Summer 2024 Short Courses Talks Special Interest Groups Go Explores
Registration for courses opens April 30
Summer 2024 Short Courses Talks Special Interest Groups Go Explores
Registration for courses opens April 30
MARCY DICKER Program Coordinator
LAURIE YINGLING Program Coordinator
NATALIE HEY Program Assistant
Special thanks to the committee members who put together our course offerings:
Diana Ahmad ........................................ graysquirrels24@gmail.com
Joan Becker Friedman jbf427@live.com
Eva Eisman saftaeve@gmail.com
Reesa Gottschalk reesag5@gmail.com
Mary Ann Horky - Co-chair horkym2002@yahoo.com
Holly Jeffrey hlyjfr@yahoo.com
Greg Jenks gregjenksretired@gmail.com
Pat Katisch patkatisch@aol.com
Cheryl Randall................................................ cherylrndll@gmail.com
Judy Reese.................................................judy_reese@hotmail.com
Linda Vieth lsv54@sbcglobal.net
Barbara Weber - Co-chair bweber37@gmail.com
Dave Woodard connemara39@att.net
Go Explore Planning Committee Members
Janet Ford ..................................................... nygrenford@gmail.com
Mary Ann Getse ..................................... maryanngetse@gmail.com
Geri Halaska glhalaska@gmail.com
Steve Kessel skessel700@gmail.com
Terry King - Co-chair terrencejking41@gmail.com
Marcia Scherrer - Co-chair dmscherrer1@gmail.com
Anne Szcygiel Als@wi.rr.com
Beth Waschow bwaschow@gmail.com
Barbara Weber (CPC/GE Liaison) bweber37@gmail.com
Osher relies on the generosity of members serving on committees to keep our programs running smoothly. Visit the “about us” page of the Osher website at uwm.edu/sce/osher for all of the ways in which you can get involved.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a program of the UWM School of Continuing Education, which is the largest provider of professional development in southeastern Wisconsin. As part of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the School offers individual courses, certificate programs, events and conferences, as well as personal enrichment learning opportunities for all ages. The School’s full-service conference center is located at 161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 6000, Milwaukee, WI 53203 in downtown Milwaukee. Osher classes at this location are labeled “UWM-SCE.” Most Osher classes are at the Hefter Conference Center at 3271 N Lake Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53211.
Osher Programming Tie-ins create connections across our program types. When you see the knot symbol in our catalog, you will find a class and Go Explore with a shared theme or topic. We want to bring these to your attention as a way to enhance and deepen your learning experience. When registering on our website, you will still need to register for your classes and Go Explores in two separate transactions.
The bus symbol in our catalog identifies Go Explores that include bus transportation. All other Go Explores involve individuals arranging their own transportation to meet the group at the various locations for the programs.
Join Osher anytime! You must be a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM to register for programs. It’s easy to join or renew. If you haven’t done so already, activate or renew your Osher membership online at uwm.edu/sce/osher.
As a first-time member, you pay a prorated fee based on the month in which you join. Payment takes your membership to the following Aug 31, after which your membership joins the continuing member fee schedule.
Two individuals living at the same address (whether spouses, siblings or partners).
To register and participate in Osher programs (including classes, Go Explore events and travel), you will need an active membership. Annual membership lasts from Sept 1 to Aug 31 of the following year. Renewal fees are $45 for an individual and $80 for a couple.
To renew your membership, please go to the UWM Osher website at: uwm.edu/sce/osher and scroll down to the yellow Renew Membership button. If you have not registered online before, you will need to create an account with a password and use a credit card for payment.
Registration Opens April 30
When you join in these months Fee for one person Fee for a couple The 2024-25 membership fee is due:
Sept–Dec 2024
Jan–Apr 2024
May–Aug 2024
$45 $80
$30 $50
$15 $20
All members, new and returning, or nonmembers interested in learning about Osher are welcome!
Do you have questions about Short Courses, Special Interest Groups or Go Explore programs? Learn how to register for courses and Go Explores, how to participate in Special Interest Groups, locations of programs and parking information. Meet current and new Osher members. Come and share your interests and ideas and tell us what would enhance your Osher membership.
Tue, May 21, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
Free, SUM:097
Becoming a volunteer for Osher is a great way to make the most of your benefits. Osher is a volunteer-driven organization. During this session, we present an overview of the different committees Osher has to offer and what those volunteers do. Current volunteers are available at the meeting to answer questions and share experiences. Be part of the process. Volunteering is a fun, easy way to meet other members who share the same interests as you.
Wed, May 22, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
Free, SUM:098
Please join us for the 2024 Annual Meeting for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM. As a membership organization this is an important opportunity for members to become informed as to our current status and future growth opportunities. Socialize with other Osher members at 5pm on June 26. Enjoy some food, appetizers and beverages. The Annual Meeting begins at 6pm and should last one hour. We will open the Zoom link at approximately 5:50pm for members joining us via Zoom.
All registered members will receive email reminders and additional information.
Wed, June 26, 5-7pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
Sept 1, 2024
Free on Zoom or $35 in-person, SUM:099
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a membership program for adults who understand that quality of life is enhanced through learning. You need not be an alumnus/alumna of UWM to join. Osher is the perfect way to expand your knowledge while joining more than 1,300 like-minded, active older adults.
` You must be a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM to select/enroll for programs.
` If you have not joined Osher or renewed your membership, you may do so by paying the membership fee (see page 3). Visit uwm.edu/sce/osher.
` To verify your membership status, call the Osher office at 414-227-3320.
` Attend short courses and lectures taught by UWM faculty, Osher members and other noted experts who explore a variety of thought-provoking topics
` Participate in Go Explore excursions to some of the most interesting places in the Greater Milwaukee area
` Enroll in peer-directed Special Interest Groups (SIG) focused on a variety of subjects
` Participate in Institute-sponsored travel programs to remarkable locations around the world
` Enjoy social events throughout the year
` Meet new friends who share a love of learning
` Keep up-to-date with the organization through emails highlighting member profiles, future activities and events of interest
` Obtain a complimentary library card for UWM’s Golda Meir Library
Osher is committed to offering exceptional socially interactive learning experiences. Each class brings a new group of individuals with divergent interests, abilities and world views, all of which enrich Osher’s programs. Part of the success of Osher programs relies on the supportive and respectful interactions that our members experience. The following suggestions allow members to maximize their experience and create a community that encourages conversation and learning.
Respect the importance your fellow members and presenters place on learning. As a member of our learning community:
` Arrive on time since late arrivals can be distracting
` Silence electronic devices
` Ask questions that are on topic
` Share talking time; allow others to speak or ask questions
` Refrain from side conversations during the presentation that can impede hearing for others
` Remember our presenters and facilitators volunteer their time
` Respect and support each other’s differences in belief, ethnicity, lifestyle, and opinions, recognizing that we learn from each other
` Be aware of your own opinions and beliefs while acknowledging the differences of others
Recognize that members may have health conditions, some of which may not be noticeable.
` Respect that some members could have increased susceptibility to pain or injury through even light physical contact
` If you have special needs or limitations, please address any concerns with specific presenters and/or the Osher office
` Osher members or guests who interfere with the goals of our learning community, or create a safety concern, will be asked to leave the class or activity. Serious or repeated violations may impose appropriate penalties including suspension of membership privileges.
Please note that you will receive a confirmation of your class enrollments by email. Reminder emails are sent one day before each class/event for which you register. Delinquent accounts must be paid in full before selecting/enrolling for the current semester. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your order.
` For programs with a fee of $35 or less, no refunds or transfers will be given
` Once a program has begun, refunds are no longer issued
` A full refund is issued to program participants if the School of Continuing Education cancels a program for any reason
` Participant withdrawals made at least 10 business days prior to the start of a program can receive a 100% refund
` When a participant withdraws less than 10 business days prior to the program start, participant may have their fees transferred one time to any available program; otherwise participants will receive a refund minus a 20% administrative fee
` This policy does not apply to Travel or Go Explore programs which have no-refund policies
` Check the Osher website for weatherrelated cancellations
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute may take photographs, video, audiotape and other image and sound-based media of the campus and its employees, students and visitors (collectively, the “Images”). UWM may use such Images for educational, promotional, advertising and other purposes including, but not limited to, print and digital applications.
The Summer 24 semester is full of opportunities for you to join Osher programs in-person or on Zoom. Sessions start throughout the semester, so you may add classes at any time.
We will be delivering our programs to you in the following ways:
In-person – Programs designated by this delivery type will be offered primarily at the Hefter Center. A few classes will be held at the downtown School of Continuing Education Conference Center. Registration will be limited to classroom capacity and will not offer any online option.
Live Online – Programs designated by this delivery type will be offered online via the Zoom platform and will have unlimited capacities. Programs are not recorded and must be attended on the date and time listed.
In-person with livestream – Programs designated by this delivery type will have both an ‘In-person’ and ‘livestream’ participation option.
When filling out the online form, classes designated as ‘In-person with livestream’ will be listed twice. Once as the ‘In-person’ option, and once as the ‘livestream’ option. Make sure to check the box next to the delivery type you are interested in.
If the ‘In-person’ delivery option of the desired program is at capacity, you will not be able to register for the program and should check the box next to the ‘livestream’ option if you still wish to participate in the program.
From the Homepage, for Go Explore events, click the yellow button labeled “Summer 2024 Go Explore Registration” and for classes, click on the yellow button labeled “Spring 2024 Class Registration.”
1. This takes you to the Sign In page. If you are a “New Customer” (someone who has not registered online before), click the “Sign Up” button to make an account. If you are a returning customer (someone who has registered online before), enter your email and password. If you forgot your password, simply click on the “Forgot your password?” link to reset your password.
2. The next page asks you to confirm your personal information. Make sure all fields marked with a red asterisk are filled out. Click the “Next” button.
3. It’s time to select your programs. Programs are divided by type: Short Courses, Talks and Special Interest Groups. Within each subgroup, programs are listed by Program Number, Title, Date, Time and Price. Check the box next to all your desired programs. For more detailed information about courses read the description in the catalog. After checking the boxes, click the
“Next” button.
4. If you are registering for more than one person, this is your chance to add them to your order. Click the “Add Another Registrant” button at the top of the page. A pop-up window will appear with the following questions:
“Who is the additional registrant?”
If you share a membership account, live at the same address, or have registered with this person before, the web will pull up their name which you must simply select. Otherwise, select the “This person has never registered” bubble.
“Do you want to copy items from an existing registrant?” If the second registrant is taking all the same programs, select the “Yes, copy items from the following registrant” bubble. If the second registrant is not taking all the same programs, select the “No, do not copy items from existing registrant” button. Click the “OK” button.
5. You should now be able to see a list of all the classes you selected on the previous page. If you missed any classes, hit the “Edit” button to return to the previous screen. Once you confirm that everything is correct, you can enter your payment information. Pro Tip: Do not include spaces or dashes when entering your credit card number! Scroll to the bottom of the screen and check the box to “agree to the terms and conditions.” Click the “Submit” button.
6. The final screen confirms your registration.
Osher Short Courses are multiweek noncredit sessions on various topics such as the arts, literature, ethics, science, politics, religion and history. Courses are taught by UWM faculty and experts and professionals in the community.
Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher
3 Mon, June 3-17, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:100
June 3 – Book Talk: “Blood to Rubies” – “Blood to Rubies” is a sweeping saga of injustice, love and redemption in the western wilderness, by Milwaukee debut novelist, Deborah Hufford. The novel is told through a young frontier photographer who settles in the Bitterroot Mountains and becomes obsessed with a young Irish immigrant woman. As both come to admire the local Nez Perce tribe and their leader, Chief Joseph, their stories tangle in a ruthless convergence of fates. “Blood to Rubies,” published September 2023, has won numerous literary awards, including Book of the Year, by the American Writing Awards, and is an Amazon international bestseller. It has also won acclaim from many New York Times bestselling authors, critics and Nez Perce tribal elders. For more information go to: www.DeborahHufford.com
Presenter: Deb Hufford
June 10 – Our Political Mind: Behind Our Deep Divisions – This course, The Political Mind: The Psychology and Neuroscience Behind our Deep Divisions, will examine stark differences in perspectives, beliefs and brain functioning between liberals, conservatives and moderates. Neuroscientific and psychological research has revealed the sources behind our divisions, with some surprising findings. Do we acquire our political beliefs from our social environment or are they hardwired into the brain? Can these beliefs change? If so, how does this happen? How big a role does social media play? We will address these and other pressing questions affecting our polarized political environment. Presenter: Phillip Chard
June 17 – Thoughts on Retirement: Three Years In – Join retired Osher Director Kim Beck as he offers his thoughts and musings after three years of retirement, including memorable experiences, unexpected challenges and future aspirations. He will also share some of the important lessons he learned from Osher members as he prepared for retirement. Not to be missed is his most important rule for a happy retirement! Presenter: Kim Beck
Colorful sun-splashed brilliance reflects as light passes through the panels of glass. These colors originate from something we refer to as stained glass. What exactly is stained glass, and what is the difference between leaded glass, art glass or faceted glass? This two-part class will focus on the history of stained glass, the making of cathedral and opalescent glass and how artists have used diverse processes and interpretations in their works of art created from sheets of colored glass.
Presenter: Kay Antonelli
2 Tue, June 11-18, 2:15pm-3:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:102
Art Deco was first exhibited in Paris in 1925. A modern style that broke away from the classical/neoclassical past which relied upon ancient architectural motifs for expression. This modern movement, as well as others, expressed the materials, manufacturing and futurism of the time. Designers were looking to develop a new means of expressing art, design and architecture in a more modernistic manner. This class looks at Art Deco history, why it developed and how the style expresses itself. We investigate international, national and some rather unique local Milwaukee examples of the sleek and antitraditional style. Presenter: Keith Schultz
2 Thu, June 6-13, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:104
In this short course, discover the rich history and intricate gameplay of Mah Jongg that continues to captivate players around the globe. During week 1, participants will delve into the origins of this complex game, tracing its roots through Chinese history and exploring its evolution into a global phenomenon. In the following sessions, the fundamental elements of the Mah Jongg tile set and the unique characteristics of each tile and the tile’s significance in gameplay will be reviewed. Additionally, participants will begin to learn the art of playing Mah Jongg, through detailed instruction on the rules and techniques essential for gameplay. Participants need to purchase a 2024 Mah Jongg card (~$14) for use during class. Go to: https://www.nationalmahjonggleague. org/store.aspx#. Questions? Contact Marcy Dicker, mdicker@uwm.edu
Presenters: Marcy Dicker & Eva Eiseman
4 Mon, June 17-July 15, 2:15-3:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person
Location: Hefter
$25, SUM:106
Amanda Seligman and a team of collaborators built the “Encyclopedia of Milwaukee,” a website with more than 700 entries about the history of the Milwaukee area. In part I, Prof. Seligman will offer a peek behind the scenes at the creation of the Encyclopedia, provide an overview of Milwaukee’s past and highlight some of her favorite entries. In part II, Prof. Seligman will share work produced by her students consisting of a series of reenactments showing a slice of Milwaukee’s history. These will include stories about the first official weather forecast in U.S. history, the first polar bear born in a North American zoo to survive to adulthood and the Mitchell family’s all pieces of Milwaukee’s past.
Presenter: Amanda Seligman, Ph. D.
2 Wed, June 19-26, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:108
3 Mon, July 8-22, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:110
July 8 – Raised in Horse Raising – Explore Thoroughbred horse racing, breeding and training through the experiences of a person raised in that world. The presenter, Judy Reese, lived on horse farms in Kentucky, Florida, New York and outside Princeton, New Jersey. She raced horses across this country, as well as, Canada, Ireland and England. These experiences grant Reese a unique perspective of the history, and the current state, of horse racing in the United States versus Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Presenter: Judy Reese
July 15 – Wind Point Lighthouse
– One of the tallest and oldest lighthouses still operating on the Great Lakes, this presentation chronicles the history of Racine’s premier lighthouse. For over 80 years, dedicated keepers and their families faithfully tended this sprawling lighthouse complex and booming foghorn. Presenters: Ken and Barb Wardius
July 22 – I am a Female Expat! – My conservative husband fell in love with the beauty of Costa Rica and much to my surprise, he proposed moving there. We went to a conference on how to move there, spent two weeks traveling the country, and chose the Southern Pacific Zone. We sold our house in Wisconsin, moved to Costa Rica and became expats!
Presenter: Barbara Kohlmetz
Course goal: To chuckle our way through Mark Dunn’s “Ella Minnow Pea,” aka LMNOP. This book is “a linguistic tour de force sure to delight word lovers everywhere” and a “satire of human foibles and a light-stepping commentary on censorship and totalitarianism.” The trouble begins when the High Island Council forbids the use of the letter Z, then Q and then J. As the list of forbidden letters grows, the words excised from public and private communications also grow, leading to increased surveillance and harsh punishments. The wordplay in the novel is delightful. After discussing the fictional absurdity of it all and considering connections to the real world, we will follow Dunn’s lead and practice our own wordsmithing skills, playing with figures of speech, coining new words and creating lipograms and pangrams. Join other Osher members “on a merry romp” this summer.
3 Wed, July 10-24, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: Hefter & Zoom $20, SUM:112
Follow along with instructor Nancy Weiss McQuide as she leads us through easy, simple steps and moves of some dances from eras of American history and of World Cultures. The informal class structure accommodates every ability; all can be done seated or standing, no previous dance experience and no partner dancing is necessary. Gain history and cultural knowledge through brief included videos and instructor narration. So just “waltz” on in for some gentle exercise, fun and friendship, as you become ”the Bees’ Knees,” in your “Blue Suede Shoes,” and “Swing” along to an “ABBA-solutely” great time. Presenter: Nancy Weiss McQuide
2 Thu, July 11-18, 2:15-3:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person
Location: Hefter $15, SUM:114
What’s the latest from our Supreme Court? Our nation’s High Court is addressing everything from health care to voting rights, climate change to juvenile justice, same-sex adoption to software interfaces, and religious freedom to immigration protocols. In this course, analyze the major decisions of the 2023-2024 term and the significant rulings (about 40 or so) to be decided by the nine justices of our Supreme Court. Join us for a straightforward discussion of these allimportant cases with many opportunities to ask questions. Presenter: James Santelle
3 Fri, July 12-26, 1-2:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, SUM:116
While many of us feel we’re a master of that machine in our pocket, how much do we really know? Did you know you can use voice commands to turn up the volume, type a note, type and send an email, lock the screen and move between screens, open a program and much more. And did you know you can have your phone read to you the content on the screen such as news articles and documents that have been mailed to you? These are two of the features you will learn about that will make it easier and more enjoyable to use your iPhone. Bring your iPhone to get hands-on training on how to set up and use these features.
Presenters: Steve Castelaz & Bob Roman
3 Tue, July 16-30, 12-1:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$20, SUM:118
While Wisconsin is not necessarily recognized as the entertainment capital of the world, many well-known musicians, artists, actors, athletes and other show-biz types have links to the Badger state. In this course, we’ll profile a number of these entertainers with videos and entertainers to highlight their accomplishments.
Presenter: Greg Jenks
2 Wed, July 17-24, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:120
Literary magical realism has flowed out of Latin America in the past century. In this course, we will sample a few short stories (from authors, including Cortazar, Fuentes, Allende and GarciaMarquez) which suggest that there may be more to reality than what is “real.”
Presenter: Eva Hagenhofer
2 Wed, July 17-24, 2:15-3:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:122
Proto- and Early Renaissance Art will present painting, sculpture and architecture in Italy. We will look at work created between the mid-13th century through the end of the 15th century. Much of the art remained religious, but there was a new focus on man and on this world, on nature. Giotto, Donatello, Masaccio and Brunelleschi will be featured.
Presenter: Priscilla Camilli
3 Tue, July 23-Aug 6, 2:15-3:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$20, SUM:124
This class expands on the past two summers’ study of Philip Roth’s American Trilogy that focused on “The Human Stain” and “American Pastoral.” While the third book in the set is “I Married a Communist,” this class will focus on another Roth book “The Plot Against America.” Although both books are worthy additions to the Roth canon, the latter has more relevance in today’s present times. The story follows Roth and his family as he grew up in his beloved Newark, New Jersey during the pre-World War II period. But then it departs from a sort of personal history to an alternative history in which Charles Lindbergh defeats Franklin Roosevelt for president in 1940. Roth skillfully draws out themes of anti-Semitism, demagoguery and fear in a compelling way that a New York Times review called “creepily plausible.” Creepily relevant, too.
Presenter: Jay Miller
4 Thu, Aug 1-22, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person
Location: Hefter $25, SUM:126
3 Mon, Aug 5-19, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, SUM:128
Aug 5 – Exploring Emotional Intelligence
“Feel your feelings” doesn’t always cut it. Have you ever felt feelings that you didn’t know how to properly express to yourself or to another? This lecture explores the difference between having emotions and growing our emotional intelligence, and how to communicate in an emotionally intelligent way. Presenter: Kate Kent
Aug 12 – The History of AI and Practical Applications – Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we work and live. This course provides an overview of the history of AI from its early beginnings in the 1940s to the powerful, practical applications available today. We’ll learn how AI has evolved from theory to reality through innovations in machine learning and neural networks. Discover how AI can help save time by writing papers, summarizing articles, creating book reviews, analyzing images and more. An introduction to hands-on tools will allow you to automate rote tasks and unlock AI’s potential to augment human intelligence.
Presenter: Bob Roman
Aug 19 – Your Sikh Neighbors – Shauna Singh Baldwin is a writer whose novels and stories feature people of the Sikh faith living in India, Canada and the United States. She worships at gurdwaras in Brookfield and Oak Creek. Yes, that Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, where in 2012, a neo-nazi shooter killed seven people and himself. After that shooting, Shauna and other bilingual Sikhs in the Milwaukee area began an (uncharacteristic) outreach effort to introduce non-Sikhs to the tenets and beliefs that guide those professing the fifth largest religion in the world. This presentation is a step in that direction.
Presenter: Shauna Singh Baldwin
Certified health coach and physical therapist Michele Stamn will share the what, why and how of eating plant-based to get you started on your plant-based journey to better health. Michele knows lots of tips and tricks for making this healthy way of eating doable, delicious and fun – and she’d love to share them with you. Whether you want to dip your toes into a plant-based diet or dive right in, this presentation is for you!
Presenter: Michele Stamn
2 Wed, Aug 7-14, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:130
Talks are single-session programs that offer insights on a diverse array of topics in the arts, humanities, sciences and current issues.
Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher
In recent years, more attention has been focused upon the public health crisis of substance use disorders. The devastation from this crisis influences individuals, their families and society as a whole. The traditional treatment has centered upon the abstinence model found in 12step recovery. In this short course, we will examine this model as well as other pathways, such as SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery and harm reduction.
Presenter: Bob Carly
Thu, May 30, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:300
Managed by the Heritage Hill Corporation, Heritage Hill State Historical Park (HHSP) is located on 54 acres of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources land within the Green Bay Metropolitan Area, Brown County, Wisconsin.
Officially opened to the public in 1977, HHSP houses 27 original and reconstructed buildings, representing historical and cultural developments relevant to NE Wisconsin from the 1600s to the present. It is within this physical setting that HHSP offers a wide range of experientially based cultural programs focusing on the lives of those who shaped the region’s history.
Annually, over 42,000 visitors of all ages enjoy the HHSP experience. Led by first-person interpreters and interpretive labels, HHSP offers visitors a window to the past through authentic environments that heighten the learning experience.
Presenter: Claire Gwaltney
Mon, June 3, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:302
Everything you wanted to know about being an art model for aspiring artists but were afraid to ask. Instructor Cyndi Kramer will give a description of how modeling works in real life and then do an “ask me anything” follow-up.
Presenter: Cyndi Kramer
Thu, June 6, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:304
There is an art and science to oral storytelling. One key factor is that 99% of your story doesn’t matter to your audience. This course explores how to find the one percent that does. Presenter: Ben Merens
Fri, June 7, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:306
If you’re a writer, traditional book publishing is not the only way to go. Come hear how one writer carried around a book in her mind for 18 years, finally sat down one summer and wrote it, and then took another 11 years to publish it!
Presenter: Addy Whitehouse
Mon, June 10, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:308
Ever wonder what it takes to create a major musical production? Osher member Robert Grede began his career as a successful jingle writer before becoming an entrepreneur, educator, marketing professional and best-selling author. Upon retirement, he decided to merge his lifelong love of music with his penchant for telling stories by composing the music and writing the libretto for a musical. Set in the McCobb Mortuary, “RIP – a Musical Comedy of Life and Death” presents a humorous portrayal of the hereafter. Each character ponders life’s great question: “What’s next? Do we all await the same fate? Or is Heaven unique for each of us?” Robert will share the rewards and challenges of writing, producing, rewriting, casting, rehearsing, rewriting once more and staging this major musical production. “RIP” debuts in the performance space at Milwaukee’s Next Act Theater on July 17, 2024. Presenter: Robert Grede
Tue, June 11, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:310
The Wisconsin State Fair has a rich history dating back to 1851 when the first State Fair was held in Janesville along the banks of the Rock River. The State Fair has evolved over time to meet current trends, including large farm machinery displays in the late 1800s, aviation demonstrations in the early 1900s, the war efforts in the 1940s, hot entertainment acts since the 1950s, the space race in the 1960s, new and crazy food trends in recent years, and much more. Come and learn all about the Wisconsin State Fair!
Presenter: John Yingling
Tue, June 11, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:314
In the virtual Lunch & Learn Series, participants will bring a lunch and will connect with other Osher members over a casual, shared meal. Following lunch, we will travel virtually to the Tenement Museum in New York for an interactive online visit with a live Tenement Museum educator. The tour will take you inside 97 Orchard Street and through the history of a the Rogarshevsky family, a Jewish American family from Lithuania who lived there. By 1911, the Lower East Side had become both the most densely populated area in the country and the largest Jewish city in the world. The family earned a living in the garment industry. This program explores how Fannie and Abraham Rogarshevsky and their six children made their way through a turbulent decade while balancing work, family and their religious faith.
Wed, June 12, 12:30-2pm
Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $20, SUM:312
When we were four years old, playing pretend likely came easily. But how do we manage acting as a profession? From activating the imagination, following research rabbit holes, seeking physical and vocal transformation, and building relationships, to collaborating with a creative team to tell a clear story, you’ll hear how this intricate craft and art builds on skill but is inspired, ultimately, by you.
Presenter: Marcella Kearns
Wed, June 12, 4-5:15pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:316
This class will provide a non-partisan overview of recent developments in public affairs. Discussion of the impact of the legal battle to redistrict state legislative maps, the competitive and noncompetitive races in the August primary and November election, and the merits of Wisconsin adopting “secondchoice voting” in partisan primaries and general elections are among some of the topics to be covered and discussed.
Presenter: Mordecai Lee, Ph.D.
Thu, June 13, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:318
Join us for a fact-filled discussion of how voting works in Wisconsin, including a live demonstration of how to sign up online for absentee voting. This course covers the requirements for absentee voting and demonstrates how to verify your vote has been received and counted. We will discuss some of the issues from previous elections, changes in the law and how to avoid the crowds and lines in the upcoming elections of 2024. We pull back the curtain to see what occurs behind the scenes in the voting process. Joining us will be Tina Mayer, Clerk of the Town of Waterford with 25 years of election experience.
Presenter: Jan Thornberg
Fri, June 14, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:320
When the United States won the SpanishAmerican War in 1899, they acquired the island of Guam. The Navy took command of the island. They improved the infrastructure while simultaneously forming friendships and opinions of the locals. The purpose of this talk is to look at what the members of the Navy and Marines thought about the island. Some of them created intimate relationships, while others could not wait to leave the island.
Presenter: Diana Ahmad, Ph.D.
Tue, June 18, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:322
In the Virtual Lunch & Learn Series, participants will bring a lunch and will connect with other Osher members over a casual, shared meal. Following lunch, members will participate in a Virtual (online) Go Explore to the Apollo Theater in New York. Experience Harlem’s historic Apollo Theater – the soul of American culture with Apollo’s ambassador and historian Billy “Mr. Apollo” Mitchell and Apollo Digital Archivist Brad San Martin to explore the legendary history of The Apollo Theater, drawing from Mr. Mitchell’s decades of experience and behind the scenes access and enhanced with memorabilia – photographs and video – from The Apollo’s archives. With The Apollo celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, this presentation connects the theater’s past, present and future and reinforces The Apollo’s deep and longstanding connection to the Harlem community. Presenter: Billy Mitchell
Wed, June 19, 12:30-2pm
Delivery Type: In-person
Location: Hefter $20, SUM:324
In this talk, Joel Alter will share how he came to get much of what he has wanted, but along a path that seemed simultaneously wide open and repeatedly walled off. A Jewishly committed kid in the 80s, being gay seemed unimaginable. Being gay and becoming a rabbi seemed unachievable. Being single and becoming a father seemed impossible. This is the story of how Rabbi Alter got from there to here, with a few insights along the way.
Presenter: Joel Alter
Tue, June 25, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:326
The City of Milwaukee’s Climate and Equity Plan was developed over four years of research and community collaboration through the City-County Task for Climate and Economic Equity. The Plan aims to reduce Milwaukee’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 45% by 2030 and achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 while increasing equity through green jobs that pay at least $40,000 per year, with recruitment focused on people of color. The Plan is organized into 10 Big Ideas, tailored to Milwaukee’s specific conditions, assets and challenges.
Presenter: Pamela Ritger de la Rosa
Tue, June 25, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:328
In the virtual Lunch & Learn Series, participants will bring a lunch and will connect with other Osher members over a casual, shared meal. Following lunch, travel virtually to Anne Frank’s hiding place in Amsterdam and explore the rooms of the Secret Annex where she lived in this live, virtual online tour, led by a museum educator. Discuss Anne Frank’s diary and the people in hiding, the helpers and the premises. Why did the Frank family have to go into hiding and why did they hide in this particular building? Who were the other people in hiding and what was their everyday life like? The Secret Annex Online tour shows the hiding place furnished and demonstrates what the rooms looked like when Anne Frank and her family were in hiding. Presenter: Aaron Peterer
Wed, June 26, 12:30-2:30pm
Delivery Type: In-person
Location: Hefter $20, SUM:330
The Bay View massacre (sometimes also referred to as the Bay View Tragedy) was the result of a strike held on May 4, 1886, by 7,000 building-trades workers and 5,000 Polish laborers who had organized at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Milwaukee to strike against their employers, demanding the enforcement of an eight-hour work day. We will begin with an overview of the eight-hour movement going on in the country and then provide more details about the Milwaukee experience (part of this description is taken from Wikipedia).
Presenters: Jaclyn Kelly & Nate Tease
Tue, July 9, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:332
Jeff Taylor, local Blues artist, will track the progress of the Blues from inception to its current iteration, using videos and cuts from his own work to illustrate his information. Presenter: Jeffrey Taylor
Tue, July 9, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:334
Greater Milwaukee leads the nation in meeting federal standards for ending family homelessness. This session will take a deep dive into national best practice strategies of housing security, adapted to Greater Milwaukee’s unique landscape of homelessness. Attendees will learn the conditions of Collective Impact Models and have a better understanding of the work communities engage in to prevent and address homelessness.
Presenter: Krystina Kohler
Wed, July 10, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:336
This lecture will cover the history and current state of the art for AI. We will discuss the technologies, progress and ethical implications of this groundbreaking field. Presenter: Derek Riley
Wed, July 10, 4-5:15pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:338
Broman will describe the design and aims of Wisconsin 101, which presents local histories on a browsable statewide platform. From soda bottled in Whitefish Bay in the 1920s, to a dam fragment erected in the Kickapoo River Valley in the 1930s, to bowling pins manufactured in Antigo in the 1960s, visitors to our web site can discover all kinds of objects that offer new perspectives on the people, places and ideas of our state’s past. We will also discuss the virtues and challenges of doing local history on a statewide basis.
Presenter: Tom Broman
Thu, July 11, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:340
Explore a World War II story through S. Sgt. Jacob John de Vries’ sketches of people, landscapes and churches in France, Austria and Germany in 1944-45. de Vries served in the U.S. Army 103rd Infantry (Cactus) division in Europe and First Allied Air Bourne Army occupying forces in Berlin. Even before his formal art training, he was always sketching, including during his four years in the Army. The presenter and storyteller is John’s daughter, Janet de Vries, who lives in Casper, Wyoming and is retired from Casper College. This lecture includes her travels to France to locate some of the sites her father sketched.
Presenter: Janet de Vries
Fri, July 12 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: Online Location: Zoom $10, SUM:342
Al Jarreau was one of the great singers of the latter 20th and early 21st century. Born in 1940 and raised in central Milwaukee, by the age of four he was singing in public and was soon performing concerts in Milwaukee with his parents and five siblings. At Lincoln High School, he starred in the annual Follies shows, while playing basketball, running cross country and becoming an all-city baseball player. Al attended Ripon College and the University of Iowa before heading to the West Coast, where eventually he won six Grammy awards in three different categories and became one of the most revered musicians of his generation. This lecture follows Jarreau’s life, career and music, complete with musical examples. Presenter: Kurt Dietrich
Tue, July 16, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:344
In this course, Roscoe will be discussing the first commercial flight to Mars. You will see your accommodations on board SpaceX’s Starship and what to expect during your six-month journey to Mars. Once on Mars, he will review all the best tourist spots to visit during your two-year visit. All Aboard!
Presenter: Dennis Roscoe, Ph.D.
Thu, July 18, 12:30-1:45pm
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:346
Wild dogs. Lions. Leopards. Cheetahs. Join photographers Jeannée Sacken and Michael Briselli for an armchair safari in southern Africa where you’ll meet some of the continent’s most endangered predators. You’ll learn about their lifestyles and breeding. Safari gear is optional.
Presenters: Jeannée Sacken & Michael Briselli
Fri, July 19, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:348
Join us as we meet Milwaukee County Sheriff Denita Ball. Dr. Ball is the first female sheriff in the history of Milwaukee County. She will share her experiences, initiatives undertaken in the sheriff’s department and her perspectives on safety and Milwaukee County.
Presenter: Denita Ball
Thu, July 25, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person With Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, SUM:350
Whether you view the latest breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence with curiosity or concern, you may be surprised by all the ways anyone can use this remarkable technology as a helpful tool in one’s everyday life. No technical background is required to take advantage of some of the amazing new AI platforms that can help you brainstorm ideas, conduct research, plan a menu, summarize books, develop a workout routine, plan a travel itinerary or even create a customized children’s story. Learn how AI is transforming our lives and how you can put it to practical use in your own life with tools like Chat GPT and Leonardo. Be reminded of the many ways our lives are already touched by Artificial Intelligence. We will examine the limitations and potential dangers of this rapidly advancing technology.
Presenter: Matthew Mixon
Wed, July 31, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: Online
Location: Zoom
$10, SUM:352
Learn about the American Geographical Society Library. The American Geographical Society Library (AGSL) was established in 1978 when the research collections of the American Geographical Society (AGS) moved, and ownership was transferred, to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
By the middle of the 20th century, the AGS had compiled a cartographic collection that held items such as maps, atlases, globes, a library with an internationally focused monograph and serial collection, and a burgeoning photograph and film negative collection. Following World War II, these collections comprised more than 500,000 items. The collections have thrived at UWM and today, the AGSL consists of nearly two million items, including maps, atlases, globes, photographs, monographs, serials and digital geospatial data.
Presenter: Marcy Bidney
Thu, Aug 1, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:354
Join award-winning theatre director
Mark Clements from the Milwaukee Rep as he discusses his process for selecting productions and implementing masterful theatre productions.
Presenter: Mark Clements
Tue, Aug 6, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:356
Only 15 years ago, a small child was suffering from an unknown and seemingly incurable disease. At four years old, he had already been subjected to over 100 surgeries and the surgeons were just trying to delay what was thought to be inevitable. A team of geneticists and bioinformaticians at the Medical College of Wisconsin made the groundbreaking decision to attempt to sequence the boy’s entire genome in an attempt to find the needle in that haystack that might be the cause of his life-threatening ailment. In this session, we will use hands-on tools to better understand the science behind this scientific breakthrough that earned the “Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel” the Pulitzer Prize and ushered in the new and promising world of genomic medicine.
Presenter: Diane Munzenmaier
Wed, Aug 7, 10am-Noon
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:358
Mr. Showmanship! The Glitter Man! The Pink Tornado himself! Join writer and director, Brent Hazelton as he recounts his recent Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s performance of “Liberace.” This production was critically acclaimed and featured Milwaukee native and OffBroadway star Brett Ryback. Learn how this iconic show was produced and learn some behind-the-scenes information.
Presenter: Brent Hazelton
Thu, Aug 8, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:360
This class will examine the current surge in book banning through the eyes of a library media specialist. Find out why these books are in the school libraries. Evaluate their value and the motivations behind removing them from the schools. Join a discussion on the wider implications for our children and youth. Come in person to see and review several banned books. Will you stand with the banned?
Presenter: Kathy MacAvaney
Tue, Aug 13, 10-11:15am
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:362
Join socially stimulating, peer-led study groups that meet on a regular basis.
Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher
This group is composed of Osher members who have completed basic introductory classes in Italian and/or demonstrate equivalent proficiency.
The group focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing in Italian, with an emphasis on building vocabulary, strengthening grammatical constructions, improving conversational skills and reading Italian literature. We share a common love of all things Italian—culture, history, art and food.
All members of the group take turns developing lessons, providing reading and listening comprehension exercises, including homework. The class facilitator/ leader responsibility rotates on a weekly basis. Contact: Theresa Bellone, tjbellone@gmail.com.
10 Mon, June 3-Aug 12, 10-11:30am No Class July 1
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$20, SUM:500
Learn to knit or share your skills while learning new techniques. This group is open to male and female knitters of all skill levels. A small supply of yarn will be provided to novice knitters for practice, and a limited supply of needles will also be made available. From casting on to binding off, various stitches, cables and color work, we’ll explore it all, and then some. Come join us as we tie ourselves in knots with this ancient craft. Contacts: Mary Ann Horky (horm2002@gmail.com), Lisa Schuldt (lschuldt2635@gmail.com), Kathy Johnson (rkathome@sbcglobal.net)
5 Mon, June 10-Aug 12, 11:30am-1pm
Delivery Type: In-person only
Location: Hefter
$20, SUM:502
This course will provide a connection for native Spanish speakers who want to keep up with their conversation skills and those of us who are trying to speak like native Spanish speakers. It will involve conversation about various works of modern literature that the class will decide on, as well as a short discussion of one grammar topic each week and hopefully be a great opportunity to forge a greater connection with different communities and spread to more community involvement. Contact: Jane Collis-Geers, jcollisgeers@ hotmail.com
10 Mon, June 3-Aug 12, 12:30-2pm No Class July 1
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$25, SUM:504
Italian Introduction will continue in the Summer Semester with Chapter 10 in the “Complete Italian Grammar” workbook. Participants also create and write statements in Italian for discussion by the group. Contact: Gus Ricca, gusricca@ yahoo.com
11 Tue, May 28-Aug 13, 10-11:30am No Class July 2
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, SUM:506
This intermediate-level class in the Italian language meets once a week for 90 minutes and focuses on three areas: Conversation practice on an announced topic with the introduction of new useful vocabulary; written and verbal exercises designed to review grammar concepts; and, oral reading from modern Italian literature. Class discussions explore topics of Italian culture, art and cuisine. Contact: Ned Turner, nedmturner2@sbcglobal.net
11 Tue, May 28-Aug 13, 12:30-2pm No Class July 2
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$20, SUM:508
Share your writing with others, receive and give feedback along with encouragement. Ideas and information on writing are also discussed. All levels of writing and genres are welcome. The only qualification is a desire to write. Meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Call Nancy Martin at 414-339-1172 for more information.
4 Tue, June 4- Aug 6, 2:15-3:45PM
Meets 1st & 3rd Tue No class July 2
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM:510
This group is for Osher members with an advanced beginner / low intermediate knowledge of Spanish (described as Levels A-2 to B-1 of the Common European Framework Reference for language study). Members will improve their ability to express themselves with reasonable fluency about past, present and future events, as well as a variety of topics of interest to them; respond, ask, summarize, communicate and offer opinions with some confidence on topics of interest or daily life, even if one must ask for sentences to be repeated a few times when the interlocutor speaks very fast; understand, in general, simple and brief speeches; find and understand information to achieve an objective such as navigating the city, renting a car, instructions for cooking a dish, etc.; express emotions and respond to feelings such as surprise and happiness.
Members take turns leading weekly classes, which typically are arranged in three 30-minute sections. One section focuses on grammar and vocabulary (using the text designated below); the second on reading, pronunciation and literary discussion (using the reading text which will be announced to registered SIG members before the fall term begins); and third, the discussion section focusing on spoken Spanish using the leader’s choice of tools, including directed questions selected by the leader, articles made available by the leader and online resources including YouTube videos selected by the leader.
Members of the SIG should have the grammar text on hand at the beginning of the term. It is ”The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice Book,” available from Amazon for $20 or $10 Kindle Edition. As noted, the reading text will be selected and announced before the fall term begins and each member will be expected to have a copy available on the first day. Questions may be directed to Harvey Kurtz at hkurtz@ameritech.net.
11 Thu, May 30-Aug 15, 10:30am-Noon Zoom only June 20, July 1 & Aug 15 No Class July 4
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$20, SUM:514
This group meets one time per month to discuss a novel, book of non-fiction or short stories written in an author’s native language. The ability to read and speak in Spanish is the only requirement. Fluency is not a prerequisite. The goals of this experience are to enrich appreciation of Spanish literature and to further the participant’s ability and confidence in reading and conversing in Spanish. Books will be chosen by group members, and the group meets on the second Thursday of each month. Presenter: Joelyn Olen
3 Thu, June 13-Aug 8, 12:30-1:45pm 2nd Thu of each month
Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:516
Explore the craft of playwriting, share your writing with others, receive feedback and give encouragement. For more information, contact: Reed Groethe, reed. groethe@gmail.com.
5 Thu June 6-Aug 15, 2:15-3:45pm
1st and 3rd Thu of each month
Delivery Type: In-person with livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$15, SUM: 518
Discuss selected books of fiction and nonfiction. Qualifications: a love of reading and a desire to share knowledge of good books. This SIG meets online on the third Friday of each month. Contact Book Group SIG facilitator Jane Svinicki at svinicki@ gmail.com for more information.
3 Fri , June 21-Aug 16, 10-11:30am
Delivery Type: In-person with livestream
Location: Hefter & Zoom
$10, SUM:520
Go Explores are guided tours and excursions in and around the Milwaukee area.
All Day Go Explores take members to nearby towns on a chartered bus.
The bus symbol in our catalog indicates Go Explores that include bus transportation. All other Go Explores involve individuals arranging their own transportation to meet the group at the various locations for the programs.
Join Osher and explore the Menomonee Valley Urban Ecology Center. The tour, guided by Melanie Julio, Neighborhood Engagement Coordinator, will begin indoors with an exploration of the distinctive sustainability elements within the building. Melanie will delve into the rich history of the Urban Ecology Center at Menomonee Valley, providing insights into the center’s evolution and highlighting the center’s many public events and programs. Following the indoor session, Michaela Rosenthal, Lead Land Steward, will guide the group on a leisurely stroll along the Hank Aaron Trail. This scenic walk, mostly on a flat and paved surface, will traverse Seven Bridges Park. Michaela will share fascinating information about native Wisconsin plants and the ecological dynamics of the area, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural environment.
Tue, June 4, 1-2pm
Location: Menomonee Valley Urban Ecology Center, 3700 W. Pierce St., Milwaukee
$15, SUM:600
This walking tour will take Osher members through downtown Milwaukee, focusing on various materials used in constructing Milwaukee’s iconic historic and more current buildings. The tour begins at the Pfister Hotel and ends at City Hall/Zeidler building.
Wed, June 5, 10-11:30am
Location: Pfister Hotel, 424 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:602
Calvary Cemetery has been a jewel in Milwaukee’s landscape since 1856, making it the oldest Catholic Cemetery in Milwaukee. It is the final resting place of Solomon Juneau, Frederick Miller and Patrick Cudahy along with many other famous Milwaukeeans. Its crowning glory is a hilltop chapel built at one of the highest points in Milwaukee, providing impressive views of the city. It was designed by Erhard Brielmaier, the same architect responsible for designing St. Josaphat’s Basilica. Our tour will be given by Keith Schultz, architect and the president of the Friends of Calvary Cemetery, Inc. who are working to stabilize, restore and preserve the chapel/ mausoleum in this Milwaukee landmark.
Thu, June 6, 10-11:30am
Location: Calvary Cemetery, Chapel Hill, 5503 W. Blue Mound Rd., Milwaukee $15, SUM:604
Discover the historic Village of Greendale, established in 1938 as one of only three Greenbelt towns in the United States. Immerse yourself in the legacy of this Depression-era project by riding in Greendale’s inaugural 1938 Diamond T fire engine, retracing the steps of Eleanor Roosevelt, who once explored a model home in the village. Embark on a captivating walking tour to explore outdoor art, sculpture and key landmarks such as the restored Community Building, Fire & Police Station and Village Hall. As part of your visit, enjoy a special visit inside a restored original Greendale home, a Showplace of Greendale History.
Fri, June 7, 10am-Noon
Location: Greendale Historic Society, 5699 Parking St., Greendale $35, SUM:605
The School of Freshwater Sciences at UWM has a rich history of scientific discovery that has evolved over decades. The School’s Great Lakes Research building houses state-of-the-art facilities, including biosecurity and quarantine labs for studying aquatic species; a pathogen testing facility; the scenic Harborview Conference Room; an instrument shop where tools are custom-made; and multiple research centers. Situated in Milwaukee’s Inner Harbor, the building offers the ideal location and resources to study the largest freshwater ecosystem in the world. Learn more about this amazing and fascinating Milwaukee gem and resource on a guided tour with Freshwater Scientist and Osher member, Dr. Jerry (River) Kaster.
Tue, June 11, 4-5:30pm
Location: UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E. Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:606
Do you love to play board games? Are you intrigued by the latest and most thrilling game releases? If your response is “yes” to these questions, then this Go Explore is for you! Join fellow Osher members in this two-part session at the Game Barrister at Bayshore. This Go Explore introduces participants to the best new games around. Participants will not only discover how to play some of the most exciting new games but will also have the opportunity to practice game-playing skills by engaging in gameplay with other Osher members. Beyond the enjoyment of board games, this experience serves to stimulate problemsolving abilities, learn game-playing strategies and foster connections with fellow participants.
2 Wed, June 12 & 19, 1-3pm
Location: Bayshore Board Game Barrister, 5789 N. Bayshore Dr., Glendale $30, SUM:608
Join Dr. Jean Creighton, UWM Planetarium Director and NASA Airborne Astronomy Ambassador, in a live interactive planetarium show. Explore the solar system and marvel at the Sun’s powerful flares, Jupiter’s swirling storms and Saturn’s intriguing moons. Travel to the icy worlds of the Kuiper Belt and behold the latest discoveries from Juno and New Horizons. The show also includes a tour of the night sky, featuring the constellations and their stories.
Thu, June 13, 10-11am
Location: UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium, 1900 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee $15, SUM:610
Join a member of Friends of Grant Park for a walking tour of this beautiful and historic Milwaukee County Park. Along the shore of Lake Michigan, this park in South Milwaukee boasts sanded beaches, miles of wooded trails, sport courts and a golf course. Grant Park’s woods and ravines are ecologically diverse and full of beautiful native plants. Because the first Milwaukee County nursery and greenhouse were originally located on the grounds of the park, participants will also see many nonnative plants that may have been planted on-site in the 1920s and ’30s. Learn about the park’s history and natural habitats on this walking tour. This walk will involve going up and down sometimes slippery lannon-stone steps (80 steps) and uneven footing along the trail; accommodations will be made for those who cannot climb the steps or walk the lower trail.
Fri, June 14, 10am-Noon
Location: Grant Park, 100 Hawthorne Ave., South Milwaukee $15, SUM:612
On this Go Explore with Historic Milwaukee, take a stroll through the heart of Milwaukee’s Riverwalk enjoying the history of the area, the buildings and the story of the development of the Riverwalk and its future.
Tue, June 18, 2-4pm
Location: Historic Milwaukee, 235 E. Michigan Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:614
On this unique Go Explore, get to know the Location: Hefter Center and its neighborhood. The neighborhood around the Hefter Center boasts a broad collection of European and American revival styles constructed between the 1890s and late 1920s. Houses are situated on double or triple lots and many cover several acres of choice real estate. The walk will highlight work by notable architectures, including Buemming, Leenhouts and Guthrie, Graf and Wright. Following the walking tour, celebrate Osher connections with a Party on the Porch.
Thu, June 20, 3-6pm
Location: UWM Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N. Lake Dr., Milwaukee $25, SUM:616
This is the garden of Will Radler, who is recognized as the Father of the Knockout Rose. He has set the standard for sustainability in roses and continues to be recognized for his exemplary commitment and contributions to the community. On this tour, enjoy beautiful gardens, featuring his signature roses, water features, sculptures and more.
Tue, June 25, 10-11:30am
Location: Radler Rosarium, 10020 W. Meadow Dr., Greenfield $20, SUM:618
Relax, reflect and recharge with Osher members in the abundant natural beauty found at the Conservancy for Healing and Heritage, located in Franklin. Featuring an exceptional 36-acre parcel of forestland and a glacial lake, the sacred land on which the Conservancy is located showcases a rare combination of ecosystems. The centerpiece of the Conservancy, the Healing Chapel, offers a soaring east-facing window peeking over the treetops. Surrounding the chapel, the Conservancy’s We Energies Foundation Healing Garden is specifically designed to provide the visitor with the natural environment to reduce stress responses. The serene observation deck of a glacial lake and the woodland and wetland trails add to the relaxing setting. Participants will learn about the history of the land and the Conservancy and its mission. Nature lovers will enjoy the beauty of the woodlands and wetlands on the lake by walking through the Conservancy; areas for rest, reflection and rejuvenation will be abundant!
Wed, June 26, 10-11:30am
Location: Conservancy for Healing & Heritage, 7410 W. Rawson Ave., Franklin $15, SUM:620
Join Osher on this exciting all-day tour to Green Bay.
Start your day at the National Train Museum. Founded in 1956 by community volunteers as a Steam Locomotive Committee, the National Railroad Museum is one of the oldest and largest U.S. institutions dedicated to preserving and interpreting the nation’s railroad history. After a guided tour of this fascinating museum, dine-in at the museum, like a real rail rider and enjoy a Hobo Lunch.
Next, visit Lambeau Field home to the Green Bay Packers and the longest continuously occupied stadium in the league. On this tour, learn about this historic organization and stadium, visit one of Lambeau Field’s premium seating areas, go down to field level through the Player’s Tunnel, see the Lee Remmel Press Box, visit the team locker room and get exclusive access to zone club levels.
Finally, board the bus and head to the Heritage Hill State Historical Park. Tour this 56-acre living history state park –beautifully nestled on the banks of the Fox River – on a private tram and learn about the 9,000+ artifacts in its collection, including original artwork, books, clothing and furnishings dating from the 17th century to present.
Thu, June 27, 6:15am-6pm
Location: Pick Up: Bayshore Park & Ride, 5725 N. Port Washington Rd., Glendale or College Avenue Park & Ride (Northeast lot), 1400 W. College Ave., Milwaukee $135, SUM:622
The Wehr Nature Center in Whitnall Park fosters an environmental awareness and conservation ethic in visitors of all ages through interactions with its restored habitats. On this Go Explore, connect with the natural environment at this 220-acre nature preserve. This guided tour will include trails through and around a prairie, savanna, woodland, wetland and a 15acre lake. This is a 1.5-mile walking tour over wood chip trails, bare dirt trails and boardwalks; surfaces can be uneven.
Tue, July 9, 10-11:30am
Location: Wehr Nature Center, 9701 W. College Ave., Franklin $20, SUM:624
Join Osher members on this private, guided tour of the Stone Creek Factory and Cafe and see where the magic happens! Participants will learn about Stone Creek’s Farm to Cup commitment which includes a highlight of the company’s partnership with a farm in Guatemala, coffee processing and the company’s unique designation and certification as a B Corporation. During the tour, sample the coffee and enjoy bakery treats. Stone Creek Coffee seeks to be a force for good in local and global communities – learn how this notable corporation truly makes a difference.
Wed, July 10, 9-10:30am
Location: Stone Creek Factory Cafe, 422 N. 5th St., Milwaukee $20, SUM:626
Wed, July 10, 11am-12:30pm
Location: Stone Creek Factory Cafe, 422 N. 5th St., Milwaukee $20, SUM:628
Embark on this all-day Go Explore to Madison, perfect for enthusiasts of museums, mansions and gardens. Start your day at the Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum, a place dedicated to preserving and sharing the stories of Wisconsin veterans, honoring those who have shaped the state’s military history. Indulge in a hearty Wisconsin fare lunch at the Old Fashioned on the square. Afterward, take a tour of the Governor’s Mansion, appreciating the elegant display of art and decoration in the Governor’s home. Conclude your day by immersing yourself in the tranquility and beauty of the Olbrich Botanical Gardens, featuring a 16-acre outdoor garden and a 10,000-square-foot conservatory.
Thu, July 11, 7:15am-5:30pm
Location: Pick Up: Bayshore Park & Ride, 5725 N. Port Washington Rd., Glendale or State Fair Park and Ride, W. Adler St., Milwaukee $100, SUM:630
Richard Edelman graduated from MIT having studied Electrical Engineering and philosophy, returning to the Midwest in the late 1970s for a career in the steel industry as a metal trader. In addition to being a published poet and founder of an underground press, Edelman’s creativity tugged at him, and at age 58 he began to explore metal sculpture, a lifelong objective. His artwork stands as tall as 25 feet in botanical gardens, universities and synagogues around the world. From hand-size celebrations of found objects (wrenches, drill bits, scrap steel) posed like dancers in motion, to life-size classical sculptures of the human form, to oversize modernist stabiles cast in foundries and assembled outdoors using ladders and scissor lifts, Edelman’s work has found recognition in the past two decades. Equally interested in artistic creations, his wife Nina, who had a career as a librarian/ teacher, has transformed herself into an avid quilter and gardener. On this oneof-a-kind Go Explores, visit the couple’s beautiful Fox Point home-based studio. Enjoy their unique sculptures and quilts, visit the Edelmans’ workspaces where they create their work, take a walk through their ever-changing gardens, and learn about the path that has taken this couple from “businessman” and “librarian” to “artists” in their unique home-based artists’ workspace and studio. Address will be shared with registered members prior to this Go Explore.
Wed, July 17, 10-11:30am
Location: Edelman’s Studio, Fox Point
$15, SUM:632
Touring Cedarburg is like journeying back 150 years, for many of the limestone and cream city brick buildings from that era remain unchanged today. From its birth as a village in the 1840s, the source of Cedarburg’s vigor was Cedar Creek, along which German and Irish immigrants built five dams and mills. Landmark preservation has become a commitment of the entire community and Washington Street in downtown Cedarburg is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The city has over 200 historically significant structures. The Cedarburg History Museum is included as part of this tour but is not included in the 90-minute walking tour. The museum opens at 10am and can be visited before or after the walking tour; an exhibit on the Civil War will be featured.
Thu, July 18, 10:30am-Noon
Location: Cedarburg History Museum, W6194N58 Columbia Rd., Cedarburg $15, SUM:633
Get a behind-the-scenes tour and presentation of the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office, the only accredited medical examiner office in Wisconsin. The tour includes the toxicology laboratory, autopsy suite and a video presentation of several autopsies. Be prepared for offensive smells and graphic imagery and sights. No photography is allowed. The tour will include two levels accessible by stairs only.
Tue, July 23, 1-2pm
Location: Milwaukee Medical Examiner, 933 W. Highland Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:634
Enjoy a morning kayak on the rivers through downtown Milwaukee, taking in the sights and sounds of our beautiful city from the river. On this tour, we’ll learn about the history of Milwaukee’s rivers as well as current initiatives.
This paddle is suitable for beginners and experienced kayakers. Guides from Milwaukee Kayak Company will ensure comfort and safety throughout the tour.
Thu, July 25, 10am-12:30pm
Location: Milwaukee Kayak Company @ Jerry’s Dock, 318 S. Water St., Milwaukee $65, SUM:638
Milwaukee Urban Stables is the headquarters for Milwaukee Police Department’s Mounted Patrol and is the first facility in the nation to combine equine assisted therapy, community engagement programs and mounted police patrol.
Join us as we learn more about the mission and work of the Milwaukee Urban Stables and tour the 24 horse stalls, indoor and outdoor riding arenas, a large community room and classrooms. The building itself is handicap accessible along with the indoor arena; however, the grounds are uneven in areas.
Fri, July 26, 10-11:30am
Location: MKE Urban Stables, 143 E. Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:640
Get a behind-the-scenes tour and presentation of the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office, the only accredited medical examiner office in Wisconsin. The tour includes the toxicology laboratory, autopsy suite and a video presentation of several autopsies. Be prepared for offensive smells and graphic imagery and sights. No photography is allowed. The tour will include two levels accessible by stairs only.
Tue, July 30, 1-2pm
Location: Milwaukee Medical Examiner, 933 W. Highland Ave., Milwaukee
$15, SUM:644
The Islamic Society of Milwaukee stands as the largest Islamic facility in Wisconsin. Explore the transformation of the former MPS grade school, New Road School, into a space that caters to the needs of the local Muslim community. While the original structure of the “New Road School” remains, it has undergone expansion with multiple additions.
On this Osher Go Explore, knowledgeable volunteers will guide you through the entire facility. Discover the recently renovated prayer hall and gain insights into the common features found in mosques worldwide.
Wed, July 31, 10-11:30am
Location: Islamic Society of Milwaukee, 4707 S. 13th Street, Milwaukee $15, SUM:646
On this walking tour with Paul Hepp of Fun Beer Tours, experience the historic Pabst Brewery complex as you explore the new entities of today while learning about the buildings of yesteryear. Along the way, engage in Milwaukee beer history while interacting with brewery artifacts and fun beer trivia. There will be time for enjoying refreshments at On Tap at the Brewhouse & Pilot Project Brewing and shopping in the Best Place gift shop.
This is a two-hour walking tour with multiple stops over a distance of 0.9 miles. The tour begins at On Tap at the Brewhouse. Buildings are handicap accessible, but the ground between stops may be slightly uneven at times. Rain date will be Friday, 8/2/24.
Thu, Aug 1, 11am-1pm
Location: meet at On Tap, 1203 N. 10th Street, Milwaukee $25, SUM:648
Do you enjoy going to the Wisconsin State Fair? Would you like to learn about the history of the State Fair and see some behind-the-scenes action?
Join us for the unique “Chairman’s Tour,” given by John Yingling, Chairman of the Board of Wisconsin State Fair Park. You’ll see how the Fair’s famous Cream Puffs are made, learn the history of the famous Milwaukee Mile racetrack, get a birds-eye view of the Expo Center, go backstage at the Main Stage entertainment venue, see some animals up close and more.
This tour includes State Fair admittance and exclusive parking at the Tommy G. Thompson Center. Parking logistics will be shared with registered members prior to the tour. This is a walking tour over uneven ground.
Sat, Aug 3, 10am-Noon
Location: Wisconsin State Fair, 640 S. 84th St., West Allis $45, SUM:650
In 1916, a Milwaukee Daily News headline declared: “Milwaukee Is the Wickedest City.” On this guided tour of Forest Home Cemetery, discover stories about the vices that earned the Cream City this dubious distinction! Visit the gravesites of some of the more notorious Milwaukeeans who now reside in Forest Home Cemetery and enjoy learning about some characters from Milwaukee’s history who you have probably never heard of.
Tue, Aug 6, 1-2:30pm
Location: Forest Home Cemetery, 2405 W. Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:652
The American Geographical Society Library (AGSL) was established in 1978 when the research collections of the American Geographical Society (AGS) moved, and ownership was transferred to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. By the middle of the twentieth century, the AGS had compiled a cartographic collection that held items such as maps, atlases, globes, a library with an internationally focused monograph and serial collection and a burgeoning photograph and film negative collection. Following World War II, these collections comprised more than 500,000 items. The collections have thrived at UWM and today, the AGSL consists of nearly two million items including maps, atlases, globes, photographs, monographs, serials and digital geospatial data.
Wed, Aug 7, 10am-Noon
Location: UWM American Geographical Society Library, 2311 E Hartford Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:654
On this walking tour with Paul Hepp of Fun Beer Tours, go back to the 1800s as you explore the sights of the old Kilbourntown, west of the Milwaukee River in downtown Milwaukee. The tour starts where the Schlitz Palm Beer Garden was once found, now home of the 3rd Street Market Hall. Explore along the Old World 3rd Street District before ending in the Deer District, home of the Milwaukee Bucks. Engage in interesting stories of old houses and beer gardens, movie palaces, businesses and more!
This is a two-hour walking tour (first 15 minutes will be a historical overview while at 3rd Street Market Hall) on level ground. All locations are accessible. Rain date will be Monday, 8/19/24.
Thu, Aug 8, 10am-Noon
Location: meet at 3rd Street Market Hall, 275 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:656
Sculpture Milwaukee is an urban public art exhibition spread over two miles of public and private sidewalks and spaces in Downtown Milwaukee, Historic Third Ward and beyond. Reserve your seat and board a private trolley with fellow Osher members! Travel the five miles down Wisconsin Avenue and into the Third Ward to learn about the permanent sculptures and new installations in Milwaukee’s own outdoor sculpture gallery. Written information about each sculpture will be disseminated on the tour. Light snacks provided.
Tue, Aug 13, 10am-Noon
Location: Saint Kate Arts Hotel, 139 E. Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee $50, SUM:657
The Kneeland Walker House is the 1890 home of Constance Walker, which is a designated landmark in our community. This tour will allow participants to explore the grounds and experience the rich history of this Queen Anne Estate. Tour is not handicapped accessible.
Wed, Aug 14, 10-11:30am
Location: Kneeland Walker House, 7406 Hillcrest Dr., Wauwatosa
$15, SUM:658
This walking tour includes beautiful downtown Racine, its Lake Michigan lakefront and the Root River Valley. Participants will learn about the city’s founding by a sea captain in 1834 and about its industrial, architectural, immigration and abolitionist history. We will start and end the tour at the Racine Heritage Museum, which all participants are welcome to visit. The museum was formerly a historic Carnegie library and offers exhibits that share Racine County’s rich history.
Thu, Aug 15, 10:30am-12:15pm
Location: Racine Heritage Museum, 701 Main St., Racine $15, SUM:660
Follow in the footsteps of the pioneers and early settlers that built the city of Waukesha and learn about its history. Waukesha has changed dramatically since the turn of the century, and this tour showcases several of its most recognizable historic buildings. These buildings stand as proud reminders of the past.
Tue, Aug 20, 10:30am-Noon
Location: Waukesha County Historical Society Museum, 101 W. Main St., Waukesha $15, SUM:662
The Wind Point Lighthouse in Racine, standing 108 feet tall and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was built in 1880 to warn ships away from the shallow waters of Wind Point. This lighthouse was lit for the first time on Nov 15, 1880, and continues to be lit to this day. Maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard, this lighthouse structure and adjoining keeper’s quarters serve as the Wind Point Village Hall.
Join Osher members on this Go Explore and learn about the history of lighthouse from Joseph and Mary Ann Huser, the individuals who care for the property and reside in its quarters.
Wed, Aug 21, 11:30am-1pm
Location: Wind Point Lighthouse, 4725 Lighthouse Dr., Racine $20, SUM:664
The Milwaukee Milkmen are an independent baseball team based in Franklin, Wisconsin. They are an official partner league of major league baseball and have played in the newly-constructed minor league field since 2019. Enjoy the game and receive a free Milwaukee Milkmen hat as Osher members watch this up-and-coming league. Handicap accessible.
Thu, Aug 22, 6:30-9:30pm
Location: Franklin Field, 7035 S. Ballpark Dr., Franklin $25, SUM:666
When the satirical words of Russia-based, Ukrainian playwright and novelist Nikolai Gogol, and the surrealist, folkloric imagery of France-based Belarusian artist Marc Chagall met on the pages of an illustrated version of the former’s celebrated book, “Dead Souls,” the magical pairing was undeniable. The tragedy and humor of existence in 19th-century Imperialist Russia are embodied by the despicable, colorful protagonist of Gogol’s tale, aptly rendered and brought to life by Chagall’s caricature-like etchings. Rarely seen together, all 96 etchings will be exhibited.
Tue, Aug 27, 10-11am
Location: Jewish Museum Milwaukee 1360 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee $15, SUM:668