L'ESSOR Newsletter of the Professional French Masters Program FALL 2017

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newsletter of the professional french masters program University of Wisconsin-Madison Volume 14, Issue 1


FALL 2017

How the PFMP and interning in France prepared a graduate for international education work in China By Kaitlyn Waller

in this issue

(MFS 2016, international education)

French and International Education concentration takes PFMP alum to China


Alumni profile : Kristi Martin on video, teamwork, flexibility and the PFMP


From the Director


French fundraising consultant Sophie Le Cam-Leventhal, on recent trends in arts funding in France


Current students & alumni


PFMP Faculty Co-Director Gilles Bousquet, on opportunities for PFMP alumni in the field of international education


Kaitlyn Waller is in her second year as a college counselor at Zhejiang Fuyang High School, an international high school in Hangzhou, China.

From my undergrad major to the PFMP, my academic life was dominated by French. So when I announced that I had accepted a college counseling position in a Chinese high school, people were confused. How could I expect to succeed in China? Where did I even get this idea in the first place? The truth is that despite the emphasis on French and la francophonie, the PFMP is also an astoundingly versatile and internationally-focused program. It was precisely my interdisciplinary PFMP coursework, practicum, and internship that led me to pursue work in China. Working at the Wisconsin School of Business and interning at

ESCP Europe (in Paris) gave me valuable insight on current international education trends and the opportunity to work directly with students from around the world. PFMP coursework sharply honed my transferrable skills, from intercultural competency and communication to adaptability. Of course, there were still aspects of China that surprised and challenged me – but I felt capable of handling everything that came my way. I will soon finish my first year in China and am happy to be staying for at least one more. The PFMP gave me the cross-cultural fluency to better understand a rapidly globalizing world, and to succeed within it.

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Kristi Martin (MFS 2011, business)

What do you do now for a living? I lead the central region's client services team at a video advertising technology company called Innovid, out of Chicago. To put it simply, Innovid helps advertisers deliver more effective video marketing through our platform on desktop, mobile, and streaming television. My team is tasked with the execution of campaigns for clients such as Target, SC Johnson, and Chrysler, just to name a few. I personally help make sure that we are delivering the best service for our clients, while also working with upper management to ensure that we are operating at the highest level of efficiency in terms of people, process, and product.

How did the PFMP help you get there?

Kristi Martin (MFS 2011, business) works for the international video advertising technology company, Innovid. She lives in Chicago.

Nearly six years post-PFMP, I still find myself thinking back on how my not-so-typical journey evolved into such a highly technical role. I personally attribute my success in the ad tech industry to being nimble and having the ability to communicate effectively with internal teams and clients on a daily basis. These core competencies began to surface during my time in the PFMP. More specifically, I had to be flexible in adjusting to new environments and different cultures while working in Reims, France. I also learned, throughout my time in the PFMP, that things do not always go as planned, and how to accept the losses as well as the wins.

What are the biggest challenges in your line of work these days?

I attribute my success in the ad tech industry to being nimble and having the ability to communicate effectively with internal teams and clients on a daily basis.

The ad tech marketplace is a fast-paced environment that can be highly unpredictable. At Innovid, we are a small piece of the larger landscape, up against companies like Google and Facebook for video ad dollars. To best partner with our clients and continue to win majority market share, we have to be at the forefront of video-making, to be sure we are offering our clients the best possible solution for their brand marketing needs.

What do you hope your work will accomplish? While it may not be life-changing work, I hope that Innovid will continue to provide the innovative video solutions that (continued on page 3

Volume 14, Issue 1

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From the Director : Hands-On Learning in the PFMP Most issues of L’ESSOR highlight the global scope of the Professional French Masters Program, and this issue is no exception. Now in our eighteenth year, we continue to attract bright and ambitious students interested in using their French in business, international education, nonprofit development work, the arts, and beyond, and I hope that this particular issue reflects the spirit of our diverse community. As has long been our practice, we focus intensely on the people who make the program the success it is: our students, partners, faculty and alumni. Active alongside many fellow alumni on our External Advisory Board, Kristi Martin shares her experience with us in the Alumni Profile, allowing a rare glimpse into the rapidly-

Current students in this spring’s professional skills workshop in Market Research, led by PFMP alumna Leah Fink (center), Research Director at Kantar Health France in Paris.

evolving role video production plays in the world of advertising. Guest contributor Sophie Cam-Leventhal brings us a fresh view onto arts funding in the Hexagon, written especially for Frenchspeaking Americans hoping to use their French to work internationally in the arts. Program Co-Director Gilles Bousquet continues our newsletter’s focus French and international education, in his article on the unique perspective he has developed after years of engagement in global strategy in higher education. His article will be especially interesting to PFMP students and alumni working—or hoping to work—in this growing field. Our front page article (“Ni hao means bonjour”) illustrates Bousquet’s remarks beautifully. In her piece on how the PFMP prepared her for a professional chapter in China, program alumna Kaitlyn Waller ties together the main elements of her work while a student in the program just a couple of years ago, to show how they enabled her to move her career in an unexpected international direction. Whatever their professional field, our alumni say it again and again: the PFMP is what enabled them to use their French to get to interesting international careers. It’s great to become fluent in a language you love. It’s even greater when that language can bring meaning to your working life.

Ritt Deitz We continue to attract bright and ambitious students interested in using their French in business, international education, nonprofit development work, and the arts.

Martin (continued from p. 2) both make our clients’ jobs easier and increase their return on ad spend. I also look forward to being part of innovation in the next phase of television, which is the OTT (streaming video) era, and to continuing to learn how traditional advertising will change in the near future.

Any suggestions for prospective students considering the PFMP? I encourage you to be flexible and think of the PFMP experience as a stepping stone

in your career. You are set up for success by virtue of working through unconventional situations first hand, ones most people will never encounter in their careers, such as adapting to cultural norms while learning a foreign skill set. Lastly, while we all are passionate francophiles, don’t be afraid to also explore opportunities that may not require you to use the language on a daily basis. You will find fulfillment and success in many arenas.

I look forward to being part of the next phase of television and to continuing to learn how traditional advertising will change in the near future.

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Le financement de la culture en France le petit donateur se fait-il enfin une place ? Aux États-Unis, chacun sait que la survie des institutions culturelles dépend de la générosité des donateurs privés. En France, même si l’État se désengage progressivement, les institutions culturelles reçoivent encore dans leur majorité des subventions publiques. Et si depuis une dizaine d’années le terme de « mécénat » est devenu familier aux Français, il qualifie essentiellement les dons effectués par des entreprises qui représentent environ 70% des dons en France.

Même si l’État se désengage progressivement, les institutions culturelles reçoivent encore dans leur majorité des subventions publiques.

D’une manière générale, lever des fonds privés demeure compliqué. Les premières difficultés sont d’ordre légal. Pour exemple, nombre de grands musées français reçoivent leur budget de la ville. Si ces musées levaient directement des fonds privés, ceux-ci iraient dans le budget de la ville. Ils doivent donc mettre en place des structures parallèles pour attribuer les dons à des missions bien précises. Ces institutions doivent aussi répondre à plusieurs critères spécifiques pour pouvoir faire bénéficier leurs donateurs de déductions fiscales. Elles doivent notamment exercer une activité « d’intérêt général », c’est-à-dire une activité qui bénéficie à l’ensemble de la communauté et non pas à un nombre limité d’individus.

Si vous envisagez de participer au développement d’une institution culturelle française, vous serez accueillis avec enthousiasme.

Si l’institution s’oriente vers une campagne auprès des particuliers, les personnes en charge du développement doivent aussi souvent faire face à des réticences tant de la part de leurs collaborateurs que du public. Les premiers considèrent qu’ils ne doivent pas s’abaisser à « mendier » de l’argent quand les seconds estiment qu’ils payent déjà des impôts élevés sensés financer la culture et les arts. Cependant, depuis quelques années, les lois et les mentalités évoluent rapidement. Les lois en faveur du mécénat se multiplient, en particulier celles facilitant le recours au financement participatif, ou crowdfunding. Ainsi, des institutions de renom, comme le musée du Louvre, ont organisé des campagnes sans précédent en France pour solliciter la participation de « petits donateurs » pour la

Sophie Le Cam-Leventhal rénovation ou l’acquisition d’oeuvres majeures. Plus intéressant, on constate que des personnes privées prennent l’initiative d’organiser des campagnes de levée de fonds auprès du grand public pour entretenir notre patrimoine culturel. Cela peut être un instrument de musique (une association musicale qui lève 13 500 € pour la restauration de l’orgue d’une église de la région parisienne) ou une propriété privée (une famille qui initie une campagne visant à rénover le mur d’enceinte datant de l’époque médiévale qui longe leur propriété à Lyon). Vu des États-Unis cela peut sembler banal, mais en France, de telles initiatives sont presque une révolution en soi.

Si vous envisagez de participer au développement d’une institution culturelle française, sachez qu’il vous faudra dans un premier temps prendre en compte les différents financements publics et complications administratives, mais vous serez aussi accueillis avec enthousiasme. De plus en plus de Français sont avides d’apprendre les techniques anglo-saxonnes de levée de fonds, non seulement pour valoriser notre patrimoine, mais aussi pour donner vie à de nouveaux projets culturels, et ce, sans aucune aide de l’État. Spécialiste des relations culturelles francoaméricaines, Sophie Le Cam-Leventhal a travaillé pour plusieurs fondations américaines de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique. Elle vit actuellement en France où elle enseigne et travaille comme consultante en fundraising.

Volume 14, Issue 1

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Current Students & Alumni Jamie Adler (MFS 2014, international education) has been promoted to the Interim Director of Off-Campus Study at The College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio.

Lauren Herzog (L), at work in Thiès, Senegal

Chloe Bade (MFS 2017, international education) has left Stevens Point Area Senior High (WI) for Sturgis Charter Public School in Hyannis, MA, where she will continue teaching high school French. She is excited for this new challenge and looks forward to learning more about the International Baccalaureate curriculum she will be teaching this fall. Ali Barger (MFS 2016, business) is a Treasury Consultant for Redbridge Debt and Treasury Advisory in Paris, France. She has worked on several projects in both France and the US. Serena Berkowitz (MFS 2017, international education) is a program associate at FHI 360 in Washington, DC, where she works with the International Visitor Leadership Program, a US Department of State professional exchange program. Lindsay Colbert (MFS 2008, international development) has left her position at Northwestern University and is now the Director of Development and Marketing at The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. She lives with her husband and daughter in Chicago.

Above: Diana Cruz, on Commencement Weekend Below: Chris Fuglestad

Sarah Craver (MFS 2012, media/arts/cultural Production) is now the Program Coordinator for the MIT-France, Belgium, and Switzerland program, based in Cambridge, MA. She continues to pursue choreography and international arts development in her free time. Following graduation from the PFMP, Diana Cruz (MFS 2017, business) was hired at INTL FCStone, a financial services firm in New York City. She joined the Global Payments team, where she assists in the transfers of funds to foreign countries for more than 500 clients, including commercial businesses, government organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. Jessica Dean (Certificate 2014, business) is Marketing & Community Relations for Whole Foods Market, Rocky Mountain Region. Based in Northern Colorado, she

works with a team that executes projects across seven states. Chris Fuglestad (MFS 2017, international education) is a Graduate Medical Education Specialist with UW Health in Madison, Wisconsin. He works with domestic and international students in their residency programs. Congratulations to fresh PFMP grad Ashley Gordon (MFS 2016, business), Jamie Adler, on a tree-climbing who has just been hired break during a recent work trip to as a Technical ComGhana munications Specialist at Epic Systems. Ashley is also part of Epic’s French translation team. Laura Gross (MFS 2012, media/art/cultural production) has left the Children’s Chorus of Washington and now works for Cultural Vistas, a non-profit that facilitates international exchanges for interns and professionals. She lives in Washington, DC. Lauren Herzog (MFS 2013, international development) is a program coordinator at the World Faiths Development Dialogue in Washington, DC, where she manages a project that engages Senegalese faith leaders in family planning promotion. Patrick Malarkey (MFS 2013, international development) has left his position working in health Alec Niedermaier with development at Population daughter Marie Laure. Services International. He is now at Counterpart International, working on democracy and governancerelated issues in a variety of countries, including Burkina Faso, Burundi, and Sudan. He lives in Washington D.C. Alec Niedermaier (MFS 2011, international development) has left his position as Program Manager at BestMark Inc. and is now Sales Manager for the US and Francophone regions for Euroflex, a German manufacturer of special alloy tubing and semi-finished components for the medical industry. (continued on page 6)

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(continued from page 6) where she will work as a Field Coordinator for Mavuno. Emily Swartz (business) is interning as a Financial Aid Attribution Intern with the Fondation Québec Philanthrope in Quebec City. Kerry Strader (MFS 2017, international education) is a Study Abroad Advisor at Miami University (OH), where she counsels students and coordinates Miami's European Center in Luxembourg.

L-R: PFMP alumnae, international educators Caity Dawson and Barbara Jedele. Both work for the UWMadison, Dawson at International Student Services and Jedele in the International Internship Program.

Ashley Herrick Orlando (MFS 2013, business) and her fiancé Adam were married in June. Ashley is Assistant Director of the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area in the Louisiana Office of the Lieutenant Governor. Kelley Patriat (MFS 2013, international education) is Director of Admissions at Global Language Institute in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. She is also Minnesota State Representative for NAFSA Region IV and serving on the Board of Minnesota International Educators.

Emily Swartz (front right), with colleagues at the Fondation Québec Philanthrope

Cassandra Tant (MFS 2017, international education) is finishing her internship at the Centre d’Echanges Internationaux in Saint Malo, France. This fall she will return to CEI to work as an inbound program assistant, organizing full-immersion academic programs in France for foreign high school students. Sara (Meador) Zielke (MFS 2010, EU Affairs) manages all US and Canada imports and exports for the Power Solutions division of Johnson Controls. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Kelley Patriat (front, 3rd from L), with the rest of the Board of the Minnesota International Educators

Brynn Powell (MFS 2016, business) runs her own wine brokerage, Phare West Wine, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She represents a vanguard of small-production domaines from France and California, who specialize in vin nature. She also manages the online Directto-Consumer shop and sales for Paris Wine Company. Sarah Sommerkamp (MFS 2015, international development) has left her position at the NGO Watts of Love and now works for Mavuno, a Seattle-based start-up focusing on food insecurity and economic stability in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This August Sarah relocates to the DRC, Sarah Sommerkamp in the field in Eastern Congo

Volume 14, Issue 1

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The Growing Field of International Education (and why PFMP grads are finding jobs there) As dean of international studies, then vice-provost for globalization, I was in charge of our university’s global strategy. Fifteen years ago, this was a fairly new concept. But even then it meant that international education should not be limited to the humanities and social sciences. It meant that all students could become global scientists, teachers, engineers or health professionals, and that they would need an academic path to global competency. This kind of internationalization requires deep and sustained collaboration with university deans, faculty, staff and students, and with external stakeholders like alumi, corporations, international agencies and the diplomatic corps. Through my work around the country, I have witnessed unprecedented growth in international programs—along with a need for professionals who can spearhead and support that growth. Higher ed organizations like NAFSA and AIEA have provided venues where schools here and abroad share their internationalization strategies, helping international education professionals gain new knowledge in internationalization and global reach. The American Council of Education’s Comprehensive Internationalization framework has shown the many roles professionals can play in international education, from international student affairs, to curriculum design, to inter-institutional relationships.

Gilles Bousquet

French Studies. It is true: world languages do play a crucial part in any campus internationalization. Moreover, French is a language spoken around the world. In my own work, I have regularly come across French-educated professionals and leaders, from Thailand to Japan, China and Qatar. In international education, French remains a global language. As we have seen in this newsletter, positions in international education are multiplying around the world. Because they have acquired a more advanced sensitivity to diverse cultural frames of reference, PFMP students in French and international education excel in the field. One sees this in the growing number of PFMP alumni who have joined the field. It is an incredible richness. I remember how thrilling it was when alumna Annique Kiel (Executive Director of Global Engagement and International Programs at Drake University) and I collaborated to offer the program’s first workshop on international education. It was inspiring to work with such an experienced and distinguished graduate of our program. As we do across the fields our students prepare for, we continue to call upon the guidance of program alumni in international education, since they bring such an important edge to PFMP students heading out into the profession.

In the offices I oversaw as dean, I was struck by how many junior or senior professionals had backgrounds in

In addition to his role as Faculty Co-Director of the PFMP, Professor Gilles Bousquet is chair of the UW-Madison Department of French and Italian, as well as senior advisor to the President of the UW System for International Economic Development and founding co-director of the Center for Interdisciplinary French Studies. For ten years, he was UW-Madison’s Dean of International Studies, then served a year as Interim Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire before rejoining French and Italian at UW-Madison three years ago. A recognized leader in international education, Professor Bousquet serves on numerous boards internationally and is a celebrated advocate for teachers of French around the world. He teaches annually in the American Council of Education’s Institute for Leading Internationalization and is currently working on a book on alumni development in French universities. He also gives regular courses and workshops in the PFMP, including one on the field of international education.

In international education, French remains a global language... One sees this in the growing numbers of PFMP alumni who have joined the field.

L’ESSOR Newsletter of the Professional French Masters Program

Professional French Masters Program University of Wisconsin-Madison 618 Van Hise Hall 1220 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Tel: 608-262-4090 Fax: 608-265-3892 E-mail: mdeitz@wisc.edu



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