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Corporate Services Committee
corporate services
The Corporate Services Committee aims to improve the Guild’s corporate operations through implementing innovative ideas and strategy plans addressing key areas of finance, IT, archiving and administration. Alongside elected student representatives, the committee consists of valuable Guild staff dedicated to introducing and implementing these plans.
This year, the committee focused on improving our marketing strategy, aiming to move away from paper signage to implementing a digital solution that offered a cleaner way to advertise; reducing paper waste, and removing costs associated with the current method. The introduction of digital signage will see displays set up around the Guild Village and other Guild outlets, in-line with the UWA signage infrastructure, and creates potential for additional commercial revenue.
Beyond this, we worked to improve key areas of our IT strategy, looking at establishing partnerships with external groups to reduce e-waste and introduce interactive digital screens into Venture – our Student Innovation Centre. This is part of on-going improvements to the Guild’s IT strategy tying in with continued IT renewal programs and expanding innovative opportunities.
We looked at our point of sale (POS) system and explored opportunities for improvements to our services and amenities. One key issue tackled by this committee was introducing preferred names for coffee orders to ensure we are continuing to represent all students in all areas of the Guild, which extends to our Guild Cafes and outlets.
Other projects undertaken by this committee include the continuing digitisation of Guild Council records, creating more streamlined communication between student representatives and staff and reflecting our on-going commitment to improve transparency and accountability.