VT : Jan 31 - Feb 6,2010

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Project display at JV

Jawahar Vidyalaya Senior Secondary school held their project display on 25th of January. The NCC cadets of the school enthusiastically participated in the display and brought awareness on various issues ranging from

personal hygiene, arms and ammunition to prevention of AIDS. Some of the interesting displays included civil defense, National Defense Academy, training, map reading and field craft. The


Photo : Veekay


Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2010

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Tips to excel in exams

I am 72 years old and am not having diabetes. I do urinate for about four to five times in the night. Due to this my sleep is disturbed. Last week I did a blood test and my fasting blood sugar was 141 mgs and postprandial blood sugar was 196 mgs.(HbA1c – 6.5%). My questions are 1.

Am I having diabetes?


Should I take medicines for that?

Fasting blood sugar more than 100 mgs and postprandial more than 140 mgs are not normal blood sugar values. There is no doubt that you are having diabetes. Since your HbA1c value is 6.5%, you have developed diabetes in the recent past only. Before starting diabetes medicines, you should start regular walking and a diabetic diet plan. If blood sugar has come down, you can continue with only lifestyle changes. If not, you have to take diabetes medicines after consulting a doctor. Try to keep your blood sugar under control for your age; fasting less than 120mgs and postprandial less than 170 mgs. Excess urination can occur for you either due to diabetes or due to enlarged prostate. Prostate enlargement is a common in males aged above 50 years. Prostate enlargement can be detected with the ultrasonagram of pelvis organs.

For details, contact : CHENDUR DIABETES #72, 7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 83. Ph : 9444484351.

March is a dreaded season or a tension period for children (more for parents too) due to the exam fear. The first thing you must do to overcome your anxiety and fear of exams is to relax and breathe. Many people dread the experience of writing the test and worry about their performance, but this fear and anxiety will only be counter-productive and detrimental to your success. The brain requires oxygen in order to be able to think and function properly, so you must allow yourself to breathe and relax while studying for exams, and especially when you are writing tests. Vadapalani Times gives some simple tips to excel in exams: - Read the information a little at a time, then close your eyes, breathe, and visualise what you have just read, taking a moment to digest that information. - write out the important information on cards, and

make them colourful, or attach a relevant image to them, and review these cards as the last thing on the previous night and first thing in the next day morning. - Write out key points on large pieces of paper with strong and colourful graphic images, and put/paste them on the wall in your room so that they are right in front of you, or all around you (this is great for things like anatomy, biology, history, geography, and even for driving tests). If you have many tests to study for, you can dedicate one wall for each subject (focus only on one wall/subject at a time). - It will help if you make rhymes, songs, or associations. Rhyme is a powerful tool for the mind and it makes it easier to remember things, especially dates of events. - Join a study group with one or more people in your class - if you can teach a subject, then you know it!

Carnatic concert Hari Govindan, a Std IX student of GRT Mahalakshmi Vidyalaya gave his maiden Carnatic Concert for Baala Kalasaagaram Trust at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan hall at Mylapore on January 20. He has been a part of Ramjhi`s Issai mazhalai Film Music group for the past two years. He was accompanied on the violin by Ananthasri and Aswini on the mridangam.

- Take practice tests, or get someone to quiz you. - Get up and walk around frequently while you are studying to keep the blood flowing and help you digest the information. Also, keep healthy snacks around so that you can feed your body and your brain. - People learn in different

ways: some learn best by what they see, or read, or hear, and others actually experience it in order to learn. Get to know how you learn best, and use strategies for studying for exams that support that. Vikram.V

For the benefit of students Tamil Nadu Brahmins Association, K.K. Nagar unit is conducting H a y a g r i v a S a r a s w a th i Medha Dakshinamurthy Homam for the benefit of students who are appearing

for exams on February 7 at PSBB School K.K. Nagar. Students can participate in the homam by paying Rs. 100. For further details, contact Vedic Ravi at 9840787957.

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Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2010

Snap Shots of Vadapalani Times Kolam Contest

Photos : Veekay

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Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2010

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Remembering a legend

It looks like it is a season to remember the stalwarts who have seasoned the “sangeetha rasam” with a flavour so special to them. The “rasaanubhavam” ,which they have left behind, has infiltrated into the ether, thus filling the cosmos with the fragrance of divine music for eternity. So it was that Sangeetha Kalanidhi D.K.Jayaraman was fondly remembered with reverence at Narada Gana Sabha Mini Hall on January 11 through a touching function organised by Swathi Soft Solutions. They released a C.D. “Gangaadeeswaram”, a treasure passed on from the family to the sangeetha rasikas in general and to the D.K.J. fans in particular. This was released by K r i s h n a s w a m y, t h e secretary of N.G.S. The first three copies were received

by Sangeetha Kalanidhi Chandrasekaran, a violinist of great repute, Sangeetha Choodamani Tr i c h y Shankaran , a mridangist of international fame and Sangeetha Choodamani T. Rukmini, another renowned violinist. The function was marked with simplicity. But the bhava and the spirit of the f unction could be felt through the soft, yet deep emotional outbursts of every one who were at the mike. Sudhakar, director of Swathi Soft Solutions, welcomed the chief guests and also the members of the august audience. The well presented prayer song in Kalyani, ..Ganapathe… by young Shraddha Mohan set the perfect mood to the evening’s function. Every one of the dignitaries on the stage went nostalgic and they shared with

affection many personal episodes of their association with D.K.J. A vocal concert by Sukanya, daughter and popular disciple of D.K.J, with his son J. Vaidyanathan, an out standing mridangist on the mridangam and popular Poorna Vaidyanathan on the violin was a real treat to the rasikas. Her concert of well chosen songs like “Sri Kanchi Nayikee, Nnnu kanna thalli, Eppadi manam thuninthathoo, the r a g a m a l i k a “Ranjani..”,Nambikkettavar , ….so special to D.K.J. in addition to her diction, her presentation of the krithis , the bass swing in the s a n g a t h i s o f Gangaatheeswaram… why even the mannerism of shrugging the shoulders when delivering the “brukaas”…. made the rasikas fondly remember the legend who has left indelible foot prints on the sands of time.

psychological, spiritual and thought provoking factors and it mesmerised the audience. He commenced his lecture dealing with vibrations which he said is present in all the matters including static matter also. He said that human mind is in a position to receive and exhibit the vibrations. Sychronisation of the same thought will help create multiples of same thought waves, which may cause good or bad depending upon the thought process. Veda ghosham, a combination of sound and language, purifies the entire world through its vibrations. Music treats diseases and gives relief to stress. If Omkaaram is chanted

Mahathi Academy of Music and Dance, Virugambakkam conducted the bharathanatya arangetram of R Mahima,(D/o Smt Shobana and Ravi resident of Virugambakkam)at Narada Gana Sabha Main Hall on 26th January. Danseuses Padma Subrahmanyam and Uma Muralikrishna were the guests. The eight year old Mahima exhibited her full potential on the stage. With full justice to her training she showcased appropriate bhaavas and mudras. Her karanas were appealing. Her guru Yamunadhevy, did the Konnakkol. The final item was a snake dance.

Navarathnangal – jewels in the crown of innovation


Experience spirituality through Ananda Adirvugal

“Sollin Selvar” Suki Sivan stated that the vibrations of spiritual experience can be defined as Ananda Adirvugal. Spiritual talk of Suki Sivan on Ananada Adirvugal was arranged by Sree Krishna Sweets and Narada Gana Saba at Sadguru Gnananada Hall as part of the Spiritual talk Series. M.Murali, proprietor of Sree Krishna Sweets welcomed the gathering. He detailed about the concept. Suki Sivan commenced his lecture after lighting the lamp. Mrs YGP and writer Sivasankari graced the occasion and listened to the lecture with curiosity. Suki Sivan's narrating style covered a w i d e r a n g e o f

Arangetram held

properly, then the impact will be more through its vibrations. He referred to the statements of Osho, Mahavir and quotations of Swami Vivekananda and Vallar Perumal on thought process and wave length. He further added that removal of egoism will help start the journey of Jeevanmukti in the form of submissiveness to the eternal and a permanent place in the eternal. He added that creativity can't be separated from creator. Creativity is God. Dance is a form of creativity. Cosmic dancer is a form of eternal vibration. Paramathma attracts the human being in the form of Jeevathma. The attracting power can be called as Aananda Adirvugal. He cited the experiences of Hanuman and Kannapar, the divine experience through spiritual vibration towards Lord Rama and Lord Siva, and said that they can also be called as Aananda Adirvugal. -Sarma

Navarathnangal, a thematic vocal presentation by Sree Chitra, disciple of Smt.Lalitha Subramanian at Mudra Arts Festival was like a crown of innovation among the young performing artiste's concepts during this year's music season. Sreechitra had taken much care not to deviate from the music tradition and with appropriate guidance from her Guru, she maintained a perfect balance of her talent of compeering along with the performance, which was informative to rasikas. The selection of literature

and Vaggeyakaras ranged from well-known to rare. Some of the krthis were rare and not being performed in c o n c e r t s . H e r accompanists, Villivakkam Raghuraman on the violin and Thillaisthanam Suryanaryanan supported her and encouraged throughout. Sree Chitra drew parallels between the Vaggeyakaras to nine gems, the navarathnangal, Muthuthandavar as Muthu, Bharathiyar as Pavazham, KaviKunjarabharathi as Manickkam, Papanasam Sivan as Maragatham,

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Gopalakrishna Bharathi as Gomedakam, Ambujam K r i s h n a a s Va i r a m , Chidambaranathar as Neelam, Arunagirinathar as Va i d u r y a m a n d T h a r a n g a m p a d i Pancharathna Iyer as Padmaragam were like the nine precious stones in the crown of the literature. Likewise, their compositions added grace to the crown. The selection of ragas such as Karaharapriya, Keervani, Charukesi, Mararanjani, Sriranjani, Navarasa kanada, Abhogi, Dharmavathi and Va g a d e s w a r i f o r t h e different literature were so apt and the Vaggeyakaras inner concepts were revealed in the correct way. She utilized the opportunity to showcase her musical prowess and excelled in the improvisation aspect. And it was natural that there was o v e r - w h e l m i n g appreciation from the audience.


Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2010

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Republic Day celebrations

Sayee Nagar residents D a y w i t h d e v o t e d had conducted a kolam celebrated the Republic patriotism. The residents competition on the 14th of

this month and the prizes of which were given on this day. The celebrations commenced at 8 am with the Tamizh thai vazhthu followed by the welcome address by the vicepresident of the association Thiru. The president of the association Kannan hoisted the national flag. Many others like Elanjezhian, secretary and Selvi S.Punitha, Women Civic Exnora spoke on the occasion. The executive committee member Seeni Sivanantham delivered the vote of thanks. - VP Times

Library inauguration in neighbourhood school

On January 23 Justice K. Chandru, judge of the Madras High Court, inaugurated a library at the Vidyaniketan Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Ashok Nagar. Speaking on the occasion, he pointed out the importance of opening minds through books. A library, he said, “Could

reduce the burden of school-books while increasing the joy of learning. Cultivating the habit of reading is vital as it widens thought and increases imagination.” He also donated individual annual subscriptions to Gokulam, a children's magazine, to 96 students of the 6th, 7th and 8th classes.

The school choir gave its inaugural performance of two songs on the occasion. The choir has been trained by D. Ramachandran, Rajshree, Rangachari, Latha, Venkata subramanian and Kala, all members of the Madras Yo u t h C h o i r. M r. R a m a c h a n d r a n emphasised that music

should be cultivated as a means of relaxation. He said that music was also a great teacher. Dr. Balaji Sampath of Aid India, who is assisting the school in implementing activity-based education in the primary classes, also participated. He had arranged a donation of 500 books for the School Library from Aid India and the Help Charitable Foundation. In an entertaining and interactive address, he stressed on the need for children to develop a scientific temperament by hand-on experimentation. “This would help in explaining how things worked and in understanding the world around us,” he said. He also asked the children to mull over why there was social inequality when all were equal.

The Republic Day celebration at Palaniappa Nagar Children’s Play ground was to be held at 7.30 a.m. in conjunction with Palaniappa Nagar Residents Welfare Association and all the residents were invited for the same. The national flag was to be hoisted by Sri Ranganathan, M.L.A., Villivakkam constituency in the presence of Thiru Jayaseelan, Town Secretary of DMK and Thiru O Somasundram Ward VI member representing Palaniappa Nagar. The association has been regularly celebrating national events at the site for the past 30 years in a grand manner. Unexpectedly and surprisingly the flag was unilaterally hoisted by Thiru Ganesh, Executive Officer of Valasravakkam at 6.30 a.m. itself even without singing the National Anthem with the connivance and behest of somebody in the Municipality and others in the rival association. When the residents turned up the flag was already unfurled. The residents became furious at the behaviour of the Executive Officer. We feel utterly humiliated and disgusted by the action of the Executive Officer since it is evident and clear cut proof of violation of basic fundamental rights of the citizens. We request the concerned authority to probe into the matter immediately and take suitable action upon the Executive Officer, Valasaravakkam Municipality, Chennai 600087 and the persons involved in the act. Secretary-PalaniappaNagar Residents’ Welfare Association

Thyagaraja Mahothsavam from Feb 1

Special children and the need for special attention

The BSVN Murthy Centre for special children, a unit of Public Health Centre (PHC), conducted a seminar on “mental disability – a continuous quest”, on January 9 at the center's premises in Thambiah

Road, West Mambalam. The seminar was inaugurated by S.Sripal, former director general of police Tamil Nadu. It was p r e s i d e d o v e r b y D r. M.K.Srinivasan ,president and medical director of

PHC. T.A.Subramanium and K.S.Nagarajan, secretaries of PHC greeted the participants of the seminar. Yearly incentive for the children was presented on the occasion and Kumaraswamy, a wellwisher of the centre distributed gifts for 48 students. The seminar was conducted in three sessions- the first session was on 'management of emotional and behavioral problems' by Sumathi Chandrasekhar, psychologist/trainer; in the second session 'national trust and its role with disabled persons' by Narasimhan, consultant : vocational rehabilitation; session three was on

'parental role in mentally retarded children' by Nambi psychiatrist. Each lecture was followed by an interactive session with the parents of the special children, to resolve their queries. The seminar was attended by 130 persons, parents of special children as well as teachers from various schools from in and around the Mambalam area. The core of the sessions dealt with the problem of bringing up special children and their eventual integration into society. The message was clear; to develop sensitivity towards special children and enhance their life.

The second year celebration of Sri Thyagaraja Mahothsavam conducted by Sri Ram Samaj, West Mambalam will be inaugurated on the 1st of February at 5.30 p.m. at Ayodhya Aswamedha Maha Mandap, West Mambalam. The programme will have concerts at 5 p.m and 7p.m. everyday from the 1st of February. The programme will feature musicians like Neyveli Santhanagopalan and Gayathri Girish singing VP Times on various days. The

programme will be inaugurated by K. Jayaramakrishnan, vicepresident (Marketing), Tata Consultancy Services. The inaugural day will have Neyveli Santhanagopalan speaking on saint Tyagarajar. The music programme will conclude on the 7th of February. The last day of the mahotsavam will have eminent artistes singing Pancharatna keerthanas at 8.30 a.m. Rasikas can join in the celebrations that lasts for a week.


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Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2010

NEWS (Project display... Contd...Page 1)

Photo : Veekay

project display was open to the public for two days. The display drew a large crowd who appreciated the cadets' initiative and their creativity. Cdt. M. Mohammed and L/CPL R.Ramakrishnan bagged the first prize for their project on weapon training. Cdt R.Vignesh and Cdt. R.Raghavendra Babu were awarded the second p r i z e w h i l e Cdt.S.SarvanaKumar and Cdt.V.Srinath won the third prize. Former Best cadet of Jawahar Vidyalaya who also went on to win the best cadet award at the national level, was present on the occasion. Various other competitions like elocution, essay writing and quiz were conducted to expose the talent of the cadets.

For that winning edge

Under the auspices of the Rotary Club of South Chennai & Interact Club of SSRV, a workshop was organised on “Born to Win” for a pilot group of 25 students of Sri Sitaram V i d y a l a y a Mat.Hr.Sec.School, West Mambalam for four days by Savithri Ravikrishnan and Bavani Ramamurthi. The target group was guided to focus on 'implementation' rather than on mere 'learning'. The four sessions were highly exploratory and interactive. The trainers highlighted the importance of self motivation, SWOT analysis

[strength, weakness, opportunity and threat], continuous learning as ends to achieve the desired goals. The students were also trained to prioritise things to act smart and remain result oriented. The 'laer' technique for effective communication to attain and sustain “win-win” situations was also one of the modules highlighted in the project. L e e l a P a r t h a s a r a t h y, school principal said that the programme will go a long way in making the participants proactive transcending to efficacious eminence.

For Advertisement to contact : 99620 56677 / 866 77 Owned & Published by K.P. Vijayakumar from 37/5, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai - 33. Printed by S. Ramachandra Bhat at Jayanthi Printers, New No.5, Govindarajan Street, Pulliyurpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24. Editor : K.P. Vijayakumar

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