Course Content Interior design is an exciting field that bridges the boundaries between architecture, art and design. Interior designers take a holistic approach to space, designing every element from structural interventions to specifying materials. Working to a level similar to that of an architect, they design for the retail industry, commercial offices, art galleries, private homes and the hotel and leisure sector. Learn a wide range of skills from our dedicated team, with an emphasis on the creative design process and ‘learning by doing’. Develop critical awareness of environments, applying new skills to a variety of briefs. Take part in workshops, seminars, lectures and tutorials and engage with peer and self-assessment, contributing meaningfully to your group.
Year One Introduction to Interior Design Exploring Practice in Interior Design Professional Practice and Work Experience in Interior Design Critical Perspectives.
Credit: Iulia Moldovan MABBOO Retail Store
Year Two Developing Practice in Interior Design Creative Analysis. Plus, optional modules from: International Exchange or Developing Practice in Interior Design 2. Professional Practice and Work Experience in Interior Design 2 or Collaborate.
Final Year Preparation for Extended Study in Interior Design Extended Study in Interior Design Professional Practice and Work Experience in Interior Design 3 Independent Research Project.