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Executive Management Committee
Executive Management
The Executive Management Committee (EMC) is composed of the Executive and Directors of the Guild. The EMC reviews the reports and minutes from each Committee (with the exception of the Strategic Resources Committee) and prepare motions and recommendations for Guild Council where required.
This year the EMC oversaw the implementation of the Guild Operational Priorities Plan such as the progression of the Masterplan and management of the Guild Village Precinct development.
A large focus of the EMC was navigating the effects of COVID-19 as well as three snap lockdowns over the course of the year. SafeWA logins, masks, sanitiser, and safety was a priority for this committee to ensure we complied with all requirements from the State Government and University.
Another significant item was the development of the 20222025 Strategic Plan which aims to lay out the strategy of the Guild and each department over the next three years. We undertook consultation with staff and student portfolios to determine organisational priorities, core focuses, challenges and engagement to ensure a comprehensive and wellinformed strategy document.