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- Feds’:-!&2.50 ’ othg%~: $3.50 . - Friday,- l%i. 17/T% a:00 PM ’ lx Must show- age and school -ID at door.

The A Cockburiz




Do you know what it means to soar, to feel the energies? Bruce Cockburn apparently does, and is able to communicate the feeling to his audience. Last Sunday and Monday evenings, Cockburn returned to the Humanities Theatre. I was present at the Monday. show, anticipating excellent musicianship. ’ I was not disappointed. He performed solo, but his abilities made him capable. of repeating his studio recordings with little loss, in fact, often transcending them. He sang and his guitar sang, both under careful control. His voice adapted comfortably to his musical creations; his cut-away, hand-crafted-by-a-canadianluthier guitar had a tone and brilliance which gave full realization of the chord formulations of the musiClan.

Switching strumentals Ships Take

between in(such as “Red Off in the Dis-

was o tstanding

tance” his opentngpiece) and songs (such as “Incandescent Blue”), between heaven (for example “Starwheel”) and earth (for example “#The Blues Got the World by the Balls”), Cockburn gave tremendous variety. Most were drawn from his three most recent albums, “Joy Will Find a Way”, “In the Falling Dark” and “Further Adventures of. . .,” and were supplemented by a few recent additions to his repertoire. Cockburn began the concert in a shy, reserved, almost boyish manner, much as I perceived him when I first saw him perform at Massey Hall a few years ago. But this time, it did not last. As the distance between him and the audience gradually closed, he relaxed. took out his anecdotes; and cracked a few jokes. He talked with the audience, gave them his music, and in return, was

Kuerti sonatas lac&ed passion Anton Kuerti opened his -K-W Beethoven Piano Sonata series last Wednesday, October 25 to a healthy, but not quite capacity crowd, at the Theatre of the Arts. Ktierti is probably the i best-known classical music performer in Canada to gain an international reputation over the last few years, except for Andrew Davis (and Liona Boyd?). Kuerti has recently re-

to the “average” concertgoer who might be intimidated by musicological jargon. Kuerti performed sonatas number 1 9 21 Y 12 and 6 (typically each concert will mix one or two late sonatas with some earlier ones, to a total of four out of 32 sonatas for each of the eight concerts). I can only lay claim to a sensation of profound

leaseda complete Bee&- guilt, howevery’regarding

oven sonata cycle on Aquataine records in Canada, and CBS elsewhere. The cycle is clearly not something every ‘hack pianist attempts, and the fact that Kuerti’s set has proven very popular (even with the critics - those scum of the earth!) indicates that he is quite a catch for the K-W Chamber Music Society, who is sponsoring him, and for CKMS, who is broadcasting the entire series live. -The’ series is comprised of four concerts per term, every other Wehnesday, next week, *continuing November 8. The concerts begin at 8pm, but Kuerti supplies an illustrated talk each set of four sonatas, and this Starts at 7:15. The - . 1talks are 1 idea, and quite a novel would be a shame to miss. Last week he introduced the sonata-form to the uninitiated, gave a brief discourse on the development of Beethoven’s sonata writing, and then went into actual detail, supplying excerpts from some of the sonatas, illustrating their _ structure and internal development. Kuerti not only managed to make the talk extremely interesting, but he also kept his subjects accessible \

my impression of Kuerti’s capacity to interpretation: I almost feel obliged to be more appreciative. Kuerti performed with great style and ‘“lit, as they say in the ~~v~~~ but I failed to be . Kuerti seemed more concerned with trying to impress his audience with his mastery of precision and dynamics, and at this he evidently s,ucceeded - the oCCaSiOIla1 mistakes were to be expected in a live

Performance. Although Kuerti’s per^^ formance was far from dry, I found it passsionless, almost heartless at points and there are few things that I despise more than a crudely sentimental performance! In fairness to Kuerti, though . I was not familiar enouih with the sonatas he performed on Wednesday to pass final judgement, ‘so I can almost expect to be embarrassed by a more earth-shattering performance later in the series. Kuerti closed the concert with the sonata number 6 - a well-calculated move: he played the final’ movemerit at almost twice the clip it is usually performed at - quite an astounding thing to hear! (He got a standing ovation.) O.M. Nierstrasz

humbly enthralled with the clapping. He finished the show with


of Friends,”


for “Bennv Cockburn

and the iets”. rebutted with

Canadian The October 25th performance of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens in the Humanities Theatre got off to a slow start, due to a half-hour delay caused by technical problems, but it was a show well worth waiting for. The first work formed, “Serenade,” something of a pointment.

Perwas disap-

Gedrge Balanchine, who choreographed the ballet, has described it as “a dance in the light of the moon,” with faint suggestions of love and disappointment woven in. .But the dancers’ movements were rather mechanical at times, and did not always succeed in evoking the changeable, flowing qua ities the music b Tchaikovsky suggested.


“Dialogue With the Devil”. Exciting, he received a second ovation, for which he played “Burn, Baby, Rllrn”










Haig Baronikian

ballet “Sonata for Cocktail Piano,” a new work choreographed by Lynne Taylor-Corbett, seemed to be a piece more suited to pleasing the audience. In multi-coloured tights, some complete with suspenders, the dancers looked like cheerleaders or acrobats. Their interaction was fast-moving and snappy in this jazz ballet, which was, on the whole, amusing but not particylarly memorable. The highlight of the evening was the finale, “The Seven Deadly Sins.” This ballet was premiered in Paris in 1933, but it certainly is not dated. Performed by Les Grands Ballets Canadiens for the first time in Ottawa on Oc-


by Peter


is impressive tober 19th of this year, with new choreography and new arrangements, it is a stunning work of dance theatre. production, In this dance, music, and words combine to tell the tale of two sisters from Louisiana who visit seven large American cities in an attempt to make their fortunes. Anna I, the singer, is the cautious, practical one, while Anna II, the dancer, follows her impulses and experiences all of the seven deadly sins, personified by millionaires, gigolos, tarts and circus clowns. The staging was ingenious, including a quartet of scruffy singers and simple, ever-changing sets- to suggest the various locales.

Costumes were amusing and imaginative. But the focus of the ballet was the two Annas. Louise DorG as Anna II created a character who combined innocence and decadence, as required bv her role. Pauline J&en, the wellknown Quebec singer, as Anna I, was perfect. Her stage presence and her strong, throaty voice made her the centre of attention. The work as a whole was impressive, showing the company’s flair for dance theatre. On the strength of works like this, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens deserves its place as one of Canada’s top ballet companies. Lori Farnham

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Life till death in a Turkish


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By special permission of Kenneth Waissman & Maxime Fox in assoclatlon wtth Anthony Dlamato. Produced by Robert Walker, Barry Singer, Lew & Pam Futterman. Book, music & lyrics by Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey. Original New York production directed by Tom Moore. Original New York production choreographed by Patricia Birch. Production re-directed by Michael Martorella. Music numbers restaged by Kathl Moss.

There is a slow rustle of movement, mingled with quiet conversation and sighs of relief, as the crowd moves out of the cinema. Throughout the show a silence had reigned, which was only broken once, by the cheers when one of the guards of the Turkish prison received his just end. Alan Parker (of “Bugsy Malone” fame) has directed this film of seemingly unknown actors, to one of the most memorable shows I have seen. Film newcomer Brad Davis depicts 23 year old Billy Hayes, who is sentenced to 30 years imprisonment for trying to smuggle hashish out of Turkey. When Billy is sure that he will not be let out on bail, all he can think of is the “midnight express” escape from this hell-hole! Alan Parker has managed to give a very vivid picture of the life in these prisons. He shows the dirt, the lice and the greed that are a part of every prisoner there; nobody can be trusted. The brutality of life there is only indicated, but the viewer can well imagine what it is like. In Billy’s two cellmates, Mast and Phil, the audience can see what happens if one has to stay in a

prison like this for several years. Hash and other drugs seem to be the only way to forget reality. There can only be praise for Brad Davis and his cellmates, actors Randy Quaid and John Hurt. They and producer Alan Parker have been able to so realistically portray the milieu of prison life, that one is horrified to hear that the film



is based

on actual


It came as no surprise to me, to hear that four weeks after the ‘film had been shown at the Cannes Film Festival, agre$ments were set up between the United States and Turkey for the exchange of prisoners. Unless one has no feelings at all this film leaves a deep impression on you. I




was especially impressed by how Alan Parker uses only a few scenes to show what changes this life has made on Billy. The courtroom scene and the meeting with his girlfriend were so touching and well-acted by Brad Davis that they alone make “Midnight Express” worth seeing! Dennis Jackson


‘Horseman’ It seems to be getting harder and harder to remake the same old western movie over and over again and call it new. Once a ten year old could stay up late one Fridav night and from then on he4 kniw the plot to every western that ever hailed from Hollywood. In the past few years there have actually been a number of decent westerns made (thus complicating the life of the average ten year old).

bites both eyes open. It will certainly be a t‘Cultura1 Revolution” to the John Wayne fans, and those stupified by the onslaught of Disco Drama will probably never realize the difference. Other than to these three minorities I

the dust would recommend just sitting at home and tuning in one of the infamous French stations on the tube. If you are a honest to goodness western fan, pass up “Comes A Horseman” and wait for the next one. Don Becker

’ Though “Comes A Horseman” is a valid attempt to follow the “New Wave” of westerns, I do not believe it was fully able to get it’s message across. “Comes A Horseman” takes place in Montana around the end of the second world war. J.W. Ewing, played by Jason Robards, is a notvery-nice bad-guy type, with a vision of building a cattle empire out of the Glley he now shares with a not-very-sweet lady, Ella Connors. Ella, who is played by Jane Fonda, is just a poor girl trying to scratch a decent living out of a few lousy acres left to her by her father. In comes the not-verynice Oil company, and the is-a-hero Frank, type, played by James Caan. The time period adds a few twists to the western cars, airplanes, seismic tests and the like. This a’dds some character to the movie. but hardlv enough to make it float. J ” . For action the movie has Ella, Frank (cute couple) and Dodger (played by Richard Farnsworth) chasing cattle through the bush land. I believe this represents 83.7% of the show. The rest of the show is either Ella tending to wounded Frank or motherless filly, or Darth Vadar (sorry, J.W. Ewing) killing off a few more of the characters. The acting does deserve a slightly better than mediocre rating but the directing gets no better than a duck. , Some parts of the story seem almost painfully slow. The culprit is Alan Pakula - I’m sure even his mother is embarassed. Anyone interested in seeing how a new western should not be made can take in this movie with

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Rush Hemispheres The thing I hate about record reviews is that they never really tell ‘ya whether the album in question is worth buying ok not. With this in mind, let me say that “Hemispheres” is very similar to its pre“A Farewell To decessor, Kings,” and if you like it, you will probably like this one. If you do not like “A Farewell To Kings” or Rush, I doubt this will make much of an impression on you. And with that out of the way 9 we can get down to the fun of Pretending we’re critics reviewing a real live piece of art. There’s a lot going on here, although I’m not exactly sure how to take some of it. Side one is taken up by an eighteen minute opus entitled “Cygnus x-1 Book ’ II Hemispheres,” the second part of the story which began on “A Farewell To Kings.” Musically, it’s like “Cygnus X-l Book I - The Voyage,” with its numerous stops and starts, time changes and off-beat rhythms. LYricallY, this song is superb, and may be Neil Peart’s finest effort to date. It’s the story of the battle between Apollo and Dionysus, representing Wisdom and Low for the right to rule man, and is nicely tied in with the cover art. Side two opens with “Circumstances,” a rocking cut with a little bit of synthesizer and bell work for spice in the middle. Unfortunately, the lyrics are cliched ’ and almost funny, and the token French lines are unneces-

While this album is quite ’ good for the most part, there are a few questions that it raises in my mind, First, I’m impressed with Neil peart’s lyrics - it’s nice to know he’s not stealing them outright from J.R.R. Tolkien or Samuel Taylor Coleridge anymore - but I think the songs would be much better if the music had been written to fit Peait’s lyrics, In the past, Rush has been very good at integrating the music and the words (see Fly By Night’s ,“By-Tar And The Snow Dog” for example). Why they didn’t strive for it this time I don’t know, espycially with all the emphasis placed on “Hemis-








Secondly, the packaging of this album (bright cover, red vinyl and a colour poster) seems to be aimed at an age group that either doesn’t care about their lyrics or couldn’t understand them. And I’m sure this same group doesn’t care about the guys’ increasing technical abilities either. I’m not implying that the people who listen to Rush are juvenile, just that the band and the people who market them are not on the same thoughtwave. Thirdly, and most importantly, is this: because I’m just an imperceptive, semi-illiterate English student, I haven’t the foggiest idea what the hell the song “Hemispheres,” the title track has to to with “Cygnus X-l” from the last album, which it was supposed to be a continuation of, .. A beer to anyone who can tell me what a battle between Wisdom and Love has to do with the Black


4 44LP

Latest Release


NIGHT VISION incl: “Mama Just Wants To Barrelhouse”

Though I’m sure many will dismiss “The Trees” as lbeing a bit too obvious or simple, I like it. It’s story about a brawl in the woods, where the oppressive Oaks refuse to give .light to the Maples. The Maples’ solution is to form a union, and they achieve their goals by threatening to turn the nasty Oaks into lumber. Silly as I’ve made it sound, the song does have something to say about history, politics and society. The album ends with a ten minute instrumental entitled “La Villa Strangiato,” which can, be viewed as either a relatively interesting jam, or, as the album jacket says, “an exercise in self-indulgence.”

While “Hemispheres” doesn’t appear to have the variety of “A Farewell To Kings” (probably because 1it has less songs), it is the equal of its predecessor if only because it shows off the trio’s increasing ability at writing, arranging and playing. It’s also the first album I’ve bought in ages that I’ve bothered looking at the lyric sheet more than once. As such, it stands as one of the best Canadian albums to come out this year. If you missed their recent show in Guelph, you’ve got another chance to see them do the new stuff when they play the Kitchener Auditorium on December 20. Jason Mitchell

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the Laurier 4 yard line. On second and goal, runningback Bill Guthrie had the ball;sreswtl;d~~nh$-iplay . .

UW loses in -


Seagram Stadium rocked with football fever for a few hours Saturday afternoon as the Warriors lost to the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks, 30-23. For the Warriors, it means elimination from further play, while Laurier will play Western in the division final. Waterloo was definitely the underdog going in against the ‘number two ranked Hawks, and were dominated bv the opposi-

tion in the first half, falling gether a drive to come back behind 23-3. and tie the score, Mike The second half was a Karpow splitting the updifferent ball game, and rights from 32 yards out. The Laurier offence then had only a few key events began to make good with gone differently, the Warits potent running attack, riors could have come fullback Jim Reid being the away with an upset vicThe Hawks workhorse. tory. scored three touchdowns Waterloo quarterback Greg Sommerville had his in the second quarter, one by speedy halfback Phil first pass of the game interColwell, and two by quarcepted, giving ,the Hawks terback Scott Leeming. field position to score first The Warriors were in a with a field goal. hole as they went to reThe Warriors out togroup at the half, down by 20 points.

The UW men’s basketball team opens its exhibition season friday night as it plays host to Toronto Estonia at 8:15 in the Physical Activities Complex. On paper, this year’s Warriors are a stronger, more experienced team than last year’s version which had been hit by the loss of 4 of its top 6 players. . Returning to the team are 1oug Vance, a 6’6” forward and Steve Garrett, a 6'7" board-man. Vance who played last year in Brantford is a valuable addition. Possessing speed and agility he is a continual scoring threat.

Ocean Queen Lounge Jazz with



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I- h

Notice of-Student Council By-Elections

I ’

Nominations to fill the following vacancies on Student’s Council for the remainder of the academic year IW&‘B are now open and close ori Wednesday, November’s, 1978 at 4:30 pm: 2 seats Arts: 1 seat Eng’ 1 seat HI&, ieg: 1 seat HKLS, co-op: 1 seat Renison: 1 seat Graduate: Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Fed Office, in CC 235, and. must be returned to that off&e no later than 4:30 p.m. November 8.. Federation of Students NOTE: FEE-PAYING FED MEMBERS ONLY MAY SIT ON COUNCIL.


10 i-,



up long


His presence on the court should remove much of the pressure felt last year by Seymour Hadwen and should give the Warriors .a more potent and balanced attack. The only loss from last year’s team will be centre Ted Darcie who is now attending school in Toronto, and who will be one of the starting forwards for Toronto. Darcie will not be the only former Warrior in the pale blue of Estonia. Centre Jamie Russell, forwards Trevor - Briggs, Phil Schlote, and Mike Visser; and guard Tom Kieswetter are all Warrior alumni and

promising will see action tomorrow night. In addition, former Olympic team members Bob Sharpe and George Rautins will start against Waterloo. Estonia is, arguably, the best basketball team in the country. The addition this year of Visser, Darcie, Guelph’s Hank Vandenburg and 6’10” centre Robbie Stewart makes the team

which lost in the final of the Nationals by one point look like a weak sister. However, the season is young and the Warriors have a history of beating strong Estonian teams. Certainly this year’s Warriors will test the conditioning of a senior team which likes to creep into fitness only moments before the Nationals begin each March.

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the end zone Reid diving :h~~:~d~~~7 tT:miI 9 with less than two minutes but the Warriors -had to play. One is tempted to quote The Warriors * were such cliches as ‘when the another chance when Bill going gets tough. . . but the Kyle picked up an errant forced to go to the air, but Warriors turned the Laurier lateral to give the another interception stalmomentum around in the offense the ball on the led their drive. third quarter. Hawks’ 19 yard line. The The rivalry carried .on in Using the shotgun of-’ subsequent the stands, as well as on field goal tied the field, as the large fence, Sommerville hit Dan the game at 23. The Warrior momentum crowd’s cheers came to a Hagen behind the defenwas arrested by a Laurier sive secondary and he height as the score was tied interception on what has to romped for the first major. in the fourth quarter. be a questionable strategy Karpow kicked a 33 yard The team played well - a shotgun offence of first field goal, and an 11 yard and showed a great deal of -down while pinned inside p touchdown pass to Mike heart in a game (and a seathe five yard line. Grace pulled the Warriors son) that will be rememThe Laurier offence, to within three points. bered with sighs of ‘onlyappeared to be asThe next series saw the which if.. .’ Jeff Pass Warriors move the ball to leep most of the second


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Campus Centre Expansion Committee

Good prospects for Waterloo hockey team Bob McKillop Waterloo Hockey Coach

Ted Kewley Def. 4 Math. 1 -yr. wt. team. Hometown, Georgetown. played with Guelph Holiday Players, Jr. A tier 2.

The UW Hockey Season is under way, and Coach Bob McKillop feels he has a strong team. The UW Hockey teams have been successful in past years, and this year should be no exception. In the ten years that McKillop has coached at UW, the Warriors have won one National championship and four league championships. Last missed point.

Rick Nickel&ok Goal. 2 Kin. 2 yr. wt. team. Hometown Ajax. played wt. Kinsston. major Jr. A.



year, the Warriors the playoffs by one

Although the Warriors lost some key players, McKillop feels his forward lines are much stronger this year. He is also happy with the team’s positive attitude towards the upcoming season. This year, the Warriors are in aa division with Laurier, Western and Guelph. McKillop feels all the teams have improved, and it will be a tough season.


hockey, which McKillop said is not completely appreciated by the students. University players represent some of the best players in Ontario. Unfortunately, attendance at games has declined. In his first five years at UW, McKillop saw crowds of 2000 at many of. the games. In recent years, attendance has dropped to an average of 200-300 per game. Students at UW should be encouraged to attend and support their players. The Warriors first league November 8 game is against Ryerson. Jon Shaw

If you have an interest in planning an expansion for the Campus Centre, please contact Rick Smit, Federation Room

of Students, CC 140



Entertainment/ Education programmer Full time paid position Qualifications: i) A wprking knowledge of commercial recording artists and the professional entertainment field. Booking experience would be an asset. ii) The ability to co-ordinate extra-curricular educational activities. If interested please contact Rick Smit, Federation of Students, CC 235, ext. 2478

Grey Cup Draw! Get a ticket

to the biggest

The top three teams in .the division will advance to the playoffs. The University circuit provides some excellent Don Langlois. Center. 3 Kin. 3 yr. wt. team.

Waterloo soccer into the playoffs I The UW’ Soccer Team concluded regular season play on Sunday by defeating the University of Western Ontario Z-l.

Def. 4 Kin. 4 yr. wt. team. Hometown Brampton. Captain. played wt. Kitchener Rangers.



Dave Jutzi Center. 4 Arts. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Preston. Asst. Captain Leo Lefebure Right wing. 3 Arts. Hometown Kapuskasinq. Butch Laporte Goal. 2 Kin. 1 yr. wt. team. Hometown Kingston. Bob McKenzie Goal. 4 Kin. 2 yr. wt. team. Hometown Windsor. Ed Azzola Right wing 2 Opt. 2 yr. wt. team. Hometown Sudbury. Randy Swanson Left wing. 3 Kin. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Kirkland Lake. Archie Chase Forward. 3 Arts. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Mississauga played Senior A. Al Mckee Def. 4 Kin. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Brantford.

Bill Daub Right wing. Grad student. 5 yr. wt. team. Hometown Elmira. Former OUAA All-star. Michael Longpre Left wing. 4 Biology. 4 yr. wt. ’ team. Hometown KapaskasIIz-n13. Bill Laing Left wing. 1 Arts. 1 yr. wt. team. Hometown Sundridge. Bob Templehagen Left wing. 3 Arts. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Fenlon Falls. Barry Reynard Right wing. 1 Kin. 1 yr. wt. team. Hometown Kenora. Tim Heron Right wing. 1 Arts. 1 yr. wt. team. Hometown Toronto. John Vermeer Def. 3 Math. 3 yr. wt. team. Hometown Dryden. Mark Gray Def. 3 Math. 3 yr. wt. Mark Gray Def. 2 Science. 1 yr. wt. team. Hometown Kirkland Lake. Randy Neal Def. 2 Geog. 2 yr. wt. team. Hometown London.

The win gives the Warriors a 5-2-2 record. The 12 points were enough to put them in the playoffs. The game was hard fought and very physical. The Warriors dominated the first half, and kept the Western goalie busy. However, it was not until the second half that Water: loo was able to score with goals from Luigi Cirelli and Roland Muller. Western spoiled Waterloo’s shutout towards the end of the game. Waterloo now advances to the sudden death playoffs, along with Sudbury, Queen’s and Toronto. The Warriors first game will be against Laurentian. The Warriors lost to Laurentian in league play, but they defeated the Voy- ’ ageurs in pre-season play. Should the Warriors beat Laurentian, they will play the winner of the Queen’s-Toronto game for the championship. - Jon Shaw

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