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Annual Summary
Surplus Avoided Cost
Surplus Avoided Emissions
* MTCO2e = Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The unit “CO2e” represents an amount of a greenhouse gas (GHG) whose atmospheric impact has been standardized to that of one unit mass of carbon dioxide (CO2), based on the global warming potential (GWP) of the gas. UWM avoided the emissions equivalent of 3,764 homes’ energy use for one year or 2.9 million gallons of gasoline consumed.
The Office of Sustainability continued to lead and partner on initiatives to explore large-scale renewable energy sourcing, reduce energy consumption, and harness innovative funding streams for energy efficiency projects in FY22.
The Office of Sustainability built support across the UW System to explore the viability of a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement and is working locally with Milwaukee Area Technical College to explore local renewable generation to support student aid.
Energy consumption increased compared to FY21 as classes were increasingly held in-person. However, large energy savings due to vigilant work by Facilities Services has meant that UWM maintained energy efficiency levels achieved at the completion of performance contracting (over 32% decrease since FY08).
Gas prices rose significantly (2x) in the spring months of FY22 and that trend is expected to continue throughout FY23 (especially in the winter).
Key Energy Stat
32.3% between FY08-22
Benchmark Historic Consumption Plan Target Reduce Consumption
25% from 2008 levels
Yearly Summary notes: Energy Avoided Cost and Avoided Emissions are calculated using only buildings that participated in Performance Contracting. Through energy conservation measures since 2010, UWM has avoided an emissions equivalent of 38,650 homes’ energy use for one year.
% Change from FY05
% Change (Weather-Adjusted) from FY05
Change from