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The mobility week in Barcelona has been a great learning experience in multiple ways From facing unexpected situations like getting sick on the second day of the trip to pushing myself to still join as many activities as possible and make the most out of this mobility week, it has been an eventful week. This trip presented many skills that I could improve, learn and treasure on, of which the main one being companionship. For someone like me, who is apprehensive when it comes to travelling alone or travelling with people that I am not very familiar with, feeling safe and comfortable with the group is very important.

Companionship is the feeling that you have someone in all situations. In this trip, the students that joined this mobility week were from different universities, taking different courses and coming from different countries Most of us did not know each other and for me, I was not even familiar with most people that came from my university In this situation, I was initially a bit apprehensive of how it would be like spending a whole week with people that I do not know However, unlike what I expected, this experience turned out to be a wonderful one, with many exciting incidents In a trip like this one, feeling safe and secure with the people you are traveling with is extremely important.

The first instance of companionship that I saw in the mobility week was when me and my friends got sick in the first few days of the week. Being sick in a foreign country is often hard as you are unfamiliar with the place, and you do not know where to go for help. However, the roommates I shared a room with were kind enough to inquire how we were feeling, and this simple gesture was the starting step to the companionship we all shared throughout the week.

Another incident that I observed at the end of the mobility week was when an unfortunate incident took place where one of the students’ wallet was stolen He had lost his money and some personal belongings After this incident took place, many students were willing to help him financially or any other help that he needed, and these students were not people who had known him for a long time They were all people who became friends during the course of this trip A situation occurred where the same person was not able to travel back with us as their ticket was cancelled. Even in this situation, I was able to see some students waiting with him till the last minute, not worrying about their own train, seeing if they can be of help in some way. These gestures are what make us all feel safe and willing to go on more adventures like this.

T r e n d i n g

I believe that a skill that everyone will take away from this mobility week is looking out for each other, making sure that everyone is comfortable and making everyone feel included Having these essential skills will motivate anyone who is trying to come out of the comfort zone and explore new things

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