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Emergency Preparedness

Each resident is responsible for knowing what to do in the event of an emergency. For an overview of university emergency procedures, please see the Emergency Response Guide.

Fire Alarms/Evacuation


UW System policy requires that everyone evacuates the residence hall at the sound of a fire alarm. Failure to do so can result in a citation and/or Residence Life conduct charges. Students and employees should know where the nearest exits are to their location and always vacate the building at the nearest exit immediately.

Pandemic Preparedness/Influenza/COVID-19

The best way to prevent the spread of influenza or other communicable disease is to practice good hygiene habits. If a student is sick, they should not go to class or other activities. Students are expected to inform their instructors via email that they are unable to attend class due to illness. Students can contact Student Health Services with any questions or concerns regarding personal health and wellness.

Power Outage

All UW-River Falls students are encouraged to sign up to receive text message emergency alerts on their cell phone during an emergency. Please see the following website for details.


If a power outage occurs, students should remain cognizant of their surroundings and limit their activity to avoid injury. As Residence Life staff members receive information on the duration of the power outage, they will do their best to inform residents. It is recommended that all students have a small flashlight to keep in their room in the event there is an extended power outage. If the power outage is limited to one or two rooms, students should contact their RA for assistance.

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