1 minute read


For us, the disconnection, or fragmentation, of civic spaces in the Licton Springs-Haller Lake Neighborhood limits the resilience of vibrant community life and ecological systems. We found the concept of “habitat fragmentation” representing this condition, and thus “habitat defragmentation” serves as model for change, drawing from the characterizations by the firm Van Bommel FAUNAWERK:

“For many animals the network of roads, whether fenced or not impose a serious barrier. Habitat fragmentation due to human development is an ever-increasing threat to biodiversity. Fragmentation of species’ habitat in smaller or isolated patches increases the risk of local extinction.... Habitat defragmentation can be reached by creating habitat or wildlife corridors to reconnect isolated patches of species’ suitable habitat. This may mitigate some of the effects of habitat fragmentation.”1 http://www.vanbommel-faunawerk.nl/pages/habitatdefragmentation.php


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