1 minute read
Route | Kerri Seyfert
Route | Kerri Seyfert
Do you get attached to places? Do you find comfort in seeing familiar signs, stoplights, or benches? Do these material objects make you want to make a wish?
Do you run on a route because of its meaning? Passing places that allow you To visualize a moment or even a person?
Do you walk down the stairs with orange plastic streamers blowing in the breeze put up to keep the pigeons away remembering how we walked up them?
Do you hit the driveway in your tennis shoes and spandex to try and forget? Or to try and remember? Before you know the answer, are you immediately reminded of standing in the driveway awkwardly calling his name because he got lost the first time he came over?
Do you start walking on the sidewalk and think about his steps? When you start your music and start your pace, do you choose to run down 15th street so that you can imagine how he walked to you?
the hedges the red brick three-unit home the white house with the sneakers hanging on the telephone line a pair always together the parking lot then campus.
Do you take a couple seconds to stare at that spot on the sidewalk? Where you crossed paths after the super bowl where you gave each other that look of surprised to see you here but I’m happier for it When you run past do you close your eyes for a few seconds to remember it all before you chase more memories that will blow through your hair with the breeze?
Do you make a wish when you see Hutch because you know that’s where he’d dream? And get ready to see you, too. Brushing his teeth so his mouth was minty when he got to kiss you
When you run past the clock tower do you wonder if your footsteps ever find where his once were?
Do you find comfort in knowing he was once where you step?
When you get back home, can you tell if your breaths are harsh from running or remembering? Or are you unsure because when you walk up those stairs you remember that he walked down them
when he left?
And was your wish that he’d come back?