ay. February 25. 199L
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1658-5161 For Reference:Advertisement IDP-0
University Waterloo,
of Waterloo Ontario, N2L
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888-4048 Friday, February 25,1994 Volume 16, Number 28 lSSN
Feds find something to do, Lectures about facists, smoking banned (sortof), Feds get fixed, uw.general summary.
you are responsible
for you
features Gay weddings
and Lillehammer
12 - 17
Puck Warriors drop out, Mac smack Plague, Hoopsters clinch third in division, Figure skater snags bronze at OWIPLA
& fun
Jefl Warner Imprint staff
dent May I. He has met several timbs with Catherine Coleman, the
lame duck president, to discuss how the Feds run and current issues such as ancillary fees and the recent newsgroup bannings. While not exactly sure what his first actions in
inning an election with less than one in ten UW
students voting for any one of them, the new Fed executives are geaping up to take office as their initial euphoria changes into something like confidence. The uneventful election campaign ended February lb, when less than I7 per cent of the eligible students voted. There were no scandals, violations, or requests for a recount. The current term of &ice for the Feds expires April 30; the next
day Steve Codrington,
Julie Cole,
and Christine Dewhurst assume the coveted mantles of president, vice president, university affairs, and vice president, operations and finance,
respectively. Codrington feels he will be able to jump into the role of presi-
will be, his
“communications plans” will have top
to e-mail, and those that don’t can call or use on-campus mail to contact him. Julie Cole, “happier than a pig in shit” election night, is also still eager to take office. Her first priority will be to set up a “neighbourhood
priority. A major theme of his election platform was creating greater “links” between students, Feds, and the administration. However, he doesn’t really know what students feel his priorities should be. “A lot of people aren’t expecting anything [in particular]” he continued, pointing to the low voter turnout. Publicising his e-mail address will allow students to directly criticise and give feedback at any time, Codrington feels. A large portion of the student population has access
Feds don”
program for offcampus first year
off -
in place or this September’s
frosh week. The current Fed executive have helped her prepare for May I, she noted, and they are “pretty keen” on informing her, Codrington, and Dewhurst about current policies. Students, she feels, want to have a say in the Feds “and be heard” by them. The proposed Fed restructuring wilt go a long way towards this, she continued, adding that she supports the recommendations. The new VPOF, Dewhurst feels
that her first priority when assuming office will be to get her “speakers’ corner” idea operational by July or August. After that, she hopes to enter a partnership with UW for a television show on Rogers’. cable. Good strong financial management and student employees are what students want from the new Student life Centre, she continued, and she has already begun talking to various people about those goals. Noting comparisions between terms of office are almost impossible, current president Coleman still had a recommendation for the next executive - reading and understanding the Fed bylaws should be the new excutives first task: “you’re dead in the wat& if you don’t.” She feels students want “everything from cheap beer to teaching reviews,” but the average student is unlikely to be interested in what Fed presidents and vice presidents do on a daily basis.
18 -23
Anti-Fascism lectures come to Waterloo
The Wonder Stuff get happy, Agnes of God Comes to UW, Forgotten Rebels, Red Kross, Wild tea and strawberrys
Editorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor
Board Ken Bryson Heather Robinson Sandy Atwal Kat M. Piro Craig Haynes Jeff Chard vacant vacant Sharon Little Pat Merli han Jeff Zavitz Elena Johnson
Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Advertising Assistant
Proof Reader missing person
Laurie Tigert-Dumas
vacant Vivian Tarn beau M. M. Knez Jeff Warner Angela Mulholland
of Directors Sandy Atwal Vice President Natalie Onuska Secretary/Treasurer Gillian O’l-lagan Directors-at-Large Cheryl Costello Heather Robinson President
Chris Aldworth, Peter Brown, Anrew Carron, Kregg Fordyce, Mike Jeff Couckuyt, Heintzman, Peter Hoflich, Jack Lefcourt, Nicholas Mew, Pete Nesbitt, Craig Nickerson, Andrew Pape, Parver Patel, James Russell, Frank Seglenieks, Khaled Sharaf, Pat Spacek, Trevor Stewart, Mary Rea Stock, Marg Szepietowska, UW News Bureau, Warrior Swim Team, WPIRE, Rob Vickers, Barbara Zister, Imprht is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprinl Publications, Waterloo, a corporation withoul share capital.Imprint isa memberof the Ontaric Community
for mv next
Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Im rint resetves the right to screen, edit, and re Puse advertising. Our fax number is 884-7800.
should be addressed
imprint 8 watservl
Electronic mail to
” by Craig Imprint
here will be several discussions on fascism and racism taking place in the KitchenerWaterloo area during the first week of March. At the University of Waterloo, this year’s Spinoza-Meir Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Michael Marrus. Marrus, a historian at the University of Toronto, is an expert on the history of fascism in Europe and the award winning author of The Holocaust in History. The topic of discussion will be “Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust: Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.” This lecture takes place Thursday, March 3, at 8 p.m. in Needles Hall, Room 3001. Also on Thursday, one of the founding researchers in the area of the post-Holocaust reevaluation of Christian theology, Alice L. Eckardt, will present a lecture entitled “The Christian and jewish Story: Reflections of a Christian historian.” Eckardt is an emerita professor of religious studies at Lehigh University and the author of several articles concerning Christian-Jewish issues. Her lecture will take. place at Wilfrid Laurier University, in the john Aird Centre recital hall. It begins at 8 p,m. on Thursday, March 3. On Friday, March 4, Laurier will also host “The Legacies of Fas-
dents might be prevented. The speakers and topics will be: John Redekop: “The Roots of Fascist Support in German Canadian Press.” Redekop is a professor of political science at Wilfrid Laurier University, and the author of The American ‘For Right, a book on right wing extremism in the United States. Stanley Barrett?Anti-Semitism and Racism in Ontario.” Barrett teaches social anthropology at the University of Guelph and is the author of Is God Q Racist? Harold Troper: “From Cultural Celebration to Anti-Rxist Activism: The First Decade of Federal Multicultural Policy.” Troper is a professor of history and the co-author - of None is Too Ma”y: Canadu crnd thejews ofEurope l9331948. Mark Weitzman: “H6locaust Denial.” Weitzman is associate directoi of education for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an institution dedicated to the study of the Holocaust. Sam Ajzenstat: “Constitutionalism and the Quest for National Identity: Canada and the Lessons of Fascism.“Ajzenstat is a professor of philosophy at McMaster University who has written widely on civil liberty issues such as censorship. lames Walker: “The Supreme Court and Race Relations in Canada: Historical Case Studies.” Walker is a professor of history at the University of Waterloo specializing in Race relations in Canada. Louis Greenspan: “Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, bw and Racial Incitement in Six Countries.” Greenspan is a professor of religious studies at McMaster University and co-editor of Under the Shadow of Weimar.
Nine exphts will discuss hatred in Canada
hatred in Canada. This event has, to some extent, been orgainzed in response to racist activities in Kitchener-Waterloo. Nine experts will discuss current manifestations of hatred in Canada as well as how fuwre inci-
Rhoda Howard: “Human Rights and Genocide: The Need for Sociological Analysis.” Howard is a professor of sociology at McMaster University who has published widely on African, women’s, and International human rights. Frank Bialystok: “Holocaust and Genocide Studies in the Context of
an Anti-Racist Curriculum: The Challenge in Public Education.” Bialystok is a Ph.D. candidate in history at York University who has been a consultant on anti-racist education for seven years. This event runs from IO a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Paul Martin Centre.
No on-campus .smoking? by Ken Imptint
Byson stafl
ean Chretien may have brought cigarette prices within student budgets, but Bob Rae isn’t about to let us smoke them, At least not on campus. With a recently proposed bill to “prevent the provision of tobacco to young persons and regulate its sale and use by others,” the Ontario government plans to outlaw smoking in retail establishments, public transit shelters and stations, laundromats, and all schools and postsecondary institutions. Barring both smokingand holding lighted tobacco, Bill I 19 currently applies to entire university and college campuses, including offices, bars, residences, and outdoor areas. The ministry of Health is quick to point out, however, that the bill remains before standing committee and exemptions to the legislation are still possible. “The bill as it stands currently will ban smoking from all parts of campus,” says Brenda Mitchell, a manager of the Ontario Tobacco Policy. Mitchell adds, however, that there is a possibility that the standing committee will make changes. According to Rudy Ticzon, special assistant to the minister of Health, areas of campus such as bars, pubs,
student lounges, and residences could be exempt if the committee decides to regulate them as such. ‘Whatwe’re reallytalkingabout [in the act] is lecture halls, laboratories...where the place of teaching is,” says Ticzon. Several universities and colleges already have such smoking bans in place, he notes. The standingcommitteefinished its last day of accepting presentations yesterday, with a presentation from the Ontario College Students Association, and has heard from other student groups on the negative effects the bill could have on campus. According to Lung Association spokesperson Krista Saleh, however, universities are the perfect place to ban smoking. Banning tobacco from post-secondary institutions symbolises that smoking does not correspond with higher education. As a part of the Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco, the Lung association is lobbying the government to ban smoking from all public places, including malls, places of entertainment, and sports facilities. The standing committee will be contemplating motions to amend the act starting on March 7& Bill I I9 will be table in the legislature during the spring session.
friday, february 25, 1994
WeMm you
Feds by Ken Imprint
Bryson st4-zff
between the current
boards and commissions. Currently, both the Board of Communications and the Creative Arts Board maintain Publicity Commissions, and that under the Social Issues Board, seven commisions exist to organise events while a seperate Events Commission also exists. These overlaps in reponsibility would be minimised under the new proposal, which would see only one Publicity commission for all Fed events. Federation president Catherine Coleman feels this restructuring is long overdue. “Business-wise we are doing well,” Coleman says. “This [new proposal] will put the focus back on the student services side.“The new structure would bring a better balance between Federation businesses and services, she believes. The new restructuring would not be without its costs, however. By hiring three new half-time senior officers and nine part time junior officers, the Federation would add over 35 000 dollars to its payroll, while only losing just over I I 000 dollars in lost positions. To deal with this extm payroll, the sub-committee proposes a 3000 pay cut’for each of the present executive positions, leaving their salaries at approximately $21 000 per year. While this is still higher than the average student executive’s salary, Catherine Coleman believes the lost money could be found elsewhere in the budget, Noting that the Federation is more top heavy than most student governments with its relatively few executive positions, Coleman believes other schools’ executive salaries will soon increase to the Federation’s level, bringing our executives’ salary more in line. Coleman also notes that the Federation has the money to pay more people if it needs to, pointing to the buying
ticallywas presented to Students Council earlier this month. Submitted by the Sub Committee on Restructuring the Executive Board System, the proposal outlines changes which would replace the Fed’s current board system with a system of three “super-boards”: the Internal Affairs Office, the Student Issues Office, and the Academic Affairs Office. Currently, Federation services are run by seven boards, which are subdivided into several commissions each, and responsible to the Fed executive. Under the new plan, each board would be dismantled and the services taken over by the three new offices. Each office would be headed by a paid par+ time employee of rhe Federation (anior officers) and would be divided inte three commissions. According to the proposal, the ._ . three senior officers would be directly responsible to the Federation executive, decreasing the executive’s amount of work and spreading responsibility more evenly over the Federation hierarchy. Sy proposing the three offices, the sub-committee hopes the Federation structure will become more accountable.to students with its clear structure, contrasting with the current situation where boards are not always clear as to their purpose. Pointing out the current system as “cumbersome and inefficient,” the proposal charges that too much time is lost with each board having a different chair each term. The discontinuity the current system propogates would be held in check by the hiring of senior officers for a one year term+ Another problem noted by the proposal is the overlap in resposibilities
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Welcome Back everyone. I hope reading week was a restful, productive time for all. I know I’ve got all my essays written-NOT!!! Well, although we are all in the crunch of the academic year, take this week to slowly get back into your school work and enjoy WINTERFEST. This annual event is the event of the season. .Pull out your parkas and your winter gear and enjoy. WINTERFEST begins this Thursday, March 3, and ends Saturday March 5. There are lots of events ‘for everyone to participate in, or to just watch!! The weekend starts off with a bang on Thursday night with the Battie of the Bands at the Bombshelter. There were I8 bands last year and the winner and runners up have been playing extensively in the Waterloo region since (ever heard of
Friday is a big day for any broomball players to get lots of sleep!! There will be an All Night Broomball Tournament Friday night from Midnight to ZOOam. The cost is $25 and will be held at the Columbia Icefields.(not the ones in B.C.) Sixteen team Hockey Tournament is the place to be Saturday. The games will be played in the University Club Parking Lot. The last big event is Winter Volleyball. Yes, this sport is played outdoors, so bring your kneepads and your parka for this six team round robin. Sign-up sheets for all WINTERFEST events are available at the Fed Office. If you require any more information aboutthese events, contact Dave McDougall at the Fed Ofice ext 4042.
For any other information on upcoming events check the Fedpage each week in the Imprint or call the Fed Hotline, 886FEDS.
L Christopher Edgar,RMT Registered ffered
an restructuring
A proposal to change the Fedetation of Students’ internal structure dras-
Salad - $2.25 .. . Escargots - $2.25 .. . Whole Earth Salad - $5.25 . .. Tortellini Treat - $6.50 . . . Crepe Waterloo - $5.50 . .. Chicken Monterey $7.35 . .. NY. Sandwich - $7.35 . . . Homemade pies, decadent cheesecakes from $2.50 tMd
consortium the Feds are currently members of which will bring increased savings to the Feds over the next few years. While the proposal is currently before the Federation Board of Directors for amendments, the matter will be brought to the Annual General Meeting of the Federation on March 22 for ratification. The meeting will be held in Needles Hall room 3001.
his column idea comes both from a desire to connect with certain members of the university which spend their lives online and a desire to promote newsgroups as a form of information channeling and public discussion. What we will be doing here each week, is publishing highlights of discussion on the uw.general newsgroup, and outlining just what is going thereFirst off, we are publishing the best first reactions to our column idea followed by a brief listing of threads being discussed this week.
From cbnorman@
posts to here obviously
t t
EXPIRES: Sunday, March 6,1994
47 DuPont
fo sunhxs
From sfshaw@undergrad.math
Steve “Flipper” Shaw Is this supposed to be a good thing? I know this will sound like TechoSnob [tm) talk, but the signal-to-noise ratio onuw.generalisalreadydisappointingly small [but still better than most newsgroups]. I mainbin that anybody who does not know of the existence of Usenet newsgroupsoncampus [especially considering the publicity that the ban has got] doesn’t care about it. From plragde@plg. Prabhakar Ragde This would have to be done with care. I, for one, prepare articles for print a littiedifferentlythanldoforanewsgroup. I have had material that I posted to uw.general printed in the Gazette, and I have not been entirely satisfied with the way it looked in print. From rkleitma@neumann.
Rob Leitman This sounds like a good idea. However, you should know that there is controversy raging [sputtering?] on whether reprinting actual articles in print media is legal [vis-a-vis copyright], and/or ethical. Perhaps summaries of current threads would be better? From wajgaebeaneumann Warren Gaebel B.A. B.C.S. There maybe some usefulnessto what you suggest. This newsgroup takes a lot of time to read. If a SUMMARY were published in the Imprint, cross-refer enced by article number, I could use that to step through the newsgroup more eff icientiy.
This week’s threads:
II 11
knows a lot of
people will read what they write.
[8everend1ChristopherBruceNorman Good idea, yes. I would say also that you must get permission of all parties involved if you reprint what they say. This is more of a courtesyactthen a legal requirement. lt shouldn’t be hard, since anyone who
Fund [Referendum by
Strike down the Endowment fund Smokers don’t deserve medicare SUDDQJT from newsErouDs removed Thanks to all those that responded.
25, I994
friday, february
"Knowledge-based" companies getboostfromCIBC the
warm and cuddly
UW News
IBC is donating $700 000 to the University of Waterloo for re search to assist small business, particularly “knowledge-based” enteririses. The bank’s contribution will complement an existing chair held by Prof. Paul Guild of UWs management sciences and allow for additional studies to futier the understanding of investment decisions for these types of enterprises, primarily small and mediumsized businesses. It will also enable the management sciences department to hire ifaculty member for-five years to add expertise to the study. To foster the research, the intent is to create a centre for the management of technological change and en-
trepreneurial innovation. The centre’s goals would be to build on the existing partnership with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, BellNorthern Research Ltd., BritishColumbia Telephone Co., Simon Fraser University and UW, Guild said. The partners were involved in establishing the existing chair in 1990. In making the announcemerit, Holger Kluge, president, Personal and Commercial Bank, CIBC, said: “Knowledge-based companies represent this country’s best chance to create highwage jobs, build exports, and add wealth. Yet they often have difficulty getting funding because their assets are
intangible, consisting of people’s ideas and innovations. The knowledge we gain should improve our ability to assist these companies as they grow.”
providing benefits for worthy innovators and entrepreneurs. “This initiative will build on partnerships already in existence with universities, the federal government and high-technology businesses while developing strong research partnerships between academics and
Knowledae-based companies &present this country’s best chance to create high-wage jobs, build exports, and add wealth. UW president James Downey welcomed CIBC’s generous contribution, saying it will allow the university to acquire new strength in the management of technological change while
“When the Mountains Tremble,” featuring Rigoberta Menchu, the recipient of the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize, will for the WPIRG be shown at Princess Cinema on Monday, November 28 at 9:OOpm. The film screening is a fundraiser “Sharing C)ur Future?” workgroup. “When the Mountains Tremble” is the story of a Guatemalan Native woman (Rigoberta) as history transforms her life from a poor, migratory peasant to a leading voice in shaping the destiny of her people. Forced into exile to escape the brutality of the regime in Guatemala, Rigoberta Menchu weaves together the exquisite fabric of recent Guatemalan history; the beauty and richness of the culture, the strength and courage of her people, and the tragedy of human greed and corruption. The threads of Rigoberta’s story have the timelessness of Mayan legends, the fantasy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and the chilling reality of tomorrow’s headlines: army generals in Porsche sunglasses with armed body guards, an archbishop who loves the military, slum dwellers risking death for decent drinking water, young people with makeshift weapons waging war on the best trained army in Central America, and the people of Guatemala in the city streets and mountain villages looking for a better life. Original music for the film was composed by Ruben Blades, the acclaimed Panamanian songwriter and singer. The film contains rare documentary footage of life in Guatemala under a military dictatorship. The “Sharing Our Future!” Workgroup of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group has been meeting since last September, focusing on a variety of development issues in Canada and abroad. In the fall, weekly workshops/ discussioris were held to cover such issues as gfobal debt and economic austerity programmes, linking foreign aid to human rights in a recipient country, and global environmental issues. The term “Development” has often been associated with economic development, particularly in the Third World, where it is assumed that an increase in economic output of a country is a good indicator of development. However, the “Sharing Out Future?” Workgroup has striven to investigate development from a broad perspective, one that considers such aspects as: development of human potential, democratic development, social developmenf emotional, spiritual and cultural development. The well-being of human beings is not limited to just economic development alone. The WPlRG Workgroup has screened several films in the last month, and through the films attempts to point out the linkages between development issues in Canada and those in the Thrid World. Both Canada and Guatemala have proud Indigenous traditions among Native peoples, but as the film points out, some of those traditions are threatened, and the lifestyles of Canadians have some influence on the lives of indigenous Guatemalans. There will be a guest speaker after the film, Joel Torres, a human rights lawyer from Guatemala who escaped to Canada recently in fear of his life. Also Katrina-Cove Shannon, a UW student will be there to answer questions on her experiences as a volunteer in Guatemala.
will focus on what must be understood to allow early identification of viable and business-worthy innovation among these enterprises. This will require examining the knowledge-based economy in detail by sector and characteristics. Other aspects to be studied and researched include networking to enable collaborative ties in the face of
global comptetition, including the infusion of technologies by tradidonal industries and their links to knowledgebased enterprises. As a result, CIBC will get a better understanding of the new economy and its key industries, as well as having the need; identified and examined. “The bank should be able to take our research results and performs some translation that would permit a better understanding of how to finance the commercialization of knowledge-based enterprises,” Guild said. This knowledge will reduce uncertainty and risk in making appropriate business-wrothy investments in these companies. The contribution is part of Campaign Waterloo, the $89-million fund drive of the university that has raised more than $50 million in less than two years.
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The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles and are unsigned repres’ent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
their views on various issues through comment pieces, letters, and other which are clearly labelled “editorial”
byKenBryson Much discussed in the mainstream press, the NDP’s “zero tolerance” framework to combat rarassment and discrimination at post-secjndary institutions across the province is quite jefective. Designed as a “framework” for universi.ies and colleges to follow, the policy not only egislates into law what many universities are llready doing, but goes overboard in trying to brotect minority rights. But first a little history. When the NDP :ame into power, I was happy (I admit), be:ause I thought certain social justice issues vould finally be dealt with in a proper manner. ;ince then, the NDP has decided to legislate bicycle helmets, legalised gambling and pro#ports betting, and now wants no one to be lble to speak their mind. And I have changed ny mind, simply because this government can’t rresent an honest platform of lefty ideals rithout also pandering to business and free ,rade lunatics. They can’t decide whether they are social lemocrats or neo-conservatives, and their atest attempt to appease the minorities is imply ludicrous. First off, according the upper brass here It UW, the “zero tolerance” framework is nostly identical to UW’s already existent policy 13, which also deals with harassment and discrimination. For instance, section four of .he framework reads: “The institution recogrises its responsibility to deal quickly, fairly and :ffectively with harassment and discrimination should it arise.” UW policy reads: “Any allegaion of sexual harassment is to be taken seri~usly, and charges are expected to be examned expeditiously, with impartiality, sensitiv7, and confidentiality.” Hermeneutics aside, these two policies ay the same thing, as do the vast majority of Ither sections of both policies. The only section of the NDP framework hat UW strongly disagrees with, is the section which states that actions of individuals may be edressed if they have the “potential to adtersely impact on a person’s work or study rerformance or create a poisoned work or tudy environment.” The university response o this little ditty reads: “The university does lot invoke policy based on potentiaLwe find his alarming to contemplate.” And so they should. This clause would not Jst stop people from intentionally harassing Ithers, but would stop them from doing anyhing that could potentially be horussing (read: @nsive) to anyone! Say good bye to freedom of expression, goodbye to asking someone on a late, goodbye to my column, goodbye to the women’s centre. Now some may champion this clause, aying it is about time minorities had some say n things, but that is simply not how our :ountry works. Canada’s charter of rights and reedoms specifically aliows for free thought, ree press, and free speech, all of which must be upheld if there is to be any semblance of democracy in this land. The NDP has gone way .oo far in entrenching the rights of toes not to re stepped on. Sure it hurts a bit, but that’s life. (ou don’t go around outlawing feet that might rossibly step on someone. The very idea is udicrous, yet that is what our elected repreentatives have in mind for us. What’s worse is that universities like UW lready have workable’ policies in place. By ttempting to legislate fairness and equality, he government has forgotten that big centralsed bodies are the most ineffective at enforcng rules which must be accepted freely by all Fthey are to work. The NDP should leave harassment poliies to individual institutions, and return to being real social democrats. That is, letting teopie decide what is best for people, not elling us all what we can’t do.
. ...
if I said-
It’s your Are we responsible for our actions or are we not? Seems like a stupid question? Maybe, maybe not. A couple of weeks ago, the KitchenerRecord reported a rather bizarre court case. A man had successfully sued a couple in whose pool he had become a quadriplegic. So what? The man had managed to break his neck by diving of the roof of the house beside the pool, a height of 2.4 metres according to the Record, into water less than one metre deep. The couple had warned him not to do this, as he could break his neck. He acknowledged the risk, but proceeded with his stunt That he was warned is not contested. He freely admits that He sued on the grounds that the couple did not take sufficient action to prevent him from committing the act. He won. He was awarded 2 million dollars. He had sued for $5 million but the jury ruled that he was 60 per cent responsible for his actions, The couple he successfully sued have since separated. Sue Rodriguez died on Saturday, February 12, 1994. She had been afflicted for many years with Lou Gehrig’s disease, a disease that causes a degeneration of the nervous system, slowly paralyzing the victim before killing them. She had long campaigned for the right to a doctor assisted suicide, to die with dignity. She asked for this as she could no longer take her own life; her condition had advanced to the point where she could hardly move or even speak. The Supreme Court of Canada, in a 5-4 decision had ruled that doctor-assisted suicide was not legal and would not be permitted. On the I2th, she defied that ruling and with the help of an anonymous doctor, chose to end her life. New Democrat MP Svend Robinson was present. He had been a long time friend of Rodriguez and had helped bring the issue of euthanasia to a vote in the house of Commons in 1993. It was voted down by an overwhelming majority, 140-25. 85 per cent of our MP’s don’t want euthanasia. Now, Robinson could face criminal charges.
I”m stupid
Hisinvolvementis being investigated bythe RCMP. Exactly what charges could be laid have not been specified, but since assisted suicide is illegal, Robinson was then present at a murder. He didn’t attempt to stop the murderer and refuses to name the culprit. I suppose the least he could be charged with is contempt of court if he is subpoenaed and still refuses to name the doctor. Incidentally, Several months ago, white Rodriguez was before the Supreme Court, she mentioned that she had been contacted by a doctor wishing to assist her, so the doctor was in no way coerced or pressured into assisting her. Now, back to the original point, are we responsible for our actions or are we not? Sue Rodriguez wanted to die. She had said this clearly and repeatedly. Her death wus suicide. Doctorassisted suicide doesn’t mean that the doctor kills you, it means that a trained medical professional provides you with the means to end your life. You could sit in the garage with the door closed and rev the car or you could take a shitload of tylenol and wash them down with cough syrup, or you could have someone who knows what they are doing help you die peacefully. Sue Rodriguez killed herself, no one else did it. The doctor who helped, and Svend Robinson who was there for moral support, are guilty of nothing. They are not responsible for anyone else’s actions, they should not face charges of any kind. Doctor-assisted suicide is currently a crime, but should it be? Giving someone a potentially lethal implement is not a crime. If they tell you that they are gding to kill themselves with it, that changes nothing. It’s their life! You are not responsible for them. If they tell you that they are going to kill others with the implement, it should still be given. Any other action is being the thought police. You are not ftt to judge what is in the mind of another, or what you think is in the mind of another. If you refuse to give someone something because of what you think they are going to do with it, you are judging them before the fact. You are making a decision based on events that have
not happened! Obviously this is ridiculous, and doctorassisted suicide being a crime is no exception. In the case of the moron who broke his neck diving into less than a meter of water, the court ruled that he was only 60 per cent responsible. The people who owned the pool were responsible for the other 40 per cent of his stupidity. OK. Maybe I’ll go out and rob a bank to pay for my tuition next year. Assume that I get away with it for a while, but get caught sooner or later. If I get sentenced to five years, I’ll only have to serve three at the most Maybe less. The poor couple who have to find 2 million bucks were told that they did not take sufficient action to prevent the incident So, I figure that I can blame the bank security system; it is specifically devoted to stopping robberies, unlike the pool owners who are not there specifically to stop morons diving of their roofs. So, that alarm can take 40 per cent of the blame. Hey, what about the cops? They too have a specific function; stopping crime. They let me get away from the robbery, even though they got me later. 30 per cent responsibility for them. Hmmm, the educational system should not get away scotfree. The public school system had me for years, they should have noticed my criminal tendencies. And the university administration, for charging the high tuition that forced me into a life of crime in the first place, we’ll give them I5 per cent each. Hey, look at that! I’m down to a tenth of my sentence, a mere six months! With time off for good behaviour, I’ll be out almost immediately. Good thing I wont be held responsible for my own actions, that I committed while in full control of my faculties, of my own free will. We are responsible for our actions, and the justice system has to recognize this. If not, travesties of justice such as the now-separated couple who owe 2 million dollars and Sue Rodriguez having to break the law to die with dignity will continue to occur.
Imprint w&comes letters to the editor from students and alI members of the conmwnity. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and &&&spaced or in &ctronjc form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phonenumber for verification. Names may be withheld from p&k&ion upon request. ,411material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @ watsenrl .uwaterloo.ca.
The future is dark lo
culturalism takes people apart like this, the future certainly looks darker than ever. Connie Zbung Mothemutics
the editoc
In a recent article titled “Limited ‘Correctness”‘, Ricardo Marshall raised the question of negative connotation associated with words and phrases in English featuring the word black, and suggested that we should start using race-neutral language as we do with gener-neutral language. I am not a linguist, however I do know that it is not just English that uses the word black to describe certain “bad” things. There were very similar phrases in Chinese thousands of years ago, before anyone in China had ever seen anyone with different skin colours. I will not be surprised at all if it is found that in certain African languages, similar phrases are used as well. I do not think that the use of such words have anything to do with race. We often use “black, white, or gray’% indicate “bad, good, or not-soclear”. Does that mean that there must be a grey-skinned race somewhere, whom everybody agrees to be the notsure-if-good-or-bad group of people? On Oscar night, most male guests wear black tuxedos. If the “views people associate with the word black are negative”, why on earth would anyone be wearing those negative looking stuff? In almost all communist countries, red is considered the colour of revolution, hence a colour representing all the “goodness”. Does this mean that communists all over the world have a special respect for natives in North America and Australia, since native people in these regions are often referred to as having red skin? In modern Chinese language, the phrase “yellow publications” means pornography. Since most people will classify Chinese as of yellow race, such phrases must imply that either it is okay to call yourselves bad names, or that notions like these have nothing to do with race. Personally, I think that the reason that there are sometimes negative connotation associated with words and phrases involving the word black roots from the ancient fear of darkness that stays inside every human being. The many crimes committed in dark hidden places, the long long hours after the sunset when ancient people felt most vulnerable, and the relative safe feeling under broad day light... All of these contribute to the use of certain phrases, like blackmail, since it is certainly a hidden business. At the same time, fear also generates a kind of respect, which is why in many places, black represents authority and formality. I do not deny that there are people who will use the negative aspect of those phrases associated with the word black (or any colour for that matter) to make racist remarks. However, the words and phrases themselves were not made because of racism. Anyone with any intelligence should be able to see it. If everybody in Canada started to use his/her imagination to criticize other people’s use of words, we would soon find that we dared not to say anything at all - and we are half way there already. For everything we said or did, someone would be offended, and someone would be on the watch, ready to report us to the authorities. If multi-
Zavitz goes canine To the editor= I found the article “Some Guys Still Don’t Get It” by Jeff ZaviQ somewhat amusing in that the author complains about how “people often seem less capable of progressive thinking than your dog”, yet seems to have a very imprecise and irrational style of
thought. A great deal of the article talks in vague terms about how people who don’t agree with I ZaviQ’s own particular point of view are stupid. Finally, we get to this: “they attacked employment equity as reverse discrimination (haven’t we heard enough of this one?)” Someone’s thought processes were obviously in canine mode when they came up with this gem. Using the same style of argument one could say; “those feminists are attacking our patriarchal society (haven’t we heard enough of this one?)” You’re dismissing the point without even considering it, which makes it pretty clear that you haven’t heard enough. “[they] questioned the validity of the figures released by Statistics Canada2 The simple act of questioning statistics is no crime. Statistics can be twisted to say anything one pleases, and it’s only by questioning data presented that one can seek the truth. Apparently the author would have us believe that all said by Sunera Thobani is fine and good and not to be questioned under punishment of death. A progressive thought indeed. “[they] wondered why there are no men on the Board of directors of NAC” I have to wonder about this too. The author’s explanation, “it’s a womyn’s organization,” is circular. Of course it’s a women’s organization, there are only women in it! The question is, why is it just a women’s organization? Are men not capable of contributing to the cause of the NAC, or must they all simply go off into a corner to mourn their incompleteness? . I guess it would be okay if someone started a big “men’s organization”, right?
“[they] complained that Thobani’s definition ... wasn’t the same as the one in the Oxford dictionary” Well, I don’t know what Thobani’s or Oxford’s definitions are. I have to admit that in most cases, people who start arguing about semantics or specific word definitions are having a pretty tough time finding a reai argument though, and so I must agree with ZaViQ on this particular point. This brings us to everyone’s favorite topic: “womyn”. I don’t care how you spell it. It’s a well known fact that the English language is severely screwed up. I find it odd that the most objectionable word is”women”though. I’d think the use of the word “man” to mean “the species homo sapiens” would be more offensive. Qf course, the word ‘feminist” is somewhat objectionabie. Wouldn’t the word “equalists” be more appropriate! I don’t really care myself. As far as I’m concerned words are just arbitrary
. /
Complimentary coffee labels. However, if you’re picky about the spelling don’t see what’s to stop finding just as silly things to including semantics or the “discrimination”.
nume witheld
going to get of words I others from argue about, definition of
by request
Harassment not dealt with
Gury fhnn
by request
Zavitz = religious zealot
unswers by costing suspicion on the motives behind his objections. - Nietzsche, HumanAll Jeff Zavitz’s article, “Some Guys Still Don’t Get It”, [Imprint, Feb. 181 should have instead been titled (borrowing a line from Kathy Acker’s book, EmDire of the Se&&, “If reality isn’t zavitz my picture of it, I’m lost” exhibits this state of mind. For in his article he bemoans the fact that some people (particularly “recalcitrant” men)
Love left:
Leon se2 thanks
When our head feels too weak to answer the objections of our opponent our heurt
or a trustworthy person can all be supportive.” How exactly is that dealing with the issue of sexual harassment?
jeffZutitz responds: Actudy Gory, I’m o cfffdamying agnostic But fhank5 fir the
Why the stupid are so oFen malicious.
This letter is in response to the Feb. 4194 article entitled “UW deals with sexual harassment.” I would like to know exactly how UW is dealing with sexual harassment. To quote the article “going to counsellors is not the only action to take after harassment,... Ombudspersan.
have the audacity to question what he believes to be Gospel truth. I have no sympathy for his chagrin. For ZaviQ, having a concern for “social justice” implies: accepting his presuppositions of how social justice is defined; what frustrates it; and the means to achieve it. All questions that agree with his presuppositions are acceptable: The questions that do not are “attacks” from “narrow-minded”, ignorant, men. In essence, ZaviQ makes a flaccid attempt to distinguish between nice questions and bad questions. Regardless of Zavitz’s distaste for uncomfortable inquiry, the question that remains is how did he come to learn the truths that he so vehemently guards? How does he know that his answers pertaining to social justice are right seeing that he is so afraid of public scrutiny? The only answer must be, “through faith.” Indeed, ZaviQ speaks as the religious fundamentalist: ZaviQ is “inspired”; he speaks of “enlightenment”; “hardened”opinions (what about hardened hearts?); “transcendence”, and the “never-ending struggle.” Here is the language of the religious zealot who is so convinced of his beliefs that attempts to question “the truth” only belie, on the part of his critics, a denial of what one knows to be right (This type of claim is quite popular these days. Only a week earlier Khaled Sharaf told us in his column “The Qur’an Speaks”, [imprint, Feb. 1 I] that, “Mu hammad himself stated that he was the LAST Prophet of Allah. A Muslim, or anyone eke for that matter,cannot question the tru& ofthis statement” [my bold.] Sharaf and Zavitz should meet I am sure they would have a great dea! to be dogmatic about.) In case ZaviQ has not noticed, he is not preaching to the converted in his Church, Temple, Centre, or Sacred Place. If he is “exasperated” by those university students and professors who dare question the sanctified truths he finds so inspiring, then he and the pious should air their beliefs only among themselves - a safe environment where doubt and dissent are unlikely to occur. The University, in the meantime, is still the place where we come to learn. We will ask questions, and be asked questions. We will evaluate our values and beliefs. No truths are sacred. No beliefs are beyond evaluation. lnstead of being afraid of analysis, we invite it tt is called “an education.”
To the editor=
To the editor:
The victim is required to seek support. UW offers excellent counselling for victims of sexual harassment. I will be the first to acknowledge this, x I have experienced this assistance directly. I am a female fourth year student who was harassed by a fellow student during my first three years at uw. This harassment included phone calls, being followed around on campus (stalked) and unwanted attention. I totally agree that education is an important factor in addressing the issue of sexual harassment, but unless we have some reactive forces to the active harassment there is no DEALING with the issue. Unfortunately for me, campus police claimed that he had as much right to be on campus as I did - he paid his tuition the same as I did, and they had no jurisdiction outside campus boundaries. Their suggestion was that I should go to counselling to help &aJ with the situation. My suggestion is that they work together with outside jurisdictions rather than turn a blind eye to whatever occurs outside Ring Road. It is important to seek support for yourself to deal with the emotions that arise with the situation, however perpetrators are also in desperate need of counselling, in some cases to a greater extent than the victim. The individual who was harassing me died in a car accident last April. That is how my situation was dealt with. Unfortunately many other victims of harassment are experiencing or have experienced the same road blocks and red tape that I have encountered. lf a victim and perpetrator are from different faculties then you have to deal with interfaculty red tape. Why should the victim’s faculty be involved in dealing with the perpetrator at all? If a student is more interested in harassing another student than in his/her education, why are we allowing them to continue taking courses at UW? Although there are services available on campus for the victims of sexual harassment,who is dealing with the PERPETRATOR and how are they being dealt with?
To the editor= The Federation of Students election has been over for about a week and a half now and 1guess I am quite relieved that life is pretty much back to normal (if one could call it that). I wasn’t successful in my bid to become the new VPOF but nevertheless I believe that I gained a lot from the experience (got to know a lot of people too) and
come away a winner. However this article
is not about
I still
pg 8
required * delivery from 11 a.m. daily
pg 7
me nor is it an attempt to dredge up the past. Rather, I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank ALL my sup-:porters - those who helped in my campaign in any way, those who rallied around me and those who voted for me, ALL 655 of you. I greatly appreciate your support and my heart goes out to each and every one ofyou. I could not have done as well as I did [i.e. place second) had it not been for all your support. It was and still is a great feeling to know that hundreds of students were rooting for me and even in defeat many of you
were still there to give consolation
This is something
for which I
will be forever greatful. I can’t say that I have any regrets regards having decided to run for the position of VPOF. In retrospect there are some things which I would have changed but that has nothing to dowith any of you. I tried and I failed but life goes on. It was a learning experience and believe me I learnt a great deal. I would like to congratulate Steve Codrington, Christine Dewhurst and julie Cole on winning their positions. I wish you all a very successful term as the new Federation executive. Best of luck to the other candidates in their future aspirations. -It was great campaigning with all of you.
In closing I’d like to thank Phil1 White for his letter to the editor in last week’s Imprint in which he responded to the ridiculously biased review by ken and Jeff. Personally I don’t need anyone to stand up for me and I choose not to comment on the issue. I believe that my performance in the election and the tremendous support I received speaks for itself. “Nobody” (as I was categorized by Ken Bryson and Jeff of the Imprint) came in second. But what do Ken and Jeff have to say for themselves - did they even try? Once again thanks a lot guys for your support - you’ve made my year. It was fun while it lasted. Leon Sriggs
Offensorship defined So...they banned alt. sex, alt taste-
less, etc. So...a lot of student see nothing wrong with this. l wish that I could say I’m surprised and shocked, but I simply am not I’ve come to expect it It’s crazy. As a high school student, I used to occasionally blunder onto campus, invariably getting lost and invariably marvelling at all the really cool people I saw. I mean, after the football nazis and other overt thugs infecting the public school system, university students seemed very appealing indeed. Liberated women with unshaved legs and noserings. Free-thin king guys with long hair and, well, noserings. Intellectuals, weirdos, writers, artists, physicists, musicians. All kinds of interesting people, unfettered by conventional morality or accepted standards of conduct. Dope-smoking anarchists, the ultimate antidote to the high school disease of empty, tyrannical conventionality and repression of free thought In a sense, I wasn’t that wrong. Things are different here. Problem is, rather than providing an atmosphere of intellectual liberty, being isolated from the values of the outside world has just cut this place off from common sense and tolerance. Too many university students get so wrapped up in their pet agendas and tedious crusades that reality fades to a dull, inconsequential drone. Self-importance takes over, and people begin to take themselves so damn seriously that boorishness and super-sensitivity to offense become the norm. It isn’t even appropriate to dismiss us all as living in an Ivory Tower anymore; the tower has fallen, succeeded by ...what? An Ivory &lag? An Ivory Compound? Something like that, anyway. Yes, the real world is sexist and racist and intolerant of people who violate the norm. It’s the land of the homophobic, homeofthe redneckKKK asshole. It’s brutal and cruel, and maybe the goal of creating a nice, hatred-free
there’s no easy way to get them to be compassionate and human. So, seeing as we’re the rock video generation, and given the choice between hard work and a little image manipulation
the choice is an obvious one. Education may be the real way to eliminate prejudice and hatred, but it’s so taxing. Besides, is there a difference between evil and the appearance of evil? Not if it’s on home video. Why confront the problem of misogyny head-on when it’s so much easier to hold dainty tea-parties and argue about how we should spell “woman”, with a “y” or with an “i”? Why deal with racism when we can just shut racists up? A shut-up racist may still be a mcist, but his bile will no longer make you spill your tea at the aforementioned tea parry. Image is the thing. Find the enemy. Sweep her under the carpet. Sure, the carpet may get pretty lumpy, but at least we can all nod sombrely to each other and say that, yes, we’ve done our part to make the world a better place. “OfFensonhip,” I’m told they call it. Not a bad name, really. Silly little girls and boys who think that a IO0 per cent offense-free world is (a) possible, and (b) desirable. It all comes down to appearance again. There are offensive people out there. Offensive things happen to the innocent ... and if you try to talk about it or deal with it out in the open, you’re obviously an advocate for carnage and injustice. Arcane concepts like irony and sarcasm are forgotten, and every statement or action is taken at obscenely unimaginative face-value. Simple, isn’t it? The dark forces of history and situation and everything else which pollute the world are diffrcult to fight Impossible, even. But we’re intellectuals, we’ve got to do something. I know, we all say to each otherJet’s find a scapegoat. Something simple to gun down. Something which reminds us of how powerless we all are. Artist! Writers! People who look into the darkness and give back honest reports of what they see! Does a novel faithfully portmy historical bigotry without overtly condemning it? Bum the sucker. Does a movie mirror the killing and violence of our culture? Ban it before it’s too late. Does an Internet newsgroup provide a forum for people who find nothing wrong with joking about sex with children? Cut it down, cut it all down. Doesn’t matter if it’s censorship. Doesn’t matter if legitimate views are shut-down
along with the kiddie-porn rings. No price is too high to pay for the illusion of sanity. Disagree? Well, you’re obviously a reactionary sociopath, and believe me, brother...you’re next. The crusade of the wilfully blind. Complain and complain until all opposition crumbles away. Thealt sex hierarchy was banned, in part, because people complained. There. Now it’s gone. Feel better? Women are still being raped, children are still being abused, but now you don’t have to fight the temptation to read about it Aren’t the dark ages wonderful? It’s become rather trite to complain about political correctness, to equate it with fascism. For God’s sake, WHY? It’s one thing for everyone to know that an injustice is taking place...but to just accept it, to not raise hell when it takes more and more away form all of us...that’s the most obscene form of complacency. And it offends the hell out of me. I’m startjng to feel a lot like that naive high school student I used to be, sickened by the close-minded oppression of my academic surroundings. Somehow, I thought it would be different. With such lofty expectations of intellectual freedom at this university, I was bound to become disillusioned, But there’s a big difference between a healthy let-down and the realization that things are very, very wrong. So the chicken-hearted bureaucrats who banned altsex and its cousins were reacting more to the systematic legislative destruction of free expression than they were to student complaints. That excuses nothing. It’s bad enough when they take things away from us, when it becomes us vs. them...but to see that many of “us” are collaborators, that the very same people who should be rioting in the streets are happy to see an avenue of human expression shut down... it’s overwhelming. And I really don’t know if I should gnash my teeth and rant some more, or just write the intellectual elite of our society off as modern-day Hitler Youth. Disillusioned? You’d better believe it.
friday, februaty 25, I994
a coluinnbp&trig &Mwrs’on
rooa IS cheap Food is cheap. Now, you may ask yourself what this has to do with anything, and you wilt of course not be surprised to find out that this is once again an attack on those left-wing pony tailed bedwetters who insist on using the term “liberal.” A usual complaint against privatising industries and taking them out of the hands of the government is that it is only the social safety net which saves all those poor people from literally starving. If we didn’t have the government protecting us, then there would just be hundreds, if not thousands, if not millions of people starving in the street because they couldn’t afford food. This is stupid bullshit for two reasons. First of all, look at the price of food in real economic terms. By that I mean, look at how much you have to work in order to buy enough food to meet your weekly dietary requirements. I don’t niean K&t Macaroni and Cheese, but proper food that the surgeon general says is what you need in order to give your body the proper nutrients it requires. If you work at, say $5.00 an hour, for forty hours a week, that’s $200.00 a week. Now obviously you could, if you really, really wanted to, spend all that money in one week on food, but if you went grocery shopping and bought fruit, vegetables, and proper nutria tious food, how much would you spend in a week $25? $30? Not a lot, anyway you look at it Now I understand that there’s rent and a lot of other things to look after, but it’s not food that’s going to kill you. Of course remember, that the government doesn’t keep prices artificially low, it keeps them artificially high via subsidies to farmers. Privatized, the price to consumers would go down.
is the One
Another gift of Islam is giving hope and confidence to humans. The misery and suffering that human race endured in this world because of the doctrines of inherent sinfulness of man upheld by several religions was but a feeble image of the never ending agony which awaited man in the hereafter. The humanity scared by these ghastly visions and glimpses of eternal suffering was relieved by Prophet Muhammad’s emphasis on God’s all embracing mercy and the efficacy of repentance which infuse a new life and hope in the despairing humanity. It was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who affirmed that the human was born with a clean slate and perfect freedom of action. The human was, declared the Prophet, the author of his/her actions, both good and evil, and deserved reward or punishment in accordance with his/her own decision that shaped the course of his/her actions. None was responsible for the doings of others and everyone was to get what he/she worked for. The Qur’an says “Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another, That man can have nothing but what he strives for, That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight, Then he will be rewarded with a complete reward”[53:38-4 I]. This was a message of salvation for humankind which gave him new confidence in himself and his ability to chart out his destiny. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announced that sin is an occasional lapse. One errs owing to his/her ignorance or foolishness; at times he/she is misled by his/her own desires or machinations of Satan, The human is not sinful by nature and hence it is typical of him/her
Right now, food is basically as cheap as the dirt it’s grown in. Believe it or not, however, it could be cheaper. Food is the price it is not because of any market function, but because farmers in Canada say to the Canadian government, we can’t compete with the American producers, because they have bigger farms and better equipment, so please tax food that comes in from the states, so people will buy our stuff. In addition, they say, please set the prices on certain foods, because if they’re not artifically set at X, we will not be able to make a profit, and will go under, and then other people will take our place. One of the strongest food lobbying organizations is the National Dairy Council. If this sounds like a lot of bullshit (no pun intended) just think about the price of milk, butter and cheese. It’s pretty much the most expensive stuff in the grocery store. Why do you think this is? Because cow feed is expensive! Because cows are expensive to breed and get milk from? It’s because the NDC is a powel-ful lobbying group that can moan and complain about jobs better than anyone else. Now if you as a consumer are more interested in these people’s jobs, that’s fine, but are you content with paying higher prices so that these organizations don’t have to become competitive? In the long run, it’s only going to hurt Canada. If we’re not responsive to consumer demand, and continue using outdated methods of growing and selling produce, it’s going to catch up with us, the market always does,
Sandy AtwaZ doemY love you, he just wants your money.
accepts repentance from His Servants and He knows all that you do.” -translation of the meaning of the Qur’an [42:25]
in Islam
to express
and contrition
after committing a mistake. To be regretful to one’s sin and to make up one’s mind not to repeat it again is, indeed, the patrimony of Adam. Allah opened the gate of repentance for the sinners and invited them to seek His pardon for their temporary deviations from the right path. As
and forgives
desperately trying to borrow money before last call. Why can’t I remember my past lives? If I lived Okay, this one is going to be a rant. as a skunk before, why can’t I remember my skunk Philosopher Gilbert Ryle once said that “the life? If I really and truly am reincarnated as a skunk, only light that comes from the east is the sun.” and can only think skunk thoughts and live a skunk This is a position that I am greatly sympathetic to. life, how do I have any more connection with my If there is one thing worse than western religious future skunk self than with a completely unrelated mumbo jumbo it is eastern religious mumbo skunk that I might encounter? jumbo. I am of course talking about Buddhism, This brings me to Shirley Ma&tine and her Hinduism, Taoism, and Whatnot ilk What I really hate about eastern religious Now, by criticizing Buddhism, I might seem mumbo jumbo is when it is taken out of context to be biting the hand that feeds me; Buddhism is, and fused with western mumbo jumbo by flakes after all, an atheistic religion. However, a religion who like to believe in weird shit in order to feel Buddhism most certainly is and, as such, it posits “deep”. Is life really so boring for”Ms. MacLaine all sorts of bizarre and unsupported metaphysical that she has to make up lots of other ones in order statements and contains several doctrines which to feel fulfilled? She already has been blessed with I find repulsive. beauty, fame, and more money than she can The worst idea that Buddhism puts forth is spend; why in the hell does she have to be this business concerning the denial of the self. - Cleopatra, Socrates and an Aztec priest as well? Why in the name of god would anyone want to do This brings me to Doug Henning. Everyday this? Yourself is pretty much all you have when flakes are bad enough but being everyday sort of you get right down to it, so why would you want people, one can understand how they might seek to go around denying it? Desire is seen as the root to make their lives more interesting by becoming of all evil but, if you toss out desire, you do away flakes. This does not excuse them, mind you, but with achievement, pride, love, lust, activity, perthey are at least understandable. However, Doug sonality, and all sorts of other great things which Henning, like Shirley MacLaine, is rich and famous make us human and give us the capacity to go and a flake. Further he is a flake that is so rich that about creating bizarre religions. he was able to get the Natural Law paw off the Further, you can’t really do it, for if, as a ground. Buddhist, you desire to rid yourself of desire, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, having spent all of wouldn’t you only succeed in fulfilling your desire the money that he bamboozled out of the Beatles, by ridding yourself of desire in which case you must have creamed in his three piece suit when would only have been pursuing your desire all the Henning came along. Here was a rich and famous time? And, if you have fully denied yourself, who guy that worshipped him, was willing to spend lots is left to be desireless? of cash, and could act as a spokesperson in a This is why l have trouble with the concept federal election for a party which proposed to of Nirvana. How is it possible for anyone to solve all the world’s problems with medimtion achieve this state when, by the time it has been and army of yogic flyers. achieved, there is nobody around to have achieved Which brings me to the point of this weeks column. There is one thing and one thing only that it? And this weird idea of reincarnation! Reinmotivates me to condemn the likes of the Mahacarnation finds its home primarily in eastern rishi Yogi. mysticism. If I die and return as a skunk, what One thing gnaws at my gut until I am forced exactly does this mean for me? Does this mean to denounce these eastern sellers of snake oil that I am me in a skunk’s body? No, otherwise you who take advantage of our poor, stupid, rich would see a skunk down at the bombshelter western celebrities-JEALOUSY!
Federation of Students University of Waterloo
Notice of General Meeting
a matter of fact, to be broken in spirit by a sense of guilt and to seek Allah’s forgiveness shows the goodness of human nature and attracts the mercy of the Creator. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) laid so much emphasis on repentance that he came to be known as the ‘Apostle of Repentance’. Describing the clemency of Allah Who is ever willing to forgive the sinners, the Qur’an employs an alluringly charming diction inviting those who have deviated from the path of virtue to return to Allah and seek His help and forgiveness and tells them that sympathy and mercy of Atlah are always at hand for exoneration of the sins committed by humans. Anyone who reads this verse of the Qur’an will not fail to mark the loving care of Allah for humans. The Qur’an says “Say: 0 my servants who have been prodigal against themselves, Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Surely Allah forgives sins altogether, Surely He is the All-Forgiving, the All-Compassionate” [39:53]. The sentiment of love and affection is discernible in the verses speaking of those who are virtuous and &d-fearing. Repenters of the sins are found included among those described as the elects by God. They have been granted the place of honor for they were the first to be mentioned among the virtuous. The Qur’an says ‘Those who turn (to Allah) in repentance, those who serve Him, those who praise Him, those who wander in devotion to the cause of Allah, those who bow down, those who prostrate themselves, those who enjoin good and forbid evil, those who observe the limits set by Allah. So proclaim the glad tidings to the believers”l9: I 121. This article is an excerpt from “tslam and civilization” by Sayed A. Nadwi. For a copy of the Qur’an or for more information about Islam, please call (5 19) 725 e-mail to 4283 or send an ksharaf@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca. The Qur’cm Speaks is presented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Khaled Shamf is u PhD candidate in elect&l and computer engineering. The views expressed in this column ore those ofthe author and do not necessarilyr+resent those of every member ofthe UW Muslim Study Grouj.~.
Students,Universityof Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held:
tiesday, March 22,1994 at 7:30 p.m. Needles Hall, room 3001 The agenda for this meeting will include: 1. Appointment of Board of Directors 2. Officers’ Report 1993- 1994 Any other item for the agenda of this meeting must be in the hands of the President of the Federation of Students by 4:30 p.m., March 4, 1994 to be considered at the General Meeting.
President Federation of Students t
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Gay Weciciin,gs
by Je~Zavitz guy who fills space when you don’t submit curything.
and depends
interests of the heterosexual majority. Great. If the lifestyle of one group does not infringe on the fundamental rights of another group, the first group should be allowed to live as they may. This seems fundamental. Perhaps even inalienable. We should all endeavour to work towards understanding what commonalities we share as people and try to cuttivate attitudes of acceptance. Why shou!dn’t people live freely? Unfortunately, the church does not seem to be satisfied with i& self-appointed role of ‘moral policy maker’. ” God made marriage a union of a man and a woman for the purpose-of procreating and propagating the human race. Gay people can’t have children, therefore they can’t possibly get married can they?” Hmmmm, very interesting
Tonya Harding choked. No medal for Inside Edition’s poster girl. Ha! Too bad. She had to slink back into her bleacher seat and watch her arch rival - Disney’s latest tacky ice princess, Nancy Kerrigan - skate all over her much publicised Olympic dream. There, I said it. Everyone has shed their crocidile tears, now be done with this cheesy, tabloid pablum. This of course has nothing to do with this week’s Feature, but I know how many people were looking forward to the much ballyhooed ‘Showdown on Ice’, and I just had to ask; Why? Have people nothing of value to do with their time? Why was CBS able to sell thirty second spots during women’s figure skating for $400,000? Because millions of people were glued to their sets waiting to catch the rematch of Nancy and Tonya. What was everyone expecting, a fist-fight? Please, I’m begging you, ignore them. Maybe they will go away. Actually, the banality of much of the tillehammer circus does have something to do with this week’s article. You see, I went home for a few days over the break and ended up spending a couple of mindless hours of my own watching the television I love to hate. Bored stiff by the rather mundane Olympic coverage offered by CJV and CBS, I flipped around the dial in search of something more entertaining. I was in luck The 700 Club, Time for a little of that old time religion. I will try to avoid stepping on the toes of this fine rag’s multifarious religious columnists and refrain from discussing the finer points of Christianity as a whole. (I wouldn’t want to put anyone out of a job.) Instead, I will merely comment on the substance of the show itself. It was chock full of excitement At issue was the fact that the sate of Hawaii had been cdnsidering recognising samesex marriages. If you were watching Lillehammer, you missed out on the ensuing tirade. You see, it seems that each state in the union argument. But what ever happened to the sepais party to a reciprocal agreement mandating that ration of church and state? a couple that is married in one state shall be legally Who says that marriage is solely for baby recognized as such across the nation. That means production? With so few of us going to church that homosexual lovers that are blissfully wed in these days, why should our legal description of Honolulu would have to be recognized as a ‘the family‘ remain grounded in Christian puritanlegitimate couple by their employers in the ism? Perhaps it’s time we redefined these terms Hamptons. Likewise, their government would to be more expressive of the socially accepted probably have to accept their joint tax return and moral principals they should embody. If the family grant them the same spousal benefits that are is about love, support and safety, then why not be currently enjoyed by. heterosexual couples. In accepting of differences, and strive to emphasize those ideals, welcoming them in any form? Why addition, gays and lesbians would not be required to testify against their partners in a court of law, promote structures instead of substance? etc. So whats the big deal? It seems only logical that in a world that is Well to hear the pedagogues of the 700 Club becoming increasingly aware of its diversity and its complexity we would stop trying to pigeontell it, the end of the world is near. They want you hole people into predefined, rigid relationships. believe that this is not simply a demand for marital You would think that instead, we would deterrights, but rather, is part of an attempt to legalise and promulgate a wide rage of ‘deviant sexual mine what is common to all of us and let those principals guide us as individuals and as groups. behaviours’. “They won’t stop here. Before you Sadly, those with the power to promote change know it, men and womyn will be demanding recognition for their fondness of particular farm are often the least willing to make the bold move. just the other day I saw John Paul on the animals.” Pardon? Can we say, ‘homophobia’? television pleading First of all, demanding that marriages of gays and &fore you know it, men and womyn with the peoples df lesbians be recognised by will be dimanding recognition for their countries under *e ce (does our governme 3nts is not fondness of particular farm animals. ~~~~~~~~ .at: d- UI-L1,. ‘I$ about legislatin, g any single Pardon? to you too?) to r( eform of sexual preference, Can we say .~~~ ‘homophobia’? ject a proposal t:0 It is, as I unde rstand it, a ~ recognise unholy legal question that serves matrimonial unions. He stressed the same conto guarantee these people equality with cerns about homosexual marriages demeaning heterosexuals under the law. This is not about the lord by ignoring the purpose of this blessed determining who should or should not be sleeping bond. He spoke out in the same ominous tone as together. This is about deciding how we intend to did his brethren at the all-too-exclusive700 Club. accomodate differing lifestyles and points of view It’s the end of the world. on an issue of increasing societat concern. Funny, but I find it difficult to take the pope Governments are instruments for facilitating seriously. Think about it Here you have a guy the peaceful co-existence of diverse people. Hence who is purportedly one of God’s right hand men, this body has a duty to our gay and lesbian riding around in a bullet-proof pope-mobile. Who community to ensure that its members are fairly could be a more certain shoo-in to heaven than treated, This implies that the undisputedly existant the pope? Doesn’t it tarnish the reputation of the proportion of the population that defines itself as Roman Catholic Church to have its earthlyspokeshomosexual deserves to have the government person so publicly expressive of his fear of meetoperate in its self interest as well as in the
ing his maker? It would seem to me that the people who should probably be cruising the streets in pope-mobiles are those marginal folks who are afraid of being cut down before they have a chance to solidify some sort of working relationship with the ‘big guy’. Oh well. Regardless of how you may personally feel about religions specifically or generally, you must admit that they continue to keep popping up and interfering in places that they need not be. You would think that religions that preach that there exists an afterlife for good boys and girlsto retreat to once their time has come (and gone), would at least ensure that people would be trying to score bonus points with the spiritual score-keeper while here on earth. Why then does it seem that the
social morality by erecting models and trying to shoe-horn everyone into the resulting self-righteous molds. People live in a variev of ways and no amount of religious fundamentalism is ever going to sway thy neighbour. Why not just accept your neighbours for who they are and strive to find the common ground that is universal? This would be the type of message I might expect to hear from the devoutly religious. But no, 700 is not the area code of a new and better world, it’s really just a little club. You can only be a member if your version of a ‘better world’ is one that excludes hated ‘others’ who probably aren’t harming you anyhow. Maybe you feel that homosexuals are highly offensive to god (should an agnostic capitalise this word?) because they have sex not to propogate the human race but simply because they enjoy it If so, why not just leave the whole judgement thing up to your superior being of choice and stop trying to do his/her/its bidding down here on earth. Don’t worry, if god is offended, there will be hell to pay later - so to speak Either way, if you are a close-minded, judgemental religious zealot, you will probably find yourself twisting in the wind come judgement day. Hopefully god has a sense of humour and takes the opportunity t.0 use this final inventory session to add up all the things you nurtured and helped to grow and subtracts from them your wealth of condemnations of other of gods creatures. Won’t you be in for a surprise! You see, the 700 Club is not your friend. Send money or you don’t get to learn the secret handshake that tells St. Peter that you’re ok; you’re one of us. You think I’m joking? Sorry. You see, after all of the doom and gloom had been forcast, the 700 Club reassured all of its terrified little minions that they had started a ‘Stewardship Fund’ to ensure that the riches of god did not end up in the wrong hands. The idea goes like this. All that you see is god’s and you are merely allowed to borrow it while you are here on earth, because god loves you. You are one of the chosen. God doesn’t mind lending you his/her/its stuff. Relax and enjoy. However, when you go, you will want to ensure that god reclaims all that was lent to you. It’s only fair; it was all god’s stuff to begin with. Besides, you will want to ensure that none of the valuable possessions that you worked so hard for ends up in the hands of one of those ‘sexual deviants’. You know, the one’s that are bringing on the end of the world. Luckily, the caring members of the Club have set up the ‘Stewardship Fund’ to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you or your loved ones. All you have to do is sign over all of your worldly goods to be returned to God by way of the 700 Club once you die. Yes its that easy. They will ensure that &gay people benefit from your lifetime of hard work. I couldn’t believe it. I thought that this sort of scam was the uncontested reserve of spiritless, multichinned, so sic&en& by bible-thumping hustlers of
more vocal the religious person may become, the less accepting of others they are bound to be. I’m surprised that I haven’t yet heard any accusations to the effect that “Svend Robinson was immoral in his ‘murder’ of Sue Rodriguez, but what would you expect from a homosexual. They can’t procreate, so they obviously cannot have any true respect for the value of life.” Maybe next week In the meantime we will all just have to satisfy ourselves with attacking the likes of the 700 Club for trying to provoke hatred and mistrust amongst the masses. What I found even more shocking, was the follow up interviews they did to make you believe that the people of Ha&ii were horrified. They worked over their flock with a slew of dire predictions and left all of us on the periphery wondering just how long we had until the &ent&/y, / became world __ended. *the whole slo&tacle that I was force *e American soufh-why “Hawaii will bedo these people always into changehe channel in a bid for sist in soloing in their ‘army come a Mecca for gays self-preservation. and lesbians.” “The isof saved white angels resurrection choir’ anyhow. lands will be overrun with perverts who will only stay long enough to get They tend to have the worst voices in the place. It their marriage license before returning to your is also difficult to digest the image of beet-red fat men crying/sweating their way through a tradicommunity to demand all the rights of decent married people. ” “The state’s economy is bound tional hymn.) Eventually, I became so sickened by the whole to collapse if people think that we are in support spectacle that I was forced to change the channel of this sort of behaviour. ” “Now is not the time to recognise these sorts of people.” “You can’t allow in a bid for self-preservation. Predictably, I ended up focussed on litlehammer again. On the final gays and lesbians to wed because that would exchange of the men’s 4x IO km cross-country completely redefine the nuclear family and underskiing relay it was the hometown favorite, undismine the fabric of which this great nation is made.” puted reigning champion of the sport vs the upstart Blah blah blah blah blah. Finnish contender. They battled it out over their IO Sorry, but the nuclear family has already km leg and were never more than six feet apart. At suffered a national meltdown. We can call this the the finnish line (how poetic), the young upstart held Social China Syndrome (SCS). when inventing a off the hardened veteran for a dramatic win. new term such as this, always try to include the After they had collapsed in agony from their acronym. People iove to deal with short forms and draining display of guts and courage, they cowled hence you have a betir chance of having your new over to each other and embraced in mutual admiterm remain in public use. eg. FBI, CIA, BBC, BB ration. I love this stuff. ‘Enemies on the battlefield King, dig it?l Sorry, I digress. are brought together by a shared love of that which The point is that we no longer live in a simple they shared, It seemed like the world became a world of ‘dad brings home bacon and mom cooks smaller place. Ahh, that under-rated Olympic spirit. it’ We must stop qing to encourage responsible
1 1
Hoopsters clinch third in OUAA West
Puck Warriors down for the count
Warriors host quarterfinal tuneup exhibition by Peter Imprint
The Kitchener Auditorium was the scene of the crime on Tuesday night as the Golden Hawks downed hockey Warriors 5-2 to advance to the Far West sectional final against Western. photo
by fVicholas Mew Imprint sports Canadian emigrant The body was at death’s door already, but the cross-street rival Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks turned off the life-support and then nailed the coffin shut on the 1993-94 Waterloo Warrior hockey team. Waterloo, completely decimated by injuries prior to the one game showdown, patched the line-up as best as they could, and hoped to beat the Golden Chickens with hard work and heart. Simply, it was not to be. Against Western on February 16, Waterloo lost several key players to injuries, notably Brian “Hammerin”’ Henry, Mike White, Dean MacDonald,
by Peter &own
Geoff Rawson, Neil “The Silent Killer” Ethier, and Sheldon Gilchrist. Additionally, Steve “Heart and Soul” Smith had been lost due to a shoulder injury sustained while the team was in Alaska, a trip that coach Don McKee claims was the beginning of the end for the team. These injuries forced the Warriors to reach deep into their talent pool to call up forwards Trevor Earner from mechanical engineering, and Mark Maillet, a mining camp standout who was the last player to be cut in September. This altered lineup took on the Lancers in Windsor on February I9 in a mean-nothing game which Windsor
to page
next Tuesday night; game tonight
Brown sports
Led by Alex Urosevic’s I8 second-half points, the Warrior bas ketbal I squad topped the Gryphons in Guelph last Saturday 77-64 to close out the regular season. The win gives UW an B-6 record and clinches third place in the OUAA West Waterloo will host a suddendeath quarterfinal game next Tuesday, March I at the PAC against the Gryphons, winners Wednesday night over the Windsor Lancers. A win in that game would send the Warriors to Hamilton’s Copps Coliseum next weekend for the Wild West Shootout, the OUAA West’s final-four tournament The McMaster Marauders, ranked first in the CIAU for the past six weeks, finally had their I O-game winning streak snapped last Friday night in Thunder Bay as the Lakehead Nor’westers stole the first half of a doubleheader from them 86-77. The Marauders and the 9-3 Western Mustangs have clinched first and second place and, along with it, the first-round bye to Copps. Lakehead finishes in fourth place with a 7-6 record. (Lake head and Brock play only I 3 games because one of their games was cancelled due to weather. Brock won the single meeting between the teams, which was worth four points.) Last Saturday’s game at Guelph capped off an odd year for Alex Urosevic. Along with teammate Sean VanKoughnett, the fifth-year shooting guard has been the scoring bread and butter of the Waterloo Warrior hasketball team for the past three years. But with the emergence this season of Tom Balfe, converted by head coach Tom Kieswetter from forward to centre during the preseason, this has changed somewhat Balfe is averaging in the teens in
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Tom Balfe’s emergence as starting centre is the big difference this year as the Warriors finish the regular season 8-6 and in thirdphoto by Dave Thomson place in the OUAA West.
OWIAA bronze for figure skating by Mary Rea Stock Varsity Figure Skating ’ The Waterloo Athena figure skating team earned a bronze medal at the OWIAA championships at Queen’s University on February I2 and 13. The skaters had an excellent twoday competition, with many personal bests. Nine skaters finished the season as OWIAA champs in their events: C. Moss, C. Richardson,V. Miller, N. Ford, M. R. Stock, C. Chui, L. Neave, J. Thomson, and S. Slater. Individual standings in the dance events were as follows: intermediate similar dance: Stock and Moss = first; senior solo dance: Moss - fourth; senior similar dance: Richardson and Ford - seventh; variation dance: Richardson and Ford = third; original set pattern dance: Richardson, Ford, Moss, and
Miller ; open solo dance: Ford = fifth. Individual standings in the free skating events were as follows: Intermediate singles: A. Birtch = third; intermediate singles pair: Miller and G. Cervini = fifth; senior B singles: Miller = sixth; senior A singles: Neave = second, senior similar pairs: Neave and Chui = third, pairs fours: Thomson, Slater, Chui, and Neave =firsr; technical programme: Slater - second; open ladies: Thomson - fifth, isolated moves = fifth. Finally, the team finished fifth in the precision event This gave Waterloo the bronze medal, improving upon last year’s fourth-place finish. The team would like to thank our coaches, C. McNeice, C. Allwright, and P. Macintosh and our large cheering section for their continual energy and encouragement. We look forward to another successful season!
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25, 1994
Competition stiff for track and field in Michigan by Kregg Fordyce Imprint sports Yet another fun-filled and fast weekend for the UW track and field team. We could be found running, hurdling, and jumping with some of America’s (not to mention the world’s best). The place: Eastern Michigan University; the time: last weekend; the competition: REAL TOUGH! Fifteen select athletes from the track and field team arrived Friday, February I8 in Eastern Michigan at around I I :00 p.m. With our comrade Canucks from Guelph in the same Hotel, we all settled down for the necessary seven to nine hour’s sleep before the
gruelling competition the following day. Saturday morning found people scrambling for breakfast at Bob Evans and the “Grease Pit” across from the hotel. The first crew at the track were the sprinter/hurdler crew consisting of Teresa Kindree, Alica Steele, Brent Forrest and Brad Bruce. Steele was our first competitor in the women’s 55metre hurdles. Her performance was magnificent, proceeding straight to the finals with increasingly faster times. Her final time was 8.58 seconds for sixth place and just shy of Jane Taite’s UW record. Next was Forrest and Bruce for the Warriors, both putting in great efforts, Our two representatives in the
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sprints were Kirk and Kindree respectively. Both ran excellenttimes, Kindree personal besting at 7.65 seconds in the 55-m dash while Kirk ran a very strong time of 7. I4 seconds in the 60-m dash, just a tenth and a little off his personal best of 7.0 I. The 400-metre races were next and not quite as fast as expected. Andrew Welburn and Kregg Fordyce took to the track in the early afternoon. Remaining consistent, but far from personat besting, both worked hard in their respective races with Welburn taking first in his heat. Following the 400-metres were the 800-metre events where UW put in some of their best performances of the weekend. The terrible trio ofJudith Leroy, Sarah Brown and Sarah Thompson put oh quite a show. Leroy and Thompson ran excellent races with Leroy talking the heat in ‘a personal best of 2:20.78, while Thompson also personal bested in a time of 2:26.50. The next heat found our Athena machine Sarah Brown crushingthe competition yet again. Brown’s performance was superb with a personal best of 2: 16.40. With the Athena women running so fast individually, they should qualify their 4-by-800 metre team easily for the ClAUs at the Last Chance races at U. of T. today or, OUAAs or OWlAAs next weekend in Windsor* This performance also had coaches and teammates wondering how fast the Athena’s could run in the 4-by-400 metre to be raced later in the day. The men were next up on the track with T. J. Mackenzie, Mike Ready, Jason Gregoire, and Jim Mylet running Warrior style. The race was tough, but three of the four runners personal bested. Ready ran a Pl3 of 2:03:27 and Mylet also ran a PB of 2:OO.OO. Gregoire and Mackenzie both ran very strong and put on a great show. Mackenzie was boxed in at the beginning of the race and lefr hanging onto the back of the pack, while Gregoire maintained a steady pace in the front On the second lap, Mackenzie used the power of his black Warrior dress socks to pull back into the race. In the end, Mackenzie edged past the very tough
We Make You Spoiled For Charbroiled!
Athena Alicia Steele track and field team
in the 60-metre hurdles lust Saturday competes in Eastern Michigan. photo
Gregoire to finish with a personal best of 155.9 I. In the field, high-jumper Karl Zabjek was putting in a strong performance as well. With a jump of 2.03 metres, Zabjek was competitive but well ofi his personal best of 2. IO metres jumped last year. Also in the field, king of the polevaulters Jeff Miller also vaulted competitively with a final vault of I 5’6”, Both Miller and Zabjek are ranked nationally and are looking for high placing in their respective events this year at the ClAUs in Edmonton. The miles were next on the track. The terrible trio of Leroy, Brown and Thompson was back again, poised to do some real damage. Leroy and Thompson both personal bested in the race; however, Brown was on top again with a new UW record of 4:59.82 for the mile. Three seconds faster than her record setting pace last weekat Cornell.
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track team
How low will she go? The Warrior group of Myiet, Gregoire and Ready put in some impressive miles also. Gregoire leading the UW pack with a blazing personal best of 4: 16.04. Mylet also personal bested, while Ready put in a strong performance but not to his potential. The last individual runs of the day were the 200-m by Gerald Kirk and Teresa Kindree. Kirk ran a great 200m, although not on his fastest pace. Kindree, on rhe other hand, personal bested with a time of 27.06 seconds. She smoked her heat and ran with the determination and aggressiveness of a true Athena Athlete. Last on the track for the day were the relay events. The men’s 4-by-200m ran first, The team of Forrest, Kirk, Bruce and Welburn ran a fist race but were not quite up to par, missing CIAU
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friday, february
Plague four by Peter
cured games out
There will be no miracle return to the nationals for this year’s Black Plague. For the second year in a row, the McMaster Marauders have dashed the hopes of Warrior volleyball by winning the OUAA West championship, this time right here in the PAC. Mac’s 3-l (15-10, 15-9, 12-15, 16-14) win was their first over Waterloo this season and sends the Marauders to the CIAU final-eight tournament at Dalhousie’ University in Halifax next wee ken d. The Plague trailed 4-O and 8-5 in the dramatic fourth game, but came back to take a 13-9 lead. McMaster did not stay down long, though, and showed their power by coming back to within one. Finally, it was OUAA West rookie of the year Geoff White who put the ball down the middle to tie the game at I4 apiece. With the score I5- 14 for McMaster, the teams exchanged ten straight sideouts before Waterloo’s attack went into the net for the match point. Although both teams committed their share of unforced errors, Waterloo was hurt the most by theirs. After leading 9-5 in game one, the Plague began to self-destruct with a Mac volley into the open court, a wide UW attack, and a touch going
McMaster’s defence is what one this match for them, with points coming time and again from stuffs of Waterlm attacks. Mac’s first lead in game one, I O-9, came from a stuff ofJack Krmpotic. Mac sprinted to a 13-9 lead and eventually won IS- IO with game point coming, appropriately enough, from another stuff. Game two saw the visitors sprint out to a 92 lead before Waterloo went on a 7-I run to pull within I O-9. But Mac turned on the momentum again, capping off a five-point run with another uncontested ace to win 15-9. In game three, UW looked to avoid the sweep, but still found themselves down I I-7 and 12-9 until Rene Holt and Shawn Smith fed off of Mac’s errors to tie the game at l2- 12. Smith took Mac blocks and turned them into Matt Reed smashes for the I5- I2 win. The loss was a disappointing end to a season which seemed to hallmark a return to excellence for Warrior volleyball. After losing 1992-93’s coach of the year Scott Shantz, the team gained a new head coach, Ed Price, with some credentials of his own. In his first year as head coach, the Warriors amassed an f I -I regular season win-loss record and had two players, Matt Reed and Shawn Smith, named to the OUAA West all-star team. Price was also named as OUAA West coach of the year.
Fourth for men at OUs; Hunt, Nagy, and t Furs off to CIAUs fkum the W&or
swim team
The swimming Warriors travelled to Toronto last weekend for the OUAA championships hosted by the University of Toronto. The Warriors placed fifth overall, closing on fourth-place laurentian and getting by Guelph with the fine relay performance in the last event. On the Saturday morning, the Warriors had a successful start in having I 1 swims qualify for the evening finals. The last event of the morning was the time final for the I ,500-metre free style. Three Warriors were prepared to put forth the maximum effort in the longest of all the swimming events. Rookie Peter Spoor, who was “just happy to be on the team,” had a new personal best time of 1703.86 that placed him 15th overall and moved him up on the Warrior top-ten list Although swimming in the last heat of the morning, Jay Cull and Brian Roughley did not let the long wait deter them from also having personal best times. Roughley cashed in with a time of 1652.35, placing 12th for a superb first-timeever 1,500 swim. The evening finals started off with the 4-by100 medley relay and the Waterloo black team of Denstedt, Huff, Wahbe, and Lashmar finished I 3th with a time of 4: I 6.7 I. The next event was the 200 free in which Roughley had qualified for the consolation final and Ed Furs for the final. In the consolation, Roughley broke the twominute barrier for the first time, placing seventh with a time of I :59.89. Furs was next in the final and had a “Cobra touch” to finish with a bronze medal in a time of 1~54.15. The next event on the program was the IO0 breast stroke, which had been a large-point event the previous weekend, but saw the Warriors shut out of the point parade. However, the Warriors were not to be outdone by the Athenas and decided to load up on points from the 200 back and IO0 fly with four qualifiers for the consolation final and three for the final in those respective events. Leading the way for contingent of backstrokers was “perma rookie” Terry Boyko,
who placed third in the consolation in 2:15.40, while Peter Spoor, Joachim Huth, and Trevor Denstedt placed sixth, seventh, and eighth respectively with times of 2: 19.73, 2130.59, and 2:20. I 8. In the IO0 fly, the Warrior contingent of Ian Hunt, Chris Nagy, and Furs were after qualifying times for the CIAUs as well as placings. With a time standard of 59.13 needed to qualify, all three Warriors earned themselves a trip to the national championships with times of 57.00, 57.57, and 58.38. Eric Huff, ‘UW’s sole representative in the consolation final of the 200 individual medley, finished eighth with a time of 2: 19.24. Hunt was then called on to to swim his second event ofthe evening, the 50 free. With one of the best starts and a solid turn, his third-place finish in 23.78 just missed the team record by .05. To close the first evening off, Waterloo had solid performances from all athletes in the 4-by 200 free relay. The Black team (Roughley, Nagy, Hunt, and Furs) finished fifth, while the gold team (Boyko, Cartwright, Spoor, and Huth) finished 13th. The second day of competition saw the Warriors continue to have many personal best times. Roughley swam a 4: 15.04 in the 400 free, placing seventh in the consolation final. In the IO0 backstroke, Huth had an eighth in the conrol and Nagy placed fifth in the final. Furs, after having a slower than expected morning swim in the 200 fly, redeemed himself with a new team recordof 2:07.29, breaking the record set at the same meet last year by jason Krupp. Nagy also picked up some team points with a solid 200 fly swim. Hunt was next up for some more sprinting in the I00 free. He duplicated his bronze-medal finish from the night before, even though he had one of his poorer starts this year. The final event for the Warriors was the 4by- I 00 free relay. Despite being seeded ninth, the team of Boyko, Hunt, Nagy, and Furs put together a set of splits than produced the best placing relay for the team, ending up fourth in 3:34.25.
hockey continued
25, I994
down Warriors
handily won 4- I. Coach Don McKee decided that he would dress as many of his regulars as possible for the one-gamer against Laurier, and to do this he had to rely the training staff to do a quick patch-up job. Smith revealed his true “Heart and Soul”, as he was injected with cortisone between periods to dull the pain, but he was determined to play. Less fortunate were White and Rawson, who were done for the season, but Gilchrist, Henry, Ethier, and MacDonald managed to find their way back to the roster. Strong point performances were provided by Gilchrist (I G- I A) and assistant captain Greg Allen (I G-IA), while MacDonald was the hit-king on the night, sending I I Laurier players for a tumble, with Henry managing to hammer 8 Hawks to the ice. Waterloo had the misfortune to be up against a third team on the ice, represented by referee Bob “I hate Waterloo, I am God” Morley, who is without a doubt the worst official in the entire OUAA. Morley’s version of officiating was earlier
witnessed by the NHL this year, with several teams and coaches saying that he had no business being in the bigs. He also has no business being in the OUAA, tir any league for that matter. Morley: Hang up your skates. Back at the game, Waterloo giveaways cost the Warriors, as Laurier outraced the black and gold to the puck almost every time, and made the Warriors pay for their mistakes. Luck was also on the side of Laurier, as every rebound given out by both goalies went straight to a Wilfrid stick. This meant that if Waterloo didn’t score on the first shot, they didn’t get a second chance, while Laurier often had a series of shots at graduating goalie *‘Gentleman+’ james Organ. It was again the second period that cost the Warriors, as Waterloo was outscored 4- I in this frame, while the first period saw one goal for Laurier, and the third saw one goal for Waterloo. The final result was a 5-2 loss at the hands of the highschoolers from down the road, ending Waterloo’s season in a hurry. Much promise exists for next year, as Waterloo’s 70-per-cent rookie lineup can only get better with this year of experience behind them.
16 imprint
friday, february 25, I994
Nordic skis become water skis at OUAA finals by Tfevor
Stewart sports
Last weekend’s warm temperatures put the fire into UW’s nordic ski team. Competing at the final interuniversity race of the season, the OUAAfinals, both the men’s and women’s teams produced results far beyond the coach’s expectations. The rain and warm weather didn’t damper the spirits of the competitors and allowed for a weekend of fierce competition and close finishes. Being held at the Duntroon site, near CoIlingwood, the weather did make the event a rather WET. One would argue that when lakes start to form near the start line that water skiis would have been more appropriate. After extensive wax testing and a good nights stay in the Cranberry Inn’s
Luxury Suites the team travelled to the race site, Saturday morning. Preparing for the task at hand were the athletes and their valuable wax technicians. The team thanks Don McKinnon, UW team’s wax technician and assistant coach, for an excellent job on preparing their skiis during the weekend. If it wasn’t for him the results would have been a lot different, Brad Frenette, as seen in the photo, lead the men’s team in the I O-km classic event with an outstanding I 2th place finish in a field of 78 diehard Ontario skiers* Head coach and athlete Dennis Paradine placed second for the team in 17th place. Brent Curry and Gary Pluim also had very strong finishes and helped Waterloo to be in the top team position. Steven Daniels and Chris Buchanan rounded out the rest of the team with
1994 iNAA WEST
5: Semi-Finals - 12 Noon 4%2 PM 6: GHAC Final - 12 Noon OUAA West Final -
excellent finishes as well. On the women’s side,Julie Murray lead the team with a I Sth-place finish followed closely by Sara Ednie, Joanne Murray, and Suzanne Plate. Tracey Curry set a new personal best and should be a tough contender next season. Saturday afternoon proved to be rather interesting. Besides the extremely warm temperatures - IO degrees above zero C -and large amounts of dirt and water on the trails, Waterloo produced its best results in more than five years in the men’s relay race. With three powerhouse universities in front, Waterloo kept with the pace and managed to beat out the other eight teams for forth spot in the 3-by-7.5-km relay. The women’s team managed to capture sixth in their 3-byS-km relay. With the remaining snow left on the trails the following day, both teams embarked on the final and hardest race of the weekend, the faster free-style event. Daniels, Curry, and Paradine lead the men’s team in the IS-km event. Followed by Pluim (with his muchimproved speed), Frenette and Trevor Stewart, the team moved into fourth position when the final results were tabulated. Given the number of rookies on this year’s team, Waterloo has a great potential of bringing home a pennant in the upcoming seasons. All of the women had excellent results in their IO-km event. Joanne Murray, Sara Ednie, and Julie Murray
lead the women’s team to a sixth place finish out of t 3 universities. Also consisting of several new faces the women’s team will prove to be a tough competitor in future races. With several weeks of winter ahead, the team hopes to take full advantage of the season and race in
_:. , ,
several more races before the white stuff becomes spring blossoms. And hopefully with a little more perseverence and team bonding the team will bring a pennant home when the white stuff flies again.
with the strong splits needed for qualifying, while both Forrest and Fordyce just did not perform at their poteniial. standard by a full two seconds. Next up was the women’s 4-byDon’t fret boys we will get it yet!!! 400-m team completely reconstructed. Overall, the meet was one of the best this year. Team spirit, co-operaKindree, and the trio of Leroy, Thompson and Brown, merged into a tion and attitude was at its best ever. fearso’me foursome on the t&k. Their The results produced by the sensational middle distance group will be killer positive attitudes forged by coach John Swarbick and high spirits were a relished by coaches MacFarlane and sight to see. Swarbick until everyone takes to the track again today at the Last Chance The team rocked the UW boat race in Toronto or next week at with a four- second UW 4-by-400-m team best. They obtained a time of OUAAs and OWlAAs in Windsor. Good work, Athenas and Warriors. 4: t 2.42, putting the Athenas one step A special congratulations is excloser to CIAU standard and a good position going into Ontario Champitended from the team to Sarah Brown onships next week Three personal who was recently engaged to a fellow runner of the University of Toronto bests were run during the race by Track and Field Team. Brown, a secLeroy, powerhouse Brown and Kindree with the fastest leg of 6 I .6 seconds. . ond-year runner of the Athenas cross country and track and field teams, is Finally, the men’s 4-by-400-m team the hub of our middle-distance powerwith hopes of qualifying for ClAUs in Edmonton. Again the four man team house team this year. She is a wonderful person and tremendous athlete. did not get to obtain the needed 5 1.5 Our thoughts and wishes are with her split times needed for the standard set as she proceeds into yet another avat 3:25.5. The team seems to be teeter enue of her life. Good luck Sarah!! tottering with who runs strong and who doesn’t on any given day. This day, Mackenzie and Welburn were the ones
The Warrior ski team came in fourth at the provincial championships last weekend up in balmy Dunttoon, Ontario, while the Athenas finished sixth. photo courtesy varsity ski team
macK and field continued
... ,,,;
.. :
meaning that, alpoints-per-game, though Urosevic’s scoring prowess is still essential to Waterloo’s success, he is allowed to have a bad game now and . then. If Urosevic has had unsatisfactory performances this year, it sure has not been in the last two crucial games of the regular season, wins over the Western Mustangs and Guelph Gryphons that have given UW an 8-6 record. He shot 7-of-9 against the nationally tenth-ranked Mustangs, including a perfect 3-of-3 from three-point range in a dominating 95-69 win. Then, last Saturday, he exploded for I8 second‘half points at the House of Ham (as CHCH so aptly put it), including four treys, in a 77-64 win over the Gryphs. Waterloo tr;liled 39-37 at the half and by six early in the second before Uroswic hit the first of his four treys. A Mark Hopkins bucket tied the game with I 2 minutes to play, and four straight Urosevic points put UW up to stay. In an earlier meeting at the PAC, Waterloo edged Guetph 83-79.
acket Clearance
OUAA BASKETBALL RESULTS Feb. 15 Queen’s 92 York 66 16 Windsor 80 Laurier 73 Brock , 74 Guelph 60 18 York 70 Carleton 58 Laurentian Queen’s 85 Ryerson 90 Ottawa 86 Lakehead 86 McMaster 77 19 Waterloo 77 Guelph 64 Windsor 114 Brock 110 (2OT) McMaster 95 Lakehead 79 Western 81 Laurier 60 Ryerson 82 Carleton 72 Toronto 92 Laurentian 84 Ottawa 85 York 75 20 Toronto 70 Queen’s 61 23 Brock at Laurier McMaster at Western Windsor at Guelph OUAA BASKETBALL STAND1NGS West Division GP W L PF PA McMaster 12 11 1 1045 837 Western 12 9 3 958 853 Waterloo 14 8 6 1156 1117 Lakehead 13 7 6 990 934 Brock 11 5 6 904 869 Guel h 12 5 7 836 859 Win B sor 12 4 8 928 1049 Laurier 12 0 12 767 1066 + Denotes dpoint win over Lakehead Jan. 30 Eust Division GP W L FF PA Laurentian 12 10 2 1024 950 Ryerson 12 9 3 1023 923 Toronto 12 8 4 905 880 York 12 6 0 6 923 948 Ottawa 12 4 8 927 959 Queen’s 12 3 9 904 969 Carleton 12 2 10 912 986
?‘ts 22 18 16 14 12* 10 8 0 pts 20 18 16 12 8 6 4
West Scoring Lecfders Fg Fgu Ft Ftu AY. Lynch/West 96 187 34 47 22.3
Mike Dave Picton/Brock A. MacDougall/Br. Patrick Osborne/Win69 S. VanKoughJW’loo98 OUAA
72 182
72 176
181 190
12 12 12 13
64 22.4
39 19.9
83 110 19.3 56 71 19.1
West Rebounding CP OR
Player Jack Vanker al/Mac Shawn Roac R /WLU J. Vermeeren/West. Tom Balfe/Waterloo CraigLaw/Lakeheadl3
Leudem DR TR
Guelph Queen’s Toronto
77 121 198 16.5 28 84 112 9.3 28 81 109 9.1 38 63 101 7.8 25 71 96 7.4
I. T F APts 26 15 10 1 120 99 31 26 7 18 1 75 107 15
Ottawa UQTR Concordia McGill
OUAA West All-sturtr Position Player Goalie Sean Basilio
John W nne Rob Ra crobenko John Spoltore Steve Rucchin Jarnie Caruso Second teum
Position Goalie
OUAA Position Goalie Defence
Fur West Western
Laurier Waterloo Windsor
Mid West
Brock York Laurentian Ryerson
GPWLT 24 22 24 20
1 122 3 1 128 24 12 10 2 11s
24 8 14 GPWLT 26 13 12 26 10 15 26 10 16 26 4 20
83 F
70 98
41 26
99 18 ARs
1 116 95 1 94 111 0 116 123
27 21 20
2 103 I89
Plu yer Patrick Jeanson Paul O’Hagan Martin Roy Todd Wetzel Guy Boucher Patrick Genest
Semifinals: 3 Western 15-13)
3 Ottawa (15-13,15-7,9-15,9-15,15-10) Championship Semifinals:
York 3 (15-7,15-7,15-11) Toronto 3 (15”5,15-3,15-9)
0 0
York 3 Toronto (15-13,15-11,6-15,157) OWIAA
Jod Beaugrand Kel r y Breutigam Nicula Campbell Renee Michiels Sarah O’Gorrnan Tanya Stephenson
Lakehead Waterloo Windsor McMaster Brock
77 64 50 63 64 90 71 60 ti 78 at
18 Waterloo Lakehead 1
Laurentian Ottawa York 19 Lakehead 23
Waterloo Guelph Guelph Windsor McMaster Laurier Queen’s Ryerson Carleton McMaster Guelph
62 49 47 59 63 21 61 35 30 74
Brock Lakehead Windsor Waterloo McMaster Guelph Laurier
8:OO p.m. 12:OO p.m.
Guelph WEEK
Feb. 15 Queen’s 16 Western
OWIAA Eust Akturs Pluyer Teum Diane Campbell Toronto Vi&i Gallagher York Christy Goodfellow York Laure Lassaline Toronto Michell Park Toronto Jennifer Villeneuve Ottawa OWlAA EuEt Couch of the Yeur Pristine Drakich Toronto OWlAA Eust Rookie of the Yeur Diana Cemy Toronto
East Division
at M&laster
OWiAA BASKETBALL STANDINGS West Division GP W L PF PA Western 13 13 0 968 650
West Alkurs
Plu yer
26 Guelph
of the Yeur
BASKETBALL-West Feb. 25 Western at Brock
Team McGill Guelph Ottawa
of the Year Western
Eust Rookie
(15-5,14-16,16-14,15-g) Gold Medal Game:
Second team
iMSKET0ALL at McMaster 2:OO p.m. LENtier at Windsor 2:00 p.m. Western at Brock 8:00 p.m, East Division Semi-finals: York at Laurentian 2:00 p.m. 2100 p.m. Toronto at Ryerson Mar. 1 OUAA West quarter-finals: Guelph at Waterloo 8:OO p.m. Brock at Lakehead 8:00 p.m.
Feb. 26 Guelph
Laurentian Toronto Ottawa Queen’s York Ryeqson Carleton
13 14
9 9
4 5
728 776
628 690
14 13
6 5
12 13 GP
1 1 W
8 8 11
744 802 584
756 769 757
12 10 2
12 L
447 PF
878 PA
2 Pts
12 12 0 12 10 2 12 7 5 12 6 6 12 5 7 12 2 10
929 856 803 788 696 606
576 596 720 769 752 803
24 20 14 12 10 4
7130 p.m. +7:30 p.m. *7:30 p.m.
18 18
Laurier at Windsor 4~00 p.m. (END OF REGULAR SEASON) INDOOR
Feb. 25 Last Chance at Toronto Feb. 25 York
Qualifier at Brock at York at Brock
27 Brock 28 York
5:00 p.m.
7%) p.m* 2:oO p.m. *7:30 p.m.
Mid East: Feb. 24 Toronto at Guelph 7:30 p.m. 26 Guelph at Toronto 7:30 p.m. 28 Toronto at GueIph*7:3U p.m. Far East: Feb. 24 Ottawa at UQTR 7130 p.m. 26 UQTR at Ottawa 3:OO p.m. 27 UQTR at Ottawa *2:3U p.m. (+ indicates game to be played at Kitchener Auditorium; + indicates games to be plaved only if necessary) I
HOCKEY Sectional Finals: Far West: Feb. 24 Laurier at Western 26 Western at Laurier 28 Laurier at Western Mid West:
PCS 26
Feb. 26 OUAA York
VOLLLY0ALL Final: at McMaster
8:00 p-m.
Feb. 25 Last Chance Qualifier at Toronto
AthIet,es of the week Sarah Brown Athena
ARs 63 45
1 2
Eclst AH/-sturs: First team Phyef Teum Francois Gravel UQTR Dan Brown Queen’s Derek Potts Concordia J&y St. Aubin Ottawa Alain Tardif Ottawa Alain Vogin UQTR
RESULTS Concordia 2 McGill 2(oT) Waterloo 4 17 York 4 Ryerson 2 19 Queen’s 7 Toronto 3 Guelph 11 RMC 3 Ottawa 4 UQTR 3(oT) Brock 5 Laurentiti 4(OT) Windsor 4 Waterloo 1 20 Laurier 5 Windsor 2 York 6 Laurentian 5 (END OF REGULAR SEASON) .
Fifth-place Game: Brock 3 Windsor (15-3,16-14,15-B) 20 Bronze Medal Game: Lakehead 3 Queen’s
Brian Grieve Bob Shelp , Forward Dave Matsos Western Darren Macorretta Brock Jason Mervyn Waterloo OUAA Eust Couch of the Year Wayne Gowing Laurier
OUAA HOCKEY Feb. 15 UQTR 3 16 Ottawa 2 Western 7
Seventh-place Game: Western 3 Ottawa
Laurier Western Ryerson Teum Windsor Western Laurier
Pluyer Steve Thorpe
Teum Western Waterloo
Wett Couch McDonald
6. Windsor 7. Western 8. Ottawa Quarterfinals:
First teum
4. Queen’s 5. Brock
Windsor (15-6,15-l, Brock
2. Toronto 3. Lakehead
Feb. 19 Consolation
OUAA VOLLEYBALL RESULTS Feb. 19 OUAA West Division Final McMaster 3 Waterloo 1 (1~l&15-9, x2-15, x-14) OUAA East Division Final York 3 Queen’s 0
1. York
(15-5,15-9,15-13) Queen’s 3 Windsor (15-7,15-l, l-15,12-15,15-IO)
McGill UQTR OUAA East Couch of the Yew Jean Pronovost McGill
2 1 1 3
Lakehead 3 Ottawa (15-12,13-15,15-6,10-15,15-11) Toronto 3 Western
semi-finals: 5 Waterloo 6 Concordia 4 Queen’s 4 Laurentian
Feb. 18 York
2.2 Sectional Laurier
26 6 17 3 88 138 15 26 2 24 0 64 187 4 GPW I. T F APts 24 16 5 3 111 68 35 24 16 6 2 137 73 34 24 15 8 1 112 76 31 24 13 10 1 97 75 27
RMC Fur Eust
Mid Eat
Team Lakehead Carleton Queen’s Waterloo Ottawa Laurentian GueIph
Points 70 89
97 169 189 192 244
300 432
Nipissing McMaster Trent Laurier
445 504 571
and Field
Sarah Brown is Uw’s female athlete of the week. Brown is a second-year kinesiology student and a second-year Athena. She is ranked in the top four in the country in the I ,500-metre event and in the top five in both the 800-metre and I ,OOOmeve events. Last weekend at Eastern Michigan, Brown broke her own UW record in the I ,SOOemetre, taking four seconds off of her record-setting time of one week earlier. She is 8/ I 00th~ of a second away from meeting the CIAU-qualifying standard in the I ,SWmetre event and one s&ond away from meeting the standard in the l,OOO-metre. The track team has one more chance to compete prior to the CIAU championships, this weekend at the University of Toronto.
Sean Van Koughnett Warrior Basketball Sean Van Koughnett is UWs male athlete of the week Van Koughnett is a fourth-year captain with the Warriors and former World Student Games participant He led the Warriors to two victories last week, a 95-69 win over the Western Mustangs and a 77-64 win overthe Guelph Gryph011s. Van Koughnett average 39 minutes of playing _ time per game and played two different positions. He scored 35 points, played outstanding defence, shot 67 per cent from the field against Western, and was the leading reboundor
against Guelph
with nine. The two wins assure the Warriors of third place heading into the playoffs. The Warriors will host an OUAA West quarterfinal game next Tuesday, March 1.
Wonderful h seheadsand
Stuff for farmboys
The Wonder Stuff wl Chapterhouse Fe6 20, 1994. R.P.M.
By Jeff
Chard stc@
Ever had a night that takes you to the heights of musical happiness and the depths of the despair of real life? Then read on... 5:15 p.m. Craig and 1 arrive fifteen minutes late for the Wonder Stuffs press conference, but at least we made it alive. We got lost in Toronto dropping a friend off on our way to the R.P.M. and had to make up for lost time by doubling our rate of speed. As we walk in the door the Wonder Stuff are right behind us, ready to sit down and start. 5:20 p.m. I ask the second question to the band, that is if they perceived the switch from their poppy style of music to their current folkier style as a r&k, and if so, if they feel it paid off. Miles Hunt, the lead singer/rhythm guitar player, says that they didn’t consciously switch their style (Yeah, O.K. Miles - every band says that when they change their approach music.) I ask them to describe their relationship with Canada’s own Spirit of the West. They reply that they saw them play one night and invited them back to their studio to get drunk They ended up recording a song together, made a date to play a show together, but never got around to it. To add a little humour to the proceedings 1ask them what their favourite breakfast cereal is, to which the drummer Martin Gilks replies “Yeah, right.” Wow, not only are they great musicians, but what a sense of humour, too!
Agnes Agnes of God presented by UW Drama Wed. Mar& 2 to Sat March 5, 8 pm Studio I80 (HH 180) w&ten byJohn Pielmeier dir. by Darlene Spencer ,‘
by Ken Imprint
Bryson stag
Don’t expect UW Drama’s presentation of John Pielmeier’s Agnes of God to give you any answers to life’s nagging questions. In fact, you should expect to come out more puzzled about -life than you already are. Centring around the mysterious pregnancy of a nun and two people compelled to find the answers, Agnes of God is a play about compulsion, faith, doubt, anxiety, and paranoia. Sister Agnes, having been found ‘unconscious in her room with her dead baby near at hand, strangled, is the focus and nemesis of both the psychiatrist assigned to her case, and the convent mother, Agnes has fallen into denial and confusion, and it is the psychiatrist Doc5tor Livingstone’s job to find out why. Mother Miriam, however’ desires to find the answers in God and shelter Agnes from the secular, outside world. What results, then, is a powerful
“Nu, we think that crowd
5:52 p.m. At this point the press conference ends and I go to retrieve my tape recorder, only to find out that the thing didn’t record because the batteries ran out. Unfortunately I didn’t take any notes but oh well, that’s life. I found that Miles’ answer to “How do you feel when you’re up on stage?” interesting. “For the first twenty minutes I think’ what the fuck am I doing here ? After that’ I start to get into it” The Wonder Stuff appear to be fairly nice guys, but’ as with most bands, you can tell they don’t get off on press conferences. While talking with Miles and guitarist (and a great guitarist at that) Malt Treece after the press conference, it seemed pretty apparent that their few years on the road had made them quite cynical. As drummer tiartin had put it earlier “It’s a catch 22, really. When you’re in the studio you want to be on the road and when you’re on the road you want to be in the studio.” 9:17 p.m. Its just over three hours later and we’re back at the RP.M. with some friends, awaiting the presence of the opening band, Chapterhouse. They play a 45 minute
are assholes.” set which is okay, but nothing special. Two of the guys in the band have the “lead singer complex.” They both sing quite a few songs, take turns saying thank you to the crowd, except for at the end, when they both say it.. I now wish we would have went out for beer instead of coming out early to see Chapterhouse. I I :07 p.m. Finally the Wonder Stuff make their way onto the stage. What a band, they’re so fucking intense. When they’re in a room, you notice. The band starts off with “Change Every Light Bulb,” from their new album Construction fir the Modern Idiot, There are a few people body surfing and Miles doesn’t like it. He says “For all you people crowd surfing,1 hope you fucking die onthe way home in a car crash. People have paid to see our pretty faces, not your hairy asses in their faces.” Most of the fans cheer and the band starts into “On the Ropes.” About ten seconds later Miles yells “Stop,” and the band ceases to play. One guy is still crowd surfing, and Miles is pissed. “You stupid fucking cunt!” he screams over the mike, “Gouge his fucking eyes out! If one more person does it we’re
I2:Ol am. The Stuffres start the encore and we’re outta here. They put on agreat show tonight’ but didn’t play “It’s yer money I’m After Baby” or “Astley in the Noose,” my personal favourites (the next day I found out the encore lasted 45 minutes, in which they played a lot of their older stuff. Just my luck.) As we walk out to the parking lot, I notice that my car is being towed away by a tow truck. We yell for the guy to stop, and he tells us it’s $80 for him to put the car down, so I hand him my Visa, and he tells me they only take Mastercard. So Craig gives the guy his Mastercard, which gets turned down. The guy takes off and we chase him, trying to get him to give us two minutes to go to a bank machine. Craig then almost gets in a fight with his boss, who’s still in the parking lot, With this we have to take a cab to the downtown depot’ stopping at a bank machine on the way where a friend has to lend me her last hundred bucks. It takes an hour to finally get my car and the bill comes to $ I2 I .49 plus a $20 ticket from the City of Toronto. Isn’t that double jeopardy.
ofGoddemands and provocative clash between the characters’ minds and spirits, their science and faith, leaving everyone wary of each. The characters are obsessed with answers, the doctor with finding them, Mother Miriam with hiding them, and Agnes with understanding them. Forced to explore all the possibilities by the other characters, the cast move about the stage, testing their theories. With a small cast of three charof God acters, Agnes of Agnes God interacts not realities only with itself but with the audience, forcing them to decide for themselves also. According to director Darlene Spencer, the small cast size is perfect in creating a provocative play. By deciding to stage the play in the ‘*intimate” Hagey Hall Stu-
mind against
spirit as three
struggle photo
dio 180 (seating 65 people), Spencer has also added an audience presence in the play which would have been lost in a larger theatre. The lack of answers provided by the play was a major factor in Spen-
to assert by Dave
their Thomson
cer’s choosing Agnes of God to direct “It is a play that challenges people intellectually and spiritually,” she says, adding that religious people don’t often study the mind and intellectuals don’t often study the spirit. The con-
frontation between these two elements, Spencer feels, are what make the play a mystery. The small but strong cast consists of first year drama student Krista Paige Little in the title role, third year psychology/drama student Lesley Dowey as the doctor, and fourth year drama majorAlanna McLeanas Mother Miriam. While Agnes of God is Little’s UW debut’ Dowey has appeared in Unidentified Human Remains and O#base, and McLean has appeared in The byfriend and Single and Sexy. Both Dowey and McLean have also appeared in numerous one act plays at UW. Each cast member expressed how challenging the play has proved and noted that the were drawn to it precisely because of the issues it raises. “Everyone can relate to the questions that are being asked,” says Dewey. While the small venue will undoubtably make for excellent theatre, it also means that tickets will go fast. As of press time only six tickets remained for Saturday night’ and Friday night is selling fast. There is, however, a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. and shows both Wednesday and Thursday nights. Tickets are available at the Hagey Hall box office and don’t expect tickets at the door.
friday, february
sludge Sounds
of Sludge, Volume Phil’s 8ur and Grill March
I & 8, 1994
For the next two Tuesday nights, fans of independent music will begiven the treat of seeing 6 great bands at Sounds of Sludge, Volume 2. As the name of the event suggests, this is the second time that local band War Wagon have taken it upon themselves to organize an event which focusses on giving local independent bands a chance to play. Starting on Tuesday, March I, the bands Bogg, Spool, and Billy But will be on stage, while on Tuesday, March 8, the line up will include Black Cabbage, War Wagon, and the Inbreds. There is also a chance of a special guest MC to moderate the event, however this could not be confirmed at press time. It will be an all ages show with the cost to be “what you can pay,” however at least a buck a band will be recommended (come on, who can’t afford three dollars to see three bands; it’s even cheaper than seeing a movie that night). Last year the event was put on as a backlash against the Sounds of Summer Music Festival which some thought didn’t give the opportunity for local independent bands to participate. So the Sounds of Sludge was organised where six bands played over two nights in front of a crowd of around 400. Organisers hope that this number will be surpassed at this year’s event. Bands were chosen who were independent and have not had the opportunity to play much in the K-W area in the past. This year, more bands were chosen outside of the immediate area to give the event more of a unique atmosphere. As well, the bands will each get an equal amount of time on stage so that nobody will appear as the
like aaain “headliner.” The first band will hit the stage around 9:30 with the doors opening at 8%). The lineup for the first night starts out with Burlington band Bogg whom I remember paying a few benefit gigs last year around the area ,to quite receptive audiences. Spool from London are nexttheir sound has been compared to Pavement. The last band of the evening is Billy But. They hail from Guelph and have a clean garage type sound with the basic drums, guitar and bass, and strong vocals. They will also be appearing on an upcoming CD featuring various Guelph bands. On the second night, Black Cabbage are the premier act on stage, with instruments such as saxophone, fiddle, guitars, drums and many different singers; the audience is guaranteed an eclectic sound. Event organisers War Wagon hit the stage next and with their Celtic dirge folk rock they will definitely put you in the mood to stomp your feet. From Kingston, the lnbreds are the last act of the night hot on the heels of releasing their first CD entitled Wilario. The duo features a very basic sound provided by drums and bass. There you have it, a showcase of local independent bands right in your own backyard. When asked about why they were spending their time
Double Redd
25, 1994
Polcadiutn Februarv 19. I994
by Chris Aldworth hnpfint staff Way backat the beginning of the school year Redd Kross paid a visit to Fed Hall, opening for the Doughboys. The two bands played together on a Canadian tour alternating as opening and headline acts. Unfortunately I missed the show along with many others who spent the night at home glued to the T.V. watching the Blue Jays in their quest for the pennant. lftheir Toronto show is any indication of how well Redd Kross plays every night, then I’m sure that I made a poor choice watching the jays, who, if I remember correctly, lost anyway. This L.A. band is touring in support of their new release Phmeshifter. Brothers, Steve and Jeff McDonald have kept this band churning outguitar laced pop in different forms since their premier release, the t 980 EPRed Cross. Those who like to frequent alternative clubs will no doubt recognise the heavily played Redd Kross single “Jimmy’s Fantasy.” Redd Kross included this catchy number in their short set in front of an enthusiastic crowd on Saturday night. Strangely enough, it almost
served as an anti-climax for the show since it was played so early in the night. Even so, the band looked genuinely pleased to be there and their exciting playing boosted the show to new heights. The music of the night was heavy influenced by the Beatles, with the harmonies of Redd Kross strongly reminiscent of Paul and John. The music crashed and swirled around the strong vocals provided by both brothers. Even the white tunic that lead singer Jeff McDonald wore brought to mind the cover of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Uub &md. A cover of “l-lard Days Night” as an encore spoke volumes about Redd Kross’ indebtedness to the Fab Four and proved to be a great finale to the night Redd Kross bounced around stage full of energy and the young crowd ate it up, although I wonder if they even recognised the Beatles cover. They were here to listen to the new tunes like “Crazy World” and “Visionary,” which Redd Kross delivered in fine fashion. Redd Kross provided a spectacular show that included, wild stage antics courtesy of their female keyboardist Gere Fennelly (who made tossing her long blond hair into an art form) along with a dance lesson courtesy of Steve McDonald. It was a fun night with one happy-go-lucky band who have brought the fun of the sixties to a whole new generation.
ence they deserve.
March 1st -
Spool Billy But March 8th - Black Cabbage War Wagon lnbreds
Forgotten a. fuckups Rebels ._ . with
Blue Bones
Volcclno February 18, I994
Bgj Chris
The punks came out in droves to see legends in their own minds, The Forgotten Rebels. These Hamilton boys are no spring chickens but managed to put on a show like they were still in their teens. Combat boots, skin heads and some pretty lively moshing blended together into one giant
. I _ . .
m . . ‘ b . -
I . . . _
sexist pig on sQe, Mickey was quick to point out after the show that it is just an act and that he is not like that in real life. Believe what you want Between songs, alongside the rude comments Mickey tried his hand at being a comedian. Quipped Mickey “How did Michael Jackson get sick? From eating ten year old weiners.” He is no stand up comic, and it was clearly the music that dominated the evening. The Forgotten Rebels stormed through a cover of lggy and the Stooges’ “Search and Destroy” before ending the night with the classic Forgotten Rebels song “Surfin’ On
Brains.” The set t clocked in at well over an hour was comprised chiefly of old classics like “Bomb The Boats.” “Fuck Me Dead” and “Let’s Go Back” Decked out in a tight black leather body suit, parading around the stage lead singer Mickey De Sadist flaunted his
KITCHENER STORE LOCATION vado and warped comments added to the charm of the Rebels. Mickey had words for everybody in attendance, especially the females, “I know that all you women want me. Your panties are all wet from thinking about me.” It was tough not to laugh out loud at his foolish stage antics. Quite the
cians are going into the studio socm to lay down some tracks for an upcoming release. If this first release turns out to be anything like their live show these guys are going to be huge. I’m looking forward to a full set by this impressive band. Blue Bones is one band to watch out for.
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friday, february
25, 1994
I pity the fool! Wild
T and the Spirit LUlli’S
Feb. 19th
By Sandy Atwal Imprint
Many, many years ago, Tony Springer (aka Wild T) was in a Hendrix cover band called Fire. True, this sounds a little cheesy, and would seem to present a real barrier to Springer being in anything but a second rate rock outfit, but as he proved to a an enthusiastic crowd last Saturday, Springer can dismiss naysayers
d,p them at
all is amazing. T and the band were electrifying from the beginning, playing both blues standards and their own original material. At one point, the band did start Lou Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side” but unfortunately, T was sidetracked by stories of his wife’s sexual appetite. I was probably more surprised than anyone else in the audience. I expected nothing more than a live version of T’s rather lame sounding CD. Fortunately, the live version of Wild T and the Spirit is both much wilder and much more spirited. Unlike other retroacts like Lenny Kravitz, Wild T looks like he’s actually having fun rather than trying to cash in on the effort of others. I have been experienced.
simply by performing. His technique may be slightly derivative, but he plays with the joy and fervour of someone who loves what he’s doing and can do it well. Opening act The Phantoms have recently undergone a massive cosmetic change from wacky Kitchener natives to, well, The Doors. They still suck. Wild T and the Spirit, fortunately, were great, Springer did perform a few standard Hendrix tricks, playing behind his back and with his tongue, but the simple fact that he con is testament to his guitar prowess. He may not have originated these moves, but that he can
Fortunately, Witd T was able to fend off his guitar show continued with no more mishaps.
and the
Wild Strawberries
By Craig Haynes Imprint stag The Wild Strowbertiesare an amazing band which formed in I989 in Toronto. More and more the band is being heard of, but not enough, most people simply are not aware of the depth that this band has. The Strawberries consist of the now-married couple, Ken and Roberta Carter Harrison: Roberta as vocals and Ken as songwriter and assorted instrumentalist. The two are joined by multi-instumentalist Kit Johnson and rhythm section team Drew Briston and Mark Marias h. Ken and Roberta were both intending to pursue careers in the medical field; in fact Ken is an MD and Roberta is a physiotherapist. Both moved to Toronto from Cambridge, and attended Univesity of Toronto to obtain their degrees. While both are working in their fields, both their hearts and money are elsewhere, in the Wild Strawberries, The Strawberries mix Roberta’s excellent and melodic vocals with rythmatic guitars, and rolling organ work which needs no perfection. Within the last little while, the Strawberries have been sprouting up everywhere in record shops, and even in most of the larger shops like HMV. In fact they have held steady on the HMV indie chart at number one for quite some time. You don’t have to live in southern Ontario to know that this band is well on their way to a major record -deal. They have been involved in New York’s new music seminar, they played in Bertin at a reunification celebration and
canestcga mall- water100 / 96kingst,w,-kitchaer
For those interested in the band, here is their dicography: 1989 “Carving wooden spectacles” indie (Tape only) I992 “Grace” indie (CD/Tape) 1993 “Life Sized” EP (CD)--Page publications The “Life Sized” EP boasts five well crafted tracks, ineluding “Life sized Marilyn Monroe”, and “Crying This disc Shame.” is well worth the money spent, The Strawberries seem to have been able to attract both a Pop radio and an alternative radio audience with abundant airlplay on CFNY, CHUM FM and MIX 99 with this latest EP. In adition to this, the band has their new album ready for distribution, but is waiting it out and hoping for a record deal to do it the right way. The title for this new work is “Bet You Think I’m Lonely.” I see The Wild Strawberries as having this album out by the end of the year, proposing of cause that they manage a deal from the ever so stubborn If any of them record companies. happen to be reading, let this be a hint!!! As soon as I hear of any show dates in our area, I will let you know. AS well, watch up coming issues of Imprint for reviews of their material in Sounding Board.
“a Canuck Kama Sutra - a smorgasbord of intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, bisexuality, humiliation, Mlucination, pubic shaving, candle dripping
have performed in Manchester on invitation. Pretty impressive. Currently, they are being booked by the Feldman Agency in Toronto and are planning some shows in this direction, and at this time five major record labels have shown an interest in hearing some of their unreleased material.
anal sex, bondage, and group sex.”
” We wanted to break the back of this whole white Protestant North American fear of sex,.. When Canadian critics see naked bodies on the screen, they seem to freeze up - they start taking it utterly seriously, and assume we do too.” “Look, sex is good copy - so when three or four Canadian films with a lot of sexual interaction happened to be all previewed what at the Festival of Festivals this pasi year, the press jumped on it. But it strikes me as infantile- it’s not acknowledging any of these films were trying to say, just drooling over the way they choose to say it. I’d much rather they attacked Paris
3 By Kat Imprint
3-5 By Jefl Xmprint
Chard sttz#
The Other Two consist of two members of New Order, Giliian Gilbert and Stephen Morris, who are also very much in love. Yes, they literally make beautiful music together. The first full length album from this band is called The Other Two and You, and is available in fine and not so fine record stores now. There are ten tracks here, most of which are really good. The album sounds a bit like New Order, but much more poppy and danceish. Gillian’s voice in-
fluences this sound the most. Where we are used to hearing Bernard Sumner’s voice crooning with distinctness, we now hear Gitlian sort of attempting to do the same thing, but not quite succeeding. I don’t think The Other Two are trying to be New Order, I just think they can’t get away from the distinct sound of their other band because of who they are
and how long they’ve
been at it.
“Selfish” is a beautiful pop song with the distinct New Order sounding keyboard bass to it, whil “Tasty Fish” reminds me of Electronic, Bernard Sumner’s offshoot band. Now this is weird. We have different member% of New Order branching off into other bands, writing stuff that sounds more similar to each other than it does to New Order. That’s too fucking weird for me. If you can figure it out, let me know. “Loved it (The 0therTrack)“sounds like a throwaway tune from an old New Order album, while “Feel this Love” sounds like it could be a soft dance club hit. Anybody who has ever been a New Order fan has got to hear this album.
to say the lyrics are anything
but imaginative. Most
O-5 X3y Chris Imprint
AMworth stcff!
Not even the entourage of guest musician5 used on this solo effort by Guns and Roses guitarist Duff can salvage this disjointed effort. Together all the big names ueff Beck, Lenny Kravitz and Slash) do nothing more than add their names for promotion sake, On Believe In Me Duff tries his hand at rap (“Fuck You,“) punk (“Punk Rock Song”) plus the odd ballad, and some straight ahead rock and roll. Most of it comes off as a cheap Guns and Roses rip off and lacking the distinctive wail of Axl Rose on vocals. Overall this is a very uneven release with the majority of it poor in quality. How many times can Duff put the word “fuck” in a song? There have to be other better descriptive words he could have used.
is very
and there are very few dia-
monds in the rough on this release. Throw away tunes like “(Fucked Up) Beyond Belief” are scattered through out There are some bright spots though. The slower tune “I Love You” is a great tune with an almost Springsteen quality to it. There is some great writing on Believe In Me, but Duff can’t sing. The title track “Believe In Me” and “Man In The Meadow” are quality songs but cry out for someone else on lead vocals. Strangely enough, Duff has Lenny Kravitz do lead vocals for ‘*The. Majority.” Not surprisingly, it is by far the best track on Believe In Me, “The Majority’* is a great writing effort on the part of Duff, but Lenny Kravitz takes this song and makes it his own. This is so much a Kravitz tune that it could just as easily appeared on Are You Gonna Go My Way? It is too bad that Lenny didn’t play this song at his Toronto concert when he invited Duff on stage for “Let Love Rule.” If you are a huge Guns and Roses fan then you might want to consider picking up Believe In Me. For the rest of you out there I’d recommend waiting for the new Guns and Roses release, or, better yet, dig up a copy of Appetite For Destruction, throw it on the stereo and crank it up.
artsartsartsartsarfsartsartsarts Wanna write weeviews? Come on down to Imprint and sign away your life, you won’t be dissappointed, for a long time anyways
M. Piro stafl
The Cowboy Junkies have just released their fifth album, a followup to the I 992 hit “Black-Eyed Man.” There were a whole bunch of great songs on that album, like “Southern Rain,” “A Horse in the Country,” and the duet of Margo Timmins and John Prine “IfYou were the Woman, and I were the Man.” A hard release to follow up. Just over a year later, the Cowboy junkies present their new album “Pale Sun, Crescent Moon,” an album that any Junkies’ fan can be satisfied with. The occasional song, like “First Recollection” and “Hunted” continue the last album’s trend to a more rock based sound, with a pronounced beat and an almost a dancy quality. However, the other songs definitely continue the Junkies’ tradition of a mellow count@folWrock sound. The main theme, like on all other albums, is love mixed with an occassional ray of sunshine (never too bright) as in the songs “White Sail” and ‘*Anniversary Song.” However, it is the less upbeat “Ring on the Sill” which is one of those everyday life stories set to music that the junkies excel in. Despite all their laments and bluesy melodies the CowboyJunkies are never down right depressing. They simply describe life as it really is when you sit around the kitchen table somewhere out on a farm on the prairies or in smatltown Ontario, waiting for your lover to come home, remembering an old flame and trying to make a present relationship survive. Any small-town where old ways and views prevail could be the setting of such songs as “First Recollection.” Mike wrote and Margo sings: “..the son must bear the burden of the father, but it’s the daughter that’s left to clean up the mess.” In the other songs, there is a mother who yearns for her lost son, there is the story of the South Dakota Prairies which used to be so full of life before the white man conquered them, and there is a hitchhiker who is suspicious of the man who wants to give her a lift The stories are quite simple really, and the words blend with the music, leaving behind a haunting aftertaste. Margo’s soft soprano voice with that teeny bit of roughness which can sound strong or resigned, blends her brother Mike’s words like golden threads into an otherwise sparse carpet. Simplicity has always been a part of the Cowboy junkies, ever since their breakthrough album “The Trinity Session,” released in 1988, which had on it “Misguided Angel,” and that still-famous Velvet Underground cover “Sweet Jane.” This new album is in no way spectacular. The Cowboy Junkies haven’t tried anything new, but the old hasn’t gotten stale either as they reinterpret the everyday stories of life, love and relationships. There’s something to be enjoyed, to be identified with and to cry over.
the furnace. Beautiful images, these. Although most of the album is a great listen, I would advise skipping the filler “Seven Minutes Closer to Death”; it gets really boring. lfyou everget to a SNFU concert, watch out for flying sweat. I got nailed
4 By Rob
_with it.
Vickem stqfy
Ahhh... Mr. Chi Pig has returned. The Edmonton based SNFU hasn’t released anything new in a long, long time, excluding separate projects of the band members (such as the Wheat Chiefs and Dead Beat Backbone). Their last release, Last of the Big Time Suspenders, didn’t contain anything that concert goers hadn’t heard before, such as previously unreleased and live stuff, redone old stuff, and a few old demos. A brief SNFU discogmphy includes And No One Else Wonted to play, their first album with the best artwork and
the classics “She’s Not on the Menu” and “Cannibal Caf&” their second releaselfYou Sweur You’ll Cc&W0 Fish, a bit mediocre, but with good tunes like “Black Cloud” and ‘*Mind Like a Ooor” nonetheless, the previous best Better than Q Stick in the Eye, with the best version of Cat Stevens’ “Wild World” that I’ve ever heard and Last of the Big Time Suspenders, the biggest disappointment. The new release from the SNFUers is definitely of higher calibre than the last, and draws many musical parallels to their8etterthan u Stick in the Eyealbum. Chi Pig has always been the biggest part of SNFU’s image, and his influence pervades every part of the album. You can picture him jumping off the drum kit and waving his one HUGE dreadlock around with every track. Once again, all of the lyrics were written by Mr. Chi Pig himself. As if you couldn’t tell. Songs like “Painful Reminder” about a kid in puppy love with his homeroom teacher, who draws a picture of her with an axe in her head when he finds out that she’s married, or Ii ke ‘X-Creep” where a girl couldn’t eat red meat any more because it reminded her of her creep ex-boyfriend that was stuffed downstairs in
3-5 J3y PanMz Pate2 special to Imprint This sophomore
by Brit-
ish Columbia’s The Odds is filled with three-minute pop songs. The songs seem to follow a theme of relationships. Adoration, mixup, break-up and heartache are all aspects of love covered here. The musical style is filled with catchy lyrics and choppy guitar Iicks. A notable feature on this album is that it’s produced by Jim Rondinelli who has also worked with Matthew Sweet and The Jayhawks, among others. Also, Warren Zevon makes a guest appearanceon two of the tracks. The frequent radio and video play of the single “It Falls Apart” has resulted in some well deserved popularity for the band. Other noteworthy tracks include “Yes (Means It’s Hard To Say No),” “Heterosexual Man,” “Car Crash Love” and “Fingerprints.” Bedbugs offers a delightfully uplifting experience of some west coast rockand roll.
King Street,
Unit Cl t (beside Harvey’s),
A,LHLB~NGAN'~~~NGU8~~8 a tuimdef ma&hbus.esLm8sit 6n!
*friday, february
25, 1994
Top 10 Reasons why there are nr>DepecheMode Reviews in This Week’s Imprint 10. New University
admission standards mean we no longer have to appeal to 33 year-olds
9. Paul Martin’s 8. Japanese
7. Finally
new “Crappy gold vinyl r;n$
of latest live album still in the
David Gahan sufficiently Editor’s life
for saving Art’s
6. More Space for Tea Party and Strange Days Reviews 5. Recent implication
of Martin
4. Too busy buying
Gore in Kerrigan
cheap smokes to write
3. Even after all the good press, they refuse to play campus 2. Arts section felt they were neglecting
1. They are shit
By Andrew speciul
Dance music compilations are everywhere these days. There are all types: house, dance hall, hip hop, pop, and of course techno. You have to be very sceptical when buying a techno compilation CD, Every time I go to buy one, I find myself getting worried that it will suck Then I convince myself, “Well, maybe only holfof the songs will suck”, and so I buy it. Alas, usually more than half of the songs suck. ButMoncfo Te&no 1.0 is an exception to this rule. I’d say about only one quarter of the songs suck. But boy, do they suck! That’s the thing about techno compilations--it’s largely hit or miss. This compilation has seventy minutes of music, twelve tracks in styles ranging from ambient, trance, to straight techno. And some soppy pop, too. Overall, it’s a good mix of styles. If you like techno, you’ll probably find something here you like. I’ve never heard of most of the but their names are arzists before, pretty funky. “Octopus 3” and “Heaven & heathen” are my favourites. Most of the songs are good, but they’re not really inspired. Don’t get me wrong; it’s not a bad compilation. It just lacks the kick that some other ones have. But it’s Canadian, so...
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Htjflich stfl
Quicksand has a new CD out with a never-before seen graphic of people flying through grainy colours while wearing bathing caps, perhaps a statement about the flatness of a dyslexic reality. And if th is isn’t ejcciting enough, there’s 40 minutes of crunchy instant hardcore on the CD itself, ready for your listening pleasure once you press the magic play button. Quicksand kicked ass live opening for Rage Against the Machine recently at the Concert Hall, and their music’s not bad to hear in the comfort of your own living room either. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell the influential and eager record review reading public (you, that is) which was the best track, since they all pretty much sound the same. This makes them a good band to listen to, but also prevents them from doinganything memorable oroutstanding. High powered music to listen to while studying for your high-powered exams, and 40 minutes later when the CD stops automatically, you snap out of the high-powered caffeine-fuelled study-imposed trance and ask yourself “what is this thing silence?” Those who are about to buy the Quicksand CD, we salute you. Prepare yourselves for cool riffs, incomprehensible lyrics+ (the sounds of Fugazi in other words) and a cool cover. Good luck, and may your core be hard.
By Nicholas Imprint sta
What? There’s only four tracks on this entire release? That’s simply not enough! I must have more! Give me more! Now! For those who need the bleedin’ obvious to be explained to them, as subtle hints like the one in the first sentence completely passes them by, I’ll lay it on the line: I like this band, and all the songs, even though there’s only four of them. My first impression was that this was a solo venture for the lead singer of Curve, for there are many positive comparisons to be made. However, they can also be described as having Lava Hay-like tendencies. One must remember’ however, that it is difficult to get a real bead on a band after listening to just four songs. Nonetheless, the impression I get is of slightly negative (but only ever just slightly so) grunge pop. The vocals are delivered by a very pretty and airy female voice, accompanied by a throbbing bass and subtle background keyboards and synthesirers. Also in the background are some sweet and subdued harmony vocals, and a few 1970s effects on the guitar. Nothing’ but nothing, overpowers the voice though. Obviously, vocals are the showpiece of the band, and this is good. At times cool and distant, at others very emotive with some bluesy pitch-bending, this girl can sing. And it’s a pleasure listening. The tunes themselves are good, and are ably performed by some solid musicians who fill in all the gaps without seeming extraneous. If you see something by Lulabox at your local music store, give it a listen.
Grab a pack of marshmallows, spark up a good sized fire, and slap in Kevin Kinney’s Down Out Low. It’s a horrible dance album, there’s no funk, and it’s short a singer who will belt out
lyrics like Pavoratti. No, you won’t find that here. What you will find are I3 gcoustic greats by a guy I have never heard of before. This is a campfire album, and my bias comes with the overwhelming sounds of the acoustic guitar. Immense pleasure and joy can be had by all because of the sharp picking and clean chords that combine to produce a great sound. I can’t say a whole lot about the lyrics but Kinney’s voice is very reminiscent of the great Paul Simon (preAfrican exposure). The songs sound like a Woodstock reunion and the entire listening you’re hoping that Janis Joplin’s voice would just cut in with
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* Fed
* UW Campus
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By Peter Imprint
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“Me and Bobby McGee”. That means the songs are a bit folky, but they are played with emphatic soul and a lot of heart. If any thing’ it would be a great make-out album, or one to mellow out to after a good night of drinking and cleaning puke off your washroom walls.
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1FREE i(POP. ‘I \
EXPlRESMarch4#94 NOTVAilD WITHAWOTHEROFFERS --e--m----------
of Students
* Waitronics * Microway + Campus Pharmacy * Highland Photo Studio
* Gino’s + Julie’s Flowers * UW Food Services * St.PauI’s College
Announcements -%
Music Dept. of Conrad Grebel College is offering Music and Culture in Vienna, 3weekcreditcourseinAustriafrom May 8 - 27, 1994. Registration is limited to 25. For info, contact Bill Maust at 8850220 ext. 253. Students-There is a movement to start a chapter of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) in Waterloo. If you are interested in helping promote this cause, and would like to meet new people, call Rekha Agrawal, ext. 6691. Everybody welcome! Waterloo Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Assoc. inviteschronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to meetings: Tuesdays, Mar. 29, Apr. 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 1994,7 - 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sk, Waterloo. For info, call 623-3207. The Barrier Free Working Group of Kitchener-Waterloo reminds vou...PLEASE LET US GO...CtEAR ?HE s~ovv!! UW Ski Club- Sian up for Ski Trips at PAC 2039 by Wesbneidays before trip. Call Michelle & Laura-725-7675, or Kevin 7257059.Check out trio deals. Healthy eating on a limited budget. lnteresied in learning about good n&ition? Come for a free one hour seminar about economical meal preparation using Canada’s food guide, best food buys and nutritional labelling on food products. Wednesday, March 9, 12:30pm in Health and Safety, Rm. 127 For more info and registration call ext.2424. Check off March 4th and 5th on your calendars and come to St. Paul’s College to relax and be entertained by all sorts of talented performers! See you there! Wanted- Performers of All Types! Come out and display your talent it St. Paul’s Colleges’ 22nd Annual Blackforest Coffeehouse March 4th and 5th. All talent welcome! Call Kari at 725-7691. Rummage Sale at First United Church King & William Sts. Waterloo on Saturday, February 26 9:00-l 1 :OOam. UW Drama Dept. presents AGNES OF GOD by John Pieolmeier, March 2-5,8 p.m. and on March 5 at a 2 p.m. matinee. Humanities Building, room 180, Studio 180. $10. adults, $8. students\seniors. Tickets available at Theatre Centre Box Office, 8854250. Marriage Preperation Course for engaged couples or those thinking about marriage. Friday, March 4, 7:301O:OOpm. and Saturday, March 5, 9:303:OOpm. Resurrection College, Westmount Rd. Waterloo. Cost: $50 per couple (coffee breaks and Saturday lunch are included) To register please contact university chaplains at UW or WLU. Info: Fr.George Ferris, 884-4400 ext.610 or Fr. Jim Link, 884-8110 ext.2591281. Kitchener Blood Donor Clinic at Kitchener Mennonite Brethren Church, 19 Ottawa St.N. (across from Stedelbauer Motors) on Wednesday, March 2 1994, 1:30-8:OOpm. All students who wish to apply for a Psychology major for Spring 94 or Fall 94 are invited to attend Psychology Orientation on Monday, February28th from 4:30-6:OOpm. in AL 116. The session will prepare students for choosing Fall/ Winter courses the weekof March 7-11. Topics will include programs in Psychology, admission requirements, and career info. Application/preregistration packages will also be available. The International Taxation Office in Ottawa will present a taxation seminar for international students on March 17, 1994. Questions to the International Taxation Officer can be sent in advance to Yongbing Feung, c/o Computer Science (yfeng@dragon) or Darlene Ryan, ISO, NH 2080. before March 4. This will help to ensure an answer to your question will be n?l+lable. sponsored by The International Lrr a&ate Students Committee of The Graduate Students ASSOC. The first meeting to establish a local committee for the World University Set-vices of Canada will be held on Wed. March 2,1994 at 7pm. DC 2577 Contact Darlene Ryan at ext.2814
Scholarship @ Notices iI
Forms available in Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. ‘Applications forthe following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Unless otherwise stated application deadline is January 31, 1994. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Off ice, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
ALL FACULTIES Doreen Brisbin Award - available to third year female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30, 1994. Don Hayes Award - available to all based on extra-curricular involvement.
FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship - available to all 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology, Deadline: March 15, 1994. Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994. Ron May Memorial Award - availabe to 3rd or 4th year Recreation. Deadline: October 14, 1994.
Anderson Consulting Scholarshipavailable to3B. Deadline:March 28,1994 J.P.Bickell Foundation Bursariesavailable to all Chemical Students. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship-available toall. Deadline: October 14,i 994 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award- available
Every Monday: The Outers Club meets Mondays at 7pm in MC 4060. Join in our exciting activities, or plan your own. Member activities include snowshoeing, x-country skiing, and winter camping. ext.3497, Info: Karsten, kaverbeu @ neumann. Every 2nd Tuesday, Cinema Gratis at the Campus Centre. March 1st “Naked Lunch” & “The Lump”. Free! Every Wednesday: Amnesty International Group 118 weekly meetings. Write a letter, save a life. ES-1 Rm.353 at 7:30pm. Every Wednesday. Debating Club. Take part in weekly debates and tournaments with members of the debating club. Everyone is welcome to join. Meets every Wednesday at 5:30pm in Physics 313. Every Thursday: Caribbean Students Assoc. holds its General Meetings in MC 4064 at 5:30pm. Every Friday: Womyn’s Centre Meetings it 3:30pm. Everyone welcome! Every Sunday:
Radio Arab Carlo with
host johnny “Firas” Abedrabbo, featuring Middle Eastern music ranging from popular modern to folk and classical, news, and thecommunitycalendar. Sundays at 4:30pm on CKMS 100.3 FM. Request Line 884-2567.
to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarshipavailable to all 3A. John Deere Limited Scholarshipavailable to all 3B Mechanical. Deadline: March 28, 1994. Delcan Scholarshipavailable to 4B Civil. Deadline: February 28, 1994. Randy Duxbury Memorial Awardavailable to all 3B Chemical. Deadline: February 28, 1994. Gandalf Data Limited Award- available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 1B and above. Deadline:February 28, 1994. Noreen Energy Award- available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship- available to 3B Civil- Water Resource Management students. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursaryavailable to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursariesavailable to all Chemical or Mechanical.
Faculty of Environmental Studies Robert Haworth Scholarshipcompletion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management. Deadline: May31,
Soft Contact Lens Wearers required to participate in a 10 minute study. If you were initially fitted with contact lenses between January 1988, and June 1993, and are using either Opti-Free, MultiPurpose or Aosept care systems, please call the Centre for Contact Lens Research (Opt Rm. 207) at ext. 4742. Renumeration provided.
Resume Critiquing; Tuesday, March 1, 2:30-4:30pm. Resume Writing: Wednesday, March 2, 10:30-l 1;30am. Letter Writing: Wednesday, March 2, 11;3012:30pm. Interview Skills I : Thursday, March 3,10:30-l 1:3Oam. InterviewSkills II Thursday, March 3,11:30-l :30pm. All are held in NH 1020.
Stress Management Through Relaxation Training-instruction and practice in progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing,concentration/meditation habits.Tuesday, March 1, 2:00-4:O0. Three consecutive sessions Reading &Study Skills: Those who wish to improve their study skills. Tuesday, March I, 9:30-l 1:3Oam. Tuesday, March I, 6:00-8:CiOpm. Thursday, March 3,1:303:30pm. Friday, March 4,9:30-l 1:3Oam (4 consecutive sessions). Time Management & Procrastination: Wednesday, March 2,9:30-l 1:3Oam,(4 consecutive sessions) Strong Interest Inventory: Discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Tuesday, March 1, 4:30-5:30pm. Monday, March 7, 11:3012:30pm. Tuesday, March 15, 3:304:30pm. Thursday, March 24, 3;304:30pm. (2 sessions long) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Wednesday, March 2, 3;30-4:30pm. Thursday, March IO, 3:30-4:30pm. Tuesday, March 22, 12:30-l :30pm. (2 sessions long) Register for these workshops on Counselling Services, NH 2080 or Call ext.2655.
Faculty of Mathematics Anderson Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B Math. Deadline: March. 28,1994. Electrohome75th Anniversary Scholarship- available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: March 28, 1994.
Female volunteers 20 years of age or older, K-W and area Big Sisters needs you to develop one-on-one relationships with girls (aged 7-16) and boys {aged 712). Next training session commences March 7, 1994. Call 743-5206 to register. Valuable career experience! Volunteer as a Student Career Advisor and learn to counsel other students on career related issues. Priceless benefits! Applicationsand info available in Career Services, NH 1001. Safetv Audits- Volunteers are needed to helb assess safety on campus. Audit nights are scheduled for February 15th and March 9th. Only a couple of hours of your time is required. Make your concerns known. Call Todd at 725-9382, or Scott at 884-9538. Energetic, responsible volunteer required for Board of Directors for Operation Go Home: a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting runaways to go home. Please call Louise.at 745-9265. Volunteer Board Members are needed for the Sounds of Summer Music Festivat. Positions include Arts & CraftsCoordinator, Director of Administration, Director of Merchandising, and Director of Fundraising. The Board meets once a month, time commitment increases for most positions as the Festival date draws closer. Info call City of Waterloo, Volunteer Services at 579-I 196. Volunteers needed to assist disabled adults with computer work. Knowledge of WordPerfect and Lotus an asset. Contact Vivian at 885-4842 (8am -4pm) Volunteers are needed to help in all areas of organization and planning for this years UW/Canada Day celebrations. This is the 10th year in a row that the Federation of Students and UW have hosted this event for the general public. Faculty, staff, and students are welcome. Info: Call Marlene Miles, ext.3276 or Dave McDougall, ext.6338. Volunteer required to assist a blind man by reading newspapers etc., and light exercises (going for walks). Please call 745-6763 and ask for Ken.
“Experience the Fun Life” Be your own Boss in Grand Bend this summer. Retail boothsavaitableforfood, clothing, rentals or pizza location (Oven included}. Student Venture Loans Available. From $400 per month. Call London at 473-4084 or 657-5532 evenings.
Tutoring available in Biology, German, Math, Calculus and Physics. Call 886-
Reach for Hope! If you are pregnant, Birthright can help. Free pregnancy tests, confidential discussions. Call 579-3990.
Perfection Paper: Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling correctionsavailable. Laser printer. Call Suzanne at 886-3857 Word processed resumes, letters, essays. Copies and bindina. fax service. 5763090 davs. Honours UW graduate can process all papers, LASER PRINTER, SPELLCHECK, GRAMMAR CORRECTIONS! Pick up and delivery. Call Clark 578-9789. Why pay more for less?
Honda Prelude Car Bra- fits 1983-87. Excellent condition! (2-piece, 1 yr.old) $ Negotiable. Call Lora 725-5257.
Saturday, February 26,1994 Community Concert-7:SOpm Black Choir from Toronto (Toronto Mass Choir) Benton Street Baptist Church Admission Free. Sunday, February 27,1994 “Legacy ‘94-Strenghtening the Soul” Cultural Night featuring Youth from our region with Special Guests: C.O.B.A. (Collective of Black Artists from Toronto) AdmissionT.B.A. Humanities Theatre at UVV. Anglican Worship-Chapel of St.Bede, Renison College, 10:3Oam. Lent 2-Holy Communion. Tuesday, March &I994 The 2nd of the St.Bede Series of Lenten lectures-7:30pm. The Chapel of StBede, Renison College. “New Music From lona:Embodying Celtic Spiituality” Dr. Kenneth Hull, Conrad Grebel. Wednesday, March 2,1994 Anglican Worship-Chapel . of StBede, Renison College. 12:30pm-Holy Communion. Thursday, March 3,1994 UW Film Society presents BECAUSE
105 min.Shows Thursdays
Yu-jin 3990,
7:OOpm in UW’s East Campus Hall Auditorium 1219. Friday, March 4,1994 St. Paul’s College presents 22nd Annual Blackforest Coffeehouse. It’ll be an evening filled with entertainment of all kinds. Bring some friends. Starts 8pm. Admission Feds $3/night $5/weekend pass. NonFeds $4/night $6lweekend pass. Saturday, March 5,1994 . ..2nd Blackforest keeps on running... Nothing outlasts the entertainmnet! (starts 8Pm)
“from a strictly price/perWmance point of YEW, t?o other machine can beat the WK...” The DTK scored bettter than Dell*, Compaq’, and Northgate*, and miles ahead of IBM* and HP’ on the MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK CHART.
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