Year 6 Transition Booklet

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Name: ………………..……… Form: 7.__

I am really looking forward to welcoming all of you to UVHS in September. This is such an exciting time for all of us, and for Year 7, the opportunity to make new friends, study new subjects and also take advantage of all the extra activities that we have on offer. All in all, the chance for you to become the authors of your own life stories. Mr. Hardwick—Headteacher Hello Year 6—or should I say, aspiring Year 7s! I am SO excited to be your Head of Year for the next 5 years. I have just said goodbye to my Year 11 group (in rather unusual circumstances) having been with them since Year 9, but to have the opportunity to be with you throughout your secondary years is a great honour. I look forward to getting to know all of you and seeing you grow into responsible young adults here at UVHS. I can always be found in either the PE Department or my office, and my door is always open to you, as is the door of your Form Teacher. Mrs Hayton—Head of Year 7

Mr. Butler MBE Assistant Headteacher

Well … transition has not exactly gone as we had planned, but you will get to UVHS soon, and I very much look forward to seeing you all in a UVHS uniform, ready to learn and making new friends. Make sure you’ve watched the virtual tour as well as going through this booklet.

Ms Hillman is our SENCO (and also one of our Art teachers) and in charge of Learning Support at UVHS. She is based in Townlands along with her team, including Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cowperthwaite, who are there to make sure you all get the support you might need in lessons. They also run several lunchtime and after-school clubs, including Homework Club. It is also a quiet place to spend break times and somewhere to make new friends.

Mrs Douglas and Mrs Butler are here to look after the social and emotional aspects of all of our students’ learning through the delivery of SEALs. The Engagement Centre is a safe place for all pupils to go at break-times and is also where the Peer Mentors are based.

When you start at UVHS, most students will be studying the following subjects:

Maths Science ICT




You will always have your school planner with you in which will be lots of information to help you in your subjects as well as your TIMETABLE—this tells you what subjects you have each day, when they are, where they are and who the teacher is.

Entrance to building


Boys’ Girls’



Main Office / Reception

A1-10: Maths

Main Hall

A11-14: Music & Drama

Engagement Centre

A16-A26: Science

Learning Mentors

Mrs Hayton’s Office

Dining Rooms

Mr Butler’s Office


Boys’ Toilets

Girls’ Boys’



First Floor First Floor

S1-8: History, B.P.E., & Geography

Girls’ Toilets

S9-13: French, German & Spanish C1-5: English Entrance to building


C6-8: Townlands C9-10: Various Subjects

D1&2: DT

D4&5: Food & Nutrition

D9-11: Art

D12: ICT

D6-8: DT/Engineering

D13: DT/Engineering

Girls’ Toilets

N1: ICT N5-10: ICT, BPE & English

Boys’ Toilets

Entrance to building


PE Office


(Mrs Hayton) Girls

Entrance to building

Boys Girls

Now you are starting secondary school you begin to take on more responsibility for yourself. This includes: 

Packing your bag with the correct books each day;

Taking your PE kit home to wash every week, and bringing it back in on the correct day;

Making sure you always have your pencil case with you (pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, maths equipment) and your planner;

Every evening, checking with your parent(s) what homework has been set via our online app (TEAMS), and when it is due in.

When you first arrive at UVHS, you will be put in a form group. If there are several of you coming from your primary school we will have discussed friendship groups extensively with your yr6 teacher. You will also get to meet your Form Teacher—this is the teacher that you will meet to register every morning at 8.50am and every afternoon at 1.30pm throughout yr7-11. They will get to know you very well over the years and constantly be monitoring your wellbeing, as well as your progress in lessons. You and/or your parents can ALWAYS speak to them if you have any worries. Your form will also have a Form Room allocated where you will go for every morning and afternoon registration.

A lot of your friends will be in your form, and students can go to their form rooms before school and also at break times and lunchtime to socialise, although there are also lots of lunchtime and after-school clubs you can join. However, if you would like to meet up somewhere else you can do so in the Cloister, Library and Annexe, as well as outside (if the weather is fine).


Who and Where

I arrive late at school

Go straight to registration. If registration period has ended, go to Reception to sign in.

I am being bullied

Speak to your Form Teacher, the Engagement Centre, a Peer Mentor or any other member of staff.

I have a medical/dental appointment

Bring a note into school and your form tutor will fill out an appointment slip or your parent can let school know by phone. You must sign out at reception before leaving the school and sign back in on your return.

I have lost something

Retrace your steps and if you still can’t find it… Report it at Reception

I have forgotten my login and/or password for TEAMS

Ask your form tutor to get you your details.

I don’t understand what to do for my homework

See your subject teacher for help.

I have forgotten to bring something to school

If it is very important then you will be allowed to ring home from Mrs Hayton’s office or Reception.

I get something confiscated

Phones, electronic items and jewellery can be collected at 3.30pm from Reception.

I don’t feel well

Tell your form tutor/subject teacher or report to Reception. If necessary, permission will be given for you to go home by Mrs Hayton or a Senior Leader, and your parents will be contacted.

I am absent

A parent should contact school before 9.30am on the first morning of your absence and each subsequent day. If you are absent from school and we have not heard from your parent(s), school will contact home.

Absence Line: Tel: 01229 483900 ext 6264 I need to take medication

All medication taken regularly in school should be taken in consultation with the school nurse and Mrs Hayton and in accordance with your individual care plan and the school’s policy. Depending on the type of medication, and what it is for, it must be stored at Reception or Townlands where you also go to take it.

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