is a new artistic club that aims to promote visual art through three kinds of art: Digital, Drawing and Conceptual art. In order to accomplish our aim, we function in two ways. The first is by offering workshops with professional tutors and the second is by conducting our annual event where artistic work is preformed or displayed. We believe that creative ideas and talents should be spread across our city. Thus, VA allows non- AUCians to join our activities or to be part of the organizational committee.
Visual Art does not focus on aesthetics rather it sends a message. It is actually a form of communication that most people are not aware of. For this reason, we will be combining some or all three types of art to communicate a topic. Not only our community and participants become aware of this advanced form of communication but also they will either discover creative ways to communicate and/or enhance their communication skills and artistic abilities.
We provide Digital Art & Drawing workshops. As for the Conceptual art, we leave volunteers to create that type of art. Since Conceptual art depends on ideas more than artistic skills. Tutors of the workshop are visual artists who have experience in this field. This year we are providing graffiti worshop & Comic Strip workshop. At the end of the session, we display the participants work around the AUC campus.
We envison the future with creative ideas &artistic talent spread through our city.This is why we create an annual event. Unlike Fine Arts, some art categories under visual art can be preformed. Hence, our event will have both: atistic work displayed while other preformed. Entry to our event require tickets so keep updated with our facebook page.
ac recruitment AC means people who participate to engage in our activities. Hence, this fall 2013 semester( First half semester of the year, ), we provide the two workshops: Comic Art Workshop Graffiti Workshop For registeration attend our booth in AUC New Campus on the following dates: 27-29 August 8-19 September Or sign up in our google docwhich wiill be displayed on our page shortly
OC rECRUITMENT OC means people who want to be part of the club. These are the following vacancies positions: Marketing head + members Fundraising head +members & Finance members For registration come to our booth during the following dates: 27-29 August 8-19 September Or sign up in our google docwhich wiill be displayed on our page shortly