Volunteer Resource Guide 2016-2017

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2015 -- 2017 2016 2016

2 NC Volunteer Guide

Inside This Guide

June 2016

Organization Listings* Animals and Environment ������������������������������������������������������ 6 Arts and Culture ���������������������������������������������������������������������14 Government Programs ���������������������������������������������������������� 22 Health and Wellness ������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Hunger and Homelessness ����������������������������������������������������32 Individuals with Disabilities ������������������������������������������������� 36 Resources and Services ����������������������������������������������������������41 Seniors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Women and Families ������������������������������������������������������������� 49 Youth and Families �����������������������������������������������������������������53 Volunteer Project Leader Program ����������������������������������������� 7 Court Ordered Community Service �������������������������������������� 23 Youth and Family Volunteering �������������������������������������������� 38 Disaster Volunteering ����������������������������������������������������������� 40 Board Bank ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Poverty Simulations �������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Be a Volunteer Reader, Tutor or Mentor �������������������������������55 *Organizations are listed under the category of the populations they primarily serve.

Current Volunteer Opportunities Wondering how you can make a difference in your community? These are current volunteer needs we have in Larimer County. For more up-to-date information contact United Way of Larimer County by calling 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038 or visit our web site at www.uwaylc.org /volunteer.

How to Use This Guide

ORGANIZATION NAME CONTACT INFORMATION Includes address, contact name, phone number, e-mail, and web addresses.

DESCRIPTION A brief description of the organization, including general needs.

Current Volunteer Opportunities 1313 Sherman Street, Suite 618 Denver, CO 80203 www.parks.state.co.us


Need for Bilingual Volunteers


Accepts Youth Volunteers


Accepts Court Ordered Volunteers

Vicki Leigh (303) 866-3203, Ext. 4355 vicki.leigh@state.co.us Colorado State Parks provides extraordinary visitor service and remarkable stewardship to natural resources.

ON THE COVER: Employees from the 2015 United Way Campaign of the Year, Enterprise Holdings (Left to Right): John Carmichael, Kristin Martinez, Gita Patel and TJ Jacob. Photo by zebrajellyfish.com 2016-2017 Northern Colorado’s Volunteer Resource Guide is produced by the Fort Collins Coloradoan. Layout and design by Paul Lukes. Published June 2016 in the Coloradoan. Content provided by United Way of Larmier County and Member Organizations. While information is as accurate as possible at press time, please check with organizations to confirm information.

Dear Community Members,

Did you know that Larimer County is regularly recognized as one of the top mid-size communities in the nation for volunteerism? Each year, thousands of volunteers from across Larimer County give their time, skills, expertise and passion to help others and make a difference. Volunteers are an incredibly important part of the fabric of our community. Local nonprofits and community organizations rely on the generosity and commitment of volunteers to keep their good work moving forward. There are so many ways to get involved, including serving as a board member, volunteering your time regularly as a mentor or office staff, or helping with one-time projects. The Northern Colorado Volunteer Resource Guide acts as a matchmaker for citizens interested in volunteering and community organizations that need help. The following pages will help you find volunteer opportunities that fit your passions, interests and schedule. At United Way, we bring together a network of nonprofits andUNITED organizations work collectively WAY OF to LARIMER COUNTY’S to reduce poverty in Larimer County and help local children and families succeed in school, work and life. We also provide year-round resources to help you find the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you. Visit our website at www.UnitedWayofLarimerCounty.org and sign up for our email updates. You can also view the searchable online calendar of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.




Special thanks to the sponsors of this guide: Colorado State University, and The Fort Collins Coloradoan. No matter how big or small – your support makes a difference. Great things happen when we LIVE UNITED.


Thanks fortoall you do toinbuild a stronger Your guide volunteering Northern Colorado community.

Gordan Thibedeau

United Way of Larimer County President & CEO

4 NC Volunteer Guide


June 2016

deserve the chance to


YOU CAN HELP. JOIN US. UnitedWayofLarimerCounty.org 970.407.7000


When you need answers about how to get help or give help, call 2-1-1. United Way’s 2-1-1 call center utilizes highlytrained, local community specialists to quickly and efficiently connect you with available services and resources in the community to help in whatever situation you are facing.

People call 2-1-1 for:

Crisis hotlines Food and clothing Housing and utility assistance Aging services Disaster recovery Mental health services

Health and medical needs Legal and tax assistance Substance abuse services Support groups Volunteer opportunities Donation referrals Much more

To access United Way’s 2-1-1:

Dial 2-1-1 or 970-407-7066 from any phone or download our Colorado 2-1-1 mobile app All services are free and confidential. Se habla español

6 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016A

Animals and Environment

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities with animals and the environment, please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer.

Animal House Rescue & Grooming, Inc.

City of FC- Natural Areas Department

1104 West Vine Drive Fort Collins CO 80521 www.animalhousehelp.org

1745 Hoffman Mill Road Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fcgov.com/naturalareas

Kim Clarkson (970) 224-3647 volunteer@animalhousehelp.org

Catherine Dillon (970) 219-1106 cdillon@fcgov.com

Animal House Rescue and Grooming, Inc. provides relief and support to overburdened shelters by saving animals slated for euthanasia and giving them a second chance at life. Volunteers are needed seven days a week to assist with dog walking, puppy and dog fostering, front desk work, fundraising, grant writing, adoption events, and animal care. Youth volunteers ages 10+ supervised. Each youth volunteer must be accompanied by at least one adult. Court ordered volunteers must be ages 18+.

Big Thompson Watershed Forum 800 South Taft Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.btwatershed.org Zach Shelley (970) 613-6163 zshelley@btwatershed.org Big Thompson Watershed Forum protects and improves water quality in the Big Thompson Watershed through collaborative monitoring, assessment, and educational outreach projects. Volunteers are needed for monitoring and clean-ups, as well as sampling water quality at designated sites on a monthly basis. Training and equipment are provided.


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3 G w City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department conserves and enhances lands with existing or potential natural area val-F ues, lands that serve as community separators, agricultural( lands, and lands with scenic values. Conservation of naturalv

habitats and features is the highest priority while providing education and recreation for the Fort Collins community. D m n ity of oveland arks and p t ecreation i o 500 East Third Street Loveland CO 80537 m http://www.ci.loveland.co.us/ t s 970) 962-2675 V volunteers@cityofloveland.org




The City of Loveland is a vibrant community surrounded by natural beauty and strives to provide a positive atmosphere where residents and businesses can prosper. Volunteers are needed as environmental education guides, helping with snow removal, coaches for youth athletics, firefighters, senior police, chaplains for the police department, and as assistants at the Rialto Theatre, Loveland Library, Loveland Museum/Gallery and senior center. Youth volunteers age 13+ supervised are welcome to volunteer with environmental programs.


CSU Environmental Learning Center

2400 South County Road 9 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.warnercnr.colostate.edu/elc

NC Volunteer Guide 7

weekend mobile adoptions, to pick up food donations, to recruit hay donations, and for daily help at the Denkai Adoption Center located in Eaton. Veterinarians, both large and small animal, are also needed. Times are flexible. Youth volunteers ages 5-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

Nicole Stafford (970) 491-1661 nicole.stafford@colostate.edu

Duncan’s Place, A Cat Sanctuary

Our mission is to connect people with nature by facilitating educational, inclusive and safe experiences in the natural environment and to advance the field of environmental education through sound research and practice.

742 South Edinburgh Drive Loveland CO 80537 www.duncansplace.org

Denkai Animal Sanctuary

36710 WCR 126 Grover CO 80729 www.denkaisanctuary.org d -Floss Blackburn l(970) 217-1457 volunteer@denkaisanctuary.org

g Denkai Animal Sanctuary promotes healthy environments in which people and animals interact and connect through applied environmental and educational programs to cultivate mental and physical health. Volunteers are needed in all areas including: animal socializing, handling, behavior training and care, pen cleaning, office work, grant writing, educational program development and execution, fundraising and development activities, and sustainable living practices including repair of solar panels, gardening, and shelter building for animals. Volunteers are needed in Fort Collins and Loveland for



Catherine Campbell (970) 214-2233 duncansplace@yahoo.com

Duncan’s Place, A Cat Sanctuary helps both felines and humans find harmonious solutions to live and learn together and is committed to promoting a lifelong bond between people and their cats. Volunteers are needed to help with errands, promotional events, grant writing, fundraising, donations management, and to open their heart and home to foster cats. Youth volunteers ages 13-16 supervised, 17+ unsupervised.

Volunteer Project Leader Program Looking for a leadership volunteer role and the opportunity to work more closely with a nonprofit? United Way’s Volunteer Project Leader (VPL) program is for you!

and help a nonprofit fulfill its needs.

The VPL program is open to anyone interested

make a project run smoothly.

in being recruited and trained to work directly

United Way of Larimer County coordinates VPL

with local nonprofit organizations to plan and

projects twice a year, during Make a Difference

organize a “done in a day” volunteer project. VPL

Day in October and National Volunteer Month in

volunteers work with nonprofits to help plan the


project, recruit volunteers, and coordinate the

Visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer or email volun-

day’s events. This is a unique leadership oppor-

teer@uwaylc.org for additional information.

tunity to strengthen skills, volunteer as a group,

Many nonprofits are unable to coordinate necessary large-scale projects due to limited resources and time. A Volunteer Project Leader can help

8 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016A

to the management of Lory State Park. In this capacity, the Friends group works to foster stewardship, enhance educational and recreational opportunities in partnership with the Park, and advocates quality programs for visitors of all ages. Friends of Lory State Park (FoLSP) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012, composed entirely of volunteers. We are dedicated to promoting commuinity stewardship of Park natural areas, resources, and wildlife. Membership is open to all and we welcome volunteers for projects and events.

Estes Valley Recreation and Park District 690 Big Thompson Avenue Estes Park CO 80517 www.evrpd.com (970) 586-8191 Estes Valley Recreation and Park District provides quality recreation programs and facilities for residents and visitors to the Estes Valley. Volunteers are needed for youth and adult programs and special outdoor projects. Youth volunteers 14-16 supervised and 17+ unsupervised.

Friends of Happy Heart Farm

Front Range Exceptional Equestrians PO Box 272452 Fort Collins CO 80527 www.ridewithfree.org Donna Gustafson (970) 221-0646 happytrails2u.dwg@gmail.com

2820 West Elizabeth Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.happyheartfriends.org Tara Westenhiser (251) 232-5603 tara@happyheartfriends.org Creating a healthier community through food education, increasing access to nutritional food, and supporting local farmers. Our Vision: Healthy, nutritious food for all. Volunteers are needed for office and clerical work, fund raising events, staffing booths at community events, marketing, and helping with Food School classes and activities. Adults welcomed along with supervised youth volunteers ages 16-18.

Front Range Exceptional Equestrians (FREE) provides a unique blend of social, physical, and emotional development through equine-assisted activities. Volunteers assist children and adults with special needs while participating in evening classes, and with grooming and tacking horses. Volunteers also serve on committees such as fundraising and marketing, and help with special events or long-range planning. Volunteers are needed to take pictures at classes and events. Knowledge of horses or disabilities is not required, although it is helpful. Training provided. Youth volunteers ages 12-13 supervised, 14+ unsupervised.

Garbage Garage Education Center

Friends of Lory State Park PO Box 11 Bellvue CO 80512 http://www.loryfriends.org

5887 South Taft Hill Road Fort Collins CO 80526 www.larimer.org/solidwaste

Michael Syzek (970) 235-2045 loryspfriends@gmail.com

Rose Watson (970) 498-5772 rwatson@larimer.org

Friends of Lory State Park is dedicated to the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the Park. The Friends group serves as a supportive entity to complement the goals of Lory State Park. Friends of Lory State Park provides volunteer assistance

Larimer County Solid Waste provides Larimer County residents with responsible disposal, environmental protection, resource management, recycling, and education. The Garbage Garage Education

HigH Involvement Culture We believe that our dedication to high involvement culture and a loving, high performing workforce sets us apart. We believe that the collective is stronger than the individual and that informed coworkers will make responsible decisions.

NewBelgium.com fat tire amber ale is brewed by new belgium brewing fort collins co


eCenter provides information, tours, outreach, and resources to assist in the department’s goals. ,Volunteers are needed as tour guides, office assistants, Garbage sGarage Education Center attendants, Recycling Ambassadors, event coordinators, and activity and camp assistants. Training provided. Youth volunteers ages 12+ supervised. k

Gardens on Spring Creek 2145 Centre Avenue Fort Collins CO 80526 www.fcgov.com/gardens Ann Achilli (970) 416-2482 aachilli@fcgov.com

The Gardens on Spring Creek strives to enrich the lives of people and foster environmental stewardship through horticulture. The Gardens encompass 18 acres which include community gardens, Children’s Garden, Visitor Center, Garden of Eatin’, Sustainable Backyard, Rock aGarden, Xeric Parkway Strip, and the Entry Way Garden. tVolunteers are needed to help in all gardens by performing various gardening tasks, including: pruning, weeding, mulching, maintenance, and more. We also offer volunteer opportunities to lead and assist youth, school groups, family, and adult programs and events. Volunlteers are needed to greet garden visitors, provide garden event information, and serve as ambassadors. Training sis provided. Youth volunteers ages 6-14 supervised, 15+ -unsupervised. We also welcome one day volunteers for festival events and gardening projects.

NC Volunteer Guide 9 Pamela Mayhew (970) 619-4552 mayhewpj@co.larimer.co.us

Our mission is to establish, protect, and manage significant regional parks and open lands providing quality outdoor recreational opportunities and stewardship of natural resource values. We are committed to fostering a sense of community and appreciation for the natural and agricultural heritage of Larimer County for present and future generations. Natural Resources is looking for volunteers to assist with programs such as trail construction, ranger assistants on the trails and customer service and information at the lakes and providing guided hikes in the open lands.

Larimer Humane Society 6317 Kyle Avenue Fort Collins CO 80525 www.larimerhumane.org Bob Francella (970) 530-2960

High Plains Environmental Center

Larimer Humane Society promotes and provides the responsible care and treatment of animals. Volunteers may assist with animal care, photography, behavior and enrichment, client services, adoptions, community outreach, community relations, courier club, development, foster care, graphic design, humane education, licensing, mareketing /publicity, veterinary care, video production, wildlife rehabilitation, and yard maintenance. Those interested in volunteering must complete an online application and attend volunteer orientation. Minimum six month commitment requested. Youth volunteers ages 10-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised

1854 Piney River Drive Loveland CO 80538 www.suburbitat.org

MacGregor Ranch

Kelley Jazdzewski (970) 342-9533 kelley@suburbitat.org

hThe High Plains Environmental Center engages develop-ers, builders, businesses and residents in making their ncommunity a “living laboratory” that provides inte-

180 MacGregor Avenue Estes Park CO 80517 www.macgregorranch.org Shannon Clark (970) 586-3749 office@macgregorranch.org

grated, leading edge examples of community design, land stewardship, eco-literacy and sustainable living that are grounded in reality and replicable. Volunteers are needed to assist with natural aeras restoration, planting, trail maintenance, building projects, and gathering seeds. Youth volunteers ages 4-12 supervised, 13+ unsupervised.

MacGregor Ranch is a high mountain historic working cattle ranch that supports youth education. Volunteers are needed to help with all aspects of the ranch including helping in the gift shop, in the garden, on the grounds, and with building repairs and maintenance. Volunteers are especially needed in the summer months of June, July and August. No experience required.

Larimer County Department of Natural Resources

Mulberry Community Gardens

Bison Visitor Center Loveland CO 80537 www.larimer.org/nrvolunteer

2310 West Mulberry Fort Collins CO 80521 www.mulberrycommunitygardens.org

10 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016A

Mulberry Community Gardens provides a variety of educational opportunities to the local under served public within the community garden format, contributes space and assets for place-based outcome-focused curriculum to local schools, and increases food security through community food production programs. Volunteers are needed to support this cooperative-style garden. Volunteers share in tending the garden, as well as harvesting the garden. All talents are needed and welcome, including gardening, carpentry, musical, web design, photography, and public speaking. Youth volunteers of any age welcome with supervision.

Ranger District of the U.S. Forest Service in managing and protecting the wilderness and backcountry areas within its jurisdiction. Volunteers are needed to serve as wilderness rangers and hosts for the purpose of educating the public. Volunteers also help with trail maintenance and noxious weed removal and provide information to the Forest Service on trail usage and condiitions. Volunteers support programs such as the Trail Maintenance Crew, Kids in Nature, Weed Crew, Adopt-a-Highway, and Winter Patrolling, as well as with High Park Fire restoration projects. New volunteer hikers, backpackers, and horse riders are recruited through March, begin mandatory training in May, and are expected to complete six or more patrols from MaySeptember.

Northern Colorado Adventure Corps

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc.

1600 Crescent Drive Fort Collins CO 80526 http://nocoadventurecorps.org


Jillian Jackson Jillian.mac.jackson@gmail.com

Michael Truitt (719) 850-1921 miketruitt@nocoadventurecorps.org To provide high quality, challenging experiential education programs and service learning projects, for any youth who would not otherwise have the opportunity.

Northern Colorado Friends of Ferals 4820 Eagle Lake Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.nocoferals.org Leslie Vogt (970) 224-1467 sidwiggy7717@gmail.com Northern Colorado Friends of Ferals is dedicated to reducing the numbers of feral cat litters born in Larimer and Weld counties through trap, neuter and return. Colorado Friends of Ferals needs volunteers to help with humane trapping of cats in Larimer and Weld counties. We trap once a month on a Saturday evening from 4-8 pm. Vet techs are also needed for clinics on Sundays following trapping.

Poudre Wilderness Volunteers US Forest Service Building E Fort Collins CO 80526 www.poudrewildernessvolunteers.org Michael Corbin (970) 221-1492 pwvcorbin@gmail.com Poudre Wilderness Volunteers assist the Canyon Lakes

Jordan Cable (970) 443-8985 info@platteriversphwff.com

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. Volunteers for PHWFF are needed to fill a variety of roles, which includes, but not limited to: fly fishing guides, trip coordinators, fly tying instructors, food preparation, transportation, volunteer coordinators, fishing site hosts, organizational duties, marketing, media contacts, fundraising planning and more. PHWFF provides all services to our military members free of charge. PHWFF accepts no money from any government departments and utilizes volunteer hours, grants and donations to fulfill our mission.

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory 230 Cherry Street, First Floor Fort Collins CO 80521 http://rmbo.org Jeff Birek (970) 482-1707 x25 jeff.birek@rmbo.org

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory works to conserve birds and their habitats through Science, Education and Stewardship. We occasionally need assistance in the office. We have a handful of Citizen Science projects throughout the Front range, including Fort Collins.

Rocky Mountain National Park 1000 Highway 36 Estes Park CO 80517 nps.gov/romo


g sLindsey Lewis (970) 586-1330 dlindsey_lewis@nps.gov

s -The mission of the Rocky Mountain National Park VIP nprogram is to promote, create, and maintain long-term sstewardship and support for the park’s resources by fortifying park programs through the use of volunteers in a lmanner that complements basic park resources to better -accomplish the park’s mission; and providing an enrichding and diverse work experience for participating volunteers. Every year, hundreds of individuals and groups -contribute their enthusiasm and skills to help the National Park Service preserve and protect its natural and cultural resources, and to serve and educate its visitors.

Rocky Mountain Raptor Program 720 East Vine Drive, Unit B Fort Collins CO 80524 www.rmrp.org Lisa Winta (970) 484-7756 lisa@rmrp.org

The Rocky Mountain Raptor Program inspires the protection and appreciation of raptors and the spaces where n they live through excellence in raptor rehabilitation, education, and research. , Volunteers wanting to work directly with raptors are needed to clean cages, prepare and serve food, com, plete bird records, provide compassionate care, help at education programs, and participate in public outreach. Raptor Care volunteers must attend an orientation and a weekly meeting. Raptor Care volunteers commit to a s minimum of one year, working one four hour shift per s week, in exchange for excellent hands on training. Our training is designed to meet all requirements directed by

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NC Volunteer Guide 11

State & Federal permits when caring for raptors and focuses on safety of both the volunteer and bird. Youth volunteers ages 12+ supervised. Volunteers are also needed to greet guests, answer phones, complete clerical tasks, care for small rodent colonies and help with special projects and event planning. Volunteers wishing to care for rats and mice in our small rodent care colony must be at least 16 or older or Youth volunteers ages 12+ supervised. These volunteers are asked to work one shift every week that can run from 1 to 3 hours. Times are variable. Must not be squeamish about handling these animals. No extra meeting requirements exist. We hope you stay in this commitment for at least a minimum of 3 months.

Soaring Eagle Ecology Center 505 North County Road 73C Red Feather Lakes CO 80545 www.seec.redfeatherlakes.org Judy Viola (970) 218-9685 seecatrfl@hotmail.com

Soaring Eagle Ecology Center offers hands-on outdoor education to promote understanding and appreciation of the natural world. SEEC is entirely managed by volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help cleanup nature trails and SEEC land. Volunteers are also needed May-September to assist with discovery hikes and environmental education programs.

The Growing Project 713 East Prospect Road Fort Collins CO 80525 www.thegrowingproject.org Dana Guber (970) 587-3827

What Does Volunteerism Look Like To You? What does volunteerism look like to you? Volunteerism can be officiating a kid’s soccer game, offering companionship to a homebound senior, providing spring cleaning for an organization, or planting in a community garden. The need in the community is out there; it’s about finding the opportunity that inspires and resonates with you. When you find your fit, volunteering can transform you and the world around you. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to bond with co-workers, friends, and family, giving you the power to give back to the community that

gives to you. Whether you are motivated by altruistic values, you want to build skills, or you want to learn more about your community – explore how you can lift Larimer County through volunteerism. A burden is made lighter on an agency; a community space is greener and more inviting; an additional family is served. One volunteer can make all the difference! Where will you volunteer? Visit www.uwaylc/org/volunteer to find current opportunities!

12 NC Volunteer Guide dguber@fcmow.org The Growing Project is all volunteer-run and promotes the value of a strong, diverse, and just local food system to all residents of Northern Colorado through direct agricultural experiences, education, and advocacy. Volunteers assist with garden work, education, produce delivery, event planning and fundraising. Youth volunteers ages 5-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

Trees, Water and People 633 Remington Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.treeswaterpeople.org Molly Geppert molly@treeswaterpeople.org Trees, Water and People improves people’s lives by helping communities protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. Volunteers are needed to assist with the garden and office projects such as English/Spanish translation, data entry, and mailings. Youth volunteers ages 13-15 with supervision, 16+ unsupervised.

USDA Forest Service 2150 Center Avenue, Bldg E Fort Collins CO 80526 www.fs.fed.us/r2/arnf/volunteering Kristy Wumkes (970) 295-6721 kwumkes@fs.fed.us USDA Forest Service sustains the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs

June 2016A

of present and future generations. A wide variety of service programs are available, including trail maintenance, backcountry patrols, wood working, and visitor services. The main office is located in Fort Collins. Youth volunteers ages 12+ supervised.

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado 600 South Marion Parkway Denver CO 80209 www.voc.org Carishma Gokhale-Welch (303) 715-1010 x111 carishma@voc.org

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC) is a statewide nonprofit volunteer organization whose mission is to motivate and enable people to be active stewards of Colorado’s natural resources. VOC has more than 50 outdoor volunteer opportunities throughout Colorado each year, including wildfire and flood restoration, trail building and maintenance, urban gardening, and much more! No experience or training necessary. All volunteers welcome; young and old, new and experienced.

Wildlands Restoration Volunteers 2926 East Mulberry Street, Ste 301 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.wlrv.org Amy Gage (970) 493-2075 amyg@wlrv.org


– Volunteering As A Pathway To Employment, Corporation For National & Community Service, June 2013


Wildlands Restoration Volunteers fosters a community -spirit of shared responsibility for the ecological steward-ship and restoration of public and protected lands. Volunteers are needed to assist with any of the 80+ ecological restoration projects and training opportunities offered throughout the year. Learn new skills and meet some great people while helping to restore our public lands. No experience necessary. Other opportunities to volunteer include: photographers and cooks for project days, outreach/tabling help at outdoor events, and occasional office help. Youth opportunities available - call to inquire.

Wolves Offered Life and Friendship (WOLF) Sanctuary

e1639 Spring Valley Road Bellvue CO 80512 owww.wolfsanctuary.net Abby Matzke amatzke@wolfsanctuary.net d n

NC Volunteer Guide 13

W.O.L.F. Sanctuary improves the quality of life for wolves and wolf-dogs by rescuing and providing sanctuary to wolves and wolf-dogs, and educating the public about wolves and wolf-dogs. Volunteers are needed to help with administrative and fundraising projects, to work with the animals at the sanctuary, and in rescue situations.


Nine Reasons Why You Should Volunteer Part of volunteering is determining what you want to learn and accomplish. For some it may be building their resume, or developing new skills, or a simple change in routine; which resonates most with you? 1. Better understanding of your community’s challenges. By volunteering your time and talents, you can learn more about the current issues in Larimer County and how you are helping solve them. 2. Networking and interacting with different people in a volunteer setting can open doors for your professional development. 3. Experience a new nonprofit organization and familiarize yourself with the work they do. 4. Adds strength to your resume and is a great way to make connections. If you have never had a job, then volunteering is a great way to gain experience. 5. Make new friends! Volunteering will expose you to a different crowd with similar interests.

6. Learn things you can’t learn in the classroom or office. By being exposed to different parts of the community, different cultures, beliefs and values, you are gaining invaluable understanding. 7. Help save resources by volunteering for a local non-profit. This helps save on time, cost and labor and allows for resources to be channeled into meeting more urgent needs of those who require their services. 8. Improve your health. Research shows that individuals who volunteer often have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life. 9. Help keep Larimer County great. We often take for granted the environment we live in and the individuals we share it with. Volunteering is a great opportunity to give back to Larimer County.

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June 2016 2015

Arts and Culture



Arts and Culture- Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For F more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities with arts and culturew please contact United Way of Larimer County by calling 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, D or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer (


Bas Bleu Theatre Company

Beet Street

401 Pine Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.basbleu.org

200 Mathews Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.beetstreet.org

Tricia Navarre (970) 498-8949 tricia@basbleu.org

Alina Osika (970) 444-2338 aosika@beetstreet.org

Bas Bleu Theatre Company presents outstanding theatre that inspires both audience and artist alike in an intimate salon setting. Volunteers are needed with almost every aspect of theatre and play production, including serving as actors, designers, light and sound technicians, floor crew, house managers, and docents. Volunteers are also needed to help with bulk mailings, janitorial work, and administrative tasks. Youth volunteers ages 15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

Beet Street exists as a catalyst to develop Fort Collins into a nationally recognized arts and culture center and des-4 tination by distinguishing itself as an intellectually vitalF community that fosters, celebrates, and inspires humanw creativity. Beet Street is currently accepting volunteer applications in the following areas: Event support, generalS ( office support, and marketing support. c

Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum 4320 East County Road 58 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.beefamilyfarm.org Liz Harrison (970) 482-9168 info@beefamilyfarm.com Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum preserves the architecture and artifacts of the Bee Farm while educating the public on farming life and methods, past and present. Volunteers are needed to give tours in shifts during museum hours Fridays-Saturdays, 9am-4pm from May-October and on other days by appointment. Volunteers perform simple demonstrations during special events in June and September, supervise hands-on activities for children, and assist with general maintenance such as landscaping and cleaning.

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Berthoud Community Library District

T p t t 236 Welch Avenue e Berthoud CO 80513 www.berthoudcommunitylibrary.org n v Jennifer Miller d (970) 532-2757 8 jennifermiller.bpl@gmail.com e f Berthoud Community Library District provides resources for a learning and leisure for the Berthoud community that enrich u the individual and enhance the community’s quality of life. Volunteers assist library staff in providing public service, working on a wide variety of routine library tasks such as shelving books and assisting with special projects. There are opportunities for both adults and youth to volunteer. Check our website for more information. 6


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NC Volunteer Guide 15

Canyon Concert Ballet

City of FC- Lincoln Center

1031 Conifer Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.ccballet.org

417 West Magnolia Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.lctix.com

Dru Van doren (970) 472-4156 dance@ccballet.org

Ruth Smith (970) 221-6260 rusmith@fcgov.com

Canyon Concert Ballet provides the community with quality instruction and performance in a variety of dance forms, with ballet at the core. Volunteers are needed to help with a variety of duties at our studios as well as props and set building. Experienced help needed for performance of The Nutcracker.

The Lincoln Center is a leader in cultural experience and makes it an essential value to the community. Volunteers are needed to serve as greeters, ushers, and Art Gallery docents and help with ticketing, coat-check, and administrative functions. Volunteer descriptions and applications are available online. While the Lincoln Center accepts volunteer applications at any time, they do most of their Performance Volunteer recruitment during the summer months. All potential volunteers are asked to participate in a person to person interview. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised.

Center for Fine Art Photography

-400 North College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 nwww.c4fap.org lSunshine Divis (970) 224-1010 coordinator@c4fap.org

The Center for Fine Art Photography promotes the art of photography by supporting the growth of creative artists through exhibitions and educational programs. Volunteers may help with administrative tasks, workshops, and events. Professional skill set is desired for events planning, marketing, grant writing, and building. Hours of volunteering are Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, and Saturdays 11am-5pm. Volunteers are also needed from 3pm8:30pm, during First Friday gallery walks, to assist with exhibition set-up. Volunteers receive discounts on call for entries, workshops, and free membership based on r amount of volunteer hours. Youth volunteers ages 16+ h unsupervised.

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Cinco De Mayo of Northern Colorado 611 10th Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fortcollinscincodemayo.com Neva Menchaca (970) 690-0536 neva.menchaca@gmail.com The mission of Cinco De Mayo of Northern Colorado is to focus on providing our community with a wide range of diverse cultural programming as well as continue to work together to make our community a better place. Volunteers are needed for helping to maintain the Cinco De Mayo event in Fort Collins. Responsibilities include: Setup and teardown of the event, trash duties and extra help with vendor booths. Anyone who volunteers over 4 hours will have their lunch paid for by the committee! Cinco de Mayo event normally takes place the first weekend of May each year, please call in advance for information.

Colorado Welcome Center 3745 East Prospect Road Fort Collins CO 80525 www.colorado.com Linda Ellis (970) 491-4775 lellis@ftcollins.com

The Colorado Welcome Center provides accurate and helpful information to travelers about tourist activities throughout the state while encouraging them to see more of Colorado. Volunteers are needed to work a 3-4 hour shift to serve as Travel Counselors, working directly with the traveling public to provide visitors with directions, routing, and vacation planning. Cash register experience helpful, but not required.

Cultural Arts Council of Estes Park 423 West Elkhorn Avenue Estes Park CO 80517 www.estesarts.com Lars Sage (970) 586-9203 info@estesarts.com Cultural Arts Council of Estes Park enhances the quality and accessibility of visual and performing arts for people of all ages. Volunteers are needed to serve as gallery docents for changing exhibits, help set up performing arts events, help with data entry, and serve on the board of directors. Volunteers may assist with off-site visual arts and performance events. Youth volunteers ages 13-16 supervised.

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Dance Express 134 West Harvard Fort Collins CO 80525 www.danceexpressfc.com Mary Elizabeth Lenahan (970) 493-2113 danceexpressfc@gmail.com The Mission of Dance Express is to celebrate diverse dance experiences for persons with and without disabilities in our Northern Colorado region. Dance Express improves people’s lives through creative dance experiences since 1989, and joyfully serves the community. Volunteers serve on the board of directors; assist with graphics; publicity; and community outreach; offer their skills with dance training, workshops, and dance productions. Commitment will vary. Concerts are in December, February, and May.

Debut Theatre Company 827 Riverside Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.debuttheatre.org Lee Kaplan (970) 224-5774 debut@frii.com Debut Theatre educates, entertains, and enriches the lives of young audiences and artists. Debut Theatre is a hands-on theatre for young people, by young people. Volunteers are needed to assist with painting, lawn care, costume repair, cleaning, computer technology support and organizational operations. Shifts are available Monday-Friday, 10am-1pm or by appointment. Youth volunteers ages 13+ supervised.

Downtown Business Association 19 Old Town Square, Ste 230 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.downtownfortcollins.com

June 2016 2015 Laura Lyznicki (970) 484-6500 laura@downtownfortcollins.com

d r a e The Downtown Fort Collins Business Association (DBA) ist designed to promote downtown businesses and help them thrive by creating energy, excitement, and enthusiasm downtown through events and promotions. Celebrate all that makes Fort Collins great...beers, bikes and bands! Downtown Fort Collins is the place to be over the summer and what better way to enjoy it than to volunteer? Over a1 thousand volunteers are needed over our summer seasonF to help with Colorado Brewers’ Festival, NewWestFest, andw more! C (


Estes Park Museum

T e o R e Alicia Mittelman p (970) 577-3762 a amittelman@estes.org n Estes Park Museum collects, interprets, and preserves lo-h cal history as well as presents exhibits, programs, anda events for the education and benefit of residents and visi-o tors of all ages. Volunteers are needed to assist visitors ats the museum, work in the gift shop, help with data entry5 for museum collections and record keeping, and assistc with exhibit construction and tours. Youth volunteersa ages 12+ supervised. 200 4th Street Estes Park CO 80517 www.estes.org/museum

Estes Valley Library


335 East Elkhorn Avenue Estes Park CO 80517 www.estesvalleylibrary.org

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Kieran Rowser (970) 586-8116 x820 krowser@estesvalleylibrary.org

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T Estes Valley Library provides access to quality informa-g tion, resources and services, and brings people, ideas,m and opportunities together for the enrichment of theo community. Volunteers assist with tasks such as shelvingt books, processing new materials, repairing materials, in-o e C o t s n i d a e


dexing newspapers, and interviewing local individuals to record oral histories. Volunteers also help coordinate the annual used-book sale. Scheduling is flexible and can be easily tailored to the interests and availability of volunsteer applicants. Youth volunteers ages 14+ unsupervised.

Fort Collins Municipal Railway Society


a1801 West Mountain Avenue nFort Collins CO 80522 dwww.fortnet.org/trolley Carol Tunner (970) 221-6597

The Mission of the Fort Collins Municipal Railway Society, acting in partnership with the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, is to operate the Fort Collins Municipal Railway in a manner that presents a living history of electric public transportation in Fort Collins. It shall preserve, display, operate, and interpret streetcar service, and collect artifacts and information of an educational nature and of significance to the City’s electric railway -heritage. Volunteers are needed to serve as conductors and motor persons for the historic Birney Streetcar #21 -on West Mountain Avenue and to help restore a second tstreetcar. The trolley operates weekends and holidays, 125pm, May-September, and is available during the week for tchartered events. Training is provided. Youth volunteers sages 16+ supervised.

Fort Collins Museum of Art 201 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.ftcma.org Kali Dhayatkar kdhayatkar@ftcma.org

The mission of the Fort Collins Museum of Art is to en-gage our community in cultural experiences that pro,mote an awareness and appreciation of the visual arts. To offer our audiences the highest-quality art experiences, gthe Fort Collins Museum of Art presents a diverse series -of exhibitions, community events, publications, and educational programs for children and adults. The Fort Collins Museum of Art seeks to enrich the cultural life of the region and advance community understanding of the power of the visual arts to foster life-long learning, social interaction, and personal inquiry. Volunteers are needed to help with mailings, installations, special events including exhibition opening receptions, and at the front desk. Shifts are available Wednesday-Friday, 10am-5pm, and Saturdays and Sundays between 12-5pm, and some evenings. Youth volunteers ages 16+ unsupervised.

NC Volunteer Guide 17

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Court Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fcmod.org Holly LeMasurier (970) 416-2706 hlemasurier@fcgov.com

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery creates meaningful opportunities for people of all ages to learn, reflect, and have fun through hands-on and collections-based explorations in science and culture. Volunteers are needed to help with visitor services, programs, education, archives, collections, special events, exhibits, and digital media.

Friends of the Loveland Public Library 300 North Adams Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.friendsofthelovelandlibrary.org Brenda Glover (970) 669-1604

The Friends of the Loveland Public Library Foundation, Inc. supports the Loveland Public Library’s work as the information center of the community by advocating for the public support and use of the library, by generating current and long-term funding and by developing volunteer involvement. Volunteers are needed to serve on committees, including administrative, program and event committees. Volunteers are also needed to assist with newsletter publications, bulletin board and poster displays, public relations and networking representation, book sales, and special events. Youth volunteers ages 8-12 supervised, 13+ unsupervised.

Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture 200 West Mountain Avenue Fort Collins CO 80521 www.globalvillagemuseum.com (970) 221-4600 admin@globalvillagemuseum.org

The Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture’s mission is to foster and celebrate international connections between Northern Colorado and the world through exhibits of folk art, fine arts, and artifacts from around the globe; and to provide international resources and educational opportunities. Volunteers are needed to assist as entry or front desk, docents or collections/archival volunteers. Entry or front

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desk volunteers greet visitors, take admission fees and assist with Museum Shop purchases. Docents are trained on new exhibits so they can act as guides to the exhibits in the galleries. Collections/archival volunteers help with exhibit installations and management of artifacts. Three-hour shifts are Tuesday through Saturday; 11am2pm or 2pm-5pm.

raphy, house management, and as ushers. Production crew work is done primarily on Saturdays, 8am-12pm or Sundays, 1-5pm. Rehearsals and flexible work schedules are available 6:30-9:30pm, Monday – Thursday. One-time projects and administrative duties are also available. Youth volunteers ages 12-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

HalfMoon Arts

Loveland Opera Theatre

155 North College Avenue, Ste 226 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.halfmoonarts.org

PO Box 7293 Loveland CO 80537 www.lovelandopera.org

Rose Moon (970) 412-4998 rose@halfmoonarts.org

Juliana Hoch (970) 593-0085 jbhvoice@gmail.com

HalfMoon Arts uses creativity to empower and prepare atrisk youth for their transition into adulthood. Volunteer musicians and artists are needed to give demonstrations, teach, and work with youth to practice their skills. Volunteers can also help with the gardening program and hanging art for art shows. Youth volunteers welcome. Artists and Musicians are needed.

Loveland Opera Theatre offers outstanding operatic performances and educational opportunities in our community. Volunteers are needed to assist with numerous events throughout the year including the Gala and additional fundraising events. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised.


Loveland Public Library

619 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.krfcfm.org

300 North Adams Avenue Loveland CO 80537 http://www.lovelandpubliclibrary.org/

Maya Jairam (970) 530-1500 maya@krfcfm.org

Bobbi Benesh (970) 962-2401 bobbi.benesh@cityofloveland.org

KRFC makes great radio that is local, noncommercial, and volunteer-powered. KRFC is volunteer powered. Volunteers are needed to produce new programming, as on-air broadcasters and DJs, interview artists and bands as host of Live@Lunch, serve as sound technicians and audio set-up for Live@Lunch, and support membership drives and special events in a variety of positions.

The Loveland Public Library strives to be accessible, active, and an outreach to people of all ages and backgrounds. Volunteers are a great support to the library and are utilized in many different ways, including, but not limited to, the following: staffing the Greeter/Directional Assistant Desk for all open library hours, processing & discarding books/materials, assisting in the Outreach Program for the home bound, assisting pages in sorting & shelving books, indexing newspapers, filing, organizing, record keeping and managing statistics for Adult Services and the library volunteer program, assisting with the Maple Terrace Kids Club Literacy Outreach Program and the Buddy Readers program, youth services chess club, Youth and Adult Services Summer Reading Program, playgroup volunteers, help in Adult Services maintaining shelves, magazines, and newspapers, cutting, pasting, and other craft preparation for Youth Services, Computer Class assistants, Spanish speaking needs for Adult and Youth Services, Adult Programming Lecturers and assistants, extra cleaning and Library upkeep. Ages 14+ unless the position requires 18+.The Library is no longer accepting applicants for court-ordered hours.

Loveland Community Theatre 545 North Cleveland Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.lovelandcommunitytheatre.org Martha Palmer (970) 635-4281 president@lovelandcommunitytheatre.org Loveland Community Theatre is dedicated to providing quality live theatre produced to serve cultural, educational, and entertainment needs of the community. Volunteers are needed to help with the following for the 10 weeks of each production: acting, stage management, construction, set dressing, costumes, hair and make-up, graphic design, sound and light, photography, videog-


Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-Wow PO Box 1938 Fort Collins CO 80522 www.fortnet.org/powwow Daniela Pineda (970) 286-3047 ncipavolunteer@live.com The Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-Wow Association, Inc. celebrates our Native American heritage and helps to preserve our culture through honoring our ancestors and inspiring our youth while increasing public awareness. We do this by sharing our values and providing educational and cultural experiences through music, dance, food, and the arts. Volunteers are needed to help with pow-wow operations on Saturdays and Sundays. Volunteers will help cook and serve food in concessions, sell T-shirts, serve as parking directors, take food and water to drummers and head staff, prepare food, help with check-in, and working with children to make crafts while their parents are dancing. Volunteers with construction or mechanical skills are needed to help with equipment malfunctions and artistic volunteers are needed to help make signs. Volunteers are also needed to help with weekend events throughout the year. Youth volunteers ages 15+ supervised.

Poudre River Friends of the Library

NC Volunteer Guide 19

Poudre River Public Library District provides universal access to ideas and information to enrich our communities. Volunteers are needed to help with community engagement and social media, events, shelving books, telephone calls, data entry, filing obituaries, children, teen and adult summer reading programs, kid, teen, and adult crafts and Minecraft programs, and assisting storytellers. Shifts are generally 2 hours, and are available 7 days per week; most volunteers work 1 shift per week and times vary with volunteer assignments. Volunteers ages 14+ are accepted, and background checks are required for volunteers 18+.

Rocky Ridge Music Center 465 Longs Peak Road Estes Park CO 80517 www.rockyridge.org Karen Dusek (970) 586-4031 rrmc@rockyridge.org

The mission of Rocky Ridge Music Center is to foster personal development through music, nature, and community. During April and May we are in camp clean-up mode and can schedule volunteers almost any day and time. Camp opening clean-up days are May 22-26, and volunteers can stay overnight. We could also use help to distribute concert materials around town in May-June. Throughout the summer, volunteers are needed for campus clean-up, housekeeping, IT and telecommunications, maintenance and handy-man work.

301 East Olive Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.prfol.org

Spellbinders Oral Storytellers, Larimer County

Terrie Batty pvfol.mgr@gmail.com

900 East Prospect Road Fort Collins CO 80524 www.spellbinders.org

The Poudre River Friends of the Library’s mission is to advocate for the Library District, sponsor programs to promote use and enjoyment of the Library, raise money to support the activities of the Poudre River Public Library District, encourage literacy within the community and to provide volunteer opportunities. The Friends help fund the Summer Reading Program, author events, and cultural celebrations as well as providing help with staff appreciation and conference scholarships.

Poudre River Public Library District 301 East Olive Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.poudrelibraries.org Serena Robb (970) 224-6183 srobb@poudrelibraries.org

Volunteer Coordinator (970) 282-0157 larimerspellbinders@gmail.com

Through the art of oral storytelling, Spellbinders enhances literacy, encourages character development, and builds intergenerational community. Spellbinders welcomes adults of any age who are available for a half hour once per month during elementary school hours.


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Volunteers receive 12 hours of excellent storyteller training, help in classroom placements and the assistance of a mentor if desired. Enthusiasm, a love of stories, and a desire to inspire student literacy attainment are the only qualifications for the job.

Ten Thousand Villages 113 Linden Street, Old Town Square Fort Collins CO 80524 http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/fortcollins Ten Thousand Villages’ mission is to create opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through long-term fair trading relationships. Volunteers work in our non-profit retail store selling crafts, telling the stories of artisans, and educating customers about fair trade. Retail experience is a plus, but not required. Our store is a fun work environment and offers the opportunity to learn about artisans from many countries. Hours vary seasonally. Volunteers work 4.5 hour shifts, 2-3 times per month. We need volunteers weekdays and weekends. Must be 18+, dependable and willing to make a minimum 3 month commitment.

Timberlane Farm Museum 2306 East 1st Street

Loveland CO 80537 www.timberlanefarmmuseum.org Teri Johnson (970) 646-2875 teri@timberlanefarmmuseum.org

Timberlane Farm Museum aspires to preserve the heritage of the Big Thompson Valley beginning in 1860 by educating, enriching, and connecting people of all ages and backgrounds through tours, events, exhibits, and community outreach. Volunteers are needed Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm and by appointment to help with artifact maintenance and care of the grounds and lawns, grant writing, gardening, guiding tours, and performing skills demonstrations such as blacksmithing, weaving, spinning, and quilting. Volunteers are also needed at large events that are hosted by Timberlane Farm Museum.

Wildfire Community Arts Center 425 Massachussetts Avenue Berthoud CO 80513 www.wildfirearts.org Elizabeth Kearny (303) 525-4340 admin@wildfirearts.org

6GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS Community based arts center offering events and classes designed to bring creative experiences to our town and increase awareness of the artistic process and the value of connecting to others through it. Wildfire has allowed people to explore creative expression in the visual, theatrical, and movement arts, supported new teachers, and launched several new art based ventures. Volunteers are needed to assist in putting on two annual fundraisers, a street fest and an art show and sale, assist in weekly open studio art sessions as docent. Youth ages 10-14 with supervision, 15–18 without supervision.

NC Volunteer Guide 21

store to help customers, create book orders, clean and organize the store, and assist with displays. Volunteers are also needed to help with events and fundraisers throughout the year. Youth volunteers ages 16+ unsupervised.

Wolverine Farm Publishing Company and Bookstore 144 North College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.wolverinefarm.org Evan Brengle (970) 472-4284 evan@wolverinefarm.org Wolverine Farm Publishing Company and Bookstore focuses on publishing quality literature and art that mindfully engages humans with the world. The volunteerrun bookstore strives to build and support community through literacy outreach programs and by hosting community events. Volunteers are needed daily in the book-


United Way of Larimer County and National Service “Getting Things Done” in Larimer County Currently, United Way of Larimer County is administering the Colorado Reading Corps Program, an AmeriCorps State/National program which provides AmeriCorps members to serve as literacy tutors in schools throughout Larimer County. For more information on AmeriCorps National Service, visit www.americorps.gov. AmeriCorps engages more than 75,000 women and men in intensive service each year through more than 15,000 nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups across the

country. Since the program’s founding in 1994, more than 900,000 AmeriCorps members have contributed more than 1.2 billion hours in service across America, while tackling pressing problems and mobilizing millions of volunteers for the organizations they serve. United Way of Larimer County’s AmeriCorps members get things done in our community every day to help people in poverty. For more information, visit www.uwaylc.org.

22 NC Volunteer Guide

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Government Programs

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. The organizations in this category are all programs of local or state-wide government. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038 or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer

8th Judicial District Attorney’s Office 201 Laporte Avenue, Ste 200 Fort Collins CO 80521 www.larimer.org/da

City of FC- Mediation

Jessica Griglio (970) 498-7283 griglijl@co.larimer.co.us

112 N. Howes Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.fcgov.com/neighborhoodservices/mediation.php

The mission of the 8th Judicial District Attorney’s office is to: protect the rights and safety of the people, seek a fair judicial process and just consequences for perpetrators of crime, inform, support, and assist victims and witnesses of crime, and assume a leadership role in community crime prevention. Our office welcomes citizens and college or graduate students to apply for available internships and volunteer opportunities with us. We need applicants who are teachable, motivated, and want to make a difference in our community through their service. Anyone 18 years of age and older who can successfully pass a background check may apply; however, for some positions, a degree or education in a specific field may be required or preferred. All internship and volunteer positions are unpaid. For complete information on all Volunteer positions and requirements, please go to our website.

City of FC- Boards, Commissions and Authorities City Clerks Office Fort Collins CO 80521 www.fcgov.com/boards Christine Macrina (970) 416-2525 cmacrina@comcast.net

Boards and commissions are established for the purpose of acquiring and studying information in specific areas and to make recommendations to City Council on issues ranging from the environment, culture, recreation, human services, and more.

Patsi Maroney (970) 498-5977 pmaroney@fcgov.com

The City of Fort Collins’ Community Mediation Program offers free and confidential dispute resolution services for City residents. With the guidance of professionally trained volunteer mediators, participants meet in a neutral setting to resolve their dispute in a way that encourages communication and compromise. Volunteers must have already completed a minimum 40 hour basic mediation course and must apply and submit to background check. Contact the coordinator for more information.

City of FC- Graffiti Abatement Program 625 Ninth Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.fcgov.com/graffiti Nick Myers (970) 221-6615 nmyers@fcgov.com



The City of Fort Collins Graffiti Abatement Program enhances the quality of life in our community by providing cost-effective graffiti abatement. Community members are also needed to report defaced property by calling the 24-hour hotline (970) 416-2400, or using the City’s online reporting system. Volunteers are needed to serve on graffiti clean-up projects as needed on Saturdays, 8am-12pm. Youth volunteers ages 13+ surpervised. Volunteers are needed to serve on one of the City’s 26 boards and commissions consisting of approximately 230 citizen volunteer smembers. Volunteer Board members advise Council on issues inscluding affordable housing, the environment, and development. -

NC Volunteer Guide 23

crisis counseling and emotional support for victims of crime, their family, and friends. Advocates are available to respond to assist 24/7. Volunteers commit to one 12hour on-call shift per week. Application and background check required. 40-hour training provided.

Larimer County Health and Human Services 2573 Midpoint Drive, Ste 108 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.larimer.org/dhs/volunteer

Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership

Christina Ulrich Jones (970) 980-2239 ulrichcd@larimer.org

PO Box 1287 Estes Park CO 80517 www.estes.org/restorativejustice

The Volunteer Program at the Children, Youth & Family Division of the Larimer County Department of Human Services, partners with community agencies and individuals who support, nurture and empower children, youth and adults; to ensure safety, identify resources to assist with their “wellbeing” and to promote more healthy life choices for promoting positive change. Volunteers, interns and OASIS Mentors help children, adults and families who are struggling with addiction, at-risk behaviors, and grief and loss issues. The program includes family mentoring, youth mentoring, volunteers and interns who work with client families and group mentoring projects such as art, recreation and other activities. Most volunteers are placed as mentors for youth ages 8+. Male mentors and family mentors are especially needed. Volunteers are also needed throughout the year for special donor events. Online application available. Background check, clean driving record, CBI FBI fingerprinting and 6-hour training required. One-year commitment preferred.

Melissa Westover (970) 577-3829 mwestover@estes.org

-Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership exists to reduce crime and disorder by applying the principles of rRestorative Justice: Repair of harm, reconciliation of relationships, re-integration into the community, respon-sibility taken by all individuals, restitution to victims, respect given and received by all. Volunteers are needed to serve as facilitators and community representatives.


Fort Collins Police ServicesVictim Services Team 2221 South Timberline Road Fort Collins CO 80524 fcgov.com/police/victims-assistance.php

Larimer County Sheriff’s OfficeVictim Reponse Team

Melissa Funk (970) 224-6089 mfunk@fcgov.com

2501 Midpoint Drive Fort Collins CO 80525 www.larimersheriff.org

Fort Collins Police Services-Victim Services Team provides 24-hour crisis intervention, immediate support, and assistance to victims and the community. Volunteers are needed as Victim Advocates to provide

Susan Johnston (970) 498-5149 johnstsu@co.larimer.co.us

Court Ordered Community Service More than 100 Larimer County nonprofits work with individuals who are ordered by the courts to complete community service in Larimer County. These organizations are denoted with the special icon identified above. Adults required to perform community service by the Larimer District, County, and Municipal Court Systems must also contact the Alternative Sentencing Unit located

at the Larimer County Detention Center prior to performing any service. Court ordered requirements for youth and diversion programs vary, so please contact your specific program for details. Contact the Alternative Sentencing Unit at 970.980.2600 for information about completing community service hours.

24 NC Volunteer Guide The Victim Response Team consists of trained community volunteers authorized by the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, providing 24-hour crisis intervention, immediate support, and assistance to victims and the community. Volunteers are needed to provide emotional support and crisis intervention to crime victims in Larimer County. This is a long-term position with shifts from 6am-6pm and 6pm-6am, 24/7, including weekends, nights and holidays. Successful completion of a Pre-employment Questionnaire, Integrity Interview, Oral Boards and detailed background check required.

Larimer County Veterans’ Services Office 200 West Oak Street, Ste 5000 Fort Collins CO 80522 www.larimer.org/veterans Debra Pierson (970) 498-7394 dpierson@larimer.org Larimer County Veterans’ Services Office provides services to veterans and their families. Veterans’ Services is an advocate for veterans, their families, and for survivors. Volunteers assist with filing for and obtaining benefits, and with claims counseling. Eligible volunteers are determined through an internal screening process.


June 2016

Town of Estes Park 170 MacGregor Ave Estes Park CO 80517 www.estes.org Suzanna Simpson (970) 577-3700 ssimpson@estes.org


The Town of Estes Park provides high-quality, reliable services for the benefit of our citizens, visitors, and employees, while being good stewards of public resources and our natural setting. Estes Park could not provide its1 high level of service without the aid of dedicated volun-F w teers.

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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary: Flotilla 1-6

3 l 1908 Nedrah Drive t Fort Collins CO 80524 V www.cgaux.org c f John Buffington c (970) 498-9219 n jbuff@colostate.edu R Congress established the Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1939A to assist the Coast Guard in any and all ways, except witha military operations and law enforcement. P Auxiliary members at the Flotilla level provide publica education courses, examine vessels, assist with searcha and rescue missions, conduct safety patrols, and provide maritime security and environmental protection. Auxiliary volunteer applicants must possess U.S. citizenship and undergo a suitability background check. Trainingo provided. Novice boat owners can develop good seamanship skills as members. Boat ownership is not required. 1 F w


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- Norman Vincent Peale

T c


City volunteers needed LEARN MORE AT



Health and Wellness

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. This category includes organizations that conduct activities related to health and wellness. For more up-to-date information on volunteer opportunities with health and wellness, please contact United Way of Larimer County by calling 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038 or visiting www.uwaylc.org/volunteer

3Hopeful Hearts 1749 Deweese Street Fort Collins CO 80526 www.3hopefulhearts.com (970) 430-6136 hope@3hopefulhearts.com 3Hopeful Hearts provides bereaved parents and families opportunities to honor, find hope and seek healing through events, support, education and remembrance. Volunteers are needed year round to help with data entry, clerical and phone support. Volunteers are also needed for sewing projects and general office work. Much of this can be done form your own home. Committee members needed for special events such as the 5K Remembrance Run and Walk to Remember and the Music Benefit and Auction. We are looking also for individuals interested and who have experience in grant writing and graphic design. Please email us at hope@3hopefulhearts.com or call us at 970-430-6136 to learn what volunteer opportunities we are currently looking for!

Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County 1100 Poudre River Drive, Ste B Fort Collins CO 80524 www.allianceforsuicideprevention.org Kayleanne Murdock (970) 482-2209 programcoordinator@suicideprevent.org The Alliance for Suicide Prevention strives to prevent suicide in Larimer County by raising awareness, educating,

and training youth and adults about depression and suicide, and by providing resources and support to those who have been impacted. Volunteers help staff with day-to-day operations, community outreach such as booths at community events, fundraising events including our annual race, Taking Strides to Save Lives, and our annual breakfast, educating youth and adults about suicide prevention through our education programs (Raising Awareness of Personal Power and Hope for Today), and assisting with grief support programs by providing support and compassion to those who have lost a loved one to suicide.

Alpha Center 1212 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.thealphacenter.org Kristen Crabtree (970) 221-5121 kristinc@thealphacenter.org

Alpha Center is a Christian medical clinic that serves our community by providing free services and education related to sexual health. Volunteers are needed to assist with administrative duties, mentoring, computer technical assistance, reception, community events, and fundraising activities. Volunteers must agree with and sign a statement of faith. Youth volunteers ages 14-16 supervised, 17+ unsupervised. Clinic volunteer opportunities for medical professionals.

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Businesses Cares United Way of Larimer County’s Business Cares program provides specialized services for companies, large and small, local and corporate, that are committed to corporate volunteerism in our community. E mployee volunteer involvement strengthens a

Business Cares benefits include: • Consulting, resources, and research • Staff training and development • Employee and management engagement • Easy connections to volunteer opportunities • Community recognition • And other Business Cares perks “It is up to us to develop a community that cares, and by volunteering we are not only building a stronger community, but also a stronger company.” -Robin Fallon, Qualfon, 2010

company’s image, cultivates employee teamwork, and leaves a lasting impact on our community. This membership program helps businesses develop and implement strategic community outreach and employee volunteerism into their company culture, while offering opportunities for networking with like-minded companies and building relationships with nonprofit organizations. Visit http://www.uwaylc.org/Corporate-VolunBusiness Cares is open to any business that has teerism or call (970) 407-7064 for additional an employee volunteer program or is interested information on Business Cares. in developing one.

AlterMed Research Foundation 1342 Jayhawk Drive, Ste 200 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.AlterMedResearch.org Kerri Diamant (970) 310-3030 info@AlterMedResearch.org AlterMed Research Foundation is dedicated to being a change agent, through research and education, to achieve full integration of evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine into conventional healthcare so all people can enjoy optimum wellness. Patients and families faced with chronic diseases and cancer are often on their own looking for hope beyond conventional medicine. AlterMed trains health professionals in evidence-based integrative medicine and raises funding for complementary and alternative medicine research to address human chronic illness and cancer. AlterMed Research Foundation envisions all people to be well and thriving through expanded and evidence-based integrative healthcare. Dependable and kind-hearted volunteers are needed to advance holistic and integrative medicine education and research. For 2016, in the education area, we are looking for volunteers to help from now (working from home) to


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T n c s t V R m c a l c a o

July 22-24 Colorado Integrative Medicine Conference (focus on mind-body medicine and lifestyle management) in Estes Park. This conference is jointly sponsored with CU School of Medicine. We need volunteers to raise awareness and network so we can increase our conference attendees, 2 exhibitors, and sponsors. We also need event coordinatorsD to help with conference logistics. Development coordina-w tors are needed to help increase our non-profit’s capacity and resources (for example: build relationships, look forC win-win joint goals, asking for gifts to sponsor this con-( ference, etc). Volunteering >=10 / week is appreciated.c Volunteers can work remotely from home until the conference weekend, which will be in Estes Park.


Alzheimer’s Association – Northern Colorado 415 Peterson Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.alz.org/co/ Megan Balmforth (970) 472-9798

Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado’s mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the

6 HEALTH & WELLNESS promotion of brain health. Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm to help with outdoor maintenance for the patio and gardens, housekeeping duties, light clerical work, and with special events throughout the year such as the Walk to End Alzheimer’s and Memories in the Making Art Auction.

American Cancer Society – Northern Colorado Chapter 8221 West 20th Street, Ste A Greeley CO 80634 www.cancer.org Paula Stephen (970) 356-9727 x3 paula.stephen@cancer.org The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. Volunteers are needed for special events which include Relay for Life, Cattle Barons Ball, and tennis tournament. Volunteers are needed to serve on event planning committees and to assist in the office. Volunteer drivers are also needed for the Road to Recovery program, and licensed cosmetologists or estheticians are needed to facilitate the Look Good...Feel Better program. Volunteers are also needed occasionally for preventive screening outreach at health fairs.

n U

Arthritis Foundation - Great West Region Denver Office

, 2280 South Albion Street sDenver CO 80222 -www.arthritis.org y Cecilia Haywood -(415) 356-1230 .chaywood@arthritis.org -


Arthritis Foundation improves lives through leadership in the prevention, control, and cure of arthritis and related diseases. Volunteers are needed to represent the Arthritis Foundation in the community by attending local health fairs, providing presentations to companies and organizations about the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis, and related diseases, and teaching physical activity classes. In most cases, youth volunteers ages 10-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised are welcome.

ChildSafe Colorado, Inc. 1148 East Elizabeth Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.childsafecolorado.org Lindsey Hausman lhausman@childsafecolorado.org

Childsafe repairs the damage done to victims and their families, reduces the risk of re-victimization, and prevents the cycle of abuse from carrying over into future generations. Volunteers are needed to help with office work, assist with childcare for clients, and support special events. Translators who speak Spanish or American Sign Language are also needed. Volunteer shifts are available 8am-7:30pm, Monday-Thursday and during special events.

Banner Health 2000 North Boise Avenue Loveland CO 80538 www.bannerhealth.com Melissa Wiederspan (970) 635-4166 melissa.wiederspan@bannerhealth.com

McKee Medical Center exists to make a difference in people’s lives through excellent patient care. McKee Medical Center is a fully-accredited, nonprofit, acute care hospital that has been providing care to residents of Loveland and the surrounding area since 1976.

BUILDING A BRIGHT, HEALTHY FUTURE TOGETHER. Proud supporter of the United Way of Larimer County. kp.org

NC Volunteer Guide 27

28 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

City of Fort Collins- Community City of FC- FC Bikes Bicycle Services Ambassador Program

t 1 t

215 North Mason Street, Third Floor Fort Collins CO 80522 www.fcgov.com


Becca Heinze (970) 224-6125 bheinze@fcgov.com The City of Fort Collins Recreation Department provides services that promote health, well-being, personal growth, and life enrichment for the community. Youth volunteers welcome. Opportunities are available for volunteers to help at any of our seven facilities: Edora Pool Ice Center, Senior Center, North Side Aztlan Community Center, The Farm, Mulberry Pool, City Park Pool, and the Pottery Studio. Examples of specific volunteer activities include assisting with special events, youth sports leagues, coaching, fundraising campaigns, and adaptive recreation events and activities. Volunteer coaches for youth sports are needed year round.

City of FC- Fort Collins Utilities PO Box 580 Fort Collins CO 80522 www.fcgov.com/climatewise/volunteering_internships.php Peter Iengo (970) 221-6847 Piengo@fcgov.com Join Fort Collins Utilities in its effort to conserve our precious resources while offering reliable, world class services. Programs such as ClimateWise help businesses and organizations strengthen their social and environmental leadership efforts. Volunteers are needed for activities that may include: local events, administrative/office tasks, database management, business or community outreach, research and program development. Activities will be focused on reducing carbon emissions and heightened social sustainability.

City of FC- FC Bikes 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fcgov.com/bicycling Tessa Greegor (970) 416-2471 tgreegor@fcgov.com The FC Bikes program encourages bicycling as a viable and healthy means of transportation for Fort Collins’ residents, employees and visitors of all ages and abilities. Through advocacy, programming and planning, the FC Bikes program seeks to increase bicycling while creating and maintaining a bicyclefriendly community atmosphere. Volunteers are needed for several events throughout the year. Most volunteer positions are related to outreach and evaluation.

281 North College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.bicycleambassadorprogram.org Jamie Gaskill-Fox (970) 221-6987 jgaskill-fox@fcgov.com

1 F w

J The FC Bikes Bicycle Ambassador Program aims to make( Northern Colorado the safest and best place to ride a bi-v cycle through education, encouragement and advocacy. Bicycle Ambassadors learn, educate and advocate for aT better cycling community. Bicycle Ambassadors learnb bike safety and how to teach cycling-related curriculumi through comprehensive training. They educate cyclistsc and motorists about cycling related topics in classes, atb events and in the field. Ambassadors advocate for saferg cycling conditions by identifying and reporting infra-o structure opportunities. Apply to become a Bicycle Am-a i bassador on our website. S o olorado omen s ports und a t ssociation d PO Box 271366 c Fort Collins CO 80527 www.cwsfa.org



’ S

Marsha Smeltzer (970) 690-5296 marsha.smeltzer@colostate.edu



2 F Colorado Women’s Sports Fund Association is dedicated tow creating opportunities for girls and women in Northern Colorado to participate in sports, and encouraging andM ( supporting their lifetime appreciation of and participam tion in athletics. Volunteers are needed to help with conducting sports tournaments that raise funds for our CWS-T FA Opportunity Gifts which provide financial resourcesa for girls and women to continue sports participation. Wed need individuals to staff concession sales, ticket sales andr other areas of tournament management. Please contacth us for current dates of events. B

Ensight Skills Center

a V

3307 South College Avenue, Ste 108 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.ensightskills.org Lorraine Perry (970) 407-9999 lorraine@ensightskills.org

Ensight Skills Center provides clients with low vision the opportunity to enhance their life skills, independence and self-confidence in a safe environment through adaptive technology and training. Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm to assist with administrative tasks, serve as readers, provide

HEALTH & WELLNESS transportation to clients, and more. Youth volunteers 13-15 supervised and 16+ unsupervised. Bilingual volunteers needed.

Fort Collins Bicycle Co-op

NC Volunteer Guide 29

Library. Volunteers greet customers, fit them with a free bike to ride, and provide information about the community. One month commitment preferred. Shifts are 10am12pm, Monday-Thursday and 10am-3pm, Friday-Sunday between April-November.

1501 North College Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.fcbikecoop.org

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Rocky Mountain Chapter

Justin Mohar (971) 484-3804 vac@fcbikecoop.org

720 South Colorado Boulevard, Ste 500S Denver CO 80246 www.lls.org

The Fort Collins Bicycle Co-op builds community through bicycling. Our goals are to keep our community riding, including those who cannot afford to buy a bike; to educate our neighbors in all things bike-related including bike maintenance, bicycle education and safety; to keep good bikes out of the landfill and to recycle poorly built or unsafe bikes; and to refurbish and donate bicycles for a wide variety of charity events and programs for those in need. Shop volunteers are needed to assist with every aspect of operations, serving as greeters on open shop days, helping at special events, and helping to repair bicycles. Volunteers are especially needed 2-6pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the shop. Please visit our website for current volunteer opportunities and shop location.

Molly Smith (720) 440-8620 Molly.smith@lls.org

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society-Rocky Mountain Chapter supports efforts to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Volunteers are needed throughout the year to assist with various fundraising events and awareness campaigns. Youth volunteers ages 10-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

March of Dimes Foundation – Colorado Chapter 1325 South Colorado Boulevard, Ste B308 Denver CO 80222 www.marchofdimes.com/Colorado

Fort Collins Bike Library

Laura Brill lbrill@marchofdimes.org

250 North Mason Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.fcbikelibrary.org Mikheil Moucharrafie (970) 419-1050 mikheil.m@bikefortcollins.org The Fort Collins Bike Library aims to provide affordable and sustainable bicycle transportation to visitors, students, and residents of Fort Collins. By providing bicycle resources and education, we can make our community a healthier and more sustainable place. The Fort Collins Bike Library is a free service allowing guests to borrow a bike for as short as one hour or as long as three days. Volunteers are needed to help run the Fort Collins Bike

March of Dimes Foundation-Colorado Chapter improves the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Volunteers are needed to participate in the Walk and other related events. Volunteers are needed for registration, to set fundraising goals, engage others to walk, collect donations, set up, serve food, clean up and participate in a 5K walk to benefit the organization. Youth volunteers ages 10-14 supervised, 15+ unsupervised.

Helping you climb the path to financial success Giving back to our communities w w w. r l r c p a s . c o m FORT COLLINS



30 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

McKee Medical Center Foundation

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

1805 East 18th Street, Ste 9 Loveland CO 80538 www.mckeefoundation.com

1525 Riverside Ave. Ste. A Fort Collins CO 80524 www.curemscolorado.org

Ashley Kasprzak (970) 820-4105 ashley.kasprzak@gmail.com

Anna Russo (970) 494-5987 anna.russo@nmss.org

McKee Medical Center Foundation raises funds and friends for the health and wellness of our community. Volunteers are needed to help plan and implement various fundraising events throughout the year. Dates and times vary and volunteer skills needed are broad. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised.

Medical Center of the Rockies 2500 Rocky Mountain Avenue Loveland CO 80538 www.universityofcoloradohealth.org Linda Fisher (970) 624-1852 lnf@pvhs.org Medical Center of the Rockies is a medical care center under University of Colorado Health-an independent, nonprofit organization, providing innovative, comprehensive care of the highest quality while exceeding expectations of the communities we serve. Volunteers are needed to assist at the information desk, escorting patients, serving as Get Well Network patient educators, in the Fitness Center, as patient liaisons, in the surgery/cardiac waiting room, with the golf cart, and in the gift shop. Volunteers are needed 7am-9pm, seven days per week. Shifts are 3-hours, once per week, with a six month commitment to the program. Youth volunteers ages 15-18.

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H v The Society’s mission is: People affected by MS can livet their best lives as we stop MS in its tracks, restore whatw has been lost and end MS forever. One-time Events Volun-m teers: assist with Northern Colorado Walk MS, Bike MS.e Positions include event set-up and break-down, partici-g pant registration, food & beverage, parking assistance,p route marshaling, rest stops and delivering marketingV materials to local businesses. Ongoing Volunteer Oppor-p tunities: volunteers are needed to assist clients one-on-p one or in small groups and help with organizing projects,m moves, letter writing, computer assistance, and errands.h Days and times are flexible. Youth volunteers under 16t years old need to be supervised, 16+ unsupervised. s a q orthern olorado

N Project



400 Remington Street, Ste 100 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.ncaids.org Jay Ogan (970) 484-4469 x20 jay.ogan@coloradohealthnetwork.org


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The mission of Colorado Health Network (CHN) is to equitablyP meet the evolving needs of people affected by HIV and other dis-p c ease through prevention, care and advocacy. Volunteers are needed for various positions including helpingo with office work and reception, stocking food bank, HIV/Hepati-V tis C testing and education, syringe access program, and educa-s tional outreach. More volunteer opportunities may be available.c Contact one of the volunteer coordinators, Jay Ogan or Sam Bourdon, for more information. Fort Collins office is open Monday through Friday. Opportunities also available in the Greeley office which is open on Mondays and Thursdays.

Engaging employees in service 4380 Ziegler Road Fort Collins, CO 80525 www.broadcom.com




Rehabilitation and Visiting Nurses

305 Carpenter Road Fort Collins CO 80525 www.pathways-care.org

2105 Clubhouse Drive Greeley CO 80634 http://www.rvna.info/

Debora Polk (970) 292-2378 deb.polk@pathways-care.org

Honoring every moment of life, Pathways Hospice provides compassionate, excellent, comprehensive care for those who have an advanced medical condition and those twho are grieving. Pathways Hospice provides symptom -management and support for serious long-term illness, expert medical and hospice care for individuals navi-gating the last months of life, and grief counseling and programs for those mourning the loss of a loved one. Volunteers are needed to work with hospice & palliative -patients and families, and in the areas of grief & loss sup-port. Opportunities include companion / caregiver relief, music performance, art therapy, massage therapy, light housekeeping (inside and out), and beauticians. Volun6teers are also needed to assist with administrative duties such as: mailings, clerical tasks, fundraising activities, and special events. Twenty hour volunteer training required for patient care and bereavement volunteers.

Poudre Valley Hospital 1024 South Lemay Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.pvhs.org Susan Nadeau skn@pvhs.org

yPoudre Valley Hospital is an integrated, independent non-profit organization providing innovative, comprehensive care of the highest quality while exceeding expectations of the communities we serve. -Volunteers are needed 7am-8pm, seven days a week to as-sist staff in more than 70 departments to enhance the .comfort and care for patients, family members, and visitors.


NC Volunteer Guide 31

Sheri Wayman (970) 225-9399 sheriwayman@rvna.info

Rehabilitation and Visiting Nurses Association provides quality home health care and related services to the residents of northern Colorado with professional skills and compassion. Volunteers are needed to help with administrative duties.

Sustainable Living Association 201 Linden Street Fort Collins CO 80522 www.sustainablelivingassociation.org Ryan Poole (970) 443-3205 rpoole1939@gmail.com

The Sustainable Living Association educates people and communities in the Rocky Mountain region to make healthy, sustainable choices. Volunteers are needed to build community awareness for sustainable building and renewable energy by helping with workshop series, promoting other awareness activities, and supporting the activities of other organizations that are working to achieve similar goals. Youth volunteers ages 12-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.


32 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

Hunger and Homelessness

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities with hunger and homelessness, please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer.

CARE Housing, Inc.

Catholic Charities - Larimer County

1303 West Swallow Road, Bldg 11 Fort Collins CO 80526 www.carehousing.org

460 Linden Center Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.ccdenver.org

Roxie Guerrette (970) 282-7522 rguerrette@carehousing.org

Ruth Lorensson (970) 484-5010 rlorensson@ccdenver.org

CARE Housing, Inc. advocates for and provides affordable housing with support services to working families, along with persons with disabilities, and senior citizens to strengthen and empower families and build community. Volunteers are needed to assist with resident programs several times throughout the year. Volunteers are also needed to help with landscaping, painting, and other property-related enhancements. Background check required. Orientation provided. Youth volunteers ages 16+ unsupervised.

Catholic Charities helps people, strengthens families, and builds communities by serving people of all religious, ethnic, social, and economic backgrounds. Shelter volunteers assist one night per week with intake and orientation of new clients. Emergency Assistance volunteers assist one afternoon per week, Monday-Thursday with client intake and reception. Kitchen volunteers help prepare and serve a meal at least one day per month, youth volunteers ages 15+ only. Senior Outreach volunteers commit 2 hours per week for one year to provide companionship to an isolated senior. Administrative volunteers serve at least once per week, Monday-Friday at the front desk. Youth volunteers ages 8-14 supervised, 15+ unsupervised.


For more than five years, Qualfon has partnered with the United Way of Larimer County to make a positive impact on people, families, and communities. www.Qualfon.com


NC Volunteer Guide 33

Community Foundation Homeward 2020

Sue Peterson (970) 430-5532 aycenterffh@gmail.com

4745 Wheaton Drive, Ste 100 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.homeward2020.org

Faith Family Hospitality is an interfaith volunteer effort coordinating the service of Fort Collins faith communities to families experiencing homelessness. We provide fellowship, case management, safe overnight lodging, meals, and a family day center to help families become self-sufficient. Volunteers are invited to contact any of our 30 congregations to join them with over night hosting. Additionally, we can use volunteers at our Day Center 6 days per week performing tasks that include: playing with children and mentoring parents; general cleaning, organizing, sorting and help with special activities. Some volunteers have responsibility for the building for short periods of time while staff are away. Our day center provides showers, laundry, a full kitchen, computers, play area and case management to homeless families. No child care is provided, this is a family center. Day Center opportunities for volunteering are frequent and regular.

Homeward 2020 works to convene, advocate, strategize, and align local homeless-serving agencies, government, business leadership, and the faith community to greatly reduce the number of homeless persons in Fort Collins. Volunteers are needed for select projects throughout the year. Volunteers 18 or older.

Denver Rescue Mission Fort Collins 316 Jefferson Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fortcollinsrescuemission.org Heather Pulley (970) 568-9803 x4243 hpulley@denrescue.org The Fort Collins Rescue Mission is changing lives in the name of Christ by meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need, with the goal of returning them to society as productive, self-sufficient citizens. Volunteers are needed to prep and serve meals. Breakfast shift is 6am -7:30am, Prep is 1pm-4pm, and Dinner is 4:30pm-6:30pm. Please visit our website to find a listing of available shifts, as well as additional longer term opportunities.

Faith Family Hospitality 300 East Oak Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.faithfamilyhospitality.org

FOCO Cafe 225 Maple Street Fort Collins CO 80521 http://fococafe.org/

Feeding Our Community Ourselves, (FoCo Café) builds community by providing nutritious and delicious meals to the people of Fort Collins regardless of their ability to pay while using primarily local, organic, and sustainably grown ingredients. Our volunteers help make the FoCo Cafe run smoothly. Volunteers may sign up to work in the kitchen and in the dining area—prepping food, cooking, counter service, dishwashing, cleaning tables, doing maintenance work, etc. Space is limited, it is best to sign up ahead of time. For donations of goods, check out our Amazon Wish List to help us fill in the gaps to feeding our community. Youth volunteers under age 16 supervised.

Service To Go If you are looking to help the community but don’t have the time or resources to do a conventional service project, Service-to-Go is for you!

ects that can be completed anywhere, anytime.

Service-to-Go projects are easy DIY projects

scarves for homeless individuals, to alphabet

that can be implemented on-site at your business, school, or home, and they provide meaningful resources for individuals, families, and children in need. United Way of Larimer County works with local nonprofits to identify proj-

Projects range from “thinking of you” cards for homebound citizens, to first aid kits and fleece flashcards and joke books for children staying at a local shelter. Visit http://www.uwaylc.org/ Service-To-Go for more information or email volunteer@uwaylc.org.

34 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

Food Bank for Larimer County 1301 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.foodbanklarimer.org

service must contact the Volunteer Coordinator for prescreening and paperwork in order to work on site and receive credit for their hours. Youth volunteers ages 14-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

Homeless Gear

Ben Mensch (970) 530-3113 bmensch@foodbanklarimer.org

1305 Duff Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.homelessgear.org

The Food Bank for Larimer County provides food to all in need through community partnerships and hunger relief programs. Food Share volunteers are needed in Loveland, Tues-Sat 9am-3pm, and Fort Collins, Mon-Fri 12:30-6:30pm, to work at check-in and stocking food in our food pantry. Kids Cafe Kitchen Assistants help prepare, cook and package meals Monday-Friday. Warehouse and office volunteers assist 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday. Opportunities also exist to help with special events and food drives. Volunteers typically work a regular weekly shift of 2-3 hours which must be pre-arranged with the Volunteer Manager. Volunteers 10-15 must have an adult with them, ages 16 & 17 can come alone with written consent.

Kimberly Alvarez Kimberly@HomelessGear.org

Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity 4001 South Taft Hill Road Fort Collins CO 80526 www.fortcollinshabitat.org Alex Statham (970) 488-2609 astatham@fortcollinshabitat.org Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity builds safe, decent, and affordable homes in partnership with hard-working families in need. Volunteers are needed to help with home construction 8am-3:30pm, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Volunteers ages 16+ unsupervised. No construction experience necessary. Volunteers are also needed to assist in the ReStore, 9am-5:30pm, Tuesday-Saturday, with material handling, cleaning, and greeting customers. Additional United Way with Ad administration (5.33x2):Layout 1 4/9/12 help is needed and special events. Individuals who are serving court-ordered community

Homeless Gear’s mission is to provide homeless men, women and children with the supplies that they need to survive on the streets and the support and services that they need to navigate the path from homelessness to selfsufficiency. We operate a family of programs that provides a continuum of services to individuals and families who are homeless: supplies that help them survive in the short-term, connections to resources in the interim and links to employment, housing and self-sufficiency in the long-term. Volunteers are needed to process donations, maintain the warehouse, help out at quarterly children events, organize and host donation drives, help out at a monthly Sam’s Club collection event, transport products to and from the agencies in Fort Collins, Denver and surrounding areas, join the Street Outreach team, become a mentor in our One Village One Family Program, rent to a family in our One Village One Family Program, or sponser a family in our One Village One Family Program. Youth volunteers are welcome! Volunteers are also needed for our Gear Room which is located inside the Murphy Center building and helping out at the food pantry in the Murphy Center as well.

Homelessness Prevention Initiative 503 Remington Street, Ste 207 Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.homelessnessprevetion.net Amanda Hodge (970) 221-1553 11:52 AM Page 1 ahodge@homelessnessprevention.net

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To prevent homelessness before it starts by providing -emergency rental assistance, financial management tools 5and supportive referrals to households within the Poudre School District.

House of Neighborly Service

NC Volunteer Guide 35

Murphy Center for Hope 242 Conifer Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 494-9940 x 9704 http://murphycenterforhope.org/volunteer

1511 East 11th Street Loveland CO 80537 www.honservice.org

Ken John (970) 581-4921 ken@homelessgear.org

Dustin Barrington (970) 342-2311

The Mission of the Murphy Center is to facilitate coordination and collaboration among the independent agencies serving the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in Larimer County. By providing agencies and those being served with a single location, the Murphy Center is able to offer our guests a continuum of integrated programs and services designed to help them along the path to self-sufficiency, and to help make homelessness rare, short lived and non-recurring. The Murphy Center For Hope is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. Volunteer opportunities are available for morning or afternoons and based on the number of hours each volunteer would like to help.

,House of Neighborly Service provides basic needs, referrals, and advocacy to people who are experiencing the effects of poverty or situational crisis. Volunteers help sort food and package food baskets, sort -and hang donated clothing, assist the homeless day center (and seasonally the overnight shelter), pick up donations, do clerical tasks, and serve as caseworkers that dmeet with clients. Volunteers are also utilized for funderaisers, maintenance and other special projects. , n a oveland abitat for umanity 1154 SE 2nd Street -Loveland CO 80537 ewww.lovelandhabitat.org t rHeather Muheim .(970) 669-9769 heather@lovelandhabitat.org d y Seeking to put God’s love into action, Loveland Habitat for e Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Volunteers are needed to assist with all phases of home construction, to serve on committees, and to offer clerical support in the office. ReStore volunteers help collect, sort, display and repair donated items. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised for non-construction related duties.




Loveland Housing Authority 375 West 37th Street, Ste 200 Loveland CO 80538 www.lovelandhsg.org David James (970) 635-5916 info@lovelandhsg.org City of Loveland Housing Authority provides low and moderate income residents of Loveland with opportunities for home and community through housing. Volunteers are needed to help maintain properties managed by Loveland Housing Authority by assisting with gardening, playground maintenance, garbage collection, and beautification projects. There are also opportunities to work with the children during craft time, science club, field trips, reading programs, and Girl Scout troops.

Neighbor to Neighbor 1550 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.n2n.org Beverly Suits (970) 484-7498 bsuits@n2n.org

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) opens doors and advances lives by providing housing counseling, supportive services, and multifamily affordable housing. Volunteers are needed to assist with Housing Counseling programs by placing follow-up phone calls to program participants, performing data entry, filing, helping with mailings, answering phones, updating information, assisting with youth programs and performing basic office duties. Volunteers are also needed for short-term property beautification, landscaping, community building, maintenance and various other projects. Volunteer hours are Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm, and Fridays, 8am-12pm with occasional weekend and evening hours. Youth volunteers ages 10+ supervised.

The Community Kitchen 427 North Garfield Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.lovelandcommunitykitchen.org

“A place where there is a meal for the hungry, conversation for the lonely, and rest for those who are struggling�. Volunteers are needed 7:15-8:15 for breakfast, 10:30am1:30pm, Monday-Friday, and 2-5pm on weekends to help with meal set-up, service, and clean-up. Youth volunteers ages 10-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

36 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016

Individuals with Disabilities

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities serving individuals with disabilities please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038 or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer

ARC Thrift Stores 2701 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80526 www.arcthrift.com Erica Porter (970) 231-9222 x1190 eporter@arcthrift.com Arc Thrift Stores enhances the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families by providing funding to support the Arc and ACL Chapters in Colorado. Arc believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities should have the opportunity to decide how they live, learn, work, and play.

AINC is seeking qualified volunteers to read newspapers, magazines, and other print materials to be broadcasted to blind, visually impaired, and print disabled individuals across Colorado. Boulder studios are open for recording 7:30am-5pm, Monday- Friday, and 8am-12pm weekends. Computer savvy volunteers may also record remotely on personal computers. Other volunteer opportunities are available. 2 hour minimum commitment per week preferred. Training provided. Youth volunteers ages 14+ unsupervised.

Disabled Resource Services 1017 Robertson Street, Unit B Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fortnet.org/drs

Audio Information Network of Colorado

Terry Ellis (970) 482-2700 terry.e@disabledresourceservices.org

1700 55th Street, Ste A Boulder CO 80301 www.aincolorado.org

Disabled Resource Services empowers individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum level of independence through services supporting advocacy, awareness, and access to their community. Volunteers are needed to assist low-income and homebound individuals with disabilities in Fort Collins and Loveland by providing transportation, helping with lawn mowing and yard work, snow shoveling, organizing, reading to the blind, adopting a senior, light housekeeping and handyman work. Volunteers with auto-mechanical skills are also needed.

Kat Lindgren (877) 443-2001 x103 kat@aincolorado.org Audio Information Network of Colorado provides Colorado’s blind, visually impaired, and print disabled residents with access to news, information, and otherwise inaccessible printed materials.

Easter Seals Colorado


1656 Topaz Drive Loveland CO 80537 www.eastersealscolorado.org Katie Dockery (970) 669-2777 kdockery@eastersealscolorado.org

Easter Seals Colorado partners with individuals and families to reduce the impact of disability or health challenges to enhance quality of life. Volunteers are needed 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday to support day program staff with activities including arts and crafts, assist with programs or outings, and serve on the fundraising committee. Background checks required. All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

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June 2016 2015

Foothills Gateway, Inc.

The Learning House Foundation creates an enriching and engaging environment for both young children and adults that stimulates the mind, incorporates hands-on activities, and encourages everyone to be their best. Volunteers are needed to assist in classrooms, with yard and maintenance duties, and with front office tasks. Youth volunteers ages 10-12 supervised, 13+ unsupervised.

301 West Skyway Drive Fort Collins CO 80525 www.foothillsgateway.org April Rikhoff (970) 266-5379 aprilr@foothillsgateway.org The mission of Foothills Gateway is to advocate for and empower individuals with disabilities to lead lives of their choice. Volunteers are needed as mentors and are paired one-onone with an individual with a disability to help model healthy friendships while accessing the community. Schedules are flexible. Volunteers also assist as Adult Program Aides helping staff and individuals on-site in the work area, retirement room, or intensive supports area with activities such as reading to groups, arts and crafts, feeding, and one-on-one time. Hours are 9:30am-1:30pm, Monday-Friday. Adult Care Services volunteers spend time with adults at the Adult Care house, participating in activities such as games, arts and crafts, and reading. This is a 24-hour facility. Background checks required. All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center 163 North County Road 29 Loveland CO 80537 www.heartsandhorses.org Katie Meininger katie@heartsandhorses.org Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center promotes the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well being of people with special needs through equine-assisted therapy. Volunteers are needed as Horse Leaders and Side Walkers to aid special needs clients in their riding therapy. Horse Leaders are responsible for haltering, grooming, tacking, and leading horses in therapy classes. Side Walkers walk alongside and sometimes aid the disabled rider’s balance. 8-week commitment serving 1-2 hours per week preferred. Training provided. Volunteers are also needed for office and facilities support. Youth volunteers ages 3-14 supervised, 15+ unsupervised.

Learning House Foundation 3533 Riva Ridge Drive Fort Collins CO 80526 www.thelearninghouse.org Mary Bateson (970) 266-0844 thelearninghouse@aol.com

Pine Acre Farms Therapy Center 1632 East County Road 16E Loveland CO 80537 www.pineacrefarms.com Debbie Anderson (970) 461-1464 debbie@freedomshields.net

Pine Acre Farms Therapy Center provides social interaction skills and rehab (in home therapy) for the mentally challenged through therapy with all types of animals. Volunteers are needed to assist participants, handle dogs and horses, assist with program set-up, fundraising, and maintenance projects. Background check required.

Reflections Therapeutic Riding 46550 County Road 29 Nunn CO 80648 www.reflectionstherapeuticriding.com C. Donovan (970) 690-1049 cj@reflectionstherapeuticriding.com

To empower and improve the lives of people with cognitive, psychological and physical disabilities through the benefits of equine assisted activities and therapies. We are seeking volunteers for Horse Leaders: leading the horse for the rider. Most positions require volunteer orientation and training for all persons interested, even those with horse experience. This position does not require horse experience, however it will require a longer time in training to understand the dynamics of the horse and your role in the therapy team. Side Walkers: assist riders in sitting balanced on the horses and hearing what the instructor is saying. Barn Team: assists in horse grooming and maintenance, barn cleaning and tack cleaning, etc. Grounds Maintenance: everything from cleaning, planting flowers, mowing and helping build items for the sensory trail. Special Events: Reflections holds fundraising events and special events for our riders. Office Assistance: Misc office duties such as filing, typing, organizing and assistance to the administrative staff. We ask that you wear closed toe shoes/boots, no sandals please. Days and times are as follows: Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm, please contact Volunteer Coordinator for more information.


g d espite are nc n 6203 South Lemay Avenue Fort Collins CO 80525 dwww.respitecareinc.org h Kelsy Beauchman (970) 207-9435 kelsy@respitecareinc.org



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Respite Care, Inc. provides short-term quality care for children with developmental disabilities and respite to their families, enabling them to enhance their quality of life. Volunteers are needed to spend supervised time with children during scheduled weekly visits reading stories, holding babies, and other age appropriate activities. Orientation, training, and background check required. Group volunteers are also needed to complete one-time projects around the Respite Care facility or to help with -special events. Group volunteer opportunities must be arranged at least two weeks in advance.

SummitStone Health PartnersSpirit Crossing Clubhouse


125 Crestridge Street Fort Collins CO 80525 www.touchstonehealthpartners.org Natalie Brown (970) 493-4053 natalie.brown@larimercenter.org


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Spirit Crossing Clubhouse supports adults with mental illness as they pursue their personal, social, financial, and vocational goals. Volunteers with expertise in employment, education, business, law, real estate, or persons with disabilities are needed to serve on the Advisory Board. Two-year minimum commitment required. Volunteers are also needed to help with special events, fundraising, building renovations, and to serve on the Friends of Spirit Crossing League. Accepts youth volunteers, under 16 with adult supervision.

The Arc of Larimer County 1721 West Harmony Rd Fort Collins CO 80526 www.arclc.org Marilee Boylan (970) 204-6991 mboylan@arclc.org

Promotes and protects the civil rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through individual and systems advocacy and education fostering an inclusive community that embraces people throughout their lifetime to be included in every aspect of community life. Volunteers are needed to assist with office duties, events, and special programs. Volunteers for childcare during parent workshops and parent group meetings. Also looking for Board members.

Youth and Family Volunteering Volunteering has a significant impact • Youth Volunteers: Tools and resources are on our community and our youth. available to better coordinate service projects Through volunteerism, youth are able to engage that align seamlessly with the goals of your in the community and see how their actions can school, club, or youth group. bring about positive change. Additionally, volun- • Service-to-Go: Short-term, “do-it-yourself” teerism provides opportunities to explore career service projects that can be implemented indeinterests, gain real-world experience, develop pendently at home or at school to benefit local a sense of purpose, meet new people, and have agencies in the community. Also, consider volunteering as a family! Family fun! More than 100 organizations in Larimer County volunteering is a great way to spend quality time welcome youth volunteers. These organizations together while learning more about issues facing are denoted with the special youth icon dis- the community. For more information on youth and family volplayed above. United Way of Larimer County also provides sev- unteerism and how to get involved, visit us at eral opportunities to engage youth in volunteer- http://uwaylc.org/volunteer or email volunteer@uwaylc.org. ing:

40 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016

How Can I Help In The Event Of A Disaster? The physical destruction and human displacement caused by recent disaster events has made the impact of disaster real for all of us. Larimer County has had the unfortunate experience of responding to numerous disasters of its own, including the High Park Fire and the 2013 flood. Oftentimes, community members want to help, but don’t realize there are limitations to volunteering and donating during a disaster. The following list can help you understand how your voluntary efforts can be best used:

• Become trained in advance. Stay safe by volunteering through a reputable agency. Locally, you can contact organizations such as the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and United Way 2-1-1 to become trained as a disaster response volunteer prior to an emergency event. • Don’t self-deploy. Volunteers are usually needed in the weeks, months, and years after a disaster strikes. What most people don’t realize is that self-deploying can actually cause more problems than they alleviate in a disaster situation. The best thing to do is to wait for instructions from official sources. • When you want to donate, cash is best. Donated goods often cause the complicated, time-consuming process of collecting, tracking, transporting and distributing, while cash can be used in concentrated areas. • Donate through an organization. When specific items are needed, organizations know of the specific needs along with the details of the collection. Relief groups will often have infrastructure already in place. Dial 2-1-1 for a list of organizations accepting donations. • Don’t call 9-1-1 to find out about recent developments and volunteer opportunities. To find out the status of a disaster or who you can contact to help, visit w w w.larimer. org /emergency or dial 2-1-1. If a disaster does occur and you are compelled to help those in need, please contact United Way of Larimer County 2-1-1 to find out how you can volunteer or donate by dialing 2-1-1 or visiting www.UnitedWayofLarimerCounty.org.


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Resources and Services

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. The organizations in this category involve volunteers in providing specialized resource or service to members of the community. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities with local resources and services, please call United Way of Larimer County at 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer

Alternatives to Violence, Inc.

Jennifer Johnson (970) 689-2175 Jennifer.Jo.Johnson@ColoState.EDU

541 East Eighth Street Loveland CO 80537 www.alternativestoviolence.org

Our goal is to maximize student potential through high quality, innovative programs and services. With a variety of leadership and community engagement programs, the Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement (SLiCE) office at Colorado State University provides an important link between students and their surrounding communities. SLiCE brings together student organizations, student leaders and student volunteers under one banner; making our campus a better community and a more involved place. Being involved in SLiCE programs allows students to enrich their academic and social experience at CSU. With 12 highly committed professional staff members and nearly 30 student staff members with a variety of expertise, SLiCE is not only a source for involvement of all kinds, but also a valuable resource of knowledge. Come into the office today to discover how rewarding a slice of involvement can be!

Katie Wiseman volunteers@alternativestoviolence.org Alternatives to Violence (ATV), in collaboration with individuals and communities impacted by violence, creates safe pathways away from abusive environments through education, counseling, advocacy and shelter. Volunteers are needed to assist with victim advocacy, legal/ court advocacy, childcare, fundraising, and administrative tasks. Flexible Scheduling. Volunteers who serve as victim advocates are first responders to crisis situations. Thorough training is provided.

City of Fort Collins- Planning, Development & Transportation 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80521 www.fcgov.com Rebecca Everette (970) 212-4903 beverett@fcgov.com City of Fort Collins Neighborhood Services offers programs for Fort Collins residents to enhance quality of life in our neighborhoods.

CSU-SLiCE Office 210 Lory Student Center Fort Collins CO 80523 www.slce.colostate.edu

Estes Park Learning Place 600 South Saint Vrain, Unit 2 Estes Park CO 80517 www.eplearningplace.org Sue Pinkham sue@eplearningplace.org

The Estes Park Learning Place is dedicated to supporting and inspiring students of all ages in their educational pursuits, and to nurturing a life-long love of learning. Volunteers are needed to support learning programs and help with special events.

42 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center

Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau

395 Ponderosa Lane Estes Park CO 80517 www.epnonprofit.org

19 Old Town Square, Ste 137 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.visitftcollins.com

Jill Lancaster (970) 480-7805 director@epnonprofit.org

Autumn Schempp (970) 232-3842 autumn@ftcollins.com

Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center provides educational opportunities for area nonprofit organizations, seeks optimal utilization of limited resources through networking among nonprofit entities, and encourages through support and guidance the emergence of innovation and creativity. Volunteers are needed to assist with managing records of nonprofit contact information adn services. Volunteer grant writers also needed as well as individuals interested in becoming experts in on-line grant searches.

Fort Collins Read Aloud

Everyday Joe’s Coffee House 144 South Mason Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.everydayjoes.org

Jen Taylor (970) 490-3179 jentaylor@fortcollinsreadaloud.org

Everyday Joe’s Coffee House seeks to express the presence of the living Christ in Old Town by building relationships and being a place where people come together. Volunteers are needed to assist with one-time cleaning and maintenance projects. Volunteers who are able to commit a minimum of three months are needed as baristas at the coffee bar. Youth volunteers 16+ unsupervised.

Fort Collins Community Action Network PO Box 400 Fort Collins CO 80522 www.fccan.org Cheryl Distaso (970) 419-8944 info@fccan.org The Fort Collins Community Action Network (FCCAN) creates a community based on furthering economic, social, and environmental justice, sustainability, human rights, and peace for all by building coalitions, developing strategies and actions, and supporting existing progressive organizations. Volunteers are needed for nearly every aspect of programming, including one-time events. Youth volunteers ages 14-16 supervised, 17+ unsupervised.

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H u Visit Fort Collins, the Fort Collins Convention and Visitorst Bureau, leads the Fort Collins area hospitality industry ina attracting special events, conventions, cultural activities,v and recreational opportunities. Visit Fort Collins pro-9 vides information regarding businesses, services, events,s and recreational opportunities available in Fort Collinsl to visitors and residents. a

703 East Prospect Road Fort Collins CO 80525 www.fortcollinsreadaloud.org

Aaron Patterson (970) 224-4138 aaron@everydayjoes.org



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M ( Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, Fort Collinsm Read Aloud encourages, educates, and empowers communities in Larimer County with the tools necessary toL ensure lifetime literacy for children. m In its ongoing volunteer program, Fort Collins Readv Loud volunteers read one-on-one with students in thet PSD classrooms, Preschool through 3rd grade. Typically,T the volunteer commitment is once a week for 30 minutesw and continues through the school year. Additionally, FCRAw supports Parent Literacy Programs for parents of babies and toddlers as well as Family Literacy Night events within specific neighborhoods. Volunteer opportunities vary within those events.

Geller Center 629 South Howes Street Fort Collins CO 80521 ww.gellercenter.org Laura Nelson (970) 482-8487 admin.gellercenter@gmail.com

The Geller Center provides a safe place for development of the spirit within the whole person, promoting healthy individuals, vibrant communities, and a peaceful world. Volunteers are requested to assist with yard work, office work including the occasional bulk mailings, providing a meal for college students during the weekly “Food for Thought” gatherings, serving on the Board of Directors, and helping with special events. We offer opportunities for one-time, semi-regular and on-going volunteers, fitting duties or projects to what our volunteers are most interested in.


H.E.L.P. International 629 14th Street SW Loveland CO 80537 www.helpint.org Jean Kaye Wilson (970) 481-2531 jeankaye@helpint.org

H.E.L.P. International identifies, collects, and distributes humanitarian aid, medical supplies, and equipment sto those in need in times of peace, war, or disaster, and assists each community to sustain itself through the de,velopment of micro-businesses. Volunteers are needed -9am-3:30pm, Monday-Thursday and some weekends to ,sort and pack donations, pick-up and deliver goods to the local community, assist in the shipment of items abroad, and complete office tasks.

Loveland Business Development Center 5400 Stone Creek Circle Loveland CO 80538 www.lovelandcenterforbiz.org

Mary Ann Huffines (970) 667-4106 smaryann@lovelandbusiness.com oLoveland Business Development Center creates on-going mentoring relationships with business owners by providing free confidential business counseling, available throughout the entire business cycle. ,The Loveland Business Development Center is aligned swith the Larimer SBDC program. These programs are always looking for skilled business consultants to work with d c




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clients in developing their businesses. To be considered for a position as a business consultant, online training modules must be completed. Volunteers are needed to provide counseling and present classes for local businesses and people looking to go into business. Volunteers can provide their services for a few hours per day, once per week, or occasionally on an on-call basis. Hours are flexible.

Loveland Visitors Center 5400 Stone Creek Circle, Ste 100 Loveland CO 80538 www.cityofloveland.org Gary Light (970) 667-3882 gary.light@cityofloveland.org

To provide concierge services for the City of Loveland. Volunteers are needed to help operate the gift shop, with the Valentine re-mailing program, and greet visitors and provide them with local, regional, and state information.


Board Bank

Have you ever considered serving on a volunteer to lear n more about possible nonnonprofit Board of Directors? profit s to be paired w ith. United Way of Larimer Count y’s Board Bank Currently, there are more than 50 local nonprogram pair s volunteer s’ sk ills and inter- profit s in the Board Bank program that need est s w ith a variet y of board oppor tunities, the sk ills, pa ssion, and enthusia sm that so a ssisting in matching volunteer s w ith the many com munit y professionals have to offer. needs of local nonprofit s. Board Bank trainings are held quar terly and T his program is desig ned for those who all interested volunteer s look ing to ser ve are interested in helping gover n and lead a on a board are encouraged to attend. T he nonprofit toward greater impact and success training includes an over v iew of the roles, throug h nonprofit board leader ship. Visit responsibilities, and expectations of ser v- ht t p: // w w w.u wa y l c .or g / S e r v e - o n - a - B o a r d ing on a Board of Director s and allows the or- Com mittee or email volunteer@uwaylc. org for additional in for mation.

44 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

Northern Colorado Shares, Inc. Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center 304 Pelican Cove Windsor CO 80550 www.nocoshares.org

4812 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80524 www.savacenter.org

Kathie Robson (970) 381-2631 kathiejrobson@gmail.com

Katie Abeyta kabeyta@savacenter.org

NOCO Shares mission is to inspire generosity 90 days at a time through different community focused projects. The Community Garden at Redeemer Church, which serves the Food Bank of Larimer County, is an annual project in need of volunteers from April to September. In 2015 we added a 46 tree apple orchard, so in a couple of years we will be able to provide apples to the Food Bank as well. The garden is wheelchair accessible and family friendly, volunteers of all ages are welcome. Youth under 18 must have adult supervision. The Gift of a Green Christmas Tree is another of NOCO Shares annual projects, which delivers fresh cut Christmas trees and all the trimmings to families without. This is another great family friendly volunteering opportunity. Trees are usually delivered the 1st Saturday of December.

Salvation Army - Fort Collins 3901 South Mason Street Fort Collins CO 80525 volunteer.usawest.org Dorothy Dulin (970) 207-4472 dorothy.dulin@usw.salvationarmy.org The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Volunteers are needed for the Christmas Red Kettle Campaign to ring silver bells, give out candy canes and collect donation money in The Salvation Army red kettles every day except Sunday starting in November after Thanksgiving through December until Christmas. Volunteer projects include registering low-income families for holiday assistance, and assisting with Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) during the times of disaster. Bilingual volunteers especially needed during the Christmas season. Check the volunteer website to register online for additional opportunities throughout the year.

Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (SAVA) Center provides crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling for all those affected by sexual violence and provides prevention programs through community outreach and education. Direct service volunteers serve as hotline advocates. 40hour trainings are hosted 3 times per year. Prevention program volunteers help with SART Peers, Super Girls and Super Boys.

Small Business Development Center 320 East Vine Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.larimersbdc.org Terri Donovan-Keirns (970) 498-9295 admin@LarimerSBDC.org

The Larimer Small Business Development Center provides high quality and cost-effective small business assistance, information, and support which fosters the successful growth and development of small businesses, resulting in positive long-term economic impact on our communities. Volunteers are needed to serve as office assistants for 2-3 hour shifts, 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday. Business owners or retired persons willing to share knowledge and experience in their business area of expertise are needed as professional business consultants 1-3 hours per week. Volunteer writers and photographers are also needed to capture and share Larimer County business owners’ success stories.

United Way of Larimer County 424 Pine Street, Ste 102 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.unitedwayoflarimercounty.org Volunteer Coordinator volunteer@uwaylc.org

United Way of Larimer County cultivates and mobilizes community resources to change and save lives.


Voices Carry Child Advocacy Center

YMCA of the Rockies 2515 Tunnel Road Estes Park CO 80511 www.ymcarockies.org

5529 South Timberline Road Fort Collins CO 80528 http://www.voicescarrycac.org/

Spider Fish (970) 586-3341 x1071 sfish@ymcarockies.org

Isabelle Thurmer isabelle@voicescarrycac.org

sOur mission is to reduce trauma to children and their lfamilies through a comprehensive response to child abuse while making our community safer for all children. Our vision is to eliminate child abuse through pre-vention and education. Where we cannot, all victims will nreceive comprehensive and compassionate services from san effective team of professionals. Volunteers are needed to assist with answering phones, greeting clients, filing, entering data, supervising children, and staffing the front desk. Volunteers may help with building and grounds maintenance by caring for the garden and lawn, and helping with repairs. Student interns can provide family support and resource referrals, conduct follow-up services, complete field notes, and supervise children. Volunteers are also needed to help with grant writing and fundraising events. Youth volunteers ages 13+ supervised.


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The YMCA of the Rockies puts Christian principles into practice through programs, staff, and facilities in an environment that builds healthy spirit, mind and body. The YMCA of the Rockies is committed to giving back to the community through local day camp and childcare scholarships, military, foster and clergy family discount lodging packages, scholarships for Camp Chief Ouray overnight summer camp, and providing environmental education classes. Volunteers are needed to support all departments including food service, programming, office staff, housekeeping, and maintenance. Volunteers receive the same benefits and discounts as seasonal employees. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised.


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June 2016 2015



Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities serving seniors, please contact United 6 F Way of Larimer County at 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer w

Care-A-Van / SAINT, Inc. 333 West Drake Road, Ste 42 Fort Collins CO 80526 www.saintvolunteertransportation.org Connie Nelson-Cleverley (970) 223-8604 saintvc@frii.com Senior Alternatives in Transportation (SAINT) helps seniors ages 60+ and individuals with disabilities that prevent them from driving maintain their independence by providing doorto-door transportation in Fort Collins and Loveland. Volunteers donate their time and use their own vehicles to provide rides in Fort Collins and Loveland. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:15am-4pm. Most volunteers choose to drive one morning or afternoon a week. Others choose the more flexible option of driving as a back-up. Volunteers are provided a mileage allowance and supplemental liability insurance. Authorization to conduct criminal background checks and obtain copies of driver’s records are required.

City of FC- Senior Center 1200 Raintree Drive Fort Collins CO 80526 www.fcgov.com/recreation/seniorcenter Betsy Emond (970) 224-6030 bemond@fcgov.com

Poverty Simulations Did you know that 1 in 7 individuals in Larimer County are living in poverty? Poverty Simulations are a role-playing experience for those not living in poverty to learn about and engage in poverty reduction. Each participant assumes the role of a low-income family member living on a limited budget. During the hour-long “month,� participants must do their best to provide for their families, cover expenses, and maintain their

S The City of Fort Collins Senior Center is a gathering place where( adults can come together for activities and services that enhancee their dignity, maintain their well-being, support their independence, foster lifelong learning, and encourage their involvement inE i the community. Volunteers assist with the implementation and supervision of pro-m grams and activities, serving in Guest Services as librarians, cooks,s trip drivers, and clerical assistants. Volunteers also assist with spe-y cial events that occur throughout the year. Areas of need includef choosing from one-time events to longer term commitments ind aquatics, arts and crafts, clubs and organizations, dance, fitness,w education, games, Library/Media Center assistance, outdoor recre-e ation, and social and travel opportunities. Court-ordered volunteersa must pay $15 for a background check. Youth volunteers ages 10-16m a supervised, 16+ unsupervised. a l lder are etwork of a c orthern olorado s p PO Box 272687 Fort Collins CO 80527 www.eldercarenet.org




(970) 495-3442


Elder Care Network of Northern Colorado assists seniorsP in northern Colorado by providing information, resourc-F es, and support to caregivers and professional servicew providers. Volunteers are needed to support annual events such asB Senior Law Day in August, Elder Care Resource Day in the( b spring and many other events throughout the year. Youth volunteers ages 17+ unsupervised. F e s i o e

home. These goals are accomplished by interacting with community resources available in the simulation, which range from bill collectors to service providers. Volunteers are needed to host simulations, role play in simulations as participants, or community resource actors, and facilitate the events. For more information about Poverty Simulations, email volunteer@uwaylc.org.

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Elderhaus Adult Day Programs 6813 South College Fort Collins CO 80525 www.elderhaus.org Sandra Cogswell (970) 221-0406 ehvolunteer@gmail.com

nEnrich lives through community based education, socialization and therapeutic services to support caregivers and -maintain self-sufficiency. Now housed in one location, it serves a spectrum of adults with special needs, aged 18 - 99 -years old! Elderhaus population features programs designed efor older adults with Alzheimers, dementia, and/or physical ndisabilitities. Mindset program appeals to younger adults with developmental disabilities and is faster paced, more -energetic, and educational, for both populations. Volunteers sassist program guests and staff members with crafts, games, 6meals and snacks, and help with special projects with men’s and women’s groups. Volunteers may assist on outings such as visits to parks, museums, coffee shops, bowling and billiards centers, fishing, and Meals on Wheels delivery. Hours are 8am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. Volunteers are welcome to assist for however many hours they would like to serve. Youth volunteers ages 10-14 supervised, 15+ unsupervised.

Foundation on Aging for Larimer County

PO Box 288 -Fort Collins CO 80522 ewww.foalarimer.org Bente James (970) 310-4900 bente@foalarimer.org Foundation on Aging for Larimer County addresses the needs of older adults, raises community awareness of those needs, and fosters solutions that improve quality of life. The Foundation focuses on implementing and administering an emergency support fund for older individuals whose needs are not being met due to gaps in the existing senior service network. Volunteers are needed to provide

community education and increase awareness about aging issues. Volunteers serve on the education, emergency grant assistance, advocacy, and events committees.

Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins, Inc. 1217 East Elizabeth, Ste 11 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.fcmow.org Lila Masoud-Qot (970) 484-6325 lila@fcmow.org Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins, provides nutritious meals to home-bound individuals five days a week in the greater Fort Collins area. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to home-bound clients. A once a week commitment of one and a half hours is all it takes to contribute to the greater good of the community. Additional information and the application are available on our website.

Meals on Wheels Inc for Loveland and Berthoud, Inc. 437 North Garfield Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.lovelandmealsonwheels.org Kimberly Spencer (970) 667-0311 kimberly@lovelandmealsonwheels.org

Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud provides nutritious meals delivered by volunteers to individuals with limited ability to leave home, shop for food, or prepare meals because of a physical or mental condition thus enabling them to remain independent and living at home. Volunteers are needed throughout the organization, from kitchen volunteers to Board members. The majority of volunteers serve as kitchen volunteers or delivery drivers. In addition, Meals on Wheels is always recruiting for individuals to help with fundraising and event planning. Volunteers are needed 8-11:30am, Monday-Friday to assist with packing meals in the kitchen. Volunteers are also needed 10:30am-12:30pm to serve

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June 2016

as drivers, delivering meals on specific routes once per week or as a substitute, as needed. Children may accompany adult drivers. Background checks provided. Youth volunteers ages 10-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

RAFT is a free volunteer driver program which operates under Berthoud Golden Links, a nonprofit with oversight of the Berthoud Senior Center. Volunteer drivers are matched with the needs of eligible riders.

Pets Forever: Supporting the Life-long Bond

Volunteers of America, Colorado Branch

Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 80523 petsforever.colostate.edu

405 Canyon Avenue Fort Collins CO 80521 www.voacolorado.org/Volunteers-of-AmericaNorthern-Colorado

Lori Kogan (970) 491-7984 lori.kogan@colostate.edu

Carrie Olenick (970) 472-9630 volmanager@frii.com

Pets Forever: Supporting the Life-Long Bond helps lowincome elderly or disabled Larimer County residents maintain ownership of their pets for as long as possible by providing needed help and resources. Volunteers are needed to assist with in-home animal care such as dog walking, litter box maintenance, feeding, bathing, and animal transportation. Background check, and a minimum five-hour per week commitment (based around your schedule) required.

Rural Alternative For Transportation 248 Welch Avenue Berthoud CO 80513 www.berthoudraft.org Ruth Fletcher-Carter (970) 532-2730 BerthoudRAFT.ruth@gmail.com


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C ( c Volunteers of America in Colorado seeks to identify and serve the basic needs of the most vulnerable individualsB and families in the community. t Volunteers provide services to help seniors and adultsa with disabilities remain living independently and so-W cially engaged. Volunteers of America serves all of Lar-h imer County, including Berthoud, Bellvue, Estes Park,c Fort Collins, Loveland, and Wellington. Services include:o home-delivered frozen meals, dining program, groceryW shopping and delivery, home safety improvements, com-n panionship, caregiver respite, and outreach programs.a The RSVP Program also helps volunteers age 55 and olderl find volunteer opportunities at other agencies that fits their skills and experience. These RSVP volunteers earna additional benefits and are members of a Senior CorpsS of volunteers making a difference across the community.j Project-based internships are also available in the arease of marketing, program development, event planning,V education, and administration. m

RAFT provides transportation services at no cost to rural senior residents and adults with disabilities who reside outside of Berthoud but within the Berthoud Fire Protection District.



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Women and Families

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities serving women and families, please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer.

Be the Gift

Birthline of Loveland

329 East 3rd Street Unit 305 Loveland CO 80537 www.bethegift.com

1511 East 11th Street, Unit 160 Loveland CO 80537 www.friendsofbirthline.org

Chris Johnson (970) 691-8777 chris@bethegift.com d sBe the Gift is a faith based, community wide organization that provides home repair for Single Mom home owners sand their children as a gift, with no cost to them. -We give them a safer, healthier and more functioning -home in which to raise their children. Combined with ,care and compassion, our goal is to raise their quality :of life. We would love for you to join our Be the Gift Commu-nity to help with a future home improvement project for .a single mom and her children. Volunteers from all skill levels are needed to complete projects that range from tsafety enhancement, window installation, home repair nand improvements to painting, clean up and yard work. sSo, if you are a professional contractor, handyman, or .just someone with a willing heart that has no specific sexperience, there is a place for you. ,Volunteers will be asked to sign a waiver/release form and may be subject to a background check.

Best Start for Babies 1730 South College Avenue, Ste 200 Fort Collins CO 80525 http://www.ecclc.org/families/best-start-for-babies

Dee Holt (970) 663-2671 Birthlineofloveland@gmail.com

Our Mission Statement: Birthline of Loveland is dedicated to saving the lives of unborn babies by proving compassionate care and support to moms and dads. We offer free and confidential pregnancy testing, lay counseling for moms, mentoring for dads, maternity and baby clothes, diapers, and referrals to community agencies. Birthline is a Christianbased 501(c)(3) organization and has served the community since 1981. Volunteers are needed to serve on our Board of Directors, greet clients, enter data, sort and stock clothing, perform lay counseling, and administer pregnancy tests. Volunteers may serve during business hours and outside of business hours by mending clothing, wrapping boxes, and helping with fundraising and technical support. Experienced fathers are highly needed for a new program offered to new expectant fathers. Male volunteers will be mentoring new fathers: showing compassion for unborn babies, providing guidance to new fathers through the difficulties, challenges and joys of an unexpected pregnancy from the man’s perspective. Volunteers must participate in training sessions and be able to volunteer at least three hours per week. Bilingual help is needed in most areas of service.

Melanie Kelsea (970) 342-2274 beststartforbabies@gmail.com Best Start for Babies is a program in partnership with House of Neighborly Service and The Matthews House that creates a dynamic system that recognizes and supports quality early childhood opportunities for all children in Larimer County. Volunteers are needed to serve as child care providers and classroom assistants. Classes are hosted for 10 week sessions on weekday evenings or Saturday mornings for 3 hours and teach parents about their baby’s development, activities for bonding, and how to find helpful resources. Volunteers are also needed as Spanish-speaking translators and office assistants. Youth ages 10+ supervised.


– Robert Ingersoll

50 NC Volunteer Guide

Crossroads Safehouse 421 Parker Street Fort Collins CO 80525 www.crossroadssafehouse.org Shannon Lopez (970) 530-2353 slopez@CrossroadsSafehouse.org Together we can create a community where every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression with the opportunity to thrive. Volunteers assist with: shelter, 24/7 crisis line, DART (Domestic Abuse Response Team) Direct service volunteer advocates attend our Core Training on domestic violence and learn about the role of a volunteer Advocate prior to volunteering. Non direct service volunteers maintain daily operations of the Safehouse and contribute to our community outreach and fundraising efforts in a variety of ways. Volunteers commit to a minimum of 24 weeks.

Estes Valley Victim Advocates, Inc. PO Box 1287 Estes Park CO 80517 www.estesvalleyvictimadvocates.org Mary Mesropian (970) 577-9781 director@estesvalleyvictimadvocates.org Estes Valley Victim Advocates, Inc. is committed to providing advocacy services to victims of crime and trauma including safe housing for domestic violence victims, counseling, referrals, and community education. Volunteers are needed to provide advocacy, crisis support, information, and referrals to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes, and survivors of suicide, accidents, or death. Volunteers are on call 24/7. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office work and to serve as safehouse volunteers to read to children, assist residents with transportation, and provide a listening ear. Volunteers must be 18+, have a valid driver’s license, and current auto insurance.

June 2016 2015

Healthy Beginnings-Prenatal Plus 320 North Cleveland Avenue Loveland CO 80537 www.bannerhealth.com Denise Schultz (970) 667-6241 denise.schultz@bannerhealth.com

Healthy Beginnings Prenatal Plus promotes healthy mothers, babies, and families through the provision of prenatal care, education and support services; serving uninsured and under-insured pregnant women. Volunteers are assigned to a mother, and offer weekly support and information throughout her pregnancy. Training is mandatory and will be conducted one on one. Youth volunteers ages 17+ unsupervised.

Junior League of Fort Collins 151 S. College Ave fort collins CO 80524 www.jlfortcollins.org Julia Hulualani (970) 482-0594 communityrelations@jlfortcollins.org

The Junior League of Fort Collins is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Volunteers are needed to organize and participate in various events throughout the year.


Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. 825 South Shields Street Fort Collins CO 80521 www.pprm.org Molly Smemo (303) 813-7736 molly.smemo@pprm.org

yPlanned Parenthood empowers individuals and families fin the communities we serve to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health by providing -high quality health services, comprehensive sex education, and strategic advocacy. sVolunteers are needed to assist with health center pro-grams, public affairs, development and fundraising, youth advocacy, marketing, and administrative duties. Applications are available online.

Project Self-Sufficiency 375 West 37th Street, Ste 150 Loveland CO 80538 www.ps-s.org

NC Volunteer Guide 51

Project Self-Sufficiency assists low-income, single parents in their efforts to achieve economic independence and become free from community and government assistance, while building and maintaining strong, healthy families. Volunteers are needed to assist with tutoring in many college courses (subject areas such as statistics, algebra, biology, anatomy/physiology, etc. courses) fundraising activities, clerical support, marketing or graphic design projects, and auxiliary committees. Background check required for volunteers working directly with clients.

Zonta Club of Fort Collins P.O. Box 272914 Fort Collins CO 80527 http://zontadistrict12.org/fort-collins Patti Smith Pas843@comcast.net

The Zonta Club of Fort Collins is an International organization of women focused on empowering women of all ages through service and advocacy. Locally, we work to create equal gender opportunities and educate our community about the need to decrease violence against women. We would love to have you volunteer to help us support women in our community.

Diane Ellsworth (970) 635-5912 diane@ps-s.org

f -




52 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016

Become part of the powerful movement of women helping women in Larimer County.

United Way of Larimer County’s WomenGive is comprised of a dynamic network of hundreds of local women who use their financial resources to help women in Larimer County move toward economic self-sufficiency. “I cannot describe how thankful I am for the WomenGive scholarship. WomenGive did not look at me as a ‘statistic’ but as a young woman who has potential. My life will be changed forever.” Holly, WomenGive scholarship recipient & graduate

www.WomenGiveLarimerCounty.org facebook.com/WomenGive






PROFESSIONAL INTERESTED IN MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Generation United, a Young Leaders Society, brings together the passion and philanthropic power of young professionals (and the young at heart!) to make a difference through community engagement, volunteerism, and financial support.

www.GenerationUnitedLarimer.org facebook.com/GenerationUnitedAYoungLeadersSociety


Youth and Families

Below are agencies in Larimer County that have a need for volunteers. For more up-to-date and detailed information about volunteer opportunities serving youth and families, please contact United Way of Larimer County by calling (970) 407-7038, or visit www.uwaylc.org/volunteer

A Child’s Dream 4025 Saint Cloud Drive, Ste 250 Loveland CO 80538 www.achildsdreamfulfilled.org A. MacDonald (970) 667-6119 aj@macdonaldfamilycharity.org A Child’s Dream was founded to grant dreams to children and youth who are terminally or chronically ill, injured, and low-income in Larimer County. Volunteers are needed to serve on one of three ongoing committees in charge of choosing dream recipients, planning the dreams, or organizing the events.

Adoption Dreams Come True, Inc. 316 West Mulberry Fort Collins CO 80521 www.adoptiondreams.org Ginger DeReus (970) 493-2557 Adoption Dreams Come True, Inc. believes every child deserves a home that is loving, safe, and permanent. Volunteers are needed in the Dream Room - a free resource for Larimer County residents with children 0-2yrs of age. We provide free diapers, clothing, nursery accessories, toys, etc. Volunteers assist our visitors with their shopping. We need volunteers for a minimum of 2 hrs/week for a month. Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 11am-1pm.

B.A.S.E. Camp, Inc. 1224 East Elizabeth Street Fort Collins CO 80524 www.mybasecampkids.org Amanda Christman (970) 266-1734 amandac@mybasecampkids.org

B.A.S.E. Camp, Inc. provides childcare and enrichment services to Larimer County children in grades K - 7 during out-of-school-times. Like working with kids? Want to help? Volunteer with B.A.S.E. Camp (Before and After School Enrichment)! At B.A.S.E. Camp we provide safe, affordable and accessible out-of-school times activities that support learning, growth and fun and we are looking for volunteers to help enrich our programming with their energy and skills. Our volunteers work directly with children in one on one and group settings and assist the staff in implementing activities, engaging and supervising children and helping to build and maintain positive relationships with families and school staff. We are looking for volunteers to be guest speakers on a topic they are passionate about, act as one-on-one mentors, share their personal interests with youth or just be a part of our team. With programs offered annually at 33 elementary school sites and 4 preschool sites throughout Larimer County B.A.S.E. Camp has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to work with some (or all!) of the 2,500 children we annually serve. Volunteers are also needed to help with administration, marketing, or other tasks that do not involve direct interaction with youth. Volunteers must provide a clean background check through Verified Volunteers before starting. The background check starts at $17 with BASE Camp covering half of that amount. We look forward to working with you soon!

54 NC Volunteer Guide

Book Trust 789 Sherman Street, Ste 300A Denver CO 80203 www.booktrust.org Kristine McAuliff (720) 259-8047 kmcauliff@booktrust.org

June 2016 2015

Boy Scouts of America Longs Peak 2315 23rd Avenue Greeley CO 80634 www.longspeakbsa.org Dawn T-Baumgartner (970) 584-2203

Book Trust uniquely delivers choice and ownership of books to children from low-income families, increasing their literacy skills and fostering life-long learning. Help us spread the love of reading to a new generation by volunteering for long-term projects and occasional one-day events. Volunteers are needed to help with general office tasks, research and data entry, community event planning and assistance, and providing support for teachers who implement Book Trust programs. Most opportunities take place during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, but with intermittent evening and weekend events. Youth volunteers ages 14-15 supervised, 16+ unsupervised.

It is the mission of the Longs Peak Council, Boy Scouts of America to develop character, competence, integrity and leadership in today’s youth through quality programs, outdoor experiences, and service to community. The Longs Peak Council provides opportunities for volunteers to serve as adult mentors to youth in grades 1 through 12. Mentors can serve as Merit Badge Counselors (sharing your expertise in your professional field or hobby, and mentoring a Scout through a curriculum in order for the Scout to gain experience through hands on learning of a new skill or trade); organizing camping activities; weekly leadership opportunities; and much more.

Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County

Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc.

103 Smokey Street Fort Collins CO 80525 www.begreatlarimer.org

201 Laporte Avenue, Ste 100 Fort Collins CO 80521 www.casalarimer.com

Volunteer Coordinator (970) 372-4537 volunteer@bgclarimer.org

Annette Hoyt (970) 377-9445 annette@casalarimer.com

Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The Club environment consists of a safe place, staffed by trained professionals, offering proven programs. Our 4 Clubhouses in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Wellington are open daily after school until 7pm, and from 7:30 am to 6 pm during the summer and all school breaks. With a focus on positive outcomes in the areas of academic success, character & citizenship, and healthy lifestyles, and a membership fee of just $10/year, we open the door to GREAT futures for kids and teens in our community. Volunteers provide caring relationships, expose members to diverse cultures and experiences, and model positive behaviors during club hours. Volunteers are connected with opportunities that match their availability, skills, and interests working directly with members, small groups, providing staff support, or assisting with programs and special events. Volunteers must pass a criminal background screen and attend volunteer orientation.

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Larimer County provides a voice in court for abused and neglected children. CASA volunteers are needed to spend 10-15 hours a month visiting the child. The volunteers are trained to gather information and advocate for the best interest of children. Volunteers have a variety of backgrounds and no special experience is required. Volunteers should be mature, responsible adults (age 21+) with commitment and compassion for children.

Center for Family Outreach, Inc. 1100 Poudre River Drive Fort Collins CO 80524 www.tcffo.org Janice Geiger JaniceG@tcffo.org

The mission of The Center for Family Outreach (The Center) is to help Larimer County youth (ages 8-18) and their families achieve and sustain long-term positive changes and healthy relationships. We do this by providing individual assessment, education, and custom designed programs to develop successful and positive citizens. Volunteers are needed to assist with administrative support for

6YOUTH & FAMILIES Case Managers, soliciting donations, special events, and helping with youth activities. Background check and fingerprinting required.

Children’s Speech & Reading Center 1330 Oakridge Drive, Ste 10 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.csrckids.org

dLaura Decatur (970) 419-0486 elaura@csrckids.org

Our mission is to enable children with speech-language h and reading delays and disorders to communicate clearly and effectively so that they may reach their full acad demic, social and developmental potential. Volunteers e are needed to help with administrative tasks, cleaning therapy materials, and fundraising events. Youth volunteers ages 14+ supervised.

Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success 600 South Saint Vrain Avenue, Unit 2 Estes Park CO 80517 www.evics.org Kristen Berg kberg@evics.org

NC Volunteer Guide 55

Family Center/La Familia 309 Hickory Street, Ste 5 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.thefamilycenterfc.org Kodi Phelps (970) 221-1615 kodip@thefamilycenterfc.org

The Family Center/La Familia is an affordable, high quality, family and early childhood center that strengthens all families. We are a family resource center that provides a wide variety of programs including, but not limited to: adult education courses, health and wellness programs, parenting classes, youth programs, and other services and supports. Here at The Family Center/La Familia we have a variety of volunteer opportunities from our After School Program that runs Monday-Friday, 4-6pm where our volunteers assist in homework help and other activities with K-5 grade children, to our Early Childhood Center where volunteers provide care to infants, toddlers, and pre-school students anytime between 9am-12pm or 2:30pm-5pm, Monday-Friday. We also see people who are passionate about healthy living to lend help with cooking classes and healthy kids programs. Volunteers are also especially needed for childcare during Adult Education classes, as well as for work in our on-site community garden. Youth volunteers ages 16+ unsupervised. Background checks are required of all volunteers. A higher level background check is mandated for those volunteering in our licensed facilities. Attend an orientation to find out more!

EVICS exists to support and promote quality early childhood services, and provide parent education, so that all young children in the Estes Valley have the care, support, and opsportunities necessary to grow, learn, and succeed. Volunteers oare needed to serve as board and committee members, assist fat the Parents as Teachers meetings monthly with childcare, dfood set-up and transportation, and complete general office eand clerical duties on a limited but on-going basis.


s r

Take the Challenge­­– Be a Volunteer Reader, Tutor, or Mentor Do you want to make a difference in ing volunteers can change the life of a child, and someone’s life? Become a volunteer there are many organizations in Larimer County reader, tutor, or mentor! committed to supporting children’s education. United Way of Larimer County offers a central- When our youth succeed, we all succeed! ized place for those who are interested in work- Visit http://www.uwaylc.org /Post/Be-aing with children and youth to get connected to Reader-Tutor-Mentor to get connected to the an opportunity. Reading, tutoring and mentor- organization that is the best fit for you.

56 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015 Erica Wharton (970) 223-1230 director@kidsatheartfundango.org

Girl Scouts of Colorado 1600 Specht Point Road, Ste 105 Fort Collins CO 80525 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org Kaylen Hopkins (970) 556-9991 kaylen.hopkins@gscolorado.org Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Volunteers are needed to serve as troop leaders, adult volunteer trainers, board or committee members, and cookie sale committee members. Volunteers can also assist with program development and implementation, property management, and clerical duties. Training and support provided. Girl Scout volunteers come from all walks of life: parents, college students, retired persons and men are all welcome. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.

Girl Scouts of Colorado Larimer County

Junior Achievement Rocky Mountain, Inc.

2725 Rocky Mountain Avenue, Ste 420 Loveland CO 80538 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org

1600 North College Avenue, Ste 150 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.janocowy.org

Carol Griffin (303) 607-4879 Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Girl Scout programs reach more than 1,000 girls in Larimer County and are organized around the Girl Scout Leadership Model, “Discover, Connect, and Take Action” designed to encourage increased skill-building and responsibility, promote the development of strong leadership and decision-making skills, and inspire girls to make a positive difference in the world.

Heart of the Rockies Christian Church –Kids at Heart 6501 Brittany Street Fort Collins CO 80525 www.kidsatheartfundango.org

Kids at Heart provides respite opportunites for foster, adoptive, and kinship families and the children in their care. Volunteers assist with Fundango, our regular respite program for children ages 6 months -16. Fundango events take place once or twice a month in Fort Collins and Loveland. Volunteers attend one training the first time they volunteer which is at 3:30 the day of the Fundango. Trained Volunteers arrive at 4:15 to help with set up for the Fundango event and all volunteers are usually able to finish up around 8:30pm. Volunteers interact with and supervise youth while participating in various activities with the youth throughout the event. Volunteers are also needed to plan activities and meals for Fundango events. Volunteers are 18 and older. Youth volunteers 15+ may be able to attend unsupervised, pending approval from the volunteer coordinator or the Director. To sign up to volunteer contact the Volunteer Coordinator at “volunteercoordinator@kidsatheartfundango.org”.

Kelsey Ransom (970) 490-1035 kransom@jacolorado.org

Junior Achievement inspires and prepares young people to embrace free enterprise and succeed in a global economy. Volunteers visit K-12 classrooms to teach economic and personal finance concepts through fun, interactive programs that help meet Colorado education standards. All of the materials, a step-by-step plan for each lesson, and training provided. Traditional programs include visiting classrooms for 30-45 minutes weekly for 5-6 sessions; a specific schedule is arranged between volunteers and teachers and is based on volunteers’ availability and class schedules. One-day volunteer options include “Junior Achievement in a Day” when volunteers teach all program sessions, and “Junior Achievement Finance Park” when volunteers help students navigate the world of per-

The OtterCares Foundation champions innovative education that inspires youth to become entrepreneurs and philanthropists.


5YOUTH & FAMILIES sonal finance in a reality-based simulation to practice individual and family budgeting.



, arimer ounty r 1525 Blue Spruce Drive eFort Collins CO 80524


NC Volunteer Guide 57

nance of infant simulators used in the teen pregnancy prevention program. Youth volunteers ages 10-13 supervised, 14+ unsupervised.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions


Diane Kern .(970) 498-6000 rdkern@larimer.org e Larimer County 4-H empowers youth to reach their full spotential by working and learning in partnership with ocaring adults. Volunteers are needed to serve as adult 4-H leaders, assisting youth with projects related to animals, yentomology, heritage arts, and more. Volunteers need to apply, cite three references, pass a background check, and pass four modules of new leader on-line orientation -and training. Youth volunteer participants ages 12+ supervised.

Loveland Youth Gardeners

150 East 29th Street, Ste 255 Loveland CO 80538 www.Nightlight.org Kimberly Tyson (970) 663-6799 Kimberly@nightlight.org

Nightlight Christian Adoption provides adoption services as a permanent reponse for children without parents through child advocacy, parent education, and lifelong support because every child deserves a loving family. Volunteers are needed to assist with local outreach events, annual orphan summer tours, international service teams, and office projects. Youth Volunteers ages 14-17 supervised, 17+ unsupervised.

Partners Mentoring Youth

907 S. Lincoln Ave. Loveland CO 80537 www.lovelandyouthgardeners.org

530 South College Avenue, Unit 1 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.partnersmentoringyouth.org

Alyssa McConkey (970) 682-4002 alyssa@lovelandyouthgardeners.org

Vanessa Polansky (970) 484-7123 vanessap@partnersmentoringyouth.org

Loveland Youth Gardeners cultivates skills, promotes stewardship, and serves young people through sustain.able gardening and healthy living practices. Volunteers dare the foundation of every program and service that -Loveland Youth Gardeners provides. Opportunities include serving on the board of directors, working directly with youth through year-round education programs, pargticipating on a committee like the Loveland Garden Tour ;or Resource Development, or sharing your garden prodduce with the Loveland Plant a Row for the Hungry prosgram. Volunteer times and dates vary depending on the rprogram or project. Youth volunteers 16+ unsupervised. � - utheran amily ervices ocky

L F Mountains



363 South Harlan Street, Ste 200 Denver CO 80226 http://www.lfsrm.org/ Emily Berg (970) 232-1167 emily.berg@lfsrm.org Lutheran Family Services walks with the vulnerable through services that heal, strengthen, and provide hope. Volunteers are needed to help plan and work at special events and periodically help with cleaning and mainte-

The mission of Partners Mentoring Youth is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships between positive adult role models and youth facing challenges in their personal, social and academic lives. Partners Mentoring Youth has on average 100 youth waiting to be matched with a mentor. Enthusiastic volunteers are needed to be mentors for one of these amazing youth. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the School Based Mentoring and Community Based programs, as Activity Volunteers to help with activities for the kids on the waiting list and to serve on committees working on special events, marketing initiatives, corporate relations, and fund development. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old and residents of Colorado for at least six months. Background check required.

Partners Mentoring Youth of Estes Park 600 South Saint Vrain Avenue, Ste 2 Estes Park CO 80517 www.partnersmentoringyouth.org Diana Laughlin (970) 577-9348 Partners Mentoring Youth creates and supports one-toone mentoring relationships between positive adult role

58 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

models and youth facing challenges in their personal, social and academic lives. Partners Mentoring Youth has on average 100 youth waiting to be matched with a mentor. Enthusiastic volunteers are needed to be mentors for one of these amazing youth. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the School Based Mentoring and Community Based programs, as Activity Volunteers to help with activities for the kids on the waiting list and to serve on committees working on special events, marketing initiatives, corporate relations, and fund development. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old and residents of Colorado for at least six months. Background check required.

Amy Madden Copp (970) 484-9090 amy@realitiesforchildren.com

Poudre School District Partnership

Special Olympics Colorado

1630 South Stover Street Fort Collins CO 80525 www.psdschools.org Monique Jorgensen (970) 490-3517 mjorgens@psdschools.org Poudre School District Partnership Center coordinates the work of more than 18,000 volunteers in our schools to fulfill the mission to educate every child, every day. Volunteers are needed to serve in a variety of areas including mentoring, tutoring, small group activities, reading skills improvement, special projects, fundraising, PTO/PTA boards, and field trips. Volunteers serve in art, music, and P.E. classes, media centers, computer labs, and offices. Applications available online. Background checks required.

Project Linus

Realities for Children Charities is dedicated to serving the unmet needs of abused and neglected children in Larimer County. Volunteers are needed to assist with a variety of community events throughout the year. Annual events include: Awards Gala, Realities Ride & Rally, Golf Tournament, Back to School Backpack and School Supplies Pick-ups and Distributions, NightLights, Bikes 4 Tykes, and Santa’s Workshop. Many other volunteer opportunities exist with Realities for Children. To inquire how you can get involved, contact us via phone or email.

384 Iverness Parkway #100, Englewood CO 80112 www.specialolympicsco.org cviater@specialolympicsco.org

Special Olympics Colorado provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Volunteers are needed in many different areas including coaches, team assistants, competition and fundraising event planning, general event/pre-event help as well as day to day clerical work. If you have specific sport skills, that’s great! If you don’t, we can provide training and many other non-sport options! Volunteer opportunities and schedules are flexible. Youth volunteers ages 16 and up can volunteer independently. Under 16 can volunteer with an adult.

1903 Falcon Ridge Drive Fort Collins CO 80528 www.projectlinus.org

Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning

Vicky Dunn (970) 556-3583 project.linus@yahoo.com

424 Pine Street, Ste 100 Fort Collins CO 80524 www.teaching-tree.org

Project Linus provides love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers”. Volunteer ‘blanketeers’ make blankets from fleece, cotton, flannel, or yarn. All blankets must be new, handmade, washable, and in kid-friendly colors. Monthly meetings are 9-11:30am, the second Saturday of the month, and 6-9pm, the second Tuesday of the month. Both meetings are hosted at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Fort Collins. Youth volunteers ages 12+.

Jennifer VanCleave (970) 493-2628 jvancleave@teaching-tree.org

Realities for Children Charities, Inc. 1610 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80525 http://www.realitiesforchildren.com/

Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center is committed to providing quality and affordable early childhood care and educational opportunities in a culturally and economically diverse environment ensuring a climate for individual growth, comfort, and security. Volunteers are needed to read, rock, play, and interact with the children ages 6 weeks to 9 years old. Volunteers can assist teachers with art projects and other activities that occur in the classroom. Volunteers are also needed to help with facilities maintenance, as well as fundraising and special events planning. Youth volunteers ages 16.


TEAM Wellness & Prevention

201 South College Avenue -Fort Collins CO 80524 www.teamfortcollins.org

yStacey Clark (970) 224-9931 stacey@teamfortcollins.org , rTeam Fort Collins promotes healthy lifestyles through the -prevention of substance abuse. Young adults are Team Fort Collins’ primary audience because they are establishing their attitudes and behaviors related to health. Volunteer opportunities range from single day events like the Team Fort Collins Openwater Swim and Down for Life Hip Hop, to ongoing teaching in classrooms to office support. Volunteers are also needed to support programs that prevent underage drinking and the use of tobacco, marijuana, and illicit drugs.

The Matthews House


,415 Mason Court, Unit 1 Fort Collins CO 80524 -www.thematthewshouse.org e -Hannah Eichenberger-Gay .hannahe@thematthewshouse.org

The Matthews House empowers young adults and families yin transition who lack a significant support network by profviding the resources and relationships necessary for them tto take control of their lives and shape positive futures for .themselves, while becoming successful contributors to their -community. Opportunities working directly with youth and families include offering your home as a short-term residence, providing occasional or on-going one-on-one mentoring, attending Experiential Education activities, helping with Independent Living groups, providing transportation, and spending time with youth or families on-site. Volunteers are needed to assist with meal/snack provision and preparation, fundraising, special events, technical support and facility upkeep which includes cleaning and custodial duties. Opportunities are available days, evenings and weekends.

Thompson School DistrictV T A L

- olunteers in hompson y ssisting earners -800 South Taft Avenue Loveland CO 80537 twww.thompsonschools.org s vital@thompsonschools.org oPhone: (970) 613-5072

g The mission of the Thompson School District is to empower to learn, challenge to achieve, and inspire to excel.

NC Volunteer Guide 59

Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. 803 East 16th Street Loveland CO 80538 www.thompsonvalleypreschool.org Gail Yant (970) 667-6552 gyant@thompsonvalleypreschool.org

Thompson Valley Preschool provides an affordable and developmentally appropriate early childhood education to children in the greater Loveland area through sliding scale tuition. We can always use volunteer help to maintain the preschool by assisting with facility maintenance both indoors and outdoors, fundraising activities, and special events. Bilingual volunteers are needed to interpret verbal and written material for families. Youth volunteers ages 12-15 supervised, and 16+ unsupervised.

Turning Point Center for Youth & Family Development, Inc. 1644 South College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80525 www.turningpnt.org Lisa Broeder broeder@turningpoint.org (970) 221-0999

Turning Point for Youth and Family Development, provides a high-quality, structured, and therapeutic environment with growth and change opportunities for everyone involved. Volunteers can serve in a classroom support role to assist individuals and small groups by tutoring at Turning Point’s school in Waverly, 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday. Residential support volunteers assist staff in providing supervision and guidance to youth living in residential programs evenings and weekends. Sponsors work with youth in the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program. Circles of Support Mentors join with other volunteers in working together to mentor a small group of youth. Volunteers are also needed to serve in the administrative office and assist with a variety of programs. Background checks required and volunteers must be age 21+.



60 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016




OCTOBER 17 – 23, 2016

REGISTRATION OPENS TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2016. Visit www.UnitedWayofLarimerCounty.org and sign up for our email updates to learn more about how you can get involved.


United Way of

Larimer CoUnty’s CommUnity impaCt


United Way and our partners are building a movement to reverse the growing poverty trend in Larimer County by harnessing the collective power of our community. We thank our partners from across Larimer County for their commitment to working together to help local children and families succeed every step of the way, from cradle to career and beyond. Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County Alternatives to Violence, Inc. B.A.S.E. Camp, Inc. Bohemian Foundation Book Trust Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County Boy Scouts of America - Longs Peak Council Care-A-Van / SAINT, Inc. Catholic Charities – Larimer County Region Children’s Speech & Reading Center ChildSafe Colorado, Inc. City of Fort Collins – Department of Social Sustainability City of Loveland – Community Partnership Office Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc Crossroads Safehouse CSU Campus Connections CSU – Department of Human Development & Family Studies Disabled Resource Services Early Childhood Council of Larimer County Elderhaus Adult Day Programs Estes Park Learning Place Estes Park School District Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success Faith Family Hospitality Food Bank for Larimer County Fort Collins Housing Authority Fort Collins Read Aloud Friends of the Gardens on Spring Creek Generation Now Girl Scouts of Colorado - Larimer County Region Greenpath Inc. Half Moon Arts Health District of Northern Larimer County Homeless Gear Homelessness Prevention Initiative Homeward 2020

UnitedWayofLarimerCounty.org 970.407.7000

House of Neighborly Service Junior Achievement Rocky Mountain, Inc. Larimer County Department of Human Services CYF Division Volunteer Program Larimer County Extension Larimer County Workforce Center Loveland Public Library Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountain Make Change NoCo Matthews House Meals on Wheels Inc for Loveland and Berthoud, Colorado Meals-on-Wheels Fort Collins Neighbor to Neighbor Northern Colorado AIDS Project Partners Mentoring Youth Poudre River Public Library District Poudre School District Project Self-Sufficiency Reflections for Youth, Inc. Respite Care, Inc. Salvation Army SERVE 6.8 Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center SummitStone Health Partners Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center The Center for Family Outreach, Inc. The Community Kitchen The Family Center/La Familia The Growing Project Thompson R2-J Education Foundation Thompson School District R2-J Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. Turning Point Center for Youth & Family Via Mobility Services Voices Carry Child Advocacy Center Volunteers of America, Colorado Branch WorkLife Partnership

62 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016 2015

Below are agencies right here in Larimer County who have a need for volunteers. Agencies are listed under location of their main office. Many agencies have a home office location, as well as regional satellite offices. For information about areas covered by these organizations please contact United Way of Larimer County by dialing (970) 407-7038.


Wolves Offered Life and Friendship................................ 13 Friends of Lory State Park................................................. 8


Berthoud Community Library District............................. 14 Wildfire Community Arts Center.................................... 21 Rural Alternative For Trasportation................................. 48


Audio Information Network of Colorado........................ 36


Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains.................... 57 Book Trust...................................................................... 54 Special Olympics Colorado............................................. 58 March of Dimes Foundation - Colorado......................... 29 Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc........................... 10 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Rocky......................... 29 Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado................................... 12

Estes Park

Town of Estes Park......................................................... 24 Estes Valley Restorative Justice...................................... 23 Estes Park Museum........................................................ 16 Estes Valley Library......................................................... 16 Rocky Ridge Music Center............................................. 19 Cultural Arts Council of Estes Park................................. 15 Partners Mentoring Youth of Estes Park......................... 57 Estes Valley Investment in Childhood............................. 55 Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center............................ 42 Estes Park Learning Place............................................... 41 YMCA of the Rockies..................................................... 45 Estes Valley Recreation and Park...................................... 8 MacGregor Ranch............................................................ 9 Rocky Mountain National Park....................................... 10 Estes Valley Victim Advocates, Inc.................................. 50

Fort Collins

Salvation Army - Fort Collins.......................................... 44 Catholic Charities - Larimer County............................... 32 Food Bank for Larimer County....................................... 34 Neighbor to Neighbor.................................................... 35 CARE Housing, Inc.......................................................... 32 Community Foundation - Homeward 2020.................... 33 Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity................................... 34 FOCO Cafe..................................................................... 33 Homeless Gear............................................................... 34 Denver Rescue Mission - Fort Collins............................. 33 Faith Family Hospitality.................................................. 33 8th Judicial District Attorney’s Office............................. 22 City of FC- Boards, Commissions and Authorities.......... 22 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary: Flotilla 1-6........... 24 Murphy Center for Hope ............................................... 35 City of FC- Graffiti Abatement Program......................... 22

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office-Victim Response Team.. 23 Larimer County Health and Human Services.................. 23 Larimer County Veterans’ Services Office....................... 24 City of FC- Mediation..................................................... 22 Fort Collins Police Services- Victim Services Team.......... 23 Dance Express................................................................ 16 Poudre River Public Library District................................ 19 Downtown Business Association.................................... 16 Fort Collins Museum of Art............................................ 17 Ten Thousand Villages.................................................... 20 Bas Bleu Theatre Company............................................ 14 KRFC 88.9FM................................................................. 18 Canyon Concert Ballet................................................... 15 Center for Fine Art Photography..................................... 15 City of FC- Lincoln Center.............................................. 15 Debut Theatre Company................................................. 16 Beet Street..................................................................... 14 Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum............................ 14 Fort Collins Municipal Railway Society........................... 17 Fort Collins Museum of Discovery.................................. 17 Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-Wow....................... 18 Wolverine Farm Publishing Company and Bookstore..... 21 Colorado Welcome Center............................................. 15 Spellbinders Oral Storytellers, Larimer County............... 20 Poudre River Friends of the Library................................ 19 Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture................... 17 HalfMoon Arts................................................................ 18 Cinco De Mayo of Northern Colorado............................ 15 Northern Colorado Adventure Corps.............................. 10 Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County.............................. 54 Turning Point Center for Youth & Family........................ 59 Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning......................... 58 Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc......................... 54 The Family Center/La Familia.......................................... 55 B.A.S.E. Camp, Inc.......................................................... 53 TEAM Wellness & Prevention......................................... 59 Junior Achievement Rocky Mountain, Inc....................... 56 The Center for Family Outreach, Inc............................... 54 Larimer County 4H......................................................... 57 Partners Mentoring Youth.............................................. 57 Children’s Speech & Reading Center.............................. 55 The Matthews House..................................................... 59 Adoption Dreams Come True, Inc................................... 53 Realities for Children Charities, Inc................................. 58 Heart of the Rockies Christian Church - Kids at Heart.... 56 Poudre School District Partnership................................. 58 Project Linus.................................................................. 58 Girl Scouts of Colorado.................................................. 56 Care-A-Van / SAINT, Inc.................................................. 46 Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins.................................... 47 Elderhaus Adult Day Programs....................................... 47 Volunteers of America, Colorado Branch........................ 48 Pets Forever: Supporing the Life Long Bond................... 48 City of FC- Senior Center................................................ 46 Foundation on Aging for Larimer County....................... 47

6INDEX NC Volunteer Guide 63 Elder Care Network of Northern Colorado..................... 46 City of Fort Collins- Community Services........................ 28 Pathways........................................................................ 31 National Multiple Sclerosis Society................................ 30 Alpha Center.................................................................. 25 SummitStone Health Partners........................................ 39 Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County......... 25 Northern Colorado AIDS Project..................................... 30 ChildSafe Colorado, Inc.................................................. 27 Alzheimer’s Association - Northern Colorado................. 26 Fort Collins Bicycle Co-op............................................... 29 Ensight Skills Center...................................................... 28 Sustainable Living Association....................................... 31 AlterMed Research Foundation...................................... 26 Colorado Women’s Sports Fund Association.................. 28 3Hopeful Hearts............................................................. 25 Fort Collins Bike Library................................................. 29 Poudre Valley Hospital................................................... 31 City of FC- FC Bikes........................................................ 28 City of FC- FC Bikes Bicycle Ambassador Program......... 28 City of FC- Fort Collins Utilities...................................... 28 United Way of Larimer County....................................... 44 Voices Carry Child Advocacy Center............................... 45 City of Fort Collins- Planning, Development, & Transporation................................................................. 41 Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center.......................... 44 Geller Center.................................................................. 42 Everyday Joe’s Coffee House.......................................... 42 Fort Collins Community Action Network........................ 42 Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau.................. 42 Small Business Development Center.............................. 44 Fort Collins Read Aloud.................................................. 42 CSU-SLiCE Office............................................................ 41 Zonta Club of Fort Collins.............................................. 51 Front Range Exceptional Equestrians............................... 8 Larimer Humane Society.................................................. 9 Trees, Water & People..................................................... 12 Rocky Mountain Raptor Program................................... 11 Animal House Rescue & Grooming, Inc............................ 6 Gardens on Spring Creek................................................. 9 Poudre Wilderness Volunteers........................................ 10 USDA Forest Service....................................................... 12 Wildlands Restoration Volunteers.................................. 12 City of FC- Natural Areas Departmemt............................. 6 The Growing Project...................................................... 11 Garbage Garage Education Center.................................. 8 CSU Environmental Learning Center................................ 7 Northern Colorado Friends of Ferals............................... 10 Friends of Happy Heart Farm............................................ 8 Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory................................. 10 Mulberry Community Gardens......................................... 9 Foothills Gateway, Inc.................................................... 38 Disabled Resource Services............................................ 36 Respite Care, Inc............................................................. 39 Learning House Foundation........................................... 38 The Arc of Larimer County.............................................. 39 ARC Thrift Stores............................................................ 36 Crossroads Safehouse.................................................... 50 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Inc........... 51 Junior League of Fort Collins.......................................... 50 Best Start for Babies...................................................... 49


Boy Scouts of America - Longs Peak............................... 54 Rehabilitation and Visiting Nurses................................. 31 American Cancer Society - Northern Colorado Chapter.27


Denkai Animal Sanctuary................................................. 7


House of Neighborly Service.......................................... 35 Loveland Housing Authority........................................... 35 The Community Kitchen................................................. 35 Loveland Habitat for Humanity...................................... 35 Friends of the Loveland Public Library............................ 17 Timberlane Farm Museum.............................................. 20 Loveland Public Library.................................................. 18 Loveland Opera Theatre................................................. 18 Loveland Community Theatre......................................... 18 Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc...................................... 59 Loveland Youth Gardeners............................................. 57 A Child’s Dream............................................................. 53 Thompson School District-Volunteers in Thompson Assisting Learners.......................................................... 59 Nightlight Christian Adoptions....................................... 57 Girl Scouts of Colorado - Larimer County....................... 56 Meals on Wheels Inc for Loveland and Berthoud, Inc..... 47 Banner Health................................................................ 27 McKee Medical Center Foundation................................ 30 Medical Center of the Rockies....................................... 30 Alternatives to Violence, Inc........................................... 41 Loveland Visitors Center................................................. 43 H.E.L.P. International...................................................... 43 Loveland Business Development Center........................ 43 Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center................ 38 Pine Acre Farms Therapy Center..................................... 38 Larimer County Department of Natural Resources........... 9 Big Thompson Watershed Forum...................................... 6 High Plains Environmental Center.................................... 9 Duncan’s Place, A Cat Sanctuary...................................... 7 City of Loveland Parks and Recreation............................. 6 Easter Seals Colorado.................................................... 36 Project Self-Sufficiency................................................... 51 Healthy Beginnings-Prenatal Plus.................................. 50 Birthline of Loveland...................................................... 49 Be the Gift...................................................................... 49


Reflections Therapeutic Riding....................................... 28

Red Feather Lakes

Soaring Eagle Ecology Center........................................ 11


Soaring Eagle Ecology Center........................................ 11

64 NC Volunteer Guide

June 2016

CORNERSTONE PARTNERS Our Cornerstone Partners help underwrite United Way’s operating costs so that your gift can have the greatest impact in Larimer County. Our sincere thanks go out to these organizations for their continued support.



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