323, Arcot Road, Near Power House Stop, Kodambakkam, Chennai – 24.
Regular classes in Carnatic Music Slokas / Bhajans / Devotional Songs Lalitha Sahasranamam
Attractive Interest Rates on Deposits PERIOD
Vishnu Sahasranamam
1-2 Yrs. 2-3 Yrs.
Special Class for NRI’s / Office goers / Housewife
Vol. 7 No. 25 Rs.1/-
June 28 - July 4, 09
Marching in sync with music Chandrasekhar, MD of Kanchi Sankara Madam, West Mambalam to make this Festival a grand success. The 25th week Music Festival programme schedule Venue: Kanchi Sankara Madam West Mambalam Chief guest: Anandha Narayanan, Programme
8.25 8.75
9.00 9.50
Executive, Doordarshan Kendra, Chennai Guests of Honour: Chandrasekhar, Managing Director, Kanchi Sankara Madam, West Mambalam R Balasubramanian, D i r e c t o r, I O B S t a f f Cooperative Credit Society Ltd. Special Programme: Thematic concert by students of Rasigapriya
For details please contact : 2483 7903 & 2484 5596 Manager : Mr. R Raghavan – 98849 13606
Academy of Music on the theme Kalayum Kalacharamum.
25th Week Music Festival Special Issue
c o n c e r t t o t h e accompaniment of five instruments. And then onwards there was no looking back for the Music Festival. After a dozen concerts, the venue was shifted to Kanchi Sankara Madam in West Mambalam due to public request and artiste convenience. It has to be mentioned that after coming to the divine abode of Goddess Kamakshi, the festival has gained more popularity and it is a pleasure that a large number of young artistes are queuing up to be part of the festival not only from the city but also from various other parts of India. The Festival series in the last 24 weeks saw vocal, instrumental and dance recitals. It also brought out some of the special talents such as Carnatic in whistle and Carnatic in guitar. Today, when the Music Festival marches ahead, the team bows their heads to all those who supported them, especially Mr
NANGANALLUR Suprabhath Flats
No. 11, TNGO Colony, 4 Street Now at Rs.3,800/(Only 3 Flats Available) Ph : 24740476 / 42614060 www.suprabhath03.com
Catering Service Mini Hall, Marriage Hall with Catering orders according to your budget
State Bank of India K.K. NAGAR BRANCH, CHENNAI.
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# 24, Thambiah Reddy St, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33. Cell : 98404 25300
2 & 3 Bedroom flats available at To d a y i s i n d e e d a significant day in the history of Vadapalani Times. The Music Festival, may be the first of its kind in t h e h i s t o r y o f n e i g h b o u r h o o d newspapers, is celebrating its 25th week today. The 52-week long Music Festival as envisaged by the Editor-Publisher of Vadapalani Times, Lion KP Vijayakumar and executed by renowned musician and music critic Lalitha Subramanian, had a fantastic start on January 4 at the premises of Music World, Saligramam. The Musical Festival is an endeavour to promote the talents of young artistes below the age of 25, who are excellent in performing arts. L a k s h m i R a m a s a m y, renowned dancer inaugurated the concert and congratulated the organisers for this trend setting and noble vision. The inaugural concert saw Sree Chitra, an upcoming artiste rendering a soulful
Avail Loans & Overdrafts Against Gold Jewellery
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ESWARI INSTITUTE OF MUSIC Keyboard- Carnatic/ Western Music preparing for Theory & Practical Exams of Trinity College of London Veena / Guitar Individual Attention / Flexible Timing
98403 72616 / 2483 1916
VENKTESHWARA BOLI STALL SWEET SAVOURIES & SNACKS Main Office : No.2/1, Thambiah Road West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Now at Ph : 2474 6555 No.46, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Ph : 2489 3555
Shop Opening
Mythree Handlooms ANDHRA PRADESH We are Selling Hand block Printing in
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97909 44592 We are also undertaking Dying, Printing, Darning & Starching
14B, Nagathamman Koil Extn., 12th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Ch - 83. Ph : 044-2471 7863 / 96001 18964 E-mail : sundarrm_2006@yahoo.co.in
June 28 - July 4, 2009
Page 3
Win a jackpot jAshok Nagar Progressive Women's Association is celebrating its 14th anniversary on July 4 at Lakshmi Hall, Ashok Nagar. There are a number o f contests lined up as part of t h e celebratio ns. There will be Super Jackpot Contest, Cookery Contest, I Minute Elocution Contest, Paramapatham Game and Ek Minute games. A medical camp is also being organized. A lucky draw will be held and 10 numbers will get prizes. To participate in Super Jackpot participants should come in a team of four. There will be three
rounds, survey, talent and challenge round. For oneminute elocution contest topic, rules and regulations will be given on the spot. In the cookery contest o n e should make a sweet using Parry Sugar. The dish should be presented along with the recipe and an empty sachet of Parry Sugar. There is no entry fee for the competitions and the programme will be held between 3 and 7 pm. For registration and more details call, Latha, secretary on 9444109507 or Rema on –9444018418
NEWS Free yoga classes
Sannyasi Krishnayogam, (disciple of Paramhamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswathi) will conduct a one month free yoga classes for men and women from June 28 (today). The classes will start at 5.30 am at Bala Vidya Higher Secondary S c h o o l , 3 0 , Vasudevapuram (Between Chakrapani Street and Janakiraman Street, near Duraisami subway, West Mambalam, Chennai-33). The regular classes are
from 5.30 am to 7 am for a month. The classes are aimed at physical, mental and spiritual health. The classes are conducted in a spiritual atmosphere in strict adherence to Bihar School of Yoga (Deemed University) curriculum – asana, pranayama, Pratyahara (sense withdrawal techniques), dharana (concentration), meditation, mantra, value education, food habits and shat kriyas (internal pathways cleaning for managing diseases) are covered. On successful completion, students can join advanced pranayama course leading to Kundalini Yoga and Prana Vidya. For details, contact: 94442 40383 or mail to syc@satyamyoga trust.net and register the names.
Personality development for children ISKCON, Chennai is conducting a personality development course for c h i l d r e n . Children aged 6 to 12 can join the 'Bhakta Prahlad School' for 2009-10, which will be held once a week for about one and a half hours
at different parts of the city. The classes will include slokas from the Bhagavad Gita with its meaning and application for developing inner confidence, personality and moral v a l u e s ; Hare Krishna mantra
meditation for better behaviour, concentration and memory; bhajans, stories, craft and games. The centers are located in Abhiramapuram, A d a m b a k k a m , Alwarthirunagar, Anna Nagar, Choolaimedu, K.K.
Nagar, Mylapore, Pallikaranai, Perambur, S e l a i y u r , T. N a g a r , Tiruvanmiyur and West M a m b a l a m . Parents interested in enrolling their children can contact ISKCON at 24456199.
Learn to solve Rubik cube Environmental & Geo Spatial solutions in association with Jayavidya learning center will conduct “Solving Rubik's cube – Workshop” for today at Vijayabharati Matriculation Higher Secondary School, 8,Dhanalakshmi Colony Main Road, Vadapalani between 10 am to 1 pm. The training schedule and
syllabus will deal with the basics of Rubik Cube, notations to be used like edges and corners, layer concepts and so on. The workshop is supposed to increase focus and concentration, memory and confidence level and competency. For further details contact : 098415 87773 / 09884221047.
to .com n o Log nitimes ala p a d .va w w w VIJAYA HOSPITAL & VIJAYA HEALTH CENTER REQUIRES
Ecg Technicians (Female) Mamogram Technicians (Female) Ultrasound Technicians (Female) Bone Densitometer Technicians Min. Exp.: 1 year and above Please apply to :
VIJAYA HOSPITAL 180, NSK Salai, Vadapalani, Ch - 26. Ph : 91-44-2480 2221 / 2480 1598 or Mail your resume to
Essay contest for students 'c r e s k' Trust of India, is conducting an essay contest for the school students in TamilNadu. The topic of the contest is “India 2020 – My Vision.” There are three groups for participation. Group I is meant for students of classes 6,7 and 8. Students of class 9 and 10 can participate in the second group. Group three will comprise of class 11 and 12 students. Students
can participate in Tamil and or English and essays should not be more than two pages or 450 words. There is no registration fees. Last date for registration is July 31. For registrations, e-mail to cresk_india@ yahoo.co.in with the following details: Name, Name of the School & Class, Father's Name, Address, and Residence Phone No. / Mobile No. & Email ID (if you want to send the details by post,
please send the details to The Secretary, 'c r e s k' Trust of India, Senthamizh Kudil, A-2, No. 1 North Kavarai St, West Mambalam, Chennai-33) The last date for receiving the essays are September 15. Three Winners from each group and five consolation prices for each group will be given. Top 5 schools which, encouraged maximum number of students to participate in the contest
would get special awards. All the participants will be given participation certificate. The top 3 essays will be shared with the President of India Hon'ble Smt. Pradeepa Patil and Prime Minister of India Hon'ble Dr. Manmohan Singh and also will be published in 'c r e s k' website www.cresk india.com and be published in leading English daily “Trinity Mirror”
Sailing as a career option Aspiring marine engineers can now look forward to g e t t i n g p l a c e d immediately, with Chennai School of Ship Management (CSSP) and Hong Kong-based Wallem Ship Management, a shipping company, has joined hands to provide quality opportunities for all their Marine Engineering s t u d e n t s b y o ff e r i n g training, placement and exciting learning experiences. The tie-up
has been in place for the past three years. Chennai school of Shipping Management has been creating marine engineers through the alternate Training Scheme (ATS) as approved by the Director General Shipping, Government of India. Announcing the placements of its cadets this year, Ramani Gopal, m a n a g i n g d i r e c t o r, Chennai School of Shipping Management,
said, "Since 2003, Wallem has been picking up junior engineers from our institute. Around 50 cadets have been placed and are sailing with Wallem right now, This year, 12 students have been selected after undergoing a three year training, under our alternate training scheme. We are the only institute who places our students onboard for nine months during their second year." Through the nine-month
programme, the student also gets a stipend of about Rs. 10,000. Ramani added that the salary package of the students who have joined Wallem as junior engineers ranges from Rs. 25,000 to 30,000. For more details contact: 3rd Floor, City Center Plaza, 3, Mount Road, Chennai - 2. or call 4210-5210 / 98402 23489 Email:srinivasan@ almediaindia.com
For Advt. contact : 99620 56677 / 98415 90399
Page 4
June 28 - July 4, 2009
25 th
June 28 - July 4, 2009
Page 5
NEWS With best wishes from
Pandian Stores Pandian Hardwares Pandian Men's Hostel to Vadapalani Times Music Festival 25th Week Celebrations
Best wishes for Vadapalani Times 25th Week Music Festival Celebrations
P.Waterproofing SUBRAMANYAM Contractor 98400 64669 6521 9014
CHITRA AGENCY Travels & Tours
An exclusive Optical showroom with Eye Testing & Contact Lens Clinic Authorised Dealers
No.17, Stonedge Tower, 1st Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. Ph : 2489 8235, 2485 4357
Karnataka Bank Limited Your Family Bank, Across India
West Mambalam Branch Ph : 2345 3258 / 97910 43490
Open SB A/c with Just Rs.200/and experience the pleasure of banking with following facilities
Core Banking Internet Banking On Site ATM Free Atm / Debit Card Spacious Airconditioned premises
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Vijay's birthday bash
Prajna’s Amethyst
l Air Ticket l Train Tickets l Bus Tickets
IRCTC Approved Booking
37/5, Aryagowda Road, 1st Floor, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33. (above Mcrennet Cake Shop)
98400 20315 Ilayathalapathy Vijay celebrated his birthday with much fan fare on June 22. He opened two computer training schools in the city to provide free computer education to students. Apparently, this is a part of his social welfare activities like blood donation camps, medical camps, and free distribution of notebooks.
Swim on!
98401 54850, 98840 60120
State Bank of Mysore K.K. NAGAR BRANCH, CHENNAI.
A FINANCIAL SUPER MARKET AT YOUR SERVICE Deposits / Loans / Mutual Funds Remittances / ATM / Insurance Online Banking Schemes You can open your SB A/c & Current A/c with ease Contact : Branch Manager ML. Venkata Raman
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New No.2, Old.34, Srinivasa Iyer Street, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Ph : 2371 9533 / 2371 9566
It is an established fact that regular swimming builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Moreover it helps to relax and reduce stress. Swimming burns calories and make one slim. Many swimmers find an indirect benefit from swimming. Swimmers develop life skills such as sportsmanship, timemanagement, selfdiscipline, goal setting, and an increased sense of self-worth. It is found that swimmers seem to do better in school than non-
The hall is ideal for all religious functions. Upanayanam Vallaikappu & Seemandam Ayushhomam Shastiabthapurthi
swimmers as swimming increases concentration and team spirit. V.V. International School of Swimming is conducting 15-days swimming classes by expert coaches. Special timings Parking facilities are also are available for school an addition to the hall. and college students, ladies and kids, office goers and business people. Super Market For more details, contact 51, Arya Gowda Road, Balakrishna Naicker St., V.V. International School of West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Swimming on 24838066, 9841631363 / 39322 or visit www.vvgroupsof swimming.com
Vaibhave Shoppe
Ph : 96000 53336 4502 2450
G & S AGENCIES Travel Division
Shop No.6 & 7, No.9/2, Kamachipuram 1st Street, (Facing 7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar) West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033.
Dhan Crafts & Jewels
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Whole Sale & Retail #14/25, Subbah Reddy Street, West Mambalam, Ch- 33. (R) 24720468 Ph : 45513065 / 93810 16655 E-mail : dhancrafts@yahoo.co.in www.dhancrafts.com
Log on www.vadapalanitimes.com
Page 7
June 28 - July 4, 2009
Elegant and beautiful presentation
Hansikaa Vijay, disciple of Surya Natya Kalaalayam Director K.Suryasree did her bharatanatya arangetram at Krishna Gana Sabha. Hansikaa commenced her performance with a pushpanjali and Ganesa sthuthi, composed by Dr. Balamuralikrishna in arabhi ragam set to adi thalam. Nandikowthvam in rishabhapriya ragam set to adi thalam was an initiation into devotion. Traditional alarippu in misrachapu thalam, K.N.D.Pillai`s jathiswaram in hamsanandi ragam set to roopakam revealed some amazing postures, theermanas and mukthayas. Shabdam on Lord Muruga in raagamalika set to misrachapu , revealed the virohithakhanditha nayaki bhava of Devayani and the dancer did complete justification to the training and the composition of her
guru Suryasree. The main piece, varnamwas replete with dramatisation of Narasimha and Vamana Avatharams. In the piece, Engum Niraintha Paramporule – Ezhumalai Vasane, the sanchara charnam for the line Mannum Vinnum Alandha Viswaroopane and the main sanchara charanamAchchuthananda Govinda Kamalanayana were a treat due to the detailed dramatization. Hansika revelaed the episodes of Lord Vishnu`s greatness and postures of Dasavaatharams with grace. The padam – Sadananda Thandavam in ragamalika set to adi thalam was very graceful and the dancer's body language needs special mention. She concluded the arangetram with revathy raga thillana. The rhythm, timing and synchronization were
ARTS Enhancing the philosophical values
enjoyable. Suryasree handled Nattuvangam. Randhini on vocal, Sankar on violin, Sugandhi Seshadri on veena, Bhagyalakshmi on flute, P.R.Venkatasubramanian on keyboard and Ram Sankar Babu on mrudangam gave dedicated support to the artiste. Cine director Cheran, Bharathanatya exponents K a l a i m a m a n i Sreekalabharath and Divyasena and Makkal Kural editor, Kalaimamani Ramji graced were the chief guests. Cheran said that due to learning dance one's energy and confidence increases and it helps to develop an analytical mind. Appreciating Hansikaa`s performance, he recalled his experiences at the time of his daughter`s arangetram. Ramji said that Hansikaa is a matured performer.
Sreevatson`s brain child – Athidhi, a short form of Athidhi Devo Bhava was held under the auspices of Bharat Kalachar at YGP Auditorium recently. The play not only mesmerised the theatre buffs but also enriched them due to its thrust on philosophical values and the enlightenment it provided. In the story, Adithya, who had a love failure, comes to Sankaran's place accidentally with a suicide plan. After having conversation with Sankaran, the positive vibrations, influences him to change the plan. An industrialist Ram Prakash comes to the same place with an idea of occupying Sankaran`s place and asks him to leave the place. Vaidhi, a minister also helps Ramprakash to evict Sankaran. Ram Prakash utilises his friend Sekar as a Project Engineer. Sekar tries to convince Sankaran, but he could not as he feels some positive vibrations.
Ram Prakash loses his son and collapses. Within a period, Adithya reaches a higher position in life and he becomes wealthy. Sekar realises Sankaran's miracles. Later on, Ramprakash comes to Sankaran's place and understands that Sankaran is none other than Lord Siva and his house is a Siva Temple. Sankaran advises Ram P r a k a s h to b u i l d a n engineering college in his son`s name – Surya. This story made the audience to think and to enlighten their mind about Lord. All the actors and actress lived as the characters. Perfection and presentation with proper mannerisms were executed. It seems, Sreevatson`s creativity and philosophical content is due to his association with Ramakrishna Mission. The concept was handled well and the lighting and effects were suitable for the theme. Though the
conversation between characters seemed to be casual, the inner meaning and depth of the dialogues made the audience think. It sends out a message that whatever it be and whoever it be, the presence of Lord in the form of Sankaran can change him. Sreevatson handled the script very carefully and the dialogues used only proper dosage of English. In the play, Sreevatson lived as Ram Prakash, Sreedharan lived as Sankaran , Giridharan as Vaidhi, Krishnamoorthy as Sekar, Ramesh as Adithya and Shoba as Vijaya. Behind the screen were B a b u ( l i g h t s ) , Krishnamoorthy (sets) and Padma Stage Kannan in charge of the sets. Giridharan and Amudan had scored the music. Keerthi (stage) Loganathan (make up), Palaniswamy & Sreerama (co-ordination) justified their responsibilities in satisfied manner.
Opp.Liberty Theatre, Kodambakkam,Chennai - 24.
Convenient Timings for Ladies & Senior Citizens
24725152 / 9840249380 Log on www.vadapalanitimes.com
Regd. with RNI under Regn. No.TNBIL/2002/10963 R.Dis.No.349/09
June 28 - July 4, 2009
NEWS A home away from home The demand for retirement homes or old age homes is on the rise. Be it the empty nest syndrome or the absence of dear and near ones to take care of them in the old age, more and more senior citizens are on the lookout for a clam and peaceful accommodation. It is here the services of Chennai Lions Charitable Trust come in. Now you can stop thinking of old age homes with depressing rooms, flaking wall paint and tasteless food.
This home, Lions Senior Citizens Paradise is at Koovathur Village on East Coast Road near Kalpakkam was inaugurated two years ago. Spread across in 1.5 acres of land, it is located in a natural environment and is close to seashore with a serene and calm atmosphere. It has a capacity to house 80 people. Forty independent bath attached rooms in five blocks are available on a
payment of approximately Rs.5000 per month. Besides separate dormitories for men and women, there are amenities like medical facility, recreation hall, full fledged and hygienic kitchen, dining hall and a temple. The home serves high quality vegetarian food. At present there are 28 inmates from various walks of life. The chairman and managing trustee Lion L. Shanth Kumar says that
the home is ready to accommodate 40 elderly people (20 men and 20 women) free of cost. They will have to pay only the actual food charges. Senior citizens who are on the lookout for a peaceful home can contact the Lions Club of Golden City. For details, contact: 9840921114 / 9283215413 Website: www.lionsol dagehome.comEmail: lions.oldagehome@ gmail.com
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Owner & Published by K.P. Vijayakumar from 37/5, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033. Printed by S. Ramachandra Bhat at Jayanthi Printers, New No.5, Govindarajan Street, Puliyurpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24. Editor : K.P. Vijayakumar