The Amateur Footballer, Week 15, 2016

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Amateur Footballer SEASON2016 2016 SEASON



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Michael Sholly


VIDEO REVIEW PANEL One of the key aims of any sporting organisation is to make their sport as safe and enjoyable as possible. In a game as fierce and combative as Australian Rules there is going to be unforeseen collisions and it is critical for the peak body to ensure the rules provide security for the players that, if they obey them, the risk of injury will minimize. One of the measures the VAFA introduced to assist in the safety of the matches was a Video Review Panel (VRP). Each of our three Premier sections are taped and the umpires, along with their coaches and advisers, review their matches each Sunday. Any possible reports are submitted to the VAFA to review on a Monday morning. When this was first initiated it was anticipated the panel would identify a lot more striking charges which would help clean up the game. However, it hasn’t been the amount of striking charges but cases where the duty of care by a player has led to incidents which could have a major effect on the player’s health. Most of these come under four categories: 1. Forceful front on contact - a player elects to bump an opponent who has his head over the ball and makes contact with either his opponent’s head, neck or shoulders. 2. The sling tackle - the tackler slings the player forcefully into the ground. 3. Dangerous Tackle – these can take numerous forms including a spear tackle where the player uses two motions and tips the player head first into the ground. Another is when a player is tackled dangerously into the fence. 4. Tunnelling - a player jumps for the ball and, whilst in mid-air, contact is made and players’ legs are taken from under them, causing the player to land dangerously without any control.

The VAFA has been particularly concerned with the first point above and held a meeting of the VAFA Coaches Association to review the forceful front on contact and provide any educational advice to the coaches. 14 videos were shown to the members and everyone agreed they were reportable. This wasn’t an exercise to validate the decisions of the tribunal or the VRP but to alert our coaches of the rise in occurrences and the dangers of bumping a player in the head. The message from the coaches was clear – the head and neck are sacrosanct when bumping. If players elect to bump and they make contact with the head or neck then they are to be reported. Australian Rules is an unpredictable game played with an oval ball which is in dispute for long periods. This is even more evident as we go down the sections, the skills diminish and the ball is on the ground for longer periods. The most dangerous of these times is when a player bends down to pick the ball up. The opponents anticipates the player to gain possession and sets himself to tackle. Unfortunately, the player fumbles the ball, the contest is back in dispute and the player has to switch from tackling to attacking the ball. All of this occurs in a split second. These are dangerous situations that can have severe consequences. The VRP has sent 18 cases to the tribunal this season. 14 for unreasonable rough conduct or forceful Front on contact (the four points above), and four for striking. These statistics highlight the fact further education is required. All players need to be mindful of their responsibilities and duty of care to their opponent. They have to ensure they play within the rules of the game and the umpire endeavours to protect the player who makes the play by making the ball, and not his opponent, the focus. COVER: Josh Steadman (University Blacks) finds front position against John Shaw (Old Xaverians).

The Amateur Footballer



Vol. 16  No.15 1


Nick Armistead


T’S ARE BACK In their bid to avoid relegation, St Bernard’s displayed their grittiest performance of the season against Collegians and saluted by the smallest of margins on home soil. It was an intense and hardfought slog for the full four quarters, with neither side holding a lead of more than four points at any given break in play. Trailing by 12 points with five minutes remaining, Will Tardif and Andrew Scott both goaled from within 20m and drew level, before Jacob Bevanda gained possession twice at the other end; initially entering the forward 50 and following up by rushing arguably the most important behind of his career. Nathan Kazuro was elite yet again and named best afield and, despite being unable to secure regular wins, Kazuro has appeared in the best or hit the scoreboard in all but one match for the season. Adam Bentick returned for his first match since injuring his thumb against Uni Blues in Round 6 and Alex Boyse also came back for his fourth appearance for the season. It seems obvious, but both Bentick and Boyse will need to play a key role in the remaining four rounds if the Snow Dogs are to stay in William Buck Premier. Will Johnson was the Lions’ best as the Big V key defender showcased his versatility by going forward and booting four of his side’s 11 goals. Ultimately, the Lions fell to their third consecutive loss but still sit two wins above the Snow Dogs. University Blues continued their winning ways and this week claimed the scalp of De La Salle by 15 points at Uni Oval. While the final score was within three goals, the Blues registered 10 more scoring shots but were denied a more convincing victory due to inaccuracy in front of goal. Star midfielder, Jeremy Mugavin, injured his shoulder throughout the match but reinvented himself at full forward, kicking two goals post-injury. Despite kicking four unanswered goals in the first term, De La could manage just three for the remainder of the match and suffered their fourth consecutive loss. On a brighter note, Matt Fieldsend (fifth best), Adrian Indovino (two goals) and Xavier Murphy (one goal) returned and had an immediate impact, with Fieldsend named in the best after tearing 2

his pectoral muscle in Round 2. While the haven’t registered four points in over a month, De La still sit fifth and can turn their fortunes around with continuity in their playing list. Old Trinity is back. A comprehensive 77-point victory against Old Carey on the wide expanses of Daley Oval is categorical evidence of that and, with three successive wins under their belt, look likely to cause damage come September. Further evidence is the form of Jack Hunt – aka the wellrenowned T’s barometer – who has been in the best for the past three rounds, confirming his importance to the T’s winning ways. Anthony Scott registered three goals, Gabe Hamilton chipped in with two and Brendan Iezzi continues to defy logic; I mean, how is he this good after 12 months out of the game? With match-ups against Old Melburnians, St Bernard’s and St Kevin’s in the ensuing weeks, the T’s could enter their Round 18 clash with Old Xaverians playing off for a double chance. Old Carey’s endeavour should never be questioned, and Ben Smithwick, Sam Cust and Morgan Evans showcased that more than anyone over the weekend. Smithwick has been particularly sensational of late as he has been named the Panther’s best three weeks in a row. St Kevin’s dreams of claiming a finals spot improved with their four-point victory against Old Melburnians at TH King Oval. Two weeks ago, SKOB had been written off. They were two and a half games shy of fourth and in eighth position on the ladder, but consecutive wins against Collegians and OMs combined with further losses to Blacks and De La has them a mere four points (and a fair chunk of percentage) from finals action. Ash Morris, Jack Holden and Jason Salopek were unsurprisingly at the forefront of SKOB’s win as TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD University Blacks v Old Carey Old Melburnians v Old Trinity St Kevins v University Blues Old Xaverians v Collegians De La Salle v St Bernards


they continue their red-hot individual form. OMs are even closer to the top four as they sit just half a game (and another fair chunk of percentage) below Blacks and De La. George Hurley-Wellington and Al Armstrong combined for six goals, while Sam Peacock was their most influential player. There was certainly a lot of chatter post-game as an umpiring decision at the top of the goal square in the final four minutes handed SKOB a lead of which they were able to sustain in the dying moments. In any case, OMs and SKOB are proving the successful jump from Premier B to the top can be achieved in a short period of time with genuine self-belief. Old Xaverians continue to lead the charge as the form side of the competition with their fifth consecutive win coming at the hands of University



Old Trinity Gr 4.6, 9.10, 14.15, 16.22 (118) Old Carey Gr 1.2, 3.3, 4.4, 6.5 (41) GOALS, Old Trinity Gr: A. Scott 3, J. Osborn 2, L. Juric 2, C. Manoussakis 2, G. Hamilton 2, J. Gale 1, D. Morris 1, A. Kyriacopoulos 1, L. Pacconi 1, B. Iezzi 1 Old Carey Gr: M. Evans 3, B. Smithwick 2, S. Cust 1 BEST, Old Trinity Gr: J. Hunt, T. Young, A. Scott, N. Hunt, J. Osborn, B. Howell Old Carey Gr: B. Smithwick, M. Evans, S. Cust, A. Sloan, M. Pallozzi, H. Hill Old Xaverians 5.1, 6.4, 10.6, 14.8 (92) University Blacks 1.2, 4.4, 5.5, 6.8 (44) GOALS, Old Xaverians: D. Symeopoulos 3, M. Handley 2, L. Tiernan 2, T. Johnston 2, B. Goss 2, M. Darvell 1, T. Williams 1, L. Howe 1 University Blacks :L. Dornauf 2, J. Steadman 1, L. Huntington 1, N. Batten 1, B. Mahon 1 BEST, Old Xaverians: M. Darvell, D. Symeopoulos, N. Wynne, T. Williams, T. Johnston, T. Dynon University Blacks :J. Steadman, J. Quaile, B. Mahon, H. Curnow, A. Locke, L. Huntington St Bernards 2.3, 4.4, 7.7, 10.12 (72) Collegians 3.0, 5.1, 7.3, 11.5 (71) GOALS, St Bernards: D. Colaco 3, A. Singleton 2, C. Hughes 2, M. Caven 1, C. Vague 1, A. Boyse 1 Collegians: W. Johnson 4, T. Penberthy 2, M. Neiwand 1, A. Scott 1, S. Evans 1, W. Tardif 1, H. Pool 1 BEST, St Bernards: N. Kazuro, M. Angel, I. Madden, C. Peart, A. Bentick, A. Singleton Collegians: W. Johnson, S. Evans, T. Zimbachs, D. Russo, W. Tardif, J. Bazzani St Kevins 1.4, 5.7, 7.8, 11.11 (77) Old Melburnians 2.3, 5.5, 7.11, 10.13 (73) GOALS, St Kevins: W. Coates 2, B. Kanakis 2, G. Gleeson 2, T. Cunningham 1, J. Salopek 1, C. Matheson 1, J. Stewart 1, L. Nankervis 1 Old Melburnians: G. Hurley-Wellington 3, A. Armstrong 3, L. Borthwick 1, T. Cameron 1, A. Carter 1, L. Prendergast 1 BEST, St Kevins: A. Morris, J. Holden, J. Salopek, J. Gysberts, J. Stewart, R. Bail Old Melburnians: S. Peacock, T. Cameron, A. Karatzas, O. Hosking, G. Hurley-Wellington, W. Thompson University Blues 0.5, 3.12, 6.15, 8.17 (65) De La Salle 4.4, 5.4, 7.7, 7.8 (50) GOALS, University Blues: J. Mugavin 2, J. Moloney 2, C. Williams 1, T. MacKenzie 1, M. James 1, R. McMahon 1 De La Salle :T. Humphrey 2, A. Indovino 2, X. Murphy 1, D. Keely 1, H. Nicholson 1 BEST, University Blues: P. Hayes, D. Batarilo, D. Hinkley, J. Mugavin, P. Summers, J. Moloney De La Salle :H. Nicholson, T. Humphrey, J. Vickers, D. Rayson, M. Fieldsend, S. Williams


Blacks. What would please Xavs supporters more than anything was the shared load on the scoreboard, with Denis Symeopoulos (three), Tomi Johnstone (two) and Luke Tiernan (two) joining Matt Handley (two) and Brendan Goss (two) with multiples. Furthermore, Michael Darvell pieced together his most impressive performance from his six outings this season and looks ominous heading into September. Despite a semi-surge in the second quarter, the Blacks were outmatched by Xavs and the 48-point margin was their biggest loss for the season. Josh Steadman and Jordan Quaile excelled and Bede Mahon never ceases to amaze with his endeavour and leadership. Two losses in a row will need to be rectified but the Blacks still sit fourth with a percentage of 120.33.


Old Trinity Gr 8.5, 14.14, 23.17, 30.27 (207) Old Carey Gr 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 (6) GOALS, Old Trinity Gr: M. Corney 7, T. Mitchell 7, N. Chamberlain 6, B. Barratt 3, A. Heuston 2, S. Murphy 2, C. Riggs 1, S. Holloway 1, T. Natoli 1 Old Carey Gr: C. Macrow 1 BEST, Old Trinity Gr: H. Tyson, D. Chamberlain, T. Mitchell, K. Spassopoulos, M. Corney, N. Chamberlain Old Carey Gr: C. Cameron, Z. Lisle, M. Mazzocato, M. Vardy, S. Virtue, A. Candlish Old Xaverians 5.1, 6.4, 8.4, 11.5 (71) University Blacks 1.3, 2.3, 4.8, 5.10 (40) GOALS, Old Xaverians: R. Ralph 4, M. Margin 3, N. Nunan 1, M. Allan 1, H. Batten 1, J. Agius 1 University Blacks :M. Nunan 1, C. Duck 1, A. Killalea 1, S. Myers 1, W. Mills 1 BEST, Old Xaverians: R. Ralph, L. Bisset, H. Batten, J. Agius, D. Harangozo, M. Skidmore University Blacks :C. Duck, S. Myers, L. Flanagan, P. Aitken, T. Sheahan, H. Allen St Bernards 2.2, 5.6, 6.7, 11.8 (74) Collegians 3.2, 3.3, 7.6, 8.7 (55) GOALS, St Bernards: P. Gamwell 2, D. Wall 2, D. Riley 2, T. Madden 1, T. Delzoppo 1, J. Shine 1, E. Bourrilhon 1, S. Fleming 1 Collegians: B. Mason 2, M. Dockery 2, C. Lyon 1, F. Sullivan 1, T. Baxter 1, H. Apted 1 BEST, St Bernards: D. Wall, S. Fleming, T. Madden, J. Shine, D. Riley, T. Delzoppo Collegians: F. Sullivan, B. Mason, J. Hocking, H. Apted, M. Dockery, S. Skurrie Old Melburnians 3.0, 6.1, 8.3, 11.6 (72) St Kevins 2.5, 2.5, 6.8, 7.13 (55) GOALS, Old Melburnians: H. Hardy 5, J. De Steiger 2, H. Stephens 1, M. Marangon 1, T. McLardy 1, C. Righetti 1 St Kevins: Z. Carter 2, M. Murphy 2, T. Quinlan 2, T. McMaster 1 BEST, Old Melburnians: N. Daish, T. Healey, N. Weaver, J. De Steiger, H. Hardy, J. De Fegley St Kevins: Z. Carter, T. Massey, J. Dimattina, J. Nash, A. Kirwan, L. McKenzie University Blues 0.6, 0.6, 0.11, 2.12 (24) De La Salle 1.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.4 (22) GOALS, University Blues: M. Pritchard 1, D. Withers 1 De La Salle :E. Murphy 2, T. Nicholls 1 BEST, University Blues: D. Heinz, T. Preece, M. Pritchard, A. Wettenhall, W. Hartnell, S. Smith De La Salle :H. Haley, E. Murphy, S. Hogan, J. Bull, S. Vawser, R. McDonough



David Chalmers


It looks like Premier B needs a couple of applications of ‘Selleys No-More-Gaps,’ as the ladder after Round 14 has gaps appearing all over the place after the weekend’s action. Genuine midwinter conditions meant that it was the lowest scoring and most inaccurate round of the season so far, with just 76 goals kicked at 40% accuracy. Remarkably, exactly a quarter of those goals came from just two quarters of footy, with Hampton and Old Haileybury combining for a ten goal last quarter and Beaumaris and Old Scotch kicked nine in their final term. Three of the game were won by the teams lower on the ladder, with Hampton (10th) getting over the Bloods (9th) with a last minute goal from Nathan Smith, Fitzroy (5th) holding on against the Tigers (2nd) and Old Brighton (8th) delivering the biggest margin of the round against Parkdale (7th). It wasn’t pretty, but Old Brighton continued their late season resurgence with a 50-point win over Parkdale. The Vultures managed just one goal for the game, kicked in the last quarter by Tom Redmond. Kicking with the wind in the first term, early goas from Michael Slater, Andre Olivier and Dan Anthony gave the Tonners a five goal lead at quarter time. Mariani, Stuart Hooy and Hill added three more in the second while keeping the Vultures to three behinds. Neither team could manage a goal in the third term, before Redmond finally broke through for the Vultures in the last and Olivier added a late one for the Tonners, who have now won four in a row and leapfrog Ajax and Parkdale into sixth spot. Old Brighton scribe Andrew Mullett called the performance “their most persistent four quarters for the season.” St Bede’s/Mentone suffered a blow in their quest to stay in touch for top spot, after going down to an in-form Fitzroy unit. In Sam Baker’s 150th game, the Roys started with the wind and dominated the opening term, but could only manage 4.8 in difficult conditions. Matthew Kyroussis kicked their first from a set shot and was followed a few minutes later by Luke Edwards, who cleverly intercepted a Tigers defensive clearance and kicked truly. Thirteen minutes in, the rain started coming in sideways and six minutes later, in true Melbourne fashion, the sun came out. Max Stella then took advantage of some defensive fumbling and soccered one through in 4


the goal square. Daniel Bisetto won the prize for quickest reflexes when, after a long kick to the goal square, the ball bounced off a couple of defenders, bounced into his arms and he found himself with a gift right on the goal line. The Tigers only goal for the quarter came from Chris Richards at the 27 minute mark and it was a highlight of the day. The Tigers got back in the game in the second quarter and there was just a goal in it at half time. The Roys dominated the third term and once again had 12 scoring shots but could only manage 2.10, resulting in a 15-point lead at the final break. The Roys held on in the last, putting them firmly in the hunt for a top four spot. You wouldn’t normally think of ninth v tenth as a ‘crucial contest.’ Both teams are mired in the relegation zone, but the Hampton v Old Haileybury clash had consequences for both teams, regardless of which way the result went. A Bloods win would have at least kept them in touch with the teams above and would have consigned the Rovers to being three games behind in tenth spot. Similarly to the Beaumaris v Old Scotch game, both teams had managed just eight goals to three-quarter time with the Bloods compounding their woes with 13 behinds. The Rovers had fewer scoring shots but thanks to their superior accuracy, held a four-point lead at the final change. The turnaround in the final term was staggering, as both teams grasped the importance of getting a win. The first twenty minutes yielded eight goals before both teams finally kicked a behind. Shane Valenti, Corey Connelly and Adam Weekes all contributed for the Bloods and they led by nine points late in the game. Leigh Fletcher and Ned Fallon struck early on for the Rovers and spearhead Nathan Smith found himself with a free late in the game. He duly slotted it and the Rovers held on to win by four points. Monash went into their clash with Ajax as one of the form teams, having won four of their past five games, while Ajax bounced back last week against TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD Beaumaris v Hampton St Bede’s/Mentone v Old Haileybury Old Scotch v Old Brighton Monash v Fitzroy Parkdale v AJAX


Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

Hampton, stopping a two game slide. The Blues got off to a better start, kicking four goals and holding the Jackas scoreless. Ajax levelled up the second quarter but were held goalless in the third, resulting in a 44-point deficit at three-quarter time. They added some respectability to the scoreboard in the final term, kicking four goals and getting within 24 points at the final siren. Monash forwards Andre Headberry and Nick Petering are both in the Premier B goalkicking top ten, and they were in the action again on this day. Beaumaris and Old Scotch faced off again, with the Cardinals looking for a different result to their 12069 drubbing in round 8. The contest was close all day, with a scoreless second term from Old Scotch giving the Sharks a slight advantage at the main break. Old Scotch had more scoring shots in the third quarter but could only manage 2.5, leaving them 12 points behind at three-quarter time. Both teams had scored just ten goals between them in the first three quarters and it was like a different


Round 15 presents a fascinating mix of contests. There are a couple of ‘top v bottom’ match-ups (Sharks v Rovers, Tigers v Bloods) but the other three are all between clubs close on the ladder which could go either way. Old Brighton (6th) will be going for five in a row against Old Scotch (3rd), Monash (4th) and Fitzroy (5th) will be looking to push further clear of the pack, and Parkdale (8th) and Ajax (7th) find themselves in the ‘neutral zone’: clear of relegation but a couple of games shy of finals action.


Monash Blues 4.5, 6.8, 8.14, 9.16 (70) AJAX 0.0, 2.2, 2.6, 6.10 (46) GOALS, Monash Blues: A. Oppy 2, N. Petering 2, A. Headberry 2, L. Darcy 1, N. Woodland 1, N. McConville 1  AJAX: R. Simon 3, B. Caplan 1, D. Fayman 1, J. Lew 1 BEST, Monash Blues: L. Darcy, D. Easson, M. Hardiman, C. Pither, A. Young, N. Petering AJAX: J. Cohen, J. Baron, N. Marks, J. Ludski, D. Rotenberg, Z. Braun Beaumaris 2.1, 3.5, 6.6, 11.7 (73) Old Scotch 2.1, 2.1, 4.6, 8.6 (54) GOALS, Beaumaris: S. Milne 4, L. Boyd 2, D. Kelly 2, D. Gribbin 1, N. Dickinson 1, S. Braithwaite 1 Old Scotch: G. van den Broek 3, J. Furey 1, M. Seed 1, L. Byrne-Jones 1, J. Bull 1, A. Harlock 1 BEST, Beaumaris: S. Gower, B. McLean, M. Petering, D. Kelly, S. Braithwaite, T. Dean Old Scotch: T. Macmillan, M. Seed, G. van den Broek , C. Long, B. Borland, H. Calway Fitzroy 4.8, 5.9, 7.19, 8.19 (67) St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 1.1, 4.9, 6.10, 7.13 (55) GOALS, Fitzroy: C. Doherty 2, L. Edwards 1, M. Stella 1, M. Kyroussis 1, D. Bisetto 1, N. Ligris 1, L. Henderson 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: G. Rowlands 2, C. Richards 1, S. Richards 1, B. O’Toole 1, J. Cowan 1, P. Tyquin 1 BEST, Fitzroy: A. Lambert, M. Brown, C. Doherty, L. Baker, J. Long, J. Dalton St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: S. Richards, B. O’Toole, C. Mangoni, B. Dance, J. Robertson, J. Cowan Hampton Rovers 2.1, 4.4, 5.5, 10.6 (66) Old Haileybury 1.5, 2.9, 3.13, 8.14 (62) GOALS, Hampton Rovers: N. Fallon 4, A. Folino 1, L. Fletcher 1, E. Turner 1, S. Clements 1, R. Atkins 1, N. Smith 1 Old Haileybury: S. Valenti 2, J. Toy 1, L. Nash 1, C. Connelly 1, J. Nicolopoulos 1, A. Weekes 1, E. Limon 1 BEST, Hampton Rovers: N. Smith, Z. Donald, R. De Biase, N. Fallon, S. Clements, J. Prosser Old Haileybury: C. Riley , A. Toy, J. Paul, L. Nash, J. Dawson, M. Rafferty Old Brighton Gr 4.6, 7.8, 7.12, 8.15 (63) Parkdale Vultures 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 (13) GOALS, Old Brighton Gr: M. Slater 2, P. Olivier 2, H. Hill 1, D. Anthony 1, T. Mariani 1, S. Hooy 1 Parkdale Vultures: T. Redmond 1 BEST, Old Brighton Gr: T. Fisher, A. Dewar, M. Dewar, H. Hill, T. Larkworthy, H. Graham Parkdale Vultures: T. Boland, S. Kelleher, N. Papatsanis, T. Redmond


game in the last. The goals came thick and fast, and it was goal-for-goal the whole quarter. Milne (3), Daniel Gribbin and Lachlan Boyd scored for the Sharks, while for the Cardinals Matthew Seed, Lachlan Byrne-Jones and Jack Bull got on the board. Beaumaris held on for a 19-point win and have consolidated top spot after losing it briefly to the Tigers back in Round 11.


Monash Blues 1.3, 3.4, 7.8, 8.8 (56) AJAX 2.1, 3.5, 3.5, 5.9 (39) GOALS, Monash Blues: M. Davidson 3, J. Young 2, L. Leeds 1, W. Hogan 1, M. Cameron 1 AJAX: T. Rogers 1, J. Swire 1, J. Goldberg 1, J. Bade-Boon 1, J. Lipton 1 BEST, Monash Blues: C. Wheeler, T. Waters, N. Burri, S. Whatley, D. Bibby, M. Davidson AJAX: R. Abraham, J. Kalmus, A. Wytwornik, J. Velleman, N. Harel, J. Gocs Beaumaris 1.2, 4.5, 4.8, Old Scotch 1.1, 1.1, 1.2, GOALS, Beaumaris: M. Lovejoy 3, M. Millar 1, J. Smith 1 Old Scotch: J. Nikolovski 1 BEST, Beaumaris: D. Pritchard, S. Coote, M. Lovejoy, R. Ryan, J. Evans, D. Johns Old Scotch: J. Daggian, H. Dick, B. Aharfi, K. Paltoglou, S. Richardson, T. Melville

5.14 (44) 1.4 (10)

Fitzroy 1.2, 6.6, 6.7, 12.10 (82) St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 2.4, 2.5, 3.9, 3.9 (27) GOALS, Fitzroy: W. Pickering 3, E. Pavlich 2, W. Zaghis 1, D. Olarenshaw 1, D. Patcas 1, T. Cheshire 1, M. Gloster 1, J. Munro 1, C. Moore 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: L. Stutterd 1, M. Caia 1, L. Terrell 1 BEST, Fitzroy: J. Simcoe, O. Salvatore, N. Marshall, M. Gloster, D. Lee, J. Anderson St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: D. Foley, S. Amon, J. Colyvan, L. Bell, L. Terrell, J. Dawes Old Haileybury 1.3, 3.4, 5.12, 7.16 (58) Hampton Rovers 2.1, 4.3, 5.5, 5.10 (40) GOALS, Old Haileybury: W. McTaggart 2, A. Woltering 1, N. Gooda 1, A. Godfrey 1, C. Faulkner 1, T. Tyrell 1 Hampton Rovers: J. Campion 3, C. Ellison 1, A. Fisher 1 BEST, Old Haileybury: N. Gooda, M. Stowe, A. Woltering, S. Ellis, D. Newby, J. Alkemade Parkdale Vultures 8.2, 9.2, 12.7, 15.8 (98) Old Brighton Gr 0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 6.1 (37) GOALS, Parkdale Vultures: M. Ferguson 3, D. Glascott 3, D. Ballard 2, R. Irvine 2, S. Sullivan 2, J. Stent-Powell 1, J. Everest 1, K. Bode 1 Old Brighton Gr: M. Fogarty 2, W. Bardoel 2, J. Rutter 1, S. Campbell 1 BEST, Parkdale Vultures: S. Sullivan, D. Glascott, M. Ferguson, J. Stent-Powell, T. Kight Old Brighton Gr: W. Bardoel, J. Pascoe, M. Fogarty, Z. Alcott, T. Fisher, S. Collie



Christian Burgess

‘WHAT IF’ Not a lot changed according to the ladder after last weekend, except for Old Camberwell bridging the gap from relegation after their win against Williamstown CYMS. It was a weekend of ‘what ifs’. What if Williamstown had of beaten Old Camberwell? Would they be well and truly a part of the finals race? What if Marcellin kicked truly in the final minute of the game? Would they be clear of relegation? Would Old Ivanhoe have fallen out of the top 4? What if Kew held onto their ¾ time lead of 7 points? Would the Bears become the biggest threat in the competition, having beaten 3 of the top 4 sides? But, with only 4 rounds to go, relegation and promotion on the line and finals beckoning, it’s the 36 guys who are on the ground each week that will determine the outcome after round 18, no more ‘what ifs’ asked. Mazenod hold onto second place with a comprehensive last quarter onslaught breaking their two-game losing streak. Ormond were caught off guard when the Nodders shot to a 23 point lead at quarter time after 9 scoring shot to Ormond’s one. But, the Nodders’s were leading by just 13 points at the last break, before they piled on six goals to one in a dominant final term. Rob Mann the main beneficiary with four majors up forward, while Liam Riley was named best afield for the Nodders. Isaiah Tahana booted three for the Monders as they succumb to their fifth loss from their last six outings. To their credit, Ormond have played three of the top four teams in their last three weeks, defeating Old Ivanhoe and have been competitive in the others. Old Ivanhoe and Marcellin’s storied history created another chapter yesterday as the two sides tied 78all at Chelsworth Park. Marcellin started the better of the two but it was their inaccuracy in front of goal that kept the Hoes in the game. Nick ReevesSmyth’s booming goal on the run just before half time gave the Hoes confidence going into the long break. A 6 goal to 2 third term, saw the Hoes regain the momentum with two in a quarter to Del Monte. But the Hoes squandered their chances in the final term, missing two straightforward set 6

shots and Marcellin scoring a single point within the final minute to equalize. Old Ivanhoe have really been the talking point of Premier C. They were my Premiership pick at the beginning of the season due to a list that I thought would be too deep and difficult to stop. Carl Groth is a league medalist, Matthew Ferguson and Chris Johnson come with years of AFL experience and elite skills, Adrian Del Monte is an A grade forward, David Bruno consistently monsters opposition ruckmen and Mal Mitris is the Section’s best defender. If their core group can escape injury, suspension and combine together, they have a chance to escape their current form slump, regain momentum and enter finals as a real threat. A slow start by both Kew and Caulfield saw only one goal for the quarter in Caulfield’s favour. Kew began the second term better with 8 scoring shots taking them to a 14 point lead at half time. Louis O’Keefe was well held to only one goal for only the second time this season as Caulfiled only managed five majors to three quarter time and trailing the Bears by seven points at the final change. It would have been the third team the Bears had beaten in the top four had they resisted the final quarter surge from the Fields. But it wasn’t to be, the Fields not only regained the lead but extended the winning margin to 25 points, kicking six final quarter goals to the Bear’s one. William Osborne and Charlie Logan kicked two a piece with singles to seven of their teammates. Andrew Brazzale was the only multiple goal scorer for the Bears whilst Max Waters continually set them up from defence. It was a must win game for Williamstown in order to keep their finals hopes alive but were beaten convincingly by Old Camberwell after quarter TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD Mazenod v Peninsula Old Ivanhoe v Oakleigh Williamstown CYMS v Caulfield Old Camberwell v Kew Marcellin v Ormond


Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

time. After quarter time the Wellers booted 10 majors to the Cy’s 5. This win puts them half a game clear of relegation with the best percentage of the bottom four. The Cy’s strength has been to spread the load of their goal kicking but what hasn’t worked is their ability to kick high scores without their power forward in Ebinger (VFL commitments). The Cy’s had eight individual goal kickers with Yuma Hemphill playing his best game for the season. Cameron Wilson starred in a beston-ground performance, and Jackson Eade kicked three majors for the Wellers. Peninsula Pirates stormed to an impressive 77 point victory over the Oakleigh Krushers. The Pirates are most dangerous on their home deck and were electric in their start kicking three goals with inaccuracy reducing their first quarter



Caulfield Gr 1.3, 2.4, 5.8, 11.12 (78) Kew 0.2, 4.6, 6.9, 7.11 (53) GOALS, Caulfield Gr: W. Osborn 2, C. Logan 2, J. Presnell 1, J. Toniolo 1, L. O’Keefe 1, D. Reilly 1, J. Small 1, T. Small 1, N. Tonkin 1  Kew: A. Brazzale 2, T. Orchard 1, R. Maibaum 1, S. Bishop 1, P. Couvalias 1, W. Ryan 1 BEST, Caulfield Gr: H. Mills, D. Reilly, W. Osborn, J. Small, N. Tonkin, J. McCLELLAND Kew: M. Waters, Z. Jones, P. Brough, B. Hurley, W. Ryan, L. Kinsella Old Camberwell Gr 1.3, 3.6, 8.6, 11.9 (75) Williamstown CYMS 3.3, 3.5, 5.6, 8.7 (55) GOALS, Old Camberwell Gr: J. Eade 3, N. Latsas 2, B. Hart 2, A. Clarke 1, H. Crothers 1, C. Allen 1, T. Kanz 1  Williamstown CYMS: Z. Read 1, T. Gill 1, A. Quinn 1, N. Bratby 1, G. Daaboul 1, N. Blackney 1, S. Puhar 1, N. Holdsworth 1 BEST, Old Camberwell Gr: C. Wilson, F. Wells, D. Proksa, S. Powell, C. Allen, H. Crothers Williamstown CYMS: Y. Hemphill, N. Holdsworth, S. Puhar, R. Chan, J. Connolly, B. McColl Old Ivanhoe Gr 3.1, 6.2, 12.4, 12.6 (78) Marcellin OC 5.2, 7.7, 9.9, 11.12 (78) GOALS, Old Ivanhoe Gr: A. Del Monte 3, C. Johnson 2, N. Reeves-Smyth 1, S. Tsanoudakis 1, P. Colbert 1, M. Ferguson 1, M. Del Monte 1, C. Groth 1, R. Skok 1  Marcellin OC: R. Costanzo 4, D. Cullinan 2, D. Mc Mahon 2, J. Green 1, T. Montagna 1, J. Maher 1 BEST, Old Ivanhoe Gr: S. Wilcox, C. Johnson, S. Tsanoudakis, M. Mitris, N. Reeves-Smyth, M. Ferguson  Marcellin OC: J. Blanch, J. Robertson, M. Abrahams, R. Costanzo, M. Jones, T. Montagna Mazenod OC 4.5, 6.8, 9.12, 15.14 (104) Ormond 1.0, 5.4, 8.5, 9.6 (60) GOALS, Mazenod OC: R. Mann 4, B. Kovac 2, M. Sier 2, P. Cincotta 2, J. Murdock 1, K. McKeogh 1, L. Riley 1, T. Cincotta 1, R. Thomas 1 Ormond: I. Tahana 3, J. Simon 2, L. Saunders 1, S. Mason 1, D. Szydlik 1, T. Buckley 1 BEST, Mazenod OC: L. Riley, R. Mann, M. Sier, D. Izon, S. Welsford, R. Thomas Ormond: S. Mason, S. Barnes, L. Gogis, B. Upstill, R. Chisholm, B. Atkins Peninsula OB 3.6, 8.9, 11.9, 14.13 (97) Oakleigh 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 2.8 (20) GOALS, Peninsula OB: S. Barbour 5, S. Payze 2, B. Southam 1, A. Wood 1, N. Fisher 1, M. Kellerman 1, W. Harbinson 1, J. Moignard 1, A. Marshall 1  Oakleigh: B. Still 1, T. Bromley 1 BEST, Peninsula OB: M. Kellerman, B. Schuurman, B. Southam, S. Barbour, N. Fisher, J. Moignard  Oakleigh: A. Mase, T. Doherty, K. Holden, Z. Barrett, T. Bromley, Z. Mousoulis


lead. The Pirates altered their shot for goal and improved their percentage, kicking five goals and three behinds in the second term to the Krushers two points, going into the main break with a 54 point lead. It took until the final term for the Krushers to register their first goals through Trevor Bromley and Ben Still. It was only the second time this season that power forward Aaron Cloke was held goalless. The Pirates were relentless in attack, with Stefan Barbour kicking 5 and extending his goal kicking lead by 8. Young gun Mitch Kellerman was spectacular in his third game for the season. The pirates now sit third and have the opportunity to jump to second position as they face Mazenod this weekend.


Caulfield Gr 5.1, 6.3, 10.8, 15.10 (100) Kew 4.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.9 (57) GOALS, Caulfield Gr: S. Wood 6, S. Banfield 2, L. Topp 1, R. Handel 1, M. Gould 1, D. Hay 1, C. Mengler-Francis 1, T. Rothel 1, J. Stewart 1  Kew: M. Vlahos 2, M. Matheson 1, B. Baker 1, W. Delbridge 1, N. Zaher 1, L. Klasen 1, B. Goodwin 1 BEST, Caulfield Gr: S. Wood, S. McDonald, C. Mengler-Francis, J. Anderson, A. Burge, L. Topp Kew: M. Georgiev, R. Smith, W. Delbridge, T. Cook, M. Walsh, D. Lloyd Williamstown CYMS 2.5, 7.8, 12.11, 17.13 (115) Old Camberwell Gr 1.0, 2.3, 4.4, 9.4 (58) GOALS, Williamstown CYMS: M. John 4, B. Carvalho 3, R. Danaher 3, M. Christakakis 3, B. Hynes 2, M. Michetti 1, M. Cavarra 1  Old Camberwell Gr: B. Dean 4, T. Pepperell 3, M. Cottrell 1, W. Kanz 1 BEST, Williamstown CYMS: L. Henry, M. Carland, M. McLaughlin, B. Carvalho, J. Gialamatzis, M. Cavarra  Old Camberwell Gr: B. Dean, M. Bromell, M. Cottrell, C. Webster, B. Mann, T. Stayner Marcellin OC 1.2, 3.4, 4.5, 9.7 (61) Old Ivanhoe Gr 2.2, 2.5, 7.8, 8.11 (59) GOALS, Marcellin OC: E. Conte 2, D. Valsorda 2, A. O’Sullivan 1, J. Edwards 1, L. MacKie 1, J. Baxter 1, N. Watty 1  Old Ivanhoe Gr: J. Begeman 3, R. Glavas 2, A. Bacskos 1, C. Matheson 1, M. Golden 1 BEST, Marcellin OC: A. McHenry, E. Conte, N. Raso, L. Brockhus, R. Di Roberto, D. Valsorda Old Ivanhoe Gr: N. Marshall, D. Mancuso, R. Glavas, M. Golden, A. Karim, J. Begeman Mazenod OC 3.4, 5.9, 12.13, 14.15 (99) Ormond 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 2.5 (17) GOALS, Mazenod OC: J. Egan 3, F. Palleschi 2, A. Taun-Henderson 2, J. Walton 2, S. Riley 1, P. Rozanitis 1, S. Mydaras 1, B. Woods 1, J. Devlin 1  Ormond: W. Cove 1, A. Clinch 1 BEST, Mazenod OC: C. Poretti, J. Walton, N. Peck, J. Trounce, M. Rice, S. Mydaras Ormond: M. Hirschman, M. Pappas, R. Main, B. Hardwick, R. Morris, K. Dompietro Peninsula OB 3.4, 5.11, 11.16, 18.21 (129) Oakleigh 0.1, 0.1, 2.2, 2.3 (15) B. Worn 1, A. Brockley 1 Oakleigh: R. Gonzalez 2  Oakleigh: K. Harris, J. Abela, S. Johnstone, R. Gonzalez, E. Catalla, G. Angelis


VAFA Media Coverage

9.00 VAFA Footy Show

Hosted by Ken Petruco and John Kanis. Plus a rotating panel of VAFA experts discussing all the big issues of the week.

1.45 VAFA Match of the Day

Live broadcast of Round 1 William Buck Premier Match of the Day. Plus all the around the ground scores as the season commences!


Sundays at 6:00pm

Glenn “Scatters” Scarborough dissect the weekend’s round

SUNDAYS at 9:30am Tom Brain and Brenton Mann apply their post-mortems

Streaming at


LIVE SCORES: Download the smartphone app for iOS & Android from the app store’


LATE SCORES, FINES AND TRIBUNAL Tribunal Results - Wednesday 20 July 2016 *Nathan Walter Damien Casey Samual Callard *Lachlan MacLeod *Henry Simon Thomas Havers *Scott Hulm *Alexander Shapov

Old Paradians - U19 Ormond - Res Williamstown Old Carey Ormond Old Scotch West Brunswick Richmond Central

(*Accepted Prescribed penalty.)

Unreasonable Rough Conduct Striking Striking Abusive Language to an Umpire Charging Unreasonable Rough Conduct Forceful Front-on Contact Striking

2 Matches Not Sustained Deferred 2 Matches 2 Matches Not Sustained 2 Matches 2 Matches

Result of Investigation 16 July Old Haileybury & Beaumaris Seniors - Minor Melee Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $150 (1st offence) Old Haileybury & Beaumaris Seniors - Minor Melee Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $250 (2nd offence) Collegians & St Kevins Seniors - Minor Melee Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $150 (1st offence) Therry Penola & St Marys/Salesian Seniors - Major Melee Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $300 (1st offence) 8





FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME Send any FTLOTG stories to by midday on Monday.

DAVID WINDLOW FEATURES IN SUNDAYS’ LEADER. If footy boss Gillon McLachlan is ever looking for an advocate in the outer to vouch for his credentials in running Australia’s native game he might want to give David Windlow a call. From Doncaster, Windlow umpires in the amateurs and counts officiating in a game graced by the CEO of the AFL as the best among his highlights. It was a few years back when McLachlan pulled on the boots in a VAFA game with Windlow in charge but, even after notching his 1000th game yesterday, the whistleblower still counts it as his top claim to fame. And McLachlan – who earned Windlow’s nod for best afield that day – should be humbled to top the highlights list. The local umpire’s career started at the age of 22 in 1973 and he’s made crucial calls in games featuring high-profile lawyers, various sporting administrators, famous musicians and even an out-of-sorts Brownlow Medallist.Brian Wilson, who won football’s most prestigious individual honour after a stellar season at Melbourne in 1982, dropped back to the now-defunct Club 18 competition to get back some form after a long lay-off with injury. Windlow has umpired games featuring non-football celebrities too, with musicians from Australian Crawl even pulling on the boots at one point. It all adds up to a pretty satisfying career for Windlow, who realised early on that officiating would be a better bet than playing. “I’d been injured playing football and had come to accept I wasn’t a very good player so I started up as a field umpire and I’m still running around,” Windlow said. He’s umpired goals and boundary as well, and officiated in Club 18 games prior to the competition’s merger

with the VAFA in 1986. At one point Victoria’s premier competition was so over-serviced by umpires that Windlow had to step back to a minor competition. “I had one year in the Eastern Suburbs Churches Football Association, which is now defunct, because the VFL had so many umpires that their best juniors umpired in the Club 18,” Windlow said. Windlow said the biggest change over his years umpiring in the VAFA has been the football itself. “In actual fact, the standard of footy has improved drastically,” he said. But it doesn’t mean accidental bumps don’t happen. “When they clean you up now it hurts a lot more,” he said.

VAFA MEDIA To stay up to date with all VAFA related news, follow the VAFA Facebook Page which features HQ news, Sunday highlight videos, promo videos, weekend


reports, action photos and much more. We have recently clicked over 5,000 page followers, so make sure you are kept up to date with the rest of the VAFA community!


THICK AND THIN HOST ‘PIE NIGHT’ Thick & Thin held their inaugural ‘Pie Night’ earlier this month, with more than 100 VAFA players, partners and family members helping raise over $2000 for men’s mental health training. A VAFA player-led initiative, Thick & Thin will use the funds raised to put club representatives through a Mental Health First Aid program and expand their knowledge and awareness of mental health issues. All VAFA clubs taking part in the Socks Round are invited to nominate up to two people for the Mental Health First Aid course. If you would like to nominate yourself, or someone at your club, please email the team at Thick & Thin at: Cofounder, Simon Hogan, said the attendance on Saturday exceeded expectations and the support

surrounding Thick & Thin since its 2015 inception has been phenomenal. “The VAFA community has really embraced the direction of this initiative, as proven at the Pie Night, and together we can continue to work towards increasing awareness of men’s mental health issues and encouraging people to start the conversation,” he said. “The raffle (on Pie Night) proved a hit and we offer our sincerest thanks to those who donated prizes and helped make the night as successful as it was.” Thick & Thin Round will go ahead on August 13 (Round 16 for Premier – Premier C, Round 17 for Division 1 – Division 4), and clubs will wear blues coloured socks to showcase their support for the initiative.

EPITOME OF AMATEUR FOOTBALL During a reserves match between Westbourne Grammarians and Masala, a Masala player was badly concussed in a fair passage of play. Agon Bahitri is playing his first year of football since crossing from soccer for Westbourne and witnessed the incident. Although he is an opposition player, he was the first on hand to lend assistance to the player in need. Concerned for his welfare, Agon took the time out of his game to help the player into a comfortable position THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016

and then proceeded to help him from the field. It’s fantastic to see and is an epitome of Amateur football.



All milestones to by Monday noon. Please supply a picture or Milestones reserves the right to find one on the web. GAMES










Box Hill North congratulates big ruckman CAM LISTON on 200 stellar games. Cam Liston has been a consistent ruck machine over many seasons toying with his opponents due to his strength and experience. Cam is Best & Fairest winner at the club, was in the 2000-09 team of the decade, has been nominated on several occasions within the Division 4 team of the year, and finished last year in the top 3 Div 4 best & fairest count. Off the field, Cam has served on the committee for several years and is the clubs digital/social media manager. Box Hill North is very lucky to have Cam Liston and once again a massive thank-you for everything you continue to do. MHSOBFC proudly congratulates ANTHONY SVIRSKIS on 150 games. A veteran of the club, Anthony tasted success early in his career as a member of the 2004 C Grade Premiership. Now club co-captain, Anthony is a tremendous asset to the club because of his on and off field leadership. A hugely talented ruck forward, the CEO's ability to influence the MHSOBFC tribe is profound. Well done Svirka. SAM BAKER has reached the fantastic milestone of 150 games with Fitzroy Football Club. Sam joined Fitzroy in 2008 where he played 10 games with the U19s and nine with the Seniors. From 2009 onwards, Sam has been a key figure in our Senior team. He played in the 2009 Grand Final which saw the club elevated from D1 to Premier C and he also played in the 2012 Grand Final resulting in the elevation to Premier B, the highest in the club's VAFA history. Co-coach, Nick Mitchell, describes Sam as a no nonsense, head over the footy, human cannonball, mixed with the right amount of flair. Everyone loves to watch him play. CHARLIE RANDLES joined SKOB FC in 2009 as an Under 19 player and then moved to the Reserves in 2011. After missing the 2013 season, he was back in 2014, playing with the Premier B Thirds where his 42 goals for the season won him both the VAFA and the Club’s goal kicking award. Season 2015 was even better, as Charlie was an integral member of the Premier Thirds Premiership team, the first ever Premiership for SKOBs at that level, and he also won the Coach’s Award. Now a Vice Captain of the Thirds Gold, we wish Charlie Randles all the best for this terrific milestone. MICHAEL GOLDEN of Old Ivanhhoe reaches 100 games after several years as a solid, tenacious defender in the Reserves. Last years B&F Reserves winner and a fantastic clubman and supporter of activities at the Club , `Goldie` is an immensely popular player of the type that provides the heart and soul of a football club and will no doubt be there for years to come. MHSOBFC proudly congratulates JARROD SHERWIN on 100 games. Modelling his game on Lindsay Thomas, Jarrod 'Shifty' Sherwin has established himself as a dangerous and explosive small forward. Hard working and disciplined, Jarrod has overcome two wrist surgeries to reach his milestone. Well done Shifty.

Congratulations to our captain JOHN ‘HORSE’ SHAW on reaching 100 games for the Old Xaverians Football Club. John finished at Xavier College in 2006, playing TAC for Sandringham Dragons in 2005-07 and VFL for Williamstown in 2008-09 after being drafted by the Western Bulldogs. John joined the Old Xavs in 2010 to play with his schoolmates and has been an integral part of our club since as our first ruckman, playing in the 2010 and 2013 Premiership teams. John was vicecaptain in 2014 & 2015, becoming captain this year. He won the club best and fairest in 2015 and has represented the Big V on four occasions. Well done ‘Horse’ on achieving this significant milestone, hopefully many more games in the ‘red and black’ to come. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016




Box Hill North congratulates AYDEN "TEX" WALKER on notching up 100 great games. Ayden's commitment has been unquestionable and since arriving at the club is yet to miss a game. He is a previous reserves best & fairest winner and in more recent years has cemented his position within the senior ranks. Ayden is versatile swing man who can play back, forward and even be thrown into the ruck. Off the field Ayden is a great character amongst the boys and is passionate about his Geelong Cats.


MICHAEL STOWE plays his 100th game for Old Haileyburians today. The pacy utility has made a welcome return to the team in the second half of the season after playing in last year's premiership outfit. Quiet and bearded, Stowey is well known for his bravery and determination either in the middle of the ground or around the flanks. Well done Stowey from all at the Bloods.







Ivanhoe Amateurs congratulates its 2015 best-and-fairest winner MALI JACOBS on his 100th senior game for the club in Round 12. After a season in the Hoes’ Under 19s, Mali made his senior debut in 2011 when the club was in D3 section. He quickly adapted to the rigours of senior footy to become a top ruckman and a model of consistency. Mali hasn’t missed a senior game this year and played in every game in the 2015 and 2014 seasons. He was appointed vice-captain this season and continues to set a fine example for teammates with his fantastic work rate on match days and on the training track. Keep it going Mali! Congrats to TOM SULLIVAN who chalks up his 100th game for the club this week. Tom had a decorated Junior career before making his senior debut in 2011. Along the way Tom played in Calder Cannons 2010 Premiership and had a stint with VFL side Coburg. In recent years Tom has become a star in senior ranks winning two best & fairests (2013/14) and is a regular VAFA state rep. With lightning pace, fine skills and a ton of courage Tom gives his all every week. We look forward to seeing Tommy adding to his already impressive career. Well done Sull from all at ‘the pit’ DAVID LEE played his 100th game for Fitzroy on Saturday. David joined the club in 2008 and has a few seasons off over the journey. A versatile player, he has the ability to play at both ends of the ground. Nick states that “David is a flexible player, proving time again that he is just as capable of kicking goals as he is at stopping them, which is a testament to his ability as a footballer.” Congratulations to the following players who all play their 50th games for SKOB FC this weekend: CHRIS GLEESON; HARRY SARGENT, NICK MEEHAN; TOM CUNNINGHAM AND TOM MASSEY. Each player has made a fantastic contribution to SKOB FC so far in their football careers. Well done and best wishes for the future. SKOB FC congratulates talented brothers and 2015 Premiership players, STEVEN AND JASON SALOPEK on both reaching 50 games. Steven joined his younger brother, Jason, at SKOB in 2013. It has added great strength to our Senior team having both players. SKOB is proud of their individual and combined contribution to the Club both on and off the field. Congratulations, Steven and Jason! TOM KELLOCK of Old Ivanhoe reaches 50 games after coming up from the U/19`s where he was a member of the 2013 premiership team and last year he was 3rd in the B& F . Now promoted to the Seniors, he has cemented a spot in defence where he has been given the job of shutting down some dangerous forwards and has excelled.








JAKE ERMAN of Old Ivanhoe reaches 50 games, another player from the U/19 2013 premiership side who is now a defender in the Reserves, Jake is proving a terrific dependable defender who gives his all no matter what the odds.

LIAM SUGRUE joined Fitzroy in 2013. He played a few games in his first year with the Thirds and had a particularly good season for the Thirds in 2014. From 2015 onwards, Liam has been a regular player for both the Reserves and Seniors teams. “Liam is arguably the most improved player at the club as he has not played football for that long. Each season his game has gone to a new level and this season he has played some great footy, particularly at senior level” says Nick. Liam played his 50th game on Saturday.





2006 was the start of a milestone for the St Bedes/Mentone Tigers AFC and the VAFA with SBMT winning the C grade grand final in 2006, then completing the "threepeat" of winning B grade in 2007 and A grade in 2008. 2006 saw 3 amazing premierships for St Bedes/Mentone Football Club Now comes the time to get together and remember the many highlights that kick started a golden era in the history of the club. On Saturday 13 August we are hosting a cocktail function at Sandy by the Bay to celebrate the milestone and our club. All past, present and future, players, officials, families & supporters are ALL WELCOME!! THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016



Tom Feldgen


SAINTS FINALS HOPES RAIDED Division 1 finally has a clear top four. Therry Penola and PEGS now sit third and fourth respectively and are a game and percentage inside the four. St Mary’s Salesian’s critical loss to Old Paradians has meant that some clarity is now present in the race for finals qualification. However, as has been the case all season, anything is possible and there are no doubt a number of upsets to take place in the remaining four rounds. In icy cold conditions at Ferndale Park Old Paradians forced St Mary’s Salesian to suffer their fourth loss in a row after previously sitting on top of the ladder with eight wins and two losses. Despite the end margin being a mere 15 points it was a convincing performance from the Raiders who are absolutely storming home in the latter stage of the season. The scoring shots (30 to the Raiders, 20 to the Saints) were indicative of the tale of the game. Marcus Nolan continued his blistering form for the Raiders with three goals and another best on ground display, while Sean Miller and Andrew Tulipano also impressed. Nathan Evans battled away for the Saints and Michael Dolan kicked four. The Saints now desperately need to respond with a win in round 15 and hope results go their way in the remaining rounds. Old Geelong silenced the doubters and cemented second position with a 17-point win in a low scoring affair against fellow premiership contender Therry Penola. The Lions never quite recovered from their slow start, which saw them left goalless at quartertime. Callum Wood slotted three vital majors for the home side and Carl Joyce continued his inspired form with a dynamic performance for the Ogs. Chris Hoban kicked half of the Lions’ majors

and superstar key forward Jarrod Bannister was held to the singular maximum. The Costello boys were back at it again, being amongst the strongest performers. Out at Keysborough Old Mentonians made it five from five with a 30-point victory over Ivanhoe. The loss has all but ended the Hoes finals aspirations. The Panthers come out a little sluggish trailing by 12 at the first break, but lead at each of the following intervals as they found their groove. Kyle Conlon was the only multiple goal scorer on the field as he registered two significant goals for the Panthers, Aaron Hodges continued his hot streak of form and Brenton Schubert also impressed. Liam Jacob and Glenn Francis did their utmost to keep Ivanhoe in the contest. PEGS cemented their position inside the top four and gave themselves a handy percentage boost on the way as they trounced Brunswick NOBSPC by 56 points at The Runway. Considering the blustery conditions, the quarter time score of 28-1 in favour of the home side meant the contest was all but over. NOBs simply lacked effort in the first stanza. This improved for the remainder, although it wasn’t enough to create a scare in the PEGS camp. Cam Livori was sublime with four goals and a stellar overall performance, David Forrest was outstanding and did much of the grunt work, while Andrew Khallouf continued his great form. Kyle Adams provided a lone hand up forward for Brunswick NOBSPC and Jeremy Nettleford continued his great form to be NOBs’ best on the day. Unfortunately for Prahran-Assumption, they look TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD Brunswick NOBSPC v St Mary’s Salesian Old Geelong v Whitefriars Ivanhoe v Therry Penola Old Paradians v Old Mentonians PEGS v Prahran-Assumption



Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

to be headed to Division 2 in 2017 after suffering a 34-point loss to Whitefriars. After fully utilising the wind to lead by 22 at quarter time, the TwoBlues capitulated and the Friars kicked into gear. The Two-Blues were especially disappointing in the third quarter as they managed just two points despite the wind advantage. Whitefriars controlled the game after quarter time and extended their lead in each of the following quarters. Michael Nitas was their most prominent forward with three majors, Sean Currie continued his purple patch and Tim Baker was another standout. John Robbins made in five goals in the past two weeks for the Two Blues after adding two majors to his account and John Stocker was a shining light on a bleak day for the Prahran-Assumption army.



Old Geelong 2.6, 4.6, 6.7, 7.10 (52) Therry Penola OB 0.1, 2.4, 4.9, 4.11 (35) GOALS, Old Geelong: C. Wood 3, A. Bird 1, R. Parsons 1, C. O’Brien 1, S. Youngman 1 Therry Penola OB: C. Hoban 2, J. Bannister 1, G. Widdicombe 1 BEST, Old Geelong: C. Joyce, J. Hutley, C. O’Brien, R. Parsons, S. James, A. Bird Therry Penola OB: M. Costello, J. Costello, C. Hoban, M. Lyons, L. Ryan, B. Egglestone Old Mentonians 1.1, 3.5, 4.8, 7.14 (56) Ivanhoe 3.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 (26) GOALS, Old Mentonians: K. Conlon 2, L. Hull 1, D. Mills 1, D. Brown 1, S. Cormie 1, B. Schubert 1 Ivanhoe: B. Jackson 1, J. Harty 1, Z. Mowat 1, E. Robinson 1 BEST, Old Mentonians: A. Hodges, B. Schubert, C. Sharp, T. Strange, S. Hamill, W. Lancaster Ivanhoe: L. Jacob, G. Francis, A. Whitehead, C. Mitchell, D. Jones, J. Harty PEGS 4.4, 6.8, 11.9, 15.12 (102) Brunswick NOBSPC 0.1, 1.1, 4.2, 7.4 (46) GOALS, PEGS: C. Livori 4, C. Goullet 2, T. Skurrie 2, B. Hannah 2, B. Jones 2, J. Young 1, J. Condon 1, T. Memery 1 Brunswick NOBSPC: K. Adams 2, E. Cole 1, S. Sleep 1, J. Nettlefold 1, J. Bell 1, M. Crump 1 BEST, PEGS: D. Forrest, C. Livori, A. Khallouf, R. Baddeley, C. Goullet, J. Watson Brunswick NOBSPC: J. Nettlefold, P. Kelly, C. Ford, K. Adams, G. Bence, L. Ezard Old Paradians 2.7, 8.11, 12.13, 13.17 (95) St Mary’s Salesian 3.0, 5.0, 9.5, 12.8 (80) GOALS, Old Paradians: M. Nolan 3, A. Pattison 2, B. Moylan 2, J. Kappos 2, D. Boundy 1, C. Kandilakis 1, K. O’Brien 1, M. Boundy 1 St Mary’s Salesian: M. Dolan 4, J. Strangward 1, C. Strobel 1, K. Reynolds 1, S. Gusts 1, S. Jones 1, B. Andrews 1, B. Gatehouse 1, N. Evans 1 BEST, Old Paradians: M. Nolan, S. Miller, A. Tulipano, B. Ferraro, W. Jeffrey, B. Moylan St Mary’s Salesian: N. Evans, D. Grant, H. Chipperfield, B. Andrews, M. Dolan, T. Dudgeon Whitefriars OC 1.5, 4.10, 8.14, 11.18 (84) Prahran Assumption 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 7.8 (50) GOALS, Whitefriars OC: M. Nitas 3, H. Murray 2, C. Giovannini 1, R. Tester 1, M. Geilings 1, B. Lyall 1, D. Tibaldi 1, A. Daou 1 Prahran Assumption: J. Robbins 2, B. Adams 1, J. Musster 1, J. Matherson 1, A. Sleight 1, M. Wall 1 BEST, Whitefriars OC: S. Currie, T. Baker, D. Tibaldi, R. Malt, D. Spence, C. Giovannini Prahran Assumption: J. Stocker, J. Musster, J. Simonetta, H. Taylor, P. Donahoo, A. Sleight


Tentatively, I am going to suggest that round 15 features some fairly clear cut fixtures in which the winner should be easy to predict. However, last time something along those lines was proclaimed it was upsets galore! And that may well be the case if the trend of Division 1 continues on the weekend. Despite all of this I’m sticking with the favourites and am praying to the footy gods to help me regain some pride in my tips.


Therry Penola OB 1.2, 3.4, 6.9, 6.10 (46) Old Geelong 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 2.6 (18) GOALS, Therry Penola OB: J. Dixon 4, D. McCracken 1, D. Ractliffe 1 Old Geelong: C. Sherwin 1, T. Osmond 1 BEST, Therry Penola OB: A. Maynard, D. Leroy, J. Dixon, A. Ractliffe, S. Bye, C. Skapetis Old Geelong: C. Sherwin, A. Smith, B. Millar, J. Forster, A. De Fegely, N. O’Hare Old Mentonians 1.5, 2.9, 4.10, 6.12 (48) Ivanhoe 0.0, 0.1, 2.3, 3.5 (23) GOALS, Old Mentonians: J. Costello 2, T. Rayner 2, G. McMullan 1, B. Hodges 1 Ivanhoe: BEST, Old Mentonians: C. Downie, C. Johnstone, P. Forsyth, J. Costello, M. Myers-Snyders, A. McKinnon Ivanhoe: PEGS 3.0, 6.3, 8.5, 8.8 (56) Brunswick NOBSPC 1.2, 2.2, 2.2, 3.3 (21) GOALS, PEGS: N. Bartram 2, J. Saunders 2, L. Flaherty 1, J. Barrett 1, N. Semini 1, T. Ferris 1 Brunswick NOBSPC: C. Horsley 1, J. Dunell 1, L. White 1 BEST, PEGS: T. Livori, B. Glassford, M. Nola, N. Semini, C. Moore, R. Troost Brunswick NOBSPC: P. Carter, C. Horsley, M. Close, L. White, S. Fennell, J. Dunell St Mary’s Salesian 2.3, 7.5, 11.10, 16.16 (112) Old Paradians 1.0, 1.1, 2.4, 2.4 (16) GOALS, St Mary’s Salesian: D. Gook 4, N. Alexopoulos 2, J. Barrie 2, H. Brown 2, F. Ravida 1, R. Nickless 1, J. Ryan 1, X. Leonard 1, K. Duerden 1, H. Wong 1 Old Paradians: T. Dimasi 1, N. Fraser 1 BEST, St Mary’s Salesian: N. Bussell, J. Evans, D. Gook, N. Alexopoulos, F. Ravida, B. Kelly Old Paradians: B. Van Driel, B. Fairley, A. D Souza, A. Gafa, R. McHugh, S. Money Prahran Assumption 2.2, 3.2, 6.5, 8.7 (55) Whitefriars OC 0.0, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4 (34) GOALS, Prahran Assumption: R. Ellis 4, S. DaRiva 1, A. Forbes 1, E. Delahenty 1, J. Rice 1 Whitefriars OC: D. Loh 2, M. McMahon 1, T. Deylen 1, S. Cardamone 1 BEST, Prahran Assumption: T. Keaney, J. Ancrum, E. Delahenty, J. Frydman, T. Matherson, W. Armstrong



Jarryd McGuane

WEATHER MAKES FOR EXCITING FOOTBALL Average weather conditions for round 14 of Division 2 saw all the matches played out in a tight fashion with no side winning by more than 40 points. St Johns OC overcame an average first half to defeat a gallant Eltham Collegians by 24 points at Eltham College. Eltham Collegians jumped out to a strong start getting four goals on the board and only allowed the top of the table St Johns OC one to lead by 19 points of the first change. The Turtles added another goal in the second quarter but they had awoken the JOC’s, who would reduce the margin to five points on the back of three goals. The second half showed the premiership credentials of St Johns OC as they would not allow any more Turtle goals, only allowing two behinds in each quarter. They would put four goals on the board in third to lead by 17 points at the final change and one goal in the final quarter to lead by 24 at the final siren. Josh Mourant, Kane Arnold and Matt Nicholson kicked two goals each for St Johns, with John Ayama best on ground. Evan Mcdowell battled hard for the Turtles, with Brad Galvin their only multiple goal kicker with two goals. Richmond Central came as close to a win as they have been for weeks, as they fell to Yarra Valley OB by 40 points at Kevin Bartlett Reserve. Neither side started in a strong fashion as Richmond Central were scoreless, but Yarra Valley only added two behinds at the end of the first quarter. Yarra Valley OB were left to rue many missed opportunities in the second quarter, as their 3.5 for the quarter to 2.1 for Richmond Central to only lead by 12 points. Those missed opportunities would not hurt the Bushrangers as the Snakes only added two goals but allowed six as the game looked beyond doubt at 39 points at three quarter time. The final quarter was an even affair, as the final margin would increase by a solitary point in the last quarter. Ben Trend was again the Bushrangers best, while Chris Hodgens was dangerous up forward with three goals. Jake Munro, Daniel Cannon and Andrew Kelly combined for all six of the Snakes goals, with Dustin Roberts as their best. 18

At Melbourne High School, MHSOB top four chances were dealt a blow as Preston Bullants claimed a 14-point road victory. Despite with more on the line of the two sides, MHSOB allowed Preston to control to opening minutes and would trail by 10 points despite having an even amount of shots. Inaccuracy would start to blight the Unicorns, as they would trail by two points despite three more scoring shots. Preston Bullants, who still are in the hunt for second place, tightened the screws in the second half and only allowed one major for the rest of the game. The Bullants ran the lead out 18 points at three quarter time, but lost the last quarter. Despite this MHSOB still had chances and with 0.4 in the third and 1.6 in the final quarter, with the inaccuracy in the last quarter stopping any chance of a comeback. Chris Polidoras had his second best on ground performance in a row for the Bullants, with Matt Holmes, Jake Powell and Roland Buttigieg combining for six goals. Dylan Hamilton-Ho battled to get MHSOB over the line, with two goals apiece for Kane Smith and Luke Young as the only multiple goal kickers. A dominant second quarter for Bulleen/ Templestowe was the catalyst for the 26-point victory over Emmaus St Leos at Bennettswood Sports Ground. Emmaus St Leos started as though Bennettswood is theirs to protect, as they kicked three goals to two to lead by seven points at quarter time. But the Animals would drop their intensity and six goals for the Bullants would give them a 24-point half time lead. Inaccuracy would damage both sides and the margin would extend in the Bullants favour to 26 points. The game remained even in the final quarter, as Bulleen/Templestowe did not allow Emmaus St Leos back into the game. Brodie McLaughlin was dangerous for the Bullants throughout the game TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD Preston Bullants v Richmond Central Yarra Valley OB v Emmaus St Leos Eltham Collegians v MHSOB Bulleen/Templestowe v West Brunswick

St Johns OV v Bye


Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

and Anthony Lucisano was their major goal kicker with three. Nic Robin added three for the Animals and Paul Baranello was gallant in defeat. West Brunswick returns from the Bye in round 15 to face the in-form Bulleen/Templestowe at Ted Ajani Reserve. Yarra Valley OB return home to Doncaster Reserve hoping to extend their hold on fourth place facing Emmaus St Leos. If MHSOB still have a chance of getting back into the top four before the end of the season, they will need to travel to Eltham College to defeat Eltham Collegians who are a tough weekly matchup despite their ladder position. The final match of the round sees Richmond Central travel to W.R. Ruthven Reserve to face third placed Preston Bullants. The top of the table St Johns OC get the bye to fresh up before their finals tilt.



Bulleen Templestowe 2.1, 8.4, 9.10, 12.14 (86) Emmaus St Leos 3.2, 4.4, 5.8, 8.12 (60) GOALS, Bulleen Templestowe: A. Lucisano 3, O. Aziz 2, D. Dakin 2, R. Edsall 1, L. Wallis 1, B. McLaughlin 1, T. Harisiou 1, B. O’Connor 1 Emmaus St Leos: N. Robin 3, D. Hill 2, J. Quirk 1, N. Baranello 1, L. Virgo 1 BEST, Bulleen Templestowe: B. McLaughlin, B. Wilson, J. Cowell, C. Burridge, A. Lucisano, S. Avramidis Emmaus St Leos: P. Baranello, N. Robin, A. McDougall, S. Simpson, M. Catchpool, M. Davis Preston Bullants 4.4, 7.4, 10.6, 11.8 (74) Mhsob 2.6, 6.8, 6.12, 7.18 (60) GOALS, Preston Bullants: M. Holmes 2, R. Buttigieg 2, J. Powell 2, C. Useinov 1, M. Cigagna 1, G. Warton 1, L. Carter 1, J. Phelan 1 Mhsob: L. Young 2, K. Smith 2, B. Jellis 1, M. Bradshaw 1, D. Hamilton-Ho 1 BEST, Preston Bullants: C. Polidoras, D. Calcedo, M. Holmes, D. Wakim, C. Useinov, M. Fogale Mhsob: D. Hamilton-Ho, M. Brain, M. Fennessy-Kent, W. Maurice, B. Jellis, A. Villani St Johns OC 1.2, 4.6, 8.6, 9.9 (63) Eltham Collegians 4.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9 (39) GOALS, St Johns OC: M. Nicholson 2, K. Arnold 2, J. Mourant 2, L. Kazinoti 1, R. Scott 1, A. Thornton 1 Eltham Collegians: B. Galvin 2, B. Gill 1, T. Woods 1, S. Richardson 1 BEST, St Johns OC: J. Ayama, G. Costas, G. Chuol, J. Mourant, D. Abou-Karroum, D. Webb Eltham Collegians: E. Mcdowell, J. Howell, T. Wenborn, B. Galvin, M. Crooks, M. Hargrave Yarra Valley OB 0.2, 3.7, 9.10, 11.14 (80) Richmond Central 0.0, 2.1, 4.1, 6.4 (40) GOALS, Yarra Valley OB: C. Hodgens 3, R. Little 2, M. Gazeas 2, M. Hatton 1, R. Pollard 1, D. Mills 1, N. Paton 1 Richmond Central: D. Cannon 2, A. Kelly 2, J. Munro 2 BEST, Yarra Valley OB: B. Trend, R. Pollard, J. Trend, C. Hodgens, W. Ponsford, L. Grimwade Richmond Central: D. Roberts, T. Heggart, R. Hickey, C. Rivett, A. Kelly, T. Quinn



Bulleen Templestowe 0.4, 5.7, 6.8, 13.11 (89) Emmaus St Leos 0.1, 2.6, 6.9, 7.9 (51) GOALS, Bulleen Templestowe: Emmaus St Leos: E. Mitchell 2, J. Riordan 1, S. Jones 1, D. McNeill 1, J. Greensides 1, J. Webb 1 BEST, Bulleen Templestowe: Emmaus St Leos: E. Mitchell, A. Auliso, A. Athorne, J. Schink, M. Lalor, S. Bavage Mhsob 4.2, 10.6, 15.10, 17.16 (118) Preston Bullants 0.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3 (9) GOALS, Mhsob: J. McWhinney 5, J. Moran 2, B. Tilley 2, A. Jones 2, S. Shearer 2, C. Hewish 1, A. Tran 1, A. Lim 1, J. Capuano 1 Preston Bullants: E. Scott 1 BEST, Mhsob: A. Tran, C. McWhinney, J. McWhinney, A. Jones, J. Moran, B. Tilley Preston Bullants: E. Scott, N. Spagnolo, K. Neil, S. Clarkson, M. Wilson, B. Parke Eltham Collegians 4.2, 6.4, 10.7, 15.8 (98) St Johns OC 2.1, 3.3, 4.4, 6.5 (41) GOALS, Eltham Collegians: R. Mydlar 4, L. Pearson 4, J. Hyndman 4, M. Griffin 1, T. Grindal 1, J. Shea 1 St Johns OC: D. Egan 3, S. Sullivan 2, A. Edwards 1 BEST, Eltham Collegians: M. Mcphee, Z. Cole, P. Zumbo, R. Mydlar, L. Lacy, M. Griffin St Johns OC: T. Diaz, S. Sullivan, A. Stevanovic, A. Edwards, A. Vuong, T. Edwards Yarra Valley OB 3.7, 11.11, 16.11, 20.17 (137) Richmond Central 3.0, 3.0, 5.3, 5.6 (36) GOALS, Yarra Valley OB: C. Beal 5, J. Goldsmith 3, D. Perry 3, D. Vanderzeil 2, J. Woolley 2, R. Seeger 2, G. Sceney 1, M. Luckhurst 1, B. Redfern 1 Richmond Central: S. Hartmann 4, A. Pruscino 1 BEST, Yarra Valley OB: R. Seeger, C. Beal, G. Sceney, D. Vanderzeil, J. Woolley, A. Potter Richmond Central: D. Dignam, J. Ruwoldt, S. Hartmann, N. Bucci, M. Harris, A. Read



Ren Thompson

POWER HOUSE STUN SWANS, LA TROBE’S STREAK ENDS AT NINE Power House surprised the higher ranked South Melbourne Districts to keep their slim Finals hopes alive, while the Vultures outlasted the red-hot La Trobe to end their nine game winning streak in a thrilling 4-point victory. Our division leaders cruised to victories in a round where difficult conditions cooled the hot scoring of last week. Lets check out the games...

GLEN EIRA DEF. AQUINAS OC Glen Eira travelled to Aquinas College and defeated the Bloods by 42 points, 99-57, as their unbeaten streak marches on to an incredible 14 straight games. Trying conditions resulted in Aquinas remaining closer than many, including myself, expected in the first half but it was a second half onslaught that sealed the victory for Glen Eira and improved their chances at going 18-0. Julius Waras Carstensen once again was the spearhead for the Saints booting five goals, but Matt Harris was the star booting three goals in a best on ground performance. Ben Adam was best for Aquinas who at times show glimpses of the form needed to end this losing slide now at nine straight games. CANTERBURY DEF. ELSTERNWICK It was a final quarter scoring flourish by Canterbury that broke the hearts of Elsternwick as they overcame a 16-point three quarter time deficit to defeat the Wickers by 26 points, 100-74. Elsternwick had been stellar through three quarters and looked a great chance to record their first win since Round 8 however inaccurate kicking resulted in the Cobras remaining within striking distance. It was an opportunity that Canterbury capitalised on as the home team piled on seven goals to one, their relentless attacks were too venomous for the Wickers who couldn’t hold on to the lead and fell to their sixth straight loss. Canterbury on the other hand clings on to sixth spot on the ladder with only four games remaining. UHS-VU DEF. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Tough conditions resulted in a tough game between two of the hottest teams in Division 3 but it was the Vultures who held off the fast-finishing La Trobe outfit to secure the 4-point thrilling win, 43-39, and record their fifth straight win. UHS-VU 20

adapted best to the conditions in the early going as they were able to fight their way to a 13-point lead at half-time on some great play from Joe Turner and Tom Woodlock, but La Trobe wasn’t ready to concede the game just yet. In a stirring third quarter, La Trobe booted five goals to bring themselves right back into contention trailing by less than a goal with only a quarter remaining. However in the fourth the Vultures were able to hang on in the low scoring battle to escape with the thrilling win and move to fourth on the ladder.

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY DEF. PARKSIDE Swinburne kept their ever so slim Finals chances alive with a 48-point thumping of the Red Devils, 85-37, at Pitcher Park. After a low scoring first half where the Razorbacks held Parkside to a lone goal, Swinny exploded in the third quarter booting six goals to one taking a commanding 53-point lead into final quarter. Parkside were able to pinch a few back to reduce the deficit but the damage had been done as Parkside fell to another loss and back to the bottom of the ladder. Matthew Greenwood was the man of the match for Swinburne whose final four games are against opponents higher than them on the ladder. It’s going to take all of their might to have any chance at playing September footy but a great win to build on. HAWTHORN DEF. ALBERT PARK The Hawks thrashed the Falcons by 49 points, 92-43, in a ‘Battle of the Birds’ at Rathmines Road Reserve. After a competitive first quarter that saw the teams separated by only 8 points, Hawthorn broke free of Albert Park’s pressure in the second quarter kicking four goals and building a lead that proved insurmountable for the visiting side. Ross McDermott continued his incredible form as the power forward was the star with four goals after running rampage last week with a bag of 11 majors. DIVISION 3 — TIPS IN BOLD UHS-VU v Aquinas OC Canterbury v Hawthorn Elsternwick v Glen Eira Sth Melbourne Districts v Parkside Albert Park v La Trobe University Swinburne University v Power House


Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

While Kyle Harrison and Nathan Raiti were among the best for the Hawks, James Brick was the best on ground for the Falcons for the second straight week. Albert Park fall to their fifth straight loss and have a difficult test when they face a frustrated La Trobe squad in the next round.

POWER HOUSE DEF. STH MELBOURNE DIST. Power House caused the biggest surprise of Round 14 as they used a dominant second half to cruise to a 31-point victory against South Melbourne Districts, 70-39, at Ross Gregory Oval. In a tight first half the Swans held a 1-point lead at the main break however Ant Voyage’s message to his chargers at the break worked a treat. As Power House took the initiative in an impressive second half where they scored seven goals to two including holding the Swans scoreless in the final quarter to put the game beyond doubt. Dominic Mitchell and James O’Neil were the best for Power House who remain


PREVIEW With only four rounds remaining every game is becoming vital in the race for the top six. While the top three look almost set in stone, six teams still battle for the bottom three places and a loss could be dire. Glen Eira and Hawthorn will hope to continue their winning streaks and avoid a slip-up loss against the Wickers and the Cobras respectively. La Trobe will look to take out some frustrations after their tough lost to UHS-VU on the road at Albert Park. South Melbourne should avoid a second stunning loss by rebounding against Parkside. UHS-VU host a reeling Aquinas and will look to make it six straight wins while Aquinas will look to avoid their 10 straight loss. Finally Swinburne host Power House where the loser will almost surely say goodbye to their dream of Finals


Glen Eira 4.3, 6.4, 10.5, 15.9 (99) Aquinas OC 1.4, 3.4, 5.8, 8.9 (57) GOALS, Glen Eira: J. Waras Carstensen 5, M. Harris 3, L. Pound 2, A. Erwin-Ross 2, L. Stevens 2, J. Mills 1  Aquinas OC: P. Dyck 2, B. Burke 2, L. Barnes 1, M. Palmer 1, B. O’Loughlin 1, M. Jess 1 BEST, Glen Eira: M. Harris, L. Pound, J. Waras Carstensen, L. Stevens, K. Cherian, A. Erwin-Ross Aquinas OC: B. Adam, J. McMahon, S. O’Loughlin, W. Morrison, M. Jess, M. Connolly Canterbury 3.2, 6.6, 7.9, 14.16 (100) Elsternwick 5.4, 7.6, 9.13, 10.14 (74) GOALS, Canterbury: S. Fitzgerald 4, M. Szabo 3, N. Szabo 3, J. Price 1, R. Hobson 1, T. Lowden 1, J. Gillen 1  Elsternwick: J. Yeatman 3, J. Hunter 2, J. Christie 1, S. Grace 1, P. Cassidy 1, D. Grace 1, C. Marinis 1 BEST, Canterbury: S. Fitzgerald, T. Lowden, J. Gillen, J. Wilson, J. Wilson, C. Brock Elsternwick: J. Yeatman, J. Christie, L. Yeatman, A. Oldfield, N. Contin, S. Grace Hawthorn 3.6, 7.13, 9.16, 12.20 (92) Albert Park 2.4, 4.8, 4.11, 5.13 (43) GOALS, Hawthorn: R. McDermott 4, J. Ince 3, L. Chapman 1, S. Wintle 1, S. Gold 1, D. Pritchard 1, R. Ogge 1  Albert Park: A. Snowden 1, N. Materia 1, K. Murray 1, S. Alexander 1, J. Brick 1 BEST, Hawthorn: K. Harrison, N. Raiti, J. Ridley, B. Hedley, R. McDermott, K. Pargeter Albert Park: J. Brick, T. Cattle, C. Marson, K. Murray, L. Childs, S. Martin UHS-VU 2.2, 3.2, 5.4, 6.7 (43) La Trobe University 1.0, 1.1, 5.1, 6.3 (39) GOALS, UHS-VU: R. Smith 2, N. Devereux 2, J. Clark 1, B. Ryan 1 La Trobe University: J. Hickey 1, D. Ryan 1, B. Dowler 1, L. Guy 1, J. Christie 1, B. Hoffmann 1 BEST, UHS-VU: J. Turner, T. Woodlock, L. Allen, N. Amourgis, B. Anderson, J. Clark La Trobe University: B. Hoffmann, J. Christie, S. Leitch, B. Fendyk, E. Kelly, A. Lockett Swinburne University 3.3, 4.4, 10.9, 12.13 (85) Parkside 1.0, 1.3, 2.4, 5.7 (37) GOALS, Swinburne University: D. Manning 3, R. Lugg 2, D. Webb 2, B. Higgins 2, T. Kennedy 1, J. Barnes 1, J. Manning 1  Parkside: T. McKinlay 2, W. Lay 1, A. Gargano 1, S. McLaren 1 BEST, Swinburne University: M. Greenwood, D. Manning, J. Barnes, T. Kourakis, K. Fitzpatrick, A. Woodhead  Parkside: M. Muir, S. McLaren, N. Burton, J. Toplis, D. Gresham, B. Dahan Power House 2.7, 3.7, 9.8, 10.10 (70) South Melbourne Districts 2.3, 3.8, 5.9, 5.9 (39) GOALS, Power House: A. Collett 2, A. McEwen 2, N. Nagel 1, D. Nannery 1, E. Edwards 1, B. Circosta 1, R. Carroll 1, L. Johnston 1  South Melbourne Districts: J. Heis 1, J. Clifford 1, B. Parkinson 1, R. Benson 1, L. Money 1 BEST, Power House: D. Mitchell, J. O’Neil, S. McLeod, A. McEwen, S. Devine, D. Nannery South Melbourne Districts: L. Beanland, J. Clifford, J. Corby, B. D’Amelio, S. Clarke, A. Rawlings


in Finals race with the stirring victory.


Glen Eira 0.3, 0.9, 4.12, 7.15 (57) Aquinas OC 2.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7 (25) GOALS, Glen Eira: B. Cantlon 2, J. King 2, D. Entwistle 2, M. Ramanathan 1 Aquinas OC: M. Kershaw 1, N. Spencer 1, D. Malvaso 1 BEST, Glen Eira: J. King, D. Entwistle, T. Costigan, J. Serpanchy, B. Fullerton, D. Santalucia Aquinas OC: J. Kogelman, T. Anderson, P. Maaskant, P. Jess, J. Valentine, M. Kershaw Canterbury 4.3, 7.5, 10.7, 13.12 (90) Elsternwick 1.3, 1.5, 2.8, 5.10 (40) GOALS, Canterbury: A. Szabo 3, M. James 2, S. Hanrahan 2, M. Crawford 2, T. Finnin 1, D. Robinson 1, L. Venditti 1, L. Robertson 1 Elsternwick: M. Rosewarne 2, O. Gildea 1, T. Perkins 1, C. Rogers 1 BEST, Canterbury: M. Crawford, S. Hanrahan, B. Lashbrook, A. Stals, A. Szabo, L. Venditti Elsternwick: C. Mahony, C. Rogers, C. Watts, J. Yemm, T. Collins, M. Rosewarne Hawthorn 2.4, 4.9, 7.13, 10.16 (76) Albert Park 1.3, 4.4, 4.4, 4.6 (30) GOALS, Hawthorn: J. Perks 4, D. Upton 1, S. Vallance 1, S. Waldron 1, T. Chapman 1, J. Cussen 1, D. Kennedy 1 Albert Park: J. Trouchet 1, J. Taylor 1, B. Coyle 1, R. Maher 1 BEST, Hawthorn: J. Perks, D. Upton, B. Freeman, D. Kennedy, T. Chapman, J. Downie Albert Park: L. Fetherston, M. Keating, K. Gloury, T. Wright, C. Richards, T. Honan La Trobe University 2.5, 4.6, 7.7, 11.10 (76) UHS-VU 0.1, 1.4, 3.6, 4.7 (31) GOALS, La Trobe University: S. Neville 4, T. Ludeman 2, S. Nelson 2, S. Conheady 1, B. Tonkin 1, D. South 1 UHS-VU: D. Fazakerley 2, L. McCartney 1, B. Cross 1 UHS-VU: F. Allen, T. Booth, T. Bates, H. Kostas, E. Kusch, C. Mawdsley Swinburne University 4.2, 7.7, 11.11, 13.17 (95) Parkside 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.1 (19) GOALS, Swinburne University: J. Teague 4, J. Dwyer 3, D. O’Shea 2, M. Leahy 1, N. Iskra 1, M. Manning 1, P. Strachan 1 Parkside: E. Morris 1, J. Venables 1, M. Belbasis 1 BEST, Swinburne University: M. Leahy, T. Corrie, J. Teague, D. Larner, T. Birchmore, M. Manning Parkside: M. Sourlos, M. Belbasis, R. Bromilow, J. Venables, E. Morris, E. Wood South Melbourne Districts 2.6, 9.10, 13.13, 20.18 (138) Power House 4.2, 4.2, 5.5, 5.6 (36) GOALS, South Melbourne Districts: S. Walker 4, D. O’Dea 4, D. Blake 3, S. Balestra 2, H. Robinson 2, J. Holman 2, S. McWilliams 1, A. Vasant 1, J. Brooker 1  Power House: P. Arnold 2, N. Jeffrey 2, D. Fogarty 1 BEST, South Melbourne Districts: D. O’Dea, S. Walker, S. Balestra, D. Blake, J. Holman, J. Brooker  Power House: C. Plazzer, H. Miller, G. Cleary, D. Fogarty, M. Hough , N. Moresi



Gavin Southern


‘RAMS TURN TO CAUSE THE UPSET’ An unexpected round of blowouts this week as teams were intent on making statements, heading into the letter stages for the season. Mt. Lilydale continue their impressive home run to heel the Doggies. The Warriors humbled a depleted Eley Park. Box Hill North got one back against Masala and Chaddy could only manage a 3rd quarter against the Bulls. To last week’s games:

of PAT (not Paul) Notaro (6 goals) and Peter Butler (5) popped up but, NO-ONE anticipated 12 goals from BOG Tom “Cotts” Cotton, whose previous high was just 2. “Cotts” seemed to be on his own in all areas of the field and kicked truly when he got it. For the Synners, another hard day but, Jase Edwards, Ruckman Blake Stewart and Caleb Vardy gave it their all.

BOX HILL NORTH DEF MASALA With potential finals hopes alive, Box Hill North were a different side at home than when they last took on Masala going down 89-155. The Demons were determined to get the jump on the Tigers and Masala didn’t respond well to the Box Hill pressure and desire for the ball. It took until the second quarter to see the Tigers start to show something and hit the scoreboard. Both teams were 5-6 players different from their last outing but, this time it was for Masala’s turn, who were unable to chase back the deficit. Goal of the day belonged to Tom “UN” Canny, who somehow managed to get off the ground with ball in hand, run through 2 Tiger players and then kick the m,ajor on a very tight angle. Masala were well serviced by Dave Crkvenic (2 goals), Josh Kyle and “Wayno” McMahon (1) but, the day belonged to a complete team performance from the Demons led BOG, Rhys Mehlstaubler, 3 goals apiece from Damon Earp and Steve Lester, leading 10 other goal-kickers.

MT. LILYDALE DEF POINT COOK A true gut win was made by Mt. Lilydale last week as they hosted Point Cook. Mt. Lilydale are undefeated at home (6-0) and this should’ve been a factor when I incorrectly tipped the Dogs. The Rams started vary tight defensively, holding the Dogs to just the 3 points for the opening quarter but, couldn’t completely break free, kicking just the 3 goals. To the Dogs credit, they fought back in the second to be down 4 and then the solitary point at the end of the third. By the fourth, inaccurate kicking of 4-5, made it closer than it was but, the Rams were led well by BOG Daniel Dimitriou, Ryan Gromadovski (3 goals) and Tom Bailey (2). The Doggies best were Robbie Milne (2), Tom Kelly and Matt Herbertson (2).

CHADSTONE DEF BY NORTH BRUNSWICK As predicted, we got two matches on Saturday as North Brunswick took on Chadstone at Jordan Reserve but, the main game turned out to be another one-sided affair in fairly muddy conditions. North Brunswick shot away to an early 6 goals to one lead at quarter time but, it was the second quarter with the wind that really punished the Synners. Although down by 98 over the long break, Coach Cotsis was wanting effort and he got that in the third, as the Synners promptly whacked on 2 early goals from the “Lamb Chop”, Leigh Perry. Synner players doubling up again, was a factor. For North Brunswick, the usual crew 22

WESTBOURNE DEF ELEY PARK For the second time running, Eley Park’s visit to Westbourne was touted as the match of the round but, with significant players missing, this became a non-event. This was not a Sharks team we are used to that can’t kick goals until the last quarter but, that’s exactly what happened. As the Warriors claim scalp no. 13, we are definitely seeing one of the strongest Division 4 sides we have seen in along time. Whilst the Sharks defense stood up for the best part, the supply was just too great. Dale Collins led all scorers with 4, Justin Johns 3 and BOG, Chris Hudson had 2. For the Sharks, Brent Christie and Owen Dickson were the lonely goal TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLD Masala v Westbourne North Brunswick v Box Hill North Chadstone v Mt. Lilydale Manningham v Point Cook


Please email your match reports, thoughts and feelings by Sunday afternoon to

scorers and Al Renshaw was Eley Park’s best.

PREVIEW Round 15 already and we are now getting towards the business end of the season. Chadstone and Masala are now playing for pride and Westbourne have 3 games to go to be undefeated. This round appears to have obvious selections but, stranger things have happened. To this week’s games: Masala (8th) have the unenviable task this week hosting the all-conquering Westbourne Warriors (1st). W.J. Turner’s small ground has suited the Tigers in previous weeks but, this week the Warriors will be kicking them from everywhere. Westbourne My Match of the Round this week belongs to the 2 sides vying for the last finals spot available as Box Hill North (7th) look to salvage their 2016 season. Heading out to North Brunswick (6th), the


Chadstone (9th) have their last home game for the year, hosting Mt. Lilydale (3rd). The Synners are playing for pride as previously stated but, this will be (unfortunately) another triple figure loss. Another game that pricks the ears, is Manningham (5th), hosting Point Cook (2nd). Manningham haven’t beaten anyone above them yet and although they came within 8 points of Eley Park, the Sharks performance last week, sours that result. Point Cook Eley Park (4th) weren’t happy about their bye being before the Queen’s Birthday earlier this year but, there’s no complaints this week with all their injuries and un-availabilities. Two weeks to rest up and prepare for Masala.


Box Hill North 6.4, 8.5, 12.6, 17.10 (112) Masala 1.4, 3.6, 5.7, 6.8 (44) GOALS, Box Hill North: D. Earp 3, S. Lester 3, D. Penny 2, D. Witanga 1, M. Tilley 1, A. Piccioli 1, D. Templeton 1, D. Liistro 1, A. Nyhuis 1, T. Canny 1, J. Gasparini 1, T. Mitchell 1 Masala: D. Crkvenac 2, W. McMahon 1, B. Kelly 1, J. Yarde 1, M. Sexton 1 BEST, Box Hill North: R. Mehlstaubler, D. Templeton, J. Gasparini, T. Canny, A. Piccioli, S. Lester Masala: M. Decarne, J. Kyle, W. McMahon, B. Kelly, M. Hawes, M. Disseldorp North Brunswick 6.6, 15.14, 22.19, 33.21 (219) Chadstone 1.0, 1.0, 3.1, 3.2 (20) GOALS, North Brunswick: T. Cotton 12, P. Butler 6, P. Notaro 5, T. Falconer 2, M. Batobalani 2, A. Keegan 2, T. Geary 1, T. Leary 1, J. Dimarco 1, J. Tiernan 1 Chadstone: L. Perry 2, C. May 1 BEST, North Brunswick: T. Cotton, T. Rowe, J. Davis, A. Keegan, S. Mair, T. Falconer Chadstone: J. Edwards, B. Stewart, C. Vardy-Olsson, C. May, B. Lunt Mt Lilydale OC 3.2, 5.5, 7.7, 11.12 (78) Point Cook 0.3, 4.7, 6.12, 9.14 (68) GOALS, Mt Lilydale OC: R. Gromadovski 3, T. Bailey 2, M. Taylor 1, M. Hampton 1, N. Berry 1, C. Winterburn 1, B. Boomsma 1, S. Hickey 1 Point Cook: J. Lampi 2, R. Milne 2, M. Herbertson 2, A. Grigg 1, C. England 1, P. Hegarty 1 BEST, Mt Lilydale OC: D. Dimitriou, T. Bailey, S. Hickey, D. Brambilla, S. Gibson, N. Berry Point Cook: R. Milne, T. Kelly, M. Kip, A. Galvin, P. Kerr, M. Herbertson Westbourne Gr 4.10, 8.11, 15.16, 17.19 (121) Eley Park Sharks 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 2.7 (19) GOALS, Westbourne Gr: D. Collins 4, J. Johns 3, C. Hudson 2, M. Gatti 2, P. Hudson 1, B. Johnson 1, A. Imber 1, C. Hunter 1, A. Rompel 1 Eley Park Sharks: B. Christie 1, O. Dickson 1 BEST, Westbourne Gr: C. Hudson, C. Hunter, J. Johns, P. Hudson, D. Morrish Eley Park Sharks: A. Renshaw, M. Dyson, O. Dickson, I. Gridchin, J. McGarvie, D. Isaac


Bulls had an easy win last week and the 6 players overseas are now back. “Bocky” to cause this week’s upset in a nail-biter.


Box Hill North 7.5, 13.10, 20.16, 28.20 (188) Masala 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.1 (7) GOALS, Box Hill North: L. Desmond 5, J. Wong 3, G. Cavallo 3, B. Pearce 3, D. Piccioli 2, R. Ball 2, B. Harrington 2, A. Rodrigues 2, A. Odza 1, M. Penny 1, J. Lang 1, G. Tiley 1, T. Manno 1, W. Singleton 1 Masala: F. Alidad 1 BEST, Box Hill North: R. Ball , A. Rodrigues, S. Fisher, B. Harrington, W. Singleton, D. Piccioli Masala: J. Coghill, L. Murphy, R. Bowerman, P. King, D. Inge III Chadstone 3.0, 5.3, 7.3, 10.3 (63) North Brunswick 3.3, 4.5, 7.8, 8.12 (60) GOALS, Chadstone: G. Southern 3, S. Cromarty 2, B. Curtis 1, R. Dunne 1, D. Keating 1, M. Wynn 1, B. Freeman 1 North Brunswick: D. Manoukian 4, S. Miller 1, C. Gogoll 1, B. Branch 1, O. Black 1 BEST, Chadstone: I. Seagrim, D. Keating, B. Freeman, S. Begg, G. Southern North Brunswick: A. Rae, L. Spano, J. Bendall, D. Manus, S. Scorse, D. Manoukian Point Cook 2.1, 4.4, 6.7, 7.10 (52) Mt Lilydale OC 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 3.8 (26) GOALS, Point Cook: H. Wilkinson 1, D. Petrolito 1, N. Heeremans 1, L. Mulquiney 1, J. Eastwood 1, C. Cox 1, D. Di Guglielmo 1 Mt Lilydale OC: S. Kelton 1, A. Kirk 1, S. Bowen 1 BEST, Point Cook: D. Petrolito, T. Furr, M. Morrison, L. Mulquiney, J. Eastwood, J. Ward Mt Lilydale OC: A. Hosking, S. Kelton, T. Dickman, B. Keane, N. Bast, B. Andrews Westbourne Gr 0.1, 6.6, 6.7, 10.11 (71) Eley Park Sharks 2.4, 2.5, 4.9, 4.9 (33) GOALS, Westbourne Gr: A. Davis 4, H. Wyatt 3, H. Tunnicliffe 2, S. Day 1 Eley Park Sharks: A. Stevenson 1, J. Alexandridis 1, A. Wreford 1, L. Booth 1 BEST, Westbourne Gr: J. Russell, J. Jardine, P. Magann, D. Hallatsch, C. O’Leary Eley Park Sharks: S. O’Kane, M. Flynn, S. Judd, K. King, M. Wilkinson, J. Dowling


HOME TEAM AJAX De La Salle Monash Blues Parkdale Vultures Caulfield Gr St Mary's Salesian Marcellin Ormond PEGS Old Paradians Prahran Assumption St Mary's Salesian Therry Penola OB Whitefriars OC Old Paradians Prahran Assumption St Mary's Salesian Therry Penola OB Whitefriars OC Mhsob Preston Bullants Richmond Central St Johns OC West Brunswick Mhsob Preston Bullants Richmond Central St Johns OC West Brunswick Aquinas OC Glen Eira La Trobe University Parkside Power House South Melbourne Districts Aquinas OC Glen Eira La Trobe University Parkside Power House South Melbourne Districts Box Hill North Eley Park Sharks Mt Lilydale OC Point Cook Westbourne Gr Box Hill North Eley Park Sharks Mt Lilydale OC Point Cook Westbourne Gr De La Salle Old Scotch St Kevins University Blacks De La Salle Old Scotch St Kevins Williamstown CYMS Whitefriars Old Melburnians Parkdale Vultures St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Old Brighton Hampton Rovers Marcellin OC Williamstown CYMS Therry Penola OB AJAX Monash Blues Old Haileyburians La Trobe University Old Paradians Parkside St Bedes / Mentone Tigers St Johns West Brunswick AFC Monash Gryphons



AWAY TEAM Old Trinity Fitzroy Beaumaris

Old Camberwell St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Williamstown CYMS Kew Therry Penola OB Old Geelong Brunswick NOBSPC Ivanhoe PEGS Old Mentonians Old Geelong Brunswick NOBSPC Ivanhoe PEGS Old Mentonians Yarra Valley OB Eltham Collegians Bulleen Templestowe Emmaus St Leos Yarra Valley OB Eltham Collegians Bulleen Templestowe Emmaus St Leos Elsternwick UHS-VU Swinburne University Albert Park Canterbury Hawthorn Elsternwick UHS-VU Swinburne University Albert Park Canterbury Hawthorn Manningham Cobras Masala North Brunswick Chadstone Manningham Cobras Masala North Brunswick Chadstone South Mornington Beaumaris Old Xaverians University Blues St Bernards Beaumaris Old Xaverians Old Geelong St Bernards Fitzroy Caulfield Gr Old Trinity Gr Old Carey Gr Old Ivanhoe Gr Collegians Ormond Mazenod Preston Bullants PEGS Peninsula OB UHS-VU Aquinas OC MHSOB Oakleigh Mazenod De La Salle UHS-VU Afc Monash Blues

SECT Premier B Thirds Premier B Thirds Premier B Thirds Premier B Thirds Premier C Thirds Premier C Thirds Premier C Thirds Premier C Thirds Premier C Thirds Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Reserve Division 1 Reserve Division 1 Reserve Division 1 Reserve Division 1 Reserve Division 2 Division 2 Division 2 Division 2 Division 2 Division 2 Reserve Division 2 Reserve Division 2 Reserve Division 2 Reserve Division 2 Reserve Division 3 Division 3 Division 3 Division 3 Division 3 Division 3 Division 3 Reserve Division 3 Reserve Division 3 Reserve Division 3 Reserve Division 3 Reserve Division 3 Reserve Division 4 Division 4 Division 4 Division 4 Division 4 Division 4 Reserve Division 4 Reserve Division 4 Reserve Division 4 Reserve Division 4 Reserve Holmesglen U19 Premier Holmesglen U19 Premier Holmesglen U19 Premier Holmesglen U19 Premier Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve Holmesglen U19 Section 2 Holmesglen U19 Section 2 Holmesglen U19 Section 2 Holmesglen U19 Section 2 Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Holmesglen U19 Section 4 Holmesglen U19 Section 4 Holmesglen U19 Section 4 Holmesglen U19 Section 4 Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Club XVIII (2) Club XVIII (2)

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VENUE Gary Smorgon Oval Waverley Oval Frearson Oval Monash University Bye Glenhuntly Oval Ferndale Park Bulleen Park West Oval E.E. Gunn Reserve PEGS Sporting Fields Garvey Oval Toorak Park Ferndale Park John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve Whitefriars College Oval Garvey Oval Toorak Park Ferndale Park John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve Whitefriars College Oval Bye W.R. Ruthven Reserve Kevin Bartlett Reserve Thomas Carroll Reserve Ransford Oval Bye W.R. Ruthven Reserve Kevin Bartlett Reserve Thomas Carroll Reserve Ransford Oval Aquinas College Packer Reserve Latrobe University Pitcher Park Ross Gregory Oval Lindsay Hassett Oval Aquinas College Packer Reserve Latrobe University Pitcher Park Ross Gregory Oval Lindsay Hassett Oval Elgar Park Whitehorse Reserve Mt Lilydale Mercy College Sporting Ovals Saltwater Reserve Bye Elgar Park Whitehorse Reserve Mt Lilydale Mercy College Sporting Ovals Saltwater Reserve Westbourne School Ground Waverley Oval Camberwell Sports Ground T H King Oval Melbourne University Oval Waverley Oval Camberwell Sports Ground T H King Oval Fearon Reserve Whitefriars College Oval Albert Park Oval 1 Gerry Green Reserve Brindisi St Oval Brighton Beach Oval Boss James Reserve Marcellin College Oval 2 Fearon Reserve John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve Gary Smorgon Oval Frearson Oval Monash University Princes Park Caulfield Latrobe University Garvey Oval Pitcher Park Brindisi St Oval Thomas Carroll Reserve Ransford Oval East Caulfield Reserve


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Coach: Paul Satterley Assistants: Simon Brown, Craig Chester, Lachlan Walker Reserves: Jack McDonald

Coach: Mark Riley Assistants: Matt O’Connor, Marcus Barham, Simon Atkins Reserves Coach: Chris Davis Assistant: Gary McIntyre, Steve Glenn 3rds Coaches: Paul Rahill, Matt Borzillo

Tom Curry Jacob Williams Matt Moore Daniel Keely Damian Rayson Tom Humphrey Tom McMahon Harry Haley Hugh Nicholson Matt Fieldsend Jake Gotch Simon Marchese Josh Tyquin Sam Pickett Sam Williams Ben Humphrey Ryan McDonough Luke Williams Dan Close Aaron Kneebone Xavier Murphy Antony Forato Lachy Bull Brendan Close Adrian Indovino Sam Haslem Leigh Harrison Joe Black Damian Hale Jack Vickers Tom Nicholls Oscar Persson Sam Brooks Ned Murphy Liam Wood Dan Millwood Joel Mattiske Hamish Ramsay Nick Hyland Simon Lowe Steve Hogan Hamish Curtis Sefton McGraw

48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Michael DeLuca Scott Vawser Nick Curwood Callum Dooley Sam Harrington Andrew Walker Jesse Hockey Tom Brasher Pat Monaghan Nic Fyfield Robert Breda Stephen Catros Jacob McGaw Ed Clinch Jordan Bull Brett Cranage Gavin Mahoney Tyson Parker Nathan Beaumont Tom Kovarik Dave Commins Matt Hamilton John Griffiths Michael Stinear Matt Mullaly David Trotter Tim O'Shannesy Jon Stinear Sam Morwood Joe Mannix Anthony DeLuca Darren Mastropaolo

1 2 3 4 4 Res 5 5 Res 6 6 3rds 7 8 8 Res 9 9 3rds 10 10 3rds 11 11 3rds 12 13 13 Res 14 14 Res 15 16 16 Res 17 Res 17 18 18 Res 19 20 21 21 3rds 22 22 Res 23 23 3rds 24 3rds 24 25 25 3rds 26 26 3rds 27 27 2nds 28 29 30 31 32 32 Res 33 34 35 36

Zoccali, Giacomo Schroder Ryan Mcleod Alex Sullivan Tom (V-Capt) Forder Caleb Bentick Adam (V-Capt) McIntyre Owen Bevanda Jacob Ugi Angel Michael Kazuro Nathan Daly, Kane Carey, Jed Isaacs Thomas Garth George Kingston Will Fleming, Sam Connelly, Charlie Peart Chris Cartledge, Tristan McNicol, Fergus Cooke Nick Farrant, Michael Madden Luke Woods, Sam Jones, Sam Stapleton, Andrew Dimasi, Xavier Singleton Alex Bourrilhon, Edmund O'Halloran, Zach Clarke Shaun Shine, Jacob Dillon Michael Caven Simon Yogarajah, Daniel Forder Jake Shepheard, Bernard O'Keefe, Sean Boyse, Alex Considine, Will Yacoub, Danny Wallis, Josh Satterley, Michael Jones, Chad Riley, Thomas Gay Jack Hughes, Chris Van Meel Jake Hughes, Mitch Caven Tom (Captain) Jowett, Lachlan Wall David Burgin, Nick Del Zoppo, Tom Sullivan, Michael

37 38 39 40 Res 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Stapleton, Matt Madden Isaac Peart, Ben Gamwell, Pat Caven, Michael Colaco, Darren Sullivan Luke McClounan, James Bennie, James Hedley, Josh Piantella, Stefan Scerri, Luke Larkin, Nick Madden, Tom Tonge, Matthew Saundry, Tom Manunzio, Jesse Turville, Josh Riley, James Connelly, Edward Sulzberger, Michael Dillon, Anthony Issa, Claude Dugdale, Edward Sibbald, Edyn De Leur, Marcus Vague, Charlie Firth, Jack Whelan, Seamus Baird Luke Rose, Jonathan Isaacs, Will Whelan Liam Ryan Brendan Pignatoro, Joe Jones, Jake Bromley, Jake Gavaghan, Chris Notaro, Jake Hutchings, Matt Holland, Jack Cannatelli, Steve Menzer, Tobi Cookson, Liam Cox, Xavier Dwyer, Josh Horton, Tom O'Sullivan, Patrick



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47



Coach: Nathan Brown Reserves: James Ray Thirds Coach: Guss Murray U19s: Jess Rottura / David Elam

Coach: Adam Andrews Assistant: Lucien Dean-Johns, Gerard Sholly Development Coach: Speros Beasley Assitant Coach: Shane Murphy

Harry Macciolli Tim Marshall Tom Paule Tom Healey Lachie Borthwick Chris Righetti Ted De Fegley Al Armstrong Alex Carter Matt Thomas Tom Bachet Chris Wischer Ed Fanning Sam Gibbons Nick McLardy Nick Voyage Oscar Hosking Billy HatďŹ eld Will Thompson Ed McMullin Charlie Cumbrae-Stewart Patrick Garschagen Nick De Steiger Tom Hywood Cameron Tunbridge Matt Marangon Marty McCoy Adrian Karatzas Lachie Bennett Nick Madders George Hurley-Wellington Sammy Peacock Nick Daish Nick Baring Theo Rosenthal Robbie Hayward Chris Barry Justin De Steiger Stuart Watson Henry Hardy Lachie Predergast James Newton Rupert Middleton Tom Fuller Henry Hardy Adam Marangon Sam Daddo

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 97


Will Monk Tim McLardy Charlie Clemenger Stewart Madsen Charlie Koren Sandy McFarlane Hamish Lade Angus Clarke Tom Lackmann Damon Velakoulis Oscar Dixon Max Gibson Henry Hanlon Alex Coleridge Morgan Cottee Tom De Fegley Will Boyd Adam Borensztajn Seb Clarke Rupert Alstergren Tom Watson Jim De Fegley Harrison Lane Nick Churkovich James Otto James Fink Rob Lindsay Will Lovelock Andy Cameron Cal Williamson Wil lLevini Sam Siddons Harry Stephens Gus Borthwick Hunter Watkin Josh Rundell David Parkinson Sam Perkins Will Dowling Liam Ratliff Alexander Horton Harry Smith John Cooper Max Kenyon Nick Weaver Tim Spargo Peter May

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 44

Tim Hall Mark Yeoman Harry Tinney Ned Hunt Dan Chamberlain Simon Emerson Brendan Iezzi (C) Ben Howell Jake Steinhart Jack Osborn Kris Spassopoulos Luke Pacconi (VC) Tom Young Gabe Hamilton James Spassopoulos Emerson Satur Jack Hunt Ed Weatherson Nick Howell Chris Riggs Jake Walsh Brett Barratt Doug Morris Luther Juric James Salmon Andrew Kyriacopoulos Sebastian Nicolosi Christos Mannousakis Nick Chamberlain Alex Hasiotis Callum Pohl Anthony Scott Lloyd Robertson Nick Roberts Jack Gale Tom Bennett Michael Cooper Nick Meerman Simon Murphy Fergus Stewart Scott Meighan Alex Heuston Blair Henery

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 75 69 70 71 75

Henry Winter Ed Beasley Harry Thompson Connor Lindsey Nathan Valkanis Alex Polidoros Ted Mitchell Hugh Tyson Andrew Coughlin Christopher Amiconi Tom Natoli Andy Bennett Will Cooper Sam Holloway Duncan Moore Elliott Bowman James Nitsopoulos Nick Pearce Tom Hore-Lacy Chris Thuring Matt Coutts Sam Joyce Matt Corney Alex Gebert Callum Rae Bill Syme Matt Corney Callum Hopper Callum Rae



1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40



Senior Coaches: Pat Hawkins and Ted Woodruff Dev. & Res. Coach: Murray Browne Ass Coaches: Matt Ball, Andrew Biddlecombe and Tim Ockleshaw

Coach: Shane Joyce Reserves: Nick Roach Thirds: Ronnie Bateman U19: Nick Hibbins

Jake Williams Daniel Noonan (VC) Denis Symeopoulos Caydn Beetham Ben Kennedy (VC) Michael Darvell Lachlan Howe Matthew Margin Marc Johnston Josh Agius Brendan Goss Cauley Beetham Josh Douglas Matt Skidmore Louis Tiernan Robert Ralph John Shaw (C) Tim Dynon Marcus Allan Charlie Woodley Louis Denton James Ulbrick Jordan Kelly Tom Williams Nick Wynne James Forrest Tom Anderson Matt Handley Fraser Lane Fraser Pearce Tyson Thomas Tomi Johnston Ed Lachal Nick Pepperell Daniel Harangozo Matt Douglas Nick Nunan Jarryd Skene

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Esmond Prowse Matthew Peric Patrick Tiernan Jeremy Hannan Lachlan Keith Josh Anderson Charlie Denton Tom Fantasia Jonathan Pintal Ben Plant Luke Bissett Tristian Parker Chris Margin Will Richards Clay Johnston Harry Lachal Joe Barlow Hayden Troiani Nick Serafini Matthew Hess Luke Pirrie James Woods Harry Batten Tom Wynne Jack Kelliher

1 Alexander Croft 2 Tom Penberthy 3 Matthew Singleton 4 Dominic Russo 4 R Michael Irvine 5 Andrew Scott 6 Julian Hocking 7 Sam Hibbins 8 Julian Eimutis 9 Billy Riddle 10 Jim Bazzani 10 R Michael Dockery 11 Will Johnson V Capt 11 R Curtis Collins 12 Fergus Huntington 13 Callum Regan 14 Sebastian Evans 15 Matthew Yates 16 Matthew Barton 17 Courtney Hylton Capt 18 Trent Zimbachs Capt 18 R Tim Varigos 19 Stuart Inglis 20 Malcolm Neiwand 20 R Michael Gregory 21 Hunter Pool 22 Kenny Ong 23 Wil Tardif 24 Hugh Johnson 24 R Ross Katsambanis 25 William Pocknee 26 Jesse Band Conrick 27 Nicholas Dixon 27 R Zac Gibson 28 Sam Sabbatucci 29 James Dunn 30 Josh Kamener 30 R Harry Hawkins 31 Lindsay Apted


32 Nick Crema 33 Lachlan Ferguson 33 R Jacob Diplaris 34 Harry Croft 34 R Lachlan Cooke 35 Max Leishman 36 Matthew Jenkinson 37 Tim Baxter 38 Sam Skurrie 39 Dylan Chaplin Burch 40 Andrew Scott 41 Sam Hynes 42 Jack Parsons 43 Ed Malone 44 Alistair Fahie 45 Fredrick Sullivan 46 Julian Hampton 47 James Kenyon-Smith 48 Sam Doupe-Watt 49 Elliot Cattell 50 Cameron Tennant 51 Christian Middleton 52 Huw Apted 53 Levi Fernandez 54 Cameron Bonnar 55 Ben Pugh 56 Calvin Lyon 57 Charlie Simmons 58 Nick Bobeff 59 Sam Cutts 61 Ed Cordner 64 Bernie Morris 71 Tim McNamara 81 Oscar Pearson



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16* 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22* 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33* 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41



Senior Coach: Daniel Harford Assistant: Steve Salopek and Stephen Gilham Reserves Coach: Kornel Dachs Thirds Coach: Ben Omizzolo and Jarrod McMaster Thirds Coach (Green): Ian Ledder

Coach: Quinton Gleeson Assistants: Ben McKinley Reserves: Jason Bek Thirds: Jason Evans

Matthew Murphy Nicholas Wood (v.capt) Benjamin Dowd James Strauss Patrick Dowd Steven Salopek Charles Ring Jordan Gysberts Rohan Bail Julian StafďŹ eri Karl Wissell Dylan Jones Nicholas McArdle Patrick Keely Chris Gleeson Jack Holden Tom Massey Jason Salopek Zachary Ginies Billy Kanakis Stephen Gilham Shaun Kennedy Francis Keely Zane Carter Phil Edgar Luke Andrews James Stewart Lachlan Nankervis Troy McMaster Gerard Gleeson Jono Ring Tom Quinlan Tom Cunningham Anthony Lynch (capt.) William Coates Kelvin Williams Jack Weber Julian Gambaro Patrick McLennan Lachlan McKenzie Luke Sabato Panayioti Karageorgiou Ashley Morris Anthony Giarrusso Tom McPherson

42 44 44* 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 58 59 62 70 78 84


Lachlan Sullivan Henry Parkes James Tighe Nick Murphy Conor Ross Tim Bourke Darcy Kennedy James Canterbury Lachlan Merrett Frank Bonnacci Will Ostrowsky Zachary Morse Mitchell Smart Michael Turnbull Oliver Braithwaite Nick Meehan Jarrod Nash

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10R 11 11R 12 13 14 15 15R 16 17 18 18R 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27R 28 29 30 31 31R 32 33 34 35 36 36R

Cam Williams Jack Townley Matthew Hart Marshall Rippon Tom Quinn Marc James Jeremy Mugavin Clayton Hinkley Will Blakey Peter Summers Ben Jongebloed Tom Silvestro Angus Adams Hugh Vickers-Willis Tom Girdwood Andy Wettenhall Piers Flanagan Liam Walder Paddy Hayes Rich Langham Jeremy Taylor Tom Welleman Joel Moloney Paul Bunn George Cameron Sam Smith Sean Carr Will Cunningham Angus Nice Rory Fairbairn Kade Answerth Hugo Steinfort George Curnow Patrick Gardiner Gus Ford Daniel Van de Pol Will Van de Pol Riley McMahon Tom MacKenzie Will Hartnell Tim Geappen Shaw Kitchen David Withers

37 37R 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 63 65 66 67 69 70 74 75 78 79 82 83 86

Dale Hinkley Tom Foott Ryan Eade Dirk Heinz James Carr Jacob Callahan Jack Wood Ed Ratcliffe James Koroneos Damian Barton Will Langley Al Evans Hugh Evans Will McFarlane George Chisholm Jared Crawford Andy Batarilo Dan Batarilo Tom Batarilo Tyson Deane Jack Heinz Ed Long Jamie Mugavin Charles Fry Tom Nagle Lachie Stewart Jack Curnow Michael Pritchard Taylor Preece Connor Lappin Zach Thomson Louis Wardle Sam Briggs Bernie Chomley Nathan Sambevski Jacob Jess David Cumming



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43




Senior Coach: Cameron Roberts Reserves Coach: Lincoln Merlo Under-19 Coach: Beau Harris

Coach: Paul O’Connell and Michael Tarrant Assistants: Grant Chisnell, Mark Rice, Jarrod Reid

Josh Steadman Harrie Lahy Scott Myers Tim Howie Lochy Dornauf Simon Hogan Hugh Curnow Tyson Kruse Joel Ernest Bede Mahon ( C ) Barton Mill Sam Bennett Angus Drysdale Brendan Dess Lachlan Huntington Toby Sheahan Tom Chalkley Matthew O'Brien Ben Saliba Tyrone Bean Tom Sharp Thomas Howgate Rob Humann Isaac Anderson Brent Sheahan Miles Rowlands Nicholas Batten Jake Edwards Chris Duck Angus Locke Xavier Flanagan Steven Flight Campbell Moorfield Jordan Quaile James Bismire Jacob Gardiner Harry Allen Lewis Steere Adam Pitt Daniel Pratt Harry King Charlie Richardson Alastair Robbins

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 61 64 70 77

Jordan Payne Mitchell Aitken Simon Lewis Morgan Nunan Jeremy Hill Hamish Clemons Marcus Sevior Michael Coffey Peter Aitken John Vrodos Josh Kimpton Sean Butler Jackson Clarke Henry Robinson Sam Forrest Jack Dawson Alex Killalea Nich Hilderbrandt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Steven Freemantle Tim Smith Ben Smithwick Jacob Murphy Joel Rice James Rimington Morgan Evans Julian Rowe James Gaff Michael Thompson Scott Virtue Sam Cust Rhett Mitchelhill Lachlan Macleod Jarrod Reid Harry Hill Cameron Wallace James Courtot Andrew Sloan Matthew Parker Lochlan Hall Patrick Cremean Ben Coull Jack Harris Marcus Cushen Pier Akec Zander Adam Henry McQueen-Miscamble Mitchell Nixon Athol Candlish Cameron Jones Brett De Leijer Jeremy Cator Tagan Carter-Taylor Luke Crozier Liam Cooney Matthew Pallozzi Tom Chapman Zac Lisle Callum Cameron Sam Hassett Harry Moore Bruno Consalvo Rob Ohern Nick Richardson Matthew Vardy

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 74 75 76 68 70 70 71 72 72 73 74 74 75 76

David Blackie Nick Morris Karsten Rodenberg Gordon Ryan Alex Richardson Christian Virgona Matthew Driver Thomas Maher Matthew Rupena Spencer Cambridge Lewis Fotheringham Harry Maxwell Pat Arundel Lewis Nixon Jack Meldrum Zac Rose James Coull Alexander Moshovelis James King Aaron Di Rezno Will Wright Will Karras Vacant Sam Landgren Charlie Wood Campbell Wallace Callum O'Brien Tom Macready-Bryan Michael Mazzacato Tim Laidlaw Simon Lenders Gene Thorbecke Sam Landgren Charlie Wood Zac Lisle Campbell Wallace Charlie Wood Callum O’brien Tom Macready-Bryan Michael Mazzacato Tim Laidlaw Simon Lenders



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 40



Coach: Brayden Haynes / Alex Bennett

Senior Coach: Owen Lalor Assistant Coach: Lou Folino Reserves Coach: Anthony Quon

Matt Duggan Rob Cathcart Matt Petering Sean Coote Tom Abbott Lachlan Howes Tom Dean C Josh Ward Doug Pritchard Nick Loucaides Scott Braithwaite Scott Gower Will Murton Lachlan Boyd Sam McBain Anthony Carroll Will Edmonds Joel Di Natale Callan Buckley Mitch Howes Steve Scott Ben McLean Ben Dickson Daniel Gribbons Travis Woolnough Michael Defontenay Jack Grange Jack Gabron Uhe Tim Cumming Matt Williams Dylan Gabron Uhe Steve Milne Matt Stephens Richard Ryan Sean McNicholas Luke Globan Ryan Keating Scott Kendall Elliott Harris Michael Wilson Luke McNicholas James Bull

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 72


Damien Johns Tim Pritchard Luke Edmondson Pete Richter Drew Kelly Matt Zagni Tom Perkin Matt Lovejoy Brendan Ellul Todd Douglass Chris McLaren Sean Brennan Scott Moore Will Gillespie Nick Dickinson Tom Woodward Ryan Bennett Athan Aridas Daniel Ladds Lucas Bourne Jordan Smith Addison Martin Andrew Watson Byron Hughes Mark Ensor Travis Kelly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 49 35 35

Leigh Fletcher Vincent Camera Guy Martyn Jay Dillon Nathan Smith Jack Zaina Anthony Folino Jack Lloyd Mathew Care Christian Carnovale Zach Donald Ben Traeger-Haig Nick Jewell Matt Robbins Rory Lynch Benji Audige Cam Hetherington Daniel Corp Tim Jones Roland De Biase Jack Toouli Brendan Culvenor Josh Pavlou Charlie Miles Richard Atkins Adam McNeil Kyle Pinto Sam Clements Ned Fallon Ben Kezilas Finn McMasterGarraway Joel Emmins Ed Turner Josh McPherson Adam Power Rick Jones Ryan Fogarty James Prosser Ashley Fisher

36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Stefan Constantinou Jesse Lovig Steve Anderson Michael Dynon Shem Curry Anthony Folino Lachie Cairns Nick Jackson Ben Kneebush David Morton Sam Cougan Luke Morcom Lachlan Wheeler Jesse Reece Matt Broadley Nigel BloomďŹ eld Charles Cosgrove Liam McCartney Sam Bradford Tom Cougan Hamish Graham Mark Short James Berry Jack Campion Liam Dynon Chris Ellison Ben Clarke Jesse Parsons Jake Connell Oscar Ruby Cameron Cullis



1 1A 2 2A 3 3A 4 4A 5 5A 6 7 7A 8 8A 9 10 10A 11 11A 12 12A 13 14 14A 15 16 17 18 18A 19 20 20A 21 21A 22 23 24 24A 25 25A 26 27 27A 28 29 30 30A 31 32 32A 33 33A 34 34A 35 36 36A 37 37A 38 38A



Coach: Paul Groves Ass: Michael Sandry, Maddison Hardiman Res: James Donnelly, Joseph Salvatore Thirds: Nick Rhoden, Damian West CLUB XVIII Coach: Shane Chapman

Senior Coaches: Michael Pickering & Nick Mitchell Res. Coach: Sam Buckley Co-Captains: Rory Angiolella and Daniel Bisetto

Andre Headberry Shane Chapman Nick Petering Michael Chapman Lachlan Leeds Jake Richardson Nick Woodland Harrison Berenger Alfred Oppy Calvin Oppy Adam Johnson Andrew Young Luke Richardson Andrew Hickey Harrison Perrin Sam Baring Sam Le Lievre Lachlan Davis James Taylor Aaron Darnell Mac Cameron Jason Ly Charles Cosgriff Joel Bartram Xavier Devereaux Ben Tilley Darcy Meehan Jake Meade Joe Cosgriff James Hertan Matthew Davidson Josh Williams Justin Mazur Daniel Easson Nik Giannios Taylor Cameron James Young Gareth Taylor Patrick Brimacombe Damien Hatch Thomas Waters Sam Whatley Darcy Bibby James Pacella Tom Lancaster Maddison Hardiman Joe GrifďŹ ths William Geary Callum Dick Matthew Whitty Daniel Garabiles Ben Whitfort Rami Shenouda Keegan Mason Scott Crawshaw Cameron Pither Charlie Rosetti Joseph Xuereb Grange McMahon Lance Hammond Lachlan Buck Hashan Seneviratne

39 40 40A 42 42A 43 43A 44 44A 45 45A 46 47 48 49 50 51 51A 52 52A 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 61A 62 62A 63 63A 64 65 66 66A 67 68A 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81A 82 84 85 86A 87 88 89 91 93 94 98 99

Ryan Taylor Gerard Gillian Daniel Brogden James Duffy Ben Crawford Tom Duffy Sudish Perera Liam Darcy Luke Leviston Chris Wheeler Martin Phillips Sam Walsh James Mooney Matt Mason Christian Dougherty Josh Anaf Will Hogan Henry Drysdale Nick McConville Rob Guerra Nicholas Cowan Braxton Conroy Pat Featonby Pat Clifton Patrick Long Joe White Paul Tweedly Nicholas Phillips Nicholas Rhoden Connor Squires Andrew Hawes Will Margetts James Galli Elliot Staley Nathan Threlfall Nick Mills William Lucas Tom Ruddell Tom O'Dwyer Tim Berenyi George Tallis Owen Cumming Lachlan Cosgriff Ryan Phillips Daniel Comande Hayden Devanny Josh Boyle Daniel Heap Gavin Powles Nick Armstrong Liam Dolbey Patrick Mulcahy Callum Wilson Alex Lacota Nick Burri Florian Krettek Padrick Dowling James Lawson Matt Davies Haydn Brouwer Jake Stephens Seb Poole

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Rory Angiolella Matt Kyroussis Ross Borland Max Davie Stuart Hurley [R] Aidan Lambert Jack Beech James Meakin Maxim Allen Tom Cheshire Daniel Bisetto Alister Green Matt Brown Jake Stewart Richard Willingham Tom Biscaro Hugh Morris-Dalton Will Zaghis Antony Harbor Dylan Patcas Rory Patterson Mitch McWhinney Sam Baker Jack Parkinson Sam Carroll Jack Dalton Max Oliver Bryce McAdam Nathan Ligris Jamie Mackay Luke Baker Dom Pound-Palmieri Jack Simcoe Will Johnson Cailean Moore

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 52 53 55 56 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 70 74 85 88 99 120

Adam Cicchini Trent Carpenter [R] Chris Doherty Drew Olarenshaw Josh Munro Dale Sheedy Greg Hesse Raphael Lloyd Pete Baccanello Nick Marshall David Lee [R] Jordan Spriggs Julian Turner Cheyne Evans Luke Edwards Phillip Carydis Joe Atkinson Rod Price Lewis Pavlich Olmo Salvatore Jonathan Anderson Lachie Henderson Lachie Brown Hugh Hannaford Sam Buckely Corbin Stevic Sam Dalton Tom Scullie Liam Sugrue Will Pickering Keith Dimech Martin Deasey Matthew Gaite

THE carringbush Hotel




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19T 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30R 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46



Senior Coach: Mark Passador Assistants: Alan Carter, Will Lewis, Chris Rubick & Paul Satori Reserves Coach: Tristan Foenander Assistants: Anthony Furey & Nick Lindsay Thirds Coach: Paul Dodd Assistant: Terry Kendell

Coach: Greg Hutchison Assistant: Mitchell Pepper Reserves: Ross Stewart Assistant: Ryan Joseph

Andrew Jelbart Ashley Lim Josh Raines Nick Jamieson James Sansom Jack Bull (Capt) Tim Macmillan Will Carrington Scott Sherwen Sam Margitich Charlie Long James Bowden (VC) Damian Di Donato Gene van den Broek (VC) James Long Nick Cox Jonathan Daggian Ed Barbour Max van den Broek John Stavris Matthew Seed Richard Wilkinson Hugo Perry Matt Tyler Jack Davis Max Davis Will Strange Chris Watts Sam Anderson Brett Borland Lachlan Byrne-Jones Mitch Bradley Cal McDonough Conor O'Beirne Henry Dick (Res Capt) Aidan Franetic Callum Goldby Andrew Hummerston Sean Leith Henry Harms Tom Havers Angus Harlock Hayden Calway Jack McIntosh Justin Nikolovski Jack Furey Maurice Clayton Max Wills

46T 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 92 93 95 96 99


Brenton Morley Will Michael Sam Willatt Sean Richardson Alex O'Shannessy John Daggian (3rds Capt) Matthew Bennett Ed Furey Josh Gordon Byron Smith Hamish Dennis Nick Bennison Scott Wilcox Tom Holding Scott Sansom Julian Beard Ben AharďŹ Campbell Matthews Sam Hatty Kris Paltoglou Tom Beddison Alex van Ryn Edward von Moger Nich Reddish Lewis Parisi James Parsell Ed Gillies Cameron Melville Sam Neil Tom Hamilton Charlie Dixon Will Carroll Tim Melville Alex King Angus Greenaway Will Mackintosh Chris Perrott Nick Myhal James Voltscos Ned Walmsley Fraser Macfarlane Tom Greenaway Will Hewson Jock McKinnon Hamish McClean Chris Docker Blood Jumper Blood Jumper

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Ben Jakobi Luke Healy Levi Otto Harry Hill Michael Slater Tom Fisher Michael Dewar Jordan Pascoe Andrew Dewar Jack Rutter Tom Larkworthy Matt Fogarty Dylan Verney Oliver Cavallaro George Yeoman Jack Cowling Charlie King Brock Rawlinson James Bainbridge Ben Jarick Thomas Fisher Cal Macleod Hamish Graham Tim Fogarty Harrison McIntyre Michael Karayannis Raury Bolger Riley Cummin Ben Austen Lachlan Nicholls Jarrod Sargent Josh Dickerson Tom King Andrew McBain Brandon Harris Tom Boxtel Tom Mariani Andre Olivier

37 38 39 40 43 44 45 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 62 63 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 80 82 83

Harry Cannon Mackie Robertson Tom Gunning Zack Alcott Kyle Parsons Daniel Anthony Dylan Struck Tom Hamilton Ben Trivett Seb Zaia Adam Andrews Andrew Ogilvie Martin Ho Stuart Hooy Jesse McLean Angus Morrison Angus Grant Elliot Avis Sam Campbell Tom Delaney Tom Laumets Paul Lasky Brian Randall Peter Chantzos Fraser Carlson Matt Hooy Nick Coroneos Ben Mehrten Scott Collie Will Bardoel Ben Sayer Alex Mastromanno Lachie Bell Tom Garner Alex Wilkinson Sam Spencer



1 1A 2 2A 3 4 5 6 6A 7 8 8A 9 10 10A 11 12 13 13A 14 14A 15 16 17 17A 18 19 20 21 21A 22 22A 23 23A 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




Coach: Sam Radford Reserves: Tony White U-19 Coach: Luke Borella

Coach: Marty Pask Reserves: Rob Patterson U19 Coach: Ash Shenker

Tom McLennan Nathan Papptsanis Sam Chitty Leigh jenkins Liam Platt Adam Knight Mick Graham Daniel Price Brad Austin Jason Bristow Charlie Dillon Bailey Dillon Mick Meyer Jack Edwards Tim Kight Mac O'Donnell Matt Boland Hayden Pike Ryan Bedwell Stent Powell Josh Green Sean Hendricks Nathan Peterson James Everest Kane Bode Steve Sullivan Luke Morgan Sean Chapman Dan Maloney Lewis Emmerson James Salouris Dan iel Tim Boland Matthew Hayes Matthew Dickie Jackson Boland Nathan Ng Tim Carroll Jaye Edmunds Guy Crilley Tom Redmond Corey Fall -Jablonka

32 32A 33 34 35 36 39 41 43 44 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

Dylan Glascott Lachlan Glascott Darcy Ballard Lachlan Gallagher James Le Breton Ried Irvine Rob Meade Oliver Herd James Lay Josh Manning Jesse Waters Tom Congerton Izar Daou Ahsley Dickison Jaye Edmunds Nick Farnbach Luke Forbes Matthew Francis Dan iel Graham Joshua Hall Nicholas Huttley Conor Larkin Jack Love Matt McCoy Matthew McDonald Matthew Rattenbury Steven Rickards Kye Steegstra Zac Straker Ryan Stringer Jack Vorbach Andrew Waterson Jordan Young Sam Moloney Tom Jenkins Dylan Dykas Andrew Silva Luke Forbes Matthew Anderson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Eugene Routman Daniel Cohen Ash Burstin Jarryd Ludski Nick Lewis David Fayman Brad Caplan Geoff Measey Ash Kalb Adam Caplan Warren Steinberg Richie Simon Zac Braun Jeremy Forbes Dean Rotenberg Nick Marks (Capt) Josh Ludski Joel Gocs Josh Kalmus Jake Kalmus Roi Abraham Andrew Thurin Stuart Fayman Jake Lew Ben Kalmus Nadav Harel Dov Paltiel Jayden Yarrow Alex Wollan Brandon Joel Josh Baron Jordan Bade-Boon Ari Wytwornik Corey Jankie Justin Berkowitz Ryan White Jordan Tonkin Michael Feiler

40 41 42 43 44 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 65

Jono Goldberg Nathan Zielinski Jordan Cohen Jesse Velleman Dylan Rothschild Tim Freed Simon Roth Ben Sher Jordan Rubinstein Daniel Goodman Ben Michowski Jordan Lipton Ollie Hoffman David Glass Aaron Fetter Jarred Swire Andrew Slade Kane Nissenbaum Asaf Danby



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44



Coach: Steve Ryan Assistants: Adam Acreman Reserves: Steve D’Andrea

Coach: Daniel Hughes Reserves: Adam Schofield

Paul Wintle Brayden O'Toole Luke Kowalski Darcy Holden Jaryd Robertson Tom Garside Michael Barnes Pat Hurst Chris Richards Josh Cowan Simon Richards (Capt) Tom Tyquin Pat Tyquin Hayden Jeans Lachlan Palfrey Alex Cross Mitchell Coen Alex Kane Matt Caia George Rowlands Sam D'Andrea Ben Nicoll Ben Hubeek James Tyquin Jack Beckwith Jimmy Colyvan Tom McMahon Trent Pastura Chris Mangoni Dale Foley Kieran Arthur Lachlan Mirams Jack O'Kearney Mitchell Johnstone Chris McCready Dan Garside Michael Seeber Nick Seeber Benjamin Dance Mark Geschke John Dawes Alex Smout Brett Denton

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 57 59 60 62 66 70 73 74 76 64 65 66 67 68 70 72 73 74 76


Rhys Kennedy Josh Heron Corey Bader James Dalzotto Fin Neaves Robert Iudica Lachlan Dee Zac Calvez Jack Hellier Alex Whalebone Ben Hodges John Patounas Tim Jeans Luke Porter Damien Waters Luke Terrell Lewis Stutterd Matthew Pitt Mitchell Kent Sam Amon Callum Byrnes Damien Waters Kieran Tuke Alex Whalebone Luke Terrell Luke Porter Lewis Stutterd Matthew Pitt Mitchell Kent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43

Adam Schofield James Paul Hamish McLauchlan Alex Woltering Peter Shakallis John Nicolopoulos Lachie Nash Nick Gooda Peter Gleadhill C Corey Connelly Jordan Donnelly Josh Dawson Brett Voss Dan Harrison Shane Valenti Nick Harrison Mitch Rafferty Jarrod Plymin Jordan Toy Jackson Arthur Campbell Faulkner Tim Witherow Lachlan Treverton Jack Pickford Scott Ellis Nathan Waite VC Adam Budge Chris Povey Matt McIntyre Hamish McWilliam Adam Weekes VC Ed Limon Josh Steen Damian Fletcher Josh Alkemade Sean MacPherson Dan Newby Andrew Godfrey Ben O'Leary Michael Stowe Damian Gauci Aaron Toy

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 66

Shannon Mulholland Julian Scott Tristan Bowman Nick Bourke Tristan Coles Ned Sturrock Jason Derks Mark Quiambo Mark Seccull Tom Tyrell Sam Hall Ben Langford-Jones Tom Tyrell Ben Scammell Nathan Hunter Jamie Cain Alex Thorley Nick Carey Nathan Tabe Adam Hardeman Mitchell Sturgess Sam Willems



1 2 2 3 4 4T 5 5R 6 6R 7 8 8T 9T 10 11 11T 12 13 14 14R 15 15R 15T 16 17 19 19R 20 20R 21 21R 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 35R




Senior Coach: Damien Theisz Reserves Coach: Daniel Fraser Under-19 Coach: Simon Abrahams Thirds Coach: Daniel Kofoed

Senior Coach: Ashleigh Lever Senior Assistant Coach: Mark Cooke Reserves Coach: Andrew Kahofer Third 18 Coach: Paul Konstanty

Josh Edwards (Res VC) Jarrod Carlson (C) James Cullen Jake Maher Peter Augustin Patrick Chard Ashley Viney Adam O'Sullivan Nick Crosbie Joe Licciardi Matt Gasparini Robert Costanzo James Maloney Sam Ayoub Marcus Hopkins Jonathan Blanch (VC) Matt Blanch Jeramiah Antypas Jackson Green Michael Abrahams Jon Sammut Jonathan Bortolotto Lackie Mackie Cameron Kemp (3rds C) Mitch Jones Thomas Bastiaan Adrian Bonato Steve Crapper Matt Beayni Nick Watty James Robertson Joel Cunningham Tim Montagna Xavier Burns Daniel McMahon Nick Raso Andy Kay (DVC) Alistair Clayton Matt Molloy Daniel Redmond Anthony McGlin (Res C) Anthony Di Censo Josh James Anthony Beaini Angus McHenry

36 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 45T 47 48 49 49R 50 52 53 54 55 56 59 59 60 63 71 72 78 83 88 91

Tim Blanch Pat Lunn Liam Brockhus (3rds C) Jordan Bettello Tim James Robert Di Roberto Tom Black (Res C) John Dimattina Julian Toohey Sam Chandler (3rds VC) Ari Loucas Pat Hamblin James Baxter Oliver Grant Sam Mackie Matt Gough Rowan McKenzie Alistair Ferguson Nick Taylor Daniel Coloe (3rds VC) Elliot Conte Robbie Kemp David Valsorda Callan Stewart Dustin Cracknell Stefan Bettello Chris Walsh James Conte Daniel Kofoed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18A 19 20 21 21A 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30A 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37A

Tom Buckley (VC) Lucas Hemming Robert Chisholm (VC) Matt Perry Matthew Martinov James Landman Simon Keleher Isaiah Tahana Jack Singleton Luke Gogis Ryan Martin Jesse MaxďŹ eld Henry Simon (VC) Jeremy Simon Boyd Upstill (C) Ben Hardwick Sam Stait Sam Holten Jess Selby-Hele Wayne Cove Matt Saunders Matthew Oaten (VC) Dimitri Fasoulis Orry Lack Luke Duthie Tim Naylor Alistair McCooke Lloyd Anrep Sam Mason Will Simon Andrew Clinch Luke Saunders Chris Coghlan Michael Westoby Sam Barnes Daniel Riazati Stewart McCooke Mark Pappas Nick Curwood Blair Atkins Tom Harkin Damien Casey

38 38A 39 40 41 42 43 44 44A 45 46 46A 47 48 49 49A 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 69 70 71 74 75 77 78 80 81 82 88

James Gates Scott Walker Jake Lever Stuart Gay Dan frazier Zac Leiser-Moore Rick Morris Sam Ashton Nick Oaten Raz Kahn Nick Edwards Jarred Harry Sam Blandford Jack Meeking Jack Strooper Leon Calvert Jim Quarmby Dan Haysom Tom Haysom David Machin Matthew McTernan Adam Schwarz Nick Houghton Ben Rockman Evan Atkins Christian Doggett Damien Cleary Michael Bannan Lachlan Upstill Jerome Keast Jak Wardley James Young Chris Hecker James Smythe Kristian Dompietro Tim Ashford Michael Jukes Paul Konstanty Jason MacDonald Chris Cleary Nick Manning



1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38



Coach: Ben Phibbs Assistant: Nick Lewton, Nick Snart Reserves: Wayne Poulter, Steve Balloch

Coach: Nick Claringbold Ass Coaches: Damian Brice & Adam Crean Res Coach: Ben Mitchell

Jack Campbell Tom Cincotta Matthew Rich Jayden Hill Francis Palleschi Tim Bourbon Michael Morrissey Liam Welsford Rob Mann (C) Francis Reed Rees Thomas Gus Patti Matt Sier Patrick Noone Daniel Hayes Tom Odrowaz Liam Riley Ben Phibbs Nick Thomas Michael Pecorra Dan Smith Luke Strudwick Simon Hall Visesio Saina Brad Kovac Nick Gentile Stuart Inglis (VC) Nick Peck Steve Oldman Tom Mc Kenna Aaron Taun Henderson Jeremy Devlin Kieren Mc Keogh James Egan Stephen Welsford (VC) Stephen Forster Ben Woods Jamie Cetraro Steve Balloch Tim Mc Donald Sam Riley Damian Byrne Peter Razanitis Rob Mccarthy Josh White

39 40 42 44 44 45 47 48 48 49 50 51 57 60 63 68 69


Josh Trounce Jake Walton Dean Izon Sam Jones Xavier Patti Steve Mydaras James Sharp Dion Serena Dylan Tilli Dan Tran Michael Rice Patrick Flanagan Damian Mc Leod Patrick Cincotta Matt Whisson Christian Poretti Matt Wilkins

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Sam Glenn James Moingard Stu Grigg ( C ) Stef Barbour James Fletcher Vaughan Clarke George Fletcher Hayden Brodie Tom Coghlan Ben Southam Ben Mitchell Ash Collins Sam Buchanan Brett Brisbane Alex Wood Alex Marshall Eddie Coghlan Brad Schurman Rob Bambery Jeremy Gleeson Paul Coldrey Nick Fisher Garth O'Connor-Price Seb Barbour Ben Carr Tom Wilkinson Shaun Payze Ben McKay Jordan Pomeroy Tom Feldgen Zac Kurts Adam Smrdel Andrew Starkins Jordan Owens Will Coghlan

36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 66 99

Jake Archdeacon Will Harbinson Cam Macaulay Leith Baker Brett Macaulay Scott Cain Tom Malan Matthew Beggs Jamie Rhodes Brayden Churcher Aaron Brockley Nelson Felsigner Brandon Worn Jimmy Collins Mitch Kellerman Liam Nickels Alex Stock Bryce Kellerman Andrew Hochhegger Jaycob Johnson Ben Tracey Will Crowder Brendan Pullen Cam Pullen Zac Milenkovic Matt Forsyth Jack Cox Leon Newton



1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24




Coach: Anson Brownless Assistants: Ken Darby, Reserves Coach: Andrew Tsindos Thirds Coach: Alex Mackenzie

Coach: Ian Aitken Reserves: Theo Vlahos Thirds: Nathan Monaco

Simon Bennett Michael Corso Damien McQuiggan Tom Allwright Matt Cottrell Nick Latsus Nick Adamson Stefan Anjou Joe Arnold Oliver Lloyd Declan Mitchell Matthew Powell Rob Deev Thomas Stayner Ben Mann Chris Young James Allen Thomas Pepperell Alistair Lloyd Greg Tolson Blake Hillier Ben Hart Thomas Huglin Andrew Parker Alex Bongiorno Phil Bennett Steven Clark Jackson Eade Thomas Kanz Daniel Dick Chris Allen Andrew Clarke Sam Boyce James Howells Thomas Eastick Mitchell Trait Michael Jenkin Daniel DeSanctis Scott Kaiser

25 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 38 39 47 48 49 50 51 67 50 51 67

Harry Crothers Louis Campbell David Berry Xavier Troy Thomas Schipper Matthew Bromell Michael Hook Daniel Pelchen Fraser Wells Thomas Bedford Alex Taverner Lucas Stanboulgis Alex Vickery Rob Campbell Mathew Vogel Cameron Wilson Sam Powell Jordan Eade Damian Proksa Brad Dean Jordan Eade Damian Proksa Brad Dean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Josh Hetherington Jack Delbridge Andrew Brazzale Paul Brough Michael Mathieson Doug Lloyd Josh O'Bryan Michael Cochrane Micheal Henderson Jezza Fulthiem Angus Michael Jett Guerin Tyler Black Will Delbridge Josh Fidanza Billy Shute Sam Bishop Kyle Margaritis Darcy Spencer Cam Hoskings Sam Glover Charlie Aitken Luke Marriott Nick Bennett Luke Rosser Tim Orchard Pat Norman Tim Allman Peter Couvalias Blake Goodwin Cal Spencer Liam Kinsella Trent Morrow Tyson Wiegold Jarrod Balme Rob Maibaum Nick Taylor Sam Healey Joe Deneefe Max Waters Ryan Green Cale Truran Johnstone Mark Brazzale Ben Hurley Michael Facciola Zac Jones Nathan Drummond Mathew Vlahos Glen Evans

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 99

Chris Houghton Dan Boehm Tom Elliott Tom Bache Todd Dover Tim Lloyd Jack Hallett David Lyon Lachie James Tim Chapman Matthew Whelan Emmett O'Donnell Mark Eisenbise Pat Slingo Simon Coles Anthony Greco Tom Davis Richard Spillane Billy Hawkes Brendan Drossler Michael Timlin Sam Nash Michael Giorgiev David Facciolo James McCubbin Patrick Donohue Chad Watts Seb Smart Hugh Moodie Mathew Whelan Mark Eisenbise Tim Cook Ben Marchant Simon Hunter Pat Godfrey Pat Volpe Michael Vergamilis Nawid Zaher Murray Plain Michael Walsh Lauchlan Rough Marcus Smith Duncan Rough Andrew Clarke Thomas Vorbach John O'keefe Lewis Allman Tom Crompton



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43



Coach: Chris Naish Assistant: Luke Morgan Reserves: Darren Toll Assistant: John Hill

Coach: Jamie Mollo Assistants: Stephen Keleher Reserves Coach: Evan Lukas

Shaun Everington Liam Oliver Sam Wilcox Sam Gielings Adrian Del Monte David Bruno Michael Del Monte Paul Colbert Michael Basckos Brett Nagel Tom Shepherd Jordan Stanton James Binney Chris Johnson Trent Crouch Brad Flintoff Steve Edmonds Michael Mitris (C) Carl Groth (VC) Matthew Broughan Matthew Ferguson Bill Murphy Jack Fahey Jacson Cecil Nick Kenyon-Smith Brandt Harrison Patrick Walsh Andrew Paine Steve Tsanoudakis Ricky Jessop Nick Marshall Tom Kellock Richard Skok Will Gough Jake Erman Adam Baldwin Michael Golden Arthur Solomidis Alex Basckos Seamus Gibbs Jordan O'Neill Robert Glavas

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 78 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78


Callum Matheson VACANT James Kandiliotis Peter Cardamone Dan Keating Tomas Ikeda Dan Mancuso Adrian Mott Ryan Buckley Mark Moncrieff Steve Beattie Brendan Knox Adam Karim Adam Velli Alex Caserta Ashley Steer Alex Steinicke Justin Beilin Simon Leon Chris Toohey Max Kirwan Adam Velli Rowan Weddle Michael Gordon Daniel Mancuso Alex Caserta Jason Burns Scott Curatolo John Apostolopoulas Blair Mantesso Andrew Sheehan Nathan Pratt Sjouke Price Shane Underwood Justin Beilin

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Chris Grant Tim Scott Dermot Cleary(C) Ryan Henderson Josh Paola Aaron Cloke Chris Lavery Tim Michael Gary Bennett Stuart Wines(DVC) Ben Hogan Josh Revere Pat Di Siervi(VC) Pat Ioannidis Chris Pearson Tim Doherty James Chapple Jim Hunt(DVC) Aisea Valentini Jake Pappon Luke Andreatta Josh Abela Tom Nolan Jake Benoiton Ben Still Clint Pinney Baden Wass Rob Holden Chris Mercuri Trevor Bromley Andrew Murray Nick Seel(DVC) Zac Thiessens Liam Gillard(VC) Andrew Mase Zac Barrett Matt Wass Aaron Binns Jack Davidson Rod Gonzalez Mason Ansell Scott Murray

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70

Zac Mousoulis Adam Matthieson Brodie Weymouth Nathan Miller Matt Aranha Andrew Weymouth Luke Pappon Scott Johnstone Zac Barrett Sherhan Rodrigo Michael Klonaridis Jack Van Den Ven Leroy Moeller Dylan Ruddy George Angelus Conner Murphy Tom Eden Ben Stewart Milo Glum Shane Borland Nick Fabrici Kevin Harris Matt Pearson Rob Hyde Manny Catalla



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Coach: Matt Montebello Assistant: Michael Johnstone Reserves Coach: Matt Wynd Assistant: Hamish Munro

Senior Coach: Simon Williams Ass Coach: Stuart Wigney / Josh Homann Res Coach: Andrew Spittal / Luke Price Res Ass Coach: Simon Widjaja Thirds Coach: Will Bowes

Matthew John Yuma Hemphill Matthew Carland Sam Carllard Mati Christikakis Russell Ackerly Jack Gray Finlay Adamson Rob Chan Zac Read Michael Cavarra Josh Newton Nic Holdsworth Tim Murphy Ben Deller Sam Raunik Daniel Calman-Orr Tom Johnstone Philip Johnson Mitch Knight Jack Connolly Ben McColl Brad Carvalho Ryan Joy Ash Heaver Ben Coram Joel Hogarth Steve Puhar Nick Ebinger Michael Michetti James Monaghan Ryan Danaher Ben Gray Mitch Parkinson Hayden Barnett Nathan Bratby Ben Hynes Tom Gill Darcy Weston Nick Green James Neylon Michael McLaughlin Sean McVernon

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 60 61 62 64 66 67 72 73

Michael Venosta Chris Cini Jackson Pennington Louis Hogarth Jack Gialamatzis George Daaboul Jacob Martin Josh Micallef Lewis Moore Tim Ball Nick Blackney Andrew Acciarito Sean O'Shea-Korbut Jeremy Venosta Billy McRae Miles Walsh Troy Clarke Anthony Oates Lawrence Henry Jackson Fyfe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Keegan Stewart Lloyd Everett Nick Silvestro Will Barker Jordan Stewart Sam Banfield Tim Nixon (Co Capt) Tom Rothel Tom Small (Co Capt) Jesse Toniolo Charlie Logan Dan Meddings Sam Wood Ryan Harris Lachlan Topp Andre Lister Declan Reilly Brett Sinclair Drew Dickson Tom Smith Jackson Small James Small Nick Tonkin John Nankervis James Gray (RC) Harrison Mills Louis O'Keefe Hayden Parker Dominic O'Keefe Lachlan Holmes Will Osborn James Anderson Damien Simic Sean Stewart Hugo Gates Lachlan Gallop Jack Belkin Will Conly Adrian Bednarek Lachlan Kellock Tim Mollard Tom Green

43 Jack Presnell 44 Connor Mengler-Francis 45 Finn McEvoy 45R Damien Hay 46 Travis Mudra 47 Kirren Ponniah 48 Tom Stewart 49 Luke Matias 50 Leo Bosley 52 Robbie Handel 53 Chris Bold 54 Connor Wilson 55 James Easton 56 James Cleeve 57 Alex Young 58 Brad Chilko 59 Matthew Wood 60 Jeremy Anderson 61 Nick Young 62 James Turner 63 Andrew Clark 64 Alister Burge 65 Sam McDonald 66 Callum Hogan 67 Nick O'Connor 68 George Berry 72 Chris Prendergast 76 Fred Phommachack



GRILL’D RISING STAR 2016 TOM MCKENNA — MAZENOD Tom went to Mazenod College and joined the club in 2014. His leadership was evident early on, with him being named as the captain for the Colts. Tom was a key part of the team, that dominated the opposition and would go to lead the team to a premiership. In 2015, Tom continued his development with Under 19’s, playing a number of good games which lead to him being selected for his senior debut against Old Melbournians at the Junction Oval. Tom adjusted to the level of competition with ease and was amongst the best players for Mazenod. In 2016, Tom has taken his game to a new level, with his attack on the football, pressure at the contest and breakaway pace. He has many a chase down tackle on his highlight reel. He is a key member of the senior team and his form has been excellent which lead to him being named in the VAFA Under 19 Representative team. He was commended by the coaches for his communication, attitude and endeavour. He is seen as a role model for the younger players at the club for the way he goes about his preparation and is seen as a future leader of the club.






St Kevins OB Gold won by foreit. Old Xaverians Red 2.4, 7.8, 7.10, 10.12 (72) University Blacks 2.3, 2.3, 7.6, 7.6 (48) GOALS, Old Xaverians Red: S. Cleeve 4, N. Sharkey 3, W. Richards 1, L. Bosnar 1, J. Samartzis 1 University Blacks: L. Smith 2, B. Farrow 2, J. Heeley 2, T. Napier 1 BEST, Old Xaverians Red: W. Richards, J. Samartzis, A. Gazdowicz, P. Nunan, S. Cleeve, C. Wilson University Blacks: T. Napier, L. Smith, A. Hayward, J. Heeley, L. Crameri, H. Robinson St Bernards won by foreit. University Blues won by foreit. Old Xaverians Black 2.2, 6.2, 6.3, 11.6 (72) St Kevins OB Green 3.1, 3.2, 6.5, 7.6 (48) GOALS, Old Xaverians Black: T. Daniher 2, L. Rogan 2, S. Grigg 1, D. Benson 1, M. Dimattina 1, J. O’Sullivan 1, J. Hanger 1, H. Buckley 1, L. Grigg 1 St Kevins OB Green: T. Corboy 2, J. Staffieri 1, H. Burrill 1, Z. Khariwala 1, T. Sullivan 1, S. Cartolano 1 BEST, Old Xaverians Black: L. Grigg, S. Grigg, H. Buckley, L. Rogan, S. Franklyn, J. Hanger St Kevins OB Green: H. Snell, M. Spence, Z. Morse, S. McDonald, C. Keenan, J. Barci



Monash Blues 2.1, 4.3, 5.8, 8.9 (57) Parkdale Vultures 2.0, 3.1, 6.2, 7.4 (46) GOALS, Monash Blues: P. Tweedly 2, P. Featonby 2, T. Duffy 1, L. Cosgriff 1, B. Crawford 1, D. Comande 1 Parkdale Vultures: J. Young 4, P. Vernon 1, M. Hayes 1, M. McDonald 1 BEST, Monash Blues: J. Hertan, P. Featonby, J. White, H. Devanny, L. Cosgriff, N. Phillips Parkdale Vultures: N. McKenzie, M. Rattenbury, M. McDonald, J. Dunstan, M. Hayes, L. Emmerson De La Salle 4.3, 5.5, 9.6, 10.7 (67) Fitzroy 3.0, 4.3, 5.5, 5.6 (36) GOALS, De La Salle :N. Fyfield 2, J. Hanley 2, N. Stewart 2, D. Trotter 2, S. McGraw 1, D. Pendergast 1 Fitzroy: B. Younger 1, J. King 1, P. Carydis 1, L. Davis 1, J. Atkinson 1 BEST, De La Salle :J. Oakley, D. Trotter, H. Zaia, S. McGraw, R. Breda, L. Jarvis Fitzroy: L. Davis, J. Shaw, J. Spriggs, D. Ryan, R. Lloyd, S. Loch


Galea 1, N. Hageman 1, J. Bentick 1 Williamstown CYMS: B. McRae 1, L. McKenzie 1, M. Michetti 1, C. Galea 1 BEST, P E G S: S. Caruso, W. Odgers, T. Day, J. Vovos, J. Lanting, J. Bentick Williamstown CYMS: M. Michetti, L. McKenzie, M. Tennant, B. Gatt, J. Farley, M. Busuttil BEST, Caulfield Gr: N. Karoly, M. Slonim, D. Gray, W. Kingwill, J. Anderson, N. O’Connor Ormond: S. O’Sullivan, J. Cukierman, J. McDonald, J. Heath-Eltringham, A. Karageorgiou, L. O ‘Brien Williamstown CYMS 1.5, 7.10, 12.13, 20.16 (136) St Bedes / Mentone Tigers AFC 1.1, 1.1, 3.4, 4.5 (29) GOALS, Williamstown CYMS: C. Galea 6, J. Farley 4, J. Deans 2, L. McKenzie 2, B. McRae 2, M. Michetti 1, A. Moedt 1, J. Munro 1, J. Morris 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers AFC: R. Murley 2, J. Almeida 1, S. Emmerton 1 BEST, Williamstown CYMS: L. McKenzie, J. Morris, M. Busuttil, B. Gatt, C. Galea, H. Geia St Bedes / Mentone Tigers AFC: R. Murley, J. Almeida, S. Emmerton, A. Ioannou, C. Michaud, T. Dwyer

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Old Camberwell 4.2, 5.4, 9.8, 12.14 (86) St Mary’s Salesian 2.2, 4.7, 8.8, 10.9 (69) GOALS, Old Camberwell: M. Jeffers 3, A. Mackenzie 2, M. Osekowski 1, J. Simon 1, J. Buckingham 1, T. Vogel 1, T. Coleman 1, S. Riley 1, S. Flanagan 1 St Mary’s Salesian: R. Williams 3, N. Baxter 2, O. Baxter 1, E. Macdonald 1, N. Pappos 1, D. Schipper 1, D. Cropley 1 BEST, Old Camberwell: M. Osekowski, S. Riley, S. Warr, M. Jeffers, D. Lockhart, T. Coleman St Mary’s Salesian: C. Feild, R. Williams, T. Soppi, O. Baxter, N. Baxter, A. Barone Caulfield Gr 4.4, 9.11, 14.12, 18.16 (124) Kew 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 3.3 (21) GOALS, Caulfield Gr: M. Wood 4, B. Chilko 2, J. McCahon 2, J. Anderson 2, N. Gould 2, N. Karoly 2, W. Kedmenec 1, T. Mollard 1, S. Richards 1, T. Bockman 1 Kew: J. McCubbin 2, S. Nash 1 BEST, Caulfield Gr: C. Hogan, B. Chilko, K. Malignaggi, J. Anderson, M. Wood, N. Karoly Kew: S. Nash, J. McCubbin, Z. Flynn, M. Plain, M. Vergamalis, F. Fernandes Marcellin 5.4, 13.7, 19.11, 29.17 (191) St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (0) GOALS, Marcellin: D. Cracknell 11, J. Hollaway 10, A. Smith 3, N. Attard 1, N. Little 1, S. Chandler 1, E. Fekonja 1, M. Hopkins 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: S. Emmerton, B. Atholwood, C. Bader, A. Ioannou, D. McArthur, N. Chappel Therry Penola OB 5.4, 8.6, 11.8, 15.11 (101) Ormond 0.1, 2.1, 4.1, 5.2 (32) GOALS, Therry Penola OB: M. Jones 7, M. Helm 3, D. Vicario 1, M. Gough 1, R. McKerrow 1, M. McCrae 1, S. Sacco 1 Ormond: R. Abell 2, A. Grace 2, J. Farrant 1 BEST, Therry Penola OB: M. Helm, M. Jones, B. Budiono, R. McKerrow, J. Molloy, C. Rogers Ormond: D. Cleary, C. Cleary, R. Abell, T. Harvey, A. Grace P E G S 4.4, 8.5, 10.8, 15.8 (98) Williamstown CYMS 1.4, 3.8, 3.10, 4.13 (37) GOALS, P E G S: T. Day 4, S. Caruso 2, B. Hughes 2, J. Washburn 2, J. Lanting 1, J. Vovos 1, D.



Holmesglen U19 Premier

Holmesglen U19 Section 2

Holmesglen U19 Section 4

St Kevins 4.5, 5.7, 6.11, 8.11 (59) De La Salle 0.1, 3.2, 5.4, 6.6 (42) GOALS, St Kevins: L. Mahoney 3, H. Lewis 2, A. Clough 2, P. Simkiss 1  De La Salle: D. Krelle 2, T. Shannon 1, M. Griechen 1, Z. Hawker 1, M. Lvovskiy 1 BEST, St Kevins: L. Mahoney, J. Shannon, H. Lewis, N. Stagg, L. Merrett, B. Dimattina  De La Salle: M. Colak, H. Persson, L. Bisognin, M. Martinez, P. Burnell, A. Nyanjok Old Scotch 4.3, 7.4, 11.6, 15.6 (96) University Blacks 0.4, 1.7, 4.7, 5.8 (38) GOALS, Old Scotch: S. Dawborn 4, R. Macdougall 3, N. Clark 2, N. Stavris 1, E. Lemkau 1, W. Holding 1, L. Daggian 1, M. Bulte 1, M. Hucul 1  University Blacks: H. Bruinier 2, E. King 1, J. Dow 1, T. McMinn 1 BEST, Old Scotch: H. Mason, C. Kalogirou, M. Bulte, S. Dawborn, R. Goodey, L. Daggian  University Blacks: J. Edwards, H. Stannard, S. McKenzie, T. Pendlebury, M. Trevaskis, E. Etheridge Beaumaris 2.7, 7.9, 10.15, 12.17 (89) St Bernards 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 4.5 (29) GOALS, Beaumaris: N. Henricks 4, C. Heath 2, J. Nardino 2, M. Lucas 1, J. Cusack 1, S. Gibbins 1, B. O’Brien 1 St Bernards: M. Diamandis 2, D. Kennedy 1, L. Beddoe 1 BEST, Beaumaris: B. Mathews, B. O’Brien, C. Heath, J. Taylor, A. Johnstone  St Bernards: L. Beddoe, P. Sawaya, J. Comito, L. Weightman, L. Holland, A. Carey Old Xaverians 2.6, 4.9, 8.12, 10.16 (76) University Blues 0.1, 0.2, 1.4, 3.4 (22) GOALS, Old Xaverians: n/a University Blues: H. Bennett 2, N. Francis 1 BEST, Old Xaverians: n/a  University Blues: M. Blair, T. Scotland, A. Binns, N. Francis, B. Scotland, J. Sheridan

Fitzroy 1.2, 4.5, 7.7, 8.8 (56) Caulfield Gr 2.2, 5.4, 6.5, 7.8 (50) GOALS, Fitzroy: H. Jorgensen 2, D. O’Connor 2, I. Wattis 1, J. Robinson 1, G. Richardson 1, S. Laidlaw 1  Caulfield Gr: M. Ball 3, W. Lyon 1, C. Diggle 1, O. Sweetapple-Gagiero 1, B. Kuang 1 BEST, Fitzroy: L. John, I. Wattis, E. Harley, A. Burke, J. Robinson, J. Butler  Caulfield Gr: C. Diggle, O. Allis, T. Smith, T. Tonkin, Z. Mowthorpe, B. Slack Parkdale Vultures 6.2, 9.9, 14.11, 19.13 (127) Whitefriars 0.1, 0.2, 2.3, 2.3 (15) GOALS, Parkdale Vultures: J. Salouris 4, O. Herd 3, N. Farnbach 2, J. Edmunds 2, J. Green 2, D. Rendell 1, T. Carroll 1, T. Jenkins 1, H. Spencer 1, A. Derzekos 1, C. Sterling 1 Whitefriars: F. Ward 1, L. Deane 1 BEST, Parkdale Vultures: D. Rendell, J. Salouris, A. Derzekos, J. Edmunds, N. Farnbach, J. Green Whitefriars: B. Galtieri, F. Ward, D. Maher, L. McLean, A. Corbett, M. Coen Old Carey Gr 0.2, 2.6, 5.11, 8.13 (61) Old Trinity Gr 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.6 (36) GOALS, Old Carey Gr: C. Friend 2, J. Haynes 2, A. Smith 2, H. Prendergast 2  Old Trinity Gr :N. Adgemis 2, J. Pirera 1, B. Lasorko 1, J. Sando 1 BEST, Old Carey Gr: n/a  Old Trinity Gr :N. Meerman, L. Randles, N. Adgemis, S. Contos, S. Cook, B. Henery Old Melburnians 2.0, 5.1, 7.3, 8.9 (57) St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.3 (21) GOALS, Old Melburnians: H. Watkin 2, A. McFarlane 1, S. Kelly 1, J. Regan 1, J. Cohen 1, R. De Fegely 1, L. Myer 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: K. Sharpe 1, D. Tocher 1, B. De Zilva 1 BEST, Old Melburnians: H. Watkin, J. Cohen, F. Lappin, B. Seamer, E. Hayne, W. Horsfall  St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: J. Mangoni, R. Maddaford, M. Johnstone, L. Wigney, S. Barca, J. Pastura

PEGS 2.1, 9.3, 11.7, 15.8 (98) UHS-VU 1.0, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1 (13) GOALS, PEGS: T. Saggio 8, J. Cant 3, J. Erougian 3, J. Merlo 1 UHS-VU: C. Craig 1, A. Giove 1  BEST, PEGS: T. Saggio, L. Ford, J. Cant, J. Erougian, M. Tonna, B. Roscoe  UHS-VU: M. Healey, G. Hawkins, I. Afiuo, C. Berogna, N. Perica, L. Harris Preston Bullants 7.2, 7.5, 9.7, 9.10 (64) Old Haileyburians 1.0, 5.4, 6.5, 7.10 (52) GOALS, Preston Bullants: B. Millman 3, H. Sutton 2, M. DeMaria 1, J. Mansour 1, J. Mazzone 1, S. Di Palma 1 Old Haileyburians: J. Munro 3, C. Seccull 1, B. Oakes 1, J. Cain 1, J. Elston 1  BEST, Preston Bullants: J. Hamilton, C. Fontana, A. Gennaccaro, A. Marcon, M. Efremidis, B. Twite  Old Haileyburians: J. Elston, L. Montgomery, B. Oakes, B. Steele, J. Munro, J. Moncrieff AJAX 1.0, 4.6, 6.8, 7.14 (56) Monash Blues 2.4, 3.4, 5.5, 6.8 (44) GOALS, AJAX: B. De Winter 1, A. Joel 1, E. Blau 1, J. Stock 1, R. Israel 1, A. Jacks 1, B. Schwartz 1  Monash Blues: J. Baring 3, P. Easson 2, L. Lane 1  BEST, AJAX: B. Shapiro, J. Silver, B. De Winter, E. Blau, J. Swire, R. Israel  Monash Blues: J. Baring, C. Bishop, D. Cassells, P. Easson, M. Hackwill, B. Hawkins Peninsula OB 3.0, 7.7, 10.8, 12.11 (83) Therry Penola OB 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.3 (21) GOALS, Peninsula OB: B. Williamson 3, T. La Brooy 2, T. Taylor 2, B. Svensson 1, B. Hillman 1, M. Thompson 1, W. LaBrooy 1, A. Craig 1  Therry Penola OB: M. Lewis 1, J. Ratcliffe 1, J. Piccione 1 BEST, Peninsula OB: B. Svensson, A. Grant, A. Craig, C. Parton, B. Williamson, N. Holland  Therry Penola OB: R. MacGregor, J. Ratcliffe, R. Carr, C. Ratten, J. Stringile

Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve St Kevins 2.2, 2.2, 4.6, 8.9 (57) De La Salle 1.0, 4.2, 4.2, 4.5 (29) GOALS, St Kevins: L. Comito 4, W. Coten 1, J. Gale 1, N. Dachs 1, L. Wray 1  De La Salle: M. Simons 3, L. McCluskey 1 BEST, St Kevins: W. Coten, J. Papadopulos, N. Dachs, A. Favaloro, L. Comito, N. Milne  De La Salle: J. Bailey, Z. Grundmann, L. O’Callaghan, J. Yosiffidis, D. Melissinos, N. Monaco Old Scotch 4.5, 8.9, 10.15, 17.17 (119) Williamstown CYMS 1.1, 2.1, 6.4, 8.4 (52) GOALS, Old Scotch: D. Clearihan 6, F. Halligan 4, H. Raine 3, T. Anderson 2, H. Moar 1, W. Rennie 1  Williamstown CYMS: J. Franze 4, S. Eyassu 2, O. Boyce 1, J. Waters 1 BEST, Old Scotch: J. Molony, D. Clearihan, F. Halligan, N. Stockdale, W. Rennie, J. Green  Williamstown CYMS: C. Hemphill, B. Dawson, L. Green, B. Philpott, J. Franze, M. Dixon Beaumaris 4.2, 7.5, 10.11, 12.15 (87) St Bernards 2.2, 3.2, 3.5, 6.8 (44) GOALS, Beaumaris: J. Davis 6, M. Kornberg 3, S. Evans 1, K. Wilson 1, S. Hollis 1  St Bernards: M. Zammit 2, M. Modica 1, B. Ward 1, A. Attard 1, C. O’Bree 1 BEST, Beaumaris: B. Morrow, E. Hall, J. Davis, S. Hollis, F. Johns, M. McWeeney  St Bernards: D. Yacoub, M. Zammit, C. Brasher, T. Noonan, C. Denahy , A. Attard Old Geelong 2.3, 4.5, 7.8, 13.11 (89) Old Xaverians 2.1, 4.4, 4.5, 5.6 (36) GOALS, Old Geelong: J. Thomson 4, S. Hutley 3, H. Morrison 2, J. Griffiths 2, M. Planner 1, C. Mann 1  Old Xaverians: J. Rennex 2, H. Kelly 2, T. Lyon 1 BEST, Old Geelong: M. Planner, H. Stewart, J. O’Shea, J. Thomson, R. Kebbell  Old Xaverians: W. Molloy, J. Bird, P. Nunan, C. Condon, T. Dixon, T. Lyon


Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Williamstown CYMS 1.1, 2.2, 3.2, 6.3 (39) Old Brighton 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 4.5 (29) GOALS, Williamstown CYMS: W. Chan 2, B. Hodge 2, B. Connolly 1, J. Kilpatrick 1  Old Brighton: J. Dikranian 3, M. Duchini 1 BEST, Williamstown CYMS: W. Chan, B. Connolly, J. Kilpatrick, B. Hodge, J. Lloyd, O. Becroft  Old Brighton: T. Garner, H. McIntyre, M. Vulcan, W. Travers, J. Dikranian, C. Auty Collegians 4.2, 5.6, 6.13, 9.18 (72) Marcellin OC 1.0, 1.1, 3.1, 4.1 (25) GOALS, Collegians: H. Ling 3, C. Tennant 2, L. Lyon 1, A. Scott 1, C. Hobbs 1, D. McKenzie 1  Marcellin OC: M. De Luca 1, D. Spinosa 1, Z. Tolley 1, M. Frost 1 BEST, Collegians: O. Glover, J. Cotton, H. Johnson, C. Tennant, T. Wyett, H. Ling  Marcellin OC: A. Berlangieri, D. Epifano, M. De Luca, L. Thomas, D. Lunn, A. Salvatore Mazenod 5.2, 11.9, 13.14, 17.18 (120) Old Ivanhoe Gr 0.1, 0.1, 1.1, 1.3 (9) GOALS, Mazenod: A. Noone 4, D. Fowler 4, C. Martino 2, Z. Prosser 2, S. Bonacci 1, S. Deegan 1, L. Fonti 1, D. Spooner 1, J. Buccella 1  Old Ivanhoe Gr: D. Buttifant 1 BEST, Mazenod: S. Deegan, A. Brand-Oliver, A. Noone, J. Minack, S. Bonacci, L. Fonti  Old Ivanhoe Gr: T. Marshall, C. Wilson, P. Conlan, S. Gibbs, J. Powell, T. O’Halloran Ormond 5.3, 7.8, 10.13, 13.15 (93) Hampton Rovers 0.1, 0.2, 1.2, 2.7 (19) GOALS, Ormond: R. Cohen 3, J. Maxfield 2, J. Short 2, W. Robertshaw 1, Z. Papacostas 1, W. Van Denderen 1, M. Perry 1, R. Behke 1, C. Rawlings 1  Hampton Rovers: M. Rieniets 2 BEST, Ormond: O. Milner, J. Short, N. Oaten, R. Cohen, J. Fogarty, T. Shalev  Hampton Rovers: S. Ebbott, A. Woolston, M. Rieniets, L. Cosgrif, L. McCartney, W. Jackson

Holmesglen U19 Section 5 La Trobe University 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 11.13 (79) Old Paradians 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 7.4 (46) GOALS, La Trobe University: D. Stizza 2, S. Williams 2, T. Hunt 2, D. Skaer 2, W. Ogle 1, N. Tansey 1, Z. Masterson 1 Old Paradians: M. Biviano 2, A. Carabott 2, R. Lee 1, M. Marrone 1, M. Caruso 1 BEST, La Trobe University: T. Hunt, A. Spargo, D. Stizza, S. Payne, H. Stemp, S. Williams  Old Paradians: R. Ursino, M. Biviano, N. Kolotylo, M. Marrone, A. Nolan, P. Masawi De La Salle 4.2, 13.4, 15.7, 21.13 (139) Aquinas OC 2.2, 2.2, 3.3, 3.3 (21) GOALS, De La Salle :A. Martuccio 6, C. Ghersi 3, S. Leary 2, J. Gregory 2, M. Jakes 2, J. Bailey 1, M. Riley 1, M. Tyquin 1, B. Melissinos 1, F. Mccormack 1, D. Brasher 1  Aquinas OC: J. Reid 2, B. Zwarts 1 BEST, De La Salle :A. Martuccio, M. Jakes, W. Taylor, C. Ghersi, J. Gregory, F. Mccormack  Aquinas OC: M. O’Malley, J. Moss, J. Kerr, K. Hummel, Z. Jeffrey, M. Westwood Parkside 4.1, 5.4, 9.5, 11.10 (76) MHSOB 2.2, 4.2, 4.4, 6.4 (40) GOALS, Parkside: I. Romano 5, L. Logozzo 4, S. NewmanRogers 1, C. Pevitt 1  MHSOB: A. Wijayakumara 2, C. Douros 2, W. Penhalluriack 1, S. Halangode 1 BEST, Parkside: M. Daminato, I. Romano, M. Creek, L. Jacob, L. Logozzo, R. Shortal  MHSOB: J. Scott, W. Penhalluriack, C. Douros, C. Khan, R. Rae, T. Tran St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 3.4, 8.8, 12.9, 17.13 (115) Oakleigh 4.4, 4.5, 5.11, 7.13 (55) GOALS, St Bedes / Mentone Tigers :M. Lannan 5, J. Saunders 4, T. La Cava 2, R. Mravljak 2, A. Hamilton 2, C. Ladds 1, C. Millar 1  Oakleigh: L. Cloke 1, B. Weymouth 1, C. Moore 1, C. O’Meara 1, D. Goodwill 1, R. Smith 1, A. Malhotra 1 BEST, St Bedes / Mentone Tigers :M. Lannan, C. Shaw, S. Lundy, R. Mravljak, W. Pickles  Oakleigh: C. O’Meara, C. Moore, L. Cloke, H. Everett, J. Ford, R. Powell Mazenod 3.4, 8.6, 10.11, 10.13 (73) St Johns 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 1.2 (8) GOALS, Mazenod: J. Deegan 3, T. Riley 3, J. Brown 2, J. Cochrane 2  St Johns: J. Bugeja 1  BEST, Mazenod: M. Kovac, J. Deegan, T. Riley, I. Saina, J. Taylor, S. Connolly  St Johns: B. Kelly, N. De Poilly, L. Eklom, N. McConchie, K. Johnston, D. Allan



Geoff Reilley


10 YEARS AGO – 2006 For two teams vying for a top four position in A Section, the De La Salle versus Old Trinity game looked to be a blowout, at least in the first quarter as the D’s kicked 10 goals to nothing before Trinity responded in the second quarter with 6 goals to 2. Trinity narrowed the gap further in the third term with Andy Cultrera in devastating form in front of goals. De La answered the challenge however in the last quarter to run out winners 21.12 to 16.14 in an entertaining game. Best – Brown (6), Rayson (5), Harrison, Demetriou, Sherman, shields (DLS) and Cultrera (8), Bourke, Walsh (3), Burrows, Butler, Pretty (OT). In B Section Mazenod Old Collegians had a real crack against Uni Blacks and led at the end of each of the first three quarters. The cream however rose to the top as the Blacks stormed home to grab victory 9.9 to 7.14. Best – Savige (4), Whitehead, Van Kempen, McAssey, Watson, Purcell (Blacks) and Parry, Moran Castledine, Meehan, Chamberlain, Kelly (Mazenod). Old Brighton champ, Leigh Hendra, played his 100th game for his club and was continuing to set an example for all teammates to follow, week by week. Brett Carson played his 200th for Old Haileybury and fully deserved his life membership. 20 YEARS AGO – 1996 The Old Melburnians rekindled interest in A Section when they defeated ladder leaders, Collegians 8.9 to 5.18. The ‘Redlegs’ led from start to finish and although they had a tough draw ahead of them it was considered they had the talent to make the final four and do some damage in the finals. Best – O’Brien, Witts, Raftopoulos, Kennedy, Ellinghaus, Smith (OM) and Deane-Johns, Milat, Sheedy, Thomson, Money, Wallace (Coll). At Elsternwick Park, Ivanhoe won their 5th game in a row in B Section to keep their finals’ chances alive. Their 6 goals in the first quarter established a lead that MHSOB failed to overcome and by three quarter time the Hoes were 7 goals in front, final score 14.13 to 8.10. MHSOB had no answer to the outstanding form of Andrew McKellar whose 7 goals from centre half forward was a match winning display. Ivanhoe were now one game plus percentage outside the four. MHSOB were in 8th position and would need to win some games to avoid relegation. Best – McKellar, McGowan, Lee, Armstrong, Kennedy, Angelini (Ivanhoe) and Glover, Fairchild, Pertzel, Webster, Harrison, Athanasopoulos (MHSOB). MHSOB congratulated Ron Verma on reaching his 300th game. Ron had been a playing member since 1979 and had filled many positions from player to captain to coach, most memorable being the 1991 D Section premiership when Ron was senior coach. 44

30 YEARS AGO – 1986 It was a very important game in C Section between St Kevins Old Boys and Old Trinity, SKOBS needing to win to keep clear of relegation and Old Trinity with their eye on the double chance with only three games to follow. SKOBS jumped out of the blocks with a 7 goals to 3 first quarter and then held Trinity to only 1 goal in a tight second quarter, the SKOBS lead being almost 4 goals at half time. SKOBS went further ahead in a tough third term and held a 5 goal lead at three quarter time. Whatever sparked the Trinitians is not recorded but their exceptional last quarter blitz of 6.8 to nothing said it all as they coasted to an easy win 11.16 to 10.7. Best – Rogers, Robinson, Wallace, O’Shaughnessy (4), Cowley, Norman (OT) and Beale, Robson, A Mulcahy, Simmonds, G Mulcahy (SKOBS). It was a low scoring game in D Section between West Brunswick and Old Mentonians and with plenty riding on the result, Mentonians in the top four and the Westies in the relegation area. Goals were difficult to come by in the wind and damp conditions with only 4 majors between the two teams at half time, three to Mentone and 1 to West Brunswick. The second half remained tight with both defences on top but Mentonians three goals in the third quarter the difference as they ran out winners 7.8 to 3.7. Best – Fyffe, S Lampard, McAllister, McNamara, Pryor, Rainone (West Brunswick) and best players not received from Old Mentone. C Section Senior coaches were Phillip Davis (AJAX), John Simpson (Banyule), Gary Nash (Hampton Rovers), Serge D’Angelo (Kew), Alan Quaife (MHSOB), Ken Schwab (Old Camberwell), Wayne Shand (Old Haileybury), Andrew Disney (Old Trinity), Tony Sullivan (St Kevins Old Boys) and Harry Harisiou (Thomastown). 40 YEARS AGO – 1976 In A Section, De La Salle produced a form reversal over ladder leaders North Old Boys when compared to their two previous meetings. De La’s resounding victory, 18.12 to 10.12 resulted in them being able to share second place with St Bernards. De La coach, Bernie Sheehy, had his team full of running and they were scintillating in the first quarter with 7 goals to 2, increasing their lead to 8 goals by half time. North Old Boys’ six goals in the final quarter gained them some respectability. Best – Dunn, Lofts, Groves, Bothe Crothers (4), Wright (DLS) and Hannaberry, O’Connor, O’Keefe, Anderson, Hogan, Wigney (NOBS). In B Section, Old Carey, without a win to date, looked certain to be relegated but who would join them in C Section the following season? Melbourne high School Old Boys looked the logical choice but seemed determined to make a fight of it when they defeated Geelong Amateurs and went a step closer to saving their place. It was said to be a really good game and THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016

MHSOB played very well early building a 3 goals lead by half time. Geelong came back in the third quarter before MHSOB held on to win by 7 points, 12.16 to 11.15. Best – Silberberg, Tallent, W Harrison, Adams (4), Short, Graeme (MHSOB) and Lowcock, Archer, Bullen (4), Davis, Wookey, Benci (Geelong). Hampton Rovers congratulated Don Scarlett on his 150th game. Don commenced his amateur career in the juniors and was enjoying his best ever season. A great worker off the field made Don one of the favourites at Roverland. Don was to go on and successfully coach the Rovers to a flag and to serve on the AFCA VAFA (Coach’s Association) for a number of seasons.

50 YEARS AGO – 1966 VAFA V SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1966 ADELAIDE OVAL BACKS Graeme Warfe Julian Nance Don McQueen (V/C)

FORWARDS David Williams Lindsay Hooper Rob Thompson

HALF BACKS Bruce Ferguson Jack Bowen Spencer Williams

RUCK Rod Payne Geoff Cayzer Bernie O’Brien (C)

CENTRE Alan Chaffey Peter Sinclair Euen Flemming

I/CHANGE John McKenzie John Crapp Harvey Atkinson

HALF FWD Geoff Ward Ray Edwards Vin Crowe

COACH Frank Dunin

First Quarter - Victorian Skipper Bernie O’Brien won the toss and Victoria Kicked to the Cathedral end aided by a slight breeze. It was nervous start with both backlines on top, Bruce Ferguson, Jack Bowen and Julian Nance being prominent. Spencer Williams displayed a couple of his scintillating runs from half back, driving the ball well forward where Ray Edwards was moving with pace and confidence. Rod Payne and Geoff Cayzer began giving O’Brien several opportunities around the packs and Vin Crowe and Geoff Ward kept the SA defenders busy. The Vic’s had a modest lead by quarter time. Second Quarter - Against the breeze the centre line of Alan Chaffey, Peter Sinclair and Euen Fleming began creating opportunities for Lindsay Hooper, David Williams and Rob Thompson who each goaled. Payne and Cayzer continued to win around the ground while Don McQueen did his best work at the boundary throw-ins. Edwards was on top at centre half forward with some excellent marks and at the other end Warfe defended with some great tackling. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016

At the main break Victoria had increased the lead to 17 points. Third Quarter - SA attacked strongly from the outset but were turned back mostly by Bowen, Williams and Ferguson, while Nance’s kicking from full back were exceptional. Through their persistence, SA fought their way back and were rewarded with a couple of late goals which set the stage for a tough last quarter before a winner would emerge. Ward and Crowe continued to unsettle the SA defenders with their strong forward play throughout this quarter. Fourth Quarter - After a rousing three quarter time address by Coach, Frank Dunin, the Vic’s attacked with great desire and piled on a couple of early goals and looked like establishing a good winning margin. SA lifted their tempo and came back at the Vic’s with a couple of great efforts resulting in goals which threw down a huge challenge for the Vic’s to get back on top. Strong player by Cayzer, Sinclair and Edwards however rallied Victoria and with three goals in the last seven minutes, sealed victory in a very high standard display of Australian Football by both teams. The winning score was Victoria 15-9-99 to South Australia 10-13-73. The trophy winners for Victoria were Geoff Cayzer and Ray Edwards. Back home, in E Section, local rivals Glenhuntly and Elsternwick with premiership contenders, Glenhuntly, storming home to defeat Elsternwick 13.13 to 3.8. Best – D McGrory, Bolt, Barry, N Valle, K Nolan, Rose (Glenhuntly) and Holt, Street, Sellers, Callacher, Heath, Everett (Elsternwick). In Junior Section 1Ivanhoe all but secured the double chance with a good win over rivals Coburg, 9.17 to 6.7. Best – Dean, Berry, Quinlivan, Jones, Riley, Withers (Ivanhoe) and Ellis, Beattie, Knox, Thomas, Willoughby, Pryce (Coburg).

60 YEARS AGO – 1956 In A Section Coburg met State Savings Bank to determine who would hold second place at the end of the round and possibly top position depending on the result of Ivanhoe’s game. It was a very even match from the start and scores were level at quarter time. The Bank took a 7 point advantage to the rooms at half time and extended it to 14 points at three quarter time. With so much at stake, Coburg were fantastic in the final term, got their nose in front in a very fast game and held on to win by one point, 9.10 to 9.9. Best – B Cook, P Rochow and C Mitchell for Coburg. The disappointed bankers were very concerned with severe ankle injuries to two of their key players, Neville Crowe and Don Douglas and did not get around to naming their better players! Ivanhoe actually held on to top place with a narrow win over Old Melburnians 6.10 to 5.7.



John Donohoe

RESULTS GO AS EXPECTED AS FINALS CLOSE IN! Old Scotch returned home to take on Uni Blacks on a cold dreary day for football and got off to a strong start against the cellar dwellers kicking 4 goals to 0 in the first term, before motoring away from Uni Blacks to record a 10 goal victory and keep their finals chances well and truly alive. Scotch are seeking that final spot in the top four and are competing with De La for fourth spot and have at least shored that spot up for the time being with the comfortable win against Uni Blacks. Dawborn was outstanding all day for Scotch booting 4 goals, with Macdougall kicking 3 in a strong display for the Scotch boys on their home ground. Mason, Kalogirou and Bulte were outstanding and will play integral roles in Scotch’s run to the finals and their fortunes in the finals should they get there. For Uni Blacks, Edwards, Stannard and McKenzie were gallant all day, but couldn’t will their team over the line, while Bruinier kicked 2 in a better, but ultimately poor performance from Uni Blacks. With four rounds left, they will be hoping they can snare a win or two, but it will be tough for them, considering they only have the one win this season. Old Xaverians travelled to Carlton to take on Uni Blues in tough conditions at the already blustry ground, things weren’t made easier with the addition of rain, and goal kicking was difficult all day. The Xavs started well with a 2 goal to 0 first quarter before ramping it up from there on, 2 more goals in the second was followed by 4 in the third and 2 in the last to run out seven goal victors in the end. It was a dour affair, and the conditions were probably favourable for Uni Blues to ensure they didn’t suffer another blowout, the clean ball users at the Xavs had to take an extra second with ball in hand, to make sure they had it secured before disposing of it. Harry Reed played his best game for the club while the ever reliable Joe Tobin stood tall again to give the Xavs plenty off half back and through the middle. Charlie Kennedy kicked 2 and Whitehead chimed in with 2 of his own as well. Bennett booted 2 for the Blues while Blair, Scotland and Binns were some of Uni’s better players, on what wasn’t their worst game of football this year, the weather may have played a role in that, but they could probably take plenty out of that performance in coming weeks. St.Bernard’s battled Beaumaris at the snakepit and much like last week, Bernard’s got off to a quick start, before fading away and handing the game back to the opposition. Beaumaris were down by 1pt at the first change, before bouncing back with a five goal to Holmesglen UNDER 19 Section 2 Old Melburnians v Old Trinity Caulfield Grammarians v Old Carey Fitzroy v Parkdale Vultures Whitefriars v St Bedes/Mentone


0 second term, to wrestle the ascendency back from St.Bernards. Henricks was on fire once again finishing the day with four majors and jumping to equal second on the goal kicking leader board this season. He continues to be one of the best young forwards in the game this season, and will be a crucial part of the Sharks run in the finals this season. Matthews and O’Brien were outstanding for Beaumaris who continue to prove they will be a threat to St.Kevins and Old Xavs come finals time. It has been a tough season for St.Bernards, but they have shown positive signs the last two weeks, only to walk away with no points from either game, Beddoe and Sawaya were their best players and they will hope to get at least one more win in the coming weeks to finish the season on a high. Beaumaris are sitting second on the ladder at the moment, ahead of St.Kevins on percentage, and if they can keep winning and get their percentage ahead of St.Kevins they will lock up a top two spot on the ladder. It was a see-sawing affair that took place at Waverly Oval on Saturday, with St.Kevins jumping out of the blocks to lead by 28pts at Qtr Time against De La Salle. However, De La started to work their way back into the game with a three goal to one second term. It was all too late for the home side though, the first quarter had really cost them, and they were playing catch up from that point on and eventually only lost by 17pts. Those four goals in the first term proved costly for De La, as they really needed a win to enhance their top four credentials. Mahony kicked three in a best on ground performance for the Skobers while, Shannon, Lewis and Stagg all stood up when it counted. While for De La Krelle was the only multiple goal kicker with 2, and Colak, Persson and Bisognin were very good all day, but just couldn’t get their team over the line. De La now sit a game out of the top four, and would need to get a move on in the last four rounds to play finals, and would need Scotch to falter at some point too, it was a game they needed to win, but just couldn’t and it may well have cost them a berth in the finals, but footy is a funny game and there still could be a twist in the tail of this season.

ROUND 12 TIPS 19 Premier Uni Blacks by 22pts Old Xavs by 25pts Beaumaris by 10pts St.Kevins by 43pts

19 Premier Reserve Old Geelong by 22pts Old Xavs by 8pts Beaumaris by 44pts St.Kevins by 50pts

Holmesglen UNDER 19 Section 3 Old Ivanhoe v Williamstown CYMS Ormond v Old Brighton Collegians v Mazenod Marcellin v Hampton Rovers




Fitzroy kept their finals dream alive securing a thrilling 6-point victory over Caulfield Grammarians at Glenhuntly Oval on Saturday. The upset win puts Fitzroy right back in the hunt for a top four finish, only one game behind Caulfield. A see sawing affair from start to finish, Isaac Wattis was again in the top three players on the field with a commanding performance, racking up plenty of the ball and kicking an important goal. Lucien John was also impressive in the win, making only his fifth appearance for the season. Looking ahead to next week, the Roys run doesn’t get any easier - ladder leaders the Parkdale Vultures await in what is shaping up to be the match of the round with so much at stake. Old Carey celebrated their fifth win of the season against fellow battlers Old Trinity. Trinity burst out of the blocks with a ferocity around the contest they had clearly been reserving for their old foe. They jumped the Panthers and led by two goals at the first break, led by Louis Randles who was a prominent figure when the whips were cracking. Slowly but surely Carey gained the upper hand in the midfield, and soon enough the pressure was mounting as a wasteful Panthers side couldn’t put Old Trinity to the sword despite dominating play. They would run out 25-point winners in a season where victories have been hard fought occasions. In other results Old Melburnians enjoyed a surprisingly comfortable win over St Bedes/Mentone, and Parkdale flexed their muscle against Whitefriars.

U19 SEC. 3 An enthralling contest at Brighton Beach Oval observed Williamstown CYMS come from behind to grind out a stirring 10-point win over a hot Brighton side on Saturday. The Tonners endeavour cannot be faulted, as they attacked the ball and the man with the tenacity of a side that desperately wants to feature in finals. Credit has to go to Williamstown for their final quarter, trailing by 9 points at the final change they kept Brighton scoreless in the last quarter, booting 3.1 of their own in a match that only featured 11 majors. William Chan was best afield, booting two important majors and bobbing up at crucial stages of the game to play a hand in a scoring chain. The result leaves Williamstown top of the table, two games clear of Collegians, Mazenod, and Ormond. For Old Brighton, the loss makes it tough to reach the top four, languishing three games behind the aforementioned three teams in fifth. Mazenod would have highlighted their contest against Old Ivanhoe as a fantastic opportunity to boost their percentage in a season where the top half of the table is awfully tight. They didn’t disappoint, claiming a 120Holmesglen UNDER 19 Section 4 UHS-VU v Peninsula Monash Blues v Therry Penola PEGS v Old Haileybury Preston Bullants v AJAX


9 victory and in the process catapulting their way into third position on the ladder. Aiden Noone and Declan Fowler feasted on the repeat inside fifty entries provided by the Nodders midfield, booting four goals apiece. Sam Deegan stood out for Mazenod throughout the contest with his clean use of the football and solid defensive work. In other results, Ormond were far too good for Hampton Rovers, and a wasteful Collegians were comfortable victors over Marcellin OC.

UNDER 19 SECTION 4 PEGS took on UHS-VU down at PEGS Sporting Fields last weekend with Thomas Saggio kicking 8 goals and Liam Ford, Jarrod Cant and Jordan Erougian all landing in the best helping take home the victory for PEGS. In what was a competiveness match between Preston Bullants and Old Haileybury with both teams fighting hard till the end. With the Bullants keeping the lead all day, Old Haileybury trailed not far behind. Brady Millman kicking 3 and Harley Sutton kicking 2 goals helped Preston Bullants get over the line and win. As AJAX hosted Monash Blues at their home ground it was neck and neck from the first bounce. Both teams fighting hard for the win and as half time came AJAX took the lead and brought home the win. As Therry Penola produced some good competitive football, it was no match for Peninsula as they had plenty of talent with Benjamin Svensson, Angus Grant, Angus Craig and Callum Parton all in slick form.

UNDER 19 SECTION 5 La Trobe played an exciting brand of footy to beat Old Paradians last week. La Trobe started the match strong with Thomas Hunt getting amongst the action. Even though Old Paradians put up a fight, Daniel Stizza, Thomas Hunt, Daniel Skaer and Sam Williams all kicking two goals each got La Trobe over the line to win the match. Parkside looked fierce on all lines last week when versing MHSOB leading all game. Isaac Romano kicking 5 and Luciano Logozzo kicking 4 goals helped Parkside bring home the win. With De La Salle sitting second on the ladder they were wanting to give it their all when taking on Aquinas who are at the other end of the leader board. James Reid kicking two goals for Aquinas keeping them in the game but De La Salle came out stronger than ever and took home the win. SBMT took on Oakleigh down at Brindisi Street Oval with SBMT coming out strong from the get go leading the whole game. Matthew Lannan racking himself up with 5 goals and securing the win for SBMT. With Mazenod dominating all game, St Johns kept up the pressure as best they could with Ben Kelly and Nicholas De Poilly getting amongst the action. Tom Riley and James Deegan both getting 3 goals helping Mazenod take home the win. Holmesglen UNDER 19 Section 5 Aquinas v Parkside Mazenod v De La Salle Old Paradians v St Bedes/Mentone Tigers Oakleigh v St Johns MHSOB v La Trobe




De La Salle

Coach: John Jackson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 30 33 34 35

Vincent Vecchio Fraser Delbridge Mitch Brown Kyle Keenan Lachlan Shine Cam McCormack Corey Sleep Kia O’Donovan Ben Paterson Lachlan Reinke Daniel Robertson Connor Molloy Sam Paterson Andrew Baschiera Braydon Turner Josh Shelton Jimmy Stapleton Jason Booth Cody Johnstone Daniel Iozzi Ned Waters Bailey Rodda Chase Chequer McKenzie Stanley Kallum Hinchliffe

St Bernards Coach: Rocky Iannello Assistants: TBA

Adam Mulkearns Alex Sykes Angus Carey Brendan Ward Charlie Vague Chris Hughes Chris Tormey Connor Denahy Connor McGuire Damien Petrone Darcy Heenan Declan Gilbert Declan Kennedy Edyn Sibbald Ethan Vahland James Hannah James Seit Jed Carey Joel Comito Jordan Wood Josh DeBono Liam Weightman Luke Beddoe Luke Di Lizio Luke Holland Matthew Zammit Maxim Jaggard Michael Diamandis Mitchell Hughes Nate Doody Nick Kelly Patrick Martin Patrick McCarthy Patty Sawaya Ryan Spicer Sean Merkel Tate Baker Tim Ryan Tom Mahony Tom Noonan Tristan Doody Zavier Hannett


Coach: Michael Petrie

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Thomas Hyland Aaron Trusler Samuel Pennell Nicolas Catrice William Mackie Michael Griechen Mason Martinez Liam Bisognin Marek Lvovsky Howard Persson Goerdie Nagle Patrick Burnell David Marchese James Tran Trent Shannon Andrew Walker Alex Lvovsky Sean O’Callaghan Matthew Simons William Taylor Sam Michael Darcy Roberts Matthew Colak Liam Murphy Matthew Saunders Dean Krelle Corey Lyons Zac Hawker Kye Beveridge Billy Tokatlidis Lachy Walker Josh Tyquin Simon Marchese Nick Taylor

St Kevins

Coach: Tom Purcell & James Kennedy Assistants: Jon Taylor 2 Ciaran Ross 5 Callum Tate 7 Stephen Dicintio 8 Alexander Favaloro 9 Joshua Shannon 10 Andrew Clough 11 Matthew Olsen 12 Edward Broadhurst 12* Stefan Cartolano 12** Luke Loschiavo 13 Harrison Lewis 14 Jesse Outen 15 Nicholas Mullaly 15* Riley Green 15** Nathan Stagg 16 Alistair Williamson 17 Lawrence Young 18 James Jaensch 21 Jake Victor 22 Harrison Brookes 26 Michael Di Natale 28 Nathan Stagg 30 Phoenix Santamaria 35 Harrison Lagastes 36 Nick Dachs 39 Cameron Paull 40 Mahoney Liam 41 Jake Langton 45 Patrick Gheller 46 Max Mussara 47 Thomas Montgomerie 48 Nick Milne 49 Lachlan Wray 51 Lachlan Merrett 52 Francesco Bonacci 52* Harrison Bennets 53 William Sist 53* Jake Langton 56 Jack Anderson 57 Darcy Carrol 63 Thomas Kerr 63* Will Coten

65 Jack Gale 66 Benjamin Dimattina 67 Macgregor Matthews 68 Lachlan Comito 71 Lawrence Ciurleo 72 Tom Norris 72 James Papadopulos 73 David Donnoli 75 Liam Green 76 Luke Bryan 77 Joshua Close 80 Thomas Sanders 83 Liam McDonald 86 Anthony Ionannidis 90 Herbert Fithall

Old Scotch

Old Xaverians

Coach: Steve Reddish & Mick Clearihan Res Coach: Jordan Brown 1 Blood Jumper 3 James Ford 4 Will Holding 5 Sam Dawborn 6 Jack Slobom 8 Brad Winder 9 Will Stewart 10 Matthew Hucul 12 Corey Mackenzie 13 Nick Clark 14 Nick Stavris 15 Will Kelly 16 Ted Murchie 17 Campbell Matthews 18 Emerson Lemkau 19 David Zietsman 21 Thomas Lindholm 22 Tom Greenaway 23 Howard Webb 24 Harry Cormack 25 Ben Hays 26 Mitchell Bulte 27 Ethan Maxwell 28 Tom Anderson 30 Lachlan Byrne-Jones 31 Caleb Kalogirou 32 Caleb Kalogirou 32 Rehn Smith 33 Richard Goodey (C) 34 Ben Nicholls 35 Rob Macdougall 36 Sam West 37 Blood Jumper 38 Will Rennie 39 Mitch Kanat 40 Luke Daggian 41 Hugh Mason

Coaches: Peter Callinan Ass: Patrick Kennedy

42 Jackson Green 43 Ed Russell 44 Nick Waddell 45 Henry Malouf 46 Barnaby Holmes 47 Blood Jumper 48 Charlie Worrell-Smith 49 Blood Jumper 51 Charlie Millar 52 Anthony Bennett 53 Stephen Filippou 55 Nick Kellock 56 Joe Molony 57 Daniel Clearihan 58 Tom Edney 59 Nick Stockdale 61 Nat Kirchhofer 62 Max Martin 63 Harry Moar 64 Lachlan Cooke 65 William O’Sullivan 66 Nick Biggins 67 John Molony 68 Josh Richards 70 James Douglas 71 Toby Warwick 73 Harry Raine 75 Kieran Forbes 76 Fraser Halligan 77 Oliver Holmes 78 James Fish 80 Lochlan Hicks 81 James Hicks 83 Marcus Edwards 85 Chris Perrott 86 Henry Hinge 87 Will Parker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Hamish Morris (C) Jack Whitehead Mitch Parker Patrick Wallace Hayden Troiani Harry Lucas Will Mantesso Matt Smith (VC) Nick Pirrie Oliver Silk Brynn O’Connor Conor O’Sullivan Sam Skinner Will Velijkovic Patrick Long Tim Polkinghorn Charlie Condon Pat Nunan Patrick Deighton Bailey Thomas Harry Kelly Hamish Cullity Tom Amad Nick Fox Dan O’Loughlin Joe Tobin (VC) Angelo Armato Nick Carabine Bill Curtis Patrick Phillips Fraser Pearce John Bird Michael McKay Lachie Smith Nick Carabine Callum OReilly

Campbell Neal, Founder & Executive Director of

University Blacks

University Blues

Coach: Beau Harris Assistants: TBA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Harry Allen Samuel Atkinson Callum Barnden Hugh Bruinier Ollie Cahill Patrick Connally Francis Corcoran Jedd Dow Lachlan Dowling Kirk Downie Ryan Duffy Jake Edwards Ethan Etheridge Emilio Eugenio Tom Evans Keanu Giummarra Sean Heiner-Hennessy Ryley Howard-Scales Liam Jess Will Jury Tom Kerrigan Edward King Lachlan McDonald Samuel McKenzie Thomas McMinn Ben Meehan Rob Millar Campbell Moorfield Dom Morona James Mortimer Thomas Murphy Angus Murray Jordan Payne Tom Pendlebury Billy Peters Matt Rix Jesse Robiliard Caolan Rohleder Nick Schlueter Toby Sheahan Luke Stacey Harry Stannard Francis Stark Marco Strathdee Mitch Trevaskis Jeremy Wilson Jake Wood

Coach: Jeff Scotland Assistants: James Cameron

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Harrison Emms Cameron Barr Kevin Johnson Matt Blair Sam Clements Travis Scotland Ed Keach Brett Scotland Alec Binns William Lawrence Ben Reid Jack Sheridan Luke Egan Simeon Flanagan Sam Goodear Henry Bennett Davis George Mitch Canny Sebastian Saunders George Osti Nick Hanlon Liam Bowman Nicholas Francis Edward Walmsley Luke Bell Kade Alexander Joshua Catalano Max Johnson Alastair Saunders Dom Baker Nick Richardson Sam Anders Luke Bell Tom Wilson James Browning Jarrod Tyndall Alex Coughlin



DeLa Salle

Coach: John Jackson

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 30 33 34 35

Vincent Vecchio Fraser Delbridge Mitch Brown Kyle Keenan Lachlan Shine Cam McCormack Corey Sleep Kia O’Donovan Ben Paterson Lachlan Reinke Daniel Robertson Connor Molloy Sam Paterson Andrew Baschiera Braydon Turner Josh Shelton Jimmy Stapleton Jason Booth Cody Johnstone Daniel Iozzi Ned Waters Bailey Rodda Chase Chequer McKenzie Stanley Kallum Hinchliffe

Coach: Martin Kelliher

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Old Xaverians

St Bernards

Coaches: David Speedie Coaches: Will O’Brien

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Harry Reed James Giliberto Tom Lyon (VC) Tim Polkinghorn Lachie Smith Tom Grimshaw Will Wilson (C) Edward Barr James Nolan (DVC) Pat Nunan Lachlan Christie Callum O’Reilly Jake Kidman Iggy Quinn Aden Skene Dan Vaughan Will Honan Michael Mckay Jack Rennex Charlie Condon John Bird D’arcy Noonan Charlie Johnson Liam Todaro Matt Lowe Tom Boots Dom Greene Nick Fox Bill Curtis Pat Deighton (VC) Will Molloy

Matthew Howard Michael Laoumtzis Stefan Taranto Robert Davis Quinn De Luca Thomas Brasher Benjamin Ahearn Christopher Ghersi Christopher Northey Patrick Cook Daniel Melissinos Thomas Deftereos Joshua Galbraith Harrison Jarvis Liam McCluskey Michael Canny Aidan Wood Liam O’Callaghan Harry Morris Matthew Horrigan James Yosiffidis Cooper Morris Max Robinson Paul Kony Jack Vance Wade Wright Nathan Monaco Adam Monkman Harry Bowen Josh Ingram Michael Jakes

Coach: Rohan Vahland

Adam Mulkearns Adrian DiCurzio Aidan Birch Alex Sykes Ambroise Attard Angus Carey Anthony Cunsolo Austin Rizzardo Bill Morgan Brendan Ward Charles Bibby Chris Tormey Chris Williams Connor Denahy Damien Petrone Darcy Heenan Dean Fallone Edward Mahady Ethan Vahland Jack Catterall Jack Dargan Jack Moon Jack Sullivan James Hannah Jordan Wood Josh DeBono Lachlan Perryman Liam Healy Liam Kelly Matt Lewis Matt Sauro Matthew Zammit Michael La Monaco Nate Doody Nick Kelly Pat Madden Patrick McCarthy Patty Sawaya Ryan Spicer Sam Finlayson Sean Merkel Tate Baker Toby Nathan Tom Hedley Tom Mahony Tom Noonan Zavier Hannett


Old Geelong

Old Scotch

Coach: Steve Reddish & Mick Clearihan Res Coach: Jordan Brown 1 Blood Jumper 3 James Ford 4 Will Holding 5 Sam Dawborn 6 Jack Slobom 8 Brad Winder 9 Will Stewart 10 Matthew Hucul 12 Corey Mackenzie 13 Nick Clark 14 Nick Stavris 15 Will Kelly 16 Ted Murchie 17 Campbell Matthews 18 Emerson Lemkau 19 David Zietsman 21 Thomas Lindholm 22 Tom Greenaway 23 Howard Webb 24 Harry Cormack 25 Ben Hays 26 Mitchell Bulte 27 Ethan Maxwell 28 Tom Anderson 30 Lachlan Byrne-Jones 31 Caleb Kalogirou 32 Caleb Kalogirou 32 Rehn Smith 33 Richard Goodey (C) 34 Ben Nicholls 35 Rob Macdougall 36 Sam West 37 Blood Jumper 38 Will Rennie 39 Mitch Kanat 40 Luke Daggian 41 Hugh Mason

42 Jackson Green 43 Ed Russell 44 Nick Waddell 45 Henry Malouf 46 Barnaby Holmes 47 Blood Jumper 48 Charlie Worrell-Smith 49 Blood Jumper 51 Charlie Millar 52 Anthony Bennett 53 Stephen Filippou 55 Nick Kellock 56 Joe Molony 57 Daniel Clearihan 58 Tom Edney 59 Nick Stockdale 61 Nat Kirchhofer 62 Max Martin 63 Harry Moar 64 Lachlan Cooke 65 William O’Sullivan 66 Nick Biggins 67 John Molony 68 Josh Richards 70 James Douglas 71 Toby Warwick 73 Harry Raine 75 Kieran Forbes 76 Fraser Halligan 77 Oliver Holmes 78 James Fish 80 Lochlan Hicks 81 James Hicks 83 Marcus Edwards 85 Chris Perrott 86 Henry Hinge 87 Will Parker

Coach: Matt Collister and Ben Thompson

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 26 27 28 29 32 49

Gus Beckingsale Harry Wynn Pope Lachlan Lloyd Jack Edgar Charlie Mann Louis De Moor Harrison Fraser Hugo Bienvenu Will Griffiths Charlie Calvert Ed Gubbins Josh Hutley Harry Morrison Rupert Kebbell Tim Breadmore James Tivendale George Manton Henry Boydell Todd Richardson Henry Brayshaw Seb Hutley Oscar Simson Will Noall Jonathon Thomson Sam Finckh

Campbell Neal, Founder & Executive Director of

St Kevins

Coach: Tom Purcell & James Kennedy Assistants: Jon Taylor 2 Ciaran Ross 5 Callum Tate 7 Stephen Dicintio 8 Alexander Favaloro 9 Joshua Shannon 10 Andrew Clough 11 Matthew Olsen 12 Edward Broadhurst 12* Stefan Cartolano 12** Luke Loschiavo 13 Harrison Lewis 14 Jesse Outen 15 Nicholas Mullaly 15* Riley Green 15** Nathan Stagg 16 Alistair Williamson 17 Lawrence Young 18 James Jaensch 21 Jake Victor 22 Harrison Brookes 26 Michael Di Natale 28 Nathan Stagg 30 Phoenix Santamaria 35 Harrison Lagastes 36 Nick Dachs 39 Cameron Paull 40 Mahoney Liam 41 Jake Langton 45 Patrick Gheller 46 Max Mussara 47 Thomas Montgomerie 48 Nick Milne 49 Lachlan Wray 51 Lachlan Merrett 52 Francesco Bonacci 52* Harrison Bennets 53 William Sist 53* Jake Langton 56 Jack Anderson 57 Darcy Carrol 63 Thomas Kerr 63* Will Coten

65 Jack Gale 66 Benjamin Dimattina 67 Macgregor Matthews 68 Lachlan Comito 71 Lawrence Ciurleo 72 Tom Norris 72 James Papadopulos 73 David Donnoli 75 Liam Green 76 Luke Bryan 77 Joshua Close 80 Thomas Sanders 83 Liam McDonald 86 Anthony Ionannidis 90 Herbert Fithall

Williamstown CYMS Coach: Gavin Deller Assistants: Brendan Cocks

1 Mac Short 2 Brendan Dawson 3 Cody Hemphill 4 Matt Norton 5 Indi Ridout 6 Jack Mattsson 7 Oliver Becroft 8 Will Chan 9 James Kilpatrick 10 Kallan Dawson 11 Charley Bold 12 Ethan Tuck 13 Matt Dixon 14 Nathan Malkoun 15 Jack Blokkeerus 16 Jordan Tripodi 17 Jake Slee 18 Ben Connolly 19 Darcy Schwarze 20 Bryson Ford 21 Mason Lidner 22 Tom Gannon 23 Jack Van Wyndgaarden 24 Ambrose Moore 25 Caleb Taylor 26 Liam Cavarra 27 Jarryd Di Genova 28 Josh Owen 29 James Waters 30 Luke Mandato 31 Jarrah Lioumanis 32 Jordan Lloyd 33 Pat Galic 34 Brad Tucker

35 Tim Farrugia 36 Dan Farrugia 38 Luke Green 39 Trent Bolton 40 Lachie Hine 41 Harry Carter 43 Ethan Hunt 46 Sam Hill 48 Oliver Boyce 50 Daniel Cross 51 Jack Sutter 53 Ben Hodge 54 Brayden Philpott 55 Sirack Eyassu 56 Jack Noonan 57 Lewis Kennedy 61 Jack Johnson 62 Julian Franze 63 Jordan Davies 64 Aidan Miller 65 Jacob Splatt 69 Cooper Johnstone



HOLMESGLEN U19 – SECTION 2 Caulfield Gr.


Coach: Josh McCahon Assistants: Greg Meredith, David Gregor 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 40 43 44 45 46 48 53

Ollie Gagiero Aya Fujiwara Zach Mowthorpe Ben Kuang Dylan Smith Nick Blaich Myles Spielvogel Jesse Toniolo Darcy Levin Will Lyon Jack Lewis Matt Ball Lachlan Nixon Ben Fynmore James Wainwright Ben Slack Jack Geason Alex Scotto Zach Amos Steve Manos James Boal Tom Collins Archer Shannon Youssef Sabet Tom Sherman Max Simpson Ollie Allis Matt Stoddart Chris Diggle Josh Harris Vincent Cross Marlou Murphy Finn McEvoy Joe McLelland Jack Waldron Tim Molloy-Leigh

Old Carey Gr.

Coach: Tim Bell Assistants: Alan Solomon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 39 40 43 49

Eddie Lincoln Gene DuVergier James Butler (C) Josh Poulter Dan Megennis Noah Darby Sean Laidlaw Lucien John Zac Hancock Angus Ryan Nic Visser Aiden Burke Isaac Wattis Jake Stewart Bernie Wright Max Stella Gus Richardson Lachy Grace Riley Harry-Blackall Ezra Darby Rory Patterson Will Symons Matt Bell Milo Nash Liam Niere Harris Scholz-Mitchell Dan O’Connor Harry Jorgensen Gabriel Oliver James Miller John Maguire Matthew Kenna Eddie Harley Ben McDonald Jacob Long Jesse Wilson Poseidon Dart Kyle Lambley

Old Melburnians

Coach: Nick Andrews Assistants: Gary Chapman, Rob Newton

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Coach: Ryan Joseph

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 88 95 96 98 99

Jack Colquhoun William Mitchell Joshua Leith Nick Pentney Jacob Depaiva Harry Prendergast William Nichols Austin Smith Bailey Dalton Ayden Hrovat Darcy Long Christopher Hill Oliver Shaw Campbell Aitken Braden Dunstan Jacson Stuart Jordan Haynes Zac Shinton Jack Quartermain Ed Aujard Daniel Cameron Ben Maughan Jack Lardner Will Burke Sam Fennessy Billy Croxford Jono Lake Corey Lisle Jonathon Taylor Dallas Edwards Jason Anthanasopoulos Tim Gayfer Angus Archibald Tim Newton Daniel Clarke Brendan Dugan Cameron Friend Matt Cohn Tim Sheehan

Will Ahearn Jono Cohen David Holyoake Ben Elam Sam Kelly Alex Lockett John Kloufetos William Sultana Max Pearson Bob De Fegely Ben Seamer Freddie Twigg Tom Ebsworth Charlie Dixon Will Michelmore Will Horsfall Louis Myer Abe Spargo James Regan Josh Kerin Will Fanning Mason Tilly Tom Nelson James Fearnside Luka Thorpe Ed Hayne Keanu Padula Fegus Lappin Gianni D’Andrea Charlie Jeffrey George Delkousis David Leahey Joe Wackett

Sponsors Hocking Stuart Royal Derby Hotel

Old Trinity Gr Coach: Evan McDonald Assistants: Nick Mescher

1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 13 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 44 47 48 50 53 61 69 70


Aidan Paus Tim Hall Callum Hooper Jono Cooper Seb Contos Alex Ioannou James Hargreaves Louis Randles Henry Moore Tom Young Chris Thuring Josh Turton Nick Creese Matt Morarty Damon Zethoven Ben Mescher Tom Donoghue James Robertson Jacob Sando Bryce Matheson Jack Mascitelli Sam Cook Nicholas Adgemis Ben Lasorko Alex Ioannou Alistair McIntosh Arthur Mastoras Tom Pryor Oscar Band Nick Meerman Chris Campbell Hamish Felton Arthur Gioulekas Blair Henery Adam Brendish Samuel Miles Arthur Mastoras Louis Muller Martin Muller Michael Mins Matt Corney

Parkdale Vultures Coach: Luke Borella Assistants: Rob McKenzie, Matt Hayes

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 47 48 52 58 61 62 63 67 71 73

Brad Austin Andy Silva Ollie Herd Harry Spencer James Clark C Tim Carroll Josh Green Jack Vorbach Yves Hopkins-Gamble Matthew Francis Nick Farnbach Liam Marshall Andrew Watterson Tom McCarthy Luke Forbes Luke Clark Alex Derzekos Matt Rattenbury Kai Love-Linai Joel Green James Salouris Zak Straker Jaye Edmunds Conor Larkin Ryan O’Leary Jarrod Peake Brendan McCoy Cooper Balic Sam Davies Lachie Butler Sam Timuska-Carr Josh Hall Daniel Rendell Tom Congerton Bailey Dillon Lachlan Gallagher Ryde Love-Linai Tom Jenkins Craig Sterling Sam Moloney Jack Love Brad Shea Leigh Patten Izar Daou Aaron Babaev


St Bedes/Mentone Tigers Coach: N/A Assistants: N?A

37 12 54 44 62 6 21 50 10 43 36 4 15 52 61 48 28 57 62 42 3 40 8

L. Palfrey S. Randall J. Mangoni R. Leslie S. Hayes D. Tocher T. Stainer K. Arthur J. Pastura A. Wilson R. Kennedy Z. Calvez B. Mahy L. Wigney B. De Zilva S. Kappler C. Wedderburn M. Johnstone S. Barca J. Moloney B. O’Meara M. Millwood R. Maddaford

Coach: Jeremy Freeman Ass. Peter Harrison, Andrew Dwyer 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

James Battista Angus Hands (C) Joshua Dwyer Lewis Deane Jack Stanbrook Max Warrick Ben Lyall (DVC) Carl Giovannini Matthew Hook Max Arter Jack Elmer Ben Galtieri Sean Harrison (DVC) Miller Bartholomew Jack Sammut Matthew Watkinson Charles Dalziel Fergus Ward Tom Mercuri James Perrin Hewitt Murray (VC) Matthew Coen Eddie Dinh Jack Richardson Tom Battista Drew Maher Michael Coen Daniel Michael Mark Usatov Jack Zita (DVC) Jackson Deane Alistair Corbett Matthew O’Dwyer Jacob Blanck Sam Hill


U19 – SECTION 3 Mazenod

Hampton Rovers

Coach: Paul Deegan Assistants: Carmelo D”Angelo, Carl Gannon

Coach: John Cesario Assistants: Corey Riscalla & Pete Rogerson

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 36 39 44 45 51 71 91

1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 41 44 47 55 62

Luke Fonti Aiden Brand Oliver Daniel DiNezza Sam Deegan Declan Fowler Christian Dorio Corey Martino Danial Mydaras Jake Charman Mat McLellan Jacob Bucella Matt Sier Jacob Murdoch Locky McEniry Simon Bonacci Ben Gannon Christian Palotta Tom Patterson Danial Wiles Mitch D’Angelo Jayden Hill Dylan Spooner Tom McKenna Nick Reeder Kieren McKeogh Aidan Noone Jack Minack Zach Prosser Travis O’Hara Damian Byrne Josh Webster Nathan Beovich Jerome Sallai Anthony Martynstyn Aaron Theodore Josh Mountford

Old Ivanhoe Gr. James Larkin (C) Ben Oliver Dylan Buttifant (VC) Jackson Powell Matthew Scott Dan Carolan Matthew Martin Tom O’Halloran Jordan Sutterby Jack Dawson Seamus Gibbs Jordan French Petar Gavrilevski Riley Frazer Laz Koulis Michael Altis Callum McIlveen Nick Johnson Darcy Byrne-Connell Cooper Wilson Daniel Gliniecki Lucas Kafitsas Naoya Ikeda Nick Reeves-Smyth Lachlan McLeish

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 38 40 41 43 50 57 63 69 73 75 78 91

Coach: Ryan Joseph Assistants: TBA

1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 35 36 38 52 56 80 82


Kyle Parsons Lachie Bell Nick Collin Harry Hill Ryan Wheeler Connial Auty James Bryant Tom Currie Tom Larkworthy Matt Evans Matt Ducchini Jono Dick Tom Francis Jordie Mace Connar Macleod Rohan Martin Max Vulcan Hugh Hamilton Harrison McIntyre Oscar Armstrong Jandre Olivier Andrew McBain Jordan Moncreif Max Murray Erik Purcell Jack Burge Scott Riddell Ed Tait Mackie Robertson Joey Dikranian Elliot Avis Tom Garner Alex Mastromanno

Brody Harbinson Edward Rice Connor Handley Riely Martin Charlie Richards ( C ) Oscar Glover Tyson Wyett (VC) Linus Walsh Jack Hibbins Sam Porz James Rice Tim Nancarrow Jack Melbourne Harrison Butterss Sam Parsons Connor Hobbs Nick Punter Nicholas Marsh Hugo Ling Darcy McKenzie Zac Comley-Burns Tom Pateras Riley Goodman Ed Greene Andrew Scott Tom Jordan Carl Bacash Cam Tennant Luca Skoufos Hugh Greene Jack Cotton Michael Scardamaglia Fraser Cameron Matthew Pollock Rhys Hildebrand-Wise


Old Brighton

Coach: Danny Bodycoat Assistants: Brad Shadbolt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30

Benjamin Kneebush Darcy Merlo James Prosser Jack Klonaris Adrian Hug Steven Raymer Harrison Crisp Tom Stanfield Thomas Harris Jack Daley Benji Audige Finn Garraway-McMaster Max Coughlin Joel Melnjak Scott Ebbott Matthew Oswald Lloyd Cosgrif Mitchell Bowles Matthew Rieniets Richard Ekins Samme Raghdo Liam Mouat Sean Bourke Will Jackson Corey Jones Sam Gall Joel Bowditch Liam McCartney Jenson Hemsley Cameron Cullis Daniel Terjung Callum Dodd Harry Robertson Campbell Hetherington Fraser Shellie


Coach: Nick Hibbins Assistants: Rod Nancarrow

Coach: Michael Oaten Assistants: Robert Putamorsi 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 14 15 17 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 50 55 64 66 73 75 76

Jack Short Max Schepsi Matt Perry (VC) Tim Dobson Hugh Conron Jack McCambley (VC) Nick Cooney Jesse Maxfield Willem Van Denderen Jonty Sharman-Smith Zac Papacostas Ollie Milner Nick Halsall Dimitri Fasoulis Athan Xenos Tom Putamorsi Nick Edwards Callan Rawlings Lachie Filopovic Jack Fogarty (DVC) Will O’Shannessey Will Robertshaw (DVC) Tom Shalev Dylan Stewart Tom Harkin Jarrod Schnider Reece Behnke Ben Hardwick Dae Syddlik Tom Hourigan Nick Oaten ( C ) Ryan Cohen Zac Hanson Reuben Haywood Adam Schwarz Blake Piccone Ari Karageorgiou Cale Hirschman Jarrod Kangisser Eddie Quinn ( C )


Coach: Simon Abrahams Albert Atme Andrew Collins Andrew Menegas Andy Kay Anthony Berlangieri Anthony Salvatore Anton Trask-Marino Bradley Perillo Daniel Di Roberto Daniel Epifano Daniel Lunn David Spinosa Eric Fekonja Jack Doran Jackson Green Jake Maher James Cullen Joel Cecala Josh Guerrieri Joshua Sassella Julian Picco Leon Verdura Lucas Bosio Luke Thomas Mark Andros Matthew De Luca Matthew Frost Matthew Hamblin Nicholas Hullick Nicholas McNamara Riley Muir Ry Elphinstone Sean Hibberd Sean Phillips-Williams Tim Clifford Tom Doran Zac Tolley

Williamstown CYMS Coach: Con Terzoglou Assistants: John Di Grazia

1 Mac Short 2 Brendan Dawson 3 Cody Hemphill 4 Matt Norton 5 Indi Ridout 6 Jack Mattsson 7 Oliver Becroft 8 Will Chan 9 James Kilpatrick 10 Kallan Dawson 11 Charley Bold 12 Ethan Tuck 13 Matt Dixon 14 Nathan Malkoun 15 Jack Blokkeerus 16 Jordan Tripodi 17 Jake Slee 18 Ben Connolly 19 Darcy Schwarze 20 Bryson Ford 21 Mason Lidner 22 Tom Gannon 23 Jack Van Wyndgaarden 24 Ambrose Moore 25 Caleb Taylor 26 Liam Cavarra 27 Jarryd Di Genova 28 Josh Owen 29 James Waters 30 Luke Mandato 31 Jarrah Lioumanis 32 Jordan Lloyd 33 Pat Galic 34 Brad Tucker

35 Tim Farrugia 36 Dan Farrugia 38 Luke Green 39 Trent Bolton 40 Lachie Hine 41 Harry Carter 43 Ethan Hunt 46 Sam Hill 48 Oliver Boyce 50 Daniel Cross 51 Jack Sutter 53 Ben Hodge 54 Brayden Philpott 55 Sirack Eyassu 56 Jack Noonan 57 Lewis Kennedy 61 Jack Johnson 62 Julian Franze 63 Jordan Davies 64 Aidan Miller 65 Jacob Splatt 69 Cooper Johnstone




Coach: Ash Shenker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Velleman Jesse Alter Michael Burston Joel Faiman Benji De Winter Ben Israel Reece Kagan Ryan Marom Noam Schwartz Ben Sekler Adam Lipton Dakota Williams Sam Kalmus Sam Kahlberg Adam Breckler Michael Joel Andrew Blau Elliot Klein Adam Swire Jordan Shapiro Brent Vadas Guy Hamilton Charles Rushford Adam Fitt Anton Silver Jacob Stock Jack Verstandig Dian Silberman Dion

Monash Blues

Coaches: Ben Dempsey, Pat Bryce Ashton Arthur Jimmy Baring Doug Bergamin Cameron Bishop Lachlan Buur-Jensen Mac Cameron Joseph Cantwell James Cassells Thomas Clayson Brady Cronin James Davidson Rhys Dawes Jarrod Devanny Jessie Dewhurst Zane Dickinson Patrick Easson Kieran Edwards Cooper Fennell Will Grigg Michael Hackwill Ben Hawkins Louis Howard Cameron Knoll Lachlan Lane Max Lawrence Abe Lawson Andrew Llewelyn Matt Madsen Jack Manera Sam May Corey McGrath Fergus McLaren Patrick Nagle James Nevill Cameron Pither Darcy Plant Daniel Rafferty Zach Salmi Declan Saville Tom Shembrey Jock Slattery Jack Smith

Peninsula OB Coach: Peter Williamson

Old Haileyburians Coaches: Mick Constable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 34 35 38

Tom Edmunds Lyndon Montgomery Tim Cleary Kaiden Dummett Brodie Steele Torsten Williamson Jak Nardino Ned Doran Jamie Cain Ollie Sharpe Max Fisher Ben Oakes Joel Constable Jordan Hurley Jack Munro Xavier Subbotsch Declan Forster Charlie Constable Will Stock Eden Facey-Smith Abdullah Alazzawi Ari Ventouras Tim Richards Charlton Schneider Jack Moncrieff

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Rhrys Treherne Mitch Glenn Fraser Roberts Angus Craig Tom Labrooy Callum Parton James Labrooy Tory Taylor Louis Barbour Sam Harrison Will Labrooy Nick Holland Bryce McLean Cooper Knox Brayden Glaum Michael Thompson Josh Watts Ben Williamson Jim Feutrill Mike Mclean James Small Jack Walker Ben Weekes Angus Grant Ben Weekes Ben Sbensson

THE carringbush Hotel


Coach: Joe Erougian

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


Ryan Andrews Caleb Asaris Riley Bult Jarrod Cant Robert Cassidy Alexander Coutts Matthew Dunstan Jordan Erougian Zach Genovesi Alexander Gorham Nikolas Goulas Nathan Humpreys Alexander hymer Jonathon Karikas David Lieu Joshua Maloney Rory Martell Jack Merlo Xavier Murphy Lachlan Nayler Oliver Ponte Jason Roberts Bradley Roscoe Tom Saggio Chris Salt Tristan Salvalaggio Marc Sayers Jayden Schulz James Scully Carl Stevenson Tom Stevenson Max Tonne Braden Toy Alessandro Velissaris

Preston Bullants Coach: Zan Useinov

1 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 35 40 41 42 43 51 52

Andre Cherubin Marc DeMaria Harley Sutton Brian Hutchinson Ryan Evans Tariq Gerardi Andre Marcon Giacomo Vernino Coen Brosnan Ben Twite Blayne Waters Jack Mansour James Mazzone Tom Hickland Thomas Beck Daniel Cronin Sam Di Palma Brady Millman Christian Fontana Christian Useinov Jonah Taylor Marcello Manteit Anthony Gennacacaro Michael Efremidis Michael Fogale Trent McNamara Tyson Smith Joseph Mansour Jordan Hamilton

Therry Penola OB


Coach: Mark Hudson Assistants: Mick Conway

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 32 34 35 36 44

Matthew Lewis Ethan Dolan Anthony Tana Tom Monaghan Robbie Carr Brodie Hudson Sean O’Sullivan Anthony Sadrinajafi Louis Crosara Kerin McKenna Joseph Piperno Blake McKibbin Jacob Ratcliffe ( C ) Dylan Ryan Jedd Taylor Billy Fatralis James Carlton Cam Roy Matthew Dixon Joe Piccione Ben Carter Josh Larken Joe Strangile Daniel Tadinac Connor Kilbane Peter Stragos Rory McGreggor Corey Ratten Stan Skapetis Jordan Ryan Caleb Talbot Kane O’Halloran

Coach: Marcus Butera Assistants: Daniel Carcour

1 2 4 7 8 10 11 12 15 16 18 22 23 24 26 28 31 33 36 37 41 47 65 66 78 80 86 89 90 91 92 95

Indi Forent Saill Tyler Legudi Hugh Burry Aiden Giove Thomas Cheyne Myles Legudi James Brown Omar Dahir Imanuil Afiou Dimitrios Stamatelatos Lucas Harris Abubaker Okud Matt Mallia Michael Healey Jonathan Lay Tim Rocke Nick Ryan Josh Munari Finn Devlin Spencer Craggil-Haren Lucas McSweeney Rowan Welsh Nick Perica Nicholas Munari Cameron Craig Davis Moore Rayan Hajj Lachlan Mitchell Lucas Czjako Gamachu Midaksso Chris Berogna Gerard Hawkins


U19 – SECTION 5 Aquinas

De La Salle

Coach: Craig Glennie

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Pasquale Pezzimenti Michael O’Malley Michael Di Donato Micah Veith Julian Martuccio Brandon Scagnetti Daniel Foley Jack Chivers Jonathan Kerr Adrian Owen Anthony Dyck Kieran Hummel Zachary Jeffrey Matthew Westwood James Wright Daniel Sudborough Cheuk Hei Jim Jason Geddes Harrison Grech Ben Zwarts James Reid Joseph Abed Robin Vaihu


Coach: Chris White

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 34 36

Kevin Baras Craig O’Meara Corey (VC) Moore Aaron (VC) Planksken Brodie Weymouth Anmol Malhotra Austin Symmons James Robinson Hayden Everett Lucas ( C ) Cloke Jake Ford Justin McCarthy Ryan (VC) Powell Ed Standish Sam Ciavarella Rob Smith Dylan Goodwill Des Fry Caleb Qumivutia Chris Galanos Ankush Malhotra Kyle Schmauder Jordan Peeler Will Harris

Coach: Steve Ingram

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Benjamin Melissinos Riccardo Rando Nick O’Sullivan James Mullaly Joe Squires Matthew Tyquin Adam Martuccio Frank McCormack Liam O’Neill Patrick Hounihan Josh Ingram Michael Jakes Mitchell Riley Daniel Brasher Jack Squires Harrsion Gill Charlie Ferris-McDonald Jed Roberts Harry Bowen Jonathon Green Tom O’Kane Riley Watson Zacharian Grundmann Thomas McDonald Tom Harrington Sam Leary Jordan Gregory Jon Epifanidis James Bailey Adam Monkman Oliver Gunning Chris Busetti Jamie Wheately Thomas Deftereos Benjamin Ahearn

La Trobe University 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 30 33 34 35

Old Paradians Alexander Ouzas Jack Hope Nicholas Kolotylo Nicholas Ouzas Panashe Masawi Adam Nolan Christian White Andrew Tyrrell James Frank Brett Money Dean Liuzzi Daniel Mitris Jeremy Coleman Luke O’Keeffe Matthew Caruso Ross Ursino Benjamin Ferraro Laughlin Cargnali Jayden Clemmet Peter Annetta Darcy Cotter Michael McHugh Joseph Bland Lucas Papa Zachary Delmo Zane Treloar Theo Krokidis James Naitoko Samuel Adams Matthew Biviano


Vincent Vecchio Fraser Delbridge Mitch Brown Kyle Keenan Lachlan Shine Cam McCormack Corey Sleep Kia O’Donovan Ben Paterson Lachlan Reinke Daniel Robertson Connor Molloy Sam Paterson Andrew Baschiera Braydon Turner Josh Shelton Jimmy Stapleton Jason Booth Cody Johnstone Daniel Iozzi Ned Waters Bailey Rodda Chase Chequer McKenzie Stanley Kallum Hinchliffe


Coach: Ian Fairley

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 39 42 47 51 57 60


Coach: John Jackson

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 33 39 44 45 51 55 71

M. Daminato T. Gook L. Jacob A. Gargano M. Creek H. Dehne J. Heritage E. Creamer A. Moffa F. Marron L. Marko Rawlings T. Mammarella L. Logozzo H. Kouremenos G. Trevan I. Romano C. Pevitt M. Moses M. Vollebergh S. Newman-Rogers

Luca Dalfonso Luke Fonti Joseph Nguyen Matt Zagoulas Daniel DiNezza Louis Seal Tom Riley Josh Mountford Lachie McKenna Sheldon Connolly Noel DeZilva Matt Kovac James Deegan James Taylor Joel Welsford Josh Cochrane Zach Prosser Jayden Brown Karl Ranson Liam Sherlock Arlyn Khaiyath Sam Nolan Zach Prosser Itai Saina Josh Webster Nathan Beovich Jerome Sallai Anthony Martynstyn Conor Barclay Aaron Theodore

Coaches: TBA Assistants: TBA

A.Wijayakumara S.Arora J.Radcliffe-Smith S.Halangode W.Penhalluriack N.Wood A.Alinizar B.Gunn M.Himing D.Liyanage J.Hall R.Rae S.Bak E.Smith C.Khan M.Kaminsky G.Velik C.Franklyn J.Rewal R.Sheng-Wen Huang T.Anthony Tran A.Tyndall A.Rizvi N.Brown

St Johns

St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Coach: N/A Assistants: N/A

Coach: TBA Assistants: TBA

28 9 20 25 2 1 78 16 18 45 35 10 22 55 6 4 3 30 50 40


Coach: Tim McEniry Assistants: TBA

8 7 50 1 2 38 23 17 45 4 41 22 25 35 28 9 15 16 21 18 3 5 48 14

C. Shaw J. (giovanni) Zuccala D. Heverin M. Lannan R. Mravljak K. Pateluch O. Adorno S. Lundy C. Ladds C. Clark W. Sedgwick A. Thatcher A. Barba A. Browne H. Griffin J. Saunders W. Pickles J. Thomas T. Weston-Arnold J. Krnjaic T. La Cava L. Whalebone M. Aleardi S. Burke

Coach: Ben Pickering Assistants: TBA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Matt Carter Cameron Cato Paul Picard Jack Grattidge Josh Johns Kane Forgiarini Brad Barker Jake Hedges Brayden Follett Blake Williams Calvin Toohim (C) Kaine Johnston (C) Dylan Allan Nick De Poilly Nick Silvey Ethan Chavasse Josh Dallas Robertson Liam Eklom Billy Schaefer Nathan Eres Cooper Aldersea




THE POKEMON HUNTER With the current Pokemon craze, and a group as diverse as the umpiring fraternity, we expected to see at least a few of our younger members strolling into umpires rooms concentrating intently on their phone chasing that elusive Pikachu. However, we were more than a little surprised to hear goal umpire Anthony ‘AD’ Damen declare he had downloaded the game, and was itching to play it. We’re glad to report that the goal umpire ‘no phones in pockets’ rule was adhered to, and no wild Pokemon were captured until after the match.

TV STARS EVERYWHERE! Congratulations once again to VAFAUA Life Member David Windlow who last week officiated his 1000th VAFA match. Channel 7 was in attendance, and did a very nice piece about David and his history in umpiring. Two umpires being featured on the prime time news in one year – who’d have thought it!

TRIVIA NIGHT The VAFAUA Annual Trivia night is to be held Tonight, July 30th at the VAFAUA rooms, Elsternwick Park. Members and guests are welcome to come and join a table – prizes on offer, and lots of good quizzing from quizmaster (and Coach) Tony Hales. Hope to see you there!

PRE FINALS DINNER A reminder to all that the pre-finals dinner is to be held in the Members Dining Room at the MCG on August 22nd. Apologies have now closed – but for any enquiries please continue to contact Lionel Katz at dinner@






SHARPSHOOTERS William Buck Premier Matthew Handley Old Xaverians Brendan Goss Old Xaverians Alexander Armstrong Old Melburnians Lochie Dornauf University Blacks

LR 2 2 3 2

Total 43 37 31 31

Premier C Reserve Peter Rozanitis Mazenod OC James Egan Mazenod OC Damien Simic Caulfield Grammarians Mati Christakakis Williamstown CYMS

LR 1 3 0 3

Total 40 33 33 27

Premier Reserve Jack Wood University Blues Ted Mitchell Old Trinity Grammarians Thomas Quinlan St Kevins OB Morgan Nunan University Blacks

LR 0 7 2 1

Total 36 25 22 19

Premier C Thirds Sam Ayoub Marcellin OC Dustin Cracknell Marcellin OC Matthew Jones Therry Penola OB Michael Helm Therry Penola OB

LR 0 11 7 3

Total 64 33 33 30

Premier Thirds Jack Firth St Bernards Benjamin Farrow University Blacks Benjamin Omizzolo St Kevins OB Cameron Tunbridge Old Melburnians

LR 0 2 0 0

Total 40 27 24 18

Division 1 Jarrod Bannister Therry Penola OB Trent Skurrie PEGS Darcy R Brown Old Mentonians Callum Wood Old Geelong

LR 1 2 1 3

Total 56 48 44 37

Premier B LR Total Stephen Milne Beaumaris 4 39 Daniel Anthony Old Brighton Grammarians 1 35 Nathan Smith Hampton Rovers 1 33 David Fayman AJAX 1 32

Division 1 Reserve Luke Montgomery PEGS Raymond Steer Therry Penola OB Jacob Dixon Therry Penola OB Rick Ellis Prahran Assumption

LR 0 0 4 4

Total 39 39 31 26

Premier B Reserve Matthew Caia St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Travis Woolnough Beaumaris William Hogan Monash Blues Jeremy Forbes AJAX

LR 1 0 1 0

Total 32 25 24 22

Division 2 Benjamin Gill Eltham Collegians Aaron Thornton St Johns OC Daniel Hill Emmaus St Leos OC Kane Smith MHSOB

LR 1 1 2 2

Total 58 52 35 34

Premier B Thirds Zev Aron AJAX Jordan Young Parkdale Vultures David Cowley Old Trinity Grammarians Paul Tweedly Monash Blues

LR 3 4 0 2

Total 33 28 27 25

Division 2 Reserve Richard Benjamin West Brunswick Eamonn Scott Preston Bullants Lachlan McRedmond Preston Bullants Jason Lewis MHSOB

LR 0 1 0 0

Total 40 27 26 22

Premier C LR Stefan Barbour Peninsula OB 5 Aaron Cloke Oakleigh 0 Thomas Kanz Old Camberwell Grammarians 1 Adrian Del Monte Old Ivanhoe Grammarians 3

Total 53 45 45 43

Division 3 Mitchell Gleeson La Trobe University Julius Waras CarstensenGlen Eira Justin Hunter Elsternwick Thomas Kennedy Swinburne University

LR 0 5 2 1

Total 59 48 43 37



Division 3 Reserve Daniel Lauletta Hawthorn Sam Neville La Trobe University Beau Coyle Albert Park Joel Dwyer Swinburne University

Holmesglen U19 Section 4 Benjamin Oakes Old Haileyburians Thomas Saggio PEGS Jordan Erougian PEGS Max Tonna PEGS

LR 1 8 3 0

Total 57 32 28 24

Division 4 LR Total Dale Collins Westbourne Grammarians 4 63 William Dawson Point Cook 0 54 David Viola Eley Park Sharks 0 43 Max Hampton Mt Lilydale OC 1 38

Holmesglen U19 Section 5 Ashan Wijayakumara MHSOB Nick O’Sullivan De La Salle OC Tom Riley Mazenod OC Lucas Cloke Oakleigh

LR 2 0 3 1

Total 40 39 36 28

Division 4 Reserve Leigh Booth Eley Park Sharks John Alexandridis Eley Park Sharks Bradley Magri-Olson Box Hill North Bryn Boomsma Mt Lilydale OC

LR 1 1 0 0

Total 56 55 37 33

Club XVIII (1) John Farah Hawthorn Craig Berger Prahran Assumption Benjamin Corcoran Old Xaverians Sam Hartmann Richmond Central

LR 4 0 0 0

Total 41 37 29 28

Holmesglen U19 Premier William Stewart Old Scotch Patrick Wallace Old Xaverians Nicholas Henricks Beaumaris Sam Gibbins Beaumaris

LR 0 0 4 1

Total 47 34 34 28

Club XVIII (2) Josh Archer Old Geelong Kyle Oppelaar West Brunswick Aaron Thompson West Brunswick Shane Chapman Monash Blues

LR 0 5 5 0

Total 42 24 23 17

Holmesglen U19 Premier Reserve Jack Rennex Old Xaverians Joshua Davis Beaumaris Harrison Kelly Old Xaverians Daniel Clearihan Old Scotch

LR 2 6 2 6

Total 63 45 34 33

Holmesglen U19 Section 2 James Regan Old Melburnians James Salouris Parkdale Vultures Matt Ball Caulfield Grammarians Andrew Silva Parkdale Vultures

LR 1 4 3 0

Total 49 44 35 32

Holmesglen U19 Section 3 Jake Slee Williamstown CYMS Hugo Ling Collegians Declan Fowler Mazenod OC Matthew Perry Ormond

LR 0 3 4 1

Total 46 33 31 24


LR 0 4 1 3

Total 54 50 35 33



Norm Nugent

ROUND 15 2016 Today marks the end of the season for the six teams who have not qualified for the Final series. April optimism is often not reflected by seasonal success and 2016 has been no different. Success breeds success and we anticipate two Semi Final rehearsals of high standard in today’s Round.

REVIEW OF ROUND 14 SECTION 1 Third placed Richmond Central were not disgraced by their twenty two point loss to Old Xaverians. Accuracy and a dominant third term were the two major factors in the Xaverian victory. Leaders, Hawthorn outplayed an inaccurate Brunswick/ North Old Boys/ St Patrick’s and recorded victory by seventy four points. Hawthorn again showed their multi pronged attack with Tim. Demetriou kicking eight goals, and John Farah as well as Nick Geischen each kicking four majors. South Mornington finished too strongly for Melbourne High School and won their second game of the season by twenty three points. For the first three quarters the teams were very evenly matched. Then the home side broke away largely through Robert Wilson, who kicked five goals. Prahran/ Assumption took an early lead against St Francis Xavier but were unable to retain it as the home side asserted their superiority. This was especially obvious in the last quarter when St Francis added seven unanswered goals to give themselves victory by seventy nine points. James Van Dam with six goals led the St Francis scoring spree.

SECTION 2 West Brunswick kicked the highest score of the season, when they held Swinburne University scoreless and won by two hundred and forty six points. “Magpie” forwards; Ben. Shepherd (8), Kyle Oppelaar (5) and Aaron Thompson (5) led the scoring spree. Monash Gryphons defeated University High 58

School/V.U.T. by twenty four points and so removed any threat to their hold on fourth place. The Monash Blues and Old Geelong match proved to be a low scoring one. Old Geelong took the lead early and held it throughout and won by eleven points. Monash finished the stronger with three fourth quarter goals which cut the Old Geelong three quarter time lead of twenty one points to eleven at game’s end.

PREVIEW OF ROUND 15 SECTION 1 Two of the teams of whom better things were expected, namely Brunswick/ North Old Boys/ St Patrick’s and Prahran/ Assumption meet on the Gillon Oval with only personal pride as a reward. A key to the outcome of this game, will be the availability of players as each Club has faced player shortage during the season. With no great confidence, I select Brunswick/ North Old Boys/ St Patrick’s simply because they are the home side who knows the ground the better. In a preview of next week’s Second Semi Final, Hawthorn will be at home to the Old Xaverians. Hawthorn has the more impressive recent form and the Rathmines Road ground has not proven a “happy hunting ground” for the Xaverians. Will each team be at full strength or will players be rested for next week?? Tactics should play a big part in the outcome of this game and I am inclined to select Hawthorn especially on their ground. Third placed Richmond Central have the opportunity to fine tune their game plan against Melbourne High School Old Boys whose form has dropped away over the past few weeks. Even though the small ground will hinder the “Cardinals” running game, I believe they will win. South Mornington, fresh from a rare win, travel to Beaconsfield to play St Francis Xavier, who have found their best form on the cusp of the finals. St Francis have several players who can (and do) kick goals so I expect they will be in full flight against THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2016

the section’s bottom side. I forecast a big win by St Francis Xavier.

SECTION 2 Old Geelong should record a confidence building win over Swinburne University whose first season has proven a difficult one. A Swinburne victory would be the surprise of the Season. Royal Park neighbours, West Brunswick and University High School/ V.U.T. meet on the Ransford Oval where I forecast another decisive West Brunswick victory because they are consistently playing to a high standard. Strong arguments can be made in support of West Brunswick being the form side of the competition. In a dress rehearsal for next week’s First Semi final, Monash Gryphons and Blues meet in East Caulfield. Of late, the Gryphons have shown improvement whilst the Blue’s form has tailed off. Statistically, over the Season, the Blues have been the better side and today I select them to win and so enter the Semi final with confidence.



Old Xaverians 3.1, 4.1, 8.1, 10.3 (63) Richmond Central 1.2, 2.3, 4.5, 6.5 (41) GOALS, Old Xaverians: D. Landrigan 4, M. McLean 1, M. Walsh 1, A. Parton 1, D. Quinn 1, L. Weinhandl 1, A. Barrett 1 Richmond Central: J. Chen 1, A. Gaur 1, L. Neilson 1, A. Read 1, C. Glowrey 1, S. D’Arcy 1 BEST, Old Xaverians: D. Quinn, A. Parton, A. Barrett, M. Walsh, D. Landrigan, A. Keyhoe Richmond Central: A. Gaur, T. Roberts, P. Iser, J. Huntley, C. Logan, L. Neilson Hawthorn 8.1, 10.3, 16.8, 18.9 (117) Brunswick NOBSPC 0.1, 1.7, 1.7, 5.13 (43) GOALS, Hawthorn: T. Demetriou 8, J. Farah 4, N. Gieschen 2, T. Barber 1, A. Mitropoulos 1, S. Speer 1, D. Korlos 1 Brunswick NOBSPC: T. Cole 1, M. Piazza 1, L. Calcinotto 1, M. Earl 1, J. Moverley 1 BEST, Hawthorn: T. Demetriou, N. Gieschen, J. Farah, S. Speer, T. Barber Brunswick NOBSPC: M. Rapa, J. Moverley, C. Gatto, T. Cole, J. Maginness, T. Mayfield South Mornington 1.1, 4.5, 5.6, 9.8 (62) MHSOB 2.1, 4.1, 5.3, 6.3 (39) GOALS, South Mornington: R. Wilson 5, N. Kurts 1, B. Bryant 1, A. Davidson 1, A. Simpson 1 MHSOB: T. Doer-Tolhurst 3, R. Coxon 1, A. Bouten 1, J. Anderson 1 BEST, South Mornington: A. Davidson, K. Debernardi, R. Wilson, G. Ryan, W. Foley MHSOB: A. Bouten, M. Engelander, M. Griffin, T. Diedrich, L. Smith, N. Taranto Last home game for the Tigers was played in wet, icy conditions. In a very tight game where both sides played very competitive football and the lead changed several times. With a lead of only 3 points at the last change the home side settled down quickly and ran out 23 point victors going away.. A good effort by Bobby Wilson who ended up with a bag of 5 goals. St Francis Xavier OC 1.0, 4.2, 9.3, 16.5 (101) Prahran Assumption 2.2, 2.4, 3.4, 3.4 (22) GOALS, St Francis Xavier OC: J. Van Dam 6, B. O’Hara 3, N. Welsh 3, T. Kerr 2, J. Abel 1, D. Pennant 1 Prahran Assumption: J. Brooker 1, C. Morton 1, C. Crewes 1 BEST, St Francis Xavier OC: J. Van Dam, L. Dullard, C. Spalding, S. Burns, A. Burns, S. Dullard Prahran Assumption: N. Gouin, G. Ryan, C. Morton, N. Keohler, J. Langford, B. Anderson



West Brunswick 8.6, 16.12, 26.17, 37.24 (246) Swinburne University 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (0) GOALS, West Brunswick: B. Shepherd 8, K. Oppelaar 5, A. Thompson 5, M. Roach 4, J. Hyslop 3, S. Devers 3, W. Dillon 2, J. Nulty 2, J. MacReadie-Smith 2, D. Monacella 1, K. Vanston 1, J. Hopkins 1 Swinburne University: BEST, West Brunswick: N. Arnold, W. Dillon, D. Fuzzard, X. Fowler, J. Sandow, B. Shepherd Swinburne University: C. Haddad, R. Moloney, J. Sandhu, A. Lewis, A. Chung, F. Brad Old Geelong 3.3, 4.6, 5.10, 6.12 (48) Monash Blues 1.2, 2.4, 2.7, 5.7 (37) GOALS, Old Geelong: M. Moffatt 3, M. Graver 1, O. Graham 1, A. Sujecki 1 Monash Blues: L. Davis 1, S. Poole 1, J. Mazur 1, H. Brouwer 1, A. Hawes 1 BEST, Old Geelong: H. Hewitson, A. Sujecki, H. Hosegood, J. Tai, M. Moffatt, O. Graham Monash Blues: L. Hammond, D. Heap, D. McCallum, J. Ly, J. Xuereb, A. Hawes Monash Gryphons 1.2, 4.3, 8.4, 11.6 (72) UHS-VU 4.1, 4.2, 5.4, 7.6 (48) GOALS, Monash Gryphons: P. Lithgow 4, M. Lithgow 2, A. Holmes 2, T. Glasson 1, N. Rudich 1, D. Abdelsayed 1 UHS-VU: Z. Nelson 2, M. Spataro 1, M. Blandthorn 1, N. Pinto 1, J. Kennedy 1, L. St Clair 1 BEST, Monash Gryphons: A. Tsirogiannis, C. Massis, P. Lithgow, M. Lithgow, M. Bunting, A. Heyward UHS-VU: P. Russo, Z. Nelson, M. Blandthorn, C. Parkin, J. Kennedy, C. Marchio West Brunswick AFC: A. Thompson 3, M. Roach 2, D. Fuzzard 1, S. Clarke 1, T. Ross 1, B. Shepherd 1 BEST, Monash Gryphons: C. Massis, L. Pryde, D. Entwistle, D. Abdelsayed, J. Gonis, R. Fletcher West Brunswick AFC: D. Fuzzard, P. Manczak, T. Ross, B. Shepherd, J. Thompson, R. Conwell





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1116 SEN VAFA PREMIERSHIP LADDERS 2016 PREMIER C Caulfield Gr Mazenod OC Peninsula OB Old Ivanhoe Gr Kew Williamstown CYMS Old Camberwell Gr Oakleigh Marcellin OC Ormond

DIVISION TWO P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 12 12 11 8 6 6 4 4 3 3

L 2 2 3 5 8 8 10 10 10 11

D 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1406 1251 1405 1161 1192 1157 1117 1086 1079 1058

Agst 937 863 947 1205 1203 1246 1364 1373 1372 1402

% 150.05 144.96 148.36 96.35 99.09 92.86 81.89 79.1 78.64 75.46

PTS 48 48 44 34 24 24 16 16 14 12

D 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1392 1315 1020 1103 1079 1064 922 761 770 625

Agst 594 607 881 902 834 1004 1201 1239 1392 1409

% 234.34 216.64 115.78 122.28 129.38 105.98 76.77 61.42 55.32 44.36

PTS 52 42 40 36 34 28 20 12 12 4

PREMIER C RESERVES Caulfield Gr Mazenod OC Peninsula OB Williamstown CYMS Ormond Kew Old Camberwell Gr Old Ivanhoe Gr Marcellin OC Oakleigh

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 13 10 10 9 8 7 5 3 3 1

L 1 3 4 5 5 7 9 11 11 13

PREMIER C THIRDS Caulfield Gr Marcellin Therry Penola OB PEGS Williamstown CYMS Ormond Kew Old Camberwell St Mary's Salesian St Bedes / Mentone Tigers

P 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 11 13 12

W 10 10 9 7 7 6 5 3 2 0

L 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 12

D 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

For 1109 1335 1388 1012 937 659 827 579 697 534

Agst 608 692 683 761 823 779 896 1337 1252 1615

% 182.4 192.92 203.22 132.98 113.85 84.6 92.3 43.31 55.67 33.07

PTS 42 40 36 32 28 26 22 12 10 4

W 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 4 3 2

L 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 11 11

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1609 1480 1231 1187 1269 1132 1253 1034 825 874

Agst 926 1034 1007 1012 1237 1274 1425 1268 1387 1324

% 173.76 143.13 122.24 117.29 102.59 88.85 87.93 81.55 59.48 66.01

PTS 44 40 36 36 32 28 24 18 12 10

For 1378 1508 995 957 1254 654 830 613 437 580

Agst 607 529 829 715 700 1046 1188 1227 1177 1188

% 227.02 285.07 120.02 133.85 179.14 62.52 69.87 49.96 37.13 48.82

PTS 52 44 44 40 36 22 20 12 6 4

DIVISION ONE Old Mentonians Old Geelong Therry Penola OB PEGS St Mary's Salesian Ivanhoe Whitefriars OC Old Paradians Brunswick NOBSPC Prahran Assumption

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

DIVISION ONE RESERVE S St Mary's Salesian PEGS Prahran Assumption Therry Penola OB Old Geelong Old Mentonians Ivanhoe Brunswick NOBSPC Old Paradians Whitefriars OC


P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 13 11 11 10 9 5 5 3 1 1

L 1 3 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 13

D 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

St Johns OC West Brunswick Preston Bullants Yarra Valley OB Mhsob Bulleen Templestowe Emmaus St Leos Eltham Collegians Richmond Central

P 13 12 12 12 13 12 13 13 12

W 12 10 9 7 7 4 4 3 0

L 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1226 1073 1066 1026 1104 765 1161 1028 592

Agst 699 756 801 922 1049 983 1101 1264 1466

% 175.39 141.93 133.08 111.28 105.24 77.82 105.45 81.33 40.38

PTS 52 48 44 36 32 24 20 16 8

DIVISION TWO RESERVES MHSOB West Brunswick Yarra Valley OB Preston Bullants Bulleen Templestowe Eltham Collegians Emmaus St Leos St Johns OC Richmond Central

P 13 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 12

W 13 10 8 8 6 4 3 3 1

L 0 2 4 4 6 9 10 10 11

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1582 1699 1008 924 777 667 710 604 376

Agst 331 355 812 768 950 1145 1188 1230 1568

% 477.95 478.59 124.14 120.31 81.79 58.25 59.76 49.11 23.98

PTS 56 48 40 40 32 20 16 16 12

L 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 12 12 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1557 1970 1531 1208 1215 1254 1054 1115 1039 889 980 776

Agst 840 873 764 1092 1105 1287 1226 1250 1192 1419 1754 1786

% 185.36 225.66 200.39 110.62 109.95 97.44 85.97 89.2 87.16 62.65 55.87 43.45

PTS 56 52 44 36 32 28 24 20 20 8 8 8

Agst 443 488 510 581 753 842 1063 946 1225 1678 1595 1874

% 380.59 331.97 262.94 206.02 143.43 138.84 103.48 92.18 54.29 28.55 24.83 20.97

PTS 48 48 44 40 36 36 28 28 12 8 8 0

DIVISION THREE Glen Eira Hawthorn La Trobe University UHS-VU South Melbourne Dist Canterbury Power House Swinburne University Albert Park Aquinas OC Elsternwick Parkside

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 14 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 5 2 2 2

DIVISION THREE RESERVES Hawthorn La Trobe University Glen Eira Swinburne University UHS-VU Albert Park South Melbourne Dist Aquinas OC Power House Elsternwick Canterbury Parkside

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 12 12 11 10 9 9 7 7 3 2 2 0

L 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 7 11 12 12 14

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1686 1620 1341 1197 1080 1169 1100 872 665 479 396 393


DIVISION FOUR Westbourne Gr Point Cook Mt Lilydale OC Eley Park Sharks Manningham Cobras North Brunswick Box Hill North Masala Chadstone

P 13 12 13 13 12 12 12 12 13

W 13 8 9 8 6 5 4 3 0

DIVISION FOUR RESERVES L 0 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 13

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1975 1254 1267 1466 1084 1195 999 918 300

Agst 578 752 977 1044 876 812 1338 1450 2631

% 341.7 166.76 129.68 140.42 123.74 147.17 74.66 63.31 11.4

PTS 56 40 40 36 32 28 24 20 4

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

For 1217 1016 1220 1048 992 736 403 326

Agst 541 524 659 717 736 856 1322 1647

% 224.95 193.89 185.13 146.16 134.78 85.98 30.48 19.79

PTS 48 40 40 28 28 16 4 4

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

For 1605 1226 1226 1072 1109 832 733 569

Agst 571 731 657 897 934 1269 1428 1463

% 281.09 167.72 186.61 119.51 118.74 65.56 51.33 38.89

PTS 52 48 36 36 32 20 8 4

UNDER 19 PREMIER Old Xaverians St Kevins Beaumaris De La Salle Old Scotch St Bernards University Blacks University Blues

P 13 13 12 13 13 12 11 13

W 12 10 9 7 7 3 1 1

L 1 3 3 6 6 9 10 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W 13 12 9 8 8 5 2 1

L 1 2 5 5 6 9 12 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 1 1 3 7 7 8 8 8 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

FF 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1726 1367 1343 816 680 844 849 725 229

Agst 486 466 736 861 946 852 963 1216 2076

% 355.14 293.35 182.47 94.77 71.88 99.06 88.16 59.62 11.03

PTS 52 52 44 28 28 24 24 16 8

St Kevins Old Xaverians De La Salle Beaumaris Old Geelong St Bernards Old Scotch Williamstown CYMS

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 13 11 9 8 6 3 3 3

L 1 3 5 6 8 11 11 11

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1332 1220 1033 1053 965 664 781 721

Agst 562 812 834 1023 989 969 1278 1277

% 237.01 150.25 123.86 102.93 97.57 68.52 61.11 56.46

PTS 52 44 36 32 24 12 12 12

Williamstown CYMS Collegians Mazenod Ormond Old Brighton Hampton Rovers Marcellin OC Old Ivanhoe Gr

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 11 9 9 9 6 5 4 3

L 3 5 5 5 8 9 10 11

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1183 1131 1085 1063 753 714 926 618

Agst 724 794 823 822 1016 1026 960 1420

% 163.4 142.44 131.83 129.32 74.11 69.59 96.46 43.52

PTS 44 36 36 36 24 20 16 12


P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 11 10 9 9 9 4 3 2

L 3 4 5 5 5 10 11 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1228 1143 1004 1130 1043 674 655 568

Agst 539 732 709 871 901 1108 1113 1212

% 227.83 156.15 141.61 129.74 115.76 60.83 58.85 46.86

PTS 44 40 36 36 36 16 12 8

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 12 12 8 7 5 5 4 2

L 1 1 6 7 9 9 10 12

D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1519 1131 960 1033 820 696 777 691

Agst 642 633 884 804 1188 1100 1148 1228

% 236.6 178.67 108.6 128.48 69.02 63.27 67.68 56.27

PTS 50 50 32 28 20 20 16 8

Club XVIII (1) Hawthorn Old Xaverians Richmond Central St Francis Xavier OC Prahran Assumption Brunswick NOBSPC MHSOB South Mornington

W 12 11 9 5 5 4 5 4 0


UNDER 19 SECTION 4 Old Haileyburians AJAX PEGS Peninsula OB Preston Bullants Therry Penola OB Monash Blues UHS-VU

P 13 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12


UNDER 19 SECTION 2 P Parkdale Vultures 14 Old Melburnians 14 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 14 Caulfield Gr 13 Fitzroy 14 Old Carey Gr 14 Whitefriars 14 Old Trinity Gr 13

Eley Park Sharks Westbourne Gr Box Hill North Point Cook Manningham Cobras North Brunswick Mt Lilydale OC Chadstone Masala

Parkside De La Salle Mazenod St Bedes / Mentone Tigers MHSOB Oakleigh La Trobe University Old Paradians Aquinas OC St Johns

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13

W 12 12 9 8 6 6 5 4 2 1

L 2 2 5 6 8 8 9 9 12 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

For 1367 1354 998 916 947 1044 848 780 614 574

Agst 606 608 804 1006 926 1200 989 1161 1471 1439

% 225.58 222.7 124.13 91.05 102.27 87 85.74 67.18 41.74 39.89

PTS 48 48 36 32 24 24 20 20 8 4

P 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 12 12 7 6 3 2

L 2 2 7 8 11 12

D 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1591 1604 973 821 647 457

Agst 401 424 818 1272 1445 1764

% 396.76 378.3 118.95 64.54 44.78 25.91

PTS 48 48 28 24 12 8

Club XVIII (2)


Old Geelong West Brunswick Monash Blues Monash Gryphons UHS-VU Swinburne University


WINNING EDGE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Club Beaumaris FC Caulfield Grammarians Old Xaverians Mazenod OC PEGS Football Club Preston Bullants Hawthorn AFC St Kevins OB Peninsula OB Old Geelong




Thirds/ CXVIII


46 48 36 48 36 44 52 28 44 40

24 26 22 21 22 20 24 16 20 18

31.5 25.5 39 27 27 27 0 33 24 18

9.5 11.5 11 0 7.5 0 12.5 11 0 12

111 111 108 96 92.5 91 88.5 88 88 88

1116 SEN VAFA PREMIERSHIP LADDERS 2016 WILLIAM BUCK PREMIER University Blues Old Trinity Gr Old Xaverians University Blacks De La Salle Old Melburnians St Kevins Collegians St Bernards Old Carey Gr

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 4 1

L 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 10 13


D 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 907 1014 1210 1095 1151 1000 1160 840 1088 800

A 770 896 865 910 1043 958 1109 876 1205 1633

% 117.79 113.17 139.88 120.33 110.35 104.38 104.6 95.89 90.29 48.99

Pts 40 38 36 32 32 30 28 24 16 4

L 1 3 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 14

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1156 1255 1121 1000 1085 901 744 774 998 331

Agst 569 597 836 838 915 788 813 905 1025 2079

% 203.16 210.22 134.09 119.33 118.58 114.34 91.51 85.52 97.37 15.92

PTS 52 44 32 32 32 28 24 20 16 0

L 2 2 3 4 5 7 10 9 10 13

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

For 1002 1118 1037 945 1030 893 649 427 494 430

Agst 473 632 633 654 756 899 842 1045 1136 987

% 211.84 176.9 163.82 144.5 136.24 99.33 77.08 40.86 43.49 43.57

PTS 48 48 44 40 36 24 16 16 8 0

PREMIER RESERVES University Blues Old Xaverians St Kevins De La Salle Old Trinity Gr Old Melburnians University Blacks Collegians St Bernards Old Carey Gr

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 13 11 8 8 8 7 6 5 4 0

St Kevins OB Gold Old Xaverians Red Old Xaverians Black St Bernards University Blacks Old Melburnians St Kevins OB Green University Blues Old Scotch Collegians


W 11 11 11 9 8 6 4 3 2 0

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 11 10 8 8 7 6 6 6 4 3

L 2 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 11

D 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1377 1416 1286 998 1167 1151 1009 1038 1038 961

Agst 913 1131 1008 1031 1071 1209 1168 1253 1206 1451

% 150.82 125.2 127.58 96.8 108.96 95.2 86.39 82.84 86.07 66.23

PTS 46 40 32 32 30 24 24 24 16 12

D 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1398 1305 1030 1045 942 839 936 719 650 374

Agst 497 497 941 951 863 855 770 1068 1261 1535

% 281.29 262.58 109.46 109.88 109.15 98.13 121.56 67.32 51.55 24.36

PTS 52 48 36 30 28 28 26 16 12 4

D 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 0

FF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1273 1105 678 892 777 833 743 280

Agst 609 562 689 692 809 950 1164 826

% 209.03 196.62 98.4 128.9 96.04 87.68 63.83 33.9

PTS 48 44 34 30 28 20 8 4

PREMIER B RESERVES Old Scotch Beaumaris St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Parkdale Vultures Fitzroy Monash Blues AJAX Old Brighton Gr Old Haileybury Hampton Rovers

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 13 12 9 7 7 7 6 4 3 1

L 1 2 5 6 7 7 7 10 11 13


PREMIER THIRDS P 13 13 14 13 13 13 14 12 12 13

Beaumaris St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Old Scotch Monash Blues Fitzroy Old Brighton Gr AJAX Parkdale Vultures Old Haileybury Hampton Rovers

De La Salle AJAX Old Trinity Beaumaris Monash Blues Parkdale Vultures Fitzroy Old Carey

P 12 12 11 12 12 12 13 6

W 11 10 6 6 6 4 2 1

L 1 2 4 5 6 8 11 5



Bayford would like to thank you for the opportunity to be involved with the V.A.F.A. We look forward to fostering a supportive relationship with all those involved with the association well into the future. To demonstrate our proud sponsorship of the VAFA, we’d like to extend the following offer to your club. We’ll gladly pledge $500 to your club for any successful introduction at any of our dealerships, resulting in a new or used vehicle sale, from any member, player or supporter. Simply spread the word to help raise funds for your club! We thank you again for choosing Bayford as your sponsor.

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East Malvern Community Bank速 Branch are proud sponsors of Amateur Football. With every product or service we offer, money goes back into the community to support local clubs, organisations and initiatives like Amateur Football. As an East Malvern Community Bank速 Branch customer you benefit from competitive products and great service and get the satisfaction of knowing your banking is contributing to your club. To find out how your club can benefit for each referral made, call into East Malvern Community Bank速 Branch at 300 Waverley Road, East Malvern or phone Branch Manager, George Prodromidis on 9563 6044.

East Malvern Community Bank速 Branch Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879. (S51971) (05/15)

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