in creative form. To see these worldly concepts written in poetic or narrative form is powerful, and to ensure Vertigo emphasises on these values is my vision.

My vision is to be a deep listener, advocator, and appreciator of voice. To value determination, resilience, crafting and opportunity.

I have experience working within the community while volunteering with the Her Village Foundation as Media and PR assistant, and writing and editing through my Writing and Publishing major.

I am organized, creative, passionate and bring fresh perspective.

We have the opportunity to inspire change. As a Vertigo representative, I will honour this, and fight for the appreciation of voice, whether creatively, informatively or digitally.

2 News Editors

Hi there! I’m Jessica and I would love to be part of the next Vertigo editorial team. I think Vertigo has an essential role in keeping UTS students informed about their university, and it’s an excellent showcase of the creative work that

Jessica O’BRYAN

students generate. I really enjoy reading Vertigo as a student, and I would love to contribute my ideas and skills to help shape future editions. I also think I could learn so much from collaborating with like-minded, creative students to produce and edit the magazines (particularly the news and feature articles!).

I will bring a conscientious attitude, passion for stories and strong editing skills to any role I am elected to. During my time working in the UTS Marketing and Communications unit, Central News, 2SER, The Canberra Times and in my journalism subjects, I have created and produced various newsletters, articles, radio bulletins, videos, campus screens and Instagram content. These experiences have refined my storytelling skills and helped me understand di erent media channels. If elected, I will endeavour to ensure that content is accurate and relevant to the UTS student community and ultimately, you should vote for me to produce Vertigo editions that inform, engage and inspire you.

2 News Editors

Eryn YATES (Freefall)

My name is Eryn Yates, and I am running for the position of News Editor. As a second-year Journalism and Social and Political Sciences student, I am deeply passionate about the craft

of news writing and the power it holds in shaping conversations. I believe that journalism, particularly within a student environment, plays a vital role in reflecting and amplifying the issues that matter most to us. I want to bring a dynamic approach to news coverage, blending traditional reporting with creative expression to engage and inform our audience in a fresh, accessible way.

Through my experience writing for Central News, I’ve honed my skills in storytelling and reporting. I have developed a keen sense for news that matters to students, and I aim to translate that into captivating, thought-provoking content for Vertigo.

I also had the privilege of contributing to the success of FASSTIVAL 2023, a multi-faceted exhibition of academic and student works These experiences have deepened my understanding of student politics, campus culture, and the social issues that resonate with our community.

Integral to my passions, I am committed to leading Vertigo’s news section with a vision that embraces both journalistic integrity and creative storytelling. Together, we can build a publication that not only informs but also inspires.

2 News Editors

Declan BOLGER (Freefall)

I am Declan (he/him), a first year Law and Communications student applying for the positions of both News Editor and Features Editor.

Coming from a mixed race Pasifika and Irish background, Vertigo has been my medium through which I can express my passion for advocating for certain social justice issues and promote understanding around diverse communities I am part of and beyond. I deeply understand its importance as a publication for students to engage in their personal artistic and political expression.

Student Journalism is an undervalued channel for creativity, but one that cannot be underestimated. I want to make the magazine more accessible and draw more attention to its importance as our universities o cial publication as funded by your student services and amenities fee. This magazine was first introduced to me at O’Day, and it is from that first impression that led me to grow such a deep love and respect for the work it platforms and for the people who platform it. My hope is that every student walks away from their time on campus with at least one print copy

in their tote bags, backpacks and satchels - that every student feels the same interest and passion for the works of their peers as I do.

2 News Editors

Hi, I am Natsuki from Japan and I travelled to Australia to pursue my passion for communicating through the visual medium. I would like to express my creativity and apply to be one of the editors for Vertigo as I believe it would be an illuminating and insightful experience.

Throughout my academic journey for the last two years, I have developed visual communication skills such as layout composition, visual organisation, typography, and creating images. I understand the importance of creating a cohesive visual identity that enhances the content while ensuring readability and accessibility.

I am keen to contribute my skills, creativity, and dedication to this important role and look forward to the opportunity to develop my design skills further. With a strong passion for visual storytelling and design, I will be committed to maintaining the high standards of design that the previous editorial teams did, and I am eager to contribute to shaping a publication that not only reflects the ideas of the content but also engages

readers by creating visually appealing designs. I am a good listener and good at cooperating with other team members. Collaboration is one of the important parts of design work because I think great design often comes from considering multiple perspectives. I will be committed to ensuring open communication and cooperation throughout the design process.

Features Editor

Abigail VAA

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity. I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and youngspirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly.

I feel strongly about social justice and write my views in creative form. To see these worldly concepts written in poetic or narrative form is powerful, and to ensure Vertigo emphasises on these values is my vision.

My vision is to be a deep listener, advocator, and appreciator of voice. To value determination, resilience, crafting and opportunity.

I have experience working within the community while volunteering with the Her Village Foundation as Media and PR assistant, and writing and editing through my Writing and Publishing major. I am organized, creative, passionate and bring fresh perspective. We have the opportunity to inspire change. As a Vertigo representative, I will honour this, and fight for the appreciation of voice, whether creatively, informatively or digitally.

Features Editor


Hi! I am in my last semester of my first year studying the Bachelor of Communications majoring in Media Business and Writing and Publishing. I am nominating myself for the position of Features Editor as I love to stay informed on current events, university life, and student news. I have a deep understanding of visual communication and trends in art, society and culture, and have conducted numerous interviews and reports throughout my subjects. With this opportunity I would love to prioritise stories that are related to students to ensure that the voices of the student body is heard loud and clear!

Features Editor

I am seeking the Feature Editor position on the Vertigo Editorial team. The core of my heartfelt policy revolves around an elevation of underrepresented voices and a focus on creative media from overlooked sources. As a second year Bachelor of Communication (Journalism and Writing & Publishing) student who also participates in many arts and community related extracurricular activities, I believe I would make a great fit for this role. I believe I would make a great fit for the Feature Editor role as I believe the position relies on proximity; in order to succeed in this role, I believe it requires a keen eye for detail and an attentive ear, both of which I undoubtedly have. As a plus size, Queer, neurodivergent individual, I have repeatedly been ignored and swept aside by many for not fitting the stereotypical mould for beauty, success and value. From this frequent behaviour, I have learnt intimately the importance of unconditional listening and find immense value in underrepresented voices. Instinctually, I reach to elevate the voices that are not usually provided a chance, and personally fight for a safe, secure space for their voices to be heard.

Features Editor

Hi there! I’m Jessica and I would love to be part of the next Vertigo editorial team. I think Vertigo has an essential role in keeping UTS students informed about their university, and it’s an excellent showcase of the creative work that students generate. I really enjoy reading Vertigo as a student, and I would love to contribute my ideas and skills to help shape future editions. I also think I could learn so much from collaborating with like-minded, creative students to produce and edit the magazines (particularly the news and feature articles!).

I will bring a conscientious attitude, passion for stories and strong editing skills to any role I am elected to. During my time working in the UTS Marketing and Communications unit, Central News, 2SER, The Canberra Times and in my journalism subjects, I have created and produced various newsletters, articles, radio bulletins, videos, campus screens and Instagram content. These experiences have refined my storytelling skills and helped me understand di erent media channels. If elected, I will endeavour to ensure that content is accurate and relevant to the UTS student community and ultimately, you should vote for me to produce Vertigo editions that inform, engage and inspire you.

Features Editor

Hi, I am Natsuki from Japan and I travelled to Australia to pursue my passion for communicating through the visual medium. I would like to express my creativity and apply to be one of the editors for Vertigo as I believe it would be an illuminating and insightful experience.

Throughout my academic journey for the last two years, I have developed visual communication skills such as layout composition, visual organisation, typography, and creating images. I understand the importance of creating a cohesive visual identity that enhances the content while ensuring readability and accessibility.

I am keen to contribute my skills, creativity, and dedication to this important role and look forward to the opportunity to develop my design skills further. With a strong passion for visual storytelling and design, I will be committed to maintaining the high standards of design that the previous editorial teams did, and I am eager to contribute to shaping a publication that not only reflects the ideas of the content but also engages readers by creating visually appealing designs. I am a good listener and good at cooperating with other team members. Collaboration is one

of the important parts of design work because I think great design often comes from considering multiple perspectives. I will be committed to ensuring open communication and cooperation throughout the design process.

Creative Editor

Hi! I am in my last semester of my first year studying the Bachelor of Communications majoring in Media Business and Writing and Publishing. I am nominating myself for the position of Creative Editor as I have an ongoing passion for creative writing and other creative genres such as film. I am drawn to this role as I want to collaborate with a team to deliver cohesive and creative content that all students would want to read. I am proficient in communication and have a strong understanding of the journalistic practices involved in editing and publishing creative pieces from my degree, and am eager to showcase my skills, whilst also allowing the creative minds of the student body to be seen through this opportunity in Vertigo.

Creative Editor

Michelle YOU

As a creative visionary pursuing a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communications, I’ve worked on magazine projects in past assessments which you can view here: https://miyuportfolio.netlify. app/portfolio (viewed here under Graphic design) and I am passionate about pushing boundaries through design. I believe my combined experience in content creation and design makes me the perfect fit for the role of Creative Editor at Vertigo magazine.

My experience creating social media content showcases my ability to blend creativity with strategy. I am skilled in creating content that speaks to a wide audience while remaining unique and true to my voice, a skill I believe will translate well into the role of Creative Editor. I am deeply invested in exploring how design can communicate powerful messages, and I would love to work closely with the team to create visually stunning layouts and illustrations that reflect the spirit of Vertigo’s voice.

Moreover, I am always refining my work, a habit that speaks to my perfectionism and attention to detail. As Creative Editor, I would use these skills to ensure that every piece of content published in the magazine maintains a high standard of design,

creativity, and execution. I would bring a fresh perspective to Vertigo’s visual content, elevating it to new creative heights.

Creative Editor Liv LITVER (Freefall)

My name is Olivia Litver (she/her) and I am excited to be running for the role of Creative Editor for Vertigo 2025. I’m currently a third-year Communications and International Studies student, majoring in Writing and Publishing, Media Business, and Italian.

With my educational background in writing and editing, paired with my constant and frenzied consumption of a wide range of literature, I believe I am a strong candidate for the position of Creative Editor.

My goal is to help publish and distribute all forms of fiction and creative non-fiction, encouraging a dismantling of structure and traditional literary conventions, to inspire an authentic student voice. With the help of contributors and selected general editors, I hope to publish at least one creative work per week online via Instagram and the Vertigo website, while continuously curating and editing pieces for the physical magazine. The themes and forms of these pieces will vary each week, in order to keep our published content

diverse and exciting. By incorporating strategic social media promotion, imaginative design choices, and meticulous editing that enhances each piece while still preserving the author’s unique voice, I plan to thoroughly represent and foster the creative voices of the students of UTS.

Creative Editor

Being an extremely creative person with a solid foundation in the arts, leadership, and competitive settings, I think I’d be a fantastic creative editor. I developed my leadership abilities and discovered the value of teamwork and strategy while serving as my school’s captain. There, I was able to e ectively mentor and inspire a variety of groups of people toward shared objectives. My involvement in competitions at the international level dance competitions has further enriched my perspective. Competing globally has exposed me to a myriad of cultures, ideas, and styles, enabling me to draw inspiration from a wide range of sources. This exposure has been crucial in shaping my ability to create compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences. In addition to my competitive experiences, I have been deeply involved in the performing arts. My participation in both street plays and theatre groups has provided me with a deep understanding of storytelling and audience

engagement. Street plays, with their raw and impromptu nature, taught me to capture attention quickly and deliver impactful messages. Theatre, on the other hand, honed my skills in narrative building, character development, and emotional expression. Both forms of art have significantly contributed to my ability to create narratives that are not only captivating but also thought-provoking.

Creative Editor

Abigail VAA

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity. I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and youngspirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly.

I feel strongly about social justice and write my views in creative form. To see these worldly concepts written in poetic or narrative form is powerful, and to ensure Vertigo emphasises on these values is my vision.

My vision is to be a deep listener, advocator, and appreciator of voice. To value determination, resilience, crafting and opportunity.

I have experience working within the community while volunteering with the Her Village Foundation as Media and PR assistant, and writing and editing through my Writing and Publishing major.

I am organized, creative, passionate and bring fresh perspective.

We have the opportunity to inspire change. As a Vertigo representative, I will honour this, and fight for the appreciation of voice, whether creatively, informatively or digitally.

Creative Editor

Jing Xuan LOH (The Creative collective)

Hi, my name is Jing Xuan, a first-year student studying Visual Communications and I am excited to apply for the Creative Editor role at ‘Vertigo’!

As a tutor and artist, I’ve developed strong communication skills and attention to detail that allowed me to guide my students. My passion for Visual Arts and Drama during the HSC further reinforced my adaptability and open-mindedness,

allowing me to explore di erent genres and artistic choices. This has equipped me to address controversial and niche social topics e ectively, a perspective I believe would add great value to the writings at ‘Vertigo’.

Through my experience in contributing to ‘Unravel’, I am confident my vision and audience awareness will help align the creative vision of ‘Vertigo’ with originality and marketability. Funnily enough, I’ve also found my ADHD to be an asset! It enables me to focus intensely and work on projects for extended periods. I know that creative editing can be a lengthy process, so with this, my patience and perseverance will ensure that I guide projects to their full potential without compromising on quality.

I’m eager to bring my passion for design, attention to detail, and dedication to the Creative Editor role at Vertigo. Thank you for considering my application.

Creative Editor


I am excited to nominate myself for the position of designer with Vertigo. Even before starting my studies at UTS, I have always admired Vertigo for its values and ethics, and have long hoped for the opportunity to be part of the team. I am passionate about creating compelling visual stories that align

with the magazine’s ethics and vision.

Currently, I am in my second year of studying Visual Communications, where I am building a strong foundation in graphic design, and I see this role as an amazing opportunity to further develop my skills. I am eager to gain new perspectives in this creative environment and look forward to learning from others and sharing their stories and experiences through design.

My expertise and passion lie in illustration and graphic design, and I am excited to contribute to Vertigo’s visual storytelling in a way that engages, empowers, and resonates with its audience.

I believe my unique perspective and attention to detail would be a valuable addition to the Vertigo team, and I am eager to collaborate with the editorial and design teams

Creative Editor


Hi, I am Natsuki from Japan and I travelled to Australia to pursue my passion for communicating through the visual medium. I would like to express my creativity and apply to be one of the editors for Vertigo as I believe it would be an illuminating and

insightful experience.

Throughout my academic journey for the last two years, I have developed visual communication skills such as layout composition, visual organisation, typography, and creating images. I understand the importance of creating a cohesive visual identity that enhances the content while ensuring readability and accessibility.

I am keen to contribute my skills, creativity, and dedication to this important role and look forward to the opportunity to develop my design skills further. With a strong passion for visual storytelling and design, I will be committed to maintaining the high standards of design that the previous editorial teams did, and I am eager to contribute to shaping a publication that not only reflects the ideas of the content but also engages readers by creating visually appealing designs.

I am a good listener and good at cooperating with other team members. Collaboration is one of the important parts of design work because I think great design often comes from considering multiple perspectives. I will be committed to ensuring open communication and cooperation throughout the design process.

Social Media Director

Michelle YOU (The Creative collective)

Hi, I’m Michelle! I’m a first-year student who’s currently studying for a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communications. With a strong background in content creation, I believe I am the ideal candidate for the role of Social Media Director at Vertigo magazine. With over 900,000 likes and several viral videos on TikTok, including one that garnered 2.5 million views, Here’s the link for your reference: https://www.tiktok.com/@ sexysanrioslut/video/7272552398051282184?_ r=1&_t=8prE6SXtb4a, I bring years of hands-on experience managing personal social media platforms, where I consistently create content that My design studies equip me with the skills to craft visually compelling narratives that are both onbrand and innovative. I understand the importance of consistency in brand voice and imagery, but I also know when to push boundaries to keep content fresh and relevant.

As Social Media Director, I would not only manage Vertigos online presence but also elevate it by identifying trends and developing content strategies that align with current digital practices. My ability to analyse social media analytics will ensure that Vertigo’s platforms not only grow but become more impactful in terms of audience engagement. My passion for storytelling,

combined with my technical skills, makes me confident in my ability to lead Vertigo’s social media team to greater heights.

Social Media Director

Being an extremely creative person with a solid foundation in the arts, leadership, and competitive settings, I think I’d be a fantastic creative editor. I developed my leadership abilities and discovered the value of teamwork and strategy while serving as my school’s captain. My involvement in competitions at the international level dance competitions has further enriched my perspective. Competing globally has exposed me to a myriad of cultures, ideas, and styles, enabling me to draw inspiration from a wide range of sources. This exposure has been crucial in shaping my ability to create compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences. In addition to my competitive experiences, I have been deeply involved in the performing arts. My participation in both street plays and theatre groups has provided me with a deep understanding of storytelling and audience engagement. Street plays, with their raw and impromptu nature, taught me to capture attention quickly and deliver impactful messages. Theatre, on the other hand, honed my skills in narrative

building, character development, and emotional expression. Both forms of art have significantly contributed to my ability to create narratives that are not only captivating but also thought-provoking. powerhouse magazine it deserves to be!

Social Media Director


Vertigo Sucks. What is it? Who reads it? Why isn’t is being marketed properly? Why are all the stories in it crap? Its time to fix it!

My Plan:

Fresh Voices:

We need Vertigo to reflect the diverse experiences of our student body. I will bring in new, powerful voices to shake things up!

Better Stories:

we need stories that people want to read, that encourage student collaboration. It’s time to create stories that foster community and participation.

More Discounts:

Everyone likes discounts, including me. We need to put discount coupons from local businesses in the magazine.I will secure exclusive o ers from local businesses to benefit our readers.

Vote Jing Chen for Social Media Director, and let’s transform Vertigo together and make it into the

Social Media Director

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity. I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and young-spirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly.

I feel strongly about social justice and write my views in creative form. To see these worldly concepts written in poetic or narrative form is powerful, and to ensure Vertigo emphasises on these values is my vision.

My vision is to be a deep listener, advocator, and appreciator of voice. To value determination, resilience, crafting and opportunity.

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity. I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and youngspirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly.

Social Media Director


I am excited to run for News Editor and social media Director at Vertigo. As the Marketing Executive for the Palestinian Youth Society and Bunnies Tv, I have developed strong skills in communication and have a 10-year history in advocacy. As a Lebanese student in my second year of journalism, I understand the importance of representation and aim to use Vertigo as a platform to amplify all voices.

As a journalism student, and I understand how important media representation is.

highlighting stories that resonate with multicultural identity and community. I believe that every student deserves to see their identity reflected in the media. With my experience in marketing and passion in journalism, I will engage our audience through innovative social media strategies and compelling news coverage. My intention is to establish a compassionate and caring environment where everyone can benefit from one another. I envision a platform where students feel empowered to share their stories and perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging and connection within our community. Together, we can cultivate a vibrant dialogue that enriches our university experience and strengthens our shared understanding.

Social Media Director

Kimia NOJOUMIAN (Freefall)

Hi, I’m Kimia Nojoumian, I am a 2nd year Law and Communications, and I’m running to be your Social Media Director for Vertigo in 2025!

Growing up, art has been a major part of my life, helping me find my passions for film, theatre, writing and advocacy.

My goal is to deliver accurate, unbiased news while

By this point you are asking “why you? What makes you qualified to undertake such a task?”. I have been privileged enough to create many short films

within my degree and assist in projects beyond university such as ‘MILK arts night’ (2023) in a marketing capacity. I have worked closely with UTS Backstage in the fields of performance, production and as an executive (Treasure, 2024) Such experiences have allowed me to hone my creative voice and also challenged my innovative skills.

My vision for Vertigo 2025 is one which holds a mirror to our student body and amplifies your voices. I am driven by the idea that everyone has lived experience and a story to be told.

Anyone who has ever met me knows my favourite film is Paddington (2014), so true to form, I will leave you with this “Everyone is di erent, and that means anyone can fit in” (this may be in reference to London in the film but humour me, please).


To my dearest readers,

I am a first-year computer science student majoring in interactive design, and I have crawled out of my chambers of code to persuade you (yes you the reader) to elect me as a part of the Vertigo team.

I have an eye for artistry as I believe that it sculptures stories for all to understand, belong and connect to. As such I translate my passion of art and storytelling through facets of themes to do with health, opportunities and the wellbeing of women various countries or highlighting the misunderstood perspectives of mental health .

Now IMAGINE. My past experiences ranging from being a Student Representative, Design & Art major, Volunteer , Art teacher, Art competitor and winner (Incl. Randwick women’s art competition, Burwood). I believe that I can draw out the inner voices of all students.

Hence thorough innovation… activism… empowerment... & engagement…

To celebrate US, just like bread and “JAM”.

And the JAM being me “Jessica Amelinda Mang”. Feel Free to roam through my portfolio! : https:// jamelinda.my.canva.site/


Hi, my name is Evie and I’m currently studying Design in Visual Communication.

I’m excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Designer.

I think I am the perfect candidate for this design role because I am committed to pushing the boundaries of design and dedicated to collaborating closely with the rest of the editorial team. I am organised, reliable, and a bit of a perfectionist.

I’m passionate about all aspects of design; editorial layout, illustration, photography, and a huge typography nerd!

Since I came across Vertigo, I’ve been drawn to the idea of telling stories. I love that anyone can share their work with the rest of the student body and beyond.

My vision for Vertigo is to continue to give the students of UTS a voice. I plan to experiment with innovative layouts, and incorporate funky visuals.. I aim to create a visually cohesive and engaging publication that resonates with our diverse readership while keeping the magazine accessible and legible. I want to explore di erent design trends; past and future; and incorporate them into the magazine.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to Vertigo and to make our magazine the best it can be.

Here is the link to my work: https://eviemichellphoto.myportfolio.com

Designer Arkie THOMAS (Freefall)

Hi! My name is Arkie Thomas (she/her), and I’m running to be Design Director for Vertigo in 2025. I have always been passionate about design and the arts which has cultivated in my choice to study a Bachelor of Design in Visual communications, currently in my second year of study. I always feel excited to open Vertigo and see the relentless creativity of everyone at UTS. There is so much potential in the publication as a sophisticated creative outlet to not only show o but also enhance the extraordinarily high level of work by students.

Designing for Vertigo, I intend to create work that is not only striking, but mindful of design theory. I intend to make Vertigo a space for everybody through both it’s content, but also through legibility of typesetting and practical design choices. I hope to include interactive layouts within the publication as an outlet for students’ intrinsic creativity - to share with one another, take as a space for mindful reflection, and serve as a means of unfiltered expression. I believe that with the skills I have developed in Viscom alongside my own creative intuition, and endless inspiration from the UTS community itself that I can bring this vision to Vertigo

I am excited to nominate myself for the position of designer with Vertigo. Even before starting my studies at UTS, I have always admired Vertigo for its values and ethics, and have long hoped for the opportunity to be part of the team. I am passionate about creating compelling visual stories that align with the magazine’s ethics and vision.

Currently, I am in my second year of studying Visual Communications, where I am building a strong foundation in graphic design, and I see this role as an amazing opportunity to further develop my skills. I am eager to gain new perspectives in this creative environment and look forward to learning from others and sharing their stories and experiences through design.

My expertise and passion lie in illustration and graphic design, and I am excited to contribute to Vertigos visual storytelling in a way that engages, empowers, and resonates with its audience.

I believe my unique perspective and attention to detail would be a valuable addition to the Vertigo team, and I am eager to collaborate with the editorial and design teams

Hi, I am Natsuki from Japan and I travelled to Australia to pursue my passion for communicating through the visual medium. I would like to express my creativity and apply to be one of the editors for Vertigo.

Throughout my academic journey for the last two years, I have developed visual communication skills such as layout composition, visual organisation, typography, and creating images. I understand the importance of creating a cohesive visual identity that enhances the content while ensuring readability and accessibility.

I am keen to contribute my skills, creativity, and dedication to this important role and look forward to the opportunity to develop my design skills further. With a strong passion for visual storytelling and design, I will be committed to maintaining the high standards of design that the previous editorial teams did, and I am eager to contribute to shaping a publication that not only reflects the ideas of the content but also engages readers by creating visually appealing designs.

I am a good listener and good at cooperating with other team members. Collaboration is one of the

important parts of design work because I think great design often comes from considering multiple perspectives. I will be committed to ensuring open communication and cooperation throughout the design process.

Designer Sinead CONNON

Hi, I’m Sinead Connon and I study a Bachelor of Product Design and BCII!! I am excited to nominate myself for the designer role at Vertigo, where I believe my passion for design and commitment to social justice can develop. Growing up in a family of seven as well as travelling whenever I can squeeze it in, has fuelled my passion for connecting with people and demonstrated the importance of providing a space for people to freely explore interests and learn about others perspectives. I align with Vertigo’s mission values of authenticity, inclusivity, and representation to display students creativity and provide a positive reader experience. My curiosity about digital design drives me to explore innovative solutions that make content accessible and engaging for everyone. I am not only detail-oriented but also highly social, eager to collaborate with fellow students and bring their stories to life through compelling design. My dedication to creating an inclusive environment ensures that all perspectives are represented, to

reflect an authentic story of student life through meaningful and visually appealing design. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Vertigo’s vision, help amplify the voices of our peers and celebrate the diversity of student life experiences.

Designer Eri SEO (The Creative collective)

Hello! I go by the nickname Eri and I’m currently a first-year student studying a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communications. I am writing to nominate myself for the desirable position as the Designer at Vertigo!

To me, good design is what makes life exciting. Design is like a silent language that connects the people who interact with it. By being given the opportunity to build on the visual identity of Vertigo, I want to express my passion for design and reflect on my views of designing to excite, as a way of bringing the students of UTS together.

I have been designing for 4 years, from my role as an Assistant Art Director to Art Director from 2019 to 2020 for my High School’s Magazine Committee. The skills learnt during my time there remain very relevant where I developed a strong work ethic collaboratively and by providing constructive criticism to students within tight deadlines to bring

47 consistently designed spreads to life, with Indesign.

By voting for me students of UTS will be voting for a Vertigo which unites, through design which transcends the unexpected!

Here is a link to my past work! https://www.instagram.com/ommolette

I have much to bring as a designer, as I am the epitome of a creative struggling in academia. I’m studying a bachelor of design in visual communication, and even here I excel in areas related to print and publication. Social issues relevant to me, and communities relevant to me are important even in my work. Where the idea of my work not serving the purpose of informing people about happenings, in exciting ways, I tend to procrastinate. In class I begin working on posters and small run print projects to spread across my local area and the CBD, and can only wish to be able to do this but as part of a group of others passionate about speaking to a wide group of people (students).

2 General Editors

To my dearest readers,

I am a first-year computer science student majoring in interactive design, and I have crawled out of my chambers of code to persuade you (yes you the reader) to elect me as a part of the Vertigo team.

I have an eye for artistry as I believe that it sculptures stories for all to understand, belong and connect to. As such I translate my passion of art and storytelling through facets of themes to do with health, opportunities and the wellbeing of women various countries or highlighting the misunderstood perspectives of mental health .

Now IMAGINE. My past experiences ranging from being a Student Representative, Design & Art major, Volunteer , Art teacher, Art competitor and winner (Incl. Randwick women’s art competition, Burwood). I believe that I can draw out the inner voices of all students.

Hence thorough innovation… activism… empowerment... & engagement…

To celebrate US,

just like bread and “JAM”.

And the JAM being me “Jessica Amelinda Mang”. Feel Free to roam through my portfolio! : https:// jamelinda.my.canva.site/

2 General Editors

Radhika VERMA

Being an extremely creative person with a solid foundation in the arts, leadership, and competitive settings, I think I’d be a fantastic creative editor. I developed my leadership abilities and discovered the value of teamwork and strategy while serving as my school’s captain. There, I was able to e ectively mentor and inspire a variety of groups of people toward shared objectives. My involvement in competitions at the international level dance competitions has further enriched my perspective. Competing globally has exposed me to a myriad of cultures, ideas, and styles, enabling me to draw inspiration from a wide range of sources. This exposure has been crucial in shaping my ability to create compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences. In addition to my competitive experiences, I have been deeply involved in the performing arts. My participation in both street plays and theatre groups has provided me with a deep understanding of storytelling and audience engagement. Street plays, with their raw and

impromptu nature, taught me to capture attention quickly and deliver impactful messages. Theatre, on the other hand, honed my skills in narrative building, character development, and emotional expression. Both forms of art have significantly contributed to my ability to create narratives that are not only captivating but also thought-provoking.

2 General Editors

Jonnie JOCK (Freefall)

Hey! I’m Jonnie, a second-year B Laws & B Communication (Media Arts and Production) student running to be a general editor on 2025’s Vertigo team.

As a queer African Australian, I am passionate about interrogating systemic marginalisation in the colonised ‘Australia’. Creatively, I primarily practice photography, production design, and poetry, all with a penchant for disrupting the conventions of each form.

I’m an avid film bu – my favourite movie is Dazed and Confused, and John Waters is my favourite director. If you can’t catch me at The Loft or playing a game of pool at The Underground, you’ll likely find me in another pub within a 5km radius, or reconnecting with nature.

2 General Editors

My name is Bethany, and I am a passionate, creative and ambitious third year Law/International Studies student.

Before transferring to law, I excelled in a year of Communications with a major in Writing and Publishing. Together, these two degrees have sharpened my keen attention to detail and pursuit for perfectionism, as well as expanded my creativity and experimental roots. I have published legal research essays in the UTS LSS Full Bench Publication for the last two years, pushing creative boundaries (including negotiating for the publication of censored swear words!) and resulting in amendments to the Full Bench publishing rules. I have also written public policy papers and submissions to governmental inquiries on behalf of former judges, UN representatives and parliamentary members as a legal intern for the organisation, Justice Action.

I have always had a passion for writing, having written novels, memoirs and plays throughout my whole life.

As a proud reader - and collector! – of Vertigo from semester one, it would be a privilege to

contribute as a General Editor in 2025. I believe my skills and prior experience would make me an exceptional candidate and a valuable voice to add to the magazines vibrant, unique and innovative personality.

2 General Editors

THOMSON (Freefall)

I’m a Wiradjuri man who lives on Gadigal land, studying communications in writing and publishing / social political sciences. I’m interested in writing about histories of places, in both fiction and nonfiction forms. I want to encourage larger projects which include commissioned pieces as well as submissions, that together (through all the di erent forms they may come) explore issues a ecting UTS / the world. I want to expand the online presence of Vertigo by contributing to regular reporting on student issues, while also keeping the magazines as a place for thoughtfully curated pieces that aren’t time / event specific like news can often be. Vote for me!

2 General Editors

I am excited to nominate myself for the position of designer with Vertigo. Even before starting my studies at UTS, I have always admired Vertigo for its values and ethics, and have long hoped for the opportunity to be part of the team. I am passionate about creating compelling visual stories that align with the magazine’s ethics and vision.

Currently, I am in my second year of studying Visual Communications, where I am building a strong foundation in graphic design, and I see this role as an amazing opportunity to further develop my skills.

I am eager to gain new perspectives in this creative environment and look forward to learning from others and sharing their stories and experiences through design.

My expertise and passion lie in illustration and graphic design, and I am excited to contribute to Vertigos visual storytelling in a way that engages, empowers, and resonates with its audience.

I believe my unique perspective and attention to detail would be a valuable addition to the Vertigo team, and I am eager to collaborate with the editorial and design teams.

2 General Editors

Abigail VAA

Stories are my passion, and I believe an appreciation of voice is vital to deliver authenticity.

I was born in South Africa and spent my childhood visiting, witnessing the consequences of voices going unheard.

Vertigo brings human experiences together: hearing and appreciating stories. I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate and be part of Vertigo to maintain its inclusivity and youngspirited heart by editing and publishing peoples’ stories, balancing between the big and the small, the beautiful and the ugly.

I feel strongly about social justice and write my views in creative form. To see these worldly concepts written in poetic or narrative form is powerful, and to ensure Vertigo emphasises on these values is my vision.

My vision is to be a deep listener, advocator, and appreciator of voice. To value determination, resilience, crafting and opportunity.

I have experience working within the community while volunteering with the Her Village Foundation as Media and PR assistant, and writing and editing through my Writing and Publishing major.

2 General Editors

I am eager to apply for the role of General Editor at Vertigo magazine, leveraging my extensive graphic design experience and passion for editorial work.

In addition to my design education, I’ve accumulated significant experience in content creation, with over 900,000 likes on TikTok and several viral videos, the most successful reaching 2.5 million views. This experience has honed my ability to craft compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences while ensuring a cohesive narrative. As a General Editor, I will bring this same level of creativity and strategic thinking to Vertigo’s editorial vision, ensuring that the magazine maintains a strong visual identity and appeals to its readership.

My attention to detail, combined with my ability to adapt to fast-paced environments, ensures that I can manage multiple projects while maintaining high editorial standards. I also have a strong foundation in social media analytics, which I believe will help Vertigo stay connected with its audience and refine its content strategy based on real-time feedback.

As General Editor, I aim to contribute to Vertigo

by drawing on my graphic design expertise and editorial experience to help curate content that is not only visually engaging but also meaningful and impactful.

2 General Editors

Hi there! I’m Jessica and I would love to be part of the next Vertigo editorial team. I think Vertigo has an essential role in keeping UTS students informed about their university, and it’s an excellent showcase of the creative work that students generate. I really enjoy reading Vertigo as a student, and I would love to contribute my ideas and skills to help shape future editions. I also think I could learn so much from collaborating with like-minded, creative students to produce and edit the magazines (particularly the news and feature articles!).

I will bring a conscientious attitude, passion for stories and strong editing skills to any role I am elected to. During my time working in the UTS Marketing and Communications unit, Central News, 2SER, The Canberra Times and in my journalism subjects, I have created and produced various newsletters, articles, radio bulletins, videos, campus screens and Instagram content. These experiences have refined my storytelling skills and

helped me understand di erent media channels.

If elected, I will endeavour to ensure that content is accurate and relevant to the UTS student community and ultimately, you should vote for me to produce Vertigo editions that inform, engage and inspire you.

2 General Editors


Hi! I am in my last semester of my first year studying the Bachelor of Communications majoring in Media Business and Writing and Publishing. I am nominating myself for the position of General Editor as I want to be a part of a team that strives to produce cohesive and creative pieces for the student body. With my insight into visual communications, arts and society and culture through my degree, I would like to assist the Vertigo team as much as possible to ensure that the magazine is of highest quality, through assistance and experience in writing, interviewing and communicating concerns/complaints. My biggest priority in this role would be collaboration amongst all members to deliver the best possible pieces of writing to all students!N

2 General Editors


Hi, I am Natsuki from Japan and I travelled to Australia to pursue my passion for communicating through the visual medium. I would like to express my creativity and apply to be one of the editors for Vertigo.

Throughout my academic journey for the last two years, I have developed visual communication skills such as layout composition, visual organisation, typography, and creating images. I understand the importance of creating a cohesive visual identity that enhances the content while ensuring readability and accessibility.

I am keen to contribute my skills, creativity, and dedication to this important role and look forward to the opportunity to develop my design skills further. With a strong passion for visual storytelling and design, I will be committed to maintaining the high standards of design that the previous editorial teams did, and I am eager to contribute to shaping a publication that not only reflects the ideas of the content but also engages readers by creating visually appealing designs.

I am a good listener and good at cooperating with other team members. Collaboration is one of the

important parts of design work because I think great design often comes from considering multiple perspectives. I will be committed to ensuring open communication and cooperation throughout the design process.


Hi, my name’s Alisa Hamilton and I’m a second year studying Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of International Studies. I am passionate about amplifying student voices and getting our needs heard. As Education O cer, I listened to students and worked to adjust our assignment policy to make it more accessible for us. As your NUS delegate, I aim to continue to fight for what we collectively want at NUS conference and make a di erence for UTS students.



My name is Neeve Nagle and I’m a 2nd year Law and Communications student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! Ticket as Welfare O cer and an NUS Delegate. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! Statement.



Olivia LEE (FIRE UP!)

My name is Olivia Lee, I’m a first year Law/Business Student and I am running with FIRE UP for Women’s O cer and as an NUS Delegate! Throughout my time at uni my work within the activism space has been focused on fighting sexual assault and harassment. I want to continue this work through the Women’s Collective, through spreading awareness and leading action. I want to advocate for accessible awareness around SASH, whereby the campaigns are communicated e ectively to all students, so that all victims can feel encouraged to speak out.

Furthermore, I intend to focus on taking an inclusive and welcoming approach to women’s o cer through my goal to increase international student participation within the WoCO. This will be achieved through organising events and campaigns with an international student focus.

I aim to make WoCo a place for all, a place for both networking and social events as well as activism that is accessible to everyone!



Hi, I’m Januka Suraweera a Fifth Year Engineering and Business Student running to be Assistant General Secretary of the UTS Student’s Association with FIRE UP!

I’ve spent my years at UTS actively working towards improving the student experience and have done so previously in Student Societies including as the Treasurer of the Engineering Society. While this year I have done so as General Councillor on the Student Association and also gained a lot of valuable experience on how the organization functions which I look forward to bringing to the role of Assistant General Secretary.

I have over this time been committed to creating a better student experience for all, listening to and fighting for every student. I believe in collaborating to make the best solutions to the challenges faced by students. Especially any measures to ease the cost-of-living pressures on students while also allowing for greater access to all student services including Career and housing assistance. While I have also through my time and look forward to continuing to work towards making the Acdemic system friendlier towards students such as improving course feedback.

My experience in administrative roles has left me very capable to complete the work relevant to the Assistant General Secretary but I won’t limit myself to only doing the work required in any sense. I will work tirelessly on all challenges facing students in order to ensure the organization is the best it can be at serving the interests of students.



Hi, My name is Laura Currie and I am in my second year phD. I am extremely passionate about student wellbeing and equity and would love to nominate as a delegate for the National Union of students.

I believe that it is important to be the voice of student union and to be the approachable person that people could turn to when they have issues and struggles at the university. I am also passionate in working towards inclusivity on campus, enhancing accessibility services, making sure that students have an enjoyable and safe environment on campus, and most of all, feel like they are heard.

I hope to work with the union again in the future as I have been a delegate for 2023-2024, as well as the UTS postgraduate o cer 2022-2024 and have felt incredible gratitude to be in this position and having the opportunity to make a di erence.


Eamonn RYAN (FIRE UP!)

My name is Eamonn Ryan, I’m a 1st year Law and Economics student and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket for the positions of Student Representative Councillor and NUS delegate. Our key goals for the SRC are contained within the FIRE UP! Ticket statement.



My name is Mariam and I am a 3rd-year student studying a bachelor of law and communication ( political and social science). Throughout my UTS experience, I have served as the Women’s O cer, an SRC councilor, the ethnocultural collective convener, the UTSoC education director, a Debsoc

My name is Mariam and I am a 3rd-year student studying a bachelor of law and communication ( political and social science). Throughout my UTS experience, I have served as the Women’s O cer, an SRC councilor, the ethnocultural collective convener, the UTSoC education director, a Debsoc executive, and sit on the course committee for the law faculty. As it is probably evident, I love to be involved in all that UTS has to o er in order to help contribute to the betterment of our vibrant campus community. My proactive engagement and diverse experiences have equipped me with a

My name is Sina Afsharmehr, I’m a Law and Business student, and I’m running with the FIRE UP! ticket as a Student Representative Councillor and NUS Delegate. Our key goals for the SRC can be found in the FIRE UP! ticket statement.

Yasmine JOHNSON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.


Macka BARAN (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.


Ella HAID (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.


Lucia THORNTON (Social Justice)

See Social Justice Policy Statement.



• I am Salma Elmubasher, running for both General Councillor at UTS Students Association and the National Union of Students (NUS).

• As the current serving ethnocultural o cer, I have firsthand experience in advocating for marginalised students, particularly addressing issues of racism and discrimination on campus.

• As the current President of the Palestinian Youth Society,I work to create safe spaces for students and initiate discussions on cultural awareness and inclusivity.

• I’m deeply committed to representing all students, understanding that issues like racism, marginalisation, and inequality impact various communities in unique ways.

• Through my involvement with UTSSA and my leadership with the Palestinian Youth Society, I have a clear understanding of the challenges students face and how these issues are interconnected across campus life.

• My goal is to continue advocating for a more inclusive, supportive environment where everyone feels represented and valued.

• I believe in the power of student activism and will use my experience and dedication to push for meaningful change at UTS and beyond.

I am committed to amplifying student voices and ensuring that our community fosters understanding and respect for all.


My name is Omar and I am a Palestinian, Muslim student here at UTS. I study a Bachelor of Laws/ Business, currently in my third year and I have a strong passion for human rights. I am also the Vice-President of the Palestinian Youth Society and have been a strong activist in terms of the ongoing genocide a ecting Palestine at the moment. I believe

that the concerns of students should be heard and should be advocated for in all aspects and I believe that UTS should be a safe environment for people of all ethnicities and backgrounds. I am running for UTS SRC under the Palestinian Youth for Council ticket as a general councillor as well as an NUS delegate so I can bring student concerns to light and advocate for positive change. My goals align with those of my ticket and I will be advocating for the same goals my ticket is advocating for. Vote [1] PYC for SRC! Vote [1] PYC for NUS!



As an international student from Sri Lanka and an active member of the UTS community, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of students are heard at the national level. Running for Delegate to the National Union of Students, I aim to represent UTS students with a focus on achievable and impactful changes.

If elected, I will prioritize:

• Advocating for increased mental health support by pushing for national-level policies that enhance the accessibility of student mental health services, building on existing

frameworks rather than demanding new and unattainable resources.

• Supporting campaigns for better financial aid and a ordable student housing, recognizing that while systemic change is di cult, we can work towards incremental improvements in funding and support for those in need.

• Encouraging better communication between students and faculties by establishing regular student feedback channels that can be easily accessed and acted upon..

As an international student from Sri Lanka and an active member of the UTS community, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of students are heard at the national level. Running for Delegate to the National Union of Students, I aim to represent UTS students with a focus on achievable and impactful changes.



My name is Axel Alexander Gunawan, and I am from Indonesia. I would like to express my gratitude to God for the opportunity to study at UTS. I strongly believe that active involvement in an organization can significantly enhance one’s social and leadership skills. Embracing new experiences serves as a valuable teacher in our life journey. Therefore, I am eager to be considered for the role of International Student O cer or Student Representative Council at UTS.

Before attending college, I was actively involved in various high school organizations. I developed a strong work ethic and a disciplined approach, which greatly contributed to the success of our goals. My vision was to encourage all students to participate in university events, competitions, organizations, and charitable programs. By fostering widespread involvement in UTS events, we can cultivate a culture of unity in diversity, e ectively combating issues such as bullying, racism, and sexual harassment. This approach would encourage an environment where students are valued for their contributions rather than judged based on race, religion, or skin colour, promoting equality for all. I understand the importance of

adapting to Australian culture, and I aim to use this experience to motivate both international and domestic students to work together, embracing the concept of unity in diversity. I am seeking your support. Together, we can bring about positive change and demonstrate that anyone can be a leader, regardless of their background. Thank you for taking the time to read this statement and. I wish everyone a fantastic day, and may we all be blessed.




Who are we?

FIRE UP! YOUR SRC is a team of dedicated and passionate students who want to make the UTS Students’ Association (UTSSA) a welcoming and supportive place for all – domestic or international, undergraduate or postgraduate, and across every faculty at UTS. Our team is a mix of experienced leaders and new voices, ready to bring both proven experience and expertise, and fresh ideas and energy to the UTSSA.

What have we achieved through the UTSSA in 2024?

Unlike some of our opponents, when we run for election with key policies, we actually try to achieve them. This year, many of our leaders have already achieved major wins for students, including:

• A 72-hour simple extension process across faculties with no documentation required (to be in place Autumn 2025);

• Got completion letters and results released early for 900+ students applying for 485 post work visas;

• A single point-of-contact case management system for sexual harm reporting at UTS, involving the hiring of four new sta members;

• Passed by-law changes to increase the accountability and transparency of the UTS Students’ Association and the work of student representatives;

• Successfully lobbied UTS to disclose the details of their partnerships with weapons manufacturers on a publicly available website (coming later this year);

• Expanded the International Students Collective to over 800 members, making it one of the largest societies at UTS;

• Secured a policy in FEIT ensuring undergraduate students are only employed

as casual tutors as a last resort, with strict assessment criteria and no access to student records or systems;

• Established mandatory approval from the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) for any undergraduate tutor contracts, alongside regular oversight by subject coordinators;

• Revised the reporting form for sexual harm at UTS, enabling anonymous reporting for students and sta ;

• A new HIV Self-Testing Vending Machine, in collaboration with ActivateUTS and the Faculty of Health (coming on campus later this year)

• A new, fully-furnished Ethnocultural Collective Safe Space;

• Over $10,000 raised for charities such as the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund and the Palestinian Australia and New Zealand Medical Association through fundraising events;

• New o ce spaces for UTSSA student representatives and sta ;

• Standardised 11:59pm submission times across faculties (to be in place Autumn 2025);

• Comprehensive reform of the National Union of Students to make conferences more safe and accessible for all and to ensure transparency and accountability of our national

2. Strengthen Campus Safety and Support

Continuing the work that has been the priority of the FIRE UP! team for the last two years, we commit to supporting students through the most challenging aspects of their university experience and advocating for the university to play an active role in improving student safety and wellbeing. Our key strategies for achieving this are:

• Securing permanent locations for Bluebird Brekkie, Night-Owl Noodles and the Bluebird Pantry to ensure services are not cancelled at the last minute by the university;

• Developing a portal where students can report incidents of racism occurring at UTS;

• Fighting for transparency, accountability, timeliness and accessibility in the sexual misconduct ‘investigation’ processes at UTS; and

• Increasing the availability of UTS Counselling sessions for all UTS students, decreasing wait times and ensuring that UTS Counselling is not used as the primary method for supporting students who have experienced sexual harm or have accessibility requirements.

Stand with International Students

This year, international students have been some of the hardest hit from the government’s changes to the university sector. We believe that both the government and universities need to stop taking advantage of international students and using them to generate income without a care for how they are treated or supported once they arrive in Australia. To ensure this, we plan to:

• Continue lobbying the NSW Legislative Assembly and Transport NSW to expand opal concessions to international students;

• Establish a committee between international students and UTS management to ensure international students can advocate for their needs directly to the university;

• Organise the structure of the International Students Collective through new internal positions, such as Events Director, Social Media Director and many more;

• Help international students to navigate through changing visa requirements and advocating for the university to support us in this goal;

• Organise a broad range of events and activities through the UTSSA (like day trips around NSW, workshops and volunteering opportunities) to foster a genuine sense of belonging and enable

international and domestic students to connect and meet new students around campus.

Improve UTS Housing

UTS Housing has long operated without su cient external oversight, and this needs to change. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, UTS owned five student residences; today, only one remains. Since 2018, rental fees for single studios have surged by 26%, with UTS raising rents incrementally each academic year for the past three years. While selling o most student housing options, UTS has continued to increase prices for the one that remains, leaving students with fewer choices at higher costs. Given the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, we believe it’s time for UTS Housing to be held accountable. Our plan is to:

• Review the process UTS uses to justify increases in rent;

• Give License Agreement holders further tenancy rights that are currently not o ered by UTS Housing;

• Stop charging for reapplication fees for existing UTS Housing Residents to renew their licence agreement;

• Ensure the apartments are appropriately cleaned to prevent mould, foul smells and staining;

• Ensure apartments are checked before students move in for defects that can be fixed by maintenance regarding plumbing, lighting, heating and wear and tear;

• Increase accountability around events being held outside student housing on The Goods Line such as Vivid during exam curfew periods;

• Allow international students the option to pay fortnightly in line with domestic students rather than the entire agreement amount upfront and

• Stop charging students $150 to change their room if desired.

Guarantee Flexible and Accessible Learning

Accessible learning has been a struggle at UTS with small improvements over the last few years. Many students require accessible and flexible learning options in order to complete their degrees. This includes regional and remote students, students with disabilities, and the general student population. Making learning more accessible benefits everybody, and really helps the students in the greatest need. Our plan is to:

• Introduce universal lecture recordings with closed captions

• Provide lecture transcripts along with other lecture materials

• Better access to texts and materials from UTS library

• Mandatory uploading of tutorial slides

• Standardised and accessible information about assignment policy

• Increase awareness around the UTS Accessibility Service,

• Review attendance policy to implement a consistent method to determine attendance across all tutors, addressing inconsistencies where di erent methods (e.g., roll calls, online check-ins, participation) are currently used

• Ensure that the Assistive Technology Rooms are available when needed, and that

• booking systems are accessible, reliable, and prioritise students with requiring these resources for their studies

• Create a universal database for assistive technology and other useful tools for students; and

• Allow one-o lecture clashes, or allow Student Administrators to determine this over faculties.

A vote for FIRE UP! FOR SRC is a vote for a progressive, organised and e ective UTSSA.













At Left Action, we believe in using our platform on the SRC to amplify activism and fight for a more just and inclusive UTS. Our university should work for students and sta , not corporations or profit-driven agendas.

We’ll advocate for permanent sta positions and ensure a greater variety of classes to stop the cuts that limit student opportunities. We’ll also push to expand student welfare programs like Bluebird Brekkie and NightOwl Noodles, so every student has the support they need during this cost-of-living crisis.

We will fight for free education and to combat the cost-of-living crisis that’s challenging students and sta . Our activism will also focus on cutting UTS’ partnerships and research programs with weapons companies and holding the university accountable by pushing for greater transparency on UTS investments related to the fossil fuel industry and weapons industry.

We believe in justice across borders and will continue to fight for a free Palestine, while also leading the charge for climate justice and equality on campus. Left Action is committed to radical, meaningful change—fighting for a better future for all.

Join us in transforming UTS into a space of true social, economic, and environmental justice.




RENEW for SRC is a dedicated team of UTS students committed to making your university experience exceptional. Our focus is on enhancing education, student welfare, campus infrastructure, and overall student engagement. We believe that a well-rounded student experience is essential for success and personal growth. Here’s how RENEW plans to achieve this:

RENEW your Education

RENEW is committed to improving the educational experience for all students. Our key policies include:

• Increase Moderation and Marking Consistency: We will work to ensure that assessment marking is fair and consistent across all faculties. This will help in maintaining a transparent and equitable grading system.

• Extend Mark Appeal Deadline: We propose extending the mark appeal deadline from 5 to 10 working days. This will give students more time to address any concerns about their grades.

• Embed Internship Requirements: We aim to embed internship requirements into certain degree programs and expand internship opportunities as part of various degrees. This will help students gain practical experience and enhance their career prospects.

• “Career Ready” Seminars and Networking Sessions: We will introduce career-focused seminars and networking sessions for all faculties. These initiatives will connect students with industry leaders and prepare them for the workforce.

• Flexible Class Formats: We advocate for greater flexibility in class formats and times, allowing students to choose between online and in-person learning based on their individual needs.

RENEW your Welfare

Student welfare is a top priority for RENEW. We are dedicated to supporting your overall well-being through the following measures:

• Expand Free Food Services: We will enhance free food services, including Night Owl Noodles and the Bluebird Pantry, and revive Bluebird Brekkie, our free breakfast service. This will help alleviate financial pressures and ensure that all students have access to nutritious meals.

• Textbook Subsidies: We will advocate for textbook subsidies when they are not provided or covered by the university, reducing the financial burden of academic resources.

• 5 Free Gym Passes per Semester: Each student will receive 5 free gym passes per semester, promoting physical health and wellbeing.

RENEW your Campus Experience and Student Welfare

Improving the campus experience is crucial for a positive university environment:

• Make the Library Students-Only: We propose reinstating the security gates to ensure that the library remains a space exclusively for students, enhancing study environments and security.

• Limit Campus Disruptions and Protests: We aim to balance student activism with campus operations, working towards a campus

environment that respects both academic activities and student voices.

RENEW Governance and Fiscal Responsibility

RENEW is committed to responsible governance and fiscal management:

• Limit Reckless Spending of Service Fees: We will enforce fiscal responsibility and limit reckless spending of service fees, ensuring that student funds are used e ectively and transparently.

RENEW your Campus Infrastructure and Accessibility

Improving campus infrastructure is essential for a better student experience:

• Upgrade Escalators and Elevators: We propose prioritising the Goods line escalator and elevator upgrade to enhance accessibility and ensure that all students can navigate campus easily.

RENEW Student Engagement and Societies

We aim to foster a vibrant and inclusive campus community:

• Tiered Society/Club Memberships: We will introduce tiered memberships for societies and clubs in ActivateUTS, o ering both free and paid options to accommodate di erent needs and interests.

Digital Innovation and Security

Modernising student services is a priority for RENEW:

• Digital Student ID Card: We will introduce a digital student ID card, streamlining identification and access across campus.

Focus on Education

RENEW is dedicated to renewing the focus on education at UTS:

• Taking Politics and Activism Out of Classes: We advocate for a renewed focus on the core purpose of teaching, reducing political and activist content in academic settings where it is not directly relevant to the curriculum.

UTSSA Internal Reform

RENEW is dedicated to reforming the UTSSA to better serve students:

• Internal Reform and Accountability: We will focus on productive engagement with university stakeholders, advocating for student concerns and ensuring that student voices are central to decision-making processes and the SA is accountable directly to the students they are elected to represent.


In conclusion, RENEW for SRC is dedicated to enhancing your university experience at UTS. We have a clear vision to improve education, support student welfare, and strengthen campus infrastructure. Our mission is to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and valued.

Join us in this journey of positive change. Together, we can make UTS a place where every student thrives. Vote RENEW for a brighter, more inclusive future at UTS!


Who are Social Justice?

We’re a team of left-wing activists who think our student union should campaign for students’ interests and take up the fight for a better world. We’re outraged by the state of the world today. The sickening genocide in Gaza has continued for over a year - and both UTS and our government are complicit. The climate crisis has only gotten worse. Our HECS debts keep rising. The cost of living has gone up, but welfare for students hasn’t. The quality of our education is under attack. Sta are overworked and underpaid.

We know students are angry. We think our student union needs to do something about it. Students deserve free education. While we’re forced to start our lives with debt sentences, UTS executives earn over $400k. Our Vice Chancellor, Andrew Parfitt, earns $900k a year. Their incomes should be cut and put into sta and student services. Our education shouldn’t be sacrificed for profits.

We need weapons companies o campus! Over 100,000 people have been murdered in Gaza in the past 12 months. We think it’s outrageous that UTS continues to partner with companies like Thales who are proud innovators in mass murder and destruction.

The resources of the UTSSA could be used to run serious campaigns around these issues and more - climate justice, students’ rights, refugee rights, LGBTI+ rights. But the union has been missing in action.

Social Justice candidates are committed to fighting against both our university bosses and the Albanese Labor government. Unlike the former leadership of the union, Social Justice isn’t a liated with either of the major parties.

We want to expand democracy in our student union. Our union shouldn’t just be a place for future politicians to pad their CVs. That’s why the candidates running with Social Justice are progressive activists with experience in a wide range of campaigns. We’re not in it for our careers.

In the past two years, our candidates have organised:

• National student strikes for Palestine

• The Gaza solidarity encampment at Sydney University

• Sydney wide protests for housing and renters rights

• Campaigns to defend Women’s and LGBTI+ rights

• Protests for climate justice against fossil fuel bosses and the Labor Party

• And much more!

Check out our policy below:

Free Palestine

Free Palestine! We demand UTS must:

• Publicly condemn the genocide in Gaza

• Fly the Palestinian flag from Building 1

• Cut ties with weapons manufacturers, Israeli companies and tertiary institutions

• O er fully funded scholarships to all Palestinian students fleeing genocide

• Implement an annual Wear Your Ke yeh day


Student unions should be anti-racist. We’ll fight to:

• Cut university ties with mining companies profiting from Indigenous land

• End Black deaths in custody - implement the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody

• Grant permanent protection to all refugees in Australia on bridging visas


We’ll fight to:

• Make education free again and abolish all student debt

• Improve teacher-student ratios in classrooms

• Implement 5-day simple extensions

• Ban all unpaid internships, students should be paid for their work!

• End the corporate university model. No more course cuts, our education is not for profit!

• Abolish academic penalties for student strikes and protests

• Make UTS pay for all course materials and textbooks

Student Welfare

We demand that UTS:

• Cap lunches on campus at $10 and provide Spice Alley vouchers

• Provide a ordable housing now: halve the cost of UTS student housing

• Introduce student loans for rental bonds

We demand that the federal government:

• Double all government welfare payments,

including rent assistance

• Abolish public transport fees for all students

• Tax landlords to fund public housing

• Provide Medicare access for international students

Women’s and LGBTQIA+ Rights

We demand:

• Free, legal abortion on demand

• Free, accessible gender a rming care

• End anti-trans violence

• End the gender pay gap

• Free period products on campus in all bathrooms

• Simplify changing students’ gender markers and names

Union democracy

Our student union should be transparent and accountable to students. We’ll fight for:

• Student union meetings to be open to all students

• Students to have the right to move motions in meetings

• Union collectives to be regularly convened

• Regular and readily accessible reporting from o ce bearers


Our Palestinian Youth for Council ticket for the 2025 UTSSA elections is a collection of student activists from a range of faculties and ethnic/ religious backgrounds. We will be utilising the UTSSA general council as well as the National Union of Students to advocate for change pertaining to a number of campaign

goals on campus at UTS as well as on the national scale across all universities in Australia. These campaign goals focus on issues that a ect all students on campus and they include:

• Targeting all forms of racism aFecting all ethnic backgrounds to make UTS a safer and more welcoming campus for BIPOC students.

• Advocating for university policy that combats the cost-of-living crisis among all domestic and international students.

• Combatting language barriers a ecting both sta and students who speak English as a second language.

• Prioritising policy that will streamline sexual harassment prevention as well as abuse reporting, making it easier for sta and students to report any grievances.

• Making incident reporting more accessible to sta and students.

• Pushing for divestment campaigns to ensure that UTS and universities across Australia continue to disclose and cut their ties to widely recognized institutions and weapons manufacturers that profit from wars and genocides as well as the su ering of civilians.

We want UTS to be a safer and more ethical campus for our students and our representatives want student issues to be heard and advocated for on a national level.

VOTE [1] PYC for SRC!


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