
7 minute read
Academic Subject Options
Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
Chinese A Literature SL and HL 大家可以利用暑假开始阅读老师推荐的文学作品,在阅读的同时也可以做谢谢阅读的笔记。
● 《 文 学 欣 赏 》( 第 二 版 )胡 山 林
● 《大淖记事》汪曾祺短篇小说精选
● 《潮骚》三岛由纪夫
● 《鲸骑士》威提伊希麦拉
● 《无声告白》伍绮诗
Chinese A Language and Literature SL and HL 文学作品:建议大家自己购买纸质书,自己的书,记笔记比较方便。
● 郝景芳《人之彼岸》、《北京折叠》
● 《雷雨》曹禺
● 《洛夫诗选》洛夫
● 《美食家》陆文夫
● 《厨房》吉本芭娜娜
● 《纽约客》白先勇
● 【美】伍绮诗《无声告白》
● 【美】阿瑟米勒《推销员之死》(暂定) 非文学文本:
● 白先勇《台北人》
● 电影、电视、纪录片 关于移民、种族、科技、教育、家庭关系、女性、等级 ,多看几部,回来可以分享,作为口试的预
● 广泛阅读与搜集:可以用扫描、拍照、剪报、下载等方式加以存档:
○ 专栏/评论
English A SL and HL
Embarking on a range of reading for IBDP English A
What kind of reading should I do?
Here is a core reading list, which will hopefully encourage you to read widely and help you to learn more about yourself as an individual. Additionally, included in this list is an expansive view of classic ‘stories’ from around the world and different time periods. English A: Literature and Language and Literature students, as part of your school holiday reading we expect you to read several works of fiction and non-fiction, which can include novels, plays, poetry, memoir, travel writing and a range of news media. Regular reading of such publications is crucial to success in these courses. We’d also like you to venture into multimedia types of texts: speeches, adverts, reviews, films, songs, photographs—anything that communicates meaning!
If you already have a personal reading list for the break then you can incorporate these into your school holiday reading and find interesting connections between them. Even better would be if you could bring in works related to subjects you feel particularly passionate about.
How should I record my reading experiences?
You should keep a record of what you’ve read (see example) so that you can reflect on your reading experience later. Highlight or bookmark quotations that resonate with you.
Over the two years of the course you will keep a record of your personal and critical responses to texts in your Learner Portfolio; your school holiday reading will form the foundation of this.
We hope you “Read. Read, Read.” – William Faulkner (American novelist, screenplay writer and essayist)
Español Literatura NM/NS
En el programa de literatura estudiarás diferentes movimientos literarios y leerás obras escritas originalmente en español, inglés, francés, árabe e hindi. En este programa se abordarán diferentes géneros literarios: novela gráfica, cuentos, leyendas, poesía, teatro y canciones. Para ello es aconsejable que en preparación al curso de Bachillerato Internacional revises los siguientes materiales:
Cuentos y fábulas:
Renacimiento – El Conde de Lucanor de Don Juan Manuel. Trata sobre las relaciones humanas y se observan los siguientes valores: Solidaridad, compañerismo, generosidad, educación para la convivencia, sinceridad, honradez, aprendizaje, conocimiento y sabiduría.
Siglo XIX - Elege entre estos cuentos del siglo XIX y completa algunas de las actividades para comprobar tu comprensión (Actividades):
● El Café (Larra)
● El Pastor Clasiquino (Espronceda)
● Pulpete y Balbeja (Estebañez Calderón)
● La Cruz del Diablo (Bécquer)
● La Hija del Sol (Fernán Caballero)
● La Mujer alta (Pedro Antonio de Alarcón)
● La Leva (Pereda)
● ¡Adiós, Cordera! (Clarín)
● La Rosa de Oro (Clarín)
● El Tranvía (Pardo Bazán)
● El Contador (Emilia Pardo Bazán)
● ¿Dónde está mi cabeza? (Pérez Galdos)
● El Maestro Raimundico (Juan Valera)
● Golpe Doble (Vicente Blasco Ibáñez)
● La niña Chole (Valle-Inclán)
Romanticismo – Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorilla. Esta obra sucede en Sevilla, durante el Siglo de Oro. Un año después de hacer una apuesta para ver quién podría ser más malvado y mujeriego, don Juan Tenorio y don Luis Mejía se reúnen en un mesón para comparar sus hazañas. Tras contar los muertos en batalla y mujeres seducidas, está claro que don Juan es el ganador. Pero ambos rivales deciden hacer una nueva apuesta, y don Juan le asegura a don Luis que le quitará a su prometida, y que además conquistará a una monja.
Poesía y canciones:
Durante este curso analizaremos canciones actuales y poemas modernistas y vanguardistas.
● Elige un artista que te guste escuchar y después lee la letra de sus canciones, ¿sabes si usa sobre todo versos de arte mayor o menor? ¿los versos tienen rima? ¿qué tipo de rima usa?
● ¿Qué figuras literarias son las más comunes en poesía o en canciones? ¿Qué tópicos literarios son los que más se usan en las canciones que escuchas?
French A SL and HL
Le cours comprend des œuvres (9 en SL et 13 en HL) francophones ou traduites en français et appartenant à quatre formes littéraires : prose fictionnelle, prose non-fictionnelle, théâtre et poésie. Il est donc vivement conseillé de lire des œuvres appartenant à plusieurs de ces formes avant de commencer le cours. Voici une liste de lectures conseillées, dans lesquelles des auteurs francophones abordent des thèmes (questions mondiales) qui sont également développés dans les oeuvres au programme:
Bande dessinée/roman graphique:
● Aya de Yopougon, de Marguerite Abouet et Clément Oubrerie
● Persepolis de Marjane Satrapi
● Le dieu du carnage, de Yasmina Reza
● Rhinocéros, d’Eugène Ionesco
Prose fictionnelle:
● Une vie de Guy de Maupassant
● Le ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome
● Ni d’Eve, ni d’Adam d’Amélie Nothomb
● La plus secrète mémoire des hommes de Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
● Un chant écarlate de Mariama Bâ
● L’élégance du hérisson de Muriel Barbery
● Un barrage contre le Pacifique de Marguerite Duras
● Plonger de Christophe Ono-dit-Biot
● Cahier d’un retour au pays natal d’Aimé Césaire
● Chants d’ombre de Léopold Sédar Senghor
School Supported Self-Taught languages
First Challenge: Read one novel in your Language A. Choose a novel which is considered a classic in a country where your Language A is spoken. Typically it would be a novel that students your age study at school in a country where your Language A is spoken. You may need to ask your parents to advise you on a book choice. After having read the book, answer the questions in the following book report template You may need to look up the following terms in your Language A: narrator, protagonist, context, plot, theme, climax, imagery, symbolism.
Second Challenge: Watch a film originally made in your Language A. Based on the film paradigm above, provide a description of the plot. Integrate this description in a film review. Use the following structure for your book review:
● First paragraph: introduction of the film, the director, the actors etc.
● Second paragraph: description of the plot (refer to the film paradigm below)
● Third paragraph: your opinion on the plot, the actors, the music etc.
● Fourth paragraph: your recommendation
Group 2: Language Acquisition
For students entering into a SL or HL Language B course, the following is recommended to help maintain your language skills over the school holiday. Ab initio is an introduction to a language and so students entering an ab initio course can try some of the following but it is not expected.
Chinese B SL and HL
Reading comprehension and vocabulary
Vocabulary practice
Online Reading Practice: Chinese Reading World
Suggested reading for Higher Level students:
● 《亲爱的安德烈》 龙应台
● 《美国老爸台湾妈》赵映雪
● 《北京折叠》郝景芳
● 《城南旧事》林海音
Video Learning Materials:
● Integrated Chinese Videos
● China Focus
English B HL
Reading, listening and writing journal
Keep a journal on your school holiday reading/listening and respond to each piece of text.
For each reading or listening, your journal should include:
1. A short summary (one paragraph of about 75 words).
2. A list of new vocabulary (at least 10 words) from each piece of text and a sentence written from each new word (a sentence of your own making—not from a dictionary)
3. A new piece of text but of a different type (for example you read a news article and write a blog entry) about that topic. Use some of the new vocabulary you have found in the original text.
4. Include both readings and listening from various sources.
5. Include the printed text or a link for each text type.
6. Include some of the following text types (and any others you may find):
○ news reports
○ magazine columns
○ editorials
○ blogs
○ pamphlets/brochures/flyers/leaflets
○ essays
○ articles
○ television documentaries
○ spoken or written interviews
○ movies
○ movie/restaurant/book reviews
○ diaries
○ biographies
○ travelogues
○ guides
○ information report
○ recount
○ narrative
It is important to maintain and improve your grammar. Please consult appropriate websites or books and try to self-correct.
Subject areas to read/write/listen about:
5. Sharing the Planet
Grammar, vocabulary, reading: www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/ Grammar quiz: www.englishclub.com/grammar
Listening www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/eslvideo
Text types http://portfolios.uwcsea.edu.sg/ealatuwcseaeast/2019/06/15/welcome/ (PATHWAY: Students - Text Types - IB Text Types)
All skills and test preparation https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening
French B SL and HL
Choose your verb(s) and your tense(s) then practise online:
● https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/Hotpotatoes/frenchindex.html (great to revise vocabulary as well)
● https://conjuguemos.com/
It is essential that you start the French B course with a solid knowledge of the imperfect, perfect, present, and future tenses. This is a great Powerpoint presentation which consolidates some basic grammar points.
Reading comprehension and vocabulary
● Vocabulary practice: http://quizlet.com/subject/french
● Great reading exercises: http://1jour1actu.com
● A bank of articles sorted by topics relevant to the French B curriculum. Choose articles that you are interested in and note down new vocabulary: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzRJcgBcctNgZlhfODZ5RHhTWFk&usp=sharing
● French news in French but at a slow speed—you can also access the transcripts: www.newsinslowfrench.com
● Video listening practice with transcripts: www.laits.utexas.edu/fr
● Video clips of French songs and transcripts. Practise French while listening to music: http://chansonsfle.blogspot.sg
● Film trailers and scenes in French: www.premiere.fr/Bandes-annonces
● International francophone TV channel: www.tv5.org
Students are encouraged to watch at least two of the following films in French with French subtitles; they should write down key phrases and colloquialisms.
● L’auberge espagnole
● The African Doctor (available on Netflix)
● Intouchables
● Bienvenue chez les Chti’s
● L’Arnacoeur
● Tanguy
● Welcome
Spanish B SL and HL
Grammar is fun. If you want to revise concepts or try some tenses, this website will help to quiz yourself and read about all aspects of Spanish grammar: studyspanish.com/grammar/
Reading comprehension and vocabulary
● The best place to start is the BBC’s languages web-pages. Choose the ‘reportajes’ link to find articles from the former ‘Semanario Internet’ with a variety of reading exercises. The articles are archived into topic areas. www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/news
● Newspapers: www.elmundo.es
● Spanish daily newspaper. The website gives you access to all of the day’s news articles. www.elpais.es
● On-line Spanish daily news: www.estrelladigital.es
● Reading cultural activities: espanol.lingolia.com/en/reading (Select levels A2 and B1)
● Listening cultural activities online: espanol.lingolia.com/en/listening Select levels A2 and B1
● Search for ‘4 minutos’ within this site and then listen and try to pick out the main stories (www.rtve.es)
● 10 short films to improve your listening skills in Spanish: https://infoeducacion.net/cortos-educativos/#10_cortos_educativos_para_ver_online_que_te_sorprenderan
● Spanish News (www.euronews.net)
● Select language ‘español’ and then choose from a wide variety of News videos. (www.20minutos.es)
● Songs and exercises: Practise Spanish by listening to music (lyricstraining.com) or through its app (lingoclip.com/es)
Students are encouraged to watch as many short movies “cortometrajes” en español (YouTube link) or at least two films or series in Spanish with Spanish subtitles; they should write down language phrases and colloquialisms. There are a wide range of films and series in Spanish language on Netflix, Prime, HBO Max and other platforms.