The Scary Rise In Eating Disorders
Inked Beauty True Confession Tattitude Kat Von D UNVEILED
A First Confession Of Many
Christina Parri Opens up to us With flesh as her canvas and an Eating disorders are no longer a about her past her present and her inked needle as her brush, Kat Von sickness assigned to the young future and what regrets she carD has quickly become one of the teenager. Recent studies have ries and the confessions that have most recognized female tattoo artshown more and more women helped her learn life lessons and ists. We unveil how she got where are now suffering from more and strive towards her goals. she is today and juicy tid bits of more dangerous eating behaviors. her personal life off set of her TLC series LA Ink.
Best Product Breakthroughs The most recent product breakthroughs that offer asstounding and clearer more defined results.
21 Miracle Makeovers These easy makeover tips and tricks will liven up any wardrobe and hairstyle that’s out of date.
Celebs Favorite Tattoos We all know that Christina Perri has many tattoo but which one is her favorite? Which celebrity got their first tat as tribute to a loved one? Find out these and more in this months section of tattitude.
Beauty Innovation These innovative secrets will help you look and feel 5 years younger by following these easy steps.
37 Ultimate Advice For The Underdog The best advice we have to offer if you are labeled and known as a true underdog.
A Recipie To Lift Your Spirits
Booze Infuzed Desserts
Cupcakes infused with your favorite boozes. Follow this easy recipe for treats your next party can’t go without.
We know it’s a hard decision. With so many vodkas to choose we’ve made a list of the most popular and the most delicious.
Abs, Arms and Asses
Recovery Stretches
This is no ordinary workout to tone and strenghten. Getting rock hard abs was never supposed to be easy if you wanted serious and noticable results.
Avoid the pain of after workout cramps with these easy 5 minute stretches to relieve.
BEAUTY Stunner
25 Sexy Hair Ideas
Flawless Sexy Skin
Tired of the same ole’ same ole’? Change things up a bit and put some oomph back into your style. Go from “eh” to eh-mazing in less than thirty minutes.
In Less than 10 minutes you can have the sexiest most flawless skin that will turn heads. Follow these easy step by step daily routines and have results that make you feel sexier than ever!
LUST Smitten
What He’s Thinking
Make Him Want You
WIsh you could read minds? Well now you can. 5 signs to help you determine what he’s wondering.
You’ve got his attention now you have to keep it! Don’t let this opportunity pass you buy. It’s time to get gorgeous.
With flesh as her canvas and an inked needle as her brush, Kat Von D. has become a world renound female tattoo artist.
Inked Beauty
This month we unveil Kat Von D. and her extraordinary talents as a female tattoo artist. She reveals to us some of her most personal tattoos, what they mean and what events of her life they represent. WRITTEN BY
Elizabeth Porter | PHOTOGRAPHY BY Jackson Markwell
rofessor atBODY TEXTTRADE GOTHIC rem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially and virtually complete and also unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when.
The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like read able English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors or use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on pur pose (injected humour and the like). Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin
is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scram bled it to make a type speci men book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using.
I’m a canvas of my experiences, my story is etched in lines and shading, and you can read it on my arms, my legs, my shoulders, and even my stomach.
Lorem Ipsum is that it has. A more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here mak ing it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing pack ages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lor em ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (in-
jected humour and the like) Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature. Making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word of in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor. The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum has been used since the 1500s and has become one of the most reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. It is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standardized fixed width type. text Trade Gothic em Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scram bled it to make a type speci men book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was
Kats Lover Lorem Ipsum has been the indutry standardized fixed width type. Body text Trade Gothic em Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type setting in dustry. Loremp sum has been the industry stan dard dummy text ever since the early year. When a strange on a known printer took a galley of a type and scram bled it to make a type speci men book. It has sur vived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, re maining essen tially unchanged more recently with desktop. Software like Aldus PageMaker including. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it
L Aink Upcoming Episode Schedule October 31st 8:00 pm EST
November 22nd 7:30 pm EST
December 26th 6:00 pm EST
January 23rd 10:00 pm EST
April 1st 6:00 pm EST
EPISODE Aubrey Tries To Help The Shop
EPISODE Tick, Toc, Bio logical Clock
EPISODE Kat’s Away, Aubrey Will Play
EPISODE Kate’s Returns To The Shop
Kat decides to open an Austin tattoo shop with Jessie; High Voltage family fears its home may be closing its doors.
Kat visits her old birthplace in Mexico,in the off road 500 Baja race.
Following the life of Miami Ink body artist Kat Von D as she leaves to set up her own tattoo parlour in Los Angeles.
Upon Kat’s return to the shop she finds an unwanted surprise
Jesse and Kat are on the verge of an ended relationship. Will Kat make amends with Jessie and his lifestyle?
Nothings Forever,
Not Even Tattoos
Inked Beauty |
Savor FOOD Savor
Booze Infused Desserts
These darling delectables aren’t your everyday bakesale delights. Infused with your choice of your favorite booze, these little babies have made it possible for you to have your cake and drink it too! WRITTEN BY Amanda Brooks | PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tonya Roxy FIRST, select one of the cupcakes below. SECOND, follow the instrictions on page 6 to bake your cupcake. THIRD,
select the frosting recipe that matches your cupcake to bake a booze infused cupcake that will be sure to lift your spirits!
Is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when an unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the. When an. Unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when an unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Galley of type and scram bled it to make a type speci men book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic type. Unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when an unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum. Has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when an unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software simmilarity. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when. Unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum has been the industry’s stan dard dummy text ever since the, when an unknown printer. is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorempsum.
Fruity Facts
Lorem Ipsum has been the indutry standardized fixed width type. Body text Trade Gothic em Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type setting in dustry. Loremp sum has been the industry stan dard dummy text ever since the early year. When a strange on a known printer took a galley of a type and scram bled it to make a type speci men book. It has sur vived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.
A Recipe to L ift Your Spirits Preheat your oven to a toasy 350* ane begin lining your cupcake pan with cupcake liners. If you are using a cupcake pan with
1. . . . . . . . no liners be sure to spray with a non-stick spray. (we reccommend Olive Oil Pam)
While your oven is preheating you may start combining your wet ingredients in a bowl using a blender on low. These ingredients
2. . . . . . . . will include your room temperature butter, 2 already beaten eggs and 1 cup of buttermilk.
Allow the wet ingredients you have mixed in step 2 to stand at room teperature while you mix your dry ingredients in a separate
3. . . . . . . . bowl. This will consist of your 3 cups flour, 2 1/4 cups sugar, 1/2 tsp kosher salt and 2 tsp. baking powder.
After selecting your desired cupcake with the chart on page 5, mix in the additional ingredients listed next to your favorite
4. . . . . . . . liquor. Once complete, combine all ingredients into the same bowl. Let stand until oven is preheated.
Once oven has reached pre-heated temperature, pour cake batter into a one gallon zip loc bag. Once full, cut the corner so it
5. . . . . . . . allows you to easily pipe the batter into the cupcake tins. Fill halfway with batter then place in oven.
Cook until you can insert and remove a toothpick without any batter residue. (about 20 min) Let cool for 25 minutes and frost
6. . . . . . . . with your choice of frosting provided below.
3S ticks of butter at room temperature
3S ticks of butter at room temperature
3S ticks of butter at room temperature
4 Cups of powdered sugar
4 Cups of powdered sugar
4 Cups of powdered sugar
1/ 4 cup of Cruzan’s splendid Raspberry Rum 1/8 Cup freshly crushed raspberries.
1/ 4 cup of Smirnoff Lime Vodka
1/ 4 cup of Cruzan’s Mango Rum
1/4 Cup of fresh lime juice
1/8 Cup fresh crushed mango
Zest of one full lime
1 tsp. vallina
Booze Infused Desserts |
BEAUTY Stunner
Your favorite celebrities open up about their ink and what it means to them.
PINK And a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various ver sions have .evolved over the years, sometimes by ac cident, sometimes on purpose. Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in making years old.
AVRIL Lavigne And a search KAT
Von D Contrary to
popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots over 2000 And a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many still in their infancy. Various ver sions have .evolved over the years, sometimes by popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not quite so simply.
for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various ver sions have .evolved over the years, sometimes by ac cident, sometimes on purpose. Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text years old Richard McClintock.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots over 2000 And a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many still in their infancy. Various ver sions have .evolved over the years, sometimes by popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not
TopGet 10 Reasons Top 10 Reasons To Inked To Get Inked
Nowadays, it seems like everybody has one but why? Getting a tattoo seems to be more Nowadays, it seems like everybody has one but why? Getting a tattoo seems to be more and more common way to express ones feelings, life experiences and stupidity. Below we and more common way to express ones feelings, life experiences and stupidity. Below we have listed 10 of the most popular reasons many get tat toos. Rank them in the order you have listed 10 of the most popular reasons many get tat toos. Rank them in the order you believe is correct and check your results on the bottom right hand corner of page 12. believe is correct and check your results on the bottom right hand corner of page 12.
A Closer Look At Your F YEAR STARTED 1979 FOUNDER Bob Costas AUDIENCE Those who have a love of the ocean with deep roots in beach culture and our youth who have aspiring dreams.
HISTORY The history of Hurley traces its roots back to the surf industry in Southern Cali fornia in the late 1970’s. Hurley Surf boards was established in Costa Mesa in 1979. Well into the early 1980’s, Hurley Surfboards was excelling as a company and Bob was shaping surfboards for many of the very best surfers in the whole world. In 1982, Bob and his business manager, Joe K., began pursuing a hot Australian clothing brand, Billabong. Bob was attracted to the company because of their super long, punk rock boardshort.
YEAR STARTED 1974 FOUNDER Geoff Fox AUDIENCE Motocross fanat ics who are dedicated to the sport of freestyle and motocross racing.
HISTORY Today, Fox remains a family owned and operated business, with the second gen eration working full-time at the company. In doing so, the family has held steadfast to Geoff Fox’s original goal of making the best motocross products money can buy. Constant research, development, and fine-tuning goes into Fox race apparel and performance gear. The company continues to lead the charge by utilizing the best technology and design talent available to enhance and optimize the quality, comfort and performance of all of its products.
Its Your Individuality
Make A Statement
YEAR STARTED 1993 FOUNDER Ken Block and Damon Way AUDIENCE DC has built a world-class team of professional skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX,motocross and rally athletes that exemplify and enhance DC’s brand, develop its signature products, and support its promotional efforts. DC is a subsidiary of Quiksilver, Incoporated.
Be Noticable
Founded by Ken Block and Damon Way in 1993, DC quickly grew to become a leader in performance skateboarding shoes and a renowned action sports brand. Today DC shoes stands as a global brand whose product line has expanded to begin including men’s and women’s and kids’ skateboarding and lifestyle shoes, apparel, snowboards. As one of the cornerstones of its market ing strategy, DC has built a world-class team of professional skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX,motocross and rally athletes that exemplify and enhance DC’s brand, develop its signature products, and support its promotional efforts. the company continues to lead the charge by utilizing the best technology and design talent available to enhance and optimize the quality, comfort and performance of all of its products. It is through lessons learned through relationships with the best athletes in the world that DC will continue to create and offer the finest lines of apparel and clothing available today.
Favorite Name Brands YEAR STARTED 2005 FOUNDER Jon James AUDIENCE The men and women of today, new rebels who forge a path of their own.
YEAR STARTED 1963 FOUNDER Sante Mazzarolo AUDIENCE For those who
HISTORY Established in 2005 and based in los angeles rock revival outfits the men and women of today the new rebels who forge a path of their own. Rock and roll is the steady heartbeat that pulses in the background of society’s evolution constant in its mission to inspire. We hope tat our denim inspires your own individuality. Music and art are the common threads that bring us all together. We are passionate about freedom of expression and the individual voice. We place a premium on smiles. Welcome to our world imagine the possibilities.
live their life on the edge with no fear, no doubts, and no worries. As well as championAthletes who rely on gear that needs to perform just as well as they do. To be one of the best you have to use the best gear.
In Your Face Attitude
YEAR STARTED 1998 FOUNDER Brian Deegan AUDIENCE The Freestyle
Motocross enthusiasts and others who dare speak in the language of noncomformity.
HISTORY Started in the year of 1998 by Brian Deegan and Larry Linkogle, the Metal Mulisha has grown into the biggest, best and most bad-ass Freestyle Motocross team in the world. Known for winning gold medals, breaking world records, and then turning industry tradition upside down through the freestyle motocross. What began as a group of friends just riding dirt bikes in Metal Mulisha gear and competing to see who could do the best tricks has grown into one of the most recognized and respected brands in action sports. Metal Mulisha all to “join the domi nation” and express their rebellious spirit and daring attitude.
Express Your Rebellious Spirit
Dare To Be Bold HISTORY Founded in 1963 by Sante Mazzarolo in Asolo, Italy, the company started out making hiking and ski boots, but quickly shifted its focus to making boots for motocross racing as well as road racing boots shortly thereafter. The company takes its name from the English translation of the Italian mountain flower “Stella Alpina” which grows high in the mountains around the area where the company was founded. Having enjoyed great success with many world champions such as Roger DeCoster, Kenny Roberts and Mick Doohan, the 1990s saw the company branch out into manufacturing all types of technical protective gear for motorcycling ranging from gloves and jackets to full leather suits. Today the company is headed by Sante’s son, Gabriele Mazzarolo and has offices in Los Angeles and Tokyo while the original headquarters and main research & development facility remain in Northern Italy.
The Scary Rise In Eating Disorders WRITTEN BY
Jenny Deam | PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tonya Roxy
Eating disorders are no longer a sickness assigned to the young teenager. Recent studies have shown more and more grown women are suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and other dangerous eating behaviors. sually she just had a cup or two of plain pasta. Sometimes, as a treat, a diet soda. But whatever she ate or drank, Susan kept it to around 500 calories a day. A year passed, and anytime she tried to eat more, her stomach would clench until she vomited. Her skin turned blotchy, her eyes became sunken, her hair started falling out. Yet, she felt numb. Susan had overcome a turbulent upbringing, married a great guy, and set up house in a small, idyllic Pacific Northwest town. Life was good...until two years ago, when her out-of-control, alcoholic father ended up in the hospital. Once again, his crises cast a dark shadow on her life, and Susan’s old emotional demons returned. Her insides twisted every time the phone rang— would it be the doctor? the police? Little by little the constant drama of dealing with her dad squelched her normally healthy appetite. By June 2011, the 5’4” Susan had lost
over 40 pounds and weighed in at less than 100. She found excuses not to join her family at the dinner table, focusing instead on privately planning out every morsel that went into her mouth. Her husband grew frantic until, finally, Susan went to a doctor. He ruled out a series of gastrointestinal conditions, then said, “And you’re too old for anorexia.” Eating disorders leaped into the national conscience in the 1970s and ‘80s, when the number of diagnosed cases exploded. The patients were adolescent girls, many of whom became anorexic or bulimic as a means of controlling their bodies—and, by extension, their lives—as they made their way through puberty. So many girls fell victim that eating disorders were branded a teenage disease. (And experts continue to see a troubling number of cases among teen girls, says Ovidio Bermudez, M.D., board member of the National Eating Disorders Association.) Yet lately doctors have noticed a disturbing spike among a different group: women in their late twenties, thirties, and forties. At the Renfrew Center’s 11 treatment locations, the number of patients over age 35 has skyrocketed 42 percent in the past decade. Likewise, a couple of years ago at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver, an estimated 10 percent of patients were over age 25; today, a whopping 46 percent are over 30. And when it opened in 2003, the University of North Carolina’s Eating Disorders Program was designed for adolescents—now half of the patients they treat are over 30 years old. Just like their younger counterparts, adult eating disorders deliver a mind-body punch that kills more people than any other mental illness. Patients of all ages can suffer impaired brain function, infertility, dental decay, or even kidney failure or cardiac arrest. But while the teen and adult diseases share physical symptoms, and both can be tied to deep psychological roots, their catalysts are quite different, says psychotherapist Jessica LeRoy, of the Center for the Psychology of Women in Los Angeles. “As women get older and their lives evolve, so do their stressors and triggers,” she says. These can nudge the door open for an eating disorder. But research on the adult-onset versions is lacking—and without sufficient tools and awareness, women like Susan are being misdiagnosed. When her physician failed to pinpoint a cause, Susan and her husband sought several more opinions about her ever-shrinking size. The other doctors also ignored the possibility of an eating disorder, though one did suggest she seek psychiatric care. Susan went back home, where she lived in fear and confusion, her health rapidly deteriorating. Finally, a friend
whose teenage daughter was anorexic recognized her symptoms and urged the family to consult an eating disorder specialist. After two years of starving herself, Susan checked into a clinic, where she needed to be hooked up to a feeding tube in order to survive this. For decades, the eating disorder lexicon had two main entries: anorexia and bulimia. But modern research reveals that these fall woefully short of encompassing the many facets of disordered eating. In the early ‘90s, the American Psychiatric Association introduced a new diagnostic category: eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). A catch-all label that includes dozens of subdiagnoses, EDNOS applies to patients who don’t meet the exact criteria for
“80 percent of women have a disatisfaction with their appearance”
anorexia or bulimia but still have very troubled relationships with food or distorted body images. Today, EDNOS diagnoses significantly outnumber anorexia and bulimia cases. “The atypical has become the typical,” says Ovidio Bermudez, On any given day, nearly 40 percent of American women are on a diet. The weight-worry gun is loaded early: By the time they reach age 10, 80 percent of girls fret that they’re fat. Their main “thinspiration,” according to experts: the ultra-slim starlets glorified in popular culture. It seems unlikely, though, that women who make it into adulthood with healthy eating habits would suddenly become swayed by such images. “Grown women used to be allowed to have curves,” says LeRoy. “As they got older, their bodies were supposed to change, especially after having kids.” But times have changed. The emergence of the MILF meme has spawned a novel form of pressure for an older age-group. And though LeRoy point outs that appear-
Hanna Collier Our featured model was willing to help us capture the essence of individuals who starve for days and never eat. Although beautiful on the outside they are starving and sickly on the inside and disguise their ilness well. Hanna did a fantastic job showing the hunger many feel but never show.
Do You Have An Eating Disorder? 1 Do you constantly worry what your last meal is doing to your body? 2 Experience guilt, shame or disappointment about eating? 3 Do you count all of your calorie intake whenever you eat or drink? 4 Obsess that your stomach, hips, thighs or buttocks are too big? 5 Do you weigh yourself several times if not more than once a day? 6 Punish yourself with exercise if you don’t like the number on the scale? 7 Exercise more than an hour every day to burn calories you ate earlier? 8 Exercise to lose weight, even if you are very ill or severely injured? 9 If you eat a “forbidden” food compensate by skipping your next meal? 10 Use laxatives or diuretics to help you keep your weight down? ing svelte post-pregnancy isn’t a bad thing, “the problem is when mothers try to turn back the clock and look like they’re 18 by starving themselves.” Of course, celeb scapegoats are not the only cultural influence at play. Ironically, a growing national impetus on super-healthy living might be fueling some adult eating disorders, says Emmett Bishop, M.D., director of adult services at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver. While the message itself (smart food choices, reduced portion sizes, ample exercise) is justified—and necessary in fighting America’s obesity epidemic—”some women who are prone to eating disorders might take that message and run too far with it,” says Bishop, using it to validate food restriction or as an excuse not to eat anything at all.
Secondary Victims of Anorexia
Particularly at risk are women with extreme personalities (i.e., those who lean toward all-or-nothing behavior), says eating disorder nutritionist Sondra Kronberg, R.D., director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative in New York. “When a woman like this hears that red meat has a higher fat content, she might really hear ‘All meat is bad and loaded with fat; I can’t eat it,’ “ she explains. And cutting out food groups can snowball into a full-fledged disorder. Contributing to these catalysts is the growing fervor over food sensitivities and allergies, says Kronberg. What starts out as necessary restriction—say, nixing wheat due to a gluten allergy—could ignite larger restrictive-eating behavior, leading to a seriously dialed-down diet that excludes. vBut experts also note that adult eating disorders aren’t all driven by the need to look young or eat extra healthfully. Restriction or purging can also be outward manifestations of much deeper emotional turmoil, says Cheryl Kerrigan, a recovered adult anorexic and author of Telling ED No! “For some women, it’s not always about the food,” she says. “It’s always about their feelings.”
Katy was 26 the first time she stuck a finger down her throat. A Detroit native, she’d grown up happy and with healthy eatinvg habits. But as she climbed the proverbial ladder at her public relations firm, her stress level also rose (frustratingly, her salary stayed on the bottom rung). One day, after dinner with her husband, Katy slipped into the bathroom. “It was like I had pressure inside me that I needed to release,” she says. “Afterward, I felt much better.” She flushed the toilet and went downstairs to watch TV. Before long, Katy was purging up to eight times a day. At work, she’d vomit, wash up, and return to her desk without anyone noticing. “I was like a closet smoker,” she says. Unlike many bulimia patients, Katy wasn’t trying to erase calories or shed dress sizes. She felt that throwing up was evidence. The desire for control is common among adult eating disorder patients, says Kronberg. Women are loaded with more responsibilities, such as paying the mortgage or caring for aging parents. They’re also navigating big life transitions career changes, marriage, pregnancies, divorce. “As early as age 30, many women hit a point at which they feel there are certain things they should have accomplished,” says Kronberg. “They evaluate their lives, and if they see a void, they look for something that will make them. But emerging research shows that yet another factor could turn an innocent desire for self-improvement into an unstoppable compulsion. If two women with the same background have similar careers and diets, why might just one develop an eating disorder? Scientists now believe that some people carry an inherited vulnerability and that the illness can be genetic. The developing picture is complex: One specific gene does not spawn the disease. Inherited eating issues are likely due to a combination of genetic factors, ones that may skip a generation, lie dormant for decades, or never become active at all, says Sari Shepphird, Ph.D., author of 100 Questions and Answers.
It has been estimated that out of 5 women at least 1 will struggle with some type of eating disorder.
What experts do know is that “something has to come in from the outside to turn the eating disorder on,” says psychologist and genetic researcher Craig Johnson, Ph.D., former president of the National Eating Disorders Association. Dieting and exercise are often the initial switches. Whenever any woman does either, she’s actually changing her brain’s neurochemistry. (For most people, this is necessary to create new healthy habits.) To wit, studies show that women with anorexia or bulimia have abnormal levels of several neurotransmitters, chemicals that affect anxiety and appetite. It’s possible that something deep in their DNA. Currently, there’s no genetic test for an eating disorder, but just because your mom or sister struggles with food doesn’t mean you’re doomed to follow suit. Instead, women with a family history should be cautious about throwing themselves into hard-core diets or workout regimens, especially if they also have anorexia-related behavioral traits such as perfectionism or anxiety. The encouraging news is that adult women with lateonset eating disorders often have an easier time healing than adolescents do. About 50 percent of patients will fully
recover, says Shepphird, likely because many women over 30 have the maturity needed to recognize that they need help. Most seek treatment because they want to get better—as opposed to teens, who are usually pushed into therapy by their parents or doctors, says Johnson. (Take Katy’s case: She knew that a purging was dangerous. After tearfully confessing. However, older women have felt out of place in treatment programs geared toward teenagers, says Laurie Glass, a recovered adult anorexic and the author of Journey to Freedom from Eating Disorders. Glass fell ill in 2003 when she was 32 but resisted entering a recovery center because of her age. “The guilt and the shame were overwhelming. I thought, I’m an adult, I should know better,” she says. Instead, she sought out a dietitian for counsel. Of course, had she become sick in 2012, Glass would likely have found plenty of patients her age at eating disorder treatment centers all around the country. As the larger medical community slowly becomes aware that eating issues don’t disappear with adolescence, grown women have a better chance of being properly diagnosed. Still, says Johnson, if you suspect you have a problem, seek out an eating disorder specialist. That’s what Susan wishes she had done, back when she couldn’t bring herself to eat. Now in intensive treatment, she’s learning that the best way to shrink her anxieties is to deal with her emotions and rebuild a strong, and very healthy body. or the majority of her life, 44-year-old Angela Lackey, a writer from Midland, Michigan, says she rarely fussed about her weight or worried about eating. She
had a normal body image and, at 125 pounds, was healthy and fit. But shortly after being diagnosed with a thyroid illness that contributed to a sudden weight loss, she says friends began to notice her thinning figure. “Many people had complimented me on how ‘tiny’ and ‘good’ I looked,” she says. She didn’t know it then, but those comments would fuel unhealthy eating behaviors that would lead to full-fledged anorexia in a downward spiral that nearly cost Lackey her life. While anorexia can hit at all ages, most people assume that it’s an adolescent disorder. “The most common cases of anorexia in women are among those who had some eating disorder symptoms when they were teens,” says Sari Shepphird, PhD, a clinical psychologist and eating disorders specialist in Los Angeles and author of 100 Questions & Answers About Anorexia Nervosa. “But the most current scientific literature suggests a vulnerability to developing eating disorders throughout the lifespan. Recent studies, in fact, indicate that older patients are being seen in increasing numbers and eating disorders treatment centers have seen a significant increase in the number of patients over age 30.” One prominent treatment center, the Renfrew Center (with 11 locations across the country), reported in 2005 that as many as 20 percent of their adult eating disorder patients said they were age 30 or older when they first encountered these kind of symptoms.
At work, she’d vomit, wash up, and return to her desk without anyone noticing. “I was like a closet smoker”
Those Who Are At Risk
Why the upsurge in adult anorexia? It’s simple, says Dr. Shepphird: an increasing and intense social pressure to be thin. “The pressure on adult women to equate thinness with attractiveness has increased in recent years, now resulting in 80 percent—four out of five—women reporting dissatisfaction with their appearance,” she says. “More women today feel like they are not ‘successful’ as women unless they are thin, which leads to increased eating. Looking back on the road that led Lackey to anorexia, she says she “developed a strong fear of gaining any of the weight back.” And, in a vicious cycle, she began using food restriction as a way of controlling those fears and anxieties as well as jobrelated stress. By November 2007, she had her eating down to a
shockingly strict regimen: a cup of yogurt for breakfast, two slices of deli turkey for lunch and one-third cup of rice for dinner. In January 2008, Lackey dropped below 100 pounds. In the end, after a few frightening emergency room visits for heart problems, it was a photo taken by a friend that helped her see that she, indeed. “There was a picture of me that showed me stripped to the bone—my arms, my skull, my neck— there was no body fat anywhere. I was shocked and asked my husband, “Is that what I look like?” For the first time, I felt frightened for my life and agreed to get help. In the end, it took several visits to treatment centers and meetings with eating disorder specialists before she began gaining weight again and beginning her recovery. “I am working on being comfortable with change, which feels threatening to a lot of people with anorexia and other eating disorders,” says Lackey, who is now in recovery. On any given day, nearly 40 percent of American women are on a diet. The weight-worry gun is loaded early: By the time they reach age 10, 80 percent of girls fret that they’re fat. Their main “thinspiration,” according to experts: the ultra-slim starlets glorified in popular culture. It seems unlikely, though, that women who make it into adulthood with healthy eating habits would suddenly become swayed by such images. “Grown women used to be allowed to have curves,” says LeRoy. “As they got older, their bodies were supposed to change, especially after having kids.” But times have changed. The emergence of the MILF meme has spawned a novel form of pressure for an older age-group. And though LeRoy point outs that appearing svelte post-pregnancy isn’t a bad thing, “the problem is when mothers try to turn back the clock and look like they’re 18 by starving themselves.” Of course, celeb scapegoats are not the only cultural influence at play. Ironically, a growing national impetus on super-healthy living might be fueling some adult eating disorders, says Emmett Bishop, M.D., director of adult services at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver. While the message itself (smart food choices, reduced portion sizes, ample exercise) is justified—and necessary in fighting America’s obesity epidemic—”some women who are prone to eating disorders might take that message and run too far with it,” says Bishop, using it to validate food restriction or as an excuse not to eat at all.
How You Can Help
Particularly at risk are women with extreme personalities (i.e., those who lean toward all-or-nothing behavior), says eating disorder nutritionist Sondra Kronberg, R.D., director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative in New York. “When a woman like this hears that red meat has a higher fat
content, she might really hear ‘All meat is bad and loaded with fat; I can’t eat it,’ “ she explains. And cutting out food groups can snowball into. Contributing to these catalysts is the growing fervor over food sensitivities and allergies, says Kronberg. What starts out as necessary restriction— say, nixing wheat due to a gluten allergy—could ignite larger restrictive-eating behavior, leading to a seriously dialed-down diet that excludes critical nutrients.sickness I thought, I’m an adult, I should know better,” she says. Instead, she sought out a It seems unlikely, though, that women who make it into adulthood with healthy eating habits would suddenly become swayed by such images. “Grown women used to be allowed to have curves,” says LeRoy. “As they got older, their bodies were supposed to change, especially after having kids.” But times have changed. The emergence of the MILF meme has spawned a novel form of pressure for an older age-group. And though LeRoy point outs that appearing svelte post-pregnancy isn’t a bad thing, “the problem is when mothers try to turn back the clock and look like they’re 18 by starving themselves.” Of course, celeb scapegoats are not the only cultural influence at play. Ironically, a growing national impetus on super-healthy living might be fueling some adult eating disorders, says Emmett Bishop, M.D., director of adult services at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver. While the message itself (smart food choices, reduced portion sizes, ample exercise) is justified—and necessary in fighting America’s obesity epidemic—”some women who are prone to eating disorders might take that message and run too far with it,” says Bishop, using it to validate food restriction or as an excuse not to eat anything at all. Particularly at risk are women with extreme personalities (i.e., those who lean toward all-or-nothing behavior), says eating disorder nutritionist Sondra Kronberg, R.D., director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative in New York. “When a woman like this hears that red meat has a higher fat content, she might really hear ‘All meat is bad and loaded with fat; I can’t eat it,’ “ she explains. And cutting out food groups can snowball into a fullfledged disorder. Contributing to these catalysts is the growing fervor over food sensitivities and allergies, says Kronberg. What starts out as necessary restriction—say, nixing wheat due to a gluten allergy—could ignite larger restrictive-eating behavior, leading to a seriously dialed-down diet that excludes.
Advice from Survivors How to Beat Anorexia Shannon Cutts, a recent recovering anorexic and advocate for eating disorders awareness who founded the eating disorders mentoring community MentorCONNECT and wrote Beating Ana: How to Outsmart Your Eating Disorder and Take Your Life Back, says the first step toward recovery for many women is what she call finding Or something worth living for. “Recovering from an eating disorder is not going to be easy, and you need an extremely motivational goal to reach for to keep you going when you feel like giving up,” she says. “Examples could include wanting to have a child someday, wanting to be there for your children, wanting to help others who have eating disorders, wanting to be able to see the world and travel, wanting to get married or save the relationships that are important”