Midvaal ster 18 augustus 2015

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Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster & Meyerton Pos/Mail 18 Augustus ­ 24 Augustus 2015 Tel: 016 950 7000

Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Daleside, De Deur, Henley on Klip, Meyerton, Randvaal, Redan, Walkerville, Vaal Marina, Risiville, Drie Riviere, Drie Riviere Proper, Drie Riviere Oos, Peacehaven en Maccauvlei.

Get into Spring with Stonehaven’s Beer Fest VANDERBIJLPARK. - There is something fun to look forward to at the end of the month, and that is Stonehaven on Vaal’s popular annual Spring Beer Festival. It is on Saturday the 29th August from midday till midnight. The first 500 guests of the day will be spoiled! They will be receive large, limited edition, cardboard posters of the 2015 Rugby World Cup line-up, where they can also fill in the actual scores on the games and keep them as momentos. They will also be treated to complimentary tastings of Brutal Fruit’s new Litchi Ginko flavour – perfect for a hot, early spring day! A fun and novel Tuk Tuk will be driving around on the lawn, giving out complimentary samples of the new Chilled Green Apple version of Flying Fish. The setting right on the banks of the Vaal River can’t get much better with lots of tables to sit around at while you enjoy a good line-up of entertainment from Arno Carstens Gangs of Ballet, Graeme Watkins Project, Arno Carstens, Garth Taylor and Dixie Hillbillies along with your favourite brew. Later on, DJ Warren will entertain those that want to party the night away to music that just make your feet

want to dance. SAB Breweries will be treating Vaalies to a first-and-only that day! Just for that special day, they will have three speciality draught beers on tap, never before available in the Vaal and only on limited production in SA. They have been brewed and specially crafted by No 3 Fransen Street Brewery. This brewery is designed with speciality beer in mind. So Vaalies will be able to indulge in tastings of Red Ale, which is of Irish origin and has a rich candy, caramel-malt flavour with slight roasted notes. Also available will be Krystal Weiss, a classic wheat beer, light to medium gold colour, and Cream Ale, which has lactose and toffee flavours and is a mild and refreshing beer with a medium finish. Tastings and full glasses of these beers will be available. Besides these new beer treats, there will also be lots of fun, well-priced meals from stalls on the lawn and a biltong, sweetie and ice cream stall, too. Lots of competitions will run throughout the day, including complimentary rides on the bucking bull – where the top

Graeme Watkins Project

bull rider (longest number of minutes able to hing costumes). Fun will also be had at the hold on) will receive a great prize at the end swimming pool, basketball activities, J-Board of the day. There will also be Beer Tasting competitions (kids, bring your J-Boards), Competition to guess what beer is complimentary face-painting, fishing being drunk. Great prizes by for prizes, dough play, painting SAB here, too. fun, kiddies competitions and And prizes for the best more! dressed people dressed The speed-boat and in Rugby regalia. This cruiser will also be going is a nice teaser and out for boat trips – down build-up to the upcoMillionaires Mile, too. ming Rugby World Simply a day and Cup next month, night full of Spring Fun! where Stonehaven Entrance is R60 for will hold a Rugby Fan adults and R20 for chilPark. dren 16 and under. Under There will also be lo4 no charge. ads of complimentary enFor more information Garth Taylor tertainment for the children, www.springbeerfestival.co.za, including many inflatables for info@stonehaven.co.za, them to have fun on, including the www.facebook.com/StonehavenOnrocket and the foam pond (children, bring bat- Vaal or 016 982-2951/2.



18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

Hart eis bekende in motorkringe VANDERBIJLPARK. - ‘n Bekende sakeman van die Vaaldriehoek, mnr. Chokkie Wessels, het op 30 Julie onverwags aan ‘n hartaanval

gesterf. Hy was vir 30 jaar in vennootskap met mnr. Johan van Tubbergh, wat nege jaar gelede afgetree het. Chokkie was met sy afsterwe alleeneienaar van Wessels en Van Tubbergh Dienssentrum. Chokkie is in Vanderbijlpark gebore en het sy skoolloopbaan ook hier voltooi. Hy was vir 16 jaar bestuurder van New Vaal Dienssentrum 30e Loch Str. Meyerton - 016-362 4564/5 016-422 0707 voordat hy en Johan 016-363 1650 - Shop 1, Mardre Centre Vereeniging Optical Centre, in 1985 Wessels en 80 Verwoerd Rd, Kookrus Van Tubbergh se deu17 Merimanlaan, Vereeniging (Opposite Corgi Motors) re geopen het. “Chokkie het ‘n hart van goud gehad. Mense wat hom geSINGLE VISION PACKAGE ken het sal daarvan (Driving or reading glasses) getuig,” sê sy vrou, Edna. Sy sê hulle het BIFOCAL PACKAGE die Woensdagaand (Top part for distance vision, bottom part voor sy dood gaan for reading. Visible line)



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slaap en sy het niks vreemd opgemerk nie. “Chokkie was glad nie siek nie. Omstreeks 03:00 die oggend het ek wakker geskrik en besef daar is groot fout. Ek het my buurman Manie geskakel, wat toe die paramedici geskakel het.” Haar skoonseun Eugene en hul buurman Cor was in telefoniese verbinding met die nooddienspersoneel, wat aan hulle verduidelik het hoe om noodbehandeling toe te pas. Die paramedici het omstreeks 04:00 opgedaag en vir meer as ‘n halfuur vergeefs probeer om Chokkie se lewe te red. “Hy laat ‘n groot leemte. Sy dood is ‘n geweldige skok vir die familie,” sê Edna. Die onderneming Wessels en Van Tubbergh sal aangaan soos gewoonlik en word bestuur deur sy seun Natius Wessels, skoonseun Eugene Viviers en dogter Etresia Kleingeld. Die familie bedank graag almal vir die ondersteuning in die afgelope weke. Buiten sy vrou, sy drie kinders Etresia (34), Clarisa (31) en Natius (27) word Chokkie ook oorleef deur twee skoonseuns Adriaan, Eugene, skoondogter Bianca en drie kleinkinders.

Wyle mnr. Chokkie Wessels.

Bring warmth with Blanket Drive 2015 Winter is almost over but the Vaal can still expect a few cold weeks before spring is here. Anyone with a warm heart can make a difference to those who are in need of some warmth! Lusa Community Chest strives to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate and this is especially important during the cold latewinter nights. Lusa’s annual winter Blanket Drive, helps to provide much needed blankets to registered organisations in the Vaal Triangle. They also support Disaster Management throughout the year to assist fa-

milies who have lost everything, mostly to fire disasters. Lusa Community Chest challenges individuals, churches, schools and businesses to take hands this winter and to contribute quality blankets for our Blanket Drive. They hope to raise enough blankets to fill the needs of more than 70 registered non-profit organisations and community projects in the Vaal Region. People who want to participate can contact Retha Jacobs at Lusa Community Chest, retha@lusa.co.za or call her on (016) 9760933.

One can also deposit a donation for the blanket drive into LUSA Community Chest’s bank ac­ count: Bank: ABSA Type of account: Cheque Branch code: 632005 Account No: 4060258455 Name: LUSA Community Chest Reference: Blanket Drive / Company name. The above reference is important to ensure that the money will be used for the Blanket Drive Campaign. For a donation of R500 or more one qualifies to receive a Section 18A tax certificate.



the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read together with Section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for the financial years 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary for theCentre, financial years 2014/2015 is openStreet, for public 2014/2015 is hereinafter open for public inspection at Roomvaluation 204, roll Civic 25 Mitchell Meyerton, 1961 from 12 August 2015 to 12 30 September 2015. In addition the inspection at Room 204, Civic Centre, 25 Mitchell Street, Meyerton, 1961 from August 2015 to 30 September 2015. In addition the supplementary supplementary valuation roll is available at website www.midvaal.gov.za. valuation roll is available at website www.midvaal.gov.za. An invitation is hereby made in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read with Section 78(2) of the Act that isany of property or other person who so may lodge an person objection An invitation herebyowner made in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read with Section 78(2) of the Actdesires, that any owner of property or other who so with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the desires, may lodge an objection with the Municipal Managerthe in respect of any matter reflected period. in, or omitted from the supplementary valuation roll supplementary valuation roll within above mentioned within the above mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of Section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the

Attention is specifically drawnvaluation to the fact that in termsas of Section 50(2) ofThe the Actform an objection be in relation to aof specific property is and supplementary roll such. for must the lodging anindividual objection at the valuation website and address mentioned above. The completed must notobtainable against the supplementary roll as such.the The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the website and the forms address mentioned be returned to the following address: Room 204, Civic Centre, 25 Mitchell Street, above. The completed forms must be returned to the following address: Room 204, Civic Centre, 25 Mitchell Street, Meyerton, 1961 or sent by Meyerton, 1961 or sent by registered post to: registered post to: The Municipal Manager (Supplementary Valuation Roll 2014/2015) P.O. Box 9 The Municipal Manager (Supplementary Valuation Roll 2014/2015) MEYERTON P.O. Box 9. MEYERTON. 1960. 1960 No objection forms may be e-mailed or send by fax. No objection forms received after 30 No objection formswill maybe be e-mailed or send by fax. No objection forms received after 30 September 2015 will be considered. September 2015 considered. Any read or needs write and who assistance the of the Anyperson person whowho cannotcannot read or write and who assistance with theneeds completion of the objectionwith forms will becompletion assisted at Room 204. objection forms will be assisted at Room 204.



MN 1214


18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



National outcry against abuse of drugs and substances

The masses that attanded the drug and substance abuse campaign that was held at Sicelo Hall in Meyerton. Photos: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Are you looking for a job, a friend or unusual bargains? Buy your new edition of Vaalweekblad every Wednesday on street or at your nearest newspaper outlet to see the week’s Job Seekers Corner, the Find a Friend Column and the popular SMS-messages. Vaalweekblad is a bilingual newspaper for all our area’s residents, covering each week’s important news happenings in the Vaal Triangle. Get your Vaalweekblad this Wednesday at only R4-90.


Zanele Yende from SANCA explains the danger of substance abuse. Mduduzi Mathebula

MEYERTON. - The Department of Social Development, the Department of Health and the Sicelo community took a stand against the abuse of drugs and other substances on Thursday. The event started with a march of about five kilometres to Sicelo Stadium. Victims were part of the initiative that left many astonished and wondering as the three parties, including the police force, spoke in one voice. Police spokesperson Constable Maria Mazibuko says working together could be vital to destroying this epidemic. However, if people are divided, nothing will work. Mazibuko says, “The community is scared to alert the police as to by whom and where the drugs are sold. Sure reaction has caused more harm than prevention and the spread of drug lords and dealers is increasing.” The event was well attended by informed dignitaries, all departments were represented. The community vowed to work together with the police. Zanele Yandeni of SANCA said the abuse of substances and drugs might not affect an individual from a distance but, in the long run, it does affect the future of this country. Yandeni asked parents to start checking their children’s books to establish school attendance. Many children go to ‘school’ without any proof that they in fact went. The keynote address was by Sedi-

Maria Mazibuko, Meyerton SAPS spokes­ person asks parents to take an interest in their children’s schoolwork, and to make sure that they actually went to school.

beng Health and Social Services MMC Melina Goba. She appealed to the people in the house to work together. She further said that there are many causes of drug addiction but the fact remains - that we need to stand together.

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18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

TOTAAL NUWE “KRAG” IN SONKRAG. Ons is almal terdeë bewus van beurtkrag, en hoeveel hierdie ongevraagde onderbroke kraglewering ons kos: Fabrieke kom tot stilstand elke keer, maar werkers moet vir daardie tyd betaal word, bestellings kan nie betyds afgelewer word, ons mis ons gereelde TV programme, kos kan nie voorberei word nie, ens. Daar is egter nou ‘n oplossing: Diegene wat moeg is vir Eskom se onderbrekings, kan nou hulle sonkrag-stelsel huur of ook “Huur-Koop” van Solar Renting, (Pty) Ltd, oor ‘n tydperk van 10 jaar. Dit sluit besighede en plaasboere in, en kom die stelsels in enige grootte om aan die besondere huurder se behoeftes te kan voorsien. Solar Renting het pas genoeg finansiering daar gestel om selfs Nywerhede en ketting winkels van krag te kan voorsien op ‘n huur koop basis, wat oor 10 jaar strek, en daarna word die stelsel die eiendom van die betaler. Hierdie befondsing is ook veral vir boere geskik, soos bv om besproeiing stelsels van krag te voorsien. Een voorwaarde om te kwalifiseer vir ‘n huur-, of dan ‘n huur koop transaksie, is dat die eiendom in die huurder se naam geregistreer moet wees, of dit moet lang termyn huurders wees, soos ketting winkels. Daar kan egter ook stelsels voorsien word, wat net die basiese behoeftes van die besigheid of huis sal dek: In ‘n besigheid kan ons bv. net die ligte & komputers van krag voorsien, of in ‘n huis die TV & ligte, selfoon laaiers, yskas & diepvries asook ‘n mikrogolf, wat dan konstant van krag voorsien word. Hierdie stelsels kom gewoonlik sonder son panele, en kry net batterye en ‘n omsetter, wat dan die batterye gedurig laai vanaf die krag netwerk, en dan dus deurlopend krag voorsien as die netwerk afskakel. (Dieselfde as ‘n UPS-Stelsel.) Hierdie stelsel kan dan maklik later opgradeer word, deur panele by te sit. Om hierdie sonkrag stelsels egter so klein, en dus goedkoop as moontlik te hou, moet huurders bereid wees om hulle warm water stelsels oor te skakel na son water verwarmers, en daar beveel Solar Renting se besturende direkteur, Mnr Robert Duvenage, ‘n spesifieke son water verwarmer aan, nl. die tipe wat met glas buise werk, en nie die tipes wat met panele werk nie. Mnr Duvenage raai ook aan dat elektriese stowe vervang moet word met gas stowe, met gas oonde, wat baie beter werk as ‘n elektriese stoof, omdat die gasvlam se hitte onmiddelik beskikbaar is, en dus geen energie verlore raak om eers ‘n plaat, of spiraal te verwarm nie. Gas werk ook baie goedkoper as elektrisiteit uit. Die hele reeks stelsels kom in 1KW, 2KW, en 4KW of 5KW groottes, waar elke stelsel met meer panele en batterye voorsien kan word, om aan elke behoefte te voorsien. Stelsels kan ook agterna maklik vergroot word as die kliënt se behoeftes verander, deur bv nog ‘n 4KW of 5KW by ‘n bestaande een te koppel, maar die batterye & panele van elke stelsel apart te hou, en net die omsetters aanmekaar te koppel. Drie Fase Krag kan ook gelewer word, deur bv 3 x 4 KW stelsels op te rig. Dit kan dan ook weer versterk word, deur nog 3 x 4 KW stelsels, en selfs meer, saam te koppel. Alle stelsels kan ook krag aan die netwerk lewer, deur dan van ‘n digitale meter gebruik te maak, wat vorentoe & agtertoe kan beweeg. Dit moet egter of deur Eskom, of die Muni-

sipaliteit goedgekeur word. BELEGGERS: Solar Renting (Pty) Ltd kan nou ‘n uitstekende belegging bied aan mense wat ‘n bietjie meer rente wil verdien, as wat die banke tans kan aanbied, selfs al het ons oorgenoeg befondsing! Solar Renting het ‘n baie veilige beleggings geleentheid, waar die geld gebruik word om sonkrag stelsels op ‘n verhuring-basis op te rig, en soos die huurders dan elke maand huur betaal, word dan ‘n uitstekende MAANDELIKSE RENTE aan die beleggers oorbetaal. Tans kan ‘n rente van 12.78% p/j maandeliks betaal word, wat dan elke jaar met ten minste die inflasie koers verhoog word, wat beteken dat u in jaar 2 ongeveer 13.5% (Afhangende wat die VPI se inflasie koers was.) jaar 3 sowat 14.5%, jaar 4: 15.3%, jaar 5: ongeveer 16%, ens. kan verdien. Hierdie syfers is gebaseer op ‘n jaarlikse inflasie koers van sowat 5% tot 6%. Daar kan na Solar Renting se webwerf gegaan word: (Tans nog onder konstruksie, maar die dokumentasie kan afgelaai word.) www.solarrenting.co.za waar daar meer inligting beskikbaar is, asook die nodige vorm afgelaai kan word, wat dan ingevul kan word, na solarrenting@yahoo. com per e-pos gestuur word, en enige belegging dan direk in hul Nedbank rekening oorbetaal kan word. Rente word dan direk in die belegger se bank rekening betaal. Geld is ook enige tyd beskikbaar, in geval van waar ‘n boedel weens dood ontstaan, en die boedel afgehandel moet word. Andersins kan met ‘n 30-dae kennisgewing die beleggingsgeld beskikbaar gemaak word. ELEKTRIESE KONTRAKTEURS GESOEK: Daar is ‘n uitstekende geleentheid vir gekwalifiseerde elektrisiëns om sonkrag stelsels op te sit, en aan die krag te koppel. Solar Renting gee aan hierdie kontrakteurs opleiding om die batterye, omsetter, panele, kontroleerder, ens korrek op te koppel. Die battery wat gebruik word, is soortgelyk aan die nuut ontwerpte batterye van Solar City, van Mnr Elon Musk, wat teen ‘n muur vasgesit word. Hierdie batterye kan tot soveel as 800KG weeg vir die groter stelsels, en om dit maklik te kan hanteer, word van ‘n klein hidrouliese hyskraan met ook ‘n staal katrol gebruik gemaak. Daar is ook baie spesiale krag meters nodig, wat alles saam met die opleiding voorsien word. Die kontrakteur kry dan tot soveel as 10% van die stelsel se koste vir die installering, maar die kontrakteur kan nog heelwat ekstra verdien, deur ook stelsels te bemark. Daar word ‘n kommissie van 2.5% betaal, maar dan ook sowat 5% van die maandelikse huur bedrag, wat dan vermeerder, soos wat meer stelsels verkoop word. BEMARKERS GESOEK: Ons is op soek na mense wat hul eie vervoer het, asook bemarking ondervinding, waar daar met kliënte soos plaasboere & huis eienaars asook sakemanne gedeel is. Bemarkers wat kwalifiseer, word dan opgelei om bg. stelsels te bemark, asook na-verkope opvolg werk te doen. Daar word net kommissie betaal, van tot soveel as 5% van die stelsel se koste, wat gemiddeld soveel as R250,000, tot selfs miljoene kan wees, asook sowat 5% van die maande-

likse huur bedrag. Dit beteken dat hierdie bemarkers vir hulself ‘n stewige maandelikse inkomste kan opbou oor ‘n paar jaar. Kontak gerus Mnr Duvenage by 063-123-5042, of besoek die webwerf (Tans nog onder konstruksie, maar daar is dokumentasie wat afgelaai kan word.) www.solarrenting.co.za, of stuur ‘n volledige CV na: solarrenting@yahoo.com. Kliënte Wat Belangstel Om Te Huur of te “Huur Koop”: Skakel gerus bg kontak besonderhede, en ons sal dit so gou moontlik opvolg, ‘n stelsel se grootte kosteloos bepaal, en dan vir u ‘n maandelikse huur kwoteer.


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The Nedbank Business Banking team (left to right) Front: Natasha Maharaj Services Manager Jenny Louw Area Manager Helena de Lange Business Manager Back: Teresa Verster Business Manager Deven Chinee Area Manager: Credit Tanya Smit Personal Banker

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Nedbank Business Banking offers a full range of financial and advisory services to businesses in and around the Vaal area. Our banking expertise, combined with a deeper understanding of the local economy, allows us to provide you with relevant, timeous solutions.

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



Hulle laat potjiekos prút! VANDERBIJLPARK. - Lekkerbekke kon vanjaar behoorlik smul aan die heerlike potjiekos wat deur verskillende ondernemings se spanne by Stonehaven se jaarlikse Potjie- en Mampoerfees opgedis is. Daar was van alles en nog wat: Biefborsstuk met kluitjies, boerewors en biltong, kalkoen, seekos en selfs ’n “bully beef”-potjie! Dit was beslis geen maklike taak vir die drie beoordelaars, Bert van den Heever, Roy Moore en Cornelius Mackay om die wenners aan te wys nie. Die ma-en-dogterspan van Xtra Space, Leonora Niemand en Sammy Westenberg, het uiteindelik as wenners weggestap met hul smaaklike kalkoenpotjie, wat volgens die beoordelaars ’n besonder moeilike potjie was om voor te berei omdat kalkoenvleis geneig is om droog te wees. Qualitas se studente in die gasvryheidsbedryf was ook onder die top drie spanne. Al die spanne het hul disse soos wafferse gourmet-chefs voorberei en beïndruk met hul haute cuisine aanbiedings met ’n onmiskenbare Afrika-karakter, wat selfs ’n vyfster-restaurant in die skadu sou stel. Makro Vaal het vanjaar al die bestanddele vir die potjiekoswedstryd verskaf. Volgens Shawn Deysel van Makro Vaal is dit altyd ’n voorreg om op so ’n prettige manier by die plaaslike gemeenskap betrokke te wees. Almal wat lief is vir kosmaak moet solank die potjiekosresepte nadertrek want volgende jaar maak Stonehaven weer so!

Kom vier lente met ’n fees

Beoordelaar Cornelius Mackay gee sy me­ ning oor die smaak en aanbieding van een van die potjiekos­inskrywings.

X­tra Space se span, Leonora Niemand en Sammy Westenberg is as wenners van vanjaar se potjiekoswedstryd aangewys. Hier is hulle saam met (van links) Shawn Deysel (Makro Vaal) en die beoordelaars Roy Moore, Cornelius Mackay en Bert van den Heever. Foto’s: Retha Fitchat

Belinda Peters, Diané Ludick en Tyrone Pretorius, almal van Quali­ tas, spog hier met hul biltong­ en boereworspotjie.

Tanya Lötter, Irene Lubambo en Ally van Niekerk (almal studente in die gasvryheid by Qualitas) het ook baie lof ingeoes vir hul heer­ like biefborsstuk en kluitjiepotjie.

diamonds, Old Coins, gold jeweLlery & paintings.


Best cash prices paid for

MEYERTON. - Die E.G Kerk Meyerton gaan vanjaar die lente op ’n hoë noot in. ’n Heerlike Lentefees word op 5 September by die kerkterrein op die hoek van Loch- en Holidaystraat gehou. Daar sal ’n teetuin, potjiekos, basaarpoeding en vele meer wees. Die fees begin om 08:00. Diegene wat graag ’n stalletjie wil bespreek of meer inligting rakende die fees wil hê, kan Zurika by 083 557 8092 skakel. *Fondse wat ingesamel word sal ten bate van die kerk aangewend word.

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REG: 99/16132/07

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R79.99 p/kg

M A R I N AT E D P O R K S PA R E R I B S (“ P re - cooked ” – Tast y and T ender !)

R59.99 p/kg

Vanderbijlpark –

Pasteur Blvd. 205 016 981 0328.

R69.99 p/kg

Come and try our new delicious cake selection available in our Coffee Shop. Our new generator ensures no power outages! “WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES” (E & OE)

We Specialise in min. 14 Days Aged A-Grade Beef Sirloin & Rump Steaks PLEASE NOTE: NO CHEQUES ACCEPTED - IEMAS, KOOPKRAG, DEBIT & CREDIT CARDS WELCOME. MON. TO FRI. 8:00 to 17:30 SAT. 7:00 to 13:30

Frikkie Meyer


Umgeni str. 54 Drie Riviere 016 423 3553.


Vereeniging –

Barrage Vereeniging


• H/v Vivaldi & Brahms • VANDERBIJLPARK



18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

visit us @ www. emfuleni.gov.za for more details

28 AUG - 03 OCT 2015 Visit www.emfuleni.gov.za for more details!

r a d n e l a C 5 201

28 Aug - 03 Oct 2015


Date & Time Venue & Contact

Vaal Beach Pre Party

28 Aug • 6pm

Spring Beer Festival

29 Aug • Midday

Vaal Poetry & Rap Fest

29 Aug • 10am

Vaal Beach Comedy Night

2 Sept • 6pm

Tropika Vaal Beach Party

5 Sept • Midday


’t miss o

! ut


Wheels at the Vaal 4, 5 & 6 Sept Fri: Midday • Sat: 8am • Sun: 8am VRC Indigenous Traditional 6 Sept • Midday Gospel Festival VRC Children Festival 9 Sept VRC Developmental Arts Summit VRC School Arts Festival

10 Sept • 7.30am

VRC Film Marathon

12-18 Sept • 6pm

11 Sept • 3pm

VRC Brass Band

19 Sept • 10am

VRC Fashion without borders VRC Jazz on the river

26 Sept • 6pm

Vaal Golf Challenge & Mayoral Dinner Miss Vaal 2015 Fri: Midday • Sat: 8pm Vaal DJ Festival

27 Sept • Midday 01 Oct 2 & 3 Oct 3 Oct • Midday


Midcorner Shisanyama 082 223 6986 Stonehaven on Vaal 016 982 2951/2 Vaal University Lapa 082 891 3601 Vereeniging Civic Theatre 082 223 6986 Dickinson Park 082 223 6986 Sylviavale Heritage Museum 082 492 5214 Eldorado Cinema, Sebokeng 082 891 3601/073 5222 647 Saul TsotetsI Sports Complex 016 950 6382 Sharpeville Hall 076 443 4531 Sharpeville Hall 076 443 4531 Vereeniging Cinema 082 891 3601 Eldorado Cinema 082 891 3601 Emerald Casino & Resort 082 962 6922/072 727 1641 Dickinson Park 076 443 4531/082 223 6986 Maccauvlei Country Club 072 5633 115/082 878 4072 Riverside Sun Resort 082 416 1710 Vaal Show Grounds 081 319 5508

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015


A festival like other!

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Wheels at the Vaal has a proud history of providing a festival that celebrates interesting aspects of our heritage and culture. The festival is organised to appeal to young and old regardless of gender, creed or political persuasion. It is a truly family event. In addition to the display of veteran and classic vehicles as the name of the festival implies many stallholders have already booked their sites and are looking forward to serving visitors at the festival. The stalls are varied and fanciful and are guaranteed to be of interest and have something for everyone. Many crafters and home industrialists have a superb line-up of products for sale. The list is long and fascinating: clothing items and accessories, T-shirt printing, handmade goods, handbags, leatherwork, jewellery, toys and educational aids, health products, woodwork, etc. Various traders of antiques and collectables will offer an array of items. Maybe that long sought-after article will be just waiting amongst all the other fabulous objects- you never know. Many collectors are sure to leave well-satisfied. Traders in the automotive, equipment and

hardware sector will be showcasing their products, many to be seen for the first time. The latest technologies will be on display. For the hungry, which is what everyone will sooner or later be, there’ll be many food stalls, something to suit every taste. Look out for traditional burgers, boerewors rolls, lovely stews, roti wraps, pies, vegan dishes and tasty Indian food, the list is almost endless. Live entertainment will be presented around-the-clock in the courtyard. What could be better than spending quality time with friends and family in the courtyard at the Heritage Museum? More information Remember the dates of the festival are Friday, September 4th to Sunday the 6th from early till late. For more information SMS or phone 082 492 5214.




18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015





Prices exclude on road costs & metallic paint. Terms and Conditions apply

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015


R346 995 incl VAT

The Picanto was lovely, but this one, she is Wonderful!

Tel: (016) 430 7700 Cnr. Rhodes Avenue and Union Street, Vereeniging christoa@multifranchise.co.za

Kia Motors Vereeniging Tel. 016 455 2255 / 58 Smuts Ave. tommyb@kia.co.za Kia Motors Vanderbijlpark Tel: 016 931 0741 - H/V Frikkie Meyer Blvd. & Barrage Rd.pieterg@kia.co.za

2014 Chev Spark 1.2 – ABS, A/C, Bluetooth, 16 500km ..........R109 900 2014 Chev Spark 1.2 LS A/C, E/W + Alloys ........... R118 900 2014 Hyundai H1 2.5 CRDi, A/T, 9 Seat ...................... R439 000 2012 Toyota Etios 1.5 XS Hatch .................................R99 900 2012 Kia Rio 1.4 5Dr, Tec Rims, Hatch Back ....R134 900 2011 i20 1.6 Full House .. R114 900

2012 Kia Rio 1.4 TEC A/T, Sunroof ........................... R135 900 2014 Cerato Koup, rooi 1.6 Turbo ..................R279 900 2015 Sorento 2.2 CRDi AWD Demo ......................R490 000 2013 Kia Sorento 2.2 CRDi AWD ................................R369 900 2014 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 Hatch + Mags ..................R129 900 2013 Kia Sportage 2L CRDi A/T Grey ............. R339 900

• Henry 082 578 9556 • Vincent 076 154 3864 • Louis 063 173 7082

58 Genl. Smuts Ave, Vereeniging

Tel: (016) 933 6007 Rossini Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark

2010 Chev Corsa 1.4 Utility Rooi ...................................R89 sold 2012 Nissan NP 200 1.6 16V Utility, wit ...................... R114 2012 Chev Spark Rooi ...................................................R90 2009 Suzuki SX4 2L, A/T ................................................R99 sold 2013 Hyundai i10 1.1 Silver............................................R94 2011 Ford Focus 1.6 (Ambiente) sold Rooi ........................ R129 2010 Honda CRV 2.2 Diesel Silver ............................. R189 2010 Mercedes Benz C200 CGI A/T WIT ................... R229 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA 1.6 GLS(PREMIUM) WIT .. R179 2014 HYUNDAI I20 1.25 WIT ...................................... R139 2011 Ford Fiesta 1.6 (Ambiente) sold Chilly Orange ......... R119 2015 Hyundai Grand i10 Motion (Demo) Silver .......... R144

900 900 700 995 900 900 900 995 995 995 950 900

Tel: (016) 933 6007 Rossini Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark

tommyb@kia.co.za• Tel: (016) 455-2255

GET R10 000 CASHFLOW 2013 Kia Sportage 2.0 CRDi – Diesel AWD Auto 62 000KM, 1 Owner, FSH, Aircon, Power steering, Keyless Entry, Glass Panoramic Sunroof, 18” Mags, Nudge Bar, Tow Bar, Reverse Camera, Full Leather, Remainder of Factory Warranty and Service Plan R339 995

2014 Chevrolet Spark 1.2 LS 5DR Only 20 000 Km, 1 Owner, FSH, Aircon, Power steering, Alarm Remote Central Locking, Radio CD, Bluetooth, Factory Warranty R114 995


2010 Honda CRV 2.2 CTDi 153,000KM, 1 Owner, FSH, Aircon, Power steering, Central Locking, Air Bags, Cruise Control, Leather Seats, Sunroof, 17” Mags, New Tyres, 2 Year/Unlimited KM Warranty Available R179 995

2014 Hyundai i10 1.1 GLS Motion Only 17 000KM, 1 Owner, FSH, Aircon, Power steering, Remote Central Locking, Air Bags, Mp3 Radio, Factory Warranty R109 995

R175 400


R199 950 INCL VAT

Kia Motors Vanderbijlpark - Tel: 016 931 0741 H/V Frikkie Meyer Blvd. & Barrage Rd. Quintin - 072 145 1040 pieterg@kia.co.za

Cnr Rhodes Avenue & Union Street, Vereeniging, 1930 • Tel: 016 430 7700

The All New V2 1.3i

This new 1.3 engine has more power than the Japanese 1.5 engine

• 67 KW Power • 120 NM Torque • 6.5ℓ / 100km • Dual Airbags • ABS+EBD • headlamp leveling • All-in-one rearlamp with LED • Front & Rear fog lamps • Alloy wheels 14” • Electric power steering system (EPS) • 4 way adjustable driver seat • Air conditioner • Radio CD / MP3 / USB • Electric mirrors • Electric windows - front & rear • Central locking • 3 Year / 100 000km Warranty • 3 Year / 45 000km Service Plan • 1 Year Roadside Assistance

31 July

All of these fantastic features included for only R104 995

Indica 1.4 LGI – From R89 995 incl. VAT, R78 942.98 excl. VAT, Instalment – R1499, Residual – R31 498 [35%], Deposit – 0%, Total payment – R143 171, Interest rate[Linked] Prime +2.00%, Payment Period – 72 months. For limited period and while stocks last. Includes once off initiation fee of R1140, excludes monthly bank service fee of R57, T’s & C’s apply, E&OE.

Tata Vereeniging

- Corner Rhodes & Union Str, Vereeniging 016 430 7700 / janv@multifranchise.co.za

p ho pe r S



p ho S pe r

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

To advertise in the Shopper section please contact Sophia 016 950 7049 or Thembi 016 950 7007


Specialist in all types of ceilings, partitioning and insulation Boudewyn van Raay of Billa Joubert: 083 923 1570 Office: (016) 454-0067 boudewyn@topceilings.co.za or info@topceilings.co.za



SLAGHUIS / BUTCHER Vir vriendelike diens en kwaliteit vleis teen bekostigbare pryse


R42.00 P/kg

Goulash 3kg

R60.00 P/kg




Sas Park - Golden goose Mon - Sat: 08h00 - 18h30 Sundays: 09h00 - 14h00 Andrew: 084 039 4089 • Louise: 071 713 4610 Rivermeatmarket@gmail.com Bewerking van wild teen bekosbare pryse.


016 933 0494 (T) / 016 981 8749 (F) Milton straat CW6, Vanderbijlpark

Boere Wors 3kg Mince Bulk 3kg

R44.95 P/kg

R42.00 P/kg

Club Steak

R59.95 P/kg

Spitbraai sausages available Credit, Debit and Iemas cards welcome.


12 De Villiers Ave, Vereeniging Tel (016) 455-5131/ (016) 100 0054 Fax (016) 455-5422



R391832.00 EXC. VAT.



Chery TR




R2 999 JMC Carrying D/C LWB Working Platform 12M. - R526316.00 Exc.Vat. JMC Carrying D/C LWB Working Platform 14M. - R574561.00 Exc.Vat. JMC Carrying D/C LWB Working Platform 17M. - R607018.00 Exc.Vat.


WAS R94 900


R88 990 Bring this Ad with to be entered into a Groceries Hamper Lucky Draw


R 164 880 Specials on Full Range




pre-spring SPECIALS

Anthony 082 490 1727

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

Freddie 082 226 6156

Special • Special • Special • Check our prices drastically reduced R169 900

R229 900

R237 900

2011 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D Single Cab RB FSH

2009 Kia Sorento 3.8 Full House One owner

2009 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D 4x2 Double Cab

2011 Tata Safari 2.2 SUV 4x4 FSH One Owner 45 000km

2010 Hyundai IX35 2.0 CRDi GLS

2006 Toyota Prado VX 3.0 TDi Tow bar Full House

R99 900

R259 900

R259 900

R119 900

2012 Kia Rio 1.2 Sedan 41 000km

R229 900

2010 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D 4x2 Auto Very clean

R74 900

2011 Mahindra Bolero 2.5 TD pickup Single Cab

2010 BMW 323i Auto. Spotless ........................................................................................................R169 900 2011 Kia Cerato 1.6 Very clean.........................................................................................................R109 900 2013 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D X-cab 4x2 ..............................................................................................R287 900 2011 Chevrolet Spark LS Fuel Saver FSH ........................................................................................R 72 900 2013 Hyundai I10 GLS Fluid 64 000km ............................................................................................R104 900 2013 VW Polo 1.6 TDI FSH Full house 56 000km.............................................................................R194 900

1. Backed by Toyota 5. Seven day exchange plan 2. Guaranteed not stolen 6. Guaranteed year model 3. Automark warranty available 7. Every vehicle subject to 4. Guaranteed mileage a check list

 

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



Highland Fest fun! A true celebration of highland heritage.

Vintage cars on display.

A member of the bagpipe band in action.

The Highland Festival proved to be fun for the whole family.

VEREENIGING. - The Third Annual Vaal Highland Festival was held on a sunny winter’s day last Saturday at Dick Fourie Stadium. Apart from the bagpipe bands, Highland dancing, Medieval sword fighting championships and Highland games, there were tasty

BID NOTICE Suitably qualified, registered and authorised service providers are hereby invited to submit a bid for the following tenders within Midvaal Local Municipality as listed below: BID NUMBER



Supply, delivery, licencing, registration and maintenance of one new tractor for parks section

Supply, delivery, registration and maintenance of 8/2/4/100 one new grab mounted truck and one new truck mounted 10 000 LT water tanker for waste section




04 September 2015


Mr D Kriel – 016 360 7495

04 September 2015


Mrs S Mali – 016 360 5851

Bidding documents containing the specifications and details of the deliverables will be available from Mr E Maja and Mrs L Mabena at the Supply Chain Offices (Big window), Municipal Offices, Meyerton, as from Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at a non-refundable deposit of R270-00 per document, payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Cheques are to be made out to Midvaal Local Municipality. Notice of this bid is available on the webpage: www.midvaal.gov.za. Bids are to be sealed in an envelope marked with the relevant bid number and description as indicated on the bidding documents. All fully completed and signed bid documents must be placed in the tender box situated on the ground floor at Block A, Mitchell Street, Meyerton to be placed in the tender boxes by time and date as set out in the bidding documents and will be opened in public. No late, e-mailed or faxed bids will be considered. The tender box is generally open from Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 16:00. Bidder’s attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the rules and specifications which are included in the bid documents. The Council reserves the right to accept any bid or part thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and not to consider any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed. Bids completed in pencil or re-typed will be regarded as invalid bids. Evaluation of the bid will be based on compliance with all criteria as set out in the special conditions of contract and the specifications in the bid documents.

foods and cold beverages to enjoy. Service organisations such as Round Table, Rotary, 41’ers , several schools and St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church joined hands to make this event a huge success. More photographs in this week’s Vaalweekblad. Photos: Elsje Vermeulen

Dance Festival at Etienne Rousseau The Vaal Triangle Dance Festival is one of the largest Dance Festivals in the Vaal Triangle, and is held annually. This year marks the 10th festival. Private and registered schools participate from 5 years and under to the open section. We also cater for novices. Dancers will take centre stage from September 1 to 4. They will dance in front of family and friends and also be part of the theatrical experience. “This festival started as a method to also support the Etienne Rousseau Theatre. The festival was created by the late Eleonore van Zyl and myself, with the main objective to give dancers the opportunity to perform on stage and gain theatrical experience,” said Georgina Jacobs, chairperson. Student choreography is also part of the festival this year. For more information contact Georgina Jacobs on 082 459 6356 or email georginasns@telkomsa.net or contact Vaalpark Articon, Riata Nel, email riata.nel@gmail.com Entries closed on August 15.

Kom gholf saam met Krugerlaan VEREENIGING. Krugerlaanskool bied op 6 November ’n gholfdag by Meyerton Gholfklub aan. ’n Vierbal sal jou slegs R1 200 uit die sak jaag en die dag beloof om baie pret en plesier vir elkeen in te hou. Vir nadere besonderhede en besprekings stuur ’n e-pos na krugerlaan@absamail.co.za


__________________________ MR. A.S.A DE KLERK MUNICIPAL MANAGER MN1233/15 13 August 2015




HOUSES: ARCONP (R11 123*) RISIV (R9 455*) VAALPARK (R8 676, R8 120, R7 564) FALCONR (R6 674) TOWNHOUSES/FLATS: KUBALI (R17 797*) 3 RIV PROP (R11 123, R8 343, R8 065*, R6 452, R4 523, R4 450) 3 RIV (R6 897, R4 895, R4 415*) RIVERSDALE (R6 574*, R5 562*, R5 056*) W/DRIFT (R5 562) V/BIJL (R5 562) DUNCANV (R5 339) VERG (R4 227) GARDEN FLATS: 3 RIV (R2 589) BUSINESS/OFFICE SPACE: VER (R16 685 Per floor*, R7 608, R7 411) 3 RIV (R10 567, R6 262, R5 562) V/BIJL (R5 562, R5 006, R4 450) VACANT STAND: VERG (R5 010) GARAGE: AKASIA FLAT (R445 – single garage) PLOT: MOOIL (R6 674)

AMANDA 073 288 2807

NOTE: * Properties marked with an asterisk also for sale.


Tel/Fax: (016) 454-0179 /083 306 4850 E-MAIL: estherp@wol.co.za 2 Villa Riviera, Three Rivers, VEREENIGING. 1929

FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE IN BUYING, SELLING & LETTING IN ALL AREAS KUBALI RIVER ESTATE. NOW R1,59 MILLION. MAKE AN OFFER. Sitting proudly in the highly sought-after gated complex, this superb and stylish home is all about the relaxed lifestyle you’re searching for. 4 Bedrooms, double facilities, huge kitchen, patio with built-in braai. IDEAL TO LOCK-UP-AND-GO. THREE RIVERS EAST. R1,48 MILLION. GET READY FOR A CHANGE. This semi-double storey home has a marvellous main bedroom, en suite, with a beautiful view on the conservancy area. It also has the perfect entertainment area – living room onto pool – and huge lapa with built-in braai. URGENT SALE! WINTERHOOP Die winter is steeds hier en ons vra dat die publiek vir ons in hierdie welsynsprojek behulpsaam sal wees. U kan komberse, warm klere en kos na ons kantore bring by 2 Villa Riviera, Orangerylaan, Drie Riviere Proper, of na die welsynskantoor by die Klipkerk, h/v Lesliestraat en Hofmeyerlaan, Vereeniging. Indien dit nie moontlik is om af te lewer nie, skakel (016) 454-0179 vir ‘n reeling om die goedere af te haal. SLEGS MET U HULP EN ONDERSTEUNING KAN HIERDIE PROJEK SLAAG

ESTHER 083 306 4850

Habitat Karmen du Plessis- Tel: 016 950 2051- Cell/sel: 071 260 8222.


05 Memorium/ Grafstene

Vaal RB Tombstones Erecting, Wall of memories, Funeral Stones, Re-openings & Marble Arts. Office : 016 428 5767 Rudi : 074 796 3428 06 Egskeiding/ Divorce

DIVORCE!! Affordable! 083 991 5330

Speurdienste/ Private Detective PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS! All cases. The best! 061 491 9631


25 Blinders/ Blinds

** SIENER ** Toekom en hulp met probleme, liefde, finansies, geluk,ens 083 261 0354


* MICAGO * CASTLES * Slides, castles for hire: R380- R430 / weekend Delivery included! 084 6863900 076 938 9196

A1 PRESTIGE CARPET & Upholstery CLEANER Work guaranteed. Scotchguard. Margie (016) 429-1014 / 082 568 6973

BOUWERK, verf, afdakke, diefwering, palisade, daklekke en algemeen. 072 611 9048 / 073 160 3036

27 Houtwerk/ Carpenting

Onthaal & Konferensies/ Functions & Conferences

The Ladybird Cater Hire Adri Britz 084 524 3712 083 689 5574 Alle TOERUSTING wat jy vir jou funksie benodig. Skakel Jay-Dee 083 236 9694 MAKITI PARTY HIRE / NEW!! Stretch tents, marquees, tables, chairs, décor, linen etc. (016) 428-2472 / 083 263 8058 FOR ALL THE DECORATING EQUIPMENT You need for your event. Call *NEW BEGINNINGS* Adriana 082 923 4321


Blinders/ Blinds


All types of blinds.

Blinds. Awnings. Blinds. Awnings. Blinds. Awnings 082 960 5720 / 422-0698 SOQ3278 www.lunarblinds.co.za

Eliot 078 521 0000 / 076 241 6724 CD3

Approval of Building Plans, As built, Site Development Plans & 3D's. 076 016 9795


26 Springkastele/

3 x 3 = R5,000 3 x 6 = R8,000 3 x 4 = R6,000 4 x 6 = R9,500

Jumping Castle

HAPPY KIDZ Krokodil Adv. Island, Wave Slide, glybane te huur. 079 866 2107 083 758 8253 AFLEWERING kastele & glybane. Goedkoopste & beste diens. Bel: 016 982 4482 / 0826501287 _Kobus. CHEAP NEW JUMPING Castles for Hire Delivery. Kids parties. Call Elise Bester 016 982 4195 082 351 6858 ** SPRINGKASTELE** te huur, BAIE te kies en keur. Ek lewer af- MAGDA 083 528 65 18 FUN MANIA* SPRING -kastele en watergly bane te huur met aflewering! Skakel Elsa 084 402 5149

Waterproofing & treated termites

28 Matte/ Carpets


DELTA MATSKOONMAKERS We clean persian carpets & leather upholstery. Call Connie 016 932 2772/ 083 519 6780. Toesig Deep Cleaning of Carpets & Upholstery HYPERACTIVITIES HANNELIE_ 016 976 4277 / 082 588 0274

RC Wendy’s Log cabins, Wendy’s, Decks & Jungle Gym

ROOF SPRAY VIR DIE spray van dakke. Beste kwaliteit en prys. Skakel Fanie 078 125 0723


Plaveisel/ Paving


082 960 5720 016 422 0698

We r ve Deli

James 078 164 6973

Bouwerk/ Building

Any size available. Special offer 3mx3m. Tong Groove only.

AANDAG: Vir alle opgraderings en reparasies. Bou, breek, ver teël werk Skakel Die HUIS DOKTER. Jy noem dit ons doen dit en spesialiseer in stut+ krake. tel. 082 8539151


Chester Coetzee 0724419645


ANY BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Building, garages! Don’t Look Any further. We are the Best!! 074 796 3428

28 Matte/ Carpets



Building AlTERATiOnS Extensions, paving, plumbing, painting.

DE VOS BOTHA KONSTRUKSIE. Ons Spesialiseer in versekerings, eise, plafonne, verfwerk, staalwerk, ens. Isabel 082 821 0326



Persoonlike Kennisgewings/ Personal Notice


EGSKEIDINGS: Skakel prokureur Martie Stander bedags (016) 933-2154 / 933-9855 072 252 3920


18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015




ALL ELECTRICAL Sub-meters, electric fence gate & garage motors! Call Gerald 083 263 9544 KELSAT SERVICES DSTV/ OVHD/XTRAVIEW INSTALLATION + REPAIRS PETER @ 076 983 8813



079 250 0988

Repairs,Installations Relocations FAST SERVICE Call DSTV Master

081 581 0752 084 999 1147

082 423 9939




Any plumbing, drain lane, tiling, building alterations.

op alle fabrikaat voertuie. Frans Pruis 082 978 8339

PEST CONTROL / PESTATERMITE CC Skakel 016 421 1002 / 082 574 5455

AANDAG! PRETORIUS MEUBELVERVOER Billike Pryse! Tel. 079 531 4455

PEST COMBAT PEST SPEC. Indus. Comm. Domest. Termites, ant, rats, mice, COCKROACHES, etc. Insp. cert. FREE quote + guarantee. Tel. (016) 932 2996 084 400 6844

PASSENGER & GOODS TRANSPORT Furniture to freight Nation wide. Bertie 083 651 1580

Industriële onkruid

MINI MOVES Persoonlike aandag. 28Jr ondervinding. 1/2-8 ton. Leon- 082 324 7947

beheer. Plaag beheer.


082 3242 333 kaizen@lantic.net

Geysers, valves, burst pipes, blocked drains.etc



Fridge, Washing Machine, Stoves, Geysers, Electrical Faults, Plugs, Wiring Switches, Etc.

Rommelverwydering/ Refuse Removal


BEARBINS Dromdienste weekliks Verwydering van tuin- en huisvullis. Herman Bear 082 777 4120


078 740 2571 074 373 5535


ROB’S TREE FELLING BOOMSLOPING. You have tried the rest, Now try the Best! 30 Yrs Exp. Fully insured up to R20 million. Call ALAN 082 785 8303 (016) 423 6100

RUBBEL REMOVAL & Tree Felling Call Simon 076 525 1040


Same Day Service

BOOMSLOPING - 50% af op enige ander kwotasie. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel 073 801 5858

<<< PHYLLIP >>> RUBBLE REMOVEAL Ons laai enige iets! 078 936 2354


36 Sekuriteit/ Algemene dienste/ General Servicres

HANDYMAN SOLUTIONS Home Improvements Repairs & Decorating Gerhard 083 226 7924


Loodgieters/ Plumbers

Burst pipe SPECIALISTS 24/7 Burst pipes, geysers valves & taps 084 691 7343



GATE MOTORS SPECIAL R4,900 inst. Palisades, Electric/ razor fence alarms / beams sliding gate. 079 815 7794

Garage Door Automation and Repairs (not Roll-up and Tip-up doors) Tel: 076 586 2064




BOOMSLOPING / TREE FELLING Removing logs and roots. Paul 076 202 3307


BOBAAS KOMPOS & TOPSOIL Kompos, topsoil, gemeng. Geswete en gesifte kraalmis Ons lewer af 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 en groter kubieke vragte 016 987 2078 087 754 9881





• New pools • Fiber reliNes • pump & Filters • salt cloriNators • pool HeatiNg • saFtey Nets • pool covers • geNeral buildiNg REFERENCES AVAILABLE since 1996 in vaal triangle

12-TON TRUCK FOR HIRE WITH: Crane, Rollback, driver. 082 806 7156

Jan 082 655 4372 Jacques 072 549 7205


RY VAN MEUBELS landwyd bakkie & sleepwa ook roomel, takke, yster!

MJ 082 653 6767 Swembaddens/ Swimming Pools

E A S Y LOA N S UP TO R150,000 Blacklisted clients welcome

Sakhie (011) 045-6444 or 078 060 2116 Fax no: 086 595 4927 Email:Sakhiemag@gmail.com


LOANS HOME OWNERS Do your need to: Consolidate your debt Do home Improvemens

Grasdakke/ Thatch Roofs

FAAN FIVAZ GRASDAKKE. Spesiale pryse op grasdakke (lapas) ook dekgras, dekriet + behandelde pale te koop. (016) 9873805/0837786657

R80 000 R100 000 R120 000 R150 000

New/Alterations 082 224 6716 / 082 950 6107 (016) 982 2092


- R673 p/m - R841 p/m - R1,009 p/m - R1,261 p/m


REED GRASDAKKE & LAPA’S Hoë gehalte grasdakke & herstelwerk. SABS goedgekeurde materiaal. www.reedthatching. co.za. 083 271 8419


DR THATCH Specialising in thatching, brushing, leaking, all kinds of roofing repairs. Contact 083 372 7198

Emerald Pools Pave & Thatch

Finansiële Dienste/ Financial Services


Jeanette 083 601 3469 011 849 8231 Email



Tel: (016) 986 1220


Having a

016 987 7045 087 751 1267 INFO@SLAGSTONE.CO.ZA OPENING IN JULY 2015 Beton & Pelisade/ Concrete & Palisade


33 yearS exp.

005 STAR REMOVALS Meubelvervoer. Alles in 1 vrag. Beste pryse & diens. Jonathan * 072 950 0564 *



Sarel 082 661 2584

BOOMSLOPING Billike pryse en goeie diens Jannie Hefer 083 218 7607

ROMMEL Verwydering, of alle vervoer, tuin, huis, rommel, yster, skroot, meubels, ens. Sms of skakel Leon 083 528 5866

Carlos 078 692 3189 Gilbert 073 615 7458

Tuindienste/ Ganden Services

43 Lenings/ Loans

• Fibre Relines • New Pools • Solar Panels • Heat Filters • All pool repairs done • Acid Wash • Pump Repairs All work done fully guaranteed

Rubble Removal & Furniture Transport with 8 ton truck call: 071 233 2793

JACO 084 506 8824

LUCKY, Refrigeration & electrical repairs on the spot. Fridges w/machines 078 262 8661


VERVOER van MEUBELS en enige iets, ens. Tel. 076 525 1040

Emfuleni Meubelvervoer Die goedkoopste Betroubare diens. Welma 083 293 7927 Tel. (016) 424-1352




Vervoer & Berging Transport & Storage


VAN YSKASTE op u perseel. 30 jaar ondervinding.



24/7 STAR TV / DSTV Installation, repairs, antsat. Hendrik 083 296 1115

*OOPMAAK VAN DREINE* In VDBP *R150* 24/7 Lekkende pype en geyzer probleme * { 073 035 6573 }*

Pest Control

ll Waterfa g Plumbin

g plumbin problem?

* All plumbing requirements 20 yrs * Geyser replacements experience * Blocked drains / leaks * Any construction or maintenance work 083 735 4910 • prr.deklerk@gmail.com

We specialise in:

Blocked drains

(Opened with machine) Burst pipes, Geysers, Valves, Toilets. All maintenance plumbing Contact Len Swanepoel

076 886 1777 Qualified plumber PIRB REGISTERED


083 531 4994 083 330 7973



Elektriese dienste & Herstel/ Electrical Services & Repair

**11 Year EXP.** In re-enamelling of baths, basin & toilets. GUARANTEED! Iain 083 332 3302

37 Plaagbeheer/


Office : 016 428 5767 Rudi : 074 796 3428

GEYSER PROBLEME Lekkende pype, geblokte dreine R200 - 24/7. VDBP Theuns 078 999 3426



Suppliers of Charcoal, Briquettes, Firelighters & Braai’s, Pre-fabricated or custom build. Also call us for General Steel work, Welding, Burglar Bars, Safety Gates & Palisades ect.

A1 SPEEDQUEEN Whirlpool washers, dryers service & repairs. Call Chris 082 454 5770


Rudeboy’s Handwork

1 - CALL PLUMBERS 24/7 Burst Pipes, Geysers, Valves, Leaking Taps Willie 071 136 9983



Beton & Pelisade/ Concrete & Palisade





18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



Sweis & Staalwerke/ Welding & Steelworks


MOTORS, Bakkies, Bikes Gesoek vir kontant. Martin 083 517 6384 Johan 084 445 1499 DO YOU NEED CASH IN AN INSTANT???? We pawn cars,bakkies trailers, etc. For cash. Call Kobus on 084 232 6530

Algemeen te koop/ General for sale

KRAALMIS GESIF EN GESWEET - 50 KG SAKKE afgelewer. N/U Webber 083 260 4808 PRE-OWNED CANOPIES Buy + Sell. We collect & pay cash for unwanted fibreglass bakkiecanopies. Mon-Sat 6am-9pm. Sms or Call 083 528 5866 Leon

CONSOLIDATE DEBT INTO 1 PAYMENT Don’t loose your Assets!

Jaco: 083 311 4085 Ek koop en verkoop motors onder R30000. Toestand NVB

58 Pandwinkels/ Pawn Shops NEED CASH??????????? We buy fridges, tv’s stoves, h/theatres, washing machines, furniture, etc. Call Victor 072 266 2145 016 455 3050

AANDAG –Koop van goeie gebruikte meubels, TV’s, DVD’s, yskaste, ens. Dial-a-Pawnshop 073 845 9994 / 016 986 0395


- Furniture, household appliances



2011 TOYOTA HILUX 2.5 D-4D LWB met canopy,goeie toestand te koop R129000 skakel Boet: 072 930 7142

70 Woonwaens/ 10 OUERIGE KARAVANE dringend benodig vir kontant. 082 541 3289

80 Losies/


• • • • •

83 Persele/ Premises

Skoonheid & Gesondheid/ Beauty & Health

UR HEALTH & WELLNESS Colon Hydrotherapy Ozone Therapy Iridology/Body Scan Natural Health Medicines Massages (incl Couples sensual massages)

Tel 079 204 1946/ 082 252 3134

Woonstelle te huur/ Flats to let

UPMARKET BACHELOR FLATS- 1 person only Central Vereenining. Parking Available Safe premises. Call (016)421-4171 or 083 651-8897 /0848453727 ____________________ SASOLBURG 2 & 3 Slpk, prepaid. Sent gelee R4,700 R3,700. Kontak 082 979 1420



MODERN OFFICES Central Vereeniging Undercover parking. Safe premesis! Call (016)421-4171 or 083 2274471 / 0848453727 ____________________ SASOLBURG Industrieël gebou werkswinkel 460msq Kantore & geriewe 304msq @ R25,000 p/m 083 308 3166 / 083 297 5949

2 BED t/house from R3,780. 3 BED house from R3,600. 2 BED flat R3,200p/m. Call 076 944 1454 VDBP - 2 Bedroom, newly tiled, new kitchen - R3,900 p/m Prepaid! Christine 083 778 6009

3 RIVIERE 2 slk w/s R3000pm W+L uitgesl beskik 1 Sept 073 1505 333 1 BED townh R3,200. 2 Bed flat R3,200. 3 Bed house R3,600. 4 Bed house R4,600 p/m 072 926 4045 1 Slk Tuinws R2700 PM enkel vrou oor 50 Skakel 083 979 2668 in VDB AFR SPREKEND

WATERFRONT VAALDAM DENEYSVILLE Large 1bed flat, ground floor Lock-up garage 2 patio’s boat park idel for pensioner/weekend fun! R3 000 p/m + DSTV. Leon 084 284 0372 VDBP - CW 5 3 Slaapkamer, semi R4,200. 082 974 5493 016 987 2121


Sasolburg 3 Slk Duplex prepaid 1 & 1/2 badk R5000 pm Kontak 082 979 1420 RIVERSDALE MEYERTON 2 Slpk meent/h met dubbeel afdak& 2erwe Diere vriendelik. R4,800 p/m. Onmin beskik. Elize (016) 362 4450 /0725397816 DUPLEX TO RENT 3 Rivers 4bedroom 1 garage , garden R8000 excl W & L Natasha 083 964 5224

Dep + R 4,750 p/m

Melinda 084 680 8335 / Willie 083 460 0419 SOQ4463


Sandra 082 857 3358 86

SE 6 Vanderbijlpark Netjiese 3, slpkr 1 ½ bdkr, enkel motorhuis met afdak. R6,600 p/m + water. Pre paid krag. Onmiddelik Beskikbaar.

Lukas 083 718 4902 91

Huise te huur/ Houses to let

VAALPARK - 3 Slpk 2 badk huis + 1 m/h, alarm, pre-paid krag @ R6,000 p/m + dep. 083 625 6336

MARINA STRAND / UVONGO Vanaf 10 nagte-R3 200 buiteseisoen. Skakel 082 9204063 weeksdae 08:30-15:00 of email ansbam@iafrica.com HIBBERDENE CHALET Slaap 8. Selfsorg. Tel. 082 495 6325. http://kznholiday. blogspot.com HIBBERDENE CARAVAN PARK CHARLET SLEEP 6 PHONE:083 456 2555 NEAR SEA

VDBP NEAT 3 BED 2 Garages. Prepaid + Extras R5700 + dep water incl 083 763 4301

Meenthuise te huur/ Townhouses to let

LUUKSE 2 SLPK. 2BADK meenthuis. Veilige komplex in VDBP_SW5 Jorrie 082 868 8862 TE HUUR MEYERTON 2 slaap kamer meenthuis baie veilig 082 441 5728

Boorgate/ Boreholes


Algemeen te koop/ General for sale

Finansiële Dienste/ Financial Ser vices

###DEBT### Sekuriteit/ Security

Vakansie akkommodasie/ Holiday Accommodation

MEYERTON SENTRAAL 3 Slpk huis naby skole @ R6,100 p/m Onmin beskikaar. BEL Elize (016) 362 4450 / 079 539 7816



Hoewes & Plaste te koop/ Small Holdings & Farms for sale

2.1 HA PLOT Mooilande omhein, Boorgat+krag .2dubbe wooneenhede .R690000 082 307 4772


Oranjerus Groot - 130m² 2 Slk., 2Badk., Komb. & Wask., Eet- & Sitk. met graniet topvlakke in kombuis

Huur op gasteplaas ± 12km uit Vdbp op Lindequesdrif Bachelor @ R1300 met Kombuis, Badkamer en Afdak Krag en deposito ekstra

3 SLPK Huis te Huur. R5500 pm + R4500 dep Beskikbaar 1 Sept Hester 082 8360298

95 Meenthuise te Huur

SE-4. 2 SLPK, 2 BADK Oopplan, sitk, komb groundvloer. Diere welkom. R4,400 p/m +dep. 082 920 3086

Tuin w/s te Huur 3Riv Oos, Enkel Pers Gemeub. Veilig R2000 pm w&l ingsl 082 307 4772

11a Kruger Avenue Vereeniging www.consumerwise.co.za



SE2 Vanderbijlpark TUINWOONSTEL 3 RIVIERE - Enkel persoon. W & L @ R2,000 p/m. 082 346 8881

Baie netjiese 2 slk, 2 badk Meenthuis in kompleks net buite VDBP te huur vanaf R3750pm. Onmid Beskik. 082 735 5668



016 455 5866 072 627 5101 082 784 0050 081 774 5761

074 712 9723 / 074 880 1976

AANDAG KONTANT VIR jou VW, Golf, Jetta, BMW, Toyota, Mazda, Uno, Corsa en Bakkie onder R30,000. **Kom na jou toe** Pieter 083 456 8351



R 500 000 = ± R3000 p.m

UPMARKET BACHELOR FLATS- 1 person only Central Vereenining. Parking Available Safe premises. Call (016)421-4171 or 083 651-8897 /0848453727 ____________________ Bachelor w/s te huur R2600 pm water ing. Skakel 083 225 3993

66 Motors

Te koop gevra/ Wanted to buy

SEK deure, skuifhekke, diefwering, palisades, afdakke, razor/electric fencing 079 815 7794


18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015


(016) 421 2969/081 390 9397 VER 086 722 7563 NATIONWIDE FREE Consultation “BEE Contributor”


66 Motors

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015 86


Meenthuise te huur

Large 2 bedroom Townhouse in small secure complex Villa Picalo, Frikkie Meyer Blvd, Vanderbijlpark, CW3 area. Unit includes 1 large bathroom and separate toilet (fully tiled with bath and shower), large kitchen (fully tiled) with modern build-in cupboards, large living area with private little garden at the front and back of the unit. Both bedrooms have build-in cupboards and carpets. Single lock-up garage attached to the unit. 2 Small dogs allowed with permission of the Body Corporate, no cats.

Selling price: R 585 000

Rent for: R4900, Deposit R4900 Requirements:

3 months bank statements, latest pay slip and a basic income of R16 000 per month before tax.

Contact Jackie: 082 335 1976


Volwasse Vermaak/Adult Entertainment

M2M 4THE EXECUTIVE Up close & personal! No Rush, No Fuss, PVT venue. Vereenig. Whites only! Call 082 211 3248 ____________________ Blond baie Mooi NIE Vet nie Elegant Mans 50jr + welkom 0783703523 Lynn Vdbp New in the area A Petite body and VERY SEXY Young and Fresh Black babe. 073 199 5816

079 614 0598 BUSTY!! Leggy angel of delight!! Best BJ, F/H & more! I do it all!! Pvt/tvl!! THREE RIVERS!!! ____________________ **081 086 1846** Hope - naughty wet & wild mature lady. Pvt/tvl. Whites only!! 3 Rivers

Black Fruit with Magic 4 Play, Kissing Different Position Alone Dolly 0761998594 SEXY Angie 060 614 0318 Your Spitfire Desire Whites only pvt House 072 510 3207 “MISTY” 3 Rivers! Mature, white lady! Love to do what youe wife hates to do! Tvl/all nites. Whites only!!


Pos beskikbaar vir applikant met deeglike werksondervinding op Pastel Accounting & Pastel Payroll. Salaris R6 000-00 p/m onderhandelbaar. Handig CV in by Pasteur Boulevard 203, Vanderbijlpark voor 25 Augustus 2015.


CINDY(40) 0714783233 Netjies! Skoon! Pvt! Veilig! Only Whites! NEED A GIRL!! VDBP! ____________________


pre-owned sales executive with experience in the motor industry.

R9600.00 Package Above normal commission Performance Bonuses + Incentives Full training provided

Requirements: • Must have own reliable vehicle & valid license For interview call (016) 4236458 or SMS your Name, Number and Area to 0829052398


If you qualify for the above position, please e-mail your If you qualify for the above position, please e-mail your application to cv@threeriverslodge.co.za opr fax it to application to cv@threeriverslodge.co.za or fax it to 086 599 8932 for attention to Melanie Beetge 086 599 8932 for attention Melanie Beetge. Please use “Restaurant Floor Please use “Resturant Floor Manager Manager––Vaal VaalSter” Ster”as a reference in your application. as a reference in your application. The closing date for applications is: The closing date for the application is:

19 2015 19August August 2015

We retain the right not to fill these positions.

We retain the right not to fill these positions

Closing Date: 29/08/2015 Please send a short CV to:

Authorised Training Centre & Certified Dealer SAGE PASTEL TRAINING COURSES

• Sage Pastel Accounting Version 12 & 14 – Intermediate & Advanced (NQF Level 4) • Sage Bookkeeping Fundamentals including VAT Training (NQF Level 1) • Sage Pastel Payroll Administrator Certification (NQF Level 4) & (ICBA Accredited) • Sage Pastel Human Resources (HR) • Sage One Accounting & Payroll ONLINE


• Training – Class Room, Onsite & One on One • Software Sales • Support • Outsourcing

Training Academy 082 320 8432 082 055 0197

Email: wandanel@nbtraining.co.za admin@nbtraining.co.za www.nbtraining.co.za



REQUIRES THE SERVICE OF: Die Corrector Alrode branch Matric\equiv, pref engineering background experience, 5yrs+\- experience in aluminum extrusions. Die Corrector, must be able to read section drawing & designs Main duties: Inspect new Dies & ensure they are made to design. Give feedback to die-manufacture on improvements to help Die performance. Able to correct and polish extrusion dies Interested candidates may forward a detailed CV to 011 908 4648 or e-mail to 086 653 8462

A/H: 4.2H & 4.2H 2x Unimproved Holdings. Auctioneers note For more please visit our website. Conditions: FICA documents required. 10% deposit with fall of hammer. Ratification within 14days. Guarantees within 30days. Instructor Liquidator SME Bus Dev Corp CC M/r T2010/12


1) Sedgars home in Vereening req a furniture consultant with min 5yrs exp and knowledge of the furniture industry . 2) Furniture sales person req for a full time position in the furniture retail industry. A dynamic sales driven individual is needed to fill vacant position at sedgars home in Vereeniging . 3) Creditors clerk with exp in financial areas and basic knowledge of bookkeeping .Must have min 3yrs exp and required to fill a fulltime position in Vereeniging 4) A construction company in Vereeniging req the servicers of an experienced HR manager with a min of 5yrs Exp in the Human Resources and labour relations fiels. Exp in the construction industry would be of benefit. Please forward relevant cv’s for any of the above positions to info@sedtrade.co.za

012 804 2978 / 082 960 1881 www.omniland.co.za


Work entails: Installation of 11kV feeder ring, including all cable work, two (2) new mini-substations and steel roofs over open yards at various substations; Emergency power upgrade including the supply and installation of Tamco 11kV switchgear panel and a 2,5 MVA Transformer including commissioning. 1.

Tenderers are requested to make a compulsory tender reservation by e-mailing Company Name, Contact Details and applicable Tender Number to 21977682@nwu.ac.za. Tender documentation will be issued at the tender briefing. A non-refundable tender deposit of R500-00 per tender document payable via electronic transfer or direct bank deposit, in order to confirm your reservation and before the tender briefing. A compulsory tender briefing will be held at the Technical Services Department, Building 19, Vaal Campus, Hendrik van Eck Blvd, Vanderbijlpark.


Main duties: To assume responsibility of maintenance work and to do preventative maintenance and repair on a daily basis. And to work unscheduled overtime from time to time and must be prepared to work shifts.

Please take note that: 1. The lowest or any specific tender will not necessarily be accepted. 2. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation as issued by the University.




ALRODE REQUIRES THE SERVICE OF: Millwright x 2 Alrode Qualified millwright with matric or equiv, 5yrs working exp in advanced Hydraulics, PLC, Pneumatics, Electrical mechanical and fault finding on all of the above mentioned areas.

Company offers excellent benefits. Fax cv to HR: 011 908 4648 fax to e-mail 086 653 8462


The North-West University invites all specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience and resources to submit tenders for the following project on the Vaal Triangle Campus of the North-West University:




Holding 61 & Holding 62 Lake Deneys



Accounting, Payroll & HR

Wanda Nel: Office:

Restaurant Floor Manager Requirements: Requirements: • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a busy restaurant • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a busy resturant as floor as floor manager manager • Knowledge of BOH • Knowledge of BOH • Knowledge of cash-up procedures • Knowledge of cash-up procedures • Must be bilingual – English and Afrikaans • Must be bilingual – English and Afrikaans • Able to work shifts • Able to work shifts • Able to train waitrons • Able to train waitrons • Knowlegde of current food nad beverage trends • Knowledge of current food and beverage trends • Eye to detail. • Eye for detail. Resturant Floor Manager

SOQ4124 VAK25514

• • • •


For more info e-mail cv’s to


Well Established Company Requires Sales Consultants.

Three ThreeRivers RiversLodge, Lodge,ananupmarket upmarketand andexclusive exclusiveguest guest house,isislooking lookingfor foroutstanding outstanding and staff to join house, and committed staffour to join dynamic team. The following position position has become available. our dynamic team. The following has become available. Please note that this position is subject to Please note that this position is subject to alternative shifts alternative andweekends work on weekends public holidays. and shifts work on and publicand holidays.

Mobile Comp Tech is looking for 3 people with at least A+ & N+ qualifications and with a year’s recent IT work experience. The person should be self motivated and available immediately!! A Drivers License and a Personal Vehicle is a requirement! The person should be younger than 28 years and stay in the Vaal Triangle.


E-mail your CV to: famsa@famsavaal.co.za




Speaking Sotho and English fluently is a requirement for the position

Closing Date for Tender Reservations: 21 AUGUST 2015 at 12:00 Compulsory Tender Briefing: 25 AUGUST 2015 at 09:00 Tender Closing Date and Time: 8 SEPTEMBER 2015 at 12:00



18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

Evaton Mall –

Cleaning Contract opportunity Dear all interested cleaning companies. Evaton Mall’s cleaning contract is currently under review and we would like to invite all local cleaning companies, qualified and able, to tender for the cleaning contract at Evaton Mall.

Commencement date is 1 September 2015. Duration of contract is 12 months. Closing date for submissions: Wednesday, 19 August 2015 at 12pm. All guarantees, certification and regulatory documentation required to qualify to part take in the tender. Please contact via email happiness.ndhlovu@jhi.co.za if you are interested. NOTICE IN TERMS SECTIONS 21 AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL SYSTEM ACT 32 OF 2000, AS AMENDED NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL FOR THE 2014/2015 FINANCIAL YEAR AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS IN TERMS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL PROPERTY RATES ACT (ACT NO 6 OF 2004), AS AMENDED. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 78(2) of the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act, (Act No 6 of 2004) hereinafter referred to as the “Act” that the Supplementary Valuation Roll for the 2014/2015 year will be open for inspection at the following location during office hours (08H10 To 15H30) from 1 October 2015 to 30 November 2015.

Basic requirements include: 1. 37.2 OHS ACT appointment letter. 2. Contractor company resolution. 3. Confirmation of COIDA registration number. 4. Proof of current letter of good standing. 5. Proof of notification of Dept of Labour. 6. Proof of workman’s compensation policy. 7. Proof of Public liability insurance cover 8. OHS ACT safety file


Rates section Municipal office in Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging Rates Hall, Municipal offices in Sebokeng Zone 10, Evaton, Rust-ter-Vaal, Sharpeville and Bophelong Libraries. An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of a property or other person who so desires could lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the Supplementary Valuation Roll within the above-mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2)of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not to the Supplementary Valuation Roll as such. The official application form for lodging of an objection is obtainable at the following location. Rates section Municipal office in Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging Rates Hall, Municipal offices in Sebokeng Zone 10, Evaton, Rust-ter-Vaal, Sharpeville and Bophelong Libraries. In addition the Supplementary Valuation Roll and official objection forms will also be available on Municipality’s official website: www.emfuleni.gov.za. Completed objection forms must be return by hand or registered post before the closing date to the following address:

Registered post: Municipal Manager P.O Box 3 Vanderbijlpark, 1900 Marked: Objections 2014/2015 Supplementary Valuation Roll


By hand (placed into marked box) Rates section, Municipal office, Vanderbijlpark

Note: 1. If you do not agree with any the personal and or property information, kindly submit the correct information to the Rates Section in Vanderbijlpark (Also refer to contact number) 2. Kindly ensure that your objection is lodged timeously. 3. Late objections will not be considered Notices will also be served in terms of section 78(2) to all individual owners informing them of the Valuation placed on their properties and the opportunity if so desired to lodge an objection on the prescribed form with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the Supplementary Valuation Roll. Owners who do not receive such letter in connection with the 2014/2015 Supplementary Valuation Roll must contact the official as displayed in this notice, and also all the persons that cannot read or writer must visit the Municipal offices (Rates) where they will be assisted.

S S SHABALALA MUNICIPAL MANAGER This notice was displayed as required by Legislation


For any enquires kindly contact: Ms. Mosidi Machobane (016) 950 5178 or mosidim@emfuleni.gov.za Mr. Francios Badenhorst (016) 950 5123 or francios@emfuleni.gov.za

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



Rand Water cross country championship Zacharia Nale

VEREENIGING. - Expect top runners when Rand Water hosts the Vaal Triangle Cross Country Championship at Rand Water this Saturday. The day’s programme starts at 10:00. The event is hosted by the Rand Water Athletics Club in conjunction with the Vaal Triangle Athletics Club. Some of the top clubs, who have since confirmed their participation - according to Sandile Ncala - includes Emfuleni, the Vaal Athletics Club, Nedbank, VUT and the Mittal Athletics Club, to mention just a few. The red-hot favourites in the sub-junior category are Mpho Molaetsa and, in the masters section, is

evergreen Ernest Tjela, who won the SA 21km championship last week in Port Elizabeth. Ncala says they are expecting stiff competition with big-name runners set to take part in this meeting come Saturday: “I’m looking forward to the exciting cross country championship because many local runners have shown interest in participating. This is one event that tests athletes’ characters and their level of fitness going to the next level. I can’t wait for Saturday to see the best-of-the-best in the Sedibeng region when it comes to cross country in all divisions – both boys and girls, and senior men, women and veterans.”

Expect stiff competition when local athletes compete in the Rand Water Cross Country Championship this Saturday. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

‘Active Aging’ Games Witness largest Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Isak Steyl Stadium was recently a hive of activity for elderly people when Gauteng’s provincial Department of Sports hosted the ‘Active Aging’ Games. It was a fun-filled day for elders who converged from various Sedibeng NGOs. Some of the sporting activities in which they participated were athletics and soccer, to mention

but two. The most interesting part was during Athletics, which showed some of them looking strong and healthy. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, some old people said it has been a while since they participated in this kind of activity. They said they were grateful to the Department of Sports and Recreation for organising such an initiative.

An elderly woman celebrates winning the 100m race.

antenna record attempt SASOLBURG. - On September 5 the Sasolburg Radio Club invites one and all to their 50 year celebrations and join them at the Amateur Radio Festival to be held at Fakkelskool. This festival aims to showcase the best amateur radio has to offer. The club invites all groups and all “retired” and inactive radio amateurs to come to this festival. All amateurs are invited to bring and brag with their achievements and projects. Anything that will “wow” the crowd. There will be prizes for the various categories. Gates open at 06:00. Entrance is R20 per person. Food and drinks will be available and fires will be burning from 11:00 for those interested in a braai. Exhibitors must contact the club for arrangements. The exhibitors, clubs and organisations will receive a certificate of participa-

tion. There will also be a flea market. A grand 500m antenna will be installed to attempt to set the largest antenna record. The club invites as many as possible radio transmitter stations whether mobile, portable handheld and field stations to operate on HF, VHF, UHF and microwave. At 13:00 everyone present will be asked to transmit simitaneously for three minute. It will be recorded on a wideband spectrum analyser. All radio participants will receive a certificate of attendance as a keepsake to remind future generations of this historical event. For more information visit www.zs50srk.co.za. Organisations and groups are requested to contact the club at zs4srk@gmail.com in order to ensure space at the festival. Clubs are welcome to set up their own branding.

NG Sentraal hou binnekort basaar Local elderly people came in numbers from different NGOs to participate in Gauteng Province's ‘Active Aging’ Games at the Isak Steyl Stadium in Vanderbijlpark re­ cently.

There was recently a fun­filled day for the elderly during Gauteng’s Department of Sports and Recreation's ‘Active Aging’ Ga­ mes at the Isak Steyl Stadium. Photos: Za­ charia Nale.

SASOLBURG. – Op 29 Augustus is dit weer tyd vir die NG Sentraal se basaar. Die basaar sal oudergewoonte by die kerk self plaasvind en sal allerhande lekkernye en stalletjies soos koeke, kerrie en rys, pannekoek, ‘n wit olifanttafel en nog vele meer insluit. Vir nadere besonderhede kan Rachel by (016) 976 6120 gekontak word.



18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

Nuwe hoop vir lewe Carla du Plessis

“Wanneer ons die babatjie uit die kluis haal VEREENIGING. - Sowat twee jaar gelede word die nodige mediese toetse en versorging het Tessa MacDonald, kleuterskool onderwy- gedoen, waarna die baba in die sorg van TLC seres en finansiële bestuurder van Little An- Childrens Home geplaas word om sodoende gels Nursery School in Duncanville, die Little vir die baba ’n huis te soek,” sê Tessa. Angels Wall of Hope-projek van stapel geVolgens Tessa was die grootste uitdaging stuur. van die projek om die babakluis te bou. Die Dié projek bestaan uit ’n babakluis wat in koste van dié kluis het sowat R15 000 beloop, ’n muur gebou is en waar ma’s hul babas wat maar met behulp van die gemeenskap en hulle nie wil hê of skenkings het Tessa nie kan versorg nie, se idee ’n realiteit gekan gaan los. word. “Ons wou graag Tydens die be’n alternatief vir kendstelling van Litma’s skep waartle Angels Wall of heen hul hulle baHope het rdl. Melina bas kan bring in Gomba, lid van die plaas daarvan om burgemeesterskomihul babas in ’n tee vir gesondheid en drom of op die assosiale ontwikkeling hoop te los,”| sê van die Sedibeng disTessa. Navorsing triksmunisipaliteit, toon dat twee tot gesê dit is ’n wonderdrie weggooi-babas like projek wat aan weekliks dood gekinders ’n tweede vind word in die kans gee. Vaaldriehoek. Dieselfde babaWanneer ’n ma kluis, Jessica’s Wall die kluis aan die of Life is reeds ook buitekant oopmaak in Vanderbijlpark. en die baba neerlê “Ons het baie hulp op die matras, is en ondersteuning van daar ’n sensor wat Die babakluis waar ma’s hul babas wat hul Jessica’s Wall of Life die beweging optel. nie wil hê of kan versorg nie, kan neerlê. gekry en sal hul ewig ’n Alarm gaan af by dankbaar wees,” sê die betrokke persone wat die baba moet kom Tessa. Sy wil graag nog so ‘n babakluis in haal, asook ’n ultravioletlig om die baba Vereeniging oprig. warm te hou. Die magneet van die kluis word Tessa en haar span bedank graag die volgeaktiveer en die ma kan dan nie die kluis gende persone en ondernemings wat hulle geweer van die buitekant af oopmaak nie. help het:

Jessica’s Wall of Life, Inyati Projects, CEO Celic, ADT, Lunar Blinds, Aveng Grinaker-LTA MEIP, Spur, Electroware Industrial Supplies, ExcelGrow Consulting, Lekoa,

Chrisma Fellowship en Von Behr Photography. Little Angels Wall of Hope is by die Chrisma Fellowship in Alexanderstraat 21 in Duncanville.

Kelli Stewart, rdl. Melina Gomba en Tessa MacDonald tydens die bekendstelling van Little Angels Wall of Hope.

Child Welfare Meyerton cares MEYERTON. - Child Welfare Meyerton hosted a holiday programme for children, most being foster children placed within the community of Meyerton, during July 13 and 17. The programme focused primarily on life skills, such as personal hygiene, puberty, self-esteem and confidence and general well-being. During the programme the Health Promo team from the Midvaal Clinic addressed the children on general and mouth hygiene. Each child received a toothbrush and toothpaste, courtesy of the Midvaal Dental Clinic on the first day of the programme. The children were split into groups, where puberty issues were discussed. The LoveLife team also addressed the children in maintaining and building a healthy selfesteem and self-confidence, ending the day with a talent competition. “This ensured loads of excitement amongst the children and they were able to showcase their talents for all to see. Amidst all the games and learning, the vo-

lunteers worked hard at cooking lunch and making snacks for the children. “It wasn’t just all work and no play,” says Minca Worsley, secretary of CWSA Meyerton. The programme ended on a high note with a sports day on July 17. Each child was treated to a party pack filled with sweet treats to take home. CWSA Meyerton would also like to thank Manny from Vegieland for the generous donation of vegetables. They also thanked Monita’s Stationery, Auto Car Machine and Mickey’s Spares for their financial contributions, volunteers Mrs Booysens and Mrs Snyder for assisting with the programme, Janine and Gloria Roodt and her daughter for donating food items and preparing all the meals and snacks for the children. “With the success of this holiday programme, CWSA Meyerton is looking forward to hosting another Holiday Programme during the September school holidays,” Minca concludes. Should you wish to make a donation or volunteer during the next programme contact Mykkie Heymans on 072 178 2398.

Health workers educating children on mouth hygiene during Child Welfare Meyerton’s holiday programme.

Midvaal hosts spelling bee competition Moleboheng Chaha

MIDVAAL. - The Department of Basic Education (Sedibeng East District) in partnership with Midvaal libraries under Midvaal Local Municipality recently held a spelling bee at the Meyerton Town Hall. Forty learners from primary schools around Midvaal took part in the competition, and each school was allowed to enter four grade 6 participants to represent them. Each A group of 40 learners from various prima­ ry schools recently took part in the spelling bee held by the Department of Basic Edu­ cation (Sedibeng East District) in partner­ ship with Midvaal libraries.

learner was called on stage, and given a word, which they had to spell correctly within 30 seconds. Midvaal Local Municipality’s media liaison officer, Aaliyah Dangor, says, “Four learners, Swanique Pretorius (Unitas Park Primary School), Boikanyo Mohlamme (Meyerton Primary) Reitumetse Lebethe (De Deur Primary)and Ruth Thobeli (De Deur Primary), who had the top scores in this round, will proceed to District level, which will be held on the August 7 at the Vereeniging Town Hall.” “The words they had to spell in the final round included: paleontologist, transmission, tubercolosis, aggression, and chaperone.” Dangor concludes.

18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015



Congratulations Duncan Sinthumule, for this month’s winning story! We are all walking and breathing on this world, but it feels like the world is walking and breathing heavily on our shoulders. The burden each day is coupled with more pressure to excel, succeed, inspire and captivate. Each day is stapled with difficulties and heart-warming experiences, but at the end of it all one needs a perfect day in the park. A perfect day characterized by gentleness, harmony and ease. On this day, I get to spend time with peaceful creatures, hear the gentle cheers from trees, listen to unforgettable harmonics from the birds, and finally breathe in fresh air with contentiousness. A simple perfect day in the park revives me, it re-inspires, energizes, and puts my soul back at ease. The sight of happy families having mini-picnics, kids playing tirelessly, dog-walkers brushing their fluffy beasts gently and aged folks sharing memorable stories. That is enough to make a person like me want to live more and share this perfect day in the park with many others. Duncan Sinthumule

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18 Augustus - 24 Augustus 2015

Looking for the cutest babies & tods! Enter your little one for Ster and Vaalweekblad’s exciting Baby- and Toddler Competition of the Year! This year’s main sponsor/partner is President Hyper Vaal, with Chilli PicNic Photography and the radio station IFM 102.2 also forming part of the partnership. Great prizes and vouchers from various sponsors are on the cards. Not to forget our readers: anyone who takes part or votes stands a chance to win great prizes. Just dress your little ones up and bring them to President Hyper Vaal any Saturday or Sunday between 10:00 and 14:00 until September 13 and have a photo taken. Pay an entry fee of R70, fill out an entry form and presto! Your little boy or girl could be a winner! Then simply buy every week’s edition of Vaalweekblad in which photos of participants will appear. For more information, contact Nicky on 083 744 7711.

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