Assessment Policy Guide

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SPECIAL Consideration If you found your study is significantly affected by exceptional circumstances that are uncontrollable, you can apply for special consideration, which allows faculties to take those circumstances into account when assessing your academic performance.

It is recommended that you lodge your

Some examples of situations that you can apply for special consideration are:

objectively assess your circumstances,

• illness or serious injury • death or serious illness of your family or friend •being a victim of a crime •disruption to housing arrangements. Keep in mind that circumstances such as computer/IT failure, usual work commitments or misreading the assessment deadline are not grounds for special consideration.

application as soon as you see there may be a problem arising, but the deadline is no later than 3 university working days after the due date of assessment. Your





by someone who is qualified and can such as your doctor, counsellor, police officer or religious leader. You can ask them to complete relevant section on the application form. Depending on the situation, you may also need to submit supporting documentations other than the application form. If






documents within 3 university working days after assessment deadline, contact your Student Advising Office for advice. If your application is approved, your Faculty will consider granting you deferred

TIPS: it’s always vital to back up your work, and take your online quizzes when you have a good internet connection.

exams, extensions for assignment or other forms of arrangements. However, if you are unhappy with the outcome of your application, you can lodge a formal appeal, requesting for a Review of

You can apply by filling out an application form, which can be found on consideration and submit it via askUWA using your student email, or in person to you Student Advising Office (for a list of Student Advising Office contact details, please see “Useful Information”).

Academic Decision (RAD). This procedure can be done online by submitting a RAD Stage 1 form, which can be found at Full information about Special Consideration can be found at: h t t p s : //w w w. s t u d e n t . u w a . e d u . a u / course/exams/consideration 3

ACADEMIC Misconduct Academic




behaviours that breach the guidelines related to assessment works, which can include the following:






different level of penalties. If it is your first time breaching academic guidlines, and

• Plagiarism – e.g. copying someone

you are in your first 48 points of study,

else’s work; not referencing sources

no grading penalty will be applied but



you should be given the opportunity to

resubmitting work you have submitted

revise and resubmit the assessment; if

in the past (self-plagiarism)

you already completed first 48 points of


• In exams – e.g. taking unauthorised notes, or other unauthorised items into an exam (like calculators without an





someone else sit the exam for you • Collusion - Helping someone else to cheat by letting them copy your work

study, marks will be deducted from your assessment, depending how serious the breach was. However, if it is not your first instance of academic misconduct, the level of penalty will increase, from deducting marks, to receiving zero for the assessment, to failing the unit. You can look for more information about penalties

• Sharing copywrited course materials

in the university policy online.

• Any other conducts that compromise

During an exam, an exam invigilator will


talk to you if you were to be suspected of

integrity, as defined in the University

academic misconduct and will confiscate

Policy on Academic Conduct

any unauthorised materials if you brought




STUDYSmarter has a lot of resources (info sheets, videos and workshop events) to help you better understand and avoid

them to an exam. You should still have the right to complete the exam if you are confronted by an invigilator.


If you have received allegation of academic



misconduct (usually by email), the Guild’s

module that all students need to do in

Student Assist officers can provide you

their first semester, introduces students

support, such as attending meetings with

to ethical scholarships and expected

you and advocating on your behalf. You

academic conduct for university students.

can make an appeal of the investigation

When involved in group work, make sure

result (in writing) within 20 days of being

you understand which part should be

notified, if you are unsatisfied with the

individual work and which part is group

result. The Student Assist team can also

work, and whether you can use any of the

help you with this process.

academic Conduct


group work in your individual piece.

misconduct. Essentials



REVIEWS AND APPEALS A student has the right to request a review

An academic review has 2 stages. Stage 1

of any academic decision made by the

involves a review by the original decision

university, and UWA will be committed

maker, or a faculty officer of the relevant

to conducting a thorough inquest. This

academic board. Stage 2 is a higher

can be regarding most academic matters,

review by a faculty dean, or senior officer

such as:

of the university, and can only be pursued

• Assessment outcome

you have legitimate grounds to do so. As

after a stage 1 review, and if you believe

• Final grade/mark for a unit

a final resort, a student has the right to

• Progress status

of review, and will be considered by the

• Advanced standing • Changes to enrolment • Requests for approved leave

appeal a decision made after both stages appeals committee of the university’s academic board. The necessary forms to conduct any review or appeals are available on the

• Special consideration

UWA governance website, and will be

If requesting a review, it must have

only be requested if there are legitimate

grounds; if you believe that the decision

linked in this document. A review should grounds for an injustice or breach of UWA

goes against a university rule, if you require

policy. All students still have the right to

further information about how a decision

appeal a decision, and if this process is

was reached, or if you believe there was

overly confusing, feel free to reach out

an irregularity in marking/a procedural

to the Guild for help at any point in the

error, you may request a review.

process. 5

EXAMS All formal university exams should be held

exam. (TIPS: Make sure you go to see

after 8:30AM and before 4:30PM, and

a doctor/counsellor on the day of, or

should not be weighted at 70% or above

the days before your exam and get a

the total unit’s marks. If this isn’t the case

medical certificate that cover the day of





complaint will be handled in an assisted and timely fashion and your complaint will be handled.



If you have an accessibility issue that prevents you from taking an exam

Arriving 15 mins early to your exam is

under normal conditions, alternative

recommended. You can still sit the exam

arrangements such as a different venue

if you are less than 30 mins late (however

or the use of computers can be made.

no extra time granted), but if you are

In this case, make an appointment to

more than 30 mins late, you should go to Student Central ASAP to seek further guidance. A supplementary exam is available for undergraduate students who failed the assessment with a result of at least 45%, and that student is in their final semester, and requires that unit to graduate.

see a disability officer at UniAccess by phoning (08) 6488 2423. • Religious beliefs: If you cannot take an exam on a Saturday, your exam can be rearranged to a weekday. You would need a supporting letter from your local religious leader saying that you are a member of the congregation, submitted

There are a number of grounds that permit

with special consideration within 5 days

a student to defer or alter an examination,

of the exam schedule being published.

which can be done through a number of ways. These are:


• Disability/ongoing

• Elite athlete: Requests for alternative arrangements must be submitted 4

• Recent medical issue/injury: In this case,

weeks prior to the exam period for

supporting evidence is required that it

alternative arrangements to take the

impeded your ability to attend the exam,

exam away from the venue during the

and must be submitted along with an

time you may be away. Alternatively,

application for Special Consideration

apply for a deferred exam within 3 days

to your faculty office within 3 days of

of the exam taking place.

useful information UWA MEDICAL CENTRE Located on the second floor of Guild Village UWA COUNSELLING SERVICES Located on the first floor of Student Central building UNIACCESS Provides free services and support to UWA students who want to disclose a disability or a medical condition and request assistance: STUDENT ADVISING OFFICES CONTACTS UWA GUILD STUDENT ASSIST A team of friendly social workers and counsellor offering free support on any academic, financial and welfare issues you may face at uni! ACADEMIC CONDUCT INFORMATION STUDYSMARTER EXAMS INFORMATION REVIEWS AND APPEALS OF ACADEMIC DECISION TO STUDENTS

7 @UWAStudentGuild


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