Graduate Studies Update - Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Spring 2020 | Volume 4 | Issue 1

Graduate Studies Response to COVID-19 Here at the Graduate Studies Office, we’re working to support our graduate students as we all finish out the semester online. If you feel that you need emotional support and need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to contact the Counseling and Testing Center which will be open during this time.

Events, Workshops, and Deadlines Wednesday, April 22nd Submission deadline for the Say it in 6 online competition. Friday, April 24th RSEL final report deadline, recommended initial submission date of theses, dissertations, projects, & papers requiring Graduate Studies approval (for May graduation). Friday, May 1st Graduate Council Meeting 10AM-11PM Monday, August 3rd Professional Travel Grant application deadline (Due to COVID19, all submissions and events will be held virtually.)

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Graduate Studies 223 Graff Main Hall 1725 State Street La Crosse, WI 54601 USA Phone: 608.785.8124 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Email:

For updates to the thesis and submission process, please follow this link. Additionally, UWL’s response and important information about COVID-19 can be found at this link. GA’s are eligible for COVID-19 leave, should working from home prove to not be feasible. It is advisable to contact your supervisor to discuss the matter and read up on HR’s COVID19 policies. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send us an email or leave Graduate programs will continue to support students on their academic and professional paths. If you us a voicemail. are having trouble with school work, reach out to faculty, your advisor or your program director - your success is vital. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to send us an email or leave us a voicemail. The Graduate studies office will also be running a Say it in 6 competition, in order to provide an online event for our graduate students and bring us together during this difficult time. The idea behind this competition is to challenge students to engage their creativity and share their personal experiences during this pandemic. All graduate students are eligible, as are graduate faculty and staff-we encourage all who are interested to submit an entry! For more information click on the image below.

Get involved!

Student Spotlight: Michelle Malysa

University committees and organizations are looking for graduate students to voice their opinions and assist in making key decisions that will benefit the campus. Participating offers many benefits to you, the graduate student: 1. Networking 2. Leadership Opportunities 3. Service Below are some of the organizations and committees that include graduate student representatives. Click on them to learn more. If any of them are of interest to you, please email Student Association elections are coming up soon – watch for emails about how to vote in the election!

Grad Student Organization UWL Student Association Student Senate Graduate Academic Program Review Committee Graduate Council Library Committee

Michelle Malysa is a second-year graduate student working towards her M.S. degree in Microbiology. With her advisor, Assistant Professor Xinhui Li, Michelle is working on a thesis project regarding the usage of edible films in the food industry. Michelle's ultimate goal is to find a way to prevent the spread of human norovirus. Norovirus is well known for causing outbreaks on cruise ships, college dorms, and other areas where people are closely packed together. Michelle's research focuses on preventing the spread of norovirus in foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, which are often consumed without being cooked first. Specifically, Michelle is examining how well edible films inactivate Tulane virus, which is used in the project as a surrogate for human norovirus. Why not study the real thing? It turns out that norovirus is notoriously difficult to grow in the lab. Its close relative, the Tulane virus, is much easier to work with. After graduation, Michelle plans to work in a research lab. She spends her free time at the Rec, playing guitar and viola, going to concerts, and playing video games. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors, and greatly appreciate her taking time to be in the student spotlight!

Meet the New GA Colin McAllister

Scholarship and Awards committee Joint Planning and Budget The Graduate Curriculum Committee AIDAC

Colin is a 1st year graduate student in the Microbiology program. He supports the activities of the Graduate Studies Office by helping run the Graduate Student Organization, providing marketing support and helping to set up meetings. His goal is to help keep the office events running as smoothly as possible and try to aid in increasing graduate involvement. His advice to graduate students is to set up a schedule early and be on top of deadlines as much as possible. When he’s not working in the office, Colin is working with Myxococcus xanthus, baking/cooking, playing videogames, and reading/listening to history.

3 Minute Grad Project The 3 Minute Grad Project competition is a challenge to graduate students from various programs to explain their research to a general audience using a single slide, with the extra condition that it must be done in 3 minutes. The winners were selected via our visiting judges; Tom Colbert, Lisa Klein, Catherine Kolkmeier, and Matt Meyers. Additionally, one winner was chosen by the attending audience. To announce and introduce students, Gregory Parmeter served as the master of ceremonies. Ultimately, Lauren Harding won the competition with her presentation about the effects of incremental changes in load carriage on lower extremity mechanics during ruck marching (an interview with her can be found here). Rhyanne Hartwig won 1st runner-up for her entry about implementing self-protection in adapted physical education. Doug Bradley won 2nd runner up for his entry on equipment modifications on a budget. Annie Schauster won the People’s Choice Award for her presentation about succession and reproduction in burn morel mushrooms. Thank you to our participating students, our judges, and our master of ceremonies for helping make this event a reality! And to everyone who was able to come watch, your support is greatly appreciated!

Are you interested in meeting graduate students from other programs on campus next year? Do you want to learn more about graduate student resources or gain networking experience as you complete your professional studies? Join GSO, an organization dedicated to lending a helping hand to graduate students. Please email us at with any questions.

GSO Is there a graduate student you would like to see in our Student Spotlight? Let us know! Send us an email at If so, please contact us at:

Research, Service, and Educational Leadership (RSEL) Grant

UWL provides funding to support graduate student research in the form of RSEL Grants. RSEL Full Grants are available twice per academic year and provide up to $2500 in funding. RSEL Mini Grants offer up to $500 in funding. Total RSEL funding is limited to $2500.

Visit for more information.

Professional Travel Grant


The Office of Graduate Studies and the Student Senate support travel to conferences for graduate students as attendees or presenters. Preference is given to conference presenters. Professional Travel Grant funds may be used towards: 1. Registration 2. Transportation 3. Meals (up to $18/day) 4. Housing (up to $45/ day) Upcoming Deadlines: August 3, 2020 September 6, 2020 For more information, visit

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