Veronica Bonanni Architectural Portfolio

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Veronica Bonanni




International Competitions / Workshop

2012 Veronica Bonanni

Date of birth: 01.07.1983 Birth place: Cassino (Italy) Address: 5 rue Pajol, 75018 Paris Phone: + 33 (0) 624840946; + 39 3494478489 Fiscal Code: BNNVNC83L41C034R Driving Licence: B

2011 2010


A.S. Architecture Studio (Paris, 6 months)

2011 2010

Proger S.P.A. (Rome, 5 months)

- New Clinical Center “Protontherapy” for Catania / Competition



The Four Seasons of the Italian Pavilion - Biennale di Venezia Special Report GREEN DESIGN - DOMUS

- Professional Licence as Architect - Section A - Master of Architecture Degree, top grade (110/110) “Sapienza” - University of Rome, School of Architecture Five years Master Degree -Architecture U.E.

- Professional Licence for Securety and Safety Coordinator Sites - Conception et Costruction dans les bâtiments historiques Cour Spécialisé - ASS.I.R.C.CO Associazione Italiana Recupero e Consolidamento Costruzioni

- Collaboration for Design and Tecnical Rules for Thermal efficiency of Sustainable Building

- Collaboration for the Italian Pavillion - “Le Quattro Stagioni” / Installation System

Num. Certification Autodesk 1109228ND0

According to the law D.lgs 81/2008 “Sapienza” - University of Rome

“Centre Technique de Matériaux Naturels de Construction”

13° Biennale di Architettura di Venezia (Rome - Venice, 4 months)

- Enrollment at the Royal Register of Architects // Number 21414 - Postgraduete Diploma -”Architetture Sostenibili” - Revit Architecture Course Certified Autodesk

CTMNC (Paris, 3 months)


-Free Style - Analysis and Innovative Solutions for Low Cost Market

(Bioarchitecture, Energy and Technologies for a Sustainable Envirenment) Inarch Lazio - National Institute of Architecture

Ateliers Jean Nouvel (Paris, 11 months)

- Nouveau Centre de Detention de Polynesie / Design Development - Ecoquartier Issy les Molineaux / Chantier

Energy Regeneretion for Moscow and Kiew International Workshop // Moscow - Rome

Education and Professional Qualifications

Professional Experience - Berkeley / Competition - Louvre Abu Dabhi / Design Development - Oasi Eco Resort Taghazout / Competition Winner - Dubai Design District / Competition


International Workshop // “Sapienza”, Rome



- CoB Madrid, Coworking Building , Spain - LS Life Saving- Fist step against disaster , Japan

- Seminar Professional Photographic Technique


Casa dell’ Architettura, Rome

-ENSAV “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles” Exchange Student (Erasmus) Versailles, France

Tecnical Skills Autocad , Revit, Rhinoceros, V-Ray, Vasari, Ecotect, Docet, Virtual Enviroment, Sketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indisign

Languages Italian, French, English, Spanish

I authorise the use of my personal data according to Legislative Decree N°196/03


Louvre Abu Dabhi

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« Je voulais que cet édifice offre l’image d’un territoire protégé appartenant au monde arabe et à cette géographie. Mêlant architecture moderne et inspiration puis ée dans les traditions de la région, le projet traduit le désir de créer un musée universel dans lequel toutes les cultures sont réunies.

Ateliers Jean Nouvel Museography Design Development Abu Dabhi 2013-2014 Assistant Architecte

Un microclimat est créé en s’inspirant de sensations explorées un nombre incalculable de fois dans la grande architecture arabe, reposant sur la maîtrise de la lumière … une structure faite d’ombres, de mouvement et de découverte.» - Jean Nouvel.

1. Section type Museography 2. Masterplan 3. View type galerie

1. General Plan Museography



3. 1. Section type Museography 2. Installation galerie 3. View type

Dubai Design District

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Dubai Design District is a project that includes the construction of a neighborhood of artists. Obviously there are workshops with space for expository works but also all the services there is also a typical village shops, restaurants and a large convention center.

Ateliers Jean Nouvel Convention Center and Creative Community Competition Dubai 04-05/ 2014 Assistant Architect

The interesting about the project consists of the forests and palm forests ploteaux. In this forest to life the quartie artists, a dynamic and powerful life during the day and night.


2. 1. View 2. Masterplan


2. 1. Plan type 2. Section type


2. 1. Night Views 2. La ForĂŞts des palmes

Oasi Eco Resort

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Taghazout is a destination known to younger generations, known for its vague as one appointments marking surfing. It is also a real village with houses clinging to relief, variously colored with blue shutters. But it is also a natural site, a painted relief down to the beach through three or four talwegs site that will accommodate new residents, migrants that come and go with the seasons. So the identity of Taghazout will mutate and attractiveness to increase. This is to strengthen his character, extrapolating from the initial characters.

Ateliers Jean Nouvel Eco Resort, Services, Restaurant Competition Winner Taghazout, Morocco 03-05/ 2014 Assistant Architect

The house is organized on a floor consisting of three staggered levels of walking taking the principle of a theater at the territorial level, every viewer seeing the scene (sky, sea, beach). The plan of the house is simple: It is a rectangle whose largest dimension is that of the terrace overlooking the ocean. The plan is divided in two north rooms, southern cooking and living in relation to the terrace. Chromatically differentiated assumptions used to qualify and offer multiple environments.


2. 1. Masterplan 2. Section “Cœur de Vie”


2. 1. Section type 2. Village view


2. 1. Section type 2. The terrace


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A mixed-use project end: upscale flagship retail stores, a grand city hotel uniqueness and prestige apartments dream with London Park and overlooking the church and with the advantages of equipment does the hotel. All the conditions are met to build a testimony of the time, architecture and London. After an analysis of urban morphology, in the mounting area well involve:

Ateliers Jean Nouvel Hotel, Apartaments, Restaurant, Boutiques Competition London 09-11 / 2013 Assistant Architect

- The creation of an arcade passage Dover Street to Berkeley Street, - The creation of arcades across arcades Ritz - The construction of a suspended scale yard as expressing Green Park, - The design of a heart in the center of the square, full of life that will be visible from the outside through outlets accessible from both sides.




1. Facade 2-3. Le Tube Rouge



1. Program 2. Base Option et Alternative Option 3. Residences



2. 1. Facade 2. Section


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The 12,000 m² of floor space the project will provide a dignified detention for 410 male inmates and working conditions for prison staff quality. The program was also designed to facilitate family ties by creating suitable parlors and some small units of family life. Respectful of the landscape, buildings fit on the wooded plateau of peak Teonetea while preserving the hills and taking into account the topography. Only their silhouettes will be noticeable in places, through the cords of trees, making it very discreet perception of the institution from the bay and inlets.

A.S. Architecture Studio Detention Centre APD Papeete, Polynesia 01-02 / 2013 Assistant Architect

The project also takes into account the requirements in terms of sustainable development set out in the specification, to combine quality working conditions of prison staff, energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. It is especially a treatment plant wastewater without discharge into the lagoon, and a solar hot water. The architecture of the buildings is designed to promote natural ventilation and solar ensure protection of premises, thus adapting to local climatic conditions, with the aim to optimize energy consumption and provide necessary thermal comfort.



1. Technical Section 2. Technical Plan

Fort d’Issy

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The architecture and landscape are combined, a new district of Issy beyond his martial framework connects to the city. The project of the Fort d’Issy is the result of an ambitious challenge: convert former military fort of Issy eco-quarter 2013. Spread over 12 acres, the Fort d’Issy plans to build: 1 620 housing units, including 329 for rent (50% of social housing), 1500 m2 of shops and local services, two schools, a nursery with 60 places, a pool, a museum about the history of the Fort. all within a framework that puts nature at the heart of the project. Local residents can take advantage of an orchard of 350 trees, promenades, squares and playgrounds in a car-free space.

A.S. Architecture Studio Sustainable Housing Construction Site Issy les Molineaux, Paris 03-05/ 2013 Assistant Architect

Belvedere, open arc on the main square of the district is the hub of the Fort d’Issy. At the heart of the life of the neighborhood, home to ground-floor shops and the majority of the crib. It is distinguished by its modern and sleek architectural lines, punctuated with balconies and terraces. The apartments offer a panoramic view of Paris and the whole of the Fort area. The buildings of Fort Issy anticipate the requirements of the label Low Consumption Building (BBC), mandatory from 2013. With these technological and environmental advances, the residences of Fort Issy consume less than 65 kWh / m2 / year.



3. 1. Photos construction site 2. Technical Section 3. Technical Plan

13 Biennale di Venezia

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The refurbishment project for the Italian Pavilion at the Arsenale calls for the integrated function of energy and partial control of microclimatic conditions indoors: one system to move the air using energy - efficient recirculation fans in Pavilion A; one ventilation system from above, based on a refrigeration unit with condensation of water from the lagoon in Pavilion B; and one photovoltaic pergola of 132 square metres for the production of solar energy on site. The objective is to obtain zeroemissions comfort thanks to the contribution of renewable energy provided by the photovoltaic pergola.

13° Biennale di Architettura di Venezia Italian Pavilion Venice 06-08/ 2012 Architect

Elevated heat build-up is caused by the lack of insulation of the roof, the large number of people, and heat-producing lighting and video projectors. In addiction, the lagoon causes the air to contain 70 percent of humidity. The project aims to balance the consumption of energy with its production. After cereful monitoring of the existing situation and a number of simulations in the Ecotec laboratory, the Pavilion’s thermal load was calculates at 130 kw. If considering an outdoor temperature becomes 34.5°C. The addition of 70 percent humidity makes the felt air temperature 43.5°C.


2. 1. Explicative Section 2. Simulations

Accademic Works

Tor Bella Monaca

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The project is an alternative proposal for the demolition of one of the twenty-one Tor Bella Monaca tours in Rome. From a mixture of newly created functions defines a new style of residential and domestic public space.

Postgraduete Diploma - Inarch Energy Retrofit of an Existing Housing Tower Tor Bella Monaca, Rome 2012 Architect

These joint spaces are interconnected by a main vertical path intersect all areas of the construction. This creates both an energy and architectural definition of the project.

Status Quo




1. Solar Analysis Faรงade 2. Faรงade 3. Community Terrace




1. / 2. La Tour “ before” and “after“

Tor Tre Teste

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The Tor Tre Teste rehabilitation of neighborhood, degraded Periphery of Rome. From a mixture of newly created functions olefins a new style of residential domestic and public space

Master’s Thesis “Sapienza” University of Rome Urban Rehabilitation, Masterplan, New Metro Station Tor Tre Teste, Rome 2011 Student

The project, a general masterplan and Provides a detailed report on the new Metro station on Line C of Rome, the “Torre Spaccata” station project.


2. 1. Masterplan 2. The studies shadows

1. 1. Program 2. The New Station Metro



2. 1. The New Station Metro 2. Study of Light


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The rehabilitation of the district Laurentina periphery gradient south of Rome. A mixeduse project: services, social housing, places, library, Internet movies, sporting pole for all residents.

Project “Sapienza� University of Rome Ecological Housing and Facilities Laurentina, Rome 2010 Student

The main study was done on the residential analysis. Several types of apartments have been designed to avoire flexibility in the temp like that and change to the needs of residents.

1. Bioclimatic Building Operation


1. Typologie residences 2. Residences




1. Detail 2. Section type

Veronica Bonanni + 33 624840946 + 39 3494478489

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