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1. Students are evaluated periodically through the semester during clinical internship (based on full-time or part-time enrollment). Clinical instructors are evaluated by students at the end of each semester. 2. Students are evaluated with regard to professional development progress throughout the program. 3. Students will evaluate didactic courses/instructors at the end of each course (electronically). 4. Students will evaluate the program officials and the clinical site (preceptors, staff and facility) at the end of the year (electronically). 5. All evaluations completed by students will be done anonymously. 6. An evaluation form will be sent to graduates 12 months following graduation. The evaluation will seek follow-up information about how graduates are progressing in the professional field, their perceptions about the education received at UWL, and how their education prepared them for the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board (MDCB) exam. 7. An evaluation form will be sent to graduates’ employers 12 months following graduation if the graduate provides an employer email address. The evaluation will seek follow-up information about how the graduates are progressing in the professional field and how well prepared they were to enter the workforce. 8. Students are strongly urged to participate in evaluation exercises to assist the program officials in outcomes assessment and improvement of the program. 9. The program completes an annual outcomes assessment plan. Outcome measures that do not meet benchmarks will signal a need for revision, which will be addressed by the Program Officials and Advisory Committee. 10. The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse seeks accreditation from the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The advisory committee and program officials will evaluate any JRCERT evaluations/reports and discussions/decisions based on findings may bring about change in the program.
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