Vadapalani Times

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Friends of children

Chennai City Police celebrated November 19, World Day for prevention of child abuse with a difference this year. The neighbourhood police stations wore a festive look and welcomed some unusual visitors, students from the nearby schools. Students were given flowers and sweets by the men in khakhi.

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Students were taken round the police station and were explained the use of guns and weapons. They were also told the procedure involved in making a complaint and the procedure of filing an FIR. Students also got an opportunity to touch walkietalkie, revolver and so on. Many students were beaming with joy by the

time the police personnel finished chatting with them and said that it was a wonderful opportunity. Police officials present on the occasion said that the initiative was to wipe the

fears about police from the young minds. The programme took place in various police stations including Ashok Nagar, Kumaran Nagar, KK Nagar and Virugambakkam.

November 22 - 28, 2009


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Live happily

My blood sugar is under good control, am I fine doctor? First of all I would like to congratulate you for keeping your blood sugar under control, but diabetic management is not only having the blood sugar under control, it is beyond that. The comprehensive diabetes managements mean that keeping blood sugar, blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and HbA1c within the expected range. Diabetic people have to follow a regular diet plan and regular walking. Apart from blood sugar control a diabetic patient should keep his/her blood pressure under control that is; it has to be less than 130/80 mm/hg. The blood total cholesterol level which has to be less than 160 mg/dl. The bad cholesterol LDL cholesterol, also plays a major part when it comes to overall status, it has to be less than 100 mg/dl. If you have any heart problem, then the target LDL cholesterol should be less than 70 mg/dl. Only thing which has to be high is the good cholesterol - HDL cholesterol which has to be more than 45 mg/dl. Further more, the diabetic patient should not have microalbuminuria in urine. The most important thing is to keep their HBA1C less than 7%. If a person maintains all the above parameters in the prescribed levels he can safeguard his heart, eye, kidney and nerves without being affected by diabetes. All the above mentioned parameters have to be monitored ones in 3 to 6 months to avoid diabetic complications. Hope your keeping all the parameters within normal limits like your blood sugar level.

For details, contact : CHENDUR DIABETES #72, 7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. Ph : 9444484351.

In connection with the Wo r l d D i a b e t e s D a y, Madhav Diabetes Centre conducted Madhav Health and Happiness programme under the auspices of R. M. Diabetes Education & Research Foundation. About 1000 people attended the programme. All the participants were served a free healthy breakfast and the opportunity was used to interact with them regarding healthy eating practices by the centre's dietitians. 1300 blood tests (fasting, PP sugars) were conducted on 650 patients and 75 patients were newly diagnosed as having diabetes. According to Dr M C Deepak, many people were unaware that they had diabetes. “As many people do not go for regular check up as they feel that they are in good health. Besides, a fear of insulin was prevalent in the public minds,” said Dr Deepak. As there were many queries with regards to the use of glucometer, the diabetologist clarified a lot of doubts regarding the use of glucometer. Dr Deepak made the following things

clear. Make it a performing asset: One should use glucometer to its optimum benefit. Glucometer is widely used during post operative periods, where the intake of food is erratic; and also in the ICU set up where frequent monitoring is mandatory to avoid metabolic emergencies. During periods of infection where the sugars tend to fluctuate and the dose of insulin needs to be altered according to the response, glucometre is of great use. It helps to confirm “hypo” or low sugar in people with diabetes. In people with Type-1 diabetes, glucometer is used to perform self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) three or more times so that the intensity of insulin therapy can be adjusted. In people with Type-2 diabetes, it has a limited role to play especially in people who are well controlled with insulin or those who are on tablets alone. However, if one is taking insulin therapy, he or

she can perform SMBG more frequently until he or she reaches the optimal goal and thereafter can perform SMBG as decided by the clinician. If a patient is experiencing recurrent low sugars, then it's wise to check your sugars. It helps to detect low sugars in the wee hours and gives inputs to the doctor regarding the alteration of insulin doses. In gestational diabetes mellitus (pregnancy diabetes), it helps to perform SMBG three or more times daily. These are usually 1 hour post prandial values. In women with diabetes existing prior to pregnancy, one should also include a regular fasting glucose check. Although patients understand the use of the glucometer, many make some common mistakes. One should learn from the counselor how to take an adequate sample of blood to cover the window of the test strip. This is got by “milking the blood” to the finger tip rather than squeeze the finger after you have used the lancet. Squeezing after pricking one's finger gives a false high value, since some of

the glucose from the tissues gets introduced to the blood sample. Also the best place to puncture the skin would be on the side of the finger. Besides, calibration of meter on an annual basis is necessary. Many forget to wash and dry their hands before testing. Also one should keep the measuring chamber of their meter clean and ensure that the strips are kept airtight without keeping it open for long. Also one should ensure that the strips are used before the expiry date mentioned in the carton. And it's always better to occasionally check one's SMBG with a laboratory sample. There will be a 10 per cent variation in the values either ways, which is acceptable. Remember that one should change the lancet after 5-6 use and one should not share lancet with their relatives. However, it's important to note that the blood sugar readings should be informed to your doctor. The authors Dr M.C. Deepak & Mrs. Vrinda D.C. are diaebtologist and counsellor at Mahdav Diabetes Centre. - VP Times

CHENNAI CRICKET LEAGUE Friend’z Cricket Academy proudly presents “CCL” a cricket knock out tournament exclusively for Gully Cricketers. This Tournament is held on Nov 29 and Dec 6 at YMCA Nandanam, where 16 best teams from CHENNAI compete for the FCA CUP.

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November 22 - 28, 2009


When imagination takes wings

The dark clouds and the pouring rain did not deter the spirits of a bunch of volunteers and about 1000 children from assembling at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kilpauk. And the day turned out to be one of the most memorable days not only for the organisers but also for the children from 26 homes situated in different parts of the city. 796 children studying in classes from one to 12 got an opportunity to showcase their extracurricular talents and also take back loads of praises and prizes. The programme titled Siragugal 09 was inaugurated by Archana Raghuram, senior m a n a g e r, C o g n i z a n t Outreach, in the presence of Kannan, Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development and Mukesh, playback singer of 'where's the party tonight' fame. An electrifying performance by Mr. Mukesh got the children on their toes and set the mood. The pre-lunch events included group song, solo dance, quiz, elocution (English), essay writing (Tamil), poetry (Tamil), drawing-painting, elocution (Tamil), mimicry

and monoact. Students of Siragu Montessori School delivered a traditional villu paatu during the group song event. Enthusiastic children drew and painted their message to society (“Say no to child labour”, “Give life by donating blood”, “Educate children” and the like). Magician Elango's show, provided some surprise and suspense for the children who watched him in excitement. Post-lunch, contests were held in Tamil skit, soap carving, pot painting, group dance and solo songs. A well-organised Science Exhibition and game stalls were thrown open to all the participants. Both children and volunteers of Bhumi displayed their scientific models, and actively explained the theoretical concepts. Chief guest for the valedictory of Siragugal 09 was Sarath Babu of Food King. Guests of honour were Balasubramanian (Regional Manager, State Bank of India) and Sattainathan (Branch Manager, Royapettah, State Bank of India). All the prize winners were

awarded certificate, gold / silver / bronze medal, and a gift. The 'Individual Best Performer – Male' award went to Master. Udayakumar from SISTWA (who stole the audience hearts with his mimicry on the dancing styles of actors Kamal Hassan, Vikram and Vijay) and 'Individual Best Performer – Female' to Miss. Nancy Lavanya from St. Thomas children's home (for winning the most number of awards). While Indian Council for Child Welfare (Shenoy Nagar) was declared the 'Best Participating Children's Home', Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust (T.Nagar) made a clean sweep to win the 'Siragugal'09 Rolling Trophy'. Siragugal was organised by Bhumi, a non-profit organisation. External volunteers from Cognizant's Outreach, Infosys' Sneham, Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (Thamaraipakkam), and NCC cadets from college of Engineering, Guindy helped the smooth functioning of the programme . - C. Bhargav

Winds of change at Vidyaniketan

‘My world of colour', 'What makes me smile' and 'My imaginary world'- these were the themes of which the 400 children at Vidyaniketan Matriculation Higher Secondary School chose for drawing and colouring during the week that lead to Childrens' Day. The School started in 1978 in memory of Chevalier

P.J.Cherian, a great art enthusiast and a student of the great artist Raja Ravi Verma. The principal Ms. Beula and senior teachers of the school celebrated Children's Day with an art competition for the children. The best pictures have been displayed in the school library. The school now has a new

management appointed by the High Court of Madras. There are several new initiatives to re-vitalise the school. Launching the Road Safety Patrol, training a school choir, a new library and field trips for the students are being planned. The school is located on First Avenue Ashok Nagar.

Painting contest held

In connection with Children's Day an interschool drawing competition was held at the Anna Community Hall in Ashok N a g a r. C h i l d r e n f r o m classes LKG to +12

participated in the contest. Five students from each category were selected for the prizes. Artist Murugan adjudged the paintings and cartoonist Rahnu did a demo on

cartoons. M Babu, president Exnora sports Club welcomed the gathering. T Sivaraj, secretary of Newsunflower Trust proposed a vote of thanks.

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November 22 - 28, 2009


Samudra goes online

Samudra, a magazine for arts and culture celebrated its seventh anniversary on November 15 at Infosys Hall. Dr Sreenidhi, bharathanatyam exponent, who was the chief guest on the occasion, launched the magazine's online version on the occasion. Dr. Radha Bhaskar, editor of Samudra welcomed the gathering and detailed the concept of the online magazine. Nalli K u p p u s w a m y C h e t t y, president of Mudra and patron of Samudra, Mrs.YGP, chair person, P S B B s c h o o l s , V.R.Devika, educationist and art critic, A. Natarajan, former DD director, Nagai Muralidharan, violinist, cine p l a y b a c k s i n g e r Va n i Jayaraman, musicologist TRS, sabha secretaries and other musicologists graced the occasion. On the occasion Gnana Mudra award was given to V.R.Devika for rendering selfless service in the field of fine arts blending dance

and education. Dr.Sreenidhi in her address said that music can change the world. She also stressed the need for using technology for the development of various arts forms. Samudra has been playing a vital role in the music field by conducting music appreciation programmes, seminars and workshops. D r. N a l l i K u p p u s w a m y released the Music Directory -2010, and the first copy received by musician Nagai Muaralidharan. Samudra`s nnniversary magazine was released by A.Natarajan and the first copy was r e c e i v e d b y Va n i Jayaraman. Mrs YGP said that one need not have to sacrifice their career to develop a passion for the art. Natarajan pointed out that Samudra is treasure house of information on performing arts. Dr.Radha Bhaskar hoped that the online

Inspiring divinity

magazine will motivate the viewers to read the magazine. Devika in her acceptance speech said that she was lucky to be a s t u d e n t o f Dhananjayannand and could translate the things learnt in the dance to classrooms. She expressed her happiness of being a Madrasi (she's from Mysore) and presented garlands made of khadi thread to the dignitaries. Mudra Bhaskar presented the vote of thanks. Before the commencement of the award ceremony, a solo violin concert by Aathira Krishnan was held. Post the award season, Nagai Muralidharan enthralled the audience with a violin solo with support from Sree Mushnam Raja Rao on the mridangam and T.V.Vasan on the ghatam.

Kolluru Subhadra Devi, disciple of Varalakshmi and Saraswathi and Subdhra Devi`s daughter Kolluru Manasa Devi jointly performed concert recently. Kishore and Saraswathi had arranged the devotional concert on the occasion of Matha Vijayakumari`s discourse at


Remarkable abhinaya Swetha Lakshmanan, disciple of Karnataka Kalathilaka Padmini Rao, director of Parampara, presented a dance recital with her amazing abhinaya. Gana Mukunda Priya's founder Gopalakrishnan has organised Swetha`s dance performance at Narada Gana Sabha Mini Hall. Swetha commenced her r e c i t a l w i t h Malayamarutham raga pushpanjali. Lalgudi Jayaraman's Charukesi raga varnam


- Sharma

Infosys hall. They performed Thiagaraja, Annamayya and Ramadass keerthanas with dedication and passion. Kota Adiseshu, music scholar coordinated the music and conducted the entire programme. Annamayya`s Adivo – Alladivo, Muddu gare

Yasoda, (Kurunji), created curiosity among the audience. Thiagaraja`s Endaro Mahanubhavulu (Sree Ragam), Gnanamosagarada (Poorvikalyani), Rajeeva netraya (Nata) depicted the tradition of Carnatic music with bhava. Bhadrachala Ramadoss' Suddha Brahma Paratpara Rama reflected dedication. Annamayya's Katteduta Vaikuntam in Hindolam, Nigama Nigamaantha and novanwesha saline navaneetha hrudayani, impressed the audience. Chakravarthi on the violin, Jahangir on the flute, Kota Nageswara Sarma on the keyboard and Pradeep on tabla supported the vocalists with good understanding.

was selected as the main item of the evening. The heroine's feeling for Lord Krishna was well depicted in Innum en manam, pallavi of the varnam. Bhakthi and srungara bhavas blended with abhinaya depicted the essence of feelings during c h a r a n a m s . Ta n j o r e Quarttet`s Ganapathi Vandare in Sree ragam with jathis was appealing. She could do justice to her guru`s training as she depicted the nritta for jathis with apt theeermanams. C h a n d r a c h o o d a

Sivasankar Parvathi, a devarnama in Ragamalika was performed which depicted the greatness of Lord Siva. The episode detailing the poison in the neck of Lord Siva was narrated very beautifully. Bhaagesree raga thillana was performed with rhythmic foot work in a graceful manner. The body language and stage sense proved her experience as a dancer since 1994. - Sharma


November 22 - 28, 2009

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Tele Visit—Jaya T.V. many interesting anecdotes by none other than Sengalipuram Bramhasri Ramu Dikshadar, (senior Dikshadar's brother's son and father of Vittal Das Maharaj ) was oozing with affection and emotion. Visuals of the aradhana in the adishtanam at Salem, where the amazing scholar merged with the Paramathma after taking aabath sanyasam were a soulful treat to the religiously inclined. Hats off t o J a y a T. V. f o r t h i s thoughtful gesture in paying rich tribute to the legend, Upanyasa Chakravarty Sengalipuram Bramhasri Anantharama Dikshadar. Upanyasa Chakravarthy's the “simhakkuralon” of the aradhana day film world, Sengalipuram D ikshadar is the The aradhana day of Upanyasa Chakravarthy, “simhakkuralon”of the Bramhasri Sengalipuram spiritual world. Such was Anantharama Dikshadar, the supremacy of the the doyen whose power pravachanams of this packed upanyasams took master orator and it was the the 20th century by storm most fitting that Jaya T. V .had telecasted was held on November 9. p r o g r a m m e s t o T h e “ Ay i g i r i N a n d i n i , c o m m e m o r a t e the Nanditha Medhini……… aradhana day of Dikshadar “,Mahishasura Mardhini” on November 7, 8 and 9 in stotras, delivered in his the Arulneram slot between deep resonant voice is 6 a.m and 6.30 a.m. The immortal and irreplaceable. p r o g r a m m e s h a d If Nadigar Thilagam was interesting variety in the

content and presentation. A short biography of Sri Dikshadar supported by rare photographs brought back nostalgic memories for the innumerable admirers of the p r a v a c h a n a k a r t h a . A Rajee Mani touching narration with

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School student dies in a freak accident Kaliamman Koil Street has been in the news for several wrong reasons and a latest addition to it is the tragic death of S Arvind, aclass eight student of Chinmaya Vidhyalaya. The boy who left for school at around 8 am on November 18 did not reach his school and he was crushed to death by a vehicle carrying a concrete mixer. The van driver Elango has been arrested. It is alleged that a hook from

the vehicle got entangled with the boy's school bag throwing him off the bicycle . He was the single son of Srinivasan and Sumathi who are residents of an apartment in Reddy Street. After the recent rains, the busy Kaliamman Road has become a whirlpool with potholes and craters. When will our roads become safe for commuters especially students?

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Nov. 22 - 28, 2009


Probus Excellence Award for Jawaharite

V Sree Chitra, a class 12 student of Jawahar Higher Secondary School, Ashok Nagar was conferred with Probus Excellence Award 2009 at the Children's Day function organised by Probus Club and Russian Centre of Science and

Sree Chitra was awarded the prestigious honour for her outstanding overall performance in studies, music, dance and television compeering. The award carries a citation, memento and a shawl. Reading the citation, the Probus Club congratulated her for taking up diverse activities ranging from NCC to music, dance, modelling, compeering and studies with the same zeal. Sree Chitra is the school captain for the current academic year. Besides excelling in studies, she was also a sergeant with Photo : Pushpa Vision NCC and has won the best cadet award for the year Culture. Ramesh Prabha, head of Russian Language 2006-2007. She has won eminenet media persoan Institute and office-bearers the best outgoing student a n d M D , G a l a x y of Probus Club. award for the academic Communications, who was the chief guest, presented the award to Sree Chitra in #11/12, 21st Street, LGGS Colony, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. the presence of Dr. Tatyana Tempo Indica Qualis Tavera Innova Tourister Traveller Mahindra E. Pirova, deputy director Duration of the Russian Centre and A/c Non A/c A/c Non A/c A/c Non A/c A/c Non A/c

year 2007 too. Sree Chitra, a disciple of Lalitha Subramanian, has so far performed more than 60 solo Carnatic vocal concerts at various prestigious venues and sabhas. Besides singing jingles for advertisements, she has acted in several popular ad films such as Lalitha Jewellery. She is also an upcoming playback singer. As a freelance media person, she has interviewed several actors, actresses, music directors besides conducting quiz programmes for various television channels. In his address, Mr Ramesh Prabha said that extracurricular activities are

a must to succeed in today's world. He said that mere academic excellence cannot ensure success in career or life and participating in extracurricular activities provides children an opportunely to understand time management, team spirit and develop leadership skills. On the occasion Sree Chitra thanked the school management and teachers for identifying, nurturing and recognizing her talents. She also thanked the Probus Club for the esteemed honour and said that it would further motivate her to strive hard for excellence in the studies.


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Owned & Published by K.P. Vijayakumar from 37/5, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33. Printed by S. Ramachandra Bhat at Jayanthi Printers, New No.5, Govindarajan Street, Pulliyurpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24. Editor : K.P. Vijayakumar

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