CASRIP IP LL.M. Anniversaries

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Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP)

Intellectual Property law and policy LL.M.

1992 – 2012

2002 – 2012

20th Anniversary

Le aders for the Global Common Good

10th Anniversary

“It is estimated that there are more than 100 alumni in China who have studied at the UW School of Law and CASRIP. This team is an important force in the IP circle in China.� Mingde Li, China Director, Intellectual Property Center at the China Academy of Social Sciences

Center for Advanced Study and Research

2 O v e r v i e w

on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) 1992 – 2012






14 Facult y a n d S ta f f

15 Spo n s o r s

Intellectual Property law and policy LL.M. 2002 – 2012

B i r t h o f a n I P L aw a n d P ol i c y L L . M .


Overview In 1969, Teruo Doi, a visiting Japanese professor, taught the first ever Intellectual Property (IP) law course at UW Law. Decades later, his contribution within the Asian and Comparative Law Program would evolve into a comprehensive, internationally recognized IP research institute and educational program.





United States adopts Constitution with patent and copyright clause

First U.S. Copyright and Patent Acts

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) established as a distinct governmental bureau

University of Washington established


The Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP)

Drawn to both of these programs, many bright minds have gathered at UW Law

was developed in the 1980s, under the direction of Professor Donald Chisum, the

to study intellectual property law and influence the development of this crucial

first full-time IP law faculty member at UW Law and a leading patent scholar. The

global field through their work in government, NGOs, industry and law firms.

non-profit association started out with a research focus on international patent law harmonization. In 1992, Chisum’s program joined forces with UW Law, and CASRIP became part of the University of Washington. From then on, CASRIP offered an intensive summer course in U.S. patent law, from procurement to enforcement, to international students, and hosted a High Technology Protection Summit. A change of leadership in 1996 brought Professor Toshiko Takenaka to CASRIP’s helm. Not only did Takenaka sustain CASRIP’s success, she dramatically expanded the school’s IP offerings. She recruited Professor Bob Gomulkiewicz to develop the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property Law and Policy (IP LL.M.) at UW Law

In 2009, CASRIP and the IP LL.M. program merged to become part of the Law, Technology & Arts Group (LTA), a hub of teaching and scholarship at the intersection of law, technology and the arts. The group’s goal is to promote the discussion of intellectual property law in a global context and serve as a foundation for educating leaders for the global common good. As we salute the founders, faculty, alumni and students of CASRIP for their 20 years and the IP LL.M. program for their 10 years of innovation and progress, we look forward to LTA’s bright future at UW Law.

in 2002. Under Gomulkiewicz’s leadership the IP LL.M. program soon became one of the finest advanced intellectual property law programs in the United States.

Dean Kellye Y. Testy James W. Mifflin University Professor





Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

University of Washington School of Law opens as a Department of Law in downtown Seattle

Significant overhaul to Copyright Act

CASRIP Early Years Professor Donald Chisum was a leading U.S. patent scholar when he established CASRIP in the 1980s. Chisum had written one of the early treatises on patent law, Chisum on Patents.




The Trademark Act (the Lanham Act) passes

Major revision to the Patent Act

UW Law establishes Asian Law Program


That treatise is now widely acknowledged as the leading patent law treatise and has been cited by courts in numerous patent cases including U.S. Supreme Court cases. When he established CASRIP, he envisioned a research and policy development institute that would focus on problems in high technology patents and other intellectual property ownership rights. The Center’s first incarnation was as a non-profit association. Chisum wanted CASRIP to qualify for Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status so he and his associates could attend meetings held at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)—a specialized UN agency—in Geneva. He looked to his then research assistant and protégé, Al Tramposch ’86, for help with CASRIP’s functions. “Substantive patent harmonization was the origin and raison d’etre of CASRIP in its early days,” Tramposch recalled. “Don invited me to sign on in a volunteer capacity as deputy director. I was delighted to do so.” “Under the umbrella of CASRIP, Don and I began attending the meetings in Geneva that drafted a major treaty on Substantive Patent Harmonization (the “PLT” or Patent Law Treaty),” Tramposch said. The WIPO’s committee

“CASRIP professors gave me deep insight into IP laws and legal theories.” Jong Kyun Woo, ’02, Korea Trademark attorney at Kim and Chang Law Firm



First year IP Law is taught at UW

The Convention on the Grant of European Patents adopted

Professor Donald S.Chisum becomes a Professor of Law at the University of Washington

European Patent Office established


of experts discussed issues of the “first-to-file” system and the 12-month grace

After receiving her bachelor of law degree from Japan’s Seikei University in 1981,

period—both remain hot topics in today’s IP law. Chisum and Tramposch even

Takenaka began working at Texas Instruments Japan Ltd. as a patent prosecution

stood as CASRIP representatives at the 1991 Diplomatic Conference of WIPO

specialist. She soon understood that knowledge of Japanese patent law alone

Member States in The Hague, Netherlands.

was not enough to satisfy the needs of the international company. She wanted to become a U.S. attorney, well-versed in the peculiarities and differences of U.S.

Though Tramposch’s direct involvement in the center ended by 1992, his immersion in IP law continued to reach new heights. He worked at WIPO itself for eight years, advancing from Director of Industrial Property Law to representing the Presidency of the European Union as a joint-citizen of Slovenia and then

patent law. One of Takenaka’s Seikei University professors recommended she study under Chisum, a master of the subject. She heeded the advice and applied to UW Law in 1989.

leading the EU negotiating team in talks on patents and access to essential

Once accepted, Takenaka moved her life and study to Seattle. She conducted her

medicines at the World Health Organization. Today, Tramposch serves as the

LL.M. research under Chisum’s supervision, getting to know CASRIP in the process.

Deputy Executive Director for International and Regulatory Affairs at the

In 1990, she received her LL.M. in Comparative Law. Her Ph.D. in Comparative Law

American Intellectual Property Law Association.

followed, two years later. With a world of possibility before her, Takenaka chose to

In 1992, Chisum transformed CASRIP into a permanent part of the UW School of

stay at UW Law and help Chisum lead the newly-joined UW and CASRIP partnership.

Law. With access to the resources of UW’s nationally recognized research facilities,

“I wanted to have experience teaching IP law at a U.S. law school and running a

he was able to expand the center’s research and educational activities.

research center,” Takenaka explained.

Chisum did so with the help of a valuable newcomer—Toshiko Takenaka.




Major revision to the Copyright Act

Chisum on Patents first published

Uniform Law Commission publishes the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (U.T.S.A.)


Under their guardianship, CASRIP established the Summer Institute. Originally the core curriculum was offered as a three-week long program that immersed students from America, Germany, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries in comparative patent law. Participants connected with leaders in U.S. IP law and built lasting professional relationships with each other. Now the program is a combination of a one-week core and one-week advanced curriculum with a pre-Institute covering non-patent topics, and it continues to thrive. But in 1996, Takenaka’s mentor and the Center’s founder left UW for a job at Santa Clara University. Without Chisum, CASRIP’s fate hung in uncertainty.

“The High-Technology Summit offered by CASRIP each summer

Dean Kellye Testy, CASRIP Graduate Tatra Mary Musheshe, and Professor Toshiko Takenaka

gathers international practitioners, scholars and judges to lead quality discussions on key IP topics. I appreciate that CASRIP brings the world to our door step.” Joy Xiang, ’03, China IP attorney and part-time lecturer at University of Washington School of Law



The Bayh-Dole Act enacted

Establishment of CASRIP

Challenging Times Takenaka questioned her ability to run the Center on her own, but was determined to continue Chisum’s vision.




The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit established

Madrid Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks signed

President George H. W. Bush appoints Randall R. Rader to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit


“I thought that people came to study at CASRIP only because of Professor Chisum,” she said. “Fortunately, Professor Martin Adelman at George Washington Law and Judge Randall Rader came to rescue me by offering to teach.” Together, the three took over the CASRIP Summer Institute’s patent law and advanced intellectual property courses. Local attorneys, such as David Carlson and Paul Meikeljohn, recruited by Chisum, remained to teach at the Summer Institute. They continue their involvement in the program today, volunteering their time at CASRIP conferences. Takenaka invited speakers from USPTO, other law schools and fellow attorneys to teach courses during the Summer Institute’s

“ After teaching in both the classroom and the seminar part

advanced, second week. The center continued to function with regular support from the Seed IP Law

of the CASRIP summer program, I can commend with full

Group, Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness, Finnegan Henderson and

enthusiasm the quality of the students. They are always well

Texas Instruments. Takenaka also worked to attract new students and sponsors

informed and engaged with each topic. They ask intelligent

by publishing free newsletters and publications about CASRIP’s work. She invited

and probing questions and often teach the professor – namely,

law leaders from all over the world, including Japan, China, India, Europe, and

me – as much as they learn.”

Africa, to attend CASRIP’s educational programs. Thanks to her efforts the center established a strong network of sponsors to fund its programs and to offer scholarships to students and visiting scholars.

Randall R. Rader

Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit



CASRIP becomes a part of UW Law School

CASRIP hosts its first research fellows

CASRIP hosts its first international conference

Toshiko Takenaka hired to run CASRIP as Assistant Director

Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal starts publication

First CASRIP Summer Institute offered First issue of CASRIP newsletter published NAFTA signed

Birth of an IP Law and Policy LL.M. Program Once CASRIP was on solid footing, Takenaka began playing with the idea of an IP LL.M. Program.


A panel of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit sits for oral arguments in two cases at the University of Washington School of Law

First volume of CASRIP Publication Series published

WTO officially commences and replaces GATT

CASRIP hosts annual conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP)

The Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreement (TRIPS) comes into effect The 20-year patent term established in United States Patent Law under WTO TRIPs agreement


After years of planning, the UW graduate school finally approved the

He had also served as chair of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions

program and UW Law recruited former Microsoft Associate General

Act (UCITA) working group of the Business Software Alliance. Before Microsoft,

Counsel Bob Gomulkiewicz to direct the new program.

Gomulkiewicz represented developers and software users at the Preston, Gates &

“We ran a very successful Summer Institute for 10 years and had enough

Ellis (now K&L Gates) law firm, working on the famous Apple v. Microsoft case.

funds and expertise to run a year-long IP LL.M. Program,” Takenaka explained. “I wanted the program to be the first program on the West Coast. I believed in the potential of the program.”

“I contact many of my classmates on a regular basis to exchange information about IP, which has helped me quite a bit in building

Together, Takenaka and Associate Dean Patricia Kuszler created the program to make it interdisciplinary and relevant to IP lawyers in industries common in the Pacific Northwest, such as software and biotech. The makeover worked and the program was accepted by the graduate school in the spring of 2002. That autumn, Bob Gomulkiewicz joined the UW Law faculty to serve as the

my career. The network I established at the UW law school is now absolutely essential for improving and developing my career.” Kazuhiro Ando, ’07, Japan Senior Fellow at Waseda University

IP LL.M. program’s first director. His prior employment was perfectly in sync with the program’s new direction. As Associate General Counsel at Microsoft, Gomulkiewicz had led the company’s legal team that advised Microsoft on the development of major software products such as Windows and Office.



Professor Takenaka assumes CASRIP administration

Honorable Paul Michel from U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit gives a talk as the first CASRIP lectureship speaker

The Supreme Court affirms the Federal Circuit en banc decision of Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc. claim interpretation

CASRIP hosts its First Annual High Tech Summit Conference

The Honorable Judge Paul Michel and the Honorable Judge Randall R. Rader join CASRIP advisory committee


Gomulkiewicz was no stranger to UW Law when he became director. He regularly

Gomulkiewicz’s experience helped the IP LL.M. program flourish after he arrived. He

taught a class on legal protection for software at the school and sometimes guest

created a blueprint for a high quality IP curriculum. He envisioned a course of study

lectured for Takenaka’s IP courses. According to Gomulkiewicz, “Takenaka knew

that would present a balanced approach to practical and theoretical learning, with

about me from my software class and the law review articles on mass marketing

deep immersion in both aspects of legal education. The IP LL.M. curriculum that

licensing that I had written during the UCITA drafting process. When UW Law was

emerged from Gomulkiewicz’s plan used a core set of IP classes to build students’

considering whether to establish an IP LL.M. program, I had provided input to UW

knowledge. Students began their studies with an intensive “boot camp” class called

Law that such a program would be an excellent addition.”

IP Law Core. The curriculum would culminate in courses that took students into advanced topics and practical application, such as drafting license agreements and patent applications—now numbering more than 25 courses. Gomulkiewicz introduced Oxford-style tutorials so students could study specialized subjects in a small group setting. Under the guidance of Associate Director Signe Naeve, students also received externship opportunities with local IP creators and experienced the actual practice of IP law. To deliver the new curriculum, Gomulkiewicz recruited a cadre of new part time and full time faculty, including Sean O’Connor who established the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic. Many of the faculty have authored the textbooks used in class. “Our adjunct professors are a ‘who’s who’ of the best IP lawyers in Seattle,” Gomulkiewicz said. “Since Seattle is one of the top IP producing regions in the world, our IP LL.M. students learn from some of the top IP lawyers in the world.”



Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) signed into law

CASRIP hosts first out-of-town seminars in Asia: Tokyo & Osaka

Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act passes

Shidler Center for Law, Commerce & Technology founded America Inventor Protection Act enacted


Completing the UW IP LL.M. experience requires a major research paper—a unique program requirement. This program requirement pushes students to be junior scholars and many students have produced outstanding papers. Consequently, more than 30 student research papers have been published in law journals.

“Learning cutting-edge knowledge from professors and legal professionals gave me the knowledge that I use within my current career. I benefited from discussing legal matters with

Recently the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has cited articles published

classmates from other countries because it gave me useful

by IP LL.M. graduates Joy Xiang and Amy Zhe Peng.

insights from various perspectives.”

The quality of the IP LL.M. program has attracted students from every continent.

Kaoru Otawara, ’09, Japan

It is now one of the largest IP specialty LL.M. programs in the U.S. Many arrive

Pokémon Company International, Inc.

as experienced IP practitioners, knowing the program can hone their skills. The Japanese Patent Office regularly sends its top patent examiners, as does the Kim & Chang law firm in Korea. American lawyers often use the program to change their area of specialty to IP law, mid-career. As Gomulkiewicz likes to tell students: “There’s no better time in history and no better place in the world to study IP law than at UW Law.” “I am very happy and proud of the service to the community provided through CASRIP and IP LL.M.,” Takenaka said. “We have educated more than 500 IP professionals. Many of them are playing a very important role in shaping the worldwide IP system.”



CASRIP establishes Summer Institute scholarships for National University of India, Bhopal

CASRIP hosts first out-of-town seminars in Europe: Munich & Paris

Professor Toshiko Takenaka promoted to Director of CASRIP

Inaugural Intellectual Property and Technology Law LL.M. Program offered



Toshiko Takenaka

Scott David

Jennifer Snider

UW Law Foundation Professor

Washington Research Foundation/W. Hunter Simpson Professor of Technology Law

Executive Director

Program Manager Law, Technology & Arts Group

Faculty Director of the Law, Technology & Arts Group

Law, Technology & Arts Group

Director CASRIP

Sean O’Connor

Jane Winn

Signe Naeve

Slaven Svetinovic

Professor of Law

Charles I. Stone Professor of Law

Part-time lecturer


Associate Director Law, Techology & Arts Group

Law, Technology & Arts Group

Anita Ramasastry

Zahr Said

Kris Lee

UW Law Foundation Professor

Assistant Professor of Law

Assistant Director Law, Technology & Arts Group

Faculty Director, Law, Business & Entrepreneurship Program



The Graduate Program in Intellectual Property Law & Policy (IP LL.M) established

The School of Law and the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library moved into the new William H. Gates Hall

Professor Gomulkiewicz joins the faculty of UW School of Law to direct the IP LL.M. The United States joins the Madrid Protocol

First year IP Core is taught at UW


Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property CASRIP would like to thank its sponsors:

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Dacheng Law Offices

Boehmert & Boehmert

Morrison Foerster

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Seed IP

Finnegan Henderson Microsoft Ropes & Gray

Silver Sponsors

AIP Patent & Law Firm

Lexwell Partners Marger Johnson & McCollom

Bardehle Pagenberg

Miyakezaka Sogo Law Office

Bosch Jehle

Nakamura & Partners

Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness

Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners

WHGC Woodcock Washburn LLP

Foley & Lardner LLP

Shimizu Patent Office

Japan Intellectual Property Association

Sonderhoff & Einsel

Kilpatrick Townsend Knobbe Martens

King & Wood Mallesons

Akimitsu Hirai

Fenwick & West LLP

Kangxin Intellectual Property Counsel

Abe, Ikubo & Katayama

Stoel Rives LLP

Yuasa and Hara

Perkins Coie Tani & Abe Patent PC

Franzosi dal Negro Setti Frommer Lawrence & Haug LLP

Maiwald Patentanwalts

Mr. Hong Jiang

Merchant & Gould




The Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts launched as the Shidler Journal of Law, Commerce & Technology - the first online journal at the law school

Signe Naeve joins IP LL.M. and CASRIP

Kris Lee joins CASRIP

Jennifer Snider joins IP LL.M.

“The comparative law perspective I learned was of great help in considering IP policy in Japan. I learned that there are many ways of thinking and there isn’t always one answer.” Matsuo Nonaka, ’03, Japan Director, International Affairs of the IT Planning Office in the Japan Patent Office

“As IP LL.M. student in Seattle youthan may100 have the opportunity “Itan is estimated that there are more alums in China, towho get have to know people from some of the most competitive studied at the UW School of Law and CASRIP. and successful in theforce world.” This teamcompanies is an important in the IP circle in China.” Ivana Guida, ’05, Italy Mingde Li, China

Senior European Legal Adviser at Nintendo of Europe GmbH Director of the Intellectual Property Center at the China Academy of Social Sciences

William H. Gates Hall, Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195-3020

Leaders for the Global Common Good

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