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BALA FOUNDATIONS Vol. 7 No. 18 Rs.1/-
Apr. 26 -May2, 2009
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April 26 - May 2 , 2009
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April - May - June - July 2009
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April 26 - May 2 , 2009
Page 3
News Mixed reaction to Ashok Nagar traffic system The restoration of two-way traffic system near Ashok Pillar is receiving bouquets and brickbats now. Vadapalani Times does a reality check with a cross section of road users‌ While residents, pedestrians and senior citizens heave a sigh of relief, motorists feel that the enforcement of the old system has brought back the traffic jam. As traffic police personnel are keeping a keen watch on over speeding, people feel that the number of accidents would come down considerably.
Public feel benefited and feel safe now. Residential welfare associations around Ashok Pillar area have struggled a lot to bring back the two-way system. We, the residents are thankful to the new commissioner and additional commissioner for understanding the problems and taking proper action. Now senior citizens and pedestrians feel comfortable and safe while crossing near Udayam theatre. This system also made it easy for people to reach areas like T.Nagar, Saidapet, West Mambalam. A lot of money is wasted on constructing medians. Additional cost is being incurred on demolishing and reconstructing it again. Authorities should take this also into consideration before implementing trails and new systems.
Federation of KK Nagar Residents Welfare Associations: The one-way traffic system was introduced without People feel safe: consulting local people and Ravichandran – president, it caused many accidents and loss of lives. The restoration of two-way traffic was achieved only because of the teamwork and dedication. Now 90 per cent of the road is being accessed by people and is in use. Now people feel safe and they expect the area to be an accident free Not in favour of z o n e . H o w e v e r, t h e public : officials responded after Lakshmipathy, a resident having vigorous initiatives of Ashok Nagar: It is not in and action by many organizations. Citizens Guardian Restoring two-way traffic Victory for system at Ashok Pillar people's would save many lives as it w o u l d r e d u c e o v e r struggle: s p e e d i n g a n d h e n c e Shobha Srikanth, social accidents. With moral support from various residential welfare associations and the fieldwork and draft done by our organization, we expect that this system would make Ashok Pillar an accident free zone. favour of the public. There Now the officials are also are frequent traffic blocks responding positively even after introducing the old though it came after a long traffic system. Waiting in struggle. the hot sun at traffic signal People feel safe now after is a bad experience for restoration of the system. worker & secretary of motorists and other vehicle V a s u d e v a n N a g a r riders. As far as concerned, Great relief: R e s i d e n t i a l W e l f a r e if two or three traffic police Vairasekar, president, Association.
were posted at accident zones, accidents could have been avoided.
Wait and watch: Manickkam, watchman of shopping complex: Now, we can't say anything. We
Thanks to the authorities:
have to wait for some time to have the correct feedback from public. Now things seem to be ok. Now people find it easy to cross roads. Traffic is being regulated to avoid traffic jam. Hope people will become accustomed to this system.
Over speeding in check:
Kameswari, a resident of 12th Avenue: This change could be possible because of the joined effort of local residential welfare associations and the team work of one and all. We feel, it is our duty to thank the Police Commissioner a n d A d d i t i o n a l Commissioner of Police for understanding the difficulties of the public and implementing the old traffic system. However, we have to be flexible to go with whatever system the government introduces.
Time to follow traffic rules: Raju, autorickshaw driver: Now speed of vehicles is well under control. Obviously, the number of accidents will come down. Halting of long route buses near the signal to allow passengers to board and alight causes much
D.Venkatesan, news mart shop owner: Previously it was like a highways and the traffic flow was very dangerous. Now it looks like city road and speed is also controlled. People find it easy to go to nearby areas l i k e T. N a g a r , W e s t Mambalam and other areas.
inconvenience for other motorists. If the stoppings are removed away from the signal, it will be good. There is a feeling of safety among pedestrians, elderly and motorists as well. Every individual should be a w a r e o f t h e i r responsibility and should follow the traffic rules. If it is done, then the two-way traffic system will be successful. Otherwise, the efforts taken by associations and other activists will be in vain. Blaming each other will not solve the problem. It's time to act.
Gayathri homam today With the blessings from the Acharyas of Kamakoti Peetam, arrangements are being made to celebrate Sankara Jayanthi Mahotsavam at Sankara M a t a m , W e s t Mambalam and Sankara Matam, Thambu Chetty Street from April 25 to 29. Gayathri homam will be performed today at Sankaramatam, West Mambalam. Homam will start at 9 a.m. and poornahoodi will be at around 11.30 a.m. Mahaprasadam will be distributed after the poornahoodi.
Read www.Vadapalani
Page 4
April 26 - May 2 , 2009
Summer A day to remember
Instrumental music classes Anupama is organising summer camp for children. There will be classes in keyboard, guitar and piano for children in the age group of 6 to 16 years. There will be four classes per week and the duration of the camp is for two months. Students can choose flexible timings to suit their schedule.
Limited admissions only. The highlight of the camp is every student will get a CD of his/her performance, recorded during the course. Anupama is opposite Liberty Theatre, Kodambakkam. For more details contact : 98402 49380, 2472 5152.
Learn Vocal
About 25 children of Kids Play Zone were taken for a one-day tour to Guindy Children's Park, recently.
Swimming special 15-days summer coaching camp at V V International School of Swimming, Kodambakkam for adults and children. No age limit for adults. Children will be allowed from the age of 6 years and above. The camp will continue up to June 30. Regular classes will be conducted
(15-days courses) throughout the year. For more details contact: V V International School Of Swimming, 1, Gangaiamman Koil Street, Kodambakkam. or Thilagavathy, over 24838066 / 9841639322/ 9841631363.
Rasigapriya`s excellent coaching classes for vocal , veena , slokas and bhajans. Fresh classes begin from April 15. Concert training given for advanced level classes.
For details contact :Lalitha Subramanian, No :16/5 Gokul Flats, 6th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai -83 [opp to G.R.T School] Ph : 23712675 / 99405 59675
Yoga camp International Shiva Yoga Kendra, Yoga Research & Training center, 92/2,4th avenue, Ashok Nagar (East), Chennai-83 is organising its 18th summer yoga camp for children. The camp is aimed to improve concentration, m e m o r y p o w e r, s e l f confidence, IQ and personality. The camp will be held for three weeks continuously.
Those in the age group of 4 and 12 can join. There will be Gita, bhajan chanting, asana, pranayama, arts and crafts in the programme. The first batch will commence on April 17 and the second batch on May 8. Timings: 9 to am 12 noon. For details and registration call: 4305 4762 / 98411 20498 / 98412 85694
CD Conversion We Undertake Audio Cassettes to MP3, VHS, To DVD, Audio And Video Mixing at very normal rate. And also we offer English and Tamil Typewriting, Basic Computer Training, DTP and other program levels at very convenient hours. Contact : Murali Old No. 38, Thambiah Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33 Cell : 94443 01177
Summer Camp
FREE w Fashion Jewellery Making w Chess Coaching w Hand Writing w Drawing Arts & Crafts Admission fees only No age limit Contact :
Kids Care Play School Ph : 93805 93366
Personality Development for School & College Students (Separate Batches)
Workshop Covers l Personality
l Development Interpersonal Skills (Phone & Email) l Grooming l Body Language l Personal Effectiveness l Group Discussion Skills l Interview Handling l Additional subjects for College Students l Etiquettes
The Class Apart Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. 4203 3570 / 90940 02261
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April 26 - May 2 , 2009
Page 5
NEWS Get advanced training in nursing Blood donation camp Sri Suprabhata Sabha will be organising the annual blood donation camp at the Sabha premises today between 9 am and 1 pm. Persons in the age group of 18 to 60 years having weight of 50 Kg or more are
eligible to donate blood. Dr J.Balasubramaniam, director VHS Blood Bank will conduct the camp. Willing Donors are requested to register their names in the Sabha in person or through phone
numbers. Phone: 24800440 , 98840 60479 , 98410 29776, 97899 77828 & 94441 70360 Sri Suprabhata Sabha is at 10/6, Baroda II Street, West Mambalam.
Get ready to become Madras Mom
Vijaya Educational Academy has been set up as the educational arm of the Vijaya Medical and Educational Trust (VMET). The Academy is entering into collaboration exclusively with Parkway College (Singapore) to provide advanced training in the field of nursing. The
programme will offer two short-term courses. The first one is for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) training and the second one for Operation Theatre (OT) training. Both are certified courses and the minimum requirement is less than one-year experience in either of them. The
programme also offers the use of a simulation centre at Vijaya Health Centre, the first of its kind in India. An exchange programme between nurses from Vijaya Group and Parkway College is also envisaged in the future. For more details contact : 9941906322
All office needs under one roof Office 1 Super stores, the fastest growing Us chain of stationary franchisee world wide, operated in India through the Indo Rama Retail Holdings Pvt Ltd, has opened a Retail Outlet at Ashok Nagar. The inauguration of the new out let was held on April 14. K.Gobala Krishnan,MD of Rezayat Engineering Services was the chief guest and Vinay Jain, vicepresident of Indo Rama Holding Pvt Ltd was the special guest for the occasion. Speaking on the occasion Mr. Vinay Jain said, “Office 1 Super Store is a unique organised retail format that aims to repeat the precedence of successes.” He added that the outlet is the sole supplier of office stationeries to the numerous media companies, educational institutions, financial institutions and MNC’s in Chennai. Office1Superstore has over 600 stores in 40 countries. It is a professional solution in an otherwise fragmented market of stationery supplies. The store would be a one –stop- shop for all the stationary requirements of offices, residences and institutions. It will be the first of its kind, where a consumer can get almost everything starting from writing instruments, electronics, furniture, business services and so on at one point at reasonable
Virgo Events is organizing Thai Thiruvizha on May 9 at Ehiraj Kalyana Mandap, TTK Road, Alwarpet. It's an opportunity for mothers to come together and enjoy Mothers Day. They will have more than 20 competitions to test the skills, creativity, cooking skills, intelligence and general knowledge. There will also be traditional games. Competitions in Kuzhukattai and Kai murukku making, singing,
solo dance, vegetable jewellery making, rangoli, creative Ganapathy making, retro mom, sigai Alangaram, Kanjeevaram kattu and quick flower garland making will be there. The two competitions through correspondence are kavithai (poetry) on mother and Patti vaithyam where forgotten medicinal recipes has to be written and sent the organizers. The highlight of the event will be Madras Mom, a
contest to find the smartest mom in Chennai. Contestant's knowledge on Madras, selling skills and a question round will decide the winner. The winner will be crowned and given the title Amrutanjan Madras Mom. There is no age limit for the contest. For Details and registration contactVirgo Event Management28171385, 99410 18210 / 9962089669 / 9841702271.
Free eye camp held
Vision for all : Exnora and Muthamizh Women's self help group in Association with Agarwal Eye Hospital conducted a free eye screening camp at West Mambalam prices. Speaking at the occasion R. Sundar, store franchisee, Office1 Superstore said, “This is an interesting retail format where all the office requirements can be purchased under one roof. As an entrepreneur, I feel that it makes business sense to have a single vendor for all the office needs.” With the help of state of the art MIS software the stores will analyze the purchases made by their clients and
advice them on planning their purchases at optimum costs. This service has received a wonderful response as c o m p a n i e s a n d organisations world over are looking for avenues to increase cost efficiency,” said Jain. Office 1 Super Stores is at 14B, Nagathamman Koil Street, 12th Avenue at Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 083; Tel: 2471 7863
Sarvashiksha (SS) Coaching Centre S a r v a s h i k s h a ( S S ) experts. Morning and Coaching Centre is evening batches are conducting summer crash available. Normal course for course for classes X & XII classes Std for two months in April X & XII start from June. For details contact: and May. Nominal fee structure and 97890 66298 / 94442 78300 excellent coaching by 98405 17841
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Page 7
April 26 - May 2 , 2009
Amazing performance
Anathasree Sailapathy, disciple of Thanjai Nata Arasan Tanjai Hemanath gave a bharatanatyam performance at VDS Arts Academy. Sridharan, vicepresident of the selection committee appreciated the performance, and handed over the certificate along with scholarship amount of Rs.1000 . Ananthasree commenced her dance recital with a traditional pushpanjali in Nattai set to adi. The invocatory song Gnana Vinayagane saranam followed. Keerthana on Lord Vinayagar in Gambheera
Nattai , set to adi was performed with sahithyam Ganapathiye varuvai arulvai. The dancer's poses were very good. Natesa K o w t h w a m i n Hamsadhwani was performed with Lord Nataraja`s graceful poses. Oru Kalai thookki aadum in Bhagyasree performed along with puniththa puruvamum as abhinaya aspect during viruttam. Papanasam Sivan`s Naan Undan Adimai, varnam in Nattaikurunji was performed with apt nruttam, dramatised narration and amazing
ARTS Enchanting recital
abhinaya along with the sanchara charanam N a t a r a j a d e v a sachichidananda was well appreciated by the audience. Vayudevaraya, padam on Lord Krishna in Ragamalika was very graceful. Arputhsirpiyadi, a composition of Late KND Pillai and Dr.M. Balamuralikrishna`s kadanakutuhala raga thillana mesmerised the audience. Guru Tanjai H e m a n a t h o n nattuvangam, Kaveri on vocal, Akkarai Murugan on violin and G.Ganesan on mrudangam gave wonderful support.
Sumithra Subramanian, daughter and disiciple of Kalaimamani Jayanthi Subramanian gave a captivate performance at Haridas Madam, west Mambalam as the concluding programme of 26th Sri Rama Navami Mahosthavam, organised by executive trustee of Sreenivasamurthy Mandiram, D.Srinivasan. Sumithra, reminded of her talented mother's younger years. The supporting musicians performed duly enjoying themselves, which also made it all the more enjoyable to the audience. Selection of prayer song as Saint Thiagaraja`s kruthiV a n d a n a m u Raghunandana in sahana raga was very apt and impressive. Jayanthi justified both Telugu and Tamil audience by her selection of items. Sumithra commenced her r e c i t a l w i t h thodayamangalam in ragathalamalika and depicted the importance of Lord Vishnu`s carnations. The varnam, the main item of the evening was Thuraiyoor Rajagopala Sarma`s Ninne Nera Namminanura in hatana which portrayed the
mischief of child Krishna and the episodes related to Krishnavatharam. Sumitra answered well to jathis rendered by guru along with apt t h e e r m a n a m s . Kaalinganarthanam, R a s a k h e l i , Kuchelopakhyanam episodes were neatly presented with dramatised narration. Abhinayam aspect was graceful and meaningful to the sahithyam. Vadavurai maththaki , a composition from aatchiyarkuravai of silapadhikkaram was presented. In this item ksheersagaramadhanam, vaamanaavatharam and
Krishna leelas were shown as dramatised episodes. The audience felt a feeling of spirituality and submissiveness. Tulasi Das`s Thumak chalak ramachandra, a bhajan was performed. Sumitra concluded the recital with t h i l l a n a i n brindavanasaranga which depicted her rhythm sense. Guru Jayanthi on N a t t u v a n g a m , Kalaimamani Radha Badri on vocal, Kalaiarasan on violin and Kalaimamani Nellai D.Kannan on mrudangam gave a very good support.
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April 26 - May 2 , 2009
GNB Centenary Celebrations
Photo : Rajesh
Sree Chitra, disciple of Smt. Lalitha Subramanian, director of Rasigapriya presented a dedicated performance on the occasion of the GNB centenary celebrations on April 19. Indian Fine Arts Society has arranged Sree Chitra`s vocal concert, as part of GNB`S Centenary Celebrations at Sivagami Pethachi Hall under the auspices of Sri Bhairavi Gana Sabha. Sree Chitra commenced the concert with a rare and tough varnam in ranjani ragam, a GNB composition and it scored a good impression at the beginning itself. Varavallabha Ramana in Hamsadhwani was sung with a short alapana. The kalpanaswaras were rendered in a brisk and charming way. Sri Chakra raja nilayae in Sivasakthi raga- a raga invented by GNB was executed with care. Then came GNB f a v o u r i t e s Himigirithanayae in Sudhdha dhanyasi and Karunalayanithiye in Hindolam (main item). They were apt choices for the occasion as it kindled the memories of the doyen
of music. She rendered the compositions in such a manner that it fulfilled the audience expectations. Sadapalaya (composed by GNB) in raga Mohanam, a raga which was a favourite of the legend was handled very nicely. Arabhimanam in Ragamalaika which was sung by Tiger Varadachari and GNB further shaped up
same keertana was sung by Sree Chitra with good diction and bhava. Hindolam was clearly the centre of attraction of the evening. Guru`s concept of formatting the concert in three parts- GNB compositions, GNB`S favourite ones and the compositions sung by GNB
Young artistes Bhavana on violin and Sumesh S N a r a y a n a n o n mrudangam proved their mettle in alapana, kalpanaswaram and thani. The concert was keenly observed with curiosity by connoisseurs of music, musicians and officebearers of different sabhas. It seems the organisers had taken a good and bold decision by duly selecting young artistes, who proved their caliber throughout the concert. Sree Chitra is a student of Jawahar Higher Secondary School and her parents can be contacted over 98415 90399 / 98415 90349.
Ph : 96000 53336 4502 2450
G & S AGENCIES Travel Division
Shop No.6 & 7, No.9/2, Kamachipuram 1st Street, (Facing 7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar) West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033.
- Sharma
For Advt. contact : the concert and it was a fitting tribute to the legend in lieu of the friendship and intimacy between GNB and Tiger Varadachari. The
which later became popular were performed in an astonishing manner by the young artiste who is hardly 16.
99620 56677 / 98415 90399
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Owner & Published by K.P. Vijayakumar from 37/5, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Printed by S. Ramachandra Bhat at Jayanthi Printers, New No.5, Govindarajan Street, Puliyurpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24. Editor : K.P. Vijayakumar