2012 United Way of Racine County Annual Report

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90 celebrating




United Way of Racine County www.unitedwayracine.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Leadership


2012 Highlights


United Way’s Work in Education


United Way’s Work in Income


United Way’s Work in Health


United Way Resources and Community Partners


Volunteer Leadership


2012 Campaign Highlights


Top 50 Campaigns and Contributing Organizations


Leadership Giving


Total Community Impact


Statement of Financials


United Way Staff



United Way of Racine County improves lives and creates lasting community change in partnership with others.

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MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP Dear supporters, The past year has been an exciting one for United Way! We celebrated a milestone anniversary, created new partnerships and continued to improve lives throughout the county. We are proud to share the 2012 highlights with you through our Annual Report. As this report shows, United Way of Racine County, through our program and initiative work, continues to focus on the building blocks for a good life: education, income and health. Our funding strategy invests in health and human service partners and projects that demonstrate collaboration, efficiency and effective use of resources with measurable results. Our commitment to meet urgent needs is as strong as our promise to focus on the future and create lasting change. Throughout our 90 years, United Way has had the unique ability to bring people and organizations together to get things done. Our Advancing Family Assets initiative works with numerous partners, such as Educators Credit Union and Modine Manufacturing, to help families become more financially stable and successful. In 2012, we brought together the Racine Unified School District, local businesses, and concerned community members to tackle the issue of early reading achievement and created a new initiative called Schools of Hope. No individual or organization can solve our community’s issues alone and none of what follows on these pages could have happened without you. We are inspired and encouraged by the dedication of all of you who give, advocate and volunteer. Thank you for your support. Sincerely,

Francisco Sanchez Board Chair

David L. Maurer


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90 celebrating


In 1887 in Denver, Colorado, a diverse group of community leaders—a woman, a priest, two ministers and a rabbi— came together to improve community conditions. The campaign they created, which joined ten local health and welfare agencies to a common goal, became one of the most important social inventions in history and sparked a movement that established United Way. In 1973, the National Football League (NFL) and United Way established a partnership to increase public awareness of social service issues facing the country. The partnership has enabled United Way to share its special message with more than 110 million viewers during the football season. At almost 40 years, the partnership is the longest-running sports/charity public service campaign of its kind. Today, 125 years later, United Way continues to focus on mobilizing the caring power of communities and making a difference in people’s lives. Nearly 1,800 community-based organizations in 41 countries and territories, are proud to be part of United Way.

In 1922, H.F. Johnson Sr. of S.C. Johnson and Son, and a group of his fellow business leaders gathered to discuss consolidating charitable efforts. Their determination created the Racine Welfare Fund. The first combined drive raised $75,000. Funds were distributed to seven agencies, some of which are still in existence and in partnership with United Way today, including the Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts and the Salvation Army. Throughout the years, United Way has been known as the Racine Community Chest, Racine United Community Services, and the Racine Area United Way, Inc. No matter the name, United Way’s work to improve lives and create a better community has remained the same. Its role has expanded from a simple fundraiser to a community builder. It has evolved into an organization where individuals and groups with common concerns join together to address issues, find solutions and create lasting change. In the next 90 years, with the dedication of volunteers and community leaders, United Way will continue to evolve and grow, and continue to focus on advancing the common good and creating opportunities for a better life for all in Racine County.


“My father and mother instilled in us the importance of giving back more than we take from this world, of being more a producer than consumer. They showed us that active philanthropists do more than write checks, they roll up their sleeves and work to bring about positive and lasting change in their communities. That’s what United Way is all about, and that’s why it’s such a big part of Craig’s and my life. The next 90 years are filled with great promise for Racine, and we hope our children and grandchildren experience the joy of being involved with United Way to make a real and meaningful difference in people’s lives.”

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In 2012, United Way of Racine County was one of four local charities to receive a donation from Los Angeles Clipper, two-time NBA All-Star Forward and Racine-native Caron Butler. Butler’s donation to United Way was in direct support of United Way’s Advancing Family Assets initiative.

Caron and Andrea Butler LIVE UNITED!

On July 20, 2012, as part of Butler’s 3D—Discipline, Determination and Dedication—program, Butler and United Way hosted a “Get Active with Caron Butler” event at Park High School. Children ages five to 15 were invited to participate in various activity stations focused on exercise and a healthy lifestyle. More than 250 children and almost 100 volunteers participated in the event. Following the day’s activities, Butler hosted a dinner for Advancing Family Assets (AFA) participating families. “It feels good to come back to Racine and reflect back on how if it wasn’t for this community and the support I received to turn my life around, I might not have found my way to the NBA,” stated Butler, “Giving back to the community is very important to me and I am grateful to be able to help these organizations and the important role they play in our community. Assisting them is a great way to have a direct impact in the areas you feel will benefit the kids and their families the most.”

Caron Butler and Dave Maurer pose with the AFA families who participated in the “Get Active with Caron Butler” event.

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UNITED WAY EDUCATION OUTCOMES Children succeed in school and academic settings. Children gain knowledge and skills. Children succeed in a variety of settings. Supporting children is important to the future of our community. United Way recognizes the need to support programs that drive results to ensure children and youth achieve their potential through education. Comprehensive Youth Program: Boy Scouts of America Three Harbors Council Early Childhood Program; Girls Inc. of Racine; SchoolAge After School Program: Family Literacy of Racine Family Smart/Kid Friendly Partnership JAM-Juvenile Aftercare Ministry: Youth for Christ Southeastern Wisconsin John XXIII Educational Center: A Ministry of St. Patrick’s Parish One-to-One Outcome Based Mentoring: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Racine & Kenosha Counties, Inc. Racine Youth Sports Strong Communities Agenda: Racine Family YMCA Touchpoints Project: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, University of Wisconsin-Extension Teen Parenting Support: Central Racine County Health Department Urban and Latina Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

2012 RESULTS Through United Way-funded programs, More than 2,000 scouts participated in volunteerism to improve communities throughout Racine County. More than 7,100 youth participated in afterschool, athletic or summer activities. More than 540 children participated in structured afterschool educational activities to improve their math and literacy skills. 200 child care providers and family resource providers obtained training assistance and support to strengthen their service delivery capacity.

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Schools of Hope MISSION

Schools of Hope Racine, a United Way-led initiative in partnership with Racine Unified School District, local businesses, and other concerned community members, provides young children with tutors on a regular basis to increase reading achievement in the early grades.

EDUCATION INITIATIVE LED BY UNITED WAY OF RACINE COUNTY Currently, one in three Racine Unified School District third graders cannot read at grade level. Research shows that third-grade reading proficiency is a powerful indicator of later academic achievement. Prior to third grade, children learn to read. From fourth grade on, they read to learn. A student who is not at least moderately successful in reading by the third grade is unlikely to graduate from high school. United Way of Racine County’s newest education initiative, Schools of Hope, began its pilot semester in the fall of 2012 at Olympia Brown and Wadewitz Elementary Schools. Schools of Hope tutors are trained to use research-based strategies to help students improve their reading proficiency. Volunteers provided one-on-one support to students in kindergarten through third grade during the student’s regular school day to help them become more confident, capable readers. They are inspiring hope for a better tomorrow and making a significant difference in the lives of the children they tutor.

2012 RESULTS 2 elementary schools 80 volunteer tutors 150 students tutored 500 tutoring hours


WADEWITZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELVIN, GRADE THREE “I began tutoring not knowing what to expect – from me and from my student. I was hoping to make a difference in the life of a young person; to give them hope and confidence about themselves and their future. I believe this is happening. The gift I get each week is when I see my student’s face light up with joy and satisfaction as he recognizes/works out more words and reads longer passages. I know my time with Elvin is a gift for him, and it is also a gift for me.”

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UNITED WAY INCOME OUTCOMES Individuals have the skills to obtain living-wage employment. Individuals have immediate and emergency needs met. Individuals function well in their day-to-day lives. United Way of Racine County knows individuals who have fewer financial stresses are healthier, perform better at work and have better educational outcomes. That’s why we fund programs that prepare individuals and families to become financially stable and independent. We support programs that help residents in need of emergency food, clothing, and shelter, in addition to providing supportive services to increase self-sufficiency. Adult Literacy Program: Racine Literacy Council Bethany Apartments: Catherine Marian Housing, Inc. Burlington Emergency Assistance Program: The Salvation Army - Burlington Community Re-Entry Program; Racine Vocational Ministry Program: Racine Vocational Ministry, Inc. Emergency Food Distribution: Racine County Food Bank HALO: Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization Outreach Services: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc. SAFE Haven of Racine Youth Shelter and SAFE Streets; SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. - SAFE Passage: SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. Social Services: The Salvation Army - Racine Corps Transitional Living Center: Transitional Living Center Burlington

2012 RESULTS Through United Way-funded programs, Approximately 300 adults made significant gains in literacy skills and/or learned English as another language in order to become more self-sufficient. 1,000 individuals or families received emergency or basic needs services. Almost 50,000 meals were served to homeless individuals and families. 300 individuals received employment training and placement services. 38 individuals in western Racine County increased their financial literacy skills by completing financial management training.

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By 2020, Advancing Family Assets will have measurably increased the financial and family stability of at least 500 families in Racine County, achieving a variety of positive outcomes within the families, leading to increases in the number of reliable and productive workers, ultimately reducing poverty in Racine County.

INCOME INITIATIVE LED BY UNITED WAY OF RACINE COUNTY Since Advancing Family Assets (AFA) first began delivering services in the spring of 2009, it has impacted the lives of 362 (136 adults and 226 children) Racine County residents through an intensive life coaching approach where families volunteer into the program, create success plans that outline their goals and learn to better manage their lives. In partnership with various community agencies and organizations, AFA connects families with existing resources as the families work towards becoming financially stable and successful. With the generous support of the community, United Way was able to hire additional AFA staff. AFA now has the capacity to impact the lives of even more local families.


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To establish durable connections between families and the mainstream economy. • 76% of AFA families maintained employment. • Average full-time hourly wage for employed AFA adults has increased $1.00 over the last two years to $12.51. • 71% of AFA families follow a monthly budget. Nationally, only 46% of families use a household budget regularly.

See the

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Hea lth Ob jective

To advance individuals’ potential to achieve academic/ vocational success. • 87.5% of AFA preschoolers meet the appropriate developmental milestones for their age group. • 45% of AFA youth are engaged in positive outof-school-time activities. • 14 AFA adults improved their employability with additional training or education.

To assist families in maintaining healthy relationships and lifestyles. • 70% of young children are on track for healthy development as indicated by scoring within a healthy range on the ASQ-3 screening. • 97% of individuals have insurance coverage from BadgerCare or through their employer. • 83% of families practice healthy habits by utilizing YMCA memberships.

Margi and her son Johnny have participated in AFA since October 2011. When Margi enrolled in AFA, some of her goals were to complete a Health Unit Coordinator certificate program, find a job, set a monthly budget and get Johnny involved in extracurricular activities. Margi has successfully reached these and several of her other goals. Margi and Johnny continue to meet with their Family Success Coach regularly and participate in the special, family-oriented programs that AFA offers. United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report | 9

UNITED WAY HEALTH OUTCOMES Children develop to their maximum capacity. Children live in physically safe environments. Individuals take appropriate action to prevent/remedy health and safety issues. Along with United Way’s national goal of increasing the number of youth and adults who are healthy, United Way of Racine County is committed to helping individuals achieve maximum physical/emotional/mental health and safety. Advocacy, Support and Educational Programs: The Arc of Racine County, Inc. The Alliance on Mental Illness of Racine County, Inc. (NAMI Racine) Behavioral Health Counseling Services: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc. Community Services: Lincoln Lutheran of Racine, Inc. Counseling and Psychotherapy (CPP): Family Service of Racine CSSW Racine Counseling Programs, Racine County Child Advocacy Center and Volunteer Respite: Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin FAST (Families and Schools Together); Substance Abuse Prevention Program: Focus on Community Friendship Clubhouse Program: Racine Friendship Clubhouse Health Care Services: Health Care Network, Inc. RADD/Cerebral Palsy Agency of Racine County, Inc.: Cerebral Palsy Agency of Racine County, Inc. Safe Emergency Shelter and Continuum of Safety Services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault: Women’s Resource Center of Racine, Inc. S.C.A.N.-Stop Child Abuse and Neglect; Sexual Assault Services of Lutheran Social Services: Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan, Inc.

HEALTH INITIATIVE MANAGED BY UNITED WAY OF RACINE COUNTY FamilyWize provides free prescription discount cards. In 2012, residents in Racine County saved more than $150,000! On average, people in our community saved almost $20 per prescription. Pick up a card at the United Way office, download a card from our website, or text “family” to 700700 to receive a card on your cell phone.

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Teen Pregnancy Prevention- West: Western Racine County Health Department


Through United Way-funded programs, 200 homeless children received up-to-date immunizations and wellness check ups. More than 5,000 children increased peer refusal skills and knowledge of the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and drug use. More than 7,000 children learned skills to avoid abusive situations. 3,750 low-income patients improved their health by receiving medical and/or dental services.

OTHER UNITED WAY RESOURCES United Way administers Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in western Racine County to encourage early childhood learning. Free age-appropriate books are mailed to children under five each month. More than 800 children have participated.

Learning starts here. United Way is working to increase knowledge about the importance of early childhood learning with a public awareness campaign.

Jessica Safransky Schacht presents 2011-12 YAR board chair, Emma Campion, with the Ruth Bradford-Johnson Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service to Youth As Resources.

Youth As Resources is a United Way youth initiative providing grants to fund youth-designed, youth-led community service and service learning projects. In 2012, YAR funded five local projects totaling almost $4,000.

COMMUNITY PARTNERS United Way of Racine County supports the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) to provide free tax preparation service for the community. United Way partners with the Volunteer Center of Racine County on the Volunteer Solutions website to help volunteers connect with nonprofit agencies. Visit volunteer.truist.com/vcorc to find volunteer opportunities that interest you. United Way of Racine County supports IMPACT 2-1-1, an information and referral service. Individuals who need assistance with basic needs, mental health, etc. can connect to the right organization through an online resource database or by dialing 2-1-1. More than 6,500 Racine County residents have used this service. United Way supports Leadership Racine in their effort to develop strong, diverse and knowledgeable leaders, preparing them for positions of public influence and decision making. United Way of Racine County supports the Center for Community Partnerships: Nonprofit Development Center at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Their work helps build capacity in local nonprofit organizations. United Way also supports the American Red Cross, Burlington Senior Center and Burlington Safety Patrol.


“I think the role that United Way plays does make a difference in the daily lives of so many thousands of people for over 90 years now. There is no other institution in town that provides the kind of financial support, moral support and encouragement that United Way does.” United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report | 11




VICE-CHAIRS AT-LARGE Kevin McCabe John Siegert


Jennifer Eastman Tim Ferry Ethel Gates Mark Geisler Patricia Hoffman Daniel Horton

Keontay Jackson Janelle Jones Mike Kobylka Ray Koukari Ann Laing Cristie Leto

Tom Marry Jeff McKeown Steve McLaughlin Chad Novasic Guadalupe (Wally) Rendon

Richard R. Ruffo Kelli Stein Richard J. Tinder James Walker Leslie Wininger

Chris Leberfing Tom Marry

Bob O’Brien

Richard R. Ruffo

James Walker

Andrew (Drew) Abram

Cristie Leto

Jeff McKeown

Debra Rudan

Maria Campbell

Bruce Duerr

Mike Kobylka

John Siegert

Milous Adams Nancy Anderson Mary Gehlhoff

Chris Leberfing Steve McLaughlin Mark Mundl

Rakesh Popli Teresa Reinders Francisco Sanchez

Jerodd Taylor Mary Wyant

Ethel Gates Mike Goebel Pete Knotek

Kevin Mieczkowski Maria Morales Marilyn Nemeth

Craig Olsen Juan Ruiz

Scott Sharp Doris Szejna

Matt Andis Chris Antonneau Dave Brown Mark Geisler

Mark Gelhaus Mike Kobylka Kevin McCabe Jeff McKeown

Chris Moreau Greg Mueller John Siegert

Kelli Stein Gene Szymczak Claire Weslaski

Jennifer Harper

Liz Kinzelman

Kerri Kobylka

Chris Larsen

Sandy Neske Chad Novasic

Kamal Taylor

Richard J. Tinder

Members at Large Andrew (Drew) Abram Milous Adams Patrick Bohon Maria Campbell Carmen Castro Bruce Duerr

Finance Committee CHAIR Susan Boland

Personnel Committee CHAIR Denise Wilcox

Nominating Committee CHAIR Kevin McCabe

Community Investment Committee CHAIR Paul Rohling

Labor Advisory Committee CHAIR Jeff Van Koningsveld


Loaned Employees Barb Fitzgerald

Western Racine County ACTION Committee Pat Brzezinski Pat Hoffman

Barb Kopack-Hill Tom McLaughlin

12 | United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT LEADERSHIP Access Investment Committee CHAIR Nancy Anderson

Kim Bertermann Keontay Jackson


Paul Bartingale

Janet Payne

Dorothy Sack

Tom Sierminski

Caring For Kids Investment Committee CHAIR Mary Gehlhoff

Olivia Alcorta Randy Dorece Kathy Dunkerson Dave Durment

Diane Ingalsbe Allison Kirklin Kevin McCabe

Sandi McClaron Beth Shelton Lloyd Swager

Brenda Thomas Valerie Zamecnik Candy Zicarelli


Mark Dahms

Paul Krumrie

Kara Reske

Kim Schulte

Janis Lemke Shannon McGuire Gail Navratil

Deborah Pierre-Louis Lori Strangberg

Melody Streeter Culleen Witthuhn

Success by 6 Investment Committee CHAIR Mark Mundl

Suzanne Chernik Jennifer Eastman Sue Goelz


Samantha AndereggBoticki

Supporting Self-Sufficiency Investment Committee CHAIR Teresa Reinders Jerodd Taylor

Dan Baran Patrick Bohon Brenda Danculovich

Lindsay Fiori Scott Frey JoAnn Goodyear

Joe Heck Gary Hovan Cami Meyer

LeRoy Miller Carolynn Powers Cherry Wardrip


Chris Leberfing Blaine Metzger

Kara Metzger

Mike Peterson

Jerodd Taylor

Samantha AndereggBoticki Mike Anderson Paul Bartingale

Mark Dahms Paul Krumrie Blaine Metzger

Kara Metzger Jim Parrish Mike Peterson

Kara Reske Kim Schulte Jerodd Taylor

Mike Anderson Casey Ange Tiequan Barron Madeline Brown Tyra Butler Emma Campion Marisol Cervantes Sienna Chapman

Mia Coney Hope Conner Chrissy Craig Collin Flynn Katelyn Flynn Mary Franitza Shannon Hollimon MaryBeth Kallio

Michael Kelly Tony Kinnard Robbie Leto Selina Levy Milan Meyers Sovereign Olson Douglas Peterson Madison Richards

Mavis Rohling Garrett Sexton Amanda Sinnett Emilie Smiley Samantha Smiley Jeanne Suda Claire Weyers Heaven Worthman

Jon Nelson Jeff Neubauer

Debbie Rudan Neil Staeck

Leslie Wininger Mary Jo Wodicka

Jim Eastman Deborah Ford Art Howell Carole Johnson Gordy Kacala

Mike Kobylka Jim Ladwig Dave Maurer Mary Beth Mikrut

David Novick Alice Oliver Kelly Semrau Christopher Schmaling

Community Investment Financial Team CHAIR Chris Leberfing

Youth As Resources Board COORDINATOR Jessica Safransky Schacht 2011-12 CHAIR Emma Campion 2012-13 CHAIR Madeline Ford

COMMUNITY IMPACT LEADERSHIP Advancing Family Assets Volunteers Tom Burke Mark Geisler

Chuck Hall Melvin Hargrove

Schools of Hope Leadership Council CHAIR Jim Beere CO-CHAIR Ann Laing

Bryan Albrecht Mike Batten Tom Buhler John Dickert Roger Dower

United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2012 Annual Report | 13


SC Johnson’s 2012 United Way Ambassadors LIVE UNITED!

United Way recruits the people and organizations from all across the community who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done.

2012 Campaign Highlights

This year, Dave Johnson, CFO of Johnson Outdoors, led the campaign with the help of 15 community leaders in his Campaign Cabinet, eight western Racine County ACTION Committee members and five Loaned Employees. In addition, hundreds of people volunteered within their individual workplace campaigns. Overall, more than 10,000 individuals and 300 organizations participated in the annual United Way campaign.

Andis Company also celebrated their 90th anniversary in 2012. They have grown their campaign over the last four years from $28,000 to more than $122,000!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the 2012 campaign. Together, we are making change happen and creating the foundation of a better community.

Thank you to Educators Credit Union and Cree for providing a portion of their employee’s time to help with the 2012 campaign. Thank you to CNH, Twin Disc, Modine, InSinkErator, Racine Federated, and SC Johnson for providing financial resources for United Way to hire Loaned Employees.

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SC Johnson & Son remains the largest contributor to United Way with almost $1.7 million raised among employees and a corporate match.

Twin Disc increased their campaign 6.5 percent for a total of almost $250,000. In August, Cost Cutters Family Hair Salon in Burlington raised $400 to benefit United Way by holding a cut-athon. Thrivent Financial contributed $500 in matching funds to the event, increasing the total dollars raised to $900 in two hours. Gateway Technical College-Burlington held their first ever campus pledge campaign. Jeans Day coupons and a pre-holiday potluck were a big hit with the faculty. Together, they raised a total of $3,460. There were 20 new companies that participated in the 2012 campaign, resulting in $19,351 new dollars. Some of those companies included LDV, North Shore Bank, Fox River State Bank and the Village of Caledonia.

THANK YOU, 2012 TOP 50 CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTING ORGANIZATIONS! A&E Incorporated Andis Company* AT&T Aurora Health Care Boston Store Burlington Area School District Butter Buds Food Ingredients Combined Federal Campaign City of Racine CNH America LLC* Community State Bank Cooper Power Systems Cree* David Insurance Agency, Inc. Diversey, Inc.* Dremel Rotary & Benchtop Power Tools Duracolor E.C. Styberg Engineering Educators Credit Union* Gateway Technical College Great Northern Corporation Grove Gear InSinkErator* Johnson Financial Group* Johnson Foundation, Inc.

Johnson Keland Management, Inc. Johnson Outdoors, Inc.* Kranz Lavelle Industries, Inc. Lincoln Lutheran of Racine Merchants Moving & Storage Modine Manufacturing Company* Petersen Machine/Pioneer Products Putzmeister America, Inc. Quick-Cable Corporation Racine County Racine Family YMCA Racine Federated, Inc.* Racine Unified School District Runzheimer International SC Johnson & Son Retirees* SC Johnson & Son, Inc.* ShopKo The Prairie School Twin Disc, Inc.* Unico, Inc. United Parcel Service United Way of Racine County WE Energies* Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare/All Saints*

* United Way of Racine County acknowledges the significant contributions of these organizations and their employees where total giving at each company is $50,000 or more annually.

Cree hosted a Halloween party to benefit United Way.

Modine surpassed their 2012 goal!

Grove Gear held a 9-Pin Bowling Tournament to benefit United Way.

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THANK YOU, 2012 CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTING ORGANIZATIONS! Abbott - Interfast Corp. Abbott Laboratories Accounting and Business Services, Inc. Alliance on Mental Illness of Racine Co. (NAMI-Racine) Alliant Physical Therapy Group LLC Allstate Insurance Company Allure Hair Designs American Automobile Association American General Finance Ameriprise Financial Associated Bank Assurant Health Augie’s Excavating, Inc. B & J Stowell dba H&R Block Baxter & Woodman Baxter Healthcare Best Buy Big Brothers Big Sisters of Racine & Kenosha Counties BMO Harris Bank Boy Scouts of America Three Harbors Council Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Bukacek Construction Burlington Jaycees Capital Area United Way Carpetland Flooring Center Carthage College Cassity Tree Service, Inc. Catherine Marian Housing, Inc. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Chief Mason Memorial Golf Outing Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin CJW Inc. CliftonLarsonAllen Communications Workers of America Local 4611 Cost Cutters - Burlington CRB Insurance CSL Plasma Services Dairy Queen - Burlington Delco Electronics / Delphi Delta Flexible Products, Inc. Derse Exhibits Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Durand Automotive Center, LLC Eckmann Pressed Metal Company Econoprint Electronic Systems of Wisconsin

Eli Lilly Exelon Corporation Express Employment Professionals Family Literacy of Racine Family Service of Racine Farm & Fleet Fed-Ex First Weber Group Fischer Precise Flippy’s Fast Food Focus on Community Fogarty & Associates, LLC Fox River State Bank Fred’s Parkview GE Capital Girls Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast GlaxoSmithKline Goodwill Industries of SE WI Gordon Food Service Gordon J. Maier & Company, LLP HALO, Inc. Health Care Network, Inc. HSBC - North America IBM Image Management LLC Inventive Solutions ITW National J.C. Penney Company, Inc. Jenkins & Vojtisek Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls, Inc. JP Morgan Chase & Co. Knight-Barry Title, Inc. Kohl’s Department Store L & S Electric, Inc. Landmark Credit Union Landmark Title of Racine LDV, Inc. Longaberger-Jane Kurylo Lutheran Social Services of WI and Upper MI, Inc. Machinery & Factory Industrial Supply Macy’s, Inc. Manpower Inc. Maresh-Meredith Funeral Home Matousek & Associates McDonald’s Restaurant Lathrop Ave. McDonald’s Restaurant Washington Ave. Merck & Co., Inc. Merrill Lynch Metalworld, Inc. Miller Plumbing & Supply

16 | United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report

Miller’s Flowers Nelson Electric Supply Co. Nestle North Shore Bank Northwestern Mutual Life O & H Danish Bakery Parallel Employment Group Pave-Tech, Inc. Pet Valhalla, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pi Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma Piggly Wiggly Washington Ave. Pitney Bowes Plumb Gold, Ltd. Poclain Hydraulics, Inc. Postorino Decorating, Inc. Premier Aluminum, Inc. Public Golf Associates R & B Grinding Co., Inc. Racine AFL-CIO Labor Council Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce (RAMAC) Racine Broadcasting, LLC (WRJN-AM/WEZY-FM) Racine Correctional Institution Racine County Economic Development Corp. Racine County Food Bank Racine County Opportunity Center, Inc. Racine Cyclery and Fitness LLC Racine Dental Group, S.C. Racine Education Association Racine Friendship Clubhouse Racine Literacy Council Racine Marriott Racine Vocational Ministry, Inc. Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency RADD Raymond School District Redfearn Distributing, Inc. River House Pub and Grill Robert W. Baird & Co. Rockwell Automation SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. Salvation Army Sargento Foods Inc. Schneider National SE Wisconsin Building & Const. Trades Sheet Metal Workers Local 18 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery, Inc. Spring Dental Group State Farm Companies

Foundation Talk of the Town Talmer Bank and Trust Target #0152 Teamsters Local Union #43 The Arc of Racine County The Journal Times Thrivent Financial Tinder Creek Follis & Vanderwerff Group TJW Investments LLC TransCanada PipeLine USA Ltd. Tri City National Bank TriCore, Inc. Trustmark Insurance Company Tuesday Optimist Club UAW Southeastern Wisconsin CAP Council United Health Group United Lodge 66 Machinists Union University of Wisconsin Parkside US Bank Village of Caledonia Village of Mount Pleasant Village of Sturtevant Walgreens Corporate Walker Forge, Inc. Wal-Mart Store #2668 Wal-Mart Store #3488 Wanasek Corporation Warren Industries Waterford Union High School WellPoint Foundation Wells Fargo Bank NA William Halsey LLC Wilson’s Coffee & Tea Wiscon Products Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Inc. Wisconsin Screen Process, Inc. Women’s Resource Center of Racine, Inc. Wyant Law Offices, SC Youth For Christ Southeastern Wisconsin

Note: This list includes contributors of cash and pledges to the 2012 campaign. United Way also extends thanks to the hundreds of businesses who make in-kind contributions in support of the campaign. This list was compiled as of March 2013; our apologies if your company has been inadvertently omitted.

Beacon Circle members demonstrate their commitment to a stronger community with a significant personal investment. Their gifts make an outstanding difference in the lives of individuals and the strength of our commmunity. In the 2012 campaign, 805 donors contributed an astounding $1,376,766, comprising 27 percent of the entire campaign.



Tocqueville Society members receive local and national recognition for their contributions of $10,000 or more to United Way of Racine County.

Ordre de Fraternité ($75,000 - $99,999)

Ordre de Liberté ($25,000 - $49,999)

Ruud Family Foundation

Michael and Gloria Batten Tom and Ginee Burke Caron and Andrea Butler

Membres de la Société ($10,000 - $24,999) Gus and Sandy Antonneau Karen and William Boyd Allen Buhler Family John and Lyn Erskine H. Fisk Johnson Imogene P. Johnson

Helen Johnson-Leipold and Craig Leipold Catherine and Bill Perez Jennifer C. and James M. Perkins Alan and Patricia Ruud Christopher and Chantil Ruud Steve Soileau and Kay Villa

Ted Sokoly and Nancy Toll Steven P. and Judy M. Stanbrook EC Styberg Foundation Mary and Willard Walker Fred and Sandra Young

Fredrick and Deborah Ganaway John and Cynthia Georgeson Tom and Annette Jacobson David C. Kaissling Margaret C. Kelsey and Michael J. Teich Dennis and Sandy Kontra David and Julie Maurer Jeffrey and Lisa Neubauer Neal and Gerry Nottleson

Deanna and Jim Parrish Dave and Cathy Perkins Francisco and Alix Sanchez Dr. James and Kelly Semrau Steve Shibley Eugene Szymczak

GOLD CIRCLE ($5,000 - $7,499) Matt K. and Lisa Andis Tim and Rebecca Bailey John and Jane Batten Scott and Elaine Bowser Agnieszka and Mark Dahms Jim and Jan DiMarco Dave and Jane Durment Christopher and Beth Eperjesy Tim and Sheryl Ferry

One Gold Circle Donor chose to remain anonymous.

Note: This list was compiled as of March 2013; our apologies if your name has been inadvertently omitted. United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report | 17

THANK YOU, 2012 BEACON CIRCLE DONORS! SILVER CIRCLE ($2,500 - $4,999) Gregg and Kylee Albright Gregory Alston and Myra George Rob and Laura (Andis) Bishop Christopher Antonneau Gregory and Shona Barron David R. Beach and Carmen M. Rigau Cynthia and Evert Berndt Lois and Ron Brzezinski Sean and Maggie Carey Dominic and Rosemary Cariello R. A. Causey Tom and Sue Christensen Dave and Kathy Czerniejewski James and Audrey Ditter Patrick and Pamela Douglas Roger Dower and Betty Anne Altmann Mark and Linda Eckhardt Mary and John Erskine, III Jim and Barb Feiertag Jana and Rick Fiegel Tom and Lynne Fiser James and Linda Focareto Jerry and Lynn Franke Drew and Angela Franklin J.L. Fuhrman Mark and Eileen Geisler and Family Brad and Marea Goodwin Sharon and Keith Gostomski Darian and Mary Ellen Griffin

Tracy Guard Jay and Nancy Gueldner Wayne and Traci Guillien Mary Harper James G. Holland and Susan K. Ott-Holland Dr. Jeana and Aaron Holt Sue and Dan Horton Stephen and Kathryn Hrpcek Mike and Michelle Hudak Randy and Anthi Jerow David and Carrie Johnson Chuck and Barb Jopke Brian Kinnune Gerald and Marianne Konz Ko and Myrna Kryger Ken and Beth Kumer Brian and Angela Lee Joey and Anna LeGath Robert and Becky Lehner, Jr. Darwin and Janet Lewis Dennis and Linda Lloyd David and Lisa Macnair Keith and Jean Maurer Teresa and David May Thomas and Susan Meitner Pascale and Alain Meyran Stewart Morrisey Myles and Karen Mullikin Arthur C. Naleid Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William Naleid Lynn Kay Nienas Michelle and David Novick Monica and George Oess Ben and Pam Oksiuta Jerry and Sue Oksiuta Patricia Penman Drs. Lawrence Platt and Michelle Snyderman Platt Paula and Gary Powell Victor and Maria Elena Puente Scott and Abby Putnam William and Wendy Roeber Gregory Roling Mr. and Mrs. J. David Rowland Don and Bev Schumacher J.D. and Nancy Sedlar Elizabeth A. Simermeyer and Family Jorgelina and Marcelo Stefani Mr. and Mrs. John L. Strack Tim and Mary Jo Sullivan Dan Taivalkoski and Chris Dellich Dr. Jim and Debbie Tierney Xuan (Sue) Tran and James Frasher Bill and Patty Van Lopik Kiran and Meena Vedak Dan and Denise Wilcox Nine Silver Circle Donors chose to remain anonymous.

COPPER CIRCLE ($1,750 - $2,499) Martine Albritton Greg and Carol Anderegg Marcia Andis Matthew L. and Rita Andis LaMonte and Patricia Bohman Dean and Michelle Bratel Thomas and Marcia Buhler John and Debbie Byrne Jim and Margie Carrington Roger and Mary Cornelius Sally Davis Diane and Mike Delaney Marvin and Nancy Dokter Jim and Bonnie Eastman Jeff Eichholz Frank Ericson Jan and Clint Filipowicz Bob and Kerry Frank F. Scott and Eloise Frey Jeff and Martha Friday Kim and Maureen Gillin John and Cathy Goelz Catherine and Douglas Gundlach Sara and Kent Harris Tony and Andrea Hauser Jim and Lori Henderson

18 | United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2012 Annual Report

Linda Hoover Al and Joyce Hornish Steve and Kathy Johnson Jack and Peggy Jude William Kessler Jeffrey and Susan Knutson James and Sharon Koenen John and Mary Koors Karin Kuhl Ann Laing David and Barbara Leifheit Dr. William Little Dr. Ernest and Dorothy A. MacVicar Cory and Roseann Mason, III Kevin and Jeanine McCabe Dr. and Mrs. Randall Moles John and Rhonda Monks Grace D. and Wm. Mark H. Murphy William M. Muth, Jr. Bob and Jeanne O’Brien Kathleen and Michael Olson Dr. Nicholas and Maxine Omdahl Shawn and Kelly Ostrowski John E. Peters Robert E. and Agnes R. Peterson Scott and Kara Reske

Jim and Deb Rexhausen Joe and Carmella Richards Tracy Richters and Robert Kerr Michael and Beth Rohrer Ken and Lynn Rustici Frederick and Robin Schmidt Annette Angell-Schram and Dave Schram Kim M. Schulte Michelle A. Schutte Christy Scott Ryan Scott Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Siegert Tom Sierminski Meg and Michael Sranske Richard J. Tinder Kris and Leanne Thorsson Eric and Cheryl Truesdale Buddy and Marie Tucker Steve and Sandy Tyler Tom and Cathy Valentyn Daniel and Julie Wickman Phil and Annette Wilson Tim and Debbie Woods Ten Copper Circle Donors chose to remain anonymous.

BRONZE CIRCLE ($1,000 - $1,749) Joe and Lisa Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Agnew Dave and Donna Albrecht Justin Anderson Mike and Nancy Anderson Robert and Melissa Anderson Norm and Corinne Angotti Kim and Joan Ashton John and Karla Attanasio Darryl and Akemi Babu Lucy Bangs Barbara and James Barker David and Lisa Barrientez Robert and Julie Bates Jim and Kathy Beere Mr. F. Jerome Beere Rick and Chris Behrend David and Colleen Benkendorf Thomas and Valarie Berger Bruce and Janet Bernberg Mike and Sharon Best Dr. Hemant and Mrs. Geeta Betrabet Jeff and Janice Bezzo Steve and Kathy Bierman Fred and Renee Billman Greg and Cindy Blair Ms. Susan Boland Mark and Karen Bollmeier Kenneth and Laurie Boone Eric and Samantha Boticki Craig and Donna Braaten Pam and Chip Brewer Alejandro Briceno and Beatriz Martinez Bradley Brown Scott and Susan Brucker David A. Buechel Heather Buettner Doug and Carol Bulgrin Alex and Gina Burnett John and Maribeth Busey Paul Byrne and Karen Sopik Maria L. Campbell Steve and Denise Carter Joel and Lori Casterton Marc and Lori Castor Rick and Amy Cermak Cedric and Belinda Chan Jane J. Choi and Michael S. Haisler Linda Christensen Jim and Ellen Chwala Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark Gabe and Robin Cleek Glenn and Dolores Coates Carolyn Cooke Noel and Kevin Cookman Preston and Tennille Cooley Jim and Bonnie Crapser Mike and Michele Cretton Kendall and Annee Crook Linda Crowder Ann and Brian Daane Dan Daggett Hye and Carlo De Bernardi

Dan Defnet Bill and Kathy Diedrich Mike Dries Bruce and Linda Duerr Jennifer Eastman David and Colleen Eland Marc English Ron and Barbara Erickson Graham Faassen Dennis and Barbara Feider Patrice and Kevin Feltes Jon and Marla Ferch Massi and Alison Ferrentino Jennifer Fletcher Lee and Brenda Fluke Michael and Patricia Fox Brian and Tammy French Tom and Lynda Friedel Jeffrey and Barbara Fries Craig and Jane Friesema Marc and Tracey Frosch Michelle Gabor John Gates Michael and Tiane Gee James and Sharon Gierahn Randall and Wendy Gifford Brian and Jean Gilner Bob and Pam Gleason Chuck and Cindy Goodremote Dick and Jane Gorton Colleen and Steve Gottschalk Alec and Kim Granger Patricio Greco and Julieta Ruiz Beguerie Peg and Geoff Greiveldinger Donna M. and Kevin M. Griffin Michelle Gross Trevor and Theresa Grove Patrick and Cindy Guiney Luann Hageman Stan and Sharon Hallin Ben and Jamie Hamilton Dr. Tod and Marilyn Hammes Pamala Handrow Todd and Elizabeth Hansen Scott and Krista Hansing Dr. and Mrs. Jerry and Sarah Hardacre, II Patrick and Denise Harris Scott Harris Jeff and Dara Hart Mr. and Mrs. David Hartley Robert and Jill Hartmann Jim Hasler Eric Haugaard and Maureen Goldstein Esther and Michael Helding Jim and Janice Hennessy Patricia Hensiak Cynthia M. Herrera Scott and Holly Hess Chad and Kristin Hietpas Edward Hill and Barbara Kopack-Hill Phil and Mary Hines

Ken and Kathy Hinze Lisa and Nick Hirsch Deborah and Richard Hitzelberger David and Pamela Hoadley Patrick and Patricia Hoffman Don and Teresa Holm Mark Holman Chuck Holtz Mike and Marygrace Horner Ken and Melanie Horrell Tom Howard David and Barbara Isaacson Paul and Mary Jaworski Jason and Rachel Johnson Marilyn Johnson Elizabeth Johnston Gordy and Rita Kacala Jordana D. Kammerud Bob and Lori Kampstra Scott and Melody Kelly Michael and Angela Kienast Jim and Lynn Kimball Donald and Gabriella Klein Beth Klimczak David and Katie Knabel Scott and Laura Knapp Joseph and Bonnie Knott Gary and Tamra Knudsen Jeff and Roxanne Knuth Michael and Kerri Kobylka Dave and Karen Kolbaska Claudette and Paul Kolosowski Phillip and Rhonda Kongshaug Rich and Andrea Konz Ray Koukari Jr. and Linda Naegeli Joan and Joe Kraus Robin Kruse Nick and Julia Kulik Shelley Kutis Terry and Harmony Lafferty Arvid Lager and Karen Evenson Christopher S. Lamberton Phillip and Tracy Lancour Steve and Amy Langer Shirley and Steve Langley Scott J. Lauber Emily J. Lawrence and Steven S. Reynolds Mark and Ann Lee Eliot Lee Lenox Family Richard and Ellen Leuenberger Family Charitable Fund Tom and Judy Linstroth Don and Mary Lofty Serge E. Logan Jeffrey Lohman John and Kathy Loizzo Bruce and Gai Lorenzen Michael Lucareli Dr. James and Debra Luetzow Mark Lukow and Luanne Frey Stephen Lyon Jeffrey and Linda Madore Chuck and Lynn Maglio

John and Jennifer Mandli Carol Marshall Marjorie Martin Mark Martin Cory and Rebecca Mason Nick Mast Denise Matrisch Jay and Laura Matter Brant and Lori Maurer Drs. Stephen and Karen Mawn Matthew and Amy McBurney Terry McCarthy Michael McGlade Casey and Amy McIntosh Renée and Troy McKaskle Julie C. Meyer Rev. Kevin Mieczkowski Richard and Jennifer Miller Robert A. and Michele M. Miller Richard and Laura Million Mark and Mary Milnarich David and Patti Mirsberger Matt Montei Austin and Janine Moore Jon and Patricia Morelli Steve and Heide Moser Emily S. Mueller Greg and Sheryl Mueller Michael and Christine Murphy Allan and Joan Naegeli Brian and Patti Nagai Roula and Marwan Nakad Catherine and Ben Neal Willard and June Nettles Jean and Charles Nichols Hon. Mark F. Nielsen Debra A. Oakes Robert and Christine O’Brien Kristy O’Brien Geary and Chris Geary Dick and Mary Lee Odders June and Sean O’Donnell Tom and Kate O’Mara Mr. Steven J. Oppeneer John M. Owens Ms. Mary Pagano Anthony and Heather Palermo William G. Parsons John and Colleen Patterson Dr. Charles and Joan Patton Todd and Jane Paul Alonzo and Kimberly Payne Janet Payne Margaret and Marty Payne Robert and Susan Payne Jennifer M. Perkins Greg and Anne-Marie Peterson Jeanne Petit Peterson Kristi and Brian Peterson Karmen and Ron Pierce Steve and Feliz Pinter Joy and Rakesh Popli David and Kathleen Powers Thomas and Betsy Powers Lex Prichard

United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report | 19

BRONZE CIRCLE ($1,000 - $1,749) continued Tim and Dana Probst Christopher and Ann Przybysz Chris and Jill Radi Judy and Michael Rahn Frank Ravanelli Wayne and Margaret Rees Tom and Julie Reigle Roy and Vanessa Rivera Ken Roach Scott and Donna Robinson Douglas Roe Mavis and Paul Rohling Chad and Kara Rottier John S. and Paula G. Rowland Raul Rueda Diane and Richard Ruffo Jay Price Ruffo Jim and Darlene Rulseh David and Lynne Santalucia Brian J. Schalk John and Jennifer Schlintz David A. and Barbara H. Schneider Stephen and Kathy Schroeder LeRoy and Carolyn Seeger Debbie Seeger Jayant Sharma

Scott O. Sheaffer Steve and Natalie Shepard Steve and Bridget Shirley Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Short Donna Simonsen Tom and Carolyn Simpson Russell Skewes Dave and Shelley Smith Stephen and Karen Smith Suzette Smith Michael and Kimberly Smolko Eva M. Sorenson Mitchell and Monika Sosnowski The Sparks Family Peter and Debra Stein Jim and Tori Stephens Ben Sterling Bradford and Alejandra Stong Lori and Scott Strangberg Karen and Devin Sutherland Paul G. Szczesny Joyce A. Szulc Drs. Jim and Susan Taylor Robert and Beth Taylor David and Barbara Temple Jennifer Tenhaeff

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tennessen Ron and Brenda Thomas Steve and Candy Timmons Dr. and Mrs. James Toniolo Paul and Mari Topitzes Dan and Mel Trittin Jean M. Tsokatos Robert and Beth Tsuchiyama Don and Jeanne Tyree-Francis Tim and Cathy Ulrich Nancy Underwood Bruce Varner Usha Vedula Nancy Verbeten Gary and Sara Vidian Kevin and Mary Wagers James and Karen Walker Jim Walker Kevin M. Walker Mark and Nancy Wanggaard Jim and Cherry Wardrip Dr. Jonathan and Ana-Maria Wattelet Dale and Claire Weber Linda Webster Robert and Kathleen Weeks

Jay and Kirsten Weiss Ed and Heather Werner Kevin and Claire Weslaski Richard J. Wheeler Jr. Jennifer Whisman Gillian and Peter White Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Williamson Richard Wilson and Karen Carnabucci Wayne Wiltse Carlton and Leslie Wininger Bill and Jacki Winkler Chuck and Pat Wise Mark and Tamra Wittenberg Joseph Wolter Dale Woodfork Mark and Susan Worden Debbye and Larry Wunderle Weikang Xin James and Cathy Yonker Dr. and Mrs. David Zablotney Eighty Bronze Circle Donors chose to remain anonymous.


BEACON CIRCLE DONOR AND VOLUNTEER “There are a lot of places people can give money these days. The beauty of United Way, I think, number one is that it is community-focused. You’re giving to your community, helping improve your community. And number two, and a very strong number two, is that a large portion of your dollars go to help the community and are not burned up with administrative costs. If you go online and research organizations to which you can donate and look into what percent of their costs go into administration and fundraising, you might think twice before you give to them. The local aspect of United Way and its efficiency are very strong motivators.”

20 | United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report

YOUR DOLLARS GO FURTHER WITH UNITED WAY United Way of Racine County is committed to maintaining and modeling transparency and high efficiency standards. United Way’s Board of Directors are continually conscious of operational costs as we work to create positive change. Through our Partner Providers, partnerships and inititatives, United Way funds work that focuses on improving the education, income and health of our community. The 2012 Community Investments totaled more than $5.6 million to maintain support for local programs and initiatives. To this end, 86 percent of 2012 contributions were invested back into programming that improved the quality of life for everyone. This far exceeds the 65 percent minimum considered acceptable for a nonprofit organization according to the Better Business Bureau.

6% 22%


Education Income Health Other Investments


Overhead & Fundraising Designations



Please note: Percentages reflect 2012-13 allocations and various grant revenues budgeted for 2012. United Way’s 2011 IRS 990 is available on our website (www.unitedwayracine.org). The 2012 IRS 990 will be available to view from our website following the 2013 IRS filing deadline. United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report | 21

United Way of Racine County, Inc.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accrued interest receivable

Year Ended December 31, 2012

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Public Support $ 2,518,052 1,990,844 754

Contributions (annual campaign net of $170,880 in uncollectible pledges) Contributions, prior period campaigns

Accounts receivable



Grants receivable



Prepaid expenses


Grants Racine County Human Services Department Emergency Shelter/Transitional Housing Grant Children’s Trust Fund

Promises to give (net allowance of $315,902 for uncollectibles) TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Other Assets Long-term promises to give

3,324,758 7,961,919 115,000

Long-term investments


Investments – Racine Community Foundation TOTAL OTHER ASSETS


Property and Equipment Equipment Leasehold improvements Less accumulated depreciation Net Property and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS


173,058 75,000 248,058 (222,151) 25,907 $ 9,533,343

$ 132,754

Accrued vacation


Campaign funds payable to agencies Agency allocations payable TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES

351,115 1,406,292 1,939,493

Net Assets Unrestricted


Temporarily restricted



22 | United Way of Racine County  2012 Annual Report

566,818 7,593,850 $ 9,533,343

616,745 4,950,105

178,829 174,860 136,328

Investment gain and interest income


Endowment fund investment (losses)

94,091 667,350 5,617,455


Distributions and Expenses Allocation Expenses Functional Expenses Advancing Family Assets Community Impact Schools of Hope Management and general Fundraising Total Functional Expenses

Current Liabilities Accounts payable

$ 4,333,360


3,592,206 480,296 475,106 20,228 314,628 429,857 1,720,115 5,312,321 305,134 7,288,716 $ 7,593,850

United Way of Racine County’s audit was conducted by Jenkins & Vojtisek, S.C, which delivered a complete unqualified audit. The audit is available for public review at the United Way office, on our website or by calling 262-898-2240.

UNITED WAY OF RACINE COUNTY STAFF Dave Maurer Alexa Haigh President and Chief Professional Officer Resource Development Manager

Joan Meyerhofer Western Racine County Associate

Marisol Beauford Communications Specialist

Marie Hargrove Community Initiatives Administrator

Kimberly Payne AFA Director

Colleen Benkendorf Western Racine County Manager

Jill Hartmann Executive Assistant

Sara Rogers AFA Family Coach

Michelle Brown Campaign and Business Operations Manager

Mari Hernandez AFA Family Coach

Jessica Safransky Schacht Education Specialist

Kathryn Davidson AFA Family Coach

Barb Jopke Vice President - Finance and Administration

Tamekia Shaw AFA Family Coach

Taneka Golden AFA Family Coach

MaryBeth Kallio Community Investment Director

Alicia Gollaz AFA Family Coach

Nicholas Kulik (2013 staff) Pheng Xiong Vice President - Resource Development AFA Outreach and Research Specialist

Ron Thomas AFL-CIO Labor Liaison/Community Services Director

United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2012 Annual Report | 23

2000 Domanik Drive Racine, Wisconsin 53404 262-898-2240 www.unitedwayracine.org

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