Digital World ISSUE 01 / AUGUST 2014
ARE YOU DIGITALLY CONNECTED? Convenient Easily Accessible Cost effective
INCREDIBLE NEW DESIGN DigitalPublishers Great for both readers and writers
UP TO DATE The next big thing!
LOVE what you read Vivian Nguyen
Digital publishing is a process of creating documents using text and images to publish Ebooks, magazines, catalogs, reports, brochures, and photo albums. There are five main phases of digital publishing.
5Main Phases 1
One of the phases of digital publishing is writing. Writing helps you create ideas, contents, and stories for your world in digital publishing. This is an essential step to creating your story line.
After editing, your book should be done and ready to publish! Publishing your book or work is one of the main point of digital publishing. Without a publication, you won't be able to do anything.
Editing is also powerful as well. Since you have your content and story line, you would need to be able to edit your work. Editing is also a significant tool as well because editing is what attracts the audience. Without good editing, there isn’t really a point for the story.
The fourth phase is promoting. You would need to be able to learn how to promote your work and how to get viewers to read your publication.
Interacting is the last and final phase for digital publishing. How do you interact with your viewers? Joomag definitely helps with that.
Digital World/September 2014
E-BOOKS: More people be the internet. De electronic books increased rapidl Publishers and a began to sell the online by the en 1990's.
PROJECT GUTENBERG: In a sense, this was what started digital publishing. Michael Hart made the first digital copy of the Declaration of Independence. The document was the first to be published online.
1990 1980's
CD ERA: In 1982, the first comercially available CD-ROM changed the way information was shared. New ways of editions distribution was slowly beginning to be experimented by magazine and newspaper publishers.
4 Digital World/ September 2014
MOBILE ERA: It's the 21st century and Apple, created by Steve Jobs, help expand convenience. This was a great thing for digital publishment development. Everyone is becoming more and more mobile.
egan to use emand in s ly. authors eir books nd of
2010's 2000's
Digital publishing began growing incredibly fast. Epaper was finally introduced to the mass market. Out with the “old” e-books and in with the new “E-readers.” By using the new E-readers, storage was expanded which allowed readers to have more documents!
Digital World/September 2014
The Market For Digital Publishing
A s society start to change, so does technology. Bringing it back to where
it all began, print publications were more popular than ever. Slowly there was a shift and evolution toward the digital age. According to a survey of almost 3,000 consumers conducted by Bain & Company, readers are beginning to be more engaged and equipped with digital readers. With that amazing news, it encourages publishers to begin their journey with digital publishing. Many of those readers do not mind paying for ebooks. In 2013, statistics show that ebook users are one of the main subscribers for digital publishing. Over the past 20 years, the push of technology has positively disrupted traditional media platforms with the advancement of digital media options. Until recently, traditional media platforms were the only available options without any intentions to be changed. The movement toward digital platforms changed the way people now are able to access their media. The type of people who need to change from print to digital are those who are fast past and want convenience. Also, travelers would find it incredibly useful to have digital rather than print because they are always “on the go.”
"Easier and super convenient!"
Convenience is the main reason why there is a market for digital publishing. For users, it is definitely convenience to have content be easily accessible across multiple platforms and devices such as phones, computers, tables, etc. It is also useful to providers because it instantly direct potential customers and traffic to them. Although print publications have it’s pros, it also has it’s cons. Prints are beginning to be outdated and slowly the digital publications are beginning to be more popular. Print publishing is becoming obsolete as technology pushes constant improvement in digital publishing. Digital publishing has its benefits such as being mobile. Being able to access your books anywhere is convenient and it is definitely easier. For instance, when you are traveling instead of carrying all your books, magazines, reports, etc… you would be able to have one device with you at all times which is able to access your readings. Also, digital publishing is able to keep the reader engaged. Readers are able to see photos and images right at the palm the hands. Again, this relates back to convenience. There is also an ad-serving flexibility. You are able to serve multiple ads in one advertising space. Readers are more likely to be more engaged with digital advertising rather than printed. Digital 6 Digital World/September 2014
publishing is more green than print. Digital is more cost effective and more efficient. With digital publishing, it’s easier to reach wider audience and digital publications can be customized and personalized. For example, content formatting like bigger fonts which is easier to read for some viewers. Also, with digital publishing it benefits the publisher in one significant way. The publisher is able to track and check their analytics. Digital publishing has many benefits and the market is just growing a higher demand for this service.
igital Interactive Magazines are just like printed magazines, but even better. Digitally Interactive Magazines allow the users as well as readers to be able to hear, see, and connect with the content they are reading or creating. The magazine is able to “come alive” and connect to each viewer in a way they aren’t able to with a regular digital magazine. A digital magazine is just an online magazine that is published on the web. It has no interactive features that would connect its user with the magazine. With the digital interactive magazines, users will be able to hear the audio, see the photos, and watch the text come alive. On the other hand, digital magazines is basically just a magazine, but online. All you do is read the text and look at the images. Other than that, it is not as interactive as a digital interactive magazine. Users and viewers will be able to access it anywhere, virtually. As long as the user and reader is technologically connect, they would be able to easily access their magazine anywhere!
"Out of this world! Its amazing!" 8 Digital World/September 2014
Digitally Interactive Magazines exist because it enhances the user and viewer experience. It also would be able to keep up to date with the technological standard of today’s media formats. As society grows, so will technology. Digitally Interactive Magazines exists because of the high demand in society. There is a need for the convenience. Access to the proven digital publishing platform such as Joomag allows organization both large and small to increase productivity and cost efficiency applicable to all publishing necessities.
Future of Digital Publishing!
Digital World/September 2014
oomag is an innovative company that provides an interactive reading experience for their audience. Joomag provide services such as digital interactive publishing and hosting. Joomag allows their clients to be able to create and control their digital interactive content such as magazines, e-books, catalogs, reports, brochures, and photo albums. Users are also able to track and monetize their publications. With the user’s publications, the user will be able to add music, videos, photos, and so much more into their work in order to make their work come alive! The user can personalize (with a subscription) their work and tender to their needs. Joomag has a great tool in order to engage both the users and readers with every magazine!
"Joomag's platform is incredibly easy to use and extremely fun to play around with! Joomag is the best!"
10 Digital World/September 2014
here are two major competitors for Joomag. A mixture of both companies will be able to create Joomag, minus some great features Joomag has. These two competitors are both digital publishers. The first competitor geared their clients towards readers and publishers. According to the competitor, millions of avid readers read the free publications created by publishers with topics in fashion, lifestyle, art, sports, and global affairs. Users are able to upload documents or can use the competitor to create a personal library of their personal favorites and follow other publishers. The second competitor is an interactive publication. Their interactive electronic document is accessible from a computer and capable of reproducing the feeling of a paper document.
They have a few things in common with Joomag, but there are few things they lack. They both do not allow their users to create their magazine from scratch like Joomag. One competitor does not provide private and protected publications to 15 million of their publications that are currently on board. The other competitor does provide private and protected publications, but is is a limited time only. On the other hand, Joomag provides unlimited private and protected publications to their users. Both of the competitors have video and audio preferences, but they do not provide photo galleries, pop-ups in magazines, selling publications, native ipad app, plugins, live chat, and US phone support. Many other competitors have similar plans to Joomag. However, many of Joomag's competitor's do not have great features along with great pricing like Joomag. Joomag's prices are competitive, yet fair. The competitors both are a great company, but they definitely lack features that Joomag already have.
Digital World/September 2014
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