2 minute read

5 day s a w eek (1 1 )


H o w o fte n do yo u dr i nk al c o ho l (i f a t a l l )?



19.40% 23.80%

5.00% 6.90%

0.00% 1.90% Ev er y / most day s ( 3 ) 4 -5 day s a w eek (1 1 ) 2 - 3 day s a w eek (5 4 ) O nce a w eek (3 1 ) Less than once a w eek (3 8 ) Nev er , but I hav e dr unk alcohol in the past ( 1 2 ) Nev er , I hav e nev er dr unk alcohol (1 1 )

7.50% 6.90% • 14% students are non drinkers, similar levels to previous years • 67% regular drink at a friends house before going out (11% decrease from 2018, COVID) • 41% regularly deliberately get drunk before heading out for the night (46% in 2018) • One main night out a week most prevalent.

14% students are non drinkers, similar levels to previous years

What would you say is your main reason for not drinking or stopping drinking alcohol?

40.00% 30.00%

10.00% 10.00%10.00%

Don’t like the taste (6) Don’t like the effect it has on me (2) A current health condition (2) The long term effects of alcohol on m y health (2) Religious or cultural reasons (8)

Do you feel that there are eno ugh social events for yo u at university that do no t involve having to drink or get drunk?


20.40% 51.40%

Yes (73) No (29) D on’t know (40)

How often do you drink alcohol, not necessarily with the intention of getting drunk, but end up getting drunk anyway?

Never (18),, 14.90% Don’t know (1),, 0.80% More than once a week (8),, 6.60%

About once a week (27), 22.30%

More than once a week (8) About once a week (27) Less often than once a week (67) Never (18) Don’t know (1)

Less often than once a week (67),, 55.40%


• 22% once a week end up drunk when they were not planning to be. • 52% students are rarely influenced to buy larger measures due to deals • 26% will take adv of happy hours

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