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BACKGROUND The Menard Family Initiative for Economic Engagement and Research was launched in September 2019 with a generous gift from the Menard family. The initiative is uniquely positioned to engage nontraditional audiences in economics and conduct cutting-edge, economics research.
The Initiative uses experimental economics to test the boundaries of markets and economic organization and the initiative explores economic policy causes and outcomes with the most recent economic data.
Ideas regarding ways to improve society and increase well-being abound. Only with scientific grounding can these ideas take root and grow into opportunities. Our work builds on the tradition and work of Nobel laureates Vernon Smith, Daniel Kahneman, and Richard Thaler.
VISION The Menard Family Midwest Initiative for Economic Engagement and Research integrates economic theory and practice to conduct state-of-the-art economic experiments and produce educational resources in order to contribute to a prosperous and civil society in Wisconsin and beyond.
MISSION The Menard Family Midwest Initiative for Economic Engagement and Research engages participants in economics through experimental research and enriching, interactive experiences to ultimately discover answers to our social, economic, political, and legal challenges. The Initiative’s work will shine a light on effective solutions and help advance positive change.
Targeted Research and Engagement Areas • Regulation • Tax and Budget Policy • Economic Opportunity • Sports Economics • Education • Political Economy • Behavioral Economics