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Parent involvement and communication between home and school

We believe strongly in the importance of a close partnership between home and school, and clear, effective communication facilitates this. Parents are invited to share in their child’s learning in a number of ways throughout the year including; joining us on some school trips, attending activity days, learning more at a parent workshop and more formal meetings. We try to limit the amount of paper sent home, though occasionally we send a letter home for your attention. To keep up-to-date with events, please read your child’s grade and class announcements as well as the Learning Journal regularly. We encourage parents to also read the weekly eBrief and keep an eye on your app/online notices and the school calendar.

Student organiser

This is a tool to help students organise their week at school. Students also use the organiser to make notes about their Home Learning and other reminders.

Contacting your child’s class teacher Email is our primary form of communication between parents and teachers. If you need to get a message to the class teacher during the day, please phone the Junior School office, as teachers do not always have time to check their emails during the busy school day.

Website login and parent portal

Each parent is issued a login to the parent portal via our website where you can view information tailored to your family about your child(ren). Parent logins will be issued by email prior to the start of school. Access to a number of key systems as well as daily updated notices and an online calendar are located here, including: • online medical information system (for review and updating) • contact information update system (please ensure they are up to date) • student record system (timetable, attendance records, reports and assessments) • notices for parents (you can see the notices sent to students as well)


The UWCSEA App is available for iOS and Android devices. Search for UWCSEA and download the app to access eBrief, the calendar, notices, a campus map, your child/ren’s timetable (including their activities for each day), the staff directory and more. You will need your login details to access the app, as the information is customised to each user.

Updating of contact information

If there is any change in contact information (i.e., phone, address or email), it is very important that parents amend the details on the parent portal. If you need to provide new contact details before you are issued your login, please contact the Junior School office. Please do ensure you

include an emergency contact person and number.

Once you have your login ID, you can update any information by logging into the portal, where all relevant departments (school office, Clinic, Finance) will be notified by one submission. Once you are logged in, you are in the parent portal; look for the Parent Resources section, and then ‘Update Family Details’. Click on the button and follow the instructions.


There is an up-to-date online calendar on the school website. The College uses Google Calendar, and, depending on the calendar system you use, you can import some or all of these events from Google Calendar to your own to help you keep on top of what’s happening. Workshops for parents are offered to help familiarise you with the features of the website portal and calendars. These will be advertised in eBrief.


This weekly email consolidates key information into an easyto-read format for parents. Considered essential reading, eBrief is sent to all parents every Friday during the school term. It contains information for parents on the upcoming two weeks. You can expect the first eBrief the Friday before school commences to help you get ready for the start of the year. It is not sent during school holidays.

Parental help

There are many ways that parents can help in school, and once all of the children have become settled in their new class, teachers will inform you of when they would like parental assistance. Early in the school year, parents are asked by the class teacher to indicate their availability, either as class parent or through other avenues. Parents are invited to join us for many of the special days that are held during the year, for example Uniting Nations Day, Learning Shares and the Arts Festivals. We value the support of our parents, as we firmly believe that educating children is a partnership between home and school.

Class parents

A ‘class parent’ is a volunteer who takes on responsibility for organising social events for the parents and children in the class to encourage them to get to know each other outside school. They also facilitate communication between the class teacher and the parent body and assist the class teacher at times such as the Arts Festival when parental help is needed.

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