Residents interact with police officials A face to face meeting was organised by the R10, MGR Nagar police station for the residents of all areas that comes under its jurisdiction on March 28 at the Corporation Play Ground, V.O.C Street, Thiru Nagar. The Residents Welfare Associations of Vasudevan N a g a r, T h i r u N a g a r, Sapthagiri Colony and Sathyamurthy Block attended the meeting. Shoba Srikanth, secretary, Va s u d e v a n N a g a r Residents welfare Association welcomed the gathering and stressed the importance of getting the identification particulars of the unauthorised people who have encroached the banks of Adyar River from Va s u d e v a n N a g a r t o Sathyamurthy block. Balachandran, president, Thiru Nagar Welfare Association made a request to the inspector to increase the frequency of surveillance patrol. Representations were made by the residents of Thiru Nagar about the nuisance created by the miscreants at the park located near Kambar Street. Ramamurthy from
the Sathyamurthy Block Residents Welfare Association, complained about the illegal parking of cement mixer machines in all the narrow roads of Sathyamurthy Block. The women Welfare Association of Sathyamurthy Block made two complaints, one regarding the annoyance created by a soft drinks company at Kamarajar Street and another related to an open kitchen at the same street, which prepares biryani for hotel supply in an unhygienic w a y. O n t h e w h o l e , e v e r y o n e f r o m Sathyamurthy Block complained about the two wine shops which are located at the entrance of their Nagar creating nuisance to the public. Venkatraman of Sapthagiri Colony Residents Welfare association also requested
to increase the patrolling Nagar Residents Welfare and also to stop the entry of Association proposed a the miscreants inside the vote of thanks. -VP Times colony. V. Gunasekaran, Inspector pf Police in his speech appreciated all welfare associations for their initiatives. He assured the members to take immediate and appropriate actions against all complaints. He advised the residents to appoint watchmen in their areas for their safety and also asked them to be alert of the crimes that occurs in their neighbourhood. Subinspector Kokila, who is incharge of the Thiru Nagar Photos : VeeKay sector was also present. Pamphlets regarding 22 points of safety measures to be followed by the public for their safety along with phone numbers of all police officials were distributed to the public.Balakrishnan, vice- president, Vasudevan
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April 11 - 17, 2010
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April 11 - 17, 2010
Page 3
Annual day celebrations Aloha in KK Nagar
I was detected as diabetic last week and the fasting blood sugar was 264mgs% and postprandial blood sugar of 436 mgs%. But, I did not have any symptoms of diabetes. Can I take the same medicines, which my elder brother is taking? Most of the people are detected as diabetics with high blood sugar values. Since type 2 diabetes is a slowly progressive disorder, it is often diagnosed without symptoms only. More than 50% of people will be diagnosed as diabetes during their master health checkup or other routine blood tests for other diseases. Newly detected diabetes can be kept under control with diet plan, exercise and some mild medications. All type of diabetes medicines will bring down the blood sugar level to normal values. But choosing the medicine is the mainstay in diabetes management. The drug has to be chosen depend on the presence or absence of symptoms, body weight, blood sugar values, other associated illness and diabetes complications. At least one third of the people will have some diabetes associated complications at the time of diagnosis itself. The chosen drug should not produce any unwanted side effects and it should have long term benefits also. The diabetes medicines should always be an individualized one, and they are prescribed to patients considering several factors. So do not take some one else’s medication without proper consultation with a diabetic specialist.
The annual day function of Sree Hari Play school and crèche was celebrated on March 27 at Saranam Hall, Ayyappan Koil, K K Nagar.The programme started with a prayer song by Harith N and his team. Harita N welcomed the g a t h e r i n g . Va i d e h i Krishnan, principal of GRT Mahalakshmi Vidyalaya Mat. Hr. Sec. School who was the chief guest delivered a speech on child
m o n i t o r i n g . G Vidyashankar, founder & CEO, Only Success Learning Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was the guest of honour and he addressed the gathering on successful parenting. Later the kids performed a cultural programme. The kids were awarded with certificates and trophies by Vaidehi Krishnan and Vidyashankar. - VP Times
Laurel for Kalamandir student
For details, contact : CHENDUR DIABETES #72, 7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. Ph : 9444484351.
Graduation day The children of UKG of Sri Sita Ram Vidyalaya celebrated their graduation day on March 25. The function was presided over by the school secretary K.Subramanian. The principal Leela P a r t h a s a r a t h y, v i c e principal S.Mohan and the headmistress Aruna Sridhara Sankaran graced the occasion. A student of U.K.G welcomed the gathering. A variety of
programmes, which included recitation of rhymes, story telling, singing devotional songs and dance were presented the students.Some students dressed up as doctors, lawyers, nurse and so on spoke on their importance in the society. A large gathering of parents were present to witness the “First Graduation” of their wards.
R. Aparna of Std XII, came first at the city level commerce exam conducted by R. R. Acadmemy, Chennai. She also got the third place in economics among city schools conducted by Scientific Research Association for Economics & Finance (
SRAEF) . She was honoured with a cash award and certificate at a function held at Vivekananda Hall, P.S. High School, R.K. Mutt Road. She received the a w a r d f r o m D r. A . M . Swaminathan, former bureaucrat.
It was indeed a memorable and a proud day for all the members of the Aloha family when the 1273rd Aloha Learning Centre was inaugurated on March 27 at Saranam Hall, 2nd Floor, A y y a p a n K o i l , Ponnambalam Salai, KK Nagar. The chairman and managing director of Aloha India, Kumaran K, welcomed G Vidyashankar, founder and CEO, Only Success Learning Technologies Pvt Ltd to inaugurate the centre and Manikandan from Franchise India as the chief guest. Vidyashankar spoke to the parents about the importance of leadership skills in children and how each child can be transformed into a leader. Kumaran also enlightened the parents about the benefits of the Aloha Abacus and mental arithmetic programme and how it enhances the mental abilities of students and
makes them academic toppers through dedication and regular practice. Manikandan also addressed the gathering about his association with Aloha India and the hard work put in by Mr Kumaran. The highlight of the programme was a live demo by Master Tejas, a Limca Book record holder and is being called a human calculator. His demo in arriving at answers in a d d i t i o n , s u b t ra c t i o n , multiplication, tables of numbers up to 1 lakh and reverse tables from 10,000 to 1, squares and square roots and many combination sums at lightening speed made the audience spell bound. Kumaran and Renuka Kumaran distributed the kits to the newly enrolled students. Vidyashankar gave away his autographed book “101 secrets of successful parenting” to all the registrants.
Kids Fest
Virgo Hobby Centre is organising its 19th consecutive summer camp for children aged 3 to 14 years. Children will be taught in batches according to their age.Subjects covered will include spoken English, aerobics, yoga, -VP Times karate, gardening, personal
- VP Times
email :
grooming, mehandi, pot painting, story telling, art, craft, slokas and embroidery. There will be special classes in Western dance.Batch starts from April 12th onwards at Virgo Hobby Centre, 20, 54th Street, Ashok Nagar. For details, call: 24892798
Page 4
April 11 - 17, 2010
Beat The Heat It is that time of the year when the sun is scorching the land. It shines mercilessly on every possible creature on earth in all it’s glory. During this time, most of our appetites are off and we feel drained out of energy. Here are some healthy options to keep ypur spirits soaring high this summer. Start your day with a tender coconut. That is sure to pep you up with the energy needed for the day. Coconut water is excellent in treating dehydration problems. It can be used to effectively treat internal disturbances both in children and adults. It is an excellent energizer. It effectively prevents rashes and other skin diseases due to heat. It cools the body. Including cucumber in your diet is a healthy option. Cucumber is the ideal cooling summer food. You can have cucumber slices seasoned with a little pepper and salt as a cool and crunchy snack. It has a high water content and helps to keep your body cool and refreshed. Cucumber has a diuretic property which increases the flow of urine. This is especially helpful in the dry summer months in order to flush toxins out of the body and maintain healthy tissue and skin. Cucumber is helpful in providing relief from gastritis, stomach acidity and heartburn which occurs more frequently in summer. Having cucumber juice regularly benefits those with gum diseases. It also helps healthy growth of hair, and prevents the nails of toes and fingers from splitting. Researchers have found an enzyme called Erepsin in cucumber juice, which is invaluable for maintaining the health of the entire intestinal tract. This aids better digestion and is especially helpful in summer, when digestion tends to become sluggish. Water melons! They are exclusive summer fruits available in abundance and at affordable rates. One of the best things about watermelon is that it contains so much water. Especially during the summer months, hydration becomes so important as you are likely sweating more than usual, further increasing your need. since it does only contain about 50 calories per cup, watermelon is easy on the daily calorie intake total and will help fill you up in the process. This makes it a really great food for any dieter to consume who is looking for a simple way to squash hunger pangs. And finally, how can we miss on the yoghurt? Yoghurt is very good for our digestive systems as the cultures have a good effect on our intestinal bacteria, promoting the growth of "good" bacteria and inhibiting the growth of "bad" ones. So, don’t forget to get your share of yoghurt everyday to keep you live this summer. Mango Lassi: 2 cups plain yoghurt, 2 medium mangoes (very ripe), 3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, 6 ice cubes (from filtered water), 1/8 teaspoon rose water. Peel and slice mangoes. Put all ingredients in the blender and blend at high speed. Serves 4 - 6.
Cool and Creamy Cucumber Salad can be made using 1 1/2 cups of Yoghurt Cheese, 3 cucumbers, peeled, and diced, 1 clove of garlic minced, 1 TSBP extra-virgin olive oil, 2 TSBP fresh lemon juice, sea salt and pepper to tast. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
Cucumber Raita - Summer Yogurt Salad ngredients Ingredients: !3 cups yogurt !1 cup peeled, shredded cucumber !1/4 tsp. fresh peeled, grated ginger !Salt, any natural sweetner to taste
Watermelon Drink
!2-3 cups watermelon chunks (seeds removed) !4-5 mint leaves !black salt to taste
Method !In a blender, mix watermelon and mint leaves !Blend for few minutes !Take a muslin cloth or a strainer and strain. !The pulp is discarded, although can be used to make watermelon salad !Add black salt and stir well. !Serve in chilled glasses. !If you want you can add few drops of lemon juice.
Seasonings !1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon pepper Method: !1. Blend all ingredients except the seasonings. !Garnish with toasted cumin and red chili pepper. !Serve chilled.
Domestic & International Train / Air Ticketing & Related Services
Cucumber curd rice Ingredients: !2 cup Rice !14 oz Yogurt !1 Cucumber !2 tsp Coconut oil !1 tsp Mustard seeds !1 tsp Cumin seeds !2 minced Green chilly !4-5 Curry leaves !Salt to taste
Method: !Peel, seeded, grate and add salt to the cucumber, keep
aside for 10-15 minutes. !Rinse the rice with water well. !Cook the rice with 2 1/2 cup of water until slightly mashy. !Add the yogurt and mix well. !Drain and squeeze thoroughly the cucumber in a colander and add with rice. !In a pan heat oil, add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, green chilly , curry leaves and saute for couple of minutes. !Add the fried ingredients in the cucumber rice with salt and mix well. !Serve with curries.
Article by Ms. V.Sreechitra
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April 11 - 17, 2010
Page 5
Tamizh culture and art forms are to be preserved - SMT.KANINMOZHI
SMT.KANIMOZHI, M.P., conveyed that traditional art forms and tamizh culture are to be preserved and the values are to be passed to the next generation. She graced the occasion of releasing TAMIZH DVD atYGP Auditorium on Sunday, 28th March, 2010 as Chief Guest and the
released the DVD namely TAMIZH. The first copy was received by Sri.N.Ram, Editorial Chief of THE H i N D U a n d Bharathanatyam Exponent Dr.Padma Subramanian, Guru of Madhuvanthi Arun. Swati Soft Solutions, producers of Tamizh DVD has arranged the release
function . Sri.Ram and Dr.Padma Subramanian, who have graced the occasion as Guest of Honours. Madhuvanthi Arun honoured the guests and the persons, who have supported for the successful release of DVD. SRI.RAM raised the impact of cultural changes among
the country and within the society. He felt that the DVD can be taken to rural areas for enduring the values. Young people are loosing the touch with the values. He further added that academic things are important and new trends will be remained. Dr. Padma told that she feels proud of her disciples act. She defined about the creativity. Creativity causes for qualitative productions and maintain the culture. Because of the creativity, the possibilities are there to reach the impact to common people. She conveyed her happiness for the selections of songs, which have permanent values. Madhuvanthi took much care to bring the three styles into one. S r i . S . P. K a n t h a n welcomedthe gathering andPrabhakar of Swathi Soft Solutions gave the vote of thanks.
“Sadhana Award Of Excellence” To DR.M.S.SWAMINATHAN
PA D M A S R I S U D H A RAGHUNATHAN conferred the title “SADHANA A W A R D O F EXCELLENCE” on Dr.M.S.SWAMINATHAN on behalf of “KAARUNYA”, S A M U D H A A Y A FOUNDATION ON 19TH MARCH AT SADGURU GNANANDA HALL. , NARADA GANA SABHA. Samudhaaya Foundation has arranged a magical evening, culminating dance in the aid of The Clarke School for the deaf, Dean foundation and Tulir on occasion of its 10th Anniversary Celebrations Sri.Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Former Governor of West Bengal has graced this occasion as Chief Guest of the evening. Padma V i b h u s h a n Dr.M.S.Swaminathan.,fath er of Indian Green
Revolution and Sri Krishna Sweets MD Sri.M.Murali graced as Guest of Honour. On Behalf of Samudhaaya Foundation, Smt.Sudha Raghunathan donated Rs.17 Lakhs to The Clarke School for the Deaf, Rs.5 Lakhs to Dean Foundation and another Rs.5 Lakhs to Tulir in the presence of Chief Guest and guest of Honours. SBOA School students of Anna Nagar Branch have rendered the song Samudhaya samudhaya ena solli pazhagidu om Kapi ragam and Seidhidada sevayi samudhayam uyarndhida in Abhogi ragam and Samudhaya puratchi sei jaathiya ozikka in Sindhubhairavi ragam , which wrote for this special o c c a s i o n . Dr.M.S.Swaminathan has been conferred the title by
Smt.Sudha Raghunathan in the presence of Chief Guest and Guest of Honour. D r. M . S . S w a m i n a t h a n appreciated for the supporting the three different causes. He felt that Sudha`s music is combination of Dignity , Divinity. He further added that Sudha`s compassion towards the society is to be salutated. Chief Guest Sri Gopalkrishna Gandhi expressed his happiness and satisfaction for Sudha`s Philantharapic return to Society. He wondered whether India is rich or poor. He confessed that we are in rich in giving out of our p o v e r t y. S u d h a ` s compassion is being grown for social causes duly growing individuals. He believed that future generations acknowledge the act of samudhaaya.
Sri.Murali felicitated the heros on the stage and felicitated Sudha in such a way that her singing enlights and evaluates the art. He appreciated her guru bhakthi and the path ,which she follows the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Malavika Raghunathan handled the show in a nice way duly compering the entire programme. Dr.Leelavathi on behalf of The Clarke School for the Deaf, Deepa Muthaiah on behalf of Dean Foundation and Vidhya Reddy on behalf of Tulir conveyed their gratitude for the generous donation from Samudhaaya Foundation. The magic show by SAC Vasanth and the thematic presentation Radha Madhav by Dhananjayans enthralled the audience. Smt.Sudha Raghunathan welcomed the gathering and conveyed that the foundation will concentrate on under privileged part of the society. They are channelizing the energy to bring the smile from helpelessness to purposefulness. She told that her service has commenced from the year 1997 and added that if you want happiness for life time , help one. Samudhaaya Foundation has contributed Rs.50 Lakhs for the various causes.
Sri Sathya Sai Kalpa vrutham at Sundaram
It was the first of its kind for the Sai devotees of Chennai ! Even before the Sunday morning sun had started spreading its radiant rays, Bagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba’s divine abode “Sundaram ” at Greenways Road was getting ready on March 21st , for a spiritual experience, Sri Sathya Sai Kalpa Vrutham. Mahilas of Sri Sathya Sai Samithi, Mylapore had organised this pooja as part of the `various spiritual programmes in connection with Bagawan’s 85th Avathara Dina.It was during the holy Bramha muhurtham that 85 devout women, dressed up in the true traditional Bharathiya samskara, assembled at the main hall of Sundaram to participate in the special pooja, which was performed to radiate peace, prosperity, hope and harmony all over the world.When Mother Eswaramba gave the name , Sathyanarayana to Swamy, she would hardly have imagined that one day , Bagawan’s bhakthas would be performing a Vrutha Pooja very similar to Sri Satyanarayana Vrutha Pooja ! Yes ! the Sri Sathya Sai Vrutha Kalpa Pooja which started with Sankalpam and Sri Ganesha pooja ,continued w i t h d y a n a m , aavaahanam, paadyam, argyam ,aachamaniyam and archanam to Bagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Ably directed by scholarly priests, angapooja and ashtothara satha namaavali
followed in true vedic style with all the 85 women offering sugandam and supushpams to the picture of Bagawan, placed beside the decorated kalasams topped by coconuts dipped in auspicious haldi. Vratakatha patanam- the reading of Sai Charithra, an integral part of the pooja, was done by reading five chapters were read with due neivedyams after each chapter. This grand pooja , the first of its kind in Chennai concluded with the divine chanting of Purusha Sooktham, manthra pushpam and mangala haarathy. Sai Prasadams and breakfast were distributed with total discipline and love. That the divine presence and blessings of Swami Himself was there thorough out, was proved when a beautiful flower tucked to the Seetharama vigraha gracefully slided down during the harathi, much to the ecstasy of the sevarthees ! The Mylapore samithi had done a wonderful job in arranging the Sri Sathya Sai Kalpa Vrutham with inimitable dedication and devotion, keeping in mind the ultimate prarthana of Sai cult,…. Lokaa Samasthaa Sukino Bhavanthu ! Seeking Saikrupa for ever
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Rajee Mani
April 11 - 17, 2010
Page 7
Season’s gift for your kids!
Western vocal, Hip-Hop and jazz.Under the Indian category, konnakol, sloka, devotional songs, bhajans and Carnatic music will be taught.There is also an art and craft skills class to teach candle making, fabric painting, block printing, jewellery making, health and hygiene, beauty tips, hairdos, make-up, mehendi, nail art and Ikebana, Madhubani, minakari, Warli, patachithra, radium and Tanjore painting. Hip hop dance and salsa also will be taught.Candidates will be able to get training in listening, speaking, creative writing, grammar, phonics, vocabulary and accent training under the English skill programme. As an inaugural offer, members of ‘Kudokids’ will be given free registration with ‘Aspiration Manager’ an authentic track record system of the Positive Edge Productions Pvt Ltd. For further details, contact: 9840990499, 9952996263. The centre is at New no.23, Old no.49. Umapathy Street, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai 600 033.For further details contact 9840990499 , 9952996263.
Welcome to Vikruti. The 24th year of the 60-yearabout doing something different, when it comes to Indian calendar. The unique year with 13 months community’s welfare, financial and otherwise. called Adhika Vaishaka Maasam . As Vaishakh is Having empowered more than 40 lakh families considered auspicious to Lord Vishnu, the extrathrough prosperity. Rendering nearly four month is doubly auspicious. decades of yeoman service to three generations of savers-cum-borrowers. Our mission and the reason Ideally, a time to dare something unique. In the for our legendary success. management of family wealth. Where it is so easy to be conser vative.And just as easy to go bonkers. Come to the Shriram Chits office near you, Managing wealth in these times of constant financialto welcome Vikruti. Rediscover the fine art of upheavels is tough. Therefore, it pays to keep your money management. However small your cool. And to tap people who know money best. savings. And however big your dreams. Finetune your money matters, from a whole WITH YOU, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. bouquet of ser vices and a whole new perspective. Like Shriram Chits. Apostles of Financial Wellbeing. All under one roof. Come join the fun at our After all, we in Shriram Group should know Chit Fest this Chithirai.
Global Gateway – Chennai Champs – Preparatory School & Activity Centre has started ‘Kudoskids’ – the young performers club at W e s t M a m b a l a m . To celebrate the occasion, a variety of skill sets for different age groups, are offered during the summer. ‘Pep Up-Special’ is a complete fun and enrichment package for 2 to 5 yeas olds and will offer a variety of activities from aerobics, communication, life skills to splash pool. To suit those aged between 6 and 9 years, one can opt for Multiple Skills. It’s a wholesome development programme conducted by experts and will offer thinking skills, slokas, yoga, folk dance, konnakol, Indian & Western music, origami, cartooning, silk painting, defense techniques, creative craft and life skills.To cater to the special interests of children above 10 years a variety of packages are offered in personal skills, which will include aerobics, yoga, silence programme and habits. There will also be classes in music skills which will teach Western keyboard,
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April 11 - 17, 2010
Special Feature on Packers & Movers
Minimise hassles by availing Professional some Who offer interactional relocation Pets relocation is another service offered by them. According to P.Uma Shankar, director of Metro Packers and Movers, the home relocation Services they offer include the complete Packing of Household goods whether major or minor articles. They load, carry and finally unpack these items after reaching
Service Frequent transfers, Shifting houses, come summer ; the city is abuzz with relocation activities . The Process of relocation is not a simple one as it involves many Complicated issues. it involves the moving of every minor and major article of yours to a new Place and it needs lot of Planning and Preparation. it is here the Service of packing and Moving Company Comes to your aid. Hiring their Service can minimize the hassles of relocation. They would
your goods in the proper order at the new place .Similarly Companies Providing office relocation services, excel in transporting all official as well non -official items. For many people , relocating t heir cars is a major problem. The relocation Service Providers come up with the answer for their car relocation queries. They take over all car relocation related hassles and
simplify the process and make things smooth for you. These companies organize everything Starting from Packing to rearranging every single article at a new place. As these companies have an Experienced team of M e m b e r s t h e y Wo u l d deliver excellent Services. These Service Providers Pack, load, unload and unpack goods besides offering a range of services. While almost all the companies offer residential the destination . He says transport your car in a safe relocation, car carriers, that the job does not end manner in specialized office relocation there are here ; they also arrange vehicles . Here are some
aspects you have to take care before you select the service provider . if you are one looking for the services of a Packers & Movers. Call them so that their field officers would visit your house of office. After talking a survey of your articles and details of the destination, they would provide a free estimate . The estimate is prepared based on the requirement of packing material; labour, transportation, insurance and other details . Now a days most of companies provide a free estimate.
Before choosing your mover consider their time efficiency and security of your articles. select the company based on their services, concessions , past Performance records and rates. confirm the level of insurance offered by the company before you fix the deal .Vadapalani Times is happy to bring out a special feature on “Packers & Movers� to help your relocation needs. so happy packing and Moving. -VP Times
For Advertisement to contact : 98415 90399 Owned & Published by K.P. Vijayakumar from 37/5, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33. Printed by S. Ramachandra Bhat at Jayanthi Printers, New No.5, Govindarajan Street, Pulliyurpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24. Editor : K.P. Vijayakumar