Welcome Guide 2015/2016 An introduction to the UWE Charter and our commitment to you
We’re looking forward to meeting you. Before you get here, there’s a few things to do…
Register via myUWE myUWE is where you register for your course. Log in to your account at https://my.uwe.ac.uk with your UWE username and password. You will have received these via e-mail. If you have any problems with this, let us know via 0117 32 85678. add your personal details upload a photograph for your UWE ID card make arrangements to pay your tuition fees check your UWE e-mail account
Head to www.uwe.ac.uk/newstudents Read your course joining instructions to: find out the date of your course induction view your reading lists (if appropriate) check to see if there is anything extra you should be doing for your course
Also: Add the Gloucester Information Point phone number 0117 32 85600 to your phone, for any queries you have before or after you arrive. Set up your UWE e-mail account on your phone or tablet.
Pack a photo ID (e.g. passport, driving licence). You’ll need it to collect your UWE ID card.
Follow us to keep up-to-date with everything going on at UWE. /uwebristol @uwebristol
Read and understand the UWE Charter. It’s all set out in this booklet. It’s also available online at: www. thestudentsunion. co.uk/uwecharter
UWE Charter
We want
At UWE Bristol we strive to ensure all our students experience outstanding teaching, learning and support services throughout their university life so that when they graduate they are ready and able to realise their full potential, and make a positive contribution to society and their chosen field of employment. In short, we want you to succeed and achieve great things. We believe that this is best achieved by working together in a spirit of interdependence, trust and respect.
you to succeed The UWE Charter sets out the principles on which our learning community is founded. The University and The Students’ Union have made commitments to you and there’s a few things you need to do in return. www.thestudentsunion.co.uk/uwecharter Credit: Rachel Seed
Teaching and Research
We will ffer you excellent teaching O and supervision supported by the physical and technical resources that will enable you to develop your academic skills and fulfil your learning potential rovide a balanced P curriculum that is appropriately practice-oriented and professionally recognised nsure that assessment is fair, E marks and results are published on time and you receive regular feedback on your progress
From your first lecture at UWE you’ll receive top-quality teaching in modern facilities. You’ll have an Academic Personal Tutor to help you settle in to university study and to review your progress, and access to all your course-related information online through Blackboard. You can learn from students who have finished their first year through the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) scheme. PAL leaders can help you ease into higher education, build your academic confidence and develop good study habits. 4
Each campus has its own library, equipped with subject specialist librarians, unlimited renewals, and laptops you can borrow for free. There’s a range of bookable study spaces to help you crack on with group projects or private study. If you have a library-related question outside of the library opening times, we offer ‘Ask a Librarian 24/7’ live web chat, so you can have your questions answered any time of the day or night!
Head online for:
Academic Personal Tutors
Peer Assisted Learning
Library services
Study spaces
Ask a Librarian 24/7
Student Support and Welfare
We will ffer a full range of professional O and confidential advisory services to support you in your studies and personal life rovide you with the information P and guidance you need to settle into university life ffer you study support and O impartial academic advice and guidance to enable you to make informed choices rovide career planning P information and opportunities to enhance your employability through work experience placements, internships, community outreach and volunteering
Your questions If you have any questions before or during your time with us, our campus-based Information Points are the place to go. The Information Point team are on hand to answer your questions or link you to the relevant specialist adviser for more information. www.uwe.ac.uk/students
No question is too big or small! 7
Your career It may seem a long way away, but it’s never too early to start gaining experiences and developing skills which will set you apart from other candidates in the job market. Log into Infohub, accessible via myUWE, to find out about volunteering opportunities, placements and jobs available. Make sure you register for the UWE Bristol Futures Award. This recognises the variety of activities you can get involved in whilst at university, helps you build a graduate identity and gets you a CV-boosting award at the end of your course! Our Careers Advisers are here to provide resources and advice to help you kick-start your career.
Your money We know it can be tricky to balance the books, plan and budget your finances. If you’re in need of tips on budgeting and making ends meet, we’ve got a stack of information for you online. If things don’t go to plan, our team of Money Advisers are on standby to help out! We offer short-term loans and a range of financial support for which you can apply.
Your wellbeing Your health and wellbeing are important to us while you’re away from home. If it all gets a bit too much, just get in contact with the Wellbeing Service for a chat. We can support you with your development and mental health needs – we offer oneto-one counselling, mentoring, and group workshops, to support you with your studies and life in general. There’s also a range of support available for you if you have a disability, including specialist equipment, funding and support workers.
Your health Don’t forget to register with a doctor in case Freshers’ flu hits! We want you to keep healthy during your time with us, so take a look at some top tips on our staying healthy page.
All these services are accessible via an Information Point 0117 32 85600 Gloucesterinfopoint@ uwe.ac.uk @UWEBristol
Help is at hand:
Information Points
Wellbeing Service
Disability Service
Careers Service
Money Advice and Funds Service
Environment and Community We will rovide an inclusive and P supportive environment for everyone trive to provide a dynamic S learning environment including high quality spaces, facilities and technologies upport and promote access by S all members of our community to the learning opportunities and services we offer Promote environmentally responsible behaviour isten to and learn from the L student community
We’re pleased you’ve chosen UWE and hope you will be proud to be part of our community.
www.thecityofgloucester.co.uk/ 10
Living in community It’s not just your campus community that you now belong to, but the wider community as well. When you’re off campus, you represent the University – so make sure you leave a good impression. We are committed to providing you with an inclusive and supportive environment, and don’t tolerate language or behaviour that leaves others feeling embarrassed, bullied or discriminated against.
in creating a safer university and environment you and all other students here at UWE can enjoy. www.uwe.ac.uk/aboutus/policies You can find all our policies at the above website. Student Conduct policy WE and The Students’ Union at U UWE joint policy statement on: zero tolerance to sexual and domestic violence, abuse and harassment
If you do see or experience unacceptable behaviour please report it to an Information Point and play your part 11
Regulations We will rovide you with detailed P academic information in your Programme and Module Handbook rovide you with the rules P you will be bound by in the Academic Regulations and Procedures perate fair and transparent O complaints and appeals policies and procedures
If things don’t go to plan We hope all will go smoothly for you and your studies, but if something major affects your ability to submit a piece of coursework, or sit an exam, support is at hand. Student Support Advisers are here to advise you and guide you through the options available, including five working day extensions, extenuating circumstances and taking time out. Get in touch with us sooner rather than later. Just contact an Information Point. www.uwe.ac.uk/academicregulations Academic Regulations and Procedures are in place to make sure all students at UWE are treated fairly during their academic journey.
Join in! There’s various ways to find out what’s going on across the University:
Blackboard for your course information
www.uwe.ac.uk/ students – information about support available
yourUWE: our regular student e-newsletter, with articles hand-picked and relevant to you
UWE e-mail for important information (accessible via myUWE and the UWE app)
/uwebristol @uwebristol
UWE app: access your timetable and UWE e-mail on the go (just search ‘UWEmobile’ in your app store)
Head online for:
Academic Survival Guide
Student Support Advisers
Five working Extenuating day extensions circumstances
Changing direction
Appeals and complaints procedures
Students’ Union Commitments We will
Credit: Harry Brayford Photography
acilitate a strong Student Representative F System, ensuring your voice is heard within UWE rovide independent information, P advice and guidance about issues that may affect you through the Students’ Union Advice Centre upport you to ensure that you are treated S equally and fairly and are aware of your rights and responsibilities
Credit: Dave Pratt
ive you a voice on local and G national issues Provide part-time employment opportunities through the JobShop rovide a wide range of opportunities P to participate in sporting, political, social and cultural activities and events to enhance your personal and professional development ctively promote good relations within A our University community and the city more broadly 14
Credit: shutterpresser.com
Your Students’ Union The Students’ Union at UWE exists to support and represent you, listening to what you’ve got to say and helping to make sure you get the most out of your time at UWE.
The Students’ Union ensures all students are treated fairly, with Student Reps elected in every course and level. Reps are recruited in the first weeks of term – could you be the new rep for your course?
You’ll have the chance to discover a huge variety of activities and events through societies, sports clubs, community Register with your Students’ Union at networks and volunteering. All of these www.thestudentsunion.co.uk and get the give you the chance to meet new people most out of your student experience! and get involved in something fun! @theSUatUWE thesuatuwe /thesuatuwe
Head to www.thestudentsunion.co.uk for:
Freshers’ Fair
Advice Centre
Credit: Kod Nguyen
Student Reps
Credit: J Need
Credit: John Albarran
In exchange
UWE expects you to... 1
anage your own learning M including submitting coursework on time and in the right format, sitting exams and reflecting on feedback you receive.
amiliarise yourself with the F requirements of your course, including your timetable.
ctively participate in A opportunities to evaluate your experience. We can’t improve if we don’t know what parts of your experience aren’t living up to expectations. cknowledge when things A aren’t going so well. Seek the advice and help of the relevant support service and encourage your friends to do the same.
ct as an ambassador for us, A not only on campus but off campus too. This includes social media – inappropriate use can be a breach of the Student Conduct Policy and even your professional body’s conduct policy.
heck your UWE e-mail C regularly and use it for University communication.
omply with all University C regulations, policies and procedures.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Any questions?
0117 32 85600
Gloucesterinfopoint @uwe.ac.uk
Gloucester Campus
Look out for:
Useful Information
Information Points: 0117 32 85600 gloucesterinfopoint@uwe.ac.uk @UWEBristol
Great views of the docks, and head over to Gloucester Quays at lunch for a spot of shopping!
Monday - Friday 08:30-17:00
Travel: Download the TravelWest Bus Checker app to plan your routes to and from campus
UWE Gloucester hoodies - available from the UWESU online store
Library: Term Time Monday - Friday 08:30-18:00 (17:00 on Fridays) Vacation Monday – Friday 08:30-17:00 (16:30 on Fridays)
UWE Gloucester Alexandra Warehouse, West Quay Gloucester Docks, Gloucester GL1 2LG
Local events at exploregloucestershire.co.uk
Gloucester Campus
Look out for:
Useful Information
Information Points: 0117 32 85600 gloucesterinfopoint@uwe.ac.uk @UWEBristol
Great views of the docks, and head over to Gloucester Quays at lunch for a spot of shopping!
Monday - Friday 08:30-17:00
Travel: Download the TravelWest Bus Checker app to plan your routes to and from campus
UWE Gloucester hoodies - available from the UWESU online store
Library: Term Time Monday - Friday 08:30-18:00 (17:00 on Fridays) Vacation Monday – Friday 08:30-17:00 (16:30 on Fridays)
UWE Gloucester Alexandra Warehouse, West Quay Gloucester Docks, Gloucester GL1 2LG
Local events at exploregloucestershire.co.uk
UWE Bristol Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QY Telephone: 0117 32 85678 E-mail: infopoint@uwe.ac.uk Web: www.uwe.ac.uk Tweet us: @UWEBristol
Š University of the West of England This guide is brought to you by the Student Communications team. Care was taken to ensure all information was correct at the time of publication. Want to give us feedback?