2013 indian law symposium brochure

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Indian Law Symposium

Box 353020 Seattle, WA 98195-3020

September 12 & 13, 2013

26th Annual

s ch ool o f l aw

Seattle, WA Permit No. 62


non-profit org. U.S. Postage

school o f l aw

26th Annual

Indian Law Symposium Thursday & Friday  September 12 & 13, 2013 Universit y of Washington School of L aw William H. Gates Hall, Seat tle

Program Highlights: Alaska Hunting & Fishing Rights Annual Litigation Update Housing Issues in Indian Country Federal Legislative & Regulatory Update Leasing & HEARTH Act Implementation

Water Rights Administration and Indian Reserved Rights Labor Law Issues in Indian Country Ethical Issues in Indian Law Practice U.S. v. Washington Culvert Litigation, and more

11.50 CLE Credits Approved (Includes 1.00 Ethics CLE Credit)

26th Annual

Indian Law Symposium Who Should Attend Attorneys who have Indian clients; attorneys whose clients deal with Indians or with tribal governments; persons with an interest in the current issues within Washington’s Indian country will benefit from attending this symposium. Tribal leaders and members of the public are welcome to the program.

About the Program Join us for the 26th Anniversary of the University of Washington Indian Law Symposium! As in past years, the conference includes comprehensive litigation and legislation updates and a number of topics of interest to a broad array of practitioners. We are excited that Senate Indian Affairs Committee Chief of Staff and General Counsel Mary Pavel (a University of Washington graduate) will give the annual federal legislative update.

University of Washington Native American Law Center The mission of the Native American Law Center is to promote a better understanding of Indian law and policy in order to facilitate legal and institutional improvements among tribal, state and federal governments. For more information about the University of Washington’s Native American Law Center, visit our website at: www.law.washington.edu/IndianLaw

Unable to attend the 26th Annual Indian Law Symposium in person? If you’re unable to attend this year’s symposium in person – don’t worry. You can still participate in the live sessions online from the convenience of your home or office through West LegalEdcenter. Live webcasts on West LegalEdcenter are approved for Washington, Oregon and Idaho MCLE credit! Visit: www.westlegaledcenter.com today to enroll! Details will also be available on the Conferences and Continuing Education website: www.law.washington.edu/events.

F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n :

800.253.8648 or 206.543.0059 E-mail address: uwcle@uw.edu

Program Schedule Thursday September 12, 2013 5.75 CLE Credits Approved (Includes 1.0 0 Ethics CLE Credit )

8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee 9:00 a.m.

Introduction and Conference Overview

Professor Robert Anderson, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA

9:05 a.m.

Litigation Update

Thomas Schlosser, Morisset, Schlosser, Jozwiak & Somerville, Seattle, WA

10:00 a.m.

Current Issues in Indian Gaming

Lael Echo-Hawk, Of Counsel, Garvey Schubert Barer, Seattle, WA

Barry Brandon, President, Hvmken Consulting, LLP, Clarence, NY

11:00 a.m. Break 11:15 a.m.

Alaska Hunting and Fishing Rights

Heather Kendall Miller, Senior Staff Attorney, Native American Rights Fund, Anchorage, Alaska

Professor Robert Anderson, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, Washington


Lunch (on your own)

1:15 p.m.

Housing Issues in Indian Country

Ed Goodman, Partner, Hobbs Straus Dean & Walker, LLP, Portland, OR

Mariel Combs, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Solicitor, Department of the Interior, Portland, OR

Millie Kennedy, Northwest Justice Project, Seattle, WA

3:15 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m.

The Legal Ethics of Technology: Social Media and the Tribal Court Practitioner

Brenda Williams, Supervising Attorney

Molly Cohan, Supervising Attorney

Tribal Court Public Defense Clinic, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA

4:30 p.m. Adjourn 4:35 p.m.

Meeting of the Washington State Bar Association Indian Law Section

Friday September 13, 2013 5.75 Gener al CLE Credits Approved

8:30 a.m.

Registration Check-In and Coffee

9:00 a.m.

Special Topics in Indian Law

Labor Law Issues in Indian Country Rachel Sage, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, Seattle WA

Marijuana Regulation in Washington Christine Masse, Miller Nash, LLP, Seattle, WA

Violence Against Women Act Implementation Update J. Tate London, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, Seattle, WA

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Indian Treaty Rights: The Culvert Decision

John Sledd, Kanji & Katzen, P.L.L.C., Seattle, WA

Fronda Woods, Assistant Attorney General, State of Washington, Olympia, WA

Professor Bill Rodgers, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA


Lunch (on your own)

1:15 p.m.

Water Rights Administration in Indian Country

Lois Trevino, Water Administrator, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Nespelem, WA

Robin McPherson, Assistant Attorney General, State of Washington, Olympia, WA

Diana Bob, Lummi Nation, Bellingham, WA

Keith Cohon, U.S. EPA, Office of General Counsel, Seattle, WA

3:15 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m.

Federal Legislative Update

Mary Pavel, Staff Director and Chief Counsel, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C.

4:30 p.m. Adjourn

Program Information Group Discounts

Accommodations for Disabilities

Group discounts are available for four

To request accommodations for the

or more people. Individuals from the

disabled, please contact the office of the

same organization must register and pay

ADA coordinator at 206.543.6450 (voice);

at the same time. For more information

206.543.6452 (TDD); 206.685.3885 (FAX), or

about group discounts, please call us

access@u.washington.edu (E-Mail).

at 206.543.0059 or 800.253.8648 for assistance.

Housing/Accommodations A block of rooms has been reserved at the


Hotel Deca, 4507 Brooklyn Avenue NE,

Refunds are available up to five business

Seattle, 206.634.2000 or 800.899.0251;

days prior to the program. In lieu of refund

www.hoteldeca.com. Rooms will be available

we encourage participants to send a

until August 21, 2013. After this date

substitute. Please notify UW Conferences

accommodations will be on a space-available

& Continuing Education of any requests for

basis. Please identify yourself as a participant

refunds or substitutions. All cancellations are

in the Indian Law Symposium when making a

subject to a $30 handling charge.

room reservation. Rooms are also available on a space-


available basis at the Watertown Hotel, 4242

10.50 General and 1.0 Ethics CLE Credits

Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 206.826.4242

are approved. For more information

or 866.944.4242; www.watertownseattle.

regarding CLE credits in other states,

com. Contact UW Conferences & Continuing

contact UW Conferences & Continuing

Education at uwcle@uw.edu for online

Education at 206.543.0059 or 800.253.8648.

booking instructions for Watertown Hotel room reservations.

New Attorney Discount Admitted to the bar after December 31, 2011 Take 30% off the standard registration fee Su b j ec t to space ava il a b ilit y

Registration 26th Annual Indian Law Symposium September 12 & 13, 2013  11.50 CLE Credits (includes 1 Ethics Credit)

Mail form and payment to: University

of Washington School of Law

Conferences and Continuing Education Box 353020 Seattle, WA 98195-3020 To register by fax:


To register online: www.law.washington.edu/events

( m r . / m s .) F I R S T N a m e M I


fi r m / o r g a n i z ati o n b a r n u m b e r

A d d r e ss c it y stat e z i p

P h o n e Fac si m il e e m a il A d d r e ss

Please complete the following: Are you an attorney?


No If no, please indicate your profession/field:

How did you learn about this program? Select one Referral from a colleague Internet



Other __________________________________________

Registration: Priority (Paid by August 29, 2013) $259

Standard (Paid after August 29, 2013) $309

New Attorney Discount $216 (30% off standard registration for those attorneys admitted to the Washington State Bar after December 31, 2011.)

Total fees enclosed: $ _________________________ Method of payment: Check enclosed payable to: University of Washington Visa

C a r d N u m b e r

N a m e a s it a p p e a r s o n c a r d

S i g n at u r e

(U.S. funds only)


e x p. dat e

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