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Annual Enrollment Detailed Timeline
Review Make Informed Benefits Choices With Resources Available To Help You
Annual Enrollment Website available by July 15, 2023
• Virtual and/or Annual Enrollment Meetings (at your institution)
• Insurance vendors available for plan-specific questions (see information on OEB Virtual Annual Enrollment website and Contacts at the end of this publication)
July 15 – July 31, 2023
UT Benefits Enrollment Options email or letter delivered by July 15 lists current coverage, options for coverage for the next plan year beginning September 1, 2023, and instructions for making changes online.
During this period, you can: www.utsystem.edu/benefits JULY
• Make changes to your benefits to add UT SELECT medical or UT CARE medical (if Medicare eligible). Newly added coverage is effective September 1, 2023.
• Make changes to your benefits to drop UT SELECT medical or UT CARE. Dropping these coverages will result in a loss of UT Medical insurance,
• Add or remove dependents,
• Change coverage options for certain plans, and
• Register for UT Living Well platform, powered by Limeade.
This is a good time to update other items if you’ve had changes during the year, like:
• Contact information,
• Tobacco user status, and
• Beneficiary information.
Deadline Wednesday, August 15, 2023
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is required to enroll in certain insurance coverage, including Voluntary Group Term Life.
Evidence of Eligibility (EOE) is required when you enroll your spouse or a dependent in the UT Benefits program for the first time.
Evidence of Waiver (EOW) is required if you waive your UT group medical coverage and wish to apply premium sharing to pay for other eligible coverage. Medicare eligible retirees are not eligible for the UT SELECT medical plan.
• Current UT CARE enrollees do not need to re-elect or change their medical coverage to remain in the UT CARE plan.
• Individuals not currently enrolled in a UT medical plan may enroll during this July’s AE period. Medicare eligible participants will be enrolled into UT CARE effective September 1, 2023.
• Current UT CARE participants who drop their UT CARE insurance will be disenrolled from the retiree medical insurance program.
• More information about the UT CARE plan is available later in this newsletter.