University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Mary Leonard, Theatre Arts
WELCOME Julia Johnson, Dean Mary Leonard
PERFORMANCE An American in Paris — UWL Symphonic Brass Quintet — J. Thomas Seddon IV, Music
GRADUATE STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Charles Martin-Stanley, Associate Dean
PERFORMANCE Singin’ in the Rain — Mary Leonard
SPECIAL THANKS Thank you to the following people for their work to make this evening a success: Maripat Coughlin, Sanja Dojcinovic, Mary Leonard, Michael Lieurance, Laurie Kincman, Brad Quarberg, J. Thomas Seddon IV, and Katy Zart. Excellence Awards Committee: Linda Dickmeyer, Ryan McKelley, Charles Martin-Stanley, Marie Moeller, and Leslie Poulton.
CLS FACULTY AND STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARDS co-authored, peer-reviewed journal articles, and two co-authored book chapters. An accomplished scholar in sport and exercise psychology, Quartiroli has also given 16 presentations at national and international academic conferences, is at work with 15 other co-authored manuscripts, and currently has a publication under review. According to Dr. Christiaan Abildso, faculty at West Virginia University School of Public Health and fellow researcher in sport and exercise psychology, “Ale is a dedicated, insightful researcher who utilizes his unique international education perspective in all of his work.”
FACULTY RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR TEACHING KATE GRILLO Department of Archaeology/Anthropology Assistant Professor Kate Grillo joined the Department of Archaeology/Anthropology in fall 2013. Dr. Grillo’s colleagues describe her as a “model teacher-scholar” who works to provide unique educational opportunities for UWL students both here and abroad. She has developed and led students in an intensive field-based studyabroad experience in rural Tanzania, created and taught five new courses, and works diligently to bring her research into the classroom for students. UWL students articulate that Grillo is “extremely knowledgeable” and is “interesting, engaging and challenging—an absolutely incredible professor.”
DAWN NORRIS Department of Sociology Assistant Professor Dawn Norris joined the Department of Sociology in 2013. Dr. Norris is an accomplished scholar in age/aging, mental health, work/occupations and self/identity. Norris has published a single-authored book (forthcoming, June 2016) with Rutgers University Press, as well as two single-authored, peer-reviewed journal articles. One of these articles was published in Teaching Sociology, which, according to her department, is “the most prestigious teaching-related journal” in the sociology field. In addition to research, Norris has mentored an impressive five undergraduate research projects at UWL. Of her work, her colleagues state “she is advancing the discipline through her own important research” and is “guiding future sociologists as they acquire necessary research skills.”
VIRGINIE CASSIDY Department of Modern Languages Assistant Professor Virginie Cassidy has honed her teaching practices for 17 years. That study and hard work has significantly shaped UWL in her three years of teaching French culture and language in the Modern Languages Department. In addition to her doctorate in modern French studies, Dr. Cassidy also earned a master of arts in education and human development in 2014. Cassidy has grown the French major since arriving on campus, in part as a result of her deep revision work with curriculum development and constant attention to student need. She is described by colleagues as a “master teacher” whose ability to “think outside the box” has made her a “real asset to the department” and UWL.
Department of Sociology Assistant Professor Laurie Cooper Stoll arrived at UWL in 2012 as a member of the Department of Sociology. Since, Dr. Cooper Stoll has engaged in service activities at the departmental, college, university, community and professional levels at, what her department says, is “above and beyond what is expected of a junior faculty member.” Cooper Stoll is an involved adviser, committee member, and leader on many working groups and
ALESSANDRO QUARTIROLI Department of Psychology Assistant Professor Alessandro Quartiroli arrived in the UWL Psychology Department in 2013. Since, Dr. Quartiroli has published an impressive 10 manuscripts—one single-authored and seven 3
CLS FACULTY AND STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARDS taskforces. Most impressive, however, is her proposal and development of the Institute for Social Justice, where she serves as director. Cooper Stoll partners with organizations in the La Crosse community, as well as on campus, to provide talks, programming, conferences, and training centered on social justice research and practices.
“FRIEND OF THE COLLEGE” RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD KAROLYN BALD Career Services Karolyn Bald has worked as the Career Services liaison to the College of Liberal Studies for nearly 17 years and is a two-time CLS alumna. Of working with Bald, Dr. Marie Moeller, associate professor of English, says that “Karolyn’s connections to larger communities and employers, as well as her commitment to students in CLS, are unparalleled. We are lucky to have Karolyn as a partner.” Bald enjoys the partnerships she has with faculty and staff in CLS and is always seeking new ways to connect with them, as well as with employers and graduate schools that want to recruit UWL students.
INSTRUCTIONAL ACADEMIC STAFF RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD CONNIE ARZIGIAN Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Lecturer Dr. Connie Arzigian has been with the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center (MVAC) since 1988, graduate adjunct faculty since 1994, and formally joined the Archaeology and Anthropology Department at UWL as a lecturer in 2012. Dr. Arzigian’s contributions to MVAC, the Archaeology and Anthropology departments, the larger campus and La Crosse communities are extensive and virtually innumerable. An accomplished teacher, mentor, researcher and public educator, Arzigian’s students say she is “an excellent teacher.” Arzigian also directs student engagement at MVAC, is devoted to public outreach and providing Public Field School opportunities, and is an active member of professional organizations. Of her work, her department states, “Dr. Arzigian is a veteran teacher-scholar with a tremendous record.”
CLASSIFIED STAFF RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD KATHY L. THOEN Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Academic Department Associate Kathy L. Thoen was nominated by the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, with support from the Department of Ethnic and Racial Studies. These are the two departments in which Thoen works. Since re-joining UWL in August 2014, Thoen has been applauded by departmental faculty, in particular for her “fortitude, self-discipline and unselfishness.” Thoen’s strong capabilities with organization, managing student workers, and supporting specific programming (such as the Self-Sufficiency Program) are invaluable to her department and the entire UWL community. Her faculty say Thoen is “a leader and role model for our campus community.”
ROBERT EBERLE Department of Communication Studies Dr. Robert Eberle, senior lecturer in Communication Studies, is described by his department and students as “engaging, challenging, encouraging, thought-provoking, enthusiastic, supportive, collaborative and outstanding.” In addition to his impressive teaching record, philosophy and practices, Eberle is commended by department colleagues and students for being an excellent academic adviser, as well as an active, collegial committee and departmental member. In a nomination letter, one department member said of Eberle, “He is truly a huge asset to the Department of Communication Studies and his students.” 4
CLS GRADUATE STUDENT FACULTY AND STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARDS UWL staff and faculty. Meng was a speaker and discussion facilitator at the TEDxUWLaCrosse inaugural Salon Series titled, “Let’s Talk about Anti-Asian Racism – For Once.” Meng is also preparing a research paper for publication titled, “Navigating Polarized Intersectional Identities: Examining Hmong Masculinities and Racism at Predominantly White Institutions.”
GRADUATE RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE FOR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT JESSICA MUEHLBAUER School Psychology, Hermantown, Minnesota Jessica is a second-year graduate student in school psychology. She expects to complete a Master of Science in education in May 2016 and her education specialist (Ed.S.) in May 2017. Jessica’s faculty describe her as an “exceptionally strong student” who is one of only two students who has ever achieved a 4.00 GPA. Jessica has completed more than 750 hours in her practicum work with the Westby Area School District and Irving Pertzsch Elementary in Onalaska. She has additional experience at several other schools in the La Crosse area. Jessica has passed her NCSP exam—demonstrating entry-level competence to the field of school psychology—and has conducted capstone research presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention in New Orleans. Jessica is an active member of the UWL School Psychology Student Society and a graduate assistant for School Psychology. Program Director, Dr. Rob Dixon, anticipates Jessica will make a valuable impact in the field of education in Wisconsin.
GRADUATE RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE ERICKA GRIMM School Psychology, Hartland, Wisconsin Ericka completed a master of science in education in school psychology and anticipates obtaining her education specialist (Ed.S.) in May 2017. Ericka has completed more than 700 hours in practicum work at various schools in eastern Minnesota and Milwaukee. Ericka’s graduate capstone research is titled, “Developing Student Character: The Impact of School-Wide PBIS Systems.” She also had experience teaching kindergarten prior to enrolling in school psychology. Ericka received an Undergraduate Recognition of Excellence Award when she was pursuing a Bachelor of Science in psychology at UWL.
MENG VANG Student Affairs Administration, Nekoosa, Wisconsin Meng will receive a Master of Science in education in Student Affairs Administration in May 2016. Meng’s faculty consider him to be an emerging scholar, particularly in the area of understanding the experience of Hmong college students. At UWL, Meng has served as a graduate adviser for the McNair Scholars Office, a graduate adviser for Inclusive Excellence Scholars in the Office of Residence Life, and an intern in the Research Resource Center in the Campus Climate Office. Meng coordinates and facilitates S.A.F.E. S.P.A.C.E. (Staff and Faculty Explore Socially-just Perspectives around Current Events), a discussion group to examine current climate and social justice issues open to all 5
Liberties Union of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Indian Education Association and Point of Discovery School. Christine provides valuable contributions to the Student Affairs Administration program with her knowledge and experiences at the secondary and higher education levels and with the Wisconsin Education Department.
Christine, a second-year graduate student in Student Affairs Administration, is part of the online cohort and works at Northcentral Technical College in Wausau as a college advising specialist. Christine facilitates the American Indian Studies Summer Institute for the Department of Public Instruction American Indian Studies Program and is a board member for the American Civil
UNDERGRADUATE EXCELLENCE AWARDSSENIOR JOHN E.CLS MAGERUS AWARD FORSTUDENT OUTSTANDING GRADUATING CASSANDRA PHILIPPON Department of Sociology, New London, Wisconsin Cassandra will receive a bachelor’s degree in tice system. Her accomplishments extend besociology and psychology, with a minor in yond academia to include an internship with criminal justice, in May 2016. Cassandra is the La Crosse County Drug Court and Justice a sociology and psychology honors program Support Services, volunteering at Ophelia’s scholar. In addition, she has been a McNair House, a transitional home for women reenScholar. For her research work, Cassandra tering the community from jail, and working received an Undergraduate Research Grant for as a Workforce Connections coach for men her study, “How do you Love Me?: Presence reentering the workforce from prison. Assoof Love Languages in Intimate Partner Reciate Professor of Sociology Nicholas Bakken lationships Across Birth Cohorts.” Cassandra says Cassandra “has considerable talent and unlimited potential as a student, a researcher, has been extremely active at UWL—she a teacher, and as an ambassador for UWL.” has completed two independent large-scale research projects, has presented or participated Cassandra recently accepted a Reaching for in six different academic conferences, has been the Stars Fellowship with the criminology and a teaching assistant for two classes, has studied criminal justice master of science program at Arizona State University. abroad in the Czech Republic, and has vast applied experience with the local criminal jus-
BRANDON FORCIER Department of Communication Studies, Rosemount, Minnesota Brandon will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies—emphasis in interpersonal communication—and a minor in psychology. Brandon is a member of the Eta Phi Alpha and Lambda Pi Eta honor societies. He also serves as a leader in the Public Speaking Center and a peer adviser in the Academic Advising Center. Brandon is certified by the National Association of Communication Centers and has facilitated public speaking workshops for UWL classes. DREW PENKALA Department of Communication Studies, Neenah, Wisconsin Drew will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies—emphasis in broadcast and digital media—and a minor in theatre arts. Drew is a community channel and marketing intern for the Vernon Communications Cooperative and a video production mentor for WMCM-TV.
JENNIFER KEUTE Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Spring Lake Park, Minnesota Jennifer will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in archaeological studies and a minor in anthropology. At UWL, Jennifer received two undergraduate research grants for research on fatty acid residues on pottery from La Crosse and Tanzania. She is president of the UWL Archaeology Club, an intern for the U.S.G.S. Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, and a lab assistant for the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center. ALLEYCE SOMERVILLE Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, New Auburn, Minnesota Alleyce will obtain a bachelor’s degree in archaeological studies, with a minor in anthropology, in May 2016. Alleyce is a lab assistant with the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center and a member of the UWL Archaeology Club. She also has experience as a teaching assistant for the Department of Anthropological Studies.
MARICRUZ SANCHEZ Department of Communication Studies, Cudahy, Wisconsin Maricruz will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and communication studies—emphasis in interpersonal communication—and a minor in psychology in May 2016. Maricruz is a McNair Scholar, peer mentor for the Eagle Mentoring Program, and president of Sigma Delta Pi – National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. Maricruz is the lead coordinator of Uplifting Upstanders, a sexual violence prevention program on campus.
ELLIE EAST Department of Art, Westby, Wisconsin Ellie will receive a bachelor’s degree in art with a minor in photography in May 2016. Ellie is a studio assistant, still-life preparer, and gallery assistant. Ellie is president of the UWL Art Student Association and was on the Creative Imperatives student committee. She received honorable mention at the Plein Air Festival in September 2014.
CLS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS SHELBY SCHROEDER Department of Communication Studies, Viroqua, Wisconsin Shelby will receive a bachelor’s degree in communication studies—emphasis in organizational and professional communication— and a minor in professional and technical writing in May 2016. Shelby is a community engagement intern for Organic Valley and an intern in Career Services at UWL. She is conducting a case study, “Exploring Employee Engagement through Communication.”
writing and creative writing in December 2015. Danielle is currently a technical writing intern with the 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection and a clerical assistant with the UWL Oral History Program. Danielle also served as a research assistant with UWL Special Collections, a writing tutor, and the president of the English Club.
JAMIE CAPETILLO Department of Ethic & Racial Studies, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Jamie will receive a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies with a minor in ethnic and racial studies in May 2017. Jamie is currently an undergraduate assistant in the Campus Climate Office. She is currently the co-chair of Asian Latina African Native American Womyn, as well as active in other diversity organizations. Last year she co-founded Mujeres Orgullosas, a Latina Empowerment Community group that focuses on Latinas in higher education. This semester the group assisted in creating a Latina Mentoring Outreach Program at Arcadia High School.
ASHLEY LOUNSBROUGH Department of English, Belleville, Illinois Ashley received a bachelor’s degree in English education with a minor in teaching English to speakers of other languages in December 2015. At UWL, Ashley completed student teaching at Onalaska Middle School and Arcadia High School, interned with the English as a Second Language Institute, and served as a tutor in the Writing Center. TAYLOR PARRISH Department of English, Maple, Wisconsin Taylor received a bachelor’s degree in English—emphasis in literature—and a minor in professional and technical writing in December 2015. Taylor served twice as a research assistant for the Department of English and was a teaching assistant for “ENG: 366 British Literature I.” Taylor was a tutor in the Writing Center and an intern in the Office of Multicultural Student Services.
JENNIFER DEROCHER Department of History, Deerfield, Wisconsin Jennifer will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in history—emphasis in public and policy history—and a minor in environmental studies in May 2016. Jennifer has written four successful undergraduate research grants, two library-finding aids, and has published an article in the La Crosse Tribune with another under review for the Wisconsin Magazine of History. She has assisted in public history events including, “[art]ifact: Where History Meets Art” and “Hear, Here: Voices of Downtown La Crosse.”
DANIELLE WEBER Department of English, Appleton, Wisconsin Danielle obtained a bachelor’s degree in English—emphasis in rhetoric and writing— with minors in professional and technical 8
CLS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS KATHRYN WITT Department of History, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin Kathryn will obtain her bachelor’s degree in Archaeological Studies and History—emphasis on Asia—and a minor in Anthropology in May 2016. Kathryn is a scholar in the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society and a teaching assistant for the Department of History. She also serves as a judge at the National History Day events at UWL and is a member of the Aikido Club.
elor’s degree in Spanish with a minor in Chinese. At UWL, Erin has served as co-president of the Chinese Club, teaching assistant in Spanish 300, and a Spanish conversation partner. In fall 2015, Erin studied abroad at Valladolid, Spain, and worked as an English tutor for Spanish-speaking families.
ASHLEY ROWIN Department of Modern Languages, Pardeeville, WI Ashley will receive a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and German studies with a minor in French and a certificate in Russian studies in May 2017. Ashley is involved in German Club and the German study abroad mentoring program. She studied abroad at Marburg, Germany, with the Hessen-Wisconsin Exchange program in spring 2015. Ashley also volunteered at the UWL Language Resource Center and the ACCESS Center.
ELIZABETH BOURGEOIS Department of Modern Languages, Waconia, Minnesota Elizabeth will receive a bachelor’s degree in Spanish with a business concentration in May 2017. Elizabeth is a scholar of the Eta Phi Alpha Honor Society and a tutor with the Ho-Chunk Youth and Learning Center. She also worked at the UWL Scholarship Resource Center.
CORISSA VOUGHT Department of Music, Hudson, Wisconsin Corissa earned a bachelor’s degree in music education—emphases in choral music and general music education—in December 2015. Corissa is currently a choral teacher at Logan High School in La Crosse. She completed student teaching at Holmen High School and the Onalaska School District. She also teaches private voice lessons in La Crosse.
JOHNNY GLAUNERT Department of Modern Languages, La Crosse, Wisconsin Johnny will receive a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and women’s studies in May 2016. This is his second CLS Recognition of Excellence honor. He was honored last year by the Department of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. Johnny received an undergraduate research grant for his research, “Language Attitudes and Gender Roles in Argentina.” He also was an Academic Initiative Stipend Recipient for service in Ecuador.
DANIELLE WATTERSON Department of Philosophy, New Glarus, Wisconsin Danielle will receive a bachelor’s degree, double majoring in philosophy and English— emphasis in rhetoric and writing—and a minor in psychology in May 2016. At UWL, Danielle has been involved in the Philosophy
ERIN MALETZKE Department of Modern Languages, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Erin will graduate in May 2016 with a bach9
CLS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Club, orchestra, wind ensemble and women’s choir. She also served as a philosophy and logic tutor and gave public presentations on numerous research projects.
ogy honors project is, “No Pain, No Gain: The Influence of Gender Conformity and Priming on Pain Perception.” Kendall has had extensive job shadow experience in the field of psychology and physical rehabilitation during her time at UWL.
POLITICAL SCIENCE/PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION LISA ROEMHILDT Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Waseca, Minnesota Lisa will earn a bachelor’s degree in political science, public administration and Spanish— with a minor in international studies—in May 2016. Lisa is a scholar in the Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society. Lisa presented her research at the Midwest Political Science Association conference in Chicago in April 2016. She was awarded an undergraduate research grant to conduct research in Chile.
CIENNA HOPKINS Department of Psychology, Woodland Park, Colorado Cienna will receive a bachelor’s degree in psychology pre-physician assistant track—and a minor in biology—in May 2016. Cienna is currently an inclusion coach at the YMCA of Onalaska. She is also a psychology honors program scholar and the Eta Phi Alpha Honor Society President. MICHAELA KELLER Department of Psychology, East Bethel, Minnesota Michaela will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in at-risk child and youth care in May 2016. Michaela is a scholar in the Psi Chi National Honors Society. She is currently a staff member at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater La Crosse and recently completed an internship in student services and school psychology at Onalaska High School.
SCOTT BARRERA Department of Psychology, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Scott will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Spanish. Scott is a McNair and Psychology Honors Program scholar. He also works with children with behavioral and emotional difficulties at Gundersen Hospital and Hamilton Elementary School. Scott is a resident assistant on campus and a peer mentor for the Eagle Mentoring Program.
MACKENZIE RAY Department of Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska Mackenzie will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a double minor in at-risk child and youth care and interpersonal communication in May 2016. Mackenzie has completed several research projects, served as a resident assistant, and completed an internship in the Counseling Center at Logan Middle School in La Crosse.
KENDALL DOERSCH Department of Psychology, Pulaski, Wisconsin Kendall will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and French. Kendall is a Golden Key Scholar and a member of the Psi Chi Psychology and Pi Delta Phi French honor societies. Her psychol10
CLS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS LISA SMITH Department of Psychology, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Lisa will receive a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in women’s studies in May 2016. Lisa is currently a research and teaching assistant for the Department of Psychology and a research and editing intern for Dr. Steven Levenkron, a well-known psychotherapist in New York City.
presented her current research on negotiating respect and power dynamics among rural and urban strippers at the Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Conference in Las Vegas, the UWL Social Justice Week, and the American Society of Criminology Conference in Washington, D.C.
HEATHER SOPEL Department of Theatre Arts, Neenah, Wisconsin Heather will receive a bachelor’s degree in theatre arts—emphasis in stage management—with minors in arts administration and mathematics in May 2016. Heather has extensive experience as a stage manager and assistant stage manager in many UWL theatre productions, including Rumors, Catch Me if You Can and Singin’ in the Rain. Heather has been awarded numerous scholarships and been recognized by the Kennedy Center/ American College Theatre Festival with certificates of merit for the productions: Rumors, Come, Detroit and Singin’ in the Rain.
TANNER TAYLOR Department of Psychology, Truman, Minnesota Tanner will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in at-risk child and youth care. Tanner is a teaching assistant with the Department of Psychology and member of the Psi Chi National Honors Society and the Psychology Honors Program. Tanner is also a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters and works at the YMCA.
KATHY NIEDOROWSKI Department of Sociology, Hoffman Estates, Illinois Kathy will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in sociology—with a minor in interpersonal communication—in May 2016. Kathy is currently conducting capstone research on food and housing insecurity among UWL students. Kathy was recently accepted into the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis, the No. 2-ranked master of social work program in the U.S.
KATIE JAEGER Department of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Katie will receive a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies with a minor in sociology in May 2017. Katie is the president of the Women’s Studies Student Association and volunteers with Essential Health Care’s “Partners in Prevention” program. Katie’s research endeavors are in gendered violence prevention.
ZÖE TAYLOR-HAYDEN Department of Sociology, Austin, Texas Zöe will graduate in May 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and minors in ethnic and racial studies and women’s studies. Zöe 11
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse