Redemption Sought Read:
Day 15
Ruth 3:1-4
In this passage, Naomi concocted a plan to bring Ruth back into Boaz's view and potentially marry her off. The harvest had ended, so Ruth would have little interaction with Boaz until the next harvest season. So, Naomi suggested that Ruth approach Boaz while he was at the threshing floor and lay down at his feet.
The strangeness of this act will be commented on tomorrow. What is important to notice today is the determination of Ruth in pursuing a redeemer. Ruth understood that she could not save herself; she came to Boaz out of desperation, hoping he could save her and her family. Whether Naomi was right or wrong to suggest her plan, Ruth's main motives were obedience and faith.
We do not seek God before He has already sought us. Ruth is no different, with Boaz acting as the picture of a redeemer. In Ruth 2, he approached her and cared for her. In chapter 3, Ruth sought him out. In what ways are we seeking the God who has called us to Himself in our daily living? Do we seek the One who redeems us when we have no hope apart from Him?
Daily Challenge
Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Has God called you to be part of His family, redeemed by Him? If so, have you responded in faith? Are you passionately pursuing Him, even if you have been saved your whole life? Think about this.
How You Can Pray
Pray that you will pursue your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, all the days of your life; that regardless of your circumstances or difficulties, you will seek His face and put Him before yourself.
Day 16 Read:
Ruth 3:1-4
A Strange Story
Ruth 3:1-4 is difficult to understand. It seems bizarre that a young, unmarried woman would go lay down at the feet of a man in the middle of the night. This leaves the modern reader wondering if this tale is a bit scandalous, or perfectly innocent. What makes this even more difficult is that commentators are divided on the issue.
Some see this as either a culturally acceptable practice (which is doubtful) or that it is permissible because Ruth was already married to Boaz in God's eyes (also hard to accept). In reality, this situation was not socially acceptable, which was seen when Boaz wanted Ruth to leave in secret. Naomi's plan then, was right in the desire to pursue a redeemer, but wrong in its execution by putting Ruth into a shameful situation that could end badly.
How does this situation apply to us? Are we ever placed into bad situations either by our own sinfulness or the sin of another and yet have to trust that God is using the circumstances for His glory and are own good? Absolutely! Whether in a hurricane, high stress job, or in the car of a friend pulled over by the police, where is your faith in these kinds of situations?
Daily Challenge
Think about a sinful decision you have made in the past that, in spite of you, God used for good (Gen 50:20). Praise Him today for His sovereignty and faithfulness and confess your need for Him afresh.
How You Can Pray
Pray that you will have great faith in God regardless of the places you find yourself this week. In all that you face, good or bad, pray that you will seek Him first and trust His plan for you.
Faith in Action Read:
Day 17
Ruth 3:5-6
Ruth's loyalty and faithfulness is clearly seen yet again in this passage. In following Naomi's instructions, Ruth was not only being obedient in her present circumstances, but she was also keeping her promise from 1:16. As Ruth lived, even in difficult circumstances, she continued to remember her vow and acted faithfully on it. Here, Ruth did two things that are commendable. First, she agreed to what Naomi asked her to do. Thus, in her mind and with her words she assented to Naomi's plan. What is more important, however, is what she did next: Ruth acted on her words. Ruth did not do the bare minimum. Instead, the Hebrew indicates that she did everything she was asked in total obedience. This is a picture of faith.
Faith is more than assenting to a truth about God. Even the demons acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God Mt 8:28-29). What separates knowledge from true faith is resting on who God is and what He has promised, or acting on it. True Christian faith is displayed in the way that we live as a result of what God has done in our lives, evidencing what we proclaim to believe.
Daily Challenge
What promises of God do you find yourself resting on when life is tough? How do you show your faith to be more than words in the way that you live, not in order to earn God's favor, but because you already have it? Write down or say aloud some of the promises of God today and hold fast to them.
How You Can Pray
Pray that your faith would be more than an intellectual idea to which you assent. Instead, pray that your faith would be deep trust in God and rest in His promises.
Day 18 Read:
Ruth 3:7-10
Pursuing Redemption
In spite of the strangeness of Ruth's encounter with Boaz, addressed in Day 16, there are some incredible things that take place in this passage. Ruth was once again seen as a woman desperately seeking her redeemer. When Boaz discovered Ruth was at his feet, she told him that he was her kinsman redeemer and asked him to cover her. Another way of saying this is that Ruth was placing herself under his protection, awaiting his shelter. Boaz's response also reveals something about Ruth. He commented that she came to him rather than younger or richer men. The next few verses reveal there are other kinsman-redeemers, at least one of which is closer than Boaz. Yet, Ruth's desire was not to gain money, prestige, or even a better looking husband. Instead, Ruth desired to be redeemed by a man who cared for her and loved her in spite of her past, a godly man.
We are no different than Ruth in many regards. Our past often holds us back from pursuing our Savior. Wallowing in our guilt in shame, enjoying the pleasures of sin, or desiring beauty, wealth or prestige can consume us. We need our God, who first loved us, to draw us into His resting place.
Daily Challenge
Make a list of the top 5 things you believe would make you happier if you had them right now (be honest!). Of those 5, how many have to do with the love, character and promises of God? How many are about what Christ has already done for you?
How You Can Pray
Matthew Henry suggests a prayer from these verses in his commentary: “Lord Jesus, take me into thy covenant and under thy care. I am oppressed, undertake it for me.�
Difficult Decisions Read:
Day 19
Ruth 3:11-13
As is often the case in life, the solution that seems easiest is not. While Boaz wanted to redeem Ruth, he knew that he was not the closest kinsman to Naomi. In order to fulfill the law, Boaz had to make certain the other man did not want to fulfill the role of redeemer before he himself could do so. What this passage reveals about Boaz's character is that he not only wanted to look after Ruth and save her, he wanted to do it the right way. Instead of trying to circumvent the law or give up altogether, he pledged to solve the problem the very next day. Boaz was interested in doing the right thing the right way, remaining both a man of determination and honor in the process.
Jesus Christ did not only live and die so that we might have eternal life. He also died to satisfy the just and righteous wrath of God, so that our eternal life would be merited by His work. Christ, like Boaz, did not just mean well; He did well, fulfilling every requirement of God for our sake.
Daily Challenge
What implication does God's love have for tough decisions that you have to make? When you have to choose between doing things right versus taking the easy route, does the gospel play a part in motivating your choice? It must! Think about the decisions of Boaz and Christ. Both, in redeeming their loved ones, knew they had to do the right thing in order for their love to truly be love.
How You Can Pray
Pray that you would reflect the love of God in the way that you make decisions this week. When you are faced with a tough choice, pray that Christ's love for you would be more motivating than the call of the world.
Day 20 Read:
Ruth 3:14-15
Abundant Grace
Even in the midst of this strange situation we see the grace of Boaz once again reflecting that of Christ. In this passage, Boaz did two things that showed how his care went above and beyond what was expected. First, we see that Boaz told Ruth to stay until morning but leave before others arrived in order to preserve her honor.
Then, Boaz gave Ruth six measures of barely to take with her. As Matthew Henry points out, Boaz essentially gave Ruth as much food as she could possibly carry in one trip. This was the second time he gave her an abundance of resources to care for herself and Naomi. Boaz was truly a man of grace. He went beyond his legal obligation to care for the poor to provide for the one he was out to save.
The connection between Christ and Boaz cannot be missed. Jesus Christ came to earth with the purpose of redeeming what had been lost: His chosen people. This salvation has provided us with an abundant grace we cannot even begin to measure.
Daily Challenge
There is a hymn called Count Your Blessings, where people are called to remember what God has done for them one at a time. Spend some time today writing down a list of all the things God has done in your life to provide for you abundantly. Make sure to include physical, mental, and spiritual provision as well as financial blessings, gifts and talents, family and friends, and everything else in your life.
How You Can Pray
Pray that when life is difficult and you feel overwhelmed and even unloved, that God's abundant grace will remind you of the love of your great Savior, Jesus Christ. Pray also that God would equip you with a heart passionate to show His grace to others.
Be Still... Read:
Day 21
Ruth 3:16-18
Ruth was undoubtedly nervous as to what the next day would hold when she arrived home. After Naomi heard about Boaz's promise and saw his generous giving, she gave Ruth some practical and godly advice. She told Ruth to sit, or dwell, on the matter, waiting for Boaz to move before doing anything else. Sometimes faith means taking a step in the right direction, in spite of trepidation or fear. Other times, like in the case of Ruth, faith means resting in the promise of the One who is working out salvation. By resting on Boaz's promise, Ruth is displaying faith in her redeemer, trusting that he will do what is in her best interest.
One of the hardest lessons for a Christian to learn is to be still and know that God is in control, working for His glory and the good of His children (Ps 46:10). When we are at the end of our rope and it seems all hope is lost, we need to pause and reflect on the awesome promises of God.
Daily Challenge
What is going on in your life right now where you need to stop and be still? Entrust that situation to God today and take a step of faith to let Him do as He has promised. Trust the Sovereign King of the heavens to care for His children!
How You Can Pray
Pray that you will be still and know that He is God, that you will trust Him regardless of how difficult life becomes and how much you want to effect change even when you are helpless to do anything about it. Open your Bible and pray through Psalm 46.
Ruth – a Devotional and Prayer Guide
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