Architecture portfolio | Vahid Ghodsi - 2015

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// 00 CV

// Name // Date of Birth // Tel No. // Email // Website

// December 2015

: : : : :

Vahid Ghodsi 21/02/1986 Tehran , Iran 0098 912 211 7330

// EDUCATION: 2011 - 2013 :

// TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Delft, The Netherlands > Master of Architecture

2004 - 2010 :

// University of Tehran, Faculty of Architecture, Tehran, Iran > Bachelor of Architecture


// Eco Tehran’ Seminar & Workshop 2014 (Contributor and workshop assistance)

2010 - 2011

// Advance Courses of Interior Design (Iranian Architecture Center)

2005 - 2009

// Member of Architectural Student Society of the University of Tehran


// The National Conference on Structure and Architecture (Tehran, Iran)


// Attendance in XXII World Congress of Architecture (UIA 2005 Istanbul)


// ReNa Design Studio- Tehran, Iran > Architect, Project Manager

Mar Aug

2015 2015

// Hooba Design Studio- Tehran, Iran

Jul Sep

2014 2014

// Arsh [4D] Design Studio- Tehran, Iran

> Architect, Project Manager

> Design Assistant, 3D modeler and visualizer


// A Residential Unit (Villa)- Kordan, Iran > Architect, Interior and Landscape Designer

May 2013 Feb 2016

// A Residence (Villa 101)- Built- Koohsar, Iran


// Winning Design for Barid Co. Pavilion - Tehran Elecomp 2010, Iran

> Architect (Phase | & ||), Interior and Landscape Designer, Construction Supervisor

> Architect, Project Manager 2009

// A Residential Unit (Villa)- Kordan, Iran > Architect, Interior and Landscape Designer

// SKILLS: Language

Farsi (Native), English (Professional Proficiency), Dutch (Basic Understanding)


Autodesk AutoCad 2D& 3D -- Autodesk 3ds Max (Mental Ray & V-ray) Rhinoceros and Grasshopper -- Google SketchUp Adobe Master Collection (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash) AutoDesk Revit (Familiar) -- Microsoft Office software -- Adobe Flash ActionScripting Familiar with Arduino -- Familiar with HTML, JavaScript and VisualBasic


Graphic Design & Web design, Model Making, Digital Fabrication, Photography


// 2013 - Master Graduation Project // Materialisation - SAAD Studio // Individual Project, Group Work Urban Master Plan // New York, United States

This Project Claims the addition of the sixth organ to the United Nations organization as The ‘United Nations Environmental Council’ which aims to accelerate and internationally organize the process of becoming more environmental friendly. This architectural design proposal attempts to respond to this question that, along with fulfilling the functional and spatial requirements of the complex, how the Building - as a formal entity – manifests, reflects and reacts to the intentions and messages of the UN Environmental Council. Architecture as a sequence of decisions: There are limitless possibilities in architectural design of different formal and spatial characteristics. In the process of design, while taking a decision we may lose something for gaining another quality, to reach the best possible respond to all demands and intentions. The final result will be the culmination of our every single decision made in the process. This is the responsibility of the architect to make these decisions; in the order which is one of the main decisions.

// MASTERPLAN The proposal for the master plan aims to develop a continuous chain of green waterfront all around Manhattan, as a policy to provide a multi-functional continuous connection along the water for pubic recreational, commercial, cycling and pedestrian purpose. Success of this greenbelt is strictly dependent on the connection and access from the city to this green waterfront. This requires the treatment of the highway as a barrier to the public access to waterfronts. The goal is providing number of destination-level green areas as the major scale attractions and connections, along with the minor connections through the waterfront.

// 1


// 2

// 3

Secretariat Building

Conference Building

// UN URBAN INVOLVEMENT The idea is to bring the public to United Nations’ site and make The UN more involved with the urban structure and activities. On one side is the public spaces and involvement of people and public activities in the design site, on the other hand the complex functional demands and strict security issues and related regulations and considerations. The question is that How the building’s geometry and placement, along with the site, can manage these two connection without sacrificing one of them or any of the main design principles.

United Nations Complex

General Assembly

1 St. Avenue

48 th St.

Greenbelt New FDR Driver Highway

Old FDR Driver Highway

East River

// Illustrations on the left page : // 1 The current green belt is not continuous. People cannot move freely among the shore! // 2 The highway functions as a barrier between Manhattan and the Green belt // 3 Creating a Green belt (excising green + new green) all around Manhattan, good connected with the city.




For this specific design, the architecture should have the least formal complexity and ambiguity; and the least dependence to any special type or style of architecture. As another council of the United Nations organizations, which belongs and is for all the nations, this building is not suggested to carry any specific architectural style and form. The ‘UNEC’ tries to express itself as an equilibrium and extension of existing UN buildings. So while keeping its identity, also revaluing the existing buildings. Adequate simplicity and clearness in the architectural form and geometry are The chief Disciplines of this design.


FLOOR 5 LEVEL + 22.00


FLOOR 4 LEVEL + 18.00



FLOOR 3 LEVEL + 14.00

2,244 m

4 Brainstorm (8p.)/ 4 Brainstorm (12p.) 1 Chairman/ 6 Co-Chairs/ 60 Staff 1 Chairman/ 3 Vice-Chairs/ 2 Co-Chairs 30 Flexible Workspaces

/COLLECT 2,244 m2


Facility Management/ ICT/ Expedition Delegate Lounge 35 Tables/ Kitchen/ Storage/ Buffet


FLOOR 1 LEVEL + 6.00

1 Chairman/ 4 Vice-Chairs/ 12 Staff/ 2 Meetingroom (50p.)/ 4 Meetingroom (20p.) 3 Video Conference (12p.)

/FACILITIES 2,244 m2

FLOOR 2 LEVEL + 10.00

12 Staff/ 20 Flexible Workspaces 2 Meetingroom (20p.)/ 1 Workshop Reproduction Archive/ Working Archive

9 Co-Chairs/ 40 Staff/ 5 Secretary 15 Flexible Workspaces Library (Knowledge Center)/ info. Wardrobe/lockers


Entrance hall Safety control (1) Information desk (2) Card distribution (3) Wardrobe/ lockers/ storage 25 Tables/ Bar/ Kitchen/ storage

FLOOR - 1 LEVEL - 6.00




FLOOR - 2 LEVEL - 12.00

1 Conference Hall 2 Auditorium (120p.) Lobby/ Information Desk/ wardrobe Coffee/Bar 1 Chairman/ 5 Co-Chairs/ 16 Staff 20 Flexible Workspaces


1 Press Room (200p.)/ 1 Press Room (60p.) 1 Auditorium (450p.)/ 1 Auditorium (200p.) Exposition Space/ Product Space/ Shop /Bar 1 Chairman/ 5 Co-Chairs/ 20 Staff/6 Secretary 20 Flexible Workspaces









Floor Plan -2 Level -12.00 

Sc: 1/200


Conference Hall 


Technical Room  438 p

428 p

1 Auditoriom (200p.)




3 Staff


4 Staff






lobby 1200m²


Auditorium (120p.)

Co-Chair 




Information Desk

Co-Chair 

Chairman 30m² Auditorium (120p.)
















information Desk Library (Knowledge Center) Visitors access to library & seating area


information desk

safety control card distribution


Visitors access to library & waiting area



lockers 


Entrance hall



wardrobe 








Bar Reading Room 



Storange Flexible Workspaces


25 Tables



Floor Plan - Level 0..00

Floor Plan - Level +10.00 N

Floor Plan - Level +6.00 N



// WINTER SCHEME /Floor slab Heating (Core activation System) /Underfloor Air distribution /Independent Air handling unit /Geothermal Heat pump /Heat recovery system /Solar panels /Skylight /Facade smart glass

Heat recovery Units

Under Floor Supply


Floor Slap Heating

Fresh Air Intake Used Air Exhaust Air Collection

water Return Air supply distribution

Air Handling Unit

water supply distribution

Central Heating & cooling Unit

Air supply distribution

Geothermal Heat Pump Ground Heat Exchanger

// SUMMER SCHEME /Floor slab Cooling (Core activation) /Underfloor Air distribution /Independent Air handling unit /Geothermal Heat pump /Solar panel /Skylight reflectors /Facade smart glass Solar Panles

Under Floor Supply

Floor Slap Cooling


Fresh Air Intake Used Air Exhaust Air Collection

water Return Air supply distribution Central Heating & cooling Unit

Air Handling Unit

Air supply distribution

Geothermal Heat Pump Ground Heat Exchanger

water supply distribution


Air Distribution



Air Distribution

Climatic design of the building is based on two different systems for offices (upper floors) and public spaces (lower floors). For upper floors, the atrium plays a pivotal role in general ventilation principles. First is the fresh air intake which takes place from top of building (wind driven or mechanically). The fresh air will be cooled or heated and distributed via raised floors. Second, used air will be collected from the ceiling and directed into the atrium which will eventually rise to the top and exhaust (heat recovery will use the air heat in winter). For auditoriums independent air handling units are considered. Sunlight reflectors, on top of the atrium, either block or let light through the building on demand. The smart glass system of the facade will react according to the sunlight and specific spatial needs.

20th December

1th April

SkyLight Adjustable Reflectors

Electrochromic responsive smart glass facade

Full Light transmision through the facade glass to gain solar energy



20th June

SkyLight Adjustable Reflectors

Electrochromic responsive smart glass facade


Low Light transmision through the facade glass


// STRUCTURE AND DETAIL DRAWINGS Section fragment Scale: 1/100


ation Elevation Elevation fragment fragment fragment e: Scale: 1/100 Scale:1/100 1/100

DetailsDetails Details


 

17 

 

Section B - Fixed BB-Joints -Fixed FixedJoints Joints Section AA--FLexible FLexible JointsSectionSection SectionSection A - FLexible Joints Joints

// 02 VILLA 101

// 2013 Apr - 2016 Feb // Professional Project // Independent Project, Supervisor // Koohsar, Iran

Located out of the city, this mid-size residence is in a garden (one unit of a large complex of villas). In spite of the flexibility came from the big area of the site, the project faced a certain limitations and challenges such as specific shape and orientation of the site, building regulations and construction, client’s requests, etc. Geometry of Building emerges from four cubes gathering around two vertical and horizontal Axes which are the basis of the concept of connection of inside to outside. Building is seen as a part of its environment not a single entity. Due to adjacency to neighboring gardens on both sides in a relative close distance, the building comes with solid walls on sides. This makes contrast with the High full glass surfaces on south and north facade, and focus on the South-North Axe which is also the entrance side - of both garden and building - and path to the backyard. The building is built in 430 m2 in two floors and 70 m2 basement.

// Dec 2015 - Project near completion


// 1

Total area of the site is 5000 m2 - a 128m to 40 m rectangle. Based on regulations, building should be placed in a certain distance from the entrance road. This divides the garden into front and back yards (which is 80m for front and 28m for back). A surface is carved out of the natural topography shaping a flat backyard and a plot (facing the frontyard) .

20 // 1 Building is distanced 80m from entrance, dividing the site into front and back yard.

// 2

// 2 Carving a flat surface out of site; making a flat backyard and front plots facing the front yards.


// Dec 2015


The Building is considered as an element in its environment not an autonomous building. This is the base of the emergence of the building as it tries to connect the front and back yard through the inside space of the building. Because of the building adjacency to the neighboring units, and to open the inside space to the outside space, the side walls are considered solid , opposite to front and back sides witch are completely open. Two perpendicular Axis emerge from this site relationships which generate four cubes. By shifting and scaling the cubes we achieve the different required access, light and view.

// 2

// 3

// 1 Side walls are complete solid to preserve privacy, contrasting with the front and back side which is total open to the garden, keeping the connection of inside to the outside. // 2 One main Axis and a side axis shape four cubes around them. Side axis is for access and light.


// 3 A shift in the side Axis provides the inside space with better access, light and view. // 4 Scaling the cubes emphasizes the different sense of the inner functions. // 4

// 5

// 6

// 7

// 5 Plan articulation; spaces shape based on the demand. Rooms and kitchen face the backyard and livingroom with high glasses to the front. // 6 Side walls rotate towards outside, opening up to the outside area. // 7 Plan articulation; vertical access (stair).

// 8

// 8 Four sides of the building stretch to make overhang to control sunlight. In south east this overhang contrasts with the others, and take place as e shading elements.


// 1

// VIEW, LIGHT & AIR Following the site order, building is facing southwest. Beside the front garden view and afternoon sunlight, this is the prevailing wind direction as well. The high void (Picture on the right) benefits from this light and view. Sunlight is controlled by the building overhang and the shader, allowing light through building in winter and prevent it in summer. By opening the front windows and back ones (illustration above) the prevailing wind, that has passed above the pool and is humidified, goes across the building , notably decreasing the dependency of the building to cooling systems.

24 // 1 SketchUp Section illustrating the Front void. // 2 3D visualization showing the front void. // 2



// 1

As mentioned, Building divides the garden into front and backyard. The backyard is considered as the private yard, with the water feature and outdoor kitchen, so having calm forms and open spaces. In contrast, front yard is the energetic space which accommodates more greenery and trees. A set of plots are floating on top of one another to compensate the site height difference. These floating plots are derived from the shifting movement building cubes (mentioned before).

// 2

// 2 Main access road and the front space.

26 // 3 Plots moving in a floating manner, adjusting to the natural steepness of the site. In contrast, backyard have calm and wide open space. // 4 Greenery added to the plots and backyard.

// 3



// 2011 - MSc. 1 Project // Building Typology - Hybrid Buildings Studio // Individual Project, Group Work Urban Studies // Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Parool triangle is an autonomous area that is curved out of the urban fabric (by railway tracks). The plot has been filled incrementally through different development periods. The existing buildings in the triangle do not follow the order of the urban structure, but they are slightly angled to the Wibaustraat. Although aligned with each other, the buildings are autonomous elements. The proposed design consists of the additions of a coherent group of buildings around Parool building which are added to the context, undergo a mutual deformation with that context, and become something new. New buildings are added among the existing parool buildings and neighboring buildings, while the identity and characteristics of the Parool area are preserved. Their geometry responds to the neighboring urban layout. In that sense, interventions are considered as a mediation between the existing buildings and the neighboring urban formation.

// PAROOL REVALUATION New buildings are abstract frameworks that revalue the Parool tower. They are understood as enlargements of the existing volume rather than autonomous constructions. Additions to the triangle are emerged from the collision between urban structure order, the orientation of the existing buildings and the connections through the side. Their geometry responds to the neighboring urban layout. In that sense, interventions are mediation between the existing buildings and the neighboring urban formation.

// 1

On the ground floor, at the parool tower, connections from all sides of the site meet. In this sense, the parool tower plays a central role, not only as the identity of the area and central form among new buildings, but also as a connection to and from the new buildings. On this level, by removing the walls of the parool tower, it has been tried to give more space to public and generate extrovert functions mostly through transparent and translucent boundaries. This has happened in the other three parts of the new buildings. The relationship among new interventions and the parool building on the ground level is through public open spaces and passage ways, and dialogue in their floor plans. On the upper floors, they get connected to the tower and their relation becomes more functional.

// 2

// 1 Buildings in the Parool Triangle are angled to the Wibaustraat and the main neighboring Urban Organization. // 2 Interventions respond to the urban formation as they compass the Parool tower. They mediate between the buildings in the site and neighboring urban Layout. Their geometry emerges from collision between urban structure order and the orientation of the existing buildings.


// 3 Interventions respond to the urban formation as they compass the Parool tower. They mediate between the buildings in the site and neighboring urban Layout. Their geometry emerges from collision between urban structure order and the orientation of the existing buildings.

// 3




// HYBRID PROGRAMS The Importance of the Parool Triangle comes not only from its specific urban characteristics, but also from the different programs it accommodates. Now there are Commercial, cultural and residential programs in the Parool Triangle and offices in the Parool tower. A Residential building, a new Library and a cinema and movie theatre are proposed to the area which together will be most beneficial for the area. The different work hours and different characteristic of the programs attract a larger group of people and combine different cultural and commercial interests. In front of the tower, two of the new buildings are connected to each other by a bridge. Beside the formal intentions of this bridge, this bridge is a connection from and to the library which also accommodates public studying and sitting areas. In combination with the connections to the parool tower, this bridge provides multipurpose circulations in different floor level.



// First Floor Plan


// Second Floor Plan



// 2012 - MSc. 2 Project // Hyperbody Studio - TU Delft // Individual Project, Group Work Urban Studies // Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hybrid collective project is a respond to the temporary sense of activities happening in the NDSM area -Amsterdam. Now there are many temporary activities taking place in NDSM. From one day events to temporary studios and offices being rented to companies, artists, etc. This project tries to merge these different activities into one long term intervention. NDSM warf, formerly as a shipyard, now has become a unique area in the Amsterdam with lots of opportunities for redevelopment. It is known as an area for artists, Festivals and events. Large affordable open spaces, not being under strict regulations and open to developments can be seen as the reasons behind this. Now there are many plans for different kinds of temporary activities on this area and a strong desire to attract people, artists, companies, investors, etc to NDSM. The question is how to keep the characteristics of the area while imposing new developments.

// Temporary Studios or OfďŹ ces

Long Term Hybrid, Multifunctional Intervention // Temporary Events

// Temporary Consert Stage // Temporary Exhibition space

// Temporary Restaurant & cafe’

// Temporary Activities


// Temporary Festival Area

With lots of open spaces and some historical consideration, intensifying the area does not help to reach the considered objectives. The Idea is to propose a long term intervention which can accommodate many of these temporary activities, In other words, One Hybrid Multi-functional intervention Instead of different temporary intervention. These activities merge with some studio spaces which are supposed to be rented temporarily to encourage investigating in the area. Studio spaces are elevated form ground to give access to Inside which is intended for Public collective purposes. The geometry emerges from connecting initial spaces to each other and ground in a smooth uniform manner. 38



// 2010 - Bachelor Graduation Project // Fine Arts Department, University of Tehran // Individual Project // Tehran, Iran

The site of the project is located in Niavaran, one of the most cultural districts in Tehran. A music center is an appropriate complement to other cultural buildings of the area. Right next to the site,there is a famous cultural center and an old palace, and a park one street farther. In bachelor final project the large scale of the project and its dependency on many factors such as urban and structural issues challenges the student’s design skills. Because of the site characteristics the north side, which faces the Niavaran cultural center, is the first and most important connection between the Music center and outside world. The main entrance has been placed across the Cultural Center’s entrance and its form resemble the Cultural Center’s entrance, to generate the simplest connection between these two centers. The north facade is mostly of glass to simply involve people outside with what happens inside. The inviting form of the north side of the complex offers more involvement.

// BUILDING GEOMETRY Distinctive covering of the music center not only aesthetically stands out, but also takes daylight in. It also looks different at night because of inside light. It makes the center able to express itself in respond to external factors like weather condition, time of the day, etc. To create The covering, a pattern geometry is designed and developed across a basic surface. This repeatable form generates the wave-like covering after being reproduced on the surface. The pattern consists of curving surfaces on a simple structure. Structure is developed Along with the form of the covering.





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