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The TOWER Volume LXIII Nineteen Seventy Two University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin

The Stout Cointnunity

Phases Facets . Faces Senior Directory General Index 3

4 46 174 314 326


Out of the days of primitive saw mills grew the greatest lumber corporation in the world, and around it grew the settlement of Menomonie, Wisconsin. The land on which Knapp, Stout and Company worked for twenty years to produce the largest quantity of lumber in the world was plotted in 1859 and at once given the name Menomonie. Other industries in Menomonie also thrived - among them the manufacture of bricks, iron, and dairy products . 7


The days of the lumber operations produced a population of 1,082. Since that time the city has grown immensely to the present population of 16, 000, which includes the Stout University students. Industry has increased, producing a variety of nationally known " made in Menomonie" products, along with the more than two hundred retail establishments in the city of Menomonie.


James Huff Stout, heir to his father ' s lumber empire, had no intention of living the life of the idle rich. He not only saw a need for a future industrial society, but also a need for a different type of education. So in 1891 a two-story frame building became the Stout Manual Training School. The school was so successful that Stout decided to build a larger building. In 1893 it was completed, an impressive three-story wooden structure with a clock tower rising 125 feet. Fours years later Stout' s school burned to ashes, and as the people of Menomonie had grown dependent on the school, immediate plans were made for a better building. The new three-story structure of steel and brick is known today as Bowman Hall. The addition of many schools of instruction fulfilled Stout' s increasing educational needs. In 1908 the Stout Institute was created and offered a two year diploma program. 10

Senator James Stout died in 1910, leaving the Stout Institute to the state of Wisconsin. Lorenzo D. Harvey became president in the same year. Soon after, Ray Hall, Harvey Hall, and a heating plant were built. Harvey not only wanted expansion of buildings but also the expansion of learning. He was at the forefront of the movement to convert the institute to a four year college. However, World War I hindered the development of the program. Not long after the war President Harvey passed away . Dean Clyde Bowman acted as president for a year before a successor was found.




Burton Nelson, who had been teaching since the age of fifteen, assumed the duties of President in April 1923. Regular and summer sessions steadily increased with an enrollment of 589 in both, and many organizations and new departments were formed. In the 1930' s, after extensive arguing for money, President Nelson was able to buy land and construct an athletic field. At the Homecoming game in October 1935 the Burton E. Nelson Athletic Field was dedicated. The end of Nelson' s era came in the summer of 1945. Many changes took place in the twenty-two years of his term of office. Stout made the transition from a two year to a four year college and changed its objectives and its curriculum to meet the standards of accrediting agencies. Graduate work was also added.



BAKERY The Board of Trustees selected Verne C. Frykland , a Stout graduate, as Nelson' s successor. Stout made two additions to its plant in the 1950' s , the Robert L. Pierce Library and the Memorial Student Center. In 1961 completion of a new shop and classroom building, the first such facility erected in forty-five years , was named Frykland Hall, in honor of Stout' s third president. Curriculum and instruction increased at a rapid pace; graduate work was extended from summer school to a year round offering; and more majors were introduced. In 1954 the Board of Higher Education proposed that the Stout Institute be transferred to the Board of Regents of the State Colleges. The transfer was made effective July 1, 1955. On June 13 the Stout Institute held its last meeting and the school became Stout State College. , /

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During the year 1960-61, President Fryklund announced his retirement. In the same year, the new President , William]. Micheels , presented his inaugural address to Stout State College.


Increasing enrollment brought a demand for new facilities. The Health and Physical Education center was completed, and a new heating plant was added. By 1967 , accomodations for students had been enlarged by six new dormitories , a food service, and a major addition to the student center. In 1968 Stout State University celebrated its diamond jubilee anniversary , marking 75 years of educational progress. The dream of a new Science and Technology building, Library addition , and Administration building have come about in the past two years. The new Fine Arts and Home Economics buildings are to be completed in the near future. The 1971-72 school year saw the Wisconsin State University system and the University of Wisconsin system merged, bringing about a name change for the school to the University of WisconsinStout. It also marked the end of William Micheels' service as president, as he moved to the position of distinguished professor.


Do you live for the companionship of others; to search the world of knowledge; or to feast on the beauty of God' s creation? Why were you born?


Like falling leaves and flocks of geese taking formation , students migrate from their summer heydays with a rustling through the warm wind.



The campus is aroused as a new school year begins . The billiard table echoes a sharp c rack and the fans in the stands roar away the quiet.


Action, s uspense, and then a pause; life shuttles and shifts its participants from one extreme to another with no forewa rning or invitation.




The heating plant strikes up a belching rythm and everyone nestles into their brick cubes while the snow spreads out an immaculate blanket over the earth and the trees slip into new white fur coats.


Amidst the peaceful nature of winter is a day for the birth of Christ which reflects an equally peaceful nature but is celebrated in a gaudy bang-up fashion.



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Expressions on a face can be easily reflected into snow just as easily as concern, distress, happiness, or contentment take only a glance to be revealed.


The sun draws itself beneath the depths of sight and another day closes. The world stands dimmed till the breaking of a new day.


The sun rips back the blanket of snow and thaws the waters to reveal a new season of fresh color, washing into the golden horizon of spring.


As spring sparks a new light, the world is in a fever that lightens heads and opens hearts.


The summer heat, the cool fall breeze, winter's snow and sleet, and the new life of spring each season clutches on to its unmatched traits and memories , with anticipations for its return.



Summer Session Brought Relaxed Atmosphere

OPPOSITE PACE. ABOVE: While some students find time for the enjoyment of outdoor sports, others confine themselves to serious schoolwork. BELOW: Even a picnic table can serve as a place for learning. THIS PACE. ABOVE: Larry Harding wears a " Buckhorn shirt" which he purchased from Robert Cavey. better known as KV. LEFT: A bike ride with a friend can ease the tension of an arduous day .

ABOVE: Tree~ around Bo'' 'man Hall prov•de a cool rela,ing area UPPER RJGHT: A ten minute lapse between classes utililes a cove of benches in front of the Science and Technologv Building. MIDDLE RIG HT: When time i'- ~hort bicvcles are a quid. means of transportation and can be parked anywhere " ithout wom·ing about the ticket man LOWER RIGHT : Students with the1r arm~ full oi booJ..s find other means of carrving their children

Variety of Summer Studies and Activities Offered ABOVE: The coming of summer permits the enJoyment of holding cla'<5e" outside LEFT: A pleasant summer afternoon is conducive to informal gathering5.


Children's Art Program Held

LEFT: Children enJOV looking over their peers worl.. ABOVE LEFT: Young .md old are intrigued by the children s play ABOVE: Resting. a voung lad awaits spectators BELOW: Smiles of admir.uion mstill pnde m a youngster

The summer of 1971 proved to be a creative experience with the Menomonie Children' s Fine Arts Program, sponsored by the Stout Art Gallery. The variety of activities encompassed children from the ages of four to fifteen. One of the major projects within the three week session was an original play entitled " The Wheel. " It was taped and presented to parents and other community members. Another project was a clothesline art show. The program reached the entire community by exploring various media in creative arts. 52

Food Service Sponsored Eating Delights for Summer Customers

ABOVE: At the Wednesday morning " Koffee Klatch" in the Ballroom, free cookies and coffee are available to students and staff taking a break. UPPER LEFT: To alleviate the strain of attending school on hot summer days, the food service frequently provides nickel pie, nickel ice cream cones, and free watermelon. LOWER LEFT: The Pawn patio becomes flocked with the mid-morning coffee break crowd when the food service offers pie for a nickel. BELOW: Featuring a menu of six entrees, plus a daily special, the food service begins serving noon luncheons in the President's Room .


Evening Concerts Held Throughout Summer Months Even though the close of the school year took most of Stout' s music ians home until September, one can alway s find mu s icians in Menomonie. Durin g the summer if one wanted to sit in Wilson Park and listen to a relaxing concert by the Luddington Guard Band, one was always able to do so on Tuesday nights. The members of the s ummer band were summer session students, high school students , and townspeople.

ABOVE: Hungry eyes examine pies served as refreshments at band concerts. UPPER RIGHT : People of all ages find relaxation and enjoyment in listening to the Luddington Gu ard Band. RIGHT : An eye on the band and his tongue on a sucker keeps this youngster busy.


Summer Picnic Sponsored for School Community

ABOVE: Hungry students heap their plates at the all-school picnic held on july 19th at Wakanda Park. sponsored by the food service LEFT: A hardworkmg student fills up on fried chicken. BELOW: The picnic offers a time for relaxation and conversation .

Conferences Drew Diverse Participants Leaders in government, labor, industry, and education carne to Stout this summer to participate in various conferences. Featured speakers from both the education and business fields highlighted the conferences with talks on various topics particular to their interests. The Graphic Arts Conference, the Sixth Annual Educational Media and Technology Conference, and the Industrial Arts Forum attracted participants fro m through out the Midwest.

UPPER RIGHT: Different careers in photography are explained to Dr Dennis by a Kodak representative. LOWER RIGHT: Technical representa路 uves demonstrate an offset press LEFT: Summer conferences are highlighted by a variety of informative speakers


Artists and Marketers Set Up Shop in the Open Air

Framed chicken wire was the backdrop for many eager artists taking their first crack at captivating the public with their works of hand crafted jewelry, sculpture, pottery, paintings, drawings, and prints. After captivation, artists held their sales to satisfactory bargains. The " coup de art" festival committee sponsored the art show and sale held August 8th and 9th, which also included a flea market. The affair encouraged those who made good sales, and tested endurance for those who waited for the " big sell" .

UPPER lEFT: The " Maywell Street" atmosphere attracts many spectators and buyers. lOWER lEFT: Dr. Samenfink examines works of art. UPPER RIGHT: Dexterity and creativity are selling points for ceramist Rube Fischer. lOWER RIGHT : The Aea market gathers items too numerous to mention .


Glimpse of Life at College Seen by Prospective Freshmen Moving in on the night life in Menomonie ... tripping downtown for that all important SSU T -shirt or windbreaker ... experiencing life in the dorms for the first time ... realizing what it's like sandwiching classes together at registration and forgetting to leave time for ,lunch this awaited the expectant freshmen at orientation sessions held during the summer months. Not only did o rientation allow the students to experience the delights that Menomoni~ has to offer, but it also acquainted them with college life. Fears were dismissed; energies were released: friendships were formed ; dreams were realized. All of these activities were part of freshmen orientation. TOP: Crowds of prospective freshmen gather in the Commons to receive information about Stout. M IDDLE: New students are told how to plan a program. RIGHT: Workmg diligently. new freshmen plan their class schedules for the coming semester .


LEFT: President Micheels gets a closer look at the Distinguished Alumni Awards presented to Mrs. Vivian Florin Hazel and Dr. Dewey F. Barech for their exceptional contributions to their respective fields. BELOW: Greeting the summer graduates and their friends and relatives is one of President Micheels' more enjoyable iobs .

Alumni Awards Presented at Summer Graduation After attending summer session to pick up those last credits that didn ' t quite make it in June, 302 students became recipients of their respective degrees on August 13, 1971. Of those graduating, 196 received master degrees, 101 received bachelor degrees, and 5 were recipients of educational specialist degrees in industrial and vocational education. During the commencement exercises, Mrs. Vivian Florin Hazel, and Dr. Dewey F. Barech were recognized with Distinguished Alumni Awards.


Registration Began Fall Semester on August 25th

UPPER LEFT: Huddled on the floor. a student searches her class schedule for one more offering. LO W ER LEFT : Standing in a long line to obtain a certain class card makes one apprehensive about its availability. ABOVE : Receiving the news that a desired class is already filled can be discouraging. UPPER RI GHT: Endless crowds of lines are typical of registration LOWER RIGHT: Mr Gerald Donley and his PASS advisors help students plan their programs and schedules.


The long trek on the road to a degree began with the endless lines of registration. After wiggling and sneaking in the door, one was faced with a swarm of humanity , all intent on worming their way into various course lines. Some who made up a schedule as they went along seemed to end up with ideal courses; while those who had a schedule planned for weeks had trouble finding enough classes. Familiar phrases: " Do you have the prerequisites for this course?"; " Sorry, that section is closed" left the continuing student confused and irritated and the beginning student even more bewildered. So the best part of registration was passing through the final line with a sigh of relief .


At the all-student convocation on September 9, 1971, President William Micheels challenged students to discover and use the best qualities of the conformist and the nonconformist in developing their own personalities. He said: " The question your parents and this University must help you try to answer is how do conformity and nonconformity mesh in the growth of a person. Each of you is a unique person and develops in a unique way; so, you are nonconformists. Yet, you live in communities, in families, in cities, in a country and now in a community of learners - the university. You are conditioned by your past. To this extent you are conformists ... So it' s not the choice between conformity and nonconformity, but the wisest fitting together of the two that helps you grow as a person. " Micheels warned that it is easy to go overboard on either side. He said: " We can demand absolute conformity to a preset pattern of learning, or we can go to the other extreme, leaving every student to himself in a self-created intellectual capsule without challenges, without any sense of belonging to a community, and without any sense of the past that has produced him. " " I think a nonconformist is a person who sees not only the problem, but also the rich possibilities in the present community that could become realities in the future if only he could do something about them. The true nonconformist refuses to conform totally because he is creative, he is never satisfied with himself or with his world because he can fashion a better one ... The conformist is the one who chooses to be led by a vision that may not be his own, but he values it. Above all, this must be a free choice ... Conformity like nonconformity is basically a state of mind." President Micheels ended by telling students that in life they will be both conformist and nonconformist. " You will freely conform to some values you have inherited from the past that are part or parcel of our present culture. But you will also be nonconformists in the sense that you wish to create on the foundation of our present world a better world - a world that is more responsive to human needs. " 62

School Began with Socializing, Studying, and a Challenge from President Micheels OPPOSITE PAGE: President Michecls delivers his all-unwer~itv convoca tion address THIS PAGE. UPPER LEFT: One of the most popular past times of students at the beginning of the school vear is gathering at the local bars LOWER LEFT: As classes commence, students fmd that obtammg books from the Librarv s Textbook Service is of utmost importance.



Duffy's Tavern was F~rst Traditional All-School Dance

RIGHT: Providing the music fo r the Duffy 's Taver n D ance is Foster. LOWER RIGHT : Cider is served to thirsty students who are enJoying the tavern atmosphere.

The Phi Omega Beta fraternity provided the first big entertainment of the school year with their traditional Duffy' s Tavern Dance. The dance was originated to orient the new freshmen to Stout's social life. The newcomers were given a chance to meet fellow freshmen an d u pperclassmen in a relaxing tavern atmosphere while downing the free cider provided by the FOB' s .

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Coffeehouse Provided Entertainment by Local Talent Groups

ABOVE: Performing at the Pawn, Margaret Foote and Tom Tanner play to their first audience on the coffeehouse circuit. RIGHT : Ellen Hatfield and Chris Pederson express themselves th rough music at the Jesus Rally BELOW: Students attending the Jesus Rally read the words to the songs as they are sung.

Local performers Foote and Feet and members of the Jesus Rally provided the Stout community with excellent entertainment at the Pawn. Performers at the Jesus Rally, sponsored by the combined Christian organizations on campus, expressed themselves with testimonies in words and songs. Foote and Feet, Maggie Foote and Tom Tanner, began working together in May of 1971 after meeting at the Pawn' s Spring Showcase. Maggie provides the vocal while Tom accompanies with guitar and occasional harmony. They communicate in the form of folk and contemporary rock music.


William Kuntsler Brought Shocking News of Attica Riots to Stout Community

Civil rights attorney William Kunstler spoke to the Un iversity commun ity on September 14, 1971, as part of the Speakers Forum series. Ku nstler spoke about the previous week 's unrest at the Attica, New York prison. The prisoners were allowed to negotiate for better prison conditions; but d ue to the time limit placed on them, they secured prison guards as hostages in an attempt to retain bargaining power. Instead of allowing them additional time to negotiate, state troppers were sent in by the state Corrections Commissioner and Governor to subdue the men. Twenty-six convicts and nine hostages were killed; all of them by the State, and none by the prisoners as was first reported. Kunstler believed that the governmen t became murderers in the interests of political expediency, and charged Governor Nelson Rockefeller with murder for ordering the attack. He felt that if on e becomes oblivious to reasona ble demands or turns away from them, as the state officials did, then that person is just as monstrous as those who pulled the triggers. In this case as in others, Mr. Kunstler was defendin g th e rights of dissent and civil disobedience. He pleaded with the Stout audience to join him in continually resisting the oppression of human needs in any way possible.


TOP: Kuntsler expresses many differen t emotions during his speech. BOTTOM : The audience. gathered in every area of the fieldhouse. listens to Kuntsler with taciturn attention


Tainterama Celebration Involved Menomonie Area

Townspeople and college students joined to make the " T ainterama Festival", which was held on the weekend of September 24-26, a big success. A band concert started off the weekend events at Wilson Park, where the Stout Concert Band and members of the Luddington Guard Band joined to entertain the community. Various other events were held, ranging from antique equipment displays to learning how to cook with apples and wine at the Tainter Theatre. A Gay 90's parade marched down Main Street on Sunday with all ages participating. The weekend' s events were concluded with a Demolition Derby at the fairgrounds.

OPPOSITE PAGE. LEFT: W orl.. horses. a covered wagon .1nd foll..s dressed for the ttme recall Menomonie " days of old CENTER: Menomonie's marching b.1nd displavs l..een marching precision for the communuy LOWER RIG HT: A "mall carmval off Main Street add~ excitement to the Tainterama celebration THIS PAGE. RIGHT: Youngsters 1m1tattng their forefather" aw.111 the1r place 10 the children s parade. BOTTOM : The Tainterama parade ha~ entries from surroundingcommunitie$




THIS PACE. ABOVE: Cheerleaders Sandy Hansen and Pat lnda, along with mascot Brian Bennet, inspire the Bluedevils on to victory. UPPER RIGHT: Speed and agility are shown by Dave Goetzinger while en route to a touchdown. lOW!R RIGHT: Ron Berg turns the corner with the aid of a good block. OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER RIGHT: Stouts offensive linemen practice shoulder blocking. LO WER RIGHT: Bluedevil halfback Dave Goetzinger cuts up the field behind good blocking on a sweep against Stout ' s arch rival. Eau Claire. LOWER lEFT: Stout 's Dan Tentcher stretches high for one of his many pass receptions .


Football Team Showed Fine Season Play

Coach Sten Pierce, in his second year at the helm, directed the Hustlin' Bluedevil gridders to their finest season in many years. Stout' s team, which finished five and five , was in the thick of co ntention for the Wisconsin State University Conference Championship throughout the season. Three of five losses were very close and the result of a bad break or a failure to capitalize on a break, which left Stout on the short end.

Individual Achievements Sparked Team Effort THIS PAGE. ABOVE: The Blue Prin ts. Stout s pom pom squad, provide halftime en tertamment wtth a rou tine to Spinning \'\'heel RIGHT : Stout s offensive line coach. Bob Kam ish. gives blocking instructions to his linemen . LOWER RIGHT : Roger Berg. with aSSIStance from Rich Henne路 berrey, puts the clamps on an Eau Claire running back BELOW: T he crowd 1s brought to life in the second half of the Eau Claire game OPPOSITE PAGE. LEFT: Tired and toiled, Dan Tentcher takes five on the bench RIGHT: Coach Sten Pierce g1ves Gary Kuehle pomter~ on defensive corrections

There were no super stars in this year' s ball club; everyone worked together as a unit. There were, however, a few individual bright spots : Dan Tentcher set a new career mark in pass reception; Dave Goetzinger was named a W.S.U. Conference Player of the Week; and Steve Fedie set a conference single game passing mark. Jeff Tower was named All Conference Defensive Tackler and special mention went to Ron Berg and Mike Wettstein. The team voted the following : Jeff Towner, Most Valuable Player; John Debee, Most Improved Player; Ron Berg, Best Blocker; Jim Hittman and Rick Henneberry, Best Tacklers; and Randy Gutsch, Rookie of the Year. The outlook for the 1972 season looks great. With sixteen returning starters, eleven of them experienced juniors, the Bluedevils again should be in the thick of the conference race. Playing their las t games in the familiar blue and white were seniors Dave Goetzinger, Roger Goldbach, Gary Kuehl, Jerry Sinz, Dan Tentcher, and Jeff Towner .


Artists' Presentations Brought Culture to Stout

ABOVE LEFT: The American Brass Quintet performs in the Harvey Hall Auditorium on October 11 1971 ABOVE RIGHT: Waiting for his cue, the trumpeter studies his music LEFT: The french horn mu~rc•an shows intense concentration. BELOW: The Performing Arts Committee and Speakers Forum brings the Tyrone Guthrie Theater group to Stout for a workshop and performance of Fables Here and Then on October 27 1971 The actors use a full range of performance skiUs in bringing the stories to life.


Fall Speakers Reached Diverse Interests UPPER LEFT: Wisconsin State UniverSity Regent John Lavine meets with Stout students on September 22, 1971 to discuss the Wisconsin University systems merger. UPPER RIGHT: Mrs Hubert Humphrey receives a corsage from a young child before addressing a conference on retarded children held September 25, 1971 in the Union Ballroom. LOWER LEFT: A member of ader's Raiders, Dr. joseph Highland speal..s to the University on October -1, 1971, on issues including health care, consumer problems relating to environmental protection. and housing problems


Intramural Football Games Developed Teamwork

The 1971 intramural football season did not let it's avid fans down. The usual climactic performance was demonstrated by many interested young men in intramural competition. A total of twenty-eight teams competed for their respective league titles. Only four teams were able to make it to tournament play. Out of the four teams , Hotel Hovlid, X-Third Curran Animals, Sig Ep' s and Milnes won , came stiff competitors striving for the pride of victory. Milnes Won did just what their name implied and captured the intramural football championship title.


and Aggressiveness

OPPOSITE PAG E. TOP: Two Greek teams execute their mgenuitv in a "-ell planned maneuver BOTTOM: Opposing players battle for control of the ball THIS PAGE. ABOVE: Bob Albert makes a long stretch for the KLB s t.:PPER LEFT: Pete Schroeder punts for Second F-Troup. LOWER LEFT : Fans anticipate an offen~ive play


" Dial ' M ' for Murder" opened the University Theatre season on October 7-9 with near record crowds , thanks to the team work of University Theatre. Mr. David Bratt directed , Mr. Noel Falkofske was master builder, and Mr. Terrance Markovich did promotional work. Cast members were: Jerry Zelenka, Terann Medea!( Jim Radatz , Mike Boll, and Dave Coutts. While Bratt, Falkofske, and the actors were busy putting the play together, Markovich was bent over a typewriter composing unforgettable articles for the Stoutonia and s hort promos for WVSS , the university radio station. University Theatre was inspired to put on a thriller when in May of last year Free Flicks showed " Wait Until Dark", and it was noticed that in certain high tension scenes five hundred students screamed in unison. Coincidentally, " Dial ' M"' was written by the same author, Frederick Knott, and proved just as suspenseful. It provided the same elements of suspense everyone loves: surprises, tension, and nail-biting. The plot involved an elaborate plan devised by a murderer to con demn an innocent woman as the criminal. There was one twist to the plot, however; the audience was told the complete details of the murder early in the play by the guilty criminal himself. Those who saw the play agreed it was a great season opener, and it provided an exciting evening for everyone.

Suspense in Fall Play Held Audience Captive

OPPOSITE PAGE. UPPER RIGHT: Jerry Zelenka prepares hi~ wife. Terann Medcalf. for an interview with Inspector Hubbard LOWER LEFT: The technical crew comes in handy for off-stage voices LOWER RIGHT: Mike Boll studies his lines in order to perfect the character of Inspector Hubbard. TH IS PA GE. ABOVE: Although director Dave Bratt looks comfortable, he won I rest until after opening night LEFT: The stage crew is an essential part of the successful production of every play


Cross Country Runners Fared Well in Rugged Conference The cross country team had a favorable season; they were victorious over conference rivals Eau Claire, River Falls, Superior, and Oshkosh, and a non-conference challenge from Bethel College. LaCrosse and Platteville handed the roadrunners their big defeats as well as finishing one and two ahead of them in the conference meet. The season was highlighted by individual performances in which John Chartrand proved to be the mo s t valuable runner and Bill Lemsky was voted the team' s most improved runner. Barney Klecker was picked as the 1972 team captain. John Chartrand, Barney Klecker, Bill Lemsky , Bob Sandstrom, Hector Cruz and Mark Gillings led the team to a fourth place finish in the conference as well as the District 14 Cross Country meet. Head Coach, Doug Stallsmith, will have all but one of his runners back next year, in what promises to be a race to the co nference championship.


OPPOSITE PAGE, LOWER LEFT: John Chartrand and Hector Cruz prime up for rival competition. UPPER RIGHT: Fatigued, John Chartrand pulls through the last mile. THI S PAGE. ABOVE : Strength and endurance are necessary skills for long distance running. RIGHT: Hector Cruz sheds his sweat pants in preparation for a eros~ country run .


Homecoming Events Highlighted Fall Season

Homecoming 1971 , " Let 's Get Together", was a week of fun for all participants. The weeks prior saw preparation of floats , queen contestants , reunions, and other activities. Free Flicks started off the week by showing " Warlord." The events advanced to the Johnson Fieldhouse where the Queens ' Convocations and the Battle of the Bands were held. On Saturday there were alumni breakfasts, brunches, and dinners galore. The parade and the football game against LaCrosse were highlights of the afternoon's activities. That evening the Homecoming Ball was held, and pleasant memo ries were recalled by all.


OPPOSITF PACE UPPER LEFT: The Food Service Executive A~sociation presents 路 Hello Kathy LOWER LEFT: Alpha Omicron Pi supports their candidate. Susan Wallace, at the Queens' Convocation. UPPER RIGHT: A chocolate cream mug is worthwhile indulgence for Donna Flaherty. winner of the pie eating contest. LOWER RIGHT: Queen candidates Kathy Miller. Lonnee Anderson . Susan Wallace. and Sally Jorgenson are introduced. THIS PACE. ABOVE: Purple Haze entertains with hard rock at the Battle of the Bands. LOWER RIGHT: A walk down the ramp is the beginning of Lon nee Anderson s reign a~ Homecoming Queen .


Spirited Crowds Showed Enthusiasm at Parade

and Game

OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER LEFT: The Silver Dollar always seems to be the most popular stand for parade watching. UPPER RIGHT : Attempt ing to get the world together on their float, the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity and Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority receive the grand champion trophy. LOWER LEFT: Queen Lon nee Anderson greets spectators on the parade route. THIS PACE. LEFT: Fans forget their stand on ecology and toss confetti to convey their excitement. BELOW: Stout's band shows marching precision during halftime entertainment.


THIS PAGE. ABOVE: Bluedevil blockers protect quarterback Steve Fedie. UP· PER LEFT: Queen Lonnee expre~.,es her spirit and best wishes during the Home coming game. LOWER LEFT: Cindy Bogie .,ets the pace for halftime entertam· ment LOWER RIGHT: Dan jero~bek is in punting form against LaCrosse. OP· POSITE PAGE. UPPER LEFT: Ko~thy Dyer conveys her disappointed feelings a• Stout loses their Homecommg game UPPER RIGHT: Dim lights o~nd slow musi< set the pace for o~n evening of dancing . LOWER LEFT : The eight man Bras• Sounds of Debb johnson perform dt the Homecoming Bo~IL LOWER RIGHT: Ar all-girl rock band, Genesis presents o~n unusual style of entertainment at the Battlt of the Bands on Wednesday night .


Stout Suffered Frustrating Defeat at Hands of LaCrosse



UPPER LEFT : E'\act measurements are a key factor in the accurate construction of fundamental building components UPPER RIGHT: A cut made by a metal turning lathe is inspected LOWER LEFT : Students make molds for the thermoforming press in Plastics I. LOWER RIGHT: Work done on the lathe requires frequent examination


Arts Classes Allowed Varied Learnings

UPPER lEFT: The oxy-acetylene process is employed to weld metal in a flat position UPPER RIGHT: Robert Wacker goes through the proces' of mc1king c1 coin purse in Plastics I. LO WER RIGHT: Dr. Runnal~ and Dc1ve Christiansen prepclre c1 plc1stic mixture to be brushed on a mold


ABOVE: Concentration is an essential part of learning. UPPER RIGHT : Students combine their sl...ill~ in repairmg a body fender LOWER RIGHT : Instructions are given on setting up an electronic circuit


Manual Dexterity Demanded Training

UPPER LEFT: A student grinds body filler to a smooth finish . MIDDLE LEFT: Before the final drafting plan is completed, tensions are relieved by taking a break. LOWER LEFT: A drafting student employs precision techniques in completing a project. UPPER RIGHT: An unwanted image is removed from an offset plate. LOWER RIGHT: locking a matrix in the casting box, Jim Evans wears asbestos gloves for protection From the heat of the stereotype caster.

Bloodmobile Sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega

ABO VE: W hile ~topping the flow of blood. d ~tudent e'amine~ her punctured arm. RIGHT : A nur~e draws blood from a ~tudent donor LOWER RIG HT: Med1cal mformauon IS obtamed from .,tudents waiting in line to g1ve blood. BELOW: Turning in proper medical data to Bloodmobile volunteer workers aid., in 1-.eeping the records stra1ght

The Red Cross Bloodmobile, sponsored by Stout's service fraternity, was in Menomonie during the week of October 19, 1971. Nearly 25,000 pints of blood have been collected in Dunn County since the Red Cross Bloodmobile began its program in 1949. The hundreds of students that displayed the button of giving showed the participation of a concerned student body .


Children's Party and Ski Style Show Held at Change of Seasons

ABO E: In m1d- ovember. the Alfresco Outing Club sponsors the Sl..i Tea and Style Show of the late~t ski fa~hion~ and equipment RIGHT: Mens and '"'Omen s $l..i apparel are modeled for the ~how which al~o includes demonstrations of sl..iing techniques and promotion~ for .;l..iing re<orts. LO WER RIGHT: ProJect Friend,hip. a group of Stout students who play big brother and sister to Menomonie area children. take the youngsters on a Halloween haynde. BELOW: Bobbing for apple' at the partv following the hayride. a young lad • face i• Jo,t among the fruit


Sex Comedy Sparked

" You Know I Can' t Hear You When The Water's Running", a modernistic play on sex by Robert Anderson , was one of the biggest hits of the first semester. The three act play was held in Harvey Hall Auditorium on November 11, 12, and 13 , with maximum attendance at each performance. Each act represented different attitudes of society toward sex. The play showed that some people are too shy to talk about sex; and others talk about it freely using morality as their basis. The time and preparation of the cast and crew made the winter play a smashing hit. Directed by Terrance Markovich, the cast included Steve Mcintyre, C. J. Ahonen, Cyndy Sandberg, Dave Hasse, Jon Bjornson, Sandy Coloso, John P. Norgel, Katherine Pederson, Larry Laird, Patti Matosic, and Marge Scheffer.


Large Crowds At Winter Play Presentation

OPPOSITE PAGE. UPPER LEFT : C J Ahonen call~ a pro~p芦tive actor for the nude scene. I.JPPER MIDDLE: jon BJornson con~ole.. Sandv Colo..o and John :-.:orgel by telling them that manv people work out their difference~ in the ~tore VPPER RIGHT : Dave Hasse displav .. his ridiculou~ looking bodv LOWER RlGHT : John t$ enJO\'tng the comfort of good old 5-< with another tentative buver CE!'fTER: John is intrigued bv the interest Kather路 me Peder~en has tn double bed.. THIS PAGE. UPPER LEFT: John plead~ "ith Sandv to keep the double bed I.JPPER RIGHT : Steve ~alnrne hidC'the shock of recognition MIDDLE RIGHT: Wuh thetr daughter going off to college larrv laird and Patti ~ato~ic argue about her the pill. LOWER RIGHT : larrv acts fru .. trated at rehear~al


Wakanda-Khana Stressed Driving Competence

The second Wakanda-Khana, sponsored b) orthern Pines Corvettes, was held on Novembe 14, 1971. Sixty cars of various types from thre• states, seven auto clubs, and the Stout comm unit) competed. The event consis ted of a race against the-clock, twice around the park, one car at a time Various obstacles were arranged on the course t< make it a real test of the drivers' skill and to in crease the safety factor. The fastest time of da) was recorded by Bob Comstock, of Stout, drivin~ a 1966 Corvette coupe. To complete the day , • party was held with free beer for all participants.

ABOVE: Paul Squire race.. to"ard the last ~et of pvlon.. PPER RIGHT: Do~ve Brown make.. hi.. iini..h winn10g first 10 Class C. RIGHT: Fo~ste.,t time of the do~v i'- recorded bv Bob Comstock BELOW: june Browne from Corvettes of Ma dt~on ltmued tS the fa~te<;t woman dnver 10 the race-.

Performing Arts Committee Sponsored Diverse Programs The Wingra Woodwind Quintet , comprised of music school faculty from the University of \1\"isconsin in Madison , appeared in conc ert ovember lb at the Harvev Hall Auditorium. The quintet , consistin g of a flute, clarinet , oboe, bassoon , and french horn , provided concert-goers with an evening of classical music. The following evening, the Swing Singers from the Barron County Camp us of Stout University presented a program of contemporary entertainment. The concert featured an instrumental accompaniment , and solo vocal parts. Both programs were under the auspices of the Performing Arts Committee, which also presented James Whitmore in " Will Rogers U.S.A. " on ovember 30 in the Auditorium.

ABOVE: The ha rmoni7in)l. 'ou nd~ oi che \\ in)l.r•l Woodwind (.)uincec are plea,inll. to the e<1r of anv mu~IC lover BELOW: i'\((Omp<tnaed bv <1 ~ mall m~ tru mcn t al en•emblt', the Barron Countv C.1 m pu~ ~ w injl. ~in) pre~ent an cvenin)l. of modern mu ~ i(


Alpha Si During Sac


" I want a man! " was the cry of Stout' s female population, as Alpha Sigma Alpha's annual Sadie Hawkins Week was celebrated ovember 30 December 2. Starting the week off on Tuesday was a Shoe Shine Booth in the Union Snack Bar. On Wednesday night, both couples and singles packed the "ilia to dance to Arthur Wheeler' s Blues Band. Marryin' Sam was kept busy as the Daisy Maes hauled their Little Abners to the Chapel to get hitched. The men had their chance for revenge on Thursday with the Alpha Sig )ail handling a record crowd all day. As the jail folded up , so did a memorable Sadie Hawkins Week. 98

Stimulated Co -eds Hawkins Week

OPPOSITE PAGE. PPER LEFT: \lphil ~~~~ pu1 .1 rl.ll " ne on ~hoe• for .1 quuler .1 pa r LOWER RIGHT: The uo"Jed \ 11l.1 prove- al a "Omiln ho~• no trouble <.llchm~t a mo~n THI S PAG E. ABO\ E: J...a1hv Omilhon \\ 1llie Gre)tOI"\' o~nJ lo~n john,on ra••t il lilt <httr \\hilt J...a1hv xou Ju'1' 1 •t Jm off of ht>r !:lad· Ha"i..m• ou11 11 LPPER RIG HT : The jo~il O\'l'r· Ilow• " •lh ~1ou1' n1min •1uJen1• LOWER RIGHT: -\St\ •hen If Ro"e w.ul• tor Oil\'l' GoetLin~tl'r and T urv 5<h<~nr.~<: k lo )tO 10 Jilll pea.:etullv.


The Pawn Offered Varied Forms of Entertainment The Pawn , Stout' s coffehouse, meant different things to different people. Some went there for quiet conversation or thought ; some went to study ; some went for enjoyment. Many went to take advantage of the entertainment provided throughout the year. It was also the half-way point where students and faculty could meet and exchange ideas on an informal basis. Whatever the reason, the Pawn provided an atmosphere of relaxation. For solitude or for interaction, the Pawn was a place to find meaning and enjoyment in a busy campus life.


OPPOSITE PACE. LEFT: The wee!.. of March o-11, the Pa"n features rod. musac bv Morgan and jeni. RIGHT: Gerry Crossman present~ his •wo and one half hour ~how during the week of januarv 2-1. THIS PACE. ABOVE: Alfono ~ Ju~ Band jives on folk music during \\'inter Carnival Week. LOWER LEFT: Offering rela,ation , the Pawn draw~ many spectators. LOWER RIGHT: A group 'ailed Twenty-five Word~ or Less does a satirical review .


Skills Exhibited at Arts and Crafts Sale

UPPER LEFT: A pro:.jX'\.tive lU~tomer e'ilmine:. .1 paae of h.mdm<~de potlerv di' 路 pi<Jved <It the Art-. ~ale held Dl'<.cmbcr -1 an the J..,mon B<lllroom. UPPER RIGHT: The Arb .mJ Cr<Jft, ~<lie pro,tde;, <In opporlunitv tor .m student;, to dnd -.ell thetr qu<~litv <1rt worJ..-. .1nd cratt obJe<:l:.. CENTER RIGHT : A v<~net y of hand nafted objects .1re exhibited bv a -.rudenl artt,l BELOW: <.u~tomer~ brow~e throuJo:h table:. laden with the ware:. of artist~ dnticip<ltinJo: a quick ~ale


Art Classes Employed Variety of Methods and Materials

u PPER LEFT: A cerc~mk' -tuJcnt rai-~ the w,1ll oi her thrown pot u PPER RIGHT: Pilmt '' mt,eJ on a palette bl!tore .1ppl"m!'t it to the (.ln\'.1LOWER LEFT: Ink i~ 'prec~J on c1 !(I.!'~ p.1lette. lrom whkh .1 pnntmal..o1r ,oat' her printing roller LOWER RIGHT: lnten,econumtration j, e'hibiteJ c1' c1 Jrilwm!( ~tuJent ,J..etche- il ,uiJiife.


路 Diverse Class Experiences Widened Learning Horizons


OPPOSITE PAGE. UPPER LEFT: Biology student Bern.ud Rusch accurately measure~ a liquid solution in a pipette. UPPER RIGHT : \ \ hile waiting to consult with an in~tructor . a s tudent enJoys the comfort of the 'arpeted halls of the Modulux LOWER LEFT : A provacallve instructor keeps has clas> at close attention LOWER RIGHT: Colleen Cudewkz Phvllis \\ ong. and J<~v Janda observe as Mr Ru"ell Jo~me. reveals the inner mu>cle~ of the cat in Phy>iologv and Anatomy. THIS PAGE. UPPER


LEFT: A review of technique-. i> essential for proper op.:rdtion of an <~mplifier and turntable in Radio Pro~rammin~ and Prod uction. UPPER RIGHT: A dedic,Jted AuJio \asual student (arefully mounts a tran,parency . LOWER LEFT: Perfect focusing of the motion picture camera produce. a dear movae title tor a photo~traphv dass LOWER RIGHT: Mr Carlan Cooper conducts a cia>> in Principle~ ot Marketinjt.

Forensics Contest Drew Large Assemblage The annual forensics tournament , held on December -l , brought forty schools from nine states to Stout. Some of Stout's students participated; however, most were concerned with the efficient supervision of the activities. Participants met to be welcomed by Stout's forensics association and forensics fraternity , Pi Kappa Delta, the sponsoring groups for the meet. Each student then participated in three rounds of competition, each consisting of a specific group of students speaking for a set period of time o n a topic in their area of interest. They were then cri tiqued , given points, and ranked. Judges for these events were visiting coaches from the participating schools, as well as Stout faculty members. The closing session was a noon dinner held in the ballroom of the Union, with entertainment provided by Chuck Groene while the results were being tabulated. Eau Claire received the highest number of sweepstakes points and so was awarded the first place team trophy.

ABO ÂŁ: Chri' PeJcr.,on record, pomt' d inJtl.J to her l:>v D<l\1.' H ill. LOWER LEFT: A h<~ppv rec1p1ent J.:cept' her Jv. Jrd trom :-.IH..e ~t<lnt- IJ v.' l..l pre>ident of ~t ou t, forcn'ic' d~~oci<Jtion LOWER RIGHT: Cottcehou-c putormer Chucl.. Grocn~ l'ntert.lm, Ju rinl( the n<>on dinner tor the ioren'1<' tou rn.Jmt:n t


Joyous Mood of Christmas Celebrated at Annual Concert

Santa Claus was the highlight of the annual Christmas concert held in the Fieldhouse on December 5. The Symphonic Singers and the Concert Band joined together to entertain and set the mood for the holidays. The band and choir chose a selection of numbers that was appropriate to the Christmas season , as well as songs that could be enjoyed throughout the year. The audience participated in a sing-along, and the children there were thrilled and overjoyed when Santa Claus arrived to make the day worthwhile for those in attendance.

UPPER LEFT: The ringing cra~h of cvmbals echoes throughout the Fieldhouse UPPER RIGHT: The Band ""ing~ into the Chrbtma~ ~pirit with the assastance of M r. Lynn Pntchard LOWER LEFT: Mr. Harold Cooke demands pertect timing and harmonv from the Symphonic Sanger~ LOWER RIGHT: The JOY of the holidav season b expressed through song


The Hustlin ' Bluedevils, guided by Coach Owain Mintz, finished their 1971-72 season with an impressive 18-5 record. In conference play, Stout finished in third place with a conference mark of 12-4, one game behind Whitewater at 133 , with Eau Claire' s first place record at 16-0 . The first place winner was decided in the last game of the season when the Bluedevils traveled to Eau Claire and dropped a last second 65-64 contest to the nation 's number one small college basketball team. The Bluedevils started the season strong by winning eleven of their first twelve games , including ten straight. The second half of the season provided more worthy opponents as the Devils limped through with seven wins and four losses. However, three losses came by a total of only four points. Stout set three conference records: Fewest Points Allowed - 46 , against LaCrosse; Widest Winning Margin - 50 points, against Superior; and Most Assists- 35, also against Superior.

Bluedevils Demonstrated


Strong Performances

OPPOSITE PACE. LOWER lEFT : l.JCk Ca~l!e •core• two point• again•t River Falls lOWER RIGHT: Doug lha •tretche• high toga n po~·e•••on of the ball a)l;amst \\ h1tewater C ENTER: T e Blueprint• Stout ~ porn porn .,quad move- into the final formation of then · A)l;e of ·\ quanu• routinl'. T HIS PACE. lOWER RIGHT: \<\ uh Art lo" l do.,e to the •1de. \11ar(U• Haye<, take<, the ball from Superior uPPER lEFT: LNpinjl; up to the up again•t River Fall• •• center Eha ABOVE lEFT : The e'pre•'•on of o1 Stout cheerle.1Jer \.1arv ikol.1v lapture• the •u•ren•e of the )l;amc ABO\ E RIGHT: One of Stout' moo,t o~v1J ba•ketball fan• take• in the o1d10 n at everv !(arne


Enthusiasm Expressed bv Large Turnout at Games

Senior forward Terry Alexa led the Bluedevils in scoring with a 14.4 game average. He repeated last year's performance by being named to the all conference team. Rob Heiman, a senior guard, was also an all-conference selection. Heiman was the Bluedevil's floor leader, making 99 assists and averaging 11.7 points per game. Other graduating senior team members were Jack Capelle and Rick Biancardi.


OPPOSITE PAGE. v PPER LEFT: ~tout~ <heerleader~ rallv tec1m ;pmt dunng c1 uucial gc1me moment UPPER RIGHT: An important mo\'e b brou)(ht tnto hKu' durin,:<~ time out C ENTER RIGHT: Ri< k Bian<<~rdi. drivin,: the bc1~e line, br<.•ilk' White"ater' delen<.e LOWER LEFT: The! (horu .. line kkk ,, e'e..uted bv the Blueprint, to the mu .. ic of Hor'e THIS PAGE. UPPER LEFT: ~(011 ~er~u>on ~~'Cd' do" ·n the court 1n the jl;cJme th.ll gave ~tout fi r5t plc1ce in the Red Cedar Ua...,i< a tournament pl.wcd c1t ~tout Jurinjl; Chri..,tma' "a'auon UPPER RIGHT : E'hibttin>: lu' dribblin>: ,j..i(l d)(clin,t ~Ieven .. Point '' Bill Lvun' LOWER LEFT: E\'e!n thoujoth he i~ not on the <OUrL <...oc1ch Mint/ i'- c1n e<...enlial pdrl ot the De' il tec1m LOWER RI GHT: Loval t.m; depdrt en md"C from the Ftcldhou'-e lollowtn)( another Bluedc\' il vict<~rv.


Typical Mass of Confusion Apparent at Winter Pre -registration

ABO\"£: Student .Jd\'b->r- .1re on h.1nd durin~ the t-lurr~J coniu .. ion ->f reji:· -:r<~:t<>n tor .. econd -eme-:er heid on DecemN.>r t- t:PPER RIG HT : De$pne ~::e n<>~•e . •orne •:uden:- :tn.l .1 pea.;etul moml'nt :o cuncentr.Jte <>n then -, heduit· pldnmn~ LOWER RIG HT : ~1.Jn\' hou•- oi , .1reiu• pl.mnin~ cdn re-uh tn di .. dppotntmen: · :ne .Je-.n~J ,t.~ .... e, are, :., ..eJ


LEFT: Chns Gross and Ktm ezworski carrv on surface conversation while Joanne McEntir-e and Rita Michelin portray their inner emottons UPPER RIGHT: Disenchan ted with him~elf. old man Krapp. James Klancer. continues his old habit of eatin~ bananas. LOWER RIGHT: Ktm ezworski refuses to accept the feeling~ of her emotional half Rita M ichelin

One Act Plays Performed at Quarter Square Theater The Quarter Square Theater was the scene of two one-act plays presented December 9-10. The play " Overtones" was an amusing episode showing two sophisticated women struggling to restrain their impulsive, insistent inner selves from each other. The women were played by Kim Nezworski and Chris Gross , and their inner selves by- Rita Michelin and Joanne McEntire. In a more somber mood, the play " Krapp' s Last Tape", portrayed James Klancer as old man Krapp making his customary yearly tape. But listening to an old tape made thirty years earlier brought back memories of his young energetic days that disgusted him. Finding that he had no more " fire" left in him, Krapp presented a situation similar to that of many people . 113

Bluedevil Swimmers Put Out Fantastic Effort

THIS PACE. TOP: Stout s s•-.mmer~ cheer their team to a tie with Eau Claire for the WSUC Rela\' Championship. ABOVE: A leap backwards mto the water at the shot of the gun marl-..s the beginning of a backstroke race RIGHT: Perfect form is required of Guy Hrushka as he goes into a backward tuck. OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER lEFT: Exhau>ted . Ben Kowalsk1 reflects on the race he ha., just won. UPPER RIGHT : Rick Klabechek is on his way to one of many two-hundred-yard free-stvle v1ctories. BOTTOM: Ben Kowalski pushes off against a conference opponent


Posting a record of eleven wins and one loss , the Bluedevil swimming team, under the direction of Coach Bob Smith, swam to their best season ever. The young Bluedevils put forth a great effort in the conference meet by scoring over 100 points more than last year's second place winning team. However, the blue and white tankers again finished in second place close behind champion Eau Claire. Coach Smith will again have a strong nucleus to work with next year. Graduating from this year' s team were John Malecki, Paul Milinovich, Mark Thompson, and Eric Fries t.


Foreign Policy Criticized; Gospel Presented in Song

The American death toll had reached fifty - five thousand in the undeclared war in Vietnam, when former Senator Wayne Morse spoke at Stout on December 13 . The past senator from Oregon said that the President " has only the power to act as Commander- in-Chief in a war declared by Congress", and warned that the expansion of presidential power is the most dangerous issue facing the American public today. Morse, who has been an outspoken force in America for nearly forty years , stated that " the check of the purse strings" has long been needed to end American death in Vietnam. The Keystones , a gospel singing group , brought a happier message to Stout on December 18. Sponsored by local businessmen, the concert was open to campus and community . Some of the songs were older than the combined ages of the group members; but, judging from the warm audience response, the message of the songs themselves was as new as anything on the Top 40 Survey. Certainly, the gospel songs will still be sung after many of the performers have been forgotten. The Keystones have grown in popularity with the recen t increased interest in the gospel movemen t.

UPPER LEFT: Rhvthm i~ an ~-ential part of the Kev•tone• go•pd .,inK· tnJ( UPPER RIGHT: Former O regon Senator \\ a\•ne Mo r~ e '-peal..., out dJ(atn•t the J(overnment., foretJ(n pohlv BELOW: \'italitv and the me., .. il~e ot lites meaning the Kev•tone., performiln(e.


Popularity o f Local Rock Group Became Widespread

Tongue formed in the fall of 1968 as a frat party good-time band. The group practiced in Hovlid Hall, HKM , and CKT for the first year of its existance, because its members lived in the dorms. The group began experimenting with original music , and by the fall of 1970 had recorded and released a 45 rpm record and their album, " Keep on Truckin' ", on their own Hemisphere Records label. As a result o f the album, the group toured with the James Gang and played backup to over 30 nationally recognized rock groups. The group. presently made up of Robert Collins, Richard Weber, Michael Larson, and Paul Rabbitt , has another album done and are awaiting its release. Tongue has always considered Stout and Menomonie as its home and has had some of its best gigs on the campus.

UPPER LEFT: Paul Rabbitt leads the Tongue in a chari~ m atic performance at the Union. UPPER RIGHT: M ick Larson s hands leave the kevboard a~ he claps ou t the rhyth m of the song. BELOW: Accompanied by Richard Weber. Robert Collins depa rts from his u!>ual bass guitar performance to smg the lead.

Gymnastics Team Showed Strength and Muscle Coordination

The gymnastics team , due to the loss of three men during the season, " were weak as a team but very strong individually" , according to Coach John Zuerlein. The team had a 4 win-3 loss conference record and a S-9 overall record. In the conference meet Stout finished fifth , but was the only team in which every man that entered qualified for the finals and received a medal. The highlight of the season was the breaking of three school records. Both Mike Zissman, senior co-captain, and junior Tim Kruse broke the still ring record. Larry Bossung crumpled the side horse record , and the still ring team of Kruse , Zissman, and Greg Dattilo combined for a new ring team score. Stout was represented at the NAIA Championships in Charleston, Illinois by Kruse, Zissman, Dattilo, and John Mueller.

11 8

OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER RIG HT : Bruce Petttt perform~ a double leg cut .1nd (Jt<h on the p<~r.JIIel bar~ . MIDDLE LEFT: ~peed Jnd perfect <~ngle of pre-ili!(ht are of utmo~t importJnce J• Curt Lan!( goe' into J hand,prin!( vJult MIDDLE RIG HT: Pert"" form i• •hown bv Mike in <1 pldn,he on the ~ttll ring' LO \'\ ER LEFT: hlling the •lrl·ngth requirement ot hi• routine Tim Kru•e periorm' the iron cro" THIS PAC E. u PPER LEFT: Dunng the tree e'<en•e jern· Zelenha di•plav• d la\'·Out b.Kk fltp. u PPER RIGHT : Movin!( irom o~n L !ever Tim Kru'e pre"~ ,traight into o~ •traddle ho~nd~tand LOWER LEFT: Bill Moho~upt perform~ one of the dnd mo't important mdneuver• on the side horse. <1 double le14 circle LOWER RIGHT : john Mueller 1.1m~ ior the giant eagle on the horiLOntal baro; .


Winter Graduation Held Before Christmas Vacation

300 persons received diplomas at Winter Commencement Exercises held December 23, 1971. For

the first time, winter graduation was held before Christmas vacation , under the new uniform calendar adopted by eight of the nine former state universities. Addressing the g raduates were faculty member. Dr. M. James Bensen, and Student Dennis W . Allar. As part of the ceremonies , Alma G. Rausch and Harvard C. Smith received Distinguishec Alumni Awards for their continuing outstanding work in their respective fields.

RIGHT: The commencement ceremony marks a giant step up the ladder of progress. UPPER LEFT: Graduates wait in the last line of their college ca 路 reer for their hard-earned diplomas. LOWER LEFT: Dr. Ralph Iverson bestows Distinguished Alumni Awards on Miss Alma G. Rausch and Mr. Harvard C. Smith .


Downtown Bars H ighlighted Social Life for Many

UPPER LEFT: A group of fraternity men gather downtown for an afternoon of socializing. UPPER RIGHT : Bar life proves to be too much for one who doesn't know his capacity for beer. LOWER LEFT: The bars provide a place for pool sharks to enjoy their sport. LOWER RIGHT: Ray Ehlert and joan Tredon celebrate the ending of another week by downing a quart at the Tap.


In his first year at the helm of Stout' s hockey team , john McNamara bettered the Bluedevils' mark of 7-12-1 from the previous year. The skating Bluedevils closed out their third year of intercollegiate competition with a respectable record of nine wins and eleven losses. In the highlight of their season , the Bluedevils knocked off their archrival, River Falls, with a score of 7 5. According to Coach McNamara, it was the finest team effort his squad had displayed all year . jim Ciulla, a senior center, broke a school record by scoring five goals in one game. His performance came in a 7-2 victory over Rochester State. Graduating from this year' s team were jay Watkins , Don Hermes , lynn Skeeter, jim Ciulla and Glenn LaChapelle. They will be missed, but Coach McNamara has a balanced team returning with which to provide keen competition.

Hockey Team Skated Through Third Year of Competition OPPOSITE PACE. TOP: Stout applic~ pr~~~~ure m tile MIDDLE: Jim Ciulla <·arric• the puck up out of the defen•i"c L<.lne BOTTOM : Tcrrv \\ atl..m• ta<~ off <~gainst h~> <.lpp<.lnent THIS PACE. LEFT:\\ ith -peed .1nd agilitv Glenn LaChapelle m<.lVC• into a •coring position BOTTOM : Tom Me. am.1r.1 <~ttempt> to !:>edt the St Olaf goalie



THI S PACE. RIG HT: \\ intl'r <. .. rnh .1l Qu<·•:n <..,nJtJ. '"" o~r<' : S tandin g: :vl .. rv Juhn-,>n , <. •kn. )l'n-•·n O··bb' Tcpp,,, f..., rcn :\nhur Seat ed : ~ue '-a'' LOWER LEFT: "\.onh,•rn l'tne' <..orvl'tte' 1,( Ro~,e- J,..,, 1.. ,,u \\ tnter <...~rn" o~l \\ wl.. LO WER RIGHT: ln!(enuitv ,, e' 1.:it.>nt 1n the aeauon' proJu,,J tur the -nuw m.1n <ontc-t O PPOS ITE PAC E. UPPER LEFT: T u f....1ppa f:.p,ilun fro~tcrnllv , IH <df\ n): How :vlo~nv fhtn):' <..o~n 'luu Uu 1n thl' ~nuw · win' t c Gro~nd <..ho~mpwn Aw.~rJ MIDDLE LEFT : The -ettln): 'un -hed- it' 1.1'1 rav' of li!(ht on the ):irl' tUl(oi-war LOWER LEFT: :vlembl'r~ ut JT<.. .1nd Flemtnl( Ho~ll flo~,h bJ< 1- :hruu):h the ve.1r' durin~ their presentJtion or qut."en candiJo~te :vlarv john-on t: PPER LEFT : Debbu: Tcppo. -pon-orl'd t>v the :~lph<l ~il(m.l Alph.1 -ururi1\' portrav, the •hlldhood of Lo~u!(h-ln ~ tdith ,\nn LO WER RIG HT : K.uen Schoof, o~nd Po~tt1 B.1rr 'truggle .1nd tumble throu):h the threc-ll'l(l<\l'd r<~<e.


Five Candidates Highlighted Winter Carnival Week

" Sno Foolin' " initiated a variety of activites for Winter Carnival, 1972. Starting the carnival week on Sunday, February 6 , was the judging of the ice carvings, and a day of ice races on Lake Menomin . Queen candidates made their debut at the Queen's Tea on Monday. Wednesday' s Convocation exhibited the results of hours of work that went into the talent presentations of each girl.

THIS PACE. UPPER LEFT: ~ue Bl.~, kburn put• her blc1de to worJ.. for the bo~lloon •ho~v­ in~ t"onu:•t UPPER MIDDLE: ~m~er po~intin~ (,mnie Peter•un • b.x!v i• one lorm ot ut wrdy (.rimmon" en1ov•. uPPER RIGHT : <.)uet>n ,,-.ndid.ue KMen Arthur trom Tnnido~d ••n~.. If Mv fri~:nd• <.uuld ~t't' Me 0" LOWER LEFT : A little rel<~,allon and •tron)o: lun~.. dre needed to win the r•re .. mokin)o: conte'-1 LOWER RIGHT : The AFM Doll I louse lrCdte.. it .. prince.... doll. queen ,,-.ndid.lte <.olene jen.,cn OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER LEFT: The Pi Ko~ppa Dl'ltcl tratern•ty ... pon ..or of ~ue 'd"~. wi.. he., for the ideal ~irl U PPER RIGHT : The ta•te of beer .1nd the thrill of .1 (Ontc.,t tempt manv to part&t"&pate LOWER RI G HT: The a .... ,~tan<e of a pealcr set., c1 fa.,ter pcl<C for the ban.1n<1 cat in~ lonte?"t


Differing Activities and Competition Were Available

Throughout the week , teams of greek and dormitory organizations competed in races to demonstrate their laughing, lying, running, and other abilities. With the crowning of Sue Nass as queen on Friday evening, a night of carnival gaiety was opened. The Union was alive with " carney" games in the Ballroom. Alfono' s Jug Band performed in the Pawn, while the Snack Bar overflowed with dancers and observers who listened to and watched a musical conglomeration of Short Stuff, Tongue, and Swallow.


The annual broomball games , held Saturday afternoon at Wilson Park, had their quota of broken brooms, bruised shins, and toasting victors . That evening's Sno Ball Dance in the Snack Bar, and the Jug Band in the Pawn, made an unusual combination of evening wear, and hand clapping and foot stomping. Sunday's Alfresco Ice Races featured cold feet , " Boone's Farm", and sore throats , but also trophies and exc itement, to bring another year' s events to a close.

Carnival and Sno Ball Dance Culminated W eek UPPER LEFT: Alfresco offers hot chocolate and brat~ to warm up car racmg fans. UPPER RIGHT: After a b usy week Queen Sue • ass, her escort, and other couple~ en toy the ~oft music and slow movements of the ~no Ball Dance. LOWER RIGHT: Rock-blues entertainment du ring the Friday night (armval IS prov1ded bv the Short Stuff


of Festive Excitement

TOP: An exhausted carnival-goer relaxes and enjoys life for only a dime at the back rub booth. MIDDLE LEFT: Fans gather at the Alfresco car races, which close Winter Carnival Week. LOWER LEFT: As the crowd watches in anticipation, a pie thrower aims for her target's face. MIDDLE RIGHT: The Spring Green provides a variety of music for the Sno Ball Dance.


:> •

Stout Keglers Rolled Into First Place

Stout's keglers rolled their way to the Wisconin State University Conference Bowling Championship with a final standing of 302. The 1971 team lost only one match in the championship to Superior, and beat LaCrosse, their second place rival, by a splendid show of 12-3 . The team consisted of four steady bowlers: Jim Discher, Ros s Daniels, Rich Pasyak , and Jeff Roozen; and a back-up man , Dave Drew. The team lost two seniors, Jim Discher and Ros s Daniels, both great assets. Rich Pasyak and Jeff Roozen will be returning next vear to give Stout' s team a firm start. Dave Drew, the back-up man , will also be returning to aid the bowlers .


• e• •

L.PPER LEFT: Pin• tl\' .u tht> tmpaCII.ll a b.tll rolled wuh pre.:t-ion I.JPPER RIGHT: Con•dcmtiou•h jim Di•(ht-r re<urd• hi• te<lmm.ltC• ,,ore• MIDDLE RIGHT : Antt<tpattnl( a •tri!..t> Ru'' O.tniel~ .tppro<~,hc- the l.tnl' tn perle<ttorm BELOW: Rich<~rd Pa>\'ak kwp' up hi• tOo a\'Cr<ll(t> .

Diversified Classes Fulfilled Wide Range of Educational Needs

UPPER lEFT: Rehabilitation maJors are offered a class in si~n language, taught bv inqructors from the St. Paul Technical and \ 'ocational Institute. MIDDLE lEFT: Films prove to be a valuable educational aid for stimulating interest. M IDDLE RIGHT: Students benefit from the mteraction of a small group discus~•on m a psychology class LOWER LEFT : A student teacher for the American lndustrv class at the Menomonie High School instructs -tudenh with an educat1onal game

Winter Intramural Sports


Offered Involvement for Half of Student Bodv



I I f


Winter intramural spo rts provided students with exercise and enjoyment. Over 2500 participated, making this one of the most popular activities on campus. The intramural program was organized so that an individual, a g roup of individuals , or a unit could participate. Men' s units competed for an All Sports tro phy. The United Black Brothers took the men ' s bas ketball c hampionship over 60 other teams. Out of the SO teams participating in volleyball , the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity won the trophy. Sam Chin, playing for the winning team, the Bailers, wo n the intramural badminton tournament by placing first among 61 participants. Among the 68 competing swimmers, the Smokin team came out on top. The Kappa Lambda Beta Fraternity took top honors in the wrestling tournament. Women 's intramurals started with softball, but their biggest sport was volley ball. The United Black Sisters walked away with the trophy. The basketball championship was won by the Rolf Cats. Badminton was a one-night tournament. Out of seven participants, Barb Kach took first. The last winter activity was co-ed volleyball, which proved to be a huge success. Teams consisted of three members of each sex. The Rusty Zippers won the championship.

OPPOSITE PACE. UPPER LEFT: Cra•g ~ta rk strekhe~ for .t hi)o:h hit to become the third pl ace "inner in the badmintun tuurn.tmcnt' UPPER RIGHT : A hc1 rd ~pike bv 'ick M b'h det•e~ blockin)o: LOWER LEFT: Badminton I> one of manv Intramural spurt> in whkh ,,·omen participate. LOWER RIGHT: Tom Kopit?l..e attempt' <1 free thro" to up the ~1)': Ep ~ >core THIS PACE. TOP: The heldhouse •~ a popular place a- intramural vollevb.tll tea m~ battle for the satbtaction of winnin~ BOTTOM : ,\ >peedv basketball player dodge> his opponent in c1 drive toward the ba-ket


School Profited From Extended Library Services RIGHT : Helpful a~sistance is offered by ~tu足 dent librarians. LOWER LEFT: Manv film~ are at the disposal of facultv and studenb through the on-Print Media Center at the Library . LOWER RIGHT : A student carefullv read~ the self-instruction booklet for the mic~ofilm machine before attempting to operate it. BOTTOM: The Librarv subscribes to a wide assortment of newspa~rs to help students keep informed on current issues .


Concerned Offered Information and Help to Students and Community

Concerned, Inc., a group of volunteer workers, provided information about medical, legal, drug, and alcohol problems to the community through a twenty-four hour Hotline and DropIn Center. The volunteers received extensive training from qualified members of the legal, medical, and psychology professions before they were prepared to provide a listening ear. Working under an HEW federal community drug education program , Concerned has reached out into the area through projects with schools, teachers, and civic organizations ; offering counseling and referral services. The Hotline phone number to call for help is 235-9079. PPER LEFT: Bob Pla nk toun•eh. with a q udent at the Drop- In <.~n ter UPPER RIGHT: Jane Brundik look~ for in fo rmation at the Con~er n ed D r u~ Ldu (ation Offke LOWER LEFT : \ al Peter~on . a ns werm ~ the Hotline. adentilic• a prhtription d rug fo r a taller


D istinguished State Officials Related Views to Stout Community Vern Thomson, incumbent Congressman from the third Congressional District, spoke to students February 14 in the Student Center. Congressman Thomson reflected on a number of political areas. He believed that Nixon has done all he can to end the war and has gone more than the extra mile to achieve peace. He felt that most critics of the President do not fully recognize this. Regarding amnesty concerning the Indo-China war, Thomson was firmly opposed to granting it to American expatriates while American prisoners are still held by the North Vietnamese. He explained that this would be an injustice to those who have served in Vietnam. The Congressman felt it was necessary to have Federal involvement in setting pollution standards because the environmental project is so immense. Those in the Ballroom were also quite interested in Thomson's bill lengthening veterans' school benefits to more than 36 months , a much needed bill to help veterans who seem to be left in unemployment lines after returning from military duty. Wisconsin Governor Patrick Lucey conducted a rap session with students, faculty , and townspeople on Febraury 18 in the Ballroom. The question of the 18 year legal age was o f main interest. At that time Governor Lucey said it would be passed within thirty days. Speaking against the Vietnam war and the issue of amnesty, Lucey said it was unfair to " impose penalties on young people who also felt the war was wrong and refused to be a part of it." The Governor felt that after the war was over the question of amnesty could better be dealt with. Lucey stated he could not legalize marijuana at the present time but felt that reduced penalties for possession was a step forward for the state. Concerning prison reform, Lucey stated that Wisconsin's penal system is the " best in the country, and still in need of reform." Regarding abortion reforms , the Governor told students that court tests were preventing the legislature from passing anti-abortion laws. ABOVE: Congressman \'ern Thomson explains his proposed bill which would lengthen veterans school benefits. BElOW: Wisconsin Governor Pat Lucey reflects o n many pert inent topics during a rap session in the S tudent Center Ballroom.


Participants Challenged at Guidance Conference

UPPER lEFT: A huge crowd assembles in the Menomonie High School gymnasium for a general afternoon meeting session. UPPER RIGHT : Dr. John Weaver, President of the University of \1\'isconsin system, speaks on the necessity of helping society by helping its integral part- the individual. lOWER lEFT: A warm greeting is shared between Dr. john Jarvis and Dr. Elizabeth Simpson after her morning speech.


Menomonie High School was the site of the Annual Stout Guidance Conference held on February 17, with the theme of the daylong affair being " Professional SelfRenewal." The morning opened with an address by Dr. Robert Worthington, Associate Commissioner for Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, HEW Office of Education, Washington, D.C. He spoke on " Redirecting Guidance and Counseling: A Top Priority of Career Education." Dr. Elizabeth Simpson, Special Assistant to the Associate Commissioner, then addressed the conference on " Career Education- Feminine Version", giving her views on the problems and issues of career education for women . A special session was held over the noon hour with Dr. Barbara Thompson of the state D~partment of Public Instruction speaking. The afternoon general session convened to hear Dr. John Weaver, President of the University of Wisconsin system, speak on " Rendezvous with Destiny." Over 2000 classroom teachers, counselors, administrators, education personnel, and other related career personnel attended 80 sectional meetings held throughout the day on various phases of the theme.



Stout Highlighted WSUC Wrestling Tournament With the steady performances of two outstanding grapplers, Coach Sten Pierce' s 1971-72 wrestling team managed a respectable finish among Wis co nsin State University Conference opponents. Senior Hector Cruz and junior Dale Evans each began the season with the intention of repeating a third straight conference title win. Cruz and Evans both advanced to the championship matches in their respective 118 and 13-! weight classes; but Cruz, slowed . by rec urring injurie , was beaten by Jerry Reeves of Platteville. Evans , however, was able to repeat past performances by pinning his opponent, Keith Morin of La Crosse, in 57 seconds; thus becoming only the fourth man in the Wisconsin State University Conference history to win three straight titles. Cruz and Evans both went to the AlA tournament held in Klamath Falls, Oregon . Cruz pinned his first opponent but was forced out of competition on the second match with an arm dislocation. Evans continued on and brought home a fourth place trophy. Upon the graduation of Cruz, Stout' s wrestling hopes will lie on the shoulders of Dale Evans. OPPOSITE PAGE. ABO E: A Stout "re•der i• a" ardcd a two-potnt ta"e· down MIDDLE LEFT: Co<~ch Pierce tall..> to Steve Hennm~ about hts 'he>t mrurv LOWER LEFT: He"or Cru1 l..eeps jerrv Reeve' under control wuh .1 ~uillotine rid~! RIGHT: FiN place "m· ner Dale Evan' recetve> ht> third con•cx • utive ~told medal in the \\'SUC "re>tltn)O\ tournament alon~ with ,e,ond place "mner Keuh Monn of La Cro,-e. THIS PAGE. ABOVE: Stout, Hector Crul sets up a tal..cdown agam't Jerrv Ree\ e. of Platteville. LEFT: Dale Evans wo rl..• for a pm en route to ht~ record number oi eighteen point• for a mat'h





























ABO\'E: ·\ p.ltri,Hi, pert •rmo~n,t ,,: :'\lin. Evl'' H.Ho: !::>~n .e <...1"r" ,, e't:<:u: ...J m •t,.:n lo~n,.:u.l,.:l LEFT: ·\l-ro~h.1m. \11 ,1ftin o~nJ )ohr> ,, Jr. mo~ll · \JIIv Nntom1mcd !-v .1 •tuJ•·n· !rom T\ I BELOW: One tl\ , .su1o:nt o~nJ !-utcher,.J. i• the m.un HIUr•l· lur thl· Ho~• • Dmnn

Deaf Students Performed Poetic Selections in Sign Language An enriching, unique educational experience was brought to Stout by eighteen deaf students from the St. Paul Technical Vocational Institute in the form of a drama workshop on February 28. The selections which the deaf students performed were done in poetic sign language with beauty, grace and precision. Stout students active in the sign language class offered at Stout also participated in the program. They performed the " Lord' s Prayer" in sign language. The TV I students were brought to Stout in cooperation with the Vocational Rehabilitation Department Chairman Paul Hoffman , Dr. Donn Brolin, and Mr. Henry Redkey.


Problems and Policies Discussed by Speakers

UPPER LEFT: Dr Dunn Brolen prt••ent• Mr Hcn rv \ i•<·<1rJ1 il Dl"lln!!.Ui•h...-.~ ::,crn,c ,\w.JrJ lor hi• woriJwiJ«.> 1\0rk in r«.>hdbilitdiiOn liPPER RIGHT : \ "j,,.nJi rt'l:civ<'• c1 •t.mJin)!. ovdtiun lr,,m dn enthu-io~ ... tk c~uJi­ o:n(e BELOW: Dr Moumr L.1hr.m. 1:.1'\vpt • dmbd,•dJ,>r t<> Amerkd. Ji-,u ... ·~·- the \ liJJic Ed... t<ri•i"

Or. Mounir Zahran addressed Stout students and faculty on March 8 in the Student Center Ballroom. The Egyptian ambassador to the United States was sponsored by the Internationar Relations Club, and spoke concerning the Middle East crisis. A former practicing attorney at law in Cairo, Dr. Zahran joined the V.A.R. diplomatic service in 1958 , and has held the post of Chief U. . Technical Assistant to the V.A.R. In 1968, h~ was selected by the United Nations to participate on a committee to study the major problems of the U. Henry Viscardi has been described by Reader' s Digest as " living proof of his own conviction that no one, however handicapped , should ever stop hoping and trying and achieving. " On April 13, he was honored with a Distinguished Service Award at a banquet sponsored by Stout' s Department of Rehabilitation and Manpower Services. Speaking at the banquet, he stressed the needs of the young child and of all handicapped people. Viscardi was born without legs ; and is the founder and president of Abilities Incorporated, a Long Island concern made up entirely of disabled people. He is also a member of the President' s Committee for the Physically Handicapped. Author of seven books , Viscardi has been widely praised and honored for his contributions to business, medicine, and government.

14 1

Spring Theatre Presented Charlie Brown and Friend

THIS PAGE. ABOVE: Before the baseball game. the whole team roots for Lucv . Joanne McEntire, while .. he tries to give Charlie Brown, James Radatz, some helpful 'trateg)•. UPPER LEFT: Patti. plaved bv Sparky Lammer, takes 5noopv, plaved bv Jerome Zelenka. out on a rabbit cha~e RIGHT : Orrin Maki, as Schroeder, gives Charlie Brown a pu,hing ~tart to flv hi~ kite. OPPOSITE PAGE. UPPER LEFT: Linus . J Ethan Hardacker. does a ,oft shoe to My Blanket and Me.' LOWER LEFT: Lucy accompanies Schroeder in a rendition of a Beethoven composition. UPPER RIGHT: Jerome Zelenka s acrobatic talents are di~plaveJ in Snoopv ~ Suppertime number. LOWER RIGHT: The entire cast closes the fir~t act with the theme ._ong You rea Good Man. Charlie Brown


A platoon of Stout' s tudents and faculty pooled their talent , energy and resources to stage the University Theatre' s production of " You ' re A Good Man, Charlie Brown!" on March 2-4. Six small (the more diminuitive the better} students demonstrated that size is not what makes the actor in the spring play' s three day run in Harvey Hall Auditorium. The warm actors did not take over the characters ; they simply brought them to life, complete with foibles , fancies , insights, and wishy-washy Charlie Brown. Portraying the delightful characters were James Radatz , J. Ethan I iardacker, Orrin Maki , Joanne M c Entire Spc1rkv Lammer . and lerome Lelenka. D irecto r was Terrence Markovich , with mu ical direction by Gerald Myers.


Fake Money Flowed During Night at Capone's Casino

On Satu rday evening, March 4, a motley crew of mobsters took over the Union Snackbar and brought the wheels of chance into the temple of learning, as " Capone's Casino" opened for business . Fortu nes were made and lost, all in counterfeit script hot off the Stout graphic arts presses . At the night' s end, flappers cheered as the In ter-Residence Hall Council Gang, sponsors for the Casino, took the money back from their patrons in an auction. Inflation was the word , as Carole King' s " Tapestry" album went for a funny $800, 000.00. Perhaps due to a twinge of conscience, the IRHC people agreed to pay for the night' s entertainment, furnished by " Air Borne", with real green stuff.

UPPER lEFT: After a full evening of play. even the card shark is ready to throw in the deck. UPPER RIGHT: Capone s dealers have the upper hand and a hard cold ad vantage. lOWER RIGHT: Expert and novice alike try their luck at increasing their revenue


University Sy stems Merged; President Micheels Retired With the merging of the University of Wisconsin and the Wiscons in State University sys tems , the new official names o f the Universities were establis hed at the meeting of the Board of Regents on ovember 5, 1971. Stout State University became the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Upholding a tradition which began in 1891 , Stout's name remained as a tribute to its founder. All the other schools in the University system were named according to location . John Weaver, who had been President of the University of Wisconsin for a year, was chosen unanimously by the Board to head the newly merged system. Wisconsin became the third largest educational system in the nation . A decade has passed since William Micheels was inaugurated as President of Stout State College. On March 13 , Micheels was honored at Stout ' s Decade of Progress Dinner, as retiring Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Stout. The banquet was also in honor of Eugene McPhee, former Director of the system, for his service to the field of higher education in Wisconsin . Attending the banquet were alumnae, faculty members of Stout and the Barron County Campus, Chancellors of other Wisconsin Universities, , Regents, a State Representative, townspeople, and several students . Following the dinner, entertainment was provided by the Swing Singers of the Barron County Campus and the Stout Symphonic Singers . The audience then moved to Harvey Hall to be transported fron the present to the past by way of a multi-media presentation of Stout' s history , and the music and the sounds of the times. Dr. Nelva Ru nnals , chairma n of the faculty senate, expressed the feeling of all when she referred to Or. M icheels as " a president of an open door and an open mind."

ABOVE: The Symphonic Singers prov1de entertamment at the dinner honoring \\ illiam M icheel~ and Eugene McPhee BELOW: Mr. McPhee and Dr M1cheels reflect over their vears of e'perience and 'ervice in education


Women's Varsity Sports Encouraged Teamwork

Chris Zarnpach coached the 1972 women' s basketball team to a final standing of six wins and ten losses. The young team of twelve members had only one graudating senior, Chris Albertson. Performing with enthusiasm, the team proved that women can play an exciting game of basketball. Toby Boden was named Most Valuable Player, while Ann Storkect was the possessor of the Most Improved Player Award. Most Inspirational Team Member Award went to Chris Albertson. Women' s volleyball closed their season with a record of seven wins and eleven losses. The last games were played at the regional tournament at Superior. The team lost the first two matches , but carne back in the final match to win over Eau Claire. Coach Chris Zarnpach remarked that the match against Eau Claire was the best game the team had ever played. Connie Braeger, sopho more and team captain, was voted the Most Valuable Player; while julie Lenz, freshman , was named Most Inspirational.


OPPOSITE PAGE. ABOVE: C.~rol Lund. ~tout~ h•ghht and most consbtent 5Corer approachh the ba~ket to auempt another two points. BELOW: ~tout ~ Tobv Bodeen reache~ for the ball a~ain;t 1 onhland College of A~h­ THIS PAGE. UPPER LEFT: Speed m dribblin~ keep; Carol Lund ahead ot the ~arne UPPER RIGHT: Pam ~ervai~ ~pike!> one a!(ain~t the~~ Teres<~ "ollevball team. BELOW: Ener!(ellc ~ilvert punches hard for ~tout throu~h a f,"etul ot hair .

Individual Talents Developed Through Women's Sports The women ' s varsity swim team closed their season with the state conference at Eau Claire. Although the team placed seventh in the meet , there were several excellent individual performances. Coach Rita McKinley stated that the two outstanding swimmers were Marcy Sirotkin and Martha Heinmann , both freshmen. Marcy placed third in the 50-yard breast stroke and fifth in the 100-yard breast stroke. Martha took second in the 50-yard freestyle and sixth in the individual medley. Martha was chosen as the team' s Most Valuable Swimmer. She contributed 88 314 points to the team' s score for the season. Gymnastics coach Kay Carter had talent to work with as her team members brought state awards home. Margaret Keyes was awarded a bronze medal in vaulting and was also named Most aluable Gymnast, repeating last year's performance. Marcy Lindberg received a fourth place balance beam award , while Carol Parkinson captured a bronze medal in beginning vaulting.


OPPO ITE PACE. ABOVE:> L,>-ch i· moment.uilv '-u•pendt>J bet"l'en ro.ud .md "•Iter m the •wmt·n • J' n,.: "'mpt>titi,m BELO'r\': :VI.nth<l Heim<~nn rdpiJI\' impel-. hl'r•eli th rou~th the "dter with tn~: ~un,·rt'' •tr''"' THIS PACE. l.PPER LEFT : \ ldr)tdft't J...t'\·t-· l''l.hibit• her ~urerl<~ti•e b<~l<~nce be<~m r.•unnt l. PPER RIGHT : :VI.u, v LmJber,.: oerform$ her rout me on the ~dldn'e be.Jm wuh pre.:t,ton .mJ ..:r,,,., LO\\ ER LEFT : P.111v \\~ber ·:ret.:hl'· into her I ret> l:'l.l'rci..e routine. LOWER RIGHT : P,·rtl"- t k-<lldn_.· •· •h,m n ~' (..~r,>l P<~r ... in•on tn d routant' on thl' uneven p<lrJllel bdr'-.


Stunt Night Held Captive Audience for 25th Year

Stout' s annual Stunt Night, sponsored by the Phi Omega Beta Fraternity since 1947, was held March 16-18 in Harvey Hall Auditorium. It consisted of short skits put together by organizations and dorms. The FOBs provided the emcees, the between act fillers , and the backstage help. Winning first place in the Humorous division was the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity with their version of the Lawrence Welk Show. First place in the Beautiful division went to Alpha Phi with " I Believe In Music" . The Best Individual Talent Award was won by John Jacob of the Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity. Stunt Night provided wholesome and enjoyable entertainment, with proceeds going to the Jerry Erickson Scholarship Fund.

OPPOSITE PAGE. ABOVE: The Oldie Goldie Girls shimmer to A in t She Sweet. MIDDLE: FOB karate champion Mike Kaub demoMtrates his skill and endurance between act~ . BELOW: The Alpha Phis harmonaze to I Believe m :vtus•c . THIS PAGE. ABOVE: Lawrence \\elk open~ hi~ .. ho''' bv directing hi~ Champ.Jjo:ne Musicmaker.. in Bubbles in \\'ine UPPER RIGHT : Ahab the Arab. playeJ bv John Ja<ob of the Phi Sigma Ep5ilon Fraternitv , chants praise~ to hb mistre~s . LEFT : Sigma Tau Gamma s :vl.te \\ e.t moves in on the Mar' Brothers


Presidential Hopefuls Campaigned in Menomonie LEFT: •e,,• 'I ork Mayor John Lmd~.1v b ~reeted by Menom<lniW• at th<• Marion Hotel RIGHT: !;,enator Geor~e M(Govern ~peak~ m the Lini<>n Be~ II room a iter a bomb .., are prevented him from ente r in~ Hc1n I!V H.tll Auditorium

New York Mayor John Lindsay made a brief stop in Menomonie on February 19 on his campaign route to Miami. Lindsay drew a large crowd to the Marion Hotel and offered them a short inspirational pep talk. He stressed the need for a change in ou r present government. " Taxpayers are not getting an equal return for the amount of taxes being paid. The taxes are not getting back to the source," he stated. Present allocation of taxes , said Lindsay, went to Loc kheed (who received a $250 billion welfare chec k), an obsolete missle system, obsolete highways , and senseless killings in Vietnam. Mayor Lindsay also stressed the growing United States deterioration abroad and at home due to present wasteful governmental policies. " Unemployment, poverty, and racial descrimination - regardless of present administration policies - are still large problems ," felt the Mayor.

Senator George McGovern 's attitude toward the Vietnam war was the spark that drew several hundred students to the Student Union Ballroom on March 23 to hear him speak. He announced his intention to stop the war on Inauguration Day , should he be elected President. McGovern spoke of working toward a " humane, just, peaceful future for the United States." He called for the resolution that " never again will we let the young men of the United States die for corrupt foreign governments." According to the Senator, a President should never advocate a course of action behind closed doors which he cannot explain to the people; and neither should a President be afraid to say a mistake was made - and then correct it. McGovern' s campaign speech included his views on other issues pertinent to the Presidential race. Senator McGovern won the Wisconsin Democratic primary on April 4, collecting 29 per cent of the vote. 152

Theatre Presented Farce by Stout Speech Instructor

The original musical farce, " Rock-a-bye Your Own Monster, Baby!" was performed April 20-22 in the Quarter Square Little Theatre in the basement of Harvey Hall. " Rock-a-bye" was written by Noel Falkofske of the Speech Department, and was directed by his wife, Karen. This one-act musical farce depicted life in an experimental cage in a computerized society 227 years from now. Life in " Cage 32" included performing songs and dances from bygone eras. Richard Dopson played the role of Peter, an activist in a cowboy outfit, recently ordered into the cage. Rita Michelin was Tallulah, a discarded mis tress of high government officials. The Kernel, a former inventor of food pills, was played by Richard Bruhn. Chiquita Lolita was a genetic accident, depicted by Mary Perry. Musical numbers included some old favorites , and some written especially for the show. Special oddities included Bill Sandberg and Joe Miller as two enormous Jolly Greens who did ballet dances , Rick Sissel and Dan Meyers as the Sc reamin g Meanies who punis hed the cas t with giant clubs , and Nancy Gurn as a giggling Mother Nature who dispensed all sorts of " goodies."

Carrvtn~ dub., the S,reamtng Me.m ae., terrori1e the <XlU路 pant., ot Cd~e 32 UPPER RIGHT: Di~appointment h.m~., on the face of the Kernel <~her r芦civinl'l hi~ trinket from Mother dture. LOWER LEFT: Rich Dob>on plots the dc,truction of the dominating Booby



Family and Society Were Bases for Study in Home Economics


OPPOSITE PACE. ABOVE: A student in Haute Cuisine put$ his blade to work <:clrvin~ c1 prime rib roast for a formal dinner. BELOW : Kathv Ro~.m­ d~<:h emplov• c1 fin!'ter demonstration to hold the attention of the children c1t the Child Studv Center. THIS PACE. UPPER LEFT: Miss Dorothv Jensen e'plains unusual characteristiC$ of a piece of fabric to Clothing •tudent• .~nne Zander .1nd tlaine Huisman. LOWER LEFT: Sherry Habeck keep~ a close eve on her $ewin~ to produce strai~ht and even stitching. BElO W : Child Studv Center $tudents eniov Cathv Arndorfer·s companv while plavang in the sand bo'


Home Economics Classes Encompassed Wide Variety of Subject Areas


OPPOSITE PACE. LEFT : (.ar..,tul Jrapin~ "" the boJv torm '' rc<.~uireJ m orJer to o~,hre\t: a pr.,perh· tlltt:J ~arm.,nt UPPER RIGHT : ln"oh t>J m pn:parrn,.: a meal c1 F\loJ, ,tuJent <clretu lh · -hr.,J~ ' ' ee-o: LOWER RIGHT: The J•:teren,e' rn trbera- •een throul(h the mtd0'<0Pl' rc~-undte To:'"''"'' ,,uJent' THIS PA C E. u PPER LEFT : Dr Mc~r(lcl Met,alt dl'mon-tr.lle' to jan ~prechN ' ome -pe. ral ""'"""·IUl'' for Jraprn,.: fabrr< LOWER LEFT : BrenJc~ Mul· rv take- ad, dntdl(< ot the r<~Nr< •dmplc t'vo , .~,· arl<~ble rn the to:'\tlll'• db to comp.ete <~ protl'<t LOWER RIGHT: :"vlalt:- are c1 .ommon 'l!(ht rn tr>e ..... :,nen a- th~· ,,uJ,. :ood prepardllon tor a H<>tel anJ R~:-rdurdnt ~lanjitement Jl'~rre

Publications Recorded History of School Year Distributed weekly , the Stoutonia newspaper was edited for and by Stout students. Writing stories, selling ads, and applying layout and design techniques were among the duties performed by the staff. They learned the different methods of a paper's preparation for printing and distribution. The Stoutonia stimulated involvement and awareness on campus by covering events which directly affected all students. Though the 1972 Tower had a shaky start due to an SSA budget hassle and an irrelevant relevancy question , also from SSA, it emerged as a unique product of new ideas and innovations. The book ' s format was arranged in two distinct parts ; a chronological pict ure of the school's events from summer sc hool to spring graduation; and a g roup photo section including organizations , classes, sports teams , and faculty. The opening section set the theme for the book by depicting life at Stout and Menomo nie ; fi rst over many years , and then over the four seasons of one year. Because of the school's early closing date, and the inclusion of the entire year's events in the book, it was printed over the summer and distributed at the beginning of the 1972-73 school year.

UPPER RIGHT : Ehlert. To"er Photo Editor crop, h" ~7<lth photo!':rclph J~ )OJnte Trcdon Editor and Rhoda \\arren Editor-m-Chief re"e" <OP'' iitting pnxedure> MIDDLE RIGHT : To"er Produ(lion Editor john Dun~h!r e'pl.:~in~ proper layout techmqub to Bu ~me,~ Mana!i:er Rudv 'oval... BELOW: Swift (OOrdinated work 1<11-.b pl.:~ce on Tue,Jav ni~ht a> the Stoutonta >tat! prepare; a paper to be Jbtributed Thur~dav night

WVSS and SSA Provided Avenues of Communication UPPER LEFT: Policies and acti\'ities concernmg students are discussed at SSA meeting~ . MIDDLE LEFT: Taking hi~ turn at on-the-air announcmg. Bob Barwa keep~ a clo~e watch on the control panel LOWER LEFT: Ace :vtatthews, coordinator of \1\1\ 'SS. al wa\'~ has ume for a laugh between b roadcast~

The Legislative Division, the Activities Division, and the Judicial Division of the Stout Student Association held all student governing responsibilities. Every student at Stout was a member of SSA, and could hold a position in any division. During the 1972 year , SSA helped to set up beer on campus on a one-year trial basis. It began " What ' s Happening" on WVSS , a program including discussions relevant to campus affairs. A research committee was formed to investigate the problem of bomb scares on campus. A copy machine was made available for student use in the Student Center; and an entertainment reciprocity program was set up with the Eau Claire and River Falls campuses. The SAA also conducted a voter registration drive; and approved several new associated campus organizations . In the 1966-67 school year, a project was approved by the Speech Department and the State University System in response to a student demand for a campus radio outlet. The basement locker facilities of the former Central Elementary School were remodeled into a modern radio facility ; equipment was purchased; and the first test broadcasts were held in the spring of 1970. The next year, regular broadcast days were established and a staff recruitment drive was carried out. In the past year, WVSS expanded its staff size and its broadcast week; and added an educational program. Also new were remote broadcasts of sports and public events.

Track Team Exhibited Fine Performances


OPPOSITE PACE. TOP: St Thoma, and Northland Colle~e opponenh provide competition for ~tout' Denni' Tethelem in the 50 vard lo" hurdles. MIDDLE LEFT: jule.. Butcher .. a•l~ over a hu rdle m one of hi~ 't ro nge..t events, the SO yard low hurdles LOWER LEFT: To m Hackbar clea rs the high bar to the ~c hool record at o o RIGHT: A ..chool mile run record i' set by Bob Sandst ro m at 4 minute~ and 17 secon d~ . THIS PACE. ABOVE: john Chartrand and Bob,tro m spla>h through a water barrior in a non-,coring even t the .,teeplecha'e BELOW: j u l~ Butcher wm .. the conference fi r~ t place in triple Jumpmg .

Stout's track team, which gained a share of the title of the 1972 Wisconsin State University Conference track championship for the first time in the school's history, scored in 11 of the 18 conference events. LaCrosse, who grabbed the Indoor Conference and the Conference Relay titles , was favored to win the Outdoor Conference title also, but saw Stout come all the way up from a seventh place finish last year to tie for the title. Senior Jules Butcher, who won the Most Valuable and Outstanding Player Awards, a repeat of last year, was the only triple jump winner in the conference. A victory leap of 45 ' 2 V2" set a school record. Bill Lemsky, who accounted for ten points for the Bluedevils, placed second in the three mile run , breaking his own school record. The 440 yeard relay team of Burwell, Harris, Zellmer, and Butcher, with their speed and perfect handoffs , accelerated to a first place victory. All of the 1972 track team showed an excellent effort. Junior Mark Burwell was voted Honorary Captain, the second year in a row that he has received that honor. The Most Improved Athlete award went to senior Ken Kranz, for his sincere dedication throughout four years on the squad.


Stout' s Diamond Men Evened Conference Score


Warm weather finally blessed the baseball team on the last day of the 1972 conference schedule. The diamond men won their last two games, allowing their conference record to break even at 88 , with an overall record of 12-19. The season closed with a pair of wins over the Platteville Pioneers, 14-4 and 10-6. The young team displayed good pitching and allround fine performances throughout the season. The Most Valuable Player title was awarded to junior Russ Flanigan. Senior Dan Waldvogel was named Best Defensive Player for a repeat of last year's award. Tom Spiedel received the Most Improved honor and Gary Buckley was Stout' s Rookie of the Year.

OPPOSITE PACE. TOP: Superior 'tretches to tag out a Stout hitter a~ he into home ba~e. BOTTOM: Jerrv Leonard c racb one for Stout THIS PACE. UPPER LEFT: Pitcher Terry Alexa c1nd Jerry Leonard warm up tn the bullpen before .1n inning. UPPER RIGHT: Ne't up to bat Karl Kroening veil, ell Tim Van Heir~eele to keep standing a' he runs in LOWER LEFT: Terrv \le'a tak~ timeout for advice from C.oach MintL



Wisconsin Idea Theatre Expressed Indians ' View

On April17 in 'Harvey Hall, the Wisconsin Idea Theatre presented the play " A Gentle Smoke Signal." Sponsored by Native American Awareness, the play was a multimedia exploration of the relationships between the Indian and the white man. The hour-long presentation was composed of a series of skits, slides, tapes, and live music. The purpose of the play was to make the audience aware of the feelings of the American Indian, as well as the problems res u lting from the white man's invasion of the country and culture which was once theirs.

UPPER LEFT: Driving up in his sports car. an average " 'hite American from; ew York looks for Indians. UPPER RIGHT: A white man wear~ the mask of an Indian in order to carry out his sc<~lping assault LOWER RIGHT : Indians !>ing in prote~t of the white man ~lies .


Sig Eps Captured All Sports Trophy for Third Year

Intramural tennis and softball concluded the amateurs' season of competitive play. Out of nineteen tennis participants, John Ozmanske, playing for Milnes Won, took first place in the tournament matches. 41 teams vied for the softball championship. The Chicago Clubs walked away with the trophy. T earns accumulated points for the All Sports Trophy throughout the entire year. The winning team, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, took the trophy with 1100 points, while Milnes Won was close behind with 1034 points.

UPPER LEFT: Earl McMahon rushes to meet the ball in an intramural tennis match . UPPER RIGHT: Mike Moutor stays in the top scoring for an intramural tennis match with a proper forehand stroke. BELOW: The Sig Ep's intramural softball spectators anticipate a strikeout.


Creative Arts Festival Held Near End of Year

ABOVE: An attentive audience absorbs the message prhented by a ~peaker during the Creative Arts Festival held the week of April 24 UPPER RIGHT: Professor Peter Busa of the University of Mmne~ota speaks on Creative Imagination in Art on April 25. LOWER RIGHT : Musician Andrew Bolotowsky, who has performed numerous concert .. throughout the Unated States. presents a concert of twentieth century mus1c for solo and alto flute on April27 in conJunction with the Creative Art.. Festival.


Formal Dinner Served Stout s Haute Cuisine, o r formal eating, classes presented an " International Passport dinner on April 22 in the Ballroom of the Student Center. The dinner, lasting seven hours , consisted of fifteen courses of gourmet delicacies from around the world. The gourmet delight attracted eightysi>-. distingui~hed guests from Indiana , Chicago, ew York , and the Twin Citie , as well as the local area . Planning for the 530 per cou pie dinner began before Christmas. Normally the cost would be 5125 per couple, but because students performed the labor and because the wine, silver, china , and crystal were donated , the price was reduced to an amount which barely met expenses. Mr. joe King of the downtown Minneapolis Radisson Hotel co ntri buted the silver, china , and c rystal; while Great \!\'estern Wines of ew York furnished the wine. T he succes ful dinner received many compliments , including one from the Chicago Tribune Food Editor , who said it was one of the finest dinners she had ever had.

UPPER LEFT: M r P.JUI l:oeJe J nJ lleilJ thef 1-..enneth Fo' .ue en)o:ro-.l·J m dedn n~ lut-~ tt·r~ LOWER LEFT: Th~ ku, hen ,re" "'n~ i~llnl'( ol H.lutt• lut~ m, dJ-- mt·mlx·r~ , I<H ,, N" ,It the c.mdu ~ t<IO ol tht me,ll RIGHT: Tt·rr\' 1-..nuwle~ ~en··~ Fl.1m1n~ Ru--i.m Blt'l'n\' . "oth tl'o; -~o~t .mt~: <II Rl< h.uJ Bro,.:)(~


Comedy-Tragedy Portrayed Complexities of Life

Edna St. Vincent Millay's one act play " Aria dE Capo" was presented in the Quarter Square Theatre on April 27-28 with two showings nightly Director of the production was Steve Mcintyre. The play covered all the complexities of life within a medieval setting. Troubadours openec the play, which began as a comedy. It was suddenly interrupted by a group of tragedy players. Thi~ play took its inevitable course; and the comedian~ returned, overlooking the tragedy that had jusl taken place. The play portrayed situations whid happen often in life.

UPPER LEFT: Colu mbine, Joanne McEntire, rejoices when her lover tell! her she will become a star. UPPER RIGHT: T he masque of tragedy. Pete1 Lewan. calls in the shepherds to begin the tragedy. LOWER LEFT: In th1 comedy. the scholar Pierro!, j . Ethan Hardacker, meditates over ways I< woo his lover. Columbine. LOWER RIGHT: Sitting on the hillside. shep路 herds Evan Sasman and David Kluge open the tragedy scene.


UPPER LEFT: Parents Weel..end provides time for parents and students to the encou nters of colle~e life. UPPER RIGHT: The Food Service becutives A••ociation prepare• a •umptuou<. dinner for parent~ and s tudent.. MIDDLE: Small group performanc~ a re a part of the Parent .. Weekend concert BOTTOM: Parent• are fac;cinated bv the concert performed ior thetr en1ovment dt•cu~~

Parents Weekend Opened Avenues of Communication ParePts Weekend, April 28-30, provided an opportunity for students to introduce their parents to their way of living. Many activities were scheduled, including a free movie; coffeehuuse entertainment by Bob Hardy; a dance; a concert by the Concert Band, Symphonic Singers, and Girls Glee Club; social hours; tours of the campus; and organizations displays. The Tau Kappa Epsilon Bush Bash was also open to parents, showing a more realistic side of college life. To conclude the weekend, the Delta Zeta Sorority held a Pancake Brunch on Sunday which many families attended.

Netters Showed Best Season Performance Ever

UPPER LEFT: Mar' B~n.t ing. the Bluede' 1l ~ number one man. show~ the form which ha~ t•nJbled h1m to att.un a ~m~le~ r~ ord of 10-3 UPPER R IGHT: Smooth. f.J,t m.wement &n.tmg tUCdtch the ball in fli~ht

The Stout tennis team ended its sea on with an 8-5 record as they picked up two wins in the last "'-'eek of plav , nailing \t\'inona 8-1 and Stevens Point o-3. Marv Benzing, Stout s number one man, won b-2 and o-1 over Winona. Bob Bucklev won b-3 , 7-b; Dan Roedl 7-6, b-2; Tom Casadonte won o-1, 6-2 ; Mark Holdredge o-1, o-0 ; and Garv Andres won o-·L -l-o. The doubles matches saw Stout s number one team of Banzing and Buckley , and number two team of Roedle and Casadonte win scores of 6-1 and b-0, and 7-6 and o-2 , respectively. Ben/ing finished his ingles season against Point with 15-5 bv shutting out his opponent 6-0 and o-0. Buckley finished 11-7 with a o-0 , o-2 victory and Roedl ended with an 11-5 mark bv beating hi opponent o-2 and 7-5. The 8-5 record earned by Coach Bob Smith and his squad was the best ever for a Bluedevil team.



Golf T earn Played Short Season

ABOVE: A Stout golfer drive!> on the fourth tee RIGHT: Putting, jon Kressin allows fo r green curvature BELOW: Arnold Palmer misses another close one.

The 1972 golf season ran from April 20 through May 6. Stout' s golfers obtained a final standing of three wins , ten losses, and one tie. All of the meets were triangular or quadrangular except one. Although Stout tied for eighth place with Superior in conference play, the team showed fine work for the amount of outdoor weather available. Joe Springer, voted the Most Valuable Player, had an average score of 78.1 for the season; and deserved recognition on the conference level.


Largest Class Presented at Spring Commencemen t

The rapid growth rate of Stout was shown by the 1972 graduating class. The class of nearly 800 was the largest in the seventynine year history of the University. Among those honored at the commencement ceremony on May 13 were two distinguished alumni, Lenore L. Landry, for her wide contributions to home economics; and Verne C. Fryklund, a former army colonel who served as President of Stout from 1945 until his retirement in 1961. Representing the faculty with a charge to the graduates was Dr. John Deutscher, professor in Counseling and Personnel Services. The student representative who spoke was Hector Cruz. Following the ceremony, a reception and din ner was held in the Commons for the graduates, their families and friends.


OPPOSITE PAGE. TOP: Studenb m the school of lndustrv and Technology ~tand waiting to receive their diploma~ BELOW: Acting Chancellor of Stout. Ralph G. lver~on bestows the Oi~tingu1shed Alumni Service Awards on Lenore L. Landrv and \'erne C Frvklund. THIS PAGE. UPPER LEFT: Repr~enting the student body Hector Cruz challenges the graduates LOWER LEFT: The faculty charge to the graduates is given bv Dr john Deut~cher ABOVE: Member of the Board of Regent~ for the l,;niver~itv of \-\ i~con~m ~v~tem. jam~ G . Solberg pr~ents the diplom.1'


Greeks Organizations IJorrns Off Campus Seniors Awards Sports Faculty 0




































































































































177 192 214 240 242 274 276 292 176

FRO~'T ROW: Lori Ro~rts Darla Deer Anita \<\ illiams Ann Breitweiser SECO:-.iD ROW : Sue \'ernon Becky Hagen Sue \'\ allace Aleda Schuetz. Rosie Prutz. THIRD RO W : Cindy Ballard Sue ~yzewski. Colleen Thorp. Sandy Holten Mrs Jan Pierce. advisor FOt:RTH ROW : Miss Linda Rislev. advisor; Carol Ki\'i, Miss Mildred Turnev advisor. Maureen Peterson . Cathy Halama. Pat \\ roblewski; Linda Jaeger TOP ROW : Jan Werblow ; Carolvn Olson . Jovce Reit . Ruth Dav . Lori Spears. Barb Lovance

Alpha Omicron Pi


FRONT ROW: Cindy Menna. Barb Burgess ; Lonnee Anderson; jan Vertrees; Cathy Mehring. Trudy Nodgaard. Mary Paula Fasbender. Amy Hall. SECO 0 ROW : Barb Elfstrom. Sandy Meixner. Lois Hackbart. Carole Dettman. Chris Schultz. jeanne Field. Kathy Zutz; Ann Velander. THIRD ROW: Rosanne Cuda. Sue Funk; Mary Hintzman; Ellen Matthias. ancy Ekurn. FOURTH ROW : Bonnie Shafer; jill Ott; Sue Hintzman. Rhonda Wrobel; jane Cronin. Terry Krause. TOP ROW: jill Trzcinski; Sue Wilkie; judy Olson; Maryann Koeppel!. Sherry Habeck; Nancy Wilder.

Alpha Phi


FRO NT ROW: Cheri Desmarais. Kathy Landwehr; judi Marek. Wilma Gregory . Patricia Glines, Ruby Hull; Lynn Raasch. Connie Prochaska; Lynn Stanley. SECOND ROW : Pat Demerath; Penny Kienbaum. Beverly Maasch . Margi jacobi, Lorri Brown. Pat Okeson; Sue Kade; Joanie Tredon ; jan Hamilton. T HIRD RO W: Marcia Prellwitl.; Monique Cooper, Kay Knudtson . Bonnie Saupe; Cheryl Rew; Karen Mickelson; Gaye Hoese; Patti Kadonsky ; Sue Mo rgan. Maggie Gliniecki; Kathy Roasandich. FOURTH ROW: Janice johnson; Pam Lemke; Sandy Swanson. lone Van Blariconm; Kathy Omillion. Kris Magnusson. Peggy johnson; jan Johnson , Pat Anderson. FIFTH ROW: Debbie Teppo; jean Cou rt; Bette johnson; Diane Trengen; Mary Ellen McArdle. TOP ROW: Margaret Holbus; Diane Gutgesell; Marcia Seegers. Kathy Scott

Alpha Sigma Alpha


FROi\'T ROW : Cindi Covin. Mrs. Julie Anson, advbor Marv Loren1 SECOND ROW : Laura Johnson; Ann Davis , Jill Paske. Kathy Caturia. Carol 1owilk, LeeAnn Steffen. THIRD ROW: Rhonda Hagen. Barb Maa~ . Pilula Rae Anshus. Deb Rodencal. Yvonne Ret<~:inger ; Barb Beutler. Sue Harmann , Ann Povlick, Lo1s Gullickson. Candy RaJchel Janie Schave FOURTH ROW: Linda Sherwin. Jane Larson. Audrev Kovach Gail Ambroz . Karen Anastasia, Gin<~ Perry Debb Werth TOP ROW : l<..av s,hne•der J<~ne Zimbric. Bub Reed. Dvan Mazanec. Sandy Coloso. Debi Beebe

Delta Zeta


Sigma Sigma Sigma

BOTTOM ROW : Donna Strub Marilyn Drew; Carol Marotz. Martha Timmerman, Barbara Schroeder. Marie Thomforde. Lynn Powell. judy Bonhiver. Donna Anderson ; Bonnie Kern. Sandy lsaccs. Donna Flaherty. SECO D ROW : Leslie Stewart. Gloria Tabor; Valerie Peterson. Carol Flynn. Sue Elvers; Linda Larson. Paulette Opsal, Debbie Devich. D1ane jones. TOP ROW : Lorna Hanson . Char Terbeest. Carol Andrew; judy Steffel.... Bernie Motter. janet Mules Chris Albertson. Sue Thompson. Sue Mallack. Lori Travis, Mary jo Zimmerman. Sue McMorrow Sue johns



.....- - -

Gamma Sigma Sigma

FRO T ROW : Janet Wagner. Dorthy Babler; Anita Olson; Sue Plehn; Peggy Christoph. SECOND ROW : Karen Ehle; Betty Frey; Pat Kilcoyne; Linda Dixon. Linda Swenson. THIRD ROW: Donna Macke; Marthy Empie; Joan Broadwater; Bobbi Voss; Lynne Ballzer; Chris Olson ; Barb Uebele. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Damon. Renee Ramsay; Peggy Schlais; jane Kochnowicz; Merry Vinette; Susan Cropp; Barb Jennings. adine Wangler; joan Houser. TOP ROW: Barb Burton; Chris Leland; Margaret Yachinich. Karen Skjegstad; Kathy Adams; jackie Worm; Ruth elson; Janet Wagner.


FRO, T ROW : Patrick Phalen; Don Chastan; Dick Vahga. SECO N D RO W: Mr Kenneth Erickson, advisor; Dave Lehman, Bob Damon. Earl Duckwall. Dave Shafel. Dan Schmitz, pledge. THIRD RO W : Arnold Footle; Pete jeffers, AI Niebhur; Mike Radtke, pledge. FOURTH ROW : William Reimann, Vaughn Bray, William Schaller; Tom Charles. TOP: Art Daniels.

Alpha Phi Omega


Chi Lambda

FRO T ROW: Norm Franke. Arnold Oswald; Fred jerina, joe Giljohann ; Paul Goede, advisor. SECO D ROW: Pat lnda; Dennis Fangmeyer; Jerry Melin; Dennis Tiernan; john Laufenberg. Charles Weydt, advisor. TOP ROW : Wayne Knight; jon jensen; Russell Lenz; Ken Finke; Ken Reader, Dick Anderson; Barney Klecker; john Chartrand; John Germain .


FRO. T ROW: Tom Maedl..t, Marl.. Dreifuerst, jay Watl..ins. SECO D ROW: Curt johnson. Paul Hayward, Mike Tatro. THIRD ROW: Marl.. Dtedrich ; Mike Thibado. Bob Rtchardson . Don Hetmerman Terrv Wat l..tns FOURTH ROW: Bob Gauger Keith Rocklewit7 Bob Fie!..~ Fred Beyer john Matteson , Marl.. Blahnik. Ray Romblom. Dale \'an \'reede BACK ROW : Ken Kran7 ; jim Kolod.:ne; Warren WedepohL Steve 1 ovot nv. Dan Brandl. Tom Holdorf

Kappa Lambda Beta


FRONT ROW: Barney Sh•:eres; Chuck jacham. SECO, D ROW: Joe Cssel. john icholson, Mark Bergen, Mike Kaub; john ~aveland , AI Ro~ ­ sal. THIRD ROW : Rick Pauly. Mike Short; Frank Kaylor; Rick janos BACK ROW : Rick Bergen, Gary Kohnke; Randy Hawthorne, Larry Shimono; John Evans .

Phi Omega Beta


FROl\IT ROW: Chuck Walters . Tim o路connor; Ray Culver Marl.. Mueller Scott Biclder SECOND ROW: Douglas Radiske, Tom McFarlane. Dr August SchuLt, advisor THIRD ROW: Ed Siefert, advisor. Glenn Amhaus. Bill Murphy . Denms Bartel. Jeff Bergerson; John Degraff John Jacobs. Tim Schult. FOURTH ROW: Bruce Padley. Tom Tom Jones . Gene Bruening. Jim Prusa. Jerrv Kraus; Mike Hopfen~perger. Dave 'Ailliamsen. FIFTH ROW: M1l..e Ogrezovich; Dale MagedanL, Tom McDonough. Dave Mayer. Randy Iverson. Jim Fritz. Marv Tancl.. TOP ROW: Paul Udee; Mike Sherman; Mike Carroll; Cordy Cnmmms

Phi Sigma Epsilon


Sigma Phi Epsilon

FRO, T RO W : AI Buros; Jim Rabe; Jim Heiden , Tom Colden. SECOND RO W: Cary Kroening; Ray Ehlert THIRD ROW: Kevm Krinke; Mike Muchowski. Dennis Urbanek, Earl McMahon, Rod Zivney Rich Bunsgaud, Dave Leindecker; Chuck Meyer, Craig Stark, Brad Krizan . TOP ROW: Tim VanHeirseele. Stan Strub, Keith Peterson; Kim Gruetzmacher, Jerry Parks; Chuck Willihnganz Terry Schoenrock


Sigma Pi

FRONT RO W: AI Spakowski; Dan Mendini; Bob Scaife, Larry Trampf. Ken 'eilson SECOND RO W: Mike Hosni; Mike Pomrening, Bert Kietzow; Ted Pagels, Ken Stangel. T HIRD ROW: Pat Donley , advisor; AI Grabowski. Roger Gut , Donald Olson, housemother, Bill Pendelton, Roger Reinert. Bill Shepard; jerry Stoisolovich, Rick Whigbtman .


FRONT ROW: Mike Shimeta; Dale Gemignani. SECOND ROW: DavE Stoinski; Steve Henrich; Pete Castrilli; jack Polacek; jeff Gramoll. THIRD ROW: joe Hank; Ron McDowell; Mike Holzkopf; Tim Platner; AI Mar路 otz. FOURTH ROW : Dave Vidlock ; Paul Larson; Robbie Clapp; Bill Schlough; Wayne Peterson. TOP ROW: jan Hicks; Frank Fialkowski; Dave Baumann; Steve Schoen; Gary Lilyquist; Tom Belpedio.

Sigma Tau Gamma


Tau Kappa Epsilon

BOTTOM ROW : Jerry Florian. Paul Arazny, Pete Erpelding. Bill Burmesch . Dale Stieglbauer. SECO , D ROW: Gary Delisle. Jim Northrop. Mr Fred Breisch, advisor. Jim Bonim; Bill Genett ; Ed Miklavcic THIRD ROW : Bob Mitchell; Ray Jacobson. Damon Weiss. FOURTH ROW : Dan ichols Jack Bong. TOP ROW : Jim Luisier. Dick Widmer


FRO:"o/T RO W: Earl McMahon Bob Richardson. Rick \'\'ightman. S teve Schwarz. SECOND ROW: Die!.. Anderson. Eric Bloohm. Lam路 Trampf. Glenn Amhaus

Interfraternity Council

FRO:-.'T RO W: Lorena Robem . Mar\'ann Koeppel! Bonnie Kern. Diane Gutsesell Patricia Fahrman Jill Trzcinski. SECO:"D ROW: janet Smith ja:lice johnson Judy Bonhi\'er Deoorah De\'ich Be" Maa<ch

Panhellenic Council


FRO T ROW : Richard Herling. Christopher Dne.,~en . Gerald Stnz fhoma~ Ha~mann \\'illiam Reimann . Thaver Davis SECO D ROW : R.wmond Keil Garv Chn~ten,en . Ed"ard :-.!ewcomb. Gerald \ 'anevenho'en RKhard Moore G S \>\ all THIRD ROW: R A Schaefer Roben Ltmbre(ht Dean Ziegenbetn . jerome Bergmark. Dav1d Brethor,t .

Epsilon Pi Tau

FRONT ROW: Margaret Keve~ Beth• Jakubicz . Barbara H.llpin lone \an Blaricom. Leonore <.:lark Su.,an \\'allc1ce; Tepe Lc1vone Sneen. Eileen Bc1rt1 Gladvs Anfin.,on Martha Empie SEC01 0 ROW : Rhoda \\ arren Manlvn Drew; Diane )one~ Sandv Han~on 'anl ,. Obon jan Du1vn~ki Marv Bellin Kathv \'ol'el Maureen Frigo Delore.. Bitner. THIRD ROW : jane Strenjiter Su.,an \\'ilkie. Lynne Balt1er Kc11hv \ inette. Donn.1 Macke: Marv Ann Kleman Connie Ander.,on Lvnn KO'a Patricia Kilcovne \ tcki Oeldrich Chervl Rew judith Smallev. J...athv Gerken FO u RTH ROW : Barbara Behrend joann Tappa . Linda \..\'ieJenmeier ¡ Carol Thompson Beth Elmlinger. Su.,an Maver; Rita Ol.,on ja,quelvn \\ orm Margaret\\ inkelman, Diane Kraus . Karen Koerner. Donn.1 Herrlich

Phi Upsilon Omicron


FRONT ROW : , dnn• <..urn Teunn Medcdll Jov•e An)'tol (vnthi,, D ROW : Joe Rkhc~rJ~,m \\illi.lm ~dndl:>er)'t Ruben ~' h<~eller Jc~me~ R.Jdclt7

Alpha Psi Omega

~dndbcrt(. SECO

FRO:"\'T ROW: Mutha llc~lama Su .. an, a>s. Su ...m John> Pew· ~chlai .. D ROW: Ho"ud Hebe Colene )t:n .. en Kri.. une Stratm.m Chn>one Pederson Patri<e Smith THIRD ROW : Torr~· John>on Mart... Burwell

~heila Kunt...e. Janke Seolacer SECO

Pi Kappa Delta


FRONT ROW: Chrbtopher Dne--•cn Ronald John~on . Thoma~ Cropp Jefferv Miller Ho".ud Paul~on Catherine Brown Connie Hartlaub. SEC0 D ROW : Bvron Ol ...on . Gerald ~herwood ~Ieven Campeau David Olson Timothv Sl..inner Samuel \\ood THIRD ROW : Alan Carlson R<~lph l•en~rg . Kenneth Frve Anthonv Fa1io David Shafel Connie Step.m FOCRTH ROW : Carol Lm~tedt Oa\'ld Dworal... jan Hie!..~ Darvl 'rounJlman David Lehmann . (.;erald Jobin

University Student Senate

University Activities Association

FRONT ROW : Pamela Fieber Jovce Seefeldt . Dennv Allar Lawrence Barbara McGinn.'- SEC OND ROW: Karen Hol1inger ~andr,, Hanson Carl Evan~; Marl.. Burwell Joanne Carmi. THIRD ROW: Leon Ol~on Gerald \<\' alter~ . True Carr Randall Smith. DouAla~ SurA~



FRO/\I RO W : C.•rdle. b .t RJm~..,. !:lwphen \\ tiJ...m,,>n Dvuto:l·•!:lur!(o:' Debbte Ho~o~- M<~r ie SECOND ROW: t.harli, Br.~J, Tom T .mno:r Craito: Si!(el Chn- John Ri,h.uJ \ Jlt!(.!

Pawn Staff

FRONT ROW :\-\ avne StrOn!(. \\ ilham McGraw · Re' 1-..oderl Addt~ Rna Smtth. Roben Bar...,a Richard Wiese; Clarence Plato Carol !:lmith SECO D ROW: Jav Musil. Thomas Prescon Mo~rnn Eggert. )o~mes Rada11. jane Goet~ \ 'irginia Schert~ . M<mha Halo~ma . Judith Ra~­ mus~en THIRD ROW : Thomas \-\'rensch. Joseph Tirv Harold G.mdre; Ted Kline; Robert Hannu . Robert Lund . Toni Her£ber!(. Da' td FatrbanJ...~ . ,.),nhur Matt hew~ . Coordm.uor of Radio .

WVSS Radio Staff


FRONT ROW : ancv Swick, MarvBeth \1\ olff. Dan Cook; Ellen Schwab 8Mb Rilev SECO D ROW: Stephen Gebert . Katherine Hodgson \ erlame Haeberlein s,ott Kmmore. THIRD ROW : Paul Janzen . Thoma• 1-:luse. Donald Puffer; David Kopvdlow5ki. Mark Burwell

Stoutonia Staff

Tower Staff

Rudv 1\:ovak. Rhoda \ arren john Dunster. Ray Ehlert. joan Tredon .


FROI'\"T ROW: l.mJv ~,hn.!l..~nN.-r~ . j.1n~1 DcrN.-r l.twll',·t,·r,,m !I.!Jr ,.:Jret Fl)<)te juJv ~<l)ll' ,\nttd ()l,,,m Lu, mJJ 0):J<•n l<t.!nn• l.11in1 ~Jllv !<tl,.:en,,m Jill 011 Jo~ni' Phillip' k.m '>m.t,JI R<>,<'m.Jr\· lkr!( \-I.Jr,.:Jn·t \-tanto..,. ~hJr<>n ~' r.1m SECO, D RO\>\ : ...,.,llv Bru".u ~u,,tn (),"' ntn):. l:.uh R<>-.lvnn GJbnd 1-..trcn ·\nhur \\ oln1.1l.. l.!n<· l r<>ntn G,l\·1~ Kurll L<>ri ~pl'.lr' \-1.arv Ul,·n Mu\rJI .... juJv~trU< 1.. :v!Jrl.t P.tlm<·r H<>llv Br<>Jl'ril 1.. lonnn~ \\ 1bbl' LmJ.t Rober, ! ..._,"'~" THIRD ROW : <.hri,tin<' p,.J,·r-.on R,., KoJcrl. \\ 1llio~m En,, Phtlap I rahm-. Gero~ld \\ ,,J..ow MJrl.. h•l" H<·rm.:m <.,nmm Ri, hard llJU< J..,. LJrrv Hud,on AdJ.-. ~tJnkv john,<>n H.11oiJ (<><>l..c D1rc. II) I FOU RTH ROW: ~Ieven Lun,,·th ~'"II \nJel,vn Midtael 1-.<>1-.tJJ Ken nl'th Frve Rkh Dop,<>n D.m1d :VIchll't' j.tml.'' l.,,trven-.. Da\ld Ll.'tnd~J.. 1!1 R.1nJ F<>" Patn<l.. Re1J. J'Jul Rtn~<JUI'-1. tvJn ~.,~mJn \\ illic1m 1-.Jnc

Symphonic Singers

FRO""T ROW : Grc1ce Chan B<>nnie Lam~. J<>ann Krn)'tel ~utannc RJv· monJ Ellen Butte!. Emtlv Lo Phvlli~ Jon~?S. (<>lene Marv L<>u ~~ hravcn \\'he Lan \ u SECO, D ROW: Marcy Lindber~ Laura Tibbitt~. Rebc.·<J Holt M.uv Ben)clmin Chervl ~mith. Lynne Bcllt..:cr Lucianne &-cl..m.m Karen Ertl. Eunice H.ln><>n Chrbtine Hubb.~rd TH IRD ROW: Bettv l<>le j.1ne Iverson Carol Johnoon. Lenore Cl.~rl... DiJne Ja<l..m.m. PJtncta Barr Mc1r~u? Wolf. Katherine Don.~ldson. Kn~tme jen~on ancv HJrri-.on

Campus Glee Club


FRO;\IT RO\\': ~t<·Hn ll~nnsn,.:' lwnncth Kr.m/ tl<'<. tor lruL; T•mothv,, C...o:rJIJ ~'"' Uon.tiJ H<•rmt:' SECO, 0 ROW : l hn-t<>pho:r On~­ ,,.n L.urv Pro:lff<•r P.JUI Milln," i,~ John \-lut:llo:r Ut:nn.' Phillip- Ron .•IJ B<".>: Lr•• Bf,,,,hm THIRD RO\>\ : l),l\·1J Cot:tllnl(t:r Tim \ .1n lk•r''"'' R1,l.. 11.-nnd'<.·rrv ~..rl \.1, '-'l.!h<>n. R,>l~rt l'.llnJuJ< FOL:RTH RO'I-\ : ·\rthur ( Jrt<·r Ro,:t:r lkr,: T,,m H .... J...t>Jrth: )onJthJn 'vlooro: John (. h,lftr.snJ B.1rncv fo...ll'<. l..t:r.

S Club

FRO/\IT ROW : R,llph ll .~rt-w,>rm (,1\' fo...umn. l<>lm 'orl(t:l. Uamd Raeth· •·r Ll'\>n Lt>mm.l <..:hJTit:- fo...r.Jo·m•·r Terend.' M<ArJk R.d,JrJ \ irtul'. Rl(h.~rJ Tl'l):t:n :VI t<h<~<·l Bulllnl(ton EC01 0 ROW : l.l\Ht:n<e ln)o:l'n. (.,,,,r!<o:~ ~.humann Thom.1' Zo~k>or-ki Ro~rt \\ of,ft:!<o:t:l. ~~~pht:n :VIatu· , •..,._..,, )Jm<·, Gu,:cl R,mJIJ ~on1u Thoma- lvpht:r Tt:rrv fo...o-tmaTHIRD ROW : Jamt:' C....~rl'" l"hn Br.JJ...etit:ld Bru<c Linl(''"'ill'f Herk>ert Ru-km \.hdl.Jel L~t nt h \\ am·n Lo•ler. Paul Mo-<hcro-.h lame- Te1~en. R•,ho~rJ S...dt: FOURTH ROW: <....Hv Te1~t:n John GmJt ).1me- :vi.J.J-. l:.u~~nt: ~et:hJrer · D.micl Mehl<·i- U.!ll' b·ert. Mdurice RicJ..., D.1le Kri\'O· -lwan DJ,·iJ

Vets Club


FRO"-'T ROW: 1-..Jren llu~o~h~- Thumo~- Dan look Po~ul )Jnll·n \\ tllto~m Reimo~nn Thomd• RJ•iw SECO D ROW : AI~' 1-..rc-- Dun lh.1put ~<utt ! mort? RKhJrJ R.m''" Ron.:~IJ ],>hn-,>n ThvmJ• \\ .1l•h L''"cll )d.:uh-,m THIRD ROW: Arn,>ld ~l)<)tll•. Bvrun 01-vn . )Jm~- b ·'"' . h>hn Oun•tcr Grc~M\' ~"''"!'len \\ illt.>m \\hue

Stout Typographical Society

FROi\'T ROW: Charle~ \\ illiam• Charle!. Mever Ed"ard i\:ewcomb Garv 1-..empen John Saveland Gar\' Baribeau. Dale Stieglb.JUer Dean Strehlau :'\.lark Blahnil.. SECO D ROW : Rav Han,cn. Ri.hard Moen Allen 'oil David Goet .d nger; Dale Behringer Michael Sco~nlo~nd Robert Kutcher R.:~vmond Ketl THIRD ROW : Dale \'anvrcede; 'ormo~n Franke Duul(l.!• \\ ei•• Michael Carlson Lawr~nce Suprak. John Ho~.:~r•tad Donald Roh· lotf Ru~o~er Allie.

Stout Society of Industrial Technology


FROI'.'T ROW : C.N.tiJ ~< hmu, :>.h, Bullin>:tun Kenneth p,, ... .tllu• D.tnJ Ltcber- SECO D ROW : D.tnJ B.tumann Jeffrey ~ohn 1'.1 Do~JJ · l>hov Tcrrcln<clvn<h

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

FROi'."T ROW : Robert ~pinti Thome~~ \\ ren~ch Jeffrl>v Sohn Rc' 1-..o· Jeri. Thomil• Prc,,ott. ~\ illi.Jm Mc(;rc~" SECO D ROW : G.1n Pre'' Dc~,·iJ Lehmann. Allen ~mit h. }.tv Mu~il. franci' Bilrtt

Radio Electronics Club

20 1

FRONT ROW : M.ul.. Bl.!hnil.. O,wiJ TillnMn ~ll?vl'n ~'h"•'ll"r D.1\iJ Lundin Jon Oane I h,>m.l~ Ha~milnn 0.111.' foll.'n<· SEC O D ROW:\\ illi<~m Murrdv \\ Burl..h.udt. Alton~ J<'~un,,, R,>l">l'rt Lund \li('l O.trt l.1mc, 't .trnl)ll THIRD ROW : John )t!well Thoma. H,,Jdort ~II.'"· Mt ~Iron~. \-IJrvin ~am...J,

Arts and Crafts Club

Student Construction Association

FRONT ROW : Theodore Elle,t<~d . De<~ n Strehl<~u Erne'l Lurvey Richard Fenner Peter Zoellner SECO D ROW: Donald Kuchar. ArVld \\ olfgram. Cr<~ig ~a' ~teven Havne~. TH IRD ROW : Robert Hol..ene~~. Advi~or. Thoma~ Borl..ovetl Bru<e Pre~cher . Edward John,on. RKharJ Lyon'


FRO I\'T RO W : Gll•nn Gt~t·..~l. Arvad\\ olt) l.),wad Man~l..l· 0Jw \ idIOt k. IJon<~ld ~".m~on SEC01 D ROW : RoncJid ~telLer. Arlvn \\ i~:~man lrcli!( <..Jr(,,m. <.h.ulb Lee: I.),!\' ad Do~cmd!(t!n T H IRD RO W : \\ aano ~.!I· mi. Juhn Mall... J..i 1-.o:nneth A'cl~en luhn ~mit h. Arnie O~w.1ld

American Institute of Drafting and Design

FRO rr ROW : Torrey John~un . Thuma~ Hagmann. Tum Balc~tracn. Conr<~d M<Ciurg. George !:>chum.lnn. Russell Remu~ . Ron En!(e. Garv Kielbch. Charlc-. Schmitt. SECO D RO W : John Norge!. Ron.tld ~'hewe. Har\'l!\' Fifield. Donald Popp. Ronald SonJU, J<~mes Gugel Gerald Sim' THIRD ROW : William Kenneth Stier. John Gander. Roger DynC' . ~teve Halllin \'\'illiam S'hieblcr: Tom Smith: Steven Schawaller: Theodore \\ aehe FOURTH ROW : David John. Thoma~ Bana~.wnsl.. i. ].tel.. Capelle. ClarJ.. \\ . D.tvid Brandt. Bvron Olson.

Industrial Education Club


FRO:--I ROW: Jeffrcv Soren•on. Laura Soren~on ; David Jounnin~. Dav1d Bro"n Darlene Brown Ste\'e Han•on Tom Colden Marilvn Meister SECO t D ROW : Katlw Kiffe Julie Ho~beger ; Marh·' Roebuck Diane Comstock Chri'- Farrin~ton Mar\' Mei'-ler THIRD ROW: Dennis Kiffe Keith Kroma. Dennv Allar Forr~t Roebuck . Richard Zak Bonnie Lemke FOURTH ROW: Jim Turner Holli, Habe~er Bruce Dorendorf Robert Comstock \\ 1lham Lemke.

Northern Pines Corvettes FRO!'IT ROW : Go~rv K1elisch Roman Rod;:iewicl. Bob Mitchell Edward Over Bernard Ru.,ch SEC OND ROW : Ronald Ever<,on Jo~m~ Merc1er. Lavern Holm Lvnn Anderson Robert Roman THIRD ROW : Theodore \\ iehe Advi<,Or. John Riek. Thomas Krueger; Paul Greenheck. \·\'~lev Edgar

Antique Auto Club


FROi\'T RO W : !'Jul C..Ot·Jc ,\Jvt,,H Don- Kr.wmcr 1 oJJ Blun DJ\IJ Jo..nut-\ln Knm F,,, R,,t>ert :vlullen ~IJ\Ine Airfield SEC01 D RO W : l.t•rJIJ -:.hen,,...,J Phvllt- \\ on~ Jt.~n \\ nr.tcwi, 1 ~wrhen ~!Jtu-tc" t<l lo..Jrol Jo..nuJr-on ':>tc,cn IIJn-,m. :<.!tch.!d Jo..oiJ•tn,l..i RonJIJ L-1c"ic1 THIRD RO \>\ : R,,~rt HJII r\lt,c Jo..t·mpen ":>ue \ilor,.:Jn Tom Bloom Pat n,l.. <..Jih\lun RonJIJ Jo..\lc,lt'r :>.:Jn,v Jo..\lchler FOURTH RO W : Crt_.; -:., hJnll DtJnc \\ nl..t~" '' 1 (.,,-or~c K.1pi.1n l'atncl.. Retd \\ illiam \11, <...tooh . Robert \ilarun. :vl t,h.u~l Bu"

Food Service Executives Association

FRONT RO W : ~ioe Hoen T Jn lo..Jthrvn M iller. Cindv \.lenno1 Karol Jo..nudr-on JuJnh BohforJ. Je<~n \\ n,_tewt<l :vi.J\Ine AhheiJ Lu•- Ram•· H!l Ri<hard Dowling. Helen Chuan)o: S ECO D ROW : Ln-rcnce~,hnept \lice Jo..empen \\ endv Ron~on Beth Zondag. Dtane \\ nl..tcwr.z Judnh Lode, Robert :vlullen. ~reven Han-on THIRD ROW : Robert Hall Kenh Ru~m Alavn Buv~e; ConrJJ Bennen Ahred Ghemder Dou~la- Cravtl· lion JJme- Janda. FO RTH RO W : John Perrv. David Mor<oe Chrt~topher Hodd M ark Hammond. Ross Maund Robert Martin. \\ illiam :vlcGeoh

Hotel Sales Management Association


FRONT ROW: An.1hi G.m:i.t J,met !:>pre.: her. , .mcv Fi,hten an• v Lillie· Bon me Len1ncr· <.un~t.m• c P~h.>N.>n Helen <. urphev . !:>hcrvl Sladl' SEC0 D ROW: Marv Pempck. N<~nn· Ol~on M.uvnell tlldntun Del-rd Erd· m<~n Lorr.1me Bro"n. Elual-eth Lan,.:. Ro,ic GoiJcn . <.:hervl L1en TH IRD ROW : !:>.:mdrd !:>w.mson. !:>andrd H<~n,on Deoor.lh !:>m11h :Vtarla \-1<lttdl. Loi~ Clerwin,ki. P.llrki,l <<llt' lo :-.:v)ta.ud . B.ubar.1 H<~lpin

Fashion Forum

FRONT ROW : Kathrvn \'inette. Connie Krue~er; L01~ L<lp<lcmskl. Betty l<~kubia c,·nthia Lemke Pamela Fieber. Su~an L,tw~on SECOND ROW : l<~ne L<~mm Rubv Hull. <.vnthi<~ John~on . Clarke Demenv. Barb.1ra Uebel ... Ro ..e<~nne Grell THIRD ROW: Milrl(aret Bonner. Marl(aret Parlin. Luund.1 Harn~on. Karen ~chooi .. Karcn Korener : Marv Haml'r

Fashion Forum


FRONT ROW: Kathv \ 'ogel. Chri~t i ne Ho nish. Marlene J ohn~on Joann Krii~cl Be\'erlv Piet1 . K<1thryn \ 'inetle: Donna Peter..ohn: Carol Rk hard•o n S EC O D ROW : june Munson Cvnthia \ \ ilson . Audrev Stod.fb h ).met Kohler Terilin Thode. Ruth 0\'saJ.... Rel>ecca Lohren7 , Ch rist ine Hubb.~rd THIRD ROW: Lorr<~ine Peter-o n . Di.tne jc~ckman . Margaret Bonner Mar~an~t Parhn . C.mddce Rdtchel Bonme Lenlner. 1 anc v Harn•o n FOURTH ROW : P.llricia McGargle; J<~ne JondS , june Jo na~ Cher\'1 Klu .. • endorf Judith Smallcv. \ 'ic kie Sponem. Caroline Michedu, .

Home Economics Association

FRONT ROW : Ann Welch . Marv Bibeau Mildred Svatik Lenore Clark . Heidi Goes~ling . Carol Tepe . Mar\' Ann Kleman, Su7anne Sc hnieder. SECO D ROW: Ruth Trafford . Marilvn Fox . <...arol L<men. Marv Ander•o n . Karen Koerner. Judv Mor~an . :Vta,me Fleming. THIRD ROW : Sandra H<~rrington . K<1ren \ 'asev . Mar\' 'I o ung. Gladys Afin$On Jane Lamm. Janel Plo tko w•kL Ann Campbell. FOURTH ROW : Carolyn Fortnev Barbdra Schult? . Lvnn M ueller. D1<1ne Kraus . Lorrame Frbke: Lmda Stener; K<~thleen Strauss .

Home Economics Association


FRO T ROW : K.tren <..ehrl..c Dor~~ Thomp-on . Lvnn "-oc11 Tere~d Kr.lU~e . :vtarv r\nn Kl«?mt~n . l.u~aret Mt~<l..le ; K.uhlcen M<Hu~h Sheil.1 llohen K.uen Breuni~ SECO D ROW : Emilv Lo : Beth Elmlin~er Chrb Albert-on Dtana Klu~ . Marv Andtfr~en Janice Serum. B11rbar.1 Cool.. B~~rbar.t Nil"en. Pe~~v ~chlai' Marv Bellm THIRD ROW : Javnc Ro~thl..«?. Connie Livin~'-ton Carvn Andree Lorna Han~on . Beth Kron~er Cindv Konrad Mo~ier . Lvnn Bo~h7er Coll<•tm H.lUke. lhervl

Dietetics Club

FRONT ROW : M.utha Ho~lama Su-an N.t<.~ . Susan Johns. PeAA'' Schlai~ . Sheila Kunke; Janke Seolacer SECO D ROW : Ho"ard Hei~e. lolene jen~en . Kri<.tine Stratman, Chri<.tine Pederson. P,urice Smith TH IRD ROW : Torre\' John~on . Mark Burwell



FRONT ROW : Lavone Sneen. Lenore Clark. judith Smallev Darlene SECOND ROW: Sus.1n \1\ <II Iace; Barbara Halpin. Heidi Go~sling. Carol Tepe . Delores Bitner THIRD ROW : Mildred Sv<Itik. Ann Zander C.1roline Miche<Ix. George Schumann

o..~m<Inn. Barbara Schultz. Mildred Turne'\路

Stout Student Education Association

FRONT ROW : M.uilynn Schueler Marv Skinner; Richard Dettman jerrv Haupt B.1rb Rilev. Elis<Ibeth Fugate Kathleen Brost SECOND ROW : john Sm1th john L.1lor. G.1rrv Christie. AI<In Marotz. james Schum.1cher. Diane Kuehn THIRD ROW : R.M. Cameron; Thomas Montgomerv. jerome Biederwolf. jeffrey Kl.1user; Timothy Skinner. FOURTH ROW : Dennis AII<Ir . \'\'illi<Im Burmesch. Peter Collberg. Timothy Sadowsk1 Allen Kubsch

Distributive Education Association


Society for the Advancement of Management

FRONT ROW : Gail Grams . Carlan Cooper. Toni Vogt. SECO D RO W : Steve Wood ; Richard Probst ; Richard Bauer. John Watkin!.. THIRD RO W : Edward ewman . Robert Daniel.on. Judith Bie!.l..e

FRONT ROW: Margaret Fritsche; Dorothy Bernarde; Jean Hovelsrud . Steven Blake; Lorrie Spears. Rita Smith. Sheila Kunke. SECO D ROW: Gary Thomp~on . Joan Houser; Joanne Carini. Jane Jonas; Linda Larson; Jeffery Klau«er. THIRD ROW: Helmuth Albrecht. )o<.eph Disch. Harold Schuldt. Marilyn Krause. Timothy Lienau. Micheal Geer; Judv Spain. FOURTH ROW : Edward Getz John Perrv. Randv elson. Darvl roun~­ man. Micheal Schnider.

Inter-Residence Hall Council


FRO T RO W : :vl.1rv Ann L.~r,on M alcolm. Lee ~\ n n Steffen Karen \\ oollev SECO. 0 RO W : )tm Mc<.ullt"\· :vl.1rv Lou Ecl..•tr<~nd Su,an L.nderhill T HIRD RO W : M.!f'\' Lorenz Cvnthta \ \ eber jon Schoenborn.

Stout Film Society



Free Flicks

FROI'IT RO W : . Kole Puleo SECO 0 RO W : Ma rilvn Fo' C.erald \\ alter• Bruce Prc•,her. M ildred !:>uc1til.. \\ arren 'il,,on M,uic Bu<~ltl


FRO:-IT ROW : Or Ah.1 Bclll' 1-..cmp. LinJJ Blo..,m LtnJ<~ Lo~t:\' Chn~ltn<' PcJer•on L.urv (Jrl,on Ldrr\· HuJ~on lkvcrlv ~"Jn Ellen H.11iidJ Peggv ~chl<li> ~u~.1n "" \.l<~rilvn Peu:r~on Mo~n in 1-..emp SECOND ROW: ~.~11, Pe1er~on B,ubcJrcJ \ilo~m~l...t . )uJuh ~mo~llt•v Robert<~ Bu.. ho~n Po~uld F.ub Ltndd ~lener M< hnn. f r.tnl... f rver )ov.. ~ \ cJnJ ... rhoott THIRD ROW : Tim Kru•c ~hnle\' !'tll'. Bru<e lurrcv :vt.m· lknJ<lmin . ~te,·en '1-ounl'. Dc1n Me\'er hJn.:t~ t\nJerl. Thomo~~ Pre-cotl judtth Po•· •eh Donn<~ Cro~b"


FRONT ROW : Robert Hendrkl...,on Patrie!... Dobrowol•ki: Laurie Hanl...el K<~thleen Bro•t judv Mih.!lel... K<~ren Tdipdle Joann Tappa Thomd• Han~en )til Ktlmer SECO D ROW: Di<~ne Dor~ey . joan Klu~mever B<~r · b.Ha Mtndi, Connte ~'hroepier M<~rv Lou Vogds . julie Oldenburg. )ill Peter•on. M.1nlvn Fo' P<~t ~tanel... M.ugaret Bonner Cvnthi.t Leml...e. Donette Bon!... T HI RD ROW : Dennb Mo~-ing. )ame• G.trev Mal-tl-tU? Let · diger. Mdddline Glinie.:l...i Lorr<~ine Brown . Nancv Ol•on. )oo~nne Ztclani•. Rich.uJ Mavo Tim \ .tnbcr~t Steven H.~n,on . Gail Hici...C\· FOURTH ROW: Cvnthiil Wil~on )Jme~ ~chu,hardt Colene jen~en Anlla FulcJn!(o (<~role Oettmo~n M.tnlvn Kro~u•e ~le,·en Fried :vti,h<~el RJdtl...l.' 0Jie Cone ~.. hmut M~<hJel G,~rdner Sard Htn,hliHe TOP ROW : Rob· en s,hmaedhn L<~•-ren .. e En,.en C...rald \\alter~ D<l\C M.ll!(hl An · Jre" ~ldudl GorJon (orru~ ~u•dn ~leuerdo~hl Oent'-e ~hUll... Gre~t Fdull..... R.~nJv • el..,>n John Bro~l...etteld ~u•an ~chnettler Robcn Kle•· ,e......... Thoma• \-\ .sl .. h


2 12



Klit!l..c ALi1ur Rahm,m \' \-\ eith Tel..e,te Amo~ Browne Gr.mvillc Grant M Dadabho" Gilbert Jon~ Emilv Liu 'Yu L<> Mildred Turney Can Le Dennb B<>btad SECOl':D ROW : Tu~h.~r l<..anubhat D~at Brij \\ alia . Hang C \ .m. Jo.,.aren .o\rthur Le \ Thanh C.ani ~1andar Alivu Abdullahi Clitt Ogombe Catherine Brown Tcrc'a Brun,<>n Khan Haque THIRD ROW : "-athenne :\:e11zel. • ancv Campbell :-.:ail Jo.,.alian Donna Reed ,\ndre'' Madut Fecl..i H.1mid Ph.m \ L<>ng Philip Ovwello. Eapen Mathe'" Barbaro~ M<Gtnnt~ FOt.;RTH ROW : J<>hn "-<~o Bhan<> Ramrattan JuJe, Butcher Ri<h.ud Pop;,on. B<~himore OJ..pomor • ehal Zaidi Kenneth Arthur Anthom· Ro,,eJy Evdn' :-.:to:uven Hoa

International Relations Club

'I cmanc A b. .o\bdurrahaman.

FRONT ROW : D.lVe Roy SECOND ROW: Lynn Dee. Roto:cr Dubblc Charlc• Dmch.ut Dennt' Behren~ Kav Emerson . Elatnc McMunn Kathv \ \ cb . Michad Lcnbcrto:. THIRD ROW: L.~rry Theberge: J<~ni'e Sedlaccl.. Rich.1rd \'aliga Donald Prihoda Mclodv \-\ athter; Barbdra Jean ~<hulcnburl'l Di,tc Tollc•on Deborah Good. James Tenorio: Shervl Slade. FOt.; RTH ROW: ,\leta For..,lin Marv Srol..a. Sandra Koenig: Bubar<~ Mulcahv Julte l:.mer~on Ro,emarv Jant,zew;,l..i. Bonnie ~chdn~berg J.Jnet \\ onn Jcanl'tte (cntgraf 'anC\· Holzm.1n Lind.! Di,on Ruth '\:cl•on. FIFTH ROW: Patricl.. Adam' Chrt~ John Tom Tdnner Cratg Stgel, Dougla• Surg~ Jerome Cold•mith John Sali~burv, Ronald H<>djo~e ~te\'en CampNu Ronald John-.on. Rob.:n :>.1ullen. Chri• Leland



FRONT ROW: Rkhard Prob~t \-\,<lm Ti1<1n J<~me~ Tenono Denni, RiJderbu,h Pete \ ander8nnter. Jeff \ .mdehev Dennb H<ldp<~J...o,J...i Je<~n Choi. Richard KbzJ....1. SECO D ROW: Larrv Koehler, Rol(er Ro" Mid.w S<~mp,on Bn<1n Lyn<h R<1ndv Clldwell D<lniel ~mith Rich<~rd ~.h .... ,eJ !'orb Piing~ten THIRD RO W: Edwin \\ hite. MKh.!el O<lu)'lhenbdugh Ger.1ld J<~no,. MKhilel' Robert S<·hdeeter DonJIJ Puiier Denm~ Cdr,on. Timothv ~mith FOli RTH RO W: Lilm. Lembrkh . Jdme> ~l<~tterv Jetlr<'V EricJ...son \\ 1ll1<~m 6drran<"o: Da"e O~t"<~IJ Thomd' Ku llm~er. John Bav•er. Greg Co,·le

First Floor Wigen

FRO T ROW : Raymond Romblom. Jame~ Schumacher. Timothy Schultz. Stan Sta~ieluk . David Tillman. John Marrais. Robert Jon~. Daniel B<1lke. Dean Ziemendorf. SECO D ROW: Darrel Diedrich. Douglas Krenl. Mark Carlson. John KamiJ.... Marvin Sano~. Cra1g Sas. Charles EricJ...son. Andrew Eckmayer. THIRD ROW: Robert Sieth. Harold Schuldt. David Mueller, Steven Bordini. Gene Holte. Robert Holada. John Sch rad er: Evans Ricketts. FOURTH RO W: John McCormicJ...: CaN Ru~~o. Edward Connell ; Peter Almberg. Leland Hockers. Ernest Lurvev. Daryl Youngman. Kent Larson. Marvm Stem bach: Wayne \'an\'een

Second Floor W igen


FRONT ROW: Kathleen Lucht. Patti Mato~ic . Barbara Mulcahy . Cynthia Hein~ Dixie Tolleson: Rosemary Janis:lewski. Kathryn e:lwerski. Jan Dulvn~kl . Diane Schk1rkie. Dorothv Bernarde. SECO D ROW: Ga1l Ross. ~usan Me ulty . Janet Wonn. Marv Keppers. Sharon Piui. Joan Delong. Holly larson: Chrbtine Fugate; Charlene luchterhand. Diane Stelten THIRD ROW: Kathleen Stroud; linda Craney; Kathie Jacobson. Pennv Chrbtie. Sievert. Su~an Small. Pat Callies; laurie Drossart. Shari Kunde; Beverly Kalsow FOURTH RO W : Julie Emerson ; Ruth McDowell. 1\:ancy Koehler; Johnice Britts. Michall Otthar. Linda D ittburner; Fred Beyer. Susan Schnettler. Susan Reilly . Pamela Stromer; Sandra Git1.laff. Patricia lvle .

Third Floor Wigen

FRONT ROW: Barb Beutler; Kathv Stewart. Carol Parkin~on . Marilyn Peterson. Opal Owens. Susan Reese. Genevieve Flock; Joan Schm1tt, Caryl \-\ olfgram. Suzanne Chirko; Charlene Peter~on . SECO D ROW : aomi Gustaf~on . jackie Worm. Marv Sample; Barb Clausing. Ellen Baivier. Ann Barth. Mary Bellin. Ellen Luebke; julie Sargent. ancy Bartelt. Patricia Albert~on THIRD ROW: Karen Goodman. Valerie Karzer. 'ancy Blechl. Christine Olson . Kay Schultz. \'alerie Kandl : Mary KlinkerL ancy Ekum. Jean Morton; Kri~tine Gross . FOURTH ROW: Karla 1oonan. Ann Davis Deb Rodencal. Gina Perry. Sandra Keiser; Cheryl Klussendorf; Carol Sargent. Joan Waldbillig; Rita Wo)tak: Kathleen Farrell. lorraine Peterson .

Fourth Floor Wigen


FRONT ROW : Gilbert Jone;. Robert Petushek. Cliff Laroen. Bradle) Wilkin.,on . Jon Dale; Charles Schlosser; George \'elardo. William Murrav. Rc~ymond Rodefer SECOND ROW: Tom Ziegelman. Kim Lc~rssen . Richard Herhng. Lawrence Hollenbach. John Riek. Theodore Rake. De.m Ehlers. Gerald Bruhn. THIRD RO W: John Simon. Stewart Gilmore; Dc~vad Claybaugh Richard Eberline. DaYid Holda. Gre~orv Cemke Gene OConnell

First Floor Fleming

FRONT ROW : Timothy Lienau. Gary Schuh; Dave Anderson. Charles Sendecke. Michael Geer. David Mahr; James Thomas; Ray Inouye. SEC0 D ROW: Craig Stark. M ichael Rolison . Terry Hroina. Ralph Isenberg; Roy Downham; James Ash. John Zahn . Stanley Lushine; Steven Blake. THIRD ROW: Todd Downing; Phillip Boyer; Mark Gable; Terry Johnson. Joseph Kriston; Bruce Kleven. Dave Polka; Jeff Rischette. FOURTH ROW: Mark Holdredge. Paul Symon. Gary Anders . Donald Westman. Joe olan. Michael Fischer; Robert Unger; Victor Marcukaitis. Edward Get:t. John Ashworth.

Second Floor Fleming


FRONT RO W : Tushar Kanubhai Desaiz Jeffrey Meyer. Lee Han~en 路 Jame-. Piller Jeffrev Bergerson Jerome Kazmaersl..a; Machael Locicero: john S<:haefer Gerald Booh. Clifford Be-.~ert Amo~ Browne SECOND ROW: Granville Grant. Robert Stemper Gerald \\ isl..ow Randy Ro~enberg. Eug~:ne Groves . Stephen Zaas David Knotz Neal Gutel..unst Patrac l.. Calhoun Craig \-\inan~ T HIRD RO W : Anthonv Rowley . John \-\ ell~ Bill Rudolph Kenneth Will..inson Wiliiam Inman Davad Anderson Scott Dicl..ler Rodney Digman. Dale Ehlers . FOU RTH RO W : \1\ arren Rue~inl... Joe Springer Raymond Culver; Tom Locacero. Curt Lang; Daniel Palecek Paul Lutzke: Robert Gauger. Chari~ jona~ . Paul Ringquist. Michael Pedersen Garv Glebke. Raymond Jan~

Third Floor Fleming

FRONT RO W : Steven Schwaller Ronald Koester. Bill Cam Scott Stevens :-.:ail Kahan. Jeffrey Annis Larry Sampson. Paul Groneng Daniel Bolha Michael Riechling. SECOND RO W: Ronald Zimdars . Robert Suetier \-\ arren ilsson; Terrance Jerabek Micheal Pier Daniel Coplan James Martin . john Kellener. Gerald Fenner. Michael icholas T HIRD ROW: icholas Woerfel. Richard Ehlert. Bill David Enselman Steven Zelinsl..a; Ed Sattler; Dave Drew ; Miles Zastrow, Alfons jesunas James Soppa. Anthony Rodeohiero Lawrence Engelbert

Fourth Floor Fleming


FRO l'\1 RO W : M.mLvnn Henne--•v <..ra,t Chan Sherrv \\arner Mira Man· Thelen Joan Hou,er. D1an~ Denm-.. SECOND RO W : Lmda Krewal Marv Meut Gavle Petcr•on. Linda Braun ~u~o~n B.JUmann Pam ~tid..ler ~i~ter M Lun• Dorn Patn.i<~ Huri-. THIRD RO W : Cl<~n--a Kao J....arleen Ber~marl.. Cathcnne \llc(ann Donna ~paeth Jane Engel Maureen Dowlin~. Kav ~hainin \\and a Petitt FOURTH RO W : Debra Burkl.1nd Laura Reiman. Toni \.\oodruit Donna Harrlich Teri Gie--e 1\.an"' ;-.;ebelung. Kate Bli-.... Sandro~ Encl..-.on

First and Second Floors Jeter


FRO NT RO W : No~ncy Deborah Gietzel Tern· Piechot.l, Jovernita Gl<~-- Laurie Mo.,er Claudi.1 Brown Ruth Trafford; Debra Brune<~u. Phvl t.- \\ong Shelio~ Kunke SECO, D ROW: Kathy Champ<~vne. Cr.• Ludwi~·on K<~thk't:n Arc.1nd Jenniter Plier. Janet Kohler. J<~ne Lamn J....aren Joo-. Chmune Za1!..1 \11.1n· Johnson; Mary Beth Koehne. T HIRD RO W : K.1ren Melvin . Ardvce \'\ aHud. Phylli!> Col<~' Rebecca LohrenL Deborah Schroeder. Arlene Lc-.1ew~ki. Ro~.Jnne Chri-.ten.,en. Lucmd.J Harri ..on Lvnn ~nami-.ka FOURTH ROW: Carol John~on. Kathleen Bram. Dem·, Tonl..m; Glenda \'\ikkerinl.. . Chele Mar<~ . Diane Lund Man Ander~on. Ellen z,chaechner. Katherine Donaldson. N<~thalie \.\ mterteldt

Second and Third Floors Jeter


FROi\T RO W: \11.1rih n Cremer Rtto~ Terrv: judith Staplem<ln Bnerlv Riet7 \11<11'\' Kl<~ila. J<>an Schmidt Bo~rbo~r<~ Pl<~ntil..ow r\rlcM L.1ch J<~net Platl..<>"•l..i ..~nn \\ ekh SECO:'\:D R0 \1\ : D<>nna S<heifer Bet~,. =-.eo-tin Ken :-..tal'\· Bt:nJ<~rntn jul1e len/ Robert.! \'<>•• Sh.~r<>n Kro~u;e ;-:.~n, ,. Cl<~rl.. Ellen C<>llier Pe~v Ori THIRD ROW: ·\nn Sto.>rbe..:l... B.~rl:>ar<~ RIll'\'. B.ub.~r.1 Lvnn :vtarth.! B.ll..t!rnler B.ul:>.u.1 Reid. Jo.>yce Obon \!lo~l'\· Lo~ngdon. L11 \\endt Ruth Z1cbell. h>Jn !:"hwar11 FOURTH RO W: LiL Fugate K,l\' 1--nudt-on jill Pin.l..i Ltndd l::ppen Chri•tine Callah<~n 1--<~n:n ,\ndt!r•on Donna Sm1th :vt.u•hd Currv :vtarg.aret Fo.>ote. PJtrici.l McGarKie.

South Tainter

FRONT ROW : Lind<~ Bur~"" :vl<~rie Bu<~tti. Phvlh• jone- !::>u•<~n Litl..a Di<~ne \ anderwerff . J<~ne Le~<~ult :vl<~rg.~ret M<~ntes: Karen Breunig. SECo, D ROW: Deni'e School... Sus<~n Sletterd<~hl. .1n Torger•on Bo.>nnie Sch<~n,berg B<~rbara Reed J<~ne Goetz C.1mle Mitt<~g. THIRD ROW : Delore-. Bitner. Diane C rim;rud Kri~tine Snyder. Sus.!n Draper Alin• \\ett 'tein. :-.!ancv Rom.ln. FOURTH ROW : Ann Cambell J<~ne jo.>na• Darvl.1 Trippler Su~an Beres. jo~net Krueger; Susan Krueger; Pamela Schinleber, Linda Reichelt

North Tainter


FROi\1 ROW: B.ub.uJ McGinn.~ :-.Jnn C.<~mpbell j,m 1-..ontn!(~ . Donn<~ Rrtd Marcid Prellwit7 Conn it: L~pdl.. jud\' jae!(l'r Cindv ~< hreiber Sh<~r· on ~n<~m SECOND ROW : \·eront<J Mtl..a D<~rl.t Ruben1er Chcrvl Rt>" 1-..n~ten Arn~tcn M<~rv Mader :-.:Jnn· L<~r-on <.her.•l 1-..nJJI.. )Jnel Mr.11 THIRD R0\1\ : Chervl T o"eland \-1doJ" MoldcnhJu{·r )uiJne Peloquin 1-...Jren 1-..oerner :vldl'\' M.11her ::.u~.1n Cr.1"tord \\end\' \lteicr. \ 'to. Oeldn,h 1-...tren Helland. FOt;RTH ROW: june jon.!' 1-..Jthll"Cn Troupo \II.Jr · ,.:.tret \\ inl..elm.!n. Lind<~ Fe.t~k- P<~m<~l<~ Ro\'al judith Pribl>erno" Kath erine Kuehn.t-t ; Lmd.J Stcben~huh :-.\'I.! Ocll..e

First and Second Floors Callahan

FRONT ROW: Karen M,Burnev KJthy Dahl. Sallv Bru~~dl : Anne Le.t;e; 1-...tthv ~<hilling. L.1urie 8Juer joyce \\'hite 5<~ndi Ka,,nel Barb<~r.J Ruefer SECO D ROW: Debr.1 \\ agncr joan Barnes. Diane 5teinprei~ : Lucind.J Ogden Annl.' Burtnes, . 1-..athll.... n Gucciardi: P.Jula Ko.:h Penny Peterson. THIRD ROW: Marcia Kathv ZutL J<~yn Zahn. j.tnct Ocldrich. Engl..,et Lmd.1 Corcoran julte Becker FOURTH ROW: Bonnie ~chill­ ing. M<ll'\' Plett, Cathr.•n Holt 1-..ay Seeger. judith \\ .tt,on Simdr.l B<l· necl.. Gale elson. Marcia Mu~ller jean Siettmann

Second and Third Floors Callahan


FRONT ROW : Judith Freund. Judv ::>mall<."·; Patricia Ba.,ta . Jov<e \-\hit~: Deborah Good Jean Friede; Kav Emer.,on Barbara Olker; Debra l:.rdm.m. SECO D ROW : Karen llodnt>tl ~aile Tr<~utner ~andra l"d<l<" :vlarv Jo Zimmerman. Gavlene Freeman. Linda :vlet<dlf. G<lilllid.ey. Jo.m Albri)lhl K<1thv Chermad•. Patrin.l P.1lmer ~hervl Slade. THIRD ROW: Fraser Jov<e \'<~nderhoff. B<1dnka l:.aleen Buck. Luci<~nne & ... km<1n <..arolvn Fortnl"' \ erlo1ine Haeberletn l'atri<i.t Geralt-.. :vl.1rv Pl'mpt:l.. Rhondd Ro~c~ucl Dtane Britten FOt.: RTH ROW: Lvnn Himc~ \t1.1rv Gilbert~on Janke Dunham. Jan ~chliep Donna Trua\ ancv H.uri•on Elatne Boddeker jean ~<hulenbur,.: Jov<e <.ummin~-. MKhelle Reed Kathleen Strau-....

First Floor McCalmont

FRONT ROW : So1lly Jorgen~on Joanne Carini. D!!bra Older Luane Hornbv. Jo.:tn :vlc<..ormil<k. M.~ry Kopp Joilnn Kriigcl. Margaret Cho" Ro~an­ na Chow SECO D ROW : Patrida :vlar<cll. Lvnn S.1ndleberk :vl.ugaret ~hed•en Gail Cheuvront. P<~trkia Dictllen Debra Gu~ur~on Ann <.he•e· bro; Cvnthta Hertel. Margaret Frit-.<he Maureen Frigo. Ro•e :vlarv Braun . THIRD ROW : Je<~nette Centgraf :vlary Zimmerman. Terilin Thode Carol CrandalL Shellev Shermdn. Mareta Jante Barbara Fe-;te. Phvllt• Jent7, Judith :vlih<~lek. Linda Wicdenmeier. Carol Lin~tedt FOURTH ROW: B<lr· A..:anucr. Barba ra Halpin. Marcedes Lindberg. Dtane Jackman Ltnd<l Kodet. Joan Zteltn~ki. Laura Oldenberg Patrice Gomulan Marilvn Angu-.. Karen Eetl. Anita OJ..on.

Second Floor McCalmont

22 1

FRO:'\'T ROW: Debbie Henni,.:. 'Ao~r\ F''"l.l" )l.lan ~cll..e . Pam.:~ Bolter. \.lal"\ Han,en :--=ancv Retnl..e PJtri<l ~m th Heidi llunttn)!o:tl.ln. Cl.lnnil' Ol•on SECO, D ROW : Marilvn ChJtd \11,11"\. Ha,cnohrl ~u~an D.1hm JeJn \\ itl..iewia (olene Jen,en Chervl Jo.:him,en Olindv Borre,on belvn \ \ ondra R.1chel Cog~o~tn• BJrb.~ro~ Burton Carol Ful...s)!o:a"<l THIRD ROW : Chri,tine Honi'-h ~u .. an Henne)!o:er 1-...Jthlcen J....ra1e"'l..t. <Jaudta'-n<"' Barbara L:ebele. Martha Empie 1-..,lthlc~m 0.1mon. ~u~an Kletn . ·\nn Gruman \ ·11.1 Dr.1hetm FOL: RTH ROW : Dt<~ne'• C<~ml De•ing Di<~ne \\ itl..tewio C.1il Lo~nder' Debrd Dono' dn . Sh.1ron \\ .1lter, ~allv Om.JIIev Clo~ire ~.!nlv Ruth C..rendt•r FIFTH ROW : ~h.1ron Nehr · ba .... Ko~~al. Beuv LJ,trow J....arol 1-..nuJ,ton dn.;v Pld7a. Eli1abeth luh . Jo~ne Kru•chl..e Marv 5t·hmitt

Third Floor McCalmont

FRO :'-.'T ROW : Durothv H.Jmm C nJ,. J....onro~d :--=.slettd Ford 1-..Jri ~true­ b. (dn L( Debrd \ "i,tl.lrtd \\ illidm' K.Jthv J....uehl \.1JI"\· ~<hrav­ cn SECO:-JD ROW : B.ubard Pl.lwer' Patrida P.~r.:hen ~dlh· ~to .......t J,m ~.:l Ho muth PJtrt<ia 1-..dppenha)!o:e Do nette Ltnl... LtnJJ Pett·r,on (onnit' 1-..rue!(er Patri<td \lk Fo~ll . Jo~nct C.Jrev There~e \<\ il,on 5u,<~n \.lt•chl..e. THIRD ROW : 1-..<~ren Gchrl..( Robin 'Aoehrl..e. Barb.1ra Ct'hring Sheil.! 0 Bno~n 1-..<~therine O•ndn'l..' Barb.1ra '.~tater Bonito~ ~chot'necl.. 5u,Jn Plt'hn Co~l"\· n Andrt'(' Debr.1 1-..iellev julte Ott K<~thv Rtpp FOURTH RO W: Cilil \\ illiJm• GJvle J....urt7 Barb Jenntng' Judith Lunl.. P.unciJ ::.t.Jne... Jo :-:v~ildrd Leon4: Rith~el, Ch.1rlene Lt'ml..e Cvnthio~ Ctbb' . Ltn· JJ Ohho~fer ~u,,m. c~u- Ph,·lli, Drt.Jge

Fourth Floor McCalmont


FRONT ROW : Lmda Stener. Diane Drendel. Kcllhleen McHugh. ancv Kolmin~ki . L!Urinda Kuolt . Susanne Haring~ . Carol Smith. Pcllricia Fed. Rachel Powell SECOND ROW : Chri;tine :vlengarelli. Karen Bana~l\'nl>l-. 1 Aleta Forslin Lurie Lee. Mary Purlvn~l... Sandra Harrington . orecn Hal.'gl.'le, Barbara Mantt. Sui.' McCausland. Ro~emary Staab; DoMttl.' Bonk THIRD ROW: Krbline Holml.'•. Hl.'ll.'n Chuang. Shirley Engll.', judith Boganowkt. Marv Hull. jacklyn Mos~ Moira Kaufman . Diana Klug. Lorraine Spear~ Barbara Rangl.'. Joyte Anl'\oli FOURTH ROW : Deborah Smith. Diane Peter~on . jani' Phillip~ . Sallv Peter~on . Bonnie Lenmer Chnsllne Lar~on . Beth Kron~er ; Darlene Peter$On; joanne L•elam~ Sue Reid . jill Peter•on

First and Second Floors Antrim

FRONT ROW: Sally Helmmal... Brenda Mulrv Nadine \\angler janl.' Marten~ . \ ictoria Banac.ik. Kathleen Scheide. Kathleen lsc~acson Carol Petersen. june Munson. SECO 0 ROW: Suc:an Fun!..; Grace Kragnes~ . joan Klusmever. Cynthia \1\'ilc.on. Carol Tepe; Betty Frey Audrev ~toe!.. fi~h . Carol :vlcCaulcy. Patricia 'ancv Wisdahl. THIRD ROW: Bettv Cole. Kathleen Braun. Linda Burnett. Karen Ayl~worth juduh Po~ ­ c:elt Karen Ehle; Susan Gohc.. jean Blumrekh. Bettv jakubiC? Barb.. ra 1 i)c;c.en. FOURTH ROW: Marv Sroka. Linda Swenc.on. Lvnn :vlueller. Chric.line Ho,,tad. Karl.'n Taipaie. Su~an Mayer. Paula Farb. \'ickil.' Sponem . Kristine Jenson. joann Tappa. Kav Buelke; \ 'icki Kolm

Third and Fourth Floors Antrim


FRONT ROW : Merry \'inette. Karen Oraxler. Ro~emarv Berg Linda Sherwm Janice Shell. Susan Mulqueen Patricia Pfeiffer. Marv \ anderwerf. Danna Jensen. SECOND RO W : Marie jewel. Sylvie Boville; Clare Humphrey . Stephanie Strzok. Laura Tibbitts. Jane Kochowicz . Gail Engelhardt. 5usan Oleskow: \ 'icki Martelle; Ruth Ovsak. THI RD ROW: Diane Kapusta. Rosemarie Serre. Denise Bushey. Beth Zondag. Ellen Schwab. Lynn Koca. Betty \\'inkier: Suzanne Tollefsrud. Ann Schommer. Barb Garskie FOURTH ROW: Ma)Orie Harris . Pamela Siegel. Jill Paske. ancy Lillie. Jacquie Mevers . Peggy Christoph . Cynthia Bogie; Linda Dh.on Sally V\ichman FIFTH ROW : Joan Pagel Mary Kozial. Bonnie Hutchin~on . Joan Broadwater. Mary Heuer Dawn Strege. Sharon Detle; Cynthia 5prick. Bonn ie Papendieck

First and Second Floors Froggatt

FRONT ROW : Martha Halama. Teresa Krause; Christal Lvnum . Sus.:m :vlakans. Linda Madsen . Marian Jeppesen : Euntce Hanson. Kathrvn Plutshack. Debra Hanna. SECO D ROW : ancy BoJar. Janet Hilton. Carol Stritof. Peggy Gerl.tch. Julie Eells Jill Ott. Marv lr\'olter . .Anita Falango. )ill Kilmer; 5ue Kastenschmdv . THIRD ROW: Dana Connollv : Rita Boughton . Joan ielsen . Pat Danca . Ann Olson . Marv Carlson. Pam Lemke: Kathv Omillion; ancv Holzman. Linda Goodman . Irene Shoqu, .. 1. Jacqueline Jaques. FOURTH ROW: \ 'alorie Procha .. ka. Carol Larsen . Barbar.t Wo;.miak. Linda Knott Karla Krit£. Lvdia Larson. :vlona Thompson; Marv Stenberg. Connte Ltvangston: Susan Anderson . Cvnthia Gemmell. FIFTH ROW: Jane Iverson Susan 0 Learv. Carol Lund. Beth Milatz. Chervl Kmiecik. Diane Aderhold . Sarah Sauer. Marilvn Krause. Margaret \\ olf Cher.•l Saugstad.

Third and Fourth Floors Froggatt


FRONT RO W: Char)e.. Groene. Roger Mann. D~nni.. Bar.m Timothv \ .mhetr..eele. Mi<hael Je...,up John ~iebert Jame.. Brigg... Todd Enji:el. SECO D ROW: J.1me.. Tupi.1 P.1ul Shimandle P.Jtrid-. Shinondle. Patrick Lut7 C..Jn· "-an.a .. t.Jb Dennt" f>.Jth Joseph P<!trUl.Jte... Kendall i'!eibuhr ~·ott (h<~d"tck L.Jwrenle ~chnepf THIR D ROW: Guy Kv ..e-. Geor~e M.1cht Steven Hutchen.. Ja<k Knaut7 John Radke: David Kruejo~er Paul PNeN>n John Ebel.

First Floor North

FRONT ROW: Peter Gehrke. Bn•.m Williams. Roger \ 'ervoort M.1rk Sekula P.Jtrick ~tron~hart. Tom B<lle-.trieri John Klumb . Michael (on"ill Ronald Lvn<h D,l\"id Mever SECOND ROW : Charle-. Baum Bru<e R.1d loH Ronald Lver..on: \\ tlliam Faulkner Mark Bo.. m<~n D<~vid Roloff D<~· vid ·\n .. chut/; James Bodoh Joel Levando.,ki. Larrv Kr.Jmer T HIRD ROW: Thom.J~ Deltkat G.Jn• B.Juer David Palen. MKh<~el Hode>. Dou~­ J.~ .. Hudlin .. J...t Ger.Jid Oehmen Can· \\ Robert RunJ...el Carl BruceJ... FOuRTH ROW : J<~mt' Berner Phillip Keefe; Timothv Debr.1al P.Jt· ncJ... Luca.. Dav1d John M<~lecki . D.tle Bahr. MtCh.Jel Greeh• 1\:ehal Z.Jidi Mike Sagstt!ller ·

Second Floor North


FRONT RO W : Allan Rup1per. jeffrf."\ Chamberl.un. Robert 'vlullen ju)e, Butcher Gerald S.:hmit7 Let' Gre~u-J..e: Brad Duncan-in. Palmer Ra-J.. SECO D RO W : Ro~rt Pvtl.m 'vliJ..<' Dart William BurJ..hardt john jewell David Lundin. john Tral>cr Rl(harJ Paul Marl.. Donohue Dt'nni~'hroeJer THIRD RO W : Br.JJif."\• llcnt~o:l"' Grc~ Fau)J.., . Randv :-.:d-on . Dennb Fechhelm Anthonv ~'huette. Patri< J.. S..1~ie. ~tephen Hubert Tom ~mith. Kenneth Hav

Second Floor North

FRO if ROW : Edward Over Thomas \\'alsh. )arne-- Schu,hardt Garv \\ inek Steven FneJ , Greg Ga~rt David Bailev; Guv Hru,hJ..a. Timothy Koller SECO D ROW: Dale Daul john Sage; Dale Conelv Roman Rod 71ewic7 :vlarJ.. Arnold. Pedro Rodriguez. Timothv \ 'etting john Gand<'r Daniel ichols THIRD RO W : Thomas \\'est. Ch.trles \.\ arner )arne' Half."\', Michael Weller; Ronald Splingaire; Gregory Main Glenn Stevermer Leslie Laube FOURTH ROW : Alan Buyse; john Ruth. Micha<'l Ht't'binJ... Mark Mueller. Andrew Staudt. David Pautz. Dale Adomat

Third Floor North


rRO i'.T RO \\ : lt II• l·•hn (. r.u~ ~.:d. l..JI\' ~. lw<> (. hJrh,· Bro~Jv \-I,H\' f a.en,t,...en L),,u~ ...,ur~,·- D.en \\.en. ;,·ren. 1{,,.,_,11 B.1r"•' \JJ,, I hll1~~~ ~I:.(.Oi'.D RO lr\ : ktll-rv '>trun~ . l.•m•·- \\ .t-hhurn Bn.en lu:"J<I ~t<:ph.:n \\••>n I ,,m l.enm·r 0.1\'IJ M, I rl.en \.1,·rl in ' ,,, htr.tb" ""' m• l<•hn \ .tnJ,·rl '"'' TH IRD RO\-\ : 1{,, I o~rJ \ o~hl-\.1 Th,>tnJ• ~< mn1 l uru- l),,J~,. Bru.~ f.....thcnhrun \II, '>dH\'IIll'l t ho~ru HiiJ,·brJnJ . Rtd1.1rJ \\ ...,,. \\ illtJtn \-k(.,r.l" Bl ,en,, R.1mr.ut.m

Third Floor North

FRO:>.'T RO\>\ : Cr.,)o\<>rV Lll•"••rtl· lhn•t<IPh"r lrwm 0.1\ 1J l ur"t<lll \.li<h<Jl ln~d- l••hn (.)liM< &>l> lJmpl>dl: Ju•cph ~j,, 1<1 ~ECO. 0 ROW: LmJ,,"'. ~·'1-\•>m• \\ .wn~ 1 udlner ~tephcn \\ <'N·r RJnJv \\ •·nJt Do~,·iJ lri-l1 Um,tuphcr Bcnr.1nJt fhomo~- \ \ rcn-d1 THIRD ROW: D.wiJ i'!c" m.m Ocnni .. ~tJnt<>n Robert Dilmcl. D.wtJ Bl.1h.J Thom.J• Mo~nJh f.... <·nn<·th !{,,,,,,~-,

Fourth Floor North


FROi'.'T ROW: Kenneth ~pae!(le RKhard Lerov Peter Ro~er~ Da' ad Neu,er Thoma-. Sher.,tad. L<~rrv Frit.,,hler Peter Pelchen Frederic!.. Kuhn ~Ieven Glocl..lm. SECO D ROW: R.mdall ~haw Jeffrev Sta-.7ak Land'"'' Bovinet \\ illiam Mei~ter Gani Man,ar Dave Ma~ Kni!(ht ~idne\' Match . Garrv :-\oval... THIRD ROW: RO<. 1-.v Nt>l-.on Ru ......en La Jew, I.. a Ronald Michaeli' George Draeb Denni-. Dl路hn Jame' <.a.,h. Kirbv Klinl(er Fred Po... thuma James Yarnott

Fourth Floor North

FRONT ROW: Gary Kielisch Chari~ Cedergren. Marvan Eggert. Jed Hardacker. Dean Wendt Roger \ 'oil Ron Enge, Micheal Sam .. a SECOND ROW : David Liebers; Kevin Schenk. Jam~ Pris~el. Thoma~ Telitl E.rne-.1 Delikowski. Robin Byer~ Brian Hudv Peter Ljubac THIRD ROW: Thoma' Malmgow,ka; Wayne ovotny. Thoma' Meier. Brian s,henl.. Roger Johnson. Bruce Lar.,en , Lawrence Suprak. Stephen Danl..ert

Fourth Floor North


FRONT ROW : linda Borowitl. Mary Hanneman . Carol Blackowiak. Carolyn Schirmacher. Kendra Schroeder; Debra Drake; Colleen Gale; Emilv Chrbtoph~on SEC OND ROW : Rita Smith. Mary WiecÂŁorek . Kathy CieHkt. Margaret Goed1en. Paula Schend; judy Blank. Katherine Grill. Diane Gilbert Marcia Dagley. Marie Salo; Jane Meyer; Donna Schumacher. THIRD ROW : Marion Smith . Marilyn Miller. lorraine Friske; Paulette Braun. Marilvn Schack. Karen Holzinser Ramona Mousseau . Mary lou \ 'ogd~ . jeanne Arttus . Nancy Cwiak FOURTH ROW : c~ncy Korger. lanc~ Gentz. \ 'irginia Schertz. joy \-\'hitnev Donne~ Macke. Clifford Berutti; Kc~thy \\alter; Connte Rutledge. Margert Scheffer. janet West FIFTH ROW: Marie Zweifel; Mc~rlene Steeber. Shc~ron Davis; Mary Baust; jovce Ehnrich. Heidi Go~sling. Cc~rl<1 Hoffman judy Steffek; jeanette Krau~e. Ellen\-\ c~genknecht. Kay Manger.

First and Second Floors Curran

FRONT ROW : Mary leroy; Susan Elver~. Dic~ne Jones. Mary Stewc~rt. linda larson. jane Sarles. Suscln Skamser. Ruth Nelson . SECO D ROW : Kim Svdan~k . Colleen Donovc~n . Denise Ruhle; Jo Ann Fuller laune Henkel. Pat Capelle. Kri~tine Anderson. Amy Bahnson. Kuen Ingman. lynn Allen . THIRD ROW : jill Weinkauf. jean Hovelsrud . ancy Lukas. Karellindl. Karen Norquist . Suzanne Roeske; Kathy Kummer . Terri Ann Olson . jennifer Abrahamson . Cheryl Meisner. FOURTH ROW : Sally Freudenberg. Julie ackers; Patricia KueseL Holly HubbelL laurie Reilly . Connie Jacob~on ; Ann Werner; Karen Murkowski; Mary lowe; Bonnie Wangen. FIFTH ROW : janet Pfeifer. Elizabeth Delap; Chrbtine leland. Christine Boos. Ann Wendt . Candace PeichL Melody \1 achter. Sharon Henning; Adrianne Dolata.

Third and Fourth Floors Curran


FRONT ROW: Alvlc ll .un~ Carol Ulnt"~ L.lUrw B.tumba,h Dt·bor.lh \llattlww~ Terri \ an\'.lll..c.-nbur~ \llaril\'n Dr<·w Donna\' Linda 1-..opp :vtilr\ J<~n~ Ploc~~l \ll ar\ Stmonu-,h SECO D ROW : \.l,mha Timmerman Ann\\ hitfidd julie Stren~er <....ul <..~nl..t· :-.!an,' Lud" \ '' toria Revnold• Elh:n Buttd: Barbar.. \11itd1dl. Linda .,l'hietdbein \llilr\' Palmtr THIRD ROW: Su,an lla~am B.ub.H.t ).l~~t·r Karen Soren~en 1-..athlc..·n Lobo~ Kathcrint• Hod~·on jant <..ul~.m Dt·bra BeFav. Pat•v .,, heibd . Tom Zapp.1. 0Mnt' Ra\'e

First and Second Floors Kranzusch

FRO~'T ROW : Ko1thlcen Brunl..c Helen Becker :vl.lrtha \ er"uilen joell~n lonlt'\' Ruth Suhl.. So11l\' T add" Sho1ron C.arfoot jo1ni• Bot·dN SECO 0 ROW: Linda Arndt, Molr\' :vi< \llahon Donna H.1hcrtv judv \\ ie~t Kri~t• Rhod\' Debra S<humal'hl'r '>.mdra \ ankvlen , \ tr~m1.1• <.vn thta s,holtet BarbMol Lund \-tar\' Sal"o Gina Gro1ve THIRD ROW : Pollv :-.IodiN \ tr~tnlol \llcrtt·n~ Dtbra Su•anne <..timan Dcbro1 Gn•· •u~ . Joan Solte. o~nt" \ 1< l..i Bergeron janet Tho•tt·n•on julie OIJenbur~ FOU RTH RO\>\ : \; ann· Tvler Geor~id · BarbMa f...od . }.!nRc St>rum. jo,lnnt (, r< n "haron :vtillt·r K.ul c..·n Ru-~ Bo~rbara Com.. Darlrne Schmoldt \\ t·nJ, \\til Su•.m G.uJncr FIFTH RO \>\ : Ruth Da" \' V\ eith Su~o~n Bro~n~<'r S\'lvtil Rol.... l..~ Po~ml'lil Swiln«.'\· Mar~ S.>ur!(t'OI' J>o~mela Scrvo~i•. joan Bill< LVI.. Su,an Mv~tlw~l..• Po~t \'\ roblt·w•l..i :-.!ancv Ol,on , )<lnire \\ Hblo" Don no~ Ander•on .

Third and Fourth Floors Kranzusch


FRONT ROW : Gillings. Stephen Glidden. Fred Olsen. Russ Koth Martm Hme~ . David Labonte; Robert Hachnik. Hang Quang \'an. Mil..e Muchowski SECO D ROW : Donald Prihoda; Douglas Cravillion. Lang Ware; Clyde Schmidt, Robert Lawler. James Janda; Dennis Zuleger. John Dillon; \\ illiam Kane; Allen Enger; Le \'an Thanh. THIRD RO W : Joseph Betthau>er; James Jensen; Bruce Currey ; Timothy Groose; Richard Austin; Alfred Ghemder. Gary Zamecnik. Daniel Schmitz. Richard Konlon. Mike Schwieters. FOU RT H ROW : Dennis Becher; Steve Young. Rick Reed. Wayne Fischbach. Glen Vogel. David Webb. Terry Ehlers , Michael Hansen; Harold Gandre; David Lehmann. FIFTH ROW : Alan Schommer. Fredric Walgren. Daryl Michlink, Mark Liegel. eal Pelz; Patrie!.. Adams. Lavern Holm; Glen Mallo; Robert Bertelsen; Frank Palm .

First and Second Floors Tustison

FRONT ROW : Michael Meyer; Dennis Behrens; Douglas Neely ; Jeffrey Dreier. Brij Walia. Gary Hu~~ . Mike Keegan, Kim Anderson ; Thomas Strycharske. SECOND ROW: R1chard Sommers; Dav1d Lindelof. Charles \\ itte. \\'illiam Cufaude. Tern• Elmer. Jeffrey P<~procl..i. Lynn Ander~on . Joseph Ambrosius . THIRD ROW : Allen Enger; Douglas Smith. Donald Everson ; Wilbur Kuborn. Peter Long. Steven Brink. Robert Johnson; Thomas elson. FOURTH ROW : William Dow; Dale Zimmermann , Robert Milewski. Donald Gleason; Bill Sterud; Clark Workman. Robert Sand~trom ; Richard Shimek, Richard Maliszewski. FIFTH ROW : Jamb HaiL Donald Shervey, Allen Smith. Patrick lnda, William Uhlenbruack, Michael Le1s, \\ illiam Sizer; Steven Koehler; James Arndt.

Third and Fourth Floors Tustison


FRONT ROW: Lc1nc~ Berg. M1chc~el Gc~rdn~r. G~rc1ld HJcllhu!''ia ~wve Schmitt \ 'ictor Price; Mc1rk \\cigendnt Donc~ld ~chinkc; jamc~ Linn ; Ken Brittingham. SEC O D RO W : Doug Hubbdrd . Jo;eph Koqan Marl.. 1\:eumdier. Denm~ Grabow; Bruce Marohl. Thoma~ )ichcl Lury E~ten­ ~on . :vt.m Benzm~. Chen Chin$-HO. Thoma~ )ohn~on T HIRD ROW: Alc~n ~kelton \\ ayne Lcbakken. Marl.. Ander~on. Mi,hael Cooper· Peter Siel..m,mn Kim \ 'i"er. Bru'c Kit.t.mcln Robert Zuttermei~ter )c1mc, Mer{ler FOURT H RO W : Robert Evan' jamc' Tro,t; Ldrry St Cldir D,l\'e J...oepl..t Thoma~ \\'ahl. Jon BJorn,on \\ <~vne ~trong; Jo~eph Tirv Rkh.ud :vt<~vo David Do~emc1gen . FIFTH RO W : Dc1vid Lefko" itt Tim \ 'do berg. john ~' Kenneth .o\,d~en Jame~ Bc.:k. Alan ~tew,m David Di,on Andrew Harri~on . Thomc1' :vt'Govern. Dc1vid Ol~on

First and Second Floors Oetting

FRONT ROW: John Sarver, Patrick Fusi; Phc~n Long. Arlyn W•~m<~n. Richard Knittel. Mark Baumann. Mark Schindler; Gregory Beau. Ralph Gunkel. SECO D ROW : Dale Stiegbauer; Craig Carlson. William Eno, Gregory Bedsted; Clifford Berutti, Fred ~ck ; Roger Miller. Byron jensen. guyen Hoa. THIRD ROW : Larry H udson; john Mueller ; Tom Luedtke; David Rasmussen ; Ronald Stetzer; Bruce Fulton; Thomas Sullivan. Charles Williams; john Follien. Dale Reckner. FOURTH RO W : Frank Fryer, Anthony Kwaterski , Mark Blackman; Robert Dobratz. Kevin Keegan. Robert Schuhorski. Denni~ Mossing. Russ Holdiman David Riebe. FIFTH ROW : john Bloom. jesse Priem. Cheer Chiranakhon. William Lyons. Brad Peterson. Bruce Prescher; Craig Smith. James Cotton. Charles Berben. Paul Larson; Richard Moore.

Third and Fourth Floors Oetting


FRO ~ ROW : Janice ( Klaudic~ Klinner K.uhv \\ eb Marv Beth Daniel, Cindy \ 'aughn. <.olleen Cude"'·ia Mary Mormc~nn Cc~rolvn 01,on ~h.uon Ohhofi SECOND ROW : Kath,• Oyer Joan Ander..on . julu: Bacon Cvnthia Graham. Connie Herman-en . Kathleen Schoen Eli.cabeth Pdner jovce CzaJI..O"'"• judv \-\ olnial..o"•"i THIRD ROW : Ka,· Hro madl..a . :--:ann· Ormand Donna Ola-... jani;, Zehner; \'alene ~cCoun , <.:h.ulotte Rajdatl Oelnord McCabe Oednnd Deremer Cathv ~abr\', FOURTH ROW: (...athervn Breden ~ar" Penman, Margaret Lowell 0~­ brd Bover Deborah Ericl..;.on (.uol Montgomery . Cl.1ire ~oren~en judith Murrd'' K.uen Gi•en.~;. , Linde~ Prothero

First and Second Floors Hansen

FROi'IT ROW : Cynthtd Acl...ll~ Kra .. ttne \\ ibon . Bubdfd \ilindi, Kathv Koch j.mice Crilsen , Cl.uice Oemenv . Loudnn Krau;.e Evy Wojl..iewicl . Marv Lou Perfel1 SECOND ROW : Terri St. Arnc~u ld . Ellen Mvhre. Patricta Debra Edgerle; Gale Gram~. Linde~ William... Chri~tine Sim~. Karen Arthur , Su~an Grote Laurie Ketchum, Kim 1e7wor;.l..i Patti (...rau;.;, Georgene Davy Anaht Garna THIRD ROW: Pamela Grebe! Robtn Beren~ Sharon Ritchey Clare Good.. vbh , (on~tanc e Peterson; <.:hervl ~mith Rhonda Engel. Martha Stuck. Karen Edmund. Marv \·eccie; Connte Schroepfer; Corl..y Kullander FOURTH ROW: C"ndie johnson Alice Cobb.. Sally Kru mhus Patricia \1\ eber. Pdtricid Barr Joc~nie Hauser Donna john;.ton. Mary Olson Ann Riemer; Mary Toftne" . judv Ra... mus;.en Colleen Hauke

Third and Fourth Floors Hansen


FRO NT R0 \1\': Conn1e M1l..~ho"~t..,· Rclx·na Holt ~ut.Jnne R<l\'monJ . GloriJ !I.JnuJuer Collette Reed. Maril:>eth Gib~on ancy Hopman \ 'icto· rid ~.mJm ~u,an, a~' · SECO D ROW: Ro~lvnn G.1briel. lar.l~rl't Bon· ncr ~ut<lnne xhnt.>1der Donnil Bell.! juJ" Morgiln. Didnc Dor,C\· jJn \ oel..' . B.1rbJr.J Burn' T HIRD RO W : joan M<~ver Cvnth1.1 O'wald B<~r· b.1ra \'itu<<l Mu~Jret P.1rhn ~u,an Bon!.. ='<~ncv Minton C.ri,tine Hub· b.Jrd , Lmd.J Leibl Mnv Lvnn Mon,on ( \'nthla Lemke

First and Second Floors Keith

FRO i'\'T RO W : B<~rb.Jra Hunttngton Paula Hed11~ . Janet Derber C.Jrlotta Golden. ~us.Jn Rudd Deborah Preston Debra LinJqui,t: Alice Haugh SECO D ROW : Muriel 1 ash. RoseJnne Grell Lynette Henker Kathleen Berg; Margaret Koehler; Kathryn Burn~. Judv \'\ ie,. mueller Marsha Gibson. Martv Suit,. THIRD ROW: Kay Tranberg. Marv \\ uebben (.uol \\ J~ner Audr<"-' 1\.JII,trom , an< v Thiele Dawn Da,id· 'on \11.1rtha Hovland , Lvnn Hun~bu,cher \ 'icl..i 0 1eil. FOU RT H ROW : Martha Hetmann Kn~ ZahraJI..a Mar" Hamer ; Elot~e Goel..e Karen ~choot~ Linda Zei,e. Sharon Kro~ Kathv Grulke: Marcid Finn Linn Fox ~heffleld. Ro~1e

Third and Fourth Floors Keith


FRONT ROW : Christopher H.w~ Arnold Jackson. Robert Hendnd,, D.tvid Lau C.arv Zehl. Adam Brzelin~l..i . Gregon• Dattilo. Denni' 5tremer SEC01 D ROW : B.t,di...Fred Shroedl. D.1vid Stout. Gene Harder Phillip !>trau)':h John Miller · Denni' Hunchar. J.tme~ Zellmer John o~­ manski . Randv Frick. THIRD ROW: Arnold Footle; Jame- Delvecchio Jame- (ummi .. ford . D.tvid \\ entland . Bill King. Kelvin Morrell \ \ illiam Grie,-emer; 5cott Be,-ke; James Stro, FOURTH ROW : Jerome Kri... toff. John Pem• Brian llu~ebv . Jeffrev \\egner. Robin Bird. David Offerdahl. Daniel Schla1... Jeffrey Loo..e· Bruce Bartlet. Steven Rapr.teger

First and Second Floors Milnes

FRONT ROW : Rand Keith Mundt. Donald Kline,mith David Kmpld R••hard Johnanne- Jon 1-..r.tlt Jerome B.ui. Mich.u:l Gullkk~on . SECO D ROW: Donald K1rlw Steven \\ell-.. \Villi<~m K1rbv Rkh.ud Buchanan Jeffrey Horne; Christoffer~on . Rot-crt Hannu lloward Pahl Dale Evan ... Daniel !>chleh THIRD ROW: Tim Bovle [rick Li<htne"ald. Dave Ducharme. Marl.. Lord Roger Dubble; Dean Bro"n David s,haller. Robert McCabe ; Tern· Lml.. FOURTH ROW: John Ran~on . Claren,e Plato. David Kopyolow~l..i Steven Trinko. [dward Boldt Anthonv Lund. John DeGraf . John Barber Kenton Miller FIFTH ROW: Timothv G•cr(7al.. . John Hogan S<·ott Fir<'r Glenn M.ltt , Da\"IJ s,hroed~r William Nickla~; Dennis Albrecht Joan Zemke.

Third and Fourth Floors Milnes


FRONT ROW: M ic hc~el Pur,hclttl..e Brad \\e~trom . Jeffrev Rt1mu~ Leonard B.1er P.uricJ.. Dohertv, Jc~ime Rok an. Thoma~ Strupp. Carl Evan-. SECO D ROW: Steve Delancy. DicJ.. \ 'irtue; Edward Phillip' Michael Mueller; Christopher Parker. jeff Scheu joseph Halter. Henry Kavanagh. Dennis Kado. \ 'ito Culicchia THIRD ROW: Ronald Fra>er. john Birschbc~ch . Robert Finke. Terry Stoike•; Ru,-.ell BirJ..holz. Jame• MolbecJ.. Richc~rd \.-\inkier. James Green. George jeffrey. Doug Holmberg. FO URTH ROW: William Jahnke; Richard FrcltlO; James Lewis, Robert \-\ ard Gary Gross. Alan Gronlund. Mc~rk ZuelzJ..e Jeffrey Kern. Dc~niel Sinem·on. Randy Gutsch john Kru~e .

First and Second Floors Chinnock

FRO T ROW: Tom Mcfarlc~ne , jc~mes Prusa; Kenneth FinJ..e. Daniel \\ aldvogel. Dougla~ Radbke; Rc~ymond Price; Steven \ 'oigt. Erne>t Pine. SECOND ROW: William Lewis. Greg Welhaven; Greg Smith. jon Kraft. john \\ illiam>. William LemsJ..y, Ronald Sonju. Ronc~ld Schewe. Steven john,on THIRD ROW: Richard Fenner; Thomas Eller; Greg Kuphc1ll. Ronald Ander>on; Wayne George; Lewis Melby. Davtd Hanson. Steven Gillingham. Ron Hill. FOURTH ROW: Paul Elliott. Rick jost. Robert Youman>. Carl Hackbart, Robert Eckart. Dan Meyer. Mar!... Gei>ler. Gary Rei~~ ; Gary Rankin .

Third and Fourth Floors Chinnock


FRO, T ROW: Jim MaGuire. Jame~ Klancer; Allen Noll; Gary Renick; William johnson. David Goldberg; jay Bauer; David Prokosh SECO D ROW: Marty Potter. Richard McDowell. Dc1vid Fc1irbanks. james Klo~ter . Bill Hendricksen. Owen Gillelclnd, Glenn Holmes; Terry Heu~ . Michc1el Pokorski. THIRD ROW: Mike Dobrowolski. Gary Coenen. jerome Mi~ke . Lc1wrence \-\'heeler; Rich Pinkow~ki. Peter Sesselman, Dan Trumbo :VIIchael Klein . FOURTH ROW: Dennts Brennan, Mathew Kuisle. Mavnard Owen. Swede Matelski, Michael Guckenberg. Michael Mad•en. Pau l Bc1uer. Jim Joslin FIFTH ROW: Mc1rl.. Schneider; Jeff Kawatskt. Dc1n Dvorak . Mark Reiland. Thomc1~ Esselstrom. David Kreinbring. Richard Rohde; Doc Plato

First Floor South

FRO T ROW: Gregg Grudem. David Hubbard. Donald Robertson ; Douglas jones. Richard Resech . Phillip Cyr, Gc1ry Kroening. Raymond Behling. Peter Bohun. SECOND ROW: Dennis Karnopp. Robert Teich. Tom Cobian. Tony Whelihan. Bruce Dorendorf. David Allen. David Miller. Gus Traeder. Richard Hepp. THIRD ROW : Gerald \ 'anderloop· Stephen Doede. Kent Isaacson. Keith Hunsbuscher; jame~ \ 'rana. Eric 'Edqubt. Ralph \\ ardmc1n. Tan Boen Ht<ln FOURTH ROW: Pewr Cichuckt . James Turner; Ronald Hornes. James Keitel; Michael Carlson. Gerald Schuster; Richard Dopson, jerry Borkovetz.

Second Floor South


FRO I\:T RO \\ : PJul Bo·h••P kttr"' Bo-lwp. \llo, h.wl s, h".mt<·-. l "'" Lui..J• 0JvoJ PI\Jrnol.. Pholop Cur \\ illoJm <.r.u,.: B.ot<IJ" ~E.C0 ;"110 RO \\ : \\ Jrren \\c•l<cv R.mJv ""·"' ">l<·w 'l<lUn,.: D.ovid lo'"•' Tim HJll J<>n \\<>If C.<'\H)o:l' (/<crwon-J...o T HIRD RO W:),\\' H.ort,·r \\ ol liJm \lhC.t'\><.h D.o' iJ ll.oni,.:. P.uri,l.. ({,.,J ..,ll'n• 1<·id<·rmir< C.orv D.on''" hl..e ·\l.on RiJ,.:<cw,ov \ll,orl.. j,•un

Third Floor South

fR O:-..T RO \\ : lu•<cph ..,mu~ BrvJn DJhm. T<llll ll.o-. \ll<cn \\q.:<·m·r (o..e,·on LmK"<lrlhv MJrl.. ~mutl...t Rick Striebe jame• Barboen ECO'-JD RO \\ : Dave lkr~'tranJ <.:harlc• Oc~trcich. J.tme.. \'eloon Evan S.o ..mJn 'VI.trvin Horo"it7 Mike HerrieJ Dave Ka~ten. Charle., Zoe~~:ler THIRD R0 \1\ : RKharJ Rc.>od RichJrJ Klabechek Ron Stieber John Daou .. t Mol..e s,hneider Sc.>vt•N>n Karl Edman FOURTH ROW : Ken Grt>iber: Mike Timber· Lwn lcvc.>hJ!(en Gl>Orge Armbruster Robert Fordham larry Kline B.uney Klecker. Eli Som•

Third Floor South


FRONT ROW : Althea Severson; Marilvn Bloomer; Beth Brown , janet \ 'e rtrees. Marl(arl't T\' .. kiewkt. \1\'c~unita \\ alker Patricic~ Hoffm.m . Marv \\'ater~ SECO D ROW: Frc~nces Schauder. Beth Boyle; 拢Iizabeth Beaudette路 Marv Gail ankin. Colleen johnson. Sharon Framnes. Oebror.lh Wiedrich . Ruth Bahlow. THIRD RO W : Ellen joseph. janet Za.. tro" Bonnie Lain)!; Loi~ llackbc~rt. Robm Sander~ . Debra Maska . Ltnda Straub; janet Bloomer. Holly Bard. FOURTH ROW : Chris Ness. Karen Bundv Margaret Sebec;tven. Mardonna Babcock Diane Kraus . julie jor)l;en~on Marv Lord. Cvnthia Boehn . Linda jones. FIFTH ROW : Mary Markson (vnthia Houl(. Marv Welkos. Yvonne Doolittle. janet Pfeifer. jov Gerlach ; Chri<.ttne OJ.,on; Dorothv Babler

Fourth Floor South

FRO T ROW : Emily Liu Yulo. Deborah johnson; judy Adams. Sonjia Sherman. Connie Braeger; Mary Ku,harsh Lousie \ 'anderwalker. Penny Savellano; Linda Monk. SECO D ROW: Susan Wilgemann. Patti \'an路 denhoy . Darcy DoieL Pa tti Petri; Margaret Meyer. Barbara Schmitz; Marcia 1 adwocki. Beth Elmlinger. THIRD ROW : Sharon Roeske; Susan Behling, ancy Behling. ancy Heller ; Patricia Willkow; Shirlev Koepke; Lynne Baltzer.

Fourth Floor South


FRO:--.'T ROW: Judith Lin-~ (..t'Qr,.;~ L<~<m'f(l<lt Patrida C"in: Edward Tuttle Lvnda Bardav Mar<ia \.lao.. Curti.. ~hm Paul Bour!(ui~non . R.mdolph :-.tacholl Karl'n Sl..rl'!('tdJ SECO D ROW: D.1vid \\.1~ner . Und.! Blev Cmdv \\allmttn <:,am (.;lantman fu,ter L.nwer Kevin Fit!!. Tom\ ,mderloop. Ro~er Allie. P.urill.. Marv S<~mpie. Jo-eph H<~rt· m<~n . THIRD ROW: Chen Ll'l'e judv \\ 1e..t Steph<~n Gebert Rkh<~rd Bngg~ Fran..-.- Bart; Jerome wld-m11h Karl Tauer. J<~n"e <.,;iln~er Raml· ro Sa(a, Dulore.. Hendncl..-on )t.>nme Buell.. FOURTH ROW: Jo,eph Smith . Henr'' W~idlkh . Ld Odell Oou~(,,, \ \ ei" . J,,me.. Bonlender. :vtichael T.!tro. Rand<11l Sm1th !'.lUI \ilo-chero-ch . Thom<l.. Cvpher Mildred Svatil...

Off Campus

FRO:-IT ROW: AliZur Rahman :vt A Ha~ue Kahn Katherine \ililler · Sandra Han-on J<~n"e Sedla<el.. Diane Mazanec K.uhv \ osel Su .. an Cropp Joel C.<~ertner J<~ne Schave SECOND ROW: Donna Sitzm.1n Maril\'n Fo' Pat Danc.t Alan :vtarot<: :vt.J,ine Attfield Patrici.t Sh.Jv Kmune Stratman <.. <1rol K~mpen Lmda Eppen Marv Kuli!(. Sh<~ron Helin!(. THIRD ROW : Riel.. Sit;man Cer.Jld \o\ alters . Beth \ililar1. Bette John -on jean Court . )<~cque )o<~• Debr<~ Teppo. Kathv R<~.. mu..-en Su ...m O•man M.~rgaret Peter-on FOURTH ROW : M Dadabhov D<~vid Orenchpohl s,ott Ander-on Jame• Muller. :VIIchilel Lember!( \11Chilel Loveland Clvde Blum. Km Kne~er Paul Svatil... Thoma' Schuvler Larrv Barnhart

Off Campus


FRONT ROW: John GinJt P.•melc~ Bever· Terr.• Ko.,triva<o Rosemarv Hil · debrand Cvnthia Devine, Karen Dill Jani., 1ehring, Patricia Bertnick ancv Hoagen ..on Janet Rudd. Eric Fne~t SECO D ROW: Todd Blum Peggy \-\ icklace Landa Sohoh. Lowell Jacob~on . Magg1e Leidiger; James <...drev Lawrence Engen. John Brakefield J....c~ren ~~hroeder . \-\ illiam Burkholder THIRD ROW : Shen Wiesner Lee Ann Hecker; Jeri Weyer; Linda Rober$, Donna Peter~on . Karen Kozminski. Carol Andrew, Joyce Reit, Dale Knvoshein . FOURTH ROW : Kathy Kneebone, Lois Lapacinski. Bar· bara Valley Susc~n Lc~wson . Candy Ashley. Lallian Rogers. Patricia Bartels. Maurice Ricks . John Kuhnwald Derold Heim, Ken LaVenture; Edward Jarapko

Off Campus

FRONT ROW: Jerrv Krueger Jim McCullev. Lynn Chn.. t•an ..on John 'orgel Joanae Tredon. Raymond Ehlert . Chri<,line Peder..on \llar.. hc~ Sarle-. Diane Rich SECO D ROW : Linda Ol<oon. Erroll Clark. Denni .. Rambo: Steven Lun~eth . John Germam THIRD ROW: Ronald John~on · Gregor.• Fao,h Richard \\ ienke. Kri5 Krieger. Jodelle John.,tad :vtarilvn Dean Barbara Pankdu FOURTH ROW: Leon Lemma. Byron Olson Mc~l ­ colm. James Ash . Jon Schoenborn; Thomas Koeppen . Eugene Frc~nkw1ck. Mark Frc~nkwick

Off Campus


Seniors Roma Abduhl Robert D Abitz

judv 'f Adams Abdurrahaman

jame' Adedtbu john j Ahrens


Terrv A)e,a Chri~une G Albemon

Denni .. \\ Allar Keith E Amund ..on

Maxine E. Ahfield Barbara A. Anderson Lonnee Anderson Peg Anderson

ancy j . Anderson Richard C. Ander~on Ryan Ander~on Susan E. Anderson

Lynda Anderl Gladys M. Anfinson Candy A. Ashley Ro,anne Arko

Dorothy M. Babler Anthony S. Bagenayabo Dianne R. Bailey Cynthia C. Ballard

Norbert Banaszynski Donald R. Baran Lynda I. Barclay Gary A. Baribau


Colleen B Bar!.. M1chael A BarJ... Nancy Barfelt Joyce Boo;er

Eileen Sla<J... Bartz Richard Bauer Kathleen L Baumann Barbara J Behrend

Karen D Bell Dale F Behringer Mary E Bellin Liane E. Benmnger

judith A. Bieske Marynell W. Blantow Brenda C. Blenker Emily M . Bodart

David]. Blunk janet 0. Boivin Steven H. Bornhoft Mary Boyer

Curtis j . Boehm john W . Brakefield Vaughn D . Bray judith M. Breitengross

Cheryl L. Bray Ann E. Breitweiser linda j . Bretl David L. Brethorst

Holly A. Broderick Kathryn M. Bruegger Paul G. Bubnik Roberta J. Buchan


Michael C. Bullington William l. Surmesch Alan N. Suyse Roscoe Sutterfield

Steven E. Campeau jack A . Capelle Larry W . Carlson True H. Carr

Doris M . Carty David H. Castner john K. Dunster Michael j . Chamberlain

Richard G. Chapman Charles E. Lee Sharon V. Chase Mark D . Chasco

William E. Chase Michael j . Cherveny Gary H. Christensen Gary R. Christie


lvnn D. Chnqianson Chns Irwin jamC Ciulla K.1thrva D Cieszki

Robert W Clapp lenore K. Clark Howard F Clausing Myla L Collins

Peter C. Coil berg Dana F. Connolly Ned Conrad Daniel J Cook

Donna j. Cooper Monique L. Cooper Margaret A Cory Richard l . Costerisan

Rosanne Cuda Robert R. Cotter lois C . Czerwanski Dolores A. Dale


Robert C. Danielson Arthur B. Daniels Sharon Davie Darla J. Deer

Thomas C. Davis Neal J. Delaruelle Patti L. Demerath Vicki J. Deppe

Deborah A. Devtch Malcolm A. Dicks Myrtle E. Dickson MarkS. Diedrich

Michael D. Dickson Charles B. Dinehart James M. Discher Linda S. Dittburner

MikeT. Dobrowolski Steve Doede Phyllis Damask Linda K. Doriot


Richard C. Dowling David j . Dosemagen Christopher L. Driessen Mary A. Drury

Roger G. Dubble Michael L. Durley Raymond F. Ehlert Jr. Enid Ehlen

Barbara M. Elfstrom Mari L. Eklund William R. Engstrom lynn L. Elrick

Pamela R. Fahl Patricia A. Fahrman Dennis L. Fangmeyer Mike A. Fett

Mary K. Feucht Frank M. Fialkowski Robert W. Ficks Pamela A. Fieber


Nancy j. Fichten jeanne Field Kevin M Fife Maxine Flemmg

Rainer B. Fleschner Thomas Fleter RobertS . Flood Carol L. Flynn

jeffrey R. Follendorf Patricia A Fo' Bruce Frange orman C. Franke

Rand Foss Robert A. Freck Sue E. Fricker Kenneth D. Frye

Larry j. Fritschler janice M. Ganser Stephen A. Gebert Leola M. CebCluer


james R. Garvens Bernard j . George Kathleen A. Gerken j. Gilsdorf

john W . Gindt Karen D. Glasrud Patricia j . Glines janice D. Glines

Steven C. Glockzin Crystal L. Goetsch Suzanne D. Goetz Gloria M. Gohman

Dave C. Goetzinger Tom j . Golden David E. Gontzke jeff Gramoll

Howard Gordon john A. Green Russell R. Greiber Richard Groth


Sharon A Gray Kathleen A. GucCiard• Lois C. Gullicbon Nancy J Gurn

james Gural Diane B. Gutgt!>ell john L Haar~tad jeffrey \1\< Haas

Margaret H Habelt Sherry L. Habeck Thomas j Hagmann Catherine H. Halama

Rhonda j Hagen Amy K Hall Lorna M Han~on Theresa A Han~on

Glenn N . Hampton jill Hardt Su~anne Haring~

Ellen Hatfield


Kathleen J Hart Randv Hawthorne L Heagv Ro bl Heaman

Machael R. Heebink M Hein Dolor~?!. L. Henrick~o n Robert A. Hendrickson


Steven C. Henrich Karla M. Henning Bernard T . Hilgers Donald V. Hermes

Rachard Herling Susan M . Hintzman Ronald E. Hodge Mary A. Hjeher

Gaye L. Hoese Patricaa A. Hoffman Margaret R. Holbus Lon a J Holsen


Ronald D Hollick Sandra M . Holten Diane T Hoovmon Dav1d Hoppe

\'ernon M . Hollhueter judith M Hollinger Mary J Hove Paula J Howerv

David M . Hubbard Richard F. Hudec Elaine C . Huisman Stephanie B Hull

Mary J Hull Glenna A. Hunsinger Linda D. jaeger Ray james

Lee jameson Richard G janos Peter J. Jeffers Paul G. Janzen


Fred R. Jerina Mary M. Jens \'\"illiam Johnk1 Susan E. Johns

Jean L. Johnson Ginger A. Johnson Ross Johnson Leona M. Johnson

Sharon M. Johnson Barbara B. Jorgenson Sally J. Jorgenson Patricia E. Kadonskv

'ailS. Kalian Charles W. Kargel Joyce M. Kerstein Mary J. K iet~ke

Kevin J. Keegan Penny L. Kienbaum Dennis D. Kiffe Patricia M. Kilocoyne


P.llricia A Kildahl H .~cott Km more joanne C Kirbv John C. Kirchhoeter

Thomas R Kluge Kathi A. Kirk Kathleen R. Knappe Carl M Knapp

Kay Knudtson Lynn A Koca Dorothy J Kocovsky Re' R Koderl

Christine M Kol5tad Richard W . Konetski Kenneth H. Kran:t MaryAnn C. Koeppell

Kristine J Krause Alex B Kress Susanne M Kress ancy A Korger


Gary L. Kr~ning \\ arren C. Krueger Donald J Kuchar Kathleen A. Kress

Diana Kuehn Mary J Kulig Robert G. Kutcher James Lambrecht

Robert J. Lamb John E. Lalor Robert E. Lambrecht Elilabeth A.

Bill Lance John R. Lange Mary L. Larkin Catherine M. Lapcinski

Carol A. Larsen John A. Larson Lvdia L. Larson Mary A Larson


Bruce E. Lar~en John B. Laufenberg Foster 5. Lawver \\'illiam F. Lemke

Edward P Lehnen Bette j Leque ancy 5 Lillie Ron.!ld L Luer

Mary E Leonard Yu E. Lo Marv C Lochner judith A Lode~

T em L. Lo.: ke \ ernon A Lokken CrvStal D Loon)ioot \\ ayne R Loeiiler

Marv j. Luka~ Lind~ Y Lo•e-.· Fave M. Lum)den Scott E Lukas


Barb,ua j . Lund Dan Lvryfter Barbara j . Maas ~rge C. Macht

Donna L. Macke Bonn1e Mailing Tim Maloney Bernadette Malter

Margaret Mackie Donald A. Mano David j . Manske Bradford L. Marshall

Sandra j . Martin Christine D . Martin Ellen j . Matthais Shamiram MazeJy

john A McCabe john P McCormick T1mothy S. McClure Davie F McCracken


John McGinnis Ronald E. McDowell lynette S McKmrick Susan M . McMorro"

Terann K Medcalf Sandra L. Me amara Su~an M Meehan Catherine A Mehnng

Daniel E. Mehle1s Barbara Y Meier Jeffrey J. Meinerz Kathy A. Mei~~en

Sandra K. Me"ner Jerome F. Melin Kirsten S. Mence Mary E. Metzenbauer

Jo A. Merritt Charles L. Meyer Mary Michael James J. Michalkiew•cz


Caroline M. Micheaux Karen j. Mickelson Kathy V. Miller Luke D. Miller

Paul j. Milinovich David T. Minorik Kerilyn D. Mischke Robert W. Mitchell

Sandra j. Millar Kathleen A. Mitchell Keith j. Mitchell Richard j. Moen

jeffery W. Miller Brad C. Mommaerts Thomas j. Montgomery judi K. Mohr

jonathan P. Moore Richard D. Moore Barbara E. Mosinski Dennis L. Mousel

26 1

Janet G Mules James E. Mueller Terrance A. Musech Sharon M . Mvhre

Kathleen A . Myhra Alexis E. elson lila J. elson LyleG elson

Jerry E. Neuberger Edward C. Newcomb Robert J. Newton Linda A. Newton

Michael J ichols Catherine M . ieds Mary M . Nikolay Kenneth E. ielsen

John P. orgel Kathleen O 'Connell Maureen D . 0 Brien Susan M . 0 Brien


Sue L. 0 Connor Dan K. 0 Connor 'via A. OelJ..e D.m M Ognanovich

Edward M. Odell Anita M. Olson Bvron C. Olson Judith D. Olson

Linda R. Olson Leon R. Olson Wendy L. Olson Paulette M. Opsal

Marie Orjansen R1chard A. Orlopp Darlene A. Ossmann Phillip 0 . Oywello

Michael J. Paque Wells C . Parker Judy A. Passow Rebecca J. Paulsen


Sacia M. Pence Howard L. Paulson Roger W . Perry Barbara B. Perry

Maureen C . Peterson John B. Perry Thomas V. Peterson Donna J. Petersohn

Timothy G. Peterson Wayne A. Peterson Alexander N. Petropoulos Mary J. Petta

Edward A. Phillips Patrick J. Phalen joan E. Piotrowicz John S. Polacek

Michael E. Pomrening joseph A. Popelka Steven C. Prahl Jeanne A. Prast


Beth M Prindle Rosalie Prutl Luis F. Ramirez James Rabe

Renee Ramsev Michael L. Rasmussen Lee Ratatori Kenneth D. Reader

Jack R. Reichert Randall Redman Robert J. Reifenberg Georgina A. Rehdantz

William J. Reimann Susan A. Renner Robert A. Richardson Carol Richards

Iris A. Richardson Joe Richardson

Betty M. Ringelspaugh Jeffrey L. Roberts


Ronald l. Robanson Raymond P. Romblom Kay A. Romnes Donald D Rohloff

Dave Ros~man LeeK. Rubin~tein Allan B Ruptper Linda D Roots

Bernard R. Ru~ch Connie Rupprecht Maureen A Ruso;ell Michael Rushing

James M Sadow~l..i Susan M. Salemi Jame~ l. Sandel Michael D. Samsa

Bonnie j . Saupe Michael A. Scanlan Stephen M . Scheil Gregory l. Schantz


Brian j. Schenk Susan Scheopher Myrha j. Schlough Donald A. Schley

Kathy A. Schmidt Robert L. Schmiedlin Candance L. Schnakenberg Ronald D. Schneider

Terry L. Schoenrock Lawrence R. Schnepf William R. Schuck Loren C. Schrader

Marilyn j. Schueler Barbara E. Schultz Christine L. Schultz Dale Schultz

Darlene M. Schulz Lois Schulz james Schumacher Richard C. Schulz


Tom Schuvler Steven J Schwarz judith M Score George F Schumann

Eugene A Seehafer Mary Beth Sevcik Bomta K Shafer Susan M Sesterhenn

M1chael W . Sh1meta Lavonne M . Sneen Lan Siae Hoen ManeL SieJa

Roger E. S1ebke Edward \1\' Siira E1leen A. S1mmons Gerald G Sin?

Richard L. Sisel james A. Skweres Mary Skinner john H. Sippel


Timothy A. Skinner Dale A Skjerpmg George Stutter Rebecca M. Smith

Michael A. Smith Smith RitaM Smith Mtchael G. Soden J<~ek

Ronald L. SonJu Terrence L. Solberg Cathy A. Speich C.ari Spagnoletti

David C . Stauss Susan Stearns james j. Steeber Loutse E. Sterlinske

Leeann Steffen Barbara A. Stevenson Kenneth W . Stier David A. Stoinski


Jim Stone Susan Storing Jane A . Strenger Sue Striepling

Dean Strehlau ancy Strommen Donna Strub Stanley Strub

Duane H. Swanson larry Supra!-. Sharon Svnng Don Swan~on

Glori<~ A . Tabor

Carol Tepe DaveTiett Bruce Tietz

Charlene P. Terbeest Kent Thomas Carol Thomp~on Carla Thomp>on


Dori~ Thomp~on L.~rrv Tillohon s.tlly T ...ddy Tom Tobin

:vlilrilvn K Trilmor D<~rvlil M Trippler Edward Tuttle ~ancvTyler

Phylli~ Ulm Jon Urbiln \ 1ckv \ alett lone \ dn Bldricom

Annehes E. \ anDer~terren Ger.1ld M \ 'anevenhoven T1mothv M \ 'anHeirseele Karen M Vasey

Dale \'anVreede Lmda \'etl James \ 'isor Kathv H \'inette


Merry K. Vinette Ken \"oelz Barbara L. Voss Toni M . \ 'ogt

John Walkins Carol Wagner DanielL. W.1ldvogel Susan L. Wallace

Cynthia L. Wallintin Richard W<~yne Richard Wightm<~n Rhoda J. W .1rren

Gary L. Welch Muriel J. Wickman Karen G. Widemann Henry L. Weidlich

George F. Widenmeier Linda Wiedenmeier Jeffrey G. \<\"ilcott Susan J. Wilkie


Chris William Anita Williams ).1mes D. Willis Nancy Wise

Gerald Wisnewski Mary Beth Wolff Donald Woltd David j. Wolf

R Elame Wright Whe-Lan Wu Robert Wolslegel Mary K. Young

Dave Younger 6.1rbara Ann Zander Dean Ziegnebein Alice A. Ziegelbauer

Sue Vernon M1chael N. Zissman Beth Zondag Milo D. Zwieg


Medallion Awards

\\ a'' Lor• Robc:n• FOt-RTH RO\-\ : W o~)(nl·r R anJo~ ~m th "-· nn fr'<·• F rn n k b-·rr R.. ho~rJ,on \ ~~ ' OT PI CTL.RED: IJ~h.oro~h Bt:d"c.- (,,:raaJ l<•han . Lorno1 llo~n, u n \\ I n R, n ~

FRO''T ROW : \.l o1ur'.· 'xh "' tL <..hri• Drie--~n . Heoor lru1 RhoJo1 \\ .un:P O.mad lO<>I.. SECO 'D R0\1\ : ..,,t.'pht:n <.;t:bt:rt :>.1llhat "> ml·td JuJtt LuJl'' <.h~:n Kr ' H "drJ Pdul•on L.urv ::,,hnl'<l.. TH IRD RO\-'\ : Dd><>rolh IJt:, ada. &>nn 1-..un l anJ\ \1 ~:nno1 . Lao~nc.- lknnan ~·· r .,ut


Who 's Who in American Universities and Colleges

FRONT ROW : Daniel Cook; Cheryl Bray; Chris Driessen; Liane Benninger. SECOND ROW: Rex Koderl; Howard Paulson; Michael Shimeta; Rhoda Warren. THIRD ROW : Lenore Clark; Beth Zondag, Patricia Fahrman. FOURTH ROW: Kenneth Frye; Bonnie Kern; Stephen Gebert. FIFTH RO W : Dennis Allar; Gerald Sinz. OT PICT URED: Linda Dittburner, Lorna Hanson, Catherine Lapcinski; Kathryn Miller; Dan Connor. judith Smalley.





FRONT ROW : Dave Welch. john Ruffulo; Dave Pivarnik. SECO D ROW : Roger 1 ichols. Rick Maas . Mike Ogrezovich. Steve Young. Max Sparger. Coach.



FRONT ROW : Gary Welch . Dan Waiduogel. Dave Offerdahl. Terry Alexa. Ed Sattler; Scott Ferguson. id. Mi~ch ; joe Andrvchowitz. SECO D ROW: Gary Mint7 , Paul Woerfel. Dave Hint7man. Tom Mortenson. Tim \ 'an Heir5eele; Tom Speidel. Gary Kuehl. Russ Flanil'tan THIRD ROW :

Terry Petrie. Coach. Frank Hebl. Coach. Mike Prissell , Manager. joel Merritt. M1ke Leis. AI Weisman . john Schroeder; john Will iam~ Roger johnson

1971 Tennis F RO IT RO W : Robert Smith . Coach. Mike Raven. Jim Serle. Captain. Don elson. SECO D RO W: Dan RoedL Tom Casadonte Mike Muchowski. Dave Curiten

1971 Track

Rich Bessert. Steve ovotny; Fred Morrey. THIRD ROW: Bill Lemsky . Ken Kranz. Tom Hackbarth; Wayne Anderson. Bob Sandstrom.

FRONT ROW : Douglas Stallsmith. Coach. Robert Kamish, Coach. SEC0 D ROW : jules Butcher. Gary Symanski; Tyrone Grant. Mark Burwell. Barnev Klecker. John Green. Jeff Kurish . Andy Harrison. Dave Blaha;


Gymnastics Tim Kru~e jerrv Zelenka Curt Lang John Mueller !'vlike Zi.-man Greg Dattilo Bruce Pettit Todd Down ing Steve j.1c bon


Bob Scheel. Larrv Couey ; Terrv Elmer. Gordon Swanson FIFTH ROW: Ken Carmodv. Lvnn Goldney . Dave Kopvdlow~ki ; Dick Eberlin. Brad Campbell. Craig Olson. jim Shore; Dave Blaha; Tom GlinskL SIXTH ROW : Dan Jerabek. Fred \'\'algren. Mark Anderson . Tom Speidel. jim Zellmer T im Gjovik. Tom \'anderloop; Mike L<~ndry . jim Piller i\:ick Rt· chter SEVENTH ROW : Tim Carpenter Chris H.1y~ . Steve Zais Denni• 'el,on Bill Hartung. Tim Loberg. Bob Au~loos. jeff Me 'eelv Ken Hou'e jeff Staszak EIGHTH ROW: Mike Greely. R.1ndv Gutsch Kim \ i~'er

FRONT ROW: jerry Sinz. Bill Gennett. jeff Towner Garv Kuehl. Dave Goetzinger; Rocky Ma,son. Rick Henneberry; Dan Tentcher Roger Goldbach. SEC OND ROW: Eric Bloohm. Dale Herrmann . Manager. Charle~ Simon. Manager. ick Misch , Coach. Bob Kamish . Coach Sten Pierce. Head Coach. jim Nowaskey Coach. jack Davis. Coach. Lee Rubenstein. Manager. Hal Dalibor. Manager Steve Olbert. T HIRD RO W : Tom Selvick. Roger Berg. Ron Berg, Scott Lindseth. Tom Murrav Mike\\ ettstein jim Hittman. john Osmanskt Fred Guinn FOURTH ROW : Steve :--!ovot· nv Fred Morrey . Ken Klappench , Steve Fedie; Dave Dre~~en , john Debee


Cross Country

FRONT ROW : Evc1n Sc~smc1n . Hector CruÂŁ. joe Stout. Fred Kuhn . Bill Lemskv. SECO 0 ROW: Bob ~c1ndstrom . Nehc1l Zc~id i. Bart Lc1ssman . Marl-. Gillings . Andy ~taudt. Barnev Klecker. john Chartrand.


FRONT ROW : Owain Mintz. Head Coach. Brad Wilkinson . Manager; Bill Heideman. Assistant Coach. SECO 0 ROW: Riel-. Biancardi. Scott Fergu~o n . Marcus Hay~ . Chucl-. Fen~ke; Rob Heiman. jim Sallis. Art Lowe. THIRD ROW: Denzell Wc~llace; )im \<\ inn . Doug Eha . Pete Almberg; Dale Magedanz. Brad Peterson jack Capelle; Terrv Alexa . Bill Lvon~




FRONT ROW: Lvnn Streeter; Bob Schul1e, Terry Watkins . jay Watkins; Rod Krieg. Chuck Berber; jam Ciulla; Dennv Carter. SECOND ROW: lyle elson, Manager. Paul Bourguinon. Doug Hubbard . joe Petruzates; Tum Herold . Glenn LaChapelle; Dennv Phillaps. Tom McNamara. Chuck MorteL Bob Patnaude; Tom Slupe. Assistant Coach . john Mcamara , Head Coach .

FRONT ROW: Dave Mahr, Manager; Rick Klabechek. Mike \'an De Bogert, Manager. Earl McMahon. Mike Moutor. Bob Tanwicki. jon Morrow; Ron Morrow, Jim Ludeman. SECO 1D ROW: Robert Smith, Coach . Guy Hrushka; Mike Mueller, Rick \1\'inkler; Dave Kontl; Jam Thomas . Greg

Messerschmitt ; jack Milinovich . Eric Friest THIRD ROW : Rudy Will. Greg Janicki ; Greg Miller; Jim Hackey , Pam Becker, Ben Kowalski; Jim Cummisford. Carry Novak; jim Matelski. Cary Winkler. Assistant Coach

Bowling FRONT ROW: Bob Koranda jeff Roozen . Rich Pasyak. SEC 0 D ROW : Brian Schulz. Dave Drew; Tom Prohounik. THIRD ROW: George Blesl-acheJ... Coach. Dave Rattle; jim Discher.


Wentland; john Miller. Frank Fryer. john Schutts; Greg Ellsworth. Sten Pierce. Coach.

FROI'IT ROW : jim Cox; Steve Hennings ; Hector Cruz. Dale Evans . AI Enger; Tim Schultz. SECOND ROW: Terry Goodell; Marvan Sands. Dave


Golf Joe~pr n,.:er ~tdn Lu•hin~

&1!> Lund 0,1\·el\ekh 0.!\'e Knipfd 0.1n 0 <..on nor


FOURTH ROW: :VtarJ... Jadin. Ken Kranz Bob So~nd~trom M.uJ... Gillin~t• Koehler Bill Lem>h. Bo~rne\' Fred Kuhn Dcnm~ Fechhelm. FIFTH ROW: Rich Be••ert. 0d\'C Blaho~ . ·\ndv Staudt ~te\'e :--:o,otnv. Paul Lutzke Rov S"anke

FRONT ROW : Jam Hale\• Tvrone Grant. Po~t Jerrv Bloho"iaJ.... SECOND ROW: John Cho~nrand Ste\'e Zo1b. Mo1rJ... Burwell Jule~ Butcher Jim Zellmer. Jeff Kura•ch THIRD ROW: Dou" ~to~ll-.muh A·•a•to~nt Coach MaJ...e ~lind Tom Ha~J...barth Tom Petrie: Ron Ander•on Dou" Holmber~. Lo~ng \\are Andv Harri-on Robert Ko~mtsh Heo~d <..oa,h.




FRONT ROW: Mike Muchowski; Tom Casadonte; john De Graff; Dan RoedL Bob Bucklev ; Marv Benzing. SECOND ROW: Muk Haldredge Gc1rv Andres. Bob Smith. Coach. Curt Lange; Charles Fenske.


FRONT RO W : Rich Browns tean; Randy Hafferman; To m Spiedel. Garv Mintz. joe Smith. Gerry Goldsworthy ; Greg Kuphall ; Gary Bucklev. SECO D ROW: Paul Woerfel. Gary Kuehl; Dan Waldvogel; Russ Flanigan; Tim \"an Heirseele; Carl Kroening; Mark jacobson; Scott Wysocki.

M ike Molitor. THIRD RO W : T erry Petrie. Coach; Don Westman; Dave WaldvogeL Bill Rozakis. Ed Satt ler; Terry Alexa. Scott Ferguson. jerry Leonard. Rodger Fisher ; T im Loeberg; Frank Heble. Coach.



FRONT RO W: Mike Mucho" ~l..t Tom Ca~adonte ; John De Graff. Dan Roedl Bob Bucklev. Mar' Benltng. SECO N D RO W: M.ul... lloldrcJge Gan; Andre~ Bob ~mith Coa~h Curt Lan~e Ch.ub Fen~l..e


FRONT RO W : Rtch Brownstean. Randy Hafferman, Tom Spiedel Gar\ Mtntz joe Smith, Gerry Goldsworthv G reg Kuphall. Garv Bucl..lev SECON D RO W: Paul \-\ oerfel Garv Kuehl Dan Waldvogel Ru~' Flant路 ~an Ttm \an Hetr.,eele Carl Kroening ~l ark jJcobo,on Scott \\ "' ocki.

Mike Molitor THIRD RO W: Terry Petne Coach . Don Westman Dave \\'aldvo~tel. Bill Roul...i~ Ed Sattler Terrv Ale\a, Scott Fer~uson . jerrv Leonard Rod~er Fi~her Tim Loeber~ ; Fran!.. Heble Coach


1971 Baseball Stout

8 3 3

1971 Tennis Opponent


10 1

0 0 0 2 0 3 4 1 3 3 Third 0 3 2 4 0 -l

Stevens Point Stevens Point LaCrosse LaCrosse Platteville Platteville Superior Superior Eau Claire Eau Claire River Falls River Falls Oshkosh Oshkosh Whitewater \1 hitewater


-l 3 2 5

8 1 5 0

3 1 5



1 H

1 7 2 2 2 -l -l 0

-l 9 7

\1\'SUC Fifth Place


Opponent Illinois State Quincy College Washington university Principia Greenville Hamline Eau Claire Stevens Point River Falls Bethel Oshkosh Invitational Eau Claire Oshkosh River Falls Platteville Whitewater Winona Superior

9 9 6 7 8 6 5

8 6 6

9 6 7 5

9 5


WSUC Seventh Place

1971 Golf

1971 Track Stout

29 Tie/ 11th 88

83 11z


IN DOO R LaCrosse Oshkosh Mankato Relays River Falls Eau Claire orthland Bethel Augsburg Eau Claire MacAiester WSUC Indoor Meet

72 58

81 27 Seventh 31

59 1/z


River Falls Carleton Eau Claire Stevens Point WSUC Relavs Mankato LaCrosse Stevens Point Parks ide River Falls St. Thomas Augsburg Eau Claire WSUC Outdoor ;vleet





Whitewater Superior

415 417


Eau Claire River Falls Winona

378 382 4-15


Eau Claire Platteville

387 390


River Falls



River Falls Oshkosh Carleton

386 -103 407





Eau Claire



LaCrosse Stevens Point

378 399

I! 1 '1

90 25 20 18 50

-15 39





Stout Opponent

51 -l1

3-l 117 100 83 7o 13 72 1/z o3 28




inth Place



Stout 1-l

6 2 7

21 29 8 21 10 2

Lakeland River Falls Whitewater Superior Stevens Point Eau Claire LaCrosse Winona Oshkosh Platteville



6 3 -10 10 7

30 11

27 17 15 15 14 12 9 10 18


52 7 20 o7

Opponent Eau Claire Platteville LaCrosse Michigan Tech Stevens Point Mayville State Upper Iowa Bemidji State Whitewater Superior Harper Jr Col

18 35 21 38 29 31 29 3-l 31 28 27

WSUC Sixth Place WSUC Seventh Place

. Hockey



-1 4 3 3 4 3 2 10 7 0

1 5 0

5 1 -1 7 8 2 5


Opponent Superior Superior Hamline Mankato Mankato U of Minn U of Minn Macalester St. Olaf St. Thomas St. Cloud Macalester Iowa State Iowa State Hamline St. Cloud Lakewood Rochester Rochester St. Olaf River Falls


15 10 6 6 3 13 12 6 2 2 2 3 10 6 2 6 2 2 6 1

90 82 89 93 124 84 102 105 107 79 114 95 66 85 95 67 98 89 91 38 65 65 64



Opponent Southwest Texas Whitewater Stevens Point Augsburg Valley City River Falls Superior U of Manitoba Benedictine Winona Superior LaCrosse Eau Claire Oshkosh Platteville Whitewater Stevens Point Eastern Michigan Oshkosh Platteville LaCrosse River Falls Eau Claire

7o 8-1 7-l 68 75

o1 52 58 8-l 75 72

70 85 72

9o o5 70 10-l 8-l 3-l -16 63 65

Gymnastics Stout 106.50 113.30 110.20 95.90 106.25 9-l.85 106.30 101.o5 101.65 111.35 111.55 109.85

Opponent o. Illinois Parks ide St. Olaf Mankato St. Cloud o. Michigan Oshkosh Whitewater Superior Stevens Point LaCrosse Platteville

H0.25 77.65 113.80 12-1.90 138.95 116.35 128.60 113.30 76.40 88.55 133.31 55.50

WSUC Fifth Place

Swimming Stout 75 75 Sixth First 71 Second 35 62 70 70 7-l 70 71 75 68 70 69 49 86

St. Thomas Luther Minnesota Relays WSUC Relays Mankato Bluedevil lnvit. o. Michigan Macalester St. Cloud orthern Iowa Hamline River Falls Oshkosh Superior Whitewater LaCrosse Stevens Point Eau Claire Platteville WSUC Second Place

Baseball Opponent


38 37

1 13 1 1 3 13 1 1 1 1 3 4 12 -l 6 6 18 1 3 1 5 3 3 1 9 3 1 1 1 1-l 10


35 -l9 -l2

-l3 39 35 -l2

38 -l5 -l3 -l3 o4 26


Opponent William Carey William Carey Livingston Univ Livingston Univ Livingston Univ Livingston Univ Livingston Univ Livingston Univ Illinois Wesleyan Jackson State Jackson State Jackson State Eau Claire Eau Claire St. Thomas Superior Superior River Falls River Falls Macalester Macalester Stevens Point Stevens Point Whitewater Whitewater Oshkosh Oshkosh LaCrosse LaCrosse Platteville Platteville

5 11 2 9 9 8 13 13 3 -l 5 5 7 8 -l 5 12 16 0 2 2 -l -l 3 0 13 0 3 10 -l 6


Track O pponent


~ to ut

oO Q, 1 ·1.1

:u 1 1 :!

2.2 7.3 Q,4 0 .5 ~ .0

2 .o b7 o .b

Bethel Lc1Cro-. ... e Eau Cla1re 0 -.hko ... h R1ver ~ails Hamlme Platteville ~u perior Macale... ter River Fc11ls \\ hitewater \,\ inon.l ~teven ... Pomt

o.o 5 1

-'b3 13 5.4 2.4 0 .4 34 1.4 7.5 1,5 35

\\ SUC. Fifth Place

11 2 1 !

Eau Clc1i r~ \\ inonc1 orth lc1nd

5 11 35 25


Ri,er Fc1ll-. Golden \ 'c1llev Eau Clc11r~ Bethel



97 8


oo •_

O!>hkosh :vi Mquett~

~ our th

Golf Opponent

o . . hko ... h R1ver Fc1lls \,\ inona

387 417 43q


LaCro..,.,.e ~teven.., Point

19o 202


\\ hitC\\ ater

403 p - -/

lL S

102 17

\\ ~UC Indoor Meet



57 1 U .me R1ver ~ all .. \\ hitC\\ ater

391 397 39 '

l o7

l:..lU <....l.11re [)ubuque

1oo loo

' 42 1 Ut11re Platte\ .tic

38Q 389




St. Uoud 1 orthland Au~sbu r~



30 25 4





Au~sbu r~

St. Thomas



Oppo nent 97

o2 8



Indoor LaC .ossc Eau Claire

R1ver Falls Superior Eau Clai r~ La<....rvsse \ \ inona


93 22

Lt~<.... I 0SSC

84 00

\\ ~UC


Tie/ 1st

\,\ ~UC.

Ou tdoor Meet


108 28

St. Thomas Stevens Point Luther \\ mona Ec1u Clc11re ~cconJ

\-\ Sl.;c. :'\:inth Place

11 2 29 24



18 lo 1

Women's Gymnastics Stout 50.30 5o.4 88 .45 79.60 7-i .39 1H.82

Third 41 .3

LaCrosse Platteville Superior Eau Claire Oshkosh River Falls Eau Claire Regional Meet River Falls

Women's Basketball Opponent


106.60 50.95 -15 .9 109.65 o9.00 o3.07 121.62

24 35 47 4-i 19 23 33 44 28 21 13 32 29 21 33


Women's Swimming Stout

Opponent Whitewater Waukesha Mount Mary Ashland LaCrosse Oshkosh Fond duLac Marian College Green Bay Superior River Falls Eau Claire Stevens Point Madiso n St. Catherine

53 25 30 15 91 57 28 23 26 57 -16

70 -19 -iS


Women's Volleyball Opponent


Eau Claire



LaCrosse Eau Claire Winona

110 79 47


River Falls



Oshkosh Madison

88 70





Eau Claire River Falls

74 H


Stevens Point


Stout 15 ,6 ,3 15,15 ,15 15,5,15 7 ,7 10,13 3 ,6 0,15 ,14 15,15 1 ,7 15,15 15,15 15 ,15 10,12 15,1,2 10,8 15.15 15 ,15 15.15


Opponen t Superior Northland St. Theresa Carthage Whitewater Whitewater River Falls St. Catherine Stevens Point Stevens Point Medford Medford Eau Claire LaCrosse Fond duLac Superio r River Falls Eau Claire

2,15 ,15 3 ,5 ,13 9,15,13 15 ,15 15,15 15,15 15,6,15 8 ,13 15,15 3,2 5 ,8 7 ,12 15,15 6,15,15 15.15 3 .3 10,2 14 .13


FRONT ROW : Sue Fra~er. Bri<ln Bennett. joanie Hauser. SECO D ROW : Kenton Miller; Re1y Durst. Pe1t lnda; Mil..e Chnqofferson. Dick ~ommers. THIRD ROW: Sandra Hanson. Marv il..olay. Kathy Dyer. Debbie Preston. Kathy Krajewski .

FRONT ROW : Mary Hanneman . jane Die~ing; Ellen Buttel SECO D ROW : Laurie Henkel. Linda Sherwin. Maureen Ekern . Barb Sch<~ufelberger. THIRD ROW: Carlotta Sheffield: Lo1s Czerwin~k1 . Marv Hint7man . Connie Hammond . Sue Torgerson. Sue Blackburn. Karen Hottinger. FOURTH ROW : Roseanne GrelL julie Hicke: jill Paske: Marge jacobi. Karen Schoofs. judy Steffek. jane Iverson . L<~ura Tibbitts. FIFTH ROW : Barbar<l Falk. Marv Hamer


Women's Varsity Sports

GYM ASTICS . FR ONT ROW : Denise Scho!.. Marsha Daglev . Dorothv Bernardi. Carol Parkin~on M ar~aret Kev~ SECO D ROW : Marcv lindber11 Gail Barfu~ Patty \\ eber \"tc!..v Cou1e; Con me Stoke~

SW IMM I G. TOP TO BOTTOM : Bonme Popendteck. Ann Reise. jane Ztmbric. Jane Losch . Marcv Martha Heimann. joyce Angoh Kathv Zut.,, Sue Chtrko. Terri Ol~on. jane Larson. Vickv Kramer Cindv Boehm.

BASKETBALL Chris Albertson Jan Werblow. Ann Storbeck Lvnn Hunsbuscher. MaAAie Gliniecki. Cheri Mei~ner; Toby Bodeen Tree \<\; Marv Cave; Ltnda Olthafer Carol Red Lund Ell ie Goeke K EELh G: Chri~ Zampach <.oach

VOLLEYBALL. FRONT ROW : Jan SelL Cathy Halama ; julie lenz. Karen McBurney. Connie Braeger. Capta in . SECO D ROW: Christine Zampach. Coach: Pam Servais; Marv Heuer. Sharon Kroes. Diane Sievert. Jenny Centgraf.

TRACK. FRONT ROW : Christine Zampach. Coach. SECOND ROW: Barb Mulcahy . Kathy Powers . THIRD ROW : Marv Lou Perfel7. Rita McKinley. Co.Jch. Barb Schroeder.


President/ Chancellor

Dr. William J Micheels , President/ Chancellor. Distinguished Profes~or


Vice Presidents

Dr. \1\~ley !:>om mer~ . \ 'ice


Dr. \-\~ley Face. \ 'ice Pre~ident for Ac.1demk Affairs .

tor Adminbtrative Servic~ .

Dr. John Furlong, Vice Pr~ident for Special Services.

Dr. Ralph Iverson. \ 'ice President for Student Services. Acting President/ Chancellor



Clifford Gauthier. Computer Center Director

Dr Richard Ander,on. Dean ot Admi;sion; and RecorJ~ Dr jo,eph Larkan. A'"'tant to \ 1ce President for Student Servic~ Samuellr\ ood. Dean of Students

Henry Kaynes. Director for Institutional Research and Universitv Planning

Dr Eugene Flug. Special Assistant to Pr~ident and Director of Center for Improvement of Learmng

Admin is tr at ion Dr IJwt~ht A~nl'". D芦.>dn of ~'hool

ot Liberdl Studil".


ormdn Ztemdnn. A~~i~t路

.mt o~.m

Dr. Davtd Barnard Dean of Learning Resourc~ .

Dr. Robert Swanson Dean of Graduate College


Admin is tr at ion RIGHT: Dr. Dennis Bolstad, Assistant Dean; Dr john Stevenson. Dean of School of Education. BELOW: Dr. ). Anthonv Samenfink. Dean of School of Home Economics. joy Sed~ wick. Assa~tant Dean

Dr. Herbert Anderson. Dean of School of lndustrv and Technologv . Dr. Arnold Piersall. Acting A'-'-istant Dean; Dr. Philip Ruehl. Assastant Dean .


Special Services Ravmond Szvmanski, D1rector of Re,earch and Development John Enger, Coordinator of 1ew' ServKes. Charle' Buelow, Director of Editorial and Information Sef\路ites Jack \'\ ile. D1rector of Development and Alumni Services .

Student Services

FRONT RO W : Don Osegard. Admissions ; Robert Dahlke. Career Planning and Placement, Sharon Stewart , Registration. Glen Schuknecht, Registrar, Lois von Berg. Financial Aids SECO D RO W : Robert Schunk. Career Plannmg and Placement Richard Lowerv Admissions. Charles Kell. Admissions. Ronald Bover Financial Aids .


Academic Affairs Juhn \ 'an O~dc1le. E"tended Services Directur Jd<l.. GJn/emiller Fteld E\perience Director Eul Geirke. Currkulum ( l)l)rJ.natur

Housing and Student Center FRONT ROW : Joesph Brown , Housing A'~•~tant , Judith Spatn, Director of Residence Halls. Allen Klink. Director of Operation~ . Helmuth Albrecht, Admtni~trator of SECO D ROW: Robert Johnson, Student Center D irector John Bostrum. Student Public at tons Coordinator. Paul Goede Food Servich Director


Student Services

COU 'SEll G CENTER: Robert Hovt. Dr David M, '<~ u)'\hton Sue Stephen,on Dr Paul C..uollo Dr Pind.;.nev Hall.


Gerald Donie--• Coordinator of 1\:e"' Student Advi,cmcnt

Wright . Dean of Student Activities


Graphic Communications

FRONT ROW : H,m, Timper SECO 0 ROW : Dr Richdrd Peter 1-.~nneth lrid-.••>n Llovd \\ hydot~ l..i Dr <.h<~rlt.,. Thoma-. Dr \i Amthor Edwm ~1efl!rt THIRD ROW : Ch.ult.><- Krue~~r Courtne\' "'''tut~n ~ r.tnl.. 1-.~!hrber)': Dr. Louh Moe~enb u r~ Dr ).1mt.><- Hur Dr lrnn Dcnni•

Energy and Transportation

FRONT ROW : Chucl.. Rho<~d' Dr joe Rmck. Ro>> Fiedler; Ch<~rl~ Smith, Dr Augu•t Schul~ . jack D.wi> . SECO, D ROW : Edward Morical Jameo Collier , C raig Froke. Terrance Lvnch . Dr Robert ~piniti Dr Thoma• Baldwin Dr J<~d. Samp•on


Industrial Management

FRONT ROW: Dr. jerrv Commer. Leonard Helgeson . Dr. Frank Ireland. Dean Long. Mehar Arora. SECO D RO W : Rc1lph Callender; Dr Ravmond Keil. Zenon Smolarek. Rav Han~en .



Materials and Processes

FRONT ROW : Paul Speidel; K. T . Olsen. SECOND ROW: Edwin Dyas; George Peltter; Dr. Glenn Gehring: Dick Klall. George Soderberg. THIRD ROW: Marvin Kufahl : Dr. Arnold Piersall. Richard Lodle; Russell Mandy: Dr. james Runnalls; Dr. Armand Hofer; Dr. Frank Peshern. FOURTH ROW: Henry Thomas; Dr. john Entorf. Robert Hokeness; Harry Olstad; Dr. james Bjornerud .


Industrial Teacher Education

FRONT ROW: Dr John Jarvi... Dr. eal Pritchard. Dr Rober Schaefer; Or Theodore Wiehe: Dr. Lee Smallev SECO D ROW : Harold Hallin . Dr William Lukin Dr Robert Rudi!(er. Dr Richard Gebhart. Dr. L.1wrence \ \ ri~ht Otto Baker. Dr Jamc~ &n ..en

Education and Psychology

FRO IT ROW : Dr. Vervle Homuth . Marv Holman . Harlvn Misfeldt. Dr. Guy Salyer. Carol HoF,stad . Reinhard Schmidt. Jean Breisch. Lorrv SedgwicJ... SECO D ROW : Dr. Louas Klit.:ke; Dr. John Houle; Dr. Orville elson ; Dr. Donald Stephenson; Gertrude Carlson. Richard Halmstad. William Beane路 Paul Fenton. Herb !:>chwager. Dr. Dennis Bol~ t ad . Dr. Dougla" Gingrich.


Rehabilitation and Manpower Services

FRONT ROW: Darrell Coffev. Dr. P.1ul Hoffm.1n. Dep.1rtment Chairm.1n. Dr. Donn Brolin. Henrv Redkey. SECO D ROW: Dr. Walter Pru itt. Anthonv Langton. Ron.1ld Fry ; Ernest Tillman. THIRD ROW: B.1rbdrd Thomd~ ; Dr. Arnold S.1x. John Wesolek: Donald RoelL Bubara Hofer: C. Thomac Allen . Kenneth Bealo. Leon Romatowsl..1.

Counseling and Personnel Services

Dr. Evelyn Rimel: Gust Jenson Ill; Dr. Carlyle Gilbertson. Dr. Robert Wurt.:. Dr. Michael Ritland: Monette Ponick. Dr. John Deutscher.


Habitational Resources FRONT ROW: Avis Rannev . Charloue Orazem. BACK ROW: Charlotte Ro~e . Dr. Aha Belle Kemp: Dr. Helen \an Zante Thomc1s Phillips. Ronald Usiewicz. Lawrence Olivia.

Human Development, Family Living, and Community Educational Services

FRONT ROW: Lmda Sa ad. Dr. janice Keil. Mananne \-\ atzke, Rita Hipley . Dr Jane Rosenthal. SECO D ROW: Dr Mildred Turney. Dr. Beverlv Schmalzried: Dr. Marybelle Hickner: Sandra Gill. THIRD ROW : judy Herr; )ames Kelly . Mary jacobson . Eleanor )ohn~on . Florence Blanl-.. ~allv Antes. George Hughes .


Apparel, Textiles, and Design

FRONT ROW: C~rol ~JI?wert c1nn Finder R1lc1 Mc1hc1n ~ue 0 <..onnor. Mc1ureen ~tapleton SECO D ROW: Dr Mc~rno~ Met<.!lf Donna Albrecht Dr Ken Heintl. Ch.ulone Orazem. Bonnie KirkwooJ THIRD ROW: Lee Ann Mehle•~ Erma jeo~n jo~dde. Lindc1 Ri~lt'\· Dorothv jensen Pc1tnda Tra,ler Lmda Ro't Glenvce . Jerri ~ue Loon I?\·

Foods and Nutrition

FRONT ROW: Margaret jc~me> Dr AhaBelle Kemp. Dr Mercede' Kc1msk1 Dr Lorraine Dahlke; Clc~rc1 C.unson Ella jane Meiller SECOND ROW: Thomas Phillips Dr Anua \\ il~on. Dr Mc1ry Ann To"nsend . Bettv \'ien~ . Dr Cecelia Pudelke"•cz



FRONT ROW : james Ley; Floyd Hummel. Jr.. Robert Tilidetzke. David Ponick. john Hunt. Eino Maki. SECOND ROW : Matthew Reneson. Kenneth Zamberlan: Donald Komro; Frank Hebl. Dr. Richard Miller. Dr john Salo; john 1euenfeldt.


FRONT ROW : john Medalman Dr Erik Thurin Tom Revnolds Sue Bed.. ham. Richard G.~rdner S ECO D RO W : Ger.1ldme Lame. Susan Thurm . 1\:icole Puleo; Esther Faris \\ arren Lang. P.JtnCid M c M.Jn.~mv Donovdn Tr.Jin Dr Loi~ Bvrn~ THIRD ROW: Karen Boe. Paul Edmondson. Raymond McCov Marvin Lar,on Marv lo Rathke Rav 8.1rlow D.1mel Riordan Ph1llp Diser. Robert Me1er


Music Marie Bolstad. Harold R. Cooke Lvnn L Pratchard

Art FRONT ROW: Joseph Kurha1ec gue;t enlist, Mary Heck. Sherman Iverson . William Zimmerman. John Perri. SECO D ROW: Humphrey Gilbert; Barbara Becker. Orazio Fuma~o~c1lli. chairman. Todd Boppel. Alyce Vanek, Rob Price. Guy Carlson . Mc1rv Hovind . Eddie Wong THIRD ROW: Gene Bloedorn. Keith Rasmussen, curcltor. Dion Mc1nriquez. Douglas Cumming. Alan Gamache. Don Bjorkman. Gerald Hanncl; Robb Wilson .



FRONT ROW : 0 C. Kublv; Dr. John Fan. Dr M L. Rue

Rudden. SECO D ROW: Dr M.ul.. Larche/ Mvron HJrbour; IJr Jerome So-ken. "-

Physical Education

FRONT ROW : Robert Kami~h . Terry Petrie. SECOND ROW: Robert Smith Rita McKmley ; Dwam Mmtz William Burns john Luerlein , Kav

C.arter. Carol Dobrunz. THIRD ROW: Stennet Pierce. Christine Zampach



FRONT ROW : Herman Arneson. Dr Luther Mahan. Dr. Edward Lowry. Chairman. Dr Oscar Carlson; Dr. Gene Olson. Dr. Orlin Anderson: Dr. John Kainski. Donald Dickmann. Russell James. SECOND ROW: Dr Richard Wilson: George' elson.


FRONT ROW : Dr. David Korzan. Dr. Donald Clausen. SECO D ROW: Dr. Wilson Kleibacker. Dr. William Mueller. Dr. Runnalls. Chairman; Edward Gold. THIRD ROW: Dr. William Owen : Dr. Martin Ondrus.



Foreign Language John jane.

Speech FRONT ROW: Dr. orman Ziemann, Arthur Matthews SECO D ROW : Marv Cutnaw. Dr Lorna Lengfeld . Howard Hea~e . THIRD ROW : 'oel Fall..ofsl..e joan Mver~ D.tvid Bratt. FOURTH ROW : Terrence :'1.1arl..ovic h , Geri Evans. Gerald Myer>


Marketing and Distributive Education Dr. Robert C.1meron

Business Administration Carlan Cooper Dean \ 'ickstrom Guerdon \\ allesverd Stanle\• johnson. Robert Behling


Graduate College

FRONT ROW: Rita Mahan. Dr Lorraine Dahlke. Dr Jane Rosenthal. Dr. C . S Wall. Dr Robert Swanson. Dr Jame~ Daine~ . Dr Harold Halfin SECOND ROW : Dr. Ravmond Keil . Dr Augsut Schulz. Dr Larrv \\' ri~ht. Dr Walter Pruitt. Dr \\ avne Courtney.

Social Science

-----' FRONT ROW: Robert Melrose. Bruce Caldwell. Clyde Smith SECOND ROW: John Clark. Stephen Snvder; James Eggert THIRD RO W : Dr. David Liu Ken Kajer. Willard Bailev Chairman. Rong Rong Lo; Lvdia Rutkowsl..• . Thomas inneman . \\ arren Wade; Arnold Ol~on


Media Retrieval Services FRO!\'T ROW : Brool..e Anson Marv Donley. Roberto~ Gale. Rosanne Krubsack . Ph11ip Schwarz Denni~ Howlev SECO D ROW : Denm~ Hoo~enboom . Helen (o,, Renate Tiet:t Beulah Howi~on . john )a,, Director

Media Technology Services

FRONT ROW : Robert Ward Harrv Herbert. Robert Ca~ey SECOND ROW: Terren'e Ingram. Dale Mallorv. Harold Krubs.1ck.


Senior Directory

3 14

Senior Index ABITZ, ROBERT D. Wausau . W isconsin. Industrial Education. Vet s Club. lntervarsity Club. Hall Council. Track. Indust rial Arts Club. Alfresco. Deans List. ALBERTSO , CHRIST l E G. Haddonfield . ew Jersey Dietetics. D1etet1cs Club. Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. lntramurals . Girls Varsity Basl..etbcJII Team. Alfresco. Hen nett aT Wells DietetiC Scholarship. ALEXA, TERRY. Berwyn. Jllinois. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Basketball (All Conference. Most Valuable Player). Baseball (All Conference. Most Valuable Player). ALLAR, DEN IS W . Wausau. Wisconsin . Marketing and Distributive Education. Medallion Award. Dean's List. Who's Who Award, University Activities Assembly (Chairman). Board of Directors SSA. Corvette Club. D istributive Education Association. Karate Club. ANDERSO , BARBARA A. Stevens Point. W isconsin. Home Economics Education. Alfresco, WVSS . Project Friendsh ip, Karate Club. Girls ' Gymnastic Team. ANDERSON, LONNEE C. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Alpha Phi Sorority. Homecoming Queen, Alfresco. Fashion Forum. Best Dressed Award, Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl. Alpha Phi Scholarship Pin . A DERSON, NANCY J. Oconomowoc. Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. MAEYC. Project Friendsh1p, Dean's List. A DERSO , SUSA E. Racine. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Tower Staff. SNEA. AHEA . Stout Home Economics Club. A DERSO , RICHARD C. Windlake. W isconsin. Industrial Education. Chi lambda Fraternity. Project Fnendship. Inter-Resident Hall Council. Inter-Fraternity Council. A DERSON, RYAN R. Racine. Wisconson. Business Administrat ion . ANFINSON, GLADYS M. Whalen. Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Concert Band, Ph i Upsilon Omicron. AHEA. lntramurals. HKM Judicial Board . ARAZNY, PAUL K. Milwaukee. W isconsin . Industrial Technology. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Concert Band. Marching Band. ASCHENBAUER, PA UL F. Bayfield. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology . BABLER, DOROTHY M . Orangeville. Jllinois. Home Economics Education. AHEA . Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority. BAGENA YABO, ANTHONY M .S. Bufumbira, Kigezi. Uganda. Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA . International Relations Club. BAHR, DALE A. Sheboygan. W isconsin. Industrial Technology. Alfresco. BAI LEY, DIANNE R. North field. M innesota. Early Childhood Education. Student Senate, International Relations Club, MAEYC. BALKE, DA IEL E. M ilwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. lntramurals . BALLA RD, CYNTHIA C. Hayfield. M innesota. Ho me Economics Education. Band. Alpha Omicron Pi. Forensics. Pi Kappa Delta, PASS Staff. BA ASZVNSKI, NORBERT J. Shorewood. Wisconsin . Industrial Arts Education. Cheerleader, Resident Advisor, Hovlid Hall Floor Officer, ational Resident Hall Honorary . BANASZYNSKI, THOMAS C. Pulaski, Wisconsin . Industrial Education. Basketball. Arts and Crafts Club, Industrial Educat ion Club. BARAN, DENNIS S. Brookfiel d , lllinois . H otel and Restaurant Management . BARCLAY, l Y DA I. La Farge, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Vocational Rehabilitation Club. BARK, COLLEE B. Menomonie, W isconsin . Early Ch ildhood Education. MAEYC, Dean's List, Girls Track Team. Volleyball Team. BARK, MICHAEL A. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. FSEA. Dean's List. Vets Club. BARTLETT, NORMA E. Stoughton, Wisconsin. Clothing, Textiles, and Design. Dean's List. Campus Choir. BARTZ, Ell.EE SLACK. Menomonie. Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron. AHEA. Campus Chorus, String Ensemble, W\'SS. Dean's List. BOSER, JOYCE A. Marathon , Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Home Economics Club, Resident Hall Officer, SNEA. Tower Staff, C urriculum Advisory Committee for Home Eco nomics Education . BAUMA N, KATHLEE l. Cedarburg. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, Panhellenic Council. Undergraduate Fellows, PASS Advisor. UAA. BEHRE D, BARBARA J. Pound. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, AHEA . Stout Home Economics Association. Pro-

ject Friendship. BEHRI NGER, DALE F. Oconto Falls. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. SSIT, Alfresco. Plant Engineering Club. BaL, KAREN D. Brookfield, W isconsin. Art Education. Creative Arts Committee. SaL, LA CE C. Tomahawk. Wisconsin. Art . Creative Arts (President). BaliN, MARY E. West Bend, W isconsin. Dietetics. Dietetics Club, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Dean' s list. BEN ETT, CONRAD C. Newtown. Connecticut. Hotel and Restaurant Management . HSMA, Alfresco . BERG, LARRY l. Cushing. Wisconsin. Vocational Education. AHB, Industrial Education Club. Alfresco. Resident Assistant. BERG, SHIRLEY J. Bloomer. Wisconsin . Early C hildhood Education . BERGER, DORI. Mondovi, Wisconsin. Applied Mathematics. Alfresco. ewman Club, Math Club (Secretary). BERGMARK, JEROME A. Red W ing. Minnesota. Industrial Technology . Epsilon Pi Tau, SSIT. BESTLER, WILLIAM J. Owatonna, Minnesota. Industrial Technology. Stout State Gun Club. BIBEAU, MARY C . Roberts , Wisconsin. Home Economics General. AHEA . ewman Community, lntramurals . BIESKE, JUDITH A. Mukwonago, W isconsin. Business Administration. SAM, lntramurals . BLE KER, BRENDA C. Pewaukee, W iscons in . Home Economics General. Alfresco, ewman Club. AHEA . Intramurals. BLUNK, DA VJD J. Shawano, W isconsin . Marketing and Distributive Education. BOIVI N, JANET 0. West Allis, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron (Librarian). Christian Science Organization (Vice President). AHEA . BORNHOFT, STEVE H. Schleswig. Iowa. Industrial Education. Rifle Club, Karate Club, orth Hall Council. BOYER, MARY D . Brillion . W isconsin. Vocational Rehabilitation. Resi dent Advisor . BRAY, CHERYl. l. Elkhorn. Wisconsm. Home Economics Education. Inter-Residence Hall Cou ncil. United Council Director. Student Senator, Phi Upsilon Omicron (Corresponding Secretary). Resident Advisor. Alu mni Homecoming Scholarship Winner. ational Residence Hall Honorary. \'\'ho s Whom American Universities and Colleges BRAY, VAUGHN D. Fennimore, Wisconsin . Industria.! Education. Alfresco. orth Hall Council, Alpha Phi Omega (Vice President , Historian). BRETL, LINDA J. Elmhurst. Jllinois. Clothing and Textiles. BREITE GROSS, JUDITH M. Appleton. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. IRHC. Dorm Council. Res idence Honorary Award . BREITWEISER, AN E. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Home Economics General. Alpha Omicron Pi, MANASA, Project Friendship. BRODERICK, HOLLY A. Beloit, W isconsin. Fashion Merchandising. Stout Symphonic Singers. BRULL, JAMES J. Two Rivers, Wisconsin . Bus iness Admin istration . BRUNSO , THERESA A. Chicago. Jllinois. Clothing, Textiles and Design. International Club, Black Student Organization. BUB IK, PAUL G. Stur~teon Bay . Wisconsin . Industrial Education. B CHA , ROBERTA J. M inneapolis, Minnesota. Dietetics. lnter-\'ars1ty Chnstian Fellowship. Band, Dietetics Club, Dean s list. BUHR, ALLE W . Superior. Wisconsin. Business Administration . BULLI NGTON, MICHAEL C. laCrosse, W isconsin. Industrial Technology. IEEE (Treasurer), Vets Club. Rifle Club. BURMESCH, Wll.llAM l. Random lake. Wisconsin . Marketing and Distributive Education. Tau Kappa Epsilon (President), DECA, lntramurals BUROS, ALLA R. Viroqua . W isconsin Applied Mathematics. Goli Team. Sigma Phi Epsilon (Vice President). Interfratern ity Conference. BUTTERFIELD, ROSCOE C. Hayward . Wisconsin . Industrial Arts. Alfresco. Rifle Club, Vet's Club. BUYSE, ALAN N. Ithaca, ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management . HSMA, Alfresco . BYCHI SKI, l. THOMAS. Wausau, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. DECA. Parent s WeeJ...end Comm1ttee. BYCHI SKI, SALLY A. Phill ips. Wisconsin. Clothing, Textiles and Design. AHEA , Mental Health Club. Parents' Weekend Committee, Alfresco CAPELLE, JACK A. Kohler. \-\ iscon~in . Industrial Education. 8hl-..etball Team. Dean~ li~t . lndu~trial Educauon Club.


OEVICH, DEBORAH A. Highland Park, ew Jersey. Home Economics Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma, Girl's \ 'arsity Volleyball, Basketball. and Track. Panhellenic Senator. University Activities Assembly (Standing Rules Chairwoman), Concerned Inc , Alfresco, HKM (Social Chairman), Profess tonal Women's Caucus. Advisor to Women's Alternative Center, United Council Director. OIC KSO , MICHAEL D . Mount Crace, Tobago. West Indies . M.S. Audio Visual Communicat ions. I.R C (President). Who's Who Award Graduate ASSIStant . OICKSO , MYRnE E. Otego Martin, Trinidad, West Indies. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, Dean's list, International Relations Club (Secretary). DIEDRIC H, MARK S. St. Cloud. Wisconsin. Indus tr ial Tech nology. Kappa Lambda Beta (President), Interfraternity Council, Student Construction Association. Stout Industrial Technology Society DI EHART, CHARLES B. Somerville. ew Jersey. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Alfresco (Treasurer), Financial Aids Committee. HSMA DISCHER, JAMES M . Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts and Vocational Educat ion. Bowling Team, Wegner Memorial Scholarship. Wisconsin State Council of Caroenters and Jointers of America Schnl.-uchi" DITTBURNER, LINDA S. Cedarburg \\ tscon~tn. Clothing and Textile Des ign. \f\ ho s \ ho Award. Residence Hall ational Honorarv Re~i­ dent Hall Advisor, Inter-Resident Hall Council (Secretary), Resident Hall Pre~ident. Union Policv Board (Repre.,entauve Secretarv for I RHCl. DOEDE, STEVE C . Wausaw, Wisconsin . Industrial Educat ion. Resident Advisor. WOTSEA. DORF, MARK R. Racine. W isconsin. Industrial Technology. DOSEMAGEN, OA VIO J. Kenosha, Wisconsin. Technical Education . DRIESSEN, CHRISTOPHER l. Kakauna, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts Education. Sigma Phi Epsilon (Treasurer), Epsilon Pi T au (Vice President), S Club (Corresponding Secretary and President). Student Senate, Track, PASS Advisor. Task Force on Intercollegiate Athletics, Sophomore Class T reasurer, Who's Who Award , Stout Metals Guild (Treasurer). DRIESSEN, DEBORAH E. Stanley, Wisconsin . Home Economics GeneraL Dean' s list. O UBBLE, ROGER G. Schaefferstov.·n, Pennsylvania. Indu strial Arts. Alfresco (\'ice President, Trip Chairman), Electronics Club, Choir. D UCKWALL, EARL M . Hales Corners, Wisconsin . American Industry, Industrial Education. Alph Phi Omega (Vice President, Treasurer), American Industry Association . DUNSTER, JOHN K. Hayward, Wisconsin. Industrial Educat ion. Photography Staff. To wer Staff (Production Editor), Stoutonia Staff (Photography Editor), Stout Photographic Association. Stout Typographical Society. DURLEY, MICHAEL l. Union Lake, Michigan. Industrial Technology. Dorm Council, lntramurals , SSIT DURST, RAY l. Hewitt, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Symphonic Singers, Cheerleader. EC KER, MARY E. Antigo. \\ iscon.,in Ho me Econo mics in Business. Home Economics Club, Home Economics in Business Club. ECKER, ROBERT W . Menominee, Michigan .lndustrial Education . AIDD (Secretary), Arts and Crafts Club. EHLEN, ENID M. Red Wing, Minnesota. Home Econo mics Education . Band, Resident Advisor. EHLERT JR., RAYMOND F. Des Plaines, Illinois. Industrial Technology. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tower Staff (Photography Editor), Dean's list EKLUND, MARIL. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Home Econo mics Education. Dean's list, Pom Pom Squad (Captain), Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl. JTC Dorm Council (Secretary-Treasurer) ELFSTRO M, BARBARA M. Robbinsdale, Minnesota. Home Economics General. Alpha Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl. ELRICK, l Y l. little Chute. Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandising. Fashion Forum, Alfresco . ERDMA , DO ALD l. Madison, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. A \"A, lAVE. IEEE, Epsilon Pi Tau. ERICKSO , LINDA D . Blanchardville. Wisconsin. Home Economics Educat ion. AHEA ESSER, PRISCILLA MOUSSEA U. Muscoda, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Economics Club, AHEA. Resident Advisor, Dean's List. FAHRMAN, PATRICIA A. Mound, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Who's Who Award, Panhellenic Council (Secretary), Delta Zeta, Phi Upsilon Omicron, AHEA, Paren ts' Weekend Committee, Student Health Services Committee, Alfresco. FIALKOWSKI, FRANK M. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology.

CARLSO , LARRY W . Eau Clatre \1\'i~consin Industrial Technology. Stout Christian Fellowship (Vice Pr-sident). CARTY, DORIS M. Kellits, Clarendon, jamaica-West Indies . Early Ch ildhood Education . CASTNER, OA VIO H . Wild Rose, Wisconsin. Industr ial Technology. Band. CHAMBERLAIN, MICHAEL j . Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Hotel and Restaurant M:on:ooPmPnl . H<;MA IVirP Pr~idPntl VPt'c lluh ITr<>>cur<>rl CHAPMA , RICHARD C.\-\ atenov.n, 1ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management . Hotel Publication, Homecoming Committee Alfresco Out tog Club, Hotel Sales Management Association . CHASE, SHARON V . Phillips, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . Phi Upsilon Omicron, American Home Economics Assoctation, AFM Hall Officer, Dean's list, Mixed Couples Bowling Team, SSU Foundation Scholarship. CHRISTENS£ , CARY H. Wentworth , Wisconsin . Industrial Education . Arts and Crafts Club, Epsilon Pi Tau , Industrial Education Club, Dean' s list. CIESZKI, KA THRY D. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. CIULLA, JIM C. Skokie, lllionois Hotel and Restaurant Management. Hockey Team, Chicago Clubs. CLA USI C, HOWARD F. Port Washington, Wisconsin Industrial Arts Educat ion. Vet's Club, lntramurals, Dean's list. CHERVENY, MICHAEL J. Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Dean's list . Graduate with Oistintion. C HIRA AKHON, C HEER S . Bangkok, Thailand M.S . Indu strial Technology . CLARK, LENORE K. Boyceville, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Who's Who, Foundation Scholarship, Wisconsin Home Economics Association Phi Upsilon Omicron. Stout State Education Assoctation Untted Campus Ministry, Girl's CleeCiub, Dean's list. COLLBERC, PETER C. Shell lake, Wisconsin . Marketing and D istributive Education . DECA, Tau Kappa Epsilon . COLLINS, TIMOTHY C . La Crosse, Wiscons in. Technology Education . COMERO, NORMAN l . Independence, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. Chi lambda Fraternity, DEA . CO NOLL Y, DANA F. Appleton, Wisconsin. Early Ch ildhood Education. Peer Croup leader, Vice-President of AFM , Early Childhood Education Committee, AFM Hall Council, IRHC Represen tative to URHA. CO OK, OA IEL j . Minneapolis , Minnesota. Industrial Education . Stoutonia Editor-in-Chief, Stout Typographical Societv (President), South Hall Resident Advisor, Student Publications Board (Chairman), Dean's list , Who's Who, Stout Photographic Association, Medallion Award . COOPER, MONIQUE l. Shelbyville, Indiana . Home Economics in Business. Alpha Sigma Alpha, Home Econimcs in Business Club, Home Economics Club, United Campus Ministry Board Member, American Home Economics Association, learning Resources Committee COST ERISA , RICHARD l. janesville, Wisconsin. Industrial Educat ion . CUOA , ROSANNE C. lake T omahawk, Wisconsin . Home Econo mics Educat ion . Alpha Phi, Alfresco (Historian), Resident Advisor . CZERWINSKI, LOIS C. Hales Corners, Wisconsin. Fash ion Merchandising. Fashion Forum, PomPom Squad, Alfresco . DALE, DEOLORES A. Eau Claire, Wisconsi n . Clothing and Text iles. Stoutonia (typist). DAMASK, PHYLLIS M . Custer, Wisconsin. Home Econom ics Educat ion . Dorm Council. Soviet Study Tour DAMO , ROBERT l. Appleton, Wisconsin. Industrial Educat ion. Alpha Phi Omega (President, Vice-President, Historian), Menomonie Chamber of Commerce Award . DA IELSO , ROBERT C . Clear lake, Wisconsin. Bus iness Administrat ion . MANASA (President, Treasurer), SAM (President) . DAVIE, SHARON A. Park Forest, Illinois. Home Economics General. DA VIS, THAYER C. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin . Indus tr ial Educat ion . Epsilon Pi Tau . DEER, DARLA J. West Allis, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alpha Omicron Pi (Treasurer), AHEA . OELIKOWSKI, ERNEST E., JR. eenah, Wisconsin . Industrial Ed Technology.lntramu raJs . DEMERATH, PATTIL. Thiensville, Wisconsin . Fashion Merchandising. Gymnastics Squad, Pom Pom Squad, Resident Assistant , Alfresco, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Fashion Forum. DEPPE, VICKI J. W aterloo, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Educat ion . Alfresco, Fashion Merchandising, MAEYC (Treasurer) .


Sigma Tau Gamma, Society o f Manufacturing Engineers Scholarsh ip. Who's Who in America' s Fraternities and So ro rities, SSA Senator. Commencement Com mittee, Dean's List. FICHTE , N ANCY ]. Owatonna, M inneso ta. Fashion Merchandis ing. Fash ion Forum (Vice President). Alfresco. SAM . Bes t Dressed Girl Con test (Ch airman). FIFE, KEVIN M. Yonkers . ew York . Marketing and Distributive Education. SSA. Draft Infor mation Center . FlEMING, MAXINE L. Holcombe. W iscons in . Home Economics General. IRHA . HKMC Vice President, Res idence Hall Honorary. Resident Advisor, AHEA . FLET ER, THOMAS J. Waukegan , Illi nois . Industrial Arts Educat ion . Gy mnastics Manager. FlOOD, ROBERT l. Chetek. Wisconsin. Art Education. FlYNN, CAROLL. Suring. W isconsin Home Economics Educat ion. Sigma Sigma Sigma. South Hall Do rm Council. Panhellenic Cou ncil. FO LLENDORF, JEFFERY R. W isconsin Rapids , W iscons in. Industrial Technology. Concert Band, (President). FO REHA D , G AROLD R . R ice Lake. W isco n sin . Busi n ess Administration . FOSS, RA D ]. Altoona. W isconsin . Industrial Educat ion. Sy mphon ic Singers. Arts and Crafts Club. IRHC . Sou th Hall Council. FOX, PATRICIA A. Fo nd duLac. W isconsin . Home Economics Education . IRHC . Residence Hall Ho no ra ry , Reci pient o f Lo u isa Mae Lampert Scholars hi p . FRANC IO LA, RIC HARD j . Poughkeepsie, ew Yo rk. Industrial Educat ion . C hrist ian Science Organization (President). FRA NKE, NORMAN C. Racine. W isconsin . Industrial Technology. Ch i Lambda (Treasurer and President). Alfresco, SSIT. orth Hall Floor Representat ive . FRITSC HLER, LARRY J. W isconsin Rapids , W isconsi n . Indus trial Technology. FRYE, KENNETH D . Appleton . W isconsin . Industrial Arts Educat ion . Who's W ho Award. SSA Seanto r. Stout Sy mphonic Singers, AIDD . GAMBESKI, RICHARD J. Superior, W isconsin . Industrial Technology . GARTON JR., DONALD R. Eau Claire. W isconsin. Industrial Technolo gy. AIPE . GARVENS, JAMES R. Waukes ha, W iscon sin . Indus trial Educatio n . Swimming Team, Sy mpho nic Singers (President, Vice President). GEBA UER, LEOLA M. Forestville, W isconsin . Home Econo mics Education . Gamma Delta. MANASA , JTC Hall Council. Dean's List . Women 's lntramurals . GEBERT, STEPHEN. Stevens Point, W isconsin. Industrial Education . Who's Who Award, Medallion Award, Dean 's List, Karate Club (Vice President), lntramurals. Sto uton ia (Co py Edito r. Sports Edito r), Residence Hall Council , Res ident Assistant , Industrial Educat ion Club. Damrow C urry Scholarsh ip , Foundation Scholarship, WSU Scholars hip . GENETT, BILL]. Ro thsch ild, W isconsin. Industrial Education. Wrestling, Football (1971 Best Blocker Award), Tau Kappa Eps ilon, S Club. Dean's List . GERKEN, KATHLEEN A. lake City, M inneso ta. Home Economics Educat ion . Ho me Econo mics Club, Ph i U psilon Om ic ron, AHEA, Gamma Delta. GIN DT, JOH W . Boyd, W isconsin . In dustrial Educat ion . Vets Club, Alfresco, Rifle Club. GLASRUD, KAREN D . Madison. W isconsin . Home Economics Education . AHEA . SSEA . , GLINES, PATRIC IA J. Niles. lllinois. Early Ch ildhood Education . Alph a Sigma Alpha (Social Chairman. Vice President. President). GLOC KZI N, STEVEN C. Freder ic , W iscon s in. Industrial Educat ion . Concert Band, Indus trial Arts Club. GOETZ, CAROL A. Baraboo . W isconsin . Art Educat ion . GOETZ, SUZA E D . Gladstone, M ichigan. Home Economics General. Tower Staff. Alpha Sigma Alpha. Alfresco . GOETSCH, C RYST All. Mukwo nago. W iscons in . Home Economics Education. Home Economics Association, Dorm Floor Officer. GOETZIN GER, DAVID C. Dubuque. Iowa. Indust rial Technology. Track. Football. S C lub, SSIT. Sigma Ph i Epsilon, Stoutonia Staff. GOHMA N, GLORIA M . St. Joseph, Minnesota. Home Economics Education . AHEA . GOLDBACH, ROGER D. Mars h field, W isconsin. Bus iness Administration . Sigma Pi. Football (Captain ). GOLDEN , TOM J. Chicago. lllinois. Industrial Education. o rthern Pines Corvettes, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Arts and Crafts Club, Track .

GONITZKE, DAVID E. Eau Claire, W isconsin. Indust rial Technology . GORDON, H O WARD R. Yonkers, ew Yo rk . Ho tel and Restau rant Management . Alfresco, HSMA. Rifl e Club. GRAMOLL, JEFFREY G . Grafto n , Wisconsin . Industrial T echnology. Residen t Adviso r, S igma Tau Gamm . CREE , JOH A. Menomo nie, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . InterVarsity Christian Fellows hip . GREIBER, RUSSEll R. M ilwaukee, W isconsi n . Indu strial Ed ucat ion , American Industry. S EA . Dean's List. GROTH, RICHARD G. Saukville, Wisconsin. Industr ial Technology. Vets Club . GUCCIARDI, KATHLEE A. Port Washington. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . AHEA . GUGEL, JAMES W . Baraboo. W isconsin . Industrial Education. Indu st rial Arts Club, \'ets Club. GULLICKSO , LO IS C. Cus hing. W isconsin. Home Economics Education . Delta Zeta (President , Vice-President). Home Economics Club, AH EA, Glee Club, Parent's Weekend Committee. GU R , 1 ANCY J. Greenfield. Wi~consin Art Education . University Theatre, AI phd Psi Omega. Alfresco, Gamma Sigma S igm <~ . GU RS KE, BR UCE J. Chicago, Illinois. Indus trial Educatio n . A rts and C rafts Club. GUT GESELL, DIANE B. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Alpha Sigma Al pha, Pan hellenic Council (Vice-President) . HAARSTAD, JO H l. Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. SSIT. HAAS, JEFFREY W . Paoli, Pennsylvania. Industrial Technology. AHB, Associated General Contracto rs of America, Hockey. Dorm Council. HABECK, S HERRY L. Wisconsin Rapids. Wiscon sin . Home Economics Educat ion. Alpha Ph i (Treasurer, Recording Secretary ), UAA, Fashion Forum . HAGE , CARO L ZELINSKI. New Auburn, Wisconsin . Art Education . HAGEN, RHO DA J. West Allis. W isconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Delta Zeta, Phi Upsilon Omicron . HAGMA , T HO MAS J. Eau Claire. Wisconsin . Industrial Education. Industrial Education Club, Epsilon Pi T au , Art s and Crafts Club, lntramu rals . HALAMA, CATHERINE H. Independence, Wisconsin . Psychology. Alpha Omicron Pi. Alfresco. Wo men's Varsity Volleyball (1970 Most Ins piration al Player). HANK, JOSEPH J. Appleton, W isconsin. Industrial T echnology. SigMa Tau Gamma, Medallion Award, SSA Senator. AHB, Interfraternity Council. President's Advisory Council. University Actio n Committee. HANSO , LO RNA M . Baldwin, Wisconsin . D ietet ics. Sigma Sigma Sigma, W ho's Who Award, D ietetics Club, IRHC, ational Residence Hall Honorary. Studen t Services Committee . HANSO , T HERESA A. Meno monie, Wisconsin. Early C hildhood Education. MA YEC. Alpha Omicron Pi. HARJNGS, SUSAN E A. Eau Claire, Wisconsin . Home Economics General . Alfresco. AHEA, Sigma Tau Gamma Calend ar Girl . HEAGY, BARBARA l. As hland, W isconsin . Early Childhood Education . Project Friendship, Alfresco. HEEBI K, MICHAEL R. Baldwin, Wisconsin. Business Administ ration. HEHll, WILLIAM M . Meno monie, Wisconsin . Hotel and Restaurant Management. Dean路s List. HElMA , RO B l. Solon , Oh io. Ho tel an d Res taurant M anagement. Basketball, Baseball. HEI , SUSA M. Stratford, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. AHEA, Al fresco. HEN RICH, ST EVE C. Arlington Heights, lllinois. Industrial Education. Sigma Tau Gamma (President, Vice-President), Interfraternity Council. SSA Senato r, WDTSEA, Fleming Hall Social Chairman . HEITING, WILLIAM C. Hudson. W isconsin. Art Non-Teach ing. SOIF, Literary Club. HERLI G, RICHARD W . Red W ing, M innesota. Industrial Education. Epsilon Pi T au . HERMES, DO ALD V. St. Paul. Minnesota. Industrial Arts. Hockey, S Club . HESKETH, JAM ES A. Evanston, Illinois. Industr ial Technology. InterVarsity Christian Fellowsh ip, Gymnastics . HETZEL, T HO MAS l. Plain, W isconsin. Industrial Technology . HR.GERS, BERNARD T . Wahpeton, 'orth Dakota. Vocat ional Trade and Industrial Education . HINT ZMA N, SUS A M . Menomonie, Wiscon sin. Early Ch ildhood Education . Alpha Phi .


HODGE, RONALD E. Nanuet, ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management. FSEA , Alfresco, HSMA. HOFFMANN, DONALD J . Marshfield, Wiscons in Business Adminisration . HOlBUS, MARGARET R. Racine. Wisconsin. Business Administration. Alpha Sigma Alpha. HOLMES, RICHARD A. Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Vocational Education . HOLliCK, RONAlD D . Pompton Plains, ew Jersey. Hotel and Restaurant Management . HSMA, Intramurals . HOLSE , lONA JEAN. Kohler, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. MA ASA, Miss Freshman, Homecoming Committee. HOlTE , SANDRA M . Menomonie, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. Alpha Omicron Pi (Corresponding Secretary). HOLZH UETER, VERNON M . Menomonie, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA, FSEA. HOOYMAN, DIANE T . Appleton . Wisconsin . Home Econom ics Education. HOPPE, DA VJD A. Kewaunee, Wisconsin . Muketing and Distributive Education . Distributive Education Association, Project Friendship, Resident Advisor, lntramurals, Human Encounter Evaluat ion Committee HOYE, MARY J. Richfield, Minnesota. Home Economics Education . 1970 Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart, Undergraduate Fellows , Phi Upsilon Omicron HUBBARD, DAVID M. Wellsburg. West Virginia. Industrial Technology. SS!T. Corvette Club, Intramural Gymnastics . HUDEC, RICHARD F. Racine, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. Vets Club. DECA. Dean's list. Graduate with High Distinction . HUISMA , ElAINE C. Newark, Illinois . Home Economics Education . HUll, MARY J. Antigo. Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . 4-H Club, Gamma Delta, SSEA (Publicity Chairman), AHEA . HUll, STEPHANIE, 8 . Janesville, Wisconsin . Early Childhood Education. MAEYC. Dean's list. HUNSh GER, GlENNA A. Menomonie, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. AHEA. HUOTARI, DENNIS R. Montreal, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. SSIT, Student Construction Association . IlK, ROBERT H. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management . FSEA . IMHOFF, ALFRED G. Highland, Wisconsin . Industrial Education . Resident Assistant. IRWI , CHRISTOPHER. Manitowoc, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. SSIT. Resident Assistant. JAEGER, LINDA D . New Serlin, Wisconsin. Dietetics. Alpha Omicron Pi, Dietetics Club. JAHNKE, WilliAM A. Appleton, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. SAM. Distributive Education Association (Treasurer) . JANES, RAYMOND F. Franklin, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. JANOS, RICHARD G. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Phi Omega Seta, Dean's list. JANZEN, PA UL G. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Indus trial Education. Stout Typographical Society (Sergeant at Arms), Stoutonia Staff (Advertising Manager). Dean's list. JEFFERS , PETER J. Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin . Industrial Education. Alpha Phi Omega. PASS Advisor, Arts and Crafts Club. JENS, MARY M . Plymouth, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . Young Republicans, Stout Home Economics Education Association, AHEA JERINA, FRED R. Waukegan, Illinois. Industrial Technology. Chi lambda, Deans list, SSIT, WVSS Staff, Junior Year Study Abroad Student at the University of lbadan, Nigeria. JOHNS, SUSA E. Hinsdale, Illinois. Home Economics Education . Forensics, Pi Kappa Delta. Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sweet Week Committee. JOH SON, GINGER A. Wessington, South D akota. Early Childhood Education. MAEYC, AHEA . JOH SO , JEAN l. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA . JOH SO , lEONA M. Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada. Home Economics Education. Dean's list, Stout Christian Fellowship, Robert l. Gunn Memorial Scholarship. JOHNSON, OGEE R. Wessington, South Dakota. Industrial Technology . JOHNSON, SHARON M . Cushing. Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandising. Women's Bowling League (President, Vice-President), Mixed Couples' Bowling league. Fashion Forum. JONES, CHARliE l. Racine, W isconsin. Industrial Technology .

JORGENSON, BARBARA BAKER. Rochester. Minnesota. Clothing, Textiles, and Design. JORGE SON, SAllY J. Hartland, Wisconsin. Clothing, Text iles, and Design. Symphonic Singers. Alfresco. Fashion Forum. 1971 Homecoming Princess, AFM Hall Council KADONSKY, PATRICIA E. Abbotsford . W isconsin. Home Economics Education. Alpha Sigma Alpha. Dorm Council KAllA , All SALIM. Bagdad, Iraq Indu s tria l Technology. International Relations Club. Floor President KARASIEWICZ, JOHN J. New Serlin, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. KER , BONNIE S. Kewaskum, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma. Panhellenic Council , (President). Pi Kappa Delta (Treasurer). Forensics (Secretary). Phi Upsilon Omicron. Alfresco. PASS Advisor. President's Advisory Council. Who's Who Award . KERSTEI , JOYCE M . Chicago. Illinois . Business Admin istrat ion . International Relations Club. SAM KIENBA UM, PE NY l. Milton Junction, Wisconsin . Hotel and Restaurant Management. Alpha Sigma Alpha. HSMA . FSEA. UAA. InterVarsity . KlETZKE, MARY JA E Sauk Prairie. Wisconsin . Home Economics in Business. Marching Band. Concert Band. HEIB, 1970 Chapman Colleges World Campus Afloat . KIFFE, DE IS 0. Kaukauna. Wisconsin Industrial Technology. Deans list, Vets Club, orthern Pines Corvettes KD.COY E, PATRICIA M. Elmhurst. Illinois . Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Economacs Club, Symphonic Singers. Gamma Sigma Sigma, Dietetics Club. SSEA . Dean's list . Graduate with Distinction. KD.DAHl, PATRICIA A. Baldwin, Wisconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma, AHEA. Home Economics Club. Kl MORE, H. SCOTT. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Industrial Education. Stoutonia Staff, (Advert ising Manager. Business Manager). Stout Typo~raphical Society (Production Manager). KIRBY, JOA NE C. Golden Valley. Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Women s Track Team. Fashion Forum. lntramurals . KIRCHHOEFER, JOHN C. Wisconsin Rapids , Wisconsin . Indus trial Education. KLUGE, THOMAS R. St. Paul. Minnesota. Industrial Education. Alfresco, MA ASA. Dorm Council. Stout Typographacal Societv (Vice-President) Stoutonia Staff (layout Manager). Dean s list . KNAPP, CARl M. Phillips, Wisconsin. Indust rial Education. K APPE, KATHlEEN R. Rochester. Minnesota. Home Economics General. Human Encounter Week Committee. KNUDTSON, KAY J. Minocqua. Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandising. Alpha Sigma Alpha, Resident Advisor. KORA, l YN A. Hales Comers, Wisconsin. Dietetics. Dietetics Club, Home Economics Club, Inter-Varsity, Phi Upsilon Omicron. KOCOVSKY, DOROTHY J. Madison. Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. MAEYC. Tower. Staff. Gamma Sigma Sigma. KÂŁ0PPEll, MARY ANN C. Brookfield, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alpha Phi, Alfresco (Secretary), Panhellenic Council. KOH KE, GARY A. Powell, Wyoming, Industrial Education. Phi Omega Beta, Interfraternity Council. KOLSTAD, CHRISTI EM . St. Paul. Minnesota. Home Economics Education . Dorm Council, Phi Upsilon Omicron, S EA. AHEA . KORGER, ANCY A. Chippewa Fla Falls, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA. Resident Advisor KRA Z, KE1 NETH H . Jackson, Wisconsin Business Administration . Football. Track, Cross Counter, CKT Dorm Treasurer, Kappa lambda Seta (Secretary, Treasurer), S Club (Treasurer), lntramurals, Rifle Club. KRAUSE, KRISTINE J. Oconto Falls, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . Alpha Phi, Home Economics Club. KRESS, ALEX B. Stratford, Wisconsin Industrial Technology . Stout Typographical Society (Secretary) KRESS, KATHlEEN A. Greenfield, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. MAEYC, Dean's list , Graduate with Distinction. KRESS, SUSAN EM. Monona, Wisconsin . Early C hildhood Education. Alfresco, ewman Club (Secretary). MAEYC . KROENI G, GARY l. Hubertus. Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Sigma Phi Epsilon, FSEA , HSMA , South Hall Dorm Council. KRUEGER, EDWIN H. Evansville, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Vets Club . KRUEGER, WARREN C. Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Epsilon Pi Tau. Symphonic Singers, Inter-Residence Hall Association, lntramurals .

KUC HAR , DONALD J. Muscoda, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. Student Construction Association (Secretary) . KUEH N, OIA E. Greenfield, Wisconsin. Distribut ive Educat ion. Distributive Education Association, jTC Hall Council . KULIG, MARY jA E. Independence. Wiscons in . Bu siness Administration . KURTH, HE RY A. Durand. W i.. con..,in Industrial Education. Buildin~ Construction Club, Epsilon Pi Tau . KUTCHER, ROBERT G. ew Lisbon. Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. SSIT (Executive Board), American Institute of Plant Engineers, Dean's List. LAB 0 , SUSA SESTERHE . Libertyville, Illinois. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron. Ho me Economics Club, Dorm Floor Officer. Barron County Campus Band, Barron County Campus Dean's List . LALOR, JOH E. Montello, W isconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. Distributive Education Clubs of America. LAMB, ROBERT j . Fond du lac, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Phi Sigma Epsilon. Arts and Crafts Club. LAMBRECHT, jAMES l. Minocqua, W isconsin . Industrial Technology. LAMBRECHT, ROBERT E. Gleason, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Epsilon Pi Tau , AID D. Dean's List. LA G, ELIZABETH A. Oshkosh. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Fashion Forum (Secretary-Treasurer), 1970 Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl. 1070 One ofFive Best Dressed . LA GE, JOH R. Streamwood. Illinois. Industrial Technology. IEEE, orth Hall Dorm Council. LAPCINSKI, C ATHERINE M. Birchwood, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Porn Porn Squad, 19o9 W inter Carnival Candidate. UAA (Secretary). Sophomore Class Secretary. SSIT Sweetheart , Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl, Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart Court , Winter Carnival Convocation Chairman. Homecommg Committee. LARSE , BR UC E E. luc k , Wisconsin . Industrial Tec hnology. Intramural$. LARSEN, CAROL A. Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA. Barron County Campus Band, Barro n County Campus Yearbook Staff. LARSO , JOHN A. New Auburn, W isconsin . Art Education. Band, Drama . LARSO , l YO IA l. Mauston, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA , S EA. Stout Home Economics Club, Phi Upsilon Omicro n . LEE, CHARLES E. Scotia, ew York. Indust rial Arts Education. Sigma Tau Gamma, AIDD . LEMKE, WILLIAM F. Wausau, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology, Industrial Education. SSIT, Northern Pines Corvettes. LEONARD, MARY E. Fond duLac, Wisconsin. Dietetics. Dietetics Club. LU.LIE, ANCY S. Oregon, Illinois . Fashion Merchandising. Fashion Forum (President), Phi Upsilon Omicron (Reporter), Resident Advisor, AFM Hall Council. LO, EMILY LI U YU. Ko wloon, Hong Kong. Dietetics. Greek Club, Dietetics Club, International Relations Club. LEQ UE, BETTE J. Hartland, Wiscon si n . Ho me Economics Education. IRHC, Alpha Phi, SSA (Vice-President of Student Affairs), UAA, Concern Hotline Volun teer, Waukesha County Homemakers ' Award for Seniors . LOCHNER, MARY C. Sauk City , Wisconsin . Home Economks Education. LOCKE, TERRIANN l. Mountain, Wisconsin. Home Economics General. AHEA. Alfresco, Alpha Omicron Pi. LODES, J UDITH A. New Holstein, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management . HSMA, FSEA, Hotel and Motel Association, Homecoming Co-Chairman. LOEFFlER, WAYNE R. Coleman, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Phi Omega Beta . LOKKEN, ALDON V. Eau Cla ire, W isconsin . Industrial Technology. Swimming, Rifle Club. LONG, DIANE L. Eau Claire, W isconsin. Early Childhood Education. Alfresco, MAEYC. LOONS FOOT, CRYSTAl D . W ittenberg, Wisconsin. Art . LOSEY, LINDA Y. Hancoc k , M innesota . Dietetics. Stout Christian Fellowship. LUKAS, MARY JANE. Franklin, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education, Child Development and Family life. MAEYC . LUKAS, SCOTT E. Franklin, W isconsin. Industrial Education. Industrial Educat ion Club, Fleming Hall Vice-President. MAAS, BARBARA J. Barron, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education.

Delta Zeta, Syncronized Swimmers, Student Action Council . MACKE, DONNA l. janesville, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . AHEA. Gamma Sigma Sigma, Phi Upsilon Omicron, United Campus Ministry, Tower Staff, Resident Advisor, Dean's List. MACKLE, MARGARET. Palos Park, Illinois . Dietetics. Alpha Phi. Dietetics Club (Treasurer, Representative to ADA ational Convention). MAKI, EUGENE W .lron wood, Michigan. Industrial Technology. AHB. MALECKI, JOHN A. La Grange. Illinois. Industrial Arts Education. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Swimming. Resident Advisor. AIDD. S Club. MANOR, ROBERT L. Elmwood, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. MANO, DO ALO A. Racine, Wisconsin . Indu strial Arts Education. Sigma Phi Epsilon. MARTI , ROBERT F. Waquoit , Cape Cod, Massachutsetts. Hotel and Restaurant Management . FSEA, HSMA (Representative to 1971 International Convention). MARTI , SA ORA J. Brule, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. AHEA . Women's lntramurals. MATHIS, WILLIAM R. Kaukauna . Wisconsin . Industrial Arts Education. MA U D, ROSS WILLIAM R. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Dean .. Li~t. 1071 Home<:omin~ Chairman. t.:AA HSMA, FSEA. MAY, MARK R. Medford. W isconsin. Vocational Education . orthern Pines Corvettes. MC CASE, JOH A. Plymouth, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. MC COW , JEFFREY, B. Green Bay. W isconsin. Psychology. Vets Club MC KITTRICK, LY NETTE S. Readstown. Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Inter-Varsity, AHEA, Dean's List . MC MAHO , SA ORA J. Durand. Wisconsin. Dietetics. Resident Advisor, Dietetics Club. MC MORROW, SUSAN M. South St. Paul. Minnesota. Dietetics. Sigma Sigma Sigma, Dietetics Club, Concerned Inc. MC NALLIE, ROBERT J. Osseo, Wisconsin. Psychology. Dean's List . MC NAMARA, SA ORA l. Mequon, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alfresco. Phi Upsilon Omicron. AHEA, Free Flicks . MEEHAN, SUSAN M. Wayzazta, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Alfresco, AHEA . MEHLEIS, DANIEL E. Fo nd du Lac, Wisconsin. Business Administration. SAM , Vet s Club (Vice-President ), lntramurals. Golf . MEHRING, CATHeRINE A. Kohler, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Alpha Phi (Rush Secretary). Resident Assistant. Dean's List. MEIER, BARBARA Y. White Bear Lake, Minnesota . Home Economics Education. Gamma Delta. Home Economics Club. MEINERZ, JEFFREY J. Hales Corners . Wisconsin . Business Administration . MEISS EN, KATHY A. Durand, Illinois . Early Childhood Education . MAEYC, Wo man's Gymnastics Team, MC ACA . MEIXNER, SANDRA K. Owatonna, Minnesota. Clothing, Textiles, and Design. Alph Phi Sorority. Fashion Forum, Alfresco. Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Girl, Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart, Wo men's Swim Team . MELIN, JEROME F. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts Education. Chi Lamba, Epsilon Pi Tau. Resident Assistant . MENCE, KIRSTE S. Racine. Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandising. Alfresco, Floor \'ice-President, Drama Spoon River Antology , Fashion Forum. 1970-71 Best Dressed Girl on Campus MENNA, CINDY l. Glenview, Illinois . Hote.l and Restaurant Management. Alpha Phi (Corresponding Secretary), HSMA (Executive Board Member, Treasurer, President), Chairman Tunisian Flood Relief. FSEA. Co-Coordinator of Queens Contest Homecoming 1971 . MERTES, ANTHONY R. New Holstein, Wisconsin . Industrial Education. Dean's List, lntramurals. MERWIN, EDWARD A. Wausau, Wisconsin. Technical Educat ion . MEYER, CHARLES l. Schofield. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Stout Society of Industrial Technology . American Society of Plant Engineers, lntramurals . MICHALKIEWICZ, JAMES J. Appleton , Wisconsin . Industrial Technology . MICHcAUX, CAROLINE M. Black River Falls, W isconsin. Home Economics Education. Home Economics Club, AHEA , Dean's List, Inter路 Varsity Christian Fellowship. MICKELSON, KAREN J. Sister Bay, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. Alpha Sigma Alpha, MAEYC. MIKLAVCIC, EDWARD M. JR. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. Industrial Technology. Tau Kappa Epsilon (President) . MIKULA, WARREN H. Chetek, Wisconsin. Industrial Edu Technology.

MILDEBRA N DT, MARC EL A. Markesan, W is consin . Vocational Education . MILLAR, SA NDRA J. Menomonie. W isconsin . Vocat ional Reh abilitation . MILLER, JEFFERY W . Racine, W isconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Student Body President 1971 , Medallion Award Recipient, Student Senate. HSMA, AHM A, IRHC , Who's Who Award . MILLER, KATHY V. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hotel and Restaurant Management . Homecoming Princess 1971, FSEA (Officer}. HSMA, Alfresco, Project Friendship . MILLER, LUKE D .lime Ridge, W isconsin . Industrial Education . MISCHKE , KERIL YN D . M inneapol is. Minnes o ta . Fas h io n Merchandising . MITCHEll, KATHLEEN A. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA , WIIM Convention, Dean's list. MITCHEll, KEITH J. Fennimore, W isconsin. Industrial Arts Educat ion . WVSS Rad io. Wisconsi n Drivers and Traffic Safety Edu catio n Association . MOHR, JUDI K. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Home Eco nomics. Alfresco, Tower literary Staff. MOLD A, DAVID P. Rochester, M inneso ta. Industrial Technology. MOLTER, BERNADETTE. Palat ine. Illinois. Fas hion Merchand ising. Alfresco. Sigma Sigma Sigma, Fashion Forum, lntramurals . MOMPIER, RONALD D. Glenview, Illinois. Industrial Techn ology. Stout Typographical Soc iety . MONT GOMERY. THOMAS j. Rhinelander. Wisconsin. Marketing. DECA. MOORE, JONATHAN D . Ant igo. Wisconsin . Indus trial Educat ion . Varsity Football, S Club. MOORE, RICHARD D. Sko kie. Illinois. Industrial Education. Epsilon Pi Tau. Arts and Crafts Club, Dean's list. MORST AD, JOHN A. Fond du lac . W isco nsin. Industrial Education . Sigma Pi. MOS INSKI, BARBARA E. St. Francis. W isconsin . Vocational Rehabil itation. Stout Chris tian Fellowship, Home Economics Club, MAEYC. Project Friendship (Social Chairman}. Woman's Bowl ing league. IRC. Sigma Sigma Sigma. Vocational Rehabilitation Club (Membership Chairman}. MOUSEL, DE NIS l. Cadott. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Dean's list. MULES, jANET G. Whitewater, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . Sigma Sigma Sigma. Cheerleading. MUSECH, TERRANCE A. Eveleth, Minnesota. Vocational Rehabilitation . MYHRA, KATHLEEN A. lola, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . Concert Band. Home Econo mics Club, Pep Band, Resident Advisor. MYHRE, SHARON M . Osseo. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. NAG REE , RONALD V. Hortonville, Wisconsin. Indust rial Education . NELSO , ALEXIS E. Mason, Wisconsin . Ho me Econo mics . Alfresco. Cheerleader, Hall President , Residen t Assistant, Residence Hall Honorary. NELSO , LILA j . Milltown, W isconsin. Early Childhood Education. NELSO N, ROBERT A. Carpentersville, Illinois. Techn ical Education. NEU BERGER, GERALD E. Wausau, Wisconsin . Indust rial Education. MA ASA , Arts and Crafts Club, Industrial Arts Club. NEW COMB, EDWARD C . J R. Pepin, Wisconsin. In dustrial Technology. Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship. American Institute of Plant Engineers (President}, Stout Society of Industrial Technology . NEWTO , ll DA A. Beloit, W isconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Modem Dance. NEWTO , RO BERT J. Janesville, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Arts and C rafts Club. 'lEOS, CATHERJNE M. lake Zu rich. Illinois. Home Economics Education . Pom Porn Squad. N l!lSEi , KENNETH E. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restuarant Management. Alfresco, lntramurals, Sigma Pi. American Hotel and Motel Association, Hotel Sales Management Association . NlKOLAY, MARY M . Abbotsford, W isconsin . Early Ch ildhood Education . Band, Cheerleading. MAEYC, Parent's Week -end Committee. "ILSSE , JO ANNE MERRITT. Menomonie. W isconsin. Home Econ omics Education. Alfresco . O RGEL, JO H P. Milwaukee. IA"isconsin. Industrial Education. Epsilon Pi Tau , \ "ets Club. Phi Sigma Epsilon. Antique Auto Club. Ans and Crafts Club. Industrial Education Club. O 'BRIA , SUSAN M . Manawo, W isconsin. Home Economics in Business. O 'CO NEll, KATHLEE . St. Cloud, Minnesota. Early Childhood Edu cat ion . Dean's list.

O' CO O R, DA K. Green Bay. \\ isconoin. Marketing and Distributive Education, Vocational Education. SSA Senator. Alfresco, Trea>urer Winter Carnival. Who s Who Award United Council of IA"bc:onoin State Student Governments (Public Relation> Delegate) OELKE, NYLA A. Wausau. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Tower Staff. AHEA. OG A OVICH, DA M . Chisholm. Minnesota. Industrial Technology. AIPE (President}. OLBRA NTZ, LARRY C. Marathon. Wisconsin. Applied Mathematics. Math Club, Dean's list. OLSO , A ITA M. Black River Falls. Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. Phi L;p~ilon Omicron. Svmphoni. Sin~cr~. Gilmmc~ Sa~mil ~~~足 ma. MAE"\ C . lutheran Students OLSO , BYRO C. Waukegan. Illinois . Industrial Education. SSA Senator. Sigma Tau Gamma (President). Stout Typographical Society, Industrial Education Club, Stout Math Club (Treasurer}, Committee on Committees. Student Health Committee. Homecoming Committee. OLSO , DA 10 . Menomonie. W isconsin. Chil d Development and Family life. SSA (Parliamentarian). Synchronized Swimmers (President}. Sweet Week Committee, Peer Experience Committee. OLSO , JUDIT H D. Barron. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alfresco. Alph Phi (Rush Chairman). United Activities Assembly. SSA Senator. Fashion Forum, Synchronazed Swimmers (Treasurer}. AHEA. Fall Oriemc~uon Chc~armc~n . OlSO , LEO R. luck. Wisconsin. Industrial Educat ion. Kappa Lambda Beta, UAA. OPSAL, PAULETTE M . Mount Horeb. Wisconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Forensics, Pi Kappa Delta. Sigma Sigma Sigma, Resident Assistant. Resident Advisor. South Hall Executive Secretary, Alumni Relations Committee OR) AI SE , MARIE. Perley. M innesota Clot hin g and Textile Design. Alfresco. O RLOPP, RICHARD A. Waukesha. IA"isconsin . Marketing and Distribut ive Education. DEA (President. State President), Dean's list, Graduate with Honors . Resident Advisor. OSSMA , DA RLE E A. Hortonville. \'\"isconsin . Ho me Economics Education. Home Economics Association . SSEA (Vice-President. OSTERHAUS, T HO MAS J. Madison. W isconsin. Industrial Technology. SSIT. Arts and Crafts Club. OY ELLO, PHILIP 0. Gulu. Uganda, East Africa. Business Administ ration, Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA. International Relations Club, Dean's list. PARKER, WILLS C. orthport, 1 ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA , lntramurals. President s Committee on Homecoming Activities. Homecoming Committee. PASSOW, JUDY A. Alma, W isconsin. Early Ch ildhood Education. Project Friendship, MAEYC (Vice-President. President}, Resident Advisor. Al fresco, lutheran Student Association . PE CE, SACIA M . Colfax, Wisconsin. Home Econom ics in Business. Women's Basketball Team . PERRY, JOHN B. Sudbury. Massachusetts. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA . IRHA . HKMC President, Alfresco, Project Friendship, 1970 Spring Play. PHALE , PAT RIC K j. Fond dulac. Wisconsin . Business Administration. Alpha Phi Omega, SAM . Kappa lambda Beta . PHILLIPS, TERRA CE F. Madison, W isconsin . Industrial Technology. Deans list. 1970 and 1971leadership Grant. PETERSO , DEA R. Baldwin, Wisconsin . Ind us trial Ed ucation . Phi Omega Beta (President}. PETERSOH , DO A J. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin . Home Economics General. AHEA . PETERSON, MAUREEN C. Stillwater, Minnesota. Home Econo mics Education. Alpha O micron Pi (President}, SSA Senator, AHEA . PETERSO , T IMOTHY G. Menomonie. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Kappa lambda Beta (Treasurer}. SSA Senator. SSIT. Dean's list . PETERSO , WAY E A. Maplewood, Minnesota . Indust rial Education. Marching Band, Concert Band, orthem Pines Corvettes, Sigma Tau Gamma, Dorm Floor President. PETIG, CO STA CE l. Watertown, Wisconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Film Society, literary Club. PETROPOULOS, ALEXANDER . Waukegan, Illinois. Business Administration. lntramurals . PETTA, MA RY J. Oconomowoc, W isconsin. Art Education. Alfresco, MA ASA. Undergraduate Fellows .


ROWLEY, ANTHONY G. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Industrial Arts Education . International Relations Club, Industrial Arts Club. Soccer Club. RUBINSTEI , LEE K. Morton Grove, Illinois. Vocational Rehabilitation. Football Team Manager. S Club, Advisory Committee for Vocational Rehabilitation, AAMD, NRA . RUDIGER, JEROME K. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Business Administration . Vets Club. RUFFOLO, JOHN l. Kenosha, Wisconsin. Marketing and D istributive Educat ion . Golf Team (Captain, Most Valuable Player), D ECA . RUPIPER, AllAN B. West De Pere. Wisconsin. Business Admin istrat ion. Football, Track, lntramurals, S Club. RUPPRECHT, CO STANCE l. Brookfield, Wisconsin . Art Education. Porn Pom Squad, Alfresco . RUSC H, BERNARD R. Withee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Antique Auto Club, 4-H Club, Arts and Crafts Club. SADOWSKI, jAMES M . Milwaukee , Wisconsin . Art Educatio n . University Theater, Speakers Forum, ZPG, UAA, Stout Art Company. SALEMI, SUSA M. Muskego, Wisconsin. Home Economics Educat ion . AHEA, Dean's List. SAMSA , MIKE D. Milwaukee, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. lntramurals, Dean's List. SANDEl, JAMES l. Thorp, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education . Distributive Education Association, Human Encounter Week Committee. SAUPE, BON IE j . Red Wing, Minnesota. Home Econo mics Educat ion. Home Economics Club, AHEA. Alfresco. Alpha Sigma Alpha, Residence Hall Council . SAWYER, JOHN C. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . SCANLAN, MICHAEL A. Oconto, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. SSIT, Alfresco. SCHALLER, W ILLIAM A. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Tennis, Campus Ministry, Concerned, Alpha Phi Omega. SCHAUTZ, G REG L. Sparta, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Alpha Phi Omega (Historian, Social Chairman). FSEA, HSMA . SCHEll, STEPHEN M . Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Vets Club, SSIT, AIPE. SCHLIEDER, SAM UEl A. Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Alfresco, SSIT. SCHLEY, DO AlD A. Gilman, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts Education . SCHLOUGH, MYRN A J. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Home Econ o mics Education . SCHMIEDLIN, ROBERT l. Madison, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology . Alfresco. SCHMIDT, KATHlEEN A. Evansville, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . 1971 Parents' Weekend Committee, Home Economics Club, AHEA . SCHMITT, CHARLES J. Casco, Wisconsin. Industrial Educat ion. Arts and Crafts Club, Industrial Education Club, AHB. SCHNAKENBERG, CANDACE l. Park Ridge, Illinois. Clothing, Textiles, and Design. Band, Symphonic Singers . SCHNECK, LAWRENCE W . Minneapolis, Minnesota. Industrial Education. Coffeehouse Chairman, UAA (Ombusdman), Medallion Award Recipient, Dean's List, Performing Arts O rganization. SCHNEPF, LAWRENC E R. Reading, Pennsylvania. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA . SCHOENROCK, TERRY l. New london. Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. North Area Council. Cross Country Team, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Fleming Floor President and judicial Board, Home Economics Club, Home Economics Restructuring Committee. SCHRADER, LORE C. Catawba, Wisconsin. Bus iness Admi.n istrat ion . Fleming Hall Floor Vice-President, orth Area Judicial Court, Gamma Delta . SCHROEDER, JOH B. Calendonia, Minnesota. Business Administration . Baseball. SCHROEPF£R, SUSAN C. Antigo. Wisconsin. Ho me Economics in Business. WVSS Staff, AHEA, Stout Home Economics Club, Resident Advisor . SCHUC K, WILLIAM R. Cleveland, Ohio. industrial Education . Tau Kappa Epsilon. Arts and Crafts Club. SCHUELER, MARILYNN J. Elm Grove, Wisconsin. Marketing and D istributive Education . Distributive Education Association (Historian, Secretary), Resident Advisor.

PIOTRO WICZ, JOAN. New Berlin, Wisconsin . Early Ch ildhood Educat ion. Undergraduate Fellows . PIOTRO WSKJ, ROBERT A. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . WEA, WIEA, Industrial Education Club, Arts and Crafts Club. POLACEK, JO HN S. Cudahy, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Sigma Tau Gamma, Karate Club. Interfraternity Council. POPKA VE, EUGENE M. Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Hotel and Restaurant Man agement. HSMA, Alfresco, Karate Club, lntramurals . PO PELKA , JOS EPH, A. Hayward , Wisconsin. Indus tr ial Education. Concerned, Dean's List, Epsilon Pi Tau . PRAHL, STEVEN C . Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . IRHC, Fleming Hall Vice-President, SIMS. WDTSEA . PRAN GE, BRUCE E. Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Business Administration . PRAST, JEANNE, A. Plymouth, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . Project Friendship. Dorm Floor President. PRINDLE, BETH M . Appleton, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Free Flicks (Secretary), Stoutonia Staff (Society Editor), Alfresco . Q UAN N, RICHARD A. Kenosha, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts Educat ion .. Stoutonia Staff (Business Manager, Head Pressman). RASE, JAMES N. Kiel. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Sigma Phi Epsilon. lntramurals. RACHIC K, CLARENCE J. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Dorm Floor Officer, lntramurals, Theater. RAMSAY, RENEE J. Merrimac, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. United Campus Ministry (Secretary). Home Economics Club, Gamma Sigma Sigma (President, Social Chairman). RAPRAG ER, DAVID C. Wisconsin Rapids , Wisconsin. Industrial Education . RASICO , ll DA l. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education . RASICO, THOMAS H . Kenosha, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Tower Staff, Stout T ypographical Society . RASM USSEN, MICHAEl l. Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management . FSEA, Dorm Floor President, Dorm Council. READER, KE NETH D . Harshaw, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . Chi Lambda, Cheerleader, Stout Rifle Club, AHB, Arts and Crafts Club. REDMAN, RANDAll. Markesan, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. Student Construction Association, Dean's List. REICHERT, JACK R. Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology . REICHL! G, MICHAEL J. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Arts and Crafts Club, S Club, lntramurals, Industrial Education Club, Resident Advisor . REI FE BERG, ROBERT J. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Dean·s List. REJMA , WilliAM J. Mount Prospect, Illinois. Industr ial Technology. Alpha Phi Omega (President, Treasurer), Epsilon Pi Tau , Stout Typographical Society. RE £R, SUSAN A. Elkhorn, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . IRHA (President), Medallion Award, Residence Hall Honorary, Great Lakes Association of College and University Residence Halls (President). RICH ARDSO , CAROL M. Spencer, W isconsin. Home Economics Education . AHEA. RICHARDSO , IRIS A. Viroqua, Wisconsin. Art Education . RICHARDSON, JOE. Glenview, Illinois . Industrial Arts Education . Alpha Psi Omega, University Theatre, Stoutonia Staff. RICHARDSON JR., ROBERT A. Stoughton. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Kappa l ambda Beta (Vice-President), Interfraternity Council (President), IR HC , SSA, Fleming Hall Vice-President, lntramurals, Men's judicial Board . RICHARTZ, WILLIAMS. Menomonie. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Golf, lntramurals, MSDT. ROBERTS, JEFFREY l. Onro, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. ROHLOFF, DONALD D . Appleton, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. SSIT . ROMBLOM, RAYMOND P. Waukesha, Wisconsin. lndustrial Education. Kappa Lambda Beta, Antique Auto Club (Secretary), Dorm Floor Officer. ROM NESS, KAY A. Mound, Minnesota. Home Economics Education . Alfresco. Health Committee, Home Economics Club, Fashion Forum. ROOTS, liNDA D . Mequon, Wisconsin. Home Economics General. Dorm Floor President, Sy nchronized Swimmers, ZPG, S IMS . ROSSMAN, DAVID E. Lone Tree, Iowa. Industrial Education. Resident Advisor. ROTZ, THOMAS H . Racine, Wisconsin . Technical Education . IR H A, orth Hall President , Industrial Education Club, Intramural Bowling.


SCHUELKE, BRUCE E. Barneveld, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Vets Club, lntramurals, Catering Club. SCHUETZ, ALEDA E. Mo nroe, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Fashion Forum, Women's lntramurals, AHEA, Alpha Omicron Pi (Alumnae Relations, Keeper of the Ritual, Fraternity Education) SCHULTZ, BARBARA E. Ripon, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. AHEA (Historian), SSEA . SCHULTZ, CHRISTINE l. St. Francis, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alpha Phi. SCHULZ, DARLENE M . Bangor, W isconsin. Home Economics Education. Resident Advisor, Home Economics Club . SCHULZ, RICHARD C. Rochester, W isconsin. Industrial Education. SCH ULZE, LOIS M. Clear Lake, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education, Clothing and Textile Design. AHEA, Project Friendship, Synchronized Swimmers . SCHUMANN, GEORGE F. Mayville, Wisconsin . Industrial Arts Education . Industrial Education Club (President), SSEA, Vets Club. SCHUYLER, THOMAS R. M ilwaukee, W isconsin. Industrial Technology. Dean's List, IEEE, Third Place in Pawn Talent Showcase. SCHWARZ, STEVE J. Green Lake, Wisconsin . Indust rial Education. Kappa Lambda Beta, Basketball, Interfraternity Council. SCORE, JUDITH M. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Psychology. Symphonic Singers (Vice-President, Attendance Secretary), PASS Advisor, Commencement Committee. SEEHAFER, EUGENE A. Wausau, Wisconsin. industrial Technology. Vets Club, Student Construction Association, Arts and Crafts Club, Boy Scouts of America. SHAFER, BONITA K. Spring Valley, W isconsin. Psychology. Alpha Phi (President) . SHEETS, CRAIG G. Sturgeon Bay, W isconsin. Industrial Technology . SHERMAN, MICHAEL E. M ilwaukee, Wisconsin. Indust rial Education. Phi Sigma Epsilon, Arts and Crafts Club, Industrial Arts Club. SHIMETA, MICHAEL W . Shorewood, Wiscon sin. Industrial Education . Sigma Tau Gamma (Vice-President), SSA Senator, Interfraternity Coun cil, Union Policy Board, Karate Club, Alfresco, Who's Who Award. SHIMONO, LAWRENCE C. Eleele, Kauai, Hawaii. Vocational Rehabilitation. Phi Omega Beta, Baseball. SIEBKE, ROGER E. Walco tt, Iowa. Vocational Education . SIEJA, MARIE l. G reen Bay, Wisconsin. Home Economics in Business. AHEA, Stoutonia Staff. SURA, EDWARD W. Alexandria, Virginia. Industrial Technology. IRHC, WVSS Staff (Business Manager), Radio Electronics Club. SIMMONS, EILEEN A. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Business Administration . SJNZ, GERALD G. Elmwood, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Football, S Club (Secretary), Epsilon Pi Tau (President), Who's W ho Award, Dean's list, University of Wisconsin Conference Scholastic Honor Team. SIPPEL, JOHN H. Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. SlSEl, RICHARD l. Casco, W isconsin . Vocational Rehabilitation. DECA . SKI ER, MARY S. Madison, Wisconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. DECA. SKINNER, TIMOTHY A. Madison, W isconsin. Marketing and Distributive Education. Student Union Policy Board, SSA Senator, DECA, Dean's List. SKJERPING, DALE A. Hartland, W iscon sin. Distributive Education. DECA, Dean's List , Resident Advisor . SKWERES, JAMES A. Brookfield, Illinois. Psychology. Phi Omega Beta, Interfraternity Council. SMALLEY, JUDITH l. West Allis, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Stout Christian Fellowship, Band, Home Economics Club, SSEA (President), Phi Upsilon Omicron, Resident Advisor, Who's Who Award. SM ITH, JOHN C. Gleason, W isconsin. Business Administration. Dorm Floor President. SMITH, MICHAEl A. Sister Bay, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . SMITH, RANDAll P. Minneapolis, Minneso ta. Vocativonal and Technical Education. UAA (Chairman), Draft Counciling Center, Sweet Week Evaluation, Medallion Award . SMITH, REGECCA. Convoy, Ohio. Home Economics Education. IRHC (Secretary), SSA Senator, Campus Ministry, South Area Council, Homecoming Committee, W inter Carnival Committee, Ho me Economics Club. SODEN, MICHAEL G. Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Arts and Crafts Club. SODERMAN, DAVID B. Racine, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology . SOL BER G , TERRENC E l. Eau Claire, W isconsin . Business Administration .


SPAGNOLETTI, CARl D. Elk Mound, Wisconsin. Vocational Education. Dean's List, WAVAE . SPECHT, DONALD K. Marshfield, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. SPENCER, CAN DICE A. Monona . Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. STANISLAWSKI, MICHAEL P. Milwaukee, Wisconsin . Vocational and Technical Education. Forensics Association (President ), Pi Kappa Delta (President). STA USS, DA VIU C. Shebovgan \\' •,conqn Indus trial Education. Resident Advisor. ational Residence Hall Honorary Association . STAUSS, ROXA E ARKO. Edina. Mmnesota Home Economics Education. orth Area Council, Dorm Council. Dorm Floor President , ational Residence Hall Honorary . STIEBER, JAMES J. Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Dean's List, Vets Club. STEFFEN, LEE ANN. Richfield, Ohio. Art . Band, Stout Film Society. Delta Zeta. Women s lntramurals . STIRLINSKE, LOUISE E. Madison, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Dorm Floor Secretary, Marching Band, Concert Band. STIER, KEN ETH W. New Holstein, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts Education. Industrial Education Club STOEY, KEN ETH F. Eau Galle, Wisconsin Marketing and Distributive Education. SAM (President). STONE, JAMES R. Eau Claire, Wisconsin Industrial Education . STREHLAU, DEAN A. Elk Mound, Wisconsin Industrial Technology. Student Construction Association (Treasurer), SS IT (Vice-President) STRENGER, JANE A. Kohler, Wisconsin. Ho me Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, Resident Advisor. IRHC STROMMEN, NANCY J. Blanchardville, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Home Economics Club, AHEA, Forensics, Pi Kappa Delta. S EA . Alfresco, Alpha Omicron Pi, Equestrian Riding Club. STRO G, ST UART . Chetek, \1\ 1scon~m . Industrial Education. Art~ and Crafts Club. Antique Auto Club. STRUB, DO A M. Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Svmphonic Singers, Dorm Council. Intramural Sports. Sigma Sigma Sigma . STRUB, STANLEY Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Sigma Phi Epsilon (President) STURGIS, GEORGE T . Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin . Technical Education. SWANSON, DONALD A. Cushing, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. AIDD . SWANSOt , D UA E H. Washburn, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Gymnastics. lntramurals. SWARTWOUT, JEFFREY K. Moravia, 'ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA . SYRI G, SHARO B. Stratford, Wisconsm . Home Economics Education. AHEA . TADDY, SALLY A. Two Rivers , Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandis ing. Women s Gymna s tics. Alfresco. IRHC . CKTO President , Fashion Forum. TAN, SIOE-HOEN R. Singapore. Hotel and Restaurant Management. HSMA, International Relat ions Club. TEPE, CAROL A. Red Wing, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Gamma Delta (Historian, Vice-President), Stout Ho me Economics Association (President), SSEA, Phi Upsilon Omicron (Chaplain), AFM Floor President, SHEA Leadership Award . TERBEEST, CHARLENE P. Rollingstone, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma, SSEA THIESSA, ROBERTA M. Elmwood, Wisconsin. Art Education . THOMPSO , CAROL A. Osseo, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Phi Upsilon Omicron, AHEA, Fashion Forum, Ch ristian Fellowship, Dean's List. THOMPSO , DORIS C. Minneapolis , M in nes ota. Dietetics . Synchornized Swimmers. Alfresco (Corresponding Secretary), Alpha Phi (Treasurer), Phi Upsilon Omicron, Dietetics Club (1971 Representative to ADA ational Convention), Judicial Board, Dean's List, Alpha Phi Mabel Cowlishaw Siggins Scholarship. THOMPSON, MARK K. Superior, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Swimming Team. THOR, ALA D . Wausau, Wisconsin . Vocational Education. Industrial Education Club. THORRINGTON, RICHARD J. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Business Administration. TIEFF, DA VlD l. Banjor, Pennsylvania. Industrial Arts .

TU.LOTSON, LARRY K. Ketchikan, Alaska. Industrial Arts Education. Vets Club, Dean's List , National Flu1d Power Society. TOBIN, THOMAS C. Chicago, Illinois . Hotel and Restaurant Management. Basketball Team, lntramurals . TRAMITZ, RICHARDS. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. AHB (President), Student Construction Association , Alfresco. TRIPHA , JOH W . Oostburg. Wisconsin. Psychology . Project Friendship, PASS Advisor. TRIPPLER, DARYLA M. P. Mound, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. Peace Council. SOIF. TUTTLE, EDWARD S . Brewster, ew York. Hotel and Restaurant Management . TYLER, 1 ANCY. Agawam, Massachusttes. Clothing, Textiles, and Des ign . Alfresco. TYRYFTER, DAN J. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Dean s List , Resident Advisor UETZ, Ll DA L. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Clothing, Textiles, and Design . UlM , PHYLLIS M. Reddick. Illinois. Ho me Economics Education. United Campu~ Ministry (President) Res1dent Hall Advisor. Gamma Sigma Sigma URBA , JO G. Juneau, Wisconsin. Distributive Education. \'ets Club, DECA VALOIS, KE ETH J. Chirago. Illinois . Industrial Education . VA BLARICOM, lONE G. Menomonie, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Alpha Sigma Alpha (Treasu rer), Phi Upsilon Omicron (VicePresident) VA DER STERREN, A NELlES E. Waukesha, Wisconsin . Fashion Merchandising. VA EVENHOVEN, GERALD M. K1mberly. Wisconsin Industrial Arts Education. Epsilon Pi Tau, Dean s List . VA HEIRSEELE, TIMOTHY M. Waukegan, Illinois. Industrial Education. Baseball, lntramurals , S Club. Resident Advisor, Sophomore Class Vice-President. Sigma Ph i Epsilon (Secretary). VA VKEEDE, DALE J. Kaukauna, Wisconsin . Industrial Technology. Kappa Lambda Beta, SSIT . VASEY, KARE M . Menomonie, Wisconsin . Clothing, Textiles, and Design. AHEA . VERNON, SUSAN J. Larsen, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education. Alpha Omicron Pi, Alfresco . VlNETTE, KATHY H . Brookfield, Wisconsin. Fashion Merchandis ing. Alpha Omicron Pi, Fashion Forum, AHEA, Phi Upsilon Omicron. Dean's List . VI ETTE, MERRY K. Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Home Economics Educa tio n . Gamma Sigma Sigma . Tower Staff, Project Friendship (Treasurer). VI OPAL, JOSEPH J. Almena. Wisconsin . Business Administration . Baseball Team. VlSOR, JAMES. Racine, Wisconsin. Psychology . VOGT, TONI M . Waterford, Wisconsin. Business Administration. SAM (Secretary), Concerned (Corresponding Secretary), Dean' s List. VOSS, BARBARA L. Glenview, lllinois. Home Economics Education. WAGNER, CAROL A. Chilton, Wisconsin . Vocational Rehabilitation. Home Economics Club (Outstanding Freshman and Leadership Award, Pubhc Relations Chairman), Vocational Rehabilitation Club (Vice-President), HKMC Hall Council, Dorm Floor President, Residence Hall Honorary. Resident Advisor, Band, Badminton, Softball, lntramurals, Winter Carnival Co-Chairman. WAG ER, RICHARD C. Lena, Wisconsin. Applied Mathmatics . WAINSCOTT, CHARLES W . Joliet,lllinois. lndustrial Education. WALDVOGEL, DAVID L. Antigo, Wisconsin. Industrial Education . Baseball. WALKER, LARRY A. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Industrial Technology . WALLACE, SUSAN L. Beloit, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alpha Omicron Pi. (Standards Chairman), Phi Upsilon Omicron (President), Forensics, Pi Kappa Delta, United Campus Min1stry. SSEA. Homecoming Princess, International Relations Club. WALSER, PAULETTE L. Black Earth, Wisconsin . Home Economics Education . WARD, MARY E. Whitewater, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Alfresco. Home Economics Club, MANASA . WARREN, RHODA J. Crookston, Minnesota. Home Economics Education. 1972 Tower Editor-in-Chief, 1971 Tower Photography Editor. Medallion Award, Who's Who Award, Phi Upsilon Omicron, PomPom Squad, AHEA , Stout Photographic Association .

WATKINS, JOH A . St Paul. Minnesota . Business Admin ist ration . Kappa Lambda Beta. Hockey Team, S Club, SAM (Vice-President). WEIDLEC H, HE RY L. Fairfield, Connecticut. Hotel and Restaurant Management. IRHA, Draft Information Center (President), UAA . WELCH, GARY L. Menomonie, Wisconsin. Industrial Arts . Baseball. Arts and Crafts Club. lntramurals. WICKMA , MURIEL J. Marine, Mmnesota. Home Economics Educat ion . Gamma Delta, AHEA . Dean s List WIEDEMANN, KARE G. Chicago. Illinois. Clothing, Textiles, and Design . WIEDENMEIER, GEORGE F. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Industrial Technology. Football, Alfresco. WIEDE MEIER, Ll DA L. Brown Deer, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. 1969 Winter Carnival Queen Candidate, Phi Upsilon Omicron. Home Economics Club, Wisconsin Indian Youth Council, Chi Alpha, Resident Advisor. Dorm Floor President. WIGHTMA JR., RICHARD C. Ironton. Missouri . Industrial Education. AHB. lntramurals. Sigma Pi (Treasurer). Interfraternity Council (Secretary J WILLIAMS, A IT A L. Berlin, Wisconsin . Home Economics in Business. Alpha Omicron Pi, lntramurals WILLIAMS, CHARLES C. Brooklyn ew York. Industrial Technology. SS IT . WILLIS, JAMES D. Menasha, Wisconsin. Lndustrial Education. Stout Typographical Society. WILTZ! US, DAVID F. Appleton, Wisconsin Psychology. Young Democrats (Treasurer), Track and Field Team. WISE, NA CY j . Brookfield, Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Resident Advisor. WISNEWSKI, GERALD A. Wausau, Wisconsin. Bus Lraess Administration. WOLTA, DO• ALD R. Berwyn, Illinois. Industrial Technology. Dorm Council WOLF, DAVID J. Elmwood, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Industrial Education Club, Dean's List. WOLFF, MARY BETH. Dodgeville. Wisconsin. Psychology . Stoutonia Managing Editor. WOLSLEGEL, ROBERT P. Wausau, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Vets Club. (President, Vice-President) . WRIGHT, RUTH ELAI E. Oak Crook. Wisconsin. Home Economics Education. Gamma Delta, Home Economics Association, Inter Varsity, Dorm Council. Gamma Sigma Sigma, S EA . YA DA, DAVID J. Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Dorm Council, Arts and Crafts Club, WDTSEA . YOUNG, MARY K. La Crosse, Wisconsin. Ho me Economics in Business. AHEA. Stout Home Economics Association. Home Economics in Business Club, Young Republicans. YOUNGER, DAVID R. Green Bay, Wisconsin . lndustrial Technology. 4-H Club. ZANDER, A N C. orthbrook, Illinois . Home Economics Educat ion . AHEA, SSEA . ZASTROW, JAMES F. Wausau, Wisconsin. Industrial Education. Dean's List. ZEEBERG, PER j . Varde. Wisconsin. D istributive Education. Dean's List. ZIEBELL, JACK K. Lombard, Illinois . Industrial Education . Sigma Pi (Fourth Councilor), lntramurals, Baseball Team . ZI'EGELBA UER, ALICE A. North Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Early Childhood Education. Alpha Sigma Alpha, MAEYC . ZI'EGE BEl , DEA W . West Bend, Wisconsin . Industrial Arts Education. lntramurals, Resident Advisor, Epsilon Pi Tau . ZISSMAN, MICHAEL N. Skokie, Illinois. Business Administration. Tau Kappa Epsilon (Treasurer), SAM, Gymnastics Team . ZONDAG, BETH M . Randolph, Wisconsin. Hotel and Restaurant Management. Who's Who Award, HSMA, FSEA, Project Friendship, Concert Band, Marching Band, Alfresco, International Relations Club, United Campus Ministry, Resident Advisor, Intramural Volleyball .


General Index Abcluhl Rom• l 42 Abclull•hi. Aliv u S 111 113 Abcluruh•m•n. R Cr Z4l Zl3 Abnz. Robtn D 1\' zu Abr•h•m><>n Jmnoftr K I zzo Ack•u Cvnrh,. S I UJ Ad•m• Judv \ I\' l~ l. uo Ad•m• P• rrock C lliJ. lJI Adtchl>u, J•...., F Cr 141 Adtrhold, Do•nt C I 22~ Adom., D• lt M I 22o Afin<on. Cl•dy< 107 Ahomm. C•rllll os Ahrm> John J. 1\' l-IZ ACNEiv D\>\' ICHT. DR zos Albtrr<on. Chrosunt G I\ zn HZ IS I ZOS. ZOO Albtn.on. P•rroc,.s IllS Albrtchr. Dmnis l 1111JS ALBRECHT. DONi': A JOS ALBECHT. HELMl:TH 110. 172 All>~~~thr . Jo•n R II 221 Al~;w.~ Ttrrv IV 2~ 2. lo3 27o. z;o UJ Allor Dtnno• W 1\ ZU. 100 JOS 275 Allm D•vod J 1137 ~lim . L'•nnC 1220 ALLEN THOMAS JOJ Allo• Ro~tr L. Ill 10. 240 Almbtr!'. Ptrtr S Ill U 170 Ahf..!d M.-ont E IV 1 ~3 . lOS

~;::~;:;"c.!loEtf~ ~~ 2JI Amund<on Ktnh E 1\' l.;l AMTHOR 1\' ILLIAM . DR JOO An,~•'"'''· K'rtn I\' 180 Andtrl F10nc,.l Ill Zll Andtrl Lvnd• M 1\ Z~J And•r> C.rv l . 111o Andtr••n. Donn• II IS I Andtr<tn. Moron A II lOS Andtr-on, M•ry F 1107. lOS Andorson. B.,b. ,. A I\' 1 4J Andtr>On. Connot M IIJJOJ Andtr•on, D•••J . 11111o Ando1>on. D•vid P 1217 101 Andtr<on. Donn• lJO A:-IDERSON. HERBERT DR zoo Andtr.on.Jo•n K I lJJ Andtr•on. K•ron E 1110 Andtr-on. Kom P II ZJ I Andtr><>n. R II 120 Andtr•on. Lonn.. l\ 143 &J. &S. So. 178 Andtr>On. Lvn n S 1204 ZJ I Andtr<on. M.,k S 11118. U1 '27& Andtr><>n. •ncv I IV 143 ANDERSO. ORLIN DR JOO Andtr<on. P•rroc,. F 110 ANDERSON. RICHARD DR 204 Andtr<on. Ro<h.,d C IV l~J . 1~: And•r.on, Ron• ld E Gr lJo. 282 Andor><>n Rv•n I\' l 4J Andtr-on. S<ou A 1111 os 140 Andtr<on. Su•• n E. 1\' l:J 22~ Andthon. \\''Ynt 177

Andrff C • rvn L. I10S. 1U A ndrt• C.rv 1SJ Andr"" Corol A 111 1111 HI Andrwhowon. loo Z7o Anfon<on. Cl•dys M IV 1:3. I OJ AnjtOh.Joyco M 111104 ZlJ. 100

~~f~:.c;~~F~~·~(~ ~

Zf!t7 An.churz. D••id F I 22.5 Anshu> P•ul• R. II 1110 ANTES. SALLY 304 ANSON. BROOKE J 1J Arun'' P•ul K IV 101 Arc.nd K.,hlton II Zl& Arko Ro.. nnt iV Z4J Armbru>lor Ctor~t• E. 11311 Arndr l•mos C IV lJI Arndo. Lond•l. II JO ARNE!>ON. HERMAN JOO Arnold M.,k D II 22o ..~rnhm

Ktr..len K II 220

ARORA. MEHAR JOI Atrhur K•rm J II H . llo. 113 JOII. UJ Arrhur Kmn.,h 8 IV 11J Amu< l .. nnt M Ill 210 A>h.lom 1111o. 14 1 A>hiO>• C• nd• nco A l\' 143 1:1 A·h,.,oroh.lohn M I Zlo Anfitld M•"nt l40 Ausun. Roch•rd A I Ul Au<loo< Bob 27& A\ol-. Kmn.,h 8 IV 103. lJl Aylt>,.,orrh Kortn L 11U At.nhutr, B.arbo~r.a 221

S.bcocl... Mordonn• A I uo B•bltr Dororhy M IV 143. 1111 uo Bocon lui~ A I UJ Lton•rd I IV lJS

~:~i:!~R":r'hA~·~~nl3~ "' w S.hnson. Amy M I 110 B•hr D•lt A IV ZZS B•~"" D•vid R Ill 22o B"ltv D,.nnt R I\ 143 BAILE) WILLARD Jl2 B•I<ZYI.. loon K. II lJO BAKER OTT0301 B•ltsrrotro. ThomO> A II20J, 2:!5 BALDW IN. T HO M AS. DR JOO S.lkt. D•n..! E I\' 114 Bollord Cynrh,. C. IV 143 177 S.hz•r. Lynno iV 182. JO&. ZOS. lJO S.nosol.. Vo<roro• M II ZlJ

B•nuzvn<ko. Koron A 111U S.n••z,· Mko. Norbo<IV HJ B~n~,zvn'-l..• . Thom•" C


S.ncooJ R.:hord 110 B•ntel. S•nd10 S I 220 S.r&n. Dmno• S 1\ 2:!5 Boron. Don 1\ 143 S.rbtr John E Ill lJS S.rbotro J•mo- H I 23& S.rdov Lvnd•l 1\ 24J 2~0 S.rc..l.. CIOoJt). 111238 BARECH DEWE) DR so s.. r!th N.anc'' I\' 2·U S.rfu· tl 100 B•ro. Jtrn• P II US B•rob.•u. C."· A 1\ 143 B.. I..CollttnB ZH Bor~ Moch... A 1\ ZJJ BARLOI\' RAY JOS BARNARD DA\'ID. DR zos B.arr P11uteul 112.5 a...... P•"'"' A lll24t B•rrtlr . Bruce R Ill 23S B•nh. AnnE Ill ZIS B•n• Eolffn L 1\' lH. JOJ B•m r,.nco• H Ill 101 240 a...... Robtn s II tOo Bos•l. M och... C II 23S B•~•.a . P.. cucu 8 111221 2li B•utr C•"' I 11:!5 B•Ytl J•• II 137


&lutr Lo~uut E. I 210

B•utr P•uiJ IIIZJo B•u•r Ro<horJ J 1\ 1H B•um. Chorlo- R 112:!5 B•um•nn. D.-•od C 111100 201 B•umonn. K.,hlttn L. I\' l H B•um•nn. Mork A IV 2.J2 B•um•nn. Su.on G Ill 21$ B•um~och. L•uroo L II 2JO \.1.arv 210 John I' 1111 Bcktlln•ncv 230 Btoch. Dtnno• A I\' 23 I BEALO. KENNETH 30J BEA:-IE I\ ILLIAM J01 a.. u CrtjtOIV Ll zn Bt•udtnt. L11 I ZJO Btcl..l•mt> J 11123! BECKER. BARBARA J07 Btcl.or Holm M II lJO Btcktr Juh• A I 120 Btcktr N•ncv) 1130 Btckor P•m 280 Btcl.m•n. Luc,.nn• M 1108. 111 BECKHAM SUEJOo Btdnortk, B•rbor•IIII2Jl 8ttbt Dtbo,.h E 1\' 180 Btf•v Otb,. A llllJO Benn.nJtr . L1.ant I\' 27-4 li5 Bthhnl' •ncy E. Gr ZJO Bthhn~ R•vmond G I ZJ7 BEHLING. ROBERT Jll Bthlinj<. Su.on A Ill uo Bthrtnd Borb.,•J IV ZH JOJ Bthrtn• Dmno< I II ZIJ. 231 Bthnn~tr D•l• F 1\' Z44 100 Boll. Klrtn D IV 2H Boll• Donn• M II 2.J4 Bolon. M•"' E. IV 2J~ . liS. !OJ lOS Bolptdoo. Thomo> L 111100 Btn,.mon, M•ry 1.211 110. JOS Btnntrr Con,.d C. IV 2J4 lOS Btnnon~•• L,.n• E IV ZJJ BENSEN. lA MES. DR 301 Btnzonlt. Morvon P Ill Ul 2&3 Btrtn< Robon K I lJJ Btrt> Suun M I ZJO Btr~t K.,hlttn 134 Btr~t L•n<•131 Btrg llrtv L IV ZH Btr,: Ros•• B 11172. t oo Z78 Btr~t Ron•ld M 11170. JOO. 278 Btrg Ro<trn•ry I JOS, 224 Btrtt ShoriN J IV 244 Btrg ShoriO\' I IV 2H Btrgm. M.,l. A I\' l&o Btr~n . Ro<hord, L. 11118o Btrgtr. Doro< L. IV 244 Btrg<ron, \'i<ki C. II 230 Btrgor><>n. JtffrtyS 111187, Zl7 8trgmork. )tromt A IV 244. JOJ Btrgmork. Korlttn A II 218 Btrpu•nd. D•vid K IV too, 23& Btrlt. lom Z77 dtmord•. Dororhy M I ZI0. 21S. ZOO Btmtr lomos 8 . II zzs Btntl<tn. Robtrr L I U l Btnni<l.. P•rroci• A Ill Btmondr. Chrosrophtr P I 227 lJI Strum. Clifford P Ill 220 U1 Btskt S<on R II US Bts<on Clofford R Ill Z17. Z77 2&1 Btnh•u.or. lostph M. IIUI Btud•r. S.rbor• A 11 180, l i S BO\'tr Frtd 1\' t&S. ZIS BO\'tt P•mol• M. 1\' 244. 241,di. Rochord J IV ZH. 270 Brbt•u M•rv C IV Z44. 107 Bo<kltr S<onl I 187 B~.,...olf.ltromt G. IV Zo<> Bo<sl.t. ludirh A I\' 14S. 210 811d. Robon L I13S 811kholz. Bussell F ll13o Borschboch. lohn P I1Jo B,.hop.ltffrtv A 12J& Boshop P•uiU& Bnntr Dolort< M IV 19J, zoo zto



BJOR:-:ERL:D lAMES. DR 301 307 Boorn•on. Jon E I 2.J2 Blocl.l>urn Su·•n I Ill l lo uo Blocl.m•n. M~rl. R Ill U2 Blocl.o~,.l. . <;.,ol A Ill 210 Bl•h• D•vod L II 117. 17:BI•hnol. Morl.) IIII&S. 100.202 Bl•l.t ~rf\t P 11210. Zlo BLAN'- FLOREN<.EJOJ Bl•nl. Judv A Ill 210 Bl•nron. M•"·ntll 1\ 1\' HS . lOo Bl•l.o"'•l.o. (oroi2JO Bloch! ;\•ncv J 1215 Brmd• (. I\' 14S Blt<l.ok ,.1. Ctor1<< 2&1 8!0>• Lond• L Ill lJO Bh.- '-•rhlttn M II 21~ BLOEDORN CENE 307 Bloohm Eroc r IIJtoz. 1"". J7~ Bloom John r 11:!.-'2 Bloom Lond• 211 Bloom Thom•• A Iv zo~ Bloomer M•roh•n J II lJO Blu Clvd• P Ill 240 Blum Todd I IIIlO~ . HI Blumrtk h Jun A Ill :!.:!..' Blunl. D••·oJ I 14~ Bnltndto.l•m.< lJO Bod•rr Emolv M 1\ lJS Bodom Tol->· 11147 ZOO BOE '-AREN JOo 11..•«1. rrtd 11 1n 11->tdtr l•no• M II 230 Curro• I I\ 24S. !JO Cvnrho•J I\ uo ZOO Bu!<d""-'"'O<l ludnh A II 2ZJ Bo~tf ( vnth •• M I :Co. 2!.1

t:~~/t~~.~-~ ~~~~~ Boovon J•nt• 0. HS Bol.tmt••• M•nh•~ 111210 Boldt. EJ J II lJS Bolh• D•n..! I II 117 khtr p,UKt I I Z~2 Boll "'kh•oiC IJ7o BOL!>TAD DENNISZIJ zoo.J02 BOLSTAD "'ARI( 307 Bon~ Jock D I 101 Bunh".: JuJnh L Ill 1$1 102 Bonono J•mo- I\' tot Bonl. Dontut I II 212. HJ BunI. ~Y·•n M Ill !34 BOSKEN JEROME. FR JOS Bonntr Mor~.,tr M 1211 ZOo 107 13< Buo· Chro•uno A I 110 Buoo• Ct,.IJ I 111217 BOPPEL. TODD 307 Bordono Srf\tn 1. 111214 Borl.o• .,, Jtrn• L II U7 Burl.o•o:z. Tom L Ill ZOl Bornholo Srt> m H IV l4S Boro"' Ill Lond• M II 220 Burrt<on. Olond• G I Z22 Bo<tr. Jovct A 1\ 24S BOSTRUM . JOHN 103 BostforJ. Judnh E Ill 205 Bou~:h•on Rn• A IU4 Bourj!too< K II 230


~~:1f:'fvh:~·'ilz~ 4111z~o uo

Bovontl. Lond<tv S IIU Bov.. Phillop L I llo Bovtr. Dtb,. A I Z3J Bovtr. M•rv I\' 14S BOYER RONALD 207 8oyl< 8t1h A 12JO Bovlt. Tom P I US B"d'• Chorh• P I too. Z17 a,.~, Connotl 11130 Brll..tfoold.lohn 1~· IV Z4S ZIZ. Z41 Br•m. K.,hlttn L. 1118 810ndl D•no<l E. lll l&S 810nd1 . D•vod P Cr 20J B,.n~r Su.on I II 130 Buu .O.tvt70 BrlYn K.,hlttn M II 223 810Yn. Lond• M I Zl& Br•Yn. P•ultnt M Ill no BroYn. Rosomory C 11121 Br••· Ch<rvl L IV HS. 274. z;s a..v. \ '•ughn D I\'14S, 183


2JJ BREISCH. IEAN 301 Brtlltnjtro<s ludnh M IV 24S Brto,...'ftstr. Annt E IV Z4S, 177 Brmn•. Dmnos P IV ZJo Brtthor<l, D•vid L. IV HS. JOJ Brttl. Lond•J 1\' 1~S Brounojl K.,on M Ill 219. 20& Brogg:s J•...., H I ZZS

g;:~·s~~~·~ 1P~io. to7 Brmm. D10nt R 11221 Brnuftl<h• m. Kmn.,h V Gr UZ Brou<,lohno<t C I ZlS Brood"'""· )o•n A IV 18Z. 224 Brod<ro<k, Holly A IV 14S. JO& BROLIN. DONN. DR JOJ 810>1. K"hlttn M 11100.212 Bro,.n . Corhtront M 11113, 19S B'own. Cl•ud,. L 1118 Brown. Dorltnt 204 810"'11. D•vod L. 1\' Oo, 204 Brown. O.on W I lJS BRO\\ N. IOSEPH zos Brown<. Amo> A 1\' 113. 217 Brownt. junt oo

Bro""'"''t'n ~l

Bruct',. C..ul [ II 2~~' Bruf)t);o·r J...•rhrvn \1 I\ !4S Brutn•n~ Cont H 1\ ~~Bruhn C.uiJ R II !lo Brunc.ou• A II !I$ Brune • . J•n• Ill 1.\~ Brun., K•rh\· P II 2.\0 Brun~'" Thtrf"• ·\ I\ ~ t .l Bru"'' S•lh M 111220·tos Brul'n'lo.l. AJ11m \.t II !J!o \1.,tt" A II !II !10 too Bubn•l P•ul <.. I\ HS Buch•n 1\ 2.a~ 21! Buch•n•n R,. h•rJ I II ZJ~ Buc~ E..<tn\.1 1221 Bucllt\ Bob ZU Bucllt\· C.r 233 Butllt K•v ·\ II 223 Butll ltnnotl Ill 140 BCEL0\1\ CHARLLS 1o; Buttltr Rol-.11 217 Bulhn.,:.1on. M• C I\ l~ 201 Bund•><•"J R1<h.,J C I\ lh Bund'· K"•n A II !30 6 1 202. 22o Burl..holdtr I\ olh•m I\ 111141 BurJ..I•nd 0.1>,. I 11116 Burm.-. h . 1\ ,u,.m l I\ z•o. 1~1 . 200 Burntrl lrnJ•L II 2U Bum' B•rb"' A Ill U4 Burn'- h.o~1hn·n F llJ4 Bt;R:>;~ 1\ ILLIAM 306 Buro> All•n R I\ 1$& Bur"•"' L1nd.a J 1210 Bunn..., Annt M II 220 Burton Btub•r• J II 182 !!2

:::~i:'.~f.•:t~{l~•~ '6


I. '-"•r;.. !11

Bu,.,.tll. M.,~ l&l Bu<h.- Otn"t M I 224 Bu" :-hehod T I!OS Bu1<h<1 Jult-1\' 213 22o toO. 277 Bu11tl Elltn l II 1os.uo U;o Bulltrhtld R<>><ot<. I\ z•o Bu"''t !' I\' !·lo. 20~ 22o B-.r• Robon J Ill ll& BYR:>;~ . LOI~ OR 30o


C•rn 1\rllr•m P 1217 C• R•nJv R 1114 CALOI\ Ell. BRUCE 311 (•lhoun. P•uock I II lOS. 117 C•ll•h•n. Chro•oontM lzto (ALLENDER RALPH 301 c.u•.- P•uo< .. L 1 21s <.AMlRO:-. ROBlRT. DR 300 311 CAMERON ROBERT 200 C•mpbtll. AnnE 1207 lto (•mrbtll. 8ob I U7 C•mpbftl. Br•d 27:1 C•mpbftl. 1-.•ncv J 11213 210 C•mpuu !>tt\tn l I\ Ho 113. Jos C•ptt:c 1.. ~ A I\ l4o. 105. 103. 2~o Co~pr.. (' Pl!lt-.:111 A II too. :zo C.artv ).ante E 1222 C.aun1 Jo.~~nnt \It IJitq.s JO!o !10 !!1 Cul~n Al•n J I\ JoS c ..l<on c ..." 0 11103 CARL!>ON GAR'I' 307 C•rJ,on C.ruudt 302 C•rl-on l•nc E II uo C"I>On urn·~\ I\ Ho 212 C.,l><>n M.,~ F I 114 c ..Jwn . M•~ B 111224 c.,J..,n Moch..!O 111200. !.\~ CARL!>ON OSCAR OR 300 C.,moJv Ktn 27& CAROLLO PAUL. OR zoo C"rtnt<r Tom 2111 C•rr PhohpC I 23:1 C•rr TrutH IV 24o. JOS CARR ISO. CLARA 30S Cmoll Moch..l R Ill 1&7 C.,<on. Otnn,. A II 214 C">P«ktn. Chmoontl. l\" 223 C•rrcr Anhur 0 II JOO C •rrtr Otnn\· l&O CARTER KAY 30& c.,".. Don' M I\ 24o C•udontt Tom 277 Jo;O\<JRO. DONALD 30o C••h l•mn R I 22& C•stncr D•vod H I\ 24o Cutr •. lo Pt~tr C 1\ 100 C.-·t. \<luv 111200 CASE"t ROBERT 313 C•w Robert 40 Ctm~t CrtjtOrY l llo

~~.~~~i.JS.On:,·.·t~ ~i.sl3


Ch•mberl••n Jtflr.-· l I llo Ch•mberl•on. Moch..J J 1\ l4o Ch•mP"vnt J...•thv l . II liS Ch•n. Croctll13. J08 Ch•prNn. Roch.,d G I\ l4o Ch•put Oon•ld l Gr 200. 33S Ch.,lt- Thom•>l. 1111&3. lol Ch.,tr•nd John C 184 too 81 210 282 Ch•••· !>h•ron V I\ l4o Ch••• Willi•m E. I\' 24o Chh<O. M.,).. 0 . I\ 24o Ch•,.,n. K•v M II 133 Ch"•· M•nlvn 222 Chtn. Chantt·Ho Gr U2 Chtrm«k. J...•thrvn I Ill 221 ChtrHnv. MKh•tl J I\' 24o Cht-cbro. Ann l II 221 Chtu\·ront . C.oll 111221 Chn•n~hon . Chttr !> Gr 131 Chul..o. Suunnt K 121S 100 Choo J••n I\ 214

Cho"' \lbr)t.lrtt "Y 1221 Cho" Ro••nn• 'I' lUI Chr,... tmKn G•n· tf I\ !~o. JOJ Chr,,tt'f\'tn Ro-...~n~ 121~

Chr,,11.1n~ O;,.,J P I\ :.o Chr,•tlolln'-On. Lvnn 0 I\ 241 !.a 1 Chus••• C•rn· R I\ l4o 100 Ch"'"' Ptntlopt Ill 215 Chrntotf<1-on. Mkh•lt P I US l&O Chu<rorh. P~ A 11162 U4 Chh.,.tophtr,()n Emtlv R I 220 Coehuc: ~~ Ptttr II 2Y" C•n•• ;;,.hrvn 0 I\ 247 220 C•ull• J,mC I\ 14- 122 230 C•pp Robert 1\ I\ 247 100 c:.. ~ ErroiiJ 111241 CLARJo;E JOHN Jl! Cl~~t ... Ltnorf' K I\ !..a7. !7S CJ..u,tn)t Ho~.uJ f IV 2-'1 CLAl:~EN DONALD DR JOO lOFfE) . DARREll J03 Cl•u-m Tom 33$ C.. Uber,: Ptrtr C I\ 247 COLLIER IAME!>JOO Collon' Mvb l I\ 247 c.,u,n, Robert 111

Com't\Jlo~ . Oe•n• 204

Conntll NtJ I\' 247 lonnollv. D•n• F I\ 247 C\)()~ D11n J I\' 241 200. 274 !7S COOJ...L. HAROLD 107 J07 C00\.1ER JERR) OR 301 COOPER CARLAIN lOS 311 C..optr Donn• J I\ 247 Cooptr '1onK~utl 1\ 247 <.on· \t•r,:.artt A I\ 2-47 Cu>ttr.-•n R"h.,d l I\ 247 C""" Rol-.rt R I\ 247 Couf'\ L.arn: !7! COl:RT:>;£\ \\A) NE. OR 311 COX HELE:-. 313 Co' hm lSI c.,,·lt Grt~ton· A I 214 Cron4.UI. C•rol I 1221 Cr•n.-· lonJ• S IIIllS c,.volloon. Doug)•• F 120&.231 c .... ford Su-•n I IIllO Cr~<tl\ l•n~<t U3 Cummon< Cordon;; IIllo. 1$Cronon l•n• M 11117&. J08 Cropp. !>uun M Ill JSl. 240 Cropp. Thom•s A IV JOS Cro.b\ Donn•llll 212 Cruz.H.ctorT l\'$1, 100. 173 274 !:>I Cud•. Ro<•nntl\' 147, 1711 Cud..,ICz Collttn;; II OS. UJ Cuf•ud•· 1\"ollo•m M I Ul Culoccho• \ ot• C I 2.\o Cuh<' Rovmond B 11&7 217 CL.\<I\11NC DOt;CLAS 307 Cumm•n~t• Jovct M 1221 Cumm"ford l•mt< H lll3S ~0 Curtt~on . D•nd M Ill 217 Cuhltn 01!\t 277 Cur ph.-· Htltn J Ill 20o Currf'\" Bru<~ L 112 231 Curn· \<"'h' L. 1!10 C ""·••~ E I 210 C'·phtr Thom•' M I too 240 C" P• .;p J II u-


<.:u, ....o"'slr.•. Jovct \.1 I 2J2

Cur"•Mlo C.Or~ttM 11120o Cz.,.,.;n>l..o Loo•<. 1\' 147 20o

O.hl..o.,sJ.., Jr Ernt-t E 1\ 2;.$ O.hslt C.rv E I JOJ Otlon~ Jo•n \<1 II ZIS O.J,«choo. J•mt< G I us,. Clor.,tl II 20o. 133 O.mtuth. p,.., l I\ HS. 110 01-nn, .. 0111nt I 21~ O.nn" E OR So JOO O.ppt \"oc•• I I\ !48 O.rber J•n<~ M II JOS. ZJ4 O.rtmtr Dt•nn• J Ill UJ O..•o Tu•h.,;; 1213. 117 O..onK c.,.,) A II 222 O.<m•r.,. Chtn I Ill 170 O.tlt. ~"IrOn A 1\ 224 Otttm•n C.:olt J. II 178 2 U Otttm•n. R~<h•rJ 1\ I\ zoo OEVT~CHER JOHN OR 303 O.v1<h o.bor•h A I\' HS. I& I JOl 274 Q.,·ont C ond\· C 111241 Ooclltr Scott 117 OICJ...MAN:-. DO:-:ALO 300 Dock> M•k<>lm A IV 248 OocJ..<on. M1<h.d 0 I\' 14& Oocl..<on. :..h·rtlt E IV H8 O,tJroch Oorrtll R Ill 2H OotJr1<h M•rl S I\ 148 ISS D1t1Zitr P11UK1• M 1122l




Do lion John 0 I 2J I Oonth•rt. Ch.,l.. B 1\' 248. 213 Oo<ch Jo<tph A II 210 Oo<chcr J•m... M I\ 248 130.2&1 OISER PHILIP 30o Oottburntr l•nd•l\ 248 liS Ooxon o,..,J \<1 1232 Ooxon lond• M 11181 113.224 Oob,.u Robert M I U2 Oobro..olslo. MoktT I\ 248 U7 Dobro"ol•~•- P•trocl J 1212. U2 DOBRLNZ CAR0L306

&:f. ;.~.~~~ 2 1s ~7 Oohtr"' P•t llll3o 1 1

Ooatl D•rc-.· A II uo Dol... Addtlll220 Dolt 22.\ Oon•ld-on. ;;,.htnnt I 1119&. 218 DONLEY CERALO 1&3 Doni.-· I •mn P I ISO llo DONLEY CERALO 190 DONLEY MARY 313 Oonohut. M•rk M Ill llo Oono••n. Collttn F IIllo Dono\On. O.b,. J I 222 Doolottlt. ) '·onn• M Ill 23o DoP>On Roch ..d J... Cr JOS. U7 Oortnd<>rf Brucol\ I 204 U7 Doroot land• K I\ 148 Dorn ::,,.. lucv Cr 218 Dofit\· Do•ntll12 U4 Oo<trNJttn D•vad J I\ 249 103 Ul Do" · ' ' •lh•m l II 2.\1 Oowlon~. \<l•urttn P I 218 OowlonK. Roch"d C I\ 240 lOS Do"nh•m. RovE I 21o Oo"-n•nJ< Su-•n R IIJOS Do"n•nJt ToJd J. 121o. 27S Or HI> C.Or~t• \\ 1223 Or~~h.t:m. \"u• \ I 2!2 ~... o.b.. E 1uo Or.1ptr Su.. •n K I 210 Ortdu PhviJ., E I 222 Jtflrt\ A I Ul Or,.tutrsr. \.1.,).. R Ill ISS ,d E 111140 Ortnd.l Oo•n• M I 2U Orn"tn Oo~\t 276 Orttj,..u Tom I&; ·•ll13o Or... D•vtl:ll Or... \<l•rolvn 111181 J03, UO OrotS<tn. Chn>tophtr l I\ 248 JOS. too J03. 274 2;,. S3o. 307 Dro<"rt l•urotlll liS Orurv M•n· A I\ HO Our>t Rov 1\ l&O Oubblt Ro~ttr C I\ 240 213. us Ouch.,mt. O.-·t M II us Ouck.,oll Eorl M I\ J&J Ounun~~roon Br~~d A II Z2o Ounh•m. J•niCtC IV 221 Oun>ttr John K 1\ 24o. 100. ISS. 33J 3.lS Ourlt\ Moch.d l I\' 24q Ouzvn,ka. J•ntr A Ill 215. J03 O,or•l 0 M I\ JOS. U7 OYAS. EOI\IN301 Oytr EJ.,.,d P 111104 llo Oytr J...•th\· I Ill 87 U3 l&O l)yn.- Roger \1\ Ill 203


o,.,., D•d•l>hO'I· \<loh•mmtd I 213, HO. 101

Dod.-· M•r"• l I uo 200

04hl "••hlttn J muo DAHLJo;E ROBERT 20; 411 D•hm. Brv•n l I 23! 011hm. :,uun M I 222 D•lt. Oolorn A I\ 147 DAHLJ...E.LORRAINE OR 30S D•hbor H•l 27& .,..,~ Ph,·llos M IV H& D•mon. Robert l 11&3 D•mon. K"hlttn A Ill 181 04n•'Chl..t. C.rv US D•nc• P•tro<o• 11224 240 o.n• . Jon 1102 D•notl Robert I I 127 D•n"''' Arthur B 1\ 148 O•notl' M•n· B I U3 Jo;LATT OICJo; 301 DAI:>;b IA\<IES OR JU D•notl-on Roben C 1\ H&. 210 D•nkrt S~tphtn M I 22& Doou... John C I\ 23! Om \11Ch»> J. II 202. llo D•ttalo. Crt~:orv C I US 278 D•utthtnb.utth. \hch»> A Ill• D•ul 0•1• T II 2lo d,.. n , l 1234 0.-·r< ::.h..on A I\ 248 D•vo< Ann \1 II 1~0. 215 OA \"I~ JAC;; JOO





o.... o..


J«L ~78 :,h~~ron Ill zzq D•vo. Th•v<~ C I\ 19J o~,.,,.


o.,.,•. Thom•' C. 1\ 248

Dow. C.Or1ttnt l I 2J3 D•v Ruth M II 177 230 O.•n. '1•nlvn l II 141 O.btt John 278••l Tom P 1225 O... L,·nn 213 O..r D ..J. J 1\ 248 177

8:~~~~~~~ ~ I~~ US. 2&3 O.l•n" Sr.-·t T II l3o O.l•p. Ehubeth l II 229 O.urutllt. !'o:ul J IV 148 O.h~•• · Thom•• I 1255


Ebcl John J... II 125 Ebcrlont Jr RICh•r.l J... Ill 21o. 178

E< l•rt Rob<lt C II 2.\o

E< ktr l1nd• 3JS E<lm•vor Andrt" F 1114 lJ~t•r \\t<if\· B 111104 EJ~ttU< Otbr•l II 233 EJm•n K.,l C.. Ill 238 EDMONDSON P.\Ul30o (JmunJ ;;.,,n J I 133 EJquo,t. EriC J Ill lJ7 Eh• Dou!<l7o Etll> Julot E II 224 Etcl. "•rtn 121 ECCERT IAMESJU EAAtrl••n A II JOo. 228 Eh• Ooultl•- Ill 100 110 Ehlt ;;.,.., l II 1:11 123 Ehltn lnod I\ z.o EhJtr, Dolt I I 2 P

Ehltr< Dun F 11121o Ehltr> Ttrrv G. IIlli Ehltrc Roc:h•rd S II 117 Ehltu. Jr R•)•mond F I\ 240 121 IS:.. 2~1 . 158. 33S Ehnroch. Jov« no Enh. Eloubtth M I n1 103 Ektrn. M•ur ..n Ill 280 El..lund M•ro I IV 1~0 N•ncv 111178. 21S 282 El•h•. Elf<rrom. Borboro M I\ 2JO 171> Ellor Thom•• R lllo Ellnr•d. Ttd E. Ill 101 Elliotc. P•ul E. Ill ZJo Ells won h. GrtjtOrv 8 II 227 U I Elmtr. Ttrry M Ill I, 178 Elmlin~tor. Btth M 111103. lOS. 230 Elri<k. Lynn L IV lJO Elvtr>. Suun K 1181, no Emtr<on, )ulrt A I 113. 21S Emtr<on. K•y V 11213. n1 Emprt. M•nh• J 111161. 2n Engt. Ron L. II 103. 228 Enj<ol. J•no S II 118 En~ol. Rhond• M lll3 E:ngol. Sh11l~ lll En~tol. Todd M u.s En~tolbon L•wronct H II 217 En~olh•rdr A I U~ En~ttn. L•wrtnctD 111212 100 HI En~ttr. Alltn L Ill I. 281 EN"GER. JOHN 207 En~tt<tr P•rroc,. J II no Enf)t. Sh11l~ M I 212


En~~uom. \-\'ilh<~m R IV 2.:o

Eno. \o\'llloom J II 108 ll2 En<olm•n. Dovid A I 217 EN"TORF JOHN. DR 301 Eppon. Lrndo L. II 210. 240 Erdm•n.• J I 221 20o Erocl...on. Ch•rlt> A Ill 2H Erocl<on. Dtbor•h L lll3 Eroc:l.•on, ltfrrry L I 11J Eroc:l.><>n. S•ndr• S 1111<1 Erptldrng A 111101 Enl. Korm M I 103 E•sol>rrom. Thom•• G II 237 E•rtn<on. L•rrv G lllll E'·•n• C•rl T IV lOS. llo £,·•ns D•l• M lUllS. 281 £,·on< J•mt< £ . 11101, 100 E'·•n. John P 11118o E'"•n• Robon W I 231 E•erson. Oon•ld G IIlli E' tr<on. Ron•ld L IV 204 22S E\·tn. D•l• \~ 111100


F•hl P•mol• R. IV 2~0 F~hrm~n. P•u•ci• A I\ 2..;0 102.21.: 275 F•nb•nl.s D•vid I IIIOo. ll7 F•lk B•rb•r•l 280 F•ns:me")·er. Oenn•~ I IV z.:o 1~.: Forb. P•ul• J. II 212. 223 FARIS. ESTHER 30o FARIS. JOHN OR lOS F•rroll. K•thl..n 8 IllIS F•rnn;tron. Chnsoophor J I\ 20~ r..btndtr M•ry P 1111 ;~ Fosh. Gro;:orv IV 141 f•ulkntr ."' rlli•m P I 22.S F•ulk< GrtjtJ 111212 22o


220 Ft<~holm. Dtnno> II 22o Ftck P•rroc:•• M II 223 Ftdrt. 5rtvtn C Ill oo. 27S Folrx. M•rk R 11108 f<nskt. Chuck 210 Fonntr Gtrold E. II 217 Ftnnor . Ri<h•rd D IV 202 llo FEN"TON. PAUL 302 Forgu<on. Scou 27o Fon,l..t. Ch•rlt> 283 Ftrgu-on. Scou 210 Ftr!!u-on. Scou 283 F<>ro. B•rb•r• I 1121 Fott. Mrkt A IV 240 Ftucho. M•rv K I\' z~o fr•lko"•ki. Fronk M I\' 2JO 100 Fl(hren. N•n.v I I\ 2.SO. 20o Fr<k< Robou W I\' 140 IllS Fotbor. P•mol• A I\' 240. lOS. ZOo Ft<ld lt•nntiV 240 178 FIEDLER ROSS 300 Frft. K.-·rn M IV 2.50, 240 Frfrold H•rvov A I\ 103 Fu•lkr<""'· C.r•ld G II 232 FINDER. NA 'CY 30S Frnl.o. Ktn I\' 184 ZJo Frnko. Robou W I llo Frnn. M•rcr• A I 212. 2H Frrtr. !>rotc A Ill~ Fr-chb.Kh. 1\'•ynt M 111231 Fr><htr Jo-tph C II 227 fr-chor Moch••l C 121o Fr-chor RuboS7 F"htr Rod~tor 283 fr•ko" Morv T I 212 Fl•htm· Donn• Ann M 11181. IS3. ll0 Fl•n•~•n . M•ry 227 Fl.&na~t.&n. Ru ...,. 27o fl•n•;t•n. Ru.- 283 Flomrn~t Mnrnol\ 2.SO. 207 Flo<chnor. R•rn.r 8 IV Z.SO Flo tor Thom•• I\' Flock ~tvrtvt L. I 21S flood Robon S I\' 2.SO Flon•n. Gtr•ld N 111101 FLUG. EUGENE. DR 10• flynn . C•rol L. IV 2.SO II> I Follmdorr.Jtffrov R I\" 2.SO Folhon. John 0 . I 232

Foore. "''•r~t•r•r Ill oS. lOb 210 Foorlt Arnold). Ill 183. 200.llS Ford. !\1nt1r• F I 222 Fordhom. Robon J IV ll8 For•hn Altro M 1213. 2ll Fonnov C•rolyn II n1 . 207 Fo.- R•ndv IV Fo• Ko' rn M I\' lOS Fo,. K.nnt1h lo7 Fo• L.nn ~ lll4 fo• M•rrh•n I 111211.112.107 110 fo• P•rroci• A I\ 2.SO Fr•mn.-. Sh•ron A IIIllO Fun~tt. Bruco IV 2.SO Fr•nl.t Norm•n C IV 18~ 200 fr•nl."tek EugmeH I\' 241 Fr•nl... ocl. !\.Iori. !>. II 241 Fro.or Ron•ld T lllo Fr••or !>u'"n l . I 121 28o Funo. Roch•rd J Ill ZJo Frt<k. Robo11 A I\ 2.SO Froem•n Coltnt 221 Frtjtu>On. Scon Ill Frtudonborj< Sollv J I 220 Fround Juduh E. Ill 121 Frov S.rrv A 11182. 223 Frw. K<nnerh 274 27S Frrcl. R•ndv A fillS Suo E I\" Futd S1c-vm R II 212. 22o

Frrtdt Jun A I 221 Frrnr Eroc I Ill 241 280 Frt!<O. M•ruom I\ 103. 221 Frr<kt. Lorr•ono F Ill 207 228 Fru-cht M•r~t•rtr K Ill 210. 221 Frrr.chlor lorry J I\ 128 r ..... l•mo. T 111&7 FRONK£. GRAIG3oo Fro-• R•nd lOS FRY RONALD 303 Frv·t. Kcnnnh D I\ 2.SO. lOS 1"8 27J 27S Frvtr fr•nk 0 II 212. ll2 281 Fu~•tt Chrt<tcnt A I liS Fu~rt. EJi·•borh I 1200 210 Ful.•;:•"•· C•rol A I 222 ful•m~o Ann• 212 Fulltr Jocl.~·n E II 212 Fullor Jo Ann I 220 Fuhon. Bruct M I\ ll2 FUMAGALLI ORAZI0307 Fun!.. Su..n M ll178.lll FURLONG. JOHN OR 203 Fu<r P•rrl(k lllll2

g:~;• ~;;r~ I~/~ l2o C.bnd. Ro-lvnn L I 103 23J C..r~n.r Jool E. l\"140 Coll..n M II no GALE. ROBERT 313 GAMACHE. ALAN 307 C.n..,r J•n~et M I\' Z.SO GANZEMILLER 1•\CK 203 C.rdnc~ C J I llo C.rdntr John R IIIIOo. 231 C.rdntr. Mr<hool \\ I 212 lll CARD:>:ER RICII•\RD 30o C.rdntr. Su••n A I 230 C.rov l•mo- R I\' 212. 100 2JI C.rfoor. Sh•ron II lllJO C.r•l.• Borb.u I 1224 C.f\·tn• J•mt< R IV lSI lOS C.u;tor Robort Ill 18S C.urhrtr Clrflord 204 C.'·tn Roborr IV Ill 217 Gtb•u•r Lool• M I\' Z.SO ~bort . Srcphtn A IV Z.SO. I07 240. z;~ . 275 GEBHART. RICHARD. OR 302 C..r Mrch•d J II 210. Zlo Gthnn~ B•rb•r• E I 222 GEHRING. GLENN DR JOI C.hrkt. K•rm J I lll lOS C.hrl.t. Ptotr J. II zz.s C.,.ltr. Mu~ S II 2Jo C.mmtii.C,•nohr•S 11224 C.non Bill I IV 101 278 Gtnrz. L•n• I lllzo Gtor~tt S.rn•rd ) . I\ lSI Gtor~t< 1\.•vnc W lllo Gtroh• P•rrKr• A I 211 20o C.rilo. C.rl A II 230 Gtr~.n K•thlttn A IV lSI 103 C.rloch. POl'@:'• A 1118J 2~1 Gm Ed....rd 1. 11210. 21o Ghtrndtr Alhtd 205, lll Grbb- ( )•nrh•• R 1122 Grb.on M•nbtth llll~ Grb-on Mor•h• L II 134 Gotrcu~. Trmothv M II 2JS GIERKE EARUo& C•t-tTwLI218 G•r.zd Dtbor•h A I 211> G;lb.rt Or•n• L. I 220 Grlbort Humph roy 307 GILBERTSON. CARLYLE. DR 303 Grlbort•on. M•rv Ill 221 Cohoh•nn. Jo-•ph R I\' 184 GIL. SANDRA 30~ Gollol•nd. O..on E. llll7 Grlhn~h•m. S:tvm C IIllo Grlhn~- M•rk llllll, 210 G•lm•n. Su»nno L. lllO Grlmor.. So... •rt L 11121o Grl•dorf J I\ lSI Grndo John\\ IV lSI. 100. z•l Gl 'GRICH DOUGLAS. DR 301 Gu'en'" Koud\ E. ) 233 Gutloh S•ndr• L II 21S Gro,·rl.. Trm 278 Gl•nzm•n. S•m J. Ill HO Gl•>1ud K•rtn D I\' 2.S 1 Gl•" Jo,·trnn•lll18 G!u•on Don•ld ~ IIIlli


Globko. C.f\· A I 217 Gliddon. Sr.-ol\ llo Glrnt- l•nteo D I\' 2.S I Glont- P•tnr•• J I\" lSI 110

Chn•«:...•. M~c:blinf'C II

Oan,.,.,. Tom 2:78


Zll. 200

Glocl.zrn. S:"' on C IV 2.S 1 221> GOEDE. PAt.;L 20~. 184 l08 lo7 Gotd~tn. Mor,.•rtt M I 220 Gooko. Eloo•tllll~ 200 Got>>l Gltnn A I\ 103 Got<•lrn~t H.odr M Ill 200 207 220 Gotr-..h. Cn··••ll\' lSI Gotrz. J•nt A 11210. 1oo Coot<. Suz•nno D. IV lSI Gotrtrn~tr D•'t C 1\IZ.S I 00 70. 100 !00. 27~ Gohm•n. GionoM IVZ.SI Goh. ::.u-•n M II 2ll Col•• Phvllr• £. 1218 GOLD. ED\\ARDJOO Goldboch Ro~or 17~ Goldbor~t Do\"rd 5 II 237 Goldm. Ro-rt A I 20o. llJ Goldm. Tom I I\ lSI Ill:!. lOJ Goldtv Lvnn 27& Gotd,muh.ltromt E. Ill 2U. 240 Gotd....orrhv Gtrf\· 28J Gomul•l.. P•rroc:oM 1221 Gonttl.t D•,·•d E I\' lSI Good Dtbor•h A I 21l. 221 GoodO>·r<h. Cl•r• ~ 1133 Goodm•n. K•r.nS IllS Goodm•n. Lrnd• M I 224 Gordon Ho.. •rd I\ lSI Goutt. \"rch II zoo Govrn Cvnrh•• H 111180 Gr•bo" Ornn1> 0 llll2 Gr•h•m Cvnohr• J llll3 Gr•moll. Jeffr~ I\' lSI 100 Gr•m• C.l< A Ill 210. 133 C.nt Gr•n'"tlltll213.l17 Gunt Ttrn• 282 Gr~nl T)'rOnt> 277

Gr•'"• Grn• \.1 IIllO Gr•v ::.h•ron A I\' Z.Sl Grobol P•md• L lll3 Grttl\" Moch..l J I 22.5. 178 Grttn. Joonn< L lllO Grttn. John A I\' lSI , 277 Grttnbocl. l•mn 0 lllo Grttnh«l. P•ull 204 G<OitOf\" 1\ rim• I Ill oo 110 Grtjtu·~•- L.. I Ill 22o Gr01bor Km A I\ 238 Grt1bor Ru.-dl R IV lSI Grtrntr 'vl•nlvn K I 210 Groll. Ro<t•nnt E I 20o. ll• :u;o Grmdor Ruoh E 1122 Gnt<tmor. \\ rllr•m R 113~ Gnll Koth'• A Ill 220 Gnmm Htrmon F 11110~ Gum.. rud. Dt.&nt \4 I 210 Gn>1u•• A 1230 Croon<. Ch•rl<> H IIIOo. l2.S GrontnJt. P•ul \' Ill 217 Gronlund. Al•n W IIllo Groo•• Trmooh)• C Ill I Gro.- Chn< IU Gron r lllo Gro« KrNrn. L.llfllo ll~ Gro~ .. m•n. j..·rrv 102 Groto. Su.•n A lll3 Gro:h. D"k I\ lSI Gro' .- Eu~tont A 1117 Grudtm. Grt~tory I lllll7 Grut17morhtr Kim!>. I\' IS& Crull..• K•ohlttn A llll4 Grum•n. Ann C. Ill 211 Gucc••rJi K•ohlttn A I\ 2S2. 220 Gu(an .. ,.,a. ~brunI Ct' 2.)7 Gugd. J•mo- \\' I\ 100, 103 Gullicl..•on. Lo" C IV 2.52 180 Gullocl..on. M,...h..l K IllS Gunkd. Rolph h I zn Gur•l. J•mo- I\ 2.52 Gurn. I\ 104 Gus:•r•on. ~br• A 11221 ..on. M I 2.1.S Gut Ro)ltr \\ Ill lt>O Gurtkun•o. Nt•l I 1217 Guri<t>oll. Do•n• 8 IV Z.Sl. J70 102 Gur«h. Rondv A I ZJo. 278 G"·rn. P•mcr• J I\ 240



H ..p•l.o<kr. Oonnr•C Ill~ Hur•t•d John L. I\ 200 H ... O.bor•h L lfloo H ... Jdfr~· \'\' I\' 2.52 H•bor~ . Shorrv L I\' 2.52. 17& H•bO!t•r Hollr< J II 204. 204 H•bolo M•r~t•rt1 H IV 2.Sl Hochnrk Robon 23 I Hocl.bor Tom loO Hocl.b•rt. C•rl \'. IIllo Hoclb•n. lo•· A Ill 178. 23o Hockb•rth. Thom•• P II 100 177 28! H.tborlorn. \ "orlorno A II 221 I 07 H.t;td• . Nor..n C lllll HALF IN HAROLD. DR 312 H•fform•n. R•ndy 283 H•~tm Robtcc • A Ill 177 H•l'tn Rhond• J. I\ 2.52 180 H•lll'•rrv Su••n F. IIllO

~!f.~~n~J~::;;,~\Jt ~~ ~i ~~; 102 H•l•m• Mouh•ll 224 lOS. 104 10o H•l~· l•mt- E. II 2lo. U2 HALFI:>: HAROLD301 Holl. Amv K I\' 2.52. 178 H•ll. l•mo- P IIlli HALL. PINCKNE\ DR 200 Holl. Roborr C . Ill lOS H•ll. Trm 1231>


H•Uan ~t..-h<n 0 Ill !OJ lt~L'I.I T \0 RK li ~Rl>.>O! lulpm 84rl> Ill !00 !!I IOJ ZOo H.l•rt ~I\ :x. lu-. II :J~ !Oo ~

Hwn T•nB !37 Hw~n <;.U \1 I !I! !!I Hte;.., )l.llM-1 !.!'0 Hrch l•n G II 190 to$ ltlRR ll.' D) ~ HK,.n; l..m~O H <hl.on.i lo-rph D• 101 U,,Jdtr.nJ <. h.ifO !:7 li.ld•br•nd R-nurv A II I 2t I H ·~· Br<nord T 1\ !5J Hdl O•vid f Ill IOo H I Run.IJ T I lJo H11J "f'' AdJ •., T llfJOo to~ ::7 tl!lton l•n<l ~ II !! • Hut'W"'o h~·nn K II !! 1 Hn<h!.tfr ::O•r•H 11!1! Hmn '~•n:n I lllll I H:.ntzm..n O.. w :·"' H num.n '-~•rv 0 1117f' ~o

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ll•m•hon l•nrt).. Ill 170 ll•mm Ooroth, I 1::: l~nd (~nn ... ll:,o lurnm.>nd H r.m \1 1\ :05 H•mp<on Cknn -.; I\" !5!


tt..nn.a\H'r GI.Ju.a II u.a

li•n~ lowrh I I\ 100 tt .. n,..-1 l.aurwll! H.n:w•L I::~ HA:-;'A CLR~l0.'07 H4l'ltM1n.ln \.!4n- I I !!! l .. o lunnu Rot-ott 1\ IIIOo !J5 lun.m ~LI217


H.uurn \.'hn:

H1nttm..n ~iolun \1 1\" .U.l 17:'\

I !U

H.nwn ,1.~1111 %.\1 HA.._ [:-; R1n XII ll•n,... Rot-..rL Ill :oo H•n..., To,... I\ lll tun..,.. D•vod II I !X. tl.!'\Mn\ EunKtt J Ute., ::.H•n.on ~:JonJU

H .. n~ Lorn.. '1 I\



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"-w.. " [ I !12 :o.a !0.) ThnH• A I\ !~! IUQU< lo.:h.r :u HARBOUR 'H RO' J05 H.rJ«i.<r l.d [. I :U.• tu·Jrt E I\ !Jj H.udan~t Urrv .ao II.:Jt hill\ !51 U.ahnJt' ~"~•nn" ,\ I\" ~2 !!J H.r-nn ..,,..n \1 1111>0 HARR IA\IES DR JOO tU:ran~ton I II !.'0 H.:r.. Don,..,. Ill :u tUn~




H.arr•~ \.1.artoflf' Ill::.;

H.ur to0n AnJv l\ lJ! 1~: ttuu~ L"' ~"~ I I !Oo 21f' liur M)n :\'.ancv R I JO~ !!1 ll•rrloch Donn. !lo H.n I I\ !5J H..:tn J.., A I !l~ ~ o...d A 111 :1~•ul> ConnM"A C: ao~ H.:t~ )oM;-hA l\•1,0 H.""'""" Ro;ph R 1100


tUHUf\i: Bat!:""

H.....ahrl 'h" E II::: li•"• D•vod L I O) H•tf... ~ Ukn I\ !5! :a: lo5 H.ucl.r Roch.rJC 1\"1•• H. up Alocr E Ill~ H.u•r Cot:.... R II !0& !JJ H.upo lrt"' [. 1\' :00 ti•u•f't fo.ln l I :.u. :..~o H.~thorrw R.ndv :UJ




H....n Chrr>torhn I llll$, Z7• H...... '~orcv. L 1100 :70 tuv""" ~~nrn C 1\ !0! H.y.. ud P•ull\ Ill I HA/lL \'I\ lA:-.: I ~o Hr•l:\' 114rt-•r• L 1\ !5J HEBl IR.~:-;Io.:JOo HUILE FRA~i-.: Z.•J HEC ~ 'I.IAR) J07 H.,;.., L..-A IIIHI t-kdzt• Po~t.:l• !.U Hrrbanl \~ hMI R 1\' :UJ !!o Hridrmon 8 :-• Hrid.n ,.,... R 1111>• Hrun Drrold D 1\ :~1 li«tNn Rol-LI\ :UJ 170 Hr•monn 'l•:th• I Ill I 1~o :oo Hr.mrrm•n Oon.ldC 1111•$ Hr.n :::~·..., '1.1 1\ :UJ Hr.n• Cvn:h •l llt5 HU,'TZ t-:t.-..: DR 305 HftM Ho~•rd tO,. !0..~ HELC£!>0' l£0'\-'ROJOI Hrlan< 'h.:;m J Ill :'o Hrll•nd ~o.:,..., I II !!0 ~.

:-.: ........ t:JO

tidmln.u. ~.1,,. A II !!J Hmdr" •• Rol>nt \\ 1!1: :J5 Hmdr&;..,.., \'.Uwm I II !Jo Hmdr.: ~Mm Dolorn !-' 0 Hrndtii•>0:1 ~~~A I\ :)J Hff•tl Laur~ I I !!O !_..o tim• L.nn D II :J: Hmrwl>rr"· R•ch•rd T 1\' 7l :~~ H~ ~uun M I::: ~,v, \.1.1fi•LvnnA


Hrnn o: t>.bh. I I::: Hrnntf\< 1-:ulo M 1\ !5J Htnn 1\< ~!uron R I ::o Hc-t~nl.~" ~~ntn ~

II tOO -:"I

Hrnroch ':rnn<. 1\ UJ 190 Hft\11( • -on. Dolor" L 1\ :UJ Hmt,tn !I:.J '1 I ::o Hr!;-p Roeh.rd A II !J7 HERBERT HARR) JIJ Hrrlan;: RICh.rd 1\ :UJ :1o 1o: Hc-rm...n•cn <..on.nM- I I !JJ llrr~ Don.!~\ 1\ UJ 100 Hrrold Tom !oC HERR IIJO) 30' HrrrAJ \~och.d I I :J• H•r.l>on And... :r. lwrruch Donn• I\ 19J Hrr:rn.n O..Jr :7 Hrrt (vr·huA Ill !!t llrrzl>rro: Tonv!.; IIOo Hrvrt \l•r. " II ::t Utu-. T trr•t'kf' \.t II !31




H ru llvron L II JOJ till'!.[) RIT-' )()' H nm..~ J,m :;, Htfitrr \l•rv A I\ :UJ Hoo '•uvm \ 1\ !J! !IJ Hoo,:rr.""" '\ l Ill !H llo<•rr• lrl•ndl 111:" Hodd,.orhn 0 Ill !0 Hoclrl \lrc~ll I ::.< ~ ... Ron.IJ E 1\ l$J :u ltodltWft l.;•thtranr A Ill 101 !X' Hodrwn I-: urn E II ::I ~ Govlrl 1\ UJ 110 HOFER ~R\!0'\t> OR JOI HOFER BARBARAJOJ Holf,..,. C•ru Ill ::o Hott,..n l•mn [ 1\ :5J HOH\IA:-; PAl;l DR JO.' Ho!fm.n P.ruclo ,\ 1\ !Jo H< .:•n lo.'>n P I :J) HoluNnn Cn>rcwl 11:1' !lo HC ,[,1.:>' R06lRT !0! JOI Holml>rn. 0..... u: Holbu• 'l•r~•rrt R 1\' lH 174 Hold;mon Ru•..U A Ill :J! Holdort TMm•• \1 IIII~S 20! Hoi4:N~ '1•r"' l I !to !!"J>« h Lorrv I 1\ :I o Hollr<· Ron.'~O 1\' :5: Holm u•tm C I :o• :H Holmbrr~ O..uotl II !Jo HoiC<> Ornn E II :J7 Hotmn ''~• rw \1 J !!J Hoi.., l.orY I 1\ :UJ Holt l.•tlmln l 11!0 Holt Rtbo<c•L II ~ :H Holrt <.Ant H Ill!" Holtm ~•nJr• \1 1\ ;:,: 177 Holtm .....,... \1 I !0& Holz~.urt<1 \trnon '1 II !H Holran;m "''"' 1 111105 ::• :•• Hol1~orf 'I h..t E 1\' 100 HOl\IA~ \1-'R) JO! Holnnon :-:.ncv I' II !IJ 2!~ Homuth l•nu R I ::2 HO'II.rTH HRHl OR )0! Honnh 0:tf't.:W \.t I::: :::o; HOO<.f.:-;BOQ\1 DL,,I.,JIJ Hoovm.r1 O.•rw l 1\ !5~ Ho;:m•rn"" \1~h..tA Ill U7 Ho;>!Nn :-; '""" L II l.H Horr< D•nd I\ u• HornbY lu•nt' R I ::I Hotnt l.::rr" \I I !J$ Horn.. Ron•!.lt ll.\7 Ho..t.J Chrrstlftt :JJ Hott:n10tr Jud•th \I II !5~ He...: (vorhw L II :Jo HOI;Ll JQHS OR JO! Houw ·f'n: .. !lt Ho~·rr loon E Ill :10. I'! :ao Hov<!.rud lun ,.\ II 210 :!O H0\1~D \IAR) J07 Hovl.o.'\d \l•rth• T I :J• Hoo...n P•ul• I 1\ !5~ HO\\Ll) 0[:--.;t~Jil HOI\Il>Q' BEUL~HJIJ Ho,·t '1.1•"' I 1\' !$4 H0\1 ROBERT :oo Hrdan.l Tn"' L II :1o Hro:n.J,.,. ;..,. \I Ill :JJ H:v•hl.•. Con· M II I H , !lo UO Hul>l>ord. Chr •trrw \1 I JOA :07 :J: HubNrd. D•vld '1 1\' !5t !.17 tlubbord Douc ( I :Jl !#0 Hu~ l·wlh· R I ::o llul>r11 !>trph.n [ Ill l!o Hujc,; Rrch.rd f I\ :u: tludwft L•m 0 Ill :1: 10" !.1: Hu~ BrunI I:!> Hu.Uan,;. OouO'J,. \1 II 1:5 HUGH~ GEORGE .'0< ltu<hn , ..... '! 1\ 200 Hu, U...M( l\"~1 Hull I I\ !5~ ::J Hull Roh I 11110 :Oo ltull :.:rrn•n•• B 1\ :s. HU,t\lU flO,OJOo ttumollr" <.L.rrG I ::1 HU,~PHR[) Hl.BERT \IR' 7J Humphro- • O..UU. P Cr !H Hun.l>u..:hrt lo.:run R II lJ7 ltun•buochrr lvnn 'I I :JJ 290 Hun~m,.::n CmrY \ I\ :.SI



HuntU~J:ton B•rl>ou " I !H II"'" n<'<>n Hnd1 Ill::: HuMh 8rwn I :J) Hun Go" D II :)1 Hutcht:>• St.-.nC II ::5 ltutchm.on Bonn1< \1 1\ ::t

lnd• P.uu: ... \1 Jll 70





Indo- 'l«h..J I

II::~ 1

:~CR~~'r':'~R l~~UI.'

lnm..~ \\ illwm D :11 lnou""" R~h· ~ I 21o

IREtA~D IRA~P. OR JOI lr,.h, l>•viJ r Ill hw.o~n l hu, 1\ :-'1' 1.......... ~~ndr• ~ llt&l :! t l••oc.on.lo.:.,olo.ft R II !!J I·•« ~.; 111 u; 1-.rt.. . R,: 1- \I II :to t•S I"''"' j,Ar• \r1 litO!' !!.4 !••"0 1\ lR-...>:-.: RALPH DR UO :oltECI'. 'IAR) .'07 hn• Jo ·h•n R ~~ft

.... \ \

1... ;.., 1r ChorW.<. I\ I o IACi.;ll, [R\tA llA~ ·~ I« "'ft\.lln. Oun.t H Ill !!1 to" Arnold!i lim 1..: "'M)n Str. t' 21~ l«ok John IP7


l.:o~1 "1•r.:.ut1 ' '


II l';'~ ~~

l•ot-..ft, Roch•rd l Ill ::1 l•o~n l<1n1UNt I 1220 I• ohon, )..•rhit ~ II : U l•ohon , lo~dl T Ill :oo l•ot-.orl, \hr;.. 0 I !J• :Z..•J IAC0fb0' '1-'R) JO~ l•ohon , R.-mon~P 1\ 101 I•J1n ,,.,,. :...": I.. ;err ts.rl>ou I II :JO ,.. ,._. l• A Ill ::o 1...., l nd• D 1\' !5t 1n l•lu>:.r \\ ~li•m A 1\ :Jo l.l.ul-a<. ll<ttv Ill IOJ :Oo !!J l-'\lb \t-'RCARET JO) l•mn. R., 1\ u• IA\1b RU,.-.Ell 105 JOO l•rnnon. ~ 1\ :u~ l•n.i• 1•,...110) :o5 :Jt I•~.. Rov"""'d f 1\ !t7 '1!lt"r Crflt !.'0 l•n•'"'"'"j.,' Ro~rvll!U :t~ l•no. <Au!J R II 214 l•no> Rrch.roi 1\' :.H too f•nct ''"'"·"' l I !!I l•ntm P•u1G I\~~ 1~ !00 f.tqu~ l•"uc-ltnt A I


l•u~;.., Ed~ud G 1\' :t~ IAR\ b JOH:-: DR u- J:.• lA\ JOH:-.:Ju ''""' r .... 1 1\' ~~ I•J lot h., Cn>r<< \\ I :Jo Jc-nn&np. ~rb•" lilt~: ::: ltn. \l•rv \1 1\' !)5 ltrutft C B Gr :u fc-n'H'n Colnw <.: I r !4 r !o :1! !!! 1 lf'!Ut1\ DontW l II ::~ Jbl:-; DOROTH~ X'$ ltn~ l•rrw. ( Ill I lrn•m lon lo.: 1\ I •~ IES,o:-:. CL~T Ill )OJ lf'nt<>n. Krttlmt A I to.a 1 "" !!J ltntt Ph.U.. \1 II !!I ),p~fn ~1~run U .::~ J~rbtir.. F I &o !7~ J.,~,bt;. Tf'rtftKt' l I !11 ltrd.... MriJr..J 'I (.;r I•~

Jr.;n• lt.d R I\' !55 (..•up Morh.wl 0 Ill :u J..u,... .~lfon• I II :o: !t7 1.-. u lohn r 1 :o: ::o 1•"'•11 \lmt R I !2t lo.h. lMaw• R lllll! lo•• l"qutl Ill !tO Jobin Vr"' l !\ t05 h><h•m..n <.~trvl ~ II l!! Joh.nnn R" "•rJ ( II W l~hn Chu• P II IOo !IJ ::1 John D•"J L Ill :OJ ,..... ~ •• 1\ illwm 1\ :55

loh"' ~"'"' E 1\' :55 1•I 10~ :o•

lohn><>n A Ill !•) Johnson C R•v 1\ I!5 lohnson. C•rul L I :t~ to~ lohnt<>n Colln-n!.; II !JO lohn.on C \1\thwl I !Oo !JJ lohn..,.. DoN roll I 1110 :JO John..,.. Ed~ ..J \\ Ill :o: JOH~..OS LLEA-.;QR }0~ John.on Onur ..\ 1\' ! ) ) Johnwn l•nul Ill oo 1;o lohnwn l•nu L 111174 to: lohn>On lun l 1\ :U) lohnt<>n lton• '~ 1\' ~5 lolu>.an \lulnw A I :07 Johnson M•n· 8 I :1~ John..,.. 'hrv J 1\ lohn><>n p_,I70 loh"""' Rol-nt D I !.11 uo lohnwn Rol>rrt R <.;r :U.• lohn•on R~r :1o lohn.on. Ron•!J B Ill IO) : IJ ! " John><>n Ro-• I\' ll$ lohn..,.. -.h.ron \1 I\ :US ,...,...,.. ~ .... \~ 1111~ John..,.. !>t•n!<" 3 II John""' '-trnn L I !Jo John..,.. Tnrv I\ II !OJ lohll>On Tnrv !lo loh.'lson Torrn P 1111 o: :c • lohn<on \\ ~h•m It II ll7 John.r.d lodrllt R Ill !~I John•h•n, Dunn' J I!)) JoN> l•rwA Ill !07 :10 :to NM• Junt' [ Ill !07. !!0 lollft 0-.r:.. R I !17 Jo.,.. 1111~1 JOJ ::o lo ~... Oou•t.. \\ Ill uJoiiC'> ~" R 1\ !!J !to

Jon... Lond• A II ZJO Jon... rhvllo• II lOS 110 font< . Rob.n A 1\' !H Jon... T hom•• E Ill ts; lonlo.o~"'k' M.arv !JO Joo• .,;.,tn L I 21~ lor,tttn"-"'"· B.ub.u.a 8 I\' !.SS lootttn-.>n. Julot A I 2JO lorJ<tn•on. S•llv I I\' 2.55. SJ 10~ . !!I Elltn Ill lJO lo<lon. I•""" R Ill !J7


Jo.;mo«: l ~ Chtrvl A I lH Jo.;nu~ Chtn·l L I 2!0 i'n•pr Cui '1.1 1\ 2.5o i'n•rr< ~o;.,;,ittn K I\ :!So Jo.;n•uu Jock L I 22.5 i'n..Nnt. 1-..ohv A 1\' 1•1 i'noltht Robon I\ 1\ to• ~n1p:ft Oo~1nJ 8 I lJS ~2 1-.n.:t<l Roch.,d II !Jl i'nott lond•ll 22• J-.;nou On1J !to Kno...... ~ Ttuv lo7 Knudt"''" k.arol I II 110 lOS !.!2 ~nuJt.,un

Kt~ehtl'"-' · P.urac" L Ill.!~

"-•dt !>uun l Ill 170 "-•do. Otnno• C I !Jo 1-.•don<l..y P""'"" E 1\ :!SS. t-o KAINSKI JOliN OR JOO KAINSKI. MLRClOES. DR JOS KAlER KEN312 1-.•li•n. N"l S IV 2.55. liJ. 117 "-•llsuom. Audrtv l I ll• 1-.•l•o" Btvtrlv L I 215 J...jh~nbrun . 8ruct E 1112.!7 !-.AMISH ROBERT 72. !~7 !7~ :!.>~ "-•n••r.b. Gory I II 22J "•ndl \•ltrotS IllS ~.anubh.aa

Tu ... llJ !I;'

"-•o."'""' H Gr lli> "•o. Johnn• H II !I J 1-.•pl•n. Ctorl<t H 1\ lOS "''ppmh•~ P~tr• :"' 8 I.!.!.; "-"~ttl Ch•rlo- \\ 1\ 2.5S i'A\>IbH ROBERT JOS "''rnopp. OC'nna.. (. llllJ:." "-•ui.JunM IHl i'•«ntl S•nd,. L I 220 "••ttn D•vod A I!J& 1-.•S<tn-< !>ut E I !!• ~•tno~ JohnM II !t• ""ztr \'•ltrot R IllS "-•ub. '-loch ..~ C II ISo "-•ulm•nn \1ou• t Ill ::3 "-•ul. H A IHo "-'""'~o. )tllrtv 0 II u; i-.0\·lor F11n~ 0 Ill IS.. "-AY:->ES HLNR'r 20• 1-.-.motrsko. ltromt I Ill :17 1-.ttlt Phollop 1 II 2!5 "-tt~<•n. Ktvon J 1\ 155 l)2 "-tt~<•n . MKI..J liB! .... Mn &lnn1~ 215 KEHR8ERC. rRANK JOO KEil. JANitl . OR JO• !-.Ell RA YMONO toJ !00. JOI .; JO ~t'l'-tr ~•\" liS fo;tntl A II B7 !-.ELL t HARLES !07 ~.«ktr B•rnf'Y2:"7 . 270 1-.dlthtr John L Ill !17 !-.ELL) JAMES 30• 1-.E'I.IP ALT \ B OR !I! JO• JOS


~~mp . ~.,,.,n



AI~<• r Co 20~ 1-.tmptn C.,ul A Ill HO i'<mc>m Con. l Ill !00 "-•Pr<r• M•n. L I ! IS ~trn Bonnk'~ 1\' t:o-1 !'.:'.: , !7~

~"'" ftr hf'V P I 23o

l\.c-r4iltm. Jovc.t \It I\ 25$ "<!chum l•urot B I lJJ ~no" \1.r,.:.artt \It Ill JO.) JO~ ).,;0 !00 1-.h•n HO<!U< 240 ~~th~h ~,,. B II !03 !.>.; l!.." t...~tliC'\· Dfl>r•l 1!!2 "•tnb•um. rmnv L 1\ 2.5~ 17" ~-. .... ~. "'~"" J 1\ !55 1-.oHt. t ..hv ~0. " •"• O.nno• 0 1\ !SS :o• .... alcovnt P~1uc•• \.1 I\ !5S, I~! IOJ 1-.old•hl. P'""" A 1\ :!So 1-.olmto loll A 1121! 22• 1-.onJt 1\ olh•m A I lJS 1-.onmort. H !><ott 1\ 2.5o J07, !00 1-;orbv Don•l.l L Ill lJS Korbv . lo•nnt C . 1\' 2.5o 1-.uby \\lillo•m J II 2J5 "orchotftr John C 1\ Uo 1-.ork. "-"h' >\ 1\' 2.5o 1-.IRK\\'000. BONNIE JOS 1-.oul..• Roch"d I I ! 1-1 Kotzm•n 8ru.t A Ill 2J~ 1-.ovi. c ..ol s 1\' 17' foJ•b«htl... RKh ..d p IllS , lJ:. 280 1-.•hl• M•ry Ann II llo "-••n<•r. J•rnt> R I IIJ. 2J7 1-.LATT 01(1-.JOI "-'•u-.r )tflrtv A 1\' 200 210 1-.lov Donn• M II lJO l:.ltt~fl B"nty 1111&-1 JOO lJi> t.;LEI8ACKER I'\ ILSO:-; DR JOO 1-Jtln. \>lochotl J 1\ lJ7 Klt1n. Suun J I 222 Jo..lom•n. M•rv Ann T 1\ !07 lOS Jo..lts<...,<ko Rob.rt A Ill 112 1-.lf\tn. 8ru<t A Ill llo Klont. Lury A III!J& Klont Ttd A 19o Khntsmoth. Don•ld E I 2J5 i'hn~ttr Korby L I 228 Jo;lfNK AlLEN 29& Khnktrt . M•ry M I 115 Klonnto . Kl•udi• R II 2JJ KLITZKE. LOUISL DR 21J Klosttr . J•mts L. 1\ 237 Klujt Do•n• M . II 208 Kluj~t D•vod lo& Klu~tt Thom.- R I\' 2.5o. 101 100 Jo;lusmtvtr Jo•n L II lll UJ Kluutndod Chtr~l A II liS. !07 1-.mch•.,lo. M•rv 2Jo

Joi.,.,. l\' l5o. 2.10

~nut""" · O.a"·'d \\ I\' 205 Jo.;oc• L'·nn A 1\ 2.5o. !OJ lOS ll• i'och 8 .. A IIZJJ Jo.;och r.ul• Ill 220 1-.ochno""' l•no £ IIIIo! 21• ""'''" Jo<tph I I lJ2 ~oco' .. ,y ~rochv J I\" lSo 1-.odtrl Rt\ K I\' :!So. too. JO$ !00. !75 Kodto lond• S II 221 i'othltr L., n· 0 II 11• t.;othltr "'~"l<"tt M II 2H Jo.;<>thltr N•n..vC I lOS. liS i'othltr So.-tn C I 2J I 282 Jo.;othnt M•n 8 I 1111 Jo.;atno~ S•nd11 L II liJ i'otp~• o,.,J A I lJl i'otP•• Shorltv M Ill lJO Jo.;oopr- 'l.tuv•nn C I\ !So 175 JO fo;otppm Thom•• I\ 1\ 1•1 KMrnt"r"n A Ill 220 JOJ !Oo. lO i'ot>tto Ron•ld T II 117 lOS Jo;ohltr l•nto A 111107, 118 Jo;ohn>.. C.n· A 1\ 18o Jo;olo<on•~o . '>l><h•d P 1\ !OS 1-.oUto Tomoohv L Ill 2lo Jo;olm \ oc;.ol I22J Jo;olodrnt. l•mts S ll&S i'ol<t•J Chro•ront '>1 1\ :!So i'ol<1od \>loch•tl P IIIJOo 1-.0\>IRO. DONAlD JOo


Kontt..;,., Rteh.ard \\ I\ !So lrr\on.n,.;" ).an M I 2!0

Jo;onlon Roch"d G I lJI Kon11d Cond\· l I !22 108 l-.o11nd•. Bob 281 Joi.opztu ...t . Tt>m Ul 1-.ontl. 00\·t !SO Kopp Lond•l Ill !JO 1-.opp. "''•ry £ Ill 221 , Kopydfo..,<ko . D•vo.l R llto7 2JS !78 .._orJi:fr


A I\ 2.So. 2:20

!-.ORlAN OA\'10. DR JOO 1-.o•h•l P•uK 1.. E. Ill 2•0 ~o'-tfl\~~ T~trrtn4t 1111~ l.;J 1-.ooh Ru«tll F II HI 1-.ov"h Audrtv P I\ 1$0 1-.o..,•l·~i S.rnord I Ill liS. :!.>0 1-.oro•l '1.1•~ L. II !24 i'~tm1n""'' ....u~ A Ill !.U ~~lMlft .. ~l ~.n<'Y

E I 2!J

Kr,.mtr Ch.rltiC IJIJOO 1-.r,.mtr Dor" L Ill lOS i-.11!: l<>n A II 2JS. 2Jo

~r•~s Gr.act A lll!J ~"J~t._,. .. k_, K"hlttn A I 222 ~o

1-.rom.r L""' L II lU "-"mmtr \ I(~V 11100 "r '"' ~tnMth H I\. 15o. 185 1oo 2-; 2.:-2 ~uu .. o .. nt K Ill 187 tOJ 207 . lJO ""U>t IUMtttt) IIJ l~O Jo\uu"C' Kr1.. hftt J I\" 15o ~,.u ..t Lou~nn lllJ3 ~uu .. t \ ·b rah·n A IIllO lll 214 Kllu"<' Sh.,un '>1 Ill ~to "-uu..... P~n• M I t?S l~ 224 Kr•u .... Ttrnl78 208. 2l.C """' Rod 2:.0 1-.rton~ronjt D•vod I IV 2J7 1-.rtnr Douod•• C Ill 2 U Krt<< AI.- B 1\' 100 "'"' "-"hl"'n A IV 2.57 Kot<< !>u.,nnt M IV lSo "-""''' Lond•l 1216 Krt1Jttr Kra,11nt A Ill 240. 2...;1 Kroq<d loonn L I Ul too. 207 Kunio.t Ktv•n \\' I\ th """oil, )tromt A Ill lJS Jo;rosron Jo<tph Z lllo Mill Jo.;•rl• '1.1 1211 1-.rovo•hton. D•ltl 1\ 1<10 2•1 Jo;roun B11dtord I Ill ISS Krotnon~t C"y L 1\ 2.57 I&! 2J7 "•otn•n~ C•ri28J

~;=~~t.~:~l~o: !J~

"•om• Ktooh 8 1\. 10. ~ron"-tr E11ubtth A I 2~ lll 1-.RI,;BACK ROSANN£313 ~ru~tr Conn1t I 1105 222 l<.rutJ<tr D•"d I 111 1u Kru~tr l•nn l II 2Jo 1-.rutJ<tr T ••~ 241 Krut~<tr Su••n K Ill 21o 1-.tut~<tr Thomu l I 10• !-.RUEGER. CHARLES JOO I<.R1,;8~ACK HAROLO JIJ 1-.rutJ<tl Vo. •rrtn C I\ 2.57 Krumhus S•lly L. Ill 2JJ 1-.ruS< h~t. l•n• A II 212 !-.rust Timothy P 111118 uo 100 178 l-.U8l) 0 C JOS Kuborn . W olbu r A IIlli Kub«h Alltn R II 209 1-.uch., Oon•ld l I\' 2.57 202 1-.uch.,•h "''•kolm E I\ 202 Kuthl G•rv 27o 1-.uthl o;,.h, C I 2!2 1-.uthl. Con· 178 1-.uthl C.ry 28J


1-.uthn o .. n. 1\' 2.57 200 1-.uthn••o K"htront I 11120 fo;ut>d P•or•co•l 1122o !..CFAHL 'I.J..\R\'1:-1 JOI 1-.uhn f rtdtrkl.. A I 128 170 Jo;uhn ... •ld John P Ill 241 "-u1.. :, \i1"h""' 1\"lJo 1-.uh~ '>hrv I 1\ :!S7 2•0 O.ull•nJtr Ruoh \>I lzt• Jo;umm R•lph l 111100 ~umrMr K•thn·n \It 1210 1-.und< ~h•ro K IllS i'un~• Shtd• A IIllO. liS to• ~~ 1-.uoh L•uronJ• L lllJ 1-.uph•ll. Crt.t A II lJo. 28J i'CRHA)EC JOSEPHJ07 ~uu"' r Jtft l&l 1-.uro•h ltfl !~7 CO\·It M I JO&. 2Zl 1-.utchtr Robort G 1\' :!S7 200 ~"'·~ttr-.kL Anthonv 0 ll.J2 )..,,., C•"· L II 2!5 L•BionJt. Tom l Cr 231 L.och, Arltnt ,, I 210 l•ch•r<llt Gltnn R IV 12J 280 lAI:-:E CERALDINEJOo L••n~t Bonnotl lito& 2JO l•lor .John E I\' :!S7 200 L•mb Robtro ).1\ 2.57 toJ l•mbr« ho l•mt< 1\ 257 L•mbrf\.tu R(1btu E 1\. 2.$1 L•mm l•n• '1.1 Ill~ lOo. 207 l•nc• B,JI J\' H" l.andc-r' C,1l t ll!l. l•ndn \>!.~. !7& l•nd..,thr, o;.,h,· '>I IIIJ7o L•n~ Curt I\ Ill> 217 !7& l•nc lloubo:n A 1\' 2.57 lOo LA:-.:G I'\ ARRE:" JOo L•n~ Cun !:-3 l~njtd¢n, \1.,-,. I II !JO L•nR• luhn R 1\ 2.57 l•n~t" ·•rth'· 1-.t•onC I2J8 LA:--"TO:-: A!\"THON)' JOJ L•P" n•ko. Lo < C Ill 205. HI L~pc•n .. ,.l C.tlhtun.. M I\ lSi LAR<.IiEZ '>1ARI-. DR JOS L....n M•n· l 1\ 2.57 lAR!-.IN JOSEPH OR 204 lARKIN. I\ ILLIA\>1. OR 20J JOl L"<tn Bruct E 1\ 2.58 228 L"stn C"ol A 1\ 2.57 21o L.,•on Holh·l I 215 L"<on. l•n• A Ill 1&0 L..son. John A IV 2.57 l.,<on Ktnol Ill 114 L~r,on K1m !to lu•on Lond•l lilt& I , 210. no L.,<on Lvd,. L 1\ !24 l•r<on \>lorv A I\ 2.57 111 LAR!>O:-; \>IAR\'IN JOo L~r,on MK,. 117 L"•on !'•nn A Ill 220 ur<on P•ul A II 100. lJl L,;, 841n 274 l•uftnt-<r" John B 1\ ••• lO\tn John~~ L.-tnourt fo;tnntth J 1\ HI L•..,Jt: Robtrt H I 2J I l•...~on Su••n \>I Ill 20S L•W\'tr fo>otr S I\ 240 LtC•nJo; III!IJ. 2!2 ltbo~••n . h ovntl II 232 Ltt Ch•rl" E 1\ 2•o. 20J Ltt. Lor.t. B I 22J Lt!l.o.., D•vod M Ill 2J2

r.~:~~~·o.~ ~l~ 11 1&J 1


lOS !01 , lJI Lthntrt Ed ... .,d P 1\' :!SS Ltobl Lond• L II lJ4 Ltldo~tr M.,,.,., M II 212 lt1d1:r:tr K•rtn 2.a Ltondt<~tt D•vid £ IV 188. toS. 22.5 Lto> "''Kh,.IJ II HI 27o L<l•nd Chro•tont E IIIU 21J 120 Ltmbtr" "''Kh,.l A II 240 Ltm~• Bonnot 204 Ltm~t Ch., •• nt 0 I 222 Ltmlt Cvnoh" L 1212. lOo. 23-1 Ltmlt P•mtl• 1-. II 17'1 124 Ltm~•. Ron•IJ A 1\ 258 Ltm~~ \\',lh~m

F 1\. 100 241

Ltm4i;,.,. 182 Loms;,,. ~' oll,.m J II 2Jo 277 !70 Ltnbt•• \>lochotl !IJ Ltnth '>loch,.l R II too Ltnz lulotlllto Ltnz Rus<dllll 1&4 Ltnzntr Bonn•• l Ill 22J lOo ~o; Loon.,.! ltrr. lol toJ LoonorJ lttr. 28J loo:wJ \1•" E 1\ 2.5& Ltpo~ netS II 210 l.tqut Bttotl 1\' u~ ltrov, \1•n· II 220 LtrO\· Roch"d P I 128 L«z...,•ki. Aritnt M 1121& Ltv•ndoski. Jotl L II 22.5 l.-tnb•gtn. loon Ill 2J8 Ltv.•n. P~tr loS Ltwli. j1m I\ llo Ltw" 1\'olh•m H I lJo LEY )AMES JOo lK httn... •ld [roc l I 2JS Lotbtr• D•"'d C II 201 228 Lotltf). \>1.,1.. C I lJ I Lotn. Chtrvl A I lOo Lotn•u TomoohyC 1210. 21o Londstth Scon 178 Lottzo.., S.rt ~ Ill t&o Lo·...,•~•. Ru,•tll P II 228

Ltllot ~one'·'> I\ 2-S&. 20o. n• Ld•qu,.t, Jomt• G 111100 Londbtr~. 'l.hrcv 11~0 200 Llndbtr" '1.1tr<tdt-l IIO« l!l Londclo: Oo"d P llllJI Londl l.:ord L II 120 Londqul't 0.1-ro J 111234 L1nl Dontnt A I 212

lonk Ttm· P II lJS Lonn l•IM'> ti Ill 2J2 Lon<t luduh J I\' 2~0 Lon<rf<lt Corol L II 221 !OS Lo•io.o D••• '1.1 li2JS L!!t: Konold L I\' 25& L!!l..o '!>uun( 1121q Lll: OA\'10 OR Jl2 Ll\·on~t•ton. (onn~ Ill 205 214 lruboc Ptrtr I 225 Lo. '\'u l I\ 25& 2JO. 21J 205 Lo. '\' I OS Lobtr~t Trm 27& lobo> "-•thlttn M 111JO l.uchntr MorY C I\ 258 Lococtro. Mr<hod T Ill 217 Lococtro. Thomos I I 217 Lockt Ttrroonn l I\ 25& Lodt- Juduh A I\ 205 274 Lotbtr~ Tom 28J LODLE RICHARD 301 L<>tffltr \\ "·nt R IV 25~ Lohrtnz Rtbtccol> 1218 207 Looltr horrtn R 11190 wkl..m Aldon \ I\ 25& LO~G OEA~ JOI L •nit Ptrtr I llllJI wn~ Phon\ I\' 113. 232 Loon'"''" C"'s"l 0 I\ 1S8 loon•root Gtor~tt E II 2~0 LOO~l'r JERRI>UEJOS U.O.t ltfrr.- \II I\ US Lord \lor~ L I lJS Lord '1.1oN I !3q Lortnl \Ito"· E Ill 211 1~0 Lo<ch l•ntlll 148. 200 Le><ch "''"' I I\ 25& Lo•.-.· Lindo'\' I\ 112 Lo•·•n<• Borb..•l Ill 17w•d•nJ MKhkl '1.1 111140 W\o'lot Au z;o

w"•· \Ito"'> 1220 w.,.JJ. '1.1or~tortr E I 23J LO\\ R) EDWARD. DR JOO LO\\ lRY RICHARD 207 luco• Pouock W I 225 Lucht K01hlttn E I 215 Luchrtrh•nd Chorltnt F I 215 Ludtmon. Jom 250 Lud"•K•on. Crv>t•ll218 ludv ~One\· I II 2JO Lutb~t Elltn M I 215 lutdrkt TomE II 232 Luo"tr l•m.- B Ill 101 Lu~o· Lvltl Ill 2J8 Lu~•· '1.1•1'\' 1 I\ ua Lu~., :'\•nc:v ~ I 224 Lu~• '!><on L I\ 25& Lum<Jtn. F•H M 1\ 25' Lund. Anthony C 11235 Lund Borboro J I\ 25& 224 Lund (oroll 14o 200 Lund• 010nt C I 21& Lund Robtn C llloo. 202 Lundon, Oo-.J C II 202 !lo Lun•tth Stt\tnH 111108 241 Lul'\'0\ Ernt-t C Ill 214 202 Lu•hont S10nltv J I 21o. 182 Luo: Porrock I I 225 Lut:~t P•ul 1.: II 217 2&2 Lvlt. Porroc10 Cr 115 L'·nch. Bnon J 11H l'·nch. Ron•ld J 11125 L\'NCH TERRENCElOI JOO Lund 8ob252 Lvnn. BorboroJ 1219 Lvnum. Chn•tol M II 22~ Lvons RKhord 0 Ill 201 L\·On> Wolloom 0 111J2 270 l"·rvntr Dan I\. lSO \1..> B•rb•ro J I\ uo too \l•b"' C•rh• A 113J "hc:holl. Rondolph C Ill HO \;Ioehr C.Or~ttC I\ 250 225 \.1oc:~ More" L 111240 \.loc:~• Donnol\ 259 1&2 !OJ uo \1~ei..l~ ~.&r..,:,tt I\ uo lOS \loc:Knolthr Oovod G 1112 US \lodtr "'"'' E Ill 220 \llod•tn londol Ill 214 \.lod•tn \lloch,.l 1-. 11237 '-1odur Andrt" M I\ 21J \.lotd~t. Thom,. F Ill 1&5 \.hRtdonz Dolt 0 I\ 157 270 \loltl\u•on. 1-.n•ron• R 111170 \lojtuut Jomt> M 111J7 \IAHAN LUTHER OR JOO \.lA HAN RITA J05. Jll \.1ohr Oo-.d 0 12lo, 250 \.hotr Borboro J I 222 205 \1101n. CrtjtOrv l. II 22o \1AKI EINOJOo \.lokon• !iu••n M II U~ Mol«~o . John IV 10J,125 MohnKOw•ki. Tom G lllna \.lohutwoko. Rochord A II 2JI \.lollol.. Suun C. 1111&1 \llolhn~t Bonnot L I\ 250 \Iloilo. Gltn A I 23 I \llolon.-.· Tom IV Uo MALLORY OALEJU ~blntvrt Stt~t o.s \.1olttr Btrnodtrttl\ 250


\.loncor 225 \londor C.noll !IJ \londl. Thom•• E I 227 \.IA~O'\' RI,;Sl>ELL JOI

\.ltvtr' \.br' I I\ loO '.lf'\'tf


K,,. L I 220 \.lonn Ro~t•• 0 II 225

\lloro,·l. Bruct M I 232 "hrorz Alon J I\ 100. 200 140 \lloroll Corol A 1111&1 \1orro" John 2 U \lor•h•ll BroJford L I\ 259 'l.l•mllt \'oc~• L I 22~ 'l.l•ntn• l•n. R I\ 223 \.l•non. Chn•Unt 0 I\ 259 \.l•n•n Jomt- M I\ 217 \hrun Robtn F I\ 205 \llorron. Sondro J I\ 250 \.l,.k• Otbro 230 \.to~u B•rb 1$0 \1101ch. '!>odn.-. ua \.to11ti,;.. . Jo~m~ IU?. 280

\.bt01o -.


\.1•:wn. Roc ...s 2?~ ~uun

A I\ IOJ 223

\1"o RochorJ A I\ 212 232 JJS ).lorun« 010ntl> 111180. 2~0 ''u"' Sh11muo~m IV 2$0 \lcAd•m• \1oktiii2H \lc.-\rdl· \llorv E 111170 lOS \lcArdl· T.,., I I\ 100 'I.I<Burn.-.· "-"tn L II 220 McCobt John A I\ 250 McC•bt Robtn L II IUS 'I.I<C•nn. C01htnnt M Ill!& "lc:Coul.-.· C•rol A II 223 '•u•.ond '!>utA II llJ ' Tomoth,·l> I\ 25'1 ' Con rod I 1\. lOJ ' . loon \.1 I 221 ' John P I\ 250 ZU ' \'oltr~ II 2JJ 'I.ICCOY RAYMOND JOo '• O,_oJ I I\ 25'1 \.1c:Cul:n·,Jomt-A I\ 211 1~1 \.1c0onou~h Thomo< \\ 1\ ~~­ \1c0o"tll, Ronold E I\ loO 100. :!.37 \I,Oo .. dl Ruth A IllS \lcEntort. Joonnt I IIJ. loS \lcFoll Porn<oo L 11112 \1cFu;~n~ \..1oru""" 0


\lcForl•nt TomJ lt&?,23o \ICC.r,..t P•uocoo A 1207, 210 \1cC.OCh. I\ illo•m <.. Ill 20S. lJb "'cGonn" Borborol 11213. 220. I 'IS McConn" John I I\' 2o0 \llcGo-.rn. Thomo• A I 232 'l.lcGro" \\ olhom R II too. 201 227 \lcHuo<h. 1-.othl«~~ M I 20&. 223 "'cKI~LEY RITA 305 "lcKmnck. L\·nntrtt!i I\ 2oO "lcMohon Eorl R 1111&8 102 100. ~0 McMohon. Morv L lllJO McMANAM'\' Pouoco•JOo McMorro" Suun M IV loO. HH McMunn. El01ntll 213 \lc:Nom•ro S•ndro L. I\' 2o0 \lc~•m•ro Thom•• M llllJ. 250 "'c~At.;GHTON DAVID. OR 200 \1cNtth· ltH 215 "'c~ultv 5u•on f IllS "'cPHEE. Et.;CENE 145 'I.IEOALMA~ JOHN JOo 'l.ltcl<olt Ttronn K IV 2o0 70 10~ 'l.ltdono o.. oJ I 150 \ltth•n Su••n M I\ 2o0 'l.lthlto• Oonotl E I\ 2o0 . 105 100 "'EHLEIS. LEE ANN J05 \llthnn~.CothtnntA I\ 2o0.175 \lltot• Borboro Y I\ 2o0 .,,..., Thomo• G I 225 '1.1t1tr I\ tnd, A II 220 Mtontfl ltffrtv J I\ 2o0 MEIER ROBERT JOo \1to•ntr Chtrvl L I 220 200 "'~•"-· !-.•thy A IV 2oO 'itl~ttt



"'to>ttr '1.1•f\·on I\ 2~ \1tartr \\ olhom G I 225 \ltorz Mol\· "' I Uti "1t1•ntr 5ondro 1-. IV 2o0. 1?8 \lid bY Lou I\ 23o Mdon. )tromr F I\ 2o0. 1&4 "'EILLER ELLA JANE 30$ 'IIIELROSE ROBERT Jl2 Mtl,·on Kortn J I 21& Mtnct. Kn<ttn S 1\' 2oO 'l.ltn~tortllo . Chn•unt M I 223 Mtnn• Cond,· L I\ 175. 205. 274 "'trcotr Borboro A 110~. 232 \IIETCALO MARCIA OR JOS Mtrntt. Jo A I\' 2o0. 21o \.1ttttn) \'u,Jotlnao~ \.1 II 2JO


Cr lJO

\1f'\'t: '1:,..C' IV 231 'l.loch... < Ronold <.. Ill !25 \IIChOi.Of"l(l ••.,.. J I\ loO \11Ch..u• C•rolont \II 1\ 2o0. 200 '1.11CHEEL!i \\ ILLIA\1 I DR so 202 \1,chthn. Rot• E I IIJ 'I.IIChhnl.. DoNI L 12JI Mocktl•on, K•rtn J I\ lol 110 Moholt;. Jud11h A II 212 211 Moko. \ 'tronoco J II 210 l\loiJo•coc. Ed"ord M I\' 101 \lokshowok'· Connot A 1234 1-hlou Btrh A II 2!~. 2~0 'l.hlt"'~' · Robtrt 0 12JI 'l.hlono•·ICh. Poull I\' 2ol 190 250 Moll•r ~ondro I I\ 2o I "hlltr D•vod H Ill 237 \llolltr ltfftN \\ I\ 2ol lOS 'l.lolltr John I II 23S 25 I Molltr 1-.•th• \ I\ ~J 20S 2~0. 2ol \llolltr Crt~tl:-0 \.hlltr l.:tnton I 235. 250 "hlltr Lukt 0 I\ !oO \hlltr Monh·n J I 210 '\.IlLLER. RICHARD. DR JOo ).lolltr Ro~tr 0 Ill 2J2 'l.lolltr Shoron 1.: I 230 'l.lond•• Borlw• A 11212 2JJ 'l.londr l>;t~rh !J5 \t,nor:;.. \11r O.&,hiT I\ lol \11nton ;\,nc;,·l lllH \II:O..'Tl 0\\AI~ Ill JOS


\.hntl c ,rv :!~o \1:ntz C.&f'· ~l


\lo•tr Oo"d L II 11\7 \lonr loon 1.: II ll~ \1.1\'tt


\..1~tt \.1,u~o~rtt A

\.·brv 8 I l:JO

\.101htr "''"' l I\ 220 \.lonh... • E•Ptll P Gr 21J Po~tuc.a.& L I o.s, 215 \louol M•rl• A I 20o \.lm..on. John 0 Cr Ul5 \.IATTtl£\\'!> ARTHI,;R 10~ \lotrht"• Otboroh L II 2JO \.l•ttho,., Elit'f\ J I\ 250 I?S \.1o~tu ....c-'ftA:z ~ttrhd\ ,. 11100 \.lorz Gltnn E II HS \hunJ Ro-. \\ 1\. 205


:0.1.-tr l•n• E Ill uo 'l.lf'tr lthr.-. S I !17

\;lono Oono:J A 1\ 250 \IA~RIQt.;El DION J07 \lon>•t Do• od J I\ 250. !OJ \lonrt- \lloro<ortrl IIIlo&. 210 \lonrz Borboro J I 223. ' ' ' " \.lochtlt J I 21& \lorcuj,oll,; h \ 'octor I Ill 21o \tort;. Judo A I\ 1~0 \.1~rir. .. on.

Grt.:, 280

'l.lttcoh L•nJo J 1221 "'trztnboutr 'l.1of\· E 1\. 2o0


IJ! 27o. 27&

\.1.'<hM "-trslvn 0 I\ 2ol \l•<ch~• l>u••n K II 222

\IISflLDT HARL) N J02 \l,.kt ltromt A Ill llo '1.1nchtl. B..b A I\ 2ol 230 'l.lnchtll 1-.oth.ttn A I\ 2ol 'l.htchtll 1-.toth J I\ 2ol 'l.lotchdl Rob<rt \\ I\ 101 20~ '1.11110~ Corolt L II 210 Mothri.r Robon \1 1212 Motlltr Poll'· II 230 MOEGE 'Bl:RC. LOUil>. DR JOO MOtn. Rochord J I\ 2ol 200 Mohr Judo 1-. I\ lot Molbt.~ E I !3o Moldtnh•u•r MtloJ, 5 II 220 \lolator M.f..C" UU \llommotrt• Br•d C II\' 2ol \lonlo. Londo II lJO 'l.lon-on \lioN L I 2J~ 'l.lont~omtl\' Corol A I 2Jl 'l.lont~omtn' Thom•• J I\ 2ol ZOO 'l.loort Jonothon 0 1\'lol 100 'l.loort Rochord 0 I\ lot t'IJ. 2Jl \IORICAL EO\\ \RO JOO \lor~t•n JuJ, E II 207 23~ 'l.lor~ton 5u•on 1-. Ill 170 lOS '1.1orm.nn \1•"' R lll3J 'l.lorrtl. ;...-,n E II US


\1orrf'\· Frtd li:'

\1orro"" Jon !!0 Ron 2$0


"'or•• O"·od L I\' !OS \1ortd Chu-. 250 \1ortf'f'i'on Tom 27o \11orcon . Jt~n M IllS

Mo«htro<c~ Poul \\ II 100 2~0 Mo..r L•urot A 121& Moorn>h Borboro L I\ lol 212 Moo>. Jockot II 223 Mouon~t Otnn,. M Ill 212,231 Motttr 8trnotl51 "louul. Otnn,. L I\' lM \ltou"'uu R41mon' L. 11220 "loutor Mol..t lSO 1-lru Jontt K II 220 \.lucho.,•ki Mtktlllla&. 231 277.25J 'l.ludltr o...d \\ 111214 Mudltr , Jomt- E I\ lol Mudltr Jom.- R I\ 240 "'udltr, John C 111119 109 lJl. 278 'l.ludltr, L•nn A Ill llJ. 207 \ludltr More•• '1.1 I no \lludltr \llor~ \\ 111&7 22o \.ludltr \llokt M I :!Jo. 250 'l.ll:ELLER \\ ILLIA\11 OR JOO \1uk.ft,. S.rb•ro I I liJ 21S '1.1ulf' Jontr G I\ lol tat '1.1ulltn Robtrtl I 213. 205. 2lo \1ulquttn. Su<UI M I 22~ 'l.luiN Brtnd• E II 223 Mun<on. Junt K lllJ. 207 Mur"0\11.~~~ . Jri...utn A 1120 Murrn Juduh K II 233 \11unn Tom21S Murr" "oll,.m T I\' 187 201. ZU Mu•tch. Ttrronct A I\ 2o2 Mu.,l. J•v A IIJJOo. 101 \llvhro K.,hlttn A I\' lo2 Myhrt. Elltn G . I 2JJ 'lllyhrt Sh•ron M IV lo2 Mv•••"•k• 5uun J. 111?7, 230

Nochuob. "'trhn \\ I 22? Nocktr. Julot A II 229 Nod ..'O<kl. \lorciO 0 II 230 N•nkon. C.ol A I 230 Nosh. Murod E Ill 234 Nus Suun \t

Ill~ .

tl7 212

:-tbtlunJ< Noncv M I 21&


lO& . l3.:

~tel' Oou!dn L I2Jl '"'JtU" ~uun E. I 222 '"hrb...~. Sho~ron \11 llll '•hnnK J•nt> K Ill 241 :"cobuhr Ktnd•ll225 '••d•rmnt. !>otvtn A I 2J& ,.,...1. Koohtront L II 180 21J :-.:tlson Alt't> E 1\ 2o2 :-.:ol>on Otnnos 278 Stl,on Don !77 '-d•on Colt A II 220 :"EISON. GEORGE JOO ;-.;,i-on lol• I IV 2<>2 :-.;..,,on LvltG I\ 2o2. 2&0 :"ELSON ORVILLE OR J02 ;o.;ol<on R•nd\· L. II 210. ~ 12 2..\o :-.:tl-on. Roc~,. G II 22& .'-ti<On. Ruoh A 111~2 213 , 220 '-ti<On. Thomu Ill 231 :\on (hu<nn M I\ 2JO '-c< un~•n. Eloubtoh A I 210 :\cuborKtr. ltrry E 1\' 2o2 '-EUE~FELOl'. JOHN30o ~tumtotr Mork J II 232 '-cu•or o•••d 228 'f'"'"" ~brio. R Ill? :-.:t'-<:Omb. EdwordC 1\ 2o2 )OJ. !00 -'•" m•n. D•vod E I 227 :"t'-m•n. EdwordC 1\ 210 '•"•on. Lond• A I\ 2o2 :"\t ""'tun Robtn J I\ lol -'•>..o•·~•. t...•ohrvn J Ill ~IS :"n.,or•ko. I-;om A I II J ~JJ :\oehoo• D•notl C 11101 ~lo :"•<hoi- MKhoell 1\' 2o: 211 :\o<hol• Ro;:tr 27o :\tchol-on John P Ill 5o '•<kl•· h 'ollt•m J 11235 :"otbuhr. Ktnd•ll A llllt<J :\oed• C11h•nnt M 1'- 2o2 :-.:otl>on. loon M II n• :".tl•tn. Konnooh E 1\ 2o~ :" ....ol•" M•"' M 1\ 2o2 100 280 '-•l<•tn. S.rbor• I 112011. 223 '-•1>-on. "•rr•n h 111211 211 :\1:-::\E"'A!'; THO\tA~ 312 :\odR. .rd Trudy 11117~ :\ol•n lo>tphT IIZio :"oil A .•on J II 200. 2J7 :o-:oon•n. Korl• L 11215 :\or~t•l John P I\' 2o2 o~ JOO 203 . 2:1 :\onhrop. J•mt< B Ill 101 :"o•·•~ C.rrv L I ZU :\o,·•~ Rudv lilts.. 3J4 ~ovo1nv S•tvt 1.77 :"o•·oonv 1\ ••n• F Ill 18S 228 :\ow•~ Corol M 1\ 1&0 :"01\ ASKEY )IM 276

,o,·om'·. Scf\. e 2.81.

:\ Jo I I ZOo 222 :"YSTl.EN COl,;RTNE\ JOO

O•mon. K~thltfll 2U 0 Br..n M•ur<fl\ 0 I\ ~<>2 0 Brom. Sholl• M I 222 0 Broon. Su••n M I\ 2<>2 OConntll. Gtn•C lllo 0 Conntll. K•ohloon I\ 2o2 0 Connor D•n K IV 2o2 282 0 Connor Su••n l . 1\ loJ. JOS 0 Connor Tnnoohv M I 187 Odolf . ldword M 1\ loJ 240 O.hmm Gtuld F II us O.ld"' n J•n.• R IUO O.IJ, .. h v... ~. o 111 no. toJ Or~"'" :'\vi• A I\. ZoJ . !20 Ch•rl<> l I 2J~ 0' f.rJ•hl. D•vod C Ill 2JS, 27<> O~tdon lu<ond• S II 220. I os 01U'In<>YKh. O.n "' 1\ ~OJ O~tombo. Cltff P II 21J

g~~~~o;:.,~ r-1~;..r J 1111&7 Oko-on. ,.l 111170 Okpomor B•homorol 21J Of•" Donn 0 2JJ Olboro ~•ov• 275 Old<nbor~t L•uu I I 221 g:~;:ob~,!ui~c 1m 2JO


Olu"· Suun A II U~ 01.-...~~ Su>On M I u: Oft< C.Or>t< 33S OLI\'IA LA\\ RENCE JO. Olt> . C.Or;tt J3S Oll..or. Borb•u J IZIJ 221 Ollor Otnnv 20. Ol•on. Fred P II 231 or.on t\noo• M 1\' ZoJ. lol. 221 , JOo Olson. Ann L II 221 Olson. Bvron C 1\. 2oJ JOS, 200 . 203 HI Olson. Corolvn 0 II 177 2JJ Olson.CI>rt>ltnoA 1\ 152 215 Olson. Connt< L. I 2Z2 Ol<on. 0•-.d H II 105 232 Olson. O.nold P Gr ISO OLSO:" GEM. OR JOO Ol.on. Croo)l. 27& 01-on. lovco. K II 210 Oison.ludnh 0 1\ loJ 1;& OLSO:" K JOt Ol<on. Loon R IV 2o3. JOS Ol><>n. Lond• R IV 2o3. 2:1 Olson. M•rv K Ill 233 01-on. N•n<v A 1\ 212 JOJ Of•on. N•ncv E. Ill 10o Olson Rn• 103 01-on Ttrro A I no 200 Olson ~' ondv L I\ loJ OLSTAD. HARRY JOI Olohot•r Lond• M 1222. ~00 Olthoff Shoron M II Z3J OrNII<"· S•ll• A II 222

Omollo•n. Kllh)· J II oo 170 224 0 :\nl. ""~' l I2J• 0:-:0Rl,;S MARTIN OR JOO

g~~~f~~~~~RlbWE ~~~

Otul.r. K•rm 224 ORAZEM CHARlOTTE JO~ Or f . P.,.gy L I 210 O~trozo,·och Moko 17o Otl•n•tn. M•rot 1\ ZoJ 0t opp. RKhord A IV l<>J Ormo~nd N•nc.y A lz.JJ OSECARO. DON 201 O.m•n. Su.on K Ill 240 C.mon-ko. 2;~ O.m•n·~• · John Ill 2J5 O..m•n""-•· )..;.•lhfttnt Z I !ll O.<monn. Oorltnt ·\ 1\ 2oJ 200 td o.,,d P 1214 O."•ld Cvnoho• A II 234 Ou loll K 11178. 1011 Ou. lulot M I 222. 224 Oumor M ochr•l 0 115 Ov,•k Ruoh E II 207 n• O..•n M•vnord r Ill 23' Oh'E:\ I\ILLIAM OR JOO o.,..,., ()pol H I 215 Ov"dio. PholopO IV 21.\ 2oJ



P•dlt'\ BN<• I\ 111&7

P•~l . loon!. II


~~~j:fi!:!!d I~ ~~5

P•l«••· D•nld J 1217 P•lon. D•vod M II 225 P•lm. Fron~ L 12JI P•lmtr M•rl• J II tos P•lm.r M•"' R I 1JO P•lmor P'""" R 1221 P•nl•u. Borb~r• L Ill z•t P•pond,tcl.. ~nnotl I 22: P•proc •• l•ftrov T 1112JI P•qut "'och..t J I\ loJ P•r<htm. P•or~<i• L I 222 Por....r. Chro"<>IPMr S II ,!.\o P~r;..H thbr• J.l22l p., • ., \\ell· C . I\ 2oJ p,,,..,n~n. (.,ol-·\ 121S lOO Por ... Could 1\ Ill 18$ P•rltn Mor~torto A II 20o. 207 ::.!< p,, ....n-.on. c ..roll ).10 P••"• J•ll L II 180. 22• ~o P••v•~ · RKh II 130 r••, ... Rteh 281 P•<<O'- Jud" A I\ 2oJ P11h. Otnno• M II 225 P11n1uJo Robon 0 Ill 1oo. UO P•oruz~:os Jo-tph 225 P•ul. RKhord F I 22o P•ul'ffl. Rtb«u J I\' 2oJ P•ul-on Ho"ord l 1\ loJ 10~ 27S P•ulv. FredtrKI. H 1\' l~o P•ull. D•v•"' 1122o Ptdtr•on. Kll htnnt J. Ill 05 P.dtr.on. Moch..l A 121P.dtr•on. Chn•un• J Ill tOo. ~1:. loS. to: JO~

20$ 2.0

Puchl. C •ndO<t. L. I 220 Pdchon. Ptttr P I 228 Pdntr Eliubtoh A I 2J2 Peloquon. Jul•nt M Ill 220 PELTIER. GEORGl JOt Pelz. :-.:ul 0 I 2JI P.mpo.. M•"· J I 22 I ZOo P.nct SKio "' 1\ 2o4 Ptndthon. Boll Ill 1&'1 Ptnmon. '-1•" E I UJ P.rfdz M•"· L. I 2JJ PERRI. )OHI' 307 Ptrrv Borboro B 1\ 2o4 Ptrrv. John B 1\' 2o• 210. 20S, 2JS P<nv. Rogor Ill 1\' 2o4 Ptrrv. \ 'orgono• M 11180. 115 PESHERN FRANK. OR JOt PETER RICHARD. OR JOO Pttthtn. Corol S . II 22J 108 Ptotr.ohn. Donn• J IV 2<>4 P.ror.on Brod II 2J2. 210 Ptotr-on. ChorlontM 1215 P<rtr>On Con<IOnct M II 12o ZOo. 2JJ P.rtr-on Oorltnt J II 22J Ptrtr<On. Oo•ntl 22J Ptttr.on. Oonn•C 111107, HI Ptt<r<on. C.'· I• "' I 21& Ptotr.on. Joll M II 22J Ptotr><>n. Ktnh T 1\ I&& Ptt<r-on. Lond• 0 I 222 Ptttr-on. lorrlln<l II 21~. 207 Ptotr>On. Mor~torto I Ill Z·IO Ptotr<On. M•ulyn K 1212 215 P~cthon. M~urttn

C I\' lo4 ,-..

P<ttr><>n. P•ul 5 II 225 P~ltr-...on. Pmn1t 220

P<ttr<on. S•lh· L II 212 223 Ptttr"--n Thom•" \ I\ 2o4


Pttf1,<l:'\. Tunothv G I\ !o4

Ptltr•on. \'•ltrttA Ill& I rC'tHl-On. \\,\'ntA I\ 2o" 100

p...... "•nd•J 1218 P.:ro. p,,.; L llf2JO PETRIE. TERRY JOII P<lflt. Tom 2o2 PC'trlf. Tern· l7o PttrUUtf'S lot 280 P•oropoulo> Al.-•ndtt N 1\ Zo• Ptu• :-tory J IV 2o• Ptuu. Bruct118. 273>ht• Bob 1\ 21o Plt&tC'r J,.ntt L II 220 l•n.. ~ Ill 2J'I Pr.,ir.: Lor"· A 1\ 100 Pttmt-: P" L llll.& Pr•n>t>rtn. =-:orbC Ill 21:



Ph•lon P•u• ~ J 1\ Zo• ISJ Ph~h p-. Donn" Ill 100 2<\0 Phdhp. Ed" ••d A 1\. 2o4 2Jo Phdhl" l•n•·l 11223. JO~ PHILLIPS THOMA$ JO• J05 PotehoiO Ttm· L I ~18 PIERCL. STl 72 Jlo 27&,2:11 Pat>lt lk'•trlv I ll7o Ptlltr l•mo- I I 21-

p,JIH. Tom 27~ P1nt. Ern~t l lllo

PonJo.,,h R.hord A I2J7

Ptn..i..a hll A I 210

Poono"Kl. l<~~n L 1\ 2<>~ P1\·un:.... . o,, hf C II US l7o P•n•. ~h oron A II 215 rr.n~ Bober IJ5 rt.anl;;.."""' . s.. rb,, J 1214) Pl.,no, Tom Ill 100 P111o. ( .oron.t E Ill l'lo 235. 237 M1u. ''nc'· E ll!! Mthn. ~u·•n N II 1<12. 222 L 1120 Piotr Jonniftr L. I 21& Ploo-•1 . I . I2JO Moo>.o"<~• l•nel A I 210 207 Mur,h.. l... l-;11hrvn A II ZZ4 r~ ~.u... 1-.mntrh (. 1\ 201 Po~or•• . "' .. h..r (. 1\ 2J7 r..,..... Johns 1\ 2o4 100 P~l•• Ont I I 21o r..mrm.n~t '1.1och..r E 1\ 2o• t~o PO:-:ICK OA\'IOJOo PO:-.:ItK '-10:-;ETTE JOJ Popd~. Jo•trh A 1\. 2o• Poptnd•td.. ~nnot 200 P<>pp. Oon•id E Ill 20J Pop.on. Ri<hord 21J Pos<do . ludnh A 11212 223 Po<ohum•. f rtd E II 228 Poutr M1run A I ll7 Povloc... Ann E. Ill 180 Po.,·t ll. hnn E II llH Po'-·tll Roc htl A Ill 22J p.,.,..,_ Borbor• A I 222 Pr•hl. ~t ... tnC 1\ 2<>4



p,.. t. Jl'lnM A I\ .!o ..

r ..n...... \1•r"• R



Prnc:htr Bruco A II 211 . ~02 22J Prfoo('ot: Tlwmo~~ro. E 1212 tOo , !01 Pro-• C."· B 11201 Pr.-:on. O.Nroh I I 2J4 280 Probborno" luduh (." Ill 220 PRICE ROB J07 Proct. R•vmond L. Ill 2Jo Proe• . \ Klor L I 2J2 PRITCHARD. LY:\N J07 Pr•<•t R I 2J~ P:•hod• Don•ld I II 21J 231 Pr.nd;o Btrh M 1\ 2oS Pr•«el. MKh•.-1 J II 228 27o PRITCHARD. LY:\N JO? PRITCHARD :-.:tAL OR J02 Prot>-: Rtehord I Ill 200 21J Proch•·~•· Con•o•n.• P II 170 Prohoun1P.. Tom Ul Prok••h. OO>·od I II 2J7 Proohtro. Lond• L II 2JJ PRUITT I\ \LTER. OR JOJ PRUm \\ALTER OR Jl2 Pru•• l•mt< !> II 137. 2Jo Punz. Rosoltt P 1\ Zo5. 177 Puffor Oon•ld A 1\ 214 107 Puloo. :-.:i<ol• 211 JOo PuKho:z~• '-loch..r C 1\ 2Jo Purt-.·n""'" ~hn· 22o P..llorz. Rob.n R 1\ 22<> hnn B Ill 17'1•m<> :\ 1\ 2o5. Ill& R•do:z. l•""'' R II 194 tOo R•d•tt. 1\'tllt•m J. I 238 R•dd•11 Ch•rlout M I 2JJ R•dt>kt Oou~tl•• R •lllt87. 2Jo R•dkt John 1\ I 225 R•dlort . Bruce A II 125 R•d:~t 'I.IKh•d H Ill 183. 212 R•tthn D•n•tl M I\ 100 R•hm•n A Ill 213 . 240 R•1<htl C•nd•co L 111130. 207 R•~•- Thtodortl 1\ 21o R•mbo. Donn•• R 1\' 241 R•:ruroz. Lu•• r 1\ 2o5. 205 R•munon. Bh•no 1\ 21J. t27 R•m•"· Rontt J 1\ 2o5. 1&2 R•m<tv E,., J 1Jto5 R•nd. '-loch..t 0 1235 R•nl'•· B•rl>•ro A I Z2J RAN:-.:EY . A\ I$ 304 R•nno" Ro ~Ill 200 R•n.on. John C I 2J5 R•pr-tr ~otvtn T 1\ 2JS R~<teo. Thom•• H 1\ 200 R•·~ . P•lmtr f. 11122o R••mu--on. D•voJ L Ill 2J2 R••mu.-on. ludnh L IIZJJ. JOo R••mu-.on. l-;11ht"'n L Ill HO RAS:>1US!>E:-.: 1-;EITH 307 R••mu--on. :>!Khod L 1\ 2<>5. IOo R•10:or• Lt. 1\' 2o5 R11h.t. J..-no L Ill 201> RATH!-;E. \tARY IOJOo R•nlt 0~>·•~1 R• Aim• G 120 R•von. Mt~t 227 R•yt. D11nt K I 2JO Ro~vmond . ~uunn~ M JO.zi. 2..).; R••dtr Konntoh 0 1\ 2<>5. 18• Rtc>.ntr 0•1• P Ill 232 REO!o.EY HE-"R' J03 Redmon R•nJ•III\ 2o5 Rted. S.rboro H Ill 180. Zl o Rted Coll<rot J.ll 2J4

R'{'..d [)c,nn.t L 1213. 220

RHd '-l~<holldl Z!l RHd R~th•rd I llllJI H& Rrf', ~u~•n M 12U R<hJ•niZ C...r~t~n• A I\ !o~ Rnch<h L•nd• 1-. 111110 R.ochw . J-.k R 1\ !~ R<id ll•rb•r•l - lliO. llJ Reid. P•r Ill 108. lOS. lJ8 R••ftnl><r~t Robtrr I 1\ !oS Rnl•nJ ."'•r;..J 111137 R•• uv L•uroll Ill uo R<tlh· ~u·•n E IllS Rcom•n. L•u11 A 11218 Rc-•rNnn. \'\ :llr•m I I\' 2oS 1~) Rt>antu Ro~r \\ I ISO

Rupopt: All•n B I\ loo. :Zo Rupprechr.Consr.mctL. IV Zoo Ru<ch. Btrn•td R IV loo. lOS. 20. Ru•h•n• 'vtt<h..J 1\ Zoo Ru..n >-<>rh "1 I\ lOS Ru,~ .. ~bUtt"tn A I\' loo Ru<•o C."·(. 111114 Ru1h. John I\. 1112lo RUTKOI\ SJ.;.I L"rOIA Jl2 Rutitd~ Connlf' I uo




Rt>an._4' ~•nn· Jt•n I 222 R...,.... ~"' B 2Jo

Rf'...t . .\nn 200

Rcor lo>·cr£. 111177 2~1 Rtmu• Ru•..-11 J 1\ 103. !Jo RE~E~OI' "1ATIHn\ JOo Rtnt< .. C.n• L lllJ7 Rconntr Su .. .tn A I\ 20S

Xhnt"1J'"r ~uunrw M II 201 . 1J.a xhntpr L•..,rmct R 1\ !OS. 215 Schncrrl<r 5u•on M lilll, liS Schoc~ . Dtn"• R 1212. :oo !:><hood! Frt\l !JS Schorn. "••hltm I 111231 xhatn. Srr>• I Ill 100 !><hoonbom. Jon R 111211 lU Schomcd.. Bonn• I I 222 xhoo. c.". 1' . In> :><hoof• 1-.•rcn R IJ15. l0o, 234 zao Schoo~ 210 xhor'~'- Ro~n 23! !><hr•J<r, John M 1214 Schr.-.n. ~l•rv L ll2l. J08 xhr01nor ( nclv L I 220 5chr01ntr , "'teh..J R 1227 Schroocltr, B•rb.r•L 1111&1.218 5c hroocltr, D•vid J II23S !:>< hroocltr, John 27o xhrood<r, "••m M lll4 Schrot<ltt , l<:mdr• S II 220 xhrotpttr Con<~•nc• I 11112. 2JJ !><hudi•ror , l•mr-111212. 2lo 5c hutl.:. "'•nlvnn I 1\. lo7 200 xhuu. An•"onv E I llo xhun• John 281 !><huttz. Airel• E. 1\ 171 Schuh. C.rv I II llo xhuld1 Horold E. l 210. 214 !><hulmbur~t Jun"' 12JJ. 221 SCHt.;LTZ At.;CI.iST OR 300. 187 uo xhulz Bn•n 2& I xhulu Borb•r• E IV lo7 207 200 Schul:z C•rol l I\ 2o7 Schultz Chn•ltnt L. 1\ 1~8 xhuirz. D•lc A 1\ 2o7 Schuht Kov L I 21S Schuhz TrmorhvC 11214 281 xhulz. D•rltn• M IV 2o7 xhulr. loo< \1 1\ 2o7 xhulz Roch•rd C 1\ 2o7 280 Schumochtr Otbr• K II lJO Schum-.k•r Donn• I II 229 xhumoch••- ,.,.,.. \\ 1\ lo7 200. 214 Schum.nn. Coot$< F 1\ lo&. JOO 20J SCHt.. ...:-:ECHT GLEN 107 5CHl.1'K. ROBERT 107 SchU>I<t. C.r•ld F 1237 !><hurt TtmorhvT Cr 1&7 Schuvl.r Thorn.< R 1\ lo8 Sch..,•b. Elltn E 11107 224 SCHI\ACER HERBJOl Schw•lltr. Sr.-tn S IV 201. 217 xh""'•nro- Mteh..J I 11238 Sch ... •nz loon "1 1210 SCHI\AIU PHIUIP JIJ Sch.. S•<>•n J 1\ lo8 192 !>chwt<~tr< MtehotiA IZJI Scort. Jud11h "1 1\ 2o7 JO& Scon. "•rhtnn•A 11100 110 5<r•m Sh•ron L 11220. J08 5tbt-n·m. M•r!UO L llllJO 5EOCI\ICK JOY l9o 5EDCIVICK LORRY JOl !>odl-.•• J•noct E I\' 213. 210 ~ftldr. Jov<•L Ill JOS ~tt Kov E 1220 ~·" M•r<•• I 111 11o mn•ftrr Eu~:tn• A 1\ lo&. JOO !>tkul• M•ri. R II 215 !>olkt. loon C I 222

Ptrtt<on. \ .J 135 R<rz•nlt<r Y>·onnt 0 . Ill 1~0 R.... Chtrvl Ill 170 llO. 1OJ RE"r:-:OL!b. TOMJOo R.vnoJd,_\'t<rou•L 11230 RHOADS. CHUCK 300 Rl-.od>· Kr"u l II HO Roch D••n• T Iil-II RICh•rd•on. C•rol"' I\ loS. !07•rJ•on. lro> A IV loS•rd•on. lot l\' 2oS 104 Radur.d'On. Robtu A I\ 2o.S. b.S 10.:: 27 ~ RKh~t< .• ltont 212 Rachctr NK4'> 2?8 R1ck•u• Ev•n- M 1213, !14 Rae .... \.14iurKt 0 Ill 100 241 R:dd.,~u•h Dtnn" 0 II !IJ R•dK..., •v Al•n M Ill~ R,<bt 0.--,d L 1\ lJl R•tchlin~t•- M teh..J 217 R•ci. John F I 204 R~lfm«'f p,.,.C'I.l ~\ II 2.JJ Rtllt 11<-·tth· 210 R•lr>· S.rb•r• I 1200 110 10; RI"'EL EVELYN OR JOJ RI1'C.J.. JOE. DR JOO R•nKtl•p•u;:h. Bttrv M I\ loS R•nAAU·•I P•ul E Ill lOS. !17 RIORDAI' DANILLJOo R1pp. "•rhltvn C 11222 R•><h<ll< ltffrov A Iillo RISLE\ li:-:OA JOS R•rchr>· 5h•ron A 1123J RITLA~O. MICHAEL. DR JOJ Roo~ .. •nJKhl. l\.,lhv 110 Robtt• Ltnd• C 1\ JO&. HI Robtrr• ltffrov L 1\ 2~ Robtrr• Loren• I 1\ 177 102 :74 Robtrrwn. O.m•ld R II 23• JJ~ Rob•n•<>n. Ron•ld 1\ loo RodtKh•tro. An1h.-.nv 0 111217 Rodcnul• A 11180. 215 RodnRu•z. Podro. Iillo Rodz,...,te, Rom•n I 111204, :~o Rotbuc k. Forr..r 0 1110~ Rotbuck. Morly' 204 Rood! D•n 28J Roocll D•n 277 ROELL DOl':ALO JOJ RotOkt. Sh•ron J 11123'1 Ro<>kt Suunnt M I 220 Ro~.,, Ldh•n A 1\ 241 Rogtt' Pt-Cft T I 22S Rohde Dt<A 111237 Rohloff Don•ld 0 IV Zoo Rold•n. l•11no I 23o Roh<on Mteh••l I' I 21o Roloff 0.--,d H I 22S Romon. l':•ncv K II 210 Rom•n. Robtn . lll04 ROMATOWSKI LEONJOJ Romblom. R•ymond P 1\ loo. 18S, 214 Rom:~o- K._- A 1\ 2oo RONCLO. RONCJI2 Ron•on Wtndy C I II 20S RUNNELS. JAMES. OR so Roo~< L•nd• 0 IV 2oo Rooztn l•ff I 1JO Rooztn. J•ff 28 I ROSE. C HARLOTIE J04 Ro>t "•rhlttn H llJO Ro>tnbtrR. R•ndv 11117 ROSE:-.'THAL. JANE J04 • 14 Ro<f'l~ Rhond• R Iilli ROST. LINDA JOS Ro<s C•tiL II liS Ron Rog<r P 1214 Rosul. Alltn R Ill 18o Rohm,n. D"'f 1\ 2oo Ro•••~ Kmnc1h B 1227 Ro..,Jr> An1hony 1\ liJ. 217 Rov D•vtd A I\12JJ Rov•l P•mti•L Ill !20 Roub Btllll17 Rubtnz.r D•rl• K 1220. l&J Rubtn•r•on. Ltt K Jl, loo. 278 Rudd l•n•r K IV 241 Rudd ~uun A 123~ Rt.;DDEN M N OR JOb Rudolph. I\ tllt•m C Ill 217 RUDIGER . ROBERT, OR J02 RUE. " L JO& Rutftr B•rb•r• A I 220 Rt.;EHL PHILIP. DR zoo \\ .,,... 1117 Ruffulo. John 27o Ruhlt. Om"• K 1220 Runkd Robtn I' II 215 Rt.;:-:'\;ALLS. JAMES. DR JOI RC1'1'ALS NEL \A OR JOO

SAAO. li:-IOA JO: !>•do"'"'- l•mr- \1 1\. loo S•do.... ,.;_Ttmorh>· F 1\ !00 !>•~t~mt Ltnd•.v T I 227 S•~t• John B II 22o


~:r.tR:~~~ ;~A l~~2S

S•ltm•, ~u-.n "' 1\ loo !>•h·burv John P lllllJ S•llt< ltm270 !>•lm•. L Ill !03 SALO. JOH~ DR 30o ,~"'"1o M•r~c- [ llll.JJ zzo S•hztr Lynnt JOJ SAL"rER Ct.;Y OR JOl 5•mplo M•"· A 1215. 240 SAM~':>():-. JA(.J.. OR 300 !>•mp<on. urrv J 1\. 111 ::OAME~FI:-;J-. OR I A S7 zoo S•mp<on. 'vtt<kov 11121 1 S•m•• Mteh•<l 0 IV 2oo. 228 S.11mu\, '-br._·,n 202 !>•ndbtrg. C>·n•h•• A 111104 S•ndbtrg. lot J04 S•ndbtrg. I\ 1lh•m 111104 S•ndol. J•,.._L l\'2oo s.ndtr· Ro~.n \ 1230 ~•nd.n. \'terort• I 111234 5•ndlot>-.k. L\·nn A 1121 ~•nd< M•rv•n E Ill 214 281


S.and,uom. Robtn L lllJI loO. !7: :!iO U\2 S•nt>·. Cl•or• E I 222 S•r~ttnl C•rol A II liS S•rjttnl. Juh• l . I liS S•rl.-. l•nt 1-. II 220 5•rlr<. "'•r<h• L 111241 5•1\·t: John "1 111232 !>u. Cr••R R Ill 214 202 S••mon Ev•n F I J08. lJ8 101> 270 5•rdtr Edw1n I 111117 27o. 283 !>•u•r !>•r•h I I 22: S•uR«od. Ch<rviL 11224 S•upt. Bonntt I 1\' loo. 170 S.-d.nJ. John R I\' 18o. 200 S•vrll•no. Ptntlopt L. II 2JO SAX ARNOLD. DR JOJ Sc••f• Robtrr R 1\ 1so Sc•ni•n Moch..J A 1\ loo. 200 Sch•ttr John R 111117 xh•H•r Robtrriiii<~J. 104 214 SCHAEFER ROCER.DR J02 Sch•lltr D•vod I llJS Sch•:ltr Wtlh•m A I\ I&J Sch•n.bttg BonnttL. II !IJ. 210 Sch•nu. Cr~ory L 1\' loo. lOS !:>< h•udcr. Fr•nco- R lllJO ~h•u ftlbtr~t<r B•rb II I 280 Sch•-o l•n• \1 Ill 180. 2~0 5c h• ... •ll•r Srt-.n 203 xhrtl Bob !7tl Sc htlftt. Donn. K I 2 1o Schtff•r M•rg•rtt -~ 112!0 xht•bol. A IZJO 5<ht•dt !Yrhlotn M II 223 Scht•l Sltphtn M IV loo xhmd P•ul• I II 220 5<htn~. Brt•n I 1\' 2o7 228 Schtophtt Su••n I\ lo7 Schtru. \'tr~t<n•• C II IOo. 220 Schr<ol. Rteh•rd I\ 1114 5<hrtul Joffrov C 11123o S<h..... Ron•ld H IV 20J 23o !><hK,. M•r.l>·n I 11220 !><h~tbl., 1\ ··••m 1\ 20J Sc h•titll><tn Ltnd• S 11230 Sch•lltnJil. BonnttL I 220 Schtndltr. "1•rk A II 232 xh.nk< Don•ld \ IV 23! Sch•nltl><r P•mtl• S II 210 S<hte\01. 1tz . 'A.aun· I\ 27" !>chtrmochtr C.•rolvn 111128 5<hl.u...o Ot•n•L IIIllS Schl•.- D•n I\' 2JS xhl•" P~· I 111112. 104 !0. J&l 5< hlth Don..! M llJS Schl.-.· Don•ld A 1\. lo7 Schlo<-<t Ch•ri.. JV 2 1o xhloul!h. "'yrh• I IV lo7 S..hl..u,.:h 1\ dh•m C I\ 100 SCH\IALZRIED. BE\'ERL Y OR 304 xhm•dr Cl..-dt R 111231 Schm•d• Jo•n E 1210 x hmod1 K••hy A 1\ lo7 5CH\110T REINHARD J02 Schm•..dhn. RobtrrL I\ lo7 212 5<hmm. Ch•rl.. J 1\1203 Schmm. loon E I 215 Schm.n. "~•rv L I !12. 222 Schmur. S:r>·m I 1232 S<hm11z B•rb•r•L II 230 Schmnt D•n,.l I 111 183. lJI Schmuz C.uld P I\' 201 no•ll. Thom•• J 111227 SchmoiJ• D•rltnt A llJO Schn••mbtt~t C•ndoctL 1\ 2o7 10~ Schne<i.. L•..,rtncoW IV lOS. 274 Schn••Jcr K•Y A 111180 xhnt•dtr M•rk 0 11237 Schn<1Jtr MKh..J 0 111238. 210 xhn.,J., Ron•ld 0 I\' 2o7


33 1


~v~t,.,. Tom 27& !>tndec~• Ch•rl<> C I 21o


l•noct 208 5trr•. Ro.. "'"'• II 224 S.rum. Jon oct ."1 11208. 230 !>trv•" P•mtl• M II 2JO. 140 s...dmon, P•••• F 11237•rhtnn. !>uun M IV 2o8 5tvCik. M•rv Btth I\ 2o8 !><Hr<on. Ahou I\' 230 ~-•r><on . Br•d L 111238 Sh•ftl. D•v•d R IIII&J. JOS Sh•f•r Bonn• K 1\' lo&. 17& Sh••n•n. K._ A Ill& !>h•"' R•nd•llll 228 lJ8 !>ho-· P•rr~<•• 0 111240 5hoddm. "1•r~t•rtt C II 221 Shtff,old C•rlon• II 234 2&0 Sholl. J•n•• 224 Shtpord I\ •L••m A 1\ 180 Shtrmon Mt<h..J E. I\ 1&7 Shtrmon Shtlley M I 2ll !>htrm•n Son1•• Ill 2JO !>htt<r•d Thom•• C II 228 5htrvov Oon•ld H 11231 Sh•r'<tn. L•nd•l II 180. 224 28'1 Sh.,...ood C.r.Jd L IIII<~S . lOS 51E"ERT CAROLJOS Sh•mol.. Rock I 111231 Shuntt•. Mt<h..J I\ 1\' 2o&. 100. 274 l7S !>htmondlt. P•ul C I 22S !>htmondl•. P•rnc~ us Shimono. L• ... rmcoC IV 18o Shoqut<r. lrmt F I 224 Shor•. J•m 27S Shorr. 'vtteh..J R 11118o Stot. Hotn. L•n 1\'lo& !ntbtn<chuh. Ltnd• K I 220 Sttbtrr . John E I 215 Sttbi.o. Ro~• E 1\' zoa SIEFERT EOI' 1:-:300 s ..jtol. P•mrl• R II 214 s..,. M•rttL. 1\' 2o8 !>lfkm•nn. Ptttr A 1231 ~ .. rh. Robtrr M 1214 S ..umonn. J..n "' I 220 Stt•on. Ot•n• S II liS

~:r:!;;o:!;. ::~3- 19o. 221 Sur• Ed..,.,d 1'1 I\ lo8 5•mm.on. D•nttl "1 llJo

!>ommons. Edftn A 1\ Zo:> !>•:non. Ch•rlt< 27~ !>omon. JohnC IIllo ::O•monu-<h. M•ry P I ZJO ~~m• Chr~~unt l I 2JJ !>•""'· Elo T I %3& !>IMPSON ELIZA8ETII DR IJ7 !>om< G<r•ld \' Ill ZOJJ Songtrhou'• Do•nt K Ill %%% Sanz. Gcr~ld C IV 2o&. 27S~ 21~

~ttrhn... ,..t. Lout ...t

!>oppd John H IV Zo& !>•rotl1n. ~brc1,. E I 220. 200 !>.-tl. Ro<h•rd Ll\ Zo& !>ollm•n. Donn• J Ill HO !>oumon. Ro<l. L II %40 !>oum•n. 1\'ollo>m I Ill% IJ ~... Am"~>Cr Su .. •n L Ill 220 :.~thon Al•n J I ZJ2 ~hannt'r. M•n· S 1\ 2o$ !00 ~~~nntr

~tn·f'n~n .

JOHN DR zoe Cltnn 8 llll!o !>tf"•n Al•n F I ZJ% !>lf"•ll K•th'· L I ! IS ~tf"\ennc·r

K•ren M 1111~2 . %40

:........r, l>mo- ;\ 1\ 2..:>. l&o !>l•dt. !>htrvll I ZIJ. 211 ZOo :>l•rttf\' J•m.- J 1!14 ~~~~~~rJ•hl. ~uun M I !I! !to !>lond 'hke Z«Z !>lupo. Tom 2t~O !>m>ll !>u>•n C II !IS

Jud\' I\ 2~ 215 . !!I 103 !Oi

:>m•••l. Jun A I\ 10& :.moth Allen A 11!01 , ZJI ~m1th <.uol A II !23. tOo ~'>11TH CHARLl!> JOO :.'v!ITII CL\OEJI! ~muh Cr•oj<L llllJ% ~muh. D•nod R I !14 :.muh Dtbor•h A II 223 !Oo :.muh Donn• M Ill 210 :.muh. Doutt!•• 8 I ZJI !>muh CrOj<Orv L II ZJo !>'liTH HOI\ARDC 120 ~muh J.ocl. I\ zoo ~m.rh . l•n., A Ill 1"% :.muh. John(. 1\ zoo :.moth lo•tph M 1\ ZJ<; !&J '='muh lo.•rh I\ I !40 ~math \lbr M.Jn L I !!0 !'>muh 'vlo<h.od A 1\ 2 2cO :.muh. Mor• L lll!ll' '-'math. r.uKt A I!!! to.; , !~ .,muh. R•nd.oll P 1\ 10~ !40. !~4 :.muh. R•~>«•• M 1\ Zo" ~muh .

Rn• M I\" !oO !10 too . 220

:>muh. Bob Z«J ~muh. Robtn UO :.'>11TH ROBERT JOS z;; :.muh Thom.o• 0 I ZOJ :>mnh. Tomo1hv P IIZH !>mnh Tom \\ Ill Z!o !>MOLAR£"- l£:\0:\ JOI !'>mu•h '>1.,1. %3& ~"'m1

..;..,, b·nn 0

~rtttn . L.won~


M I\




~f'Vdt't Kr, ..unt A I 210

~~)D£R !>TLPitlNJI! :.odtn. Mo<h.od C 1\ ZoO :.ODERBERG. GEORGE 301 J.rfr"' M II !01 :O..hoh Lond•L. Ill HI T trrtnctL 1\ zoo ~.1,. Ju•n " II UO !>vmmtr< RICh.,J E II !31 :..o :.O'v!MERl>. WE!>LE'r DR zoJ ~n1u Ron•IJ L. I\ zoo I"O, !OJ, !Jo :..•pr> J•mo- E 111!17 ~ftn'<'n.JC'tl\"rt1JJ

~fHI"'<n. Uur~ 10: >ort'ft•<n. K•r<n A Ill ZJO :>r••uh Donn• R II zIll !>p•lo..,,l, ·\1 180 D 1\ !0" :.r•ltl\<>i<lll. !>PAl~ . JUD' ZIO. !08 :>PARCER. "A>. %7o ~ro•r· Lorr••ntC 111177, %10. !ZJ. 1"8 !>rtiCh. C•lh\• A 1\ ZoO :.PEIDEL. PAULJOI ::,rc::4~~ Tom l7o !>rt•d<. Tom 27& :>potdtl. Tom !SJ !>pof1clt. Kenntlh R II !!.• !>ron•., Rob.n ZOI "'rl:-."1'1 ROBERT. DR JOO :>rhn~•ort Ron•ld r II !2o :>:><>ntm. \ 'ICk.tL I !U. !07 :>p:.chtr. J•n., M III!Oo !>pro<l Cyn1ho• J I !24 !>pnnj<<r. Jot P II Zl7 %«!


~u1rtr P~uiiOo

:.rol.•. M•rv L II ZIJ. UJ :>TALL!>MITH. DOUGLAS 301 ~· ct... urrv A 11 ZJz :.T ALLS"ITH DOUGLAS %77 :.<2 !>I Arn•uld T till M I!!J ::,1~ntio. P~tr.cul

ll.!ll !!l

!>••nRtl Ken J II I~" :.:.n.-w"'>kt MKh.wl P 1\' 10,. !>:.nlf\· L\·nn A 11117" ':>tinton. De-nnl~ 0 1217

:>o•t:<m•n. Jud11h C 1210 :.T APLl"TO:\ MA l: REE!\ 30~ ~,.,;. Cr••~ Ill I&& 21o. U! !>·••otlul_S••n Lll !14 ~,.,..l Jtffrov J I ZZ& 278 ~t.ludt Andrew E 111112 2lo.l70 , ~l ~t,au,~ O,av1d C I\ z.oo O:.turn,. Su.,tln I\ loO ~rt<btr . J•""" J 1\ zoo :.r ..b.r M>rl.nt A Ill zzo !>tth<~ Judnh K 111181 . :zo z.,o ~ttHm Lft.tnn I\ loO lll , 1!"0

:>:nnb..:h. M••von L Ill !14 ':'ltt~nnwn . O,a\·f 3l.S ~!tU'\prn~

01.tnt F lllO

S..rb.u.a A I\ .!oO


~~1t-rp1n~t,. 041t A I\ zoo


l I\ lo.,

!>:<rud 1\' T Ill ZJI !)tttlC'r Ron•IJ \\ I\ lOJ lll :O.!f\en• S<on G 11!17

Tamo1hv A I\ !oO, 200 JOS


~ttll \.1,u;.l~4

:>TELL:..IA"-ER GLL.-:H. E JO~ :.•tlttn Oo•n< L I !IS :.:romror Rol-on J IIZ17 ~:t'ftb.r~ '1•rv J I !H :.ten<~ Ltnd• M Ill %12 !"3 !07 :.•..p•n. ConnorS 1110~ !>TEPHEN!>ON DONALD. DR JO% :.TEPHEN!>ON !>UE zoo :.'""'" M•n· 8 Ill no


M•n 8 111210

:.TEl\ ART !>HARON zo7 ~toc;.ltr P•tu L. IIIZIJ su.b.r Ron " I ZJ~ !>rof1clt>•utr D•lt D Ill I" I ZOO . ZJ% ~a~r 1\.c-nnf'th \<\ I\ zoo !OJ

!:ttoc;..t.... h. r\uJrcv ·\ II !!3 . !0:' )IO~C" Conn1t 200

!>tol,..f" T trrv M I !Jo :>:o•n'""' Oo~"·td A I\' 2.<>4 tOO

!>!Oo-ok>•o<h Jerome A Ill IS" :.:oO.~• S•lh· L I!%! :>:on• l•mo- R I\ Z70 ):orb«;... Ann M 1210


:>:ot~n~ Su••n J 1\ Z70 :.:ou1. D•,·od I 23S. 210 :>tr,atm,an, "'-r... unt R II to~ 20:. 2-tO Str•ul> Ltnd• J II %JO !>tr•uch. Phtlop R Ill 235 !>tr•u" K••hlttn M II Ul zo; ~nfttt"r Lynn 230

!)I ff1tt 0•"'" M I 2.N !>trthl•u D•nrtl J 1\' 270 :.uthl•u O.•n A 1\' zoo !0! !>t:.mtt Denno< F IIIZJ5 !>trtn,:<' J•ne A 1\ Z70 103


Julo(' K I !JO

!>trotbt. Ro<h•rd J I !JS :.:r.epl,nt< !>u-•n G 1\ !"0 :.:mot Corol A 111!24 !>llotbtl. K•uL I zzz :momtr P•m<I•L 1\' Zl5 !>11ommcn. ~•ncv J 1\ !~0 !>tron,. Jeffrtv D II 1Z7 :>tron)l S•u•tr N I\ zoz !:mon,:. \\ '''"f H II too . .:.u ':mon~.rn r.nud.. C I !!S !>tro•h•nt J•mt< R Ill !J~ :.uoud K•rhlttn l Ill ZU )uub Donn• 'vi 1\ Z70. 1&1 -.trub :.••nlC'\ L I\ %70. I'S :.:rupp. Thom>< D II 2Jo :.:"·ch•"~•· Tom Ill ZJ I !)uzo,.. !);tph,an.t IIIZ!J :>azoh JuJ,. IQ8 !)tuc,.. M.u~h• K I !JJ !>rUIItf Ctor,:< A 1\ ZoO

su.ul 'v!ildrtd Zll Sun<. 'lll>nh• A ZH :>ulil.. Ru1h A II UO Sulll\·•n Thom•• I U2 !>upr•k L•"rtncel\' 270 200. 22& Surgn Doujt(u S llliJ U7. JOS. JOo S-.11~ "oldrtd A Ill Z07 ZOO S•..h D•••d G I\ 240 :.... .n. Bf\trl• A IIIZIZ !>"•nf\' P•m<l• J I ZJO

s" .nf...t Ro'· zaz

:>"·•n-on. Don.Jd A 1\ z:o. %OJ S"·•ruon. Ou•no H 1\ 210 !)""''""'on. Cordon !7& Sl\ A!\SON. ROBERT DR %05 S"•n>On. S•ndr• J 1170. ZOo !>"tn<on. Lond• G Ill 18%. ZU !>"icl.. N•ncv L Gr 197 S"·ongtn. Grfll C . II zoo S\'d.on•l. Kom A II 229 S•mn•>ko. C.ry 217 S'·mon. P•ul J I Zlo s,·nng. Sh•ron 8 1\ 270 !>ZY'1A~SI'I RAYMO!\D zo:

T •bo: Clot~• A 1\ 210. 181 T•d<h· S.JI" A I\ 270. ZJO T•op>lt K•r"" R II %12 . !!J T •n. !>OOt-Hotn R 1\ zo~ T •nc ... Mlf''ln A I\ 1&7

T•nn<r . Thom»L. IIoS. ZIJ JOo zz; T•n..,o<l.y. Bob Z&O T•pp> Jo.nn K 11121Z. %%3 . IOJ T•uo. MICh ..l J 111185. %40 T•u•: "-•riT IIIZ40 T<ICh. Robtrt W I %J7 Tt>gtn. C."·!> II"" Tn~~tr~.)tm(. 11100 T «>:m. R~ehord J. 11100 T <hrl Thom•• S I !2& T•nono. J•nw- K 1!13 %14 Ttntcht: D•notl C 1\ 70.72 %7:> Trpo Corol A I\' Z70. 200 ZU 103 !07 T<ppo.•L 111124 I!S. 170 %40 Ttrbtn1 Ch•rltnt P 1\ 2~0. II> I T<m· Ru•R 121& Tc-ttr~on. J•m 212

Th•nh. Le \ IIZIJ. 231 Thtb.rl(<. L•wren<< W II z IJ Tholen. M•"· 8 Ill liS Mo<h.wl J Ill Iii~ Thitlt :-101\C\· C I UJ Thodt Tenhn R IIZ21 %07 THOMAS. BARBARA JOJ TH0:-.1AS. CHARLES. DR JOO TH0,1AS HENR\ JOI Tho:n.>> J•mo- A I Zlo 2tl0


Tnom.- "-tnt A 1\ Z70 '1•r>< ~ 1111~1 Thomr-on. <. ..1. \1 1\ z;o Thomr-on. c.;.,oll\ Z70. JOJ Thomr---on. Duu""<.: I\ 271 Thomr-on. C.ry 0 II ZIO Thomp-on. R•tmon• D II ZZ4 Thomr-on. !>uun J 1111~1 Thom•on. \ 'trn IJo Thonr••h. Doro< %08 Thorp. Coll«n D Ill 177 Tho-t<n<On. J•ne• !> II ZJO THt;RI:-o ERIK DR JOo THl,;RI~ St;:.A:-. 30o


T1bbo:t.. Uur• M II lOS !2<4 ~o

Toermon Dtnnt< R 11116~ T ..,, Bruct A 1\ %~0 TIETZ. RE!\ATE 31J T ,.., D•••l\ z7o Tn•n. \\ !. 1!13 TILIOETZKE. ROBERT 30o Tollm•n. D.-oJ F I %14 20Z TILLMAN ERNE!>T J03 Tollol•on L•rrv K IV Z71 Tomb.r MKh•cl R IZJ& Tommerm•n. M•nh• E Ill& I ZJO T:rv lu-eph IIIOo. !JZ Tobtn Thorn.~ C 1\ Z71 T...tlnor 1\.-ntA 1227 To>Hnt-• \1•rv E I !JJ Toltn< D•k A 1\ zoz Tollt:•rud Suunntl II %%< Tollnon D" .. L I!IJ. !U Ton~'" Om\·" M I Z.1$ Torf:tr-on. ~•n K IZIO Tor~"'n. ~urI Z&O

TO»tl•nd Chtryl \ I ZZO. 2~ TOI\ :\SEND. MARY ANN DR 30~ T owntr Jeff !78 Tr•btr John W Ill Uo Tr>tdtr Gu• W I %J7

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::::!I& Tr>hm. Phdlop \\ 1\' JOS TRAI:-.. D0:\0\ AN JOo Tro~;nor \1o~ral\'n 1\. I\ 271 Tr...,.p: ur" J 1\ 1ao 102 Tr•nb.rtt. ._._. L Ill ZH Tr•urne• S•lh· A I Ul Tr.-·1> Lonll181 TRAXLER PATRICIAJ05 Trtdon. Jo.n M 111121 170, HI 158 3J< Trtf:l'en. Do•nntC 111110 Tronko. Slt\tn J I !J5 Tnppl01 D•"·I•M IVZ71 , 210 Tro.1. J•m.. L. II !J2 Troup. K•rhletn \ IZZO Trun Donn•L Ill Ul Trumbo D•n L. l %J7 Trtcon,;.t ldlllll~tl JOZ Tul..ltmon. ,, A JOJ Tupc•. J•mo- F II U& Tumr. J•mo- E 1\ %04 %J7 Tl,;R!\E\ 'v!ILDRED ZOO ZIJ JO< Tunie. Ed... .,d S 1\ Z71 z•o T\'ltr ="•ncv 1\' 21 1 ZJO T,.,(..,...,ICz. 'vl.,(ttM IIU& t.:d~. P•ul I\ I 187 l,;•bde. B•rb•r• J 1111&2. Z22 ZOo l,;hlenbr•ucl... Woll••m I 23 I l,;lm. Phyllo< ~~ 1\ %71 l:lnen. C ..ol A Ill 230 l,;nd.:hdl. Su••n 211 l,;n~r . RobtuG 121o l,;rb•n Jon G 1\ Z71 Crb>nt~ Donn" E Ill 18& \,; ...... IC t Ron•ld A Gr ZOS. J04 l_;,sfl, Jo••ph \\ Ill 18o

\ •l•11 \ 'icki L IV Z71 '•ligo. Do<liiii&J. 213, 19o, 227

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\ ·•n H•ng. Q IIIZ13, ZJI \•n Ht~rsttlt. T om IV Z71 I&&. 100 10&. !~ . lol 27o \ •nber~ Trm ~\ 1%12 UZ \ ·•nbbncom. lontG IV !71 110 103 \'•n0.8o~• 'vloktZ&O \ •ndthf\· )tH ~\ I ZIJ \ ·•ndtnhO\· P•uo<o• A 1\ uo \·•ncltr~tnnrm. J Ill "•netnhO\ r ...IC.. A I\ ZJ9 \ •nc!r.~tnnltn. P..., J III!IJ \·•ndtrhoof. John H IV 227 \ '•nderhoof Joyctlll212 221 \ '•nderloop. C.r•ld R I 237 \ '•ndtrloop. Thom» J IV Z40. l78 \ •ndtr>ttlltn. Anntllf'S E. IV Z71 \'•nd• .-....JI.n louo•tS Ill uo \ '•nd•""'•" 'vl•ry M I 224 \ '•nd..-...trfl Do•n•M IIZI'I \'A:-IE"- AL)CEJ07 \ '•1\f\t'ftho,·en. C.r•ld M 1\ Z71 JOJ \ '•n H<o:-ede. Ttm 2&3 V•nio.\'~c-n . S•ndro~ A I 2JO \A~ O!>DALE. JOHN zos \ '•n,·.Jkenburg. T tnt Gr !JO \ 'c-n\ftn. \\"nnt E I Z.14 \ '•nnttdt. D•le J 1\ Z71. 18S. 200 \ A~ZAI\"TE HELEN DR. J04 \ ·~·. Jo..•rtn M 1\. Z71 . Z07 \ '•u~n Lu<ond• M II %J3 \ 'occit. M•" P II %J3 \'tl•ndtr. Ann "1 111 17~ \•brdo. Ctorl'• F I Zlo \ •loon. J•mo- C I !38 \·tr~u,:en . M.,•h• J II ZJO \ 'tmon. su-•n J (\' Z73 177 \ '•met> J•n 1\ 178. uo \ 'tf\'0011 . RO!~<r R I ZZ& \ 't111nc Ttmothv E Ill 2Zo


\ttl Lond• I\ 271 \'ICK!>TR0\1. DEAN 311 \'odloc:~ D•voJ I' Ill 100. 203 \"lEN!>. BETTY DR 305 \'ont<l<. K•oh'· H I\ 271 1&2 \.,,..., •. "1«.-. K I\ zn. 224 \ UIU~. O.c ... l\ 100 2Jo \'o>OI l•m.-1\. 271 \',uer "-•m A llJ! 27$ \ 1IUCC; ~rb.u• A ZJ4 \'otl.~ f•n.ct R II 2~'4 \'otlz. 1-.on I\ 212 \'ottd• "1•"· L 1212 zzo \'o~ Glon S 1231 \'o~ttl 1-.•ohl..n M Ill 103 207 !40 \'o~t< T.,n, '1.1 I\ 272 liO \'ot~~ ~tf'\·tn R I l~o \'ou. R'-'~tt•C Ill!!< \ON BLRC. LOI!> 107 \ os• S.rb•r• L I\ 272 182 \o« R.,btr••III210 ).arM' \.1 llJ7


I\ O<hl<r \ido>d'· A I 220 1\ .. ~., RoN" I\ Ill 50 1\ADE 1\ARR[:-; Jll I\ARD ROBERT JIJ \\ •~onln.ch1. Ell•n C I 210 I\ C•r"l I\ 272. l74 1\•~•r D•"J R I\ 240 1\ •~ntr Ott-" C I 220


~~ :fr'·;.~:~~-~ 1.'.', i~~ \\ .ald\'o~tl o.. n 27o 1\old;.,: lo~

Joon'-1 121S I\ •ldv.,,.r. D•n>tl I I\ 172. 230 2&3 \\ol~tr<n FrtJroc D 111231 27t> I\ Brulll ZIJ 2JI I\ •ll..<r Tr<tll zo~ \\ \\ •unu•l Ill 230 1\•l.,n• John I\ 272 \\ALL C S 103.312 \\ .u... Don7tll270 \\ .u... Su,on L I\ 272 177 ZOO &J IOJ l74 I\ olhn1on. Cvnoho• I I\ 172. 240 1\ALLES\ERD. CI.EROON 311 \\ olsh. Thom•• C II 21 Z. 200. 2lo 1\ •h•r Ch•rlts S 111&7 I\ •htr K•ohtlont A Ill 220 \\oh<r Ctr•IJ "1 111211 liJ. lOS. 240 \\ •h•r. Shoron Ill ZZl \\ •njl.<n Bonnotl I 220



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\\ .anRitr N.ad1nt A II 1&2 llJ \\ore! Robtr1 \\ lllJo I\ •rdmon. R•lph I IV 237 2

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1\ as,...sko. Ctr•ld A I\' 173

I\ ociJ•n Pt#V M II 1•1 I\ oclm•n. Muntl I I\ 1;~ 1\ odmor Roch•rd 1\ II 101 \\ lf(ll)lfk M•l'· J llfZlO \\'ttd4:m•nn ~~rtn G I\ !72.

\\ ul. •..-ocl. Doont L 1222. 205 I\ ukafwiCt. J..n "1 II 222 Z05 I\ ont th•rlo- A II 231 1\ool~ ~>ehul•· R 1217 \\~.- P~ul :7o \\ otuc-. P.aut !t!ol 1\oo~,...K<l•·tlvnC 1233 1\oa~•j., Ru• A II liS I\ off D••od I I\ 213 1\olf Jon P I 23& 1\olf "lorf<or<t M litO! 223 1\offf M•rv 8 I\ 273. 101 \\ olfo<r•m Arvod A Ill ZOZ. lOJ \\off~tum C•rvlll15 \\ oln~P.O"-""' juduh M I lJl 1\ol>lt>...t. Rol'trl P I\ Z73. 100 1\ oh•. Don•ld R I\ 273 1\ohtr. M•n· M Ill~ 1\ondr•. [,·tl•n f IUZ 1\0:-;C. EDDIE 307 \\on~< Ph, fl.- T 1105. Ziti 205 1\onn. J•ntt r lliJ. Zl5 I\DOD.SA"1UEll04 1\ood ::n.-·tl\ IIllO 1\oodruff Tono D I Zl8 1\ooilov K•r•n L Ill 211 l\or;..m4n.tlorl.t 11201 231 \\ orm. JO<qu<lvn K IV l~l . 103 215

\\ttdtnmtutr Gtor~t F I\ lil

\~ ot<ltnmtotr lando I\ z;~ IOJ Zll 1\'otdr.. h. O.l>ouh L. 11230 1\'otht. Lynn L 11103 I\ IEHE THEODORE DR 30~

\\f1ht. \Vall ..amlOJ \\ ..,.kt. RKh• rJ 8 Ill HI

\\ot-t. Roch•rJ I\ IIIOo. ~l7

\.\ t('< . Arh·n C lllOJ lll

\\ onm4n. C.l\' Ill !lJ I\ ot<< Jud'· l II lJO. 240 I\ otth•m•n. R.. h•rd C I\ ~7l 1\'olcon. Jtllroy C I\ 27! 1\'ildtr N•nc• R 11117~ I\ ILE.IACI-. 107 \\ tl~t>mtn. ~u ... •n !JO

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\\ 1lk1n..on. Br.aJif'\· I lllo 170 1\'ilkon•on. Ktnntth A Ill 217 1\'olkon•on ~otphon R llfiOo. ~2; 1\ILSON RKHARD DR JOO \\oil. Rudv l-•0 1\ oil 1\tndv L llJO \\~,u, .. m.. '' .u... m..

Anat.a L I\ 27..' 177

\\ozn1b, 8 ..r~.aU ·\ litO!\, 22..:

Bn.·.tn L It l!S 1\ .Jio•m• th•rlt- t I\ 200. 232

\\ron ... h. Thum•• I 1111oo. 201 zz; I\"~' Ebon• R I\ 273 I\ RIGHT LAWRENCL. DR 30Z 1\ RICHT. lARRY DR JIZ I\ RIGHT. FREDA zoo I\ robtl Rhond• J Ill 178 \\rob!..-.. ~, P•troco• M II ln. ZJO \\ u \' htl\ 173 108 \\ utbbm. M•rv Ill 234 I\ I.RTZ ROBERT DR 303 \\vsoc ..: Scon l!J

\\ tlh•m"' Chtl).tln(: \.1 I\ liJ

'' .n•• m.. G.ul E I ~~l

\~oil""'' John C Cr 2JO. l7o I\ ollo•m• John 333 \\' ollo•m• LonJ• l 1233

\\' .. , ... tor~ A Ill!

1\'ollo•m•m. D•••l Ill ~~~ Wollohn~ton7 Ch•rlo- L Ill 185 \\'olio• J•mt- 0 I\ ~73 1\' P•uoe•• II no 1\IKSON A:-;ITA DR J05 \\tl<on.Cvnth••G 11111 llJ 107 Ku't•nt I lJ.)


WILSON ROBB 307 \\ .Json Thtro-t '1.1 I 2:! \\ _Cr.a•,c. P I .!1Wontl.. C..-. II Zlo h onkltr Rocl 2&0 Wonktlm•n. 'l.lor~t•r•r P Ill 220 103 1\'onkltr Btn'· J Ill 22• \\ onkl<r Roch•rd 1-. llJo I\ ankltr C."· 2&0 \\'ann. J•m 274 1\'ontorf<ldo. "'ooh•l••l I 218 \\ .~d.ahl<v l!J I\ ost N•ncv I I\ 27 3 \~osko" Ctr•ld Ill 217, 10$

'\' ochonoch. \iorJior., A Ill 182 ~ •rnon. J•mo< R II zoz. 22& 'l'tmm..b. Tt•«<tiV zu ~oumons Robtro D Ill 23o Youn~t Mol'· K l\'273 '\'oun~t St.-·t R 111212. 231 23& 27o YounJ<<I. Dovod R I\' Z73 Youn~tr:un D•rviC II ZIO. liJ 105 Z.. Rochord l04 Z.bor<l.o. Thom.. E. II 103 l•yn 8 Ill 220•. Kr, .. A I 134 Z.ada ~th•l M I ZIJ·ZZS. Z79

\\ ornor Shtrrv L I 218 1\orntr Rho>do J I\ 103 107 272.274 275.334 15~

1\o.hburn. J•mts !> 111227 1\•<rud. Ard,·c•A 1218 \\'.altr.,"\·111 ZJO I\ ool.on• John A I\ 1&5 210. 2&0 \\ 01l.on• Ttrrv A I\ Ill. 1&5. 2&0 1\ ••htr "ltlodv 213 W •••on. Juduh A I 220 1\ATZKE. "1ARIANNEJ04 1\ •vnt. R;ohord I\ 272 1\EA\ ER. JOH!'. DR 137 1\tbb. D••.d C lllJI \\ tbtr Cvnoho• L I\ 211 I\ •btr P•uoco• A 111133. 140 zoo \\ tbtr !>ttphtn J II 227 \\ tdtrpohl \\ •rron A 11185 \\ tjl.<ntr Alltn C. II 2J5 I\ ttdloch. Honry L I\' 2n Z40 \\ ••~•n•n• M•rl K I 232. 23& 1\ttnk•uf. J•ll A 11220 1\tts K•ohv A 11213. 233 \\ AI 27o

1\ttu D•monS 1101 I\ toss. Doujtlu A Ill zoo. Z40 1\ttth. \'ock~ J 11213.230 \\tlch Ann l Ill ZIO 207 \'tic h. D•-o l7o I\ tic h. Do-·tl&Z 1\tkh. Cory l 1\'172 Z7o I\ tlhovtn. CrtJIII 23o I\ tlko< M•"· J I 130 1'•"..• Sutl74 l\tlltr Mochkl J Ill Z2o l\tlls John 8 111217 W tlls. Sttvon K Ill 235 ' 1\mdo. AnnE 1220 l'ondo . Eloubtth J Ill 210 Wondo R•ndv L. lll7 22& 1\mlf•nd D•vt.l II ZlS. 2&1 l\trblow J•noct L 11177 Z30. ZOO 1\ trntr Ann K I zoo 1\tnh. Dtbo<Oh j. I\ 180 I' tsltv \\ •rr•n C I 23& I\ ESOLEK JOHN 303 Wtso. J•ntr K II uo \\ tS<. Thomo> C I 22o \\ t<UNn. Don old 8 I zlo h ESTMAN 00:>: 2&3 1\tsuom. Brod C. 12Jo Wttostton. Ali<t II 219 \\.tttitttn. Mt,.e 278

Woydo Chorlts J Cr IS• h tytr Jtr• L Ill 241 h 'httltr. l•m• r 1237 Whthh•n. Tony R I 237 Who~l~n . Rochord 180 \\'hut EdWln L. Ill 214 \\hut Joyctl. 1220.221 1\'hu• . w,u,.m T 11 220 Whufotld. Ann E. II 230 I\ HYDOTSKI. LLOYD 300 I\ abbt. Connoe lOS \\ ochmon. Solly J II 22•

John Williams. Head Photographer.


Z.,,k,,_Chn..hnt L I !t:o.

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U.s_ Slt"Y~ 2$2 ZAMBERLAN 1-.£,:-;ETH 30o Z.m«nal.. C.rv E llJI ZA\<IPACH CHRbTI:-;E JO~ l•ndtr B•rl>01• -\ I\' 27J 200 Z•PP• Ton,. M ll.'O Z..'-UO"" Eklt\' L I !!2

Z.<u"" J•nn A II ~30 z..,uo~ \11tlf"to.l\ !I~ Z.hntr l•no• K I !33 lto•t. t ••of ;\ I 240 Z.o<t. l.ond• I II l)J Zc:ltnlo..a J~rumt U II no :o-0 ;o !:"!' ltlon•l.< ~>lf'<n \\ Ill ~1; Z.llmtr J•mt-l. 1235. 27~. !!'~ z~mkt. John I I 235 Z.ul. <.,.ory Ill 235 z,tbflf Ruth K II 210 Zot~ttll>•utr. AI oct A I\' z;J Zof!tolmon. Thom•• L II ~lo Zotjtltr Chorlt> !> Ill 13~ Zo~tl><-on. Dt•n \\ I\' ~73 IOJ z,• . . Jo•nnt r II lll Z•tl•n .. L.•. J~n ~ I !t:! !.:t ZIEMANN ~OR\1A' DR 205 Zotmmdorf Dt•n A lliJ Ztt"-« t Bn~n Z I !li Zombr.. J•nt "1 Ill ISO. 200 z,md•r• Ron•ld E II 21' Z•mr"· L I !!1 lommtrm•n. D•ltl 1112)1 l1mnw-rm.ann M'". J 1111~1 .!!1 ZNMERMAN \\ ILLIA'I.DO" l•""m.lln. Mteh.wl :'\ I\ !':"J 11:- !;':oo. Z.-n.-· RodntV P I\ 1<-> Zotllntr. Ptt<r J Ill 201 Zond.aR Be-rh M I\ li.) !05 !l.: !7!-

Z-cht< hntr Ellon II ~ 1:> Zuthll.t. "l•r;.. E llJo ZUERLEIN IOH' J~ Zulf!<tr Donno< D II lJI lunk. Judnh .-\ II ~2l Zuntr~t... ttr

Rot--u J I !J!

Zuu . l-.01hv Ill I ~tl 220 z,..?Ofol. M•rot A Ill 210 Zwoflt Molo D I\ ~;3

TOWER STAfF. BOTTOM ROW: Rudy ovak, Business Manager, Rhoda Warren, Editor-in-Chief. joan Tredon, Literary Editor TOP ROW : Ray

Ehlert. Photo Editor. john Dunster. Production Editor.


PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF. BOTTOM ROW : Linda Ecker; Don Robert son; George Oles. SECOND ROW: Rick Mayo; Gordon Hanson; Dave

Steinman. UP THE POLE: Tom Clausen; john Dunster; Don Chaput.


1972 Tower Staff Editor-in-Chief .............................. Rhoda J. Warren Photography Editor ...................... Raymond F. Ehlert Jr. Production Editor ....... . ....................... John Dunster Literary Editor ................................ Joan M. Tredon Business Manager ............................... Rudy Novak Head Photographer ............................. John Williams Photography Staff ............................... Don Chaput Torn Clausen John Dunster Linda Ecker Gordon Hanson Rick Mayo George Oles Don Robertson Dave Steinman Group Portraits .................................. John Russell Staff ............................................ Eileen Buck Denise Bushey Ken Finke Linn Fox Sally Freudenberg Debbie Gietzel Dave Kopydlowski Linda Metcalf Debbie Monson Christine Olson Wanda Petitt Donna Truax Jean Wilde Roger Wold Publisher' s Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Graf Literary Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Meier Advisor ........................................ Robert Ward

Colophon The 1972 TOWER was printed by National School Services, Limited, a division of Josten' s! American Yearbook Company; in Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada. Printing process used was offsetlithography. Paper stock is 80 # Dull Enamel. Type style used is Palatine . Division pages are 30 pt.; headlines are 24 pt.; copy is 12 pt. ; s ports scoreboards are 10 pt.; captions and senior directory are 8 pt.; and the general index is 6 pt. 336

Publi shed by Josten 's/ Notlonol School Services Ltd. Wi nnipeg, Man itoba. Conodo.

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