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Retired Employee Insurance Plan Information

The insurance plan options for UT Retired Employees vary slightly from the Active Employee insurance package. This section outlines the coverage options with notes about how the coverage transitions. Contact information for all plan vendors is located at the back of this book.

Basic Coverage Package

UT and the State of Texas pays 100% of your premiums for the Basic Coverage Package, and up to 50% of the premiums for your dependents’ medical coverage . As a part of the Basic Coverage Package, you and your covered dependents over age 18 are also eligible for the Living Well Wellness Program .


The UT SELECT Medical PPO plan for Retired Employees is the same plan as for Active Employees

Medicare Eligible UT retirees and/or their Medicare Eligible dependents will be enrolled into UT CARE

Medicare PPO

Once you and anyone covered on your plan is eligible for Medicare, you will be transitioned into the UT CARE Medicare PPO Plan . Medicare-eligible participants must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B to be enrolled in the UT CARE plan . Medicare-eligible retiree plan participants are enrolled in the UT CARE Part D plan for prescription drug coverage (See more in the Medicare section of this guide .)

Non-Medicare eligible retirees continue in the same UT SELECT Medical and Prescription Drug plan as Active employees .

For non-Medicare eligible retirees and dependents, if your address on file is outside of Texas, New Mexico, or Washington D .C ., Out of Area benefits apply . See the UT SELECT Medical Plan Guide for more information .


UT CONNECT ACO Medical Plan for Dallas/Fort Worth Area

See legal notices regarding the selection of Primary Care Physicians

The UT CONNECT Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is available for UT Employees and non-Medicare eligible Retirees living in the designated service area You can go online to find out more information about the UT CONNECT plan: www .utsystem .edu/offices/employeebenefits/ut-connect-aco-medical-plan .

The prescription drug coverage is the same as UT SELECT medical plan participants .

Once a retiree or retiree's dependent becomes eligible for Medicare, they will be transitioned into the UT CARE Medicare PPO They must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B prior to enrollment into the UT CARE Medicare PPO plan

$10,000 Group Term Life insurance is provided for each Retired Employee as a part of the Basic Coverage Package .

Living Well

Retired Employees and their dependents age 18 and over covered in the UT SELECT Medical Plan, UT CONNECT or UT CARE Medicare PPO plan are automatically eligible for the Living Well wellness program offered by UT System

Retired Employees and their spouse age 50 and above are eligible for the SilverSneakers® Fitness program . See Resources at the back of this book .

If you waive your Basic Coverage Package because you have other medical coverage, you will not be enrolled in the Basic Group Term Life insurance .

If you waive or decline UT SELECT Medical, UT CONNECT or UT CARE Medicare PPO, you will not be eligible to participate in Living Well . However, some institutions offer their own wellness resources regardless of enrollment in the UT SELECT, UT CONNECT or UT CARE Medicare PPO Plan .

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