Ben LaDuke Program Director
cfkids@uwm.edu 414-227-3360
GLoria T. Lane Program Coordinator cfkids@uwm.edu 414-227-3360
College for Kids & Teens (CFK&T) through the School of Continuing Education is a hands-on enrichment program for students entering grades K5-12 who have high academic potential, motivation and talent. Established in 1980, we will be celebrating our 43rd year! The program consists of one- and two-week classes in Creative Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Languages & Cultures, Math & Computers and Science. Taught by UW system faculty or highly qualified and experienced instructors, all programs provide an “academic edge,” and class sizes are limited to 16 students unless otherwise noted.
Once your child or teen is registered, there are no refunds or transfers. Refunds are made only for classes canceled by CFK&T. This policy is specific to College for Kids & Teens and does not apply to School of Continuing Education courses.
• Kindergartners must be five years old by June 12, 2023, and must have prior five-days-a-week school experience to participate in our program. This rule will be strictly enforced. Must be completely potty trained. Children who do not meet this requirement will be subject to immediate withdrawal without a refund given.
• Students participating in break periods in their classrooms will need to eat snacks and/or lunches brought from home. No food or vending will be available for students.
• When registering for CFK&T, use next year’s grade level.
• Discount – If registering for six or more classes, please use discount code CFK6PLUS to receive 15% off. Does not include before or after care.
• Some classes are designed for a broader range of students (e.g., grades 6-12) and others are more specifically targeted – look for grade levels listed next to each program number.
• Disruptive students are taken to the CFK&T office and their parents are notified. Continued disruption results in removal from the program without refund of fees.
Our program is subject to UW-System and UWM Policy with regards to on-campus, in-person youth programming. This may affect aspects of our delivery of programming including social distancing, age group cohorting and reduced class sizes. Any information related to these health and safety policies and procedures which relate to program decision making as well as the possibility of reverting to an online delivery method can be found on our website. Updates will be made as policy has been mandated from UW-System and UWM.
Our policy states that we do not offer refunds or transfers after registration. We are mandated by UWM policies, in the event our program changes our delivery method to online for any reason due to Health and Safety concerns then an exception to the refund policy may take effect. For more information, please see our website policy changes and information.
Classes that do not reach sufficient enrollment by May 12, 2023, will be canceled. Please register before this date to ensure classes run.
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
To make things easier for students and parents, we offer supervised care in Merrill Hall at a location TBD for before and after the program day for a minimal charge. Please refer to our website closer to the beginning of the program for further details. Chaperoning children to or from class is included in the fee. Come early or stay late. You must sign up for the full week.
Please note: CFK&T only supervises registered students while they are in class or before/after care. Students enrolled in back-to-back classes or before/after care will be chaperoned to their next destination. No extended supervision (longer than 30 minutes between consecutive class times) is available between 9am and 4pm.
Please be advised that after-care ends by 5:30pm. If families are late for pick up there will be a $10 charge for every 10 minutes that the student is not picked up (5:41pm= $10, 5:55pm= $20 etc.). If a child is left in our care until 6pm we are required to take the child to the campus police department.
Before Care
7:30-9am – $30/week or $50/two-week session (students may not be dropped off before 7:30am if they have any other wristband color than orange)
After Care
4-5:30pm – $30/week or $50/two-week session
Two-week Sessions Prog# Fee
June 19-June 30 8410-1003 $50
July 10-21 8410-1007 $50 July 24-Aug 4 8410-1011 $50
One-week Discovery Camps
June 12-16 8410-1001 $30
June 26-June 30 8410-1005 $30
July 17-21 8410-1009 $30
July 31-Aug 4 8410-1013 $30
Aug 7-11 8410-1015 $30
Two-week Sessions Prog# Fee
June 19-June 30 8410-1004 $50
July 10-21 8410-1008 $50
July 24-Aug 4 8410-1012 $50
One-week Discovery Camps
June 12-16 8410-1002 $30
June 26-June 30 8410-1006 $30
July 17-21 8410-1010 $30
July 31-Aug 4 8410-1014 $30
Aug 7-11 8410-1016 $30
With a $250 donation, you can sponsor a childin-need to attend CFK&T for one week in the summer. In fact, any amount of contribution throughout the year is greatly appreciated. Would you consider making a pledge to help a deserving child attend classes during the 2023 summer session? On behalf of our students, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your generosity and gift of education.
To learn more about the ways in which you can give financial support, contact:
Liza Longhini Development 414-227-3252 lizal@uwm.edu
UWM’s College for Kids & Teens is partnering with the UWM School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP) to offer a certificate track opportunity for students interested in architecture and urban planning.
Register for three core courses and three elective courses (one architectural and two miscellaneous) elective courses from a selection of offerings. All core courses are for grades 9-12 and can be completed within a three-year window. Some elective courses are for grades 6-12.
Note: The elective course offerings are highlighted with the following symbol ARCH in the Schedule at a Glance. For more information on elective courses, course descriptions, course format and certificate specifics, please see our website.
Architecture and Design $184 Ali Gooch 8410-157, June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12, Session I
Architecture and Models $184 Ali Gooch 8410-233, July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12, Session II
Architecture and Domestic Space $184 Ali Gooch 8410-304, July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12, Session III
UWM’s College for Kids & Teens is partnering with the UWM Peck School of the Arts (PSOA) to offer a certificate track opportunity for students interested in art & design. The certificate provides students with a base knowledge of art & design.
The Art & Design Certificate Track consists of One ArtsECO Core Class that consists of two one-week Art & Design focused classes. To complete the certificate the student will need to complete the main core class and a second floating core class and three Art & Design elective classes for a total of five classes. All ArtsECO core classes can be completed by grade 10-12 students and Art & Design elective classes can be completed by grade 6-12 students.
Note: The elective course offerings are highlighted with the following symbol PECK in the Schedule at a Glance. For more information, visit the ArtsECO website uwm.edu/ arts/arts-eco. For more information on elective courses, course descriptions, course format and certificate specifics, please see our website.
Drawing/Fibers & Wearable Sculpture – ArtsECO –Art & Design Core Course
ArtsECO Instructor 8410-208, July 10-21, 9am-12pm Gr. 10-12, Session II
Drawing Into Print/Experimental Studio Process –ArtsECO – Art & Design Floating Core Course $225
ArtsECO Instructor 8410-379, July 10-21, 1-4pm Gr. 10-12, Session II
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
As part of a partnership with the Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute, UWM's College for Kids & Teens is offering a certificate track that consists of a total of five courses related to the study of data science. In order to complete the certificate, the student must complete all three core classes offered every summer and two elective courses from a selection of 14 College for Kids & Teens offerings. Register for three core courses and two elective courses from a selection of offerings. All core courses are for grades 9-12 and can be completed within a three-year window.
Note: The elective course offerings are highlighted with the following symbol DAT A in the Schedule at a Glance. *Not all elective courses will be offered every summer. For more information on elective courses, course descriptions, course format and certificate specifics, please see our website.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Writing Project (UWMWP) is an active chapter of the National Writing Project (NWP). Founded in 1974, NWP’s ongoing mission is to provide writing teachers resources and training to cultivate new methods of teaching, research on teaching, and a passionately professional writing community.
The partnership of College for Kids & Teens (CFK&T) with the UWMWP allows student writers an opportunity to work with three professionally and academically trained teacher consultants per class! These instructors utilize materials from the NWP to create a supportive and engaged writing community, which provides students with a week of invigorating writing experience.
The UWM Writing Project –Young Writers’ Academy $229 Dana Kaleta 8410-319, July 31-Aug 4, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8, Discovery Camp 3
Prerequisite: Students must have a core GPA of 2.5.
Introduction to Data Science (Hybrid) $299
Pat Williams 8410-133, June 19-30, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12, Session I
Entrepreneurial Data Science (Hybrid) $299
Quinten Prince 8410-209, July 10-21, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12, Session II
Statistical Story Telling: A Study of Probability & Statistics (Hybrid) $299
Steve Augustine 8410-282, July 24-Aug 4, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12, Session III
This program is facilitated by the School of Freshwater Sciences’ Outreach Manager Liz Sutton with visits from scientists and graduate students working in the field. This camp spends three days in the classroom learning the science and techniques involved in exploring our local watersheds and two days applying new knowledge in the field. Students leave with a better understanding of the impact of water on our economy, recreational activities, and public health.
Freshwater Science $250
$229 Dana Kaleta 8410-106, June 12-16, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12, Discovery Camp Plus
PRE-TEST: Sat, June 19, 8am-12pm
POST-TEST: Fri, June 30, 8am-12pm $220
Mini-Course ACT-approved instructors 8410-171, June 26-29, 9am-3pm Gr. 11 & 12 only, Discovery Camp 1 Limit 30 students
Note: There will be absolutely no makeup dates. If you register for this class after the scheduled pre-test dates, you will not have the opportunity to take that test.
Liz Sutton 8410-247, July 17-21, 9am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12, Discovery Camp 2 8410-380, Aug. 7-11, 9am-1:30pm Gr.6-8, Discovery Camp 4
Note: Due to the nature of the activities there will be additional waivers to sign in order to participate in the camp. There is a 30-minute, supervised lunch breaks every day. Please make sure students bring a bagged lunch.
Creative Arts
Humanities/Social Sciences Languages & Cultures Math & Computers Science
For more information visit uwm.edu/sce/kids
Discount – If registering for six or more classes.
Please use discount code CFK6PLUS to receive 15% off. Does not include before or after care.
Please Note: Discovery Camp Plus is a one-week session that begins and ends during a time when some schools might be in session.
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Cool Carnivores K5-2 8410-100 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science Be a Math Genius 3-5 8410-101 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Bookmaking 3-5 8410-102 $99 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! DIY – Jewelry Making 6-8 8410-103 $99 Jaide Davis Creative Arts Stock Market 6-8 8410-104 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Math & Computers Psychology 101 6-12 8410-105 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject The UWM Writing Project – 9-12 8410-106 $229 Dana Kaleta Special Programs Introductory Teen Writing Academy
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Come Read with Me K5-2 8410-107 $99 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences NEW! DIY - Jewelry Making 3-5 8410-108 $99 Jaide Davis Creative Arts Monster Makers 3-5 8410-109 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science Build Your Own Business DATA 6-8 8410-110 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences No-Problem, Problem-Solving 6-8 8410-111 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Math & Computers Social Issues 9-12 8410-112 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Animal Art K5-2 8410-113 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Creative Arts Monster’s Lit 3-5 8410-114 $99 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences Gizmos and Gadgets 3-5 8410-115 $99 Instructor: TBA Science Delve Into Memory 6-8 8410-116 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences What’s the Chance? DATA 6-8 8410-117 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Biology: Mysteries of Life 6-12 8410-118 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Science Trigonometry DATA 6-12 8410-119 $99 Steve Augustine Math & Computers Public Speaking 9-12 8410-120 $99 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee
Bubbles, Balloons, and Blastoffs K5-2 8410-121 $164
Rickeia Thomas Science
Math Munchkins K5-2 8410-122 $164 Alison Voss Math & Computers
Character Building 3-5 8410-123 $164 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences
Creepy Crawlers 3-5 8410-124 $164 Instructor: TBA Science
Vacation Math 3-5 8410-125 $164 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Minecraft: EDU 3-5 8410-126 $174 Emily Hartford Math & Computers
Italian Cooking 6-8 8410-127 $184 Enrica Fracchia Humanities/Social Sciences
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics 6-8 8410-128 $174 Alicia Barr Science
Architecture and Fabrication I 6-8 8410-129 $174 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences
Jewelry & Metalsmithing PECK 6-12 8410-130 $174 Erica Meier/Ryan Send Creative Arts
All About Politics 6-12 8410-131 $164 Thomas Lane Humanities/Social Sciences
The Potter’s Wheel PECK 9-12 8410-132 $174 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject
Introduction to Data Science 9-12 8410-133 $299 Pat Williams Special Programs (HYBRID) DATA
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject
Where in the World? K5-2 8410-134 $164 Rickeia Thomas Humanities/Social Sciences I Made This K5-2 8410-135 $164 Sierra Rode Creative Arts Italian Cooking 3-5 8410-136 $184 Enrica Fracchia Humanities/Social Sciences Ceramics 3-5 8410-137 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics 3-5 8410-138 $174 Alicia Barr Science Games, Cards, and More! 3-5 8410-139 $164 Maegan Rivera Math & Computers Divisibility Math 6-8 8410-140 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers Cartooning 6-12 8410-141 $164 Thomas Lane Creative Arts Minecraft: EDU 6-12 8410-142 $174 Emily Hartford Math & Computers
The Writer’s Den 6-12 8410-143 $164 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences Stage Make-up 6-12 8410-144 $164 Tara Kindwall Creative Arts Architecture and Fabrication II 9-12 8410-145 $174 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences ARCH
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Ahoy There, Matey! K5-2 8410-146 $164 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Wacky World of Numbers K5-2 8410-147 $164 Enrica Fracchia Math & Computers Word Power 3-5 8410-148 $164 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences An Artist a Day 3-5 8410-149 $164 Ariel Scott Creative Arts Math Camp 3-5 8410-150 $164 Allison Voss Math & Computers Speak for Yourself 3-5 8410-151 $164 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Exploring the Rubix Cube 6-8 8410-152 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers and the World of Algorithms
Ceramics PECK 6-8 8410-153 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts Chemistry 101 6-12 8410-154 $164 Anja Blecking Science Criminal Psychology 6-12 8410-155 $164 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences Python Programming DATA 9-12 8410-156 $174 Carlos Whiting Math & Computers Architecture and Design ARCH 9-12 8410-157 $184 Ali Gooch Humanities/Social Sciences
Please Note: Discovery Camp 1 is a one-week session and runs simultaneously with the second week of Session I.
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Alphabeasts K5-2 8410-158 $99 Becca Lind Humanities/Social Sciences NEW! Engineering Mystery K5-2 8410-159 $99 Jordan Lind Science Challenge
Outside Art 3-5 8410-160 $99 Allison Smith Creative Arts Detective Academy 3-5 8410-161 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Humanities/Social Sciences Math Contest 3-5 8410-162 $99 Marisol Rackers Math & Computers Gizmos and Gadgets 3-5 8410-163 $99 Instructor: TBA Science Beginning Guitar 6-8 8410-164 $115 Jason Spottek Creative Arts Roll the Dice DATA 6-8 8410-165 $99 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers Comic Books and Graphic Novels 6-8 8410-166 $99 Maegan Rivera Humanities/Social Sciences American Sign Language 6-12 8410-167 $99 Katelyn Miller Languages & Cultures Essay Writing 101 6-12 8410-168 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences Advanced Drawing 9-12 8410-169 $99 Tim Ladwig Creative Arts Theater Workshop 9-12 8410-170 $99 Rachel Zembrowski Creative Arts
9am-3:00pm (June 26-30)
Grade Prog# Fee
Subject ACT Preparation Boot Camp 11-12 8410-171 $220 Mini-Course ACT-approved Special Programs instructors
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Animal Detectives K5-2 8410-172 $99 Becca Lind Science Fun with Words K5-2 8410-173 $99 Jordan Lind Humanities/Social Sciences American Sign Language 3-5 8410-174 $99 Katelyn Miller Languages & Cultures
Beginning Guitar 3-5 8410-175 $115 Jason Spottek Creative Arts I Wanna Be… 3-5 8410-176 $99 Marisol Rackers Humanities/Social Sciences Microbiology 6-8 8410-177 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science
Watercolor Wonders 6-8 8410-178 $99
Allison Smith Creative Arts Theater Workshop 6-8 8410-179 $99 Rachel Zembrowski Creative Arts
NEW! Wisconsin Geology: Event 6-12 8410-180 $99 Natalie McNall Science that Shaped Our State Investing 101 6-12 8410-181 $99 Marilyn Kindwall Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! Make Better Videos 9-12 8410-182 $99 Brian Artka Creative Arts
NEW! Book Club: Social Justice 9-12 8410-183 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences Warriors
For more information uwm.edu/sce/kids 414-227-3360
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
American Sign Language K5-2 8410-184 $99 Katelyn Miller Languages & Cultures Chalk it Up K5-2 8410-185 $99 Marisol Rackers Creative Arts
Algebra + Mazes = Amazing Fun! 3-5 8410-186 $99 Ashley Prudhom Math & Computers Watercolor Wonders 3-5 8410-187 $99 Allison Smith Creative Arts Puzzling Possibilities 3-5 8410-188 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Superhero Science 3-5 8410-189 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science NEW! Forensics 101 6-8 8410-190 $99 Maegan Rivera Humanities/Social Sciences Fairies, Elves, and Trolls. Oh My! 6-8 8410-191 $99 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences The Complete Fool 6-12 8410-192 $99 Tara Kindwall Creative Arts Microbiology 9-12 8410-193 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Science Survey of Calculus DATA 9-12 8410-194 $99 Steve Augustine Math & Computers Strategy Games ARCH 9-12 8410-195 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject
Making Cents of It K5-2 8410-196 $164 Rickeia Thomas Math & Computers Writing Is Magic K5-2 8410-197 $164 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Edible Science 3-5 8410-198 $164 Marisol Rackers Science Bring Out the Animal in You 3-5 8410-199 $164 Sierra Rode Creative Arts
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics 3-5 8410-200 $174 Alicia Barr Science Map & Compass Skills 3-5 8410-201 $164 Ali Voss Humanities/Social Sciences Story Telling 6-8 8410-202 $164 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences Computer Coding 6-8 8410-203 $174 Emily Hartford Math & Computers One-Act Play: Theater 6-12 8410-204 $164 Naomi Guzman Creative Arts One-Act Play: Stage and Set 6-12 8410-205 $164 Rachel Zembrowski Creative Arts Design Engineering Wonders 9-12 8410-206 $164 Chris Beimborn Science The Potter’s Wheel PECK 9-12 8410-207 $174 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Drawing/ Fibers and Wearable 10-12 8410-208 $225 ArtsECO Instructor Special Programs Sculpture - ArtsECO - Art & Design (Core) PECK
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Drawing Into Print& Experimental 10-12 8410-379 $225 ArtsECO Instructor Special Programs Studio - ArtsECO - Art & Design (Floating Core) PECK
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject Entrepreneurial Data Science 9-12 8410-209 $299 Quinten Prince Special Programs (HYBRID) DATA
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Ooze, Drip, Bubble & Bounce K5-2 8410-210 $164 Rickeia Thomas Science Safari Adventures K5-2 8410-211 $164 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences Nature: The Real Mother of 3-5 8410-212 $164 Ali Voss Science Invention Computer Coding
3-5 8410-213 $174 Emily Hartford Math & Computers I ♥ Math 3-5 8410-214 $164 Marisol Rackers Math & Computers Ceramics 3-5 8410-215 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts Beginning Painting 6-8 8410-216 $164 Ashley Prudhom Creative Arts Engineering Wonders 6-8 8410-217 $164 Chris Beimborn Science LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics 6-8 8410-218 $174 Alicia Barr Science Order in the Court 6-12 8410-219 $164 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences Sportistics 6-12 8410-220 $164 Emily Hartford Math & Computers
Ace Academic Writing 9-12 8410-221 $164 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee
Math & Computers Pint-Size Picasso’s K5-2 8410-223 $164
Math as Easy as 1,2,3 K5-2 8410-222 $164 Marisol Rackers
Geometry All Around 3-5 8410-224 $164
Time for Slime
Instructor: TBA Creative Arts
Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
3-5 8410-225 $164 Alison Voss Science
Reading Made Easy 3-5 8410-226 $164 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences
DIY Art 3-5 8410-227 $164 Ariel Scott Creative Arts
Ace Academic Writing 6-8 8410-228 $164 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences
Algebra Camp DATA 6-8 8410-229 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers
Ceramics PECK 6-8 8410-230 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts
Medical Camp 6-12 8410-231 $164 Instructor: TBA Science
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Psychology – Personal 6-12 8410-232 $164 Ashley Prudhom
Humanities/Social Sciences Development Architecture and Models ARCH 9-12 8410-233 $184 Ali Gooch
Humanities/Social Sciences NEW! Connected Systems 9-12 8410-234 $174 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Please Note: Discovery Camp 2 is a one-week session and runs simultaneously with the second week of Session II.
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Art O’Saurus K5-2 8410-235 $99 Becca Lind Creative Arts Detective Club K5-2 8410-236 $99 Jordan Lind Humanities/Social Sciences Crafting Creations 3-5 8410-237 $99 Carrie Sullivan Creative Arts Greek Gods! 3-5 8410-238 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Humanities/Social Sciences MythBusters & More 3-5 8410-239 $99 Maegan Rivera Science Math Games 3-5 8410-240 $99 Jen Bertrand-LaDuke Math & Computers Beginning Spanish 6-8 8410-241 $99 Instructor: TBA Languages & Cultures So, You Want to Be a Lawyer? 6-12 8410-242 $99 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences Design Squad Engineers 9-12 8410-243 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Science Beginning Ukulele 6-12 8410-244 $115 Jason Spottek Creative Arts Philosophy 101 6-12 8410-245 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences Digital Fabrication PECK 6-12 8410-246 $99 Sophia Hermann Creative Arts
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Freshwater Science Class 6-12 8410-247 $250 Liz Sutton Special Programs
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject
Math Mania K5-2 8410-248 $99 Jordan Lind Math & Computers Solar System Exploration K5-2 8410-249 $99 Becca Lind Science Adventures in Ancient Art 3-5 8410-250 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Creative Arts Escape the Classroom 3-5 8410-251 $99 Carrie Sullivan Humanities/Social Sciences
Saving Bob 3-5 8410-252 $99 Jen Bertrand-LaDuke Science
Beginning Ukulele 3-5 8410-253 $115 Jason Spottek Creative Arts Wallstreet Wizards 6-8 8410-254 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Math & Computers Shinobi vs. Samurai 6-8 8410-255 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences Conversational Spanish 6-12 8410-256 $99 Jessica Santiago Languages & Cultures NEW! Hurricanes! Thunderstorms! 6-12 8410-257 $99 Steve Augustine Science Tornadoes!
Beginning Ballroom Dancing 9-12 8410-258 $99 Tara Kindwall Creative Arts
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
K5-2 8410-259 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science Playground Games K5-2 8410-260 $99
Dino Detectives
Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Math You’ll Use 3-5 8410-261 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Beginning Spanish 3-5 8410-262 $99 Jessica Santiago Languages & Cultures Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith 3-5 8410-263 $99 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences Fantasy Sports 101 3-5 8410-264 $99
Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Amusement Park Physics 6-8 8410-265 $99 Mahmoud Hasan Science Origami: The Art of Paper Folding 6-8 8410-266 $99
Instructor: TBA Creative Arts Communication 101 6-12 8410-267 $99 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! Geometry Tools and 6-12 8410-268 $99 Steve Augustine Math & Computers Concepts
NEW! Artistic Design 9-12 8410-269 $99 Tim Ladwig Creative Arts NEW! Community Psychology 9-12 8410-270 $99 Jaide Davis Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee
Crunchin’ Numbers K5-2 8410-271 $164
Marisol Rackers Math & Computers
Nature’s Storytime K5-2 8410-272 $164 Sierra Rode Science Minute to Win It 3-5 8410-273 $164 Ali Voss Humanities/Social Sciences
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics II 3-5 8410-274 $174 Alicia Barr Science
Geography 3-5 8410-275 $164 Maegan Rivera Humanities/Social Sciences
MadaMathaMatics 3-5 8410-276 $164 Enrica Fracchia Math & Computers
Web Page Design 6-8 8410-277 $174 Carlos Whiting Math & Computers
Designing With Virtual Reality ARCH 6-12 8410-278 $174
Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences
Adventures in Statistics DATA 6-8 8410-279 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers
Castles & Medieval Warfare 6-12 8410-280 $164 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences
The Potter’s Wheel PECK 9-12 8410-281 $174 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts
For more information uwm.edu/sce/kids 414-227-3360
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Statistical Story Telling: 9-12 8410-282 $299 Steve Augustine Special Programs A Study of Probability & Statistics DATA (HYBRID)
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Chalk It Up K5-2 8410-283 $164 Marisol Rackers Creative Arts Wild Kingdom K5-2 8410-284 $164 Enrica Fracchia Humanities/Social Sciences Cultural Mask Making 3-5 8410-285 $164 Ali Voss Creative Arts Web Page Design 3-5 8410-286 $174 Carlos Whiting Math & Computers 50 Nifty States 3-5 8410-287 $164 Maegan Rivera Humanities/Social Sciences Ceramics 3-5 8410-288 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts Cryptology 6-8 8410-289 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers Comic Connections 6-8 8410-290 $164 Instructor: TBA Creative Arts LEGO® MINDSTORMS® 6-8 8410-291 $174 Alicia Barr Science Robotics II Gladiator and Roman Life 6-12 8410-292 $164 Eric Czyzewski
Humanities/Social Sciences Astronomy Class 9-12 8410-293 $164 Sparrow Roch Science
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Art ABC K5-2 8410-294 $164 Ariel Scott Creative Arts Fun With Words K5-2 8410-295 $164 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Dinosaur Detectives 3-5 8410-296 $164 Marisol Rackers Science Math Busters 3-5 8410-297 $164 Enrica Fracchia Math & Computers Past, Present, and Future! 3-5 8410-298 $164 Alison Voss Humanities/Social Sciences Reactive Science 3-5 8410-299 $164 Instructor: TBA Science World War l 6-8 8410-300 $164 Eric Czyzewski Humanities/Social Sciences Ceramics PECK 6-8 8410-301 $184 Alex Renier/Geryn Roche Creative Arts Astronomy Class 6-8 8410-302 $164 Sparrow Roch Science
NEW! What Strange Things!? 9-12 8410-303 $164 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences Architecture and Domestic 9-12 8410-304 $184 Ali Gooch Humanities/Social Sciences Space ARCH Mind-Bending Math 9-12 8410-305 $164 Tony Sayarath Math & Computers Dance Fun for Everyone 6-12 8410-306 $164 Instructor: TBA Creative Arts Web Page Design 9-12 8410-307 $174 Carlos Whiting Math & Computers
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Under the Sea K5-2 8410-308 $99 Becca Lind Science Beginning Piano K5-2 8410-309 $115 Nora Reedy Creative Arts Full STEAM Ahead 3-5 8410-310 $99 Jordan Lind Science Board Games 3-5 8410-311 $99 Rickeia Thomas Humanities/Social Sciences Cool Carnivores 3-5 8410-312 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Science An Artist a Day 3-5 8410-313 $99 Allison Voss Creative Arts NEW! Ukrainian Language & 6-8 8410-314 $99 Instructor: TBA Languages & Cultures Culture Advertising 101 6-8 8410-315 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Brain Busters 6-8 8410-316 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Mythology 6-12 8410-317 $99 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Special Programs Young Writers’ Academy Blacksmithing PECK 6-12 8410-318 $210 Ryan Send Special Programs
The UWM Writing Project – 6-8 8410-319 $229 Dana Kaleta
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Bubbles, Balloons, and Blastoff K5-2 8410-320 $99 Jordan Lind Science Math and Memory Games K5-2 8410-321 $99 Becca Lind Math & Computers Scavenger Hide & Hunt 3-5 8410-322 $99 Sierra Rode Humanities/Social Sciences Beginning Piano 3-5 8410-323 $115 Nora Reedy Creative Arts Jr. Wall Street 3-5 8410-324 $99 Rickeia Thomas Math & Computers
NEW! Ukrainian Language & 3-5 8410-325 $99
Instructor: TBA Languages & Cultures Culture Fairies, Elves, and Trolls. Oh My! 6-8 8410-326 $99 Rachel Zembrowski Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! Paleontology 101 6-12 8410-327 $99 Rebecca Dekoster Science Blueprints to Buildings ARCH 6-12 8410-328 $99
Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Business and Financial Math 9-12 8410-329 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Grade Prog# Fee
Around the World in 5 Days K5-2 8410-330 $99
Sierra Rode Creative Arts
Gobble Up Math K5-2 8410-331 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Build It! 3-5 8410-332 $99 Instructor: TBA Science
Arithmetic Architectures 3-5 8410-333 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Pen a Pokémon 3-5 8410-334 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Humanities/Social Sciences
Music of the World 3-5 8410-335 $99 Instructor: TBA Languages & Cultures
Beginning Piano 6-8 8410-336 $115 Nora Reedy Creative Arts Health Science 6-8 8410-337 $99 Instructor: TBA Science I’m a Human Calculator 6-8 8410-338 $99 Steve Augustine Math & Computers
The Wild West 6-12 8410-339 $99 Chris Halverson Humanities/Social Sciences Advanced Drawing 6-12 8410-340 $99 Tim Ladwig Creative Arts Urban Planning ARCH 6-12 8410-341 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! Ukrainian Language & 9-12 8410-342 $99 Instructor: TBA Languages & Cultures Culture
Please Note: Discovery Camp 4 is a one-week session that begins and ends during a time when some schools might be in session.
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Geometry All Around K5-2 8410-344 $99 Enrica Fracchia Math & Computers
Nature’s Neighborhoods: K5-2 8410-345 $99 Rickeia Thomas Science Ecosystems
Prehistoric Titans 3-5 8410-346 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Humanities/Social Sciences The Sky’s the Limit 3-5 8410-347 $99 Ali Voss Science
Dance Workshop: Tap and Jazz 6-8 8410-348 $99 Kelly Kotecki Creative Arts Developing Video Games 6-8 8410-349 $109 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers African Life & Culture 6-8 8410-350 $99 Maria Hamming Languages & Cultures Study Skills & Test Taking 6-12 8410-351 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences Strategies
NEW! Observations and Drawing 9-12 8410-352 $99 Ted Snyder Science from Nature Personal Finance 9-12 8410-353 $99 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Blacksmithing PECK 9-12 8410-354 $210 Ryan Send Special Programs Freshwater Science Class 6-8 8410-380 $250 Liz Sutton Special Programs
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor
Subject Come Read with Me K5-2 8410-355 $99 Instructor: TBA Humanities/Social Sciences Money Matters K5-2 8410-356 $99 Enrica Fracchia Math & Computers Dance Workshop: Tap and Jazz 3-5 8410-357 $99 Kelly Kotecki Creative Arts Full STEAM Ahead 3-5 8410-358 $99 Ali Voss Science Developing Video Games 3-5 8410-359 $109 Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Paragraph Construction Zone 6-8 8410-360 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences Genetics 6-8 8410-361 $99 Ted Snyder Science NEW! Percy Jackson’s Greek 6-8 8410-362 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Humanities/Social Sciences Gods and Legends Algebra I ARCH 9-12 8410-363 $99
Steve Augustine Math & Computers Intro to Professional Networking 9-12 8410-364 $99 Quinten Prince Humanities/Social Sciences Fashion Arts Illustration 9-12 8410-365 $99 Instructor: TBA Creative Arts Creative Writing 9-12 8410-366 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences
Grade Prog# Fee Instructor Subject
Lions and Tigers and Bears, K5-2 8410-367 $99 Keaton Vosper-Maker Creative Arts Oh MY and So Much More!
Fairy Tales on Trial K5-2 8410-368 $99 Enrica Fracchia Humanities/Social Sciences Creating With Recycled Products 3-5 8410-369 $99
Instructor: TBA Creative Arts Got Math? 3-5 8410-370 $99
Instructor: TBA Math & Computers Crack the Case 3-5 8410-371 $99 Alison Voss Humanities/Social Sciences Brainiacs 3-5 8410-372 $99
Instructor: TBA Science
Creative Writing 6-8 8410-373 $99 Ashley Prudhom Humanities/Social Sciences
NEW! Dentistry 101 6-8 8410-374 $99 Sabrina Carter Science
NEW! Social Media Analytics 6-8 8410-375 $99
Instructor: TBA Math & Computers
Print Making PECK 6-12 8410-376 $109 Hunter Louis Math & Computers Genetics 9-12 8410-377 $99 Ted Snyder Science Discrete Mathematics and 9-12 8410-378 $109 Steve Augustine Math & Computers Combinatorics DATA
For more information uwm.edu/sce/kids 414-227-3360
information visit uwm.edu/sce/kids
Classes are organized by grade level as well as by subject area. Courses that are offered for multiple grade levels are listed below, followed by courses only available for specific grade levels. Please note that the curriculum increases in complexity for each grade level.
Advanced Drawing
Prog# Date Grade
8410-169 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 9-12 8410-340 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Beginning Piano 8410-309 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. K5-2 8410-323 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-336 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Beginning Guitar 8410-164 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-175 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Beginning Ukulele 8410-244 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 8410-253 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Blacksmithing 8410-318 July 31-Aug 4, 9:00am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12 8410-354 Aug 7-11, 9:00am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12 Cartooning 8410-141 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12 Ceramics 8410-137 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-153 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 8410-215 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-230 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 8410-288 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-301 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Dance Fun for Everyone 8410-306 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Dance Workshop: Tap and Jazz 8410-348 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-357 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Digital Fabrication 8410-246 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
NEW! DIY—Jewelry Making 8410-103 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-108 June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Jewelry & Metalsmithing 8410-130
June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
One-Act Play: Stage and Set Design 8410-205 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
One-Act Play: Theater 8410-204 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 Stage Make-up 8410-144
June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
The Complete Fool 8410-192 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Theater Workshop 8410-170
June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 9-12 8410-179 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Watercolor Wonders 8410-178
June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 8410-187 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Animal Art 8410-113
Around the World in 5 Days 8410-330
Date Grade
June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Art ABC 8410-294 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Art O’Saurus 8410-235
July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Chalk it Up 8410-185
June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2 8410-283 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
I Made This 8410-135 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY and So Much More! 8410-367 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Pint-Size Picasso’s 8410-223 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Prog# Date Grade
Adventures in Ancient Art 8410-250 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
An Artist a Day 8410-149 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 8410-313 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Bringing Out the Animal in You 8410-199 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Crafting Creations 8410-237 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Creating With Recycled Products 8410-369 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Cultural Mask Making 8410-285 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
DIY Art 8410-227 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Outside Art 8410-160 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Beginning Painting 8410-216 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Origami: The Art of Paper Folding 8410-266 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 Comic Connections 8410-290 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
NEW! Artistic Design 8410-269 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Beginning Ballroom Dancing 8410-258 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
Fashion Arts Illustration 8410-365 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! Make Better Videos 8410-182 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
Print Making 8410-376 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
The Potter’s Wheel 8410-132
June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 9-12 8410-207 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 9-12 8410-281 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 9-12
Classes are organized by grade level as well as by subject area. Courses that are offered for multiple grade levels are listed below, followed by courses only available for specific grade levels. Please note that the curriculum increases in complexity for each grade level.
Ace Academic Writing
Date Grade
July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12 8410-228
All About Politics 8410-131
Blueprints to Buildings 8410-328
July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Castles & Medieval Warfare 8410-280 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
Communication 101 8410-267
Creative Writing 8410-366
July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12 8410-373
Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
For more information uwm.edu/sce/kids 414-227-3360
Prog# Date Grade
Criminal Psychology 8410-155 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Designing with Virtual Reality 8410-278 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 Essay Writing 101 8410-168 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
Gladiator and Roman Life 8410-292 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12 Investing 101 8410-181 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Italian Cooking 8410-127 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-136 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Mythology 8410-317 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 Order in the Court 8410-219 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12 Philosophy 101 8410-245 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 Psychology—Personal Development 8410-232 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12 Psychology 101 8410-105 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 So, You Want to Be a Lawyer? 8410-242 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 Study Skills & Test Taking Strategies 8410-351 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 6-12
The Wild West 8410-339 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
The Writer’s Den 8410-143 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Urban Planning 8410-341 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Prog# Date Grade
Ahoy There, Matey! 8410-146 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2 Alphabeasts 8410-158 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Come Read with Me 8410-107
June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2 8410-355 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Detective Club 8410-236 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. K5-2 Fairy Tales on Trial 8410-368 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Fun with Words 8410-173 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2 8410-295 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Playground Games 8410-260 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2 Safari Adventure 8410-211 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2 Where in the World? 8410-134 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Wild Kingdom 8410-284 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Writing is Magic 8410-197 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Prog# Date Grade
8410-287 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 Board Games 8410-311 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Bookmaking 8410-102 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
50 Nifty States
Character Building 8410-123 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Crack the Case 8410-371 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Detective Academy 8410-161 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Escape the Classroom
8410-251 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Fantasy Sports 101 8410-264 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Geography 8410-275 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Greek Gods! 8410-238 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
I Wanna Be... 8410-176 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Map & Compass Skills 8410-201 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Minute to Win It 8410-273 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Monster’s Lit 8410-114 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Past, Present, and Future! 8410-298 July 24– Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Pen a Pokemon 8410-334 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Prehistoric Titans 8410-346 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Puzzling Possibilities 8410-188 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Reading Made Easy 8410-226 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Scavenger Hide & Hunt 8410-322 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Speak for Yourself 8410-151 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith 8410-263 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Word Power 8410-148 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Prog# Date Grade
Advertising 101 8410-315 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 Architecture and Fabrication I 8410-129 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 Build Your Own Business 8410-110 June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Comic Books and Graphic Novels 8410-166 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8
Delve into Memory 8410-116 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 Fairies, Elves, and Trolls. Oh My! 8410-191 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 8410-326 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
New! Forensics 101 8410-190 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Paragraph Construction Zone 8410-360 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
NEW! Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods and Legends 8410-362 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 Shinobi vs. Samuari 8410-255 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 Story Telling 8410-202 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 World War I 8410-300 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Prog# Date Grade
Architecture and Fabrication II 8410-145
June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! Book Club: Social Justice Warriors 8410-183 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! Community Psychology 8410-270 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Intro to Professional Networking 8410-364 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
Public Speaking 8410-120 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Social Issues 8410-112 June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12 Strategy Games 8410-195 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! What Strange Things!? 8410-303 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
For more information uwm.edu/sce/kids 414-227-3360
Classes are organized by grade level as well as by subject area. Courses that are offered for multiple grade levels are listed below, followed by courses only available for specific grade levels. Please note that the curriculum increases in complexity for each grade level.
African Life & Culture
Prog# Date Grade
8410-350 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 6-8
American Sign Language 8410-167 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-12 8410-174 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-184 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Beginning Spanish 8410-241 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-262 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Conversational Spanish 8410-256 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of a formal Spanish 2 class.
Music of the World
8410-335 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
NEW! Ukrainian Language & Culture 8410-314 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-325 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-342 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Classes are organized by grade level as well as by subject area. Courses that are offered for multiple grade levels are listed below, followed by courses only available for specific grade levels. Please note that the curriculum increases in complexity for each grade level.
Prog# Date Grade
Computer Coding 8410-203
July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-213 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Developing Video Games 8410-349 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-359 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Geometry All Around 8410-224 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 8410-344 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
NEW! Geometry Tools and Concepts 8410-268 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Minecraft: EDU 8410-126 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 8410-142 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Sportistics 8410-220 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Trigonometry 8410-119 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
Web Page Design 8410-277 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-286 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-307 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Crunchin’ Numbers
Prog# Date Grade
July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Gobble Up Math 8410-331 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Making Cents of It 8410-196 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Math and Memory Games 8410-321 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Math as Easy as 1,2,3 8410-222 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
Math Munchkins 8410-122 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Math Mania 8410-248 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Money Matters 8410-356 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2 Wacky World of Numbers 8410-147 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
GRADES 3-5 Prog#
Algebra + Mazes = Amazing Fun! 8410-186 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Arithmetic Architectures 8410-333 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Be a Math Genius 8410-101 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Games, Cards, and More! 8410-139 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 Got Math? 8410-370 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 I ♥ Math 8410-214 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 Jr. Wallstreet 8410-324 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
MadaMathaMatics 8410-276 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Math Busters 8410-297 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Math Camp 8410-150 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 Math Contest 8410-162 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Math Games 8410-240 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Math You’ll Use 8410-261 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Vacation Math 8410-125 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Adventures in Statistics 8410-279 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 Algebra Camp 8410-229 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Brain Busters 8410-316 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 Cryptology 8410-289 July 24-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Divisibility Math 8410-140 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 Exploring the Rubix Cube and the World of Algorithms 8410-152 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 I’m a Human Calculator 8410-338 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 No-Problem, Problem-Solving 8410-111 June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Roll the Dice 8410-165 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8
NEW! Social Media Analytics 8410-375 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 Stock Market 8410-104 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 Wallstreet Wizards 8410-254 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 What’s the Chance? 8410-117 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Algebra I 8410-363
Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
Business and Financial Math 8410-329 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! Connected Systems 8410-234 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Discrete Mathematics and 8410-378 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12 Combinatorics
Personal Finance 8410-353 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 9-12
Python Programming 8410-156 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Mind Bending Math 8410-305 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Survey of Calculus 8410-194 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Classes are organized by grade level as well as by subject area. Courses that are offered for multiple grade levels are listed below, followed by courses only available for specific grade levels. Please note that the curriculum increases in complexity for each grade level.
Prog# Date Grade
Astronomy Class 8410-293 July 24-Aug. 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 9-12 8410-302 July 24-Aug. 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 Biology: Mysteries of Life 8410-118 June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12 Chemistry 101 8410-154 June 19-30, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12 Cool Carnivores 8410-100 June 12-16, 9-11am Gr. K5-2 8410-312 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 Microbiology 8410-177 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 8410-193 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
Engineering Wonders 8410-206 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 9-12 8410-217 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 Genetics 8410-361 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8 8410-377 Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 9-12
NEW! Hurricanes! Thunderstorms! Tornadoes! 8410-257 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics 8410-128 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 6-8 8410-138 June 19-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-200 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 8410-218 July 10-21,11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics II (Advanced) 8410-274 July 24-Aug. 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 8410-291 July 24-Aug. 4,11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-8
Medical Camp 8410-231 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-12
NEW! Paleontology 101 8410-327 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
NEW! Wisconsin Geology: Events That Shaped Our State 8410-180 June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 6-12
Animal Detectives 8410-172
Date Grade
June 26-30, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Bubbles, Balloons, and Blastoffs 8410-121 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. K5-2 8410-320 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Dino Detectives 8410-259 July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. K5-2
NEW! Engineering Mystery Challenge 8410-159 June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Nature’s Neighborhoods: Ecosystems 8410-345 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Nature’s Storytime 8410-272 July 24-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Ooze, Drip, Bubble & Bounce 8410-210 July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Solar System Exploration 8410-249 July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. K5-2
Under the Sea 8410-308 July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. K5-2
Prog# Date Grade
Aug 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Build It! 8410-332 July 31-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Creepy Crawlers 8410-124 June 19-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Dinosaur Detectives 8410-296 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Edible Science 8410-198 July 10-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Full STEAM Ahead 8410-310
July 31-Aug 4, 9-11am Gr. 3-5 8410-358 Aug 7-11, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
All classes held on UWM campus unless otherwise noted.
Gizmos and Gadgets
June 26-30, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
June 12-16, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5 8410-163
Monster Makers 8410-109 June 12-16, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
MythBusters & More 8410-239 July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Nature: The Real Mother of Invention Reactive Science 8410-212
July 10-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5 8410-299 July 24-Aug 4, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Saving Bob 8410-252
July 17-21, 11:30am-1:30pm Gr. 3-5
Superhero Science 8410-189 June 26-30, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
The Sky’s the Limit 8410-347 Aug. 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 3-5
Time for Slime 8410-225 July 10-21, 2-4pm Gr. 3-5
Prog# Date Grade
Amusement Park Physics 8410-265
July 17-21, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
NEW! Dentistry 101 8410-374 Aug. 7-11, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8 Health Science 8410-337 July 31-Aug. 4, 2-4pm Gr. 6-8
Design Squad Engineers 8410-243
July 17-21, 9-11am Gr. 9-12
NEW! Observations and Drawing from Nature 8410-352 Aug 7-11, 9-11am Gr. 9-12